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1955 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 11145 Booth, of Anchorage, Alaska~ and for other requested, bills of the House- of-the fol~ purposes; . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - lowing titles : . · H. R. 897. An act to provide pr~ference H. R. 4001. An aet to provide for the man rlgh t to certain land in Alaska "to Robert THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1955 Henry Soyk, of .Kenai, Alaska, and for other -agement and disposition ef certain public purposes; The House met at 12 o'clock noon. · -domain la_nds in the State of Oklahoma; and H. R. 902. An act · to provide preference H. R.' 4048. An act making recommenda right to certain land in Alaska to Patrick The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, tions to the States for the enactment of Harold Johnson, of Anchor Point, Alaska, ancl D. D., offered the following prayer: legislation to permit and ~sist Federal per for other purposes; Almighty God, we gratefully acknowl sonnel, including members of the Armed H. R . .904. An act to provide preference Forces, and their families, to exercise their right to certain I-and in Alaska to Bert Arthur edge that Thou hast entrusted our be voting franchise, and for other purposes. Paraday, of Anchor Point, Alaska, and for loved country with a unique and impor other purposes; tant mission in the arena of universal The message also announced that the H . R.' 905. An act to pr.ovide preference history and in the life of all mankind. Senate had passed bills of the following right to certain land in Alaska to Carl E. God forbid that we should be tempted titles, in which the concurrence of the Robinson, of Anehor Point, Alaska, and for to feel that America is primarily a land House is requested: other purposes; of .economic and commercial opportu S. 1746. An act continuing the Indian H. R. 4753 . An act to amend .subsection nities and a place where the soul of man Claims Commission to April 10, 1959; ·· (e) (1) of section "ISA of the SUbversive may find its highest expression in an S. 2253. An act to reemphasize trade de Activities -control Aet of 1950 "to change velopment as the primary purpose of t'ttle .I from 2 years to 3 years the standard epicurean way of life. of the Agricultur~l. Trade Development and contained therein with respect to the past Grant that we may give ourselves to Assistance Act of 1954; · affiliations of individuals conducting the the lofty adventure of making our Nation S. 2375. An act to provide for 5-year terms management of certain organizations; a republic of God, and our democracy a of office for members o!, the Subversive Activ H. R. 4894, An act to repeal certain laws kingdom of heaven, whose religious faith ities Control Board with 1 of such terms relating to timber and .stone on the public is that of the fatherhood of God and its expiring in each calendar year; and domain; S. 2592. An act to Increase the mileage a.i H. R. 5046. An aet making appropriations practice the brotherhood of man. lowance of United States marshals'and their for the Departments of Labor, and Health, Hear us now, as we again, Jn silent deputies from 7 cents per mile to lO cents Education. and Welfare, and related agen prayer, beseech Thee that our President per mile. cies, for the ftscal year ending June 30, and Secretary of State may be directed 1956, and for otber purposes; by Thy spirit in seeking to make a dis The message also announced that the H. R. 6059. An aet -relating to revlsions of tinct contribution to the cause of peace Senate agrees t.o the amendments of the the executive agreement concerning trade and good will. House to bills of the Senate of the· fol and rela11ed matters entered into by the lowing titles: President of the United States and the Presi In the name of the Christ we offer our dent of the Philippines on July 4, 1946; and prayer. Amen. S. 741. An act to extend the provisions of H. R. 6796. An act to provide for the con title 12 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, veyance to the city of Clarksburg, W. Va.., The Journal ol the proceedings of yes relating to war risk'· insurance, for an addi- of certain property which was donated for terday was read and approved. tional 5 years; and ; , use in connection with a veterans' hospit~l, S. 1855. An act to amend the Federal Air 1:lnd which is not being so used. · port Act, as amended. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The message also announced that the A message from the Senate, by Mr. Sep.ate had passed, -with an amendment ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED in which the concurrence of the House The 'Secretary of the Senate reported Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate had passed without amend is requested, a joint resolution of the that on today, July 21, 1955, he pre House of the following title: sented to the President of the United ment bills of the House of the following titles: H.J. Res. 157. Joint resolution to estab States the f onowing enrolled bills: lish a Commission on Government Security. H. R. 896. An act to provide preference S. 350. An .act for the relief of Siegfrled right to c.ertain land in Alaska to Joseph The message also announced that the Rosenzweig; Booth of Anchorage, Alaska, and for other Senate insists upon its amendment to S. 614. An act to amend the Federal Prop purposes; erty and Administrative Services Aet of 1949, the following joint resolution, requests as amended, to authorize the Administrator H. R. 897. An act to provide preference a conference with the House on the dis of General Services to donate certatn prop right to certain land in Ala.ska. to Robert agreeing votes of the two Houses Henry Soyk of Kenai, Alaska, and for other erty to the American National Red Cross; thereon, and appoints Mr. KENNEDY, and ·purposes; · H. R. 902. An act "to provide preference Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. SYMINGTON, Mr. S. 824. An act to .authorize and direct the THURMOND, Mrs. SMITH of Maine, Mr. Secretary of the Interior to convey certain right to certain land in Alaska to Patrick lands erroneously conveyed to the United Harold Johnson of Anchor Point, Alaska, and MARTIN of Iowa, and Mr. COTTON to be States. for other purposes; the conferees on the part of the Senate. H. R. 904. An act to provide preference The message also announced that the right to certain land in Alaska to Bert Arthur Senate agrees to the report of the com ADJOURNMENT UNTIL TOMORROW Paraday of Anchor Point, Alaska, and for mittee of conference on the disagreeing AT 10:30 A. M. other purposes; votes of the two Houses on the amend Mr. CLEMENTS. Mr. President, if H. R. 905. An act to provide preference bill (H. R. right to certain land in Alaska to Carl E. ment of the Senate to the there be no further business to come Robinson, of Anchor Point, Alaska., and for 5046) entitled "An act making appropri" before the Senate, I move, pursuant to other purposes; ations for the Departments of Labor, and the order previously entered. that the H. R. 4753. An act to amend subsection (e) Health, Education, and Welfare, and re Senate .stand in adjournment until (1) of section 13A of the Subversive Activi lated agencies, for the fiscal year endm·g 10: 30 o'clock tomorrow morning. ties Control Act of 1950 to change from 2 June 30, 1956, and for other purp(.)ses." The motion was agreed to; and (at years to 3 years the standard contained 2 o'clock and 9 minutes p. m.) the Sen therein with respect to the past affiliations ate adjourned, the adjournment being, . of individuals con.ducting the management :rHE LATE DR. FRANK CROWTHJm, under the order previously entered, un of certain organizations; · Mr. KEARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask til tomorrow, Friday, July 22~· 1955, .at H. R. 4894. An act to repeal certain laws unanimous consent to address the House 10: 30 o'clock a. m. relating to timber and stone on the public for 1 minute and to revise and extend domain; .and my remarks. H. R. 6059. An act relating to revisions -0f The SPEAKER. Is there objection to CONFIRMATION the executive agreement concerning trade the request of the. gentleman from Executive nomination confirmed by the and related matters entered into by the Presi New York? Senate July 21, 1955: dent of the. United States and the President . or the Phllippines on July 4, 1946. There was no objection. .FEDERAL TRADE CoM:MISSION' Mr. KEARNEY. Mr. Speaker, it is Wllliam C. 'Kern, of Indiana, to be a Fed The message also announced· that the with deep regret that I announce to my l'rade Commissioner for the term of 7 . Senate had passed, with amendments in . colleagues the death of Dr~ Frank years from September 26, 1955. which the concurrence of the House is Crowther, who died yesterday in Pueblo, CI--701 11146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE July 21 Colo. Dr. Crowther represented the dis all the human virtues, h~ was courageous, When he retired from Congress at the trict that I have the honor now to serve he was brilliant, and he had a sense of close of the 77th Congress he moved to for 24 years. Prior to his coming to the humor that made him a very attractive Pueblo, Colo., and spent the remainder Congress of the United States he was a.