— ■■ TUV nA nrnv 1 Wn _ '----i — ^^^^—*^— -— a vuauAiUl BAIL! rtthSS MISCELLANEOUS. SUMMER RETREATS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS. LEI. crazy old schoolhouse had fallen and so published every day (Suudaya excepted) by th» _TO in, THE TRESS. the district had hired no “schoolmarm” for POITLANS PDBLISHINK CO., WAUMBBK HOUSE, for Machines. the summer. Agency Sewing In Free Exhibition All those old rum times such was a faith- At 109 Exchange JKJTKRSON, JC. H. W. ■. DYER, No. 373 middle St. Investment Securities St, Portland. TO let! THURSDAY HORNING, JUNE 1872. rul picture of -OF- blade of machine* for *ale and to let. «, the rural parts of the State;— Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. The the _, for twenty past We year’s work and undersigned years are selling at par and accrued and all the magnificent pine Superintendent and Treasurer of at Port- JHtopairing. interest, forests Telegraphs — —•------alter recommend as a safe and running down the throtas of the peo- THE MAINE~STATE PRESS land, Me., has purchased the above named house. thorough investigation Mews, Gossip and Editorial Motes. the FIRST-CLASS ple in shape of rum—while was This famous summer resort, situated o« the side of Bakers. profitable investment, the First Mortgage 7,30 Gold Store and Basement the State is published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a Mt. Starr commands an unlnlmsupted and made poor and that At King, W. C. No. 13 Pearl at. Bonds of the Northern Pacific Railroad. At the Is there a grandmother who loves scandal kept poor by system. } eat; If paid in at $2 00 a magnificent view of White, Franconia and Green COM, pres- advance, year. ent Gold every country village, at every "four corners” Mountain Ranges. The late lamented Starr re- premium they yield 8| per cent, interest- and employs most of her time in Sewing Machines ting circulating were ruin where the men their Kates of of In this as over one Wo. 47-49 shops, spent Advertising: One inch space, garded spot unsurpassed in loveliness and Booksellers and Stationers. third more than United States 5 20’s. Their middle St. it? her of Let apply for a situation in the and their and where sunk length column, constitutes a — — grandeur. Trains on the Summit and the money time, “square.” At Railroad, HOYT, FOGG A BREED,No.91 middle elements of strength and safety are the they $150 per square first 75 cents per Summit and Houses can be seen from the following: One more oi those and commodious stores United States senate. their farms under never daily week; Tip-Top Street. I. Urge hopelessly mortgages week three or less. continu- house. They are the standard of a after; insertions, $1 00; _ obligation strong redeemed. Every country team out um every other after first week, 50 cents. 165 Middle Stages connect at Lancaster. N. 7 miles, which in its passing day Street. H., only corporation, represents Shareholders IN THE A new of of town—scores of them in a Half three insertions or 75 cents; one with every train to and from and after Book Binders. THOMPSON BLOCK, style is day—and every square, less, Boston, July and Mauagers large and railroad ornamenting parasols $1 50 cents week after, 1, to and from Montreal and Portland via Northum- capital exigence, would have as a part of its week, 00; per Wm. A. QUINCY, Ream 11, Printer’* and is with a top, which is a small so day, conspicuous Special one third additional. Fre« Trunk engaged In a business TO LET. thermometer, fc Notices, Instruction given to Inexperienced berland, (Grand Railroad). Excellent livery St. prosecuting enterprise one or more of rum. A lit- * Exchange, No. Ill Exchange that can load, puncheons Under head of “Amusmements,” $2 00 per square teams furnished at reasonable rates for all paints of whose great usefulness and solid success are not they tell to what of Operators. mat- If for always degree tle a little a little sugar, a little week: three insertions or less 50. iuterest. Catarrhal and im- SHALL It SHACK FORD, No. 33 Pinna fiy* applied immediately will be let low. flour, pork, per $1 Complaints Hay Feyer ters 0f doubt. heat have been Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Work to for the relieved. House Inside and out of MBS XX. E. they subjected in their morn- salt fish, a little molasses—but a great deal of supplied whereby pay mediately being plac- Street. II. Inquire TXIOmPSOW, Press” (which has a large circulation in every part Machine when desired. ed in perfect condition, by painting, papering, Ac. __ They are a first mortgage on the Road, its Lowell, Mass., ing promenade. rum! about two rums to one of all other of the State) for $1 00 per square for first insertion, Western Uniou Telegraph Oflice in house. Bonne' and Hat Bieachery. Bight of Way, Rolling Stock, Telegraph Line, Equip- Or, SHEPARD & COMPANY, same block,■ things! and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- The work can Mr. B. H. the recent will be J. C. PROCTER. be taken out and made at home. Plalsted, proprietor, ments and Franchises. A which be said *o resem- was Maine in the old when tion. connected with the house the season. Per- No. 131 ride, may fairly Such old, time, To those not having Sewing Machines and intend- coming S SAWYER ICO., Bleacher*, III. jeSdhn 93 Exchange st. Address all communications to sons information in to They are a first lien upon the Traflic or net ble the famous rum was but how The ing to purchase, we would suggest the probability of desiring regard terms, board, middle Street. little trot of Sheridan, was king; now, changed! PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. our Ac., will address the until June of giving more practical assistance toward the selec- please undersigned, Earnings the Road. The net receipts of the first To Let. of rum shops have been suppressed, and every- at and after that at that a man who was bitten a tion of a good machine, from the fact of having used 1, Portland, Me., date Jefterson, TranB-continental in by our are the N. H. and Builders. railroad, the second year after No. 92 Middle where, glad eyes greeted by sight all kinds, on all kinds of work, than would be deriv- W. P. MERRILL, Proprietor. Carpenters street, recently occupied by rattlesnake, “and twelve miles completion, and from Local were Hoyt, & Breed. whisky away.’ of farm houses ed from the fanciful of some Jefferson, N. H., May 17, 1872. mylfpjm t,t,*. mainly Business, STORE Fogg thrifty well-kept farms; nicely BUSINESS CARDS. observing performance WHITNEY A HEANI, Pearl Street, op- Two 2d Like skiilfal operator. equal to nine per cent, on the total estimated cost of Rooms, floor, Stuart block, Congress St. Sheridan he arrived just in time and painted, and even many of the bams; and posite Park. Key at store of H. W. Sim on ton & Co., underneath. _ the built school-houses instead CAPE Northern Pacific Road. Water will be In. still lives. nicely every where, COTTAGE, put rum A Reliable Machine, IV. are a First of the crazy old rattle of the old ROSS & STURDIVANT, Sewing Dye-House. They and Only Mortgage on a je3-^f MATTOCKS & FOX, 88 Middle st. traps Cape Elizabeth, Itte. times. Down with the grog and up F. India St. Velvet Clonk* Government Grant of Land, which consists of 12,800 The grand lodge of Good Templars has just shops SIMPLE AS MAY BE. SYmONDS, with the God bless the earnest WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS This widely known and popular Summer acres for each mile of Road the States of Wis- TO LET. finished annual session people! May -INI) YKT— dyed and Oniahed. through its at Madison, Wis. Resort will be June for the sea- efforts made to redeem our State from reopened 3d, consin and and acres a mile DESIRABLE two story brick dwellii house. great 179 Commercial Portland. Minnesota, 25,600 through j It men St., Versatile in Facilities and son of 1872, Also store No. 3 Union Wharf. of granted the petition of the colored for the dreadful curse of mm. N. D. Adjustments, the Territories of Dakota, Idaho and Wash- A Enquiie FRANK L. FOSS, Dentists. Montana, A. K. No. Union Wharf. Sole in Maine for the sale and of In SHURTLEFF, 2* a separate organization in the southern agents shipment EASY OF OPERATION. mv28*lw Portland. DB. W. B. JOHNSON, over H. H. Hay’*. ington. average fertility of soil, healthfullness and jnn3dlw the Coal Messrs. Ham- and as Celebrated mined by —AND YET— mildness of climate, diversity and extent of resources, states, fixed tipon London the place of One of the Captain Kidd stories, told mett Neill A of the Piano To Let. Co., Philadelphia. Fnrnitnre—Wholesale and Retail. belt of country this is such as to the next The also added a of EFFECTIVE and PRACTICAL, “GLEN comprisiug grant meeting. lodge^ by a newspaper pirate, related the finding We have also for sale at lowest market price, HOUSE,’ & No. render the lands and insure Piano to let. Apply at 74 Park st. WALTER COBEY CO., Arcade, very valuable, their contribution to ethical philosophy by decree- $30,000 of Kidd’s one Garretson, and Pitteton DURABLE, White K. II. sale CHICKERINGjun3-lw money by Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Lackawanna, mountains, 18 Free Street. speedy and cultivation.—Sold at the average that “members make cider without on the shore of near the Jer- from the of New York. Ves- YET NOT AND price realized ing may Fishing creek, Coals, skipped vicinity [COARSE HEAVY, THIS widely known and popular Sum- GEORGE A. WHITNEY, No. 36 Ex- by other land grant roads, the real es- To Let. sels procured for the tranportation of coals from mer resort will be reopened Jane 14th, tate endowment of knowledge of the purpose for which it was sey it wasn’t true. Will save you change St. Upholstering of all kind* the Northern Pacific Company beach, and, odly enough, port of shipment to any point desired. tfapr27 for the season of 1872. board, pleasant rooms at 109 Pearl St. done to order. will produce more than three times the issue of bonds used.” “But,” continues^the report, “cider We from a letter in New York FROM PERPLEXITY, FRETFULNESS AND WITH my27*2w copy Friday’s DELA Y. J. M. THOMPSON A CO. per mile. was characterized a llerald: MARTHA E. BUCKNELL, M. D., Furniture and House Goods. deadly weapon.” my21d4w Furnishing The Company is now for sale to For Such we guarantee to sell offering Rent. And now comes the the and Fed- Tne Fond joke upon Jersey- No. 6 Free Street. BEN J. ADAMS, car. Exchange settlers and colonies, a portion of its vain- No. 36 Anderson st. six du Lac Commonwealth says: “A TO ALL WHO WILL BUT OF US. Summer containing rooms, men. Happening to be out in the vicinity of Board, eral Streets. able Laud Grant in Minnesota, and a large HOUSEeight closets; brick basement, with Sebago wa- Office hours from to eleven A. and from little, cross-grained, sour-dispositioned, snap- farmer Garretsou’s—who by the way, is firm- eight M., Past area on tbe terJeldlw HOOPER Sc EATON, Old Office, Pacific const will soon be plac- resolved to wait for and abide two to four P. M. miTCHGLL & In the pleasant village of pish, ill-mannered, insulting hotel clerk is ly by the de- CO., Exchange Street* ed on tbe market. The offered Lands are To the Let. nastier than a bloated or shab- cision of Baltimore convention—I asked BP Fspecial attention siren to diwsse* LOVELL, MAINE. Id. F. HO AT, Na. It Preble Street. Up- selling henceforward the potato bug, apll No- *63 Middle »t., Portland. readily, pnd Douglass st., up stairs rent; 8 rooms; hard and the old gentleman if he had found any of the of women aud children. On beautiful near Mt. done ta order. will a soft bily up are worse high land, scenery, Kearsage, holstering Company realise large yearly in- ON water, garden, stable; rent $10 per month. brought poodle-dog. They so-called Kidd’s money. The old fanner pleasant drives to Conway, veiy near Kezer Pond, Possession given 13th of or before if June 3-dlw come from this source. The proceeds of land June, arrange- than dirty little curs whose upper lips lack all over his face before he 18 1,360. nice |fishing, boats, Ac. Croquet and everything Furniture and ments can be made with former tenant. to G. laughed replied, Upholstering. sales constitute a Apply pleasant to render it a desirable place for SINKING FUND for the W. Burnham, 631 Congress st. half an inch of their whose and I thought he would suffocate with sheer W. L. KE I LE boarding DAVID W. No. 89 Federal 8t. my27*lw covering teeth, R, the summer. From 20 to 30 persons can be Accom- DEANE, retirement of the First mirth. Mortgage Bands, hair is thin and whose mean little car- modated; open about June 20 J For &c. All kind* ofUpbel* <-ringnnd Repairing stiff, terms, apply and the Bonds are at all times convertible To Let. “Why,” said he, “there ain’t no truth in to dean McDaniels, casses are a FRESCO to order. at flea-bitten. We hate low-lived it whatever. I never found PAINTER, “THE SINGER” Jeldlw* Lovell, Maine. 1,10 into„the Company’s lands at mar. in Racklefl' Block, corner of Middle and aud of the gosh ket prices. STOREChurch sts. This store is thoroughly built and hotel clerk, we do. demed money. There wan’t no tmth ill any PORTLAND, MAINE. IMPROVED Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. finished; is well located and to wholesale or All marketable stocks and bonds will be adapted bags ’o gold raouml here. You see, the way House ! received jobbing business. Apply to Washington J. F. No. 9 Block' A in Baltimore had been it Jim here from car to Order Slate at 0. H. A E. P. Brooks, 338 8HERBY, Clapp’* (by express or otherwise) at curreut prices is ex- my27dlm ALLEN HAINES. gentleman ap- was, (Jim grinned North N. II. .Congress Street, apposite Old City Hall. to a ear) and Isaac here (Isaac, who was whit- Congress Street. Cornway, change for Northern Pacific 7-30’s, without expense pointed third-class clerkship at $1,600 SEWOGMACHINE. a to the investor. and Piano to Let. tling stick, grinned too) were digging a |3r*All orders promptly attended to. Is now for summer and transient Pamphlets full information but failed to the examination.— open and Fine Watches. salary, pass drain out to the beach, in the salt and my28tf The Sale of the Machine for the boarders. It is the nearest hotel to the Jewelry will be furnished on application. class 7 octave Plano to let at 915 per qnar- meady, Singer Sewing year 1 His wife for and more successful a 1871 were Portland A R. R. Rooms ABNEB 301 Street. IiUBSTter. Enquire of Wm. G. or of applied it, boy—young Will Fiunitnore, who lives Ogdensburg Depot. LOWELL, Congrem * TWOMBLY, ( HAS. J. pleasant and well ventilated. Terms from Agents for Howard Watch Company. SWAN & Jnl-dlw M. G. PALMER. than he, received the appointment, and per- down the road—came up and asked what we SCHUMACHER, _six to ten dollars transient two BARRETT, ’— per week., formed the duties This item is for were digging for, and Jim said Gold 181,260. lars and a half per day. required. Manufu„iUrers of Talises and H. M. To Let. Jim is a joker, he the m>22-eod-3m JAS. M. GIBSON, Proprietor. Trunks, PAYS0N, the benefit the woman is—(laugh—)and boy EXCEEDING THOSE OF OTHERS of on of suffragists. INTER ALL half house Parley's Court, head ef sez, ‘How much have you faound?’ and Jim Carpet-Bags. India in of hard and WM. E. LOWERStreet, good repair; plenty he is a joker he is, sez ‘About more FRESCO_PA DUBAN A 171 middle and WOOD, soft water. of a a $2,000, Enquire A woman to for 52.000! JOHNSON, applied magistrate or and it the didn’t just returned from would inform PERLEY & RUSSELL, less,’ gol-demed boy go Having Europe, J. F. 116 Federal Streets. warrant a “She his customers and friends that he lias resumed his SISK, Portland. my30-d2w* No. 102 Commercial st. against neighbor, saying, off and tell it all round until the $2,000 got as This report indicates how well the Sew- BANKERS, and is to into his future Stager eodifew. W21 as and we in a we business, ready embody i>* machine maintains it early and well earned my22-d&wlm called me a thief, your honor; can’t I make big $30,000, found it pot, work some of the uew ideas there. 171 FORE Masons and Builders. acquired STREET did—(horse laugh)—and it got inter the pa- OFFICES AT popularity. N. E. 933 1-9 St. her prove it I” you quietly We iuvite all those that are about a BEDLON, Congreu “Perhaps can,” and the its an Schumacher A. O. Schlotterbeck Sc purchasing OFFERS FOR SALE JAY COOKE & TO pers, there’s whole joke, and Bros., Co., Sewing Machine to call at CO., the “but if 'I were I No. 5 Deering Block. 303 Congress st. J.ET. replied magistrate, you, awful sell on the people around here—on all Organ and Melodeon Manufacturers. Bankers. wouldn’t.” West in feet.” PORTLAND, HE. apl2tf 331 CONGRESS STREET, A LARGE STOCK A Convenient Tenement of Five Jersey, SHALL A KNIGHT, No. 134 Exchange “Then there was no mone in fact?” NEW YORK, Rooms at No. 4 Locust St. found, Where we shall on a full as- a and CHAS. A. keep constantly hand, Horace oreeiey wrote in me n crane, not “Nary cent; my opinion is, young WARREN, sortment of these Machines in the various of |£3F“A few Boarders also wanted. styles No. 20 WALL STREET. my33*lwttf man, tnar never win d. any lound on tne Warren & finish. so long ago Shat the passage has gone out of (Formerly Gregg.) Paper Hangings, Window Shades, and Jersey beach. This ain’t Sacramento Fork machines sold an monthly Instalments. To Let! men’s memories: “The of the United and Summer Carpetiags. Philadelphia, Wa.hiugton, people in the year 1869, by a long shot. That’s sure HiHir* HKOKKiJ, gyMachine Stitching and Stamping for Embroid- Spring 114 South 3d it. 15th St. upper of a two-story & 61 part house, containing States know General Grant—have known all enough.” ery and Braiding done to order. All Maohines sold LOTHKOP,DEVEIV9 CO., Eihu«c U. S. Treag. six finished rooms, with of hard and soft -AMD- Opp. THE plenty And so ends the about Kidd’s and work done, warranted to give entire satisfaction. Sreel and 48 Market 8t. water. Enquire on the premises, No. 251 Lafayette about him since Donelson and Vicksburg; joke Captain COMMISSION MERCHANT, N. B. Manufacturers are especially invited to call CLOTHING, at. my22eod2w* T. WILLIAMS. money at Cape May. It is needless to say our McCulloch & they do not know his and do not and examine “medians machine.” Photographers. Jay Cooke, Co., slanderers; that the Jerseymen in this section who be- 4*44 MOUTH DELAWARK AVENUE, At Less than the Present Market care to know 41 Lombard Street, LONDON. To Let them.” lieved the reports are awful mad at WHEELOCK & Value! A. 8. DAVIS Me CO., Wo. 80 Middle Street. being PHILADELPHIA. 3an31 SARGENT, PLEASANT Double House on Franklin ar- bamboozled so and it is not J. II. 159 Middle cor. Cross. Foreign Travel. st., grossly, likely aplO Sole Agents for Portland and Vicinity. EAMSON, St., for two families, and of Being a stock purchased to close the account of a A ranged plenty Sebago. “What makes you so Tom ?” “Be- that they will go prospecting again on the Rent $200 for call on glum, & suspended jobbing house in New York. Circular Letters of Credit issued upon deposit of each; key beach the “sad sea waves.” II. L. GREGG Co., Plumbers. L. TAYLOR, cause I’ve just had to endure a sad trial to by gold, currency or approved securities, which the trav- mv21-dt.f 17fi fnmmprplnl af Successors to Warren & Gregg. Head the List of Prices ! JAMES MlliIdER, No. 91 Federal Street. my “What on earth was it?” eler can thus make available in any part of the world. feelings.” of Water ar- then call an see the and will Every description Fixtures goods you buy. Letters can be obtained through our correspondents, To Let. “Why, I had to tie on a pretty girl’s bonnet BI SINKSS NOTICES. SHIP BROKERS, Henrv Dunn 8c ranged and set ap in the best manner. AMD Son, SISK is a veteran in the business, and thorough- banks and bankers throughout the United States and I Morrill’s Corner, Deering—A genteel brick while her mother was on.” Jobbing promptly attended to. near looking ly understands the wants of the people. Canada as well as at our offices, ATdwelling konse, pleasantly located, horse The Theatre Comique, Boston, is no more. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ! cars and steam cars; has 10 rooms, all the modem ap- GIG SADDLE mylleow It Its site is occupied by a fine, new store, an en- ALL WOOL SCOTCH SUITS, Plasterer, Stucco Worker, &c. pliances, stable, <&c., and is first class in all respects. Ontario county, Canada, has dyspepsia ->S Walnut St., Philadelphia. Apply to Chas. E. Morrill, near premises, or W. H. largement of Jordan, Marsu & Co's great es- -AND- P. FEEN V, Cor. Cumberland and Frank- Jerris, Calioon Block. brigades, composed of those who have sworn tl. L. Gregg, J. B. Hamel, Jr. Worth An Undoubted mylltf where the actors on the of $13.50 for $9. lin Sts. Security, tablishment, stage jan23-ly eternal enmity to that destroyer of human Harness To Let! life can find garments for every cast. PAINTER. Manufacturers, A Good Real Estate PAYING 60 PER The members at PORTRAIT Business Suit Agents. CENT. Store, No. 149 Commercial st., recently oc- happiness. get up day- CORNER MIDDLE AND MARKET JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 93 Exchange BRICKcupied by Messrs. Purington & Butler; suita- break, ride on horseback six or seven miles One-half the people cannot take Castor OU STS., For MOBE INCOME ble for wholesale Flour or Business. G. $7.50. Street. Grocery Gas, before from its terrible and recoil in J. CLOUDMAKf, Water aud all modem conveniences. Apply to breakfast, and do many other thiugs a nauseating taste, (UP* STAIRS), A Lot GEO. R. RAVIN Sc No. 1-9 Con- Large of All-Wool Vests, worth Co., 301 THAN A. E. STEVENS & CO., la the (throat. The Castoria prepared by Dr. 14S EXCHANGE ST. GOVERNMENT BONDS. Dio Lewis. from 99.50 to 94.00 for each. gress Street. janl6tf 146 Commercial treet. Entrance 59 Middle Street, 91.50 Pitcher is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, jan22cf tyPleasc bear in mind that I have no connection AND For Rent. A white hat is worn the editor of the to take and more effective than Cas- now with other store on the Silver Smith and Gold and Silver Plater. by pleasant EDGAR S. BROWN, Next above Emery, Waterhouse & Co., any street, and I war- No. 157 Commercial st., corner of Union rant everv article to as as I 9 1-2 and it is a ter Oil. It does not distress or but prove just represented, M. No. 99 near Per Cent, on the Investment. STORESt.. occupied by George M. Small. Suitable for Poughkeepsie News, great afflic- gripe, reg- understand bnsiness. PEARSON, Temple St., Counsellor and Attorney at Law*! Where we invite all our customers and the public to thoroughly my Flour and Grain, and heavy Grocery Trade. tion. ulates the and when all other J. F. 171 Fore Bl. Congress. All kinds of Silver and Plated People say it is a Greeley hat, and system, operates examine one of the my23tf SISK, FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND GOLD Double counting room in 2d story. For terms ap- Ho. 80 MIDDLE STREET. Ware Repaired. to EDWARD FOX. when he the remedies have failed. It acts like magic for BONDS OF THE ply seriously replies, acting under Particular attention to Stocks ot Harness in mch27 Stomach Ache, Constipation, Flatulency, ty paid collecting. Largest Sliver and Plated Ware. influence of the Caucasian color, that they jan‘24-ly WATER PIPING. and Worms. It contains Miner- __ this Croup neither State, ARNER LOWELL, 301 Ccugress Street. Logansport, Crawfordsville and To Let, are guilty of gross falsehood, that he bought West Gorham House, for the last als, or Alcohol. Its THOMAS H. TALBOT, We would invite occupied the hat nine and has worn it ever Morphine soothing, quiet- parties about putting water into South-Western Railway of In- THE6even years by Jedediah Graft am, Esq. All, or years ago their to call at Schools. ing effect, produces natural sleep, and particu- (Late Auditin't Attorney General, ersonal supervision of Mr. George L. Da- Assured, (New Celebrated Fluid. should Washing people abstain from graen com and cu- Piles or mon, Snpt. The Vault is one qf the best and strong- 29 MARKET Croup, Flatulency, Worms, Deranged mrl2-d3mTTP STAIRS. est ever and offers to ot valuables as Business) 1871’ 41,200,000.00 SQUARE, but were not J. H. slOOPJBB, built, depositors cumbers, they forbidden to buy Liver, will never again use nauseating Oil, complete security as can be found in any city in the WASHING MADE NUTTER & and use the trade in them was Bitter Pills or Narcotic The Castoria country. A Purely Mutual all Cash Company. EASY, BROTHERS CO. them, only, Syrups. r P Li O La RTE HER GRASS SEED. 20-eod4w and in the contains neither nor Al- 1 Office Honrs from 9 A. H. to 4 P. HI. AND May forbidden; large cities, those ar- Minerals, Morphine It is the most successful and popv lar Insurance letters and should address- L\fe cohol. its effect it 31 13 Free 3200 bushels Western Timothy. t^*All applications be ticles were rigorously excluded from the mar- By soothing, quieting pro- Nos. JZ Street, ed to R. A. Manager. in the World. 2500 bushels unhulled Canana Timothy, BIRD, Company CLOTHES MADE WHITE. UNITED STATES the duces natural sleep, and is particularly adapted aANDKACTDRKK OX Portland, Me., May 29, 1872. TT&smy23tf kets, by authorities. John Stuart Mill 900 sacks Red to and children. It costs Top, made to me crying teething but Suits, Spring It contains nothing that will injure Clothing if the same objection that you men- Parlor Lounges, Beds, 12 t ons New York and Western Clover 50 and one bottle will save dollars C^B7 used according to directions and will sare 3-4th» of tion. cents, many Mattress, is, SAtTNDERSr iu laic Internal Revenue! He said if men have a right to drink 175 bags Alsiko Clover, selecting your Company, clioose the very tke labor of washing. in doctor’s bills. je4-T,T,&S&wlt tli lt.uouiih 1‘nb'iil Bed l,na«ei, En- 266 bushels best. The rates of are no what like and as mnch as if Hungarian Grass Seed. 954 Congress Street, premium higher, and the And for cleaning paint in houses, wash- Collector’s Office, First Dist. Me., ) they they like, Ac. use ameled Chain, 150 bushels Millet, return of dividends are much larger. ing windows, Scc«, it has no equal. No. 1 Exchange St., they do not injure other people then So general has the of Duponco’s Pills be- Those who have once used it will never be without thereby, ,gp~A!l kinds of repairing neatly done. F'urni- 350 bushels Would inform his friends and the public Portland, May 23, 1872. ) come that it is to its vir- Orchard Grass, generally it follows that a unnecessary eulogize nre boxed and nia'ted. oc'AS-NSSi’ T&Stf that he has located a &The Tcntine Dividend Policies, this it. Full directions given on every bottle, and if not they have right to demand 850 bushels Seed originated by HEREBY give notice that I have received from Oats, found as represented the money will be re- tues. They are the specific. mJl-eodlw&wlt Company, are readily taken (as on investment) by I the Assessor ot Internal Revenue for said First that places should be allowed where can 700 bushels Two-Rowed Barley, funded. Manufactured by they men who would scout at Life Insurance. District of Maine, the Annual List of Taxes and obtain t.h#» Hrinlr J. H. LAWSON, 190 bushels ordinaly The Bar Boom Remedy for weakness of the Buckwheat, as where he will at short notise 'iwr a wi m above, supply Par- Special Taxes (License) assessed for the year 1872; For sale at lowest market ties, Families aad Others, with all tne delica- The Surplus of the EQUITABLE, over and above n at He forgot the stomach is a dose of Rum Bitters. are figures. esiou, cigau vw., that the same have become due and are important qualification, They cies of the season. He has attached to his! confec- payable; all Liabidties, is 91,698,343.55. that he had mentioned but a with Fusel a element, Portland Warehouse store a where ICE CREAM and and that I or attend to the monment be- surcharged Oil, deadly Agricultural tionery eozy Saloon, 31 and. 33 Free St. will, by myself deputy, PHOTOMRAPWSR, other refreshments ipay be obtaiued at short notice. We collection thereof: do not ure other which is rendered more active by the pungent and Seed Store. offer to those insured in our Deferred Dividend fore;—“if they inj people there- Mrs. Saunders will as ever superintend the Cook- For Sale Grocers. 152 Middle Street. Greater a by je3-d2vr At office in with which it is combined. If your No ing Department and wait upon the saloon. Plan, ultimate Profit, Non-Forfeiting Pol- my Portland, daily, (Sundays excepted by.” That precise point is the one on which astringents Thankful to their friends for the unusual in the of from this 23d of to June in- stomach is or liver or bowels dis- HIE. KENDALL & WHITNEY. many encourage- icy, grace payment premiums. day May, 1872, 10, 1872, the Maine law is based. The trafiic weak, your PORTLAND, ment they have received in the to REWARD liquor Portland, April, 1872. t past, they hope call ! clusive. ordered, tone, and them ap3d merit a continuance of the same. We would special attention to our new, attrac- does other it strengthen regulate Copying and enlarging done 10 order I have made in Bid- injure people; injures every Particular attention to tarnishing Picnics and Ex- tive and popular plan, styled the Tontine arrangements, whereby parties with Vinegar Bitters, a pure Vegetable Savings /InAvnl .. — A C...... A___ non-drinkers as well as the drink- All the new Berlins, Mcda'Mon, FOR cursion Parties the season. body—the stales, B^aibraiits, SALE! during my8dlm Fund Policy. Scud for circualrs. Five Hundred Dollars Stomachic Corrective and Aperient, free the Porcelain, or Mezzotint card.and the retouched toR. M. Chapman, Esq., Cashier of the Biddeford ers ; it imposes enormous burdens ol taxation card, bv which uew process we ge* rid of freckle* fromalcohol, and capable of infusing new vital- National Bank at time moles, wrinkle*, and alii m of the st mil to be satisfactory to all marble work* For the sale of liis CIDER in Portland; all those to exhibit the same; and all persons indebted to said who suffer from it. The glandular swellings, muscular contractions, in want called people law says to ^rs. of a prime article of pure cider at reasonable estate are upon to make payment to Proposals for Sewers. «ug22_ are the cramps, toothache, &e., this anti-iu- prices requested to call at the well-known Oyster SAMUEL CHASE, Adm’r. committee on Drains and Sewers will receive drinker, “Yon are not forbidden to drink powerful and Refreshment 1872. Rooms for ladies aud gentlemen, Portland, April 2d, ap5d3w proposals until 2 o’clock i\ M., Saturday, June 8, Concrete Pavement llammatorv and pain destroying agent imme- WM. M. 231 and 233 THE what you like and as much as you MARKS, Congress street, next to City Hall. je3tf STAMMERING for the construction of a Sewer in street from like,provided Spring diately assjuges.the sufferer’s agony and event- Centre st. to a jioint between High and Oak streets. —FOR— you do not interfere with the rights of other FiNHEBMEMT Also for the construction of a Sewer in Eim street ually accomplishing a radical cure, Probably Waterford The inflict a Sweden & Lovell and ! from Cumberland street to Back Cove. people. grog shops dreadful Book, Card & Job Printer, Effectually Permanently SIDEWALKS, DRIVES. YARDS, there is not a connoisseur in horse flesh or an Description of Sewers, &c., may be seen at the of- mischief upon society and fill the land with and after Monday May 6th, Stage will leave TWINES AND fice of the City Engineer. GARDENS, WALKS AND amateur horseman in the land who does not South Paris afternoon NETTING, or paupers and and can- 109 EXCHANGE NT., ON every (Sundays excepted) Office, 209 Congress St., Portland. The right to reject any all proposals is reserved. STREETS. beggers, criminals, they know, either from personal observation or re- at 3:30, or on the arrival ol the 1:10 train from Port- M ANU FA('TUE b /I Per order of Committee. not be tolerated. If you can devise some Mustang Liniment is the su- land for Waterford and So. Waterford, Tuesday WXL. t). UOOPRR dk SONS. Je3dlw W. A. WINSHIP, Chairman. ports that the Thursday and Saturday afternoons for Sweden and Read the mode which can external diseases and PRESS PRINTING Send lor following Testimonial: by you obtain your drink, preme remedy tot »U in- (DAILY HOUSE.) Lovell. Through tickets for sa. at G. T. in price-list. Baltimore, lid Depot ie FOR SALE ! that will be free Portland, at B. & M. and Eastern Depots in Boston. dir Better and Cheaper than Brick. of that objection, the law juries of the horse. Je3-eodlw&wlt will not Description of work promptly and carefully The morning stage will be discontinued after this Hollis, May 25th, 1872. Chance For Investment Orders left at interfere.” Every Superior a and at the lowest date.I'm* H. MAXFIELD. SIMON A. Prop. Libby.—I take pleasure iu that you Any person desiring Summer Residence, executed, prices. DYER, stating an old and first class FAMILY GROCERY How many of the readers of the Press re- ap‘22 tc have effected the remarkable cure of my son, imp d- 4 or G South. Street would do well to the notice of Manufacturer of INSTORE. Comer Store and doing a business. Union, member Maine as read the cele- Here’s a Chance for imentof 6peech. He is now entirely cured and able good it was in the old time, Giecley’s to The capital for investment less than $4000. brated to be at auction at First class Book converse fluently without the least hesitation. I required when every waterfall in the State was encum- Colby Farm, gold ESTABLISHED 1N40. Friends. Furniture, Cases, Show The subscriber has reasons for selling, Apply Gatley, Sheridan & Griffiths. cheerfully recommend ail those afflicted with stam- good bered with North on Office aad or address DAVID S. saw-mills, in cutting up the Fryebnrg, Saturday, June JOtb. SALK—T™ rolumcB of the NTSW YORKER Cases, Coanting House, Ship mering’ to place themselves under your treatment, as MORELAND, a >30 eod3m busy 212 Harrison Boston. i forests the land. a Furniture. I am sure can cure case however bad it Avenue, magnificent which covered je-fld4tjfewlt of 16 edited and Repairing and neat- may _ W. FRANK BACON, I.10Rquarto patter pages, published promptly you any those by H. GREELEY & New York. be. I remain yours, &e. iny27d6t Night and day, in winter and summer, CO., ly done. Special Notice. Colgate & Co.’s bag 'They are the first ten volumes, extending from CHAS. W. McKKNNEY. voracious machines were at work, until the C'osAmere Bouquet Soap of sold our Manufacturer 1836 to 1641. Each volume is and contains B3TNo cure, no pay. my25#2w DRESSMAKING! stock of Groceries and good from a novel but and is iu bound, No. 88 Federal Street. trade to pines have almost entirely disappeared very delightful perfume, 41 pp. Apply>at the Press Office HAVINGwill of inylOdtf myfid3w our vast and the people are no for toilet use. AMOS L. MILLETT, territory; every respect superior Miss .Ada B. Worth L. R. m A R T I A , richer but rather the poorer, for all that Sold dealers in and Toilet arti- Gold & Silver Leaf, Bronze, we would recommend him to our former by perfumery cheerfully timber and all that vast Southern White Corn ItorT SALE 1 patrons. Families wishing for supplies of Butter. wealth of cles mrt-eedSm Having taken rooms at NO. 2 ELM ST. because the Dentists’ Flour, Arc., Ate., will find the same dairies and amount of labor. Why? Gold Foil and RARE chance—A first class Goods and skillfully executed. “Out of town Ladies’’ brands constantly on hand at his and labor went down their Mrs. Manchetseh,—The well-known Fancy NO. 48 store, whole—timber Physi- FOR SEED. A Dressmaking Establishment for sale; one of the HIGH STREET, with limited time can have fitted WORK goods prompt- No. 388 Congress St. throats in the shape of rum! In those old cian will visit Bar Mills June end remain best locations in the city; now doing a splendid busi- ly and carefully. jnl-2w flth, WHITE OATS FOR SEED. ness ; reasons for rent For the purpose of and dresses, would We may be found at the old stand 372 we had five distilleries in Portland run- Plate, satisfactory given selling out; cutting fitting Congress st ,f days four days. Invalids should avail themselves / 1 RAHAM FLOUR. For sale bv low. For at respectfully invite ladies To call from 9 a. m. to 6 p. for a few days. and and at the same time our particulars enquire Boarding. ning night day; of this U GEO. W. TRUE Me THIS OFFICE. m., and see the late style patterns she has just receiv- rooms in pleasant location, in front of je4dlw* KIMBALL & opportunity. near Street, CO., myUdlm_ airy BARKER. wharves would sometimes display acres of No. 88 Hawkins St., Sudbury my20d2w 116 Commercial st. LARGEPark, with good board; rooms convenient for Will of West India landed has obtained boston, mass. also sell patterns to those who may wish to amllies or siugle persons. Also lodging rooms; puncheons mm, just Vegetine.—No medicine such Let Me Once More ! purchase of her. for transient from the vessels which had it home

Kents’ Hill Commencement. selling at 13§12&c and coffee crushed 11@11$. Eagle ment. It will be Greeley or at straight out SPECIAL SPECIAL NEW Sugars are selling at 9$@10Jc. according to grade. NOTICES. NOTICES. ADVERTISEMENTS. ENTERTA INMENTS. nomination at Baltimore. The exercises of the 51st anniversary of the THE PRESS. Teas are quiet, and unchanged. Tins are’ very firm. As an to Mr. Sumner’s statement Seminary anil College began on Thursday noon and there offset Wool has been very dull exists more desire HERNANIS, GRENIDINIH, AWAY FROM HOME. FINK COLORED VIEWS Grant enter- with in which stu- than Those who in Summer love to Worlds Peace Jubilee JUNE ft, 1S72. relative to the opinion of Gen. prize shaking, thirty-three on the part of holders to sell there is on the part roam, THURSDAY MORNING, Will and by be home; OF THE GREAT M. Stanton, a Phil- dents participated, juniors and seniors. Presi- of manufacturers to purchase. MANTLE AND DRESS LINENS, by leaving -and- tained by the late Edwin Some going East—some going West, dent remarked that these had had The market is quiet with some little strin- this passage from a Torsey only money And some going elsewhere, as suits them beat, International Musical adelphia paper quotes U. S. Bonds have advanced to the Victoria Lawn and To exnress our wish in Festival, Democracy. before the home trainiog, as he had failed to secure Prof. gency. highest simple rhyme, The Medieval Mr. Stanton’s delivered We have a speech of point for the year. Gold is higher and the rates for a nope they'll joyous time; COLISEUM, AT how he should Thwiug the past season. The parts were well Muslin Be spared from accident and pain, BOSTON, If one were to inquire pro- of that city just prior to Gen. few have been 5th Suitings, Just Published by Union League Revs. days past 114^gll4^. Wednesday, And saftly all come back again. FROM JUNK 17th la JUU.Y at its most vital performed and the committee of award, 4th, 1777. ceed to attack civilization Grant’s election: the rates were 114i@114}. Especially Adapted to the Season, We hope the Buys, before they go. D. H. llannaburgh and E. P. Thwing, and Will nice “Suits” of George Fes ARTHUR W. LOCKE & Commencing daily at 3 o'clock P. M. conclude to never an FREIGHTS—Nothing done during the week in buy so, CO., he would undoubtedly “Gen. Grant looked upon army Hat and Shoes TUB GRANDEST SERIES OF point J. \V. Munger, esq., all of Portland, assigned foreign freights. Coastwise freights are moderately FOR SALE BY Coat, Pants, Pest, complete, CONCERTS school-houses. To create a of the of his but to conquer it. Corner oi Beach and make war on the enemy country active for lumber, and several vessels have been tak- Washington Street, sver the to Roscoe L. Greene of Harrison, and ch wk Boston. BOSTON. given—Introducing best worka of the Great He never sat down before a rebel stronghold prizes en for Boston and New York at $2 for the former and apl3sn3m jnl sentiment that of burning A and the music of public approves J. C. of with honora- 75 for the latter. Ice from the Q. LEACH, | Masters, all nations. to besiege it but it tell before him. The same Mary Thompson Dexter, $2 freights Kennebec Extract* from the Bostou Press. school-houses is to insure a return to and lumber freights from Bangor remain unchanged. 84 Middle BONDS! speedy arm that, supported him at the head of his ar- ble mention of Robert E. Bisbee, 8. F. Stev- Street, THE NEW AND THE OLD WORLD unless some in- the that From the DAILY EVENING TRAVELLER. barbarism counteracting my, and gallant troops followed him, ens, Lucy C. Briggs and N. R. Bailey. George At unite In nlnging the tsong of MARRIED. Temptingly Low Figures. Portland municipal O’. fluence to be felt. So, prob- will continue to uphold and support him, be- and Miss O. A. An- UNIVERSAL PEACE instantly begins E. Pennell of Saccarappa, Portlnnd aid ft* A K ft Those who desire to know how the Coliseum will cause he the American heart, look Democrat and represents great also showed marked ex- without taking the trouble of going to the “back ably, muses the gallant Texan drews of Biddeford, In this June Rev. Dr. E. Lace Bath ft A MAMMOTH and the the triumphs that have been won by city, 5, by Shailer, Frank Shawls and bay,” connot do better than to procure a copy of the COM1RUM, as he Lovell and Miss Minerva A. of Port- Jackets, of Horace Greeley gaily the armies will be more than cellence. Mitchell, both Bangtr 6’> handsome colored nictate of the building issued by erected especially for this occasion. supporter physical repaid, land. 1000 PARAMOUR to resist Prof. Morse’s [No cards.] Arther W. Locke & Co. The picture Is neat in exe- mounts his steed and sallies forth thrice the of next The concert Tuesday evening by In June Albert P. Chicago 7’, repaid, by glorious victory Lewiston, 1, Bassett and Emma At price* to engage the closest cution, convenient iu size, and low in Gnat Chorus very buyers. Portland Ac Rochester R. R. price. of Twenty Thousand Voices, those instruments of Black Repub- Tuesday.” chorus class and the Wilton Band was a musi- E. York. 7’» cunning In Mechanic Falls, May 29. Edmund and DRESS OOODS I.erda Ac R. R. From comprising one hundred and eighty choral so< irtiea. it comes cal the rain storm A.Bailey dt BLACK SILKS Farmington ft the BOSTON POST. ican the free common schools. The New York Commercial says success, although prevented Augusta A. Larrabee, both of Poland. propagandism, -A. Central Railroad, Iowa, Ciold, 7’a with a bad from the Tribune to a large attendance. There was a second con- In Benton, June 2, John P. Dodge, Esq., of Ben- SPECIALTY. If the Coliseum looks as handsome when liuished TWO THOUSAND have little in what “Republican grace charge Ac Name INSTRUMENTALISTS, We pleasure ton, and Mrs. Sarah Libby, of Unity. Atchiaoa, Topeka Fit, Ciold 7’a as Messrs. Locke & Co's it will be cert last night by Ballard’s orchestra from Lew- The picture promises, In Grand Urcbeatra and Military band. make out of the the press with corrupted by the patron- stock i* complete and attractive, all Northern the capital” we can deplorable being exposing Pacific, Ciold, 7..‘IO’a worthy presence or the distinguished artists six iston. The oration yesterday before the Callio- the new and in and invited to Its shelter. the now dominant in age of the Administration. It is not popular colorings plain striped A MAGNIFICENT OF of party DIED. FOR BOUQUET ARTISTS, hostility pean and Adelpliian Societies was delivered by goods. SALE BY to the establishment of a free public months since Mr. Greeley’s brother-in-law From the SUNDAY HERALD. One Hundred and Fifty of the best American Voca- Texas Rev. A. J. Church of Mass. His H. M. lists. but Wellfleet, In Durham, May 29, Capt. John of SILKS, .SHAWLS, PAYSON, as set forth in a late report of not only held a position on the Tribune, Nason, formerly school system, theme was and how to out of Gorham, 80 years. Messrs. Arther W. Locke & Co., of this liavs “Ruts, get them,” aged AND 33 city of Education. a sinecure in the revenue Un- In 28, Almira G. 38 EXCHANSB NT., issued a accurate of the The Most Ever Constructed. Gen. Eaton, Commissioner department. which was treated in his Lisbon, May Coombs, aged yrs. neatly4tluted .and picture Powerful Organ characteristic, piquant In 28, Mrs. B. Coliseum. der it was notorious that Auburn, May Magaret Crawford, HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS! is a matter. A State where such Lincoln every was aI,2s“tf_PORTLAND. It too grave style. This followed by a poem by Rev. aged 47 years 3 months. MADAME PESCHEA LECTNER, and In Mr. Daniel ■XI* A C.vXIiD FIREWORKS From the SAT. EVENING GAZETTE. are is the nursery of fu- brother-in-law, uncle, aunt, niece, neph- W. F. Crafts of “A Canton, May 8, Reynolds, Jr., aged Most of which will be ottered much below the cost of ! The opinions prevalent Haverhill, Mass., entitled, 54 years. greatest living Soprano. ew of and Bohemian connect- A tinted view of ture rebellions. It is the very soil from which Greeley, every Ramble among Words,” destitute by no means, In New York, June 3, Sarah Parker, wife of An- importation. Masks, Flags, Balloons, Crackers, Torpedoes, ort. desired; clean stock. This is a chance seldom ^net fluence will have Even Sch King Fisher, Hodgdon. Boothbay. suit purchasers, at lowest market with as owner is to sell on of States, departed. military that man or that measure is distateful to or miles in breadth, have been passing the shores rates, by present obliged account Sch Frank Maria, Wood, Calais for Providence. ill health. TAYLOR & 20 State Boston. THE CELEBRATED MARINE BAND. is them as the mass of of 20 CO., st, government regarded by prefera- unapproved by delegates. Newfoundland in almost a continuous Sch Dexalo, Leland, Sullivan for Boston. PREBLE STREET, RANDALL, McALLISTER & CO., William's ble. THE GERMAN VOTERS. stream. The thickness of this field ice is from CLEARED. Bread and Pastry Store for Sale, Emperor Im|ierlal Household Sch Arcilla, (Br) Colwell, St John, NB—John Port- All orders for jobbing and building promptly at- 60 Commercial CORNET are commended to all those The German Republicans are here in great to feet. The distance between Street, Ice cream saloon location of QUARTETTE. These facts twenty thirty eous. tend to. jun5antf attached; of their my20sn tf Custom House. WITH near a voters who believe that the mis- force, and declare that the four millions Baffin’s Bay, where the ice fields are formed, Sch Annie W, (Br) Branscomb, St John, NB—John Opposite great value, coliseum; doing good pay- By universal desire, THE ANVIL Republican Porteous. iug business; one of the best chances of the kind CHORCS, race in the United States are not to be and the waters of the Caucus. with accent of One sion of their party is accomplished, and that bought Gulf Stream, where the Scklotter beck’s Moth & Freckle Lotion ! ever ottered, us owner is unexpectedly called te imnimeut Hundred Anvils by the The of Gorham are Boston Fire or sold Carl but that a masses are Republicans requested to meet Equrope; moderate capital required. Department. will be as to have the favorite by Schurz, very large dissolved, is from 1500 to 2000 miles. MEMORANDA. it just well at the Town on June at A aafe and sure for TAYLOR & 20 State Mass. of those who are voters will vote the Br sch Annie W, of Yarmouth, NS, with House, Saturday, 8tli, 1872, remedy removing Tan, Pimples, CO., St., Boston, majority It may be affirmed, without that piling, Moth Freckles und THE NATIONAL AIRS of ALL candidate of these school-house-burners for exaggeration, was picked up off Grand Menan, NB. 4th iust, and 3 o’clock in the to choose to at- Blotches, Eruptions from the skin COUNTRIES, a river of from 50 to afternoon, delegates It soft Republican ticket. ice, varying 200 miles in towed into Eastport by the sc hr Fame. The rendering and fresh, and imparting to it a mar- Hair Saloon for by Twenty Thousand Voices, Two Thousand Inslru- of the States. Let it be re- fishing tend the State to be holden at Lewiston, ble Dressing Sale, President United breadth and 2000 miles in length, has beeu for hull to be in condition. Vessel and Convention, purity. Price 50 cents per bott>e. ments, the Great Organ, Drum and AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. api*ears good a Trumpet Corps June 13. Also to choose to attend llror .nvn/1 lt.r leading thoroughfare, torty yean established. all the bells ol Infkntrv membered that in all voter three months pouring incessantly its contents cargo insured for $6000. delegates the Dis- Boston. and Artillery accom- probability every ten o’clock the tide of which ON^regular run of first-class paying customers, and paniment. By humanity into the tepid waters of the Gulf Stream. The Steamer Emperor, which struck on Matinicus 28th trict Convention, to be holden at on the A. who the torch to the school houses of Portland, «. BCHLOTTBRBEOK Me CO., has always done a successful business. A bargain is applies had been about in the hotels winter has been ult and capsized, has been towed to Fort Point, Pe- 26th eddying surged fearfully severe, and the day of June inst. Per order of Town Com. and ottered if applied for soon, as present owner is obliged The whole the and nobscot Bay. She Is still bottom up, and her boiler Apothecaries Chemists, Portland, Me. forming Texas and drives the teachers of the freedmen forth toward the of Music on Broad quantity thickness of the ice unprecedent- June 1872. to sell on account of sickness; moderate capital. Academy has fallen out. Gorham, 3d, jun5 For sals by all Druggists. myMsn tf ed. The irruption of this immense mass of ice TAYLOR & CO., 20 State street, Boston, Mass. Grandest Musical with insult and outrage from the borders of street, which was easily found by the gorgeous Demonstration into our latitude may account for the cold and DOMESTIC Caucus. PORTS. the world has ever under the State will throw at least one ballot for of which floated from it. It was backward season we are known, the supervision or display flags The of Elizabeth are Dining and Lunch Room for Sale. experiencing. GALVESTON—Ar 27th ult, brig Eva N Johnson, Republicans Cape requested to FOR_SAI-iE. committees csmprhdng the most eminent citizens of Horace on the fifth of November. eleven o’clock before the doors were New in the business of Greeley opened, Johnson, York. meet at the Town House, on Saturday, June the 8th, A First-Class Residence at the part Boston, nicely Boston. The Murdered Naval Officer. — A NEW ORLEANS—Sid fm the Passes sch Jas LOCATEDfitted up and a successful business; must The has still an arduous when the press representatives were promptly 19th, at 5 o’clock to choose to attend doing Republican party G and Kentuckian. 1872, p. m., delegates West be sold at once as owner has other business which The states that Colvo- Craig: 30th, ships Union, End. concerts during the first week will be on a on hand to occupy their seats, which rose in Bridgeport, Ct., special Capt, MOBILE—Cld sch the State to be holden at demands immediate attention. work to while the Democracy uni- 30th, Franconia, Leavitt, for Republican Convention, No. 35 Carlton Near Pine. grander scale than thereafter. perform coressei left the Boston. St., TAYLOR & 20 rows one behind the other across the entire Sterling House,Monday evening Lewiston, June 13. Also to choose delegates to at- CO., State street, Boston. to their edu- PENSACOLA—Cld sch The half of a new formly cling prejudices against at leu on the to the New 28th, Harry Lee, Mayo, for tend first southerly three story Brick and SEASON TICKETS, transferable, to all half-past o’clock, way the] District Convention, to be held at swelled admitting in Maine of the stage. Indianola. front mastic block; built by the ’day, in the and the cation. Even where, in spite York on which he had Jnne and transact other Teaming Express Business Concerts, FIFTY DOLLARS EACH, BEAUTIFUL FLORAL DISPLAY. boat, previously secured Cld 29th, sch Vernal, Roulan, Galvesten. Portland, 26th, any business best manner; 13rooms, including bath room; hot and including SALE, With run of ami tran- reserved seats, note and for labors of the triends of educa- a He had a satchel with BRUNSWICK—Cld 24th, sch Addle Fuller, Hen- that may come before the caucus. cold water. Frescoed in oil Schumacher; cellar good regular ready; Tickets single ad- uuintermitting While the auditorium is gay with flags, pen- passage. him which by sient and derson, New York. cemented, lathed and plastered. Lot over 5000 feet. FOR work; horses,wagons, harnesses, every mission to each entertainment, the (hit the common school is in- he seemed to jun4 Per Order of Town Com. convenience to on the The above is during week, tion, system falling nons and the armorial bearings of the States, guard carefully. Shortly after, a DARIEN—Ar 28th, schs M M Pote, from This profierty is situated in a part of the carry business,, Abbott, growing one of the best in Five Dollars, with reserved be bad Wm Boston. and will be sold at a favorable for openings this State, as owner is seats, may up- to the Democrats of the last there a of flowers and ex- pistol shot was heard the who found Charleston; Flint, Simmons, city, price occu- ruin, Legislature isjalso profuse display by police, obliged to sell on account of lameness. on or the SAVANNAH—Cld 30th, Bhip J L Dimmock, Lin- Caucus.—W indbam. pancy or investment. May be seen any day from 4 application, personally by letter, to A. P. no effort to it a final captain dying, having received a bullet in TAYLOR & 20 State Mass. spared give quietus. otic plants, picturesquely grouped. There is coln, St John, NB. to 0 p. m, Mondays and Srturday excepted. CO., st., Boston, PECK, Mnsic llall, Boston. the lower left breast and a severe cut on the M A The Republicans of Windham are requested to June 6-d3t From our of the we have no Cla 3d, sch Holt, Higgins, Providence. Apr 27-sntf of experience past seldom anything green about re- His sword cane was Diagrams seat* in tbe Coliseum for sale at Mu- professional hip. bent double, showing GEORGETOWN, SC—Cld 28th, brig D B Doane, meet at the Town House, in Windham, on Saturday, daubtthat and Demo- but here are enshrined in border- that he had defended himself Boston: sch Harriet is that the subscriber has sic Hall. complete undisputed porters, they stoutly. A Voazie, Gardiner, Mitchell, New the eighth day of June, at five o’clock in the after- NINE AND TEN PER CENT. hereby given barrelled of York. NOTICEbeen duly appointed Executor sf the Will ot Per order of tbe masses of the choicest of con- large single pistol peculiar make Executive Committee. cratic ascendency in Maine would be follow- ing products the BALTIMORE—Ar noon, to choose delegates to attend the Republican was found near him. His satchel and watch 3d, barque Cairo,Vance, Sagua; INVESTMENTS: JULIA W. WILLIS, late of Portland, HENRY G. State PARKER, ed the reduction of our common school servatory. were It is brig Goodwin, Craig, Cardenas; schs Grace B West, Convention, to be held at Lewiston, on the 13th Secretary. by gone. believed that the satchel con- in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and has 30-fit S MUSICAL. Lord, Cardenas; M C Frye, Bunker, NS; to May Tu.Tli* tained about coroner’s Windsor, inst, nominate a candidate for Governor: andjalso takeu himself that trust bonds as system to a feeble rudimentary state. In SlOjOOO.'The jury return- Susan Stetson, Yates, Boston. Kansas Registered' Municipal Bonds. upon by giving the At noon the baud stationed in ed a verdict in accordance with to choose to attend the District law directs. All demands the magnificent the above facts. Cld 3d, brigs Mary Rice, Pratt. Rio Janeiro; delegates Convention persons having upon Congress it is the same. The bill reported Harry, and lnt. the in estate of said deceased, are to exhibit the the “Hail fol- The murderers are unknown. Colvoc- schs Lizzie Nor- to be holden in on 26th to nominate a Principal paid by State, New York required building performed Columbia,” Capt Sedgley, Matanzas; Poor, Dickey, Portland, inst, and all indebted to said from the on oresses had a life insurance of folk. City. same; persons estate are call- .Committee education, providing 8fi0,(XK). Candidate for to ed MISCELLANEOUS. lowed by “Star Spangled Banner,” then by Ar Representative Congress. upon to make payment to 4th, brigs Peri, Perkins, Ma anzas; Geo S Ber- For sale Chas. for Western for the setting apart of the public lands for and Per Order of Town Com, by Dwight, (Agent SAMUEL F. PERLEY, Executor, “Yankee Doodle,” then by that glorious Father Ci.KAYEl.AM>.—This venerable mis- ry, Bradley, do; Altavela, Reed, Ponce. Bond Board, Kansas No. 76 State Boston. Helen M City) st., of Naples. the support of schools was if we are Below,fbrig Rowley. Windham, June 1st, 1872. jun4 d&w w21 ' opposed, old Republican battle hymn, “John Brown's who was born June myl8sn3m Portland, June 4th, 1872. 20 sionary 21, 1772, died in PHILADELPHIA—Ar 3d, schs Elmira, Havener, Je6,13, • not Democratic member. Ethan $6.50 mistaken, by every body lies mouldering in the grave,” which was Boston Wednesday, only sixteen Calais; Allen, Blake, Cardenas; D Talbot, Caucus. $6.50 lacking days Boston W H New MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS i What the members of that are inclined to with tumultious cheers. Amesbury, ; Rowe, Whittemore, party responded of being one hundred years old. He was bom Bedford. The Republicans of New Gloucester are requested THE BEST COAL to do when their will is omnipotent is well THE OPENING. in Norwich, and in the of his Ar 4th, ship Arlington, Stevenson. Liverpool; sch to meet at tbe Town-House on Saturday, June 8, QUALITIES ! Conn., early part Addie WE Fuller, Henderson, Brunswick, Ga. at 3 P. to ARE NOW OFFERING illustrated the course of in New As it took some time to get the life was 1872, o’clock, M, choose Delegates to at- POPULAR EXCURSIONS by things delegates engaged in mercantile pursuits in Bos- Cld 3d, schs B F Lowell. Leavitt, and L W Wheel- LATEST tend the Republican Slate to be held at STYLES ! York. There the of the State is seated, the band performed Auld Lang Syne. ton. He was much interested in the formation er, Lewis. Boston: schs Windward, Ellis, Bangor; Convention, bounty Hattie 1872. For the Season of 1872. at Ellen, Ashford. Calais. Lewiston, June 13th. CHAR. CURTIS Me CO., bestowed on sectarian and the Then, quarter past twelve,|Gov. Claflin, of the for the Moral and In- NEW YORK—Ar Gan FURNACE COAL chiefly schools, Society Religious 3d, barque Eden, Greeuleat, Also to choose to attend the chairman of the National Cardenas 10 Delegates Republican educational institutions in which Romanists Coommittce, called struction of the Poor in and iu 1830 days; brigs Jas Miller, Thombs, Matau- 293 Congress St. At tbe absre I.ew Prise. Boston, 22 District Convention to be held In Portland, Julie 26, the Convention to a zaslldays; Gazelle, Cole, Galveston, days; schs apGsn eotl3m t,t, is order in few appropriate was to the Poor. For teach their children to abhor Democratic gov- appointed Missionary Alaska, Strout, and Ureka, Strout, Cherryfield; and to attend to any other business that may come remarks. and Wm more than he has ministered to the Union, Arey, H Steele, Poland, Rockland; before the caucus. ernment and to recognize the paramount au- forty years FINE SHIRTS! We have also on hand for aale a large atoek of THE CONVENTION OPENS WITH PRAYER. Ophir, Murphy, Portland; Harmona, Burgess. Bel- wants of the poor in Boston, and fast for Kondout: Per Order Town Committee. thority of an ecclesiastical are temporal spir- Idaho, Jameson, Rockland; Fanny hierarchy, At the free Cables, do. Cincincinnati, thinking Dolly itual, and now has gone to his reward. Barney, New Gloucester, June 3, 1872. d&wtd MADE GRAND TRUNK those om which the State subsidies are chief- TO ORDER FROM MEASURE RAILWAY. Varden crowd scoffed at the idea of Ar 4th, barque Cfaasca, Crockett, Batavia; Iron CHOICE opening Carrie E Matan- COALS, ly bestowed. could be more Age. Crabtree, Seville; Long, Park, Nothing skilltully the Convention with prayer, but the News and Other Items. zas 12 schs O M Marrett, Reed, Baracoa 10 Caucus. Bt’l'H AS Republi- days; ds; CHAR. CURTIS Me contrived to undermine the foundation on M A Mus- CO., cans keep up the custom their Witham, Kelley. Norfolk; Magnet, Smith, The Republicans of Standish are to meet Portland to and all inauguarated by Memories of “log cabin and hard cider” will quash. NB. requested Chicago return, rail, good and which the rests. at the Town on until Nov. Harleigh llazellou Lehigh, Republic fathers in Independence Hall, Rev. Dr. Reed, be Ar 5th, ship Anahuac, Manila; House, Saturday, the 8tli day of June 293 St. 1st.$36.00 revived this campaign by “bran bread and Spaulding. brig Congress Portland to or and Mat sch E L Tre- to choose to attend the Chicago Milwaukee, return, an eminent Presbyterian divine of Lije Houghton, Anderson, anzas; 1872, delegates State Conven- apGsn eod 3m s,t,&lh via Sarnia Johns’ and Philadelphia, buttered watermelon.” fethen, Eleuthera. steamers, good until Nov. 1st. 34.00 Hickory Wkte lab. More Words from “Truthful Starling, tion to be held at June and also to at- Portland to James.” was invited to the with an ad- Cld Harvest Lewiston, 13th, Detroit and return, good for 30 open proceedings Victoria Woodlmll, in a three-column 4th, barques Moon. Berry, Marseilles; letter, tend the District Convention to be held in d»vs.. .. 25.00 The best coals mined. THE ilress to the Union, Blanchard, Key West; Signal, Saunders, Al- Republican FISHING GREELEY ON DEMOCRACY. Throne of Grace. The entire audi- has TACKLE? Portland to Falls and accepted the nomination for the Presidency, exandria; brigs Caprera, Hichbom, CienfUegos; Hi- Portland, June 1872. Niagara return, good for 26th, 30 Them reals we will sell at ence rose and stood the ram Abitt', Tibbetts, Hattie E day*. ... 25.00 the fewest The Democratic party is now the idol to reverently during tendered by the people’s party. Matanzas; Wheeler, Per Order of Town Committee. Portland ; Bacon, Cardenas; sch Lord, Jacksonville. to Montreal and return, good for 20 prayer, many of them responding at the close. Georgietta, A assortment for market rate* and and will warrant them which Horace Greeley pays his morning and George Francis Train says that his nomina- Passed through Hell Gate 3d, brig E P Munson, Standish, June 1,1872. jun3 general days.uoo Portland to Montreal and via RESOLUTIONS. from New York for an Eastern port; schs C E Hel- BROOK AND LAKE return, Quebec, to give eatisfaetfen ia every cam. devotions. a he tion for President, with Susan B. Anthony for FI8HIN41, tor 20 evening Only year ago print- ller, Hopkins, for Bangor; Lucy Ham- A Book for good days..... 17.00 The following is an abstract of a set of reso- Elizabethport Every Man. Portland to %W Parties who wish to ed the following paragraphs in view of the Vice would save the country. mond. Bagley, NewYork for Boston; Mary Brewer, Wholesale and Retail. Quebec and return, good for 20 purchase for winter uss lutions Dr. at the do for Port Johnson for The “SCIENCE OF or SELF-PRESERVA- 10.00 will do well to us a prepared by Luring request afternoon an was made Saunaers, do; Nulato, Pro- LIFE, Also in the line. days... give call before purchasing. Presidential canvass: Monday experiment a everything Gunning Portland to Gorham and present jf the national committee: vidence; Mary A Rice, Rice, Woodbridge, NJ, for TION,” Medical Treatise on tbe Cause and Cure of return, good for 21 on Boston Common with the O. L. 48 Bt. Political is disseminated and electrical appara- Portland; T Benedict, Crockett, do for do; Carrie L Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline in Man, Ner- BAILEY, Exchange days 5.00 intelligence po- The first endorses vous aud Portland to Falls and the administration, con- tus for the batteries at Hix, Hix, New York for Rockland. Impotencv, 63Sign of the “Golden Rifle.” sh Brompton return. 12.00 McAllister L litical bias given two main channels— discharging the festival. Physical Debility,Hypochondria, myTeodtf Portland to Sherbrook and Randall, Co., through gratulating the American people on the success NEW HAVEN—Ar 3d, sch Naonta, Smith, Ron- Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, aud all other return.... 11.50 the newspaper and the Grog-shop. The latter Several rounds were and the of • diseases from Portland to Inland Pond and return. No. 60 with which the affairs of the country have fired, operation dout for Westerly. arising the errors of youth or the in- 8.30 Commercial Street. is against us and cannot be NORWICH—Sid sch G for discretions or excesses of mature This is in- Batchelor’s Hair Dye. Portland to Niagara Falls and return, via Bos- changed. Ninety- been conducted and the platform at the appliances proved very successful. 1st, J Drew, Carter, years. June 4-dtf is nine of hundred bar-rooms and adopted Jacksonville. deed a book for every man. Thousands have been ton, New York, Sound Steamers, every drinking- Chicago maintained. The second This superb Hair Dye is the best in the world-per- returning saloons are recognizes The heads of the Treasury Bureau have agreed PROVIDENCE—Ar schs Bennett, taught by this work tbe true way to health ami Toronto, Montreal, and White Mountains, intensely, efficiently DemocratU:—or, the of the federal 4tli, Challenge, hap- fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous; no dis- byall as power government, and de- and for Ab- piness. It is the and best medical work rail.28.00 77 Mike Walsh proclaimed them, “nurseries of to recommend that hi examinations for promo- Empire, Matthews, Bangor Pawtucket; cheapest appointment ; no ridieulous tints or disagreeable odor. dares that no State has the right to ever published, and the one on this class of ills Do. do., returning by Royal Mail Steamers. 33.00 COAL. Democracy.” A township or which is abridge the standard should lie by Hodgdon, Eaton,and Josephine, Thurston, Calais; only The genuine Wm. A. Batchelor’s Hair Lye produc- village secured the war under the Con- tion, 100; that the re- Z do. worth 190th much en- Tickets via Sarnia Steamers— without oue prerogatives by Stratton, Bray, reading. edition, revised, es IMMEDIATELY a Black or Natural of these “nurseries,” either within splendid Portland to or stitution. The third endorses uational educa- commendation of the head bureau as Ar 4th. schs Ospray, and Annie larged, illustrated, bound in beautiful French cloth. leaves the Chicago Milwaukee, first-cla*s, its hounds or near to efficien- Crowley, Murchie, Brown, hair clean; sof,t beautiful; does not conveniently them,is morally Merrill, W B Dar- Price only $1. Sent mail on < f including State Room and Meals.10.00 AT tion. The fourth recognizes the of Calais; Rowena, Thurston, do; by post-paid receipt contain a of lead or any injurious RETAIL $8.00. certain to he Republican; while one which is |importance cy and good conduct should count 50; that ex- and price. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTI- particle compound. TICKE1S at lowest ratss to Chicago, St. Louis, St. derating the labor of the country. The fifth ling, Hatch, Iowa, Perry, Bangor; Mary Eliza, Sold by all Druggists. cursed with an overplus of tippling-houses is al- amination for to be, Murch, do lor Pawtucket; Florida, Bel- TUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch Street, Boston, Mass., or Dr. Paul, Omaha, California, and all points West, by leclares in favor of American imlus special duty performed Thompson, Factory, 16 BOND STREET, N. Y either New most us. We cannot protecting fast; Pearl, Gookin, Geu Howard, John- W. H. PARKER, Assistant Physician. N. B. The York, Boston or Montreal. uniformly against cliauge The should be rated and Portland; Jylt SN D&W 1Y We are now try. sixth encourages American com- 30, examination to show author be consulted on the above as as selling winter lots of this; we cau only counteract it Let us spend son, Augusta. may well all Pullman's Drawing Roam and (Hrepisi merce. The seventh endorses the financial information should count 20. Cld sch diseases requiring skill aud experience. one dollar in newspapers where our general 4th, Mouadnock, Hammond,Jacksonville. Car*. circulating of the government. The declares Sid 4th, schs Fair Wind, Bonsey, and James Tilden sn mar25-dly adversaries ten in their drunkard- policy eighth The New York World still are run on all the trains on the Grand squander in favor of protecting the rights of naturalized continues to devote Jordan. Ellsworth. Express manufactories, and we cannot be beaten. Trunk Railway. The Best citizens. The ninth the most of its space to the Brooklyn It WARREN, RI—Sid 1st, sch Roamer, Foss, Phila- “Buy Hie and I’ll do you Good.”—DR. For further Lehighs, But reeognizes importance King. sug- information and Tickets at any it will not do to wait till the eve of the uf liberal delphia. LANGLEY’S ROOT AND HERB BITTERS. No Bonds. apply amnesty. The tenth favors civil ser- gests that the name of the the Municipal of the principal ticket offices in , at the Presidential election. The enemy is sowing Brooklyn Eagle, NEWPORT—Ar 4th, Bchs Clara, Clark, Calais for drugs, no jioisoiis, nothing but of (NO INFERIOR COALS,) vice reform. The eleventh expresses gratitude deleterious, nothing Counties and Cities in Missouri and depot in Portland, or at tares at this hour. who is Ring organ and which be New Haven; L Holway, Bryant, do for orders; J & healthy roots and herbs, such as Wild School Bonds of D. H. Every youth learning to the soldiers and sailors of the war. supports Greeley, Sarsaparilla, BONDSoccasionally Missouri and Kan- BLANCHARD’S, opjo. Preble House, !■ to and soak in The H Crowley, Crowley, do for Yellow Dock, Meek far the ssss ef 97.30 per lea. sip the grog-shops is being fash- twelfth endorses to the Vulture. Stonington. Cherry, Prickly Ash, Thoroughwort, sas, with semi-annual Coupons, drawing 10 per sent No. 282 Congress St., Portland Me. thejvarious platform sof the changed Brooklyn Passed by schs Portland for so ioned to the uses of sham Democracy. His vir- 4th, Pearl, Gookins, Mandrake, Rhubarb, Dandelion, &c., compounded interest, selling at prices which net from WM. FLOWERS, Eastern Agent, Republican party. The St. Albans butter market was slow on Providence: C H Sj>offord, Haskell, for do. as to reach the fountains of and tuous parents may thiuk be Bangor disease, absolutely ju»»3-tf Bangor, Me. CHESTNUT COAL, otherwise—may ig- FALL RIVER—Ar 4th, sch Z Snow, Richardson, cure all Humors, Liver and Billious Diseases, Jaun- norant of his haunts and his he is The following is an abstract of the set of Tuesday, with from 22 to 28 Ten to Twelve Per Cent. Interest. habits; but, if prices varying Bangor. dice, Dysi»epsia, Costiveness, and ail diffi- At 90.73 Tea. to love Scrofula, per learning liquor and loose company, he is resolutions prepared at the same cents. Ar 3d, sch H E Wellman, Verrill, Calais. culties arising from a disease** stomach or impure request by Having an extensive iu the as to the ends the VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar schs Fannie Mitch blood. of unrivalled success has acquintance West, SSSCOGIA HASS’ANte Satisfaction in being fashioned of 3d, Twenty years guaranteed all rases. Give us a adversary.— ieorge William Curtis: A New York dry goods dealer has proved well as a business acquaintance of at call Hence the Democratic and oracles al- absconded, ell, Brown, Weehawken for Saco; Ximena, them to be the best medicine in the world. GEO. C twenty years before elsewhere. managers Ingalls, home in Portland, I am making a of these LADIES’ purchasing most hate The first declares the absolute of all leaving creditors to the amount of of a do for Machias; S J Gilmore, Rich, for GOODWIN & CO., and all specialty HATS, i!“m" uniformly and revile the Temperance equality quarter Perry Eddy- Boston, druggists, securities, visiting the localities where are issued, CofljCogia dtizens. The second the of ville; T Trundy, Warren, Calais for Philadel- sn eodl6w fe27 they Hassan Reform, even when personally temperate. They inviolability million of dollars. Mercy investigating them very and and Cogia MISSES JAMES &i to the phia; W D B, Lee, Portland for New York, (the mate carefully buying HATS, Haaaan WILLIAMS, know that its is their anil imendments Constitution. The third offering for sale only those that I consider the triumph damage Jas Lee, of Cape Elizabeth, was knocked overboard CASH among Cogia Haaaan liscouutenauces all repudiation of the national safest for investment. are issued in probable defeat. There is not a State in the 2d inst, by the main boom, and lost.) They $100, $500 Cogia CHILDHE!*>S HATS, Haaaan ■7 » »— Ca—wlal Mi. lebt. The fourth remembers the soldiers and and $1000 sizes, ten or from Union whereof the Democratic party is not STATE NEWS. Ar 4th, sch Wm Deming, Mitchell, Lubec for Wil- running twenty years Cogia Haaaan sailors. The fifth declares for an date, and are taken our shrewdest and most LADIES’ hostile to whatever honorable : mingtoi). being by Cogia BOSKETS, Haaaan conspicuously legislation with careful investors. arc more Cogia tPnflK til fliimniuh tku nnmlwip nv rmnrnp e\( all nations. The sixth declares in ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. BOSTON—Ar 4th, sebs C R Carde- BUYERS of DRY GOODS They daily becoming Haaaan HAMPSHIRE peace Flint, Douglass, popular, more attention from PRICKS its favor of legitimate of national and nas; Tangier, Griffin, A Bark- receiving capitalists Cogia DOWN, Haaaan grog-shops. authority The Pioneer says five men, in the of Philadelphia; JDyer, seeking both safety and profitable returns lor their Cogia ■hate governments. The seventh is in favor of employ er, Elizabethport; F A Sawyer, Stewart, Hoboken; llaaaan Uuuliffe & Stevens of Fort were drown- Will one to investments. Particulars furnished on application. PRICES of taxation Kent, Nettie Cushing, Pressey, Coxsackie; Earl, Cunning- find ol'the Best Stocks Cogia DOWN, Haaaan system equal regard to all ed a few Government Bonds converted on the most favorable Tine Tariff and Tax the having days ago at the entrance of Big Black ham, and Empire, Ferguson, Rondout; N Jones, C°gjs Haaaan Bill, reducing interests. The eighth is in favor of civil ser- terms. Rapids on the upper St. John. Two of them Flint), and Presto, Fletcher, Machias; Revolution, select from in the city, Cogia PRICES DOWN, Haaaan present revenues when it ricc reform. The ninth indorses the adminis- CHARLES M. HAWKER, Cogia Haaaan Cumberland Coal ! $53,000,000, goes belonged in the others were Dawes, and G W Snow, Randall, do; Zina, Bradbury, tration. The tenth Fredericton; mch22 dtf Cogia into effect, practically abolishes the internal expresses approval of the Frenchmen. do; Boston, Seabury, Yarmouth; Sea Queen, Moon, AT J. E. MOORE’S, 98 Exchange at., Portland PRICES DOWN. Haaaan Republican party. The eleventh is personally and , Franklin; Billow, Wass, Cogja Haaaan BUftrcu is to ne csiaoiKsnea Dyer, revenue in this and similar states.— to the iaciory at cari- auuiouu system complimentary President. "OUJJUI UU&Cr, OUMMU, Corner of and bou village in the town of Lyndon, and will be Wiscasset. Congress Exchange Cogia Look! Look!! SEE JUST ARRIVED! But the main advantages of the bill have been Cogia Hssssn ready to work next fall. The Star says it will Cld 4th, ship Lawrence Brown, Ames, St John, NB. for the Half Fare to the State Convention. Ar ship Streets. ANOTHER TUMBLE Cogia HATS FOR 15 CENTS. Hassan gained ship-building interest, by plac- require 820 bushels of potatoes per to 5th, Gettysburg, Walker, Liverpool; brigs And for sale In lots to day sup- Kremlin. Edith Cogia Hassan salt, by it. cents a are Wyman, Baltimore; Hall, Oliver, the materials used in The various railroad and steamboat lines have ply Twenty bushel guaranteed, Cogia Varden Canton Straw Hassan ing actually building and Philadelphia; sch J L Tracey, Meservey, Alexandria. -IS- Dolly Flats, more if the price of starch will allow. Cogia 40 Ceats. Hassan vu mo Cld 5th, sell A J Calais. ships for the trade on the free list and -n-—'-~ JH jiuuuviui UIMUC Dyer, Baker, foreign MARBLEHEAD—Ar sch Hassan Convention KENNEBEC COUNTY. 31st, Ocean Wave, Bry- With light expenses and Small C°§a James A then allowing such vessels to two for half fare, or one fare for the ant, Elizabeth port. J ogia English Straw “Seadrif" Hats 7Cc. Hassan Williams engage The Journal as a result of PR round says the Reform Ar 1st. sch Sparta, Frankfort. Cogia Hassan months each year in the business.— trip. movement In Kennebec the Hopkins, Profits we to sell IJOES. Cogia Rustic coasting county, committals GLOUCESTER—Ar 3u, sch Diana, Orne, Bangor guarantee Lace, Dolly Vardent, $!• Hassan The Maine Central will furnish free return to have been reduced from Cogia Hassan 306 CONNEFdAL Whether or not the House provisions putting jail thirteen per for Boston. BLACK HERNANIS, 50c. ST. month to one. Gen as as Cogia These prices are about one-half what Hassau :ickets at the stations where the ob- This one solitaay individual Ar 4th, sells Scott, Hopps, Calais for Stamford; goods cheap auy “ stores for American vessels in delegates Cogia we hate been for same myTltf_ ship engaged committed last month was not a citizen of the Cherub, Fletcher. Bangor for Philadelphia; Francis, 65c. getting the Hassan ain their tickets. No arrangements have Portland for Boston. Cogia Goods. Hassan and struck out the Sen- yet county either. This well illustrates that rum Sawyer, House in the foreign business, by Best goods for the price ever offered in Portland. Cogia Hassan leen made for special trains. is the parent of crime. NEWBURYPORT—Ar 4th. sebs Richmond, Dow, Croasdale Super ate, was preserved in the conference, we are Port Johnson ; Porto Rico, Wentworth, Elizabeth- State. Phosphate The Grand Trunk will either furnish return A valuable horse Another Lot 50 CASES unable to belonging to Mrs. Ellen O. port. Japanese Poplins &£ gss state; but the fact that the Maine Rock Cogia Hassan liekets at the stations or delegates may obtain wood of Augusta, while passing down Sid 4th, schs Maria Lunt, Kent, and Chas Heath, best quality at 30c. is All arc invited to attest this State- Cogia Stylish Straw lints in all the Hassan delegation reported to express great satis- Water street in Market square, reared and fell Warren, Banger. FOB SALE BY •ertificates for return of the Secretary of the A NEW LOT Cogia new shapes, at half price and Hassan back upon the stone its bought faction in the result of the conference com- State Committee. At pavement, breaking FOREIGN PORTS. ment. Cogia will be sold at half price. Hassan any rate delegates may neck and and causing instant death. It is Ar at to 2d Cogia _ Hassan as more than was >e Shaughae previous inst, ship STRIPED mittee, securing hoped, sure of half fare. thought that the horse was afflicted with “blind Cashmore, GRENADINES, Cogia NOW IS THE TINIK to ; Norton, New York. J. E. MOORE, RUT Hassan leads us to infer that the clause may be re- The Kuox & Lincoln road will ticket at half staggers.” At Grand Bassa May 6, Darquc Thos Rich- 95c. Co^h* Hassan Pope, Elegant Styles, Those Conant &. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. unc. Cogia beautiful Silk Scarfs we have Hassan tained in the act. Men never 'are over its line. ardson, to Co. Rand, worked more Sid ftn Successor €• B, Atwood & Buff Half Linen l-'ir Cogia been at $1 reduced to 75c. Hassan Daniel C. Bremerhaven 19th, ship Celestial Empire.P Suitings, Pi selling 25, Doyle, belonging in the Cogia Flowers at half than has our to secure The Portland, Saco & Portsmouth road will Provinces, Taylor, New York. 21-sndtf Vurd Wide the usual prices. Hassan 133 assiduously delegation, was knocked down aud robbed of in Ban- May Striped Suitings, 95c All our COM3IEHCIAI. $40, Ar at 4th inst, Castine, New Cogin Millinery Goods marked Hassan MTBKBT, this icket from station on its line to Liverpool ship Wilson, Chinese Grass grand result. There are other facts any through gor, Monday night. Orleans; Reunion, Curtis, New Orleans; BUKNETT’8 Cloth, 95c Cogia down, down, to suit the wants of Hassan Naturalist, the jewiston via the Maine Central one New Emerald Cogia jtcoplc. Hassan Wholesale stated by Mr. Dawes that should not be lost for fare. Mr. Win. B. Heath of Bangor was knocked Gregory, York; Isle, Blowers, Mobile; Agents for Maine. 5th, E New Job Lot Kid 2 Buttons 75c _ Hassan The Portland & Rochester will furnish free rlown by a team driven two ladies Mary Riggs, Langdon, Orleans. STANDARD FLAVORING EX- Gloves, sight of. that the reduction of taxation by young Sid 24th ult, ships Mount First, in that on Washington, Titcomb 1 city Tuesday. The wheels one side for LACE * UHKWS1, aim price lower mau other r«- eturn tickets over its line. Bombay; Marcia Grcenleaf, TRACTS, SHAWLS, .. z. « aay the of the ran Poole, Boston; Jen- U»ble during present administration has been buggy over his head inflicting some nie Eastman, Norman, Havana. Cogia Hassan. Super Phosphate. ap^7laLiu The & North American line will FOR FLAVORING SHETLAND fg gs European slight cuts. The ladies (?) did not stop their SM fm Falmouth 23d ult, Louis SHAWLS, Cogia junltf Haaaan $85,000,000 during the preceding Walsh, Pendleton So«ln Ice Congress urnish free return tickets. team to learn how much he was hurt. (from Guanape) for Syrup*, Creams, Custards, Pies, CASHMERE and Hamburg. SHAWLS, Ac. $53,000,000 by the present; Second, that Ar at Newport 19th, ship Zephyr, Sweetser, from Blanc Mange, Jellies, Sauces, The steamboat lines between Portlaud, Ban- It is in Stetson now—and the name is Thomas LOWEli THAN THE LOWEST 1 D. W. CL AR the of the Liverpool for New Orleans. etc. IRrs. ]R. II. NEAL K, expenditures government for 81 who walked a Ssvps, Gravies, 1870, ;or, Macliias and Eastport will furnish dele- Dresser, aged years, recently In i»ort 22d, ship Vigilate, Whittemore. for Callao. to lialf mile and The of these Extracts consists iu their DEALER IN reduced specie and peace basis, is but back, and cut. split and piled up Ar at Deal 23d, ship I F Chapman, Stone, from superiority Parasols in all Grades and Prices ! sav to the ladies of Portland and $6,- , ;atc8 free return tickets. that vicinity nine feet of rock and birch wood in sev- Shield, for New York, and sailed. WOULDslie has a fine assortment of now millin- more than in and that the maple PERFECT PURITY AND GREAT STRENGTH 500,000, 1860, rate ;n hours. SM ftn Penarth ship ery gooda of all kinds, and all those ladies that find 21st, Harry Morse, Wyman is no which should at- The Greeley Ratification.—The for Rio Janeiro. There subject more engross it difficult to a of expenditure per capita in 1860 was $1.95 Evening WALDO COUNTY. COYELL & COMPANY, get bonnet or hat trimmed to suit Ar at 21st, tention than the of the which tliom in and 'ost thus discourses on the ratification Newport ships Vigillate, Whittemore purity preparations style price, will please call on $1.76 in 1871. meeting The Commercial a fire in for Rio L L against Bangor says caught Janeiro; 22d, Sturges. Linniken, do. are used iu the various compounds prepared Congress, Corner of Brown _ n flavoring St., NR9. Tuesday evening: the house of Mrs. Asa Bean of Ski ftn Cuxhaven 21st ult, ship Hill for NEAL, Prospect Ferry, Messenger, for the human stomach. N. B. Examine the Bulletin in front of our store Our iboufc (> o’clock but New York. 3‘JS head of Casco. if not the sober eyes did not see all this nor Sunday night, by the timely each for new Congress St., Most, all, of newspaper biogra- glory, At Trinidad 21st ult, These Extracts are warranted free from day prices. junl TT&Stf A nir deafened ears hear all lid of the neighbors and the Fire Com- brig Aroostook, Bryant, from perfectly Bleaching and Pressing done in good order. Enll this eloqueuce; but Deluge Jamaica, to load for Boston. Supply Guaranteed the Entire phers of James Gordon Bennett, forget to vhat we did hear of it was soon the jwisonous oils and acids which enter into the May 21-d2w and see was in no wise su- pany Buoksport, extinguished; Ar at Bermuda 30th ult. sch Eureka. Taxes. Season at the »enor to at Mavo fromm the Lowest Rates. state that on his westward after what is heard and seen on oc- lamage estimated $350. United composition of many of factitious fruit flavors way landing similiar States. is hereby given to parties owning real es- casions in this At Ar at now in the market. are not true to their at Halifax in he in city. the outset the gather- IN GENERAL. St John, NB, 3d inst, barque Harvest Queen They only NOTICEtate on which the taxes for the year 1871 remain 1819, stopped Washington ng was very Hutchinson, Charente. bc1)b that the time the Statute SEASON PRICE large, but it dwindled rapidly In the which (France); Winner, Nash’ names, but are prepared from fruits of the best qual- unpaid, required by pre- ICE! ICE! FOR 1872. He i rom to Omnibus Appropriation bill has and E L vious to the advertisement for County. taught school for several hour hour. A great who had Dowling. Stillwell, Portland; Nicola,kellar’ sale having expired, 10 lbs. a day, from 15th to many, massed the House and was before the Senate on and so highly concentrated that a small quantity May Oct. 15th. $5 leen cheated the and Zampa, Jewett, Machias. ity, such estates will be advertised for sale unless such 15 ** u months in the town by announcement that Carl , w of Steuben. We have be 14 ** «« 4 J Brown Tuesday, the following appropriations for this Cld 3d, brig Cascatelle, Simmons, Cardenas. only need used. taxes are paid previous to June 20. 1872. “w20 <, i<44 ichurz, Grate and William Dorsheimer 1 9 00 heard several of the older >tate were to: For 2 beacon at Burnt have stood the test of time and H. W. SEASON 1872. Ice will be inhabitants of that \ rere to retired in as agreed lights They eighteen years HERSEY, delivered earlier than 15th and later speak, disgust soon as they NPOKEN. je4eodt(l Treasurer and Collector. ban May L’oal harbor light station, to serve as a range on and are 15th Oct., at the tame rate and the towns of Mr. Ben- 1 earned of their disappointment. Carl lat 16 Ion 34 40 comixstition, pronounced unrivalled by the per month as during adjoining speak Schurz ;lie coast of and balance April 13, N, W, ship Resolute from the season. as not not but Maine, $10,000; any New York for a,ll5 „,ch2T nett’s them as only present, did not even send Callao. most eminent connoisseurs, proprietors of the leading Leavitt, Burnham & sojourn among something still >f the appropriation of $10,000 made by act of 20. 8 Co., ] letter sympathy; for {Mr. Schurz has April lat 26 N, lou 20 16 W, barque Dirigo hotels, and dealers in the United States |of Vlarch that may remain in the from prominent PEARL STREET ICE fresh in their remembrance. It appears that cry concluded not to make his 3, 1871, Treasury Portland for Buenos Ayres. Having secured their stock of HOUSE, MARKET STREET wisely choice a steam and Canada. They are neatly put up in five sizes June .'10, 1872; for fog signal on Se- May 1, lat 26 N, Ion 38, ship was built years ago of 12in, 151* and 18ia there was •etween the two evils of Grant and un- Lady Blessington, from nothing remarkable in his success Greeley at the mouth of the Kennebec New York for San Francisco. holding more than paneled bottles Cement j it he sees that there is no quin Island, —empaneled, SEWER Pipe. jun4eodlw AND possible escape frem 3, lat 16 33 Ion 25 27 PURE as a teacher but there were those who ( he •iver, $5,000; Kennebec Arsenal, Augusta, for May N, W, barque Jennie S much larger. They are the best ICE! alternative. The only man of any great Barker, from for Rio :ipi>earing buildings, grouuds and Liverpool Janeiro. the market observed in the Scotch- imminence who did send a letter was epairing public fences, lat and cheapest Fruit Extract affords Are prepared to furnish No. thought they young J Senator May 10, 43 35 N, Ion 28 W, ship Star, Vianello Water Power A Street, *1,000. from Callao and will be Grist mill. Exchange man even ’rumbull, who had nothing more to say in be- lor Hamburg. Their Standard quantity quality strictly then the elements of a great excellent for 3 j lalf of this mongrel movement than that lie maintained. privilege Manufacturing, 1-2 Families, Hotels, Stores and Ves- ME. Review of Portland Market*. AN miles from wharves in Portland: easy access __PORTLAND, character. 1 loped it would lie the means of the in by sels breaking up It is necessary some cases for persons de- water of all In or- nit) wanted < Id Week Ending June 1872. |jy alongside mill; buildings excellent quantity parties, which a few old nave 5, der J. S. Democratsfwno SPECIAL NOTICES?- siring ’Burnett’s Superior Flavoring Ex- and ample room around the mill. Terms easy. BAILEY A CO., Political leen waiting for years for the restoration of The merchandise markets have been very quiet the to EDWARD H. BURG DAILY OR FOR THE SEASON Notes. to insist upon them in order to Apply IN, heir old will hear with a tracts,'* obtaining aceeudancy grim »ast week, the transactions not being very large. Corner Market & Milk st. AT LOWEST BATES. still mile. Senator avoid of the factitious brands offered, becaus Commission The Mew York World persists in as- Eentou wrote a letter in are Caucus. many my28 is Tues&Thur Merchant**, whiiih L’he changes very slight and we omit our extend- fc*“ ORDERS lie man his admiratiou The of are of their larger profits. that nomination at good expressed of “tin- The advance on Republicans Raymond requested to SCfcLICITKn. | serting Greeley’s Balti- \ and ed review. raw cotton has a tenden- —AND— potless integrity of character” of meet at the Town House in said town on JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., more is purity to the of all cotton Saturday, a “monstrous improbability.” The ( in which matter, it must lie cy keep price goods very firm, with ireeley, confessed 8th inst, at 4 o’clock P. M, to choose Delegates to the Sole Proprietors, Boston. IF YOU WANT TQ FIT A Office, No. 14 Cross i World penton is an excellent Mr. he prospect of an advance in price. The Fish mar- Street,. axjctio^p:kRsS will have occasion to charge its mind judge. .Tames State Couvention to be holden For sale first-class Grocers and gen- j same as Republican iu Lewis- by Druggists Or 8TB1ET, Irooks, too, who was formerly an extreme cet remains the last week, very dull. A few A. C. PROCTER. 03 VO. 12 KXI HAVOK after 9th. whig and also to erally. Exch.u,, Si., July nd and more have ton, 13tli; choose Delegates to the Repub- _decJsNeod know-nothing, recently a Demo- imall fares arrived which were taken at full below Merchants’ Exchange. The lican District DIFFICULT Nest Tribune a note < rat, writes to say that, after In Fruits there lias Congressional Convention to be holden “WEBER” and other emi- FOOT, PORTLAND, MAINE. triumphantly publishes (a temporary sep- •ates. been an advance on prime PIANOS. JOSEPH S. BAILEY. * he to in iurl2dlstf from Gen. ratiou, is glad find himself again on the lemons. Flour Portland, 26th Inst. nent OEO. W. Beauregard, himself for iranges and is dull and prices arc a PIANOS. makers, Go to apUtf PARKER. declaring ame platform with his old friend As je6d«&wtd Per Order Town Palmer's, Greeley. The Greeley. ittle off for the common grades. Com is dull Rep. Com. PIANOS. Sold bj ED. B. ROBINSON, ex-rebel’s note shows that he t bey were together when they were and and II. It. HUNT, Whigs, ibont 2c lower than it was last week. In & Cshses Black, apposite City Hall, New St. Albans is more jubilant " when the one was a and Iron, there Caucus. Butter. than he has been at Sparated Democrat myl7 AT REDUCED PRICES. oomly 132 Middle any a in ias l>een a slight concession on refined. Street, Comniisslon Merchant and time since he tie other Republican, what character do Lard is dull. The Republicans of North Yarmouth are requested Auctioneer opened his on Where you can get a wide or narrow, full or slim Kill TUBS NEW GRASS for sale St., wUl sell guns Sumter. now embrace? Has Mr. (}. ceased to be a Lumber is in good demand, for BUTTER, ! Congress every eveniug a large the [ boy especially shipping. to meet at the Town House, on Saturday, June 8tli, BOOT, Just the width and length that will be ♦AVI by UYKUS of St able and Among political rumors a that On easy GREENE, NO318assortment Fancy Goods now rife is one I Republican,or Brooks Democrat, they clasp Vfolassos is quiet aunc dealers. Sugars are quiet, granulated jeGd&wtd Per Order of Town Com. mcbltklsn3m HA Dry Edging.* Session to contkiue three days. partly by resson of its CEMENT PIPE WM. HUSK. my23td c’HAS. O. HUNT, Sec'y. \ HEA.l’.nj.XDRAIN. Junleodlw The Festival Rehearsal. NATIONAL ful in a few things, we will make thee rule r OPENING OF THE Union Pacific stock. SACO CONVENTION. land THE BIDDEFORD, over amid which Geii * » Union Pacific graut» PRESS! The skies were not suspicious yesterday ft many.” (Loud cheers) *****. ENTERTAINM ENTS. AND VICINITY. Logan retired. Union Pacific income bonds ...***, a gathering of singers from distant points; s Convention | Republican There was loud calls for Senator Morton wh * Great Enthusiasm—Entire THURSDAY the Music a Harmony Boston Slock l.im. MORNING, JUNE #, 1872. proposed rehearsal of Jubilee by was in a proscenium box. York H. JT. The Wilson-Colfax Contest—The the Broker’s Time Extended. the musical societies of Maine was held by County Court. Mr. Spencer by the direction of the New Yorl ISalesat Board, Junes.] MAY AT their much than would otl TEBM, ALFBED—CUTTING, J., PRESIDING, FIRST DAY’S PROCEEDINGS delegation called upon oldest and moa l Colored Eastern Railroad. Hu smaller band of singers Delegates. and Portsmouth R R. Tudsday, June 4.—Timothy B. Hussey and Sarah venerable member to speak for them to th Portland. Saco 138 CITY the event was n AND VICINITY. erwise have collected; yet by Convention. He referred to the Hon. Gerret [Sales at auction.] Hussey, appellants from Judge of Probate, vs. Mary Opening Social Entertainment and means a but a and wov & Smith. Great and calls for Smith failure, grand success, Jane Hussey. HARMONIOUS ORGANIZATION ANI applause [Special by Western Union Line.] Bates Manufacturing Company.114} New the first cords that shall The music played “Hail to the Chief’ as Mi Hill Company. 145 Advertisement* eventually knit U Jane was -on the stand Manufacturing Exhibition. To-Day* Mary Hussey nearly four Smith proceeded to the platform. The Chair The slight rain to-day has not materially inter- Boston and Maine Railroad.140}, 140} ® 141 the musical talent of th 3 IMMENSE ENTHUSIASM. getlier magnificent hours. Married Wm, Hussey in 1845; he was then man him amid cheers. He said tin fered Bath City Sixes, 1891.90 ® 90} presented with any display. The of There will be on one of Academy Music, given SPECIAL NOTICE COLUMN. Pine Tree State into the grandest an 1 worth $8000; he had two children, Timothy and time bad come when the Ameri nearly again where the Convention met was adorned so Dry Goods—A. can will choose their mag- Hill Manufacturing Company. y. Leach. most harmonious bodies that ever was produce 1 Sarah; Sarah 15 and Timothy 14 years of age; at 18 people again President Bates Thwr.d*y and Friday June SPEECHES OFJ Who that it left to be Manufacturing Co. Emia|i, Sarah left to a never shall it be? Voices, “Grant.” I think nificently tastefully nothing Caucus—ltaymeud. by a community. The rain poured in torrent 3 learn trade; she lived at home Boston «& Maine Railroad.. ttth aud Tib Caucus—North Yarmouth. much afterwards; Timothy remained at home till he Gov. Morton McMichael agree with you, because Grant is the saviour o desired. Maine is assigned one of the best po- Bath City 6’s, 1891, Railroad loan. all and at 3 o’clock it looked as if th 5 was then went to Providence at returned Claflin, his and has blessed it day, 21, school; country, in peace. H< sitions in the Portland City Sixes, 1887. ■icmtwr, of the ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. and took parquet. By India st. Unlveraaltat 8. B. an Haydns must work alone. A little delegatio; , his father's plow business. Witness had referred to Grant’s memorable services whei New Orleans Minstrels.—Music Hall. of her which was with her Gen. Gcrrctt Smith, The of the Convention was property own, mingled Logan, the nation almost of success. Tin temper developed Brighton, Watertown and Medford Cattle oUHtka, reported from Biddcford, a dozen brave ladie * her interest despaired Shaker Meeting—Fluent Hall. husband’s; property at simple would war stated his which acliiev when the temporary chairman mentioned the and amount at the time ot his death to she- Gov. persistant policy, Markets. gentlemen from Bangor brought their ere $4000; Gen4 Oglesby, ed the final and In the Mew of NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. never asked her husband to her of his victory surrender of the reb name of President the entire of Vestry the t huri h. the give any prop els. Grant, body (Special Dispatch by International Line.) dentials; Knox and Lincoln Associatioi 1 or him in his will. Grant had blessed the and nov Business & Co. erty, influenced making etc. countryf to their feet and cheered with June 5.—At market .Chances—Taylor Orr, etc., we want to him to delegates sprang Boston, this week:—Cattle, time be sent half a hundred came fron , Increase Kimball testified that as counsel for pro- give time finish the work bi |TP“A good may expected. Notice—S. F. Perley. representatives; the wildest which also 2354; Sheep and Lambs, 6001; Swine, 11,650; Veals, ponents, and at their request, he offered Timothy the crushing the Ku-Kluxism and the ne* enthusiasm, distiuguish- last Exercises commence at 7.45. AdniUsien 25 and seut her President am 1 saving 966; week—Cattle, 2662; Sheep and Lambs, 3567: cents Views of the Coliseum-Arlhur W. Locke & Co. Lewiston, Fryeburg claim deed made his father ftro. a ed'the unacknowledged quit by Having proved good President once, h< reception of the very excellent and stir- Swine, 12,200; Veals, 1182. children tinder 12 years, 15 cents. House for some of his so that half I the day before he died. will I Salo—16 Bramhall St. followers; by past Philadelphia, June 5.— The Republican make a good one for another term, iust m From Maine—Cattle none; Sheep and I^ambs none. iny31-td Proponents stop. ring speeches which followed. Boarders Wanted. o’clock over 200 seats on the were oc at Lincoln the second saviour had been re-elected Prices.—Beeves—extra quality $7 50 @7 75; first platform David H. Buttum testified that the witness (Mrs. National Convention is assembling rapidly There were no and so will Grant the third saviour of hk eontested delegations from the quality $6 75 @725: second quality 5 75 ® 6 25: Dlx Island Granite Co. The rehearsal went off Lord) said that Jane (widow) proposed to William to is third f cupied. private grand 11.30 A. at., in the Academy of Music, which told how States but Utah and quality 94 50® 5 50; poorest grades of coarse to Timothy a deed of the Prescott lot, that giv- country. He signally had failed all Dakota contested before CITY HALL, Kotzschmar almost infus and charm- oxen, bulls, <&c., 93 50 ® 4 75 & cwt, live weight. ly. instantaneously gveg so little she feared would make trouble. admirably for the purpose efforts to show him corrupt in anything. Ht the Committee on Court. arranged Credentiale their right of Brighton Hides 9 @ 9}c; Brighton Tallow 5 ® 64c; Huperior ed his own iuto the and Dr. Staples testified that about the time of Peun’s at may have made some but he is hon- magnetism chorus, b; decorated. The enthusiasm is already mistakes, admission for five hours. Calf Skins 20c lb; sheared Sheep 35c each; Lamb ACTING E. MAY TERM—BEFORE JUDGE LANE. leaving home for Salem his father asked his advice as ingly The Mormon dele- MANAGER,.T. MILLS. the time the third est, true and pure. We want Grant four yean Skins 75c |* skin; Dairy Skins 91 00 1 25 skin. selection was reached ever; to what course he should with he had fever occasion for mo- ® & Wednesday.—Cumberland & Oxford Canal Cor- pursue him; heat, finding expression until the battle shall have gates were thrown out and both contesting del- Working Oxen—But a few in market and not become had longer, anti-slavery pairs person was under the control of tin very troublesome; he grown so strong as either of the two bauds much call for them. A few each poration vs. of Portland. Action of trespass to complete, and mentarily military been entirely fought out. He is well: egations from Dakota were admitted. pairs week during TWO NIGHTS ONLY. City large and heavy that he really reared him; that doing the hot weather is all the conductor. An hour and a half was well national we need him until we reach final market requires. recover for a of tbe canal In sjient he was that he came to located in the gallery play familiar ihe. triumph Wilson stock a damages filling up portion very unmanageable; morning in made decided advantage this Store Cattle—None in market, Milch breakfast offended about and the great except Cows, West Commercial street. and the singers were dismissed for sup [Kir. Be late, got something airs. the numerous crowd- struggle. (Cheers.) for which the trade is not active. Most of gradiug Damages claimed, the Among spectators morning, bnt Colfax is very the Thursday and Friday Evenings, kicked table over, dishes and all; he said he Cries for Mr. Morton were renewed and he to-night gaining ground. ■mail cattle that are in a fair $8000. closed. Mr. Symonds will argue fore Mr. President o: all the available is Democratic Chief condition are thought up Testimony they separated Thurston, thought there was no other way but to send him to ing space came forward and took a seat in front of the The friends of the candidates are to for opposing slaughter. Juue 6th and the defence and Mr. Smith for the plaintiffs to- the welcomed the visitors the Reform School. and was Milch 7th. Haydn Association, Justice Thompson of Pennsylvania. stage, introduced to the audience. He with the best feel- Cowa—Prices range from $20 to $90 per head. morrow forenoon. Paul Hussey heard Mrs. Phebe Frye say that Tim- said briskly canvassing personal and and them the success of tlx Convention Cnlled to Order. lie saw evidence here of in Novem- Sheep Lambs—Extra and select lots $5 00 to congratulated upon had more influence over his father than one victory othy any ber. ing. $9 00 head, or from 7 to 8c lb for sheared F. O. J. Smith. Symonds & Libby. she said The enthusiasm here was not manufac- # Sheep; rehearsal under such unfavorable circuniBtau else; that before his father died he seemed to A little after noon Ex-Gov. Claflin calling a fair in market. EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. tured, it was The Colored are numerous and bear supply Mattocks & Fox. come out from under that influence. spontaneous. Republican delegates Swine—Store ces. He the hope that this was bui the Convention to order, said: has the Pigs, wholesale 7 ® 8c D lb; retail, 7 expressed William Hill says in substance that William Hus- party great mission of taking care of themselves with and Their Fat the dignity propriety. @ 9c; Hogs 4} ® 5c ^ fib. Court. the first of a series of similar ani sey’s plow business was dwindling to a point when Gentlemen the Convention:—Elected accord- interests of the country. It is not a wor- 19 municipal gatherings, of were and are Poultry—Extra ® 20c; medium 16} ® 17}c; poor Timothy took it. to of the in of it held fast to speeches to-day capital very high- 16c JUDGE morris presiding. the that all the associa ing the usage Republican party shipper meu; principles and P1 !b. MR. indulged joyful hope Witnesses on both sides were recalled to not SOTHERN, say they convention of the people held in every State, men. We only do honor to the pioneers of ly complimented by everybody. These dele- Remarks.—The trade is confined to beef Wednesday.—William B. Leavitt, on a search and tions of the State at an be did not wish to change their testimony on account of principally la his Original and Wonderful embodiment of might, early day per have assembled for tbe Republican so as are true love for but Cattle, there being but a few Working Oxen or Store seizure they had heard on the other side. Testi- you purpose placing principles long they gates express Sumner, surprise process, paid a fine of 50 with costs. mitted to unite in a State foi anything to the Cattle in the market. Prices have advanced lb grand Festival; mony closed at 4 o’clock. m nomination candidates for the two highest cause. (Cheers.) When a pioneer falls and for his }c |> he falls disgust speech, while they laugh at from those of last week. The been active Maine had the material for an Association thai oflices in the gift of the American people You farther than any one else. Some claim trade^has LORO Brief Jottings. Wednesday.—Mr. Drew argues for appellants, claim of influence and a few extra Cattle have been sold for more DUNDREARY, a founded on the broadest prin- the paternity of our Greeley’s among their peo- very would the best efforts of of her sis- Timothy B. and Sarah Hussey. represent party party, and, therefore, they than 8c ft lb live weight. There were but a few In the Pamout The of have voted to to equal any whose have a to kill it as Comedy entitled Knights Pythias go Yeaton—Hobbs. Kimball—Copland. ciples of freedom, justice and humanity right just certain ancients ple. p. Northern Catt[e in the ter States. claim the market, supply being mostly Rochester for their annual excursion. Drew. S. C. Strout. achievements have been the wonder and admira- right to kill their own offspring.— Latest. from the West. During the summer months there is The later trains additional number: tion of the civilized world. The made (Laughter and cries of Now we not much doing in the Oxen or Store Cattle Old when he made his brought promises Greeley.) deny The indications are Working [ Probabilities, up pre- the that Senator Wilson will trade. Most or the workers from in the Tuesday and four years since of progress and reform have paternity; butifwewere to admit it, we come from Maine. East- Our American Cousin. dictions for this on abroad, who reported evening; the morning Deputies Durgin on em were in market latitude Tuesday night, been faithfully fulfilled in the guaranty by the should deny their murderous conclusions.— be nominated the second ballot buyers for beef for the Maine ranks of the had filled and when Stevens received information from a maiden markets. dropped a figure in his calculations. Haydns up, nation of equal to all, in the reduction of (Cheers.) He urged the duty of the to [By the Associated Press.] rights party We quote sales of 2f> Cattle at 7}c *> !b, average Mr. lady that Mr. John O’Brion of Biddeford was the and the in imDrove the credit and finances of the Lord written uni created The First Parish bell broke down again yes- Kotzschmar took the baton there was abon* public expenditure public debt, country The Vice Presidency—Wilson Ahead. weight 1223 lbs; 54 at 7}c lb live weight, average Dundreary, by hinxelr, much addicted to the the decrease of public m the and bring up the currency to the highest stand- weight 1440 lbs; 45 at lb The Casco street bell will be for 330 to respond to him. A and en- very habit of selling spir- burdens, improve- 7[c do, average weight terday. rung very large ment of in ard further faithful Philadelahia, June 5.—The contest be- 1480 18 at lb live ituous and the public credit, the establishment by judicious administration, lbs; 7}c weight, average weight MR. the thusiastic audience had and were at intoxicating liquors, and also that tween Wilson and Colfax is 1277 present. gathered of the public faith that no act of repudiation and a gradual reduction of the pubic debt. The becoming very lbs; 57 at 7}c <|* lb live weight, average weight SOTHERN, the were in a in John’s close. The held a 1496 lbs; 73 at lb live The Arions will give a concert at Arcana once en rapport with leader and chorus. liquors kept water-pail shall ever stain the statute book and in securing platform of the Republican party was to be Pennsylvania delegation 6}c weight, average weight SUPPORTED BY THE caucus this when the vote for 1108 lbs; 24 at live house. She knew* these statements to be facts peace and order throughout the entire found in its the last ten and of morning stood, 5}e lb, w«dght, average weight Hall next Tuesday evening, assisted by Miss The concert was simply superb. Every selec- Repub- history years Colfax and 1154 lbs; 14 at $8 20 cwt live lic. You are anew this administration. Wilson31, 13, Scott!!. A motion weight, average weight j because she had been in the habit of her summoned to declare your (Applause.) Still our 1478 tbs; live Best in America. AnnA J. Ayres. tion was almost faultless in execution. Mr. buying work is was then carried that Wilson be the unanimous 14at7}cf?lb weight, average weight Comedy Company fidelity to those principles and purposes which unfinished. The 14th and loth amend- 1106 ms. rum there. Messrs. and Stevens ac- choice of the Alabama and Califor- Miss Annie B. Starbird, now in Italy, is ex- Kotzschmar held the chorus under perfect con- Durgin have brought such beneficient results to the ments must be so established that they shall be delegation. CHARLES KELLY, Secretary. nia resolved to vote for Wilson. The Illinois Boston General to return home in and woke the a search warrant and de- nation. We will not fear that the will recognized all parties without We Boot and Shoe Market. admission 75 cts. Reserved Seats 25 cents pected October. She has en- trol, joyous echoes of the hallelu- cordingly procured people by question. Colfax desert those who have been faithful in the must establish the delegation stands, lti, Wilson 2ti. Ohio June 4—The of Boots and extra; Gallery 50 cents. Reserved seats may be pur- or scended Mr. O’Brion. high fully rights of the colored Boston, shipments Shoes gagements to in that until that jahs the of the upon They found the will Wilson Colfax chased at Stock 9 Music sing country whispered soothing melody trusts for other men and other man in this so that vote, 30, 14. Wilson’s from this market to outside of New bridge* Store, 156 Exchange organizations, country they shall be con- places England on time. cradle with the same with water-pail filled with some which friends claim 420 for the past week I street, Monday morning at U o'clock and during song facility which liquid they although may adopt our and ceded by all parties, and colored men shall have delegates. comprise 12,409 cases, against 10,- the weelL they principles 376 for the same week nmmiun In unhoro Allr roilion T nt no <*a last year. may31-td Don’t the entertainment of the he controls the of the We have were unable to capture, as a bystander acci- full enjoyment of their civil as well as forget young powers organ. political The total shipments from this market since Janu- knocked it from Mr. hand.— forward with confident faith that our cause rights. (Applause.) Until then our mission will people at India street Cniversalist vestry this no time to-night to speak specifically of any of dentally Durgin’s ary 1st hove been 573,227 cases, agaiust 471,044 cases will triumph, notwithstanding unexpected de- not be done. It will not be finished so long as WASHINGTON. for the same last FLUENT HALL. evening. “Too Late for the and the there is need of it. We An inquest over the remains, however, disclos- period year. Train,” “Thirty selections; scarcely fections, over all combinations however skill- a ku-klux organization exists. (Applause.) That The shipments from Lynn for the week have been ed the fact that the contents of the was Minutes for Befrcshinents” will be produced. give the programme below as the best means of pail fully planned, because in its continued success organization win spring into active me again 3166 cases, against 3492 cases for the same week last year. PROF. TRIPP’S The sale of to those in a form. Mr. O’Brion are centered the best interests aud unless we have the adminis- m nc ucnva Aroitration pews in the new church at Wood- conveying familiar with the Jubilee whiskey very malignant highest hopes projier legislation rotlpucd. The a shipments from Haverhill for the week com- was on of the country. In conclusion he called upon tered by bold, strong government to GRAND DESCRIPTIVE ford’s Comer on music the character of the selections: arraigned the search and seizure process protect Washington, June 5.—It is stated that after prise 1033 cases, against 1208 cases for the same week SERIES, Tuesday evening amounting Rev. Alexander Reed of Philadelphia, who ad- our fellow citizens to and also on for sale. On the absolutely. (Applause.) just the Cabinet meeting yesterday u was last year. $4500; Mr. Edward Newman $15 for Sleepers, wake.St. Paul. complaint single dressed the throne of as we insist despatch paying grace, asking the divine upon American citizens in sent to Mr. Remarks—The advent of a few New York Freedom, God and latter foreign Schenck, reiterating the position of buyers the first and took one of the Right.Barnby. charge he was discharged, on his own tes- on the nation and this of lands. Shall it be said that we insist on has been the noticeable feature In the Shoe mar- France and choice, highest Adestes Fideles (Portuguese Hynn). blessing assemblage their this government on the supplemental article to only Europe The because in addition to his denial he representatives. in every laud save our own? ket for the past week. A few of them have com- MIVCW tllAW priced pews, $200. Curfew.Anderton. timony, protection the treaty, and intimating that the British sug- Angel of Peace American Mr. Morton to vindicate the ku- menced buying their Fall goods, but»the largest por- The (Keller’s Hymn). said the witness for the State lied. On the Music by the band followed. Mr.Claflin nom- proceeded gestion for the postponement of the business of Railroad Commissioners made an official Judgment klux law and claimed that the tion have spent their time in looking over the market, Hvmu.Luther. President had the Geneva with the view to a better June All we like former the court reserved its Sat- inated Hon. Morton McMichael for tribunal, ascertaining the stocks on hand and samples. Thursday Evening, «, 1879, examination of the Portland and Rochester Sheep (chorus). opinion until temporary executed aud not abused it, and that it had ef- pricing Chorus of understanding of the article, was not unreason- Where sales have been effected an advance of 3 to 5 At railroad Levites.Oratorio of Ell. urday and for his at that time the chairman, aud Hon. H. S. Lane, J. H. Platt of fected in the least of time 8 o’clock. yeslerday. A number of gentlemen Triumphal March.Naaman. appearance greater good space able, and that the United States was willing to per cent, has been obtained on heavy work, and there and Sir. of Louis- than any law ever enacted. We want is not much to this advance, as it went over the road with them invitation of Romance from L’Edaire(female voice).Halevv. respondent gave his personal recognizance. Virginia, Lewis, (colored) only bring about au adjournment of the arbitrators, objection paying Jlaximillian and Carlotta. by honest, fair that all men of all covers the actual increase in the cost of leath- the Soldiers’ Farewell (female voices).Kinkel. iana, conducted him to the chair. elections, parties either by a formal treaty concluded at Wash- hardly directors. (Applause.) and creeds have the er. Some of the factories have Btarted up this week, T*he Mighty Jehovah.Oratorio of the Martvrs. The Mutual Benefit Account Book.—It may unrestricted enjoy- before the Senate or remaining Three Lectures on the evenings of The Morton on the of ington adjourn by joint ap- and more active preparations are being made for an subject of Prof. lectnre at Flu- Sweet and Low.Barnby. MacMieliael, taking chair, ment political rights, aud the ku-klux law to be of two Thursday. Friday and Saturday, 7th and Tripps’s is understood that the cash plication presented by agents the early of There is not a at JuneGtb, Yet Doth the Lord. Oratorio of generally purchas- said: looks to the securemeut of that. resumption manufacturing. I). ent Hall this will bo France Elijah. to the arbitration. of a trade the evening during The Heavens are er Gentlemen the Coneention .—I thank parties very sanguine expectation large coming Telling.Creation. of groceries aud provisions for cou- of you He also the as Course tickets for the the daily eulogized Republican party the af the New Tariff. season, and If there is a moderate business at a small remaining three lectures 50c. Second Empire, with a sketch of the reeent Coronation. for the of even for the brief Ch»|M tickets 35 cts. does not have that discrimiaation privilege presiding only one which had saved the in the j'luui muni uuuuiiaciururs win ieei Bausneu. Evenlug Hallelujah Chorus.Oratorio of the Messiah. sumptioa country tw war w ith the Mexican and period that I shall enjoy that honor over such and which it must be in the The total reduction of revenue by the n#w May procured of Bailey & Noyes: Hoyt. Fogg Jt Prussia, expedition made in his favor over credit customers that past, by preserved After the audience was dismissed the choir an as this. I am the more grateful tariff and tax bill is $53,057,259. The on Sll0rt * Harmon; anil at the door. personal recollections of Maximilian and Car- assemblage future. Break it down and what security have duty Gleicealer Fish Market. 31-dtd to and that the man who because as a from and a salt in bulk is 8 in barrels May remained on the Messrs. Duran of justly belongs him, delegate Pennsylvania that any other will carry out and cents; bags, sacks, For the week June 5. lotta. platform. you complete or other ending Wednesday, is not too to resident of Philadelphia it gives an occasion to its work. Sometimes a packages 12 cents per 100 The Sewall of proud carry home his own pur- great light is extin- pounds. Codfish—Market stock for Bangor, Fryehurg, Merrill of Ban- our are on George’s active; light The store of Levi Cram at Morrill’s Comer welcome you to State aud city, and to say Some one whom we existing duties reduced 10 per centum all chases has had to of the guished. have trusted falls the saason and taken as fast as cured. We notice SHAKER gor, Pennell of Hobbs of practically pay part to all how we are to have manufactures of aotton of which cotton is a MEETING. was robbed of $25 or $30 in money and some Lewiston, Biddeford, you glad you among by the wayside, but we should not falter or considerable sales at $5 37} to 5 45 qtl. expense of his In the how careful we shall endeavor to be to of the chief on all man- p and McLellan of Bath their thanks delivering neighbors. us, pro- The of the are component par' value; Bank Codfish—In light supply. We notice sales of on Mondav About was expressed pause. principles party greater ELD. F. cigars night. $10 taken first mote comfort while remain with ufactures or iu part of or of Western Bank at 1* W. EVA VS for the the different societies instance the dealer makes Mr. Cash pay your you us, than any, aye, of all its leaders. (Cheers.) It wholly wool, part $5 qtl. from the store of C. B. & A. Abbott at Allen’s reception given how desirious that when leave us will and other like and on all Mackerel—Old stock not in active Mr. Credit’s interest besides losses from bad you you is said Grant has committed errors. Admit alpaca animals, iron, demand; prices and endorsed the made Mr. it, steel of one fare 180 bbls new sold corner the same suggestions by leave us with such as will induce and we his errors have and other metals and their manufactures, unchanged; receipt 3*s; night. impressions say been trivial and any at 50 7 50 for medium Kldrrse A debts. Mr. M. V. B. of has which includes but a of $6 ® and large. 3TOI3KTTK Thurston in the afternoon. Mr. Thurston re- Stimson, Kittery you frequently to return under any circum- man that thinks that for that or rea- pig iron; duty $15 per DOOLITTLK, Sch. W. D. B. hence for New York, any other Smoked Halibut—We quote at lb. reports devised a for this the stances. The of so ton is imposed on all moisic iron made from 8}c Mt. sponded and visitors and citizens remedy inequality by pre- (Applause.) presence many son he can break up the Republican party com- Oil—Market active at 65c Of Lebanon, X. Y. that on 20 miles south- briefly, gave sand ore oue The redac- fairly ft gal. Sunday morning last, of a distinguished men, gathered from all of mits a blunder. and by process. each other choers. The broke paration “Mntual Benefit Account Book" parts great (Laughter cheers.) specific Will speak in east of parting assembly this land which and stretches so tions on copper and lead are stricken and Boon Island, in a squall, the mate, in mighty grows The man who tries will utterly fail, and will out, Domestic Markets. which the entries of all purchases are made are now up after uniting heartily in singing Auld Lang rapidly, in these recurring conven- uunoticed and Stand fast those metals included in the 10 per FLUENT HALL! James Lee of Cape was knocked quadrennial pass away forgotten. New York, June Jc Elizabeth, in the usual form. The book contains an tions, new States, new and in this cent, reduction. The tariff does not touch 5—Evening—Cotton higher; overboard Syne. territories, to your principles; you will to-morrow nomi- sales 2228 bales; Middling Flour dull (Opposite New City by the fore boom and lost. case for the cause of and wines or uplands 27}c. Hall, Congress street,) agreement and check paying back to the pur- happy humanity pro- nate Gen. Grant. He has told you he had no liquors. and heavy; sales 5000 bbls: State 5 75 @ 7 85; Round William of a new race—new at On June at 3 and Hillion was brought before U. S. Portland gress least in possession save the will of the He has re- The British Attitude. Ohio 7 00 9 Western 5 75 Sunday, 9th, 7.12 o’clock, P. M, Odd Fellows nr Providence.— chaser at specified times a certain per policy people. hoop @ 50; @ 9 75; South- centage of rights and civil and soon ern 7 80 13 00. Wheat dull and The members of the Shaker Commissioner Rand with and political functions, deemed that pledge. (Cheers.] The general Tiie debate in the House of Lords @ nominally in buyers families at Alfred and yesterday, charged Machigonne Eastern Star Encampments, on all cash him for to with all the concerning favor! sales No 1 1 New Gloucester will paid by goods purchased be endowed attributes of equali- is better than the of one 34,000 bush; Spring 73 ® 1 75; No accompany them, and will sing desertion from the U. S. revenue judgment opinion any the of excites eomineut in steamer Me- which left Portland on a are Treaty Washington 2 do at 1 66 1 70 in Winter Red and 1 to) some of their DK VOTIOXAI. Monday evening day’s within an agreed time. The book is got ty (applause) represented; under any cir- and the executive who follows the official and @ store; 90 HOftClfi. nicely man, general other quarters. The general opin- 2 White Southern 2 00 10. Corn lc Culloch. The Commissioner ordered him to be to cumstances would be to us a 00; @2 better; visit theirjbrethren in Providence, R. after and the is of your presence will be the wisest aud will best sub- ion is that the for the success or I., up, system worthy adoption. judgment responsibility sales 198,000 bush; steamer new Mixed Western 63 Admission 10 cents, to until the steamer source of satisfaction, and so in view serve the If defray expenses. JunGtd imprisoned sailed. at the Adams on especially public interest. Gen. Grant ever failure of the treaty will now rest with Great @ 66c; sail 97 ® 70c. Oats dull and sales breakfasting House, Boston, of the which has brought hither. heavy; 29,- The total rain-fall in this for the month The annual meeting of the stockholders of purpose you becomes recreant to public principles he will Britain, aud that our government wtll proceed 000 bush; Ohio 54 @ 55}c; Western 52 ® 53c. Beef city Tuesday, marched at once to the Boston and The maloontents who met at Cincin- Pork recenty pass away under condemnation as with the business of com- quiet; new mess 13 25. Lard a shade of was 3.2G the York fer the election of direct- public just irrespective English quiet. May inches; for the first five days Providence and arrived in the latter Corporation nati were without The Demo- firmer at 8} @ 9fc. Butter dull; Ohio 14 State depot, city constituency. others have passed away who became recreant ment. There is still hope that an accommoda- @ 22c; in June 2.4G of which two ors aud other officers will take at the crats who arc to meet at Baltimore will be 25 @ 28c. Whiskey a shade firmer at 91c. Rice quiet inches; inches fell at noon, where were received with full place and unworthy of trust. tion will be reached about the they without The former consequential at @ 9}c. Sugar firm; Muscovado ® refin- the hours in Saco on the 13th principle. (Applause.) Mr. of said the Com- 8} 8} 9c; during twenty-four ending at five honor the Mohassuck and En- Company’s counting-room Loring , damages, though there is no intelligence to-day 94c. Coffee firm; Rio 15 Gold. Mo- by Narragansett having no motive in common but personal dis- mittee ing 8}@ ® 18}c o’clock afternoon. inst. on Permanent Organization was ready which promises this result. lasses Muscovado 34 @ 39c. Naval Stores— yesterday the American a fusion of el- dull; campments, accompanied by appointment attempted repelling to report. He asked that they report soo n as Spirits Turpentine steady at @ 57. Rosin quiet We understand that Mr. John 8. Heald is The health of Mr. H. the ements in an The latter 56} with William E. Tabor as Chief Mar- Temple, Treasurer, explosion. degraded ready without waiting as usual till the Creden- andfsteady at 3 65 for strained. Petroleum firm; Band, estate for the lease of Forest Park is such as to his and it is from the high they once occupied, pro- tial Committee have as the crude 13}c; refined 24c. Tallow at 9 9- negotiating City shal. The visitors were some compel resiguaticn, reported, latter had XL11D CONGRESS--SECOND SESSION. 23}® quiet @ escorted through an abandonment of their 90 the understood that Mr. of will pose identity, which a formal to to. 16c. Linseed Oil ® 92c. coming season. Should he effect the ar- of Hastings Boston, duty perform. Agreed Wool and the busy streets of that pleasant city to Rog- means death. Unlike the first you are the au- A South Carolina delegate the quiet firmly held; domestic fleece 77 ® the are satisfied be chosen to fill his The affairs of the expressed grat- 70c. rangement public that matters er place. thentic exponents of a great national 80c; pulled Williams Hall, where an elegant dinner was orgifeizn- ification with which he heard Gerrett Smith and to a Washington, June 5.—A bill was Freights Liverpool unchanged; Flour per steam will he conducted in an man" company were never in a more prosperous con- tion based upon “firm as the marble, now asked that the South be heard reported unobjectionable laid. Grand Patriarch Paine of the Grand En- principle through for on 28; Grain, per sail New Orleans Minstrels f unded as the as broad and as repairs the Custom House at Bath, 6}d. ner. His last success dition than at the stock rock, general Gov. Orr of South Carolina. year’s warrants the as- of Rhode Island welcomed the Port- present, selling freely Maine. Chicago, June 5.—Flour nomiual. Wheat quiet campment the casing air.” (Applause.) Take the last Mr. Orr took the and his —AT— sertion. at double its value. platform pledged A bill the of a site and and higher but irregular; No 2 1 48 ® 1 land brethren to very nearly par is to preserve not to and authorizing purchase Spring 49} the hospitalities of the city. your object destroy, State for the ticket and referred to the slauders on the spot, closing at 1 49}, seller June 1 48 1 50 from both of these in character and the construction of a building for a new -Post- Hotel Arrivals. — L. Grand Whitten of re- differing to which Grant had been subjected, and com- and seller July 148}: No 1 Spring quiet at 149® MUSIC HAI.L. Dunham, George Representative Portland, Elphalet Nott, Esq., who has for more no office aud Custom House in aims, you will differ less in the nature of his in this with that of Philadelphia, pass- 1 49}; No 3 do 1 38. Corn active and higher; No 2 Donald and and John D. and an hour was the usua pared experience respect ed. wife, Chase, Boston; sponded, improved by than twenty years been Treasurer of the P. S. your deliberations. (Applause.) and Jackson. He Mixed 44} @ 44Jc cash or seller Tuue and 441c seller & June 11 & 12. Washington eulogized the A bill the of Tuesday Wedn’y, E. Putuam, Luther table exercises. P. C. P. Comstock acted as On the subject which has most and authorizing appointment depu- July; request 42c. Oats excited and higher; No 2 at Bridgton; Fitch, Sebago; P. Ruilread Company, has resigned that posi- perplexed President,whose election he considered a neces- the Talent of this world fam- must continue to their ties to clerks of U. S. Courts passed. 43} c cash nr seller June; seller July quiet at ® Conspicuous among E. P. are at the Hotel. master of the perplex councils, in If Grant had failed as Orr 35} ous Chase, Bath; City post-prandial exercises, and gave tion aud accepted the place of Auditor of tlie sity. President, Bill to for the aud sale of 36c. A large operator here controls two-thirds of th} organization may be funnd yours, rather let me say in ours, there will be liked such failures. He claimed that the ad- provide redemption S. H. E. H. the visitors another which was lauds held the United States under several Oats in store at short interesj. Rye dull at 70 ® 72c IfllSS MAUDE Blake, Bangor; King, Washing- welcome, Eastern Railroad. The duties of Treasurer absolute harmony with us. The selection of a by STANLEY, ministration was a success at home and atfroad. acts for No 2. Barley nominal at 55 @ 58c for No 2 iFall. John T. Purvis and a levying direct taxes, was taken aud the Great ton; wife, Niles Valley, strengthened by further remarks from Grand now devolve Mr. Treasurer of the Presidential conuidate is foregone conclusion. He dilated at some on the up in lair demand and lower at Pork is The Prima Donna. upon Parker, length operations of House amendments concurred in. Whiskey 86}c. L. S. D. Patriarch Paine. Rich of (Long and tumultuous applause.) In that re- Kluxism in the South. aud at 12 15 @ 12 20 cash and 12 40 MRS. NELLIE Pa.; Chafee, Providence; Thompson, Representative Port- Eastern. Hu He sustained Hu The Senate then considered quiet unchanged GORTON, _ the have decided for us in advance the sundry civil @ 12 42 seller Lard advanced and in fair de No. W. K. gard people Hlux and claimed that the laws had Jnly. The Pianist. Conway; Spring, Boston, are at the land, expressed the thanks of the Portland legislation appropriation bill, the on a mo- mand at 8#c cash and seller June. Bacon and Bulk accomplished end we have only to put their will into proper been fairly and executed. question being Falmouth. brethren for their handsome and firmly tion to strike out the 6th section meats no sales, Cattle active and MR. HANK GOODMAN, reception, shapa formally nominating U. S. and Gov. was appropriating unchanged; higher by Grant, Oglesby called upon as the next at 6 50 7 00 For choice to firm Peurose with the blessing of God we shall not $250,090.to pay unsettled claims against the ® extra; Hogs opened The Prince of E tbiopian Comedians. Chapman, Troy, N. Y.; A. Gray, Jr., Mayor Kingsbury was called up by a sentiment- only Governor of Illinois. He advanced to the and closed dull at 3 75 00. BY TELEGRAPH. nomination without plat- government on account of carrying mails in the @4 MR. TOMMY N. make the demur, without form aud a to Freights to Buffalo 8c. O’NEIL, Morris, J.; W. M. Barnard, N. Y.; H. M. al complimentary to the Grand Encampment paid grateful compliment Gerrett late rebel States to 1861. A de- debate, without dissent, but wc shall make it who he said had stood prior May" 31, s—0000 bbls 2300 bush The Lion Banjoist. are Smith, before the Con- bate Receip flour, wheat, 327,000 Howes, Farmington, at the United States of Maine. He spoke first as an Odd Fellow, as its ensued. bush IN under such ouspices wil( insure complete vention the impersonation of American dignity corn, 180,000 bush oats, 3000 bush rye, 5000 bush MR. WM. CONVERSE, Hotel. as MATTERS MAINE. ratification at 300t and then chief magistrate of the city of aud abundant the polls. (Pro- and benevolence. He referred to him also a's barley, Utle, 12,000 hogs. This Eminent 1000 bbls Interlocator. Geo. W. E. longed applause.) the who Shipments flour. It,000 bush wheat, 178,- MR. FRANK Merrill, F. Duran, T. G. Stick- Portland, acknowledging the sincere sympathy great agitator, long before the Republi- FOREIGN. 000 bush bush 2000 WEST, It does Dot nor tem- corn, 55,000 oats, cattle. deed, considering my can party was born had championed the rights The Great Delineator. ney, Bangor; Norman Burdick, Albany, N. Y.; and generous contributions of Providence to Temperance Reform Convention. of this Negro porary occupation chair, would it be of the down trodden at a time when most of us Western Union Earopeaa Markets. MR. L. P. BENJAMIN, Dr. Tfefft, Bangor; G. E. Baldwin, Boston, are Portland in the day when she was overwhelm- [Special Dispatch by Line.] suitable that I should enter into any elaborate were young and useless. (Cheers.) lffewa. as fflexieaa Liverpool, June 5—11.00 A. M.—Cotton strong; The only Soloist in the world who executes at the St. J ulian. ed disaster and sorrow. followed Augusta, June 5.—The Temperance Reform to the merits of our candidate, The and passages by Speeches eoinmentory, speaker eloquently eulogized Grant, A Middling uplands 11} @ ll}d; do Orleans ll}d; sales on the E Flat Cornet, reaching the fourth added line was but this I will say, that all the Matamobas, June despatch received here A. W. Gen. James A from several Providence the bands Convention met here this afternoon and notwithstanding his grief when a Senator from the estimated at 15,000 bales. The sales were above the treble staff. Wildes, Skowhegan; gentlemen, that has been at expressed last night states that Corella has arrived at yesterday welcomed with a the children of the malignant vitupuration spit noble State that rocked the early cradle of lib- 17.000 bales, 5000 of which were sold after the regular MR. Hall, Damariscotta; James New varying the exercises by good music (and by the song by all the odious calumnies Meir with few men. The lines be- WALTER WENTWORTH. Benely, York; him, that have been erty, pronounced against Grant the insulting telegraph close of the market. J. R. the Portland Band were Cold Water Temple of Augusta. Dr. Brickettof all the slanders tween this and Meir were There The Great American Contortionist whose feats are Miller, Boston; Col. John MeClintock, way highly compli- heaped upon him, disgraceful sentence, that he had been once a tanner.— city cutto-nay. June 5—1 P. M.—Cotton sales is excitement here. The Liverpool, strong; wonderful to behold, assisted by Gorton’s was made and that have been circulated in regard to great National Guards 6000 for ana Splendid Boothbay; Sam’l Lane, Gloucester, Mass., are mented) and then the visitors were escorted to Augusta temporary chairman, him, (Cheers.) 18.000 bales, including speculation export. Cornet Baud, composed of both Ladies and Gentle- Gen. at this more of the are reorganizing. The work on the fortifica- N. of Sev- Grant, moment, enjoys He sketched the President’s his- London, June 5—2.00 P. M.—Consols for men, the celebrated Schreiber water at the Preble House. the Aldrich House, where they were quartered. Dingley, jr., Lewiston, Secretary. of his is eloquently tions has recommenced and restrictions 92} money using patent confidence countrymen, believed by ns a as a as a ferry and account. Tallow firmer at 54s. valve Instruments. were from the fol- tory cadet, laboring man, soldier, have In the evening the Portland Encampments vis- enty-five delegates reported them to be an honester, truer and better man been reestablished. Authorities are seiz- Admission as usual. as a General, the savior of his country, and as Liverpool, June 5—2.00 P. M.—Breads tufts jnnG-6t Our American Cousin.—Those who have Reform Clubs: Ban- than of his detractors. ing private arms and are others. quiet; ited the Opera House, and between the plays lowing Augusta, Belfast, any (Great cheers, a President. He was frequently purchasing Corn 27s 9d. interrupted by Three hundred stand of arms the run of the drama in Portland will Ken- throwing of hats and waving of handkerchiefs.) leave here for kept our band gave the audience some of their best gor, Hallowell, Bath, Auburn, Brunswick, immense applause. Grant has been an enigma No one of us, in our day, has been Cerallos to-morrow under escort of a portion of AUCTION SALES. recollect the between Pike’s selections. dall’s Portland, Lewiston, causelessly from his birth, aud to-day is purer, greater and Psrllaad Daily Prca Stack List sharp competition Mills, Richmond, and more villified—no one will lie the National Guards. shamefully nobler still than we ever thought him. For the week June company at Hall and Laura Keene at Wiscasset, Rockland more vindicated. The ending 5,1872. Deering Gardiner, Damariscotta, thoroughly great spirit for which us the im- •New Orleans Minstrels.—This famous Speaking Illinois, gave Corrected bv W. K. Wood, Broker, 67 Exchange St. and Hall a few years ago, when both com- and Pittsfield. of the American people beats in response to the Weather Jue IJ P. IB. Clothing Gents’ Furnishing City troupe played in the Rink Music Hall on Sat- mortal Lincoln (Great cheers.) Mr. Oglesby Bepart, 3, Descriptions. Par Value. Offered. Asked. truth and justice, aud as they have tried and to the Goods at put the American Cousin on the stage, urday evening to a audience—the were elected officers of the per- desired express utmost confidence in War U. S. Di- •old,..114}.. .114} Auction. panies very large iThe following and trust as know Department, Signal Service, Army, tested him, they that his ad- Grant’s sense and We visions of Government «*s, 1881,.12 _120 and drew out the number of theatre go- hall being completely filled, both parquette and manent J. K. patrotism, good purity. Telegrams and Keports for the benefit of FRIDAY, June 7th, at 10 o’clock A. M., we largest organization: President, Osgood ministration is wise and as have Government 5-20’s, 1862,.1144. ... 114 The entertainment was first class fathful, they have perfect confidence in him and will trust Commerce. ONshall sell the balance of the goods left over from ers that had been known for Both mana- gallery. of Vice one from each Government 5-20’s, 1864,.1144_114 years. Gardiner; Presidents, seen the nation prosper under his rule us it has a H » the Bale of last week. throughout, and of the most pleasing andenter- him four years longer without suspicion or 3J g Government made the while G. aud never will stand by and E 5 W 5-20’s,*1865,.115f_115 This will be a good chance for gers money by operation, pub- said or done Club; Secretaries, John Conley of Bath, prospered, they defend, doubt. (Great applause.) 3 Government 5-20’s, 1865.117 _117 Bargains. taining character, nothing being and when the ballot box them a <5 3 8 S July, gives chance to Great cries for Gen. of who Government ...118 F. O. BAILEV A Asctisaeer.. lic opinion was divided as to the merits of the H. M. Sprague of Auburn; Treasurer, George Hawley Conn., Place " 5-20’s, July, 1867,.117}. CO., do so, avenge him. (Applase.) forward and I 5 8 Government June 3-dtd of the most refined. The music given was Remembering was brought took the platform 5-20*s, July, 1868...... 117 ...117} respective Dundreary’s. Both were imitators G. Crawford of Brunswick; Chaplain, O. M. the sore trials, which along with his tellow sol- 2, 3 jj* Government splendid, and the cornet quartette Dy Maud amid the wildest cheering. He thanked the 10-40’e,.112-U2| of and were as as a coun- Cousins of on he uderwent the his sacrifices State of Maine Bonds.100 —101 Sothcrn, satisfactory and Nellie and the Messrs. Hallowell. Committees resolu- diers, during war, vuaTCHMvii iui nut; mmuucoii, uut uc^j^cu lu uc Stanley Gorton, Portland 96 .... 97 of ease aud and •bservation. • 2 City Bonds, Municipal,. terfeit article conld be made. Mr. Sothern Plaff and Gorton was a of musical excel- were comfort,his perils by day night, excused at this time from making any remarks 5* ADJOURNED SALE. piece tions, by-laws, &c., appointed. means Portland aid ol R. R.,. 96 *... 97 the by of which those who call for 3 1 Qt $ City, at lence, and was the audi- exposures^ aud be permitted to the report of the Bath 90 will give his own creation of the character duly appreciated by In the evening a was held at Granite now him were able to secure 5 City Bonds,. 8g|.... meeting revile luxurious Committee on Permanent 1 ence, as was also the duett on the coruet by Organization. There a Bangor City Boiule, 20 years,. 92 92} Hall and there to be con- and the Convention was welcomed to Au- at a safe distance from are •1 City to-night appears Messrs. Benjamin and the former play- Hall, repose danger, they was considerable confusion and calls for the Calais City Bonds,. 92 .... 94 Gorton, nt: snuiuu in cars Boston.29.64 51 NE WILSON’S Lt rain ... siderable interest felt in his visit. There is no ing extremely high notes. As musical artists, gusta in a brief speech by Mayor Eveleth.— quite wining uiuuigu palace report and for various speakers. Cumberland Nctional Bank.40. #0 62 aud segars and seaside loiterings, aud Charleston,S.C..29.95 72 SW Clear Canal National Bank,...100.129 —130 of Mr. Sothem’s few the would be hard to beat. Miss Maud Short were made Dr. J. they Mr. Boruck of California, asked that the question ability. Very company speeches by Brickett, mean to furnish him with Chevenne.W. T.29.85 58 SW First National 129 .130 the opportunity of race Cloudy Bank,.100. Stanley is an accomplished vocalist, and is gift- colored might be heard through one of its 66 S American actors have acquired such a fame in iv. usgoou, r rancis Murphy or Portland, ti. M. these for at least four yeas to come. Chicago.29.91 Theate’ing Casco National Bank,..190.129 130 ed with a and her rendition enjoying own members. Cleveland. 29.97 60 SE Fair magnificent voice; (Applause.) Merchants’National Bank, ... 75. 93 ... 96 as he and the London for- and N. of E. \V. As to the Vice-Presidency he had no doubt that SUPERPHOSPHATE England did, papers of “Kiss me while I’m sleeping,” and “Wait- Bryant Dingley Lewiston, Mr. Wm. H. Grey of Arkansas, came to the Indianapolis—29.97 63 Calm Fair National Traders’ Bank,.100.129 .130 among gentlemen there will be various Fla..29.98 82 SW their studied dignity and reserve in the were excellent, and were rapturously re- Stetson of Damariscotta, Camp Meeting John prefer- He said this was probably the firsl Key West, Fair Second National Bank,.100.118 ....120 got ing,” ences- Some of us will at first favor one some platform. 31 N ceived. Nellie Gorton at the instance in which had appeared before a Na- Mt.Washington.29.88 Cloudy Portland Company,.100. 62 64 warmth of praise for his remarkable portrait- presided piano Allen, Joshua Nye, Messrs. Pinkham of Bruns- but we shall strive to obtain tbe best New London... 29.61 59 N Portland with and another, tional Convention a of that Cloudy Gee Company,. 50. 62 64 grace skill. Mr. Walter Wentworth representative op- New Orleans ..30.40 78 SW OF UIC ui a tuaiaLivi uw»w iw au mu^uou ouuiuiiuu. wick, Payson of Auburn, Rev. Mr. Thompson mail, aud when the chice is I Clear Ocean Insurance Company.100. 95 10# LIME, as a contortionist ii a success. Milt Barlow and ultimately made, pressed race, which had lived among us for 2M New York ....29.75 59 N trust we shall feel that we have succeeded. I n Cloudy Atlantic A St. Lawrence ft. R.,.10_55 Hank Goodman, in their various were of Massachusetts, and Rev. Mr. Pillsbury of years and had so recently been lifted throng! Norfolk.29.87 66 NW Fair Light Infantry.—This parts, the to be it A. A K. R. R. Bond*. 87 89 Portland company ahead of the run of regard platform (applause) adopted the of God the hand of men out oi 69 SE Fair general black cork artists, Wisconsin. The remarks were grace by Omaha.29.fi7 Maine Central R. R. 34 .... 35 interspersed is not for me to but with Stock,_100. AT AUCTION. with full ranks at the armory last and their ludicrous antics the house in anticipate, along their He witli Pittsburg.29.00 65 Calm Clear Maine Central R. R. #9 appeared by kept with music the and the hall other it will political degradation. proceeded Bonds, T’s,.97 roars of by Augusta Band, important doctrines, undoubtedly some well-timed in clear and educa- Portland..29.52 50 N Hy raiu Leeds A R. R. 88 90 and were Gen. Jas. A. Hall, laughter. Barlow in his teutonic spe- remarks, F’rm’gton Bonds,100. night inspected by was filled to with interested contain the widest of human free- Savannah.29.96 71 Calm Clear Portland A Ken. R. K. cialties was of mention. repletion specta- recognition ted phrase delivered in good style. He grace Bonds,. 100. 87 89 General on Gov. Perham’s staff. Af- specially deserving dom and the clearest affirmation of the duties Washington.29.86 05 NW Portland A R.R. 90 I will sell ten tons of of Inspector The and introduced were new and tors. Gerritt Smith whom lit Cloudy Ogdensburg Bonds, gold, 88 my Super-Phosphate* jokes yams fully complimented Wilmington.. .29.91 67 W Clear Portland A Rochestar K. R. the the almost an which the government owes to its Bonds, 7rs,. 93 .... 94 ter inspection company spent good.—Ottawa paper. laboriug had seen for the first time to-day and the siglu Montreal.29.80 C4 NE Clear Lime at Public There will be four sessions includ- Portland .... Auction at the to-morrow, masses, whatever aud however employed, in A Eoekester R. R. Stoak. 25 30 Salesroom of F. hour in drill. Subsequently a business meet- of whom had revived his faith in that Human- Barometer corrected for temperature and elevation. ing a in the and a town and country, (applause,) and witli such Hall addressed the To the Editor the Press: religious meeting morning, ity which is Divine. He advocated the iiomi Bailey A Co., Exchange street, Portland, Me., on ing was held, when Gen. of candidates and such a creed whether we have meeting in the evening to hear reports from nation of Grant, whose name was a tower ol them a When to encounter the decaying remnants of a once company, paying very high compli- the proposition was made to select a each Reform Club in the State. strength in the South aud the name whicli FINANCIAL AND COMITIERCIAL. BANK OF DEPOSIT. party, but now so feeble that it is cry- only ment for their excellentcondition and thorough committee on behalf of the Portland & powerful unrepentant rebels respect. (Cheering. )The greai SATURDAY, JUNE 81 Og- Sudden Death. ing piteously to its for succor or to an h, of the celebration of enemy problem to be worked out by the Republicar drill. The postponement densburg railroad to go over the from the Glen House that Mr. incongruous alliance ot ill-assorted factions F. A. HAWLEY A CO., At 14 •’clerk, fl. contemplated Reports say party was not yet solved, nor its duties ended on of the with no bond of union but the Foreign Exports. their anniversary account threatening route and ascertain as as the greed of office, wen nearly possible Israel Ham, Superintendent of the White In the South tile common civilities of life ST JOHN XB. Sch Arc ilia—800 600 For circulars and or all of them combined, we shall forth con- bbls flour, {articular* call on'the Auction- aspect of the weather, was discussed and it was amount to the eastern divi- go withheld from the colored They de- bush BANKERS, necessary complete Mountaia carriage road, died at 0 o'clock this and to (Tumultuous people. oats, 10 tons feed. quering conquer. applause.) manded their civil and re Sch Annie W—700 bbls 10 tons 200 No* 1 eor* State Boston eers. decided that if the weather is clear this morn- sion to the Connecticut river, it was understood of heart disease. rights proper flour, feed, galls Devonshire, St., evening The following were appointed temporary Sec- snect. There were two classes of men whom kerosene hil. ing the programme will be carried out; but if that our citizens and desir- GEO. F. generally expected [ By Associated Press.) retaries: John W. Newton of New Jersey, the colored people feared. They were the peopli Foreign Imports. Four per cent, interest allowed on deposit ac- WILSON, Treasurer. it should be it will be ed bettci Accident. who hated them well. Th< SAGUA LA GRANDE. Bark as on rainy postponed. such information, that they might Shocking John 15. Hubbard of West who loved them too Wahsatch—785 hhds counts, subject to check, drawn any City Bunk. Virginia, Hiram and 78 tierces to J. L. Farmer. Je4td F. O. BAILEY & CO.. Auctioneers. of the real situation and be tc Bancor, June 5.—Daniel a colored people of the South are a unit for Gen sugar Out-of-town depositors will have their remittances Mains Boating Association.—The judge prepared Haynes, young Potter, of Florida and S. T. Pullen oi open- Jr, Grant. (Cheers.) He was afraid that if Hor and collections themselves After man 20 at Morse & Co.’s nnd promptly acknowledged. of the season will be held in Port- govern accordingly. waiting years old, employed Maine. ace like Abraham of old took Sarah in- Receipts bj Rnilronds Hteambonfs. ing regatta Greeley We do a General and Commission Busi- Choice Plante at some weeks the came before the mill, met with a severe if not fatal accident this stead of the colored could no Steamer John Brooks from Boston.—21 «asks Banking Auction. land Harbor on June 12th, at 9 question City The Chairman ordered the call of the roll ol Hagar, people Wednesday, oil, 106 pumps, 2 rolls carpet, 1 40 bdls of ness, negotiate Bonds, Stocks, Notes and other Secur- SATURDAY, June at 10 o'clock A. Government and failed twice in the Board o( afternoon by upon a circular saw which afford to go for him. (Laughter and Cheers.— head-light, 8th, M, A. and will consist ef two falling for the nomination of on iron, 1 123 205 boiler 20 at Salesroom, we shall sell a o’clock M.; races, States, Committee He was afraid the old would have to him jigger, pkgs furniture, tubes, ities, make collections throughout United States and ON consignment of so no committee was chosen. Now was with lady bbls sugar, 10 coils 18 cases 8 Plants from the celebrated of viz:— Aldermen, revolving great rapidity, mangling which was formed. for Tin lead, sewing machines, As censervatory Norton Credentials, water in the Wilderness. (Laughter.) 1 100 to order. For Europe. Bros., of Mr. us a manner. arm was pieces marble, horse, pkgs Can- consisting Hardy, Perpetual, Tea and Editor, it seems to that there was a de him in fearful One sawed colored know that there was no chants First Race—For four-oared shell boats; dis- A similar call by States was made for a Com- people ada and up country—15 bbls dyestuffs, 52 1 bbls, 3 Monthly Roses, in variety; Verbenas, Double Ge- of unfairness to on off at the and the other arm laid to for them outside of the Witl DEALERS IN tance three miles; first prize, gold medal; sec- gree say the least the pari wrist, open mittee on Permanent Organization. Republican party. bales duck, 6 plates iron, 10 drums soda. 4 bdls bag- SECURITIES, ranium, Fuchsias, lleliatropes, Double Petunias, all were men to 14 do 43 1 Nils Rose and ond silver medal. of saw- Mr. of West moved that their ignorauce they Grant ging, paper, bags shoddy, blower, 5 kegs Pollock, other Geraniums, with a gen- prize, somebody, that this committee was not *1 the bone above the elhow, and several ribs Popham Virginia, we invite to and day from Arkansas to the Gulf of Mexico. lead, 100 pkgs to order. inquiries relating investments, give eral assortment of bedding plants iu pots and has Second Race—For distance two lowed to Committees on Resolvtions and Rules, both bo kets. single sculls; be raised. Who are the ones respon ed off so that his intestines protruded from the Steamer below the prices of a few of the most desirable Bonds: named in to one call of States. Carried. )Applause.) He praised God that the Repub Dirigo. from New York—112 bales first medal; second prize, sil- response HI* v 1 hose who attended the sale for miles; prize, gold sible for such with what our citizen! wovnd. He was still alive but has lican their in rags, 10 do duck, 150 rolls leather, 150 coils 315 these parties last third silver medal. trifling to-night The are the Committees on Re so would keep organization rope, will attend this, ver medal; prize, following party 1850 cases 100 bdls 5 do Burlington. Cedar Rapids and Minnesota 7s.92$ year and those who did not attend are tact and that would thei dry hides, empty cans, steel, we interested in, and in what have a small chance of recovery. lutions and the first on resolution! victory perch upon and Western advise to call anu see the on of All entries must be made to the Secretary, they riyh Rules, being iron, 25 do paper hangings. 36 bars iron, 20 hhds mo- Indianapolis, Bloomington 7s.yu plants morning and the second on rules in standard. and to ask for? For one we very much tha Loss of n ranine Vessel. each State. (Applause.) lasses, 5 do glass ware, 3 ao tobacco, 4 tierces do, 13 Logoflsport, Crawfordsville S. W.. 8s.13 F. S. Brunswick before June suspect Klliott of South als< and J«4td F. Mr. Waterhouse, Congressmen Carolina, casks powders, 50 boxes soap, 25 do Chesapeake Ohio 6s. 94 O. BAILEY A CO., Auctrs. the influence a commit- Portsmouth, N. H., June 5.—SchoonerFan- Alabama—R. M. W. P. Jones. made bleaching starch, and must names o f boats and against appointing Haggles, an excellent as did Mr. Harris 30 do hardware, 40 do 25 do 450 Connecticut Valley 7s.96 10*, specify Arkansas—W. H. Dacy, Stephen Wheeler. speech, drugs, glass, pieces tee comes from a small number of men wh< ny Fern, Capt. Curtis, of and for Kennelmnk- another colored from North Carolina hollow ware, 101 coffee, 10 do 150 half New York and Oswego 7s.95 California—J. H. M. Patterson. delegate bags nuts, crews, colors, 4cc. Whittington, C. chests 45 bbls 35 can from with flour and Gen. Chairman of the Committee tea, saltpetre, do cement 10 do su- Modern Brick House at Auction only sec enterprise where their own iuvest port, Boston, groceries, Connecticut—Gen. J. R. Hawley, Danl. Chadwick Albright, U. Bonds and other oil gar, 48 kegs white 5 1 S. marketable Securities alio w- H. Pickles, Clias. M. Richards. Permanent Organization, reported for per lead, mowing machines, piano June at 3 P. M, we shall Established for Nearly Fifty Years. ments are found. We think the woul< 1 went ashore on Odorne’s Point, Rye Beach, this Delaware—Henry forte. ed full in SATURDAY, 8th, public Florida—J. W. J. W. Butler. manent Thomas Settle of Nortl t price exchange. mch23su eoddm sell the substantial brick House No. 80 Clark like to know to Johnson, President, ON st, the site on Middle where place this matter, for wi morning, and is totally wrecked. Uninsured. A. Walker. James M. 13 _For nearly fifty years Georgia—D. Simms. Carolina, and the following Vice Presidents.- New Ifnrk Stock nnd Ifloney Market. with all the modern inmprovements, containing believe they are in favor of An Illinois—Herman J. A. the lath room. The A. has been occu- investigation. All hands saved. Raster, Powell. (Vice Presidents not received.) finished rooms, besides house is street occupied by Q. Leach, other We have heard it Indiana—Charles C. W. New York, June 5—Morning.—Gold at 114$.— CARPET for ami water: thing. suggested tha King, Chapman. Mr. the Chairman took til CLEANSING! i>il»ed throughout, gas cemented cel- for the retail trade. Iowa—Wm. J. W. Card. Settle, permanent Money at 5 cent. Sterling Exchange 109} @ 110$. brick in pied continuously dry goods the statement made not long ago by the Presi marine Disaster. Vandewer, chair and per lar floor, large cistern,'heated by furnace; Kansas—John made brief remarks. Stocks steady. State bonds dull. a modern lot about 23UQ business is venerable in it is dent and Directors of the road in to tli C. Carpenter, H. C. Cross. Parties who have every way house; square ft. Though the years, regard June 5.—The schooner Mr. moved to until to-mor had their Carets Cleansed on and made known at sale. contract made them Eastport, fishing Kentucky—James Speed, Wm. H. Gibson. Spencer adjourn The following are the forenoon quotations of South- the Terms easy, with Messrs. Hardin | row floor, and are disgusted with can find a no means an institution, but is full by Asa Louisiana—John Ray, W. G. Elliot. which was to. ern securities: it, perfect m30td F.O. BAILE1 Sk 40 Anctiwnera. by old-fogy and Fuller to finish the road for one half casl J Fame, owned by Bucknam of this place, morning, agreed remedy at to the times. Mr. Maine—S. T. Pullen, A. H. S. Davis. Tennessee 6's, new. 72 of life and enterprise, fully up and one half in is man arrived here in the stock, questioned by to-day, bringing schooner Maryland—Thos. A. Spencer, S. W. Shomaker. Virginia 6’s, new. 54 Leach is for and summer trade, who would otherwise favor the Ca 1 D. Oliver Ames. Missouri 4’s. Foster’s Dye & No. 24 Valuable* Lot of ready spring enterprise. Carrie of Yarmouth, laden with piling, having Massachusetts—J, Cogswell, ONE MORE ! 96$ Cleansing Works, Lantl on ('ougres* which the ladies cannot you not give us the facts in the case, and let u * Michigau—W. A. Howard, George Millard. GRANT STATE North Carolina 6’s, new. 20* Union Street. with a splendid stock heen abandoned off Grand Menan Banks. The Street at Auctiou. know just how matters stand? for we believ Minnesota—W. E. Hicks. R. J. Crowell. South Carolina 6’s. new. 33$ and purchasing follows close Carrie is about 75 tons burden. It. A. Parker. Gents’ TUESDAY, June 11th, at 3P. M., we shall sell help admiring; the completion of this road is of muc , The hull ap- Mississippi—John Lynch, New York. June 5—Evening—Money easy at 4 @ Garments lived sod Cleansed every day to-day Missouri—John H. Corrick. ONthe valuable lot of land between St. Paul's admiration. more vital to the of Portland Stover, John 5 per cent. Sterling firm at Gold Sundays excepted. lying upon importance city iiears to be in good condition. The vessel was Nebraska—John B. PROBABLE republican VIC Exchange 109$. church and the of John Said Weston, H. M. Atkinson. touched but fell to and closed dull and residence Swott, Esq. and to business men than all other 114} 114} lot contains is undertaking! > with cargo, for $11000. Nevatla—L. H. Head, George M. Salim. at loans St. about 9000 sqr ft. This one of the few and we not insured, TORY. steady 114}@114$; 2@3 percent.; clear- OFFICE 315 Congress New Music.—From Hawes Cragin excepting who shall be next President. New Hampshire—Osborn Ray, J. W. Johnson. lota to be purchased In this location at any price. ances, $42,000,000; exports $1,482,000; treasury dis- sn Terms known af sale. of new music, Citizen. New York—Joseph N. Matthews, B. Platt Carjien Governments _my9eod tilljun2_* liberal and made have the following pieces pub- San June 5.—The elec bursements, $225,000. opened higher A .11 ter. Francisco, Oregon but lost the Je4td F. O. BAILEY CO., Auctioneers. ore Fishery Troubles. tion h ailvance, closing steady. The Treasury Oliver Ditson & Co.: My Pretty North Carolina—J. W. returns are but indicate tlia lished by Hood, Geo. H. Brown. incomplete, bought $829,950 worth at from 114 30-100 to 114 40- A and a miscellaneous notices. Ohio—R. B. the have carried the with k Southerly Wind Cloudy Sky. Brunette, a concert room song and dance, by Quebec, June 6.—The prize schooner Enola Hayes, W. C. Cooper. Republicans State, 100. State bonds du[l and weak. Stocks steady C. of was seized at Oregon—H. R. Kincard, ,J. F. Devor. sufficient in the to ensur i the forenoon and weak in the Guardian Kale of Household Shall Item her if Iteoo her: Gloucer, Trinity Bay, six majority Legislature -during afternoon. The Fur- Billy Shepard. below Point Pennsylvania—G. W. Scofield, A. W. Giltilan. the election of a United States Set whole market closed dull little B. LUCAS Have seen those miles Besmontes, the 29th of May, Republican .with recovery from J, niture, Ac., at Auctiou. music Albert you 82.00 Shawl’s at Rhode Island—Wm. Ballou. a tor. the lowest ballad Charles H. Philips, by in the at the two Goddard, L, W, price. REMOVED TO by evening, having time trowles South Carolina—B. B. Elliott.I. J. Markov. HAS to a license from the Hon. John A. to Miss Emma Cooia Hassan’*. The were the H Fernald, and dedicated Reig- set and two men in the act of raising them. Be- Tennessee—A. J. Ricks, Geo. E. Graham. following closing quotations of Gov- PURSUANTWaterman, Judge of Probate for the County ot fore before before had Texas—W. The Boston Strike*. ernment securities: NO. 51 EXCHANGE STREET, Cumberland, I shall sell at Public Auction, Wednes- the actress. Trust On, Grass one-half at being seized, she two Talbot, James Newcomb. uolds, O, Loving Heart, Cloth, linen, 11 cents United States 5’s. June at 10 at auction room more trowls in Trinity some 50 to 100 Vermont—Ben). H. Shute, Jas. Hutchinson, Jr. Boston, June 5.—Very general movement s new. ..31 doorB below his old stand) day, 12th, o'clock, the of Gabriel. Bay, United States coupon 6’s, 1881. (four F. O. Bailev A B. W. ballad yard. Cooia Hassan. Virginia—Col. Eilw. J. Goodell. are on the mechanics of Bo.xto Co., No. 18 Exchange st., and by Virginia yords from shore, and two men in the act of Daniels, George going among United States 5-20’s West A. Fanis J 1862. if. Where he has on hand a seasonable stock of goods in HairCloth parlor Furniture. Brussels and Ingrain them with two live halibut in them Virginia—Thomas Swan, G. D. J. and vicinity, looking to tbe establishment c f from Arthur W. Locke & Mrs. Manchetser,—The well-known raising worth. United States 5-20’s 1861. his line, including Carpets, Marble Top Tables, Mirrors, Chamber Sets, We have received Pliys when she was boarded. Their lines extend eight hours as a regular work. The mai United States 5-20’s cian will visit Bar Wisconsin—Thomas S. Chas. J. L. MyerB. day’s 1665, old..iji Feather Beds, Mattresses, Dining Table, Chairs, some fine chromo- Mills June 6th, and remai the fhore some four or five miles. The Allen, ble slate and tin sheet iroi 1 United States 5-20's Co. Publishers, Boston, along —Jerome B. Geo. M. Chillicothe workers, roofers, 1865, new,. ,,- Fishing Tackle, Crockenr, Glass ami Silver Plated Ware, Cook anil four Cliail'ee, United States 5-20’s Coliseum now in process of days. Invalids should avail themselvt a schooner was towed up from Kamorovska to District of Columbia—A. R. Shephard, John F workers and other crafts held meetings la.< t 1867. 117 Parlor Stoves, together with the entire Kitchen Fur- of the United States 5-20’s Gunning Material, lithographs this steamer and now lies at Cook. for lf68. .. It7 niture. HARRY MAY, The of this opportunity. bay by David, evening organization. erection for the Peace Jubilee. pictures Commissioner’s wharf. Idaho—E. J. Curtis. United States 10-40’s., coupon.112 AND Guardian of D’Claire Bishop. have a Montana—W. F. L. B. Proclamation. Currency 6’s ex-div.. "i" .114 F. O. BAILEY A CO., Auctioneers. are of “cabinet size’’ and will doubtless Girls and Boys wanted at the Portland Sts r The Enola C. is owned by Sylvanne Smith & Sanders, Churco. Amnesty Machinist's Tools. W. Iko Portland, June 3, 1872. td Co., of Gloucer, Mass., and has on board about Wyoming—J. Donnellan, Ccorge W. Carr. The President’s just issued i following were the closing quotations oi large sale. Match Factory. je5-3t proclamation, Stocks: Sole AgF.nta in Portland for the __ 2000 pounds of halibut. Gen. John A. accordance with the amnesty act, dismisses a J Logan having appeared ill om Western Union Telegraph Co. 75} Assignee's Kale. Ferry Village. of tbe he was called : prosecutions those con: Pacific LAFLIN A RAND The price of those Ladies Silk Neck-Ties tbs ,t boxes, loudly upon for [ penal against persons Mail. 75} POWDER CO„ SATURDAY, June 15, at 3i wo shall s mg its it is o'clock, I wish to a statement in Monday and after some time he came sot under jurisdictions, who, allege* • N. Y. Central and River on the the correct we have been at speech Hudson consolidated— 97| J. ONsell, premise*, Brick House on Green vil- selling 81.25 reduced to bold office in violation of the 14tli amend me u t N. Y. B. LUCAS, recently Prebs in regard to the High School of this ward amid great applause and addressed th Central and Hudson River consolidated sep 95} Street, occupied by N. M. Woodman, Esq. cents. Cooia Hassan. NEW YORK. to the There is no record in th e Said house is lage. I have Stated on what I considered good Convention. He did not tha Constitution. Eric. 62} 31 EXCHANGE 8TBEET furnished with modern improvements; think, however, *3 for water am was a of the number f Erie preferred. and gas, heated with walls authority that the school was a failure. I this proper time or place for him to maki ! department justice showing my25sntf piped furnace, told such know that Harlem.121 frescoed, Ac.. by Mr. Committee, a A voice:—“We want a few- word , cases, but it is there are few Pritchard, one of the speech. Also one and Jane that such a .METEOROLOGICAL. Violence Threatened. the in Tennessee. Michigan Central.■■119J mortgage given by .lames Low- charge was unwarrantable, but on from Logan.” Mr. Logan remarked that if tli- principal parties being for the the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. 95} Du rey payment of #222.25. contrary he is and witnessed the Great Destruction of Boats. Pouts Gunpowder Also satisfied with the teacher REPORTS THE T people enthusiasm of the Con Illinois Central.737 one shed and two stables on leased land, ou also the SYNOPSIS OF WEATHER FOR PA( New June proficiency aud progress of the school. York, 5.—This morning 250 men vention at the name of Gen. it woult I The storm in this Chicago S£ North Western. 73} AGENCY! Portland at. One Scale, one Sleigh. We understand TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Grant, vicinity to-day nearly d* that soma little at Steinwav’s piano factory resumed but gladden their hearts. After four tria l Chicago & Northwestern preferred. 94} For particulars of above see Advertiser of Mav 25, unpleasantness work, years stroyed the whole of the Dorchester yacht flee and in any between War Office Chief Signal! one half of them was more & Rock Island.110} Rifle, Sporting Blaming 31, June 7th. Superintendent Hill and some of the Dep’t, quit before noon, the there enthusiasm for Gen. Gran t All of their boats were Chicago fearing best driven ashore i II Fort and of atandard larger scholars give rise to the Officer, Washington, D. C., > crowd of strikers which had in the than when his name was first Pittsburg Sc Wayne. 97} quantity, quality. O. F. EMERY above named gathered presented for tin Dorchester where we re mini item In justice to the June (7.00 P. M.) 1 Bay, they moored, were the for Pacific Kail- C. P. »»ATTOCKS, teacher a man of 5, neighborhood and threatened to drive all the It that he had don J The following quotations Wholesale and Retail. young Presidency. only proved bering like 20 or 30. If the xtori 1 in ot N. M. Woodman and and I wish to and wcatl i- men from something road securities: Assignees Bankruptcy ability promise, make this sea- Probabilities—Cloudy threatening work. The police were present to well and deserved 5 thej enconium, “Well don- continues the will -- Woodman A sonable correction. • through night they undoubi Cent ral Pacific bonds...104} G. L. BAILEY, Agent for Maine, Littlejohn. er for New Thursday. prevent a disturbance. good and faithful thou hast been faith to England servant, edly go pieces. Union Pacific do. 93} myl8sntf 48 Exchange st. Jc5td F. O. BAILEY A CO.. Auctiouara, EDUCATIONAL. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. THE PRESS. RAILROADS. _MISCELLANEOUS STEAMERS. STEAMERS. BOARD IN A FRENCH FAMILY Wanted to Portland Wholrnnlr Pric*, Cnrrrut. Rent. * HOCSE containing from 6 to 10 rooms at West PROCURE TICKETS Corrected for the Press to June 5. -iA. En.l, or KnigliUvllle. Address with iwrticu- ATLANTIC Jules Ch. L. Morazain, lars For Peaks’ Island. C. L., Press Office. AT TUB for ■jean. juu5tf boston. Apple*. 11 (H) i® 4 50 Sheet &Pii»e, 10}g FROM PARIS, MUTUAL Cooking,.4 INSURANCE COMPANY. Peak”. I.laud Ml.amhsul Caws pan,. SUPERIOR SEA-UOLAU Eating. 6 00 @6 50 pig. «m $5000. $5000. OLD 11 Leather* ITKAHEB Dried, western 9@ Teacher of the French Language. (ORGANIZED IN STEAMERS do eastern 10 13 New York, 1844.) JTOMM (® PARTNER BROOKK and Aehc*. Light. 28 g 29 WANTED. ID X P R K I'ORKUT CITT J. C. L. MORAZAIN and wife having taken 51 Passenger Ticket 8 S, Pearl. lb,... it® UJ MM. Weight 29 g 31 WALL STREET, Corner of Agency! a convenient house in the city, are prepared to re- YOUNG man of character—one who is New York. pot. 9 ® W Heavy,-- 29 g 31 PUOF. good William, CAPTAIN A. S. ceive as boarders, a few voung ladies desirous of ac- to devote __ Travelers for CALIFORNIA OL1VKK, Beans* Slaughter,.. 38 43 A willing himself to business during rea- 'uSSOSSZStSjg£S EXT g ana Chartcr 0f‘he **,e Mouth and a theoretical practical knowledge of the sonable business hours—to a C°mpaay- !'abmlt th« '*«*■*» North* l»ou. 3 75 @ 4 25 Am. Call,-1 00 1 20 quiring engage in light and prof- on following Statement of its affaii. Will leave the end of Custom House Wharf daily for ATLANTIt g French itable ttaaSTO DeSSS^&i!the "V^lwfirf, may obtain through Tickets Blue Pod. 3 00 @ 3 25 Mae. language. business, which Mill nay at the rate of J 10,000 Peaks’ island at 8.4* A. M., and 3.15 P. M. WHARF, Portland, References: Geu. »J. M. Brown. J. W. by the best mad most reliable DAILY, (SUNDAYS Yellow Eyes., 3 75 @ 4 25 Rockland c’sk 1 40 Symonds, per annum. Apply to or address GEO. WEBSTER, Wl- to 3,Bt Returning will leave Phaks’ Island 9.13 A.M., KECEPTED) g C. F. Libby, Esq., Gen. H. G. Thomas. 34 School D->-. >•". 3^.2,777 5, route from Portland or Boston, or New York, to A.T T Box Shooks. Lumber. Esq., st., Room 16, Boston, Mass. jaSdlw 101*> and 3.45 P.M. O’CLOCK P. from one F. m to three o’clock p. at 2 18 my point desired, at the lowest at the old M 70 Apply bi., 2,033,675 rates, 3T^“l‘rivut<: can be leave Pine,. @ Clear ~—~- parties accommodated by ap- Returning INDIA WHARF Pine, Block, Congress St., or in P. 0. Total nmount of Marine iud reliable Union Ticket Agency of Bread. Noe. 1 & 00 60 00 Appleton writing Premiums, plying to tbe Captain on board. M- 2, 55 g Box 18<*6. oe4dly febl9 WANTED-!-" $7,416,452 69 Pilot 10 00 @12 00 No. 45 00 50 00 Fu re down and back 25 children half £yr2i.p- wfiTutn? Sap.... 3,. g i>SUeJ cents, price. Pilot ex. 100lb 7 50 00 00 N° nor Flrc Kisk» Portland, inahSOtf la. @9 No. 4,.30 g 3900 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF TO GO TO ASPINWALL ! “I10” K1"k',! upon oisconneeted with W. D. LITTLE A CO. April 1,1872. apl BIIalaliNCiM, Age, Ship.. 6 00 @ 7 00 19 00 g 22 00 P°MaS.e KilkT11 Shipping,.. Premiums marked Off from 1st Cracker*. 100 40 50 16 00 g 18 00 January, to 31st Office, 49 1*9 Street. IMBIBE @ Spruce.. same 1871, December, 1871, 9o,J7o,79.S,7, Si Exchange 1.1,ME TO 00 Harvard Losses paid during the {>eriod «o ror non Butter. Hemlock.13 00 g 15 qj Steamboat Co. Univei’sity! 4 First Class Ret urns of Premiums and Sebago 30 Machinsts, Expenses, *973 ->u O/^Reliable information Family,lb,.. @ 33 Clapboard!, __ cheerfully furnished at The has the -—- Mt. Store,. 15 23 ex, 30 00 g 35 00 Company following Assets, viz tinimes. apGd&w wl5 is4t On anti Desert and @ Spruce school is open to *11 persons of all denomiua- after Monday, May 27th, .Machias. C'nndles. do. No.I, 20 60 g 26 00 °“y- «“* aaJ »*-- 1S72, Steamer will make 11UISlions, and the next term will begin 26. 1 First Class ^k8- W.M3.240 00 SEBAGO 13 Pine,. g 60 00 Sept. Coppersmith BOSTON & MAINE over the Lake* between Mould, %>&,.. 12)® A giving information in to admis- Real Estate and Bonds and 3,379,050 00 RAILROAD. daily trip* 35 Shingles, Catalogue, regard Mortgages, Sperm,. ® 374 sion and will be sent on Contract for one free •Harrison, Bridgton, Naples and TWO Cedar 4 25 5 00 pecuniary aid, application to year, passage out; wages 93 Interest, and notesand claims d*e the Cnmnnr estimate.! at TRIPSPER WEEK C'enscHt. ex,. @ sundry °®mp“,J •8,nuate’1 at ?? —t-.— Lake as Prof. Oliver Stearns, D. or Prof. E. J. i>cr and board. to Premium Notes aud Bills Receivable 386,739 41 Spring Arrangement, I87J. Sebago station, running bbl. 2 35 40 Cedar No.l, 3 00 a 3 50 D., (old day Apply April !M, V @2 Yolng. myldL'rn Cash in Bank. 2,405,937 95 New Cheese. do. Shaved, 5 50 g 6 50 GEO .F. MORSE, Leave Harrison 274,345 01 Trains leave P. S. * P. B. K. Sta- daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 30 a lb 15 @’ 16 Pine do. 6 50 g 7 50 juntdlw Supt. Portland Company. ,_, m„ Nil HridetonSI5. Vermont, 4> Portland, for *9.10 Bridgton 9 15, Naples 10 03, Summer 10 ® 17 Laths, ToUl Amount of Assets, gSf^MS^Saiien, Boston, *6.15, connecting With trains overthe P Arrauj(eBifiii. Factory. $14,806,612 37 A. M., 3.30t, 3.45*, 6.007 (express) P.M. & O. R arriving N. Y. 13® 1« Spruce,.... 2 50 g 2 75 -mA in Portland at 2 56 which Dairy,.. Wanted. Returning *7.30, t8.30 A. p. m., connect with the af- Coal -(Retail). Pine,. 3 00 g 3 50 to M., *12.15, tcrnion Boston trains and with trains BOSTONLEADDO., YACHT for two weeks from 1st. paid the holder, thereof; or their *3.00, 6.097 (express) P. M? going east Cumberland,. 9 50 @10 0C iTlalaaaee. July Address leave Lake leg,?‘rep^utl“ Fur Alton A. M. Returning Sebago Station on arrival of The favorite Steamer 7 00 7 75 Porto 60 A stating size and terms, GEO. A. MERRILL, outstanding certificates of the issue of will l>e Rochester, Bay, *6.15, tram Portland at 1 Pictou,. @ Rico,new46 g [Incorporated in 1SG8, redeemed and paid to the ladders thereof or their Manchester and N. leaving 10 p. m., which connect* 6 7 00 42 1828.] JunSdlw Hanover, N. H. } on and after Concord, H„ via C. & P R B. with Chestnut. 50 @ Cienfuegos,.new40 g representatives, the Sixth of February next, from which date all interest thereon 6.15* A. morning train from arriving at Sanies la will cease. The certificates to be luesday Junction, M., 3.45* P. M. Boston, k "w i s 'r o x Franklin. none Muscovado, 36 g 38 produced at the time of payment, and cancelled. at 4 30 p. m.f Bridgton 5 30, No 6 red for Upon certificates which Manchester and Concord, via Lawrence, 9.10* A. M. Bridgton 00, Harri- B. A W. Ash, 7 50 @ 8 00 New Orleans, none J. H. Chadwick & Wanted. scrhi) gold such of interest aud will be in son »> 15. Co., Ag’ts, A premiumgj payment redemption gold. Lowell,6.15*, 9.19* A. M., 3.397, 3.45. p. M -CART. Coffee. Mustart,.. 37 38 weiei^u^(ta *• on the net earned A line will connect DEKKINQ, @ .. I* declared of the for the Milton and dally ofStages with the CONVENIENT or board for a small AiaTh3l8t i°rl^ ^1*^1®***’for premiums Comnauv Union, 9.19* A. M. 3.30t, 3.45* P. M. Steamer Java, 28 @ 31 Sagua, New.. 38 g 40 Office Ar house, good December’1871f whIch certificates will lie issifcd om and at No for So $Hb,... 33,34 36 Oliver Street, nomo after the ‘Second of NOTE.—The 6.15* A. M. train Bridgton Waterford, Waterford and No will leave Railroad 23 25 Nails. A family, in locality in easy communication Tuesday arrives in Boston in Waterford, Wharf, Portland, every Tuesday Rio,. @ Aprifnext? time to connect with Shore Line K. J. WALKS Agent and at ten 5 75 BOSTON. with Portland by Horse or §team Cars. Address 8t 11 10 for New Friday evenings, o’clock, fur" Rockland Cnoperage. Cask. g the South and the West. Me., May 22d. 1872. Cast Naval jun5*lw P. O. BOX 577, Portland. York, 9.10* A. M. train con- my2Mf inc. Deer Isle, Sedgwick, So. West Harbor (Mt. Hhd. Shooks and Heads, Stores. MANUFACTURERS OF *' 11 nects will) ^Bridgton, T n CHAPMAN, Secretary. the 3.00 P. M. Route and ties* rt.) and Mol. 2 40 @ Tar 5 00 5 25 ^VKL*rpfJ.VwCard’ Springfield Sound Mlilbridge, Jonesport Macbiasjcurt. City,.. X* bbl.,.. g CHARLES Steamers for New York and the Returning will leave 1 90 4 W\\ DUH. H.H MOORF 2nd VIpp p./igt, DENNIS,*Vice-President, South. 3 30t P M Machiasport every Monday Sug. City,.. @ Pitch. (C.Tar). 50@ 4 75 Lost This Morning. MOORE, Vice-Pres’t. j. d. 3rd Vfce-Pres’t. train with the 9.00 P. M. train for BOST CT?T arcii 125 1 35 HAWLETT, New York via Shore rhursefay mornings, at 5 o'clock, touching at the Sug. C’try,. @ Wil Pitch.... 5 50 g 5 75 BOSTON or Preble House and Post Office, a laige Springfield lino. —AND— abme named Country Rift Mol. Rosin. 5 25 g 9 00 JOHN W. landings. BETWEENwell worn Pocket Book containgone dol- MUNGrER, Tfce above trains leave P. S. & P. R. R. station will touch at Bar Harbor from till’d Sh’ks, 1 25 @ 1 35 70 73 Twenty Correspondent, ^wi»ton Juno g lar bill and papers of no value except to owner; also OIB< * 160 F°rC foot of State street, where tickets can be purchased 25th to Sept. 19th, in addition to her usual lih’d Headings, Turi»eiitine^l St” P°rtla"^ *«• slid landings, Pure White Lead ! receipts and bills to W. H. The Feb, 7, 1872, ,ilm-eo,in,u&w6w checked. PHILA during which time she will leave at Soft Pine,.. 28 @ running Maling. baggage DELPHI A Machiasport 4.3o Keroeene,— @32} tinder will be rewarded en leaving the same with 5SF*Freight trains between Portland and Boston inst- ad of 5 a. m. Hard Pine. 30 @ 31 Port.Ref. Petr g and Ground in 27} Dry Oil, J. T. LEWIS & CO., dally. |,aniculars of Rosa & Sturdi- Hoops, (14ft), 33 00 @ 35 (M S|*eriu,.1 90 g 2 00 Steamship Line. Vr inquire No. 58 & 60 Middle st. REAL station in vaut, 179 Commercial or R.OakStaves 40 00 @ Whale,.. 95 @100 DRV AND GROUND ZINC, LITHARGE, RED ESTATE. Passenger Boston, Haymarkot Square. street, Portland, June 4th, 1872. jun5*lw Freight station, street. Copper. Bank,. 50 @ 58 LEAD, LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, TIN _MEDICAL. Causeway CYRUS STURDIVANT, 45 45 •Accommodation. Cop.Bolts. @ Shore,. @ 55 TIN-LINED Leave General Y. M. PIPE, PIPE, IRON PIPE tFast Express. each port every & p. Hion u __ Agent. Sheathing30 @ Porgie,. 55 g 62 WedVy Sat’d’y. May 15, 1872. mylStf Bronze do. 30 @ 86 87 & FITTINGS, PUMPS, dC., deC. LOST! &eo. H. Davis & Hair JMondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ^Portland, Linseed,. g t'o.:s Ayer’s W. Y. M. Bolts,.. 30 @ Boiled 91 92 Vigor, MERRITT, Superintendent, 1 do.,.. g Our Pure White Lead, botli and ground in N 8 I D E LIN E ! Cordage. Lard,. 90 1 00 dry oil, B ULLETIN, Boiton. @ we warrant to be strictly pure, and guarantee A CANARY BIRD FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR PAYSON From American,)* lb, 134@ 14 Olive,.1 25 @ 1 75 ! TUCKER, Agent, Long Wharf, Boaton, 3 p.rn. that for fineness, body and durability, It it not sur- 353 Commercial Street, Portland. From Pine Street Phila- —TO— Russia,.. 13)® 14 Castor,.1 60 g 1 80 from 26 Park street, a Linnet male ap22dtf Whorl, passed by any Lead in the market, either foreign or Canary, $20,000 to Loan 111 TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY delphia. at lu a. tu. Manila,. 19)® 20; Neat#foot,— 1 25 g 1 50 LOSThandsome bird, dark A liberal re- AND COLOR. American. plumage. EASTERN AND Insuraooe one half the rate of 11 A N Manila B’ltr’p 214® 22, Elaine,. 58 60 ward for same to 26 Park st. PORTLAND, & G O R ! g I Jp**ln order to we have returning jun4d3t U> are SACO, and Paisli. protect ourselves, adopted prepared Is loan mraey la »■> ADVANCING •ailing ve.-ola. Drags Dyes. as our trade-mark an red with years, 1 00 eight-pointcd star, from sickness, care, PORTSMOUTH R. R. for the West AfcahoLfrgal, 85 @ 2 Port. Lead,.. 11 25 g 9100 la any amaaal aa Ural ilisap- Freight by thepeun. It. B., and South THBEE TRIP* corporate seal in the centre. This is on every pack- desired, ami heredi- PEK WEEK. Arrow Root,. 25 @ 55 Pure Gr’d do 11 50 g 12 00 Lost, elnaa pointment, by connecting lines forwarded free of Commission. age of our Pure Lead. None genuine without It. niorlgnicea in Portland, Cape Kliia- tary all Bi-Curb Soda, 64® 8 r Pure Dry do 11 50 g morning between 25 Vine st., and Cobb’s predisposition, SPRING- Wealbraak. or turn the hair ARRANGEMENT. rASS TEX Borax. 36 @ 37 Am. Zinc- 12 00 g 13 00 SUNDAYBakery, a small silver watch. The finder can bc(b, Herring. Parties de- gray; AGE, DOLLAJIS. The Steamer CITY OF RICH- 80 83 Rochelle Yell 4 W. F. leave it at this office. siraaa ol either of them Cam]>hor,- ® g 5 & jun4d3t building can alao be occsan- disposes Commencing Monday, 187‘J. For or to MOND, Capt. C. KUbv, will leave 45 47 Phillips Co., it to fall off premature- April Freight Passage, apply Cream Tartar @ Eng. Ven.Red 4}g 5 adalrd with louaa. Railroad Wharf, foot of State st.. and either effect is indigo,.1 25 @ 1 50 Red Lead,. .. 11 g 12 Cooks Wanted. ly, WIIITSflSV A every Monday, Wednesday* an-l AGENTS FOR THE «EO. R. DAVID Ac and trains MAVIPAON, Agents, Logwood ex.,. 11 @ Litharge,.... 11 g 12 CO., CO., unsightly unpleas- e— Passenger leave Portland dal- -—!-— Friday Evenings, at 10 o'clock, 17 18 A N experienced meat and a pastry cook can find ant to behold. Dr. for Portsmouth and Jii23-ly 70 Long Bo.iou ‘12nd Madder,. @ Plaster. Rral Estate Ac itorlaaffe Brokers. )!;• Kiiiii'Hl'y, Boston, (Sun- Wharf, commencing Monday, Inst., for Bangor, (or s 25 30 40 MIDDLE ST. xA. a good situation at this office. AYER’S consummate f-. »• days at *U0 A. Naptha, -^gal @ Soft, I* ton,. g 3 00 1 &,48 by applying syp24ll excepted) M. 76.15 A. at bOdttmeod TT&S skill has Car. LincolnwtlU„VKt'ui1-! touching Rockland, 6 25 <@ 6 35 Hard,. g 2 75 jun3dlw produced an M., JD.IO A. M., 73.30 P.M., 73.45 P. den, ville. Belfast, Saudi Opium,. P. Searsiairt, Rhubarb,.... 1 00 @ 1 50 Ground,in bis 8 00 g 9 00 antidote for these de- M., 7 776.00 M. cunarFIjne Point, BucluiMirt, W lnterport and Hampden. House for Sale. formities Leave Boston for Sal Soda,. 4 @ 4. Calcined, brls 2 75 g 3 CO Salesman Wanted. which has won Portland at t7.30 A. M., 78.30 A. MAIL Returning, will leave Bangor Momlai, for tl2.15P. P. NTKAMEH8 every Saltpetre,- 13 @ 20 Prsdare. TWO and one half at gratitude him from Mo M., 73.00 M., 7 ttO.OO P. M. *8.00 P. M. Wednesday and Friday Mornings at 6 touch- YOUNG MAN who has had some story house, Ferry Village, for o'clock, 4 5. Beef 10 12 experience A Cape Elizabeth, 10 multitudes of women Biddeford Portland at 8.00 A. at ing .it the above named at Sulphur,. )@ Side,-^tb g as containing rooms, arranged M., returning S AILING FOB LIVERPOOL. landings, arriving Poii- A salesman in a Dry Goods Store. A for and men. 5.2U 1*. M. lam 1 at 5 Vltrol,. 14 @ 15 Veal,. 10 12 anumn good op- two families; excellent water, stable on the prem- His HAIlt o'clock P. M. g portunity for a steady young man. Best of reference lot 41 X 90. Price Portsmouth for Portland 719.00 A. F ir farther Duck. Mutton,. 10 g 12 ises, *1500 cash, half down, ballance VIGOR sometimes reproduces lost hair; and M.. 710 4* A at Cork particulars inquire of Ross A Sturdi- required. 2 always M.. t2.38 P. 75.30 P. Calling Queenstown, Har. 17* No. 1,. @ 48 Chickens,- 22 g 25 years time; will exchange for house or lot in the city. restores to faded and gray hair its natural color, with M., M„ Iff 8.00 P M,*10.10 P. M vant, Commercial St., or Cyrus Sturdivant, Gen- je3d3t L. D. STROUT. 1 ullman car eral No. 3,. @ 44 Turkeys,. 22 g 25 Apply to GEO. R. OAVIS & CO., the gloss and freshness of The sleeping express train, Agent. youth. comparatively t Accommodation train. Steamers appointed to sail P No. 10,. @ 30 Eggs, V 15 16 EXTRACT my29-d2w Real Estate and Brokers. few bald and that we now are those irthind, March 17th, 1872. doz., g Mortgage gray heads, see, Mail train. apl7 Ravens, Potatoes.^bu 45 g 50 Board Wanted. who have not yet discovered the virtues of AYER’S § DIRECT FROM BOSTON 8 oz.,. 26 Onions. 2 00 g 2 50 Brick HAIR VIGOR for renewing the hair. The fresh and ^Express. Tues. pleasant rooms, with board, for one or two Building and Store for Sale. ft Huns and OLYMPUS, May 28|SAMARIA,Tues. June 18 Norfolk and 10 ozM. 32) PravisiaasT youthful hair we see on older heads is often the Monday, Wednesday Friday only. SIBERIA. Tues. June Baltimore and TWOpersons in a small family, where there are three brick pro- A.IPALMYKA,Tues June 23 Washington, Mess 10 00 12 00 story building and store on cor- duet of his art. If are or made £ y*The Pullman Dyewnods. Beef,.. g no other not as to the you disfigured, old, Sleeping Car Express Train ar- TAJUFA, Sat- Jun« *• Tues. July 2. D. C. Bar Ex boarders; particular table; THEner of Portland and Green one of tli« OLYMPUS, Steamship Line. wood,.... 3@ Mess,.. 12 50 14 50 would a Streets, austere and by gray hair, restore its rives at and June g pay fair price for a good pleasant place. best business locations in the ugly, youthful departs from the Depot of the Maine HKULA, Tues., 1I.|S1BERA, Tno». July 9 Brazil Wood,. 6 @ 7 Plate,. 13 00 g 15 00 city. Abovs the store color, and with it your features to their soft- Address B. B. are accommodations for four original Central Railroad. 53F*Passengers embark at the Cunard Steamships of this Line sail from Camwood,— 6 ® 7 Ex Plate,.. 15 50 @16 50 families; gas,water &c. ness and agreeable expression. Wharf East Host ottlce. now Boston. end of Central Boston Fustic,. 3 Pork, A JVCIU Property rents for $800. Also a small lot on As an lor it N. B. The 9.10 A. and Wharf, 2J@ Standard the 8.15, Preparation, endorsed by the most re- Green elegant dressing beautifying Hair, M., 3.30,3.45 P.M. Seinl-W 2.30 p. m. for NOB 20 00 street, adjoining the Hull property, suitable has no trams from make eekly, Logwood, Backs,— g liable Physicians, and its curative powers superior. Portland, close connections to New Cabin, $80 & $10# Gold, to •FOLK and BALTIMORE. Cam astonishing Wanted. for a small building for a fish market. Also lot 20 ft York one or According: peachy, 1)@ 2 r Clear,.19 OOg attested by thousands who have used it. PREPARED BY by other of the routes from Boston. Accommodation. -’ St. fronton Portland street, suitable for a small store. 1>R. C. AYER ticketed Steerage, $30 Steamship*:— Domingo, 24® Mess,. 16 00 g 16 50 It is a sure, quick remedy for all diseases of the assistant MuBt be a J. & CO., LOWELL, MASS., Passengers through by either route. W. A. bookeeper. good penman, Price low. Terms one-third balance on time. Lawrence," Capt. Hallett. Peach Wood, 5)® none in male or and well recomem]ed. cash, F* Currency B ( Prime,.... g Urinary Organs existing female, Irritation AN Apply to ood CHASE, ilhatu Vane," Capt. Solomon Howes. Red Wood_ 4 Hams.. Apply to GEO. DAVIS & CO„ Practical and Analytical Chemists, aj»22tf 3)@ 11 g 12 or Inflammation of Kidneys or Bladder, Gravel, Dia- SIMON COLE, Supt. P. S. & P. R. R. ‘•iWoe Appotd," Cant. Winslow Loretand. Fish. Round Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. And sold all round the world. Hogs 5} g 6 betes, Reddish Sediment in Urine, Thick, jnl-3t* Deake’s wharf. Steamers to sail Blaclitone," Cant. Geo. H. Hallett. Cloudy Or to WM. E. TOLMAN, on the premises. dee* appointed Cod, perqtl., nice. Urine, Mucous anu Involuntary from deod&eowd-weow-ly D. 5 5 Discharges May 24-d3w MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. VBO.H NEW YORK. S*'"™" *>»««»,” Capt, Henry Foster. L’ge Shore, 25 @ 50 Rice, I* lb... 7}@ 10 Urethra, Retention or Incontinuence of Urine, Chron- "McCItllan.'-Cavt. F. M. Howes. L’ge Bank, 4 50 @ 4 75 Satera as. ic Catarrh of and all Wanted. May 23. June 1 forwarded Bladder, Chronic Maladies of the of £A,:ABR1A,?»t ABYSSINIA, Sat, Freight from Norfolk to Washington hi Small,. 3 25 @ 3 75 Saleratus, ■pib, 7 @ 9} Urino-Genital Summer Residence and Arrangement Trains,_ RUSSIA, Wed. May 29. Steamer of the Organs. SMART, active young man to act as News Act. Splendid A Practice Feb. MwmwMM Lady Lake. Pollock,. 4 00 @ 4 50 Salt. on Large E:i:“^SiCommeuciiig is, I For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Mcdjcin A the train; reference and a deposit required. Farm For Sale at North | relght forwarded from Sarfolk to Petersburg an Haddock,.... none Turk’s Is. Fryc- in these Specialties by Dr. HEATH disclosed the X9 Appiy to C. R. CHISHOLM & OS. Richmond, by river or rail; and the fa. A Ten,, 2 00 2 25 felt startling fact that a of those with tare from Air by Hake,. @ hhd.(8bus),. 3 00 g 3 25 no28 eodly May 31-d3t bnrg. iriajority suffering Passage Money,'including Boston to N York, Line to ail in l .41,,- H St. NERVOUS Train* From Portland. 130 points irginia, Tmnetcee, erring, Martin,.. none subscriber will sell at Publie the DEBILITY, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Cabin, $50, $ 100, $ to accommoda- hai.ia and and over Auction, tion. gold—according Georgia; the Seaboard and Boo Shore,)>bbl 3 00 @ 4 50 Bonaire, 3 00 3 50 celebrated on June 10th. Piles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, diseases 1'asi Steerage, $30 Tiekots to g THE Colby Farm, Saturday, Consumption, stiger trains leave Portland for No. Currency. Pari#, $15 o' In .Worth and South Carotin,, )>bx 20 @ 25 2 50 3 25 Wanted. 1872. Said farm 1r located on banks ot of the Skin, Blood,Heart, Bangor, Gold, additional. Return Tickets on favorable terms tbe Balt.o A Sealed, Cadiz,duty i»d g the the beau- Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, 6, (night express via at 12:30 a.m. Brun- by Ohio If. R. to and Cathartic were caused Seminal Augusta,) cnbark at Washington No. 15 20 bond tiful at ate., and resist- t3r* Cunard C8 n 1,. @ Cadiz,in 1 75 g 2 25 Ayer’s Pills, Deoring a reliable Saco, No. Fryeburg, Me., and consists of one by Weakness, swick 2:25, Watervllle 5:00. Passengers Wharf, Jersey plHl Ml, St., good ed all treatment till Augusta 4:00, Arrives Mackerel, bbl., girl to take care of a hundred acres of laud. The are it was cured, and that 49 of a! rates Liverpool,duty child, and sew. good buildings Bangor 7:30 a. m. Connecting witli E. & N. A. Through given to South and West, No. 1, 12 50 14 0 ) 50 30-tf and in every 50 could not be cured without local r me Bay @ paid.2 @3 25 may large, convenient, good repair. No pleasanter applica- Railway train for Houlton, Calais, St. John and Hal- Paaseuger accommocatlons. No. 10 00 12 0 ) Liv. in .1 50 2 For all the of a summer residence in N. E. tions of the proper remedies direct to the as PREPAID STEERAGE PASSAGE. Fare Bay 2, @ bond, g 25 Purposes Family Physic, -*- Sale positive. organs, ifax. including Berth and Meals to Norfolk *13 Of L 7 00 8 00 Gr’nd medicines the stomach alone worse ime 48 arge 3. @ butter, 25 g S. L. CHANDLER, No. Me. by proved From Liverpool, or to hours; to Baltimore time Wanted. Fryeburg, than useless. No. lO. Loaves Portland at 7:00a.m. Glasgow. Queenstown Derrv *ls, «5 hours. Shore No. 1,. 14 50 @ 1G 0 Spracuse,... .none g CUBIJfO juu5d&wlw w23 This discovery, with a gifted in- Arrives Boston or New Norfolk, 48 hours. To GIRL tuition to at Lewiston via Danville Brunswick York, $34 CTTRRK^Cj Y. Baltimore, 63 hours, No. 2,.11 00 0 ) Seeds. to do general work light. detect the fatal and latent com- 8:55, 8:30, Bath booked to all l or further @12 Coetivencss, Jaundice, house-work; 9:00, (there with Knox Passengers parts of the United States. information apply to Large No. 3 7 00 @ 8 00 Clover 10 A Enquire at I'ltKss office or No. 3 plications affecting his patients,, is the reason of his connecting & Lincoln Rall- Drafts lb.,- @ 10} Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Lowell St. ro:ul tor issued on Great Britain and Ireland for £1 E- SAMPSON, Medium,... 6 50 @ 7 50 Red 473 May 29-dtf curing so many who had tried the advertised medi- Damariseotta, Rockland, &c.) Arrives at and Agent. Top bag, Foul Stom- House For upwards. For Freight and Cabin passage apply 33 central Bouton. Clam Balt,... 5 50 6 50 Dysentery, Sale on Hanniford St. cines and most eminent in this Augusta 10:30 a. m. J.'ocrgtf_ Wharf, <@ H.Grass, bush. 325 g 3 50 ach, Head- physicians country at the Company’s Office, 80 State Street. For steer- Flosr. do Erysipelas, ONE and one-half situat- and Europe.In his MEDICAL & PHYSIOLOGICAL Leave Canada, 375 ache, Piles, Rheuma- Boarders Wanted. story dwelling house, Portland at 1:00 p. m., LewiBton age passage, at 99 State Street. Boston. ... 6 75 25 ou said six in these via Danville Waldoboro and Superfine, @7 6aap, and Skin A st., containing rooms, wood-shed, &c. WORK, published 1959, subjects are 2:50, Readtield 3:59, Kendall's Mills5:10, JAMES Damarigcotta ! 7 75 8 75 Ex St’ra tism,Eruptions rcoms well with at Lot 40x95 or about 3800 feet. Said bouse is in treated ujkui and for the first time Brunswick Bath ALEXANDER, Agent. Spring x,- @ Itef*d @ 9 Diseases, furuislicd, good board, sqr. good fully, by any phy- 2:30, 2:50; (there connecting with 9 25 9 Biliousness, GOODreasonable rates, at No 13 St. will be sold at a sician or author. th. M R>r Almonds—Jordan ^ lb, Ginger,. 20 ® abundantly they a handsome House.con- personal desirable, though we have Waldoboro, touching at Boothbay and Round er BUR, No. 4 Chestnut Street. GORHAM, Me., large No. 16. Leaves Portland at R-.nn n n. f, Pond. Soft Shell,.. 20 @ 22 Mace.1 65 1 Pills. They arc safe and pleasant to take, but may27-tf not 8eeu one-tenth of our patients. Every Saturday at 7 A. M.. (gj 70 ATtaining 10 rooms; the principal ones of good size 1st '11 via forUamarlscutta Shelled,.... 40 55 powerful to eyre. They out the foul humors and Dr. A. H. HEATH has resided at No. 116 East Danville, arriving at Lewiston 9 80 This touching at Boothbay ami @ Nutmegs,-1 20 (aj 1 25 purge height, on a fine lot having 40 rods front on South train connects with llodgsdon’s Mills. Pea N 2 25 3 25 of the blood; they stimulate the or disor- street. New York Madison anil 3 p. m. train from Boston. Returning, will leave uts,.... fg Pepper. 28 (s 30 sluggish Wanted. street, a short distance from post office, church, and Twenty-fifth (near Waldoboro every Thursday 45 48 dered organ into action, and impart health and Fourth since and receives ate A. M.. and Damarlscotta Citron,. @ Starch. they COMPETENT at depot. Besides numerous and fine shade flow- avenues), 1950* patients Trains Due at every Monday at 9 A 10 tone to ine whole cure not the ev- COOK, 387 Congress street. trees, till 9 P. M. in Fartlauil. Currants,. @ Pearl. t> m being. They only beds and there are a hundred fruit daily,.and the evening. @ but A may22eodtf hedges, nearly wl-iwS-n? b the *at ^enuediate landing, connecting Dates, new,. 8 9 ery day of everybody, formidable and __ Xa. 1. Leaves at 5:45 a. Boston Boats at @ Sugar. complaints trees, apple, i>ear, peach, cherry and nut; apr20-eod&eow Augusta m.. Bath 6:45. Portland, and with the 15 25 dangerous diseases. Most eminent most crab-apple, Brunswick Lewiston B< shin Ae Maine and Eastern Figs. @ Granulated,.. 12 (a) m clergymen, ten grai>e-vines, and a fine garden containing 150 7:15, (via Danville) 6 45 Ar- Railroads, arriving In skilful and our best citizeus send certifi- Wanted. TffE rives at Portland a. Portland in season for Pruue*,. 12 @ 15 Coffee A. ll|to iu physicians, hills of currant bushes, 14 of largo fine 8:35 m. passengarato take the after- Raisins, Extra cates of 'Mires performed ami of great benefits rilWO good girls to go into the country—to do gooseberry, BOsin train for Boston. C. they gen- strawberry beds, asparagus, a of fine X°. 3. Leaves at 8:10 a. Ufa, have derived from these Pills. are the safest J. eral house work the summer months. quantity pie- SECRET MEDICAL COUNSELLOR Bangor m., Dexter 8:15, rickets sold Bunch, |> box, non< 11 They during &c. There are about 33 acres of Show Through at tbe offlees of the Boston C,. ift and at this office. land, ati'ord- began 9:40, Waterville 10:45, Augusta 11-45 & 12 best physic for children, because mild as well as Apply may7tf plant, 150 and 12 illustrative Maine ami Eastern on Layer,new,.3 @ Syrups,. 40 g 60 ino pasturage and many choice house lots. pages engravings. A new Brunswick 1:35, Bath 1:00. Keadlield ll:lo, Lewiston Railroads, and board Boston Muscatel,. 3 G2 3 75 effectual. Being sugar coated, they are to mcdieal work, written Dr. F. who lias 12:.50. Boats. Freight and taken as @ Eagle Sugar Refinery: easy Inquire of John W. Perkins, Portland, or by Hallock, Arrives at Portland 2:56 p. m. passengers low as bv 13 take; and being purely vegetable, they are Boarders Wanted. had greater success in the treatment of Agents Wanted an,, other rovtc. of Val.new)>tb. @ C,.— 9}g entirely REV. GEO. A. PERKINS, diseases which Xo. Inquire 5 0 0 5( harmless. ERMANENT or transient boarders accommoda- described in this work than 9. Leaves Augusta at 3 p. m., Baths Bruns- ConventLift Unveiled" Edith Lemons. @5 B. 9£g may 31dtf On the ^re perhaps ever fell to wick by O’Gorman HARRIS, ATW OOD A CO., 6 PREPARED BY P ted with rooms and board. premises. tIic lot of mortal 5:25, Lewiston (via 5. Arrives at Escaped Nun. A true book. Ciangesr_bymaiL Stages the 7.15 p. m. train ber Every Shorts,. 33 00 @ 35 01 IHav.Oolong, choice 75 1 00 For DiseuiioM of the Thront and at Dover and contains from 10 to <5 original of new The new tide-wheel Steamship g LungR, ROSS & arriving Foxcroft at or about 9.00 p. ui! engravings Gsopswder. Japan,. 65 83 STURDIVANT, Leave Dover and machinery, novel FALMOUTH, just at ry ■neh am mar26thdtf Foxcroft at or about 6. 30 a. in inventions, Bridges, Engineering completed 4 50 00 choice 1 00 Coughs, Colds,Whooping Cough, 173 Commercial st. Dr. It. J. works. Farm 1 New York- for Blasting,- @5 Japan, g JOUKDAIN, Connecting at Dexter with the 8.15 a. m. Architecture, improved inplemruis, and expressly the ronte, train for new Shipping,.... 4 50 @ 5 00 Tia. Bronchitis, Asthma and Portland and every discovery in Cbomistrv. A num- •will commence Consumption. For PROPRIETOR OF THE Boston. Fare to Portland *5.00; to year’s regular weekly Hay. Straits, cash.. 48 49 Sale. B< ston txtrs contain 832 and several hundred ‘trips on SATURDAY June @ THE Sale of $6.50. pages eugrav- ■, 8th. 00 32 Ot FEW Compositions Condemned Ordnance and Parisian ings, Thousands of are leaving Atlantic Wharf at 4 Pressed,%Hon3U @ .English,. 48 g 49 FIIIST class residence desirably located at West Gallery of Anatomy, Boston, for volumes preserved for bind- p.m., for Halifax Allrect 00 35 0t which have won the confi- Orduaucc Stages Guilford, Abbott, Monson and Moosebead ami reference. connections Loose,.32 ® Char. I. C.. ..16 00 @ 16 50 Stores. A End—containing eleven rooms, bath room and a ing The practical are well iuukiug|close with the Nova dence of and just published new edition of his lectures, Luke, leave Dexter at 11.00 a. m. receipts llcotla 00 ® 20 0Q Char. I. X. .18 mankind Office of closet room. Price and terms Connecting with worth ten times the Railway, for New Straw,.18 50 g 19 00 of U. S. Ordnance plenty moderate, HAS most valuable information on the the subscription price. Terms, S3 Windsor, Trnro, Glasgow and Irnn. become household words Agency, ) containing Night Express from Portland. a mail. Melon. 22 g 23 Cor. Houston & Green Sts. on easy. Inquire of and year by Spcointensscnt free. May be had ot Antimony,... not one but (Entrance Green,) f causes, consequences treatment of diseases of the Through Tickets ore sold in Portland for .. among only N. Y. Houlton, ail News Dealers. Returning will leave Dominion Common,. 4J@ 5) Tebaccs. City, May 28th, 1872, (P. O. Box J. C. PROCTER, reproductive system, with remarks on and Calais and St. Wharf, Halifax on 5 many nations, must have 1811.) ) marriage, John, for $8.00; and to Haliflix for PATENTS obtained Tuesdays, at 4 P. M. Refined,. @ 5) Fives and Tens, my29 3w 93 Exchange St. the various causes of the loss with on Uie best terms. Models of virtues. Per- proposals, in will be received of manhood, full $12.00. new Cabin Swedish...... 74® 7) Best Brands 65 75 extraordinary duplicate, instructions for its inventions and sketches and passage, including berth *7 oo g no SEALEDat this office until June complete restoration; also a J. M. examined, advica 8 haps one e ver secured so 2Gth, 1872, at 12 o’clock chap- LUNT, General Superintendent. free. All patents are State Rooms and meals extra. Norway,. 7)@ Medium,.... 60 g 65 for ter on venereal and the means published in the Scientific wide a or main- M., the purchase of condemned shot infection, of cure, be: Augusta, Feb. 14,1872. I6tf For Cast Steel,.... 19 ® 21 Common.... 55 60 reputation cannon, shell, the most American the week issue. Send for 110 further information to L. g tained iron gun and ini; comprehensive work on the subject ever they Pamphlet, It?1?111 apply German Steel 14 15 Half lbs. it so long as Ayer’s wrought carriages, scrap, cast and pagM, laws and full BlLLINin, Atlantic Wharf, ot @ best iron from yet published, comprising 150 pages. Mailed free to PORTLAND containing directions for ob- Steel 16 20 Cherry Pectoral. It wrought gun carriages, all of which are lo- Mill for Sale or Lease. & ROCHESTER RAILROAD. taining Patents. JOHN Eng.Blis @ brands,. 75 @ 80 cated at any address for 25 cents. Juneltf PORTEOUS. Agent. Steel.. has been known to the pub- Governor’s Island, Foits Lafayette and Gib- Address, 8)® 11) Nat’l Leaf, lbs 55 @ 75 New concerning Patents, MUNN Spring lic about a sou, York Harbor, and Dr. ??Per>™ Sheet Iron, Navy lbs. 65 73 forty years, by Alleghany Arsenal, iu Wilton, near the Wilton Depot, one Xourdain's Consulting Spring Arrungcment. Bra»tdt cor. F. and g contiuned Pittsburg, Pa. Office, ■mPal7th •17x,Lar,k,KIlw Y- office, English, W. 7 @ 8 Vanish. long series of SITUATEMill with never failing water ]>ower. The build- • 1 Hancock Sts. Washington, D. C. Maine C'o This sale contemplates the of the follow- Street, Union, .liana. 311,1 after my6t4w Steamship R. G. 84@ 1) 75 2 50 marvellous cures, which have won for it a confidence disposition ing is 64x40, tqree stories. Suitable for woolen or Monday, May 20th. Damar,.1 @ ing: jnnUdlyr trains Russia,. 22 (® 24 2 25 5 50 in its virtues, never equalled any other medicine. cot ton manufacturing. The building, wheel and shaft- passenger leave Portland TO AGENTS Coach,. g by At Governor's N. Y. Rochester and EVERYWHERE ! NKW Gale,. 13® 15 Furniture.1 50 2 50 It still makes the most effectual cures of Counhs, Island, H.t ing is all new, can rely on about 60 horse power the intermediate stations ARBANGEME1VT. g OFFICE OF 7.15 A. and can m lb,. Fleece washed skill. Indeed, the Cherry Pectoral has 100 to 900 pounds each. wiil be sold in installments if desired. A saw Rochester with trains for Boston IttUIieycanvassing Touman’t SEMI-WEEKLY Kegs, 10) @ 65 @ 75 really yearly over Boston of LINE lb. robbed these 42 cast iron cannon and howitzers ami mill lath mill will be ofter & Maine and Eastern Railroads. Also Dictionary Every-Day Wants, containing 20,000 Tierces, F 94@ 10) do. unwashd 50 g 53 dangerous diseases of tlieir terrors, to a weighing from 900 shingle and connected, Blanchard Maine State in to 4000 each. ed Builcr Co. connect at Rochester with Dover and Receipts every Department 01 Human Kftbrt than Pall,. @ 12 Pulled,Super 85 95 great extent, and given a of immunity from ]>ouuds with the above if wished for. Winnipiseogee in g feeling 171 cast iron property Railroad for Alton aud with any other jiossible wnv. From $25 to a week Steamers and Franconia Caddies,. 12 @ 13 Palts.1 50 306 their fatal effects, which is well founded, if the rem- cannon and mortars weighing from 4000 For further particulars inquire of Bay, Portsmouth, Great $40 Dirigo g halls and Railroad insured. It in for will, until further mn edy be taken in season. should have it to 7000 ]K)unds each. CHARLES Wilton. Conway for Conwav. every Housekeeper, Farmer, Trade notice, as Every family BARTLETT, Leave Rochester for and profession. sick ami follows: in their closet for the and relief of its 54 cast iron cannon from 7000 to 10000 myllwtf. Portland and way stations at Foi^the well. A reliable ready prompt weighing 7.JO A. and 12 M. book of ]>ermanent value to Leave Galt’s members. anti even life is saved IKmnds each. M., every wide-awake pro- ; Wharf. Portland, Portland Dry Gooda Tlarkrt. Sickness, suffering, 7.30 It sells 37 cast Iron cannon The train with down trains on Do- person. iwelf.' Extra terms. Ad- “*'1 THU ICS- by this timely protection, The prudent should not weighing from 10000 to 15000 $3500 connecting UAmv at„7pn 4 P. ev.e,ry M2.NDAY ver and \\ and Sressiveregg F. M. Reed, 139 New York. ¥, M., and leave Pier 38 E. R New YorkY Messrs. neglect it, and the wise will not. Keep it by for pounds each. mnjpiseogee, Portsmouth, Great Falla Eighth gt.f ap30t4w Corrected by Woodman, True & Co. you a two story House in order. and at 3 P the protection it affords in sudden attacks, and ts 5 cast iron cannon with iron bands buy good good Conway Railroads, and the 12 o’clock train mak- e™jy M?ND.\Vand THURSDAY, M BROWN SHEETINGS. by wrought weighingB WILLGood lot on Pleasaut street* direct at AGENTS WANTED FOR Pbe Dirigo and Franconia are fitted use. about 1700 pounds each. centrally located, ing connection Rochester with trains from up with tine Width in inches. Price. timely of JOHN C. acc.mimodatk.mi for 37 cast iron cannon Inquire PROCTER. Boston, leaving Boston at 7.30 A. M.. via Bostou passengers, malting this the most Standard PREPARED BY with wrought iron bands weigh- & “ convenient and Sheetings.36. 13J@14 about 11200 May U-d3w Maine, and at 8.30 A. M. via Eastern Railroads. comfortable routo for travelers be- ing ]>oundR each. tween Mew York and Heavy Sheetings.36. I2J @ DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., Leave Portland for Saco River at 6.20 P. M. J 8U S Maine. Medium weighing from 700 to 1200 each. " 1 in Sheetings,.36. 10 «11 Practical and 12*52? cai,n(1>n pounds Leave Saco River for Portland Passage State Room *5. Meals extra. Analytical Chemists, 633,324 IKmnds (estimated) cast iron projectiles. SALE. at 5.30 A. M. r light Sheetings.36. 9J h 10 FOR_ Stages connect as follows: Hr mm. mm. 'Anr' from And sold by druggists all round the world, 100,000 (more or Ioksi hrme/u fanruiti wlnSl" *? ^',1 Montreal, Quebec. Fine Sheetings.40. 134@154 At Gorham for West Halifax, St. John, and all parts of Maine. decl8-d E- K-. New York. Medium,.36 inches. about has a s-UtfF' 124@18 a. b. 5000 giounds each. front on two of the main avenues urdays, returning alternate days. May Light,.36 inches. 11 c. B. 12000 pounds cast Centre Waterboro’for @14 (estimated) iron projectiles. leading into the City, of more than 800 ft. Limerick, Parsonsfield, Sheetings.9-8. 16 @18 d..f|y At Fort Gibson, X. Y. It will be sold in lots to suit on co. Sheetings,.5-4. 18 @214 A GREAT U., purchasers WILLIAM H. interyationaljsteamshiF 10 cast iron cannon n TURNER, Superintendent. SPEND Sheetings,.-.10-4. 40 ^55 weighing about 7200 iwunds each. easy terms of or will be 1872. MONEY IN BUYING A NEW Etutpari, Calais and Hi. cast payment, exchang- above is an of Portland, May it0, dec!6-te of J.ba, inches. 94 iron howitzers about 5700 engraving a Steam Boiler con- WHYpair Kid Gloves every time »o out? Digby Shirtings.27 8J@ weighing 4pounds ed n you each. part, or the whole for City Property. 1200 feet of a Renovate Shirtings,.30 inches. 10 @11 THEtaining heating surface, built uj*on those you have with Windsor and Halifax. DISCOVERY ! 10000 pounds Enqnire at CUSHMAN’S FRUIT new principle, namely.that of the vertical Shirtings,.34 inches, lli@134 (estimated) scrap, cast and wrought STORE, stopping PORTLAND & R. JOCTEJPS ITODOROlIg KID GLOVE BLUE DENIMS. iron from gun tf circulation, accomplished means of two horizon- OGDENSBURG R. carriages. my24 No 306 Congress Store. tal by CLEANER. SPRING At diaphragms running through the boiler, and It will ARRANGEMENT Heavy, (Indigo). 25 @30 Alleghany Pa. On and after make them equal to new with any ey REWARD Is fora Arsenal, Pittsburg, forming three water compartments. this ar- Monday, May 27th, and scarcely Medium,. 16 @26 db W WA offered ft-1, For By until further trouble. Be careful to get the Genuine. P\ f better About 25,000 lbs Bronze Cannon. Sale. rangement there is maintained three of notice, passenger trains TWO - Blghl. REMEDY than temperatures will Sold L and Dealers in TRIPS PER WEEK m@13* two and onc-half storv No. corner water. run as follows: by uggists Fancy Goods. ADAMSON’S BOTANIC COUGH BAL- Further information cau be had on house, 47, Price 25 Brown. 12}@25 application at of A. M. P. M. cents i>er bottle. rySAM, for the cure of this or at the THE Wilmot and Lincoln Streets, esntaining nine The smoke and heated gases pass first through the T CAMBRICS. Colda, Coughs, Sore_A3 office, Ordnance Office, D. Leave 7.30 ♦F. 0. WELLS & On and alter C. Washington, rooms besides sink rooms and closets, cellar cement- tubes in the upper then and Portland, l.lo CO., MONDAY, March Common Colors,. 8(®9 Throat, Croup, Bronchitis. Soreness of compartment, descend, Leave N. Fulton -Ath, the Steamer New ed, brick cistern, furnace and The can return the tubes in the Conway, 0.05 12.10 Street, New Tars. Knglan.j High. Dungs, Asthma, Whooping and all Terms cash, Ten per cent, at the time of award aud gas. premises through second compartment, __192 E. 8J@91 Cough, lie examined from twe thence Connecting with trains aud Steamers to and Capt. Field, and the Steamer COTTON FLANNELS. E^y diseases of a like nature. More than the remainder when the is daily (Sunday excepted) to again descending they pass through the tubes from 15,-_j£3 property delivered. Thir- in Boston. Free to Book -New Cants. II. 000 bottles sold and not a will be four p. m. the third this the Agents. Brunswick, Pike, Heavy,. 20 failure yet. ty days allowed for the removal of the stores compartment. By operation, Steamer --- wUl leave @25 Also a lot of land on and “Sebago,” for Naples, and Har- We will send a sj,. Railroad Wharf, fool -.1 The are a few of the names of which will l»e delivered the Franklin st., near the Park. smoke, heated gases from the furnace on their Bridgton handsome Prosjiectus of our New State Medium. 12*15 following by Government, on the rison, connects with 1.10 P. M. train Me., every Monday and at 6.00 those who have used * wharves at the my25tf way to the smoke or come in con- from Portland. illustrated Family Bible over 450 fine Thursday, Fp. m., White all Wool,.7-8. 35 ta>424 ty this Remedy:—Mrs, j} respective posts. Cannon if sold as stack, chimney containing for Eastport and St John. Gov. Mrs. Hon. will be tact with of STAfiES Scripture Illustrations to any Book free White all Wool,.4-4. 45 (#55 Cony; James W. Bradbury; scrap delivered, optional with the Depart- giadually decreasing temperatures Agent, oi Returning viD leave St. John and Anson P. For water. charge. Address National Eastport on the Shaker Cotton and Wool,. 30 (#37 Morrill, Ex-Governor; Mrs. Col. ment, with or without trunnions, Sale. Connect 1.10 P. M. Publishing Co., PhBa., Pa sa me days. S. Hon. While with a daily. my!8f4w Shaker, all Wool,. 45 cyThomas Lang; J. J. Eveleth. Jl~ reserves the to LARGE desirable lot on of doing average work, coupled good at with (0,55 of rJAh°.,°zrH“bettle and Circulars free. F. W. t my23*1 EDWIN THOMPSON. the feed water heated as it ascends DELAINES. KINS--A being gradually GRAND the medical ami scientific periodicals of London and Hamilton,. MAN. Proprietor, Augnsta. Maine. June from the lower to the upper compartment. TRUNK RAILWAY^OF CANADA. 21 (# Portland, 4,1872. SALE IN C«ORHAI?I—The desirable Paris, jxissesses the Mo»t Powerful Tonic prop- ELIAS Pacific,. 21 'ftv JOHN W. PERK I NS A CO. W. F.PIIIL- To the We would especially call the attention of Railroad erties known to HOWE Harbor Com mi ..loners of the residence of the late John Farnliam. with Materia Medica, and is well All all LIPS & CO. W. W. WHIPPLE & CO. City FOR Capt. men to the following facts, that while this ALTERATION OF TRAIN*. known in Wool, colors,. 35 (gj of tine will be sold at a running its native country as having wonderful cur- 374 for Maine. Portland > lot; bargain; within three min- boilerwith coal or wood the ROB ROY l'LAIDS. jyAgents eod-Aw ,.Jtt sparks arc neutralized, ative qualities, and has been used ns a utes walk of the Depot, Stores and Churches. In- and loug specific All Boston anil Maine Railroad none have ever left the smoke-stack or chimney, WINTER In all cases of of the Sewing Machines Styles,.3-4_ 4241# 474 respectfully asks of A. F. or R. G. HARD- ARRANGEMENT. Impurities Blood, Derangement All THEauthority to fill their FlatB quire GERRISH, Portland, which in itselt is a most valuable nevei the Liver and Styles,.6-1.... 85 # 95 between Vaughan’s NG, Gorham, advantage, of Spleen, Tumors, Dropsy, Poverty AND BUTT PLAID Dridge and the of the Portland before realized. the Weakness of the ERICK’S LIN8EY. bridge Rolling Mills Me._my25MW&Stf i_On and after Oct. Of Blood, Debility, Intestines, All By their W. L. Confining ourselves to practice and not theory we Monday, 30, 1871, Uterine or i Styles,. 124(3} 274 s attorney, PUTOAM. rains will run as follows: rinary Organs. Ayer harsparilla, For Sale or To Let. invite all parties in want of Steam Boilers to give us j a f-yy-—w-o Passenger train at 7.30 A. M. for Patterns 1 call. of Garments Kentucky Joans,... 15 @ 45 No. m Green St., recently South Paris, and intermediate stations. Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jurubeba occupied by W. T. BROWN ,, Union Meltons,.. 50 62 FOB PURIFYING THE Portland, June 4, 1872. Isaiah Son. & CO., General Agents, Mail ^ BLOOD. Ordered : That a PREMISESFrye & Apply to GARDNER M. train .Stopping at all stations) for Island Is aud All Wool hearing on the dcl8 Cor. Middle and Exchange Sts. strengthening nourishing. Like nutri- Meltons,. 57 (to 1 00 preceding peti- PARKER, South Gorham, or to Geo. W. Par- Pond, connecting with mail train for tious taken pl:mm.b~* Printed of Capt, night Quebec, food into the stomach, it assimilates and WILDES Satinets,. 30 62J A medicine that cures nnTHiiRsifion v V^T'5' .e“d Vaughan’s bridge, ker, Portland. ap3tf Montreal and the West, at 1.18 P. M. diffuses Itself THURSDAY, the 13tli of June, 1872, at 9 o’clock through the circulation, glvlug vigor Fancy Casaimere,. 73 @ 2 00 is a real public blessing. A. and that Accommodation for South Paris and intermediate aud health. m Middle SI.. Up stain. Black Cassini M„ a notice of the above to- ere,.1 00 M 1 25 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla application stations at 5.00 P. M. It gether with this our order be WM. H. regulates the liowels, quiets the nerves, acts di- BUck Doenkin*.3.4.... 1 2 00 makes nositive cure of a thereon, given by pub- JERRIS, trains will arrive as follows: HEALTH SAVED 1 ! I Thou- 124® two of Sheriffs Notice. Passenger rectly on the secretive organs, and, by Its 1 .1 FF A1lD Black 3 00 4 00 series of com which Porti.oii dai,y newspapers printed in From Soutu Paris and at powerful -LliX Uamdi reocued from and the Doeskin.,.6-4.... (S plaints, "r ’Jle Lewiston, 8.15 A. M Tonic and restoring effects, ami Insanity are ^ lea8t’ I>rcvlous to the produce's healthy A "ire preventatlv. of always afflicting and V!ucbec, Oorham and at vigorous action to the whule Kr»’f-, ■’Exhansted drain.’’ B oe EShearing™' Real Estate and Loan > Bangor, system. and “Nervon. ... too often fatal. It 4lJrp,1'MMontrea1’ Debility". Send $3 to Prof. Tricot,.6-4. 3 00 @ 4 00 purifies JACOB Agent. ALL PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt New York. Merritt, the out the MoLELLAN, Accommodation from So. Paris arrive Street, Loek Box, 197, Syracuae, N. Y. I blood, purges S. T. Let■ and Farm* at 8.45 P M Solo for the United States. myl7|4w humors in CORSER, House*, far *ale. Cars on all Agent 125*175 lurking the HF“Sleeping night trains. Price One Dollar per Cottle. Send SS'J rwH”**.3-4.... O. H. FARLEY, He would refer abroad to The Unlawful Sale of for Circular OIB system, which under- parties the fallowing Intoxicating The Compauy are not for my!8 tlw DIGESTION) or, : Jcadlw Harbor Commissioners. name.I e/ this responsible baggage to ^UZ'T:. mine health and settle in- ^_ gentlemen city: Hen. Geo. F. amount Union £}•••• fg®;» Shep- any exceeding *50 in value (and that person- Bearers,.6-4.!!! l 50 ® 2 00 to troublesome disorders. ley, H011.A.W H. Clapp, Hon. Benjamin al) unless notice MY JOLLY Moscow Notice. King®- LIQUORS. is given, and paid for at the rate oi HILLS’S CAKB0L1C FRIEND’S SECRET 3 of the skin are bury, Jr., Hon. Nathan Webb, Hon. oue TABLETS, Beavers,.6-4. 50 @5 00 Eruptions John Lynch * passenger lor CAM I* M. C. every *500 additional value. BLANKETING. the am>earance on the sur- Westbrook, June 3d, 1872. Iii Portland who have not been personally notified by For Cotton and Wool,. 70 humors Portland, Nov 1.1870. ii itanaging Director. Coughs, Colds and IKoarsonrss. DIO LEWIgt l ust sad face of that should T HEREBY that I have uoltf or on account ol our to find BAILEY. Local Crealiti Work certify received from the myself deputies, inability ,, All Wool,.7ft. .”. be from the blood. Internal JL Superintendent. This invaluable expelled derangements Assessors of Westbrook, their Certificate of the Portland, Oct. 26,1871. oc26islw-ostf TABLETS commou-ncmm Book should be read COLORED BLANKETS. are of New Two their places, are hereby notified that present the Acid in coinbina- the determination these same humors to some Ooininltment of lazes for the Story House for Sale. rpHESEA tion by every man and woman in the Throe- per year 1872, to JNO. F. with other efficient remedies, in a popular country. Union, pair,. internal organ, or organs, whose action they Collector, of at the west fourth’s of all in our All derange BEAN, Westbrook, under dale of end of Congress at- con- Immediate Prosecution will Fol- form, for the Cure of all THROAT and LUNG Dis- thegsickiietts midst may be avoid- Wool, per pair,. and whose substance disease and June ed a they destroy. 1st, 1872, will, their warrant form tains ten rooms; Will accommodate eases. by knowledge ami practice of our “Joflv Friend's WHITE BLANKETS. indue for the LOCATED two families. HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of the Ayer’s Sarsaparilla these humors from collect ion of the same Lot over 5000 feet. low nvm heiVlock Secret.” The most eminent 10- expels according to law. And further Plenty good water. Terms half Detection oiktihknt. THROAT arc relieved and statements authorities in the land, 4. the blood. When are the notice of immediately they gone, disorders they give the vote made and recorded at cash. Apply to WM. H. The are heartily recommend it for its L'reat 11- 4. the last JERRIS, of violation of the without further has, by the assistance constantly sent to the proprietor of relief common-sense, disappear, such as lacerations of the Liver annual meeting that jel'llw* | any law, notice. of proprietor, being racy-hninor, shrewd of mankind and 12- produce, March4tb, 1872, tlieTown would _Real EstatoAgent. Eminent Physicians ami Chemists in cases of Throat difficulties of years’ standing. glimpses its viv- 4. stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Eruptions and Eruptive make an abatement or discount on all suoccedeU in id and pithy style of expression. AGENTS WANT- IHscases the taxes volun- is utilizing the medicinal _ COTTON BATTING. of Skin, St. Anthony's Fire, 1lose or tarily paid as follows: House & Notice also given ED to make money rant. Write for 50 ft 1 Eot for $2,500. properties contained in the Oil, Pitch Caution. illustrated cir- bales, ft rolls,. Pustules, Tu- Six cent if culars, terms, *fcc., GEO. Cotton Phnf&s Blotches, Boils, i»er paid within Thirty days from com- on and Resill of the Hemlock free, address, MAOLEAN- ... and honee two Tree, and Warp Yarn, yr*r ‘fj'". Salt Rheum, Scald live cent if within Munjoy; story conven- To Owners of where Intoxicat- Don’t be deceived imitations. Gst Publisher. 3 School St.. Boston ♦ Cotton Head, hing- mitment; ]>er paid sixty days from ient for t wo Buildings obtained a valuable preparation to be by worthless Twine,.. Sores, Rheumatism, four cent if LOCATED families; Sebago water; lot 40x80 ft Tablets. Price 25 cts » Neuralgia, commitment; per paid within applied as a Salve.or Plaster only Wells's Carbolic per Cotton “ jjer*_onrf and ninety days good neighborhood. Terms easy. Good are Sold for Rlieu- Wicking,. 2*"* *»«. «»*, Head, Female Weal- from to interest after the investment ing Liquors box. JOHN KELLOGG. 18 Platt St., N. conimittent,au the Analytical Chemists. projiosals will l>c received until June 15, THEstreet, homestead of the late .Judge It ■» the brat Drutriflre known. BROWN DRILLINGS; ,,, 11t% at 3 Potter. The Sold by all Druggists everywhere. SEALED1872, o’ciock p. in., at the office of A. M. Pul- lot contains 80lWs.iuare feet. Annlv to ILLINOIS the Sold by and Dealers in Good*. Price JJe»yT..30.... dec*9dy that U>e ha* CO. terms. Apply to W. H, JERRIS, Real Treasurer. tree. N. v subscriber Estate Agent. vented. sqq'tsqssTqTm lV°Ti£? h, n trust, by giving bonds »« thr Androscoggin STREET. Savings and perma- by druggists. Price One Dollar. Lewiston, 1872. May 28, ju5d tl5th nent investment. my29t4w used will make It so. It is a I>er8ons liaviuK demands upon the Rubber Belting, Rubber Hose, Look ! Head for ! daily, entirely Vegetable estate of said are the debt in the Quarters Agents deceased, required to exhibit the | They comprise only State of 1111- 'impound, exquisitely per fumed, und specially atiupt and all Rubber Parking, Ac. nois for State taxation. wl for same; indebted to said estate are call- I provided by Send for de- A PRESENT given away to every New this nourishing the Hair. Sold by Druggists anti ed persons Belts APPEES & BUTTER. No. 99 State documents to that the subscriber has Agent upon to make payment to Railway for Cotton Mills, Houses, street, and the one in scriptive hcreby gfyen il month to sell our New and Beautiful of U. Dealers in Fancy Goods. Price 25 and 50 ceuts per the on Vernon j and taken liimself the Map L. EtfGKNE WEYMOUTH, Ex'tr TWO rear, Court, together with the lot tru* of ,7 ^PP°»nted upon S.A World for 1872, also, New England Map colored bottle. KndlcNa Belts, of any required dimensions. Ex- on which they stand. Administrator of the estate of Portland, April 16tli, 1872. ap25-3wd act mf W*w WM. E. WOOL, In townships, counties and states, best ever publish- F. C. WELLE A CO., length guaranteed. Perfectly .Spliced. Enquire of A. E. STEVENS & 148 Agent, MARY BACH late of 192 Fulton KT-tf Bmull Apuln. CO., 146 and ELDER, Deering, ed. 9100 to $200 a month on these, and our new Street, New York. .la0nuW*S. I Commercial st. 67 Street. in the 1,1 BARBOUR, Vo. II Warketat. Exchange county of and l’ictorinl A Religious Charts & Pictures, and is Prepared under McBUBN- Possession Cumberland, deceased, given largest 'jV'OTICE hereby given, that the subscriber ha* given immediately, nonds as the law directs. All U‘»tassortment in New Apply for terms Proposals for la ST,tKTIPROCESS.,and will mli2-dtt ap27_ persons having de- England. Furnishing Rations and taken upon himself rollI>df,n,n7TKNI to in mand supon the estate of said at onoe to D. D. GUERNSEY,Pub. N. H. or iUC tiustbefu,d.u!y of appointed supsrior any the market. YrU FEEL WEAK AND deceased are required Concord, und Administrator of the estate oi LANGUID l'f SPECIAL NOTICE! Lo exhibit the Ship Clmndlory Tor IT. 8. CONSEQUENCE OF same; and all persons indebted to said Box 3827, Boston. my2»tlw Preat. DO OVER EXERTION* estate are called KANDOIKAnuui.PH PH M.a. ™C.IJASJk!cBUEliEY. cold? For Sale a upon to make payment to Revenue EPHRAIM P. lato of CLARK, Treat. Have you taken Are you afflicted with at Vessels. GAMMON, Portland, apI2d3m Rhcu-1 Bargain. To Owner* of Lots Adm’r of or SOUL or pains of any kind? in Evergreen Ceme- tv* Falmouth. “T>SYCHOMANCY. CHARMING,” malisin, tryoneof PRO VISION store—one of the best in 8**fIT.}i»B^KBER’1872. location® tery. Deering. May 7th, my314-w A How either sex may fascinate and gain the love Collator’* orkick, > A Portland. A small saleable stock. Sold cn ac- Protection & Free Trade xnd affect ions of any person they choose, instantly, will Well.’ Mnehme-.pre„,l count of leaving the State. Must be sold within ten Commissioners have fixed ui>on the very low ^EaLEI) piopoMlk be Within all who use cement for Birengthenin* fills simple mental acquirement all cau possess, free until 1‘J u thick Attorney, tlw‘ id,* ,eKen (lrain days. price of One Dollar a for the same p StS^JfMahm.’ "a 11'Arsons Mow or wells. THE lot, keeping by mail, for 25 cents, together with a marriage guide, iiwnofTlS “.I.,?1"; TO pipe, myZSeodlw For particulars at Jones’ in first rate condition the season. will cet tainly cure. enquire Market.370 Con- througq Dreams. Hints to Ac. A They si. to Egyptian Oracle, Ladies, are are of choice gress jel-tfis DANIEL JONE&. Payment be made to the City Treasurer in ad- Notice to U. S. Pensioners. «1 to said estate are called They emollient gums book. 100,0410 sold. Address T. Wil- ihtLP'sa upon t() composed vance, and it is that all an in- queer exciting ma\,e Notice to Tax made on the finest kid, of three different and hoped persons having r I'll IE liam A Phila. Payers. sizes? terest will avail United -States Pension has been re- Co., Pub’s, wy20t4w LEONIDAS H. INGRAHAM, of Boston are worn with ease and comfort. Sold themselves of this privilege. Agency Mas, A,IV have sewers built of Cement by Druggists Middle and or to Samuel H. of you your Pipe your Price 15. 20 and 30 cents each. Maine Central JAMES BAILEY, £oniur Plum stu.; over Gammon, Portland Aaent burdens will and Real Railroad Co. bnut .National Bank. dl* I / k made from 50 cts. Call and examine or 12 1872. IF be light, your Estate val- WELLS J. 9. PALMER, Entrance on Plum St. Portland, May 7th, F. C. & CO., lA sent free) for 50 cts. that “y’ltSw uable. my21oodlw using the flat bottomed Cement Pipe exten- C. E. GEO. L. "Samples .(postage 102 Fulton Street, !N JOSE, BEAL, retail fbr 181 Chatham AREsively.) junfleodlw myleoddw Tbustke*. quick $10. R. I. WOLCOTT, my31—lw Pension Agent. Square, N. Y. my29f4w