THE PORTLAND ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. DAILY PRESS ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS ^^ published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _REAL CHRISTMAS. I-- __ LEI. baked into a hard PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., _TO THE PRESS. th'i ^ou‘.!nK enist, while Geo. *?“ re,«atns porous. ft. Davis & Co.’s HAVE YOU SEEN To Let. At 1u9 Exchange St, Portland. ATLANTIC lf,en observed, too, that catUe Terms: Dollars a Year in advance. B Broad’s No. 30 Kim st., containing 9 rooms Seba- SATURDAY JAN. are to Eight ULLETIN. Patent Shawl MORNING, 13, 1872. in subject diseases Straps HOUSEgo water, ann gas. from whichnhi1? welJaQd»in dry fields are Mutual The only Shawl made with metallic Enquire on the premises. they compara- THE MAINE~~STATE PRESS Insurance Strap top Jal2d*lw "* al8° to Comp’y Silver pestered with $20,000 Loan I It plated, with cross* and end straps. Acknowl sw^fnfT'swarms of flies andF1iey Thursday IN mosquitoes, which largely Is published every Morning at $2 50 a (ORGANIZED 1842.) edged by all who have seen them to Island to Henry Clay. 8 y We are prepared la Iran be the neates Let. disappear as the lands are drained. year; if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. money In .am. shawl ft-em 51 Wall corner New strap ever invented. Just the for holi ISLAND 13 miles SOME UNPUBLISHED ANECDOTES OF THE It be inferred 9100 la any amount an tin.I st., of William, York. thing from Portland and two might from such tacts as desired, miles Bates of Advertising: One inch of in day presents. We also manufacture Shawl o AN from main about 40 these that a residence on or space, class mortgages in Eliza- Insures Against Marine and Straps land, containing OKEAT KENTUCKIAN. near wet un- of constitutes a Portland, Cape Inland Navigation Bisks. all acres, with the length column, “square.” kinds. together buildings thereon, consisting drained lands would be of first 75 cents beth, Westbrook, or Parties de- of new Dwelling A productive disease $150 per square week; per Deering. And will issue Policies Loss in Sole House, Barn, Sheds, and Ftah furnishes the Denver Tri- in man. daily sirous ol making payable England. Manufacturers of Broad’s Markei all in corrispondent And such has been week after; three insertions, or less, $1 00; continu- building can also be accemm- Patents, 27| House, perfect repair. abundantly This is a bune with the to i ng every other day after first week, 50 cents. •dated with lonui. Street, Opposite P. O. good location for either Farmer or Fish- following characteristic anec- proved be the fact. Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one erman. The laud is and I)r. Bowditch has GEO. R. G. B. BROAD & CO, excellent—sea-dressing dotes of Henry clearly shown that soil week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. DAVIS & CO., Its Assets for the of its Policies are more muck abundant. The harbor is good and in close Clay: Security than decl9-dtf moisture is one of the«chief causes of con- Special Notices, one third additional. Real Ewtnte & Br»bern. $13,000,000.00J proximity to good fishing grounds which with several The course of Mr. on the mortgage -«♦♦♦-•——-- markets Clay compromise his Under head of “Amusmements,” $2 00 per square sep24tt near at hand make it a rare chanee to measures was sumption. In report to the Massachu- The Profit* of the revert to the carry very to the per week; three insertions or less $1 50. Coupon? aiuiurcd, and are divided annuall?, upon on tlie market fishing and lobster business. Terms unsatisfactory setts Medical in he Ihe Premium* South, and his own State his ac- Society, 18*52, lays down Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Skate Tavern terminated during the u*or, certificate* for * moderate. denounced the Stand for Sale. hich are in ued, bearing in equipment bonds tion as following which his facts Press” (which has a large circulation In For particulars to freely as any. It was the cus- propositions, every part m HE Tavern Stand at ere«t until redeemed. apply usual seem to of tlie State) for $100 per for first Upper Gloucester Corner, PORTLAND on his justify, viz.: square insertion, A -OF THE- STAR MATCH CO., tom, arrival home to sum- and 50 three miles from Railroad Station, and two spend the “First. ceuts per square for each subsequent inser- Pres dent. West Commercial Me. mer Consumption is not distrib- miles from Danville of a JOHN D. Jones, Sreet, Portland, months, for a concourse equally tion. Junction; consisting 2$ I'dJ. D. Hewleti.3i1r’Vi'Vflce-DPreB.L Vlce-Prest jan 12-d&wtf large of people uted over New house—1G stable with Chaklks Denni», VoPrciident. to be to England. Address all communications to story rooms; 15 stalls; large 4 H. CENTRAL present welcome and shake garden. Will be sold APKAK, SocretAr'. RAILROAD OF IOWA hands Second. Its or less PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. cheap. Apply to W. R. SAW- with him when he left the greater prevalence de- YER, South Auburn, or GEORGE R. DAVIS & stage. “Now ex- CO., JOHN W. -AT- Room To Let. pends very much upon the characteristics of Real Estate and MDNGER, Correspondent, cepting a few personal there Mortgage Brokers, Portland, Me. friends, were the soil on or near which the dec 12-d3w board suitable for gentleman and wife, or none; and they had even talked of patients affect- Office, 166 Fore Street, For */and. 85 in WITHtwo gentlemen. Also a electing a BUSINESS Cnrreiiey and Accrued Interest. few table boarders ac- in his ed with it have resided. CARDS. dlm-eodllm&wGw commodated, at 52 Free Street. Democrat place. Clay got into his ON PARK ST. FOR RENT, a three jn4-tf Third. Moisture of the soil is the ^1———MR ( carriage, which was as rickety a concern as only HOUSE brick residence on Park between 94,000 to the Mile of Conatracted Read. so far as our story street, can well be and rode known characteristic, that, pres- Spring and can be hired for Store to imagined, home in Congress sts, $500 per Let! ent have gone, is connected CLARENCE year. GEO. R. DAVIS & BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A moody silence. We knew he was and investigations HALE, CO., WANTS, LOST, FOUND. Eight Debt and a Profitable mad, with the districts.” dcl4-eod3w Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. 3 Free said among ourselves: “There will be h—11 consumption-breeding Street, Basement and first floor to lot on He Investment. to The reports that this fearful disease is not Counsellor _A_t Law ! Advertising Agents. NOfavorable terms. pay.” following day he did not go For Sale or Possession equally distributed within limits of individual To Rent. Boarders Wanted. given January 8,1872. Apply to out. During the second day'his servant went 88 EXCHANGE ATWELL A CO., 174 1-9 middle Si. Ad- PRINCIPAL J. B. towns, and that even houses in the STREET, TWO STORY HOUSE on Brown street; eight r21 00D ROOMS and good board at PAYABLE IN GOLD CUMMINGS, to his room, and informed him that a crowd separate vertisements * 269 Cumberland or same are A rooms, gas and Sebago water, cemented cellar. inserted in papers in IHaine ja3dtf No. 13 Myrtle street. Street, was at village not all alike to its AT THE END OF THIRTY YEARS. T. F. the front door. “Begone,” was the exposed POBTL ME. Lot 35x76. In a fair location for a ■ -... CUMMINGS, He 1ND, Physician. Will and throughout the country at the pub- dctxltf ravages. writes, “In some townships be sold at a 220 Commercial St. only response. The negro went down and bargain. lishers’ lowest rates. Interest at Seven per Cent twice or thrice as many die jan8d2w Apply to GEO, R. DAVIS & Wanted. told the crowd that Mr. was un- (of consumption) C0„ IN' Clay quite in the wet as in the dc!2eod2w Real Estate and GOLD, House To Rent. dry districts;” and again, Mortgage Brokers. A SITUATION as Nurse by a middle Wom- Cottage well, and the fatigue of travel had THOMAS aged payable semi-annually, on the 15th of greatly “Even some houses become the foci of II. Agency for Sewing Machines. ■w.an, will make herself useful at chamber work or dayH April centrally located No. 6 Casco con- him. may TALBOT, A Brick House for and at tho house, st., prostrated The doctor had just left and Rent. 8. Wo. 138 middle » iwing. at Mrs. Williams’ No. 18 Mount- October, Company’s Office, THEtaming ten rooms, Also half dozen other rents. when others but re- (Late Assistant Attorney General, U. S.) DYER, 8t., over II. Enquire 32 Pine New forbidden his but he would consumption slightly THREE brick 12 and >rt Street. Good Reference dec9 Btreet, York. WM. H. Real seeing company, moved from story house, rooms, gas II. given. lw* ... JERRIS, Estate Agent.* them, but in a drier almost Hay’s. All hinds of machines fo be to see them as soon as soil, A Sebago water, a few minutes walk from City janl0*lw happy able. For * * * sale and to wholly escape.” Attorney and Counsellor Hall, will be rented to a responsible party for $350 let. Repairing. FREE OF GOVERNMENT TAX. several days this went on. People then be- l»r year. to Wanted. Again, foul and neglected are a To ”” privies Apply Let. Q~~~~ uim ovuu tmummCCBi GEO. R. DAVIS "kNE good new milch Cow. of FLETCHER The Central •i.vvvuig.7 source & CO.. Bakers. Enquire Railroad of a trunk lin BARBER’S room over pregnant gf disease. While these -AT LAW! Real 4 J& 159 Commercial Iowa, the Apothecary shop, cor. The State officers took it and in- Estate and Mortgage Brokers. CO., Street. Jan9-d3wB for 203 Fore and Market finally up doubtless favor the of other W.C. Wo. 19 Pearl St. running miles through the finest agriculture! A Sts. vited to development dis- No. 18 Pemberton Mass. dec!6-eod2w. COBH, •I“mf him give an address. I shall never Sqr., Boston, region lu the with a C. F. CORKY. eases, especially of the digestive system, and world, heavy lumber and coai that His voice was like a bu- Refers to Hon. E. R. Found. forget speech. also Hoar; Hon. Nathan Clifford, Booksellers and Stationers. traffic already developed, has been in and modify unfavorably the type of existing of the U. WM. H. operation since gle swelled to trumpet calls. His Judge Supreme Court, S.; Hon. George F. JEliUIH, A BOUT January 1, on Middle Street one Gold New House for or Rent. eyes seem to be related POOR & February last, and is now with Sale, like diseases, they specially to Sliepley, Judge of the Circuit U. S.; Hon. D. HOYT, BREED, Wo. »9 middle J 'A. Ring. The owner can have the same fully equipped depots, glowed fire. He frothed at the Court, by applying Emery Street near Pine. and mouth, the causation of Ac. and Hon. Twichell. Street. t > Mrs. H. M. water tanks, coal sheds and machine Very cosy con- and typhoid fevers, cholera, W.‘Gooch, Ginery jn3-6m Real Estate and Loan Brackett, Peak’s Island, prop- shops. The net ON wulent, gas defied them with the and * * proving throughout house and cellar, piped eloquence pow- * Out of numerous recorded Agent. ---. e ty and paying charges. earnings in the ninth month er of a demon. very jan9-a3t October, after the road •- everything in prime con- But it the gallant Ken- dition.£baSS?„Sel> V, ill be sold tqok cases the is selecred as an Houses, Lots and Farms tor Sale. Book Binders. was opened for business, were after deduct- at low figure, or rented if not tuckians and he was following example: *37,293, “ld- by storm, again elected the PAYSON & He would reter abroad to Boarders Wanted. all for W. P. MERRILL, In summer of 1804 a violent outbreak PAYSON, parties the following WM. A. QVIWCY, Room Printer’s ing expenses operation and repairs. The re- to the United States Senate. named ot this 11, Office, 24 St. of fever gentlemen citv: Hon. Geo. F. Shep- or two gentleman, or a gentleman and wife sult in de<:9-tf_Telegraph Exchange owed for typhoid occured at the Maplewood Hon. A. W H. Exchange, Wo. Ill Exchange St. September, before the Chicago fire whiaii tem- Clay $3o,000, which there'was a and at ley, Clapp, Hon. Bepjamiu Kings- ( )NEcan be accommodated with board in a private Institute, a young ladies’ school in Attorneys Counsellors Law, SHALL the Office to on Ashland. The was boarding bury, Jr., Hon. Nathan Webb, Hon. John & SHACK FORD, Wo. 33 Plum f- mily, at 119 Rrackett St. dc9 porarily deranged movemeut of freight*, was be Let. mortgage interest al- Lynch, Pittsfield, Mass. Out of Beventy-seven young SAVINGS BANK Street. even better. The company owes no room 19x20, with ante room heat- ways paid punctually, but he could never re- BUILDING, Not floating debt, connected, ladies fifty-one were and thirteen Portland, 1,1870. Lost. and the funded indebtedness ONEing including, in second story of Portland Sav- duce the and this at became attacked, _noltf incurred for construction Bank principal, length died. Three servants also ugs Building. Inquire at the Bank. dc20-2w a source died. In the town Bonne' and Hat Bleachery. the Cars between amounts to a of great annoy ance to him. In 95 Exchange Street. For Sale. lst^on Lisbon and Free- only *16,000 mile. The earnings are 1844, of side of the rAN.port, a Fitch the finder shall be when he visited the bank to the Pittsfield,out Institute,with 8,000 2 Tenement House, situated on Horton 8 SAWYER & Wo. 131 Tippet; suitably sufficient to pay the Interest this pay. interest Edward Payson, E. P. Payson. CO., Bleachers, J warded by it at this oflice. ui>on light debt and Nice Rent for $200. inhabitants, only eight cases occured in the ONEPlace, near Dow St. One or both leaving jy8d3t* leave as usual, the old French clerk handed out the dec27eod3m tenements Middle Street. same ail of which recovered. The will be sold. P ice $70D and $800 each. The above The lower rent of house 87 Franklin street, note. “What does this mean?” period, is well A Surplus of 918,000 a Mouth. inquired school broken the property situated, suppli-d w.th Sebago wa- Wanted. containing eight pleasant rooms, with suit ol under the being up for time and its and is a and nice and Clay, impression that they had re- ter, bargain. Enquire at 6} Dow st. Carpenters Builders. 4 GIRL The entire debt is M parlors, pure Sebago water. at the of the to do housework: limited charter to a reputation suffering, request GEORGE D. ocl8 8w general heat of referen- by $20,000 Call on L. 176 Commercial fused to let it run any and he knew of JOST, t/ WHITWEY A ces at TAYLOR, street longer, Professors Ford and Earle mEAWS, Pearl Street, op- required. Apply A. DUNYON, comer mile, and the Equipment Bonds now offered cannot Nov 24-dtf no to meet it. Trustees, Palmer, arlton and Pine sts. way “The note is canceled, New House positc Park. ju6-3t exceed to the made a and report. accordingly $4,000 mile, secured by the sir,” the owe the bank thorough investigation replied clerk; “you to Ij'OR SALE—On Lewis near The privy vaults were found have been FRESCO PAINTER street, Pine. Frescoed Rent franchises, road, track, rolling stock and property of nothing.” “My God!” said “have I F and lor cn the Wanted. WITH Clay, “shallow and filled to the surface of piped Sebago. Apply premsses. Dye-House. every description to a as nearly or at 25 st. 4 SMALL belonging company already friends good as this ?’, He was affected to 136 MIDDLE STREES, Up Stairs. Emery JAMES A. TENNEY. F. SYrnOWDS, India St. Yelvet Cloaks genteel and convenient Rent of six or the with semi-fluid as seven which is ground materials, they aug25 *- rooms. Communications addressed to doing tears, said to be the only time he N. B. Order Slate at F. F. Comer of Free dyed and finished. f Box were the receptacles of the slops from the Hale’s, ent, 803 will receive prompt attention. A -Proaper.ua Business. was ever known to weep. and Cross Streets. de20 tf Nov 30dtf chambers.” One of these was cleaned out on The of the John Clay was a wild reckless fellow and Dentists. proceeds present issue of Equipment TO L£ one of the warmest nights of the season, a Wanted. will he the favorite of his mother. In those it Bonds used in to the days IVUHM mat iniui JOSIAH HEALP.Wo. 103 middle Street. adding rolling stock, 111^ TV no pciicvtij GAGE & DAVIS, PROFESSIONAL NOTICE. which was not beneath a woman’s dignity to do DR. W. R. JOHWSOW, Wo 13 1-9 Free St. A N experienced Cook at No. 74 State Street. proves inadequate to the amouut of business dreadful, and that she believed it had some- Flour, Grain and Prorinion \- dc30 dtf something, and she would often take in knit- PACKARD & Fluent B lock offering, though the company has now 22 51, 53,-47,49 to do with the sickness.” It was even D R. J. HARDY, locomotives, or which she would send to thing JACQUES, BOO 10 ting pick berries, found to close the doors cor. Congress and Exchange Sts. freight cars, passenger coaches, 5 baggage, ex- necessary and win- Commission LECTURER ON MIDDLE town; and John would soon be on a spree Merchants, ^ 3 press aud mail cars, and 9 way or caboose cars. ST., dows of the dormitories some of the hottest OPAETNERSHIP. with the money. She was one of that kind 58 SOUTH CANAL Tbe Construction bouds were on account of the offensive smell. The STREET, and Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. marketed at 95. Tbe THOMPSON BLOCK. who can never do in the and nights Anatomy, Physiology Science enough world, kitchen and drains C. F. Davis Chicago. WALTER COREY & CO., Arcade, Wo. Equipment Bonds, being secured by a second mort- use all their exertions to laundry discharged upon DiinflVO Informs his friends and patients that he has opened Third Block below tke Mew Post Office. alleviate distress and K. W. 6 ao ,206 State st.,Boston. vIlK 18 Free Street. H. P. gage, are offered the surface of the ground, gnd a few rods dis- ogBi an office for the practice of his profession at LARRABEE, the around. One it was no2' Said Stores have a of It sufferings night tant was a barn in low land N. Nos. 158 and 160 Fore 8t. at 85 iu Currency and Accrued Interest. frontage leet,and nearly yard containing IB BROWN TARBOX, Ib from this date associated 100 feet m depth, Brick and Iron Sates, Double whispered around among us boys that John STREET, with me in the The facta recited foul water in which swine wallowed, all emit- GEORGE A. WHITNEY, No. 56 Ex- above show that the security is Counting rooms, and the best show had gone away to a duel. In the morn- unquestionably fight an offensive A: o PORTLAND, ME., substantial and At 85 windows in fhe ting smell. The water brought H. Peyret O change St. Upholstering of all kinds I.( MHKR BCgUVERR. ample. the investment pays city. ing, as we went to our meal, we halted before These Stores are fitted in the nicest manner from a distance was of he be more done to order. up by aqueduct unquestion- may confidentially practically for Whll'psalu .lllhl inn Hnnues «»rwl ir ■ Ini af a the breakfast as was our cus- IMPORTERS OF consulted, Hereafter the business will be entering room, able committee were WHEREespecially in all the cases of diseases and de- conducted under the and purity. The unanimous fl rm name of Eight a Quarter per Cent, in Gold low lent if Applied tor to tom, waiting for Mr. to come from his bility for the treatment of which he is so cele- immediately. Apply Clay in the that “The disease justly Furniture and House Furnishing Goods. free of taxation. Tbe Mrs H. E. and lead the opinion essentially brated. It is too well known that hundreds sufier limited amount of thes. THOMPSON, study way. We saw Mrs. Clay Lowell, Mass originated in the state of the privies and FRENCH from the eftects of early indiscretion and seek in BENJt ADAMS, cor. Exchange and Fed- S. W. LARRABEE A SON. bonds now offered ($250,000) cannot remain standing near by, and as he came out, she WINES, long upon No 91 Merrimack or Box 117. of the vain for relief. For none but the educated st., drainage place.” & physician eral Streets. the market, aud we take this occasion to recommend J. C, 93 st rushed to him, throwing her arms about his Wholesale Retail who has made these subjects a is to g. H LARRABEE. PROCTER, Exchange Again, leaky drains are danyerou*. These specialty likely HOOPER Ac Old Post them to investors! GEO. M. HARDING. Architect. neck, and sobbed out: “John has to succeed in restoring the patient to health and EATON, Office, gone the with nov76m 348 CONCRE8H STREET. Portland, Jan’y 4, 1872. Ja 5d2w nev2 3m a duel.” Never shall I the may poison atmosphere gaseous strength. Exchange Street. Further information supplied on application to fight forget scene Dr. j emanations, especially into the cellars of Jacques, after many years’ practice, begs to Ii. F. No. 11 Preble Street. i 8WAN & or the expression of the old man’s face. He announce HOYT, Up- BABBETT, or the wa- liis treatment as successful in TO a houses, may impregnate drinking eminently done to order. Bankers * JLET had terrible eye when aroused, and now it NATHAN curingNervous, Mental and Physical Debility, Lan- bolstering 3round Land Plaster Brokers, loo middle 8t ter with the foul elements. Wheu we rem- GOULD, of flashed fire. He seemed to rise to the guor, pepression Spirits, Painful Dreams, Loss of Poutland, Nov. 29,1871. os-nov30-eod2m w2wl height ember that wells are estimated to drain the Store No 142 & 144 Commercial st two Appetite, Memory, &c., and having Lhad great expe- Furniture and Upholstering. of ordinary men. He took a step back- ot surrounding surface in a radius of rience during an extensive practice and received high DAVID W. Wo. 80 Federal St. Widgery’s Wharf, particiilarl and with his hand raised to the full perhaps Merchant DEAWE, Portland 200,000 Sold this Season. to ward, we can Tailor, honors and testimonials for Ids superior treatment Plaster Mills! Copies (CORNERJ adapted the Fit .r and Grain business, larg three times their own depth, easily All kinds of Uphols <