Arrow, That Is, Which Bull's Eye to 15Yd
MARCH, 1973 VOLUM£ 45, NUMBER 3 COVER: The only event in which you can win a genuine silver dollar, is the annual Las Vegas Archers Silver Dollar Toiwnament. Shown are members of the club at their Cougar Canyon field range. They are: Gary Nue, Reba Noe, Al lllll!llnlll Rosencrans, and Dian Allen. -Photo by Roy Hoff Official publicotion of the Notional Field Archery Action Features Association, Route 2, Box 514, Redlands, Colif. 92373. Phone (714) 794-2133. Published monthly by the Nationol Field Archery Association U.S. Open 8 by Dan Gustafson Power of the Mind 16 by Freddie Troncoso Bod Break Bowhunt 20 by Richard Schreiber Dan Gustafson Editor Instinctive Shooting 24 by Bob Walker Ruth Hathaway Advertising Coordinator Biography of One Bowhunter 40 by Dick Sage • Archery Personalities NFAA OFFICERS Archery Forum 4 by Durwood Nails Ervin G. Kreischer, President 827 Floretta Dr., N.W. What's Your Problem? 6 by Freddie Troncoso Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 Strictly for Bowhunters 18 by Dick Sage John W. Durham, Vice President Tales of the Feathered Shaft 3 8 by Roy Hoff 2604 So. 19th St. Ft. Pierce, Fl 33450 E. Pat Winfield, Immediate Past President 1123 Los Palos, Apt. 4, Salinas, California 93901 NFAASpeaks Wm. H. Wadsworth, Bow Hunting Chairman Boy Scouts of America 26 by Erv Kreischer New Brunswick, New Jersey 08904 Points Headquarters Report 28 by Erv Belt E'rvin W. Belt, Executive Secretory Route 2, Box S 14, Redlands, Califomia 92373 Sectional Report 32 (714) 794-2133 Coming Events 45 • Subscription rates: $5 per year in U.S.A., Canoda and Mexico.
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