The Slav Nations Has Afforded Me Very Great M L Pleasure , and I Hope Y Work Wi L Succeed in Its Object and Arouse the Sympathies of The

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The Slav Nations Has Afforded Me Very Great M L Pleasure , and I Hope Y Work Wi L Succeed in Its Object and Arouse the Sympathies of The THE SL AV NATIONS T ' SRGJAN PL . UC IO Englis h Tran slation by F AN Y C P EL N S . O AND A HOD D ER AND STOUGHTON LOND ON NEW Y ORK TORONTO s MC M"" f 0 ’ I A C ONTENTS. PAR - T I THE NORTHERN SLAVS . CHAPTER I . PAGE THE SLAV RACE — — lav Charac eristics SIN Power in the Past The Decline —S ‘ ' t 1 he Dawn " CHAPTER II . RUSSIA c — urik 1. R ss Landsca and the Na ional Chara ter R u ian — t to Peter the t eat German Influen I Siberia W ite R s s Li le Great I. h us ian tt Russians APT R CH E III . RUSSIAN NATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS R l vd The S s an d amine The ussian Sa om Mir tres F D m— — ie u a Russian Literature Gogol Tolstoi Dosto vsld deals—The R s l I us ian Sou . APT IV CH ER . POLAND AND BOHEMIA — — I . The Con ras t National Character of the Foley Our t — L ady of Csen stochova—Dancin Peasan s Galician — g t o es Selfish o ic — A l v t P l P l y us ria a a t . t ' S S a e I The o es in ussia e Measures —The I . P l R R i 3 Repressiv — ussa — Slav Ideal A Better Understan ding The Poles in Prussia —The ro Heel—L aw of Ex ro r a ion I p p i . I I n t I . NT TS vi CO EN . P - ART II THE SOUTHERN SLAVS . CHAPTER V . BULGARIA Coun try and People—The Buildin up of the B arian State — — g Relations mth Russia G erman Influen ce exander of — — ’ Batten er Ki n Fe i an d Bu aria 5 mmediate D u . b g g rd n lg I ty CHAPTER VI. SERBIA Ser ian Se i -relian ce— haracteris tics oi the Ser Peo le I . b l C b p - — - The power of the Folk son g Race consciousn ess . His t of e ou ern S avs . II . ory th S th l The Birth of a Nation— rin ce Milo§ The Great III . P — — Sower Alexander Karagjorgj ewé Ml chael Obren ovié — — - Kin M1l an Fall o f the Obren ovié D ynasty Kin g Peter g ’ - The Res toration of Serbia 3 Prestige. I Ser 1a an d Austri — A amai of Cal umn —Annexa V. b a C p n - g i on of B osn i a Herce ovin a— The B a ars— Ser ia t g lkan b Rehab1htated— The Tra ed of Sera evo g y j . APT R VII CH E . MONTENEGRO — The Coun try of the Black Moun tain Women Warriors oet an d Farmer— H1s tor1cal Sketc of Mo ten e h ro n , P n — — — g etar I. Petrovié etar Pro Russmn o ic A o al P , P II P l y R y o - P et Nikola I . CHAPTER VIII . THE SOUTHERN SLAVS OF THE D UAL MONARCHY Homo eneous o —A Mili tan — T A e e t ast he Bo u il i I . P pl P g m g — Nation a Bon da e— Na o eon Ill rism— A reemen i h l g p l y g t W t un r — o K u - ed r H un t h en H erva . ga y C y The Greatest e resen tati e of he Southern S s Stros II . R p v t lav s ’ ma er s Gen erosi t an d coura e- F h e y y g all of Coun t K u m ede r - D e h of S rossma cr H rva y at t y . I F wn — o e ence of F um— I I. alse D a C n f r i e Ban Paul Rauch Mon er — — t st Trial in Z agreb The Friedjun g Case Cus ar Frano Supilo . IV Da matia s ria Camiola— — . The I alian Elemen t Bosnia l , I t , t Her o - usio ceg vma Concl n . P E ILOGUE . ” ' BURIED TREASURES by D imitrij Mitrznovié REF AC E P . THE task of writing a book on the subject of the Slav nations has afforded me very great m l pleasure , and I hope y work wi l succeed in its object and arouse the sympathies of the British public for my race . In preference t o giving long disquisitions , I have purposely adopted a simple narrative tone in sketching some of the most interesting points in the national life of the Slav peoples . I have only touched upon historical events in so far as this was of necessary for the context , and owing to lack space I have been unable to do more than allude art . to Slav and literature On the other hand , a good deal of valuable information on this subject will be found in the epilogue Buried ” - Treasures , which the eminent Serbo Croat Mitrin ovié essayist , Mr . Dimitrij has kindly placed at my disposal . As I am at present completely cut off from my - r t o sorely stricken count y , I have been unable apply for permission to quote from certain books that I have consulted, but I feel sure that my D ra uti P N Dr. n o literary colleagues , g rohaska , ik u anié Dr G uro Surmn i o n t e p and . j i , w ll obj ct A PREF CE . to my having had recourse to their works in of our the interests race . Su il o I am also indebted to Mr Frano p , the e leader to the Croatian peopl , as well as to my - Mi rin o é . t vi above mentioned friend , Mr Dimitrij of f or the Serbian Legation in London , several valuable hints . My special thanks are due to my translator , l an d n d i Co a . Mm . e. S e Fanny p , Miss Ella C Sey ang , who have given me invaluable assistance in my work . L OND N THE A O , UTHOR. November 1 1 . , 9 4 P R A T I . THE NORTHERN SLAVS . THE ATI SL AV N ONS. HAPTER C I . THE S V R CE LA A . — — Sla v Charac eris ics Slav Power in the Pas The —t t t Declin e The Dawn " ALTHOUGH the Slav race does n ot appear as a united state or Union, it certainly forms a family Of d nations linked by ties of bloo , the tradition of centuries , similar language and customs , and especially by ties of mutual love and sym r of pathy . It is the greatest and most powe ful i t n ot the European races , yet to this day does hold the pride of place which is its due and which e of it once held . Not the precedenc mere ur f i strength , which is s ely suf ciently represented e of by Russia , but the place due to a peopl r e u ecognized culture , who hav not yet been j stly appreciated in spite of overwhelming proof of are o their intellectual gifts . Slavs still p pu l arly supposed to be a mentally undeveloped of - Of host semi barbarians and troglodytes . course the educated public of Europe has long 1 1 12 The Slav Nation s abandoned this attitude ; but it has done little to spread a more just and liberal view among the people at large) “ The German scholars made it their business to lay stress on Slav the barbarism wherever possible , to obscure r bright and glorious pages in Slav histo y , and to emphasize everything that can be taken as a proof of savagery and arrested development . r on e Unfo tunately, no has written at such length or about the Slav question , attached so much t o importance it , as the German scholars , with the result that other European nations have derived their views from them — so much so that on e might almost say that German opinion of on the Slavs has become the opinion Europe . Constant unrest in Russia , and the consequent reprisals of the authorities afforded a welcome or pretext for misjudging the Slavs , and the din ary public of Europe came to know of them only as mediaeval inquisitors with Siberia as - No on e their great torture chamber . seemed z r to reali e that these revolutiona y movements , is mo The reason f or thi s cultural ostrac f Russia is hi ca ere has n e er een an both racial an d geo grap l . Th v b y esire i n n an t o e i t e the S a s eas of all us si a . d E gl d b l t l l v , l t R es si n of ra i ion s as f ar c On the con rar a lon s ucc o , a t y , g t d t b k h me W es t o the ex n s e ex re rem as the Vi in A e i t e k g g , b d t t t Eas o f Euro e an d has n ow reac e a rea e ical an d t p , h d g t th n en e But e practical expression in t he Triple E t t .
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