PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. YOL. 11. WEDNESDAY _PORTLAND, MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1872. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. faces on the wall. MISCELLANEOUS End of a Human Brute. published every day (Sundays excepted) by the WH Y P THE PRESS. BY HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. __ The Career of a New York Rough and PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Advertising Agents. Wliat is the reason that the its Determination—Jack Glass the ATWELL & CO., 174 1-9 Middle St. Ad- Literary, Ke- At 109 Exchange Portland. JOHN W. Author Of "Uncle Tom'a Cabin," "My Wife and /,’■ WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 21,1872. Rounder—Carved to St, MUNGER, in Maine Death. vertisements inserted in papers Terms: Dollars in etc. and Domestic started two Eight a Year advance. ligious, Weekly, _----: [From the New York and throughout the country at the pub- World, February 13. THE lishers’ lowest rates. The last breath of a misspent life went out MAINE STATE PRESS Once there was a very good little girl, who, by rea- years ago, namely, GEN. GRANT. son forever when John Glass of her goodness, knew where to find strawberries died in the Park Is published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a for Machines. Marine and Life Insurance Agency Sewing in the winter. In year; if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. Fire, Agency, the same way less perfect people, hospital yesterday morning, the victim of the W. S. DYER, No. 158 Middle St., over II. blessed THE CHRISTIAN Hli. Character and His Chancer. by the generous fairies of memory and imagi- UNION, last and most out of the Kates of Advertising: One inch of space, in II. Hay’s. All kinds of Machines fo desperate fight many nation, may sit, as I do now, in the midst of falling length of column, constitutes a “square.” sale and to let. constituting the principal, almost the first 75 cents Repairing. leaves and and call back the daily, $150 |»er square week; per whistling winds, green should have so achieved a success AS SEEN BY week daily suddenly AN INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC acts of his life. He was the relic of a dis- after; three insertions, or less, $1 00; coutinu- No. 1G6 FORE ST., PORTLAND, ME. grasses and summer sun. I see yonder in the glen, ng every other after first week, 50 cents. Bakers. day the darling of our house, the gold gleam in her brown that makes all men wonder ? CONGRESSMAN. graceful type. The Alsatian of early London, Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one W. C. No. 19 Pearl St. newspaper CORR, a chain of the New week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. hair, dailies in her hand,and in her eyes the [From York Citizen, edited by Robert B. the reckless bravoes who roamed the streets Special Notices, one third additional. Can roughish meditation of a place in perfectly reliable Companies any amount of kitten, weary for an instant Roosevelt, M. C.[ whom were Under head of “Ami smements,” $2 00 per square Fire, Booksellers and Stationers. seeking they might devour, of only of its and of anotner REASONS WHY! week; three insertions or less $1 50. marine and L.ife No. 99 Middle play, thinking slyly spring. It is the mistaken idea of some to per Insurance desired a 1 iurrent rates. HOYT, FOGG A BREED, Thrown persons the same mould as he, and it is not to be Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State back upon the velvet grass, she is not Street. resting belittle Gen. Grant’s to run Press” has a circulation in HENRY WARD ability, down his wondered at that at like Phelix (which large every part only pausing; from her bright glances to the tips of 1 of REECHER last, Larkin, of the for 00 for first m.its of whom the Interior and to State) $1 per square insertion, her she is wide Editor, Chicago qualifications, underrate his mental and mid 50 cents for each inser- tiny fingers awake. Dave O’Day, “Paudeeu,” other brutal per square subsequent NARRAGrANSETT Book Binders. said, no man on this continent so Union Insurance Go. But now the is “Probably sways Instead of the tion. Room Printer’s merry play over, and our pet nestles acquirements. being stupid, he found a when WM. A. QUINCY, 11, many minds, or is so much to roughs, desperate opponent Address all communications to younder on the tired at doing shape religious senseless individual that SAN FRANCISCO. No. Ill St. sofa-cushion, last in earnest. these persons would and his PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Exchange, Exchnnge thought for the next half century.” His ]>en least expected, received death-blow at Slowly the lids fall, and the smile dies vigorous SMALL A No. 35 Plant lingering out; in have the public suppose, he is one of the the hands of a man not esteemed a or SHACKFORD, but the Editorials and Star Papers, and Mr. Ellinwood’s rowdy Fire& Marine Ins. Co flush in cheek and lip remains, like the glow classed ASSETS.$1,115,573,67 Street.•___ after famed verbatim reports of bis Lecture-Room shrewdest managers of the day. Not as among his kind. sunset. The gathered and daisies helpful only BUSINESS CARDS. buttercups Talks in As far back his the * Pres’t. are Plymouth Church, are an attraction to a leader in the war to which he first a through desperate life, R. I. GUSTAVE TOUCHAKD, Bonne', and Hat Bleachery. loosely held by the fair little hand; no gave of PROVIDENCE, shadows, thousands of who span years reaching to his boyhood, dis- even of dream readers, always want to know what favorable as a C. D. HAVEN, A No. 131 land, disturb the sweet brow’s perfect turn, but manipulator in poli- closes Sec’y. S SAWYER CO., Bleachers, he thinks on nothing but midnight brawls, fights, W. K. RIPLEY. M. peace. She is fast religious themes and the topics of the D., middle Street. asleep. tics he has shown remarkable skill. The reb- and killings. He w'as what is termed a Cash times. He is also assisted by an able editorial Capital & Surplus $773,830.80 In other words, two chromos the staff. | North American Fire Ins. hang upon wall, els continually took the same view that the “rounder,” and prided himself on his fight- in which It is INHECTARIAN IN RELIG- and Builders. bewitching child-heads, every mother sees iWU.* ing qualities. over six feet in his Eclectic ! Carpenters ION, Independent in Political Discuss! and Democrats are denounced Standing of her own dear never to, taking now,'and Physician IHari.k. Risk. on something ones, grown old, and stockings, with muscular frame and a Taken and COMPANY. WHITNEY A Pearl Street, op- devoted to dogged Cargoes, Freights MEANS, never Morals, Reform, Home and Foreign News the Union General as an [PORTLAND, ME. esBels ]>er voyage. Hates named and Certificate, lost to her, however time or death have ignoramus every courage, he was no mean His BOSTON. posite may —both of opponent. issued. Risks on Hulls effected at current Park.__ dealt with Church matters and the world at large, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, rates. them. time he won a victory over them; and the brother Jim was also one of his class, and HENRY Pres’t. Cash & more Literature, Science, Art, Music, Agriculture, Trade, Jack and Jim Glass HARRIS, Capital Surplus $645,129.29 Dye-House. Nothing pleases at first sight or gives pleasure more he crushed their armies the were noted characters in ISO ('oiifrrcMM Nt., three doors north of the Park. Finance, etc., etc., with contributions from eminent effectually IRA A. ALBERT Pres’t. Clonks longer than poetical of “The the sixth ward. Office llours, 10 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 5 p. in. FOSTER, Sec’y. BOWKER, F. SYMONDS, India St. Velvet pictures children. little more child’* whom writers qf all denomination*—in all parts of the clearly they proved that he was utterly records of feblStf E. E. PATRIDGE, Sec’y pro tem. dyed and finished. Jesus sets in the midst of every family The the old sixth ward station couutry. as a is t Joy that grows not old and fades not. incompetent military commander, and honse bear their names in due prominence, IT HAS BOHETHING FOR to the task he had and the them was the EQUITABLE Dentists. ‘‘Age cannot custom cannot stale Qfl entirely unequal which as- gravest charge against Martha £. Bucknell, M. I)., Newport wither, uu«ivRT Member of the JOSIAH No. 105 Middle Street. Its Householi>—father, sumed. There are soldiers at Owens-Decker murder. Fire and Marine Insurance HEAI.D, infinite variety.’* and the South to- Co’y., St. mother, boys girls, young men and women, all A man at that time a No. G FREE STREET. DR. W. R. JOHNSON, No 13 1-9 Free who can establish kept disreputable For this reason a happy picture of a child brings an find something of interest. Admirable contributed day clearly the fact that house in Elm street. One PROVIDENCE, R. I. Fire & Marine lns.Co PACKARD A HARDY, Flnent B lock morning the ei\joyment more lasting than any other, because it is and editorial articles discussing all the great topics of Gen. Grant was the poorest officer the world brothers two NEWPORT, B. I. eor. Congress and Exchnnge Sts. Glass, accompanied by men, a subject of which no one ever the fresh Office hours from eight to ten A. M., and from two Cash Capital & Surplus $314,490.90 tires. day; information on uu hackneyed subjects, ever saw, that he ought to have been beaten were passing through Elm street. The man Cash Capital & Surplus $230,362.00 But to lour P. M. these pictures, besides their constant charm for much matter of a high and pure religious tone ;a Domes- Decker was on the of his THOMAS Q. TURNER, PrcB't. J. H. Pres’t. Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. in every battle, and that he was saved standing stoop f'lT’Laiilcs from the country desiring Medical ad- DEWOLF, are tic only FRED W. A No. grown folks, such as children can understand and Department, choice Poems, Household Stories, house. Some words passed between them, vice from a woman Physician, can |obtaiu rooms and ARNOLD, Sec’y. RESOLVED WATERMAN, Sec’y. fcbl0eod3m WALTER COREY CO., Arcade, from utter ruin incredible love. Our little “Wide Awake” and “Fast and Chat for the little one of its by luck. So also and to make his board at No. 6 Free St. febl4*2w IS Free Street. Asleep” ones; chief attrac- Decker, endeavoring escape would a tions with the into the !&3r“TI>e Attention of the is and 160 Fore St. give many pleasant hour of companionable being Mrs. H. B. Stowe’s fascinating Tales. Democrats; they prove conclusively house, was shot on the threshold. public respectfully called to the above named Companies. N. TAR BOX, Nos. 158 the amusement and intercourse to the little President’s as a An inoffensive man named Owens at CHAS. A. «I. W. MLILWOER. GEORGE A. WHITNEY, No. 56 Ex- people akin ADU,TH NO MEDICAL OR imbecility politician passing WARREN, them in 4-tll JT every time he scatters their the time was also to age. The pictures that children’s eyes rest ^"^^•other possibly objectionable advertisements best laid plans shot dead. The present Warren & change St. Upholstering of nil kinds for his (Formerly Gregg.) on as are oft’ to nor to offend the overthrow, and while he has so de- Justice was then in done to they dropping sleep, or as they awake anything purest or most fastidious, Dowling police captain order._ in the moralized his adversaries that the sixth and with his usual morning, seem to them like living friends. All and is therefore a favorite family paper. they hardly precinct, prompt- SHIP BROKER, have a candidate against him, insist that itude had all the arrested. John and Furniture and House Furnishing Goods. sorts of childish dreams and fancies make of the pict- I*" they parties Kill Form, Twenty-Four Pages, a weaker never Jim Glass were convicted. ured lace a real at politician lived. Jim was sen- RENJ. cor. Exchnnge and Fed- companion. Not only in the parlor HMlsLarge Quarto, pasted the back and trim- Mutual ADAMS, One of the greatest of follies is to underrate tenced to state for life and Life Insurance Boston. or the room would med at the so for prison Jack for COMMISSION MERCHANT, eral Streets. sitting they be an attractive and edges,is convenient reading,binding, an Company, adversary, and necessary as the defeat of twenty years. While in state Jack Old Post fitting embellishment, but are a and perservation as to be a great special merit in its prison 4J4 MOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, HOOPER Sc EAT ON, Office, they charming pair the Republican is to the Glass had a the party welfare of the desperate fight with Joe Coburn, TOTAL ASSETS Street. for adornment of a nursery. favor, apart from its superior literary attraction. it PHILADELPHIA. 1871, $10,000,000, Exchange nation, will never be about con- the then time for un jan31 these brought by pugilist, doing stabbing Id. F. HOYT, No. 11 Preble Street. Up- Undoubtedly two pictures are portraits A SUPERB WORK OF ART is temptuous of its old AVERAGE Rfli revilings candidate, or a fail- policeman, and whipped the champion of total expenses to TOTAL RECEIPTS 8 1-a PER CENT. There is a realistic faithfulness and UU1»GIVE.\ away to every subscriber and H. L. GREGG & holstering done to order. truth about them ure to appreciate the desperate nature of the the prize ring out of his boots. The brothers Co., that forbids the idea of their the Subscription Price is being fancy heads. struggle which must be won, and the re- were pardoned out, and Jim going to Brook- Successors to Warren & Gregg. Furnitnre and Upholstering. Tliev will ri'mlnd mnnv rmronta nf _ sources at the J. W. MUMER & command of the ereat leader lyn, became a reputable citizen. He keeps a SOW, Agents. W. No. SO Federal St. here or in wno SHIP BROKERS, DAVID DEANE, heaven. Dickens says somewhere of his Only Three Dollars Per Year. lmends to be a candidate. That Gen. llOtel OTl thfl IViTlPV Tulanil nlonlr All kinds of llphols «ring und Repairing portraiture of little Nell that he lias had from Grant will fail AND J. M. Gen’l letters by any contingency of a renom- Possessing the usual attributes of a des- PALMER, ,A.gent. to order. the farthest regions of the earth speaking of children ination, there is not the remotest likelihood; perado, Jack Glass joined both of the Fenian COMMISSION MERCHANTS ! FeblO eod2w he has who resemble her—so dear, and so early taken! He entire and absolute control of the mat- expeditions against Canada, and held high Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. who one child ter, and he uses his command in 108 WalunlSL, Philadelphia. paints well, paints thonsands, and SPECIAL power with a wisdom the service of O’Neil. He cer- Block' to the and discretion which are H. L. Gregg, J. B. Hamel, Jr. FIRE AND J. F. SHERRV, No. 9 Clapp’. speaks tenderest feelings of innumerable hearts. sure to effect the tainly redeemed his character in the first raid, MARINE INSURANCE. end in view. for on one of his jau23-ly Congress Street, opposite Old City Hall. Of course there is a pleasure in possessing an origi- Opposition in his own party is rank and file attempting to nal crushed. He never was a favorite aCanadianfarmer’s Glass PORTRAIT PAINTER. paintiug; but when the question lies between an Attractions for 1872 ! practically plunder house, fired of who on him and shot him Jewelry and Fine Watches. original at five hundred dollars and a chromo which party chiefs, originally accepted him through the shoulder. on but he had a He was taken the ABNER LOWELL, 301 Congre.a Street. can scarcely be distinguished from it, at ten dollars— only compulsion, hold on the prisoner by United States J. G. CLOUDJHAI, REMOVAL! people which dared not He has authorities at Malone the last raid and Agents for Howard Watch Company. particularly when one has not five hundred to they ignore. during spare— lost a of his tried at 148 EXCHANGE ST. the choice is not difficult. GIVEN AWAY ! part popularity. Americans Canandaigua, but acquitted. Re- very As to these two ex- dread Valises military usurpations and love constitu- turning to this he obtained em- Jan22tf Manufacturers of Trunks, and quisite chromos, only a critical examination can dis- city desultory 1 TWO CHARMING AND POPULAR WORKS tional law; have not the fate of in some of the around between the and they forgotten ployment press-rooms EDGAR 8. BROWN* L. S. T W 0 M B Carpet-Bags. tinguisn copies the originals, which OF ART. and do L Mexico, not yet love sovereigns or per- Printing House square. Y, DURAN A JOHNSON, 171 middle and sold for many hundreds—which is certainly more manent masters; but as his On the 22d of Counsellor and at Law ! than can •‘Wide Awake and popular strength Monday morning, January, Attorney 116 Federal Streets. be said of the best copies of most pictures Fast Asleep.” is his Has Removed to the Comer ot diminished, political strength has in- he entered the Franklin coflee and cake sa- No. 80 MIDDLE STREET. painted by hand. TWO EXQUISITE FRENCH OIL CHROMOS, creased. Then he held the people; now he loon, 169 Nassau street. James Costelloe, in Masons and Builders. which the 85T*Pnrticular attention paid to collecting. Blessings upon chromo-lithography, by holds the politicians. He has out-flanked the the absence of the proprietor, Fenton C. Mc- 933 1-9 St. succesful of a master can THE SUBJECTS OF WHICH ARE LIFE- Jan24-ly EXCHANGE AND FORE STREETS, FIRST FLOOR, N. E. REDLON, Congress painting be reproduced inde- latter, as he once outflanked the Rebel Gen- Elroy, was in charge. Glass entered the finitely, and can enter thousands of homes with its ed- and at THOMAS H. SIZE, AND CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE erals, present grasps them as firmly as kitchen, and Costelloe said that he would not TALBOT, Organ and Melodeon Manufacturers. ucating, quickening, reforming influences! he held Lee in allow him in And offers the best to Richmond. there.. Glass gave back a bitter Assistant U. Security those seeking Insurance in the It ALL (Late Attorney General, S.) following SmALL A KNIGHT, No. 134 Exchange is not alone into the dwellings of the great and WHO LOVE ART OR CHIL- People who do not know President Grant remark and Costelloe answered. Glass said tlrst-ciasM that we follow this Companies: Street. wealthy pretty pair with anticipa- intimately, describe him as a “sphinx,” a that Costelloe’s mother was a prostitute, and and Counsellor tions DREN, Attorney of delight. We see them in the cottages of the “wooden man,” a silent, unsocial person, and at this Costelloe, a mere boy in frame com- Window and poor, iu the log cabin of the Are GIVEN AWAY to every subscriber for deduce from this an with advanced to Ins. London. Assets in Paper Hangings, Shades, backwoodsman,brightening 1872, underlying stratum of pared Glass, strike him. AT LAW! Imperial Co., Gold $8,000,000.00 the toll of the whether it be a or a Glass Weather Strips. hard-worked wife and mother, and New Subscription Renewal! stupidity. Nothing could be farther from raised a chair and struck at Costelloe. No. 18 Pemberton Boston, Mass. receiving the almost adoring wonder of children who These Chromos are no cheap colored prints, but are the truth, and here is where the series of He clutched at the carving knife and attack- Sqr., CEO. L. LOTHROP A CO., No. 139 Ex- Firemens’ Fund Ins. Co. California Ins. N. T. have never seen pictures before. splendid copies of Oil an eminent En- blunders commences. as the as- ed Glass. In a few seconds the latter was Refers to Hon. E. R. Hoar; Hon. Nathan Clifford, Williamsburg City Co., Street. Paintings, by Surprising change sertion found on the Judge of the Supreme Court, U. S.; Hon. George F. God bless the darlings—send the little comforters glish artist, fully equal for their size (10Jxl2J) to any may apear, Grant is eminently social; side-walk cut and gashed all ov- or the Circuit U. Hon. D. ASSETS JAN. he is his skull a Shepley, Judge Court, S.; 1, 1872, $800,000.00. ASSETS JAN. 1, 1872, $539,692.18. fast and far! chromo evei published. The subjects are life jovial, merry, talkative, full of fun and er, fractured by terrible blow with W. Gooch, and Hon. Ginery Twichell. jn3-6m Photographers. size. The pair, a fortunate which geniality, and a light the knife. Costelloe was arrested, and when S. DAVIS A No. SO middle Street. by arrangement pleasant companion. J. D. STAPLES, Front. CHAS. R. Sec. EDMUND Brest. JOHN A. CO., His manner taken before Glass at the BOND, DRIGGS, H, MATT, Sec. one of the partners of this house was able to make in reserved is his shield of defense. hospital the dying J. H. LAmSON, 139 middle St.,cor. Cross. His natural Dead Rabbit “That’s the GAGE&DAVIS, Paris during the late 6eige, with the proprietors of temper would leave him a hope- said; poor boy that Grain and L. S. T'WOMBLY, Agent. L. S. struck met. God Floor, Provision rX"WOMBLY, Agent. The charming pair of Awake” and the are less prey to bores and and other you, Think Plumbers. chrOms„“Wide pictures, furnished at a rate entirely excep- placerseekers forgive boy. “Fast of whose enemies of and herein comes a of wife and children. Let him Asleep” real beauty and atttractive- tional, So that, although thousands of them have public men, my my poor Ins. New York. Amazon Ins. No. 91 Federal Street. of his Commission Exchange Co., Co., Cincinnati. JArnES miLLER, ness Mrs. Stowe's sketch can an no sooner does go home. Let him Costelloe was bail- Merchants, graceful give but been sold in America and at 910, still are and will display peculiar tact; go.’’ * Every description of Water Fixtures ar- one of these than Grant ed out, but the con- 58 SOUTH CANAL STREET, imperfect idea—so pleasing are they to all who love be sold at that price by the picture trade generally, appear recognizes subsequently rearrested, ASSETS JAN. 1872. manner. him and retires dition of Glass 1, $282,221.02 ASSETS Jan. 1, 1872, $758,098.75. ranged and set up in the best art or children—have sold in into his shell of impassibility, becoming more desperate. C. F. Davip Chicago. always the picture stores they can be given to subscribers. 1 attended to. and like a tortoise some Word was sent to Glass’s who was R. W. G AG’ ,206 State st.,Boston. JAMES VAN Prest. Jobbing promptly for $10, and the original publisher has never been frightened by noise, wife, LlllCctgU# NORDEN, J. B. Brest. B. D. Sec. never out in Fort no2' W. BENNETT, WEST, able to comes out till the is past. He Wayne, Ind., and she came to j GEO. MONTGOMERY, Sec. supply the great demand for them even at danger Plasterer, Stucco Worker, Ac. A MOSAIC. will stop in the midst of the liveliest conver- this city with her two children. She was L. S. TWOMBLY, Agent. Xj. 8. TWOMBLY, Agent. that price. And yet, although thousands of them BENNETT & P. FEEN Y, Cor. Cumberland and Frank- WIIAT THE sation if he finds that his ii terlocutor has a constantly by the bedside of her husband. WEBSTER, have been sold in America at that high rate, they are PRESS SAYSt lin Sts. purpose under his pleasantry, and if he sus- The symptoms in the case were so variable Successors of H. H. Massey & Co., now within the reach of all, for they are Two very good chromos are “Wide Awake” and that some is to be attained he as- and the man’s wonderful of life so “Fast pect object tenacity Corner & Real Estate Asleep,” [1] which have few rivals in the mar- sumes Commission Fore Sts., Me. Agents. his air of stolidity at once. Before any apparent that, although his wounds were suf- General Merchants, Exchange Portland, GIVEN AWAY ket for attractiveness sweet and JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 93 Exchange [2] —fresh, blooming brilliant gentlemen belittles the President for ficient to kill a dozen men, the at- child ordinary ROOM 11, Street. faces, [3] executed with true French skill [4] this let him think how much the herculean Holders in the Lorillard Fire habit, annoy- tending physicians thought KF’Policy Insurance Co., will please to every subscriber to The Christian Union an un- We have rarely seen anything prettier than the two ance Hoard of Trade Building, GEO. R. RAVIN & Co.. No. 301 1-2 Con- it has saved him. constitution of the man would weather the call for their sectarian, and domestic weeklv pictures, which, both in color and sentiment are He Return Premiums which are now ready. gress Street. literary, religious, [5] is kind-hearted, and being totally unac- storm, But it was not to be so. His blood CHICAGO, ILL. edited Henry Ward Beecher. beautiful of a in homes L,. S. newspaper, by really [6]—worthy place costly customed to reserve, he would have had diffi- grew poisoned and he died yesterday morn- TWOMB1Y, Agent. Th*pair a fortunate one Unlike nine out Especial attention given to the purchase and ship- febl_ eod-3m Silver Smith and Gold and Silver Plater. by arrangement which of [7] pictures of ten that cost a good culty in maintaining the dignity of his posi- ing, his wife, children and brother being with ment of Corn, Flour. Grain and Provisions, for east- the partners of this house was able to make in Paris deal more, one can look at them after and tion without resort to some him. 191. No. 99 near day day such plan as he ern Refer to 1st Nat’l Bank, W. II. PEARSON, Temple St., parties. Chicago; during the last siege, with the proprietors of the not tire of them [5]. We have often amid has He was elevated a afternoon Dr. A. L. Vandewat- Small, Bangor. Congress. All kinds of Silver and Plated pic- stopped adopted. suddenly by Yesterday tures, are furnished to Mr. Beecher’s at a the bustle of to look at and never .combination of accidents and the to er, of the Park assisted Tnos. E. Bennett, A. W. Webster. ATLANTIC Ware Repaired. publishers Broadway them, ability hospital, by Deputy ja26*2m rate entirely exceptional. The subjects are Life-Size. without feeling happier and better [7]. They cannot make the most of these accidents, until al- Coroners Wooster, Beach and Joseph Cush- Silver and Plated Ware. As to the Christian Union, the great success of fail to please all who love art or children [8]. most at a single leap he has advanced to the man, made a post-mortem examination of MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Glass’s Richardson, Hill & Co., ABNER LOWELL, 301 Congress Street. that paper has been a marvel in the history of jounal- [11 Independent, N. Y, [21 Evening Mail, N. Y. [3] highest position in the nation. To keep up body. There was an incised wound N. Y. Ad- the decorum of four inches on the IN ism, and the scholarly, and critical New York Nation Aldine, [4] Springfield Republican. [51 his station it was essential to long outer aspect of the (ORGANIZED 1843.) vance, Chicago. [6] N. Y. Il- call it not the ablest and Harper’s Weekly, [7] many of his modes of anil to four inches below the one an inch BANKERS, Schools. only best, but also the lustrated Christian N. Y. Christian at change action, leg, knee; Weekly, [81 assume a reserve on the outer 51 WALL STREET, Corner of William, New York. ENCLISH and FRENCH SCHOOL, 430 most popular of American religious periodicals.” Work, N. Y. which was not natural. In- long aspect of the left thigh. Mo. 3 Sears -.^6^.-. stead of an evidence of this in The bones of the left with the cover- Building, Boston. Congress Street. This paper, hereafter will be printed on a still lar- A subscriber writes to the Publishers: being stupidity, elbow, The Trustees, in to the Charter of the submit the is of his shrewdness. Out of re- flesh and were cut There BUSINESS PAPER Bought and Bold, and Conformity Company, following Statement of its affairs ger sheet, folded in twenty-four pages, pasted at the “The chromos far surpass in beauty and style any- reality proof ing tissue, through. on the 31st day or December, 1871. spect to the nation be was determined that was an incised wound two inches and Corporation Loans negotiated. Stair Builder. back and trimmed at the egdes, a decided advantage thing that I expected/ A Neighbor of mine bought long, Premiums received on Marine from 1st the office of lose none from the outer side of the left Risks, January, 1871. to 31st December, $5,412,777 51 no the same president should of its extending wrist DEPOSITS 1871, B. F. 17 1-9 Union possessed by other religious weekly published. It Chromos in New York a few months ago, received, subject to check at sight, Premiums on Policies not marked off 1st January, 1871, 2,033,675 18 LIBBY, Street, np in his hands, and he has to the middle of the of the left and contains contributions from eminent writers of and ten prestige certainly palm hand, interest on balances credited stairs. all de- paid dollars for them. Please accept my daily monthly. made good his resolution. If in doing so he on the top of the head was a wound two in- Total nmount of Marine Premiums, $7,446,452 69 nominations, and has matter of interest for every thanks for them. COLLECTIONS of and has earned the name of a silent rid- ches beneath which the table of the Notes, Drafts, Coupons &c. member of the sphinx, long, Watches, Jewelry, household, young and old. For the Ac air 1111 ipaa feootiivml .. .1. Dividends made with promptness on all points. No Policies have been issued upon Life Risks; nor upon Fire Risks disconnected with Enlargement Change of Form. dle, a dumb mystery, he lias cut off the dan- Marine Risks. .¥ a wnDnav iHi

X TnE Presidential Prospect.—The follow- The Ogdensburg Loan. Review of Portland Iflarketa. Passed Gibralter 31st, barque Orchilla, Havener, tin from an SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL Messina for Boston. ing extract editorial article in the New Week Ending Feb. NOTICES. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PRESS, 21,1872. sch Carrie THE To the Editor of the Press: is At Gonaives 26th pit, Clark, Gross, for York llerald valuable because it shows the of the Gen. Anderson said before the legislative The business transactions week have been Boston, ldg. drift of among shrewd ONE PRICE AND NO VARIATION Ar at St 5th, Maki of the Mist, Smith, New oommittee that nut think Portland opinion politicians: very fair, though not of a voluminous nature. A BONDS! Jago 21, 1872. he did York. WEDNESDAY MORNING,FEB. minds From day to day, as we the active is not to be until the FORCING THE icouZd/aror the loan to-day: but their approach heavy business expected month Shi 12th, Ellen Stevens, How, New York ; field work of the Presidential the barque would change upou understanding the matter.” campaign, of March, when the country merchants begin to brig Proteus, llall Philadelphia; Faustina, Patter- of * Star. shaping the political elements of the country, I *ortiuud tt’a sou, sch Abbie, Driukwatcr, for North of of the Pacific Rail- —Sunday make their spring purchases. The merchandise mar- Vluuicipal,. Cienfuegos; The Snow Blockade administration and opposition, still more sharp- Hatteras. the voters of Portland do not “un- are and quotations are road. Possibly ly than on the day preceding, foreshadows the kets, generally, very strong i ’ortlaud aid R« R.,. 6’» Chartered—brig Ytldora Rionda, for Portland, with SEASON! derstand” why nearly all the promises made renomination and the re-election of General well maintained. In some cases an advance has molasses at $3} pr 110 gallons; Amelia Emma, Car- The of the managers of the market rules E. T. ELDEN & < Itate of 6’ Ion, for New York, same rate. indifference our citizens before three quarters of a Grant. Since the time of Monroe we have had been made. The money quiet. U. S. CO., Maine,. voting At Caibarien 8th inst, brigs Clara Jenkins, Coombs, railroad to the snow blockade do not no candidate for a second Presidential term bonds have recovered from the depression ex- Union Pacific million dollars have been broken. They they i It lioain,. 6’» for New York, ldg sugar; sch Alxena, Boynton, for whose prospects at this of the can- the made in North of Hatteras. on their line affords a striking of the this that early stage perienced upon flurry England upon the example understand why road, “responsible vass have lieen better than the of Ar prospects Washington treaty. Gold has been steady at about OFFER THIS MORNINU—AT RETAIL ONLY 1 locklund aid R.R.,. 6’a at Havana 12th inst. brigs Mechanic, Nichols, kind of good faith and conscientiousness dis- contractors offered to build for $28,000 per Gen. Grant fora triumphant endorsement by Portland; Shasta, Brown, New York; sch Nellie SPRING llOfcgllOS. 1 R. Chase, Pul do. FASHIONS, subsidized railroad has cost $33,000 per mile, without a de- the people. In 1808, beyond his great achieve- European & N. A. R., C.old,. 0’a ing, played by great corpora- mile,” APPLES—Some Maine fruit has been iu Shi 11th, Matanzas. ments as a soldier in the cause of the Union, brought brig Angelia, Brown, For weeks the travel across the con- in Portland, that will cost half a mil- which is at at $5 50@6 for the best Portland A R. R. 0'a Chi 12th. I F Whit New tions. pot the country knew nothing of this selling quality. Ten pieces more those Ogdenabnrg Isold,.. barque ton, Carver, York; and about dollars quiet,modest, Canada and Western fruit is selling at $4 50 to$5 00, aclig Four Sisters, Shearer, Sagua; Lookout, Nichols, tinent is and the mion in addition; $00,000 per man. In of interrupted, government, unpretending grateful recognition according to condition. Dried apples are without ] Portland Sc Rochester R. R.,. 7’» Caibarien. is now asked to the road. his incalculable services as a soldier he was ad- which has so its uncounted mile complete change. Ar at Matanzas 12th, brig Hancock, Collius, from lavishly given to the head of the Caibarien. fail to “understand” those vanced by the people govern- ASHES—Pearlash is but there is a better Chicago,.. 7’ to res- They why holding dull, de- Best Plaid Silks for 50c Ar millions to build this road, is obliged ment. Now, in the work of retrenchment and mand for Japanese pr. yd. at Sagua 8tli inst, sch Sophie, Bunker. Boston. SPRING in bonds, do not consider potash. Ar at GOODS, $800,000 first mortgage and of reconstruction in the cause of I'oledo,. 8’s St John, NB, 16th ihst, sch George G Jewett, cue the snow-bound travellers from their im- reform, BEANS—There is a good demand and prices are them a safe investment at 83 cents on the dol- Patterson, Boston. equal rights, harmony and peace, at home and We quote hand-picked pea beaus at at various on the line. steady. FOR SALE BY prisonment points without the additional of abroad, lie has us the proofs of a practi- f3 25@3 50, and yellow eyes at 93 50@3 75 per bushel. TEN PIECES IN lar, security $800,000 given [Latest by European steamers.] GOOD VARIETY ! Meanwhile rumors are in circulation that the cal statesmanship which has won for him and B#X SHOOKS—The have been in second mortgage bonds, although “the second receipts larger SWAM & BARRETT, Sid fm Antwerp 3d inst, Tamerlaue, Sumner, for are his administration the general approval and than the sales, and prices have shaded. We hear of leading men in the corporation availing bonds of are Philadelphia. JUST RECEIVED BV mortgage $2,500,000 perfectly good confidence of the country. To look at him and sales at 62 Jc. Ar at Batavia Dec situation to “bear” the Bankers and Brokers. 25, Argonaut, Baker, from New themselves of the for the city.” to talk with him ninety-nine men perhaps out BREAD—The market is without change. There New Style Stripes for 62 l-2c pr. yd. York. Cld at stock of the in order that it may fall The do of a hundred would suppose him to be possess- is a moderate demand for hard breads. lOO MIDDLE STREET. Calcutta 10th ult, Tennyson, Graves, for road, people understand that the “Great New York. ed of none of the gifts of the first class soldier BUTTER—The market is dull, with a oc23sn mwf WOT. II. into their hands. The Tom Scotts Falls and road is now and large supplv OH Deal Lizzie AYERS, easily Conway” completed, or statesman; and yet his achievements in the of common to fair grades, which are offered to 4th, Zittloseu, Dow, from Shields 20@ Five Pieces Imitation 37 l-2c for Cardenas. and the smaller kings who are opposed to him in the future will carry the lion’s share of pas- field and in the cabinet for practical work 28c. Some very choice tubs have sold at 30c, but it is Japs. pr yd. TAILOR, Vf* »vj that BUTTKlt AND CHEESE. Ar at Hong Dec fm him as one of the most difficult for jobbers to obtain price. Kong 21, Camilla, Humphrey, look the extraordinary failure of a great sengers to the mountains, who helped swell the stamp remarkably gift- San Francisco. upon ed men of the Best of he has estab- CHEESE—There is a good supply in the ><>. 50 E\CIIAM€1£ STItEET. of age. all, market, ONE Just a fresh stock of choice Shi 20th, YoSemlte, Mack, for San 23d, its functions earnings the road last year. and are Arm for. choice of ALSO, CASE AMMORTED received, Francisco; transcontinental line to perform Ogdensburg lished a character for good, hard common prices qualities factory. Sumatra, Mullen, do. febl7is2w __ They also understand that this road will car- of and devotion to the COAL—There is no in prices. are MEW & Shi fm 3d for weeks merely as an interposition of na- sense, honesty purpose change Dealers YORK VT. BETTER, Liverpool inst, Wetterhorn, Landerkin, to interests which cannot be shaken with delivering the best anthracites at 910 per ton and New Orleans; Golden Rule, Hall, Savannah. stock ry Boston (as a higher market) all the im- public BLACK ture to help or hurt their speculations. the of the are selling on the wharf at $9 A0. LYONS SILKS, Vt. Hairy Sc Factory Cheese (plain and sage) ONCE mense amount of timber not floated down the great body people. Ar at 3d Wm A MORE. When the of railroad subsidies is CORDAGE—The market is without change. Tran- Liverpool inst, Campbell, Henry. subject Worcester and Mobile; Goodell, Crockett, Jarvis Ken- Saco at cents per thousand—the timber so sactions are light. at a sacrifice County, English Dairy Island; 4th, it is commended to fifty Daring Outrage in North Carolina.—A Bought great from ihe actual cost of lrn- drick Fish, Watts, New Orleans. first broached, uniformly COOPERAGE—The market is Pine Cheese. providentially discovered just in the “nick of dispatch from Wilmington, N. C., states that very dull, enquiries Iiortation anil will be sold at the following Apple Ent out at Newport 2d, Flori M Hurlbut, Millay, ALL the favorable consideration of the people on being light. Prices of all kinds have fallen off. Boston. READY.1J time” one of the of the Also a variety of Beans, Dried and by employees Ogdens- on the night of the 19th inst., the notorious COFFEE—The market has been rather good Apples, Ent out Americau the of its It is depressed, Danada Peas. Lard in tierces, tubs, and cad- 2d, Eloyds. Park, Havana. ground general utility. argued described in the in of a removal of the LOW PRICES: pails Sid fm burg—so wonderfully yellow- Henry .Berry Lowry and his gang entered Lum- expectation duty. The trans- lies. AARON R. ALDRICH Sc Singapore Dec 27, Wallace, Adams, for actions are CO., ONE CASE 11-4 that everybody’s happiness and prosperity oovered literature of this now very light. tf 22 st. London. company being bertou, the county seat of Robeson county, and snjal5-m,w,f Exchange Ar DRUGS AND DYES—The business has been at Calcutta 10th ult, Alaska, Humphrey, from will be promoted by dealing generously with distributed. fair ao, *t 35, 91 oo, 91», 91 sr, 91 00, Galle. generally after breaking into a carriage factory and ob- for the season, No in prices from last change week. WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE SICK Sid ftn the new Assurances are also of the of this rose 9'1 15, and 8a 35 per yard. Galle 0th ult, Alice Buck, Snow, Calcutta. enterprise. given They judge reliability tools, and a horse and dray from DRY GOODS—The market continues White at taining taking very firm, “While There’s Life There’s Ar at Trieste 31st ult, Sagadahoc, Phlla Quilts $1.00 that shall lose a and that the colored when it that with a further advance on all standard cottou Hope.” Starkey, nobody cent, production says “Itaymond one of the stables in town, they proceeded to goods. delphia. The high prices of wool and the excitement in the Ar CHEAP AT #1.50. are secured. But it contains 9000 acres of timber land,” whereas All Our Best at Havre 2d inst, Gen Butler, Chase, Irom New taxpayers amply quite the store of A. H. McLeod, from whence a wool market render all staple woolen good very firm Quality Lyons Poplins, DR. LEWIS Orleans. in the end that selfish every shipbuilder in Portland knows the town with an upward tendency. Par 81.40 per yard. Cld uniformly happens per- heavy iron safe was taken and placed on the THE TRUE 3d, Union, Cotter, Savannah. has been of timber DUCK—Portland manufactures are in de- ONE sonal considerations are found to have been stripped years ago. next visited the Sheriff’s in good CASE 11-4 dray. They office, mand at the recent increased prices. NATIVE INDIAN PHYSICIAN, Ar at Liverpool 27th ult, J Montgomery, Perkins, The citizens of Portland “understand” that the Court from which his iron All Our Second New Orleans. in the minds of those who were Connty House, FISH—There have been no transactions of conse- Quality Lyons Poplins, Can be consulted free of at his office uppermost charge, Ent for while timber the Connecticut the week. from For 91 15 ldg 5th, I). vonshlre, Havener, for Philadel- in the means along river, going safe was also taken and placed with the other. quence during Inquiries the West per yard. 160 Cor. Hountfort White chiefly instrumental obtaining continue. are Congress St., St., phia; Pren.ier, Whit. tor Punta Arenas. at down the various railroads to Worces- Stocks light and prices are very firm. Quilts $1.50 Boston, With this plunder they started from the town. Where he will attend to the treatmeut and cure of all Ar at Holyhead 4th, A lvance, Morrison, from New from the public treasury to carry on a private FLOUR—There is more firmness for all ter, Hartford, and other great markets, is sold grades diseases incident to the human body. All kinds of Orleans. CHEAP Early the next morning the Sheriff, having dis. and on the superior there has been Twenty-Are Pieces Best Scotch Ar AT #3.00. family grades aii Ginghams Humors as if magic, the use of his at Penarth 2d. American Lloyds. Park, Bristol. enterprise. at the mills at about two dollars thousand advance in the Western markets. Saoae disappear by by per covered the robbery, pursued the outlaws and price as last lot la l-'lc per yd. Ar at Newport 2a, Nunqu&m Dormlo, Cousins, ftn more than the same in FRUIT—There has been a further decline on GREAT INDIAN SPECIFIC REMEDIES Havre. During the coming political canvass the timber is worth Port- overtook them about three miles from town, rai- sins. Oranges are very plenty and selling at 92(5)3 50 Shi fm Troon 5tb, barque Flor del Mar. McLaugh- ONE LOT (to clone) 11-4 Democrats cannot with sort of land, the Ogdensburg will not find lumbermen box. Cures all Female Difflculties. lin. any proprie- but his force not being strong enough to cap- per Lemons are selling at 93 50(5)4 per box. Fifty Dozen More Turkey Red Doylies, Londonderry. so foolish as to them feb9snlw* Ar at 1st from talk about the tariff.” Twice give freight. ture them he had to send back for more aid. GRAIN—Com is at last week’s Por 95c Per Hong Kong nit, Intrepid, Dunbar, ty “oppressive steady prices, Dozen. San Francisco. But the two and a half millions now asked Before that robbers effect- and we quote mixed at 85@86c and yellow at 87(5:89c, Marseilles within ten on the 12th inst. and arrived, however,the with a Ar at Gibraltar 28th ult, Rome, Otis, $3. days,—once ed their off large demand. Oats are firm at 57@60c. Fine Philadelphia; Quilts they understand, and no traps to be set, no wires retreat, carrying the money and is and For Sale Atlas, Hodgdon, 30th, a second time on of the feed $36 shorts 933 @35 per ton. Palermo; Camilla, Pickett, Monday—a majority valuable papers they found in the safes, which Slxty-Seren Dozen Towels Messina. CHEAP AT #5.00. no specious argument, no no HAY—Dealers are new two French roof honse finished Domrtprata nf nntintifll TTnilKP Iiavp vntpd pulled, threats, had been with the stolen tools. The paving 933@34 per ton for prime At alasoat story just opened Loose is Half-Price. on Cushman house for and al no of no new discov- qualities. selling ou the stand at 930@35 THE st.; piped Sebago, SPOKEN. entreaties, promises jobs, safes, dray and horse were left behind. The the modern with tlie protectionists to repeal the duty on per ton. Baled straw is selling at 818@20 per ton for improvements. Enquire on the premise eries of mines or timber, can change the minds loss in money is about- $22,000, belonging to prime. or No 25 Emery st. J. A. TENNEY Jan 24, lat 24 11. Ion 38, ship Emerald Isle, from A FEW PAIRS (to clone) FINE tea and coffee. The removal of the tax from citizens who had Ten Pieces Best Plain French sn Liverpool for Mobile. of determined to do their own deposited it with the Sheriff Cambrics, sepSdtf people thinking IRON—The market continues firm with a Feb 13, lat 35 40, Ion 73 53, Bch Adeline Rogers, these articles not here reduces the for safe-keeping, there being no bank in the good Worth 49c for 95c produced in the been once and demand for all kindu. per yard. FOUR HUNDRED bound South. future, (having deceived) town. About $1000 worth of goods were also All-Wool Blankets ITAvn a -an $0. more a revenue it difficult endeavor to retrieve the errors of the now a LARD—There is fair demand. Prices are with- $19,000,000, making past, by taken from McLeod’s store. There is re- tvwcj cuuiw: luiunic out change. than at present to remove the duty from salt, the taxes of the mechanics and mid- ward of $65,000 by the State government for Lot White Swiss ( hi»<‘lrs Wnrt.h ftAe CHEAP AT #18.00. reducing LEATHER—Prices are Cool at and at we offer a the of the dead or alive. steady and unchanged, $8.75; $8.00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS iron and other articles. Do classes and and a half millions capture Lowrys, with a coal, protected dling saving two good demand for light and middling weights. F.r 30 cents per yard. superior article for Open Urates. These these Democrats fail to understand the tend- dollars to the Exchange St. LIME—The market is firm at 1 50 city. A Sentimental Debtor.—The Bath Times very 9130® per are for the cask for Rockland. prices Coals delivered, and are DOWK THEY GO ! ency of their own votes, or aft they good says a gentlemen in that city lias a debtor in 400 PIECES low State Aid to Schools. LUMBER—The market is quiet with a light ex- certainly enough to satisfy the most JUST RECEIVED ! protectionists, after all ? Boston who owes him a square honest bill. In port demand. The domestic demand is rather in- To the Editor of the Press. penurious purchasers. response to repeated duns, he received a or creasing. The and well-founded day Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, JOS. H. POOR & A FULL LINE (BEST QUALITY) In his speech at Manchester, N. H., Mon- general prejudice MOLASSES—There is no prime new molasses in BRO. two ago the following cooling epistle: the Jan 27-sntf SPRING State aid to sectarian seems market. The cargo that arrived last week was Eor Senator Wilson referred to a con- against schools lOc, 13}r, He, JOc. and 95e per yard. day night, 187- mixed and only tit for purposes. The to be too in its nature and to Boston,-. distilling sup- Real Red likely sweeping Dear Sir:—I am ply of old is to last until the new versation with a Democratic in in receipt of your favor with large enough crop MARRIED. AND Turkey Congressman comes in which will operate the of bill me. dear be early next month. which the latter said he was the Massa- injuriously against requests your against My Sir, these are ALSO, glad NAILS—We advance our schools which are not sectarian and which have times terrible the industry of the nation is par- quotations to 95 per cask Table chusetts Senator was about to take the for assorted sizes, which include from lOd to 6bd. For In this Feb. Rev. A. H. Charles $1.00 Btump good claims for assistance. A case iu point is alyzed ; the hour is hard; our eyes wander to city, 17, by Wright, Covering sizes smaller than lOd an advance from 25 to 27 Dozen More of those Hem’d B. Williams and Miss Elizabeth both of that of the Oxford Normal Institute at South the empire of our land, and we are start- 7 tis Hdkfs., Murphy, in New Hampshire. For he feared that if the city charged. Portland. SUMMER GOODS PKR YARD. Paris. This school under of Mr. Hora- led. Wo stand by the cradle of in our For 60c dozen or 5c and charge Liberty NAVAL apiece. In Cumberland, Jan. 11, by Rev. E. Sanborn, Geo. Democrats should carry New Hampshire own beloved and turn our towards the STORES—Transactions are rather light. tio E. Swasey, its energetic and efficient princi- city, eyes are S. and Miss Alice M. both of Cum- Real Red to match financial Prices without change. Doughty Russell, Turkey Doylies Connecticut they would lose their heads and pal, is doing an educational work for Oxford centre, (State street) and we weep. berland. FOB 1873. cannot OILS—There has been a reduction in the of which should make it an of emu- Love,—nay, life draw one ounce of the price And all the rest of our In Bath, Feb. 15, James H. Robinson and L. at or Jeff Davis lor Presi- county object Portland Kerosenes to The goods at equally low prices Zilpha $1.00 Per Dozen. nominateBreckinridge lation iu in the State. Mr. shining metal from its hidden vaults. Oh! 27*, are for. How can light, In this Feb. wife of the late ■* • -■» ly observable iu the around the paid then it be expected that good demand. KID city, 20, Abigail, Sarn'l » —x -i 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. President of that Republic in case Juarez community GLOVES, B. of North 66 75c, school. The tone of is raised bills formed in the diamond mornings of long Chase, Yarmouth, aged years 11 mos. general society market is rather services at No 10 Brattle on Thurs- Of the late fails to sustain himself the revolution- ago, can be Turn towards £P£DUCE—1The quiet. Poultry [Funeral street, firm of against and the common schools will gain much from paid? thy eyes is higher. are and forenoon at 11 Eggs plenty selling at 24®25c, For 50 Cents a day o'clock. The remains will tbeu be Very Cheap ! the and care which are be- and never, never, will find it in and pair. ists. If these anarchical Mexicans only had thorough training C’alvery again you large lots, retailing at 30c. Potatoes are in removed to North Yarmouth via Maine Central Rail- JT. E. FERNALD Ac MON., in heart to send me that bill. fair demand at stowed upon his teacher’s class. The school is your 47@55c. Onions are plenty at 92 50® road, for interment. Prayers at the grave at 2 e’clk. one of our Maine railroad rings to relieve Most 2 75 bbl. a great success, as we know from personal ob- truly and sincerely I remain per KID Relatives and friends are invited to attend. them from all cares In this Feb. Mr. Samuel O. Wood MERCHANT TAILOR, LINEN TOWELS, of government., it might serva'ion. »_Very Truly. PROVISIONS—There is no change to note in the GLOVES, city, 20, side, aged beef and markets. Hams are 72 years 6 months. save them a deal of-embarrassment. It is, of course, impossible to maintain by the pork selling at U®12c. good Items. and round at [Funeral services Thurslay afternoon at 2 o’clock, 91 MIDDLE 8T. I p Stairs. ORASS TOWELS, receipts of the school, so strong a hogs O^c. feb21il2w ordinary RICE—The For 75 cents a at No. 40 Atlantic street. Relatives and friends are Under President Grant’s corps of instructors as is actually needed, and The Boston Journal says that Thornton K. market is quiet, with a moderate de pair. invited to attend. administration, mand. Prices are STATEaMENT CRASHES, aid from the State is imperatively demanded. Lothrop will probably be elected President of unchanged. In Oakland, Cal., Jan. 17, Mr. Adam P. Baker, of the condition a Republican has cut down taxes to We feel sure that this is a and SALT—There Is no from 57 9 of Yarmouth. Congress practical direct change last week’s prices. KID aged years months,—formerly OF T1IK the Eastern liailroad and serve un- There is a GLOVES LINEN NAPKINS. the amount of and will reduce way to advance that cause of education which Company, fair demand for coarse salt at the revised In Bath, Feb. 17, Mrs. Nancy S., widow of the late $195,655,068, quotations. Caleb 85 4 we all have so much at but about which til some first-class, experienced railway mana- Leavitt, Esq., aged years months. them this session more—a to- heart, Phoenix by $50,000,000 there is so much X. is SUGARS—The market is very and in raw (TWO BUTTONS) Insurance DOYLIES, quackery. \ ger found to take the helm. Mr. Lothrop quiet [Funeral services in of the late Tlios. Com’y. tal of These are sugars there is very little doing. Granulated is a lit- memory Capt. $250,000,000. facts. The M. Pennell and who this in the OF CONN. Linen has given great attention to the capabilities of tle off, selling at 12|er than the cheapest. market is quiet with no quotable GLOVES, in It was demonstrated iu Virginia during our When in PA88ENCEB8. la. *600,000 00 James Buchanan entered upon his du- change prices. The tendency is downwara, conse- A FULL LINE OF Sir Charles the recent war for the of the rebellion an THE A88ET8 ABE AS FOLLOWS: Dilke, leading republi- suppression ties as quent upon anticipated removal of the duties. that a Chief Magistrate there was in the Treas- comparatively small force, indifferently a Cash on haud and lu in hands of can agitator in England, never said a truer TINS—The market is quiet both for pig and plate For $1.50 pair, In the from Bank, armed, and with no rea- ury cash to 10. He left Hibernian, Liverpool—Judge Boswell, agents, aud In course of 512.969 63 Bleached and Brown scautily provisioned, amounting $19,870,114 tins. Prices are very firm. Mrs Boswell, Miss Mr W transmission, Cottons, than when he declared in his at sonable of could hold at Boswell, Kinloch, Ellis, Real thing speech hope success, bay for in the for the is W Lt P Estate, 55,000 00 Treasury incoming Administra- WOOL—There no abatement of the excitement Corthorn, Simpson, Riddell, Shea, Winslow, Bills receivable for loaus secured years a large army in in the wool Real Trefousse and Alexanders. and two by collat- Chelsea, Monday night, that “the existing abundantly supplied every tion but a debt of market and a decided advance has taken boys, Ramsey, Lowell, Miss Froude, W Hob- eral Tickings, &c, at Old Prices. A similar scene $2,496,035 32, $64,842,287 88, 104,900 00 respect. lias been witnessed in place on all foreign wools, while domestic maintains son, E Jones, J Moore, A Beattie, Cameron, Adam- Security, m state of ill between and the nnd a war which has Bills receivable for loans secured by Real feeling England the Senate of the United States ever since the cost fearful sacrifices of full prices. An arrival at Boston last week son, Capt Berry, F Beaudet, Capt Lucas, wife and Respectfully, hronght 28,300 00 States is due to the commencement of the session. A small blood 1078 bales, the first lot received there of the new son, Mr Ring. United ignorance which present and treasure. HAMBURG United States Stocks and Bonds, 00 Australian crop. the week there has EDGINGS, 126,950 body of Republican in their anxiety to Hon. During been A. B. BUTLER. prevails in aristocratic circles of American in- Senators, William H. Seward takes the same considerable speculation in and State, County, and Municipal Securities, 294,660 00 prevent the re-nomination of President foreign wools, some Bank Grant, lots have changed hands several the A new miniature Almanac.February 91. Stocks, 555,115 00 stitutions. to cheerful view of affairs he was times, price ad- Iiolfna 13 1-9 rent, np to 91.95. has managed keep the remainder of the Re- public wont, on each Railroad and other 00 vancing transaction. Cape wool has sold as Sun rises.6.49 I Moon sets. 5.35 AM Corporation Securities, 229,490 154 JVliddle Street. publican Senators jon the aggressive, and to even in the darkest days of of 1801-’2-’3. He as 50 cents the Sun sets.5.39 water. 9.45 AM Interest accrued, 54 Gen. to the intense high per pound, highest rate yet ob- | High 2,446 Feb 17-dtf Beauregard, sat- a to the transaction of the tained for that n effectually put stop feels, we are told, no concern or description. apprehension 37 isfaction of the Democratic papers, is show- public business. This was especially the case FREIGHTS—There is a want of CHOICE NECK-TIES 1,006,831 about the present commotion in tonnage here. LIAMLITIES. last week, when a resolution of into the England grow- are to Cuba and BOARD IN A ing through the columns of an obscure South- inquiry Cargoes offering other ports but no M-Ahhste FRENCH FAMILY sale of arms was to which no Re- ing out of tho present phase of the Alabama vessels to take them. The the news.. Outstanding Losses and other claims, near- introduced, engagements during JUST all ern that “the of week arc brig Martha A. from New York RECEIVED, since paid, 33 magaz’ne siege Petersburg publican Senator would have made the slightest claims. He has no doubt about England’s be- Berry, f 535,237 and Cardenas, at the round sum of $1000 out; Ben PORT OP PORTLAND. HENRY Gen. Grant was a mistake.” Undoubted- objection, which would have been brig Flight Bine# and other desirable shades t. ,, KELLOGG, President. Jules Cli. L. by passed ing willing and anxious to settle our bill peace- Nevis, hence to Matanzas or Cardenas and back D. W. C. Morazain, without a vote ; but this would not to SKILION, Secretary. from Gen. dissenting N. of Hatteras, at $4 50 for sch ly, Beauregard’s and the Demo- have stirred debate. So the resolution ably on our terms at no distant day. She can- molasses; Horton, All other Goods at prices much reduced. Tuesday, Feb. 90. FUOM up angry hence to Ponce, P R., and back to Portland or Bos- very PARIS, ARRIVED. STATE OF 1 cratic was with a not as he believes, afford to do otherwise. at $4 75 for molasses and 50c CONNECTICUT, S8’ standpoint. purposely prefacod long preamble, ton, for sugar. Coast- COUXTY OF forth which not half a wise are firm at Steamship Hibernian, (Br) Watts, 8th HaBTFOKD, j setting statements dozen Two corpses recently freights $2 25 for lumber to Boston II. TALBOT A CO., Liverpool Teacher of the French passed through London, and 93 50 to New York. inst—passengers and mdse to II & A Allan. Habtfokd, Jan. 12, 1872. Language. Of our Maine Congressmen, and Senators would have indorsed with their votes Sworn to, Before Lynch Ontario, on the Great Western from Sell E Nickerson, Nickerson. Boston. me, J. C. L. until they could have been proven by the pro- Bailway, W. J. MORAZAIN and wife having taken Hale voted to take the off IVo 6 Clapp’s Block. Sch A H Lennex, Eowles, Westport. BRECKEN1UDGK, Notary Public. a convenient house Monday duty ^from examination. The result was a San Francisco to New one of them a man PROF. in the city, are to re- week of York, ft‘15 Nn lw Sch Mary S Won son, and prepared Tarbox, Boothbay—fish ceive as boarders, a few ladles desirous of ac- coal and salt, while Frye voted against it and Sosedebate which, from all appearances, is to be who had the last breath in SPECIAL for a market. W. D. LITTLE & young yielded up China, NOTICES. eggs CO., Agents, quiring a theoretical anu practical knowledge of the followed several more of talk on the Sch Peters did not vote at all. by days same and had been sent steamer to San j. & Judge Low, Hallowell, Dennyaville for Ports- French language. by Francisco, bTbrown SONS~ mouth. Ofllce 491-9 St. topic. This encourages the conspirators against Exchange References: Gen. J. M. Brown. J. W. and thence east as described. The cost of the B A. N- K K R S, Feb21-d&wlw Symonds. The the re-nomination of Grant, and they make loud Caucus. BELOW—Br sch Arcilla, from St John, NB. Esq., C. F. Libby, Esq., Gen. H. G. Thomas. Augusta correspondent of the Bath from proclamation all over the country—some in transportation on each was $280—in the one The Republicans of Standish are requested to meet PORTLAND, MAINE. CLEARED. Apply one P. m. to three o’clock p. m., at 2 Times that the “stanza” was at the Town House, on Appleton Block, or In P. says following open, defiant language; others by adroit and case the were and in the Saturday, the 24th day of Feb- Sch Horton, (Br) Farquehar, Ponce, PR—Phinney BOSTON Congress St., writing O. charges “paid out,” at 2 o’clock P. THIS HOUSE is established Box 1SG6. febl9 found about the State House the oth- sugar-coated inuendoes that the Administration ruary lust, M, to nominate candidates for the transaction of & Jackson. ocldly floating other were for “collect on for officers the year. a Sch P S seeks to avoid any investigation. Never was delivery.” municipal ensuing General Banking Business. Lindsey, Hamilton, New York—Stephen er Senor has been fe21d& wtd Per Order Town Com. Ricker. day: there within'my recollection of public affairs a Sagasta entrusted with the DEPOSITS received to check at In- subject sight. Sch George Brooks, Boston— Bunker Daily Evening Have you heard of “the cat that’s under the meal!’’ task of the new terest at Humphrey, Transcript, forming Spanish Ministry. A CnrH the rate of Four per cent, per annum allow- Bros. ALLAN LINE! That wonderful cat that never would steal, scheme laid to the deceive American people. Tuesday Senator Tennent of the Nebraska ed on all Balances. Except from the government all on the sly, Daily Accounts rendered and in- _A XT k The Administration courts the most search- himselt The members of the Steep Falls Band would here vrov MvnnuvTn ptcn a vnv By selling unlicensed a little “old rye.” legislature got arrested by the Ser- erest credited monthly. Montreal Ocean .Steamship Co. That ing investigation into this and every other for the of tile le- thank all those who attended our Band Concert and Catholic-protestant, knavish old cat, pub- geant-at-Arms purpose trying Ar at sch CARRYING THE lic and if it as has CERTIFICATES r>F DEPOSIT issued bearing in- Philadelphia 19th, Rebecca Florence, Rich On the AVhitefield mice grown lazy and fat! act, appears, been intimated, gality of the special session. The question Dance at West Gorham, on the 16th far their inst, leretit as 1 Portland. You’ll And him mixed in all rows that official has he will be conies courts by agreeme and available at in WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT. Canadian and Vailed Slates up dirty any accepted bribes, before the on a writ of habeas cor- liberal which was maturity Ar at New York 20th, fm .Hails. Where mischief is patronage, beyond uxpectatiou. brig* Antilles, Thestrup, brewing shalf hear his fierce summarily punished. Nor is this all. Should Portland, Boston or New York. N pus. PER Zaza; Stowers, Savage, Kingston, Ja; wh Wm Passengers Booked to “mieows,” Mr. Davis recover his ORDER. London- Garrett not health so as The COLLECTIONS of and Connors, Toole, do. The have and Whoever will catch this grimalkin, and Japanese Embassy leave Salt Lake Falls, Feb. 1872. wlt*w8 Notes, Drafts, Coupons, Proprietors great pleasurs In announc- derry Liverpool. kill, to make his much talked of speech in the Senate City Steep 19th, Dividends to the Return Shall have due reward in the sum of one mill. for the East Wednesday. made in all parts of the United States and ing public, that owing to the great increase Tickets in of a KFThe Custom House will not be for busi- ■ support series of resolutions, arraigning Canada. open in business, have just erected a New granted at Reduced Rates. The house of Mr. near ness transactins on they Building the President on a variety of charges, some Bently, Albany, Ohio, Republican Caucus. Thursday, (Washington’s Birth at 150 Washington Street, and furnished it The Steamship was burned DEALERS in Government friend of the call Monday night. The remains of The are and other Investment day.) witha NEW DOUBLE 8IX-CYL1NDEK In the New York on last Administration will them Republicans of Windham requested to Assembly Friday Mr. and his wife were found in the Securities and in Gold and LIGHTNING a FOUR.CVLIN. PBVN8IAN, Capt. Dutton. up and have the made. Bently meet at the Town on Silver Coin. PRESS, a proposed investigation House, Thursday, the 29th day MEMORANDA. when the bill for new charter for New York ruins. It is believed that both were HER PRESS, NEW and New Ha- Gen. Grant may have been deceived in the ap- murdered STERLING BILLS drawn on Scotland TYPE, will leave this for of February, inst, at two o’clock, afternoon; to nom- Englnnd, L M fin while tow- tennis the aid of the New Six- port Liverpool on city passed a third Mr. who of some of his and the building burned robbers. Brig Merritt, Gilkey, Cardenas, throughout. By reading, Hawkins, pointment many subordinate by Bently and Ireland. Sight lrafts on Berlin and other the to New York had are enabled to had a sum of inate candidates to be supported for Of- Paris, ing up bay 18tli, her bow port Cylinder, they print the largeet quarto the but he will not have large money paid him that day. Municipal in Feb. 'J flb. championed measure, exclaimed in the officials, quietly aspersions European cities, St. John and Halifax. stove in by floating ice, causing her to till in a few daily sheet America, of sixty-four columns, Hnturday, ficers in the Town, for the year. Montreal, long cast "non his reputation those who, for Pollock, th# linen now under arrest ensuing minutes. She was towed to the near the double the size of the folio TRANSCRIPT. of “we have beaten the by per- smuggler Gold and Drafts on Boston and Jersey flats, hearing many members, sonal in New Per Order of Town Comm. Currency New York. Reef where she This mammoth will be reasons, have substituted political bitter- York, is said to have swindled Henry Light, sunk. She has a cargo of su- paper issued on Saturdays, Immediately alter the arrival of the Train thieves at last.” This was APPROVED Commercial Bills and on of the construed by Mr. ness toward him in the place of professions of Clews, the banker, out of $25,000 by giving him Windham, Feb. 16th, 1872. febl9d&w w8td purchased. gar for Moses Taylor & Co. other days when required by pressure of news previous day from Montreal. FACILITIES afforded for the transaction of the Brig Raven, Spencer, at New York from Matanzas, or advertisements; thus enabling the proprietors to Alvord, the leading opponent of the measure as friendship. The proposed investigations must fraudulent invoices of linen and then by some to and reports strong gales to on the give the latest from all Passage Londonderry Liverpool, Cabin (ac- be and “if it should take unknown means of the Caucus. Special as well as the General Business of westerly up Hatteras; tidings by telegraph parts to personal and he retorted fairly squarely made, obtaining possession Republican correspon- 15th, took a SE which terminated in a terrific of the country, and by cable from and all cording accommodations).970 to 990 reflection, by calling gale Europe in all Summer.” few goods they represented and them. The of Gorham are to meet dents. the vessel of the Payable Gold or its equivalent. Mr. Hawkins a coward. Mr. selling Republicans requested hurricane, throwing down, but main stays quarters globe. Thereupon H. for the sale of the she Each issue of tne For Freight or Cabin apply to The convention to form a State Constitution at the Town House on the 28th Agent* giving way righted; twenty minutes after the Quarto Sheet will contain between Passage, The Pacific Railroad Blockade.—A des- Wednesday, day of H. A A. No. 1 apologized, and then Mr Alvord apologized, for Utah met wind struck from the opposite quarter, blowing with Thirty and Forty Celamai filled with the ALLAN, India St. Monday. Judge Hayden oppos- at 3 o’clock to nominate of the Portland & news For Steerage Inward ami from Assistant Clark at February, inst, afternoon, t^onds Ogrdensburg R R a force never before witnessed, and cantinuing about of the dav, letters by practised writers, miscel- Passage outward, and lor and the ruffled waters became calm. patch Superintendent ed admission, and Hon. Thomas Fitch favored Drafts on for candidates to be supported for Municipal Officers in Jn3 en four hours; next day, took another gale and blew the laneous selections, ami original articles designed to Sight England small amounts applv to Laramie that the cars for the it. JAMES L. says Japanese * into ribbons. instruct as well as entertain the A com- FARMER, A the town, for the ensuing year. malnstaysail community. Texas paper announced its conversion to will The British Ministry was sustained the Sch Aldanali Rokes, from Matanzas for plete epitome of events is inclosed within its No. 3 India Stieet. be there Weuesday and that the road is by ! Rhoades, passing House of Commons in its of Sir Per Order of Town Comm. REMOVAL New with molasses, into Norfolk 19th with ample dimensions, the LATEST INTELLI- Portland, Dec. S-tf the Missouri doctrine with this trumpet blast: On the other hand the appointment York, put open. telegraph reports Robert Collier to the Judicial Committee of the Gorham, Feb. 10, 1872. w7td loss of sails. GENCE being furnished by the Agents of the Asso- “With this new of the the Inde- ciated and party people the roads blocked at several points badly. Au- Privy Council by a vote of 3H0 to 241. Press, Special Correspondents at the fo- pendent takes its stand. Howsoever hot the ANDREW DOMESTIC PORTS./ cal points of the Union. thentic news is The most inter- An unknown woman was run over and BRYTLITE MULNIX, TIMBER very meagre. crush- GLOBES! Four editions of the TRANSCRIPT are issued L A I ll the of its SAN FRANCISCO—Ar conflict, temper blade shall not be of all are the ed out of all at a railroad HAS BEHOVED TO 18th, ship Sonora, Lewis. dally. The terms of the are NINE DOL- esting subjects descriptions by the recognition crossing NeW*York. paper in New York LARS for six wheresoever bo its its enemies in- passengers of their experience in the snow city Monday. per annum; 94.50 months. waiting; NUMBER 39 CENTRE STREET! GALVESTON—Ar 13tb, sch Kate Robinson, Pen- FOR SALE! trenched, it will yet show that “young Percy’s blockade, their labor shoveling snow day and A Jersey City policeman who shot a man the dleton, New York. amid the storm and other wliilo Cld sch M S is not and it night, frequently howling day chasing another one, has been Where can be found a assortment of 13th, Lewis, Lewis, Boston. riTHE spurs yet cold,” trumpet-tongued bitter their general NEW ORLEANS—Ar undersigned, Administrators on the estateof cold, organizations to work aud suf- sent to prison for two years. BRYTLITE GLOBES! 13th, barque Esther, Loring, THE WEEKLY will sound the clarion of battle until the fer to save women aud Turks Islands. TRANSCRIPT. K1'® notlce that 0,1 glory children, their hardships The Richmond STOVES, RANGES, and horse-railroads will hereafter Cld 13th, barque Everett Gray, London. i L?*1 (,ay°f w next, at 10 o’clock of that day shall be attained, whose dawn has privations, their great and the Loring, Published on peril oppor- treat all their natrons alike without regard to MOBILE—Ar 13th, Clara TUESDAYS, is an attractive newspa- '“'T wlu "*U *t public auction at the City tune assistance from United States AND brig Louisa', Herriman, of Hall, iu the already illumnedjthe vision of our country’s troops. color. New York. per thirty-two columns, composed exclusively of Bangor, following described lands, be- Their story is stranger than fiction. Some of Ar reading matter, selected for the household longing to said Estate: most son.” 17th, ship Emerald, Blowers, Liverpool. judiciously lordly the still remain here sick with fever One boy was fatally shot in Newark KITCHEN FURNISHING GOODS. circle. It will be mailed to subscribers at the low passengers Saturday JACKSONVILLE—Ar 14th, sch Louisa Wilson, Aroostook and two this afternoon are almost the by another boys’s carelessness. Holt, Providence. price of #2 00 per annum in advance. County. beyond P. S. Particular to Half west half And now Fernando Wood of New York of The attention i>akl Jobbing. Cld sch Sea Fall River. Township No 16, Range 3, 3,260 acres. city, hope recovery. cargo of teas, silks, of bark Robert 13th, Dog, Allen, CLUB RATES: Blocks &c., SAT1LLA MILLS—Cld Township, No 6, Range 5, 1,735 do representing in Congress one of the most infa- All agree there was much want and distress Fletcher, wrecked at is strewed This new and beautiful 10th, brig Gambia, Gilkey. Blocks Long Branch, light can be iwen at the A. Cardenas. One one Township No 9, Range 6, do but statements ** MULNIX, Copy 00 5,460 mous districts of that a differ as to the neglect or incom- along the coast for miles. store of year.;.$2 city, desires party that twenty feb20 lwBn 39 Centre BRUNSWICK—In brig Five one one Penobscot petency of the railroad officers. Well known Street. port 13th, George Harris. Copies year (to address). 7 30 County. shall inscribe its standards the watch- The principal of the New York Bar Blanchard, ldg; schs J M Morales, and F Ten Copies one year (to one address).15 00 In upon and that the material charge Newman, Township No I, North Division, 9,100 do responsible parties report Association against J udge Cardozo is said to be K Shaw, Watts, ldg. And one Copy to the getter up of a Club of Ten, and Township No 6. 7. word of “Universal purification.” and force of the road were but that DR. CITY VA—Ar two to Clubs of Range 22 740 do Huge jokes inadequate, bribery. DAVEIS, POINT, 16th, sch Seventy-Six, Teel, Twenty and above. East-haJfTowuship No 3, Wood’s Hole for Range 8, lT,140 do there have been this season, but Mr. Wood has Superintendent Sickles, and officers under him GEO. E. EOTHROP & HAS RETURNED TO Richmond. Southeast quarter No United States District Davis of New CO., POp!LAND, Specimen Number sent on Township 6. did everything in their power aud hesitated at Attosney NORFOLK—Ar 16th, schs City Point, Orchard, and application. Ranges, this time reached the limit. In the line has been instructed to And will as who desire Marcus 6 010 do funny no or to York, prosecute all mer- attend, heretofore, upon all, Hunter, Orr, New York; Albert Clarence, Half with John personal danger sacrifice help the pas- his services. urdiv.ded B. Foster, there is chants who have bribed custom officers. 1W St. professional Freeman, Portland. acres In nothing beyond. Imagine “Furnandi-” sengers and their road. Exchange He 4,143 Township No 3, Range open will be at his office every day from 12 to 1 o’clock FORTRESS MONROE—Sid I4F“Ordors for either of the above wud” the crowd that elected him bear- A four-oared race between the Broth- 18th, ship Humboldt, papers—occom- 9, on west line of said town, 2 071 do heading Biglin P* febl7an*2w eod Drummond, (from Baltimore) for San Francisco. with the cash—should be addressed to the Lots in Lewiston ers of New and Coulter anil Burlington, (Haskell lots,) W do a banner emblazoned with universal & Auburn Railroad Co.—The York, Cabot of BALTIMORE—Ar 17ih, sch W B Mc- Ptniedubllshers, Block in Lowell ing purifi- Hopkins, called Pierce block, 1,000 do Pittsburg, has been to take on It Is a globe and burner a soft but Fadden, Provinaetown. cation! When did Mr. Wood leave the Demo- corporators of this road met at the Common arranged place combined, giving On the Schuylkill. The distance is five and to Marriage. Cld 15th, schs Fannie Bucklin, Bucklin, Havana; Piscataquis County. Council rooms and miles, strong light, superior anything of the kind now in HENRY W. DUTTON k cratic party? Monday afternoon, tempo- the stakes, which are held by John Morrissey, Happy Relief for YauaglVea from the effects L Crockett, Flanders, Demarara, (and both sailed.) SON, Southwest quarter and east half Tran- use, besides effecting a taring of cent, in of errors and abuses in No rarily organized by the choice of N. W. Far- are $2000. twenty per early lue. Manhood restored. PHILADELPHIA—Cld 17th, brig Mary J Wil- ship 7, Range 9, 17 982 __ removed. New method oi TRANSCRIPT Half undivided The Pennsylvania railroad pro- gat. Impediments-to marriage liams, Graves, Sagua. Township No 9, R. do companies and A. M. treatment. New and BUILDING, 10, 12)4934 well, Esq., Chairman, Pulsifer, Esq., It is an immouse remarkable remedies. Books Below 19th, brigs L L Wadsworth, from Matanzas; ide members of the with having sale in other cities, and and Mouwrsrt County. Legislature passes, Clerk. It was voted to Circulars free, in sealed envelopes. Address Geo S Berry^ifrom do. 130 Washington Street, [. Beaton. accept the act ef incor- STATE NEWS. satisfaction where ever Half undivided but before the coveted gives great Introduced. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., At Delaware Breakwater fin Car- Township No.l, R. 4, B. delivering pasteboard The of 18th, brig Robin, feb2T~3t poration. choice Directors and Treas- Will fit any fixtures, and can be adjusted in two Philadelphia, Pa. novlsnd3m denas for New York; sch Nmonta, from Matanzas for oblige the candidate to sit for his ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Persons desirous of photograph, urer was an minutes. Price within the Philadelphia. purchasing will bavc^the pre«- postponed to adjourned meeting. reach of all. Call and winter which is then neatly fastened on the The Lewiston Journal says a house “PERFECT LUBRICATOR.” Ar 17th, brig A H Curtis. Mcrriman, Matanzas for spring to explore and ex- document, A was boarding examine. A VOLUME OF Uh * VieW committee appointed to report by-laws. was Philadelphia. the value of these and the of of a whole rid- keeper hearing sugar selling very low, in tends ofl“car“*™,8 possibility township small sent CEO. t. EOTHROP Sc Sid 17th, barques and Ten corporators were fixed upon as a quorum. lots, each of his sixty boarders out CO., Plumbago of abaolute and unequaled Cienfuegos, Cardenas; brig Terms of on the one 3 J Strout. sale, one third cash, balance ing meanly “pass” prevented. to buy a package. febSnatf 182 Exchange Street. ASTOUNDING DISCLOSURES ! satisfsctorv The nninber of Directors was fixed at nine. ! NEW YORK—Ar 18th, Maria W notes, one, two, and three years, with annual inter- Wouldn’t it be more economical as as fy to Purity brigs Norwood, well “Granulated five for Owing numerous imitations of a valuable Bordeaux 50 L M est ; payment secured It was voted that N. W. Farwell, S. R. Bearce, sugar, pounds twenty- Washburn, days; Merritt, Gilkey, by mortgage. more in with the truth to five cents” is advertised article, when thrown the we FOR HEAVY MACHINERY, CAR-AXLES, &c. Matanzas 13 do 12 MEMOIRS Keeping have these G. H. Roak, J. B. Ham, A. Cushman, Nelson in Lewiston. upon market, caution days; Raven, Spencer, days; schs NATH’L H. DILLINGHAM, TU 1 .... TA 1 IT ..11 J XT ta: 1 T_ » 1? PnAMA T_1_ 1. the Lucy, Talbot, St gentlemen wear a collar, inscribed: public against such. Be sure that each Burner Richmond, Va; Quodly, Fanning, —OF THE— FRANKLIN A. WILSON, /"The The attention of Railroad and Steamboat Com- John, NB, for Addie febl4-lw nated to has the Gas Moderator and is Philadelphia; Kyerson, Pike, Administrators. property of the Pennsylvania Bailroads.” be a committee authorized to confer with the $1000 Johnson College, located at Ma- attached, marked “Pa- panies is especially invited. io for do; Snow Squall, Norton, Vinalhaven; Carrie con ten ted." Grand Trunk Railroad with reference Mo. n iui ran huci lUI Company City, <*• L. 48 8t. aiaci, UUC4HUI1 Vine ; Buffalo to of BAILEY, Exchange of the East, t. . The Commercial asks a conundrum— arrangements either for the lease the pro- The Journal says the preliminaries for the Light Harper, Portland; Hyne, Glover, ISecret Service. WE AKE SELLING Lewiston & Auburn road to the Grand feblTeodsit Rockland; A VanCleaf, Dow, Providence; Nellie, is it that the Democratic erection in the of the m. jm. m “Why party always posed Lewiston, coming season, Metcalf, Calais; Ella Amsden, Smith, Portland for THE Trunk, or for transportation of and addition (By permission, fromtheDepartment law that seeks to freight 32,000 spindle to Continental Mills, Philadelphia; Nevada, Davis, do for do Records) opposes every have a fair in connection with the Lewiston & For Sale ; Eugene, With portrait s of U. S. passengers are being arranged. Hawes, uo for Baltimore; Senator Grimes,Ptilbrook, Detectlras, ami their Captures; vote and an honest count?” Auburn road when on The Residence of the late Phisehas No. anil a sketch of Chief H. That, responds completed. Remarks BANKER AND Barnes, Esq, Portland; Mabel Hall, Bartlett, Rockland: Cata- C. WHITLEY. BALANCE OF the PENOBSCOT COUNTY. BROKER t>3 High Street, consisting of a House con- OlIR the New York is one of those importance of the road were Two-Story nr am teak, Lord, do for Wilmington; L M By Capt. Geo. P. Burnham. 400 Price Commercial, mys- proposed taining 13 finished rooms besides Halls and Warren, pages, 84 30 made by Mayor Dr. S. J. B. Capt. W. R. Roix has been appointed to the —IK— closets, Pickering, Rockland: Paragon, Shute, Warren for teries we shall Garcelon, Oakes, with an abundance of Cistern and wa- which probably never under- N. command of the Sanford steamer Well, Sebago Hoboken; Burmah, Providence via A Ham, Dingley, Jr., and others.—Lewiston Katahdin, lot 50x100 feet. For of Winslow, Black ROMANTIC, STARTLING, vacant GOVERNMENT ter; particulars enquire Rock Harbor, (where she was E stand until the party is dead, and Satan deliv- Journal. since the death of Captain Rich. BONDS, JOHN C. ashore); Arcularlus, And PROCTER, 3regory, Rockland; Sardinian, Holbrook, and Frank Wonderful Book ! Just out. WINTER ers the a man was 93 Street. STOCK, a original agreement between them to its ith Recently driving of nice Exchange Nash, F H \\ General Grant as the can- pair Jameson, do; Eaton, Eaton, New Haven; OF Republican horses to Cushman of STATE AND Portland, February 10._ eod4wsn Kio, Nutter, Alice Mailed, post-paid, anywhere, on receipt of price. administrators. didate for the belonging Lawyer Lee, CITY BONDS Providence; Oakes, Marson, do; Presidential succession, what when took at the car whistle and imelia, Brewer, and New Address they fright Zealand, French, do; Etta Laban Heath, 30 Hanaier Street. gloves, hosiery, Geobge Alfred Townsend of Sum- will become of these anti-Grant ran down the hill toward the railroad May, Dix, Calais. Baatoa. speaks Republicans? crossing CHOICE APPLES. Cld Annie R at as the train was The TOWN BONDS, 19th, brig Storer, Adams, Havana- AND OTHER ner, Ferry of Connecticut and Morrill Maine are to have a National Convention at Winn, just passing. Book Trade LEE & of They driver JUST RECEIVED. ichs Ralph Carlton, Patten, Havana; S L Burns, supplied by SHEPARD, Boston. jumped from his load and the horses go- Galveston. as “the three great Senators from New Cincinnati on the 6th of under the man- .rosby, feb21d&w d eod3t wit w8 GENT’S Eng- May, ing at full run struck the train between the en- FURNISHING GOODS, RAILROAD ALSO, PROVIDENCE—Ar 18th, »cb Trade Wind, Ingra- land.” agement of Governor Gratz Brown and Senator gine and first car. Both horses were killed and SECURITIES, WITHOUT TO lam, Hoboken; Cvnthia Jane, Gardiner do For Sale. REGARD COST! the sled and load ONE CAR ROUND HOGS ! Ar britf H Carl Schurz, of Missouri. They may nominate smashed to splinters. 18th, Means, Staples, fan Hoboken: ach Bailroads in New do. fine residence of Dr. S. No 87 State Brunswick.—The St. a reform Republican and Democrat- The Commercial BANK STOCKS. Mansfield, Achorn, Fitch, st., compound Bangor says Mr. A. W. for sale, with or without the ofllee on Chas. Custis &, John asserts that If the Missouri of lefisntf A T J S. CROCKETT’S NEWPORT—Ar 18th, sch Mary B Reeves, THE Congres s Co., Telegraph New Brunswick ic ticket. so, Republican re- Page, went out to Lake ____ Malony, of Bangor, Alligator ’ortland for Fall River. st. One the most desirable locations in the city. 293 has now in and in formers will no doubt stick; but if neither Sum- last week and 140 of fine trout. 83 Commercial Street. Sailed For particulars of JOHN C. UOAORESS STREET. operation course of con caught pounds Four millions of 17th, schs Paragon, Shute, Warren for Ell- enquire PROCTER. ner nor Fenton nor nor McClure of them Invalids. feb21d3w feliotf a Greeley goes Many averaged 3 1-2 lbs., some even Feb 12-sn2w abethport; I E Wall, from Providence struction larger number of miles of railroad in At the lowest there Mesenrey, to the Cincinnati Convention we fear they will weighing 4 1-4. computation are never lose or Baltimore; Jonu C Libby, Libbv, Fall River for proportion to its population than any other each and with their have to be than four millions of Invalids in the United States. racksonville. all, followers, The “ancient and honorable” cannon which Administrator's Sale. country' in the world. It this asser- counted out of that They are was hauled Of this number more than three-fifths VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 17th, schs Samuel Fish supports arrangement. up from the bed of Penobscot last probably have SAVE THE eel. to Licence from to defeat the renomination of General CHILDREN. Georgetown DC for Boston; G M Partridge, the Judge of Pro- tion in round hedging summer after a of neglected the ordinary precautions for the bate I shall by giving numbers the figures re- sleep ninety years, will be necessary Junker, Baltimore for Rockland. PURSUANT sell at public Auction (if not previ- STONE^DAM. and in this will sur- MULTITUDES of them Grant, failing object they used to fire a salute of 37 at preservation of and are suffer, and die, be- Ar schs E R ously sold at private sale) on the to the and cost of the New Bruns- rounds, Bangor, on health, Buttering the punish- linger, 18th, Emerson, Seavey, Baltimore for Tuesday, 26th day will be lating length render. cause of Pin-tVorms. The only known of March next one received by Westbrook Man- ment due to their remedy ] Joston; Ontario, Parsons, Hoboken for do; at o’clock P, M., acres of Thursday—Washington’s birthday. carelessness. If the multitudes for these most troublesome and of all Canary, twenty PROPOSALS for building a stone dam on the wick railroads. From the data thus furnished dangerous lart, fbr Bath: wood and timber land, ten acres of Intervale and ufacturing Co., WASHINGTON who are now afflicted with worms in children or adults is DR. Rappahannock Mary Farrow, Small, ower fails at Me. The COUNTY. GOULD’S PIN- < o for from six to ten acres of Pasture Saccarappa, we learn that there are now in March number of Scribner’s is a biliousness, indigestion, Thomaston, (mainboom broken.) land, being part of the course of Monthly WORM SYRUP. Purely sure death to the Plans and may be seen at ths office of full The Eastport Sentinel says a of the rheumatism, intermittent fever, irregularities of the vegetable; BOSTON—Ar 20tb, sch Mary Riley, Riley, from real estate of John Marsh late of New Gloucester apeciflcbtions of and one. Alfred portion all worms; a valuable cathartic, and beneficial to Sale at he Compony in Saccarrappa. construction that part the Intercolonial entertaining George Iron Works at 1 were ] loboken. deceased. house of deceased. outbroke, obliged to sus- bowels, general debility, nervouB disorders, &c., had, health, Warranted. Price reduced to 50 cts. JAMES HASKELL, Agent. from Moncton to the Townsend contributes au illustrated article last per Cld 20th, Bch John Tyler, Lindsey, Calais. JOSEPH CROSS, Adm’r. Railway boundary of the pend operations week; owing to the scarci- it the very first symptoms of bottle. GEO. C. GOODWIN & Boston. Newat m Saccarappa, Feb 15. 1F72. fel5 is.tf about of water. indisposition, invigo- CO., Ar 20th, barque Fleetwing, Davis, Baltimore. Gloucester, February 20, 1872, w8-15.22 Province The Chesapeake a terra inaog- ty jan31d«&w w3-4m SN of Quebec by the Government of the Peninsula, rated, regulated and purified their systems with Hos- Cld 20th, seh Maggie A Smith, (Br) Ralston, Port- nita to a of the of the The Sentinel says Mrs. Seth B. French retter’s Stomach end and St John, NB. Goods. Dominion, some 220 miles; and the Frederic- large proportion people of Bitters, two-thirds of them would at Batchelor’s Cow Millinery was if not Hair Dye. SALEM—Ar 19th, sch Titus, Rockland. for Sale. ton country, but Cutler, dangerously, fatally, injured ;his moment be the Loochoo, 4 STOCK of choice and Biver du 160 miles (re- having many features of peculiar performing active duties of life This Hair Dvo is the best In the GLOUCESTER—Ar schs Anna Milch calf Milliner}- Goods, In one of the Loup Railroad, the sleigh in which she was superb world—per- 19tli, May. Baker, Cow, with by her aide; full blood- best located stores in this is interest. D. by riding coming ailment of the reliable i for Portland. ed city, ottered for sale contracted O’C. in the third of his collision with a inannoyed by any body or the mind. harmless, and instantaneous; no dis- lewcastle, Del, NEW Durham, five years old: milker and i cently for.) The Albert County Townley, into runaway horse. fectly good ntll March 1st. Said stock was selected w ith This assertion is made no ridiculous tints or odor. warranted all right. Breat a articles on American a advisedly. It is founded on appointment; disagreeable are, by a person who has had railroad, very important is also to Living Artists, gives The Calais Advertiser says Mr. W. H. Toe Wm. A. Batchelor’s Hair FOREIGN PORTS. Can be seen at 15 Green lodg experience In the line, likely Young and is borne out the genuine Dye produc- street. fe21dlw usiness, and therefore is well sketch of \\ illiam 1 in health ixpcrience, by of a a worthy the attention be built, but is not 'age with a portrait. is rapidly. He can now testimony es IMMEDIATELY splendid Black or Natural f one about to included in the enumera- Bay- improving rountloss host of At Swatow Dec 18, ship Ellen any purchase, as it will be sold leave his bed and sit a short witnesses, whose attestations cover Brown, leaves the hair aof.t does not Munroe, Norcross, low tion. The ard Taylor’s profusely illustrated entit- up spell, occasion- clean; beautiful; f »r Whampoa, to load for New at tM" Telegraph sums up as follows: paper, ilmost of and contain a of lead or any injurious compound. York; barque Lulu, FOR -• ally, and even stand on his well leg. every variety disease, extend over a particle 1 unc. SALE. now in led “The Heart of Arabia,” is readable. Sold all kiiowles, Railways working order in New very >eriod of about Of by Druggists. At Dec The Sentinel says Caleb Prescott of twenty years. every thousand per- 16 BOND N. Y Shanghae 21, ship Agra, Miller, dlsg. Brunswick, 388 miles. I„ course Charles D. Warner gives us another of his Baring, Factory, STREET, At Hong Dec $ while river met with a acci- ions who take the BitterB, os a preventive of SN D&W 1Y Kong 28, ships Ringleader, Hamlin, rTHE well known Farm owned by Joseph Blau- 1 tion and to be logging up painful the Jyll f >r New completed within 18 York; Puritan, Doaue.for to load X in one mile ■* Studies.” Thomas W. Knox re- a caused a above Whampoa, chard, Cumberland, from the Centre, forth miles. Under months, ‘Back-Log dent few days by log rolling up- lomplalnts enumerated, seven-eighths >r New York Yarmouth 220 contract and now beimr In! ago; escape ; barque Gemsbok, Banker, unc. would exchange for City Property. If not sold " ntes the of the which consid- on and his hem and of thousand CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! At 8th by Academy. cated, 160 miles; in all 768 miles. story grand jury badly jamming body. entirely; every who are actual- Bombay ult, ship Sabino, Paine, for a rice 1st of April, will be to let. p l ort. spring term of eleven week* These railroads cost in round ired York and of which he The Sentinel states that on the of the y and use the _ Enquire on the premises. »1U figures $23 785 the New frauds, evening attacked, great Vegetable Tonic as a At Manila pHE begin in aid of which the 3d Mr. W. Chandler of Dec 23, ship Anahuac, Spaulping. for 000, government o”f New was a member. Hiram Rich and H. H. con- iust., Joseph Charlotte, ernedy, three-fourths are radically cured. These are 1 few York. JOMGPH BLANCHARD. who feb21tf TUESDAY, Brunswick and of the Dominion was holding an infant in his arms, in at- lot CARD PHOTOGRAPHS At Sierra FEBRUARY 27ll, contribute tribute The other to this hap-hazard assertions, but statistical facts. Leone 16th ult, barque A Houghton, Pet- x over in cash and poems. contributors to answer a knock at the mis- They from $16,000,000 1,720,000 acres of tempting door, ire based the results of I will make for Card tor 4 ,‘ngiil, Boston, 26 (lavs. * took upon inquiries made more thirty days, Photographs “ land. lumber ar& Susau Noah Brooks, Geo. the cellar door for the door, and fell by Ar at 17th Inst, Asociutiou. l“e mUr«“" of the Coolidge, entry 1 Antwerp ship Columbus, York, Haydn bool may require. to the bottom of the cellar with the child in his han fifty thousand persons, in various parts of the ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN ! J lejillones. W. Sampson, Mrs. M. E. W. W. O. »re hereby notified that are ai Ample The Boston ask an increase Sherwood, arms. 1 and the letters of At Marseilles 25th they accommodation* for “roomers” ami police of salaries. Strange to tell, while he was bruis- ountry, upon prominent citizens ult, brig Teneriffe, Tracey, for MEMBERSlowed 30 days from date of Auuual ® boar.1- Stoddard and MacDonald and Mrs. Oli- badly A. M. iUcKENIVEY* , Meeting Tlie captains want $1500 a year and the patrol- George sd himself and was confined to the 1 f almost be sai [avana, ldg. ;Feh 12th,) to renew alter For further house some every Btate,it might 1, of every county let Middle membership; which time particulars the writers of the Street, f Ar at Liverj(Ool 19th inst, ship Thos Lord, Wliitte- all must take the enquire of men $1200. ihant, serials, lays, the child was not i a the Union. applications regular course JAS' M‘ injured. Feb. 9,2872. SN lm lore, Savannah. Per Order. BATES- SWy at Trustm. | tf.’LLw) FRED H. CLOYES, Sec’y, feb20 Ht School 1C xnmi nations. first XLIID CONGRESS-SECOND SESSION class and of providing more suitable com MEXICO. 1 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL,. THE TRESS. The semi-annual examination of the public pensation for our cousuls abroad. SUCCESS OF THE REVOLUTIONISTS. ENTERTAINMENTS. BY Mr. Cox of New York in favor of abol schools the pupils of the North TELEGRAPH. spoke Feb. 20.—The Foreign Export*. began yesterday, all Central American missions Matamoiias, government the SENATE. ishing excepi under Gen. PONCE, PR. Sch Horton-1000 School being the first to go through trying one troops Fesquicra, Governor of Sima shooks and heads, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 21,1872. which should have charge of the whole 13,000 hoops. D ^Y NCI to the Prima- Washington, Feb. 20.—The bill authorizinf loa, were routed iu that State by Gen. 1ST G l ordeal. The forenoon was devoted AUGUSTA. business. As to the complications with Great Morquez Foreign Import*. a across the at or near Clin with the loss of four pieces of and the afternoon to the Grammar bridge Mississippi Britain he believed that the on whicl artillery Mr. -A., li. GEE ry Department; after several was treaty Gen. Guena and LIVERPOOL. Steamship Hibernian—f>i bdls 168 ton, Iowa, amendments, pass the itself so many prisoners. Naranjo, administration had plumed much, bars steel to Portland Co; lease will commence his third and last classes. Quite a large number of parents and ed. with 8000 revolutionists, attacked the of machinery, 39 pkgs term for the season CITY AND VICINITY. International would a case of war instead of an olive city mdse to J E 26 bdls fish 725 Masters and [Special by Line.] prove San Louis on Prindle; plates; rails 2 tor Young Ladies, Misses, at his Acade- friends were the exercises. We The bill the Postmaster Genera Potosi, the 16th driving the G T R 1 present during authorizing branch. inst., pkgs mdse to Agent It; cask seed to Peter at Corner of Blown and on to of mails t< forces within my, Congress Sts., THE PISCATAQUIS CENTRAL. contract for the transportation government the bar, acks and cut- 1 case do to W S Sawyer; 37 cases 85 have from the primary depart- He would not undertake to say'}\that the Speers; pkg* Feb. at *J 1.* Hew AilrerciMemente good reports the Pacific coast the snow blockade ol off reinforcements and mdse to Canadian 2 cases earthen NATl'RDAl', lOlb, e’eWck To-Day. Augusta, Feb. 20.—About four hours of the during American was in ting supplies. Express Co; ware and from observation of the other government wrong preferring A conductor with a to Waterhouse in the and continue ment, speak the railroad—the cost to be deducted from tlu a million and a half dollars to order; 3 cases steel Emery, & Co; 3 afternoon, every Wednesday and session of was in on claim for indirect and consequential afternoon. where the recitations were to-day occupied speeches sums to the was taken damages, reached the frontier near mdse to John Porteous; and goods for Canada Saturday SPECIAL NOTICE COLUMN. classes, very pleas- paid railroads, up. but he to see the Camargo, yesterday, pkgs Mr. would be ashamed American ana John NB. Gee will be assisted Mrs. Gee in the instruc- the Piscataquis Central Railroad charter. The The bill went over. guarded 500 revolutionists. This is the first St by Caucus—Stand isli. ant, the scholars being very prompt in their nation back down before the growl of the Brit- by tion of this class. Mr. from the Committee on Nava which has arrived out since the com- A Card—Steep Falls Band. arguments on both sides were unusually able, Anthony ish specie Railroads aud Nteamboal*. For particulars at Hall. Assemblies recitations, with unusually few failures to no- line. of the Receipts by apply every Affairs w’ithout amendment, a bill fo; mencement revolution, four months Monday Private w ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. and interest was manifested the par- reported, Mr. Banks of Chairman ol ago. Grand Trunk Railway—250 cans milk. 8 cars evening. lessons each day from to tice. It is of observation that the great by the relief of the crew of the U. S Massachusetts, U and from to worthy pu- officers and the 3 do 2 do 1 do 19 do 5, except Friday s. febStf Music Hall—The Pilgrim. ties on hoth S'des. Committee on Foreign Affairs, commented corn, shook, paper, potatoes, to understand the of the ship AVyoming. 2 do 1 do 3 do 2 do of Lecture—W. W. Thomas, Jr., Esq. pils appeared theory on the remarks of Messrs. Swann and Cox, and TEXAS. lumber, shingles, laths, bark, THE CONGRESSIONAL APPORTIONMENT. j&Mr. Carpenter, from the Judiciary Commit said boards, 1 do barley, 3 do sundries; for Lower Prov- NEW text-hooks, and were ready to assign the rea- what they had spoken about had no con- ATTEMPT TO ARREST GOV. VIS. ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. tee, with amendments, the bill for th< PA inces—7 cars hour, 1 do sundries; for Allan steamers FIVE The change of Rockland and Thomaston from reported, nection with the bill under discussion. It was Boston W. Dutton & Sou. son for the mental operations; this was especial- further administration of ti New Feb. 20.—A —15 cars Transcript—Henry justice relating in the Orleans, dispatch from freight. U. S. Secret Service—Lee & the Fifth to the Third Congressional District very pleasant for gentlemen opposition Shepard. ly noticeable in arithmetic. The was the rules of practice in U. S. courts. to Austin says that Marshal Purnel went to Gov. Steamer Montreal from Boston—19 hhds mo- House for Sale—John C. Procter. reading give advice which could not be followed. will meet with strong opposition when the ques- .Mr. introduced a bill to foi Davis this aud a capias from lasses, 20 bbls oil, 100 do sugar, 100 boxes oranges, 3 Insurance—W. D. Little & Co. good. The black-boards in the rooms occupied Anthony provide When the to w hich these morning presented and the debates in question gentlemen federal court and the Governor if cooking ranges, 90 kegs lead, 10 do soda, 10 oys- ILLUSTRATED For Blanchard. tion comes before the House. reporting Congress alluded the asked he bags Sale—Joseph by the upper classes showed some admirable printing came before the House regularly, the ters, 10 half 20 kegs and 10 do ale, 50 bbls beef, 1 Haydn Association—Fred H. by contracts with the Globe, for two years Iron would submit to arrest. The Governor said, qu Cloyes. of THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. Committee on Foreign Affairs wonld make bhd sugar, 6 bags leathers, 10 bdls iron, 55 boxes tin, Spring ami Summer Goods—A. S. Femald. specimens map-drawing, and free-hand March 4th, 1871. “You, sir, you will hear in a or two from 10 House known the position it He day kegs spikes,10 bbls ale, 2carriages,75 pkgs to order; Administrator’s Cross. The Legislative guests of the Augusta occupied. deprecat- the of Justice at for Sale—Joseph sketches, and which show THE LAST ed or Department Washington.— Canada aud up looms and 3 Cow diagrams figures, CONSPIRACY, any attempt to abolish the Central Sonth eouutry—4 beams, for have issued a number of invitations for a You will be sir. You piano 32 26 bales 41 bars Iron Sale._ that instruction in large American missions. It was most governed accordingly, fortes, kegs emery, rags, LECTURES drawing, though just intro- The resolution of investigation of the sale oi important in 62 tirkins will be the event may keep your capias. The national govern- lard, 75 bbls hour, 6 bales wool,14 bags seed, party Thursday evening. It arms to France was view of the of to IT. 8. District Court. duced, comparatively, has been a success thus taken up. anxiety European powers get ment will me.” 2 bales burlap, 20 bdls 75 to order. Mr possession of the Isthmus that these missions protect leather, pkgs BEFORE JUDGE FOX. of the season in fashionable circles. Mr. Schurz responded to Mr, Conkling. ON far, and will achieve, if properly continued, all should be Steamer Dirigo. from New York—152 bales vs. Ellen Schurz said that the weakness of a cause is apl maintained. 20 do Tuesday.—Charles P. Mattocks, assignee, the Mr. rags, shoddy, 10 do burlaps, 800 half chests tea, results its advocates and promoters promis- to disclose itself the nature of the Cox in reply to the allusion of Mr. METEOROLOGICAL. 2000 boxes 511 The B. Brown. Petition of of T. F. & A. B. by argu Banks, raisins, dry hides, 150 rolls leather, 50 microscope aud What it assiguee we hear a said he had been the first to raise his voice in hhds ed that it would. The exercises were ments used in its support. AA7hen SYNOPSIS OF WEATHER REPORTS FOR THE PAST molasses, 17 do tobacco, 480 IkIIs paper, 10 do Brown for disallowance of a claim of Ellen B. Brown. regular favor of do Shows Us. case advocated insinuations and inundoei American commerce and to denounce TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. steel, 150 paper hangings, 73 sets 40 coils varied excellent select aud fine vo- MAINE LEGISLATURE. by wheels, Fox this rendered a decision denying by readings tbe Shenandoah and other rope, 383 bags feed, 25 do 25 do dried 12 Judge morning with regard to the motives of those who have Alabama, privateers. coffee, apples, To be in cal and instrumental music. The stand Mr. War Dep’t, Office Chief Signal 1 pieces steel, 25 bdls car 211 boxes tin given the petition. general taken the other side, we are apt to suppose Dawes of Massachusetts, remarked joc- springs, plates, Officer, Washington, D. C., > 100 do pipes, 140 do w indow glass, CO do 85 do Mattocks & Fox. Strout & of the school is and the as there must be wlic larly that it was painful to remember after that tobacco, Gage. ing good, attendance, International something wrong. Nobody Feb. 20 (7.00 P. 1 bitters, 40 do soap, 30 do starch, 25 do 30 do [Special dispatch by Line.] Senators protest that the did not M.) hardware, FLUENT’S HLYLL will be seen has been far has listened to the speeches of the privateers stop. (Laugh- 58 bbls 50 do salt, 17 do Court. by the statistics, The area of low barometer will probably drugs, saltpetre, paiut, 10 Nuprrior THE THE BOS- from Indiana and New (Morton and ter.) casks 38 bbls 1 PECK BONDSMEN—VICTORY OF York, extend east over the Gulf zinc, glass ware, planing machine, 17 PRESIDING. above the average of schools. Consider- Mr. to Wednesday morning FEBRUARY CIVIL TERM—LANE, J., public Conkling) would that the rules ap- Banks remarked in reply the allusion cases clocks, 25 do cheroots, 1 piano, 250 sun- TON AND MAINE—BILLS PASSED AND SENT deny general States, with winds and rainy weather pkgs Levi vs. William W. Ac- ing that there has been in the to tlie matter. The Senator from by Mr. Swann that he wras in habit of discuss- southerly dries. Tuesday.—Joseph Ruby. many changes plies present on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. TO THE GOVERNOR—ATTEMPT TO RECONSID- the coast; aud northeast winds veering to for a suit of clothes. De- New York tried to convince us that the sales of ing subjects at a time they were not up for ac- tion on account annexed corps of teachers during the past six months, southeast, with threatening weather iu the New York Mtock aud money market. ER THE GENERAL R. It. BILL DEFEATED— arms must be free from blame be- tion, that as to American commerce, the Com- cision for plaintiff fer $15. the condition of the school is and of- necessarily Southern Atlantic States. The barometer iu New Feb. 20- gratifying cause there is no abroad that there mittee on Commerce had the bill before it and York, Morning.—Gold 110}. Money Ingraham. Vinton. AMENDMENT OF ACT RELATING TO THE PORT- impression Canada will move down the St. Lawrence Val- at 6 i»er cent. Sterling Exchange 109f @ Stocks fers a strong argument in favor of the adoption is a in this anil because intended to aid the maritime interests of the llu}. Second military ring country with snow ran. Southern State Stocks 21st. F. King vs. Leonard W. Taylor. Action LAND AND OUDENSBURG R. R. PROPOSED— ley and Easterly winds will steady. quiet. Lecture, February Marquis of the North School as the of the there is an impression of a Senatorial cabal country. system policy The veer to the northwest with cloudy weather in The following are the forenoouquotations of South- of trespass. Decision reserved. PASSAGE OF THE PISCATAQUIS CENTRAL R. bent on destroying the administration, and be- Committee on Foreign Affairs had the city, whenever it can be reached in strict justice same the Middle States Wednesday morning and ern securities: J. H. Drummond. Mattocks & Fox. cause the Democrats are in New subject under consideration, but if the —BY— R. BILL. circulating over New the afternoon Tennessee 6’s, new. 67 to all controlling circumstances. Mr. Went- of certain gentlemen on the Democratic side would lend it England during pos- In the case of Samuel Baker vs. Charles Mitchell, SENATE. Hampshire speeches Republican sibly with rains. Virginia 6’s, new.. 54} an administration their he would them a measure light the Law Court has sustained the exceptions. worth has shown himself not only excellent Senators, in order to defeat the aid, promise Missouri 6’s. 943 which in ten would establish maritine Louisiana old. 55 but a master of the art Feb. 20.—The Senate voted to hold party there. years 6’s, Rev. E. C. The docket, continued and new, will be called at disciplinarian, thorough Augusta, interests Louisiana Ph. D. After some time in declamation, Mr. of the United States. TELEGRAPHIC ITEMM. 6’s, new. 50 Holies, of is two sessions on and after com" spent Alabama the claming the Court this (Wednesday) morning. of and the city fortnuate in daily to-morrow, Mr. Cox would to a 5’s. 60 teaching, being Schurz said he would proceed to notice the sub- be glad aid such revival Rev. Dr. James McCosh, President of Prince- are to themselves accord- at 10 a. m. and 3 m. and the Georgia 7’s. 83 These Attorneys requested govern possessed of his services. mencing p. ject before the Senate, which of all hoped measure included revision of ton is ill of Lectures, while accurate in scientific details, stripped College, dangerously pneumonia. North Carolina 6’s, new. 18 have been to of B. raised First, tariff and the of as carefully planned for a audience. ingly- At the close of the brief ad- The resolve relating the bondsmen personal matters three questions: purchase ships abroad, there South Carolina 6’s, new. popular examination, wasn° All the Memphis courts adjourned 32} Ihey are illustrated means of tne The of Court trials have been was what was done in accordance with the other mode of reviving commerce. Monday by following assignment were made members of the Commit- D. Beck came up on its passage to be engross- to the coal famine. New York, Feb. at 6 ft dresses by rules of conduct laid down the Mr. Bauks said that such was not his owing 20—Evening.—Money easy made by the Judge: by government propo- 7 per cent. Sterling Exchaugo dull at 109§ <& 1094.— tee. Mr. True, President of the Board, ed. for our action. The rule was that no arms sition. He W’ould not consent to let in There is a rumor in New York that Colonel Gold dull and Calcium and Electric FEB. 21. paid foreign steady at 110| @ 110}; loans 1 4 Lights, WEDNESDAY, built but is to succeed Postmaster General @ per the school a aud vindi- Mr. Fletcher moved to should be sold to either government. Second, ships, would trust the commerce of Forney Cres- cent, to hat; clearances were $30,000,000. The Treas- 219— Mains vs. Mains. high compliment, ably indefinitely postpone. are there in as stand before the eountiy to the American the best well. ury will sell $1,000,000 worth of Gold by means of which highiv Paint sum facts, they us, any people, to-morrow; magnified Diagrams. 220— Grossman vs. Owen, Adm’r. cated the North School system from the asper- Mr. Chase to amend substituting the were by for for con- sailors and merchants in the It is stated that $230,000 paid to-day for redemption of bonds and ings. Photographs of Micro* t- 263— vs. Holt. ground suspicion corrupt practices ship-builders, Archbishop McClosky Rug- Microscopic Objects, Shepley sions of its We the school sta- the of the wrorld. interest. Governments dull and steady. Southern pic Preparations, and Living Animals will be exhib- 264— Strout vs. Same. opponents. give reported by majority Committee,viz: nected with the transactions. a discontinuance of processions on St. State securities firm. Stocks strong with the chief ited upou a large screen. These illustrations will be 206—Benjamin vs. Same. tistics : 88449 instead of 85020 as by the minor- In discussing the first he said it was absurd Mn Cox admired such high toned generali- fests’atrick’s reported day. activity in Union Pacific; the stock continues the numerous and entertaining, and in themselves worth 364—Marrett et al. vs. Pendexter et als. GRAMMAR DEPARTMENT. to assert that these sales were made under the ties, but would like to see the in de- ity. provision There have been heavy gales throughout Java leading feature aud great activity is looked for within much more than the fee for admission. 398— Leighton vs. Portland & Kennebec It. R. Co. tail before he it his consent. Number of pupils registered.410 ordinary circumstances surrounding previous gave The bill was and the clove crop is the next few The latest rumor is that Vander- Ticket* to the remainder of the course 80c: to be 406—Gone et al. vs. Mains. Mr. Foster favored Mr. destroyed. days. number relieving Cummings sales. It was true the had been then read clauses for amendment. bilt has an interest of shares in obtained at Short & Average belonging.343 government by Eleven were burned at 85,000 the pool. Loring, Hannon’s and Boilev FEB. 20. attendance.327 from the than On motion of Mr. buildings Monday * s. H. FRIDAY, Average daily payment more the lesser sum,but selling arms all along since the end of the re- Brooks the Japanese mis- The were the of Nores-, Colesworthy. Whittier’,, and Worthington, Ind. Loss $30,000. following closing quotations Gov- Lowell s. 293—Sullivan vs. Jacobs. Per cent, attendance.95 and found but when sion was the first-class missions ernment Evening tickets 35c. Doors open at 6.45: would oblige Mr. Dow to pay the larger sum, as bellion, nobody any fault; put among and securities: 319—Keazer vs. G. T. R. Present number belonging.332 the Alexis left New Orleans for Pensacola Mon- Lectures commence at 7$ o’clock. feh20td Co. a great war between France and Germany had salary arised to $12,000. United States coupon 6’s, 1881.H51 399— Meserve vs. Connors et Tr. Present at examination.323 he is better able to the amount. United pay broken out and the President had issued a Mr. Brooks also moved to abolish all but one day night. States 5-20’s 1862..HOj 401— Woodman vs. Morrell. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Mr. Fletcher said these took the of the United States 5-20’s There will be an Entertainment bondsmen of neutrality, would say Central American which was The Health Commissioner of Baltimore re- 18C-1.!!! 1101 402— Emerson vs. Lothrop et Tr. proclamation anybody missions, United State? ", -20’s 1865, old. Number of pupils registered.1103 that no were then Messrs. Banks and Swann. With- the small an in that lllj —AT THE— 405—Kinsman vs. Smith. State's money and used it and should be obliged extraordinary precautions opposed by ports pox epidemic city, United States 5-20's 1865, number 815 out of new.1108 414—Smith vs. Average belonging... in the sale of arms. Individuals disposing the bill the Committee rose and fearfully Bridgham. attendance. 721 to pay the interest. necessary increasing. United States 5-20’h 1867.lllj 244—Holt vs. Lee. Average daily be for behind a and the House Per cent, attendance.90 might pardoned taking refuge adjourned. The Brooklyn Water Board refuse to allow United States 5-2u’h 1868. 112 Congress St. M. E. 182—Littlejohn vs. Dalton. Mr. Chaplin said Mr. Dow paid what he bor- technical of the destination of United States Church, Present number belonging. 812 ignorance arms, the Committee of Fifty to examine their ac- 10-40’»., coupon.110} Present at 799 rowed twice. but the nation could not afford to do be- Currency Wednesday Eve’g, Feb. 21st. C'uurt. examination. that, WASHINGTON. counts, and the Committee have requested the 6’s.H4j municipal cause its honor and character The were the will to of Mr. said he understood that the among nations NOMINATIONS BY to action on mat following closing quotations of CONSISTING OF JUDGE MORRIS PRESIDING. To-day be devoted the examination Farrington THE PRESIDENT. Legislature suspend Brooklyn were at stake. ters. Stocks: the schools. no claims on these bonds- Feb. Western Union GORDON Tuesday.—George Johnson, the hen thief, was primary Statelhas really legal Mr. Schurz read a letter written the chief Washington, 20.—The President has Telegraph Co. 70 BROTHER*’ Grand Kxbibi. by the Gen. Sherman and Lieut. Grant are Pacihc seut to the Reform School men, but Mr. Dow desires to do just what he of he the sent following nominations to the Senate: expected Mail. 58 during minority. ordnance, describing, said, operatiouc to from to and after N. Y. Central and Hudson River Theatre.—Mrs. Macready made her second of in Forrest Porter Associate Justice for Arizona go Naples Egypt, making consolidated_97} A Daniel Gibson and Roswell H. Merrill were fined $5 considers in the AVar Department making sales of a tr!n flipivitirlt fliaf Pirnnfpir rntiipn tlvn Tlftp AROUND THE WORLD ! right equity. James N. Y. Central and Hudson River consolidated sep 92} last the arms at territory; Atkins, Collector of Customs and one half costs each for and disturb- appearance evening, assuming pleasing that The letter stated that Showing the natural anil drunkenness Mr. May said it has been by the neglect of the period. at Savannah; Charles A. of New ed States. Erie. 3l| scenery pecularities of the of in Tom bids had been invited by sending out letters to Abbey York, Erie various nations of the earth. and ance. part Peg Woffington, Taylor’s spark- of lievenue Beform preferred. 61 Brilliantly truth- State officers that the property of all the bonds- the dealers in arms. If was remark- Captain Service; W. B. An Ottawa letter to the New York fully represented of Masks and aud principal Express Harlem.:.1114 Barnard Cumming lias been sent to jail for thirty ling comedy Faces, made it „,o„ ,1M Loin All +V.JS VwawwIu- „i,i„ i. ,i. ,i n.v- rv. +i,„_u... Cushing and Arthur|Yates, Commanders in the says there is not a word of truth in the state- Wnrlpm nrpfi»rr«wl in** Exhibition in the Audience Room. M. Admission to the days for intoxication and disturbance. much more than her of arms in New York, William Low and John H. to ment that a secret had been made be- Heading.114* exhibition 23 cents; Children un- satisfactory assumption men Messrs. and Dow are great merchants should not navy; Upshur treaty except Cummings be Cantatas: Francis IT. Delann ho f.miitan- der 12 years old 18 cents. Doors oiien Patrick and Richard were for be and tween England and the Dominion. Michigan Central.118 at 61 o'clock: Mnrpliy Murphy up for reasons which we mentioned yes- notified, only learned by accident, that commence at Shylock, dead or insolvent. John M. retired to Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. 911 7J. assaun anu Kicuaru was not the sales were to take making ant; Bradford, list, be Cap- The Committee of the Minnesota An cattery; adjudged guilty she was a trifle too tragic in place. Upon tain. Judiciary Illinois Central.134 Oyster Supper and other refreshments will be terday. Perhaps Mr. Morris said lie wrote both Mr. this Boker came to and served in ami Patrick was aud reports. discovery Washington Legislature has reported a bill for the final ad- Cleveland & the Vestry at the close of the exhibition. discharged; adjudged guilty some of the but we remember that tra- STAMPS ON CANNED ETC. Pittsburg. 90} scenes, has sufficient to an- notified the J*russian Minister. The minister FRUITS, justment of the railroad bonds of that State. Chicago & North Western. Proceeds of the entertainment to aid the Ladles of lined HI aud costs. Cummings hardly property 75J the was the branch of the went to the War Department and asked that The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has Chicago & Northwestern preferred. 91 Society in canceling the debt upon the Organ Strout & O’Donnell. gedy especial lady’s swer the demands. He spoke very The Democrats of Nashua, N. H., held a feMDtd Gage. feelingly the sales be off for a few and it was received from the Committee on Chicago & Rock and can the few blemishes. She put days, Ways and J. K. Tarbox and Island.111} Frederick R. Adams was fined and costs for study, pardon and of Mr. his labors for large meeting Tuesday night, Mllwaukie& St. Paul. 56* $2 highly Dow, society done. The Senator from New York, (Conk- Means, a resolution drawn by Mr. de- P. A. Collins was very well Mr. made a Brooks, of Massachusetts being the speak- Milwaukie & St. Paul preferred. 77* larceny. supported. Taylor and mankind. He the Senate will act had said that Boker & Co. bought the claring that there never was intention in hoped ling) any ers. Pittsburg & Fort Wayne.'... 90} GRAND j fine Sir Charles Pomander, but the part gives arms, which afterwards got into the hands of Congress to enforce the tax on canned Brief generously and equitably by him. stamp The German The were the for Pacific Rail- Jattiaga. That was a mistake. Emperor, who lias been quite ill, following quotations him little opportunity for the of his Germany. fruits, syrups, &c., and the Commissioner, it is road securities: Liv_ display Mr. Webber thinks the bondsmen should be is so much better as to be able to at- Steamnliip Hibernian, Capt Watts, from He (Schurz) had been in communication with understtod, will the tax till reported Central Pacific Mr. Scfton as Cibber, was excel- suspend Congress tend to business. bonds.102* Halil genius. Colly holdcn for at share with Masquerade erpool Feb. 8tli, arrived at this port at 10 o’clock least their proportional the house and ascertained the fact that they adjourns. Union Pacific do. 941 abetter of the character Union Pacific J| lent; representative did a of arms for the The to the number of in yesterday morning, bringing 29 cabin and 143 interest. bid upon quantity purpose journeymen 3000, stock.38 BY THK we seldom see. in the hands of Mr. of them from the French, Maine. the ship yarns of Jasson on the have Union Pacific land grants. 803 jLf Triplet, Mr. Chase’s amendment was a keeping expeating Tyne, steerage passengers. This is the best western rejected by the German struck. Union Pacific income bonds. Laurens, deserves praise. Miss Sefton made to lie recompensed by government; STORK BREAKERS AND COUNTERFEITERS AR- 86$ Portland Mechanic voyage made by the steamer of this line this yea and nay vote of 14 to 13. but that declined to have ltlues, the of Mrs. Vane a feature of government anything RESTED. Secretary Boutwell has issued the usual an Domestic market*. part prominent Mr. Foster moved the amendment to the ef- to do with the anus, and into the winter and is one day shorter than that made tlieypassed nual order closing the Treasury Department on New Feb. 20—Evening.—Cotton the evening, and was often applauded. Taken hands of & and af- Rockland, Feb. 20.—Three young men be- York, $c lower the Gurnard steamers Samaria at Boston. fect that Mr. Dow be on of Schuyler, Hartley Graham, Washington's birth-day. with a brisk export sales 3889 Mid- by discharged payment terwards into the hands of the French. demand; bales; together the play was quite up to expectation. There longing in this city, Charles Crockett, Knott C. dling uplands 23$c. Flour sales 9000 The Custom House will not be for busi- and that J. B. be All the American agents of the syndicate unchanged; bbls; CITY HALL, open $3440, Cummings discharged were new calls for bids, to be opened on the State 6 10 (a) 7 50; round Ohio 6 95 Wes- Blake and Clarence M. Blake, were arrested now in Europe will leave for the United States hoop @ 65; ness it a Pilgrim’s Progress.—This series of on payment of $5036. 20th of October. On the 21st, at 4 p. m., sales tern 6 16 @ 7 85: Southern 7 00 @ 9 50. Wheat better to-morrow, being legal holiday. elegant here last for store on the 24th inst., having wound transactions Thursday Evening, February 93d. of a amount of arms to several firms were night breaking. Several up with an export inquiry; sales 74,500 bush; No 1 The offices will work on Messrs. Morris and large Spring newspaper suspend paintings, illustrative of the famous dream of Hinks, Davis, Farring- connected with the new loan. 1 61 1 No 2 at 1 56 1 Winter completed, and, according to a dispatch to the stores and offices have been broken into lately @ 62; @ 60; Red Western Tickets 81.50; admitting gentleman and ladies. To there John was ton any discrimination. The snow 1 66 ot 45 P. M., proceeds gentleman Remington), Reming- Lieutenants New York ....29.85 33 S Fair 7*000* at Cumberland South was year, $1400, Sergeants $1300, pa- hogs. stopping Mills, Windham, were than we Fire at White Rock.—The store of Beck taken up. Mr. Chaplin moved to indefi- ton, wno on the 15th of the preceding October Gam bo and #100 greater reported them,reach- trolmen $1205. Norfolk.29.99 36 SE Fair White Rock for accommodation of par- had been discovered to be an of the Cincinnati, Feb. 20.-Pork dull and firm at 13 ties sum & Davis at White Rock station Gor- agent Omaha.30.14 32 SW Fair 25. wishing to attend the Ball, after the ing the handsome of #305. (North nitely postpone. THE Lard dull and firm at 9 returning French CHELSEA MURDER CASE. Pittsburg.29.95 41 W Lt rain @ 9$c. Bulk Meats dull and Dance. Tickets over the rood half fare. Per Order Mr. Foster of made a in government. shoulders The Calais Times says the concert recently ham) on the Portland and Ogdensburg railroad, Kennebec, speech As further evidence that there did not exist Portland.29.76 28 S Fair firm; 5 @ 54c; do 5c seller March. Bacon Committee of In the Chelsea murder case to-day Bar- dull and Arrangements. favor of the bill. This has reference to San Francisco .29.99 58 Calm drooping ana none offering; shoulders Feb. 1872. there Miss Mrs. was fire about six o’clock special for and therefore for in- thomew waived examination and was Cloudy 6*c; Sebago Lake, 17, febl7td given by Barker, Cummings, totally destroyed by just grounds suspicions fully sides 7$ @ 75c. Live firm at 4 60 Mr. Schurz read two extracts Savannah.29.99 4$ SW Clear Hogs (£4 65; re- on of the or of location of vestigation. committed for trial. Dr. West and Mrs. Gil- 2000. and Messrs. Stockbridge and Watts of this city, Monday evening, together with the stock change proposed change Washington-29.91 3f> S Cloudy ceipts Whiskey steady at 86c. from the testimony given by Remington in bert were held in bail each as JIUSKC PORTLAND. $3000 witnesses. .. 41 IKALL, was one of the finest entertainments ever contained in it. The fire in a the B. & M. E. E. in or near the town of Ber- Wilmington 30.07 Calm Clear TFolbdo, ^*e^* —Flour dull and given goods originated France on trial of Place. a The of Storer was unchanged.— Remington being body taken to his native Barometer corrected for temperature and elevation* \\ heat dull; Amber Michigan 1 54; No 2 Red 1 there. defective A of the was wick. The indefinite postponement was carried witness under oath said: 49*; Mb. W. C. Hober,.Manager. chimney. part building town, Damariscotta, Me., for burial. No 3 do 1 42. Corn dull and a shade lower at 46} for used as a room for the a vote of 16 to 11. “I did not regard myself obliged to make ad- The Massachusetts Committee on high Mixed and 46*c for low do. Oats for lUaiDe Dental Society. waiting passengers by by Legislative quiet 42$c vances and this still less was as much as I had Judiciary is considering the of FOREIGN. No 1, 41c for Michigan and 37c for request. IMMENSE ATTRACTION. The semi-annual of the State Den- railroad company, which loses nothing. There Passed to be enacted—Bill to incorporate the expediency pro- meeting myself to pay the government of the United proper and suitable institutions other Charleston, Feb. 20.-Cotton un- Insurance bill to amend viding quiet; Middling* 4 was an insurance of $800 on the and Neptune Co.; sect. 65 an of to lands 22 Thursday, Friday and tal Society commenced in the council chamber building States advance 10 20 per cent.” than jails and houses of correction for the con- @ 22}c. Saturday Evening-*, chap. 18 Revised Statutes, relating to injuries Feb 93 and 94. Skow- $1200 on the stock. Again, before the investigating committee of finement and punishment of convicted GREAT BRITAIN. Savannah, Feb. 20.—Cotton up- 99, yesterday afternoon, Henry J. Leavitt of defect in to an act en- persons firm; Middling* 1 by ways; bill additional the French Assembly, he said ‘“by the French of drunkenness. lands 22$ @ 22}c. the Vice President of the in the titled an act additional for the assessment aud MR GLADSTONE EXPLAINS. hegan, society, The Steamer Emperor.—Messrs. N. If. I was to treat with the Feb. 20.—Cotton collection of bill government charged New dull; Middling uplands Eugagement of the Celebrated with E. J. Roberts of as Sec- taxes; to ameud sec. 8 chap- of the United States.” The last NEW York, Feb. 20.—The World’s London ^Mobile, chair, Augusta, Clements of N. are the government YORK.. Yarmouth, S., refitting 90 Revised Statutes, relating to actions on mort- what states that in reply to a letter of Mr. The record of the last was statement also showed brought Reming- inquiry New Orleans, Feb. 20.—Cotton active and firm: Butler New York Theatre Pan* retary. meeting steamer in a most gages ; bill to covered Gladstone lias written a letter Comique Emperor thorough manner, relating snowing bridges; ton back to this country in Dec. of that year. long explaining Middling uplands 22|c. read aud approved. The roll was called and bill to and facilitate the in an amicable manner the tomime and as soon as spring opens will commence run- promote immigration He came to transact business connected with extremely present Company. thirteen members answered to their names. settlement of the bill to of Her concern- First Representation of the Grand Pan- St. public lands; incorpor- tbe purchase ostensibly made by Richardson More New York Frauds. position Majesty’s government European Markets. Spectacular ning weekly trips, leaving John, touching ate the River Cheese bill to the of and the tomime entitled Geo. M. Twitchell, Charles P. and O. Saudy Co.; repeal and it was ater his return on that errand that ing treaty Washington denying Liverpool, Feb. 20—11.00 A. M.—Cotton Sawyer at Yarmouth and and thence to Bos- oh^D. 187 of Till blip. l.TRW nf 1871 rplafinor thp of firmer; Portland, utterance offensive passages in liis .recent Middling uplands do Orleans sales r. McAllister were elected members ot the so- lijd; llftd; 15.000 nuiur i I t/m THfl rtwnpra hav<» nl:ir*Ar. morse’s Uterine Tonir. Falls. arraigning any captious objec- Boftton Block List. Dr. McAlister said tions. first of February that the cabinet was supplied we should educate parents The resolve relative to the of boun- New York, Feb. 20.—Over a thousand Cris- [Sales at the Broker’s Feb. DREAM OF The above named is payment with the documents. When he first saw the Board, 20.] BUNYAN! iu regard to the value of children’s teeth. remedy prepared by ties on wild was While the bill was under discussion Mr. Wil- surrounded six workmn in animals, finally passed. pins non-society case Michigan Central Railroad. 36 COLOMMAL Dr. been used lard from the select cemmittee on civil he thought it an able argument in regard 118* PAINTINGS. Lombard said when the first teeth were Dr. Morse of this city, and has by service, Warner street last evening, and but for a stray Union Pacific Railroad.. !. Mr. moved a reconsideration of the a to the Alabama claims, but ne was to 37* developed and the roots filled, that the natural him in his witli the last Millay reported bill providing that any member of body of police who escorted them serious vio- surprised Eastern Railroad. Every Painting an original product ion and only Ar- practice great success,for find that other were intro- 103* tists of absorption of roots would not ensue and many vote whereby the House passed the rail- Congress soliciting or recommending appoint- lence would have ensued. Trouble is threaten- important questions York Manufacturing Company. 1822* highest reputation and established celebrity and there arc millions of both general UUU'U 1U IV. times would form twenty years, tnnnf.s. unless on hv t.hA or 11 engaged upon the work. abcesses. road hill to Vw» pnornsvixl The Hancn mlnum! eu as uie party employing mem win not suo- Pepper© Manufacturing Co. 730 sexes now for the want of such a rem- FRANCK. Franklin Company, Lewiston. 118 Dr. explained how absorbtion of the suffering heads of deparmeuts, shall be guilty of misde- mit to the dictation of the Ei«ai>ileLanInea|Ms, Hlrh BhMrkal Hussey the reconsideration a 89. Crispin Society. Laconia Manufacturing Co roots of the first teeth was an acid often been by vote, yeas 43, nays meanor and lined from $100 to $1000. Consid- THE BONAP ARTIST CONSPIRACY. 512* produced by edy. Having importuned by per- REFINED AMUSEMENT. Vermont Central 1st Mortgage 7s..... 85 Paintings, W onderful NIrchunica! furnished by secretion from the The bill to fix the of the State Treas- erable debate on making this the snec- Feb. 20.—There is much excitement perreosteum. sons who have used this “Tonic,” to make it salary ensuing Paris, K Berta,Original and Ma- Dr. Fillebrown that in filled roots ial order four weeks from Mr. Wil- Stephen Graham’s (of Hartford) Manga explained urer came back from the Senate. The House Thursday, imported here over the discovery of the last Bonapartist known iu some wav to the public, that those Daniel ale, Eleqaeai hectare by this absorbtion would go on till it same to the lard, withdrew the bill relative to clerks of English dog Grip whipped Harrington's That there is some truth in the re- insisted on its former tonspiracy. and this would vote, passing the same to and one instead (of Bowler at East New York to- M. N. filling filling natural.y produce in ueed of such a remedy may obtain it, and committees substituted this Brooklyn) port of its existence is proved by the extraordi- C. Millen and E. Theodore Hook. be as in a over an hour. C.^M. Charter, irritation and inflammation. avail themselves of its he lias been in- engrossed amended, reducing the amount for discussion in the morning hour. day desperate fight lasting nary precautions taken the Government bonefits, by Maiue Charitable Mechanics' Association will THE Dr. snidjn his judgment that dead of the from to a Mr. Butler of Mass., offered an amendment A BATCH OF SCOUNDRELS INDICTED. here and in the northern In this Haley duced to with their aud salary $2500 $2000,and proposed departments. hold their next for debate at the teeth the comply solicitations, that all for office be in the THE meeting Library New and ulcerating produced pus; committee of applications placed The of the United States Circuit city and Versailles the police on are on Feb. at Gorgeous Transformation Scene no retaining conference,and Messrs. grand jury duty Room, Thursday evening, 22, 7$ o’clock. tliisi in iaw woiiltl )mvf> offort, to pyriniul will hereafter keep a supply sufficient to meet appointed hands of the claim and middlemen and agents Court lias indicted Charles Callender for mak- doubled the troops have received orders to The question for debate laid over at last meeting the more thuu if while the Titcomb, Perry and Carleton on the part of the around the will be REPRESENTING TUB jaw any extracted; the demands. It will be sold by dealers in Capitol. ing false certificates as Bank Examiner of the remain at the barracks ready for action. continued. ulceration caused a waste of tissues and the House. Tile hour the bill for debate: Dark medicine generally. feb3-eod-4w morning having expired bank affairs of the Ocean Bank ill considera- ITALT. Question Resolved, That It would be River qf Death; The Ascension; The Great taken into the circulation acted as a went over and the House went into Committee for the interest of Portland to loan its aid to pus poison. tion a the Port- The Golden The bill to incorporate the Dexter & Brown- of bribe; Adolph and James S. SERIOUS INJURY OF Pearly Gates; Gates; The Shower qf I)r. Fillebrown concluded that when Whole on tile bill. Keep RESTORI. land & Ogdcnsburg Railroad. spread- of diplomatic appropriation Wood house for James A. Polhainar would be Young Heads on Old Shoulders.—The field R. R. came perjury; The public are iuvited. Gold; The Celestial; The Abode qf Piety and ing ulceration around teeth began it Co., up by special assignment, Mr. Sumner Of aid., member of Committee and Florence, Feb. 20—The injuries to Madame Eugene J. Jackson for aiding Paymaster ieb22dtd is GEO. A. Love. better to extract them,but in low chronic inflam- of the hair, in other its Mr. Lebroke the floor. Several amend- on who hand of the Restori, the the recent HARMON, Sec’y. youth words, original having Appropriations, charge bill, Hodge in embezzlement; Patrick W. Banner tragedienne, by railway mation better let them remain as the inflamma- made an hours in whicli lie touched on accident near were more serious than color, brilliancy, luxurience and elasticity, may ments were proposed and rejected. speech for sending obscene publications through the Perugia, GRAND PILGRIM MATINEE, tion caused a new flow of blood to the parts, various subjects, defending the Post-Mastei at first supposed. In addition to flesh bruises Dissolution of be permanently preserved by the use of Pha- Messrs. Lehroke, Stevens, Barker and others post office; Henry P. Cooper for selling washed Copartnership. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 48, which would go to build up and expand the General’s course, and in regard to Catacazy im- Restori sustained a fracture of the knee pan favored revenue stamps; John Mason and James J. and sO afford better for the perma- lon's Hair Invigorator. Thus the oldest the bill. sustaining the State department and ad- which is extremely painful and will her unable When the price will be 10 cents for School children. jaw space broglio Riley for embezzling letters from the post office. heretofore nent teeth than extraction. wear a head ou his Messrs. and the to attend to duties for a time. ccqiartneriddp dinting under the Doors at 2; commence at 3 by veteran may always young Brown, Humphrey, Palmer and oth- ministration, danger offcomplications professional long firm name of open to meet at VARIOUS MATTERS. THE Cards or admission, Parquett 35c; Reserved Seats Adjourned 7.30 o’clock in the eve- be ers with England, Russia and Spain. He avowed RUMORED GENERAL COUNCIL. shoulders, and every head protected against opposed. n. W. & 50c; Gallery 25c. Doors opeu at 7; commence at 8 o’- himself to vote far a bill for the Extra steamers will be on both the BROWN CO., ning. ready recogni- placed 20.—It was on clock. the or loss of its natural covering. Sold Pending action the House Rome, Feb. reported Sunday lathis EVENING. delay adjourned. tion of Cuban and for exacting Atlantic and Pacific to the amount day dissolved by mutual consent. D. W. for independence carry great last that the had a decree convok- Brown Is Tickets sale at Hawes A Cragin’s Music Store, febl5-eodlw on of Pope signed authorized to use the firm name in liquida- V discussed the best treatment for all Druggists. AFTERNOON SESSION. satisfaction from Spain for various outrages freight offered the Pacific Mail Co. at both Middle st., and at the Hall from 2 till 4 o’clock The meeting by ing ^Ecumenical Ceuncil. The place of meeting tion and will settle ail bills at old said if American citizens ends of the route. place. feb21-lw alveolar abcess. Dr. Haley people would A bill will be either in Malk or the as may be D. W. BROWN, Mecranical Tinkering cannot arrest the authorizing the jailor of York county of with Great Brit- There were fourteen new cases of small Tyrol, take proper care of their teeth, dentists would Speaking complications pox hereafter determined, and when the council B. E. TOWNSEND. to remove in Mr. Swan said war with her had no terror! and three deaths. not be troubled by those ugly customers. We of the teeth. Nothing will do prisoners certain cases was pre- ain, yesterday meets the will leave Rome. L. L. BROWN. decomposition out, The Pope often cut the alveolar wall to to sented and ordered for him. American commerce was wiped Theatre Comique was up at auction Portlaud. Feb. 19th, 1872. feb20*lw SALES. through get this but that pure disinfectant aud preservative printed. put AUSTRIA. the of the and with an gone, hopelessly gone. England had all or near- to-day but withdrawn, the bids only reaching _AUCTION apex root, instrument Mr. Fessenden an act to under the name of .S'ozoUcent, interest. A very desirable security for in correspondent of the Advertiser Lin has denied the attraction, the Balm passed engrossed by a vote of 77 to 49, cumstanee compared with the of th ! There was an immense at Timmons & Hawes, Market Square. Send suggests superlative magnitude meeting Capita up should remember that No. 100 vestment. name of Neal Dow so late war, Smith, Exchange as a candidate, as a meas her deficiencies. amended the road shall go way of Sebec civil Institute, New York, Tuesday night, to euilorst your can o-dav and get them while are CHARLES M. HAWKES, fully compensates for by they is Mr. t. of Pa., made some remarks ii the new city charter. Horace Greeley’s Centra: street, always ready to attend to the wants dclltf 28 St. tire for the suppression of tlie rum shops. f ebl9th-eodl w& wit village. Myers fresh. Exchange favor of maintaining the Russian mission a i Committee have come to its support. of his customers. REAL ESTATE. TO LEI. THE PRESS. MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL. RAILROADS. STEAMERS. STEAMERS.

—. ~~~~ — ~r**C — "rr~~Z To be Let Portland Wholesale Price* Current. DR. J. B. HUGHES MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Geo. R. Bay is & Co.’s Down PLEASANT four CUNARI) Corrected for the Pkess to Feb. 21. go the Prices ! Up-Stairs Tenement; rooms; CAN BE FOUND AT HIS LINE FOR BOSTON. rent ten dollars a month. Lead. A Sebago water; Inquire VAIL MTKAVER8 Apple*. | B ULLBTIN. of H. A. JONES, Feb. 2 00 3 00 Sheet & Pipe, 9$@ 10 I THOUGHT GOODS WERE Cooking,. @ RISING. Galt Block. Private Medical The new ami superior 3 50 6 00 7$ft 8 feb3dtf_1 Rooms, jgjg»gggggp|Comniencing S AILING FOR LIVERPOOL. sea-going Eating,. ft ,Pig. steamers FOREST CITY, ami western 11 leather, What is the matter with he has Dried, 9ft to Loanllt HTROIT, just re- Room To Let* * MONTREAL, been Cttol do eastern 10 ft 13 New York, $20,000 turned to his old No. 172 Cumberland Street, Calling at Queenstown, Cork Har. having store, TraiuM From Portland. up at a with a 1 A»he*. 27 28 board suitable for and or great expense irgj Light,. @ \V<- arc o’clock. Pea. @ Cali,.... 1 00 (a) 1 20 or Pnrtiea de- To Let! of at Bangor 7:30 a. m. Connecting with E. & N. A. BATAVIA,Saturilay, Jan. 6. j M.. 3 00 beth, Weatbrook. Beerin*. afiiiction private diseases, whether arising from (Sundays excepted.) Blue Pod. 2 75 ft Lime. 149 Commercial Railwav train for St. John and Hal- airoua ol can alao be accomm- Store, No. st., recently oc- impure connection or the terrible vice of self-abuse. Moulton, Calais, TRIPOLI, Sat., Feb. 3. SAM ARIA, Sat., Feb. 24. Cabin Yellow Eyes., 3 Jjfkft 3 75 Rockland c’sk 1 25 1 30 buildiuK DRY GOODS ifax. fare... ft BRICKcupied by Messrs. Purington & Butler; suita- his entire time to that branch of PARTHIA, Sat,, Feb. 10 SIBERIA, Sat., March 2. Deck.. 1 Box .Shook*. Lumber. odated with lonna. Devoting particular .V. V. V. V.V.. 00 OF ALL KINDS, ble for wholesale Flour or Grocery Business. Gas, the medical profession, he feels warranted in Guar- No. 10. Leaves Portland at 7:00 a.m. Arrives BATAVIA, Sat., Feb. 17. HECLA, Sat. March 10. Freight taken as usual. Pine,. CO ft 65 Clear GEO. B. BA VIS Sc conveniences. Pine, CO., Water and all modern Apply to anteeing a Cuke in all Cases, whether of at Lewiston via Danville 6:55, Brunswick 8:30, Bath embark at the Cunard East B. Bread. Nos. 1 & 2, 52 00 58 00 Lower than any other Store in Portland. E. long S^^Paasengers Wharf, B1LLIXOS, Agent. @ Beal Eatate Sc -florlgagr Brokera. A. STEVENS & CO., standing or recently contracted, entirelv removing 9:00, (there connecting with Knox <& Lincoln Rail- Boston. May 1,1869-dtf Pilot Sup.... 9 00 @ No. 42 00 ft 47 00 146 3,. I know he his Woolens last fall before the janl6tf Commercial street. the dregs of disease from the system, and a road for Damariscotta, Rockland, &c.) Arrives at Pilot ex.lOOlb 7 00 ft No. 28 00 32 00 sep24tt bought making 4,. ft rise in and this is it. perfect and permanent cure. Augusta 10:30 a. in. Cabin, $80 Gold. Steerage, $30 5 00 ft 6 00 19 00 22 00 wool, perhaps Currency flaine Ship,. Shipping,.. ft He has CuMNimere* for and Nice Reut for $200. He would call the attention of the afflicted to the Co. Crackers,$?100 35 40 15 00 17 00 splendid $1.00 $1.25 No. i$. Leave Portland at 1:00 p. m., Lewiston Steamship ft Spruce,. ft A Fine Chance for an Investment. Beautiful blue fact of his long-standing and well-earned via B utter. 13 00 15 00 per yard; heavy Doeskins, 1.50; The lower rent of house 87 Franklin street, reputation' Danville 2:50, Readheld 3:59, Kendall’s Mills 5:10, Steamers appointed to sail Hemlock,.... @ sufficient assurance of his skill and suc- a pleasant rooms, with furnishing Brunswick Bath with Family,k>lb,.. 25 ft 30 Clapboards, He has very large stock of Dress Goods containing eight suit ol 2:30, 2:50; (there connecting FROJI NEW YORK. Wanted Fifteen Thouaand and water. cess. the Knox and Lincoln railroad for NEW AKK\\Ci:t||;\r. Store,. 15 ft 25 Spruce ex, ft 33 00 Bollara of every description, from the best Lyons Poplins «£lLILnice parlors, pure Sebago Damariscotta, do. 20 00 26 00 down to the lowest and kinds to be found in Call on L. TAYLOR, 176 Commercial street. Rockland, &c.); Augusta 4:00, KendaU’s Mills 5:10, CHINA. Wed., Feb. (.RUSSIA, Wed. Feb. 21. Candle*. No.l, ft a first class grades 60 00 mortgage; property insured to tha Boston and New York markets. Nov 24-dtf Caution to the Public. Skowhegan 5:50, Dexter 7:15. Arrives at 7:40 ABYSSINIA,Wed Feb 14. 8EMI-WKKKLY LINK! Mould, k>tb,.. 12$ft 13 Piue,-.... ft the loan. Bangor ONamount of The buildings are all now, m.. w ith train on E. & N. A. 35 ft Shingles, An immense stock of Every intelligent and thinking person must know p. connecting Railway, Sperm,. 37$ having been erocted the past with the for Oldtowm and Cement. Cedar ex,... 4 25 ft 4 75 year, costing Island to Let. that remedies handed out for general use should have Mattawamkeag. Passage from Boston toN land over thirty thousand dollars. Contracts Money,'lndudlng(are York, Steamers Dirigo ami Franconia 2 45 2 50 Cedar 2 75 3 25 already 13 from their efficacy established well-tested in No. 4. Leaves Portland at 5:15 m. Arrives at Cabin, *3U,$H)0,*130 accommoda- k> bbl.,. ft No.l, ft made for over thousand PAISLEY ISLAND miles Portland and two by exi>erience p. gold—aceordingto will, until further run fifty dollars of manufactured SHAWLS, of a tlon. notice, as Cheese. do. Shaved, 5 50 ft 6 50 miles from main land, about 40 the hands regularly-educated physician, whose Brunswick 6:35, Lewiston via Brunswick 7:45, Bath Steerage, *30 Currency. Tickets to Paris, * 13 a follows: goods. The above loan Is wanted in yearly From to AN containing lb 13 14 Pine do. 6 750 payable $5.00 $35.00* with the studies fit him for all the duties no must 7:10 and 8:15 m. Gold, additional. Return Tickets on favorable terms Vermont, k* ft 50ft of three thousand dollars each in acres, together buildings thereon, consisting preparatory Augusta p. Leave Galt’s 17 18 payments one, two’, the is flooded with nostrums IT" enbark at Cunard Wharf, Portland. Factory, ft Laths, four and five He a stock of FANCY' GOODH of new Dwelling House, Barn, Sheds, and Fish fulfil; yet country i>oor No. 10. Leaves Portland at 8:05 for Lew- Passengers Wharf, Jersey ■ every MONDAY m.d three, years, and interest; keeps large p. m., w THUR8- N. Y. 14 ft 15 2 75 ft 3 00 principal all in and cure-alls, purporting to be the best in the world, City. Dairy,.. Spruce,- interest payable at Casco National of all kinds. House, perfect repair. iston via Danville, arriving at Lewiston 9:50. This j AY, at 4 P. M., and leave Pier 38 E. R.. New Yoik. 3 00 3 50 semi-annually This a location for either which are not only useless, but Coal—(Retail). Pine,. ft Bank. We saw beautiful KID is good Farmer or Fish- always injurious. train counects with 3 p. m. traiu from Bustou. wry MONDAY and at 3 P. M. 9 50 10 00 Mtola*»c*. GJLOVES, slightly The unfortunate should be particular in PREPAID STEERAGE THURSDAY, Cumberland,. @ at 50 cts. NICE NPOOL erman. The land Is and selecting PASSAGE. The and Franconia are fitted with fine GEO. R. DAVIS & CO., damaged per pair. excellent—sea-dressing as it is a Dirigo up 7 00 ft 7 75 Porto 40 ft 50 muck abundant. The harbor is and his physician, lamentable yet incontroverti- Trains Due at Portland. From a :com Pietou,.. Rico,.. Real Estate and COTTON (200 yds) 36cts per dozen; BLEACH- good in close Liverpool. Glasgow, Queenstown or Derrv to modal ion* for making this the most 7 50 8 00 none Mortgage Brokers. ble that many syphilitic are made mis- passengers, Chestnut,_ ft Cienfuegos,... ED AND BROWN COTTONS at the lowest proximity to good fishing grounds which with several iact, patieuts Boston or New York, #3 36 38 erable with ruined constitutions maltreatment No. 1. Leaves Augusta at 5:45 a. m.. Bath 6:45, CURRENCY B. & W. Ash, 9 50 ft 10 00 Muscovado,new @ markets near at hand make it a rare chance to carrv by Passengers booked to all of tile t veen New York and Maine. prices. Brunswick 7:15, Lewiston 6:45. Ar- parts United States. Coflee. New Orleans, 60 ft 65 For Sale. on the market and lobster business. from inexperienced physicians in general practice; (via Danville) Drafts issued on Great Brittain in State Room In fact that little store of his Is crammed full fishing Terms rives at Portland 8:35 a. m. and Ireland for III Passage $5. Meals extra. 30 32 Mustart,.. none moderate. for it is a point conceded by the best syphil- and Java, lb,... @ also for sale a fine piece ot on State of SPLENDID GOODS at prices that will generally upwards. For Freight and Cabin isusaage apply Goods forwarded to and from Montreal, Quebec, 24 26 Nail*. property to that the and of these No. 3. Leaves at 8:10 a. Dexter at Rio,. ft WE this embraces one of the finest suit you, are so I would advise For particulars apply ographers, study management Bangor m., 8:15, the Company's Office, »0 State Street. For steer- • ialifax, St. John, and all parts of Maine. 5 00 Street; property surely they cheap. should engross tlie whole time of those who Shipi*Ts Cooperage. Cask,. @ locations on said and to and Goods PORTLAND STAR MATCH plaints Skowhegan 9:40, Waterville 10:45, Augusta 11:45, age passage, at 99 State Street, Boston. I a re to send their to the Steamers street, contains about seven every body go get your Spring there, CO., be and in Brunswick requested freight as Hlid. Shooks and Heads, Naval Store*. West Commercial would competent successful their treatment 1:35, Bath 1:00, Readtield Lewiston JA.V1UM e as thousand five hundred feet of land, with build- because they will soon be gone, and must be much Sreet, Portland, Me. 11:4o, ALKXANDKB, Ann. uiy 4 P. M.,ou the days they leave Portland. 2 40 Tar bbl.,.. 5 50 6 00 good and ours. The inexperienced 12:50. Arrives at Portland 2:55 m. Mol. City,.. @ y @ ings, and will be sold tesms. higher. febl6-lw jan 12-d&wtf general practitioner, p. jn2dly For Freight or Passage apply to 1 90 ft 4 50 4 75 upon easy neither opportunity nor time to make him- Sug. City,.. |Pitch,(C.Tar), ft GEO. R. DAVIS & CO., having No. 9. Leaves Augusta at 3 p. m., Bath 5, Bruns- HENRY FOX, Galt’s Wharf, Portion 1 1 25 1 35 jWil. 5 75 6 00 self with their Sug. C’try,. ft Pitch,... ft Real Estate and Brokers. First-i lass Houses to Let. acquainted pathology, commonly pur- wick 5:25, Lewiston (via Danville) 5. Arrives at J. F. AMES, Pier 38, E. R„ New York. Rift Mol. 00 Mortgage TWELVE MUSIC BOOKS sues one of treatment, in most cases Country Rosin,.7 ft 12 00 NO T sold previous to Oct 1st, the two eud booses system making Portland 6:45 p. m. May 9-dtf 1 25 ft 1 35 90 92 an indiscriminate use of that and For Peaks5 Hh’dSh’ks, Turpentine,gl ft in the new brick block of tour, on the corner oi autiquated danger- No. Island. WHICH IF the 7. Night Express (from St. leaves Hh’d Headings, Oakum. ALSO, CONSTITUTE A Neal and Pine will be rented on ous weapon, Mercury. John), sts, favorable tt|jus. Bangor 7 p. m.. Watervile 9:23, Augusta Bruns- Soft Pine,.. 25 @ 9$@ ill FINE Residence in Congress Square, class housea in 10:15, American,— admirably These are first every respect, con- wick Bath 6 im. Peak’s Island Mteaanbaal ^ ’or Nova Scotir Hard Piue, 26 ft 27 Oil. with 12 house heated Hare Confidence. 11:45, p. (remaimug at Brunswick C'ouapauy Halifax, A located, rooms; by steam, aiinog 13 rooms, having all modern improvements, until at 28 00 hot and 11:45). Arrives Portland at 1 a. m. steaitiuh Hoops, (14ft), 28.00 ft Kerosene,- ft 32$ cold water, water closet, bath tub, Sebago, Complete Musical and water. to JOHN T. 48 All who have committed an excess of any kind, 40 Library. Sebago Apply HULL, from Portland for weekly" linf. R.OakStaves 00 ft Port.Ref. Petr ft 27$ and everything in perfect order. Will be sold at a Union St. sep!6 whether it bo the solitary vice of or the ting- Passengers Dover and Foxcroft 1200 or more and Pieces for Piano- youth, are ticketed Copper. Sperm,. 2 00 ft low figure and terms easy. Song* rebuke of confidence of maturer through. Fare $5.00. A good line of expheh w forte or Reed Worth from ling misplaced years, , The favorite Cop.Bolts. 36 @ Whale,.1 00 ft 110 GEO. R. DAVIS & CO. Organ. Stages connect at Dexter with the 7.15 p. m. train, Steamship CAR $400. Sold in book To Let, SEEK FOR SOME ANTIDOTE IN SEASON. LOTTA will Y. M. Sheathing26 ft Bank,. 50 ft 58 $300Ito arrivingat Dover and Foxcroft at or about 9.00 p. m. t API. A. », Ol IVKIt. leave Galt’s Wharf form for ! ! of house 5 Bronze do. 26 ft 45 65 $30.00 part No. Mechanic st; 5 rooms; The Pains and Aches, and Lassitude and Nervous Leave Dover and Foxcroft at or about 6. 30 a. m. ( every SATURDAY Shore,. ft have for sale in various parts of the city some Will leave the Wett side ot Portland ■at 28 rent $10 per month. Enquire at house or of Prostration that follow at Dexter with the 8.15 a. m. train for Pier, daily toi ! 4 P. M. for Halifax Y. M. Bolts,.. ft Porgie,. 50 ft 60 excellents some of which are on THE MUSICAL TREASURE.Vocal & UPPER may Coition, Connecting Peaks’ lalnud direct WE residenees, the Instrumental R. Impure Portland at 8.15 A M. and 3.13 P M. 1 close Cordage. 88 The most ABBOTT, are the Barometer to the whole and Boston. Fare to Portland $5.00; to :-~-:—t— making connections with the Linseed,. @ following streets: recent work. Very popular. system. le“’e Peeks’ Islnud 9 : 1 iova feb6 170, foot of st. Do not wait for the consummation that is sure to fol- Boston $6.50. ... 15 AM, Scotia ltailway, for New American,k*lb, 15$@ 16$ Boiled do.,... 93 ft THE SILVER CHORD. Vocal. Opp. Exchange anu q.45 r M, Windsor, Truro, 16 17 Eight Houses on Brackett street. low : do not wait for Ulcers, for ^ dasgow and Pictou. Russia,. ft Lard,.1 00 ft 1 10 Large number of the best Songs. unsightly Stages for Guilford, Abbott, Monson and Moosehead CU^Private pai:i'« can be Eight Houses on Spring street. To Let. Disabled for Loss of accommodated by ai» Returning will leave Dominion Halifax ov- Manila,. 201ft 21$ Olive,.1 25 ft 1 75 GEMS OF GERMAN SONG. Vocal. Limbs, Beauty Lake, leave Dexter at 11.00 a.m. with plyi«gt° lh« Wharf, Six Houses on Clark street. and Connecting Captani board, e ry Tuesday, at 4 P. M. Manila B’ltr’p 23$ft 24$ Castor,.1 60 ft 1 90 The best of Deutschland. TENEMENT of five rooms; very lo- Complexion. the Night Express from Portland. Fare flown ami hae* Five Houses on Emery street. very Songs pleasantly cents, children hall proa. Cabin passage with State Room. $7 00 Drug* aud Dye*. Keatsfoot,.... 1 25 ft 1 50 GEMS OF SACRED SONG. Vocal. cated: within five minutes walk of the Post Of- How Many Thousand* Can to This Through Tickets are sold in Portland for Two Houses on Street. A Testify Houlton, Portland,June 23, 1871. Je23(Jtf For further information to L. 2 00 ft 2 10 Elaine,. 58 ft 60 Tyng A choice collection. suitable for a of two. Kent By Calais and for and to Halifax for apply BILLINGS Alcohol,t*gal, fice, family $200. Ad- Unhappy Experience! St.John, $8.00; itluntic Wharf, or Arrow Root,. 25 ft 55 RetmedPorgie 60 ft 65 And a great many more in other locations all of which GEMS OF SCOTTISH SONG. Vocal. dress P. O. Box 1272. feb20*3t $12.00. will Young men troubled with emissions in sleep,—a 8hpl3tf JOHN Bi-CarbSoda, 5$ft 8 Paint*. be sold at bargains, and terms easy. Selected from a J. M. General PORTEOUS, Agent. large number. The best. complaint generally the result of a bad habit in LUNT, Sui>erintendent. COUGH! Borax,. 35 ft 37 Port. Lead... 10 75 WREATH OF Feb. 1872. COUGH! COUGH! @ GEMS. Vocal. youth—treated scientifically and a perfect cure war- Augusta, ft, 16tf Camphor,.... 80 ft 83 Pure Gr’d do 11 00 ft 11 50 More ~TO JLET will For Popular Songs. recent than Silver Chord. ranted. Why you Cough when you can be so easily re- INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. Cream Tartar 40 ft 50 Pure Dry do 11 00 ft Rent. OPERATIC PEARLS. Vocal. lieved Hardly a day passes but we are consulted by one or EASTERN AND by using 25 ft 1 50 Am. Zinc- 12 00 ft 13 00 of a Brick Block on most of the favorites PORTLAND, SACO, & ludigo,.1 Congress street, \ Comprises of Standard Operas Store No 142 & 144 Commercial st more young men with the above disease, some of ia.lp.rl, Calnia and Mi. Rochelle Yell 5 in 15 hot SHOWER OF Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets! John, Di,b,, Logwood ex.,, lift 4ft ONE-HALFperfect repair, rooms, and cold water, PEARLS. Vocal. o! whom are as weak and emaciated as had 17 18 3 Widgery*s Wbar\ particular! though they PORTSMOUTH R. R. Madder,. ft Eng.Ven.Red @ 3$ bath room and water closet, Sebago, with a fine large filled witn the best Duets. the and their They are a »ure cure for Sore Wiudaor and Halifax. 30 Completely (CORNERJ adapted to the Fit .r and titain business; Urg consumption, by -friends are supposed Throat, Cold, Naptha, k^g^l 25 ft lied Lead,... lift 12 lot and an excellent stable. Possession PIANIST’S ALBUM. Instrumental. Catarrh and all immediately. capacity, having a I ton'Age o» 36 and depth 15 to have it. All such cases yield to the proper aud on Hoarseness, Diseases of the Opium,. 6 00 ft 6 20 li ft 12 GEO. R. DAVIS & Is the same as Home Vol. feet, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Thhoat and Bronchial Litharge CO., Circle, 3. leet, accessible water or lited with ly to correct course of treatment, and in a short time Lungs, Tubes. WINTER AEEAN 00 ft 1 50 Plaster. Real Estate and PIANOFORTE r»y rail, up every From the GKMENT lihubarb,-1 Mortgage Brokers. GEMS. Instrumental. modern convenience. are made to rejoice in perfect health. great number of Testimonials as to the Sal Soda,. 3$ft 4$ Soft, ^ ton,.. @3 25 Feb 19dtf Is the same as Home Commencing .Holiday, IVov’r 13th, 1871. of this Circle. Vol. 4. Apply to H. N. 194 Fore st. efficiency invaluable medicine the following is 13 ft 20 3 00 and HOME JOSE, selected. ONE TRIP PER Salti»etre,- Hard,. ft [Argus Advertiser Copy.] CIRCLE. Vols. I and II. Instrumental. Nov 4 is it Middle-Aged Men, WEEK ! Sulphur,. 4$ft 5$ Ground.in bis 8 00 ft 9 00 Passenger trains leave Portland dal- 47 Wahpanseh Av., 111., Jan. 14, 1871. These fine books a name to the which There are men of the of who are Chicago, Vitrol,. 12 ft 12$ Calcined, brls 2 75 ft 310 gave whole set, many age thirty ly, for Portsmouth and “For the last ten 1 have been a sufferer On and alter For Sale. is often called The To Let troubled with too evacuations Boston, (Sun- years great MONDAY, Dee Duck. Produce. Home Circle $erie«, all the frequent from the blad- at A. from attacks of the often days excepted) *1.10 M. t6.15 A. frequent Acute Bronchitis, and have 23th, Steamer New Bruit.- No. 48 Beef 10 12 Portland and connected books being of uniform binding and size, and filled, trout room on second floor. Also der, accompanied by a slight smarting or burn- never found 1,. ft Side, $>tb @ Nursery, Buildings M., §9.10 A. M., 13.30 P. M., t3.43 P. anything to relieve me from these attacks wick, Cants. H. Pike, will leave No. 3,. ft 44 Veal, 10 ft 12 THEwith it. Located at Morrill’s Corner, Deering, not with the most difficult or the most severely class- PLEASANTone room on third floor with board. 49 Frank- ing sensation, and weakening the system m a man- M until I tried Dr. Wells* Carbolic .Uailrotul ical ner the Tablets.'* Wharf, foot ..f state St No. 10,. © 30 10 12 2£ miles from Portland, near R. R. station, and term- music, but with that which is genial, bright, pop- lin st. oc28tf patient cannot account for. On examining Leave Boston for 1 Mutton, ft the Portland at t7.30 A. M., J8.30 A. Elizabeth T. Root. Monday, at 3.13, m„ 15 20 inus of Portland and Forest Avenue Horse R. one ular, and fitted for the entertainment of the urinary deposits a sediment will often be .----T7 ,’®very p. fo'' Ravens, Chickens,...- @ R; happy ropy M., 112.15 P. M., 73.00 P. M., *8.00 P. M. 1)011,1 let worthless arti- iaatport and St John. ^ 8 26 18 of the best locations in the The lot contains “circle” at home. found, and sometimes small of semen or al- I'.iil.I.-fiMt) fur Pi.rtlunH ut U iui A AC \ ITTTmVr oz.,. Turkeys,. ft 23 place. Booms to Lei. particles JL 1a." • cles be oft on will leave St. John Lodging bumen will or palmed you, Returning and Eaatport ever 10 oz.,. 24 25 1} acres; the are a two house 23 21 Price of each appear, the color will be of a thin, milk- 5.20 P. M. be sure 32$ Eggs, y doz., ft buildings story by book, $2.50 in boards; $3.00 in cloth, Front Rooms on tbe floor without you get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. rhurwlav. L 12 20 feet. A small Green House and second ish hue, again to a dark and turbid Dyeweod*. Potatoes,IpTsu 47 ft 55 feet, wjth by and Full Gilt, $4.00. Sent post-paid, for the above TWOboard at 28 st. octl9eodtf changing appear- Portsmouth for Portland tlO.00 A. M.t 110.40 A. John O. Kellogg, Platt N. Y. Sole S-jrrreignt ror Calais and St. -■ Street, High liltII H UV Agent. Audrewa, *hii>i>«d Bar 3 2 50 2 Office. The house and land will be sold with or .UV1VIHVUIOUJ uic HUB uiuigui- wood,- @ Onions,. ft 75 prices. M., t2.35 P. t5.30 P. *10.00 P. “J W CflllH a IX) rom EastiH>rt vessel. of the M., M., M. A. by sailing Brazil 5ft 7 Provision*. without the the house and w „a. ty, iguoraut cause, which is the Wood,. Nursery stocks,or dwelling OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. ♦Pullman car express train, For Sale by W. F. PHILLIPS & Connecting at St. John with the Steamer 7 Mess suitable lot of land alone. mail on the sleeping CO.. FM Camwood,— 6ft Beef,.. 10 00 @1200 Inquire by CHAS. H. DITSON & SECOND STAGE OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. tAccommodation train. nov22-3m ’RESS for and thence 3 Ex or of E P. Morrill’s Corner. CO., New York. to Portland, Me. Digby Annapolis, by rail to Fustic,. 2Jft Mess,.. 13 00 ft 14 50 premises, BRIGGS, Esq., let, containing! rooms, Sebago § Mail train. \ indoor aud Halifax and with the E. icuioutxwiy wo W«xS I can warrant a in & N. A. Rail- Plate.. 13 00 ft 15 00 feb!3dtf' TENEMENTwater. For particulars call at 31 LINCOLN perfect cure such cases, and a f«T and Logwood, full and ^Express. way Shediac intermediate stations Campeachy, 1$@ 2$ Ex 16 50 @ 17 00 ST.aug23 ti healthy restoration of the urinary organs. N. B. The 9.10 A. -^ d ha*. tb. dcticute aud Plate,.. Persons 6.15, M., and 3.30, 3.45 P. M. refreshing S^“Freight received on days of unt x For who cannot consult the Dr. can sailing >}t- i/vuuuLU) »g';5 uia, Sale. personally trains from make close connections to New \ft-gfr«Dccof icaulne Fnrlua m. To Let. do so in a Portland, CV}rA ’clock, p. Peach 5$to 6 17 50 18 00 STONE & by writing, plain manner, a description of York one or Water, mail U Wood, Backs,- @ No 10 Tyng street: for inquire DOWNER, by other of the routes from Boston. ^^v.Colofiie Winter rates will be for after De lied Wood.... 4 17 00 particulars No. 36 Andersen con- their diseases, and the appropriate remedies will be charged freight 3$to Clear,. to 17 50 HOUSEof George T. Means, 45 Lincoln St., or street; nearly new, Passengers ticketed through by either route. A. R. Flub. 15 50 tains six and forwarded immediately. STUBBS, Agent Mess,. to JOHN C. PROCTER, HOUSE looms, eight closets, good cellar, F. CHASE, dc20 is t Sat then oh tf or water. All correspondence confidential and will be Cod. perqtl., Prime,_ @ none fel3d2w 93 Exchange st. plenty Apply at No. 3 Lincoln st. strictly no9tfSupt. P. S. & P. R. R. Shore, 5 00 @ 5 25 Hams,. 11 to 12 jv28tf returned if desired. L/ge Address: S'orfolk and L’ge Bank, 4 25 to 4 75 Round Hogs 6$ to 7 DR. J. B. HUGHES, Baltimore and WaNhlngtou, BANKERS, To Let. 172 Cumberland Portland. PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG R. R. 00 3 50 St., Small,. 3 to Bice. Hotel for Sale. tie mam. Sold by Drumrliitr^— I>. C. Line. 3 25 4 25 Property S8 Stat3 DESIRABLE House of ten rooms. of BSr*Send a Stamp for Circular. Steamship Pollock,. @ Rice, # lb,.. 7$, 20 1 25 way steamers arriving in Bos- lantib and Pacific Tea Co., 8 June2tf_53 Ifharf, Boston. . Nutmegs,_1 to FOR THE BLOOD. ton Soft 20 22 SALE—On Lewis near Pine. Frescoed PURIFYING early the next morning. Church st.. New York P. O. Box Shell,.. @ Pepper,. 25 to 28 street, M STATEMENT Tickets for sale at the -—„ 13 40 to 65 Starch. FORand piped lor Sebago. Apply cn the premsses, ticket office M. C. R. R. 5306. Send for Thea Nectar Circular. OSTON Shelled,.... A medicine that cures JanS-4wt Pea 2 25 3 25 9 or at 25 Emery st. JAMES A. TENNEY. J. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Nuts,.... to Pearl,. @ 11$ -OF THE- is a real 53 aug25 public blessing. Portland, November 8,1871. no9tf Citron,. to Sugar. Ayer’s' Sarsaparilla 10 PHIL Currants,. @ Granulated,.. 12|@ 12$ makes cure of a 8 AD E LP HI Coffee positive O’CLOCK. A Dates, new,. 8$to 9$ A,. @ 12 NARRAGANSETT series of PORTLAND & ROCHESTER RAILROAD^ aJ8 4wf 13 @ 20 Extra complaints,which Figs. C,. llfto Ilf ^EDUCATIONAL. are ami 12 16 always afflicting AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Steamship Line. Pruues,. to C,. 11$@ llj too often fatal. It purities Winter Arrangement. LIFE OF Raisins, Syrups. 40 @ 60 FIRE and MARINE the blood, purges out the Bunch, # box, non*Eagle Sugar Refinery: humors in the and after Monday, December, 18. Leave each 00 For of Polish, lurking port eveiy Layer,new,.3 @ C,.— (a) none Westbrook Beauty Saving Labor, Clean- which under- passenger trams leave Portland JAMES WednesdiviBatnriav 3 50 Seminary 6l system, FISK. Muscatel,. to B,. to none INSURANCE CO., liness,Durability Cheapness, Unequaled. mine health and settle in- for Rochester and intermediate stations A complete History of his lift and from a Val.new#lb. 13 to Mus. Gro... 10 OF ““-““at 7.15 A. and 1.30 P. exploits From @ 10$ -OF- BEWARE WORTHLESS IMITATIONS under Other to troublesome disorders. M., M., making Pedlar to a Financiers. ! fa Long Wharf, Boston, at 3 n.m, 3 50 to 4 00 Hav. Brown THE SPRING TERM but direct connection at with Boy King among His tri- Lemons,. names, resembling ours in shape and color of wrapper of the skin are Rochester trains for Eoston, and y,ruet Wharl, Phlladel- box 2 00 3 50 Eruptions umpbs failures. How he lived and how he died Oranges,# @ Nos. 12 & 16 10$@ —OF— intended tp deceive. on over Boston & Maine and Eastern Railroads. Also io'0mt *Qne 11$ H. the ajmearance the sur- Illustrated. Price by mail, 30 cents. Terms Grain. Hav. PROVIDENCE, I. THE RISING SI N POLISH IN connect nt Rochester with Dover and liberal. Insurance one hall White, @none BULK, for stove dealers* face or humors that should Winnipiseogec Address Win. Flint & Phila. Pa. the rate ol sail. Mixed,. 85 @ 86 10 to H FOURTEEN use, at twelve cents per pound—twenty-five and Railroad for Alton and with Co., Jani'3f4w- i Corn, Centrifugal, WEEKS, On the 31st fifty be expelled from the blood. Internal derangements Bay, Portsmouth, Great White,. none 9 day of December, 1871. pound boxes. “Cheaper than any other Bulk Polish for Falls and Railroad tor West tbe Refining,... to 9$ Will are the determination of these same humors to some Conway Conway. ,„Fr,;irbt ,'?T 'r* b* R R. »nd South Yellow,. 87 89 Open nothing.” Leave Rochester for Portland and “lOO CHOICE >y connecting lines forwarded tree @ Demarara,. ll$to 12$ T1IK RISING SIN LUMBER internal orgau, or organs, whose action way stations at NO. 4.»> ol commission. 115 PENCIL.—No Sharpening they derange A. and OELECTIOm, Rye,.110 (a) Tea*. MARCH 1872. Amount of in eash 00 and other articles and whose substance disease and 7.30 M., 12 M. TEN MONDAY, 11th, Capital actually paid 8500,000 Cheap Durable—supercedes foMurpose. they destroy. Is now ready with its store of PASSAGE, DOLLARS. Barley,. 75 @ 85 40 @ 55 THE KIS1NU SI N ltLAl K LEAD LUBRICATOR. The 7.30 train with down trains on Do- precious good thing for Souchong,.... Surplus *273,832 80 For axles, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla expels these humors from connecting ^ Parlor For Freight or Oats. 57 60 55 70 For to ver and and Readings, being a Passage apply to to Oolong. to Catalogues, &c., apply bearings and machinery. Lasts six times as long as oil the blood. When are gone, the disorders Winnipiseogec, Portsmouth, Great Falls of vlllc happy blending Fine 36 00 J. 251b. and 15 they they and Eloquence, Humor, Pathos aud Bur- WIIITNEY & Feed,.. to Oolong, choice 75 to 1 00 C. SNOW, Principal, alone. 501b. boxes, cents per lb. Try It. such as Ulcerations the Conway Railroads, and the 12 o’clock train mak- Sentiment, NA11I-WON, *773,832 80 produce disappear, of Liver lesque, Uniform in with the A*.nt., Shorts,.. 33 00 to 35 00 Japan,. 65 to 85 ja31tdSteven’s Plains, Me. MORSE and ing direct connection at Rochester with trains from style proceeding num- Jn23-ly VO BROS., Prop'rs., Canton, Mass. Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Eruptions Eruptive tbe and I.ong AVhnrl, Ho.ion. Gunpowder. Japan, choice 1 00 to Diseases the St. Boston, leaving Boston at 7.30 A. M., via Boston & ^ve,won P«Wic heart, the cry is ASSETS. jan27d&w-12w w5 of Skin, Anthony's Fire, Hose or •MORE. 75 Blasting,. 4 50 @ 5 00 Tin. THE 81st. SEMI-ANNUAL SESSION Tu- Maine, and at 8.30 A. M. via Eastern Railroads. Cloth-bound, cents; patter, 30 cents, National and other Bank Stocks. 00 Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, or 4 copies for $1. Also “Excelsior Shipping,- 4 50 @ 5 00 Banca, cash, @ none *310,072 and Salt Scald Leave Portland for Saco River at 5.30 P. M. Dialogues,” re- OF THE New York, Chicago and Cleveland THOMSON’S mors, Tetter, Rheum, Head, Ring- vised, price $1 25. Hay. Straits, cash,. 42 to 43 City worm, Ulcers and Rheumatism, Leave Saco River for Portland at 6.30 A. M. , Fairfield 33 Sores, Neuralgia, Ask your bookseller for or send house, Pressed,#ton33 00 @ 34 00 English,. 42 to 43 Bonds.*109,993 WORLD-RENOWNED PATENT Pain in the Bones, Side, and Head, Female Weak- Stages connect as follows: them, price to P Amount loaned on first 702 Chestnut — — Loose,.30 00 to 35 OO.Char. I. C.. ..11 50 to 12 00 mortgage, being Leucorrhaea internal ul- At Gorham for West and No. GafTe£&<>m st., Philadelphia, Pa. AX Franklin Hen. 00 ness, Sterility, arising from Gorham, Standish, AGENTS Straw,.18 00 to 20 00 Char. I.X... .14 00 @ 14 50 Family School, *202,000 ceration and uterine disease. Limington, daily. WANTED.—Those selling other books J Amount in hands of agents, in course Dropsy, Dyspepsia, can sell these by thousands. Iron. Antimony,... 18 @ FOR BOYS! and General With their de- At Buxton Centre for Wost Bonny jan23t4w KENDALL’S of transmission. 21 Corset. Emaciation, Debility. Buxton, Eagle MILLS, Common,.... 4® 4j Tobncro. $77,639 Glove-Fitting health returns. and Limington, daily. BY Amount Premium Notes. 01 parture ** A New 1 RA5DALL Refined. 4J® 5 Fives and Tens, TOPSHAM, ME., *47,518 If want the most satis, prepared by At Centre Waterboro’ for Limerick, Par- ‘‘AfOOt, & AIOIIP Splendid 1 ANDREW!*, Amount Cash on hand and in Bank. 30 you Newfield, Aioue. Book for Swedish. 6 ® 61 Best Brands 65 @ 75 *18.448 best and sonstield and Ossi]iee, and Sat- w 1 m 4 * Agents. Hotel.the Maine Hotel at Dam- BEGINS Amouut other Assets not factory, fitting the DR. J. C. AYER & Tuesdays, Thursdays Finely illustrated. Price low. Will outsell ^'1°/, !,h!and 61® 7 65 FEBRUARY 14. specified. *8,161 95 CO., Lowell, Mass., alternate everything triscotta, Columbian House, Bath. Norway,. Medium,.... 60® cheapest Corset for its real Practical avd urdays, returning days. Send for Circulars. Address Cast Steel,— 21 60 Analytical Chemists. At Centre Waterboro’ for Columbian Book Co. good 8table 19® Common,... 65® This School sustains a high character as a Home value, you have ever worn, Sold all Limerick, Parsonsfleld, Hartlord. Conn. Livery is connected v?ith the German Steel 14 15 Half lbs. best $773,161 95 by Druggists everywhere. Jan23t4w ® auu aiumiug ocuooi. ror circulars to I lie buy dally. rMiitt Steel 16 20 apply dec9d&wevery3dwly WILLIAM aoU8e-__m Eng.Blis C® brands,. 75 @ 80 Principal, or to & 92 Middle THOIMgON’g H. TURNER, Superintendent. Hoyt, Fogg Breed, st., LIABILITIES. Pnrflonil 1K IC'1 a. Spring Steel.. 8 ® 11 Nat’l Leaf, lbs 55® 75 Portland. B. O. LINSLEY. Aiiiuum ui A Sheet Iron, Navy lbs. 65 ® 75 jan31 18t ouitsiHuumg losses adjusted rJWVTTTNrV P4TVVT MRS. DINSMORE’S Keliable Tonic. J IK English,W. 51® 61 VarnUh. and unadjusted.. $74,614 35 BOSTON & liiJEBA! K. MAINE RAILROAD. 01 all G. 7 j® 7J Damar..1 75 @ 2 50 Mass. of '5Egr**Fire Policies issued at current rates. Marine GLOTE FITTING. COUGH AN1) CROUP BALSAM ! medicines that rave strength and robnstness to 22 ® t 25 5 50 Institute Risks on and DODD'S Russia,. Coach,.2 ® Technology. Hulls, Cargoes, and Freight taken at cur- body nund, NERVINE bears the palm. kSouth 14 2 50 This is the best Medicine offered to the Winter Arrangement, Nor. 1871. Its sale is and its Americas plant that has been Galv,. 91® Furniture.150® rent rates. No Corset has ever attain- truly yet 13, large popularity long established. used for I.ard. Wool. Entrance Examinations, June 3d, and October 3d. more “,e,ilaU of ed such a Public for the cure of Probably families keep It on hand for every day fiwulty those countries For New and recent entrance reputation, either Trains leave P. S. rl!hyw5nndeJf,Vhmrith wonderful as $1 lb,.. Fleece washed 65 75 Catalogue examination -__ & P. R. R. Sta- use as a stimulant and than efficacy a powerful Kegs, 10J® @ Portland in this or other corrective, all other med- ind alterativu 9 papers, apply to Office, any country. for *9.10 icines now UXEQUALED PURIFIER OF Tierces, lb. j® 101 do. unwashd 51 ® 64 Cough, Croup, Asthma and Colds. Portland, Boston, *6.15. before the public. It is to take < THE IILOOD and Is a Prof. As now made in length and pleasant iure and Perfect Pail,. @ 111 Pulled. 65 ® 75 SAMUEL KNEELAND, Sec’y., M., 3.30$, 3.45*, P. M. Returning as any wine. Jan23t4w ! Remedy for all diseases of the Mass. We challenge the Medical faculty to produce any- -**—7.30. $8.30 A. *3. P. M Caddies. 12 @ 131 Pelts, Lambs, 1 25 ® 2 50 _febldlm Boston, 166 FORE fullness of bust. M., *12.15, °*' Obstruction STREET, thing better. For Alton A. M. Jo"r“t!?i'ee"'E"'ar?t"‘ent oflntes- Rochester, Bay, *6.15, tines, Urinary, Uterine, or IT CANNOT BE IMPROVED. Manchester aud Abdominal Organs, Concord, N. H., via C. & P. R. R. or a want of JOHN W. MUNGE Blood, Intermittent or Young Ladies’ a, Apt. Every Corset ie stamped with the name Thomson TRY IT! Juuctiou, 6.15* A. M., 3.45* P. M. WICKES' Poverty Portland Seminary, Remittent levers. Inflammation of the Dry Goods Market. feb2eod3w and the trade a Crown, all first- dc23d&\v w52 3m Manchester and via mark, Kept by _ Concord, Lawrence, 9.10* A. M. .uer' 2r°P?y. Sluggish Circulation of Corrected by Messrs. Woodman, True & Co. 3?ortland, Me. class dealers. Lowell, 6.15*, 9.10* A. M., 3.30$, 3.45* P. M. the Blood, Dr. K. J. MHton aud Abscesses, Tumors, LANGDON Sc JOURDAIN, Union, 9.10* A. M. 3.30$, 3.45* P. M. Jaundice, BROWN SHEETINGS. Nymoiids will their THOMSON, CO., NOTE.—The 6.15* A. Scrofula, Dyspep- open Spring M. train arrives in Boston in ECLECTI and Width In inches. on Musical Sole Owner* of PEOFKIETOK OF THE C sia, Ague Fever, or Price. THESession, Thursday, February 22. Merchandise, Patent*, time to connect with Shore Line at 11.10 for New their Standard For full Concomi- Sheetings,.36. 14@14** Catalogue containing particulars, address feb6f4w 391 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. York, the South and the West 9.10* A. M. train con- the No. 12 CONSISTING OF tant*. Heavy Sheetings,.36. 12* @13* principals, Pine st. Parisian of nects with the 3.00 P. M. Route and fel2-d2w&w4w Gallery Anatomy, Boston, Springfield Sound Medium Sheetings,... .36. 10* @114 OFFICE OF Steamers for New York and the South. 3.30f P. M. in PIANOS of the best Oil.! Dr. Cells’ Extract Light Sheet '8,.36. 9* @10* Manufacture, just published a new edition of his lectures, rain with the 9.00 P. M. train for New York via Shore of Juruboba Fine Sheetings,.40. most valuable information on the or line. as a 13*@15* WATERVILLE Blanchard Maine State Boiler Co. HAScontaining Springfield Publie great invigorates and rom- Fine BURDETT & WOOD’S is intended lor use in kerosene I,**1'!1!"for all Sheetings,.36. 11*@12* causes, consequences and treatment of diseases of the ^“Freight trains between Portland and Boston ordinary lamps. dy impurities of the blood, or for organic 9 with on wherever Shirtings,.27. @10 CELEBRATED reproductive system, remarks mannage, and daily. good light and perfect security from acci- aUCndant For the Shirtings,.30. the various causes of the loss of with full * 9*@10J Classical Institute! manhood, Passenger station in dent are required. It is at olS^ZpwSt's BLEACHED SHEETINGS. instructions for its also a Boston, Haymarket Square. prepared carefully the complete restoration; chap- street. inches. 20 REED ter on venereal Freight station, Causeway Good,.36 @22* ORGANS! infection, and the means of cure, bie: •Accommodation. JIVIIBEBA Medium.36 inches. The Term will on ing the most ivork on the ever HUDSON RIVER • recommended 12*@18 Spring begin (Old Instruments taken in comprehensive subject $Fast OIL WORKS. confidently to every famUy as a inches. exchange.) 150 Mailed free to Express. { and Light..36 10*@13* yet published, comprising pages. W. teniedy, should b« freely take/ in all MOWI>AY. the 13th, of* February. address for 25 cents. MERRITT, Superintendent. Boston. “???bobJ of the Sheetings,.9-8. 16 @18 CHOICE and large stock of Sheet Music, any Address, PAYSON And cannot be equalled for erangement* system. It give* health vi*or 18 TUCKER, Agent, nd tone to all the vital Sheetings,.6-4. @21* For further particulars, apply to A Books, Folios, Wrappers. Also a fine Dr. Jourdain’s 353 Commercial Street, Portland. novll-dtf forces, an.fimlmateH and f°r- Sheetings,.10-4. 40 @55 lot of Violins, Consulting: Office, Parity, Brilliancy, aid Er.n.ny, t jan24d<5tw-w4-2w eod J. H. Banjos, Prams, Guitars, temperaments. Inches. HANSON. Music Box- 61 Hancock Street, Hbm. JOHN Q. Platt Shirtings,.27 8*@ 9* Cornets, Concertiuas, Strings, Boston, Furnished in KELLOGU, 18, Street, New York inches. Piauo can cans, cases, and prime bids, Shirtings,.30 Stools. All be obtained at junl4dlyr by _ _ Sole for 9*@10* es, ,. Agent the United States. 11 SAVED 1 •rice One Dollar Bottle. Shirtings,.34 inches, @12* FRENCH, GERMAN $5.00 J, K, BABTLETT Sc CO.. per Send for Circular, BLUE DENIMS. HAWES & CRAGIN’S Music t 4w (Indigo). 25 Store, Byjputchasing tickets via the *8 India Street, Bo.tea, Heavy, @30 AND 77 MIDDLE Medium,. 16 @20 STREET. Ciea’l Ag’t. for New STATE PRISON §3F”MubIc sent by mail. dcl2eod-6m 100 DOLLARS! Grand Trunk Railway Kaglaad. LIFE Light,. 12*@ * BY ONE 16 -FOB- J.I.CHENEBI, WHO HAS BEEN IT. Brown,. @Jo PIANO ! for CAMBRICS. Agrnu Portlnad. AMERICAN CATARRH jn24 4w BELDEIV THE WHITE CHIEF Common Colors. 9 in the above given bv a who __ 8*@ gentleman CALIFORNIA, Best selling books extant. High. 9 LESSONShas studied and resided in France and WILL give the above amount for any case of Ca- Works of absorbing ln- @ 9* Germany. Or other in I * wanted. 48 COTTON FLANNELS. For address I tarrh that I cannot cure. That ter- any point the pages Extracts, Sample terms, etc., Consolidated permanately ( nm.vi.'*'?'n Circulars, free. Heavy,. EDWARD rible and loathsome disease has brought many a poor graving*, &c., WHEATMAN, above is an of a Steam Boiler con- L. F. VENT, and 58 Medium. 5 engraving soul to a consumptive grave, bv the away of GREAT WEST. Pub.,fin.,O., MurraySt. N.Y. Newbury Street, 1200 feet of wasting' White all THEtaining heating surface, built upon a the will suffer when can be Agents also wanted for and Wool,.7-8. febl9«lwPortland. FIRE lungs. Why you you Do not be deceived by “Old reliable or Chicago the Great Co»- White all new principle, namely,that of the vertical cured. office," J 'agration by Coibert and Wool,.4-4. stopping “beet routes’’ advertised by other parties, but call at Chamberlin, Editors CW- Shaker Cotton and circulition, accomplished means of two horizon- Office now Room No. 4. « 528 octavo Wool,. EXTINGUISHER tal by open, Grand Trunk Office under Lancaster Hall,nr at the ME"-Elbu“P-. pages. Fully Illustrated. all Maine diaphragms running through the boiler, and DR. 10,000 Address as Shaker, Wool,. Wesleyan SHEPARD, Deiwt and obtain aud aee the sold, above, or J.S; Oood- Seminary three water this ar- prices, saving in 1 uan, or BLEACHED COTTON FLANNELS. forming compartments. By United States Hotel. time and distance. Chicago, Edward F. Hovey, or Fred. there is maintained three of Baggage checked through and 4. Smith Boston, Heavy,. rangement temperatures febl7-dlw* Portland Me. Pullman Cars secured Auburn, N. Y., or Walton & Indian- water. from Portland to Chicago. jnWT«iy Co., 4 Medium,. D. H. ipolls, The Machine is portable, The smoke and heated first through the BLANCHARD’S, oppo. Preble House, Ind._feb5-4wt PRINTS. FEMALE COLLEGE. gases pass H GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS No. 282 -always cannot get out tubes in the then and Congress street, Portland, Me. ready, upper compartment, descend, Do want an local or Best,. ——1 of harmless to life and return you agency, traveling, WM. FLOWERS, Eastern PROFITABLE Fascination or Soul Charm Spring term of this institution will com- order; through the tubes in the second compartment, with Agent, EMPLOYMENT. 400 Medium,. property, and at the sadden outbreak of fire invalua- an opportunity to make $5.to $20 a day sept25dtf Me. PflYrHOl.OUrlug- pages by Herbert Hamilton, B. A. How mence March and will continne thence again descending pass through the tubes ^H _Bangor, o use Cheap,.. THE 11, thirteen bl they selling our new strand White Wire Clothes eiOT« a few more to this power (which all possess) at will Dlvina- weeks. in the third compartment. By this operation, the ^H Agents sell the Pink, Snuff and Purple,. HH Lines? They last forever; sample free. Send WEx(.1re8i,r?,toWorld Renowned Improved BUCKEYE SEW- Ion, Spiritualism, Sorceries, Demonology, and lOOO Circulars will be sent on to smoke, and heated gases from the furnace on their GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF ING 1 •ther GINGHAMS. application the Presi- It has been for circular. Address at once Hudson River CANADA. MACHINE,at a liberal or on wonders. Price mail in adopted by the United States Govern- to the smoke or come in con- salary Commission by #125, cloth: pa- ient, Rev H. P. LL. D. way stack, chimney Wire cor Water and Maiden A Horse and 1 >er cover* #100. Bates,. Torsey, ment, the and of the tact HIH Works, st., Lane, Wagon given to Agents. Full Partieu- Copy free to agent* only, 91,out R. C. of leading Railway Hues, by many with gradually decreasing temperatures of 1 nonthW Lancaster,. PINGREE, Sec’y Trustees. prominent Ocean and Inland Y., or 346 W Randopli st., Chicago. ALTERATION OF TRAINS. lars furnished on application. Address W. A. IIen- easily made. Address T. W. EVANS, Pub. Kent’s Hill, Feb. 1872. w7 5t Steamship Companies, water. DELAINES. Me., 9, and is in use the Fire of febl7f4w dersox & Co., General Agents, Cleveland, and Street, Philadelphia, Pa. feh5t4w daily by Departments the While average work, coupled with a good Ohio, Hamilton,. 20 @ cities of the Union. It has doing St. Louis, Mo. 4w principal the emphati engine, it will supply steam for 160 indicated horse WINTER ARRANGEMENT. jn29f Pacific,. 20 @ and practical indorsement of the wisest and most sue All all colors.. 35 power. 1 Wool, @ 37* cessrul underwriters; bnt its prime recommendation We will that boiler will shew 50 W. P. IS NO HUMBUG 1 35 Cents ROB ROY Bridgton guarantee this HASTINGS, By sending COLD* AM) PLAIDS. Academy. is in its of solid done—over On and after Oct. with record work one thousand color of COUGH. per cent, more power with the same of coal Monday, 30, 1871, THIS age, height, eyes and hair, you will All Styles,.3-4.... actual millions weight W^1 run as follows: receive 42*@ 47* fires put out, and worth of property than boiler of the same surface the by return mail a correct of your future All The Term will commence on any heating in ORGANS picture Styles,.6-4- 85 @ 95 Spring saved from the flames. Passenger train at 7.30 A. M. for husband or with name and date of market, and will continue to do so, as long as it is wife, marriage. FI EMEMRFR that n.itrlnofrul nol.l v_i__i PLAID LIN8EY. South Paris, and intermediate stations. Address W. P. O. No. 24 used, and we will back our guarantees with Gov- —AND— Fox, Drawer, Fultouville, If have a All Styles,. 12*@ TUESDAY, FEB. Mail train (stopping at all stations) for Island V you cough, whether with a tensi- 27* 27,1872. ernment Bonds. Jn29f ,4w t le cold or without WOOLENS. Pond, connecting with mail train for Y-_ it, take instant pains to of Under the care of HENRY~TAYLOR, The durability of this boiler is than night Quebec, get rid Kentucky 15 45 greater any Montreal and the West, at 1.10 P. M. ■ LLFNTRATRn \ for Jeans,. @ STATE AGENT, other for the reason is that no cold water is allowed JLRAi'rrvivr INi. r?,n‘w leB. fhl9 pnrpoM, DODD’S Union Meltons,. 50 @ 62 MELODEONS Accommodation for South Paris and intermediate in the most popular. For sale bv all EDWARD W. WRIGHT, A. M., Prim to come in contact with the intensely heated surfaces, ‘BtB- drug- All Wool Meltons,. 57 @ 1 00 14 Exchange Street. stations at 5.00 P. M. f febl9Mw the feed water being gradually heated as it ascends MANUFACTORY & SALES- a iiulcu ouuueiB,. 00 ozn A Teacher of experience with a full SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Passenger trains will arrive as follows: HISTORY of the BIBLE. and'ability, from the lower to the upper compartment. Fancy Cassimcre,. 75 (a) 1 staff of competent assistants in all 2m TuThS tf ROOM, From Soutii Paris and Lewiston, at «.15 A. M. 12# Departments. ja27 We would especially call the attention of Railroad BY WM. L. L. D. Black Cassimere,. 1 00 @ 1 25 Board and Tuition reasonable. Text Books fur- From Montreal, Quebec, Gorham and Bangor, at SMITH, I Black men to the followiug facts, that while this 2.45 P. M. Coal the Doeskins.3-4.... 2 00 ttished the at running 144 OK 112$@ by Principal City prices. boUerwith coal or wood the sparks are 1-2 AUTHOR SMITH'S BIBLE DICTIONARY. by Car^o! Black Doeskins,.6-4.... 3 00 4 qq THOMAS H. neutralized, Accommodation from So. Paris arrive at 8.45 P. M. ® MEAD, Sec’y. and none have ever left the smoke-stack or It contains over 250 fine a08 Tricot.3-4.... 1 60 1 North Jan. HAUL’S chimney, fcy*Sleeping Cars on all night trains. Scripture Illustrations and "’K g @ 75 Bridgton, 5,1872. which in itself is a most valuable never EXCHANGE ST. 1105 and Is the B ue iAn.Wri&W wfit w.r» HOfnup * moi*1 advantage, pageB, most comprehensive and val- 1 Tricot.6-4.... 3 00 @ 4 00 before realized. The Company are not for to .BMP, Blue 1 responsible baggage uable History of the Bible ever published. The labor ricot,.3-4.... 1 50 @ 1 75 VEGETABLE SICILIAN ourselves to not Received the HIGHEST any amount exceeding $50 in value that and of Confining practice and. theory we (and person- learning centuries are in this one STEAMER, Fancy Coatings,.3-4.... 1 25 1 75 PREMIUMS in the New unless notice is and gathered @ invite all parties in want of Steam Boilers to give us al) given, paid for at the rate of volume, to throw a clear BROKEN,' Fancy Coatings,.6-4.... 2 50 3 one lor strong light8 upon1 everyer> g 50 a call. England and State Fairs in passenger every $500 additional Value. page of the Word. Kepellants,.6-4.... 1 HAIR inspired STOVE and 05 @ 115 W. T. BROWN & CO., General 1869. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. AGENTS W A NTED.—Send for CBEKTNrT COAI.****' Union Beavers,.0-4.... 1 50 2 00 Agents, II. Circulars, and see ® dcl8 Cor. Middle and Sts BAILEY, Local Superintendent. our terms, and a full ot iy the cargo at the very lowest marke' Moscow Beavers,.6-4.... 3 50 ® Exchange description the .work Ad- price.de- 5 00 All Instrument* War- Portland, Oct. 26, 1871. oc26islw-ostf dress National tvered on board at of and will CAMP SMOlAiER’S RENE WEB. Publishing Co., Phila. Pa. pla«*e shipment, pro- BLANKETING. ja31t4w ranted. [ are vtsselg t» transport the same when Cotton and k % TTfc a desired. Wool.7ft_110 @ 125 RO»H A All Wool.7ft.... 1 37 1 75 Is the best article ever known to »T1HDIVA.\T, @ rectorai Price lists sent mail. HAVE YOU SEEN j-Sdtf 179 CornmereiMl sf. COLORED BLANKETS. Ayer s^nerry by WANTED NOW. EXTRACT LOOKrv t A0JENTS Union, per pair,. 3 50 a 4 00 RESTORE GRAY HAIR F«r DiMeHMfH of the Throat and Langs, $100 to $200 per month cleared in All 4 00 Broad’s Patent Shawl Wool, per pair,. @ 6 50 sach ns Coughs, Colds,Whooping Will sell to be paid for in Install- Straps. f,".Hi\'«rT0fthe Firett in WHITE BLANKETS. TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR. Coagh, The •r,d- J1** outsold ail others Hard and WhitePine Timber Asthma ments. only Shawl Strap made with metallic top. J^**^** a“? 10- 4. 2 25 5 50 Bronchitis, and Consumption. and only connilete History Published Bv llev E J @ Silver with cross and end Or hand and sawed to 11- 4.. 3 50 50 It will prevent the Hair from falling out. plated, straps. Acknowl- <«ED, D 675 Pages 75 dimensions, @5 THE FEW I also have the for this State for the p. and iLsUa.ions; 12- Compositionb Agency all who have seen them to ou* in HARD PINE PLANK, 4. 5 50 @ 7 50 which have won edged by be the neateBt ***5 21 J*ew England (colored townships Makes the Hair smooth and and does not the confi- CELEBRATED and U. S. and COTTON BATTING. glossy, dence shawl ever invented. Juat world Maps, success Is certain. Ap- IIABD PINK ('LOORING of mankind and Btrap the thing (or holi- atonce AND nr IP- 50 lb 1 lb 18 stain the skin as others. ply for terms and to D. L. GUERN- • bales, rolls,. 13$@ become household words We also territory BOA RDM, for sale by Cotton 30 endorsed the most day presentB. manufacture Shawl Straps of SEY, Pub., Coucord, N. H. Warp Yam. @ 32$ -5,Sta,",a.r'1 Preparation, by re- among not one but febSfiw Cotton liable Physicians, and its only McPhail’s all kinds. Twine. 30® 35 astonishing curative powers OUR TREATISE ON THE HAIR many nations, must have Pianos, STETSON & Cotton attested thousands who have used it. 1 POPE, Wicking,. 30 @ 35 by The instrument manufactured in the Sole Manufacturers of Broad's I Fharf and It is a extraordinary virtues. Per- leading United Patents, 27$ Market Dock, corner of E FROCKINOS. sure, quick remedy for all diseases of the SENT FREE BY MAIL. first, street. haps no one ever secured so States. P. O. Urinary Organs existing in male or Irritation Street, Opposite WANTED, AGENTS. mr29eod*y 10 A}} Wool,.3-4.... 40 @ 45 teraale, wide a reputation or main- Office, Rrare s-..Boston. or Inflammation of Kidneys or Gravel Dia- Remember 144 1-2 St. O. ",.7-8. 45 @ 55 Bladder, R. P. HALL & CO. Nashua, N. H. Proprietors. tained it so long as Ayer’s Exchange B. BROAD & CO, Extra all Wool,.. 60 70 betes, Reddish Sediment in Urine, 980 ts 8100 per month by @ Thick, Cloudy For sale all Cherry Pectoral. It w47 2m dc20 eod&wtf , decl9-dtf selling EUAS HOWE CRASH. Urine, Mucous anu Involuntary from by druggists. Discharges fcbl8 eod&eow u eow w w8 2m has been known to the pub- Heavy ® 18 Urethra, Retention or Incontinuence of Chron- 1 Brown. 17 Urine, lic about forty a Medium ic Catarrh of Bladder, and all Chronic Maladies of the years, by NO TICE. GREAT Brown,. 12l@ 15 long contluned series of FORTUNES, Machines BROWN DRILLINGS. Urino-Genital Organs. Ground Land Plaster Sewing marvellous cures, which have won for it a AT 15 For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medjcin COAL! COAL! confidence GAMMON HIS OLD BUSINESS and How they were Made; ok, the Struggles AND geayy....30... 12$@ in its never other EUTTKRICK’S Medium,. 30_ q everywhere. virtues, equalled by any medicine. and Triumphs of our Sf,lf-m ade Men, bv J. D. It still makes the most effectual cures of Undersigned has returned to his at BLEACHED DRILLINGS. no28 eodly A FULL SUPPLY OF COAL! Coughs, business, McCabe, Jr. By forty eminent examples, it teaches that can be made medical THEPainting, Glazing and Paper at his old succeed hi Sateen.30 inches. 13*(§16 Colds, Consumption, by Portland Plaster Mills ! No Hanging, how to life, and at the same time benefit Patterns of — — stand, Union where to see inches. ALSO skill. Indeed, ithe Cherry Pectoral has really 3} Street, he hopes mankind. For particulars, notices of the anil Garments Medium.30 10j<|l3i AGENTS WANTED. The only complete life of his former numerous press robbed these dangerous diseases of their terrors, to a customers. extra terms, address, OKORC.E are prepared to supply dealers and consumers connected MACLEAN. HARD great extent, and given a feeling of from Being with no other business or concern Publisher, 3 School St., Boston. PLUMM3B and SOFT WOOD, immunity WEwith fresh groune (N. S.) Land Plaster. he intends to feb5t4iv * their fatal which is well if the rem- devote himself outirely to his trade, as WILDEBi JAMES FISK. Of all effects, founded, Shipped by R. R. or Vessel in Bulk or as de- kinds, as usual, at lowest prices. be taken in season. Bbls., above. K. D. GAMMON. 17J a full account of all his enter- edy Every family should have it sired. Middle St.. UpStair*. ACTIVE Containing schemes, in their closet for the and dc!3 3m WELLS’S CARBOLIC SAEESMEN and assassination. Biographies of Vanderbilt, ready prompt relief of its TABLETS, ew Paul members. Sickness, Buffering, and even life is saved KNIOIIT & WHIDDEN. Kses and other great R. II. and Financial magnates. Prince & Son, For Coughs, Colds and Honrseness. to take orders for “Chamber*’ En- Great by this timely protection, The prudent should not Jan. 5-d*w3m FRAUDS of the TAMMANY RING. Bril- FOOT OF ST. a new and revised WIL.HOT ja26-lm neglect it, and the wise will not. it for ! WANTEDcyclopedia”, being Edi- liant pen pictures in the LIGHTS & SHADOWS of Keep by you TABLETS tire FISHERMEN tion thousand the it affords in present Acid in combina- to 1872, with several engravings. New York Life. JOS1E MANSFIELD the siren. protection sudden attacks, and by ts with use. SPEND MONEY IN BUYING A NEW THESEtion other efficient remedies, in a noDtilar Kitto’* Family Bible, contains of How a beautiful timely upwards woman captivated and ruined her Merchants’ WHY of Kid Gloves time out? form, for the Cure of all THKOAT and LUNG Dis- 1000 the most eminent artists; new victims. Life of PREPARED Express Line, pair every you go 1 Engravings, by EDWARD S. STORES, Il- BY Renovate those have with eases. HOARSENESS and U LCERATION rWINES AND Type ami on white paper, with numer- you of the NETTING, printed heavy lustrated octavo of over 500 pages. Send $1.00 for Have taken cold? DR. J. C. AYER & FOR HAVANA. THROAT are ous notes and you Are you afflicted with Rheu- CO., LOWELL, MASS.. JOUVEN’H INODOROUS KID GLOTK immediately relieved and statements MAXUFACTRF.l) R references. 8ecure at once. free. are SHfiKiJ!11*1 territory Circulars or of kind? one of Practical and being sent to the of relief Worcester’* new edition TJNTON matism, pains any try Analytical Chemists, FROM X.IN'COLN’S CLEANER. constantly proprietor WM. E. HOOPER Dictionary,a prepared PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Chicago WHARF. iu cases of Throat difficulties of »e SONS. expressly for on toned pa- or Cincinnati. And sold by druggists all round tho world. It will make them equal to new with scarcely any years’ standing. subscribers; printed heavy feb20t4w The A1 S and lor price-liae. per and well illustrated with Wells’ Ulnchine-nprcml decl8-d&wevery3awly fast galling Brig trouble. Be careful to get the Genuine. Caution. Baltimore, Md Steel Engravings. Ntrcuffthcninir dir The Pictorial contains Planter*. Sold by Druggists and Dealers in Goods. be _J«N Sunday Readings, “M. HOUSTON,” WM. M. Fancy Don’t deceived by worthless Imitations. Get choice articles on the TOPPER, Master, Price 25 cents per bottle. a leadlug subjects of the Bible; They will certainly cure. TO PHYSICIANS. only Wells Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 cts per I 80 Chromo Silver Plate Will have immndlate despatch. For or F. C. WELLS & CO., box. JOHN Engravings. Polish! are are composed of choice emollient gums Board and Nursing, for Ladies about to be confined, freight pae- Q. KELLOGG. IS Platt St.. N. Y., Popular an They gage, apply to Fulton Street, New York. Sole for Educator; Encyclopaedia spread on the finest kid, of three different sizes, and or who require treatment, (except for contagious or _192 agent the U. S. Send for Circular. fbl7-t4w iEED, SEED! of Elementary and Technical subscriber has prepared and would Education; treats all respect- are worn with ease and comfort. Sold by Druggists venereal diseases,) under the charge of their own BUSHELS New T inoibv subjects; adapted to all classes. THEfully otter to the Public a suj>erior article for phy- Blanchard, Ponaland & Seed aIha Price 15, 20 and 30 cents each. sician, can be found by addressing Mrs. M. S. Co., RAKE BUSINESS CHANCE. s ^UUkJ Clover aud Rtd ior The l and polishing Silver and Ware, Top sale iving World; with of the cleaning Gold, Plated Ware, F. C. WELLS & CO., No. 4 Ferdinand Boston. All fel2dlw 140 by several races of descriptions will of the st., communications Commercial St., Boston. SALE, a small stock of and men, and all species of Ani- which excel anything kind ever 192 Fulton N. Y. i Millinery Fancy- Birds, brought Street, confidential. with located in one' of the best KENDALL <{* mals, Fishes, Insects, etc., upwards of 300 Into the market. And as a guarantee of this state- YOU DESIRE YOUR HAIR FORGoods, fixtures, WHITNEY.* colored References: Wm. Read, M. D., (late City Phy- TO BE SOFT towns In New I orfbtnd Re’t snbjects. will refer to the following well known reliable LUXURIANT AND England. Apply to Box 736, Haverill, ,2p 187\ ment, sician); David Thayer, M. D.; John Skinner. M. D.; FOR SALE! DO GLOSSY? Mass. *ct 2dtl I, Liberal Salaries or Commission to of this city: dlw* paid good busi- gentlemen ~ANNUAL C. F. Folsom, M. D.; S. L. Dutton, M. D., Boston; THOMPSON’S POMADE ness men, with exclusive territory. sent Gerrish & Pearson, Jewelers. Middle st; Wm. Senter OPTIME, Catalogues Nathan French, M. D., Malden Centre, Mass. used will make is hereby given, that the subscriber has VIltilNOX.ABS on applicetion. Jeweler, Exchange st; Sam’l Rolfe, Druggist, Con- dally, It so. It la entirely a Vegetable j janl3 cod 3m NOTICEbeen duly and taken upon himself. SAM’L walker & gress st; Hand & Thornes, dealers in Crockery, Con- Compound, exquisitely perfumed,and aiwciallv adapt- appointed I CO., Seed ed for the trust of Administrator of the estate ot ;i 3 Tremont st; Abner Lowell, Jeweler. Congress st; J. A. Catalogue! tebbets" nourishing the Hair. Sold by and Row; house, Dealers in bruggists MARY GREENOUGH, late of Portland JH/tTON febl9 Mass. Sresslerrill & Co., Jewelers, Middle st; C. C. Tolman, Lodging House for Sale. Fancy Goods. Price 2S and 50 cents per BODIES Boston, bottle. In the County of Cumberland, deceased, and POR Market S