' PORTLAND i^——i mm•I'RloU ■»({) toT ajincir) oif ESTABLISHED JUNE «. 1868. VOL. 11. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1872. TERMS «M» PER AW CM, EffADTAS^E. THE PUKTLAND DAILY PRESS MISCEL] jANEOUS REAL ESTATE. TO LEI. FACES ON THE WALL. publlsbod every day (Sundays excepted) by the I WHY? T H eTe BB S 5 BT PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., ^ATLA NT 1C Geo. R. Davis & Co.’s To be Let HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. .. ■ __*«>n saw eJ ii*iin ; A PLEASANT Up-Stairs Tenement; four What in the reason that At 109 Exchange St, Portland. rooms; Author " the Literary, Re- WEDNESDAY water; rent ten dollars a month. Inquire of Uncle Tom'l Cabin," "My Wife and I," MORNINU. FEB. Terms: Dollar* a Year in advance. 0f-^ASebago 7,1872. Eliebt BULLETIN. H. A. etc. MUTUAL ,. JONES, and Domestic started two INSUR 1NCE COMPANY. febJdtf1 Galt Block. ligious, Weekly, THE Maine""STATE PRESS Postal Cards in Canada. (OROANIZI D IN 1843.) $20,000 to Loan tl / Room To Let. ©uce there was a very good little girl, who, by rea- years ago, namely, Morning at 50 a N. Y. Eve. la published every Thursday $2 board son of her goodness, knew where to find strawberries [Cor. Port.) We are la lean In mam TM^ITH suitable for gentleman and or year; If paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. 51 WALL prepared money ▼ T two wife, STREET, Con ier of New York. gentlemen. Also a few table boarders ac- in the winter. In the same way less a few weeks ago, the flash- William, Oram lo an Oral perfect people, When, telegraph j 9100 any amount desired, comraodatad, »t 52 Free Street. blessed THE Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, in Jn4-tf by the generous fairies of memory and imagi- CHRISTIAN ed the news to this that the The In to the Charter of 1 clam in Elisa, UNION, province Hon. of constitutes a Trustees, Conformity the 'ompany, submit the following Statement of its affairs mortgages Portland, Cape length column, “square.” on the 31st day of December, 1871. To JLet! nation, may sit, as I do now, in the midst of falling of the $1 50 first week: 75 cents per both, Westbrook, or Deering. Pardee de- John Hill, member of Congress United per square daily leaves and and call or con tin u- Premiums received on Marine No. 149 Commercial whistling winds, back the green should have so week after; three insertions, less, $1 00; Risks, from 1st Januar 1871. to 31st December, 1871, $5,412,777 51 sirous el building can also be aecamm- Store, st., recently oc- suddenly achieved a success States, had introduced a bill the 50 cents. Premiums on Policies not enpied Messrs. & grasses and summer sun. I see in authorizing ng every other day alter first week, marked off 1st January, 187 2,033,675 18 edaled with loans. by Purington Butler; siilta- yonder the glen, one oie ror wholesale Flour issue of or Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; or Grocery Business. Gas, the darling of our in her brown that makes all cheap postal correspondence cards, «BO. B. & Water and all house, tl\e gold gleam newspaper men wonder ? week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. Total amount of Marine 69 DAVIS CO., modern conveniences. Applv to Premiums, $7,446,452 hair, a chain of daisies in her in her the it would surely have puzzled the read- Special Notices, one third additional. Beal Estate Sc Bortgage Brokers. A. E. STEVENS & CO., hand,and eyes general $2 00 per No Policies have been 146 Commercial street. roughish meditation of a for an Under head of “Amusmkments,” Square issued upon Life Risks: nor up< n Fire Risks disconnected with se|'24tt ___ kitten, weary instant er to know how or in what manner such or less 50. Marine Risks. REASONS per week; three insertions $1 only of its play, and thinking slyly of anotner spring. WHY! Advertisements inserted In tli# “Maine State Premiums marked Off from 1st Rooms to seemingly unimportant information could in January, 1871, to 31st ] Jtcember, 1871, $5,375,793 24 Let, Thrown back upon the velvet is a circulation in Losses New House for Sale or Bent. grass, she not resting Press” (which has large every part paid during the Bame period 63 "C^URNISHED Rooms to let with at interest or affect the Canadians. for first of $2,735,980 board, only from her to HENRY WARD any way of the State) for $1 00 per square insertion, Returns Premiums and 84 A jan28-2w pausing; bright glances the tips of lofM. BEECHER Expenses, ?973,211 56 FREE STREET. its Editor, of whom the and 50 cents i>er square for each subsequent inser- The Company has the following Assets, viz: her tiny fingers she is wide awake. Chicago Interior Yet the news was electrical, and put a Ufa United con- no man on tion. States and State of New York Bai k and other 00 New High street, No. 79; very nice, and But said, “Probably this continent so Stock, Citv, Stocks, $8,143,240 To Let. now the merry play is over, and our pet nestles sways into the veins of these thoroughly Addre** all ~,nciUonu secured by and 00 ONvenient; gas throughout the house; perfect drain- or Is so to phlegmatic, Loan; Stocks, otherwise, 3,379,050 room many minds, doing much shape religious CQ, Real Estate and age; Sebago water; in order. BARBER’S over the Apothecary shop, cor. younder on the tired at last in earnest. Bondsfand 217,500 00 everything perfect Fore sofa-cushion, for the British and altogether blue-nosed Ca- ■ Mortgages, and next half partly Interest, and One-half remain on if for a long A Market Sts. the lids thought century.” His vigorous pen sundry notes and claims due the Compai y, estimated at 386,739 41 mortgage, desired, Slowly tall, and the lingering smile dies out; Premium term of will be sold at a or u F. CORRY. in Editorials and Star and Mr. Ellin which was wonderful. Friend met Notes aud BUIb Receivable 2,405,937 95 years; bargain, rented, ■Jpl0tf_C. but the flush in cheek and Papers, wood’s nadians, : Cash in Bank. not sold. • lip remains, like the glow 274,345 01 New after famed verbatim reports of his helpful Lecture-Room, lriend on the street and were BUSINESS CARDS. THOMAS WILDES. House for Sale, or Rent. sunset. The gathered buttercups and daisies cougratulations Talks In are an attraction to Total Amount of Jan lO.dlmo. Street near Pine. are held the fair little Plymouth Church, “I said Jones to ~ 87 Emery cosy and con- loosely by no passed. told Assets, $14,806,812 Very hand; shadows, thousands always you,” ON gaa house and even of dream of readers, who always want to know what 1 a jenient, throughout cellar, piped land, disturb the sweet brow’s perfect Brown, ‘that those Yankees were not as Six per cent interest on the certiflcat ?S of will be to the holders or their iorSebaeo, cellar cemented, in ]>rime con- he thinks on themes and the of the' CHAS. A. outstanding profits paid thereof, GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY aitlon. everything peace. She is fast religious topics WARREN, legal representatives, on and after the Sixth >f next. Will be sold at low figure, or rented if not asleep. ’cute as represented.” “Ah!” said Brown Tuesday February In other times. He is also assisted by an able editorial Warren & 1he outstanding certificates of the issue of w J1 be redeemed and or their W. P. words, two chromos the staff. (Formerly Gregg.) 1888, paid to the holders thereof, FOR SALE. ^ MERRILL, hang upon wall, “we’ll teach them, my boy; we’ll show them legal representatives, on and after the < f from date all thereon 24 St. It i* IN Tuesday Sixth February next, which interest dec9-tfTelegraph Office, Exchange bewitching child-heads, in which every mother sees IJN8ECTABIAN RELIC- how to wdl cease. The certificates to be • advance with the All no produced at the timf of payment, and cancelled. Upon certificates which THE of her ION, Independent in Political Discuss! >n, and age.” this, SHIP were issued something own dear ones, never and will vsur BROKER, (in red scrip) for gold premiums; such pay nent of interest and will be in To Let! grown old, doubt, puzzle readers as much as redemption gold, never devoted to Morals, Home and News -AND- A dividend of Per is for the lost to however time or Reform, Foreign Forty Cent, declared < n the net earned premiums of the Company, A desirable House of twelve rooms. her, death may have the actions and words themselves year 31st Enquire —both of Church matters and the world at larcn. puzzled ending December, 1871, for which certificate will be issued on and after Tuesday the Seeond of of A. K. 24 dealt with them. next. GRIST SHURTLIFF, No. Union Wharf, your correspondent; but when I explain that COMMISSION MERCHANT, April MILL, ilb febl lw Literature, Science, Art, Music, —AT— Nothing pleases more at first sight or gives pleasure Agriculture, Trade, postal cards have now been in use in these DELAWARE Finance, etc., etc., with contributions from eminent 444 SOUTH AVENUE, By order of the Beard, H. longer than poetical pictures of children. “The little provinces for many and that it is the J, CHAPMAN, Secretary. FALMOUTH FORESIDE. Island to writers all months, J. D. JONES, President. CHARLES Let. child” whom Jesus sets in qf denomination*—in all parts of the of the PHILADELPHIA. Jau31 DENNIS, Vice-President, the midst of every finally opinion Canadians that the Hon. John W. H. H. 2nd Vice-Pres’t. J. D. 3rd Vice-Pres’t. all late Elevators, Screen- ISLAND 13 miles from Portland and two is country. MOORE, HAWLETT, improvements, a joy that grows not old and fades not. Hill borrowed his idea from a WITH and Also for AN miles from main land, them, gleaming ing, Blowing Bolting. Grinding containing about 40 IT at a HAS SOMETHING FOR may be had of the reason for the H. L. GREGG & JOHN W. MUNG] Salt, very small expense, and in connection with acres, together with the buildings consisting “Age cannot custom cannot stale congratula- Co., 3R, Correspondent, of thereon, wither, Ova*Every Member of the Wareeouse on Commercial street. A business of 150 new Dwelling House, Barn, Sheds, and Fish Its Household—father, tions. Warren & « ffice, 166 For. Me. infinite variety.** Successors to Gregg. Si., Portland, to 200 thousand dollars can be done to a House, all in perfect repair. mother, boys and girls, yonng men and all As a matter of Feb. 7, 1872. dlm-eodllm«&w6w wk7 good profit* women, present interest to the Unit- by any active business man, with a moderate This is a good location for either Farmer or For this reason a find capital. Fish- happy picture of a child brings an something of interest. Admirable contributed ed States, I propose to a few SHIP BROKERS, Terms favorable. Apply to EDWARD H. BURGIN erman. The land is and give particulars excellent—sea-dressing enjoyment more lasting than any because it is and editorial articles all the of as to the of AND Cor, Market and Milk P. O. Box 715. muck abundant. The harbor is and in other, discussing great topics working the system here. Sts., Jalfltf good close a urnvlrnltv tn iriiiul Mahinn irFAim/lu —_i.i, _i subject of which no one ever the fresh STATEMENT tires. day; information on unhackneyed subjects, The card issued by the Canadian govern- ! BOSTON LEAD For markets near at band But COMMISSION MERCHANTS CO., Sale. make it a rare chance to carry these pictures, besides their constant charm for much matter ofa and pure tone Domes- ment is four and a half inches THE- high religious ;a long by three -OF genteel, modern-built Brick House No. 1 on the market fishing and lobster business. Terms grown folks, are such as children can understand and tic Department, choice Household inches wide, and in thickness is but little lOS Walnut SL, Philadelphia. [Incorporated in 1829.] THEDeering Place, recently occupied by Judge Wal- moderate. Poems, Stories, For love. Our little “Wide Awake” and and Chat for the little more substantial than H. L. J. B. Hamel, Jr. ton. Apply to GEO. M. HARDING. particulars apply to “Fast Asleep” ones; one of its chief attrac- heavy paper. On its Gregg, NARRAGANSETT PORTLAND would jau23-ly_ jan25 2w* STAR MATCH CO., give many a pleasant hour of companionable tions being Mrs. H. B. Stowe’s fascinating Tales. face are the words, “Canada Post Card;” a J. H. Chadwick & West Commercial Sreet, Portland. Me. Co., Ag’ts amusement and intercourse to ths little akin fac simile of a one cent stamp, “The ad- r or gtut;* jan 12-d&ivtf people aHMIT# mo medical or and, to them in 4-tll ?T dress to be 1*. Office 99, 94 Sc 96 Olirer Street, age. The pictures that children’s rest lull.other advertisements only written on this side.” Be- I>r. J. FESSMDE\ FIRE and MARINE FARM, situated in Coun- eyes y^ssibly objectionable Huntsville, Schuyler on as are low are three lines which to BOSTON. Nice Kent for 9300. they dropping off to sleep, or as awake nor anything to tffbud the or most upon write the Has removed from Lewiston, and resumed the prac- A ty, Illinois, within 8 miles of the Depot, and a they purest fastidious, new is The lower rent of in the seem to them and direction, and that is all. The reverse of the tice of his profession in Portland. INSURANCE CO., railroad being built within three miles of said M house 87 Franklin street, morning, like living friends. All is therefore a tov rite family paper. MANUFACTURERS OF farm. It contains 240 surrounded with card is and this acres, good HjlS containing eight pleasant rooms, with suit of sorts of childish dreams and fancies make of the perfectly blank, upon may A.NJD RESIDENCE, -OF- of Rail and and is ■Dili nice parlors, and pict- Piuihlv hp writfpn lpcrihlv from tu-olvu OFFICE fences, consisting Hedge, Board; pure Sebago water. ured Cali on L. face a real companion. Not in the divided into Corn and Grass Fields, Pasture and TAYLOR, 176 Commercial street only parlor teen lines of BOSTON or correspondence. The card in- No. 43 Pine Street, Brown Block. PROVIDENCE, R. I. Wood Land. Nov 24-dtf the sitting room would they be an attractive and med at the edges,Is so convenient for reading,binding, There is also a fine from which are raised deed is an exact copy of those Issued the garden, fitting embellishment, but they are a and perservation as to be a merit in Its by Office hours: 9 to 10 A. M., and 2 to 3 P. M. On the 31st of 1871. charming pair great special and now so day December, strawberries, gooseberries, elderberries, raspberries for the English government, extensively Pure White Lead ! currants. The orchard adornment of a nursery. favor, apart from its superior literary attraction. j a n23 *eod3m blackberries,and contains 100 WITH * in use in Great Britain, and, therefore, if the and Ground in bearing apple trees, and 100 trees just commenc- Undoubtedly these two pictures are Amount of Capital actually paid in cash 8600,000 00 Dry Oil* portraits A ®lPEBB WORM OF ART i. for is to be rendered to ing ; 25 old peach trees and 200 young trees; nine dif- There is a fith praise originating any PAINTER. Surplus 80 realistic faithfulness and truth about them VUlt.GIVEN away to every subscriber and PORTRAIT 8273,832 DRY AND GROUND RED ferent kinds of and also in country,it is farther off than Canada to where ZINC, LITHARGE, cherry plum trees; grapes that forbids the the abundance. idea of their being fancy heads. Subscription Price is the United States must remit it. 80 LEAD, LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, TIN 8773,832 The house is good cellar with ^ They will remind of ones 24x36, cistern; ice, %* many parents little either not months* in J. G. TIN-LINED IRON PIPE coal TO Although many operation CLOUDMAN, PIPE, PIPE, milk, and smoke houses. Said farm is offered li£T. here or in ASSETS. heaven. Dickens says somewhere of his the cards are A AC. for sale on account of the ill health of the owner, who Three Dollars Per Year. general favorites here. Mer- 148 EXCHANGE 8T. FITTINGS, PUMPS, AC., portraiture of little Nell Only National and other Bank Stocks. 8310,072 00 is desirous of removing further south. Purchaser can that he has had letters from chants buy them by the thousands, and hav- New and Our Pure White both and in oil, have of the Jan22tf York, Chicago Cleveland City I Lead, dry ground privilege taking stock, crops, and farm im- 51, 53,-47,49 farthest regions of the earth speaking of children ing had their cards, circulars and prospectus- 33 we warrant to be strictly pure. and guarantee plements at market For more Bonds.,- 8109,993 prices. particulars who resemble her—so dear, and so taken! He es on the scatter them broad- EDGAR S. BROWN* Amount loaned on mortvave. beino first that tor fineness, body ana durability, it is not sur- call L. who has a early printed back, upon KIDDER, Portland, Maine, who lien. $202,000 00 passed by any Lead in the market, either foreign or plan of the premises in his possession, and will MIDDLE ST., paints one child well, paints thonsands, and cast. Hitherto they had to buy envelopes, American. give SPECIAL Counsellor and Attorney at Law ! Amount in hands of agents, in course ny information necessary. speaks to the tenderest of innumerable hearts. and paper, and pay besides for order to have feelings stamps folding of transmission. $77,639 21 |3P~In protect ourselves, we adopted GAIN ROBINSON. THOMPSON BLOCK. Of No. 80 MIDDLE STREET. course there is a pleasure in an the circular and placing the stamps on the Amount Premium Notes. 01 i as our trade-mark an eight-pointed red star, with 1872. possessing origi- $47,518 Huntsville, Illinois, January 30th, ja31eodlm Third Block below the at a seal in the This is on new Poat Office. nal but when the envelopes, total cost per circular of Particular attention paid to collecting. Amount Cash on hand and in Bank. $18,448 30 corporate centre. every pack- paintiug; question lies between an Attractions for 1872 ! folly ty of our Pure Lead. None without it. three cents. Now it is but one cent. As a Amount other Assets not specified. $8,161 95 age genuine Said Stores have a frontage of 41 feet, and nearly original at live hundred dollars and a chromo which jan24-ly_ feb6d3m Hotel for Sale. 100 leet in Brick and Iron it is safe to estimate that the Property deplh, Sales. Double can scarcely be distinguished from it, at ten dollars— consequence THOMAS $773,161 95 Counting rooms, and the best show transmission of circulars the mails has H. TALBOT, unquestionably when one by in- windows in Ihe city. particularly has not five hundred to spare— Assistant U. These the GIVEN creased over five hundred per cent.; such, at (Late Attorney General, S.) LIABILITIES. RUBBERS. The undersigned offers for sale the “New Stores are fitted up in the nicest manner choice is not very difficult. As to these two ex- AWAY ! in for Who'esale least, is the estimate of the office ale- Amount of outstanding losses adjusted Hampshire House,” situated the pleasant Jobbing Houses, and wil be let at a quisite chromos, only a critical examination can dis- post and unadjusted. 35 and prosperous of N. H. The low rent if applied lor to CHARMING AND POPULAR WORKS and I believe these to be and Counsellor $74,614 city Dover, immediately. Aprils between the the • partment, figures Attorney hotel is in well de- Mrs ti. E. tinguish copies and originals, which 1TWO OF ART. JESr“Fire Policies issued at current rates. Marine Arctics j good repair; furnished; THOMPSON,' below the mark. Besides merchants, every Rubber with fine shade trees and Lowell sold for many hundreds—which is more Risks on Hulls, and taken at cur- J_ llightfully located, Mass, certainly conceivable sort of business is benefitted Cargoes, Freight attractive and has excellent No 91 Merrimack or by AT LAW! rent rates. grounds, stabling. st., Box 117. than can be said of the best copies of most pictures •‘Wide Awake and Fast Asleep.” Will be sold with or without furniture. J. C, PROCTER, 93 Exchange st these cards. Schools send out their circulars No. IS Pemberton Hass. painted by hand. Sqr., Boston, Rubber Overs. Inquire of; or address, A. TUCKER, GKO. M. HARDING. Architect. TWO EXQUISITE FRENCH OIL CHROMOS, thereon, newspapers their prospectuses for Portland Office, Conductor on B. & M. R. R. nev2 3m Blessings upon which the Refers to Hon. E. R. Hoar; Hon. Nathan Clifford, jalOeodtf chromo-lithography, by coming volumes; book publishers also do the of the Supreme Court, U. S.; Hon. F. WE WEBE AT THE AUCTION, YOU BET. succesfhl painting of a master can be reproduced inde- THE SUBJECTS OF WHICH ARK LIFE- Judge George First-' lass to same; railroad companies send their time ta- of the Circuit Court. U. Hon. D. 166 FORE WM. H. Houses Let. and can enter Sheptey, Judge S.; STREET, JEJRBI8, NOT sold finitely, thousands of homes with its ed- and in almost innumerable numbers is W. Gooch, and Hon. Ginery Twichell. Jn3-6m Small Feet in Luck. previous to Oct 1st, the two end houses SIZE, AND CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE bles; in the new brick block of on ucating, quickening, influences! JOHN W. MIJNGE IF lour, the corner of reforming the printed circular on the postal card sent ft, Agt. Real Estate and Loan Neal and Pine sc, will be rented on favorable It is not into Don’t with Agent. teems. alone the dwellings of the great and ALL WHO LOVE ART OR CHIL- forth by business firms. As such there can feb2eod3w go sold, damp feet, These are first class houses lr. every respect, eon- wealthy that we follow this pretty pair with be ne manner of doubt of their an im- PAYSON &. PAYSON, Houses, Lets-and Farms for Sale* alnlsg 13 rooms, having ail modern improvements. anticita- DREN, being nor and water. tions of We see them in the mense success. let'your poor neighbors He would refer abroad to andSehago Apply to JOHN T. HOLL. 48 delight. cottages of the parties the following Union St. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, SAGE CHEESE. relatives suffer, if they named gentlemen 0/ this city: Hen. Geo. F. Shep- sep16 poor, in thelogcabinofthebackwoodsman,brightening Arc GIVEN AWAY to every subscriber for 1872, In the the ordinary run of correspondence especially Hon. A. W. H. Hon. the toil of the ley, Clapp, Bepjamin Kings- To hard-worked wife and mother, and whether it be a New Subscription or a Renewal f only about one letter in ten is necessarily pri- SAVINGS BANR BUILDING, have small Re- bury, Jr., Hon. Nathan Webb, Hon. John Lynch, Let, understandings. receiving the almost adoring wonder of children who These Chromos are no cheap colored prints, but are vate, or such that it may not be seen by .A. CHOICE LOT ! part of house No. 5 Mechanic st; 5 rooms; have never seen before. of and in times member that ever took cold Portland, Nov 1,1870. nolti UPPERrent $10 per month. at house or of pictures splendid copies Oil Paintings, by an eminent En- strangers, perhaps ninety-nine 95 Street. FOR SALE BY nobody Enquire Exchange R. God bless the the for their size out of a hundred even that letter may be so ., ABBOTT, darlings—send little comforters glish artist, frilly equal (10}xl2}) to any who their feet dry and warm. Land For Sale. feb6 170, foot of st. fast worded as to cause it to be to all Edwabd Paybox, E. P. Paybox. kept Opp. Exchange and far! chroino evei published. The subjects are life ambiguous dec27eod3m SMITH, GAGE & CO., of Land on Brackett head of York St. save the sender and receiver. I speak of or- We offer for five days, St., size. The pair, by a fortunate arrangement which LOT feb2»lwF. Q. CUMMINGS. and not such secret af- 92 COMMERCIAL ST*, TO JLET one of the partners of this house was able to make in dinary correspondence Men’s Water-proof Buckle Arctics fairs as tradesmen’s bills, refus- GEORGE D. Mew House Paris during the late seige, with the proprietors of love-letters, JOST, jan30-2w“THOMAS BLOCK.” first sizes 6 1-9 and 7 The als of discounts from and others of quality* 6* Store No 142 & 144 Commercial charming pair of Awake” and the are banks, SALE—On Lewis street, near Pine. Frescoed st chroms„“Wide pictures, furnished at a rate entirely excep- 91*95 per “Fast of that sort. For such, even with the advent of pair FORand piped lor Sebago. Apply cn the premsses, ol Widgery’s Whsrt, particularl Asleep” whose real baauty and atttractive- tional, So that, although thousands of them have Ladies’ All first or at 25 st. JAMES A. TENNEY. CORNERadapted to the Fir .r and Grain business, ness Mrs. open letters, will yet remain the old three- FRESCO PAINTER Sandals* sizes* qual- Emery larg Stowe’s graceful sketch can give but an been sold in and at still are and will PORTO RICO capacity, having a iron rage o> 36 and 15 910, cent and closed The ity 35c. per pair aug25 feet, depth idea—so are private envelopes. op- accessible water or imperfect pleasing they to all who love be sold at that the -AND- leet, by rail, ilted up with every price by picture trade generally, the cards on 186 MIDDLE STREES, UpStairs. or position generally made to th#1- Men’s.Plain Rubbers,sizes 5,5 1-9, 6, modern convenience. art children—have always sold in the picture stores they can be given to subscribers. F. of Free to H. that tradesmen will send N. B. Order Slate at F. Hale’s, Comer 6 1-9 40c per pair Apply N. JOSE, 194 Fore sL for $10, and the has never been grounds dunning IN, O. MOLASSES. 4 is tt original publisher and Cross Streets. de20 if to FOUND. Nov demands thereon, bauks will make known Misses’ Plain Rubbers’ sizes lO 9, WANTS, LOST, able to the demand for them even at DIFFERENT GRADES. supply great lack of and that threats will be 30c per pair that price. And A MOSAIC. your credit, To Let yet, although thousands of them forwarded couched in FOR BALE BY Children’s Plain sizes 6 to 9 to WHAT THE language particularly GAGE & DAYIS, Rubbers, Wanted Hire. iront room on have been sold in America at that are PRE88 SAYSt second floor. Also high rate, they intended so that servants, or others 95c Address one room on third now your Floor, Grain and Prariaian per pair Small Cabinet Organ. PLEASANT floor with board. 49 Frank- within the reach of all, for they are Two very good chromos are “Wide Awake" and GAGE P. O. BOX “A.” lin ec28tf through whom the cards may pass, may be SMITH, &CO., Women’s Water-proof Cloth-top A st._ “Fast which have few mar- feb6*3t Saccarappa, Me. Asleep," [l] rivals in the informed of certain of your actions, or possi- Orers, first quality, all sizes, 75c per pair GIVEN ket for Commission Merchants, 92 COMMERCIAL ST., Lodging Booms to Let. AWAY attractiveness [2]—fresh, sweet and blooming bly be Informed of what you never did or Men’s Long Hip Rubber Boots, child 58 HOl'TH CANAL STREET, an31-2w “THOMAS BLOCK.” Boarders Wanted. Front Rooms on the second floor without faces, [3] executed with true French skill [4] said, is not verified by the working of the to 94,00 per pair Rooms; board reasonable. TWOboard at 28 High st.oct!9eodtf every subscriber to The Christian Union an un- We have rarely seen anything prettier than the two system here. Tradesmen never send such C. F. Davib Chicago. rinenoo Arc- ■ Children’s Water-proof Buckle feb6tf No 11 MYRTLE both in color R. W. G AG 206 State Bt., Boston. GOOD ST, sectarian, literary, religious, and domestic weeklv pictures, which, [5] and sentiment are notices unless their customer refuses to treat NEW CROP sizes 6 to 9 75c To Let, no2' tics, per pair newspaper, edited Henry Ward Beecher. really beautiful of a in homes with them in for to by [6]—worthy place costly any reputable way; banks, Misses’ Rubber sizes lO to Wanted. let, containing? rooms, Sebago The Boots, 9, water. For pair by a fortunate arrangement which one of [7] Unlike nine pictures out of ten that cost a good their own sakes, are civil to the extent of experienced Saleswoman at TENEMENT particulars call at 31 LINCOLN 91*40 per pair. the of this was deal more, one can three cents to as a habit of BENNETT & WEBSTER, IN. O. MOLASSES. AN feb6-3tDAVIS & CO.’S. ST.sng23 tl partners house able to make in Paris look at them day after day and every one, sending Ladies’ Wool-lined Rubber Boots, durln? t.hn Iftst tilomt nmnnAtnH not tire of them We have often amid letters would their and Snccemoni of H. H. Massey & To Let [5]. stopped open injure business; Co., sizes 9 to 1-9 8 91*50 per pair L O S T 1 tures, are furnished to Mr. Beecher’s at a the bustle of to look at and never to the and blackmailer the card No. 36 Andersen publishers Broadway them, blackguard Rubber sizes 6 to 9 street; nearly new, con- Commission Children’s Boots, tains six rate entirely exceptional. The subjects are without feeling happier and better cannot oilers no better facilities for his insults than General Merchants, 90 Bbls. Choice N. 0. Friday evening last at Fluent Hall, a small HOUSE rooms, eight closets, good cellar, and Life-Size. [7]. They Molasses, 91*95 ot wacer. As to did an letter or the back per pair ON rosette ef Diamonds; the finder will receive a plenty Apply at No. 3 Lincoln st. the Christian Union, the great success of fail to please all who love art or children [8]. open before, exposed ROOM 11, 1 to it at the store of of an Just received direct and for sale by Boys’ Rubber Boots, sizes 6 liberal reward by leaving the Jy28tt__ that paper has been a marvel in the history of jounal- [11 Independent. N. Y, [21 Eveniug Mall, N. Y. [3] envelope. fe5d3t* MESSRS. Middle St. N. Y. These Board of Trade Building, 99.50 per pair McDUFFEE, ism, and the scholarly, and critical New York Nation Aldine, [41 Springfield Republican. [51 Ad- oppositions overruled, the card proves vance, Harper’s N. Y. Il- DESIRABLE Houi>e of ten rooms. Enquire of call it not the Chicago. t«] Weekly, [71 itself an invaluable aid to ILL. GEO. S. HUNT. only ablest and best, but also the lustrated Christian N. correspondence.— CHICAGO, Copper-Smith Wanted. A C O. RAKER, 37 Wilmot street. Weekly, Y. [8] Christian at A has been the of 2. dlw I 99.00 per pair most popular of American Work, N. Y. pencil introduced, writing February can Jyl3 dtfE. W. LOCKE religious i>eriodicals.” attention given to the purchase and ship- GOOD Copper-smith find steady employ- which is almost indelible. With a dozen cards Esi>ecial Men’s Heavy Rubber Roots This paper, hereafter will be on a still lar- A subscriber writes to the Publishers: ment of Corn, Flour. Grain and Provisions, for east- A ment by applying at printed To be Let, in “The in his coat pocket, the bulk of which is not ern parties. Refer to 1st Nat’l Bank, Chicago; W. H. FOE SALE. 93,00 per pair, upwards PORTLAND COMPANY’S WORKS. ger sheet, folded twenty-four pages, pasted at the chromos far surpass in beauty and style any- Jan 29-dlw whole or part of the block of Brick Stores on equal to two letters, the traveler by rail is Small, Bangor. Women’s Rubber Roots 91*30 per pair back and trimmed at the egdes, a decided advantage thing that I expected. A Neighbor of mine bought L Thob. E. Bennett, A. W. Webster. HALF blooded Arabian Horse, together with THEPortland Pier. able to report his doings as he goes along, Men’s self-acting or Kick-off Rubber at the possessed by no other It the same Chromos in New York a months Harness and Robes. This horse Apply Merchants National Bank. religious weekly published. few ago, and at each station a office box awaits ja26*2m A Sleigh, splendid eta. WANTED, post is seven is an excellent will work Overshoes 90 contains contributions from eminent writers of all de- and ten dollars them. Please years old, roadster, jyisti__ paid for accept my his besides the mail on in double or is kind and smooth. For Over- GOOD RENT of 5 rooms. Address or call on missive, messengers single harness, Roys’ Water-proof, cloth top nominations, and has matter of interest for every thanks for them. Preu Office. Furnished to of the trains. With these conveniences HiU & particulars inquire of PELEG STAPLES, 250 Con- shoes T5c A Room Let. many Richardson, Co., per pair lanKtlf member of the household, young and old. For the gress st., or WM. WINCHESTER, 1 Lincoln Place, or without board. Also Ladv Boarders Sc Change af Form. of correspondence the mail matter of the year 1872, Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe will 2Balar|euest•After the first of the will where the horse can be seen. WITHwanted. Apply corner Center and Free st. No Jauuary paj>er be print- Ganadas has increased nearlv five hundred BANKERS, Jan. 1872. Please call for Auction Wanted. write on a Portland, 29th, ja30tf Goods, jun30tf exclsively for he Christian Union. I ed still'- arger sheet, folded in twenty-/our large fold. A little village post-office I lately visit- ISo. 3 Sears Boston. size and as advertis- FIRST-CLASS MAN M run a Board Circular. It has something for every member cfthe household quarto pages, pasted at the back and trimmed at the ed received before the time of post-cards, Building, stating price A to A. C. BARKER. TO xuemion Apply LET. —father,mother, boys, and girls, young men and sides,—a decided advantage in convenience for read- some thirty letters a day *, now it BUSINESS PAPER Bought and sold, and xapiiaiisis and not ns to show Jaa 29-d&w2w 131 Commercial st. averages ed, oblige yon youug women, all find something of interest. Ad- ing possessed by no other religious weekly publMkfld. nearly one hundred and fifty cards. As re- Corporation Loans negotiated. I FLUENT BLOCK, BRICK Block to rent,' known as the Jewett other goods, when yon only want Found. QFFICKS mirable contributed and editorial articles discussing gards secresy in large cities, the reading of check at situate in Pittston near the end of the G. DEPOSITS received, subject to sight, A Block, the White House, a small bundle. Apply Either Single or in Suits. all the great topics of the day; fresh information on the postal cards by the post-office clerks is an & P. Bridge on the Kennebec River. are Thus interest on balances credited those which advertised. NEARat this Office. feb3 and even in the smaller offices daily monthly. The lower floor now contains two stores each unhackneyed subjects; much matter of a high and impossibility,* 28x55, These offices are the most desirable In the be- and a loft above 40x55 and two offices 14x16 ft the are time for city, pure religious tone; a Domestic choice the postmaster is not willing to wade through COLLECTIONS of Notes, Drafts, Coupons each, you saving yourself ing situated and heated by steam. Department, for the Christian third is a Hall full size of building. Rent Wanted. pleasantly Union during the year 1872, with or all of them Dividends made with promptness on all points. story Also, De-sk roam and desks furnished i! desired. Poems, Household Stories, and Chat for the little fifty sixty documents, ambigu- Said Block is well adapted for Manufacturing and SMALL and convenient Bent of six or the exception of one short story all ready engaged for pur- ns, genteel mar9dtf ones, one of the chief attractions Mrs. H. B. ously couched, to glean literally nothing. ADVANCES made on ollaterals. or for a Com and Flour Store and Mill which AT seven rooms. Communications addressed to being approved A another periodical. Punch takes off the cards a Ejsesmuch needed to supply our town trade, as well as Bent, Box 803 will receive prompt attention. Stowe’s fascinating Tales. by making post- ORDERS for Bonds and all first-class securities a is well mistress answer an who wanted to large surrounding country trade, situated, Nov 30dtf The terms of subscription to this paper are: For inquirer executed on commission. being only 100 feet from a good wnarf where Hall’s Rubber The Illustrated know mail was so of large Warehouse, one year, This will entitle the subscriber Holiday Number “why the delayed much dec22 Schooners discharge ana receive cargoes. Alss is Wanted. only $3,00. 4 • eod6m__ may RE-OPENING. OF there’s so many of near the Maine Central R. R. Depot in Gardiner, as to the paper and to the above pair of beautiful Oil late,” “Indeed, ma’m, 35 MILK STREET. Cook at No. 74 State Street. THE these now for me to read off that it well as the Steamers running to Bhston. Will rent experienced Chromos. The Christian Illustrated Holi- CHRISTIAN UNION, post-cards dc30 dtf Union, H. & Oo whole or part of Block as parties may desire. Rent AN takes my whole time, so that I can’t attend Peyret BOSTON. day Number, (28 pp.), will be be sent free to all who (28 page.) will be sent low. An excellent chance for a Shoe Factory. For to the office,” But Punch now subscribe for the treats, generally, IMPORTERS OF further particulars apply to Mrs. Harriet Jewett, year 1872. the utmost extreme. or to Ira D. President of the FREE Pittston, Me., Sturgis, P. 8. The above named Send money in postal orders, drafts or registered Kennebec Land and Lumber Co. goods SCHOOL! letters direct to the Publishers. to all who MOW subscribe for the year 1872. Pittston, January 18th, 1872. jan24 d2w are not to be fitted at store, bnt MARKED Yacht Club Premiums. FRENCH GOODS DOWK! Specimen copies of the paper will be mailed free The Term* of WINES, Spring Term of the English and French Beb.cription Messrs. 4 the call for one size than yon will on of to any address on of six cents Shfeve, Crump Low, says larger THESchool, begin postage receipt by are as follows Wholesale & Retail CHANCE ! Boston have on exhibition a set of RARE wear of and are safe J. B. Ford & Co., Publishers, 27 Park Place, New Traveller, bTBEET. leather, yon FEB. 5th. novTCm 948 COSGKBgl) MONDAY, York. For full particulars see advertisement in the ONE YEAR ONLY $3 premiums made by their house for the East- SALE.—a Boarding House In a thriving city to the rubbers and save shoe Applications made at the school room No. 430 Con- next buy column, headed“Why?” ern Yacht Club, which are well worth look- FORnear Boston. Good situation, and nicely furnish- gress street. jan30-lw This will entitle the subscriber to the paper by mail W. low and hut small capi- and be for BOOTS & SHOES L.KEILER, ed throughout. Lease, rent, leather, comfortable, and to the above pair of beautiful Oil Chromos, deliv- ing at. There are four pieces, all solid silver, tal required. Good run of business; sold on account a able at the office. If the subscriber will chased and ornamented in of removal of owner. Address with them you can make good Westbrook Seminary publication very appropriate Fresco Painter, LOCK BOX add ten cents for 6?, ($3.10] expenses of wrapping, mail- The first and one is a vase Mass. even if worn over old At Less Than -Cost! designs. largest janl8-lm Lawrence, appearance, ing, etc., the Chromos will be sent free, by mail; and PORTLAND, MAINE. THE SPRING TERM for fruit or flowers, the base a capstan “WIDE AWAKE If the subscriber to send still 25 cents being slipshods. —OF— a $10.00 pair of Chromos—subjects LIFE SIZE.—ex- prefers more, at Schumacher 5 Block or surrounded by anchors, buoys, 4c. Around Offioe Bros, Deering SEED I quisite/ac similes of original Oil Paintings, GIVEN $3,35 altogether, the copies so mailed will be SEED, Send cash, thereby saving your- FOUBTEEN WEEKS, A WA Y to subscriber to A CARD—In my former customers and every mounted on sized and varnished the or base a cable is and the thanking New strongly card-board, capstan coiled, the have bestowed )A/'IA BUSHELS Timoiby Seed j also friends for upon self the of collec- Will Open all for This is the method we recom- patronage they In ^UU\J Clover and Red Top lor sale by expense Express ready framing. handles are dolphins in oxydized silver, with me lor the laBt n teen years, I have the pleasure Having taken the Store lately occupied by BUT- KEU.ERtor MARCH 1872. mend os the most satisfactory and the one which recommending to them Mr. W. L. KENDALL <£ WHITNEY. tion. MONDAY, lltH, LER & REED, and purchased their stock at a ereat HENRY WARD BEECHER’S pendant anchors. The crowning piece is a a continuance of the same, feeling confident that be PWT sacrifice. I am now to offer the of nearly all our subscribers order. febl lw For Catalogues, &c., apply to prepared people of an exact in minia- is able to all who inav him a call lu his Portland Sept ,2,1871. sep2dtl Is Portland and such inducements as are figure , copy please give J. C. SNOW, Principal, vicinity very Send money in postal orders, drafts, or registered line. CHAS. S. SCHUMACHER. offered. Great ture, of the figure upon the National Capitol JOSEPH AND DENVER ja31td Steven’s Plains, Me. rarely LITERARY, RELIGIOUS, WEEKLY direct to the and will receive stock embraces a varied suited to letters, Publishers, you The assortment, NEWSPAPER. Agents having great success! One at Washington, the figure standing upon a jy!3dtf_ City Railroad wants of all classes. and The Chro- Company, THE 81st. SEMI-ANNUAL SESSION the took 1,000 names in 3 months; another 600 in 6 weeks; your papers Immediately regularly. golden dome. This piece is thirty-four in- Also a lot of shop-worn goods, which will be closed another 118 in one one mos will mailed as as to subscrib- Executive Office, No. 31 Nassau Street, week; 47 in one day, and many be rapidly possible ches in the inside is The CUNDURANGO. OF THE out at almost any price, as we must have the room others height; gold plated! J. II. LA NISON, well, making from $5 and $10 to $40 ers In the order of their names on the New 1872. are equally cription extreme base the of a York, February 1, for new goods which daily arriving. per Takes on An old who represents pier-heads day. sight! agent knows, list. and interest due if wish to secure “I think it the best business canvassers ever wharf. one side of the is of this invaluable for The Coupons registered February Jt^^Call early you bargains. says: for Upon body engrav- SMALL supply remedy Franklin Family offered. I did not sooner.” bet- on the First per Cent. (8 p. c.) School, Sorry engage Pays rr* FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED ed: “Eastern Yacht Club, Schooner A Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Balt 15, 1872, Mortgage Eight ter than Prize, FOR BOYS ! any book agency. A rare chance to make off PHOTOGRAPHER, Rheum, Ulcer* and aU Blood Disease*, just Gold Bonds (E. D.), and the Eight per Cent, (8 p. c.) A FULL ASSORTMENT OF money! Specimen Copies of the Christian Regatta Swampscott, Bay received from Ecuador. Price of the bark, with full the Gold First Mortgage Sinking Fund Laud Grant Bonds TOPSHAM, ME., Aug. 14, 1871.” Upon other side: “Won No 152 middle Street. directions, $3 per pound; sent to all parts. Schooner Columbia, Rear Commodore Address. DR. WM. C. DOWNS, (W. D.), of the St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad Union will be mailed free of postage to any by BEGINS FEBRUARY 14. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED! N. Y. Y. HIE. ja5dtf No. 6 Exchange Place Providence R. I. will be at the office of the Farmers’ Franklin Osgood, C., sailed for by (PORTLAND, Company, paid RUBBER GOODS! tiitomit uoplita nt tlm Vow Vnrb an/1 TTacf- This School sustains a character as a Home address on Loan and Trust of the of New upon high receipt of six cents by and done to order Co., City York, and School. For to Copying enlarging Training circulars apply the men era Clubs.” * Intelligent and women wanted everywhere. Yacht NOTICE. presentation and demand on and after that date, or to & 92 Middle All the new styles, Berlins, Bembrants, Medallion, Principal, Hoyt, Fogg Breed, st., AS LOW AS THE If you wish good send earlv for circular and I* B. FORD Sc The second is a A. Portland. B. 6. UNSLEY. LOWEST.] territory, CO., Publishers, piece large punch bowl, the Porcelain, or Mezzotint card,and the retouched WfllHE Portland Dry Dock and Ware-House Co.” Free of Tax. FRANCIS COFFIN, terms! J. B. FORD Sc CO., 27 Park >lace. N. Y.: 11 47 Park New Turk. supported by two dolphins in gold and cross- card, bv which new process we get rid of freckles X have leased their Docks and other propery in Ass’t _jan31 18t__ Bromheld st., Boston, Mass.; 285 W. Madison Place, Treasurer, st., oars the the waves of the and all of the skin. E. for one 111. jan25t4w ed upon base, sea moles, wrinkles, imperfections Cape Elizabeth to James Simpson year feb6-3wSt. J. & D. C. R. R. Co. Geo. F. Goldthwait, Chicago, jan25t4w Call and judge lor yourselves. from Jan. 1, 1871, to Jan. 1, 1872, and during said Mass. Institute of Technology. are very prettily represnted as dashing upon Pric- for gp-iMolio—Good work at Moderate time the Company will not be responsible any To the CommiHionen for the Harbor of Dissolution of the shore. One handle is a tiller; upon the es. A ini to 20 debts in their name or on their Entrance Examinations. June 3d. and October 3d. ft Market Copartnership. Pleaue.may contracted account, Portland. Square. front of this is engraved, “Won schooner unless authorized or approved by the President of For New Catalogue and recent entrance examination by prays the Boston & Maine Rail- A Columbia, Rear Commodore Franklin the company. CHAS. A. LAM BARD, papers, apply to Old Stand Butler Reed. “THE SINGER” Osgood h. no off: RESPECTFULLYthat it be to drive in j. it, President P. D. Dock and Ware-house Co. road, may permitted piles Prof. SAMUEL KNEELAND, copartnership heretofore under the N. Y. Y. C.” Upon the reverse side “Eas- Fore River, in the line of its location. Sec’y., feb?eod2w existing hie L. D. M. febldlm Mass. IMPROVED firm name of • tern Yacht Club off By Attorney, SWEAT, Feb. 1872. Boston, THE Regatta, Swampscott, A VI lOU Portland, 3d, IUU1U, UilUUtUV BOSTON & MAINE R. R.. Massachusetts UPHOLSTERER UflP HPTTTT* PP.QT Bay, August 14, 1871—Swamp- Bv its Attornev. G. C. Yeaton. Jules Ch. L. Morazain, CLEMENT, BENSON & CO., scott Prize.” The fourth and last in the list, A08. 31 & 33 Free Street, no means the United States Hotel! HIGH OR LOW PRESSURE SEWING MACHINE. is this dissolved mutual consent. The busi- though by least, is a beautiful Portland, Feb. 3, 1872. FROM PARIS, day by MAHOFACTURKR OR nes of the late firm will be settled by EDWIN vase, the body representing a capstan with the we appoint Tuesday, views of the fact that “various opinions do exist, Spring REDUCTION OF PRICES! Upon foregoing petition, CLEMENT & CO. cables coiled around it, and dolphins upon Parlor Suits. Lounges, Bkdb, the thirteenth of A. D., 1872, at the Teacher of the Steam IN as to which is the best” Sewing Machine, do uot EDWIN day February, French Language. Heating Apparatus. CLEMENT, each side as handies and anchors. Mattress is, The undersigned having assumed the sole proprie- Easterly end of the Rolling Mill Bridge, at ten o’clock allow yourself to be governed by any one’s opinion, A. M. BENSON, pendant when we will CALL OE but call and examine “THE HINGER” and The is a boat- Talrn. Bed L.ungr,, En- torship of the United States Hotel, would announce in the forenoon, as the time and place Late Master of Modern Languages in the Provin- ELIHU LIBBY, body supported by large cable, 0IrD.Hai.eh whether the witness its and we have not the shadow of to his friends and the public, that on and after hear the parties interested, and determine cial anu Grammar St. operation, F. M. CLEMENT. crossed while the base a me tea we. Training School, High Schools, hooks, oars, Ac., upon ^auirn, of the shall be granted, and we or- John. N. B. a doubt, that you will not pronounce it for all pur- 1st 1872. JANUARY 1st, 1873. prayer petitioners Daniel & Son Portland, January, is a of the sea shore, with »*A11 kinds ol repairing neatly done. Furni- der that notice of the above be given by References: Gen. J. M. Winslow poses the very best Family Hewing machine representation in accordance with the of the “Retrench- application Brown, J. W. Symonds, out ure boxed and matted. ociJS-’CST T&Stf spirit times, of the same and this our order thereon extant. shells and corals, beautifully brought he will his rates Esq. Tbs undersigned will continue the business under ment and Economy, reduce to n of in Now is the time to socure one of these farfamed and silver with the rudder at- fmblicationtwo the newspapers printed daily Portland, Apply from one p. m. to three o’clock p. m., at 2 and the name and Rtyle of in frosted work, the time of Engineers Machinists, celebrated mnehine an a both for seven days at least before hearing. Appleton Block, Congress or in writing P. O. justly Hinger Hewing the other is anchor, handles DOLLARS A DAY” Harbor St., Christmas Gift to Sister or tached; HUNT & “TWO S. T. CORSER, \ Box 186C. oc4dly your Wife, Lady EDWIN CLEMENT 6c CO. from them. The re- JEWETT, JACOB McLELLAN.) Commissioners. 7 Cross Street, Portland, Maine. Friend. having cables pendant To the toansient travelling public, with no reduction in and Wholesale Dealers in With a “singer” in the house, always ready to EDWIN lief work is mostly gold frosted silver. of and feb5____ CLEMENT. farejattendance hospitalities. WATERVILLE who manufacture the best Boiler and best Radiator with any reasonable demand, there is no is engraved: “Won effort will be for the comfort and con- comply good r-Liuu lihui, Upon this by sloop No spared for that purpose ever introduced into the and reason not have a Christmas” favorite house. market, why you may “Merry F. M. CLEMENT. II. W. Johnson and William venience of the guests of this II. W. Simonton & Co. who are to contract to warm each of Grade, Captains Italian & American prepared successfully and a New Year’’, day which shall Portland, 1st 1872. Marble, dc29tf D. N. CUSHMAN. without size. “Happy January, Ja23<12w sailed for by nine of the New Classical Institute! any building, regard to add a new voice to the already mighty chorus of voic- Krebs, sloops t ONCBIM NTKMT, D. W. & Son also on hand the of Eastern Yacht Clubs. OOlcr 319 351 CONGRESS STREET. keep every description es, that are Sounding praises “The Hinger” Co-Partnership Notice. York and of Steam, Gas and Water Pipe and fittings, at whole- of which you will find a full assortment at is a 4.{ PBEBLB NYBEET. The Term will on have formed a un- The third piece tureen and the design Yard Spring begin sale and retail, and have in their employ first class undersigned copartnership THEder the of SMITH. GAGE * CO., for the of as it is made workmen to put in the same; and in their Machine 331 CONGRESS STREET. style especially worthy mention, of COALMDOAL! Annual CASH sale of Goods at reduced MONDAY, the of February. of a Business on hand a good assortment Italian greatly 19th, are purpose transacting Wholesale Grocery to when from the keep for ten Shop to attend promptly to all kinds ol have a represent, viewed side, the and American and will receive orders to prices, days only. prepared If you already Sewing Machine, call and see and have taken the store. No. 92 Commercial Street, SHALL Marble, For further particulars, apply to machine work and repairs. dc28dr. llall Treadle INEBRIATES! is WORKERS, and next Annual Course of Lectures at this Insti- WHEELOCK & mutual consent. wreath in the medallion en- S CUOOO & MASTIC _ mHE subscriber has prepared would SARGENT, is hereby dissolved by gold; upon respect- tution will commence February 1872, SURE CURE for It is a The most X ofter to the Public a superior article for THE 15th, A intemperance. vegetable no30 Sole for Portland LEWIS O’BRION, “Won Captains H. MB. important improvement ever made n fully and continue sixteen weeks. with Agents and Vicinity. graved, by sloop Oracle,. mO. 6 SOUTH PORTLAND, and Gold, Silver and Plated Ware, powder, to be mixed water; will remove all de MARSHALL PIERCE. N. r. Y. C. ST.t cleaning polishing Circulars en W. Johnson and W. Krcbe, of kind ever containing full particulars may be had sire for intoxicating drinks; cures delirium tremens ir feSdlw* of which will excel anything the brought February 3, 1872, Eastern Pnze attention paid to all kinds Jobbing to the twelve Is o: the is engraved, |^T“ Prompt Sewing Machines, into the market. And as a guarantee of this state- application Secretary. hours; and approved by the Grand Lodge Portland A Upon top n our Health C. F. BRACKETT M. Good of Mass. Kennebec Railroad Co. Swampscot, Massachusetts line.__apr22dtf A Preserving nnd Labor Marini ment, will refer to the following well known reliable D., Sec’y. Templars Club Regatta, off Bowdoin Nov. 1871. Send for evidence. Sold or sent free Dissolution of Invention. gentlemen of this city: College, by Druggists, Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Copartnership. 14, 1871. Swampscott Prize jan 22-Tu Th & S 3w wl 6t of on of $1 box. Bay, August Which can be applied to all kinds of Ma Gerrisb & Pearson, Jewelers, Middle st; Wm. Sentei expense receipt price, per THEPortland & Kennebec Railroad Company, will be copartnership heretofore existing under the bv nine sloops of the New York WILLIAM A. E VAN8, Sewing SAMUEL C. Masonic sailed for chines now in use. The points therefore Jeweler, Exchange st; Sam’l Rolfe, Druggist, Con- KNIGHT’S, Block, held at the Directors’ rooms of said company, in the 11HEfirm name of Clubs.” are, greate: Mass. and Eastern Yacht All these prizes less labor, and entire escape from those dis gress'st; Rand & Thornes, dealers in Croekery, Con- Cambringeport, Portland Depot, on K. A 8. 71. speed, Wholesale for Maine. SMART, awarded by the Eastern Yacht eases which have afflicted females when employed 01 gress st; Abner Lowell, Jeweler, Congress st; J. A. SPRING Agents the 19th of were Club, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. TERM mouday, day February, 1879, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The busi- Machines, and accomplishing a much large Merrill & Co., Jewelers, Middle st; C. C. Tolman, and they are pronounced by those who ought Sewing OF JOHN W. PERKINS Sc COPortland, at three o’clock In the for the following ness of the late firm will be settled FORT FAIRFIELD. amount of work in the same time than will any otne Market Sar; Nutter Bros. Stove Dealers, Market Sqr; afternoon, by to be the best ever made. There Is jn4 TT&S 4w purj>oRes, viz: to know, Treadle now in use. Every Hall Treadle warrantee [ J. F. Land, Dealer in Crockery, Glassware, &c., Ex- S. M. and SMART, only one thing that causes a feeling of regret _Jyl tr_ to entire satisfaction. All persons are invited t change st. HOSE* PEARSON, 1st—To hear the reports of the Directors who will continue the No. 268 give Umington Academy, Lumber Business at to our and that is that call and see the operation of this invention at the Silversmith, Gold Ac Silver Plater. Treasurer of said Company and act thereon. Commercial Street. looking upon them, near St. commence on not remain in Store For Sale. Temple St., Congress MONDAY. FEB. 1®, 2nd—To choose a board of Directors for the eusuing EDWARD SMART. they are to Boston. ETAIL 12 Market For Sale the trade a29eod tf 1879. W. G. A. Miss Shoe Stock in a neighboring city. Terms Sole Agency, No. Square, by generally, WILL Lord, M., Principal; FOR SALE CHEAP. year. S. M. SMART. The were made workmen easy. Address Helen A. Please send for cir- prizes wholly by RShoc A., Bar MUls P. O. Dimock, Preceptress. business as Portland. Feb. 1872. A or to 3d—To transact such other may prop- 1st, in the employ of Messrs. Shreve, Crump GEO. C. HOBBS’ cular to the above, QAA The of Store No fe6d2w*_ _J“J!1_jan23_ proprietor Cigar erlyJ be acted on. who were them from the Cow for Sale. ISAAC L. MITCHELL, Sec. Hanover wishei Low, engaged upon * JLOv/LF. 265 Street, Boston, J. S. CUSHING, Portland Bank. Hewing Machine Repair Shop. Limlngton, Jan jan27dlw then eodlw Secretary. For Sale. of to the :10th of December, Savings 25,187^. to dispose of his stock, lease and fixtures. Great Augusta, Feb. 1,1872. fe2dtd 15th September made Gilson’s Apothecary.) MILCH COW and seven old if suitable for an ten The in this Bank, on or before Sat- (Over Calf, years bargain applied for soon. Upright Perftimery Case, apoth- the alone occupying days. Feb. an for sale. Call at For to engraving DEPOSITSurday, 3d, will commence interest on th( N. B.—All kinds of Sewing Machines repaired, ANEW Sale, Inquire or FREE to Agents introduce article. ANecary or fancy goods dealer. Miy be sem at the is estimated at of the CAPT. iu house. entire cost of the pieces prst month, FRANK NOYES, Treas. every job warranted equal to any in CHAS. SAGER’S STABLE, large work Horses cheap, at C. E. TURNER, WATCHthat sell everv Latta & Co., Pitts- store of II. H. HATCH, jauJ21 feb3 BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! nov21tf Ja31-dlw On Oak street. THREEfebOtf 330 CONGRESS ST. ja29-dlw 265 Hanover street, Boston, burg Pa. l»o22 w I Ja23eod3t 389 Congress Bt. 18,500.

t Matters. Kent’s Hill Correspondence. PORT GAMBLE—Ar fitli. bar, Pie*, Sid Ida L Sarilla River. Good sometimes comes in the cash room. During their ex- GOVERNMENT BONDS, 4tb, brig Ray, Clark, employed ed in Christ NORFOLK—Ar sch A P Alexander, fin like so well s office hope while here, and of the pro- Blanc 1st, Frye, “fooling” in which Congressmen amination of the books of the Treasurer mange, Jellies, Huuc<«, New York. Bureau ! six have labor Newspaper course of the maneuver- of between fessors, averaged twenty years —Cld 3d, schs W F Cook, to indulge. In the discovered a surplus $800,000 STATE AND CITY BONDS, etc. Cusliiug, they and FIRE ! FIRE! Soups, Gravirs, West A F unable to ac- each, this, too, with very small salaries. Indies; Ames, Achom, Ponce. for seats in the national House, Monday, and which they were In Roads ing $900,000, Some 300 Annapolis 3d, brig Emma L Hall, Goyer. to find it acres are owned by the institution, The of these Extracts consists in their from Rio Janeiro. B. the result of one of the filibustering move- count for. They expect, however, TOWN BONDS, superiority BARNES, Jr., records of 140 of which are on this hill. There are 250 NEW YORK—Ar 3d, scb City Point, Orchard, fin ments was The accounted for in some of the PERFECT PURITY AND GREAT STRENGTH ! Portland. note-worthy. country ought duly cords of wood burned yearly in the college Ar l A not to lose the benefit of two most the office not yet examined. RAILROAD SECURITIES, There is no subject which should more engross at- 5th, igs Amy Lane, Carver. Montevideo; 68 Middle significant and ten barrels of white flour used Eaglet, Tooker, Buenos schs Vicksburg. Hig- St., Portiaud, Me. will soon be introduced in the buildings, tention than the of the which Ayres; votes. Of the Democrats in A resolution purity preparations gins, Parsons, Calais via White- ninety-seven each month. Attendance at in Mavaguez; Ont:uin, House of the electors of the present 150; WATER! WATER! ire used in flavoring the various compounds prepared stone Point, (where she was Clara E McCon- that a number of whom were doubtless permitting any BANK STOCKS. ashore); body, the and fall there are of 260. for the human stomach. viile, Eaton, Mayaguez. third Ohio district to contest the seat in the spring upwards ltjSsntf The undersigned having ha I several expe- or Old 5th, barqne Volant, Barstow. years absent did not vote on that day, fifty-one Rev. E. Robinson and Prof. Morse at These Extracts are tea minted Progress©, Mex; rience in Counting room andNewspaitcr business (for Lewis D. Gen- present perfectly free from Kodiak, schs Lizzie House now held by Campbell. brig Downing. Havana; Coch- six years past in tlds city J would infoi tu voted the resolution offered Mr. the church. B. BROWN & the poisonous oils and acids which enter into the rane, Gen for respectfully against by eral Schenck notice of the contest before supply village J. SONS, Cochrane, Barbadoes; Connor, Shute, the public that be has ojsmed a gave the Kingston; Kate Wentworth, Galveston. Peters of this the of Last was a The annual composition of many of factitious fruit flavors Mead, State, affirming validity for but does not intend to prose- Friday gala day. BANKERS, FALL RIVER—Ar sells J C leaving England now in the market. are not true to their 4th, Libbey, Libbey, the 14th to the took which was They only Jacksonville; Frank & 13th, and 15th amendments cute it. sleighride place, enjoyed by PORTLAND, MAINE. Emily, Cobb, Canulen. names, but are prepared from fruits of the best qual- Ar 5tli, sell Ann E Jackson- GENERAL INSURANCE more a In the Rev. E. SMOKE ! SMOKE ! Stevens, Montgomery, AGENCY constitution of the United States and of the of Senator-elect Ransom than hundred. evening ville. The credentials THIS HOUSE Is established for the transaction of ity, and so highly concentrated that a small quantity P. of the second lecture Cld 5tli, sch Carrie Accident and tl legislation necessary to make them operative. from North Carolina read in the Senate Timing your city gave Business. need be used. Walker, McFarland, Jackson- Life, Fire, urine, Monday, a General Banking fmly ville, to load for Fall River. than of all Gov. of the course before the united literary socie- That is, a good deal more one-half are somewhat peculiar. Caldwell merely DEPOSITS received subject to check at sight. In- They have stood the test of eighteen years time and PROVIDENCE—Ar 5th, sch Gov Coney, Marson, —AT— ties of the after an Gardiner. the Conservative members of the House arc states that the presiding officers of the North college, which oyster sup- terest at the rate of Four per cent. i»er annum allow- competition, and are pronounced unrivalled by the Sid 5tli, schs Fred 68 was served, tables for 200 having ed on all Balances. Accounts rendered and iu- most eminent the Spofford, Turner, Jacksonville; Middle Street, Portland, Me. hostile to the practical enforcement of the Carolina Legislature have certified to him that per nearly Daily connoisseurs, proprietors of leading Willie Lee, Talbot, Baltimore. been Prof. T. gave erest credited monthly. hotels, and prominent dealers in the United States NEWPORT—Ar Carrie Lincoln a a vacancy in the Senate exists and that Ran- spread. Saturday evening 3d, brig Puriugton, the New Post Office. amendments that have passed Congress by Providence for Opposite select and and also CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT issued bearing in- and Canada. They are neatly put up in five size Baltimore; schB Hampton, Fletcher, ratified three- som has received the highest number ef votes readings Sunday preached Portland for New York. two-thirds vote, been by and available at in more than He has taken the of tho a second lecture to the students. His terest as by agreeme maturity —impaneled bottles, holding paneled Agency for that position,—action which his friends say gave Ul port 4th, sells Governor Coney, Marson, Gardi- fourths of the States and afterwards solemnly Boston or New York. sizes much are the best ner for J C as a lecturer and teacher of cloou- Portland, appearing larger. They Providence; Libbv, Libby,from Jackson- he was to take or risk reputation and ville for Fall as a of the national constitu- compelled impeachment COLLECTIONS of Notes, Drafts, Coupons, and cheapest Fruit Extract the market affords River; Lucy Ames, Torrey, and Fleet- proclaimed part tion is well known. W. Rockland for New by the. overwhelming Democratic majority in Dividends made in all parts of the United States and Their Standard and will be wing, Gregory, York; Statesman, tion. But the was not to pass without quantity quality strictly Cole, NS, for Anna AGRICULTURAL day the Shulee, do; Leland, Bennett, I fm Legislature. Abbott's friends are yet con- Mexican News.—The evening papers pub- Canada. maintained. Providence for Baltimore : Celeste A Hendrick. revealing still more plainly the real attitude fident he will obtain the seat. lish the from the DEALERS in Government and other Investment It Is necessary in some cases for persons de- Greenlaw, Baltimore for Belfast. Fire toward the reforms following intelligence country COGIA VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar sch Insurance Co., of the Conservative party HASSAN’S, Securities and in Gold and Silver Coin. siring ‘Burnett’s Superior Flavoring Ex- 1st, Baltic, Parker, of revolution: Portland for New York, and sailed. that have been attained at so immense a cost. The Alabama Excitement. STERLING BILLS drawn on Scotland tracts,- to insist upon obtaining tnem in order t schs OF The Porfirista rebels were defeated in the Englnnd, Sid, Chilion, and Freddie Walter. of New York offered another res- The in in and Ireland. lrafts on Paris, Berlin and other avoid many of the factitious brands becaus Ar 3d, brig Geo Amos, Bunker, Portland for New Mr. Brooks general impression Wasliington State of Vera Cruz. The Government troops Sight offered, N. Y. 130 and of their York; schs Lilly, Hughes, fm Boston for New York; WATERTOWN, wellTnformed circles is that the stock and near middle, cities, Montreal, St. John and Halifax. larger profits. olution in which all mention of the jobbers whipped Negrete other insurgents European Julia E Carnage, Pitcher, and fm legislation JOSEPH MtHope, Dennis, The Porfiristas were in Gold and Currency Drafts on Boston and New York. BURNETT & CO., Rockland for uo: INCORPORATED I NT lt)53. in of the amendments was and sensational papers are manly responsible Tutcuncingo. repulsed Ella May, Kehoe. Rock port for do; support omitted, an attack on Chalcicomula. It is that dhui H N Portland Re- reported AFFivUV uoinmercuu purcuuscu. Sole Squires, Wixon, for Philadelphia. no that his for the present flurry. The Wasliington Proprietors, Boston.! Sid 4th. schs William supposing, doubt, Democratic as- Portiria Diaz is now only accompanied by a FACILITIES afforded for the transaction of the Flint, Grace Cushiug, Charlie 6 Temple Streets. For sale first-class Grocers and Cobb, J A Mt Capital Stock, would publican which doubtless receives its inspira- small escort. Gen. Alterue has pardoned all by Druggists gen- Parsons, Hope. sociates shrink from putting them- Special as well as the General Business of correspon- BOSTON—Ar sch Noliio tion of from the State De- the adherents of Portiria Diaz captured at Oax- erally. dc3sNeod 5th, M Power, Low, from on record Tuesday morning Norfolk. *5*200,000 selves against the organic law, aca. The whereabouts of Felix Diaz is un- dents. partment says:— Agents for the sale of the Duponco’s Golden Pills are fully appreciated Cld 5th, brig Novelty, Havener, Matauzas; sch Al- whatever their on known. toona, Fitzgerald, Mobile via -Assets, feeling the-'subject might “The excitmcut over the American as Toriugas. English It is expected that the Vera Cruz railway will Bonds of the Portland & R R they deserve. jan23-eods.wlw Ar 6th, brig Jennie A Arey, Rio be. But to the of the and as to the tribunal of arbitra- BUY WHILE YOU CAN Ogdensbttrg Cheney, Grande; surprise country, claims, presented soon reach Orizaba. A battle is be- sch Mary Langdou, Thorndike. Rockland. *5*028,388.40 at is here in the best in- expected jn3 sn no doubt to the consternation of Mr. Brook, tors Geneva, regarded tween the forces under Gens. Weir and SEVENTH Cld Cth, barques Acacia, Robinson, Matanzas; Gan Guenop., ADVANTAGED IT OFFEBD. formed official circles as a matter of domestic Gen. Rocha has arrived at Oriza. Gen. Guad- Eden, Gi^nleaf, P. rtland, to load for Cuba; Sadie, Democrats voted do. to load u. himself, twenty-two againsi concern only, by local causes and de- BONDS! GRAND ANNUAL SALE Sinclair, Buenos Ayres. produced arma died at Guadalajara. WINTERPOKT— for the the to local effects recently Sk. 2d, sch Chiino, Lansil, for Surplus protection of policy holders 300 second thus thal signed accomplish upon English a flum •naa resolution, declaring The State of Hidalgo is declared in state of per cent! It has no losses due Never lost a and more. of the unpaid! they regard three of the most important arti- politics, nothing Dispatches seige. AT ilnllnr hv onv .. In„ A..I .1,.. ...__» most character received in this We shall commence our trustworthy city A Puebla train was attacked Portland 6’s FOREIGN PORTS. and most reliable companies in the United States! No cles in the constitution as recently by Municipal,. “revolutionary anc yesterday from London justify the view taken who and hazardous risks taken! Rates therefore lower than highwaymen, robbed the passengers Ar at Melbourne prev to Dec 23, barque Chatta- by the State and warrant the Portland aid R. 6’s GRAND ANNUAL SALE OF in other Insures farm and void.’’ By this means they affirm that tli< Department, stripped them of their clothing. The robbers R.,. GOODS, nooga, Freeman, New York. Companies! property clearest inference that any vigorous movement Sltl tm dwellings and contents, in both towns and cities! ballot to be taken from the thai kidnapped six passengers and maltreated the Calcutta 1st inst, barque Harvester, Carver, ought negro, on the part of the American government in the State of Maine,. 6’s OnFriday, Jan. 26th. Boston. Agents wanted in Deering, Falmouth, (Junilier- others. SO PER CENT LEM THAN COST. North on of affairs would awaken Ar at land, Yarmouth, Harpswell, Baldwin, the civil rights conferred the li-eedmeu by th< present posture gen- Juarez has ordered the of two rev- Bombay 22d ult, ship Augusta, Raynes, from SeUigo, uine in Lord Granville and transfer the purchase St. Louis,. 6’s Bridgton, Harrison, Otisflelil, Naples and Casco. surprise enue steamers to Liverpool. public debt may be repudiated, that the Re be prevent the smuggling of sil- Ar at demand for explanations-from thiB side of the TO ALL LOVERS OF Rotterdam 2d inst, barque Aurelia, Brown, —ALSO— ver on the Pacific coast. Rockland aid R.R.,. 6’s Savannah. 14th amendment may be subverted, that th« ocean to the other. Up to the present writing The revolution in Jalisco was unsuccessful. Ar at Marseilles 18th ult, Small, not a line or word of official or state- & N. A. R. 6’s REAL LACES! barque Conquest, debj may be assumed, that no ex-Confederatf inquiry There were 700 deaths from small in the European R., Gold,. Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS ment has the that is pox passed upon subject being uumi" Sid fm Havre is to disabilities Ciiv ul m'xicu anuary. rtomero is sick. We invite an examination of our I^sce* in Gaim- 10th, ship Cathedral, Nickerson, for lawfully subject any political so sensationally treated by the press of the two OUR STOCK OP SLIGHTLY DAUAGED GOODS Portland Sc Ogdensburg R. R. Gold,.. 6’s Cardiff. Heavy quantities of material for a railroad Duro. iffalta and Thread. in 'Rlnrlr Valon. and that still exists 1 commercial cities. The aston- Sid fm Brouwersliaven 20th Polar Star, finally slavery great genuine have arrived at Vera Cruz, and the impression Portland Sc Rochester R. 7’a ult, ship Mutual Life Ins. ishment of the English government and peo- R.,. ciennes, Thread, Chin,, and all others In white, Stetson, New York. Co., Very often the opposition party, in its fu now is that the road will be finished in eighteen Ar at 6th ple at the size and scope of the American de- in the which we have marked Liverjiool inst, ships Advance, Morrison, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. tile to months. The Government is impeded Chicago,. 7 New Orleans; Jos Savannah. struggle regain political power, almosi mands is a complete vindication of some late Fish, Stack{x>le, work by the drafting of numbers of laborers ARE BEING SOLD Sid 22d ult, brig Don Havana. makes itself believe that it has accusations that the of the Ameri- 8’s EXTBE91ELI LOW ! Quixote, Ray, INCORPORATED IN 1801 honestly ant silly points into the army. Toledo,. Sid fm St Nazaire 18th ult, barque Harry Booth, can case had somehow found their into abandoned its obnoxious doctrines way Chase, for Cardiff. sincerely that the of the FOR SALK BY ALSO, unfriendly hands; surprise Superstition of the worst type is still cher- Ar at Gibraltar 13th ult, barque Sicilian, Percival, ASSETS DEC. 31st, 1871, and has really placed itself in accord witl Gladstone Cabinet was unfeigned, is attested Messina, (and cld 15th for Boston). ished a of our colored dc Lace Collars and. Sleeves. At Old Harbor. 8th modem civilization. by the extrordinary means adopted by it to among portion popula- For What Will SWAN BARRETT, Ja, ult, brig Caroline Eddy, Republicans sometimes They Bring. tor New lork sch avert the disastrous use it was feared the tion, and is by no means confined to those late- Genn, 19th; Iona, Kendall, for do 84,088,608.12. make themselves believe that their warfare Disraeli would make of the American state- Bankers and Brokers. 20th, ldg. party released from slavery. A frightful event Arat St 2d ment in the session ly r*p rwi HAMBURG EDGINGS. John, NB, inst, sch Bertha Souder. ADVANTAGE* IT OFFER*. with their traditional foes is at ended. Parliamentary —- length beginning that has taken in Arkansas — lOO MIDDLE STREET. Wooster, Boston. to-day. In the opinion of those best calculated just place illus- The talk of new of oc23sn mwf departures, nominating to less than an absolute fear that trates the power which a belief as old and as As a prominent Insurance Commissioner remarks judge, nothing Be sure ami see as we offer a [Latest, by European steamers.] them, large lot within “It is oue of the best in the United States!” eminent Republicans for the Presidency, ol unuer au ouiuurst oi popular luuiguation childish as that in witchcraft still DRY Sid fm Companies may exert, GOODS, the means of all. Liverpool 21st, Progress, Young, for United Increase of assets the over 40 Dis-raeli would force a vote of censure Fraudulent Misrepresentations. past year per cent! the situation in faith and oi through States. The death claims accepting good and suggests an argument of some in We offer as follows: in 1871 only $227,642! Assets first upon the for its share in a weight the there specialties Sid fm Deal Lon- government treaty Among pernicious frauds of the period, 100 Lace Collars 20th, Villafranca, Morgan, (from class! Increase in policies and insurance the turning the back on dead issues often comes which to what would he favor of compulsory education. It that 50c. don) for past gave opportunity stig- appears is one which deserves the of New Lot of Ties Newport. year 43 per cent! Amount insurance in force Dec. a of Little named deliber- FANCY especially reprehension 25c. Sid ftu Portland Roads Adeline Haw- near men of the matized as insulting and extravagant demands, negro Rook, Francis, GOODS, Linen 20th, Elwood, 31, 1871, was $33,687,975! (Of this $6,426,069 was ob- convincing greatest sagacity shot and all who place a proper value on health and life. Collars, (all new) 10c. for New J W could have the liberal cabinet to the ately killed another man of the same Linen Cuff’s kins, (from Antwerp) Orleans; Hunt, tained last Insurance obtained at eost! that the war for civil and i: tempted 25c. Hunt, for Swansea. year! political equality of to its semi- race named Vaughan, for, as the murderer al- The swindle referred to consists in the attempts of Linen Sleeves (from London) Dividends paid at time of second In- dangerous expedient resorting 50c. Ar at Portsmouth Isaac premium! him. Fraacis in of the Linen 19th, Hall, Colcord, from creasing dividends Protected the Mas- at an end. But no sooner has some official organs to open an unofficial but offen- leges, bewitching says Vaughan irresponsible parties, different sections Bosoms 25c. Havre for Cardiff yearly! by progresi NII.I.IVPRV GAAIM sachusetts and sive warfare was a regular in full power; that United to force the market vile astrin- Merino Undergarments, for Bovs, 65c. dividend, non-forfeiture other ex- been made in the to thii upon the argument of the United “Ubi-man,” States, upon Sid ftu Waterford 20th, Five Brothers, cellent law's! Paid converting people he his hand so that it was Merino for 75c. Thurlow, up policies promptly given! Pol- States as presented at Geneva. That this was “poisoned” always manufactured out of or Undergarments, Ladies, (from Liverpool) for Havana. icies cashed if desired! a gent compounds damaged 1 lot of Misses 19c. belief—to faith which they most gladly ac the cause of the whole affair there is cold; that he had “charmed” many persons of Hosiery, Fleeced, Passed through Straits Sunda Dec fact moving worthless drugs and refifte liquor, as preparations 1 lot of lyc. 12, Mary Emma, thel/or*. Mutual Life In*. Co., stands both sexes who had the misfortune to offend Hosiery, Merino, Patten, from Shields for as an evidence that all which is valuable now neither room to douht nor but there 1 lot all wool Singapore. the foremost of Companies! Its arc cept deny, HOSIERY, possessing the rare medicinal virtues of the most Hose for men and boys, 45c. Ar at Dec among managers is great doubt if the has him: and that he had shot him for trying to 1 lot Sourabaya 7, Leucothea, Crowell, Passa- exj>eneuced, able and upright men! in the results of their ten is fi English government popular and effacious of all tonics and alter- Corsets, 50c. roeang. years struggle been a or to the ex- throw men into spells, and various vegetable 10 doz. Ladies consenting approving party enchanting Gloves, 25c. Ar at Marseilles 18th ult. from secured them women. “I don’t feel for ative*—Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. Conquest, Small, nally to beyond the danger o tent discussion has been carried by the press sorry shooting him,” CORSETS, CORSETS ! Baltimore. that is not restrained official connection with added Francis, frankly, “for I didn’t want him The concoctors of these “local hitters” in the Sid ftu some act or vote rude by SHAWLS, iu great variety, are, It is an established fact that we a and Brcmerhaven 10th, Armstrong, Owen, for INSURANCE BROKER ! loss,—than significant round and he to keep larger the liberal party. A secondary motive with deviling any longer, ought truest sense of the phrase, public enemies. Their better stock of Corsets than are to be found elsewhere England. ly and the too credulous have been killed On this Policies secured in any first class surprises grieves pat the English government has been a desire to long ago.” persua- potions inflame the the brains to which we invite special attention. Company, Life, fiery stomachs, stupefy Fire, Accident and Marine, for all kiui(s of risks at riots. To their horror it as influence the individual of the for- sion the man walked quietly up to within five NPOKEN. appears, on Mon- judgment and shatter the nerves of those who are unwise enough the lowest rates! members of the Geneva Conference. The feet of his victim, and blew his brains out with PLATED WARE, Dec 21, lat 4 07 N, Ion 22 57 W, ship Scotia, Drum- day, that the penitents are at heart where eign to accept them as substitutes for the famous Vegeta- WORSTEDS, WORSTEDS! from just tribunal is not at present in and its a Colt’s revolver. mond, Cardiff for Yokohama. session, ble that for has been known Jau 29, off Pau sch W H from they were in 1861. The vote on Mr. Peters' it is in cannot fail to Iuvigorant, twenty years Our entire stock Frying Shoal, Jones, members, hoped England, of Worsteds are marked down! St Marys for New York. BOSTON JOURNAL resolution be with the view A writer in the Courier det Etats-Unu has throughout the Western Hemisphere as a standard shows that the Republican party impressed general European HANDKERCHIEFS, H^f'-Our small stock of Hair Goo .s we shall offer at of the and of the taken the trouble to collate a half-dozen instan- article. prices far below cost. for Real Hair still has a vast work before it. extravagance utenability Chignons 25c; NEWS American demands as reflected in the The fame of Bitters Curls $1. BUREAU! European ces of the comical shown in Hostetter’s as a health preserv- widely-circulated It to enumerate our extehsive NEW press. This is an important point with Mr. is as wide as the and being impossible ADVERTISEMENTS French ing, vitalizing medicine, world, we invite all whether in need The The City Government and the Railroad Gladstone and his papers. The Oaulois, for instance, gives stock, of Bargains or Bouton Journal, for twenty-five years the reo- colleagues, because, through the miserable attempts of nostrum-mongers to not to visit our store and examine our the of the tribunal of arbitration some interesting information the FELT needy goods and ognised Sew* paper of New England, with its exten- Loan. proceedings concerning COKSETS 60c. Formerly $1.00. sive is taken bv shouid be carried habits of our Judiciary: “In Winter, it is an supplant It would be treated with silent contempt, prices. circulation, and read thousands of through amicably to a final This our seventh Annual Sale of W. K. in Maine. It is matter to see the and the were it not that serious sometimes fol- being grand Goods, Ripley, M. D. kept thoroughly and prompt- On the Board of award, there a for much skill- every-day Judge ju- consequences allow us people Monday evening Aldermen will^be necessity to thank our patrons for the liberality be- ly furnished with the moat intercstingand important ful in rors remsve their socks to them to lows the use of the nefarious in GRADUATE OF THE of this the management passing the consequent ap- hang dry by compounds question. stowed upon us in the past and to assure all that it news of the day, from all of the world. city rejected resolution the heater of the court-room. so parts following bill the House of Some go far Whoever of as will be our intention in the future to offer the BEST Its bureaus at propriation through Com- HOOP recommends any them remedies for 8]>ecial Washington, New York. Con- a vote to and then mons.” as to their bunions in and an ob- SKIRTS 93*. GOODS at the LOWEST PRICES. ECLECTIC MEDICAL Portland and other by of five one, adjourned: pare public, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Constipation, Intermittent COLLEGE cord, Augusta, cities give the jection once being made by an over-fastidious DAVIS A Journal unsurpassed facilities for obtaining “the Resolved, That in the of this or other for which CO., OF opinion City Tuesday have a the “I call the Fever, Rheumatism, any complaint PHILADELPHIA, latest news”. Its Portland bureau and corres- evening’s jiapers Washing- lawyer, Judge replied sternly, ja26dtfsn TT&S No. IQ Block. agent Council there seems to be no reason Hostetter’s Bitters is a known is of a Clapp’s pondent will aim to merit the good why ton which that advices from Min- counsel to order and to the respect he owes to specific, guilty And 16 years practice, would inform the citizens of public confidence ami the citizens of Portland despatch says support by to be ami relia- should not have the justice: he will mind his own and moral, if not a misdemeanor. At this season, Portland and vicinity that he has located at endeavoring enterprising ister Schenck confirm the statement that at- business,” BLANKETS 93,00 a Pair. legal FACING THE BAYONET! ble, in all the of on the to loan the finished his 180 keeping up respects, loug established privilege voting proposition Judge tranquilly little operation when the sun is releasing from the earth, in the form When soldiers the CONGRE88 STREET standard of the Journal. tacks on the were face bayonet they take the chance high the credit of the city to the Portland & Washington treaty instigated of orthopedy.” The Soir surpasses even this in Where he be consulted all solicited Og- of unwholesome vapors, the active principle of dis- of life or may upon diseases of an B3^“Newg from all parts of Western Maine. a we death; but when private deceived by densluirg Railroad Company to the amount of by the Gladstone government to oppose the at- way cannot very well translate, and the citizens, acute, or chronic nature. ease, a course of Hostetter’s Bitters will be of the ut- the of as Paris without even the merit of pretences unscrupulous dealers, apply poisons Dr.R. would call special attention to bin new and $2,500,000, proposed by said Railroad Com- tacks of Tories to the effect that was Journal, pro- most service to persons with feeble constitutions. England informs to their heads to the successful method of Uterine diseases. Fe- pany in their to the State ; plietic accuracy, its readers that “in SHAWLS at Half Price. change color of their hair, curing petition Legisla- overreached in the Alabama An- males suffering from these and negotiations. I New York, the political called ‘Tain- they have no idea of the terrible risks run. The maladies, desiring ADVERTISING AGENCY ! ture. society BUTTER AND CHEESE they treatment, will And an other view indicated by Mr. Schenck is that the I has been the experienced lady in attend-' many’ dispersed by Police, and its first analytical chemists have endorsed one hair ance. The Doctor would also Advertisements in On the same the Common was all to dye call particular atten- inserted any Newspaper in the evening Council English flurry gotten up prejudice officers arrested.” Just a fresh stock tion to TTnttml O+ntAot the arbitrations | principal received, of choice as “free from everything deleterious to viz: his success in the treatment of Anchylosis, against the American case. -- health,” resolved that the should amend dislocated hips, and all diseases the and All kinds of done in connection with Legislature There have been rumors iu of joints writing circulation in Wash- NL H 1VKH A »T. H (J l TGK, limbs. Office hours from 10 A. M to and Job Printers! the of the Items. COME! COME!! COME!!! Clirlstadoro’s Excelsior Hair Dye 12—2 to 5 P. M. Newspapers proposition Portland & ington that the English press have been made 180 3 doors north of Ogdensburg It is Vt. A Cheese and Congress Street, the Park. the vehicle of a stock asserted that the disturbance in Eng- Dairy Factory (plain sage) Let the wise and prudent stick to that. It imparts road by requiring not only a two-thirds vote jobbing operation. B. Jr. Secreta. y Boutwell says the whole is a land the American case before the shades of color that are perfectly life-like, and Is In BARNES, of the to authorize the thing respecting Worcester County, English Dairy and people loan, but a vote job. all the best. 68 Middle Geneva arbitrators, is interpreted as a diversion Pino Cheese. respects very M-, representing more than half the valuation of The President stated Monday that the de- Apple Driving & Team Horses! mand against the Galdstone ministry, sprung at this Remember the Sword Opposite New Post Office. the of the English government that the Con- COGrIA Also a good of Beans, Dried Apples, ami city. The Advertiser of last con- HASSAN, variety is not more than the lead Fel>. 1, 1872. evening federate loan he considered as a proper claim time for the purpose of influencing Parliament, Canada Peas. Lara In tierces, tubs, pails and cad- dangerous compounds in FIFTEEN YOUNG SOUND Portland,Me., tains this 139 * the and that the IIOIiSES, Feb3 information on its first page, but conflicts with the constitution. The suggestion and of the cabinet. middle, and dies. AARON K. ALDRICH A CO., market, Excelsior Dye contains no eotl 3t embarrassing English tf 22 ARRIVED THIS DAY does not which the President had heard that it would be snjal5-m,w,f Exchange st. lead. As a dressing after use hestitate to say editorially on the An old Norwegian White Bear Lake dyeing, to to withdraw our claims living.at 6 Streets, verv next, that “Tho-apti™, nf rl... r’;,. acceptable England Temple HAIR had a Feb3 CHRISTADORO’S PRESERVATIVE. FROM of consequential damages, was one which had Minnesota, curious fight with a wolf re- HALFORD jan5-eodlin w2-4 CANADA!) Hamburg Edges! been 1 Council amounted to a declaration that the submitted to the Joint High Commission cently. At first he fought the animal with a Suitable for all business purposes; may be seen at when the American government indicated its then with a and YOUNG & LATHAM’S boards did rot feel called upon to express any club, pitchfork, finally got a FEBRUARY 1873. LEICESTERSHIRE OFFICE TO LET? RECORD, Stable, Hamburg Insertions! willingness to accept a gross sum in lieu of such 1st, No 6 Silver Street. round the neck of the drew him to OPEN opinion concerning the proposition of the but the was rope beast, feb7-lw CHAS. G. WOODMAN. THIS U-A.Y! damages, proposition rejected. On the second floor, front of a carpenter’s screwed his head into and TABLE SAUCE Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company vise, it, OVER 100 NEW PATTERNS! Appointments.—The Governor has appoint- then got a gun and shot him. Acknowledgement. now pending before the Legislature.” This The Seat Sauce and Relish! C O N A 3V T BLOCK, ed George S. Woodman of Edwin W. Two Laura and Electa who subscriber having had the misfortune to break —AND AT— be said Auburn, sisters, Fuller, may without any exaggeration to be Made in any part Of the World 30 EXCHANGE STREET. THEhis leg live mouths ago, all which time he Cleaves of Gouldsboro, Ira F. of San- live on the east shore of Canandamia Lake, and during Haynes has been unable to labor, was on inexact. It is as if a Friday morning Priees Below the Cost conspicuously person J. W. Coffin of and Has been visited a of Importation. gerville, Columbia, Joseph who are now over sixty years old, own farms, FOB FAMILY USE. occupied since the fire for Insurance. last, by large number of his friends and should enter a house to who left about beg for five dollars Small of Steuben, Trial T. and Inquire of neighbors, twenty-five dollars wort h A lot of y ard wide Thibet* at Justices; since womanhood v. 65 Cyrus early have cultivated BUU nu UUUIUO 1U H. M. 1IIU1HJY, which caine and, on thrust into the street the Daniels of TO BE HAD OF ALL FIB9T CLASS GROCERS PAYSON, in a cents.— — being by Presque Isle, Public Administrator; them with their own hands. most opportune time, for which he is most grate- Winter Dress Goods at and P. C. _jau29sn2w32 Exchange St. ful and takes this opportunity to tender his heartfelt husband, afterwards a condi- Keegan of Van Buren, Dedimus A man in a very low receiving Justice; yonng employed New Haven as For Sale in Portland thanks. SAMUEL COBB. prices.-Winter Hosiery tional of five N. Hatch of by promise cents from the more Stephen Kockland, audH. A. Dun- horse car driver, while driving his car on the POPULAR PRICES! GUNS, O U NS. Knightville, Feb. 6,1871. at reduced prices,-Ladies’ and humane can of Notaries J. G. Harmon goodwife, should go on his way pro- Bath, Public; 1st, received a letter from a foreign estate agent. SIRE A KEVINS. BREECH AND NUZZLE LOADING Childrens’ Underwear at reduced that such of and the Jus- J Haydu Association. claiming treatment “amounted to Limerick, Coroner, following It announced that an uncle in China had re- prices.—~We have a nice assort* tices of the MR. L. STROUT Double and Barreled are hereby notified that the annual a declaration that the' Peace and Quorum: died and left him L>, Single Guns. for householders did not cently $450,000. MEMBERSmeeting the choice of Officers forthc ensuin" incut of Felt Skirts at the low price C. K. Thomas N. year, will oecur on the of feel called con- Ayer, Cornish; Lord, Blue- The Herald is sure that two millions of Irish- evening Monday next, (Feb! upon to express any opinion — Will etc. of 30. hill; J. Jj. Dorr, Jonesport; Daniel J. Craw- return to his old Store. Ammunition, Sporting Goods, 12th,) at' 7$ o’clock, at Fluent Hall, A full atten- 99 his It is men are impatient to enlist a war dance is Members cerning proposition.” probably not ford, Caktine; George L. Randall, Vassalhoro; ,for against Also a good assortment of Machinists’ Tools, requested. having “Scares” or ,J=.i I k “Vart«’> belonging to the are the intention of the Portland & Joseph H. Manley, Augusta; Row- England. We hope they will have time for .TUX r.i NO. 335 CONGRESS wholesale and retail. Ass’n, requested to Ogdensburg Eliphalet STREET, return them to the Librarian, on or before the >V oolens—W Hallo N. G. 1j, annual nolens, ell, well; Stephen Hatch, Rockland; their to cool. BAILEY, 48 Eichange St* FRED H. Company to go before the commit- impatience .eViv.i- u; -t meeting, CLOVE*, Scc’y. —FOB— legislative James L. Parker, Soneham; E. S. feb7td Wyman, The Ohio Legislature have been foolish ABOUT JANUARY 23d. Sign of the “Golden Rifle.” no24eodtfsN tee to-day with any such glaring misrepre- Peru: Henry Tallman, Bath; Daniel S. Jaques, to E. sentation Bowdoin; Josiah H. Goodrich, Wm. enough make wild game property. That is T. ELDEN & CO., FOUR HUNDRED of Portland. as this. The fact is that after a Moscow; Where he will keep as formerly, a full line of City Men & J. C. a into rear. Wear. Harris, jr., Dixmont; Pease, Bradley; step the In Board of Mayor and > Boys’ hearing, in which the Company was Stinson R. S. TONS ehoice Furnace Aldermen, A_t A-ttraotive repre- Peaslie, Orono; Prescott, Bangor; The Knoxville (Tenn.) Chronicle the DRY A.JSHD FANCY GOODS, Feb’y S, 1872. ) Prices. sented Nathan urges Coal at and at we a by several of the ablest and most in- Whitman, Abbot; Edwin R. Haynes, $8.75; $8.00 offer the of Hull claims of Horace as a candidate for Iu all the petition Norris, & Co., for per- Monson; Albion W. Edward Maynard usual varieties. mission to fluential in the while the Clark, Orneville; superior article for Open Grates. These UPON erect and maintain a portable Steam gentlemen State, Brownville: L. S. the and claims he is the on the Nason, Flint, Abbot; Chas. Vice-Presidency, rep- His will Engine premises occupied by them at No. 48 had for their sole J. C. OFFER THIS MORNING motto be as usual, “QUICK SALKS prices are for the Coals delirered, and are Union COVJELX, & people representative a gen- Davison, Monson; Leighton, Columbia. resentative man of the Southern Republicans. AND SMALL PROFITS.” street, VALPE1, low Ordered, That Monday, the twelfth of Feb- tleman who was to his case In certainly enough to satisfy the most day obliged present the departments among the clerks who Hoping by diligent attention to business and hon- ruary at seven and a half o'clock p. m. at the Aider- Stoneham—Smart —Village in the est meet his almost on the spur of the served in the rebellion is dealing, to old friends and former cus- penurious purchasers. men’s Boom, be Uxed as tho time and place for hear- Cor. Congress & Brown Street*. moment, having Woods.—We have before hardly anything talked tomers. referred to the clearing jan20sntf JOS. H. ing said petition, and that notice be given thereof by jan25eodtotf been retained as counsel an hour or so of but war and A smack POOR & BRO. this order five times in only away of the forest to set a new and erect privateering. fishing Jan 27-sntf publishing the Portland Daily mill, Press, that all interested before the one branch and a gatliug gun is apparently the desidera- piano parties may appear and hearing began, of the houses for an enterprise in Stoneham. Opera- rooms7 be heard thereon. Dissolution of Copartnership. Government tum of nautical felicity. Attest: H. I. City almost unanimously reject- tions were commenced on the firBt of last Au- MARRIED. ROBINSON, copartnership heretofore existing under the Cab von A next at -- — firm name letter from the Plains the Indians are Dlock, City Hall, Congress ____ Clerk. THE of WINSLOW. DOTEN <£ to ed the proposition of the while the other gust. by Mr. George E. Paul, from Dexter. N. says City , CXX, road, fe7>L5t_ this day dissolved by mutual c<3hsent. The accounts very numerous, and adds: a In this Feb. 5, Rev. A. K. P. its consent with an H., and Mr. Ityder, had to make “Yesterday squad city, by Small, Ezra of the late firm will be settled S. H. & A. R. Doten. coupled implied impossible agent. They and Carrie by a road the forest to the of thirteen come into our tent and the oldest ED B. Hoyt T. Washburn, both of Haverhill. DANIEL condition. If the through place selected ROBINSON, In Turner WINSLOW, representatives of the road for their mill and Village, Jan. 31, Luther Whiting and WANTED. S. H. spool factory, aud cut and availed himself of the of sit- B. Chase. DOTEN, more or right seniority by Mary A. R. DOTEN. say less than this in the more impor- clear up an have erected and In opening. They down on our hot which he Skowhegan, Jan. 26, Samuel L. Gage and Jose- BLACKSMITH’S HELPER on general work. Jan. 1872. are now ting box-stove, mis- Has Exclusively Portland, 30th, tant hearing of to-day, will be we operating a factory 100 feet by 2fi, and ONE Ag?ucyforthe phine F. Fields. A To a steady man constant employment. they met, took for a valise. He was PRICE, AND NO VARIATION ? have an 100 horse in an very much surprised, In Jan. John W. of THOS. LAUGHLIN & with engine power engine W E B E Industry, 18, Keith, Farming- SON, The undersigned have this day formed a trust, immediate and emphatic contra- house 25 K” ton, and Mrs. Amanda W. fe7d3t* 185 copartner- by 05. They manufacture thread and and the quartermaster has been issuing lauda- Daggett. Commercial St. ship under the Ann name of S. H. & A. R. DOTEN, diction. But we are silk In Jonsboro, Jan. 20, Levi L. and Miss Ad- for the of certain that the honora- spools, bobbins, staves, pails, tubs, handles num And the Jewett & Piano Fortes ! Noyes purpose carrying on the poultices ever since.” ! ", < > [ / elegant Co., die E. Look. and the stock for the same. have uir} Wanted. ble men who will for the Portland & They one of In Jan. speak Lane’s board The New York Herald says the that Also other standard Jonesboro, 21, George R. Crandon and Sa- PLANING AND machines, and saw some deal for opinion makers all sold at the' lowest rah E. SMART honest Boy from 14 to 19 of MOULDING BUSINESS, road at will not the New reduced Whitney. years age. Ogdensburg Augusta to-day York trade. Wellington’s the'game of Mr. Greeley and nearly the whole oc25sntf In Jan. Nelson A Apply to C. R. Chisholm & G. T. R. as heretofore, at Cross st. Mills. machine, One prices._ Pembroke, 10, Smith, of Perry, and Co., Depot. Planing resort to so futile a which they tried, does not suit as well as Lane’s. Case Assarted Japanese Silks, Mrs. A. of P. feb7-3t S. H. misrepresentation. company of anti-Grant Republicans is: first, to WOULD Luoy Norton, DOTEN, They have orders from the Portland ANNOUNCE TO THE RICK A. R. DOTEN Company move heaven and earth to defeat General Jan. for oak dimension stuff for car Best far 30c. Portland, 30th, 1872. Ja31eod3w The Eastern part of the State also has its building, re- Quality yd. “While There’s Life There’s Hope.’* DIED. pairing, &c., and from New York and Califor- Grant at the little railroad Philadelphia Convention; and, STILL LOWER! troubles. The Machias nia. Teams are Repub- hauling it daily to Fryeburg failing in these efforts, secondly, to out-Herod Best Casco St. ! whence it Quality Lyssa Poplins DR. LEWIS In Feb. Ethan Seminary lican, observing that the is in- depot, goes by the new' railroad to its and Freeport, 5, Wilbur, Jr., aged 28 Legislature Herod, Conkling in their hurrahs THE TRUE 8 months. OPENED destination. have a market for all the Murphy, years THIS MORNING Spring Term ot this for clined to charters They In Jan. School, Young Ladles grant from Bangor, from for Grant. Peru, 27, Mr. Geo. W. Bisbee, aged 49 years and will commence spools they make; also for bobbins, now NATIVE INDIAN In THE Misses, Castine and having 91.40 yd. PHYSICIAN, East Parsonsfleld, Jan. 29, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife ONE MORE CASE from Eastport to Calais, throws a contract for two millions. Six houses have A meeting of the Georgia bond-holders in of the late Wm. Can be consulted free of charge, at his office Pendexter, aged 65 years. FEB. cold water on the already been erected, are now while was held at Second In Jan. Mrs. Eliza MONDAY, 13tli. Castine project, arguing occupied, Germany Frankfort, and a com- Quality Lyons Poplins, 91.13. 160 Cor. Mountfort , 25, Pitcher, aged 74 yrs. of the men live in Congress St., St., In Jan. Miss Persons not otherwise connected that the many temporary camps. mittee chosen to Waldo, 18, Mary E. Storer, aged 44 with the School Bangor route would take all the law their grievance before the WTiere he will attend to the treatmeut and cure of all Felt Skirts at will be received into theclajoes in Twenty-seven men are employed in and about 93 Pieces Best Moss Plushes years. $1.75, Languages, Draw- President and Quality diseases incident to the human 'Xll kinds of In Mrs. ing and on moderate terms. through travel and As for it the factory. have il of oxen Congress and the Governor of body. Belfast, Mercy Webber, formerly of Mon- Music, freight. Calais, They yoke Humors as if the use of his For further and 24 horse teams disappear by , by roe, aged 88 years. CHEAP -A.T particulars apply at 22 State st., Port- is hostile to the of a road westward hauling timber from the Georgia. In 83.35. land, Me. project woods. 99 87 yd GREAT Middlefleld, Mass., Feb. 4, Mrs. Mary Jane Fin- Capital invested, §25,000.—[Orforel INDIAN SPECIFIC REMEDIES ley, aged 62 years. MISS OLIVIA E. from that city, and the Republican advises Democrat. PHILLIPS.* [Funeral services at No. 44 Pleasant at 2 miss a. n. Burges. lO Boxes worth Cares all Female Difficulties. street, that Robbinston, Lubec or Eastport be made STATE NEWS. Nubias, 91 00|for 5©c. o'clock. Friends are invited to attend. ALSO LOTS OF JanOfl TTA.S 2w* The Cost of Living.—The The success attending his treatment in this the department under a W' wH VaF Vr J I mmI xjuuI nm| J particu- Eastern terminus of the shore road. lar line has been to the the above head constitutes one of the 7 Dob always perfectly satisfactory DEPARTURE most in- KENNEBEC COUNTY. Toilet Covers worth 91 OO for OOc. who have honored him with their confidence. OF OCEAN STEAWERH NAME FROM FOR * a e DATE divisions of the New a also includes all maladies of the Linen ALLAN The teresting York Timet. A A with ( f»se»X' a jm Sktients LINE decision of the Supreme Court in the gentleman acquainted the late Gov. Liver, Lungs, York. ! ** Heart, Stomach, and Bladder, and for all Wyoming.New .Liverpool.Feb 7 Handkerchiefs, sensible lady writes: Cony’s family writes us that he never had a Pieces Plain FrenchCantbricks for 95c Kidneys Dhina..New York.. matter of the wit of quo warranto inherited chronic diseases hitherto deemed in- Liver] >ool.Feb 7 From 6 1-4 to brought by nephew named Richard B. as our Minne- York.. $1. Don’t fail to Bee them. Montreal Ocean May I have a word to Your Cony, curable. Will take all those who are troubled with Abyssinia.New Liverpool.Feb 7 Steamship C'o. the General the Maine say? correspond- letter and further that Missouri.New York.. Attorney against Cen- ent would like to apolis stated, all his lOO Pieces Beal Scotch old standing eomplaints. Dr. Lewis’ Medicines are Havana.Feb 8 CARRYING TIIE “Honest,” marry if he could brother’s Quality Ginghams tral railroad has been children are living in Augusta. It is not com pounded with murcury and other poisonous Germany.Portland... .Liverpool.Feb 10 anxiously awaited by only find a very charming lady, “just suited to City of New York .New York. Canadian und Ignited supposed that the person convicted in drugs, but are Pure Vegetable Composition, such as .Liverpoel.Feb 10 Stale* Haile. the for more his who would be and to Minne- 19 Ale. Pereire.New York.. TVE HATE ALL public than six months. We un- mind,” willing glad is Richard B. who worked has been known and practiced by the natives of Havre.Feb 10 THE COLORS his fifteen hundred annum Nnw apolis Place, some P&rthia.. /.New York. Passengers Booked to Loudeu- derstand that the matter share, per a fow for tho Into lOO Dos Bed B5c. America for centuries, are in perfect with .Liverpool.Feb 10 was put into the here is time, years ago, I>r. Cony. Turkey Doylies, harmony derry and my experience. Will it be of any ser- all the principles of Life. Europa.New York. .Glasgow.Feb 10 -IK- Liverpool. hands of vice to him and The Journal a little Minnesota.New York. Return 'rickets Judge Tapley to draw up an hundreds of others?” Mv hus- Augusta says girl named White Dr. Lewis’s Root and Herb Bitters are a sure rem- .Liverpool.Feb 14 opinion, Tuck Skirts, worth 91 30, 87 l-9c. Moro granted at Reduced Rates. band and I commenced life in a Moore, about nine years of age, on Cush- for Liver in all its forms, and Castle.New York. .Havana.Feb 15 but he has not yet done so. pleasant board- living edy Complaint purify The noc was so on blood and humors of the India...New York. 17 Steamship ing-house, in the year 1862. Seven dollars and heights, badly injured Saturday, 130 Do* the blood; also Scrofula, .Glasgow.Feb LYONS Spool Silk Worth 0O for 93c Dob Uty of Washington.New York. 17 POPLINS! a. fraction coverea our ooara ana being run into the sled of a was Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Indigestion, Bilious Diseases .Liverpool.Feb Husband s by by boy, who Republic.New York. (iERH.t.W, Capt. Trocke, Everybody has a riche to nresent an nnluw I down aiid General Debility. They cleanse the .Liverpool.Feb 17 lunch. I did our own Our dress was coasting hill, that her recovery is doubt- system, reg- washing. ulate the Bowels, Restore the Batavia.New York. .Liverpool.Feb 17 will in the and therein to provided before our ful. She was injured about the head. Appetite, Strengthen leave this port for Liverpool on Legislature propound all marriage. the Body, and thoroughly prepare it to resist diseases .: .New York. .Rio Janeiro.. .Feb 22 Marked Down to Here are the items: OXFORD $1.20, manner of conundrums. If, therefore, some COUNTY. of all kind. j Saturday, February 10. Husband's DR. LEWIS is a true of his member has desired to puzzle the Education dress.■.S7J 86 The Norway National Bank has ALL aboriginee native miniature Almanac.February 7. WORTH 81.50 PER YARD, My 80 organized. OTHER GOODS cauntry (America, and has no one Balm with w'hich dress.38 The following geutlemen were Bun rises.7.08 I Moon rises.6.20 AM j Immediately after the arrival of the Train of the Committee with a about Travel. gj gg unanimously he proposes to cure all the diseases the Human flesh question abolishing elected Directors: Sumner Burnham. Horace sun sets.5.22 water. 0.30 AM previous from Montreal. IN OUR is heir to, but careftilly diagnosticates each case in all | High day county supervision and dividing $32,000 instead G. Freeland G. STOCK, Gittle, Howe, G. Phelps, Isaac the minuteness of detail, and treats all upon rational STIIX, THEY Passage to Londonderry and Liverpool, Cabin vac- to the town schools by some unheard of rule, A. Denison, William Frost, 2d, and Henry M. and scientific principles.' feblsnlw* GO! cording to accommodations). 870 to 9KO a AT KQl'AI.I.T LOW j in Gold or its there is no Bearce. At meeting of the Sum- PRICES. MARINE ALL OUR Payable equivalent. rule of the House to prevent it The Directors, NEWS. For or Cabin ner was chosen Freight Passage, apply to Burnham, Esq., President. Of On H. & A. propounder—and we don’t know who has that the Marriage. ALLAN, No. 1 India St. $100,000 stock, $08,000 has been sub- PORT OF For inward and be capital should bear in mind Happy Belief for Mr a from the effects PORTLAND. Steerage Passage outward, and lor honor—may the of the three and it is the balance will bo JESpPurchaaera that Dry Young Scotch Drafts on f<>r champion “Rs,” scribed, expected Uo*ds, were never of errors and abuses in life. Manhood restored. Sight England small amounts ain>lv to taken cheai>er than at the Present time. early Gingham 125c, Tedin, ritin, rithmetic, and believe in desks up immediately- to marriage removed. New method ot JAMES L. pine nas no feblsnlw Impediments Tuesday, Peb. 6. FARMER? it is Ids expenses ior wines, cigars or billiards, treatment. New and remarkable remedies. 3 lDdla StreC'- yet right to yoke the sum of to The Xorway Advertiser says John C. Farnum Books WORTH 35o. $32,000 Air. can and Circulars in ARRIVED. Portland, Dec. 'os, Honest, you how we of Kumford a free, sealed envelopes. AddTess the county the imagine had buffalo robe stolen out of his Wheeler, Boston, to load for Cnba. 5-tf_*°J supervisors, Maine Central loan could live What definition HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., ?r'« 0,.^.a3l“' respectably? isyour sleigh one evening last week. The horse and Pa. s«ml'ter, Plnkhain, New York—corn to the much legislated of We Philadelphia, novlsnd3m ieoSc^,N^'1 W True bill, porgie, the respectability? always kept up our was left in the shed of BRYTLITE ! & Co. ALSO SOME PRETTY LIGHT M. Magallo church and sleigh Henry Small GLOBES way dam, the bridge across the relations, respected ourselves. We while Mr. F. was a MaH°ch, Eastport for Boston. C._M. Wittopitlock attending prayer meeting. LEA & PERRINS’ SAUCE, Seh lived for one another, ana strove to live on as' Mr. Elizabeth, Hodgdon, Rockland for Boston. Maine Charitable Mechanics’ Association stream or any other corporate or Pratt, had $40 stolen from Sch Adeline will incorporate little we could carriage-maker, Adams, hold the moneyas consistently with a re- him a short time since. Pronounced by Connoisseurs Johnson, Harpswell. Dress Goods, at IIIIE next meeting for debate at the Library body that a boundless on fancy may dictate. It is spectable appearance. Yon might not like to CLEARED. 125c, RfH>m, Thursday evening, Feb. 8. at 7| o’clock. his TENOBSCOT COUNTY. Tlie Good Sauce.” Sch Ella Arasdem Question for debate: That Free privilege and who would interfere? But it see your beloved at the wasli-tub, but willing Only Smith, Baltimore—A L Hobson. Resolved, Trade Sch of the CHEAP AT 25o. conduces more to the welfare and of a minds make hands where “Love is The Brewer and lot was sold BRYTLITE GLOBES! It in» roves appetite and and it is unriv- Light East, Harper, New York. pro»i»erity won’t abolish the and willing lord gun-house at ui0v....»„u, ill'. supervisors the order of auction on lor its flavor. country, than a protectivetar of all.” The next we 02: for $375. The are aled ---- as a year spent $910 the Monday proceeds FROM MERCHANTS A. H. WAITE, Art. Tuesday, matter of to a to be We aredirested by Messrs. LEA. & PERRINS to EXCHANGE courtesy next the next and so on. As our expended towards the erection of a sol- member, $1,200: $1,700, ail Ar at Pensacola DAN CARPENTER, Neg, was allowed a means dier s monument in that town. prosecute parties makingor veuflicgcouoterteits. 5th inst, sch Nellie Star, Poland, We havo a great variety of passage. increased, what before were luxuri- JOHN DCNCAN’f* jalveston. febtidtd GEO. A. HARMON, See’y. es now SONS, became necessities. Today, with a fam- The Bangor Commercial the aiigl2su6m Agents, New York. Ar at Delaware Stone says great snow- Breakwater 5th, brig A Rowell, Mrs. Lucy will before the of three children and two we live storm Itherton, Matanzas. appear leg- ily servants, Saturday caused great delays among the Committee on nicely on $3,000: Sir. we can live stages. The Ellsworth Ar at New York 6th, San Carlos, from and TO PHYSICIANS. islative Legal Reform on Thurs- but, Honest, bad not arrived at ten SAVE THE CHILDREN. brig Parker, Dry Sfi5S!*£ sch Azelda & Fancy Goods,, Board and Nursing. for Ladies about to l»o coutin.fi, comfortably on a great deal less. Take a lesson Monday evening, over hours Jamaica; Laura, Mcludoe, do. day afternoon, in aid of the woman being thirty late: of them >r vrho require treatment, (except for contagious or suffrage ! from us. Go marry!economite! and when and the mail of the MULTITUDES suffer, linger, and die, be- your stages Corinth, Bradford. Pin-Worms. The MEMORANDA. venereal diseases.) under the charge of their own petition of Mrs. Oliver Dennett and 170 wealth increases will hon- Garland and Exeter cause of only known remedy HOSIERY, phy- others, j you look back to your lines, were not in This new and beautiful most troublesome and &c., sician, can be found by addressing Mrs. M. S. as Monday light can be seen at the for these dangerous of all Sch Wake, citizens of Portland and Rockland. eymoon among your svening. A few of the E M at from Port- In whirl! wr No. 4 Ferdinand Boston. All halcyon days. mails were brought by lore of worms in children or adults is DR. GOULD’S PIN- 1 Sawyer, Kelley, Mayaguez will mat In- LnUtrsolil ; *t., communications the drivers m and, reports exjierienced weather on confidential. sleighs, and then only by mak- WORM SYRUP. Purely vegetable: sure death to having heavy | he passage and lost deckload. References: Wm. Read, M. Alexis and his Fuist ing short cuts across fields to avoid the drifts all worms; a valuable cathartic, and beneficial to D., (late City Phv- Each individual member of the Maine Buffalo.—Accord- Sch J H Burnett, from Portland for Fall David M. D.; John Skinner. Leg- rhe Postmaster of health, warranted. Price reduced to 50 cts. per River, lo9 ^Middle riciun); Thayer, M. 1).: ing to the who Kenduskeag, took his maii rhieh got ashore at Wood over her an- Street. M. D.; S. L. M. islature, had that orderly attended theGrand Duke from bottle. GEO. C. GOODWIN & Boston. Hole, dragged D. F. Folsom, Dutton, I)., Boston* body been as active as the tp Bangor in liis private team. GEO. L. A CO., hor and run the fluke her bottom M. D., Malden | Alexis the The LOTHIIOP CO., w5-4m SN through where it A. B. BITLEB. Nathan French, Centre, Mass. House it was during grand buffalo a irifts were so bad between Corinth jan31d&w emains. She is full of water and is ood 3m thought the second week, would hunt, quite and Ken- discharging. January 27-y tile gentlemen the committee to c: tamine. on Cushman st.; house for Sebago, and all 1 ntire, San Francisco. at prices whleh passed to a third composing THE piped TUBS nice dairy Butter, by the lot or yield IO , , ! ..“Old GrinieB is that readsng in the Massachusetts ] 'lajor the modem improvements. Enquire on the premises Ar 7th, ship War San single A VCrJ dead, good old maul” senate Henry Pennell, chairman of the commit- I CEO. L. OP Sc Hawk, White, Francisco yesterday. t ee on of the LOTH* CO., 3r No 25 Emery st. J. A. TENNEY. PORT MADISON—Ar 14th T esHnenV.i*t*r**t part Senate. ! feb3sntf ■ * ult, brig* WLucasuca8> R. DEER1NG & CO., 152 change Street. sep5dtf ffi 1 uttle, San Francisco. «IAKU:S M. E* feb3-n3t* 292 Commercial Street, Portland. dclltfU HAWKES. Exchange 9t, l A Night on a Desolate Island in a Snow XLIId CONGRESS-SECOND SESSION. MASHArunilTSS. United States 10-40’s., coupon.1101 FOREIGN. Currency THE PEESS. Storm.—On Saturday of last week two men A CLERK IN THE POST OFFICE STEALS THIRTY 6’s. j ENTERTAINMENTS. BY TELEGRAPH. THOUSAND DOLLARS-nE CONFESSES CRIME. were the ol named at Tur- HIS a closing quotations Taylor and Coolbrotli, residing SENATE. j Stocks: | Feb. FEB. 1872. ner home in a small Boston, 6.—A clerk in the Boston Post WEDNESDAY MORNING, 7, Island, Cape Elizabeth,left Feb. 6.—Mr. Fenton VICTORIA’S SPEECH. Western Union Telegraph Co_ 71s Washington, presented (JUEEN ■Office, named Marshal S. P. Lowe, aged 26 outside the AUGUSTA. -a memorial a thousand merchants of New | Pacific Mail.'.‘.‘.I!!! 1. dory in pursuit of sea-fowl. Going from t is a defaulter 59 Resolutes to the _____ to the be years, amount of $30,000. N. Y. Central and Hudson River consolidated Bat. a desolate York urging appointments to public office 971 harbor landed on Ram Island, He has been employed for three years in the N. Y. Central and Hudson River consolidated --- they made on of and not ou those of sen 931 CITY AND VICINITY. grounds ability at a with little on it in the summertime. A Ainericaii AITaiiti Briefly Noticed. mailing department salary of $600 per year. Erie. rock, grass RAILROAD WAR. partisanship. Keferred to the Judiciary. Erie THE RESOLULE BASE BALL He has confessed his crime aud conveyed over preferred. U4* CLUB the boat up out of the reach of the Mr. Edmunds offered a resolution asking the Harlem.. Ad vertiatements Pulling to Postmaster Burt the ac- New To-Day. President to send the Senate information following property Harlem WILL GIVE TIIEIIC tide, as they supposed, they left their guns and any cumulated since he held office:—Three dwel- preferred.120 j Piscataquis aud Bangor iu Conflict in his possession relative to the inten- debate in the noi'SE. ammunition in the and walked over the alleged houses, worth $8000 each; books of Reading.114$ ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. dory tion of Great Britain to revoke the of ling deposit Michigan Central. 119 treaty in Howe Savings Bank, $400; Sav- GRAND ANNUAL BALL! Repeated by Request—Lauding of the Pilgrims. island to ascertain the prospect for sport.— unless the claims of the United Emigrant Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. 90| Augusta, Feb. 6.—This afternoon the Railroad Washington ings Bank, $1700; Boston Five Cent Illinois Central.130 NEW ADVERTISEMENT to the shore the boat was States shall be the and of Mr. Gladstone. Savings —AT— COLUMN. When they got back presented upon principle Strong‘Language Bank, $900; West Boston Cleveland & Pittsburg. 911 Committee the hearing of numerous pe- in a He Savings Bank, $900; Butter for sale Cheap—U. & Co. had floated her and she opened manner agreeable to the other party. Institution for & North Western. Deering gone! The rising tide _ Provident Savings, $900; gold Chicago 74$ & titioners in Piscataquis county for a charter for said it was extremely desirable to have this in- & Northwestern 92 fluent Apples—Smith Philbrook. was Here was a watch, $100. Sixty unopened letters were found Chicago preferred. hall, far beyond reach. predicament. formation—no one felt it more than he & Rock Island. Still Lower—A. B. Butler. a railroad from Dexter for Dover, against which deeply FRANCE. upon him. It is believed $30,000 will cover the Chicago 112$ The was and the sides of the did of between the na- Milwaukie & St. Paul. 562 Wediit'Mlay 7. day cold adjaocnt the desirableness peace embezzlements. Evening, February Eclectic Physician—W. K. Bangor appeared in force and for very valid had PRESIDENT THIERS SHOT AT. Milwaukie*& St. Paul preferred. Ripley. islands showed no of and no tions. The of the United States 74} Music signs life, signals people Lowe was arraigned before Commissioner & Fort by Raymond’s Full Driving and Team Horses—Chas. G. Woodman. reasons. It has been the most earnest aud most shown their desire for by submitting to London.- Feb. 6.—A dispatch to the Daily Pittsburg Wayne. 97$ Quadrille Band. of distress could be seen. Meanwhile it came peace Hallett to-day and held in $20,000 for trial. It claims which felt not be Telegraph from Paris says:—“President Thiers COMMUTE OF iVRUANUKME.STB: Acknowledgement—Samuel Cobb. protracted of any hearing before the commit- arbitration, they might is believed he has made over Domestic Harkcts. on to snow and the wind was bitter was shot at last but not hurt. The assas- properly enough W. A. Haydn Association—Fred H. furiously submitted to any tribunal but themselves. But night Knights Leighton. J. .Maher, F. Ham G N Cloyes. tee and did not close tift midnight. A. G. Le- sin to cover his peculations. Watertown1, Feb. 6.—Cattle Market.—Recoils— G. * the lee of some the British and nations had had escaped.” Briggs, Wilson, c. Gookin. Boy Wanted—C. It. Chisholm & Co. cold. They got under project- government t&fr beef Cattle 564 demand aud firm of and Hon. Lewis Bar- NAVAL CHANGES. head; steady pricee Tickets SLUG, admitting Gent and LaUiea to iw, broke, Esq., Foxcroft, full notice that the claims tor consequential GREAT BRITAIN. at last week’s sales of choice at 10 City of Portland—H. I. Robinson. ing rocks whieh seemed to break the force of prices; 12$ (a< 10 25; obtained atMAJIEK & CO*S, opptwite the of for the and was to be made and if were now THE The second class now in extra 9 25 b 9 Post OfiL-v ker, Bangor, appeared petitioners damages they LONDON JOURNALS ON THE ALABAMA frigate Sabine, lying 75; first quality 8 25 @ 9 00; second and of tlio Committee of Arrangements. Wanted—Thos. 00; third 5 75 ® 6 75. Sheep Hons. A. G. Wakefield, W. G. Crosby and repudiate ordinary and quality ing about. All that terrible night they walked “Amen,” and take care to enter into no more porarily for service as receiving ship at Ports- Lambs—receipts 4456 head; demand moderate at all of for the remon- Feb. 6.—The London Times this United blotrs Circuit C'eurt. Henry Hudson, Bangor, treaties so to them and London, unchanged rates; sales in lots at 2 50 @ 0 00 each ; ex- to and fro on that desolate and morn- with powers ready break mouth Navy Yard, to take the place of the rock, the preserves its tone of moderation as- tra 5 50 i® 8 50. M. L A. 8HEPLEY. strants. at to to vindi- morning BEF.ORE JUDGE the proper time take measures sumed Vandalia. The latter vessel will be altered ing dawned with no signs of relief. In the af- yesterday in treating the subject of the YoRK,Feb. an ic Ttesday.—Paul A. Berry, petitioner, vs. Michael The that the cate our national honor and enforce our just American from a fourth class sloop-of-war into a third 6—Evening.—Cotton higher; SUPPLEMENTARY COTJB9K when the storm had petitioners represented proposed claims. It deprecates the intemper- Miumiing uplands23$c; sales 1904 bales. Flour more Wall. the District ternoon, passed over, Mr. claims. class screw' of about 800 tons. Petition to reverse the order of road would save the of ate denunciation of the and it active and firm; sales State 5 7 Smith people Piscataquis $3.50 Mr. Trumbull the Senate not treaty, hopes 15,000 bbls; 75(a 25; CLONI.VO Court of the court.— Hadlock discovered them from his house thought ought will lead to A PRACTICAL MORMON. round hoop Ohio GW) 7 Western 5 75 7 EVTEKTAIN.HEVT, relating to funds in the registry a from no action or resolves. The g 30; (a 40; ton on freight and fifty-fourmiles travel to the resolution upon the report that hasty Southern C 75 @ 9 50. on Peak’s and he knew that some- adopt present of statesmen is to or Wheat opened firm and Closed Petition denied. Island, duty English say Springfield, Feb. 6.—J. Percy, painter, for- m s AT Foxcroft to Portland or Boston. This seems on Great Britain was going to repudiate a solemn dull buyer tavor; sales 1G..500 bush; No 1 Spring CITY HALL was do to to a Freewill was arrested A. A. Strout. Bonney & Pullen. thing wrong. He put off in his boat and nothing likely prejudice any attempts merly Baptist minister, ® No 2 do 1 55 in State 1 its face to be a case—one that carries its treaty. remove ,}rf® i store; Wliite 75; strong the which here and held for examination on the »\ inter Red Western l a rescued them; they were chilled and Mr. Trumbull, continuing, said that Parlia- misunderstanding unhappily to-day 62 1 68. Corn steady; sales Wednesday Evening, Feb, 7lh, thoroughly is until has arisen. of He married a bush; new Mixed U. 8. District Court. own conviction, aud it certainly Bangor ment had not assembled and if the bigamy. recently widow 106,000 Western at T3® 74 afloat; frost bitten and could not have survived yet country The charge JUDGE FOX. through Daily pronounces the claims in this and is said to have another wife at BEFORE has a In 1867 the Piscataquis wanted the repudiated the best way was Telegraph city another heariug. people treaty of indirect as LECTURE BY term of this court night. Mr. Simon saw them Britain damages utterly indefensible, iu- Winchester. Failing to give $2000 bonds he Tuesday.—The February began Skillings were anxious for a road. looked to have it done would be to insult Great from They naturally admissable and baseless. It regrets any hesita- wras committed. this Fox presiding. The grand jury' the same island soon after they landed, by this resolution. forenoon, Judge to did not look in vain. Meet- tion on the part of the London press to stigma- and knew their Bangor. They Mr. Edmunds said this was a mere ordinary request 7{ .«;>$. Sugar steady;'MuscoVaert W, Paine, assignee, vs. Culwell & al. Bill SWEENEY. No 2 Mixed at Oats—No 2 at A sical exercises and social intercourse. There was barely enough business to maske one road treaty or any part of it. My Lords and Gentlemen: dull; 41$e. 32 @ 32|c. in respondents, who reside in Massa- I It is stated Peter B. arrived from Rye quiet; No 2 at 73 @ 74c. Barley quiet and equity against was a number of the aud interest of the Mr. Edmunds, at Mr. Trumbull’s suggestion, avail myself of the opportunity afforded Sweeney quite large graduates present, pay running expenses by St. Catherines He w ill be unchanged. High Wines 88c. Dressed Hogs in chusetts, and were neither found in this district nor modified the resolve so as to merely ask for in- your for the of yesterday. bailed by good and a was with mu- loan. claim that the of in- re-assembling discharge your demand at 505 (g> 5 10. Pork dull at 12 15 (g 12 30.— CALICO BALL! were owners to recover back delightful evening passed, They city Bangor formation as to the intention of Great Britain momentous the of property here duties to renew the expression of Green Meats unchanged. Beef shoulders 4j|c; sides select &c. We are forbidden to vested the money in gooe faith fully aware of to the without the THE WARRANTS AGAINST WILL BE HELD IN money alleged to Lave been in fraud of the bankrupt sic, readings, repudiate treaty mentioning my thankfulness to the Aliuijihtv for the deliv- INGERSOLL. 5§c; clear rib sides 5$c; clear sides 6$c. Live Hogs erance all the difficulties and that the of reason. or son troin the most .J mv vw « w. VUHI1, UIU1 1 CW law'. A motion was made to dismiss for want of ju- speak the names of the parties who furnished completion alleged my imminent dan- The two warrants against Ingersoll have not Mr. Sumner a memorial of the and 600. was not of un- presented ger my recollection for the been he risdiction. Judge Fox delivered an elaborate opinion the entertainment, so if any who are eligible this shorter road which thought lively profound yet served, having kept away from the bbls householders of the District of Columbia ask- universal shown but it is Receipts—4,000 flour, 7,000 bush wheat, 60,000 the branch will sympathy by my loyal people city, expected that lie will surrender bush bush 4000 CITY sustaining tbe motion and dismissing the bill. desire to know of the succeeding meetings they til the completion of Dexter the of the that of corn, 19,000 oats, bush barley, 10,000 HALL, ing protection against extravagance during period anxiety and trial. I pro- himself this afternoon. hogs. A. W. Paine. A. A. Strout. must connect themselves with the or- ruin the investment of the city. The represen- territorial which has already in- that on the formally government, pose Tuesday, 27th inst., conforma- Sixty thousand dollars will be paid the city Shipments—0,000 bbls flour, 2,000 bush wheat, 20,000 F. of Woodman & Little- now ask curred a debt of to one-sixth ble to the and George Emery, assignee ganization. We are a bit of these peo- tatives of the city protection. Numer- $13,000,000j equal good becoming usages of former laborers to-day. There are but few more labor- bush corn, 3,000 busli oats, 2,000 bush barlev, 10,000 jealous the value of the whole district. 8000 to marshal assets or Aiio vi-I tiiAccou vuoro nvuinilinil ati ooaIi oiiln Bgti. days that the thus received be ac- ers to be rye, hogs. FEB’Y John, petioners, DanKrupis.— nle. for thev close their doors to newSDaner men blessing shall paid. THURSDAY, 8th, on This was a to so marshal the assets of the knowledged behalf of the nation thanks- Cincinnati, Feb. 6.—Pork dull and petition so interested is to the by THE INDICTMENT AGAINST MAYOR HALL. unchanged. FOR A CHARITABLE OBJECT! (as professionals) and regret that we threw off gor being largely fully up of the reeommending in the Cathedral. At this Lard dull and firm at 9 @ Bulk Meats nominal. as to a^ow the creditors of N. M. Wood- legislature, giving Metropolitan 9$c. bankrupt of the occasion. The committee ad- the of Hall for the Cen- celebration it is The indictment against Mayor Hall Bacon drooping; shoulders clear rib sides Master Libby’s yoke so early. exigencies purchase Independence my desire to be present. Di- charges 0$c; 71(5; Under the of man to share with the creditors of Woodman & Lit- tennial celebration in the him with warrants for fraudulent bills 7$c; cleax shies 7$c. Live Hogs auspices the undersigned .Lailies and without a vote. 1870, purchase money rection has been given to provide the necessary signing unchanged. Gentlemen: Fox delivered an oral journed of and is tlejohn. Judge opinion deny- M. L. D. C.—This amateur dramatic to be used by Philadelphia for the erection of ac-ommodations for the members of Parlia- Garvey Ingersoll. It also true that Toledo, Feb. 6.—Flour steady. Wheat in fair de- ciub, PROPOSED INCREASE OF SALARY. the a museum of relics. Nathaniel Sands is indicted. mand; extra White Michigan 1 00; No 1 at 1 ing petition. whose first is announced for revolutionary ment. 56$;Am- GENERAL COMMITTEE. public appearance an ber Michigan 1 19 @ 1 do Red 1 No 2 Red G. F. A. A. Strout. The House Committee on Finance have voted Mr. Sherman reported a bill making it of- The assurance of that I re- AGASSIZ AND PARTY. 49$; 41$: Emery. friendship 1 46. Corn dull and a shade next and have de- sense a and lower; high Mixed 47c; Mrs. St. J. Mattocks. Thursday Friday evenings, to a bill to increase the of the punishable by year’s imprisonment ceive from powers continue in all re- Smith, Mayor Kingnburr, report salary foreign Tlie steamship South America, from Kio low Mixed 46$c; Yellow 47$c. Oats quiet and un- voted much time and to them- §1000 line for any firm or and I need Dearborn, Mr. Natn. Cummings, study perfect State Treasurer to private coporation, spects hardly assure Janeiro Jan. has arrived. The the changed. Judicial Court. $25,000. or to satisfactory, 14th, reports Gilman, G. T. Davis, Supreme individual to issue any obligation promise that endeavors at all 4‘ selves, and we hope a generous public will give you my will, times, be steamer Hassler, with and left Charleston. Feb. 6. Cotton N. J. E for use as a medium or Agassiz party quiet; Middling up- Deering, Donnell, JANUARY TERM—WALTON,y., PRESIDING. pay, circulating currency. steadily directed towards the maintenance of Pernambuco for Rio lands 22c. Lewis M. them a liberal We understand Janeiro with tlie frigate P. Emery, encouragement. Mr. from the Finance Committee, these relations. 44 Tuesday.—Charles F. Barton vs. Mary S. Barton; MAINE LEGISLATURE. Sherman, friendly Jan. 111. Feb. J. Rand. S. E. Spring, Ticonderoga Savannah, 6.—Cotton Middling 44 44 the of tickets has been reduced to a bill the Secretary of the The slave and nominal; W. II. N. libel for divorce. When the case came on for trial, price gallery reported requiring trade, practices scarcely to be uplands 22c. Boyd, Jose, NEW YORK CUSTOM HOUSE INVESTIGATION. .man v to the Treasury to call in §3,000,000 of three per cent, from slave are still a. c. sievenn, motion of the counsel for Mrs. the 25 cents, to enable all the children to attend. [Special Press.] distinguished trading, pur- Feb. uj>on Barton, certificates in addition to the amount The Mobile, 6.—Cotton firm; Middling uplands Mrs. Bailey, I. P. Farrington, monthly sued in more than one quarter of the world and Congressional committee resumed their at court ordered the husband to her dollars to So take your children and a SENATE. 22$ @ 22$c. S. J. pay forty enjoy pleasant he was now authorized to retire each month by continue to attract the attention of sessions iliis forenoon. W. T. a form- Farrington, Auderron, my Govern- Perkins, New I,. enable her to defend herself while our friends. Augusta, Feb. 6.—Orders to Orleans, Feb. 6.—Cotton dull; Middling up- Phiuney, Pierce, against charges brought evening encouraging young passed—Relating laws. ment. In the South Sea Islands the name er testified to the of the la- '* existing of weigher, lightness lands 22$ @ 22 ]c. Burgin, II. Anderson* • the Mr. offered a resolution which was __ against her. Mr. Barton was placed upon the stand increasing salary of the County Attorney Colliding the British Empire is even now dishonored by bors of government weighers. He paid alto- H. Anderson, B. Barnes, the Committee on Retrench- and testified that he had not the money and could of Somerset adopted directing the connection of some of my subjects with gether when in the Custom House $250 as as- European market*. Ayers, F. Noyes, M. L. county. A.—The closing lecture of the M. L. ment to investigate the abuses of extortion in these nefarious and in one sessments for business—some of which not raise it. The case looked as if it must be contin- Bills the extension of subjects, of them political LoNDON.Feb. 6—11.30 A. M.—Consols 92$ for money Reception Committee. A. reported—Authorizing connection with and health the murder of an was for the benefit of New He and account. • or when supplementary course will be given this eve- quarantine regula- exemplary prelate has cast Hampshire. S. W. ued tbe libellant lose the allowance, her a Dr. C. Gordon, Mr. A. Coombs. wharf into Wheeler’s Bay, at St. George. tions of New York. fresh some of the believed that if he did not the as- American securities—U. S. do Shaw Foreman. This is a light upon baneful conse- pay political j 6-20,1862, 92$; 1865, Mr. E. M. Rand, C. E. Jose, counsel, Mr. Littlefield, arose and stated to the court ning by Emily lady called in order old, do U. S. 10-40’s Mr. Spaulding of Sagadahoc, referred to the Mr. Robertson up regular the quences. A bill will be presented to you for fa- sessment he would be removed. It was not 92]; 1867, 92]; 91$. C. II. Haskell, H. T. Carter, he would advance the amount if Mr. Barton would stranger to a very large part of our people, and bill and the resolution went over. but a mild Feb. 6—11.30 A. M.—Cotton E. K. action of the Senate in referring all petitions, amnesty cilitating the trial of offences of this class in compulsory form of coercion. He Liverpool, strong; W. Donnell, Geo. Cram, give him a mortgage upon a small piece of land which has no prejudices to combat. Her subject has The Amnesty bill was discussed by Messrs. , and endeavors will be made to in- had been highly honored in his native town in Middling uplands 11$ (5) ll]d; do Orleans 11$ @ llftd; W. L. Bradley, S. T. Pullen, for after Feb. 1st to the sales estimated at bales. J. W. T. T. he owned. The court directed &c., private legislation Thurman, Morton and crease New had been a 15,000 Symonds, Snow, thereupon General not been announced. It is hoped the subject Sherman, Freliugliuy- in other forms, the means for the coun- Hampshire; member of the next sen till 4 when the Senate went into Feb. 6—11.30 A. L. Lougoe. was and hoped the Senate would o’clock, teraction of the evil. Common Council, of the aud the Frankfort, M.—U. S. 5-20’s i Virgin to make the mortgage, which done, and and its treatment will be Legislature, Legislature satisfactory. executive session and soon after State Central Committee. 1862, 96$. Floor Managers. for which Mr. Barton the fee. But decide to adhere to its vote or else the door adjourned. Various communications have passed between paid customary open Feb. HOUSE. my Government and that of France on the sub- A. C. Beatty, late a detective, testified that Paris, 6—11.30 A M.—Rentes closed at 57f Mr. H. P. Wood, Mr. Frits Jordan, upon taking tho pen into his hand to sign the mort- Masonic.—We understand that the Grand to all. 5c. H. T. H. ject of the commercial treaty concluded in 1860. Col. Whitely, who is an Inspector of Customs, Whipple, I>eering, his mind and A bill was that the Secretary of War J. P. A. E. Webb. gage, he changed refused, whereupon Commander of the General Grand Encamp- Passed to be enacted—Act to incorporate Deer- adopted From the in the views after seizing $10,000 worth of diamonds London, Feb. 6—5.00 P. M.—Consols closed 92$ @ Lewis, state what be abolished. divergence respectively smug- for W. W. Thomas K. S. E. McLellan, the court ordered the libel dismissed. military posts the duties on money and account. Jr., ment K. T. of the United States has issued an ing Gas Light Company; act to incorporate the entertained in relation to the value of protec- gled, paid them aud sold them to G. P. Gross, E. Preble. THE EDUCATIONAL BILL. American Securities—IT. S. 5-20’s do 1865, Cobb with Cole for libellant. tive this has not his men, Beatty himself small 1862,92$; H. Kotzsclimar. edict that hereafter all Commanderies in his Lubec Savings Bank; act to incorporate the law, correspondence brought purchasing eight old, 92]; do 1867, 92]; do 10-40’s, 91$. N. 8. Littlefield for libellee. The educational bill came up at 1.30. about to that ones for $35, aud the witness has them now. Tickets to be obtained at Low- Foxcroft to in- any agreement modify important Paris, Feb. 6.—Rentes at 5Cf 95c. 75cts., Whittier's, jurisdiction shall adopt the “white regalia” Manufacturing Company; act Mr. offered a that the bill The case came before Commissioner Osborne Albert H. Andrews vs. Susanna A. Andrews. Li- Perce (rep.) proviso convention. Both sides, however, have infor- ell’s, Hale’s, Loring, Short & Harmon’s, T. G. Lor- Liverpool,Feb. 6—5.001*. M.—Cotton strong; Mid- when appear ou parade. The new corporate the Seashore shall not in any way efTect any laws declared their caruestdesire that and is still undecided, but the records of tlie ing’s and at the door. bel for divorce. Married in 1863. Says his wife de- they regula- Kennebunkport Compa- existing mally nothing dling uplands 11$ @ 11$; do Orleans @ for the nor to be occur to court show the whole case. When 11$ 1164; All interests! in the object are requested to send tion is the in New act to the Ho- disposition of public lands, shall impair the cordiality which has up cigars sales of which bales were tor serted him the very were married and con- violently opposed by Knights ny; incorporate Kennebunkport 18,000 bales, 8,000 export in contributions of refreshments or money to the com- day they constnied as any thereof so between the nations. The were seized by Whitely, tlie police and report- and tel act to the New preventing disposition long prevailed speculation. ndttee at Room on the of tinued away three months, when she came back and England. Association; incorporate which hereafter see fit to make. ers were allowed to some of Reception Thursday, day Congress may papers relating to these subjects will be laid be- help themselves, Yanis and fabrics at Manchester are strong, a the Ball, before Four o’clock. lived for six which time Portland act to the themselves twice a further they together years, during The members of the Uni- Camp Meeting Association; Mr. Finkelnburg (rep.) of Missouri, inti- fore you. reporters supplying day. advance is demanded, which buyers refuse. Dress strictly confined to Calico. feb3-td Congress Square, In one instance were they bad two children. In 1869 be says she packed amend an act a Court in mated that he would vote against the proviso, The arbitrators appointed pursuant to the 50,000 cigrrs seized, taken are notified that establishing Municipal Bo*ton Stock Lint.. versalist, congregation, hereby as it seemed to make a reservation for future of for the of to Whitely’s office and never heard of after- up and left him, for what cause, he does not know.— the city of Augusta; an act to incorporate the treaty Washington purpose amica- the Parish Tea Party announced for Thursday- railroad the Alabama claims held their first wards. Two casks of Scotch smug- [Sales at the Broker’s Board, Feb. 3.] This is his third wife—first wife died; second one he grants. bly settling whiskey, Free Baptist Maine Home Missionary Society; of offered an amend- in the purser of the Inman were American Gold. 109 night, 8tli inst., is one week. Mr. Poland Vermont, meeting Geneva. Cases were laid before the gled by steamer, , Repeated Request got a divorce from, and the third one deserted him. postponed Eastern Railroad Sixes 1874. by act to incorporate the Sandy River Valley Rail- ment providing that the act is not to have any arbitrators on behalf of each party to the seized, carried to Whitely's office, subsequently 98 He thinks so far he has had bad luck. and the United States Sixes, 1881,. 115 “I was Sick and in and He Came road act York to effect to impede any law authorizing a pre-emp- treaty. In the case so submitted the United disappeared smuggler never was prose- Prison, Company; authorizing county by cuted. sends Michigan Central Railroad 119 Carleton for libellant. tion of lands, nor shall it be construed as claims are included which are un- Whitely large quantities of seiz- Unto Me.”—The funeral services at the Allen make a loan to build a and house of correc- public States, large Union Pacific Land Grants 7s. 79 of the jail manner ed to the Wash- Landing Pilgrims. The case of Dr. John D. Buzzell vs. Grand Trunk limiting in any the power of Congress derstood, on my part, not to be within the prov- cigars Treasury Department, Union Pacific Railroad. 38 Mission afternoon were tion act the & of to Banfield and the clerks. A short Railroad has at last camo to an end. The case was Chapel yesterday deep- ; authorizing Bangor Piscataquis to alter or extend the right homesteads. ince of the arbitrators. On the subject I have ington, Union Pacific RR Sixeu. 91 time was and The circumstances R. R. to construct a branch line to Mr. Dunnell of Minnesota, in caused a communication to be made to ago Beatty sent to the depot and got Vermont Central 1st Mortgage 7s. 86 for carelessly and negligently running over tbe plain- ly interesting touching. Company (rep.) spoke friendly This admirable cantata, which abounds In fine dra- bill. He saw in it a trunk counterfeits on the Shoe and Eastern Railroad. 1U7” of the conversion in the J ail and advocacy of the nothing the Government of the United States. containing matic effects—the work of the eminent tiff with their engine and cars on Commercial street, County the Brownville; act to incorporate the Union River Leather Bank. Boston aud Maine Railroad. composer, recognizing the right of the national govern- The Emperor of Germany has undertaken Whitely went to that bank 138$ George F. Root, of Chicago, will be given under the and was commenced in the and of the man an act Franklin Company, Lewiston. 117 January, 1867,in Supreme imprisonment pardon young Railroad Company; act to amend to in- ment to interfere in education in the States. arbitration on the San Juan water with Beatty, the cashier that of the boundary, Whitely telling Laconia Manufacturing Co auspices Court. At the October term, 1868, the plaintiff re- who had so been taken from the Madawaska River Dam Mr. W. R. Roberts of New ask- and the cases of the Governments liave been Beatty had been three mouths working the i 512$ recently prison corporate Compa- (dem.) York, up Portland, Saco and Portsmouth U U. 130$ exclude his own Ladies of St. Paul’s Church Guild, covered a verdict of $4541.61, which was set aside by and cared for Christian until act for the of fish in ed Mr. Dunnell if it proposed to relig- presented to his Majesty. The com- case, spending money, which the gov- i kindly by people ny ; preservation Twenty- Imperial eminent not the court. At the October ious denominational schools from the benefit of mission to sit has been would refund. The next the law term, 1869, the case his were themes seemed to Washington appointed day Auinled ism, of tb« bral Tlu.iiul Tal- death, which inspire five Mile Pond; act to incorporate the St. Den- oontained a of a by the bill. and is in session. The provisions of the newspapers bogus story terri- ent was again tried, when the plaintiff got a verdict for with treaty, ENTERTAINMENTS. of l*orlliin