THE TRI3UNC 1 U i t 0 I M t INDEX FOR 1883.



The arrangement of this Index is strictly alphabetical. Subjects, however, falling under certain general topics set down below, should be sought under the Topical Head.

PAGE, • PAGE. PAGE. Accidents 15 WrM - 41 Police 79 Fish and Fisheries 42 Political 79 Arctic Exploration 17 Moods * 42 Postal 81 A «mvvr " T7 Forest and Forestry. .. 43 Prisons , 82 Forgery 43 Railroads 83 France 43 Regatta 86 Religious 86 Business , 22 Republican Party...... 87 Canada Great Britain 46 Robbery .'.' 88 Russia 89 Charity 24 Indians 60 Schools 89 Ireland 51 Sermons 90 China 25 Shipping 91 j Churches 25 Italy 62 Journalism 62 Shipwreck 91 Labor • 53 Shooting 92 Land 54 South — Southern Af- Congress, U. S., proceed- fairs 93 inera 28 Legal . 65 Spain 94 Conventions, political.. 30 Legislature, N J 57 Sporting 94 Legislature, N, Y 57 steamships 95 Crliwe «51 Literature 69 Story .... 95 Medical 66 Suicid 68 96 Democratic Party 32 Mexico 67 Summer Resorts 96 Military 67 Education ...... 36 Mines and Mining 67 Tammany Association... 97 Egypt 36 Mormonism 68 Tariff Q*7 j Elections 36 Murder 68 Taxation 98 Embezzlement 37 Music 69 Emigration 37 Navy 70 Excise 38 Treasury, 17. S 100 Executions^ 38 Obituary 73 i Exhibitions 38 • Treaties 100 i Explosions 38 Parks 77 Turf . . 100 Pensions. 78 Turkey . ... 101 Peru 78 We&ther 108 Fine Alls 40 WftmftTi . IftA INDEX



CIRCUIT OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY. 1883 has* been a year of universal distrust, terrible catastrophes ?nd malignant tendencies. In the United States uncertainty respect- ing the effects of tariff changes and general apprehension of an approaching panic have tended to produce commercial depression. In Great Britain legislation has been retarded by vexatious obstruc- tion and unscrupulous partisanship, and while criminal agencies have been suppressed in Ireland and agrarian reforms have been judiciously carried out,there has been pacification without reconcili- ation. Dynamite plots have followed assassination; the political re- volt has extended with sullen persistence. France, alarmed by the instability of its Ministries, has armed itself in nervous trepidation against helpless princes and raving Socialists, and sought to regain its prestige at the ends of the earth. Germany, not content with the Austrian alliance, has multiplied its precautions against a French war of revenge by courting a closer understanding with Italy and Spam. The Czar has been crowned, but a feeling of uneasiness per" vades Russia. The Balkan principalities distrust all foreign alli- ances, and are disposed to depend upon their own resources. Even in Australia there is a morbid dread of piratical schemes of aggres- sion. A year of profound peace, 1883 has also been a period of unrest and apprehension. II SUMMARY OF EVENTS THE UNITED STATES. 1883 was the tenth year from the last financial crisis and was ominous on that account, a belief in the cyclical movement of panics being one of the accepted traditions of American trade. As the year advanced many disquieting elements appeared in business circles. There were indications of overproduction in manufacturing, and prostration of the iron, cotton and woollen industries; there were numerous failures, bank embarrass- ments and betrayals of trust; there was a collapse of the wheat and lard speculation; and there were ill-timed combinations of labor aiming to make production more costly, the most remarkable strike taking the form of a general embargo upon the transaction and dispatch of business when 12,000 telegraph operators deserted their instruments on July lr The year has closed without the fulnlment of the gloomy foreboding to which these causes gave rise. While distrust still prevails, there is an improved feeling in the business community. The result is due largely to the excellence of the crops, by which the export trade has profited, and also the great surplus of National revenue, which has been used for the redemption of bonds. That surplus amounted to over $134,000,000 during the year ending July 1, and is estimated at $80,000,000 for the current fiscal year, with a strong probability of its exceeding that amount, not- withstanding the immense reductions in customs and internal taxes. Pub- lic confidence has also been strengthened by the complete failure of the labor combinations, notably that of the telegraph operators. WORK OP THE LAST CONGRESS. Political causes have not been without their effect upon the commercial situation. The houses of Congress met on the second day of the year with fifty-one working days at their disposal and three great measures to be enacted. The first was the Civil Service bill, which had already passed the Senate. The Pendleton bill had been prepared by the Civil .Service Reformers themselves, and there was a general disposition, at least among Republicans,to give them what they wanted and to hold them responsible for the results. The bill passed the House OBL January 4, by a vote of 155 to 47, the minority including 7 Republicans and 40 , Democrats. The President appointed Dorman B. Eaton, a representative ! Civil Service Reformer, as the head of the Commission. A series of rules ' was,prepared by the Commission and the act went into effect on July 16, being applicable to the classified clerkships in the executive departments at Washington, and to eleven customs districts and twenty-three post offices. The vacancies in the Civil Service had been previously filled in anticipation of the new system. In the departments at Washington the act is generally pronounced efficient and beneficial. A similar measure was passed at the last session of the New-York Legislature. The revision of the tariff and the reduction of internal taxation were the other great measures upon which Congress was called to act. The report of the Tariff Commission was made the basis for committee action in each chamber. The reductions proposed l>y the House Committee were smaller than those recommended by the Senate Committee. On February 19 the weaker measure failed to receive a two-thirds vote in the House, and consequently the Senate bill was made the ground of action by a conference committee. The latter measure passed the Senate on Feb- ruary 20, 33 out of 34 Republicansvoting for it, with Senator Davis, of Illinois, and 8 out of 26 Democrats. The Democrats gave abundant evi- dence of the insincerity of their attempts to reduce taxation, but did not venture to defeat the measureoutright The Tariff and Tax bill, providing for a reduction of tariff duties and internal taxation to the amount of $75,- 000,000 a year, was reported from the conference committee in March, and passed the House by a vote of 152 to 116, 133 Republicans and 19 Democrats contributing the majority, and 11 Republicans and 105 Dem- ocrats the minority. The Tariff act went into effect on July 1. In addition to these great measures, Congress reduced the rates of post- age from three to two cents, the act taking effect on October 1. Bills re- FOR THE YEAR 1883. Ill

lating to postal notes and the return of the Japanese indemnity were also passed, the session being one of the most fruitful in practical legislation ever held at Washington. Among the defeated measures was the Ship- ping act, which was amended in the Senate and then rejected because the Democratic Representatives would not contribute the few votes required for a quorum. The Presidential Succession bill, the National Bankruptcy act, and the bills prohibiting the collection of political assessments and creating an intermediate court of appeal also failed. POLITICAL MOVEMENTS, Notwithstanding the excellent rec9rd of the Republican majority in Congress, the October election in Ohio resulted in a Democratic triumph, General apathy and the temperance question were responsible for the Republican defeat. The majority aeainst the proposed amendment pro- hibiting " the manufacture of and traffic in intoxicating liquors to be used as a beverage" w&a over 70,000. The Democratic majority exceeded 10,000. This result, while attributable partly to the temperance agitation, increased the probability that a Democratic Congress would take up the Tariff act at the present session and make radical changes in the direction of Free Trade. The election of an avowed Free Trader as Speaker over a candidate committed to a policy of inaction respecting the tariff tended to strengthen this belief. While a majoriiy of the Committee of Ways and Means appointed by Speaker Carlisle is made up of Free Traders and Revenue Reformers, and a deliberate attempt to scale down the tariff schedules may be expected before the close of another session, it is not prob- able thar there will be any legislation of this nature pending the Presi- dential election. Wlien the restraints imposed by political caution and partisan greed are removed, the Democrats may venture to menace the busi- ness interests of the country with a radical measure of Free Trade. The November elections have indicated, however, that the Republicans will be able to make a successful stand against tariff revolution and sec- tional politics. The reversal of a Democratic majority of over 192,000 in New-York, and the election of a Republican Legislature and Secretary of State, was an earnest of what the party would be expected to do in a Presi- dential year when the business interests of the country should be im- perilled by Democratic success. The defeat of Governor Butler after a year of cheap demagogism, farcical investigations and miscellaneous scandals was another indication of a revival of public morality. Pennsylvania aleo returned to the Republican line, and there were similar gains in other States. Senator Mahone's party was defeated in Virginia, a serious race conflict at Danville disclosing the means whereby the negro votejhad been coerced. The general effect of the November elections was to offset the Democratic victory in Ohio and to make the next Presidential canvass a close contest. Governor Butler's defeat has removed him from the list of Democratic can- didates, and Governor Cleveland's administration, while efficient and in- dependent, has not improved his chances for the Presidency, his quarrel with Tammany and his lack of political discretion having caused dissen- sions in the party. On the Republican side Mr. Elaine has persistently as- serted that he has permanently withdrawn from public life. President Arthur, whose claims upon the party for a renomination have been strengthened by a year of admirable administration, is disposed to spend the surplus of the revenues in rebuilding the Navy and in creating an ade- quate system of coast defences. Mr. Blaine, while disapproving of the Pennsylvania proposition to divide the surplus among the States m pro- portion to population, has made an ingenious plea in favor of placing the whiskey tax collected by Federal officials at the disposal of the States to be applied to the reduction of local taxation. The Cabinet vacancy caused by the death of Postmaster-General Howe. was satisfactorily nlled by Judge Walter Q. Gresharn. A DISAGREEABLE YEAR. The year has been characterized by many miscarriages of public justice. The Star Route trials ended in June with the acquittal of the defendants, TV SUMMARY OF EVENTS

the proceedings having occupied six months. The acquittal of notorious murderers, such as Dukes in Pennsylvania (afterward slain by his victim's sen), Dunn in Chicago and Thompson in Kentucky have been scandalous judicial failures. Tne dealings of Western State authorities with public outlaws, and the acquittal of Frank James, have been equally discredit- able. To these and many other criminal episodes—among them the default of the State Treasurer of Tennessee in $480,000—THE TRIBUNE has added a chapter of municipal extravagance, inefficiency, and connivance with fraud in the conduct of public works in New-York City. There have been many bright incidents in the annals of 1883, such as the opening of the Bridge and the Northern Pacific Railroad; the industrial exhibi- tions at Boston and Louisville; the improved shooting of the American riflemen at the English ranges; the good work of the scientific expedition sent to Caroline Island to observe the total eclipse of the sun ; the adop- tion of a new system of standard time; the patriotic observance of Evac- uation day; the honors paid to the ashes of John Howard Payne; the visits of Lord Coleridge, Matthew Arnold, Henry Irving and other dis- tinguished Englishmen to America; and the success of Edwin Booth in Germany and Austria. But taken as a whole 1883 has been a peculiarly disagreeable year, with its premonitions of commercial disaster and its long catalogue of actual horrors, including the burning of the Newhall House in Milwaukee; the destruction of many hotels and theatres: the mining accident at Braidwood, Illinois; the tornadoes which have wrought destruction in Minnesota and elsewhere; the sinking of the Cim- bria on its voyage to New-York; the wreck of the Proteus and the lament- able failure to provide for the safety of the Greely colony; the great storm off the Grand Bank of Newfoundland. and the disastrous floods which have devastated the Ohio Valley GRJSA2 BRITAIN. The Houses of Parliament assembled on February 15, Lord Hartington being the aominal head of the Ministry, as Mr. Gladstone was recruiting his health in Cannes. In the Queen's speech the Tenants' Compensation acts were substituted for the County Government bill, and in Cabinet Council precedence was given to them and to the Corrupt Practices bill over the London Government bill. The opening debates were dull and lifeless, the address being discussed eleven nights. From the outset the Government were exposed to vexatious tactics and time was systematically wasted. It was a month before the legislative work of the session was taken up, and at the Whitsuntide recess the Explosives bill was the only measure which had beep passed, with the exception of three money bills and the annual army bill. The Affirmation -bill had been debated night after night, ! and finally defeated on the second reading, notwithstanding Mr. Glad- stone's tiaanswerable speech. The Government had also been discredited by its neutrality respecting important questions, and the Radicals had shown signs of open revolt. Notwithstanding this unfortunate beginning, the session ended with a remarkable record of legislative activity. When Parliament was pro- rogued on August 25, the two agricultural bills had been passed, with the Corrupt Practices bill and the Bankruptcy. Patents, Redemption of Na- tional Debt and Irish Tramways and Emigration Acts. Only one im- portant measure mentioned in the Queen's speech had been dropped—the London Government bill. The closing week of the session witnessed a futile attempt on the part of the Lords to defeat by amendments the Eng- lish and Scotch Agricultural bills. These measures were passed at the last moment, contrary to the advice of Lord Salisbury. The Irish Registra- tion Act and the Scotch Local Governmentbill were rejected by the Lords, The act legalizing the marriage of a deceased wife's sister had been pre- viously defeated in the same house by a narrow majority, and the act passed by the Commons for preventing pigeon shooting had also been re- jected. The legislative results of the session were creditable to the Min- FOR THE YEAR 1883.

istry, which had displayed firmness and patience when sorely harassed by the Conservatives and their Irish allies. The experiment of the Grand Committees had been satisfactorily tested, two complex measures, the Bankruptcy and Patents Acts, having been carried through the House from the Committee on Trade. PROGRESS IN IRELAND. There has been a marked improvement in Irish affairs during the year. The authority of the Crown has been restored, assassins have been con- victed and punished, lawlessness has been suppressed and agitators have been forced to abandon the use of criminal agencies. James Carey and twenty o.ther men connected with the Invincibles, a band of assassins, were arrested in January and arraigned during the following month for the murders of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Burke. Kayanagh, James Carey and others turned State's evidence, and five of the chief con- spirators, Brady, Curley, Fagan, Caffrey and Kelley, were convicted and hanged. Others were convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for vari- ous terms,and the machinery of the courts was put in operation in other parts of Ireland, the authorities discriminating sharply between political and criminal offences, and only punishing those guilty of murder and lawlessness. Juries were not packed, prisoners were well defended, and judges were impartial. James Carey, released in consequence of his testi- mony as an mforiner, and suffered to take refuge in South Africa, was as- sassinated by O'Donnell, an Irish-American, on board a British steamer near .Port Elizabeth, on May 29. For this crime the assassin was hanged on December 17, after a fair and impartial trial in London, the United States Government making an indiscreet and futile attempt to obtain for him a reprieve. Irish-Americans had previously conspired in New-York against life and property in England. On March 15 a dynamite explosion occurred in the local government offices, London; ia Glasgow a large gasometer was blown up, and other outrages were planned. On March 31 the detectives arrested six Irish-Americans on the charge of being implicated in dynamite plots. A dynamite factory was also discovered in Birmingham, and large quantities of nitro-glycerine were seized. One of the conspirators turned State's evidence, and gave a clear account of the plot formed in New- York, and on Jura 14 four of his accomplices were condemned to penal ser- vitude for life. Similar trials occurred m Liverpool and Glasgow during July and December. There were two mysterious explosions on the Un- derground Railroad in London oa October 30, but there was no direct evi- dence connecting them with Irish or Irish-American conspirators. The Explosives bill passed by Parliament, increasing the penalties for crime of this class, including the unlawful possession of explosives, has had the effect of interrupting the operations of dynamite-workers. While the dyna- mite plots have not cost a single life, Great Britain has bad its share of the year's catalogue of ghastly horrors—the.fatal launch of tho Daphne on the Clyde and the slaughter of the children in Victoria Hall, Snnderlaud, being conspicuous among them. Notwithstanding the carping criticisms of the land-owning peers and the furious assaults of the Irish members, the Land Act i« working satisfac- torily. Steady progress has been made in the readjustment of rents and conditions of tenure, and, owing to an increased disposition to settle cases out of court, there is now a strong probability that the work of the Com- mission will be practically finished this year. The Arrears Act has also been applied with the most satisfactory results. The Commission had disposed of 134,000 cases by the 1st of July, and the subsequent pay- ments have brought the amoant disbursed to landlords up to $4,000,000, representing between $10,000,600 and $15,000,000 in claims. In this way a very large number of the poorest tenants have been relieved from the burden of debt under which they were staggering. There is no evidence, however, that the Irish people are grateful to the Liberal party for these generous measures of justice and conciliation'. On the contrary, every VI SUMMARY OF EVENTS bye-election on the island shows that the political revolt against British legislation is increasing. MR, PARNELL'S TACTICS. The Irish members early in the session of Parliament introduced several crude measures, framed so as to secure immediate rejection. Mr. ParneH also made large proposals in reference to land reform, to which Mr. Glad- stone promptly refused to accede. Mr. Forster followed up the disclosures of the Dublin Invincibles with a violent attack upon the Irish leader, accusing him of having accepted authority and influence due to crimes and outrages without having condemned and denounced them. To this terrible charge Mr. Parnell made a sullen response. In August he sav- agely attacked the Crimes Act, asserting that it had been used for "the unexampled oppression of the humble people of the country." The mi- gration proposalsof the Irish party, notwithstanding this violent harangue, were incorporated by the Government in the Tramways bill, and when the Registration Act was rejected by the Lords, Mr. Gladstone promised a largei measure at the next session. Early in the year Mr. Healy was apparently intriguing for the leadership of the Irish party, for he courted a conspicu ous form of political martyrdom, going to prison with Mr. Davitt and Mr Quiun, when the Dublin authorities were anxious to have them offer bail— an imprisonment terminating in the course of a few months. Mr. Par- nelJ's ascend ency has been steadily strengthened. The Irish conventionsin Philadelphia (April 27), following moderate counsels and repudiating the dynamite faction, adopted the scheme of reorganization with which he was identified. The Parnell Fund, raised by popular subscription in Great Britain, America and Australia, encountered the resistance of the Pope and the clergy. Archbishop Croke having solicited subscriptions was summoned to Rome and publicly rebuked; and the Pope issued a circular to the Irish bishopsforbidding collections raised for the purpose of inflam- ing public passions. The fund gradually increased in the face of clerical resistance and amounted to nearly $200,000 on December 11, when it was presented to Mr. Parnell. His speech in accepting it outlined the policy; of his party, which is to persevere in political agitation, conscious of its ability to hold the balance of power between the Liberals and the To- ries, if not to force the question of Irish home rule upon the attention of Parliament. POLITICAL TENDENCIES. The reputation acquired by the Liberal Ministry for legislative industry was temporarily impaired by the negotiation of an agreement with the Suez Canal Company, which provided for a reduction of tolls on a scale of increasing dividends and for the construction of a sew canal, the Gov- ernment lending $40,000,000 at 3X4 per cent. This agreement was con- demned by the commercial bodies throughout the country and was finally withdrawn from Parliament. Sir Stafford Northcote, not content with the discredit with which the Government were overwhelmed, moved an indiscreet address to the Queen in opposifion to M. de Lessep's claim to monopoly. This address was rejected by a vote of 282 to 183, the Parnel- lites refraining from voting. The effect of this division was to restore the Government's political prestige. The agreement subsequently made by the Ship-owners' Association with M. de Lesseps tacitly accepted his claim to an absolute monopoly, but secured advantageous concessions in the im mediate abolition of pilotage and the speedy reduction of tolls. The Liberal Government have thus been relieved from serious embarrassment. The long vacation has been characterized by political activity through- out the United Kingdom. Sir Stafford Northcote made a tour in Ulster during which he succeeded in exciting sectional feeling and religious strife. Lord Salisbury with greater discretion demanded in England and Scotland the introduction of a bill for the redistribution of seats as the complement of the proposed Reform Bill, and emphasized the urgent need of improved dwellings for the lower classes in large cities. Mr. FOR THE YEAR 1883. VII

Parnell undertook a campaign in Ulster and incurred the hostility of the Orangemen, and the Government was finally forced to proclaim meetings on both sides. The Liberals, meanwhile, have been displaying activity in England and Scotland, holding a remarkable conference at Leeds and giving direction to public opinion in favor of the forthcom- ing Reform bill. Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Forster, Mr. Trevelyan and others have openly advocated the inclusion of Ireland in the scheme for the enlargement of country suffrage. Lord Hartington has shown signs of hostility to this policy, but it is evident that the Liberals cannot hope to pass a reform bill from the benefits of which Ireland shall be excluded. It is equally plain that Mr. Gladstone cannot afford to face the contingen- cies of another session without having some measure of supreme impor- tance on the strength of which he can appeal to the country'whenever the position of his Ministry is menaced.

BRITISH DEPENDENCIES. Early in the year Lord Dufferin informed the Egyptian Ministry of Great Britain's withdrawal from the Dual Control and suggested the ap- pointment of a financial adviser who would not interfere with thepublic administration. The Control was abolished an January 11, The Khedive appointed Sir Auckland Colyin as his financial adviser and empowered him to attend Ministerial Councils whenever financial matters should be dis- cussed. France protested against the abolitwn of the Control and declined the presidency of the reformed debt commission. Lord Granville in a note to the Powers outlined the entire plan of reconstruction in Egypt and of- ffered a series of proposalsrelating to the freedom and neutralization of the Suez Canal. The note was cordially approved in all the capitals except Paris. The Egyptian Government sentenced Suleiman Daoud and Mah- moud Sami to death, degraded numerous functionaries and ulemas, but granted, amnesty to the superior officers comprom ised in the military re- volt. The defeated regiments were either mustered out of service or sent to the White Nile country to fight the False Prophet. The formation of the Gendarmerie proceeded slowly, and it was not until the close of the year that Sir Evelyn Wood was prepared to recommend the withdrawal of the main portion of the British garrison. The home Government gave orders for a partial evacuation, but speedily countermanded them on receiving tidings of the destruction of the Egyptian army, numbering 10,000 men, by the False Prophet's forces, near Ooeid in the White Nile country. This reverse, preceded and followed by defeats near Suakim, the Red Sea part of the Soudan, undermined the Khedive's authority in the African Empire, as vast as India, which Sir Samuel Baker and General Gordon nad conquered for his predecessors on the throne The Khedive threatens to resign, if that fantastic empire be cut off from Egypt. The British Government have not disclosed their policy, but have ordered the garrison to halt. Egypt was exposed during the summer to an epidemic resembling Asiatic cholera, the mortality from it being very great owing to the unsanitary condition of the towns. The outbreak of the disease wasat Damietta; thence it passed up the river to Cairo, ravaging many towns and villages, and finally it appeared in Alexandria. A Ger- man scientific commission headed by Dr. Koch assumes to have discov- ered tne germ of this disease. In January there was a rising of natives in British India. Nanpur was plundered and Chaktala and Babra were threatened. The revolt did not prove serious. The attempt to subject Europeans to the criminal jurisdic- tion of native tribunals has excited bitter hostility. The Yiceioy has in- curred extreme unpopularity, and has been forced by the agitation against the Ilbert bill to propose amendments to it which will render it inopera- tive, The Duke of Connaught, accepting an important military command in India, has been most cordially welcomed by Europeans and natives. VIII SUMMARY OF EVENTS

The Ameer of Afghanistan has been granted a subsidy of $600,000 a year by the Indian Government—a reversion to the principle adopted with Dost Mahommed. The Queensland authorities undertook, in March, to annex Papua, or New-Guinea, on the plea of French menaces. The Colonial Office sub- sequently overruled this action. A conference of Australian legislative delegates held at Sydney, New-South Wales, passed a resolution favoring the formation of a federal council, empowered to deal with all matters in which united action on the part of the Australian colonies may be de- sirable. It also proclaimed a species of Monroe Doctrine for the South Sea dependencies of the British Crown. The term of Lord Lome as Vicerory of the Dominion having expired, Lord Lansdowne was appointed his successor in the autumn. The dis- putes between tiae Dominion Government and the Province of British Columbia have been settled by a money grant of $1,000,000. The delay in the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railroad and the conditions of the Government guarantee have subjected tne Ministry to hostile criticism. There are some signs of disaffection in Manitoba. Cetewayo, restored to his throne and placed under the tutelage of a Brit- ish Resident, without being allowed adequate means of arming his sub- jects, speedily met with a crushing defeat. The forces of the victorious chief, Usibepu, were subsequently routed by the Usutus. British relations with the Transvaal, Basutoland and Zululand are in a most confused and unsatisfactory state.

JFHANGE. The dread news of the death of Gambetta, the master genius of the Republic, startled France on the first day of the year. Followed, as it was almost immediately, by the loss of Chanzy, the heroic soldier, it created a most painful impression. Hoping to profit by the vague feeling of uneasiness which pervaded French society, Prinee Napoleon issued a manifesto dwelling upon the incapacity of the Government and the disunion of Parliamentary parties, and referring to the plebiscites by which the Empire had been sanctioned. He was arrested on January 16 and imprisoned in the Conciergie until February 9, when the indictment against him was quashed. His arrest, the subsequent pro- ceedings against the Pretenders, and the severity of the sentences passed upon Prince Krapotkine and other Socialists, afforded a practical proof of the immense loss sustained by the country in the death of Gambetta. The Duclerc Ministry introduced in the Chamber of Deputies a bill aimed against all Pretenders and M. Floquer made a radical proposal for their immediate expulsion. On January 28 Premier Duclerc and the Min- isters of War and Marine resigned, being unwilling to accept the Dep- uties' Expulsion bill. M. declining to form a Ministry, M. Fal- lieres, of the Department of the Interior, accepted the Premiership, M. Thibaudin taking the War portfolio. M. Floquet's proposal was then rejected and M. Fabre's bill, prohibiting the Princes from filling any civil or military post and empoweringthe President to decree their expulsion at his discretion, was adopted as a compromise measure. The Senate passed on February 12 a substitute authorizing the banishment of a Prince who should be found guilty of pretensions endangering the existence of the State. The Deputies sent back a new measure, which was also re- jected. The Ministry resigned in consequence of the action of the Senate. M. Ferry organized a new Ministry, recruiting it mainly from the Gambet- tist group. A law of 1834 was enforced and the Orleans Princes were de- prived of their mili'ary rank without legislative action. This ignobleagi- tation, so unworthy of the dignity of the Republic, was thus brought to a close. The death of the Comte cle Chambord at Frohsdorf on August 26 united the houses of Bourbonand Orleans in the person of the Conite de , Paris. | FOR THE YEAR 1883. IX

LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. The Ferry Ministry entered upon office with a vote of confidence of 368 to 93. It refused to make constitutional revision a Cabinet question and addressed itself to the reform of municipalities and to financial questions. The Minister of Finance brought forward a proposal for the conversion of 5 per cents into 4*2 per cents, exemnt from repayment [for five years. The Deputies and Senate passed the bill, the Government Ppledging itself against further reductions for ten years. Notwithstand- •mg the reduction of interest the financial situation in France has re- mained most unsatisfactory. In November M. Tirard was openly charged with concealing deficits in his budget. He found himself in such straits that he proposed that the Bank of France, which was then allowed to issue $640,000,000 in notes, should be released from all legal limitations. The Budget Committee agreed to raise the limit $100,000,000. French revenue seems for once to have lost its elasticity. The expenditures have steadily increased and the Finance Minister is at his wits* end to balance the account. The revenues for the first half of the year were $5,600,000 below the budget estimate. FOREIGN SCHEMES AND INTRIGUES. The energies of the Ministry have been devoted mainly to acts of ag- gression in distant quarters of the world. At the mouth of the Congo De Brazza, an Italian adventurer, has been supported by French influence in his attempt to contest the ground with Mr. Stanley, the agent of the International African Association, in which the King of the Belgians has interested himself. In Madagascar several ports have been bombarded and captured, after futile etiorts on the part of officials of the Foreign

1O-LC1IJ.U.. JL HO Oii kfl llLHiL \ OULIU.CH; t \J±. XVU.1JU.J.JL ctiJL -I- J.OJ.JLC/, OJ U JL dilllrtl tcl V O, A1O. Oil. - resting the Rev. Mr. Shaw, and in insulting British officials on shore and in the harbor involved a necessity for ample amendsto the Liberal Gov- ernment at London, and financial compensation to the missionary. The Hovas have not been intimidated by these demonstrations on the coast, but have withrawn their troops into the interior. Military operations will be required if a conquest is attempted, unless the French can hire the Sakalavas to do their fighting for them. THE TONQUIN CAMPAIGN. | In Tonquin war has been waged on a larger scale. On May 20, Captain 1 Riviere, who for a year had occupied the citadel of Hanoi with a small ! garrison of marines, was decoyed into ambush by hostile bands of natives. His command, consisting of 400 men, finally succeeded in cutting their way through the enemy, but he was killed, together with his principal offi- . cers and fifty men. The home Government immediately sent out rein- I forcements from Saigon and Toulon to avenge his death. In August Hai- dzong and Kuang-yen were captured by the French forces, but an attack upon Phouhai in the direction of Sontay was less successful, the assailants retreating from an untenable position after defeating a large force of natives. The death of the Emperor of Anam gave the French an oppor- tunity for making a demonstration against Hu6, the capital, and dictating to one of the claimants of the throne a treaty wherein the protectorate of the Republic was recognized as absolute. Meanwhile the war party had prevailed in the Imperial councils at Pekin. A body of Chinese troops had been sent to the frontier and Bae- Ninh, commanding the only road leading through the delta of the Red River, had been fortified. A riot had broken out in Canton against Eu- ropeans and the foreign fleets on the seaboard had been strengthened. The French had reached a point where they could not advance without ex- posing themselves to the risk of a war with China. Accordingly a halt was called, and pending the arrival of re-inforcements at Hanoi, negoti- ations between Paris and Pekin were conducted on each side in a spirit SUMMARY OF EVENTS of insincerity and arrogance. Military operations were resumed in De- cember, and resulted in the capture of Sontay, which was garrisoned mainly by the Tonquinese. No movement has yet been made in the di- rection of Bac-Ninh; and at Hu6 the French candidate on the throne has been assassinated. The Ferry Ministry has been supported by the Cham- ber of Deputies in this campaign of aggression by several strong votes of confidence. The position of France in Europe has been weakened by these foreign adventures, and also by the wanton insults offered to King Alfonso by the Paris mob. General Tmbaudin resigned the Ministry of War in conse- quence of the latter incident, and General Campenon was appointed to suc- ceed him. The subsequent withdrawal of M. Challemel-Lacour from the Ministry left the foreign portfolio in M. Ferry's hands, with M. Fallieres in the Interior Department. There are no signs of any political reaction against the Eepublic. The inidsummer elections of Conseillers-Ge'n- e"raux resulted favorably, the Republicans carrying eighty out of ninety departments.

THE MILITARY JBMPIEJES. Prince Bismarck has materially strengthened his position at Court and in the Parliaments during the year. Early in the spring he got rid of two associates who were not working harmoniously with him. One wasGen- eral Von Stosch, the head of the German navy, who had been one of the Emperor's confidential advisers since 1870; the other was GeneralVon Kameke, who withdrew from the Ministry of War on account of differences of opinion in military matters. In April the Reichstag was startled by a message from the Emperor, countersigned by the Chancellor, stating that legislalation for the benefit of the working classes must not be de- ferred, and that the budget for 1884 must be passed a year in advance, in order to leave the next session free for economic reforms. The Liberals were greatly disconcerted by this rescript, and their veteran leader, Herr von Bennigsen, apparently despairing of the constitutional tendencies of the time, retired from public life. The Reichstag adjourned after voting a biennial budget and 14 out of 21 bills discussed during the session, in eluding one relating to a Workingmen's Illness Fund. The tobacco mo- nopoly and the duties on wood were rejected. The biennial budget was the Chancellor's first great legislative success; the second was the Ecclesi- astical bill, which passed the Prussian Landtag on June 30, by a vote of 224 to 107. The Czar was crowned on May 27, the ceremonies being prolongeduntil June 8. The preliminary proclamation was issued in February reciting the festivities in detail, sothat the Nihilists had ample time in which to plot against him. No attempt was made to assassinate him, although he exposed himself freely in the presence of vast throngs in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Nihilists were either intimidated by the series of State trials which preceded the coronation, or else were too reduced in financial resources to resume operations. The ceremonies,while evoking an unmis- takable demonstration of popular confidence in the sovereign, were not ac- companied by concessions of any magnitude or any change in the reac- tionary policy adoptedby the Court. M. de Giers has made mysterious visits to foreign capitals apparently for the purpose of discussing the fu- ture of the Balkan. There has been no remarkable development of Russian diplomacy during the year; nor has there been any act of aggression on the frontiers. Merv has been approached,but has not been occupied, al- though a force of 15,000 men under General Camarove is said to be in reacfiness for active service amongthe Tekke-Turcomans. The scene of race-conflict in the Dual Empire has been transferred from Bosnia to Croatia. The revival of the Magvar language policy, soobnox- ious so the Slavs, was followed by riots at Agram and. at other points. The revolt was quickly suppressed and the Hungarian symbols of authority FOB THE YEAR 1883. XI

were replaced in the Croatian capital and elsewhere, mohs being repeat- edly dispersed hy the army. The Tisza Cabinet having asserted the suprem- acy of the governing race, wisely compromised the escutheon question, the bi-lingual inscriptions and exclusive language policy being discon- tinued. A bill legalizing marriages between Christians and Jews has been thrown out by the Upper House in Hungary.

MINOR EUROPEAN STATES. King Alfonso has strengthened his position in Spain by allowing his Ministers to have freedom of action under the constitution and by ac- cepting overtures from Berlin for a diplomatic alliance. Premier Sagasta reorganized the Ministry on January 8, retaining Martinez-Camposand Aguilar, and obtaining six recruits from various sections of the Liberal party. The King declined to interfere, saying that a constitutional mon- arch ought not to favor any party or faction. The Deputies decided in April to reduce the army expenses and Martinez-Campos offered his resig- nation. A Ministerial crisis was temporarily averted. In August there was a military uprising in the Province of Badajoz, on the Portuguese frontier, the garrison proclaiming a Republic with Ruiz Zorrila for Presi- dent. The insurrection was speedily suppressed. The King visited Vienna and Berlin during September, and was appointed honorary colonel of a regiment of Uhlans stationed at Strasburg. This incident excited resent- ment in France, and the King was hooted and insulted by the Paris mob. President Grevy made an informal apology, but the King set out at once for Madrid, where he was received with great rejoicing. Diplomatic re- monstrances were interrupted by the downfall of the Ministry, the Dyn- astic Left refusing to support Sagasta. Posada-Herrara accepted the Premiership and succeeded in uniting the groups of the Liberal party. Prince Bismarck followed up his diplomatic success by sending the Crown Prince to Spain, where he was cordially received. In Italy specie payments were resumed on April 19. A gold balance of $83,500,000 had been accumulated and there was only a slight demand for coin in place of paper. There have been minor changes in the Minis- try,^but Depretis has remained at the head of the Government. The For- eign Office succeeded early in the year in forming a diplomatic combination with Germany and Austria. The Pope while gaining ground in Germany has not made any advance in Italian politics. The Government, mean- while, has obtained the support of the Right as well as the Left. Min- ghettiand his Conservative associates have agreed to vote with Depretis and the Liberals, the two sides of the Chamber having coalesced. The result or the extension of the suffrage has been to combine parties and factions in two divisions: Liberals and Radicals. The destruction of Casa- micciola and neighboring villages in Ischia by an earthquake on July 28 was one of the great calamities of the year. There has been no marked change in the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan stands in dread of assassination, one serious p ot against his life having been laid bare during the year. He is now anxious to assert his author- ity in the Soudan, but even if the British Government consents to his send- ing troons to that quarter, the condition of the Turkish treasury will not permit a formidable expedition. The East Roumelian Assembly has passed a law reducing the tribute paid to the Porte. In Bulgaria Prince Alexander, having evinced sympathy with German-Austrian diplomacy, was compelled by the Czar's agents to renounce the autocratic power con- ferred by the Assembly and to revert to the principles of constitutional government. He recalled the Liberal Ministry. In accepting office they romptly repudiated the foreign allies who had undertaken to use them Eor their own purposes. The Russian generals were dismissed and the in- fluence of the Czar was temporarily impaired. In December a Russian general was appointed Minister of War. In Servia King Milan sought to XII BUMMAKY OP EVENTS draw his Ministers into an alliance with Vienna, but the general elections resulted in the defeat of the Austrian party. The Radicals in entering upon office set their faces against Russian intrigues precisely as the Lib- eral Ministry had done in Bulgaria. The Prince of Montenegro has been negotiating directly with the Porte, and placing less dependence upon Russian diplomacy. Throughout the Balkan there is a growing disposi- tion to discard foreign influence and to depend upon individual effort. The curious constitutional conflict in Norwayhas reached the final stage of impeachment, the Ministers having been placed on their defence in October. In Swedenthe Ministry have been forced to resign, owing to a hostile vote on an army organization bill. Baron Nordenskj old's Green- land expedition returned in safety without finding evidence to support the geographical theory which had been advanced by the explorer. TheDan- ish exploring vessel commanded by Lieutenant Hovgaard was wrecked in the Kara Sea, and the Dutch steamer Varna was also crushed in the ice while conveying Arctic colonists to Dickson Harbor. The general scheme of international Arctic observation has been carried out without other accident, the fate of the party at Lady Franklin Sound remaining in uncertainty. The Dutch colonial possessions in Java met with a terrible calamity 011 August 26. There were volcanic eruptions of extraordinary magnitude, involving the destruction of many villages and an immense loss of life. An island 3,000 feet high was submerged, a sea wave 100 feet high was formed and devastation was wrought on land and sea.

BRAZIL AND SPANISH AMERICA. In Brazil there is a steady advance in the direction of Liberalism, Sen- ator Lafayette Rodrigues Having completed a new Ministry from the ad- vanced section of the party. In the great province of Ceara measures have been taken for the emancipation of slaves. The demands of Chili for the absolute session of Peruvian Territory have been accepted by General Iglesias as Provisional President. A pro- tocol was signed in May and a treaty was subsequently negotiated. If the Assembly to be elected on January 13 sustains General Iglesias, the Government will be recognizedby the United States and European powers. The centennial anniversary of the birth of Bolivar has been celebrated at Panama and in the South American States with great enthusiasm. In Ecuador there has been a formidable revolution. The completion of the Panama Canal is announced for 1888, or possibly 1887. Mexico has set- tled the Guatemala boundary question, and negotiated commercial treaties with Germany and other powers. Its treaty with the United States has not yet been acted upon by the Legislatures of either nation. In Hayti a revolution broke out on March 27, when Miragoane was captured by a small body of insurgents. This town and Jacmel were subsequently bombarded by the Government troops, but the revolt has not yet been suppressed. In Cuba measures are maturing waereby 200,000 slaves will be emancipated in 1888.

NECROLOGY OF THE IEAR. The closing momentsof 1882 witnessed the death agony of one of the world's greatest citizens. On the first morning of what was then the New, but is now the Old Year, Paris learned, with startling suddenness, that Gambetta was dead, and repeated with reverent emotion, or else with nervous trepidation, his last words: " I am lost; it is useless to dissemble; but I have suffered so much that it will be a deliverance." He was pre- eminently the organizing genius of the Third Republic, and almost the only heroic figure of the Revolution which followed Sedan. Even the malignant spirit of political faction did not venture to depreciate the FOB THE YEAR 1883. XIII magnitude of his patriotic services, albeit it persisted, with morbid curi- osity, in prying into the dishonorable secrets of his private life. A greater tribute to his character than the costly funeral pageant was the period of giddiness and timidity which followed his death. When Ministers were startled by the escapade of so contemptible an adversary as PrincePlon- Plon, and when legislators, in panic-terror, were fighting with the shadow of Orleanist usurpation, the world knew that France had met with an irretrievable loss in the death 9f a leader, who had inspired public faith in the permanence of existing institutions. In marked contrast witb the painful impression produced by Gambetta's death was the indifference with which the Comte de Chambord, the last of the Bourbons to represent the principle of reigning by Divine right, was regarded in France and in Europe. With similar tokens of public neglect passed away Prince Gortschakoft, one of the master-diplomatists of mod- ern times, his closing years embittered by poignant regrets that he had enabled Prince Bismarck to become so great. Greece was deprived of Coumoundoros, its mostdistinguished statesman; the GermanCourt mourned Prince Frederick Charles, the Emperor's brother and confidential ad- viser ; Great Britain lost the Duke of Marlborough, Ashton W. Dilke, Hugh Law and Lord Overstone; Austria-Hungary Radoz and Wimpffen; Spain Cordova and Barca: the East, Obeidallah, Abd-el-Kader and Sir Salur Jung; the Sandwich Islands, E. H. Allen; Madagascar its Queen, ana Anam two of its Emperors, one of them a foreign puppet, American public life has also been depleted by the loss of Alexander H. Stephens, Jere- miah S. Black, E. D. Morgan, Lot M. Merrill, Montgomery Blair, Post- master-General Howe, Israel Washburn, Marshall Jewell, Eugene Cassidy, Theodore F. Randolph, George Geddes and Natt Head.. As advancedSo- cialism eschews nationality Karl Marx is not to be credited t9 any coun- try. In his death a bad causes loses an original thinker and an industrious organizer. In the intellectual world lying outside the statecraft and political affairs of nations, the stock of human genius, never by any means too large, has been seriously reduced during the year. Richard Wagner is the first name to be mentioned in the order of importance, not only because his genius was animated and inspired by the breath of an originality that was unique, but also because his art has exercised an irresistible fas- cination over men's intelligence and imiagination. The second place be- longs to Ivan Turgeneff, who in satirizing the follies of Russian society gave a name to one of the most mysterious movements of modern times, and yet was neither a reformer nor an agitator, but a literary artist of ex- traordinary power. The subordinate positions must be divided indis- criminately among science, letters and art. Science has lost Sir Charles William Siemens, William Spottiswoode and Swen Nilson; literature, Henri Martin, J. R. Green, Jules Sandeau, Laboulaye, Louis Viardot, Jules Amigues, Henri Conscience, Dutton Cook, Mayne Reid, William Chambers, George W. Greene, William M. Baker; sculpture, Jean Baptiste Clesinger, Clark Mills, Martin Milmore; painting and caricature, Gustave Dore, Pierre August Cot and Richard Doyle; music, Flotow, Tamberlik, Mario and Marie Litta; the stage, Junius Brutus Booth,Charles R. Thorne, Charles Backus and Mrs. Boniface. The great professions have also been deprived of many of their most distinguished representatives. Among the soldiers are Chanzy, the only General in the reformed Republican army of France even remotely sus- pected of having genius; Sir William Fen wick Williams, who inade the heroic defence of Kars; Suleiman Pacha, who hurled the Turkish army against Shipka Pass, and Generals Ord and Humphreys of the American army. Among the veterans of the sea are Admiral Collinson, who bore a prominent part in the search for Sir John Franklin; Count de Persano, who commanded the allied fleet against Austria in 1866, and Rear-Ad- mirals J. R. Sands, B. F. Sands, Middleton. Turner and Trenchard. The law has lost Sir George Jessel, Sir Charles Bowyer, George Sharswood, XIV SUMMARY OF EVENTS FOB THE YEAR 1883.

James Connors, John McKeon and Lewis J. Delafield; and medicine, J. Marion Sims, George M. Beard. Surgeon-General Barnes and William Farr. Theology and the churches have lost Bishop Colenso, Dean Boyd of Exeter, Dean Connor of Windsor, Bishop Talbot, Bishop Pinkney, Dr. Ferdinand C. Ewer, Cardinal Mattei, Cardinal Bonnechose, Archbishop Purcell, Archbishop Wood, Bishop Quinlan, Father Thomas N. Burke; Bishop Peck, Lyman H. Atwater, Dr. E. F. Hatfield, Daniel De Vinne and Thomas D. Anderson. Great havoc has also been made among the educators, the necrology including Paul A. Chadbourne, Evangelinus A. Sophocles, Charles E. Anthon, Charles P. Krauth, S. S. Greene, Alonzo Crittenden, Edward E. Johnson, Benjamin N. Martin, William A. Norton, James B. Thompson and H. J. S. Smith. Journalism has lost Louis Veuil- lot, Hugh J. Hastings, George Dawson and C. C. Fulton. Although low in this artificial list, yet high in the esteem and affec- tions of New-Yorkers, occurs the honored name of Peter Cooper: and with his is closely associated the name of William E. Dodge. To these must be added such names as Amasa Scone, Nathaniel Thayer, Benjamin Fitch and Henry Kip, as representative American men of business with gen- erous instincts. At the risk of unduly extending this list, space must also be spared for John Brown, Queen Victoria/s lackey; for Captain Matthew Webb, who perished in the Niagara rapids; for Eliza Pinkston, a prominent figure in the electoral crisis of 1876; for Mrs. Jesse R. Grant, the ex-President's mother; for Sojourner Truth; and for one of the smallest people in America, General Tom Thumb. INDEX


Editorial Articles have (he affix (Ed.) Correspondence has the affix (O.) The date, page, and column are given after every reference.

A—Agriculture. Date.Pg.CL Roof falls inFirst-ave Nov 282 A—Accidents. Date.Pg.Ck Scaffold at 119€h-st NOT 13 1 1 A. B. C. Union, grocery clerks School, Fourth-st.,16 lives lost.Feb 21 1 6 — ..Dec 644 Details Feb22 1 6 Abbett, L.eon. Investigation concluded Mar 231 Candidacy (Ed) Oct 30 4 2 Coroner's verdict Mar 781 Governor of New-Jersey, elect- School, Sunderland. Jane 17 1 ed ,.Nov 751 Details June IS. 19 Governor, nominated Sept 1451 (Ed) Jane 19 4 2 Governor (Ed) Sept 17 4 2 Shipwrecks (See Shipwrecks) Public acts, some of his.. Oct 1 1 5 Shipyard near Glasgow July 411 Railroad lawyer (Ed) Sept 29 4 3 Yawl, Jersey City Mar ID 8 1 Becord .Oct 28 1 Accident| s (Ed) Jan 29, Aog 5,15 Record _ Ack ley, SliF«»ve, a&eged libel (Ed) bbey, Henry E Sept 14 4 6 JffaylO 4 5 bduction: Garrison, Zerelde.-.Jan 13 1 Actors at

A—Agriculture. Date.Pg.Cl. A—Architect. Date Pa Cl. Plants, acclimation of (C) Mar 752 American citizens attacked in Mada- Sorghum sugar in Japan- Jan 1491 gascar Jan 14 8 1 Sugar quest, tne (Ed) Feb 26 4 4 Industry, organization for protec- Tobacco crop, Cuban Feb 13 1 1 tion of Jan 17 8 1 Wheat crop, outlook (Ed) Apr 2342 Isolation (Ed) Qct 842 Wheat crop, reports from the West Manners half a century ago...Apr 135 Apr 23 2 1 Prosperity "some English-Yankee Agriculturists in convention at talk" (Ed) Mar 13 4 3 Washington Jan 27 2 2 American Institute troubles Feb 422 American Museum of Natural His- Alabama. tory reception..: May 16 5 3 Land question Mar 1119 American Protectionist (Ed) Mar 17 4 5 Mineral lands Apr 10 2 1 American Queen, effect of, sold .Jan 23 8 1 Opelika riots renewed Jan 24 1 3 Americanists in council Apr 2 Oct 14 Prison, horrors (Ed) Feb 344 Americans abroad (Ed) Aug 443 Repudiation record (Ed) Feb 144 Americans of Royal blood June 336 Treasury defalcation Feb 111 Ames, John M., case of Nov 214 Treasury defalcation (Ed) Feb 542 Amherst College alumni dinner.Jan 27 o 3 Alabama claims (SeeGeneva award). Amusements, cost of our (Ed)..Oct 14 6 3 Alaska: Gold discovered Jan IS 3 4 Amusements, popular, (Ed) Aug 26 6 3 Mineral deposits Jan 35 5 5 Amusements (See Drama, Music I Mission stations, troubles (Ed)Dec 25 4 5 and Sporting). Volcanic eruptions Dec 29 5 2 Anderson, Mary, blackmail case Apr 951 Albani, Madame, at her birth- Anderson, Mary, and the Prince Nov 746 place Apr 6 5 1 Andover Theological Seminary. Albert, M. sketch of Jan 13 4 5 theology at (Ed) June 17 6 4 Albuquerque (C) Dec 871 Andrews, Geo. P., sketch of Oct 18 5 3 Andrews, Wm. S. card June 15 2 3 I Aldermen, Board of. Animals, importation of May 20 l 5 Committees appointed Jan 10 8 2 Animals, how, practice medicine Feb 25 9 2 i M ayor's Message Jan 2 2 4 Animals, Soc. for Prevention of i Nominations. Mayor Edson's..Jan 10 3 1 cruelty to, work done Jan 1182 (Ed) JanlO 4 2 Annexation schemes, European (Ed) Pationage Jan 12 8 2 May 343 Piers... - April 8 1 Anniversary, forgotten (Ed)....Mar 464 Report on coupon frauds July 812 5 Anthony, Henry B., prostrated.Nov 29 5 2 Aldermen, choice of (Ed) Nov 244 Anthony, Susan B., at home Dec g 2 1 Aldermen, importance of (Ed)..Nov 643 Anti-Slavery anniversary (Ed)..Oct 543 Alexander, Prince Frederick Chas., Apgar, Edgar K., on centralization death of Jan 22 » 4 (Ed) June 244 Alexander III. coronation Feb 25 3 3 Apostolic surgeon, Dr. Monck (Ed) Crowned May 28 1 1 .Apr 163 Scenes June 9 2 3 Apportionment job (Ed) Jan 27 4 2 Alexandria (Va) Gazette on free Apthorpe Mansion June 10 4 4 trade (Ed) Apr 10 4 3 Aqueduct. Alfonso, King. Bill, provisions of Mar22 1 i j Afront(Ed) Oct 242 Governor requested to veto it I Christina, and: Paris (C) July 145 May 17 5 2 Follies and troubles of (C) Oct 14 3 1 Signed June 2 5 2 Paris visit Sept 30 1 2 Validity of (Ed) May 18 4 2' Paris, reception Oct 1 1 1 Build, way to (Ed) Mar 22 4 2 Paris,in(C) Oct21 3 6 Commission appointed Jan 16 8 1 Policy Dec 13 1 3 Commission, hearings Jan 23 24 Spanish court scandal, Paris (C) Commission, meeting of Jan 19 3 1 July 15 3 5 Commission meeting., Dec 27 8 l j Alice, Princess Dec 834 Commissioners, pay of Aug 25 2 3i Allaire, Captain, charges against Flume, cost of building., Aug 16 8 2 May 421 Job (Ed) Apr 27 4 2 Allen, Ass't District-Att'y, and the Meeting at Cooper Union May 2 1 1 i policy men Jan 545 Quaker Bridge dam, Porter's letter i A lien, Ethan, interview Oct2654 Dec 26 2 3 Allen, Henry F., sketch of Mar28 1 1 Questions concerning (Ed) Aug 27 4 21 Allen, "The" license Mar 25 5 3 Report of Com'n'r Thompson. Aug 9 2 21 Alligator steak (Ed) Mar25 4 7 Route Decl3 8 2 Allison's, Senator,bereavement (Ed) Arabi Bey, advice, letter to Libou- [ AuglS 4 2 chere Jan 155 Almaiiac, The Tribune (Ed) Jan 1644 Degradation of Jan 16 2 l j Alpha Delta Phi convention, Cleve- A rabi and his fellow exiles Dec 24 5 4! land May 17 1 2 Arbitration in the East (Ed) Dec 842 Aitoona, Penn., finances Mar 2 1 5 Arbitration League met m Phila. j Aluminium, new method of making Nov28 3 3 Jan 14 10 6 Arbuckle, Matthew, tribute.... May 2765 Alyward, Alfred, case of Nov 613 Archer, E. B. case of.. Mar 11,13.17, 22 I Amana Society Aug 26 3 4 Archibald, Sir Ed. M., dinner at Del- i Amber, origin of July 110 1 monico's JanSO 5 1 Ambition, grotesque (Ed) Feb 11 6 4 Architect, work of an June 310 1 i NEW-YORK DAILY TKIBUNE POB 1883.

A—— Architecture. Date.Pg.Cl. . A—Arthur. Date. Pg .Cl. Architecture in New-York ...... Jan 3 10 4 Armitage, Thomas,on Sunday and its Architecture, supervision that needs observances May 20 4 supervising (Ed) Sept 19 4 Armour & Co., baseless rumor con- Artie Explorations. cerning June 30 5 3 Chipp, Harber's search for Mar 8 3 Army. Chipp's party, reported finding Appropriation bill passed U. S. ofT Jan 8 2 Senate Feb 22 3 Corwin, cruise Sept 19 2 2 Changes Oct 14 2 Danish _ Feb 11 9 1 Desertion from (Ed) Nov 18 6 Danish, return of..."...".. Oct11 1 4 Gambling among officers May 24 1 4 Dijmphna expedition Jan 16 3 2 Gambling 1 May 26 1 4 Dutch expedition, William Bar- Health, report of Surgeon-General rents sailed May 752 Crane Nov 7 5 3 Franz Josef Land, Smith's voyage Honor in the (Ed) July 19 4 3 (Ed) Feb 28 4 5 Morals (Ed). Oct 14 6 3 Greely: Colony, letter from Road- Officers changed Apr 622 ley.. Apr 255 Officers, status of Sept 29 5 1 Colony, letter from Dr. Merri- Officers under sentences Sept 23 2 2 am... May 523 Orders, Jan 5, 6, 12, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24 (Ed) May 544 25, 28, Feb 1, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21, 25 Facts Apr 15 1 4 28, Mar 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17 Instructions June 916 18, 20, 24, 28, Apr 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12 Plans July 653 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28,29 Proteus: Court of Inquiry Nov 14 May 1. 11, 12, 18, 19, 20,26 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24 June 1, 2, 7, 11, 16, 22, 27,28 Dec. 21, 22, 27. July 1, 6, 15, 19, 21, 22, 27,28 Court of Inquiry (Ed) Oct 27 4 4 Aug 25, 26, Sept 15, 18, 22, Oct 19 Court of Inquiry ordered.-Nov 116 Nov 10, 20, Dec 1, 8, 29. Departure June 30 1 1 Promotions June 8 2 1 Garlington's explanations (Ed) Recruits Aug 26 4 4 ! Sept 30 6 3 Bepqrts: Adjutant-General..Nov 2 2 Garlington's responsibility (Ed) Chief of Bureau Nov 7 5 3 Sept 15 4 2 Inspector-General's ....Nov 13 2 1 ; Garlington's report Oct 20 2 2 Judge-Advocate-General Nov 14 1 6 (Ed).. Oct 21 6 3 Ordnance Department Nov 4 14 Wrecked Sept 14 1 I s Paymaster Nov 3 1 Relief (Ed) Apr 242 Quartermaster-General's Nov 833 Relief,, Melville's plan ...... Sept 23 6 6 f Sheridan's Nov 15 2 Relief, no ...... Sept 19 5 5 ] Sentence heavy for a minor offence Rescue, how to (Ed) ...... Sept 18 4 3 I Mar 17 8 1 i Retreat, line of ...... Sept 14 5 3 j Soldier, the private (Ed) Nov 4 8 4 1 Secretary Chandler's inquisition i Statistical Record, Phisteder'sAug 661 (Ed)..: ...... Oct 23 4 2 i (See also Military). Jeannette :Chipp, Harber's search ! Army chaplains, reunion of. ...July 25 2 5 i for r Mar 8 3 1 !Army of the Potomac reunion..May 1? 1 6 1 Court of Inquiry, Jan 3, 16, 27, j Army of the Tennessee reunion Oet IS 2 Mar. 31, Apr. 4, 6, 7 " Army "—Irish patriots Feb 27 4 Inquiry, report Feb 19 1 6 | Arnold,. Matthew.. Inquiry, report (Ed) Feb 20 4 Christianityity, on...... Nov 445 Beport, supplemental Apr 25 1 2 " Indian Idylls," ...... Oct 28 8 1 Quest, melancholy (Ed) Dec 34 4 4 Clear or cloudy (Ed) ...... Nov 7 4 4 Relics Jan 19 2 2 Interview Oct 23 5 5 Report of Naturalist Newcom'b Lecture " Emerson," Dec 2 2 Oct 5 3 1 Lecture, "Literature and Science," Survivors, arrival of Mar 28 1 6 Nov 20 5 4 Proteus and Yantic (Ed) June 244 Lecture, "Numbers," Oct 31 5 31 Relief expeditions Septl4 5 3 "Poems," Dec24 6 1 Satisfying public opinion (Ed) Visitof(Ed) Oct22 4 S' Nov 15 4 2 Arnott, Edward, insanity of Nov 23 8 2 j Scientific colonies (Ed) Sept 29 4 4 Arrests by cable (Ed) Dec 5 4 3 i Varnalost SePt \ 3 J Arsenal, Woolwich, explosion..Sept 25 1 4 j Yantic cruise, report Sept n29 5 1 Art (See Fine Arts) ! Yantic, departure of June 14 8 2 Arthur, Chester A. Yantic, management of Oct 22 1 1 Administration (Ed) June 9 4 Yantic, outfit ...... June 11 5 °2 ; Appointments, rumors Jan 7 4 Yantic, voyage ...... Sep^ _t 15_ _ 4 6 1 Cabinet, quarrel.... Oct 24 1 6 Arizona Territory, growth of Oct 17 52! Cape May, at July 23 2 Bullion product (Ed) Mar 545! Chicago, in Aug 3 „5 3 Prison management Feb 19 1 3 j Civil Service rules May 9 1 6 Arkansas, repudiation Jan 18 1 3 Conference, Cooper—Quay Nov 23 1 6_ Storm, destructive Apr 15 7 3 Illness, concerning his Apr 24 1 6 Arkansas Gazette on the tariff (Ed) Mahone relations May 30 1 6 Aug 30 4 3 Mail Nov30 5 4 Arlington estate title May 13 1 5 Message, annual Dec 516 Armenians in Sept 210 3 (Ed) Dec 542 Armitage, Thomas, sketch of...Nov 4 5 6 1 Newport visit Sept22 10 INDEX TO THE

A—Arthur. Date.Pff.Cl. B-Banks. Date.Pff.Cl. New-York politics, and May 23 5 (Ed) Oct20 4 8 Political situation, on the. (Ed) Autographs, Pulsifer'a June 18 4 8 Nov 844 Awakening (Ed) Apr 18 4 4 President or politician (Ed)..June 944 Ayer, Miss (Ed) May 17 4 5 Southern trip Apr 512 Speech, Brooklyn New-England B. Soc. dinner Dec22 5 2 Bache, John O., robbed Dec 825 Trip South, return Apr 23 1 1 "Back into thefold" (Ed) . . May 29 4 3 Yellowstone Park, at Aug 27 1 6 Backus, Charles, death of June 22 5 2 Artist, memoirs of an, (See Bellow) Bacon and Garrison, Chamberlain on Artists, some French (C) May1341 Nov 413 1 Asbury Park, thefts at Apr 23 1 6 Badeau, Adam, case of May2552 Ashantee, King relinquished his Cuba,on Augl7 4 5 throne Apr 411 Baggage scandal, annual (Ed)..Sept 06$ Ashantee, ex-King Kalcalli and fam- Bailey, E. P., interview May17 1 5 ilykilled Dec30 1 4 Bailey, John, charges against...Jan 24 2 3 Ashburnham books, sale of, London Bailey, P. S., swindled Mar 14 8 3 (C) "G. W. S," Apr 761 Baker, Chas. R., rectorship Feb 532 Ashburnham. Library, origin,

B—Belmont. Date. Pg. Cl. B—Boston. Date.PQ.Cl- Dlnner(Bd) June 12 4 4 Blaine, James G. Justice to (Ed) Dec 19 4 4 Assassinate, attempt to Mar 9 1 Benjamin, S. G. W., at the Persian Camerons, and the Apr 3 4 court Aug 826 Central America, and June 8 1 Sketchof Jan 753 Letter to James King on Religion Bennett. Geo.A., conoerning(C).. Dec 27 5 1 Apr 3 4 Benson, Dr May 545 Peace Congress, and the (Ed) May 26 4 Benson. Thomas, case of Mar 18 1 4 Presidency, and the (Ed) July 17 4 Benton, Wm.. flight of Mar 10 8 2 Presidency, on the Sept 13 1 Benyon, Abner I., charges aga4nst •' Shooting "story Mar 9, 10 Jan 23 5 5 Surplus revenue, on the N ov 29 1 Bergrh, Henry, on fish stories ..June 29 8 4 "Twenty Years of Congress".Feb 7 1 Humorist.asa July 446 Whiskey tax.on the Nov 29, 30 Bernadotte, heirs of (C) Aug 532 Dec 7 Bernard, Canon, case of (Ed) ...Feb 25 6 5 Blair, Geo., case of Mar 5 8 Bernard, Canon, case Mar 1614 Blair, H. W., interview July 29 2 3 J Vindicated AuglO 1 3 Blair, Montgomery, death of... Julv 28 6 Bernhardt's Sarah, memoirs Apr 15 8 4 I Blanc's, Louis, marriage Jan 7 3 Bernhardt, Sarah,—Col ombier fight i Blanc, Louis, as political leader and (Ed) Dec22 4 3 | as writer (C) "G. W.S." Feb 4 3 Berry, Philip, escape from the Aus- i Blanc, Louis, three sonnets.... June 12 6 tria Jan29 3 2 j Blankets, great sale of Sept 6 S Berstein. Baron Nov 413 Bleichroeder-Seligman quarrel.M ar 21 1 Bete Theta Pi Fraternity at dinner Blind girl, Maggy Smith (Ed)...Feb 3 4 Feb 22 5 3 Bliss, Colonel, fees Jan 10 5 Bettini. G., attempt at suicide ! Bliss, Geo., and the Ottman case May 14,15 June 3 1 Released May 23 8 1 Bliss, Thales S, card Mar 19 5 Statement May19 2 1 Bliss-Sprague election case (Ed) Mar 13 4 Bicycles May 29 5 4 Blissert, Robert, wild threats Dec 18 2 I Bierne-Elam affatr (Ed) June 27 4 4 Blizzard, St. Louis (Ed) Mar 6 4 Biffgar, Joseph G., breach of prom- Blood and thunder (Ed) July I isecase Mar 9, 25, 26, Apr 1 Blood, transfusion of Feb 19 Courtship notes Mar23 3 3 Blood, Chas. L., case of..Jan 23, Feb 3 I Billiard balls, how made July 22 4 4 June 14 Billiard players, famous Dec 23 5 6 Blue Mountain Lake, Adirondacks Billiards (See Sporting. (C) Aug 19 2 ! Billings. Chas. F., charges against Blunt, Geo. W., letter to Tagg..Dec 16 10 i Nov 18 5 3 Boat racing (See Regatta) Billings, Henry S., interview---Nov 451 Bockelman, Chas. O., case of July 10 2 4 1 Birdsall, D. G., charges against Til- ."Body-building" (Ed) Aug26 den Aug 7 5 3 Boers-trouble in the Transvaal (Ed) i Birdsall. D. C., disclosures (Ed) | Dec 20 4 3 ! Aug 10, 14, 20, Sept 12 i Bogardus, O. C., case of Dec 7 "j '2 ! Bisbie, David H... Oct 13 5 5 ! Boice. Garrett S., sent to prison. Feb 20 5 5; Bishop, ex-Gov., interview June 28 1 2 Bolivia, slave trade July 27 5 5 ! Bishop's, Sir Henry, Faust music Bonaparte tax case Nov 18 1 3 , (C).:..I Dec 17 6 1 Bond. Emma Dec 14, 15,19,21 Bismarck. Bonner, Robert, chat with Nov 1J Political methods (Ed) May 12 4 3 Boody, N. B., arrest of Mar 8 Success and failure (Ed) June 28 4 2 Book reviews (See Literature) Vatican, and the (Ed) June 11 4 3 . Booker, Wm. L., speech, St. George's Bispham, Henry Collins, sketch of I Soc. dinner Apr 24 Jan 22 3 1 [Bookwalter (Ed) July 4 Bjerring. N.. and the Presbytery I Bookwalter Senator'sintrigues.Sept 9 Feb 526 iBoorne, William, sentence of. com. I muted Oct. 31 Black Act, last of the (Ed) Dec 963! Booth, Edwin, returns from Europe Black, J. S. j June 19 5 1 I (See also Drama) Appointment, his first Oct 19 2 5 Booth, J, B., will of Dec 25 Deathof Au&H9 x g (Ed) Aug20 4 2 Booth, Louis H., flight of Aug 4 , Mormons, and the Feb o 2 2 Boraicacid Jan 7 i Blackburn, Jos. C. S., and the Speak- Boston. I ership (Ed) ^P*^ 4 8 Aldermen, manner of electing.May 29 5 Laborsof(Ed) July 2 o 4 4 Business statistics Jan 1 Prophet, gifted (Ed) July 944 Debt of May 12 i Blackford, E. G., on protection of Drainage system Dec 33 i food fish Feb20 2 5 Mayor, A. P. Martin elected ..Dec 12 ! Blackmailer, Wm. Harrison Jan 855 Organic difficulty (Ed) May 3 'Blackman, J. A., arrest of Mar 25 1 5 Prison statistics Jan 26 Blackwell's Island, visit to July 984 Taxation Mar 9 Blaikie, Wm., on glove-fights...Aug 14 5 1 Treasury frauds Apr 16 Blaine, Alice S., marriage of Feb 753 (See also ) NEW-YORK DAILY TBIBUTSTE FOB 1883.

B—Boston. Date.Pg.Cl. B—Brooklyn. Datc.Pg.Cl. Boston Advertiser changes Nov 13 2 2 Bailway system May 24 2 2 I Bostwick, J. A Mar 4 10 2 Beceipts June 22 8 2 Boulak Museum, Cairo (C) G. F. Bepairingof July 28 8 1 Bowe Apr. 22 4 3 Bules July 10 2 2 Boulevard turn up for a railroadDec 653 Statistics May 24 2 3 Buouncers" and body-guards....Dec 17 9 6 Steps, take away the (Ed) June 643 Bounds, Clarissa, death of July 10 5 4 Suit, Miller Nov 733 Bourbon women, three, Paris (C) Tolls (hd) Apr 862 Sept 232 Tolls, proposed Apr 10 2 4 i Bourn. Augustus O. nom. for Gov. of Tolls, schedule May 15 2 3 ! Bhode Island Mar 16 5 4 Travel Dec 28 8 2 i Boush, J. E., card June22 5 5 Trustees, meeting of Jan 9, Feb 13 ! Bowdoin Alumni dinner Jan 20 5 3 Oct 9 ' Bower, Henry, on tariff Feb 23 3 2 Trustees organize June 22 8 2 Boxing, amateur athletics (Ed).Feb 26 4 3 Trustees, questions for (Ed).. .Apr 22 6 2 Boy, small, a word to the (Ed).June 17 6 4 Weddins>, extraordinary (Ed).May 24 4 4 Boyd, Mrs. E. C., concerning Aug 682 Work, child's play (Ed) Aug 17 4 3 Boyd's City Dispatch July 21 8 1 Bridges, cantilever Dec 2 10 2 Boyd's City Dispatch July 28 2 5 Niagara cantilever, opening of— Boyle, James, escapes from jail Sept 153 Dec 21 1 2 Boynton, H. V., assaulted Aug 1414 Brigandage, Panizzo case Dec 30 12 1 Boys and trades (Ed) Oct 28 6 3 Boys, what to do with (Ed) Oct 843 Blight, John. Brace, C. L Mar 4, 27, June 12 America, on June 14 6 1 Brackett, Chas. N.. card Sept 19 5 2 Birmingham visit (C)"G.W. S'" Bradford, Wm. (Ed) Sept 27 4 4 July 2, 6 Bradlaugh, Charles, case of Jan 12 English critics (Ed) Apr 16 4 3 Feb. 17, Apr. 11,15, 24. Honors (Ed) June 14 4 4 (Ed) Feb. 16, May 4 Letter toEvarts Feb 721 Bradley. Jos. H., marriage of...Nov 312 Politics, on June 17 1 1 Bradley's, Judge, opinion, civil Prophecy (C) Jan 254 rights decision Oct 26 3 1 Protection, on June 27 8 3 Brady, Joseph, execution of May 15 7 3 Scottish artisans, on Apr 16 2 3 Brady, Thomas J., evidence: Star Speech as Bector Mar 23 1 1 route trial Mar 15 Visit from (Ed) Oct 27 4 3 16,17,21, 22. Brilliant but blind, Lamar (Ed) Feb 943 Indictment Mar 28, Apr 19 Bristor, Geo.B., charges against— Braman, Beni., testimony In Feuar- July 25 3 2 dent-Cesnola suit Dec 25, 27 Bristow, Isaac, case of May 18 8 2 Bramo-Somaj of India (Ed) Sept 21 4 British officer, body of a. found at Brainweights Feb 6 8 Sunnyside, Mass Dec 12 5 3 Bray, Mrs. E. A., death of Feb 1055 Note Book. Jan 7,14, 21, 28 Brazilian ministry resign May 18 1 ~ Feb 4. 11, 18, 25, Mar 4, 11,18, 25 Brazza and Congo (Ed) Apr 19 4 Apr i, 8, 15. '22, 29, May 6, 13, 20 "Bread-Winners,"authorship of.Nov 29 6 27, June 3, 10,17, 24, July 1, 8, 22 Breckenridge, W. O. P., speecb, Iro- Aug 5,12,19, '26, Sept 2, 9,16, 23 quois Clubdinner Apr 14 5 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 11, 18 Breen, M. P., charges against J. B. 25, Dec 2, 9, 16,23,30 Haskin..... Feb 9 2 2 Brockway, Wm. E., counterfeiter, Brennan's, Sheriff, property Oct1546 arrest Nov 12 1 1 Brennan, Thos. S., as Commissioner Brokers, illegal taxes from July 424 of Charities (C) Apr25 5 1 Bromley, Isaac H., made editor Com- Brennan, Thos. S., sketch of May 10 2 1 mercial A dvertiser Nov 20 4 5 Breteche, Camille, acquittal of. .Mar 20 2 6 Speech, Army of the Potomac re- Brewers'Convention May18 1 3 union. May 18 2 1 Brewster, Benj. H. Yale Alumni dinner Dec 8 5 4 Civil Bights Act, on the Oct 18 3 1 Bronson, Edgar B Sept 13 4 6 Cook trouble June 30 5 5 Brooklyn. Dinner Feb 654 Bridge (SeeBridge.) Beport as Attorney-General...Dec 271 Church-going in (Ed) Jan 14 6 4 Bridge, . Civil Service reform Jan 481 Accident May 31, June 1, 2, 3 Education, Board of, charges..Feb 21 2 5 Coroner's verdict June 655 Federal building (Ed) Apr 13 4 3 Benefits, and its (Ed) June 7 4 4 Fires (See Fires.) Control of, discussion of trustees Flatbush-ave., extension of.... Apr1284 Mar 20 1 6 Flatbush-ave., extension of (Ed) Cost May 24 2 3 Apr 23 4 3 Defects (Ed) June 142 Future of (Ed) June 543 Demands, and its (Ed) May 27 6 2 Mayor (SeeLow.) Doomed—Queen's birthday ...May 144 MayoraltJ y (Ed) Oct 20, Facts and figures Nov 466 24, Nov3,3 History and construction May 2116 Municipal expenses June 27 8 2 Opening,change the date (Ed).May 1563 New-York,question of uniting June 391 Opening of May 25 1 1 Park management Nov 352 Opening, peril passed (Ed) May 2643 Becollections of Sept 16 4 3 Bailroad (Ed__ ) _.___Sepr t 25 4 3 Begistration Sept 26 2 5 Bailroad, opening of.". „ Sept 2523 Schools, condition of Feb 1284 INDEX TO THE

B—Brooklyn. Date.Pg.Cl. B—Butler. Date.Pg.Cl' Schools, condition of ...... Nov 25 9 1 Apr 2, 9, May 7,14,28. June 4, 11 Schools, condition of ...... Dec 242 18, 25, July 2, 9,16, 23, 30, Aug 6 Soreheads (Ed) ...... Nov 3 4 3 13, 20, 27, Sept 3,10,17, 24, Oct 1 Taxes, why higher ...... Oct 27 2 3 8, 15, 22, 39, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 20 Young Republican Club (Ed) . . Oct 1843 Dec 3,10,17, 24, 31. Brooklyn Revenue Reform Club on Outlook Aug 17 1 6 the Tariff bill (Ed) ...... Jan 10 4 3 Outlook (Ed) Aug22 4 3 Brooks, Erastus, speech, Chamber Pittsburg, Penn., depression..Dec 17 2 6 of Commerce band uet ...... May 9 2 3 Year of apprehension (Ed)... .Dec 30 6 2 "Brotherhood" (Ed) ...... Aug 5 6 2 (See also Trade). Brown, Chas. F., resigned Judge- Bute's, Lord, dock monopoly (C) Aug 31 2 2 ship of Orange Co ...... Jan 2 1 Butler, Benj. F. Brown, John, letter to H. Hum- Agriculturist, fine old (Ed)...Sept 23 6 3 phrey ...... Nov25 3 6 Almshouse, and the May 331 Brown, John, Queen Victoria's Answered (Ed) Mar 30 4 4 servant (Ed) ...... Oct 10 Appointments Jan 18 1 5 Brown, Jos. E., gift ...... Apr 1 " Back into the fold" (Ed)... .May 29 4 3 Brown, ThomasM., made U. S. Sen- Baggage for (Ed) Sept 15 4 4 ator from ...... Jan 28 Ballad Nov 11 2 4 Brown University alumni ...... June 2 Belmontconference (Ed) April 4 4 Brundage, Francis, resigns Judge- Blunders (Ed) Oct 13 4 3 ship ...... Jan12 1 4 Boston Post and the Jan 1734 Bryans, ''Dr.," society.July 18, Aug 5 Capers (Ed) Mar 28 4 2 Bryant, Wm. M., lunacy case. .June 3 1 Cattle shows, on Sept 32 4 4 Buchanan, James, Mar 11, July 29, Charleston convention, and the Aug 12 Aug 16 5 3 Buck, Susan, case of ...... Jan if 10 Commerce, on Jan 14 2 2 Buckland, E. R., "crank" ...... Nov29 1 Co-operating—convicts (Ed)...Feb 16 ~4 - 3 Buckner's financial schemes____Dec 29 1 Defeated Nov 711 Budd, James, and his housekeeper Degree of LL. D. refused by Har- Jan 13 8 1 vard College June 114 Buddhism and Brahminism, novel (Ed) June 242 views of (Ed) ...... Dec 24 4 4 Democracy, throwing away Building bill, why opposed ..... June 12 1 6 chances (Ed) May 22 4 4 Bureau, annual report ...... Feb 10 2 3 Distiller, defends a Mar 713 Law, changes in (Ed) ...... Dec 14 4 5 Financial idea July 413 Law, proposed ...... Mar 18 2 5 Greenbackers, andthe (Ed)...Oct 1743 Laws, death traps (Ed) ...... Apr 30 4 2 Inaccurate Govern or (Ed) June 3043 Laws, meeting of builders and Inaugurated Gov. of Massachu- architects ...... Mar 11 5 3 setts Jan 516 Bulgaria outrages (C)...... Oct 523 Kill, threat to Jan 16 1 3 Bulgaria in revolution ( C) ...... Oct 28 4 1 Mistaken methods against (Ed) "BulLOle," ...... Jan 7 8 1 June 27 4 3 "Bull on the people, a" ...... Nov 17 4 3 Money—false pretences (Ed)..Oct 24 4 3 Burchard on silver coinage. . '. .. . Feb 822Mouth and cue(Ed) Apr 943 Burglar alarm in the mail ...... Apr 11 1 6 Mustgo(Ed) Aug24 4 3 Burglar alarms ...... Dec 24 3 4 Pardon of Dolau (Ed) June 944 BurKe, John, flight of ...... Aug 24 8 1 '• Pauper" immigration scare (Ed) May 14 4 4 Pious(Ed) Nov 15 4 3 Poem—" Governor B." Sept 27 2 2 -At, ZO, JU-lty J-, A, O, O. £7, XV, J.4, JL « , W Poem—"Widow Butler" Apr20 5 1 Burlingame, Joel, death of Jan 20 4 5 Policy of success (Ed) June 2143 Burnett, Jas. A., acquitted June 26 3 1 Presidency, and tlie Apr 913 Burnham, Mrs. G.W., tribute...Oct 952 Presidency, and the (Ed) July 21 4 3 Burrill, J. F., case of Mar 24 26 Presidency, and tli e (Ed) Nov 16 4 3 Burt, Silas W., sketch of Mar 216 Presidency, his hopes (Ed) Apr 343 Career Apr 22 10 1 Presidency "nipped in the bud" " Promotion" (Ed) Mar 743 (Ed) Jan 13 4 3 Burton, D. W., letter from May 13 9 6 Presidency, vain hopes (Ed)..May 1144 Bush-Garrard quarrel June 30 1 5 Progress backward (Ed) July 23 4 2 Bush, Wm. H., case of May 24 1 3 Railroad, trick (Ed) May 20 6 4 Bushnell, Horace Apr 12 4 5 Renominated for Governor of Mass Sept27 2 1 Bush nell, library sale of Apr 582 Richmond Dispatch on (Ed).. .Jan 1744 Business. Speech, Chamber of Commerce Accommodation paper (C) Sept 725 oanquet Nov27 5 3 Assignments, preferential (Ed) Speech, Harvard College Jun e 2 8 1 6 Mar 244 Speech at Northampton Oct 25 5 3 Boston statistics Jan 115 Speech at a picnic Aug 17 1 5 Depression, cause of (Ed) Aug 31 4 4 Speech, Press Club dinner....Aug 28 5 3 Disturbing (Ed) Nov 15 4 3 Speech, Saturday Night Club din Failures (See Failures). ner .* - Feb 25 7 4 Firms, changesin Jan 2, 3 Soldiers' Home, and the Mar 28 2 2 Methods (Ed) Aug 23 4 2 Staff Jan 12 4 3 Money and (Ed) Jan 4 Telegraph operators'strike, on the J, 22, 29, Feb 12,19, 26, Mar 12. 26 Aug15 2 1 NEW-YOKE: DAILY TRIBUNE FOB isss.

B—Butler. Date.Pg.Cl. C—Casino. Date.Pg.Cl. Uneasy (Ed) Jan 12 4 3 Nicaragua, bill before Congress What will they do with him! (Ed) Feb 121 Panama, Colne's lecture Jan 555 Widow's lament June 246 Policy, new (Ed) July 17 4 2 World growing better (Ed)....Feb 27 4 3 Report of Auditor Jan 11 5 2 Butlerism, what, means (Ed)....Oct 3145 Report of State Engineer Jan 12 2 5 Butler, Geo B., on the Tariff..... July 6 10 4 Suez, agreement (Ed) July 12 4 2 Butler, Geo. H Apr 20 4 5 Suez, agreement (Ed) July 25 4 3 Butter and cheese, exports of ..July 22 10 4 Suez, agreement (Ed) Dec 243 Butter, complaints about June 1125 Suez, English limitations, some Butter, dairy boomerang (Ed)..Jan 644 (Ed) ..?_...Jan 17 4 3 Buttered with humbug (Ed) ...Feb 844 Suez, guarantees (Ed) Feb 243 " By the horns " (Ed) Mar 14 4 3 Suez, neutrality of Jan 16 1 1 Byrne, Frank.Feb 28, Mar 9,18, 25, 29 Suez, second (Ed) May 21 4 3 Byron, Father, case of June 853 (See also Shipping.) Canned food, poison (Ed) Dec 23 8 3 C. Cannes, scenes and reminiscences, Cab Company Sept 481 letter from J. G. Wilson Feb 11 3 5 Cable. (See Telegraph.) Cannon, Apostle, "a kicking can- Cable, Geo. W., lecture, "True Lit- non," (Ed) Dec 13 4 3 eraryArtist" Dec 724 Cannon at Oxford (Ed) July 23 4 3 (Ed) Dec 965 jCant and bogus butter (Ed)....Au> 944 Reception, W. D. Howells's...Nov 28 5 1 I Capel, career of July 31 2 3 Cadet Engineers, status of June 514 Divorce, on Dec 14 5 4 Cadets, Virginia July 481 Luther, on Nov 12 2 5 Cafttey, Thomas, execution of..June 31" Luther, and (Ed) Nov 23 4 4 Calamities, facts about recent (Ed) Sketchof Dec 9 10 1 Sept 29 4 4 Capel-Fulton case (Ed) Sept 26 4 4 (See also Accidents.) Capital punishment, Prof. Wayland Caldwell, Sam'iB., charges agst.Apr 5 8 o n (Ed) Sept 443 Caldwell. G. CM on ensilage Jan 24 7 8 "Captain Archer" See Wadge Caldwell, S. B., night of Mar 30 8 1 Captains, brutal sea (Ed) Nov 28 4 4 ! Caleb, Geo., case oi June 612 Carbo, Pedro, made President of I California. Guayaquil July 27 5 5 Camping in. (See Hassard.) Cardiff and Lord Bute Jun ell 2 4 *' Insanity Dodge" bill (C) Apr 2 2 Carey, James, murder of July 31 1 4 I Ostrich farming (C) Aug 12 3 Release of May 20 1 2 Railroad problems (C) July 27 2 2 Justice, retributive (Ed) Aug 143 Railroad tax cases, decision ....Jan 731 Carey, Michael, flight of Aug 15 5 4 San Francisco, growth of (O)..Dec 16 4 1 Carl, Selah C., case of Jan 23 8 3 Cameron-Mahone disagreem'nt. May 13 1 4 Carlisle, John G. Camp-meetings (Ed) Sept 264 Camping in California. (See Has- Buckner-Bland agreement (Ed) sard.) Dec 29 4 3 Campbell, Allan, resigns office of Cards, don't know what to put on Controller July 28 1 1 his (Ed) Dec 746 Campbell, Dr., attacked July 19 1 3 Committees (Ed) Dec 25 4 2 Campbell, T. J. (Ed) Sept 10 4 3 *'Conservatism" in the saddle (Ed) Influence at Albany (C) Mar 19 1 6 Dec 14 4 3 Canada. Current, the (Ed) Dec 643 Finances, Feb 17, Mar 31, Sept 13. Election (Ed) Dec 443 France treaty Dec 12 1 4 Speech, Cynthiana Dec 5, 6 Governor-General (Ed) May 23 4 3 Speaker of House of Representa- Home Rule, analogies of (Ed). Nov 14 4 4 tives, made Dec 216 Lansdowne,madeGov.-General.Oct 24 1 1 Speakership, and the (Ed). .July 4; Opinions of, conflicting (Ed)...Dec 10 4 4 Sept 7 Parliament opened Feb 1012 Carlton, H. H., on the surplus rev. Parliament prorogued May 2611 enue(Ed) Dec 18 4 Carlyle circle, the July 6 6 Prosperity and tariffs (Ed) Sept 144 Emerson correspondence Feb 18 8 Revenues Jan 555 Carlyle, Mr. and Mrs. July 22 8 Riot at Harbor Grace Dec 28 5 2 "Carlyle," Gail Hamilton's paper —United States, and the (Ed)...Mar 21 4 3 Nov 27 6 Canada in the Revolution (C)...Aug 21 3 2 Carl vies, the (Eel) -Apr 8 6 Canals. Carman, Louis H., flight of Feb 28 2 Expenses (Ed) Feb 543 Caneegie, Andrew, interview.. .Sept 24 5 Expenses Mar 22 1 4 Carroll, Wm. B., defalcation, report Floriaaship Jan 13 1 5 of Controller May 15 5 Florida ship May 10 1 4 Thefts, report of Commissioners of Free, experiment (Ea) Dec 15 4 4 Accounts May 22 8 Free, success of Aug 722 Carson prison footprints June 22, Guarantees (Ed) Feb 243 Hennepin scheme Nov 321 Carby and Oscar Wilde (Ed).. .June 24 4 Interoceanic (Ed) Jan 763 Cash, W. B., lite attempted Feb 12 1 Nicaragua project Jan 22 2 Casher's Valley, (N. C.) glimpses of Management (Ed) Oct16 4 . (C) SeptSO 3 Mismanagement of (C) Nov 27 8 4 Casino, attempt to burn Dec 15 1, INDEX OF THE

C—Casino. Date.Pg^Cl. C—Chili. Date PG M. Casino, stockholders at odds—Mar 152, Chamoerlain and the Cobden Club Cass, Chas. W.. flight of July 2 1 4 (C)"G.W-S." July 15 3 1 Cassidy, Lewis C. (Ed) Jan 18 4 4 Chamberlain, D. H., on Garriso. and Castelar, Senor, on Irish crimes (Ed) Bacon Nov 4 13 1 Nov 24 4 5 Chamberlain, D. H., on Virginia Castle Garden, changes at Feb 182 politics Sept20 1 4 Cat, passing of the (Ed) Nov 344 Chamberlain, Joseph, on Education Catalogues and libraries (Ed).. .May 1944 Catastrophes (See Accidents.) Chambers, Andrew J., case of Catering company May 20 3 4 Feb 26 Mar 6 Caterpillar Kmg Sept 16 9 4 Chambers Street Hospital manage- Caterpillar plagues July 143 ment June 752 Caterpillar plague Aug 13 2 5 Chambers, W. R. W., card, Nov 30 8 3 Caterpillars, horned Dec 25 3 4 Chambord, Comte, death of... Aug 25 2 2 Caterpillars, hunting for July 812 4 (Ed) Auar25 4 2 Cathedral, Garden City (Ed)... .July 2264 Champagne, making May 18 5 5 Cathedral, Omaha, cousecrated.Nov 16 z 2 Cattle. Chandler! S. C. on the coming comet Business, barbarity of (Ed)...Mar 20 4 4 Commission report Aug 331 Cfaapinni. - , A.. C.„ ^ Sept 23 6 6 Diseases, Government inquiry.Jan 621 Importation of June 14 2 2 Apportionment bill, and the (Ed) I Importation to Great Britain pre- Mav 444 vented (Ed) July 13 4 5 Boomerang (Ed) NOV 4 R 5 Jersey, sale of May 18 8 2 Chairanddesk Aug 10 1 3 "Maverick" Aug 17, 18, 19, 21, Davenport, and (Ed) Nov 344 Aug 28, Sept 16 Legislature, and the (Ed) May 17 4 2\ Neat^^ importatiop n _of _ Aug^ 2 2 2 Reply to Davenport Oct3Q 2 4 Pleuro-pueumonia May 24 1 4 State furniture, and (C) June 15 2 3 Ranches on public domain (C).Mar 27 3 3 Chapman, Jonathan, mission of..Feb 483 Ranges, (C) Aug 14 3 1 Characters, odd Oct 14 9 l i Causticsoda Feb 13 1 2 Charities, public, reports Sept 16 4 4 ' Cavendish, Frederick C., assassina- Charity. tion Jan 14, Feb 4, 6, 11.16,18, 20, 21 Aid Association, annual report. Dec 14 3 3 Am-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 Ball in aid ol Jan 26 5 2 20', 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, May 1, 2, 3 Fresh-Air Fund (See Fresh-Air Fund.) 8, 9, 10. 12, 17. 29. New field for (Ed) May iO 6 3 Jay van, Georgia, interview Aug 152 Organized, meeting at Union Census, attacks Feb 226 League Club Dec 754 Bills, certain predictions (Ed).Feb ^9 4 5 Organization Soc. annual meeting Bureau, work of Jan 29 . May 155 Centennial days, last of (Ed)... .Nov 25 6 2 State Aid Asso. reports from com- Jentral America notes Jan 11 mittees May 11 5 5 27, Feb 3, 27, Apr 15. 27, May 15, 24 State Board, annual report J an 18 3 4 June 14,15. Charity in town and country (K«t) . Aug 19 6 3 Buildings, new (Ed) Dec 21 4 3 Charleston (S. C.), centennial...Aug 14 1 5 Construction and destruction (Ed) Trade and commerce Sept 153 Oct 14 6 5 Charlesworth, Maud, and the Salva- Defacing and disfiguring of (Ed) tion Army (Ed) Apr 1 6 3 - Sept 29 4 3 Charter Legislation Proposed (Ed) Lakes, condition of Sept 30 9 5 Mar 343 Menagerie (Ed) Nov 29 4 4 Chatrian.Erckmann, modern authors Menagerie job (Ed) Oct 21 6 4 May 28 5 4 Restaurant.....' Oct 824 Chauncey, D. M., mental condition Irees, controversy over cutting of July 13 3 1 Aug 2, 4 Cbeek " as capital (Ed) Dec 18 4 4 Wheelways of the May 13 6 2 Chemistry of fairy rings Apr 29 9 1 Cesnola-Feuardent suit (See Legal.) Cheney's, Warren, method of essay- Cesspool, deaths in a Aug 282 writing... Jan 15 6 1 Chesbrough's, A. M., bequests..Nov 313 Cetewayo. Chess, Steinitz-Mackenzie contest Forces routed May 18 1 1 Feb 14 8 2 KiUed, (reported.) July 26 1 6 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea (Ed) Jan 25 4 4 Restoration of Mar 26 2 1 Chi Psi Alumni dinner Mar 751 Chadbourne, Paul A., death of...Feb 24 5 2 Chicago's big duel (Ed) May 18 4 3 Chalmers, James R. Chicago, divorce day (Ed) Dec 19 4 3 Defence of (C) Aug 10 5 5 Chicago to Denver, from (C) July 845 Election case July 813 Chicago liquor licenses Nov 10 1 4 Election case Jan 17 2 5 Chicago revealed (Ed). Septl7 4 4 Endof(Ed) June 15 4 3 Children's Aid Society, Mar 4, 27. Speech at Jackson, Miss July 525 Apr 9, June 12. sept 8, Nov 28 Chamberlain as an orator, London (Ed) ..' Nov 29 4 4 (C)"G. W. S." Apr 22 3 1 Chamberlain's Birmingham speech . (Ed) July 14 4 2 Defeated by Peruvians Aug 14 l 2 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 25 I

C—Chili. -_r C—Classics. Date.Pg.Cl. Membershipof May 13 9 1 Peru, peace (Ed)".'."."."V.V.V.V.May 17 4 Newark, N. J., First Methodist Peru peace treaty. May 16, June troubles Feb 15 5 4 16, July 27. Oct 22. ("Ed) Feb 16 4 4 | Peru relations June rf i Park Ave. Methodist, description Peru war. Logan's letter J an 4 6 of June 2 5 5 i Chills—clergyman (Ed) Mar 24 4 "Pilgrims" at Erwin, 111 Sept 10 5 4 j Plymouth, sale of pews Jan 10 5 2 j China. Protestant Episcopal (Ed) Sept 16 6 4 1 Notes, Jan 1, Feb 23, Mar 27, Apr Reformation (Stanton St) fiftieth 27, 29, May 18. year Jan 884 Riotin Canton Sept 15 1 St. Cecilia, corner-stone Sept 10 8 1 Riots ....Sept 12 1 St. John's Luthern, troubles (Ed) Statement, Tonquin troubles.Nov 22 i Dec 27 4 5 Tonquin (Ed) Sept 6 4 St. Thomas, consecration of..May 16 2 War with France (Ed) Nov 25 6 St. Thomas freed from debt. ..May 12 2 1 Sermons (See Sermons) c'cSSrtTfleetB (Ed) Nov 6 4 Stanton-st. Baptist, dedication of Come, must the (Ed) Oct 26 4 Mar 582 Dissipation, opium May 1^ o Theistic Mar 19 3 3 Pong Ah Lung ease (Ed) Oct 6 4 Trinity, clock Feb 27 5 6 Proclamation Sept 9 10 Sept 30 9 1 j Secret Societies (Ed) Dec 20 4 Work in New-York Sept23 9 1 smuggling (Ed) Oct 14 b (See also Religious.) j Travellers in the United States Churchill, Mary, flight of Aug 22 1 3 j Jan 7 5 Churchill, Mary, return home..Nov 613 Truthfulness (Ed) Dec 13 4 ChurchiUs, the, London (C) July 22 3 2 Chinese giant, Chang-Yu-Sing..N ov 11 1 Churchmen, consistency among (C) Chipp, Harber's search for Mar 8 3 Apr 16 5 4 ; Chivalry, modern (Ed) Jan 9 4 Cigar bill, tenement house Dec 7 1 2 | Chloral - . June 24 o Cigar-making in tenement-houses i Chloroform, internal use of Jan 24 6 Mar 14 2 1 Choate, H. M., shoots a burglar Cigars, rebate on Apr 24 2 1 Nov 11 5 Cigars, smuggling of Jan 12 3 3 . Choate, Jos. H. Cigarettes (Ed) Apr22 6 4: Speech, Chamber of Commerce Cigarettes and their manufacture i ^Banquet Nov 27 5 Nov 4 13 4 ; Charity, on Dec 7 o Cigarettes, why injurious Aug 26 4 2 Conkling, disagree May 18 5 Cincinnati Commercial Gazette con- Speech, Salvini dinner Apr 27 5 solidation Jan 354 Cholera cordons, letter from J. C. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette con- Peters Aug 3 5 solidation (Ed) Jan 765 Egypt, June 28 to Julv 29. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette on i (Ed), Jane 30, July 24. silver (Ed) Nov 13 4 4 ' Germ (Ed) Oct 28 6 Cincinnati flood (See Floods, Western.) Preparations for (Ed) July 28 4 Cincinnati Society centennial. .May 15 7 Christian Ass'n, Young Men's, an- Circus in Russian Poland burned niversary Jan 23 5 with 300 persons Jan 15 5 4 Work done July 810 Details Jan 16 1 1 Christiancy, Lizzie, death of Dec 14 1 Cities, government of (Ed) July 162 Christmas (Ed) Dec 25 4 City affairs, reform in (Ed) Dec 2543 Christmas cards Dec 4 b Civil Code, Law Reform Society re- Christmas feast (Ed) Dec 26 4 port Mar 7 3 2 Church going in Brooklyn (Ed). .Jan 14 6 Civil rights in the South (Ed).. .Oct 25 4 4 Civil Rights, the States and (Ed)Oct 20 4 4 Churches. Civil Rights case, decision Aug 19 5 American Episcopal in Paris. .Jan 18 4 Civil Rights act (Ed) Oct 17 4 3 Bells, ringing of (h'd) Oct 19 4 Civil rights act, U. S. Supreme Court Brooklyn, Eighteenth M. EM dedi- cation of Mar 5 8 decision Jan 23 2 2 Brick, subscriptions May 7 3 Civil Rights cases dismissed in U. S. Broadway Tabernacle, growth of Supreme Court Ocfc 16 2 May 6 9 Decision, Justice Harlan's opinion Calvary, history July 2 2 Nov 18 2 3 Cathedral, Garden City (Ed)..Sept 6 4 Decision, text of Judge Bradley's Divorce, and (Ed) Mar 11 6 opinion , Oct26 3 1 , Emanuel Baptist Mar 4 10 Civil Service (See Political.) English, tendencies (Ed) Feb 4 6 Claim Agents, scheme Aug 24 2 3 1 Epiphany (Baptist) dedication of Claims against the Go^ernment.Mar 15 1 6 ) June 4 2 Claims, French-American Apr 23 Episcopal,conventions Sept27 2 June 29. Fifth Avenue Presbyterian.growth Clairvoyant, Rivington-st Aug 2643 of May 6 9 Clan-Na-Gael Society Apr 22 1 3 Grace, growth of May 6 9 Clark, Clarence L., arrest of Apr 23 5 5 Grace Methodist, Brooklyn Jan 21 5 Clark, EllaE May 453 Grace Parish, work of Jan 21 9 Clark, T. M., speech, Holmes dinner Madison AvenueM. E.,new chapel Apr 13 2 3 Jan 8 5 Classics, dicipline of the (Ed)....Oct 29 4 4 INDEX TO THE

C—Claxton. Date.Pg.Cl. C-College. Date.Pg.Cl. Claxton, Kate, diamonds Sept 13 1 3 Coincidences (Ed),.-- Pec 14 4 2 dayton-Bulwer treaty, Granville's Coke, Senator, on the Tariff (Ed) reply to Frelinghuysen Apr2422 Nov 245 (Ed). Apr24 4 2 Coleman, Wm. H., on "Dr. Grim- Frelinehuysen's letter to Lowell shawe's Secret" May 20 8 2 Dec21 5 5 Coleman and the Tax Commission Clearwater, A. T., assanlted Deo 14 2 6 (Ed) Apr29 6 5 Clemenceau and Ms family, Paris(C) Coleridge, Lord Jan 14 3 3 Authors, on (Ed) Oct 19 4 5 Clemeutson, H., flight of Jan 10 1 3 Middle class, on the (Ed) Oct 14 6 2 Clergymen, modern (Ed) July 29 6 4 Reception, Bar Association Oct 12 1 6 Clergymen, vacations for June 2555 Reception, Bar Association....Oct 24 5 3 Clerical supply and demand (Ed)July 22 6 4 Reception,Union League Club.Oct 2653 Cleveland, O.. Catholics officials.Oct 112 Sketch of ....Aug23 2 1 Cleveland, Grover. Visit (Ed) Oct 13 4 2 Ameer, and (Ed) June 243 Washington, in Oct 21 1 3 Appointments Aprl6 1 6 Yale College, at Oct 27 5 3 Appointments (Ed) Apr29 4 3 Colfax, Schuyler, letter, credit Appointments (Ed) May 143 mobilier July 10 1 3 Backbone, question of (Ed)...June 19 4 3 College. Caves(Ed) July 14 4 4 Aid to students, reply to Eliot.Mar 22 3 1 Excise laws, and the Apr 20 1 4 Beneficial Endowments Feb 25 , Extra session, on tlie May 21 5 1 Mar 22 Future(Ed) Apr 17 4 2 BeUevue Hospital Medical Com Governor, inaugurated Jan 211 Mar 15 5 3 Grady, inconsistency (Ed) Nov 7 4 3 Bowdoin, Presidency July 1223 Inconsistency (Ed) Apr30 4 4 Students dismissed Feb 1313 Kellv co-partnership (Ed) May 845 Brown com June 21 2 2 Kelly letter defended (Ed).-.-Nov 16 4 3 Buchtel, gift of $100,000 Jan 22 4 5 Legislature, on the (Ed) June 743 Classics, defending July 15 6 2 "Local Self-Government" and (Ed) Classics, discipline of the (Ed)..Oct 29 4 4 Nov 644 Colby, condition of Mar 3113 McDonald, and (Ed) July 13 4 3 Columbia, annual report June 521 Message, first Jan 316 Appeal (Ed) Apr 444 (Ed) Jan 342 Appeal foraid Apr 3 2 3 Pardons July 29 7 6 Boat crew at work May 14 2 3 Presidency, and the Albany (C) Coeducation, peti tion Feb 6 2 5 Sept 316 Commencement June 14 2 3 Presidency, andthe (Ed) Sepc 443 Finances Mar 716 Presidency, *• nipped in the bud " Finances (Ed) Nov 581 (Ed) . Jan 13 4 3 Harvard boat race June 21 5 2 Punishment in prisons, on the.Feb 325 National University, letter from Speech, Oswegatchie Fair Oct 514 Prof. C. S. Smith Apr 6 5 1 Trouble (Ed) May 944 Smoking at (C) Jan 1311 Cliffs Janl4 10 1 Women not to enter Mar 616 Cloth, great sale of Aug 24 8 3 (Ed) Mar 6 4 2 Clothing, making of Sept 9 10 1 Views of trustees Mar 716 Clyne, J. G., arrest of Dec 19 1 2 Women at, report of Dr. Dix's Coaching in America N ov 11 3 6 committee May 816 Coal and'iron interests (Ed) Oct 1543 Women, room for (C) Apr 23 7 31 Production Jan 19 1 5 Women, schedule of studies Production of anthracite in 1882 June 521 May 21 1 2 Columbia Veterinary Com Mar 30 5 3 | Virginia Dec 31 4 5 Cornell Alumni, sentiment of (Ed) Dec 15 4 4 June 22 4 3 Coast defences (Ed) Dec 642 Attack, White's refutation (Ed) Coast, improvements, report of Maj. May 17 4 3 Gillespie July 29 5 3 Commencement June 22 2 3 Coast people, hint to (Ed) July 15 6 3 Decline of, denied by senior Pro- Cobden Club (Ed) May 26, June 10, fessors May 5 5 2 JulyS Defended May 251 Cobden Club and its Am.coadjutors, Management, concerning Apr 28 5 2 letter from Hainlin May 26 2 4 Dartmouth Commencement. .June 29 2 1 Cobden Club, Hamlin onthe....Nov 752 Degrees (Ed) May 29 4 4 Cobden Club, Shearman's reply to Delaware Commencement June 21 2 3 Dr. Hamlin June 11 2 3 Dickinson, centennial June 2523 Coccapieller, Signer, resigns...June 12 1 2 Dickinson, gifts June 29 2 4 Cochen, Fred. A., trial of May 1882 Eclectic Commencement Mar 255 Acquitted May 19 8 3 "Fetich," C. F. Adams's oration I Cock Robin, who did kill (Ed)..Aug 742 June 29 2 2 I Cocktails, famous match at Aug26 4 2 Graduate of the period June 10 6 3 Coffee raising in India (C) Aug 19 3 6 Hamilton Commencement June 29 2 4 Ooft'ey-Sheridan election case....Jan 931 Harvard, Annex, history of...May 31 6 1 Coffin, C. C., and the Telegraph Fire- Boathouse accident Oct 21 1 4 | alarm :...Feb21 5 5 Boat race, beats Yale June 29 1 6 j Cohen, Alfred A., on railroad trans- Butler, degree (Ed) June 2 4 2 portation problems.... May 21 2 5 Columbia boat race June 21 5 2 NEW"YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

C—College. Date.Pff.Cl. C—Conant. ... Commencement June 28 1 6 Washington and Lee Com. . . .June 28 2 2 Medical school celebration...Oct 18 6 2 Wesleyan Commencement____June 29 2 Notes Octl9 5 4 Wellealey, description of ...... Jan 5 2 Report, annual Jan 11 3 4 Williams Commencement...... July 5 Science Jan 575 Women in (Ed) ...... May 8 4 Theatricals Apr 765 Yale: Commencement ...... June 28 2 Haverford Commencement.....June 21 2 3 Boat crew at work...... May 14 2 2 Homoeopathic Medical Com Mar 16 5 5 ! Boat race, beaten by Harvard John Hopkins, progress (C)...Mar 5 6 i i June 29 1 6 Lafayette Commencement June 28 2 2 Phenomenon (Ed) Apr 23 4 3 Gift, Hallenbach's Jan 15555' Professor, "White Elephant" (Ed) Languages, convention of profes- Feb 25 6 5 sorauios Dejjcvc 28£,n,, 29** \ Unworthy of, Sumner (Ed) ..Feb 11 6 3 Liberal culture (C) Jan 24 8 1 ("Colleges in the Colonial Times." Liberia, affairs .. . -Jan 22 1 6 i Tyler's lecture Apr 3 2 Madison Commencement June 22 2 2 \Collegians, what, have learned (Ed) Commencement...June 28 2 5 Jane 18 4 New-York City June 29 5 5'Collier, Peter (Ed) Apr 17 4 New-York City appeal (Ed) ..May 17 5 5 Dismissal of.... Apri__r__l 28 New-York City finances Nov 11 7 Services~praised Miay 211 New-York City Law Dept. Com. Collins, Wilkie, letter to Win. Win- May 15 2 5 ter Aprl4 6 1 New-York City, needs of Apr 20 5 3 Collins, Wilkie, and Mortimer, remi- New-York University Com..June 22 2 1 niscences Jan 14 3 1 New-York University Medical Collisions (See Accidents.) Dept. Commencement Mar 14 5 5 Normal Commencement June 29 5 4 CoIIyer, Robert. Normal, salaries Nov 881 Oberlin, robbery by students..Dec 1246 Divorce, on Oct 22 2 Packard's Business, anniversary Speech, Salvini dinner Apr 27 5 Mar 753 Sunday and its observances, on Phillips Exeter centennial June 22 2 3 May 20 4 Phillips Exeter, history of... .June 1823 Trip to England Sept 17 2 Physical culture in (Ed) Feb 18 6 3 Colombia affairs Aug 14 1 Physicians and Surgeons Com. Colombia finances July 22 1 May 16 2 3 Colombia, Presidential electipn.Sept 4 1 Presidents, meeting of Nov 1613 Colonization on the Atlantic slope Princeton: Affairs May 10 5 2 (C). Jan 1 Attack Oct22 5 4 Colonization scheme, co-operative Changes Mar 19 2 2 (C) Marl9 5 1 Commencement June 19 5 3 Fellowships Jan 413 Colorado. Notes Apr23 8 2 Landfrauds May 20 3 6 Report, Dr. McCosh's Feb 924 Land titles forfeited, Nov 213 Regatta, Harvard beats Columbia Brown and Tabor made U. S. Sen- June 21 5 2 ators Jan 28 1 5 Regatta, Harvard beats Yale. June 29 1 6 Silver question (Ed) Dec 20 4 5 Regents, annual meeting of, Jan Snow slides Feb 113 "Rush" on theroof (Ed) Nov 482 Columbia alumni May 18 2 2 St. John's alumni Nov 14 8 2 Columbia, up the (C) Nov 4 13 4 St. John's Commencement ...June 21 2 4 2 4 Seton Hall Commencement. .Jun . e 21 2 4 Sports (C)...... Apr 923Commerce, changes in (Ed) Nov 944 Students, pecuniary aid to (Ed) Commerce> Chamber of Feb 25 6 8 Studies, concerning (Ed) ..... June 17 6 a Adirondacks. and the (Ed) Dec 14 4 4 Trinity Commencement ...... June 30 2 4 Annual meeting May 482 Troubles (Ed)...... July 343 Annual report Dec 354 Tufts, changes...... Jan 615 Banquet May 9 2 2 Union College : Com ...... June 28 5 2 Banquet Nov 27 5 1 Case, decision ...... July 28 5 5 Meeting Jan 19 8 1 Troubles, June 16. 24, 26, July X, 15 Meeting—free canals Jan 5 10 1 25, Aug 20. Report on pilotage June 881 Troubles (Ed) ...... July 29 6 3 Stock-watering (C) Nov 15 2 5 Trustees ...... Mar 23, 24 Companies incorporated Feb 6, 25 Victory for Anti-Potter party Compounds, explosives Apr 1591 June 27 1 6 Scomstock, Anthony, charges against United States Medical, charter police Jan 714 Apr 581 Com stock and Jas. Rickard May 22 5 1 Uni versity convocation July 1224 Comte de Chambord, views of his Vanderbilt May 31 1 6 sickness (C) July 22 3 6 Vanderbilt, gifts July 483 Commune, Amana Society (C)..Aug 26 3 4 Vassar Commencement June 14 2 4 Community, Sylvania Phalanx (O) Vermont, Billings's gift Mar 20 1 4 Virginia (C) Dec 26 6 3 Conant's, Jas. H., claim Jan 17 8 2 INDEX TO THE

C—Concerts. JDate.Pff.CL C—Congress. Date.Pg.Ql. Concerts (See Music.) Sessinghaus-Frost Mar 346 Condit, JB. A., acquittal of Mar 28 8 4 Elections, bill concerning Jan 14 5 2 Condit, J. F., flight of Nor 15 1 5 Estimates for 1885 Dec 6 2 2 Condon, Edward O'Meagher Apr 2214 Eyck restored to the army.... Mar 513 Coney Island deeds , Jan 933 Fifteenth Amendment Dec 7 2 I I Conger, E. J., case of Mar 21 2 2 Fisheries Jan 11 2 3 Conger, F. JB., made Postmaster of Fortifications Appro, bill passed Washington June 30 5 5 House .. Jan 14 5 1 Conger.iSenator, in a street car..Jan 18 4 5 General Deficiency Appro, bill Congo, French occupation Apr1811 passed Mar 511 Congo, commerce- June 3 10 1 Grant retirement bill Feb 10 2 5 Congo, rivals on the (Kd) Apr 19 4 2 Hawaiian treaty Jan 17 5 4 Congress, U. S.t proceedings. Hawaiian treaty Feb 122. Absenteeism among Republicans Hazen, Gen., charges against Feb 22 3 1 Jan 24 2 1 Hill, Benj. H., eulogies Jan 26 1 6| Absentees, Repubiican Feb 1026 Homestead law Dec 721 Adjourned sine die Mar 511 House Committees Dec25 3 1 Advertising scheme Feb 13 2 2 House committees (Ed) Dec 2642 Agricultural bill Jan 1452 House committees, changes...Dec 21 1 1 Alabama claims Feb 21 1 2 House committees, new Dec 20 1 1 Alabama claims Dec 621 House committees—the South (Ed) Alaska, Phelps's bill Dec 10, 12 Dec 27 4 3 Arctic Explorers, relief for Jan 30 2 3 House, composition of Dec 623 Army bill, Logan , Jan 30 2 2 House, partial canvass of (Ed).Oct 142 Army chaplains, salaries of Dec 11 1 6 Houserules Dec 19 1 4' Army Appropriation bill reported Immigration bill Jan 21 5 2 , in Senate Jan 30 2 1 Immigration laws, amen ding.-Jan 30 2 2 \ Army Appropriation bill passed " In the saddle again " (Ed).. .Dec 26 4 2 ! Senate Feb 22 3 3 Tnter-State commerce bills Dec 722, Army promotions Dec 11 1 6 Internal Revenue laws Dec 6 2 I S Attorney-General, Van Wyck's Internal Revenue taxation bill. Feb 2 0 1 2 charges Mar 346 Feb 17 V 3 Bankruptcy bill, petition Jan 11 2 3 Iron Clad Oaths Dec 5 2 1 Bankruptcy, uniform system...Dec 11 1 6 Japanese Indemnity bill Feb 1153; Bills passed Mar 516! Feb 17 2 4 1 Bonds, registered, transfer of.. Jan 312 Land legislation Dec 823 Bonds, stolen, redemption of...Jan 20 2 2 Lands, sale of, Robinson geeIrs in- Bridge, Cornwall, N. Y Jan 11 2 3 formation Dec 12 1 6 Bulldozing in Senate (Ed) Dec 24 4 3 Legislative Appro, bill passed Bureau of Navigation and Com- House Feb 17 2 5 i merce Dec 11 1 6 Legislative, Executive and Judicial I Canal, Nicaraugua bill Feb 121 Appro, bill passed Senate...Feb 25 3 2 ; Nicaragua, project Jan 22 2 1 Legislative,Judicial and Executive i Chili-Peru war, information called Appro, bill rep. in House... .Feb 316; for Feb27 2 1 Library bill... .Jan 29, Feb 20, Dec 11 j Information furnished Feb 28 5 4 Liquor traffic Dec 14 2 4 ; Civil Rights question Dec 711 Lobbyists Jan 29 1 2 Civil Service bill passed HouseJan 511 Lotteries Feb 13 2 2 ! Civil Service bill signed Jan 17 5 4 Lottery advertisements Feb 16 3 1 Commerce, Burieigh's bill Dec 12 1 6 Maryland and Delaware ship canal Committees, extra (Ed) Dec 20 4 2 Dec 721 Constitutional Amendment article Mexican treaty Jan 13, Feb 28 XI Jan 19 2 2 Mexican War pensions Dec 11 1 6 'Corean treaty Jan 10 5 4 Mint, New-York Dec 721 Court of Appeals Dec 11 1 6 Mississippi River Com'n report Court of Claims bill Jan 616 Jan 3 1 2 Courts, jurisdiction of Dec 721 Mississippi River improvements, Customs Service reorganization report Feb 25 5 2 Feb 8 2 1 Mississippi River improvements Deficiency Appropriation bill Dec 11 1 6 'House Mar 252 Monitors, unfinished Jan 313 Deficiency bill reported Feb 28 5 4 Nation al trades unions Feb 1322 Democrats, still blunduderin< g (Ed) I Naval Appro, act Dec 721 Feb 13 4 2 I Amendments Jan 17 1 1 District of Columbia Appro, bill PassedHouse Jan 26 2 2 passedHouse Jan 616 Passed Senate Feb 24 1 6 Edmunds-Hoar episode Jan 921 Navy, bills relating Dec 18 2 2 | Educational bill. Government.Jan 16, Naval observatory Feb1322 13, Feb 25 Navy reorganization, proposed ^Election cases (Ed) Mar 143 * Feb 4,13 Buchanan-Manning Jan 11 2 2 Nominations by the President. .Jan Chalmers-Manning Mar 17 1 6 3, 6, 11. 18, 21, 24. 27, 30, Feb 4, Cook-Cutts..J an 23, Feb 17, Mar 4 6,10, 13, 15, 16, 2d, 21, 22, 27, 28, Garrison-Mayo Dec 5, 6 Mar 1, 3, 4, 24, Dec 6, 13, 19, 26 Jones-Shelley Jan 17 1 2 Confirmed..Jan 5, 6, 30, Feb 4, 6. Lee-Richardson Mar 4, 5, 7 10, 13, 16, 20, 22, 28, Mar 1. 3, Massey-Wise Feb 21, 24 4, Dec 20 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. \ C—Congress. Date.JPg.Cl- C—Connecticut. Date.Pg.Cl. Rejected Mar 623 bundry civil appro, bin passed O'Donnell case ~ Dec 11 1 6 House ..:. _Mar 511 Opium traffic Feb 13 2 2 Tarift (Ed) Jan 6, 15,18, 22, 27 Ordinance, Logan's report Feb 10 2 6 m -^-D-n rr Feb 2, 16,22, 26, 28 Pension agents' fees Feb 13 2 2 Tariff Bill, House debates Jan 28 30 Pension Appro, bill passed House ! Jan 14 5 1 Pensions, bill to Increase Jan 28 2 6 g'lWi^^.^^g-.iBill passed House Mar? 416 Pensions Increased Mar 111 Bill reported to House... Jan 17 1 1 Pensions for Mexican war veterans Sl£r Senate debates...Jan 11, 20, 21 Jan 16 2 1 27, 28 30, 31, Feb 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 7 Pension raid,S outhern Dec 31 5 2 8, 9,10, 11, 13, 14, is, 16, I?!17 Pilot fees, compulsory Dec 621 Pilotage, compu) sory Feb 28 5 5 Bill passed Senate Feb 21 1 1 Porter. Fitz Jolm, bill, Logan's Bill reported to Senate Jan 531 speech Jan 3, 4 Free list jan5f 6 Bin t>assed Senate Jan 12 2 2 Tables by Treasury experts. .Jan 24 1 6 Postal": Fast Mail service Jan 1922 Tea, memorial Feb 622 Ocean transportation, cost of Teas Feb25 5 1 Telegraph bill, Logan's.. Jan 23 2 3 Postage, two-cent Jan 20 2 2 j Telegraph bill, Joyce Jan 1452 Postal telegraph Jan 9, Dec 5, 11 Theological discussions (Ed).. Feb 14 4 4 Postmasters, salaries ot Mar 346 Trade dollars, Skinner's bill Dec 12 1 6 Post-office appro, bill Feb 27 2 2 I Treaty of Washington Feb 2233 Passed House Mar 346 Treaty of Washington Feb 27 2 1 Passed Senate Jan 21 5 4 Utah legislative power Dec 621 Pre-emption laws Feb 23 1 3 Utah Suffrage bifi Feb 22, 24 Pre-emption and Timber culture Van Voorhis, motion to expeL.Mar 212 jaws - Dec 721 Vetopower Dec 711 President pro tern (Ed) Dec 20 4 2 Wallabout Bay property Feb 22 3 2 President pro tern (Ed) Dec 21 4 2 West Point appro, bill passed Sen- President of Senate, Edmunds ate Jan 513 elected Mar 452 Whiskey bond extension bill. Davis retires Mar 452 Jan 5, 18, 31, Mar 5 Presidental inability bill Jan 1322 Williams, Senator, breaks his pair Presidential succession bill Jan 616 Mar 452 Passed Senate Jan 10 1 6 Woman suffrage uec 721 Public documents, report on... Jan 816 Work done Mar 516 Railroad transportation bill ...Jan 14 5 8 Wyide, R. G., relief bill Jan 313 Rebel claims Jan 16 2 l j Yellowstone National Park..Jan 6, 13 Rebel claims, Georgia Jan 17 1 2 j Feb 27, Mar 2 Recipe taken (Ed) Mar 462 Congress of 1875-'76 (Ed) July 20 4 3 Record, not ashamed of (Ed)..Mar 643 Congress, library of (Ed) Dec 444 Reform idea, new (Ed) Dec 17 4 3 Congressional apportionment (Ed) Reno bill Jan 20 2 1 Apr 28 4 3 River and Harbor Appro, bin pass- Congressional Library, annual re- ed House _.Mar 212 port Feb 18 5 2 Killed in Senate Mar 452 Congressmen, fatality among Jan 20 2 1 Reported Feb 14 2 5 Congressmen,interviews with ..Oct 116 Report of Secretary Lincoln..Jan 512 Congressmen and patronage (Ed) Scene in House, remarkable...Jan 416 Dec 29 4 4 Secretary of Senate, McCook made i Conifers, cultivated Jan 28 9 1 Deo 14 1 1 • Conkling, Fred. A., on the "Knit Senate committees Dec 11 2 1 Goods Swindle" Mar 30 2 2 Senate, new (Ed) July 19 4 u Conkling, Geo. W., admitted to bail Senate reorganized.. Dec 19 1 1 Mar 25 5 3 Senate rules, amendments Nov 27 3 6 Discharged Mar28 8 1 Senate rules, discussion Dec 20 2 2 Manslaughter, held for Mar3181 Shipping.bill Jan 7, 10, 11, Feb 23 Candler amendment adopted in Coiikling, Roscoe. House Jan 12 1 6 "Abode in the Ship" (Ed) Mar 243 Passed House Jan 13 1 6 Arduous greatness (Ed) Apr 744 Shipping bills Dec 10 2 1 Choate disagreement May 18 5 5 Silver coinage Feb 622 Letter, Grant Club dinner Mar 121 Momll's speech Dec 621 Phrase, "Great in the Arduous" Skinner sworn in House Dec 20 1 1 (Ed) Apr 645 Speaker, Carlisle elected Dec 216 "Put back," what it was thatwas Speakership contest, Oct 1,Nov 15,16 (Ed) May 743 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29 Speech, Saturday Night Club.May 671 30, Dec 1 (Ed) Jan 17, Mar 27, Apr 24 Connecticut. May 5, 30, June 1, July 5, 11,17 Election Nov 751 Aug 15,30, Sept 1, 7. Nov 26 Justice (Ed) Oct 443 Sundry civil appro, bill: features Legislature organized Jan 423 Feb 13 2 2 Legislature votes for biennial ses- Sundry civil appro, but, House de- sions May 413 bates Feb 22, 23, 24 Pardoning power Apr25 5 5 INDEX TO THE

C—Connecticut. Dnte.Pg.Cl. C—Cotton. Date.Pg.Cl. Schools — June 3 7 Cook, Joseph, lecture "Wonders" Topics, New-London (C) Sept 234 Mar 23 5 4 Connelly, R. E.—Lindsay election Lecture, " Spoils System " Jan 21 2 4 contest Jan 7 10 3 Raw meat, on (Ed) May 27 6 3 Connery, T. B.—Townsend quarrel, Cook, Richard, re-elected U. S. Sena- Oct 21, 22 tor from Texas ...... Jan 24 Conquest and colonization (Ed) .July 863Cook, R. Z. , sent to prison ...... Mar 11 Conroy, Wm., sentenced to be hung Cook, William A ...... July 5 4 Dec 21 8 1 Cook, William A., charges against " Conservatism" in the saddle (Ed) Brewster ...... June 30 5 5 Dec 14 4 3 Cook, Joseph J., library, sale of.Mar 14 5 2 Consuls not American citizens..Jan 13 2 3 Cookery, practical, Maria Parloa's Contract frauds. (See New-York papers ...... Feb 25 City.) Mar 4, 11, 18, 25, Apr 8, 15, 22. Contractor, what is a "good" (Ed) Jooley, Nellie ...... Dec 14 1 2 Dec 11 4 4 Cooper, Edward, on charter amend- Controller Campbell resigns July 28 1 1 ments ...... Aprl9 5 2 Controller's office, coupon frauds Cooper, Henry P., case of . ->...... Jan 13 Apr 12, May 22. June 8, 9,10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Cooper, Peter. 23, 24, July 12, Oct 7,10. Birthday celebration ...... Feb1353 Birthday, a valentine ...... Feb 13 5 3 Conventions. Death of...... Apr 516 District representation (Ed)...Jan 16 4 2 Death: Sermons...... Apr 925 Georgia Democratic Apr 13 2 6 Funeral of...... Apr 851 Iowa Democratic June 755 Memorial, Union LeagueClubMay 11 5 3 Iowa Greenback July 12 5 5 Speech, American Industry...Feb '2 1 6 Iowa Republican June 28 1 2 Tribute ...... Nov 11 7 3 Kentucky Democratic, May 17,18. Tribute...... Apr 681 Kentucky Republican, May 24,25. Willof ...... Apr 12 1 3 1 Louisiana Democratic Dec 19 1 2 Cooper, M. W., and the New-York i Louisiana Democratic Dec 21 2 3 collectorship...... ~...... Jan 336 Maine Prohibition June 15 6 5 t Cooper, and scenes from his books M aryland Republican Sept 2921 Oct 21 Massachusetts Democratic Sept 27 2 1 [Cooper Union annual report May 25 10 4 J Massachusetts Republican ...Sept 20 1 6 iCo-operatiou, one phase of Jan 22 3 2 ; Michigan Republican Mar 1 1 5 [Copyright in music (Ed) Feb 25 6 4 Minnesota Democratic Aug 312; Marston, Edward, on Jan 25 5 2 i Minnesota Prohibition July 12 5 5 iCoreau Embassy in New-York.. Sept 18 8 1' Minnesota Republican June 28 I °' Expedition" Ji^ - , reminiscences...-No*-* ~T -v *43 ° c5 Mississippi Republican June 13 1 Metropolis Jan 956 Nebraska..,._.., Republican Sep. t 29 2 7• ; Treaty ratifications July 816 New-Jersey Democratic. Sept 14 5 1 sCoroy, Thoa, extortion caae.Jan 19,20. New-Jersey National Aug 10 5 2 ! 26, 27, Feb 1, 2, 7, 8, 13 New-Jersey Republican Sept 1916 jCoxkhill on crank s May 326 (Ed) Sept 20 New-York Democratic Sept 29 1 f (Cornell, A. B. Call Aug 24 1 1 j Administration as Governor (Ed) New-York Greenback Sept 6 1 3 j Jan 2 4 3 New-York Republican Sept 20 1 Dinner to Gov. Cleveland Jan 2174 Call Aug 16 1 Nomination for Governor, The Ohio Democratic June 22 1 Tribune on his Jan 246 Ohio Greenback June 14 ^ 2 : Speech, Cooper Institute Nov 416 Ohio Prohibition June 15 5 5 i Cornell Alurrmi dinner Dec 15 5 1 Ohio Republican' June 7 1 1 '"Corners" and their cure (Ed).June 20 4 2 Pennsylvani_ a Democrati_ _ c Aug 2 11 '"Corners" Legislative inquiry re- Pennsvlvania Greenback Aug 31 1 2 | port .Feb 10 1 5 Pennsylvania Republican July 12 1 1 Coroner's experience -July 15 10 4 Representation in Republican.Jan 18 4 2 !Coroner's Jury, an extraordinary ^ Republican National called.. .Dec 13 Republican National representa- jCoroner'sOffice,reformin(Ed)..May 844 tion (Ed) Dec 11 4 3 J Corporate contracts (Ed) Oct 2943 Republican National representa- [Corporations, earnings of Aug 1621 tion. Senator Frye's plan Dec 7 2 3 !Corporations, earnings of Sept 1122 Rhode Island Democratic Mar 21 1 3 Corporations, misinformation by Rhode Island Independent— Mar 15 1 2 i wholesale (Ed) Aug 15 4 Rhode Island Republican Mar 1654 Corporations, reports of ».Dec b 3 3_ Virginia Democratic July 26 5 4 ICosniic dust (Ed) Nov 17 4 o Virginia Republican ... .Aug 16 5 3'Cosmopolitan theatre accident. Mar 17 o i Conventions, unwise (Ed) Sept 11 4 4 'Cotton centennial (Ed).-:- ...Oct 24 3 Convict labor question (Ed) Nov 29 4 2 1 Exchange^v,u«u ~., annua• l meeting...Ma~ y 30. . 2.. 4 Convict labor vote (Ed) Nov 14 4 2 Exchange'convention...."...Jul™— —-*— T«IVy IQ19 1 4 Convicts (E) Jan 14 6 2 Exports, D. A. Wells on June 2622 Conway, Minnie, and Dittenhoefer Manufacture, British (Ed)....Nov20 4 4 Mar 323 Mills, Southern (C) July 846 Conway, Moncure, on Richard Wag- Movement of six months Mar 9 Sale, great Aug '24 NEW.YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOB isss. 31

C—Cotton. Date.Pg.Cl. D—Dakota. Date.Pg.Cl. Cotton King, Ranger (Ed) ...... Nov 243 Crocker, Charles,interview..Jan 17, Council Bluffsflooded...... June 315 May 9 Council of Reform charges against Crook's, Gen. expedition..June 1, 9, H. O. Thompson ...... Mar 14, Apr 26 Thompson's reply ...... Mar 24 3 4 Home, at (C). Sent 16 3 3 Council of Reform, on city contract Recal~ l (Ed)'-.'.".'."."-"."."..".."."-..-"Ma(Ed).. y 3 4 2 frauds ...... Dec20 1 6 Success (Ed) June 14 4 3 Counterfeiting. Baldwin, A. F..June 29 8 3 Crosby, Howard. Bonds, capture of Brockway.Nov 12 1 1 Lecture " New-York City "...Mar 2 2 1 Captureof ...... Nov 2 5 ft Speech, Aqueduct bill May 2 5 4 Coin ...... Marl? 1 6 Sunday and its observances, on Gang, arrest of a ...... Apr 29 1 3 May 20 4 2 County Clerk's salary (Ed) ...... Feb 1163 Twenty years a pastor Mar 6 5 2 "Courtland, Grace" ...... July 17 4 6 Crosby, J. S., on the Yellowstone Courtney, Edward J., perjury case Park Feb 8 2 2 Mar 15 8 1 Croton Landing, nuisance at (C).Apr 2 2 6 I Coupons, had system of paying (Ed) Crowell, Gilbert L. defalcation..Feb 27 1 1 i May 18 4 A Cruikshank and Sala July 8 2 4 Courts (See Legal.) Crumbaugh crumbles (Ed) Nov 2 4 4 Covert. Elvena B ...... Ju3y27 8 1 Cuba, Captain-General Pendergrast Cowboys, Milwaukee (Ed) ...... Dec 22 4 4 resigns Aug 1 1 4 Cowley, Edward, redivivus (Ed) Americans, complaints of exac- tions Oct 30 1 4 Cows and Milkin New-York (C) -Mar 30 Bandits July 12 1 4 Cox,S. S. A o , Tarift amending of Dec 8 5 2 Lecture, "African Humor"....Apr 424 (See also Spain.) O'Donnell, and (Ed) ...... Dec 10 4 2 Cullom, Gov., elected U. S. Senator Poem, "A Very Dark Grey Elegy" from Illinois Jan 18 1 4 Dec 446 Culture in Colleges (Ed) Feb 18 6 8 Redivivus (Ed) ...... June 20 4 3 Culture League (Ed) Oct 14 4 6 Speaker, for (Ed) ...... Mar 30 4 3 Cummings, Fred. A. elected Mayor Speakership, and the (Ed) ....Sept 144 of Bangor, Me M&r 25 2 4 Speak ership, canvass (Ed,)....Apr 348 Curley, Daniel, convicted, of mur- Speaker, running for (Ed) ...... Jan 17 4 4 der 4prl9 1 1 Still ourcandidate (Ed)...... July 1743 Execution of May 19 1 4 Still in the field (Ed) ...... AuglS 4 3 Currie, Mabel INOV 6 8 1 Sly, Seward's eulogv (Ed) ..... Dec 1 4 5 Curtis, Ethan, arrest of Mar 27 2 6 Treatment hy newspapers (Ed) Curtis, Eth an, letter from Apr 2 2 5 Curtis, F. D., on swine Jan 27 2 2 Coxe, Cleveland, speech at Wood- Curtis. Geo. H., on school-teach- stock, Conn...... July 531 ers Feb 5 3 1 Cramp, Maggie, drowned ...... July 27 5 4 Curtis, Geo.Win., on charity Dec 7 3 4 Crandall, Lee, interview ...... Deo 27 5 4 Mayor Low, on Nov 1 5 5 Crane, Thomas, memorial (Ed).. Mar 844 Speech, Holmes dinner Apr 13 2 4 Crank, David Rohinson (Ed) . . . .Fob 3545 Speech, New-England Society din- Crawford, F. M., on journalism in ner Dec 23 2 3 India ...... Marll 3 3 Curtis, Jeremiah Apr 23 7 3 Crawford, F. M., letter British Cutler, J. B.—Fillmore row Nov 18 1 5 rule in India ...... T Aprll55 3 4 Custer, massacre, story of May 20 2 3 Creamer, Thos. J., case of ...... Feb 381 Custom House, N. Y., deficiency Credit Mobilier and Union Pacific-. Apr 1 1 4 Jan 25. 30 Appraisers, instructions to May 15 1 2 Cremation and disease (Ed) ..... Sept 1944 Appraisers, new May 13 2 4 Crews, Seth F..,, arrest of ...... Ma r 9 5 6 Peculiarities—petty swindle (C) Criminal classes of America (C) -Ju-Jull y 191932 Feb 12 5 2 Criminals, how tracked...... July 284 Customs seizures Sept 12 2 1 Crime. Customs service, reduction in..June 11 1 1 Defalcation (See Defalcation) Detection of (Ed) ...... Dec 963 Embezzlement (See Embezzlement) Dagger, Ulster (Ed.) May 27 6 3 Executions (SeeExecutions) Daggett, Albert, nominated for Sen- Girl brutally assaulted in Glen ator Oct 25 5 3 Cove...... June 982 Dahlgren, John A., memoir Jan 26 6 1 Holidays, in the (Ed)...... Jan 544 Dairy boomerang (Ed) Jan 6 4 4 International (Ed) ...... May 13 6 3 Dakota. Murder (SeeMurder) Capitol Sept 17 1 5 Murderers, tardiness in hanging Capitol, corner-stone laid Sept 6 5 1 Capitol, new (C) June 24 4 4 Robbery (See Robbery) Farm life (C) Sept 2 3 5 Rusk brothers (Ed)...... Jan 544 Gold, discovery of .. Nov 6 3 Shoplifters, tricks of ...... Dec23 6 1 Land frauds Dec 21 5 Statistics of (Ed)...... Jan 145 Land-grabbing (C) Dec 23 5 3 Suicide (See Suicide) Located, how Johanna Schmidt Swindlers (See Swindlers) July 15 3 4 Crimes, popular (Ed) ...... Sept 26 4 1 Mining "boom," Lisbon (C)...Nov 30 5 3 Crimmins, John D.. sketch of____Jan 1033 Plains (C) Sept 24 2 1 Crittendon, Gov. censured ...... Nov 313 Progress in (Ed) ...... ,»..».....Oct23 4 4 INDEX TO THE

D—Dakota. D—Democratic. Date.Pg.Cl. Something in a name (Ed) —Sept 16 Gray, John S Marl? 1 5 Dana. Chas. A., on political issues Hechmer, Johu L July 20 1 4 Apr 23 1 3 Johnson, A.B "...Nov 24 1 1 Dancin' party (Ed) Jan 26 4 4 Krnm, Chester H June 16 1 5 Daniels reinstated as collector...Mar 8 1 1 Lahens, A. E Jan 27 8 2 Dannersberg, Count, arrest of. .June 15 1 5 McDonald, John L Feb 16 1 4 Dartmouth Alumni at dinner—Jan 11 5 6 Marston, John B :.Mar24 1 6 Daudet-Delpit duel .May '20 1 2 Polk, M. T.. state Treasurer of Daudet, Alphonse, sketch of (C) .July 1 9 6 Tennesee Jan 611 Davenport, Ira, reply to Chapin's Details Jan 7, 8 charges Oct 29 1 1 Home, at (Ed) Janl4 6 Davenport, Mary E., arrested for Indictmentof Jan 14 1 bigamy Sept 29 Report of Legislative committee David, Henry J., case of .Nov 21 8 2 Jan 13 5 3 David's, Geo. W. supposed suicideof Shaw, GeorgeT May 416 Apr 5 5 4 Simon, PryorA Dec29 5 3 Davis, Mrs. Caroline G., case of-Aug 28 8 1 Trotter ..Jan 555 Davis, David, retires from Presi- Van Meter, Fra.nii L Sept 15 8 2 dency of Senate Mar 4 5 2 Vincent, Isaac H Feb 111 Marriage of Mar 15 5 4 Warden, George Oct 512 Davis, Jefferson, says so to (Ed)July 31 4 2 Warden, George Oct17 1 1 Fort Sumter, and (Ed) Ang 9 4 2 White, Edward W Feb 3 5 2 Davis, Noah, on dynamite fiendsApr 19 5 Wilkins, James J Dec 314 Speech, Irving birthday celebra- (See also Embezzlement, Forgery tion Apr 4 and Robbery.) Davitt, Michael, on the dynamite Defences of New-York (Ed) Nov 18 6 3 policy Apr 5 5 2 De Forest, Elise, marriage of.. .Aug 11 5 4 Dawson, N. E., card Mar 22 5 1 De Hart, N. W., case of Dec 10 2 4 Day, Ed. H., on the School Teachers' Delano, Columbus, on the tariff June 1954 pensioJt__ n bil^ l 7,-Ap f r 15 5 5 Delaware, Legislature organizedJan 322 Day, J. M., removal of .'.Mar 154 Politics, Wilmington (C) June 1914 Day, James R., sketch of Nov 29 9 4 Delitzch, Schulze s....May 14 4 6 Day, L. B., caseof July 28 8 2 Delta Kappa Epsilon convention at Dead, patriots of the Apr 29 10 6 Detroit Octl9 1 3 Deadwood floods May 22 1 4 Demagogues and strikes (Ed)...Au.. . g 242 Deaf-mutes in convention Aug 29 8 3 DeMartine, Rosalie, charges against Deaf-mutes, education of, letter from Sept 414 A. G. BeU Dec 23 11 5 Demi-john, origin of the word (Ed).. Deafness and education, letter from July 444 Sexton Nov 26 3 3 Democrat, the coming (Ed) June 1244 Death according to programme (Ed) Nov 15 4 4 Democratic Party. Deaths, record of Aug 181 Albany (Ed) July 344 Deaths. (See Obituary.) Albany, spoils (Ed) June 844 Death-traps, responsibility for (Ed) Ancient history, leaf from (Ed).... Apr 30 4 2 Apr 543 De Bevoise, ex-Mayor,suit Apr 14 8 1 As you like it (Ed) Nov21 4 3 De Bevoise ousted Jan 16 2 3 Bells, sweet, jangled out of tune De Camp, A. F., made a minister (Ed) May2I 4 4 June 4 2 4 Blundering, still (Ed) Feb 1342 Decoration Day, too narrow a holi- Catechising a representative Dem- day (Ed) May 30 4 3 i ocrat (Ed) June20 4 3 Decorative Art Society, annual re- Civi] service, and (Ed) Aug 29 4 2 port (Ed) Mar lo 4 Civil ser^co bill, didn't know it Defalcation. was loaded (Ed) Apr 17 4 3 Benyon, A. I Jan 27 1 Civil service, "cold-toed party" Billings, J.W Apr 28 5 (Ed) Janl9 4 4 Blaney, Arthur H June IS 1 2 Civil service, a cornered party Boice, G. S Jan 11 5 1 (Ed) Jaii 844 Examination of Jan 13 1 4 Conference at Albany Oct13 1 1 Locked up Jan 12 2 6 Conferences (Ed) Nov 22 4. 3 Released on bail Jan 14 12 Conventions (See Conventions). Bradley, W. W Feb 13 1 2 County, hard luck (Ed) Julv 10 4 2 Bryce, James Sept 9 7 County, resolutions May 1955 Bunker. Chas. D Feb 4 1 Dicker (Ed) Jan 31 4 4 Butler, Thaddeus P Feb 9 1 Disband, whynot (Ed) Au#r 842 Carroll, Wm. B Apr 12 1 Dodgers, the (Ed) July 10 4 2 Carroll. Wm., controller's report Economical party, is it an (Ed) — May 15 5 July 16 4 2 Report of Commissioners of Ac- Free trade, and (Ed) May 23 4 3 counts May22 8 1 Free trade—the rock ahead (Ed) | Carman, Louis P Mar 151 June 5 3 Chisholm, D. B Jan IB 1 5 Getting impatient (JEd) July 25 2 Clarke, EiiB Dec 15 2 3 Gilt-edged (Ed) July 4 2 GroweU, Gilbert L Feb 27 1 1 Harmony (Ed) ...... July 2 8 i Details ,....Feb28 1 5 Harmony (Ed) ...... Aug 24 4 2 ! IPaltaier, J. M , ....Jan 23 8 2 Harmony, fruits of (Ed) ...... lOct 29 4 3 , NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

D -Democratic. Date.Pg.Cl. D—Dipl omacy. Da&e.Pg. Cl. '•Highlands of Vision*' (Ed)..Apr 18 4 2 Whiskey—their pet business Inter- "Historic Justice" forsooth (Ed) est (Ed) Dec 17 4 3 Nov 22 4 3 "Worthy of confidence" (Ed)Sept 26 4 Homernle, ancjk (Ed) Jan 943 Young Men's Club—on city con- Humbug illustrated (Ed) Apr 1944 tract frands Dec 18 1 5 Hysterics, in (Ed) Sept 842 (See also Political.) Issues, fictitious and real (Ed) Democratic party, another (Ed)Sept 21 4 2 Mar 27 4 2 Dental Society May 11 2 2 Investigate, they must (Ed)..Aug 942 Denver, Col., exhibition July 1855 Jacob and Esau (Ed) Deo 843 Depcw, Chauncey M. "Keep clear of the post" (Ed) June 19 4 3 Address, " Liberty of the Press" Know Nothing party (Ed) Oct 343 June 20 2 2 Laboring classes (Ed) May 29 4 4 Interview Aug 514 Left stranded (Ed) Mar 942 Lecture, "A Summer's Driftwood" Logic, testing (Ed) June 22 4 4 Feb 21 5 1 Mask off, with its (Ed) Dec 18 4 2 Lecture, "A Summer's Driftwood" Meeting at Chickering Hall... Oct 20 5 4 Mar 13 5 5 Nominations, specimen (Ed)...Oct 31 4 3 Speech: Chamber of Commerce Plai form, concerning (Ed) July 1642 banquet May 925 Platform—General Pryor has the Cooper Institute Nov 478 floor (Ed) May 14 4 3 Irving banquet Oct28 2 4 Platform for 1884 "too previous" Lotos Club dinner to Mayw Ed- (Ed) May 22 4 4 son Janl4 2 4 Plight (Ed) Apr 14 4 2 New-En grland Society dianerDec 23 7 2 Presidency, and the (Ed) Mar 942 Yale Alumni dinner Apr21 5 1 Presidency, andthe (Ed) Mar 1242 Deo 852 Presidential nominations, Eagle Devoe, F. W., on pensioning school scheme (Ed) Jan 18 4 4 teachers Apr25 2 1 Problem for (Ed) Oct 442 Devoy, John, onthe Irish assassins Profession vs. Practice (Ed)..Feb 642 Feb 20 1 4 Promise and non-performance (Ed) Devoy, John, sent to prison June 20 8 1 Jan 16 4 3 Devoy, John, talk with July 1732 Principles, afraid of their (Ed) DeWitt, H. C.,—Spencer case....Oct 681 May23 4 4 Dexter, Henry M., card Dec 2311 5 Prison reform, and (Ed) Feb 27 4 3 Dezendorf's accusations Oct 25 1 6 Question for (Ed) Sept 643 Charges against Norfolk Navy Railroads, a ad the (Ed) Mar 15 4 2 Yarcl...... June 611 Recoiling (Ed) Nov 342 Charges, Hatton's ...... May 25 5 2 Record (Ed) July 28 4 2 Letter to Chandler ...... May 24 1 4 Record (Ed) Sept 642 Letter to Donan July 25 1 3 Recurring to first principles (Ed) Mahone, on May 14 1 1 Aug27 4 2 Virginia County elections,on.May 29 1 6 Reform, continuing the work of Diamonds, stolen, recovered May 673 (Ed) June28 4 3 Diaz, Porfirio, in New-York....Mar 81 2 3 Reform—not at present (Ed). .Aug 1342 Dinner, Houston Apr 14 5 5 Reform, same old cry (Ed).. .June 22 4 2 Dinner, Huntington Apr 22 7 3 Saved, Butler and Belmont (Ed) Dinner, Union League Club...Apr 754 April 4 4 Reception, ProduceExchange Apr 653 "Started too early" (Ed) Aug 142 Reception in Washington Mar 29 5 3 Straddles by (Ed) Sept 17 4 2 Sketchof Apr 653 Suicidal but patriotic (Ed)... .May 244 Dickens, Charles, letters Oct 741 Tariff, and the (Ed) Mar20 4 2 Dickens letters,London (C)"G.W.S" Tariff1, and the (Ed) July 943 Novll 3 2 Tariff, and the (Ed) July 17 4 2 Dickens letters (Ed) Nov 13 4 3 Tariff, and the (Ed) Dec 21 4 3 Dickinson, Anna, in distress—Nov 1751 Tariff "convictions" (Ed) Dec 19 4 3 Dickinson, Willie, flight of Oct 13 1 3 Tariff, Democracywithout a mask Dickson, Wm,. card July 2966 (.Ed) Dsc 342 Dickson, Wm., indictment of Jan 27 2 3 Tariff—disguises of use (Ed).. Dec 242 Diet kitchens for the sick (Ed)..Jan 19 4 4 Tariff issue, fatal admission (Ed) Dike, Samuel W., on marriage and Apr 26 4 4 divorce May 18, Dec 4, 23 Tariff, preparing to dodge (Ed)Apr 27 4 3 Dilke, Ashton Mar26 5 3 Tariff, whether to fight or to run Dilke, Sir Charles. away (Ed) Nov23 4 4 Admission into the English Cabi- Teaching, fruit of (Ed) Mar 30 4 2 net(Ed) Jan 762 Tendencies (Ed) Mar 33 4 2 Career, letter from "G.W.S." Feb 11 3 1 Tendencies and aims (Ed) June 18 4 2 Popularity Jan 711 Throwing away chances (Ed)May 22 4 4 Ee-electad toParliament Jan 951 Union and harmony—another "up- Dillon, Charles, theatrical career rising" (Ed) Sept 22 4 2 Mar 18 9 2 Union, what it means (Ed) Oct 19 4 5 Dillon, Sidney June 153 Uniting factions—comedy (Ed) Dillon, Sidney, ear*! Apr 23 1 4 Sept 14 4 4 Dipntheria at Far B >ckaway—Oct 654: Vote, what it means (Ed) Oct 26 4 2 Diphtheria in a puoac school... -Apr 1981 Waiting to get in (Ed) Nov29 4 3 Diphtheria, Gemuui treatment of... Wanted—a man (Ed) Nov 14 4 3 Deo 982 What it is here for(Ed) June 645 Diplomacy, century of (Ed) atar 18 6 3 34 INDEX OF THE _ ci D—Drama. Eatc.Pg.Cl. Frelinglfray sen's (Ed) "^ar 2* 4 Dorsey, S. W. Clayton-Buiwer ireaty, Gran vffle's Evidence, Star Route trial, Mar 27 reply to Frelinghuy sen.... Apr 24 4 28, 29, 30, 31, Apr 3, 4. (Ed).f. Apr 24 4 Letter to J. A. Martin June 16 5 Disasters (See Accidents). Lilley fight Mar 9 1 Disinfectant, good Feb 18 9 Resigns as Sec'y of Nat. Rep.Com. Dispensary, Western, annual re- Jan 17 5 port Jan 29 8 1 Revelations (Ed) Aug 31 4 District-Attorney, circumlocution Revelations, alleged Aug 13 5 office(Ed) Apr28 4 4 Speech, Star Route verdict.. .June 16 5 District-Attorney's office, charges Douglass, Capt. J. G., charges agst. (Ed) May 28 4 July 18 1 District-Attorneyship (Ed) Nov 24 4 T>ow, Neal, on free traders Apr 2 2 District of Columbia, commissioners' Dow, Neal, short economic talk (Ed) report Nov 26 5 4 Apr 25 4 Finances Jan 422 Dowd, Wm., on pensioning school Divorce and churches (Ed) Mar 1164 teachers Apr25 2 Divorce, cure for a National evil Downing, Benj. W., case of Oct 7 1 (Ed).. Oct21 6 4 Downing, Benj. W., removed from Divorce dayin Chicago (Ed)...-Dec 1943 office Oct 27 1 Divorce and Divorce laws Oct 7,14 Dowse, Irish stowaway (Ed) ...Mar 30 4 21, 28, Nov 4 Doyle, ThomasA., elected Mayor of Divorce " Dr. Dix's lecture—Mar 1051 Providence Nov28 5 1 Divorce andimmorality,Dike on.May 18 3 1 Drainage, defects of (Ed) Nov 21 4 4 Divorce laws and the family (O.Dec 23 11 3 Drama. Divorce legislation, National (C) Actors' Fund performances.. .Apr 1351 "Amadan" Feb 26 5 1 Divorce, Murray on Oct 816 "Amadan" May 16 5 1 Divorce, organize against (Ed)..Oct 14 6 2 American plavs June 17 7 1 Divorce and public opinion (Ed) "An American Wife" Dec 19 4 6 June 843 Anderson, Mary Apr 14 5 1 Divorce suits (See Legal.) Anderson, Mary, acting of Jan 2646 Divorce—theories of marriage (Ed) Anderson, Mary, in London, Feb 11 Mar 29 4 4 Aug 26, Sept 16 Divorces, alarming increase in (Ed) Anderson, Mary, London (C).Nov 18 3 Anderson, Mary, as JParthenia Divorces in Switzerland (Ed)..Sept 19 4 4 Jan 31 4 6 Dix, Morgan, interview Mar 11 2 3 Anderson's, Mary, performances Lectures (See Lectures.) Feb 471 Comments on Mar 10,17,21 " Arkwright's Wife" May 23 5 1 22,24 Barnay, German tragedian Jan 451 Sketch of Nov 18 10 1 Barnay as King Lear Feb 1171 Dixie, Lady Florence, life attempted Barnay's performances Jan 20 4 6 Barnay's troubles Jan 25 5 1 (Ed) . Mar 20 4 3 Barrett, Lawrence, re-entrance Assault, London (C.) "G. W. S." Mar 651 Mar 30 2 3 "BiDs" Nov 20 5 1 Charges against Land League offi- "Black Venus" Feb 646 cert, her. Mar20 1 1 "Bob" May25 4 6 Dixmont Asylum, abuses at (Ed) Booth in Berlin, Jan 12,13. Feb 463 "Fool's Revenge" Dec 20 5 1 Dixon. Jonathan, nom. for Governor Germany, in, opinions of critics of New-Jersey Sept 19 1 6 Feb 23 3 Dock Dent. Affairs Feb 15 3 1 Hamlet Dec 18 5 Dodge Cfty, Kan., Doubles May 11 1 3 Lear, as Dec 13 5 todse, Wm. E. HicTielieu, in Dec 11 5 Ancestors Feb 11 5 Tour Apr 15 6 Death of Feb 10 1 Borry, Etelka May 10 5 Funeral of Feb 13 2 Bustle Among Petticoats (Ed) Monument, proposed Feb 20 8 May 22 5 Sermon, Mingins's Feb 12 3 "Caste" Apr 18 4 Sermon, Vincent's Feb 12 3 Cogblan, Rose, as Ophelia June 3 7 Speech, American Industry...Feb 2 1 "Corsican Brothers" Jan 9 5 Tributes Feb 11 5 "Cricket on the Hearth," Joe Jef- Will of Feb 17 1 ferson Oct 9 4 Dog fight after Victor Hugo....Nov 13 2 Critical wranglers Dec 28 4 Dogs, show of May 9 5 "Daughter of Roland "—MaryAn- Dohn, Ernst Feb 26 4 derson Jan 19 5 Doings and sayings Apr 22,29 "Deliner's Daughters" Dec 12 4 May 6,13 "Devil's Auction" ...... Aug 19 6 Donahue, Thos. F., released Feb 1313 Dollars and Sense" ...... Oct 3 4 Dor6, Gustave, death of Jan 24 2 4= Edgar combination, failure of. Aug 23 5 England and France, in (C) Elton's benefit ...... June 1 4 "G. W. S." Febl2 1 6 "Esmeralda" in London (Ed) •orsey, John W., evidence, Star Nov 1 4 Route cases Apr 6 7 Excelsior" ...... Aug 22 4 Dorsey, J.W., letters Feb 17 1 6 Fairfax's, Mrs., reading ...... Nov 28 5 NEW.YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1383.

D—Drama. Date.Pg.Cl. D—Dumas. Date.Pg.Cl. "Fedora" Oct 246 Ridde's, George, readings Feb 20 6 1 "Fedora" Oct 246 "RoadtoRuin" Dec461 Festival, Cincinnati...Feb 12, May1 "Romance of a Poor Young Man" 2, 3, 4. 5, 6 May27 7 1 "For Congress" Dec 151 "Romanoff" Sept25 5 1 Foreign affairs Feb 26 5 2 "Russian Honeymoon" Apr 346 'Francesca da Rimini" ..Aug 27, 28 '' Russian Honeymoon " Apr 105 1 'Freedom" Aug 24 4 6 Salvini as King Lear Feb 951 'Friendly Tip" Sept 451 Salvini as King Lear Feb 22 5 1 ' Girls and Boys " Dec 651 Salvini, re-entrance of Feb 20 6 1 'Glass of Fashion" Dec 19 4 6 San Francisco Minstrels, extin- 'Heart and Hand" Aug 24 4 6 tionof Dec 571 'Her Atonement" Feb 13 5 1 "Seaof Ice" Sept 18 5 1 'Hunchback," Helen L. Bancroft "Seaoflce" Oct23 4 6 zsJulia Jan23 5 1 "SergePanine" Feb 246 "Inthe Ranks" Nov 251 "She Stoops to Conquer " Jan 19 5 1 Irving's acting Nov12 5 1 "She Would and She Would Not" "Bells" Oct 30, Nov 20 Jan 14 7 1 • "CharlesI" Oct 31 5 1 "Siberia" Feb27 5 1 Engagement, end of Nov 25 7 1 "Silver King" Jan 25,28,Feb 4 "Louts XI" Nov 646 "Squire" Feb 746 "Louis XT" Nov 21 4 5 "Storm-Beaten" Nov 27 4 6 "Lyons Mail" Nov 13 5 1 "Storm-Bound" Apr 16 5 1 Shj/loeJc Nov 746 "Seven-Twenty-Eighb" Feb 25 7 1 Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle.Sept 446 "Thunderbolt" June 551 King, Alice M. first appearance "Vera" Aug21 5 1 f Jan 14 7 2 Failure of Aug 28 5 2 "Ladies'Battle" May 25 4 6 "ViceVersa" Mar27 4 6 "Lady of Lyons"—Mary Anderson Ward, Geuevieve, in England.Feb 26 5 1 Jan1651 Woollett's, S., readings Feb 22 5 1 Langtry, Mrs., re-entrance Apr 24 4 6 Drama andliterature (Ed) Julv 1643 "LiU".. Nov20 5 1 Dramatic Agency for amateurs.July 812 2 Lingard deserts his company.Mar 27 5 1 Drexel, Morgan & Co., Northern London stage (C) "G. W. S." Feb 5 Pacific stories Dec 21 2 6 Apr 29, June 3, July 9, Dec 30 Drink, what to Jan 795 McCullough in Brooklyn Jan 951 Droz. Gustavo, at home, Paris (C)... McCullough as Erut.ui Apr 1351 May 20 3 2 McCullough as Virainius Apr 10 4 6 Drug store, life in a May 20 10 3 "Masks and Faces" Oct 246 Drug trade, tariff on Jan 24 1 2 Modjeska Sept 17 5 1 Drugs, effect of, upon the senses (C) "Money" Oct 846 Sept 17 5 3 "Money" Oct 14 7 1 Drugs and food, fraud in sale of (Ed) Morris, Clara, re-entrance of..Sept 1846 Feb 13 4 4 " Morte Civile " Apr 17 5 1 Dryope and Apollo, letter Louise C. "Moths" Oct21 7 1 Moulton Nov 25 3 3 "Muddy Day" Apr 346 Dudes, cads and boys (Ed) Apr 22 6 4 "Musketeers" Feb21 4 6 Dudley, Thos. H., lecture, "Protec- "My Partner" Feb 22 5 1 tion" Nov22 2 1 Notes Jan 4, 5, 7, 9,15, 21, 22, 26 Duel: Beirne-Elam July 114 28, 30, 31, Feb 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14 Chicago's big (Ed) May 18 4 3 17, 18, 20, 27, Mar 4, 11, 18, 22, 23 Delpit-Daudet May 29 1 1 25, 28, Apr 2, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17. 19 Eichler-Ballazzi -....June 22 1 3 22, 25, 27, May 15, June 1, 3, 4 Knox-Sheahan July 611 July 2, Aug 12,18, 20, 24, 27, Sept Nicotera-Lovits Dec 814 2, y, 11, 18, Oct 8, 14, 16, 17, 26 Phillips-Rosenbrook Aug 29 1 6 Nov 12,19, Dec 10, 16,17 Southern, latest (Ed) June 26 4 3 Obituary May27 7 2 Duel between students thwarted "Odette," Modjeska Jan 246 Mar 611 "Old Stager" Mar21 4 6 Duel, death-lot (Ed) July 29 6 2 Othello—George Edgar Sept 11 5 1 Duels (Ed) July 342 "Ours "—Wallack Jan 451 Duer, Irving, case of June 751 "Parisian Romance " Jan1146 Duer, Irving, case of June 12 8 1 Enjoined Apr 451 Dufferin, Lord, work at Cairo (Ed).. "Parisian Romance " (Ed).... Feb 464 Jan 14 6 3 "Parisian Romance" Dec 17 5 2 Duffy, Hugh, case of Jan 952 Passion Play produced Mar 3152 Duffy, P. G., sketch of Jan 10 3 1 Pattison, Kate, benefit Apr 27 4 6 Dukes, Nicholas L., acquitted..Mar 15 1 3 i Pattison, Kate, benefit May 452 Dukes—Nutt affair, history of ..June 17 1 4 Pitt's comedy season Apr 15 6 6 Dukes, can be be expelled (Ed) .Mar 24 4 4 "PrinceConte" Mar26 5 1 Seat in Penn. Legislature declared j "PrinceConte" Mar30 5 1 vacant Mar 29 1 2) "Pygmalion and G alatea " Jan 23 5 1 Dukes, N. L., murder of June 14 1 1 "Pygmalion and Galatea Apr 24 4 6 (Ed) Junel6 4 3 "Rajah" June 6,15 Duluth land frauds July 17 5 3 Richardson's, Locke, recitals.Mar 471 Duluth to Portland, from (C).. .Sept 30 3 3 Richardson, Locke, ie-entrance , Dutnahant, Ed. G., case of July 26 8 2 Feb 25 7 1 Dumas, Alexander Nov22 5 4j INDEX TO THE

D-Dun. Date.Pg.Cl E—Elections. Date.Pg.Cl. Dun, it. G., report of failures in ing water Apr 29 2 4 1882 Jan 5 3 Message Jan 224 Duncan's, Commissioner, sons. June 9 8 (Ed) Jan 242 Dunn, " Jere," acquitted May19 1 Nominations May 10 1 b Durant, Henry F., estate Nov 14 5 Nominations Jan 10 3 1 Du Rousseaux, Bishop, case of..Feb 8 1 (Ed) Jan 10 4 2 Durston, J. H., interview May17 1 Nominations, "who Is who" (Ed) Dutchess Co. bribery cases..Nov 10, 11 Jan 20 4 3 Dwight, Theo. W., on Edson's char- Opportunity (Ed) Jan 8 4 2 ter Feb 18 10 Park Board, and the (Ed) Jan 5 4 6 Dwight, Walton, insurance case Nov 16 Speech, Aqueduct bill May 254 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, Dec 4. 5, 6 Speech, Chamber of Com. banquet 7, 8,12, 14 May 923 Dwight insurance case (Ed) Dec 15 4 Speech, New-England Soc. dinner Dyes, aniline (Ed) Dec 22 4 Dec 23 7 1 Dynamite conspirators, trial of Speech, St. George's Soc. dinner June 12, 13,14,15 Apr 24 5 4 (Ed) June 15 4 Water bill, his address to citizens Dynamiteurs, Glasgow, convicted... concerning Apr 26 1 4 Dec 22 1 4 Education. Dynamite, how made Apr 826 Aid, pecuniary (Ed) Feb 25 6 3 Dynamite menace (Ed) Apr 643 American system of (Ed) Jan 28 6 4 Dynamite, Pauling, N. Y Oct 714 Assembly at Ocean Grove Aug 10 2 3 Dynamite, precautions against (Ed) Board of| finances Oct 455 Apr 7 4 Board, meeting Jan 18 3 2 Dynamite problem (Ed) Nov 344 Federal (Ed) Sept25 4 3 Dynamite revelations (Ed) Apr 204" Massachusetts, report of Stale Dynamite science (Ed) Mar22 4 . Board Jan 19 1 3 Dynamite scoundrels (Ed) Apr 942 "National" (Ed) Feb 20 4 2 Dynamite trial in Edinburgh....Dec 19 5 2 National Asso. session at Saratoga Dynamite in Washington Apr 14 1 2 July 10 5 5 Dynamo, Elphinstone -Apr 15 9 " National Convention (Ed) July 12 4 4 E. New-York State policy (Ed)..Jaii 442 Eads's, Jas. B., contract Feb 755 Sanitary results (Ed) Aug20 4 3 Eager, Geo. R., charges agst Jan 23 5 5 Studies, concerning (Ed) June 17 6 3 Eagle—Capitol Hill, Tennessee (JEd) (See also Schools.) Jan 18 4 4 Education and labor, Senate Com- Eatontown, N. J., misfortunes of mittee inquiry (Ed) Aug 15 4 3 (C) Au£27 2 4 Edmunds, Geo. F., elected President Ear, foreign bodies in Feb 18 8 5 of U.S. Senate Mar 452 Earle Guild, money needed for..Feb 881 Summer traveling, on (Ed)...July 18 4 4 Early, Jubal, and Chambersburg Edwards, John N. (Ed) Dec 14 4 3 (Ed) MayS 5 1 Egan, John, case of Mar 726 Early, J. A., romantic tales Sept 546 Egau, John, indictment of May 9 1 2 Earthenware duties (Ed) Jan 26 4 2 Egan, Patrick, arrived in New- Earthquake: Asia Oct 18, 22 York Mar 14 1 4 Halitax,N. S Jan 213 Explanation (Ed) Mar 15 4 3 J sland of Ischia July 30 1 3 Flight from Ireland (Ed) Mar 10 4 3 East River water-front improve- Interviews, Mar 15, 20, 21. ments July 20 8 3 Eggs, chemistry of boiling Mar 491 Eaton, Donnan B., on Edson's Egypt. charter Feb 18 10 1 Cairo, ins and outs of, letter from Civil Service Commission, ap- Rowe Mar25 3 4 pointed on Feb 21 1 2 Cholera June 28 to July 26 Criticism, replies to June 612 (Ed) June 30, July 24 Eaton, John, address "Education" Hicks Pacha defeated Nov 23 1 1 Aug 10 2 3 Political sentiment May 12 5 3 Advice to Congress (Ed) Dec 142 River, ruins and tombs (C), G. F. "Dark horse "(Ed) Apr 24 4 3 Rowe May21 5 4 "Dark horse gone " (Ed) June 143 Settlement, Great Britain Jan 14 6 3 Economic science (Ed) July 1942 Soudan disaster (Ed) Dec 11 4 4 Ecuador andits relations Mar2932 Usury and forced labor May 23 8 2 Revolt Mar 27, May 24, 26, Valor, rewards for. May 852 June 3, July 15 War (Ed) Nov. 23. 24 Edson, Franklin, Mayor. Egypt and the Egyptian Question" A dministration begun Jan 2 5 1 Wallace's Dec 281 Aqueduct bill, on the Apr25 5 4 lisendecker, Geo., sketch of—Feb 981 Charter Feb 9, 10, Mar 20 Elcho, Lord, elected to British Par- (Ed) Feb 942 liament Feb 651 Civil Service, on Nov 16 8 2 Elections. Contract frauds, letter to District- Connecticut Nov 751 Attorney Dec 16 2 1 Iowa Oct 10 5 2 Dinner, Lotos Clnb Jan 14 2 3 (Ed) Octl2 4 2 Excise commissioners, letter.Aug 12 12 2 Kentucky Aug 812 letter to Board of Trade concern- Official vote Aug 17 1 2 NJBW-YORK DAILY TBIBUNE FOB 1883. 37

E—Elections. J)ate.Pff.( E—Evarts. Date.Pg.Cl. Maryland. Nov 7 5 (See also Defalcations.) Massachusetts Nov 71- Emerald Club Apr20 1 2 Official returns Dec 2 1 £ Emerson, Peter, sent to prison.Nov 282 Michigan . Apr 3 1 J Emerson, Ralph Waldo Michigan May 915 Carryle correspondence Feb 18 8 1 Minnesota Nov 752 Letter, pastorate Oct 15 5 5 Mississippi Nov 751 Notes on, London (C) "G. W. S." New-Jersey NOV 713 Feb 23 6 1 Official vote Nov 28 3 3 "Poem "O. P. Cranch's Mar 2545 New-Jersey town April 1 5 Poetry, Holmes's paper Apr 18 5 2 New-York City primaries (Rep) Reminiscences, Julia Ward Sept 15 1 1 Howe's .Tan 24 5 4 New-York municipal Feb 21 5 3 "Emerson "Arnold's lecture ...Deo 223 New-York State Nov 711 Emery, Mare, case of i>ec 17 1 3 Official vote Deo 733 Emigration. Ohio OctlO 1 1 Board, wrangle among Commis- (Ed) Octl2 4 2 sioners Dec 816 Official results (Ed) Oct29 4 2 Commissioners, annual meeting Pennsylvania Nov 712 Feb 21 8 2 Primaries, duty of Republicans Commissioners' "Manners" (Ed) (Ed) Aug 14 4 3 Marl6 4 4 Primary, new law on (Ed)....Aug 29 4 2 Commissioners at odds Mar 782 Rhode Island Apr 513 Commissioners at odds Mar 15 3 3 Official vote Apr 755 Germany, from Feb 312 San Francisco City Mar 515 Government manual, letter from Spring (Ed) Apr 442 Holyoake May 754 Staten Island town Feb 14 5 5 Irish Apr24 1 4 Virginia Mav 26 1 3 Report of Commissioners Feb 633 Virginia Nov 712 State aid (Ed) Aug 17 4 2 Westchester town Mar 28 5 3 Swiss Mar24 1 2 Western municipal Apr 315 (See also Immigration.) Electric motor Sept21 8 2 Emigrants, official guide-books for Electrical apparatus, duties on.Mar 25 5 1 Feb 926 Electrical units Apr 10 2 1 Emmet, Wm. C., case of May 17 8 1 " Electricity " Barker's lecture. Mar 31 5 3 Engineering projects Dec 146 Electricity, new method of gener- Engineers, Chief of, annual report ating Feb 18 9 1 Nov 10 2 1 Storage of, Morton's paper....Apr 21 2 1 England. (See Great Britain.) Elephant Pilot killed Apr 655 English and Hendricks (Ed)...June 642 Elephant, white, Barnum secures English, the Queen's (Ed) July 30 4 2 Dec 6 5 4 Enickerbacker, D. B., made Bishop Elephant, white, Sumner (Ed)..Feb 25 6 5 of Indiana OctlS 2 5 Eliot, President, of Harvard.... Mar 22 3 1 Enos, Thomas, arrest of N ov 24 1 4 Elizabeth (N.J.), debt May 16 5 4 Vindicated Dec 182 Elizabeth (N. J.),finances(C)..May 755 Ensilage congress, Jan 25, 26. Elizabeth (N. J.)f finances May 18 8 3 Caldwell, G. C.. on Jan 24 7 3 Elliott children, concerning Mar 28. Swell of (Ed) Jan24 4 5 29, 30, 31, Apr 3, 5 Erckmann-Chatrian, modern au- Ellis, Thos. EC., sent to prison..Apr 27 2 5 thors May28 5 4 El Mahdi defeats Hicks Pacha.Nov 23 1 1 Ericsson, John, sketch of July 2934 (Ed) JNTov23, 24 Errington and the Vatican (Ed) Elmira, bill to relieve (C) Peb 154 June 14 4 5 Elmore, Senor, on Peruvian affairs Essay-writing, W. Cheney's method June 27 1 1 Jan 15 6 1 ilopement: Fisher-Griswold.-Sept 182 Essex Co.Insane Asylum manage- Gordon-Bresnan Dec 5, 6 ment May 853 Jones-Bigelow Sept 923 Estimate, Board of,unexpended bal- Powell-Frost July 214 ances Nov 18 5 1 Van Hoesen-Aylward July 1754 Ethical advancement, signs of (Ed) Wells-Vail July 1.0 1 3 Sept 444 El Paso, concerning (C) July 16 5 5 Ethnology, Bureau of, annual report Embezzlement. Oct 421 Bull, William Aug17 8 1 Eugenie's last days as Empress Chubbuck, Charles R Nov 22 5 5 Apr 22 9 6 Cook, Robert E Feb 28 8 3 Europe, peace (Ed) Nov 19 4 2 Cowles, John Apr 30 1 5 Evacuation, centennial of Nov2711 Cropsey, L. W.E Sept 22 1 5 Evacuation Day (Ed) .Nov 11 6 2 Davis,Geo. A Nov 11 7 1 Evacuation Day, Mayor Edson's Follansbee, Harvey N Mar 413 proclamation Nov 10 2 5 Halliday, S.B Apr24 8 2 Ivangelical Allianceand the " Free- Lachner, Geo JunelS 8 1 dom of Worship" bill Apr 23 8 2 Moore, JohnH Jan 18 5 3 Dvans, Geo.E., case of Dec 23 9 2 Morrell, Henry S Apr 18 8 2 ~!vans, Walter, made Com'r of In- Sinclair, H. Vf Apr 24 8 2 ternal Revenue May22 1 6 Tobias, Washington Apr 10 1 4 Evans, Walter, installed June 163 Whitney, Wm. M Feb 14 7 6 Evarts, Wm, M. Work, Geo.F. andSamuel....Apr 26 1 5 Birthday, banquet Feb 11 7 4 38 INDEX TO THE

K—Evarts. Date.Pg. F—Fagan. Tmte.Pg.Cl> I Dinner, Philadelphia Jan 7 7 Exhibition. Letter to Helper, railroad Oct 26 4 Boston, foreign Aug 19, Sept 4 I Letter to John Bright Feb 7 2 Art display. ....Sept 11 6 3 Oration, Newburg celebrationOct 19 2 Denver, Col July 18 5 5 ! Speech, American Industry...Feb 2 1 Fisheries, South Kensington (C) Speeh, Archibald banquet Jan 30 5 "G. W. S." June 331 Speech, Coleridge reception...Oct 12 2 Awards to American exhibitors Speech, Cooper Institute Nov 4 1 Oct 29 5 4 Speech, Harvard Club dinner.-Feb 22 5 Hygienic, Berlin May 13 1 2 Speech, Holmes dinner Apr 13 2 Holland Feb 122 Speech, New-England Society (N. Lisbon, official information...Mar 23 1 4 Y.) dinner Dec 23 2 2 Louisville, Ky Aug 252 Speech, Union League Club anni- Louisville (Ed) June 12 4 8 versary Feb 721 Louisville (C) Oct 21 3 2 Speech, Yale Alumni dinner..Dec 853 Kailway at Chicago May 25 5 5 Events, gloomy record (Ed) Feb 22 4 4 71st Regiment Mar27 2 3 Everglades exploration Dec 12 2 2 Taxidermy. May 554 Ewer, F. C., on the Catholic move- Vienna electrical Mar 30, Aug 17 ment Aug26 10 3 Exodus (Ed) June 30 4 4 Ewer, F. C., death of Oct 11 5 3 Expedition, Congo (Ed) Apr 1942 (Ed) Octll 4 4 Explorptions, Arctic (See Arctic). Excess, penalties of (Ed) Nov 845 Explorations at Assos, Norton's lee- ture ._- Feb 17 2 6 Excise. Explorations in the Canon Del Bill p.assed New-York Senate.Apr 11 1 4 Muerte, Col. Stevenson's Jan 14 10 Board, appropriations May 112" Explorations, Pogge and Wissmann Board, Grand Jury presentment Feb 27 6 1 Nov. 4 15 2 Explosions. Board, removals June 213 Arsenal at Woolwich, Eng Sept 25 1 4 Cases, disposing of Apr 10 8 1 Boiler, iron works, Pittsburg — Commissioners appointed Apr 326 Sept 21 1 1 Irregularities (Ed) Aug 11 4 3 Boiler, tugboat Robinson, at Al- Law, District-Attorney's opinion bany Sept 29 1 Dec 8 3 2 Bethlehem, Penn Jan 10 1 Law, enforced Apr23 5 5 California powder works Sept 30 1 Law enforced Apr 30 5 3 Coal mine, Coultersville, 111.. .Jan 10 1 Laws, how enforced by police Apr 14 8 3 Fireworks at Coney Island Aug 12 5 Laws, report of Jay's committee Furnace, Reading, Penn July 18 1 May 521 Gas main in Fulton-st Jan 27 8 Legislation (Ed) Jan 15 4 3 Gasometer, Glasgow Jan 22 5 Licensing vile resorts Feb2555 London, underground railroad Methods defended Aug 15 8 1 (Ed) Nov. 1 4 4 Methods defended Aug 18 8 1 Mineral water manufactory, .Bos- Money for charity Feb 256 ton Apr25 5 6 Reform, bad outlook for (Ed).Mar 30 4 Powder mill, Glens Falls July 1754 Systems, abuses of (Ed) Feb 25 6 Powder, Amsterdam Jan 20 I I Powder, Kingston. Penn Oct 24 1 4 Executions. Powder, Winnipeg, Mass July 112 Barrett Jan 24 1 5 Powder works at Point Clement, Brady, Joseph, at Dublin May 15 7 3 Cal Jan 23 3 2 Caflrey, Thomas, at Dublin..June 312 Recent Mar 16 1 2 Chisholm, John Nov 23 3 2 Steam pipes, Broadway Jan 28 10 1 Copeland, Frazier Apr2852 Steam pipe, William-st Aug 27 1 3 Cornetti, Angelo May 12 1 2 Westminster, Government offices Curley, Daniel, at Dublin May 1914 Mar 16 1 1 Daoud, Suleiman June 1012 (Ed) Marl7 4 3 De Bosnys, Henry D Apr 28 5 2 (See also Accidents, Fires and Fagan, Michael, at Dublin May29 1 1 Shipwreck.) Flynn, Michael Jan 18 1 1 Explosives, handlin g Apr 22 5 5 Higgins, Patrick Jan 16 1 1 Explosives, laws against Apr 19 2 6 Higgins, Thomas Jan 18 1 1 Exports (!See Trade) Hovey, Edward Oct 20 8 1 Ex:portsp , Government (Ed) Aug 12 6 3 Jones, J. C May 19 1 5 Extradition, Irish, refugees (Ed). Kelly,Thnothy,Pho3nixPark mur- May 4, 8 derer June 10 1 2 Archer case (Ed) June 13 4 Loomis, Joseph B Mar 925 Laws, Sidney Webster on May 23 5 McConkey, Ward May 11 1 3 Surrattcase May12 1 McGloin, Michael E Mar 10 2 3 Treaties, provisions of various— Majone, Pasquale Mar 10 2 3 May 12 1 6 Meeker.Mrs, Emeline Mar 3125 Treaty with Great Britain, Wash- i Moyer, tJriah Mar 825 ington (C) " D. D. L." May14 1 6 Oberdank, G Jan 18 4 5 Eyck, T. Ten, restored in the army.. O'Donnell, Patrick, murderer of Mar 513 Carey DeclS 2 1 Poff Jan24 1 5 Eye," Dr. Roosa's lecture Mar 17 2 6 Poole, Joseph, in Dublin Dec 1952 F. Taylor, Andrew Nov24 1 5 Fagan, Michael, execution of...May 29 1 1 Treglown,James Apr 19 2 2 Fagan, Michael, trial of. .Apr 26, 27,28 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOB 1883. 39

F~Failures. Date.Pff.Cl. F—Fargo. Date.Pg CL Failures. , McGeoch, Peter, lard June 1716 (Ed) Jan 44 n3 Details June 19 l 6 Adler Brothers, dry-goods Oct 17 2 4 Mack, Simon,clothing Oct 981 Armstrong, M., & Sou, leather-Jan 27 8 2 Mackay, J. P., silk Sept 12 8 8 Augustinian Society Feb2526 McLean, D. W., ship chandlerMar 15 2 2 (Ed) Feb28 4 4 McNulty. J. R., coffee Oct 10 2 2 Ayer, J. V., iron Feb 18 1 5 Manchester Iron and Stee) CoJuly 21 1 5 Details Feb 19 1 3 Marshall, James, iron Apr 17 1 3 Ballou & Co., bankers...— Aug 15 1 1 Mayer, F., woollen goods Sept 26 1 4 Banks: Jersey City Jan 11 5 1 Merchant, S. L., cement... . Oct 24 2 6 Details Jan 12,13 Merkle, C. P., paper Mar 27 1 4 Receiver's statement. Jan 1654 Miller, James, book publisher.Jan 5 10 4 Montreal Exchange Dec 614 Mozley, Lewin, broker... May12 1 1 Rahway (N. J.) Nat Nov 23 t 4 Newburgh& Co., clothing Apr 28 1 2 Union City (Penn.) First Nat Nichols, M.S., wheat June 20 1 1 Feb 27 1 5 Oakley, Jesse, soap May 20 5 2 Barlow, Bradley Aug 114 Paige, S. B., lumber Mar 30 1 5 Bassford, Ed. D., house furnisher Palen, Geo., leather Apr 1022 May 15 5 1 Parks, R. H., grain June 20 1 2 Bay State Iron Co Feb 13 5 4 Plunney, S. C., leather Aug 313 Bernhard, S., cloaks Oct 20 5 6 Ranger, Morris, broker ...Oct 31 1 4 Billups, J. P., cotton Decl3 8 3 Ranger, Morris, cotton Nov 211 Blossom, Hayne & Co., naval Record of (Ed) July 10 4 3 stores.. Marl3 2 3 Recordof SeptSO 7 2 Bracken. Wm. S., grain Feb 17 8 3 Report of R. G.Dun & Co Jan 535 Bussell, Edward, lumber Oct 12 5 3 Reports of (Ed) Dec31 4 5 Carroll, Wm., fur hats DecJ8 5 1 Rideout, E.G., novelties ... May 25 8 6 Carvill, Francis, and Son Jan 111 Rosenstein, Louis, fruit May 614 Causeof(Ed) .- Aug 22 4 2 Ryle, J. C., silk Sept 12 8 3 Chambers Brothers, fertilizers Shaw, F., leather July 31 5 3 Mar 25 2 5 Shriver Bros., commission brokers Chicago Union and Iron Steel Co Jan 21 2 5 Feb 313 Siedenbach. Schwab & Co., cloth- Cleveland Furnace Co Mar 214 ing ,....Sept25 8 2 Conrad & Co., brewers Jan 17 8 3 Smith, A. D., cotton Dec 27 1 5 Cooper, Hall & Co., bankers ..Jan J9 1 4 Smith, Frederick, lumber July 14 1 3 Copeland, Chas.W., leather..July 31 5 3 Smith, O. F., paper May 481 Coy, Cyrus H., banker Apr 412 Stedman, E. C. &Co., bankers. Aug 1681 Crampton, R., books. Jan 815 Schedules Aug28 8 1 Dalley, John, provisions June 2154 Stewart, Geo., provisions June 2154 Davids, Thaddeus & Co., ink.May 24 3 2 Tauntpn Copper Mfg. Co May 24 3 2 Degener, R. and C.y commission merchants Apr 154 Taussig & JbLamniersching, candy Des Marets, E. A., broker Oct 25 2 4 Aug 18 8 3 1882,in Jan 124 Taylor, Geo. H., printer Mar 114 Eisenstadt, M., jewelry Jan 2215 Tornlinson, Fred. C., jewelry ..Jan 21 2 6 Foster and McKay, machines.May 554 Tucker, L. N., laces Mar 15 5 1 Frazier, Jos. W., guns Apr 381 Union and Bay State Co.,straw Gerdes, Gustave H., candy Jan 21 2 6 goods June22 2 6 Ghistain, Cahn & Co.. bankers W allach, A. and E., notions..Sept 1982 Dec 28 5 3 Ward, C. H., leather Aug 212 Glidden, John N., iron Oct 24 1 5 Wetmore Machine Co., New- G oetting, August H., stationers Haven, Conn Jan 714 Jan 14 12 3 Wetzlar, Moritz, leather Mar 22 8 1 Gordon, Donald, dry-goods Dec 21 2 4 White, Henry K., straw goods Griffin, Geo. W., weii&bon, A., tobacco Jan 1082 Fargo, Dak., growth of (C) Sept 241 INDEX TO THE

F—Fargo. Date.Pg. F—Fine Arts. Qate.Pg. d. Fargo, Mrs. W.G.,marriage of .Aug 9 i National banking,, possible basis Farmers, trying to lool (Ed).. .June 13 4 for (Ed) ...... : ...... Octll 4 Farms, bonanza (Ed) May 17 4 National surplus (Ed) ...... Sept 25 4 Farnum, Henry, tribute Oct 7 2 New-York, report of State Con- Fashions in dress Jan 14 troller ...... Jan 11 3 Feb 12, Mar 19, Apr 7, May 23, June Panic, belated (Ed) ...... Dec 29 4 19, Sept 3,13, 24, Oct 22,25, Nov. 16 Paper money outstanding ..... Dec 1 5 Dec 3. Paper notes, the oldenemy again Fassett, A. D., charges against.Nov 10 1 (Ed) ...... Novl9 4 Fat men and women, exhibition of Repudiation, excusing (Ed). ..Apr 11 4 Jan 24 19 Reserves, how do we guard our Falkner, Alexander,case of Nov 21 8 (Ed) ...... May 19 4 Faure-Brush contest June 8 8 Securities, fall in (Ed) ...... An? 1 5 4 Fees, abolish (Ed) Oct 31 4 Silver coinage (Ed) ...... Jan 23, 25 Feitner, Thoa. L., sketch of....Mav 10 2 Coinage, failure to suspend (Ed) Fellah life Feb 4 8 Jane 28 4 Fenian Brotherhood and the West- Coinage, report of Director of minster explosion Mar 17 1 the Mint ...... Oct 521 Ferguson, David, sent to prisonMar 27 1 Coinage, Senator Morrill's speech Ferguson, S. W., made a member of Dec 6 2 1 Mississippi River Commission May 22 1 Danger from (Ed) ...... Sept 4 4 3 Ferry, Jules, sketch of Feb 19 1 Double standard, letter from Ferry's speech in defence of Tonquin J.Thompson ...... Mar 12 2 2 Credits bill (Ed) -Dec 13 4 Double Standard, Riley's plea Ferry in his cabinet, Paris (C). .Apr 22 3 Apr 25 5 Ferry, Thos. W., charges against *•eb 14 2 Storage wanted (Ed) ...... Jan 31 4 Ferry franchises Apr 26 3 Surplus revenue, Carlton's views Ferry, Thirty-fourth, ferry reduced (Ed) ...... Dec 18 Jan 2110 Trade dollars, concerning (C).Mar 9 5 Feuardent Di Cesnola suit (See Legal.) Trade dollar, history of ...... July 4 2 Fiction (See Story.) Tradedollar, nuisance ...... Feb 4 10 Fiction (Ed) July 29 6 Trade dollar, war against. .June 27, Fiction, art of (Ed) D«c 9 6 29, July 1 Fiction, characters of (Ed) Oct 23 4 United States notes, questions •Field of honor" (Ed) July 3 4 answered (Ed)...... Dec 844 Field, David D., speech at Cooper Virginia coupons, letter from F. J. Union Sept 25 2 Lippitt ...... Apr 30 2 6 Fielding, Henry, bust of Sept 5 1 Wall Street rumors (Ed) ...... Dec 20 4 5 ' Fielding, Henry," Lowell's poem.. Findlay, Wm. L., night of ...... Apr 23 1 6 Sept 18 6 fine Arts. Fields, S. M., charges against.. -Jan 25 5 American Art Gallery Exhib.. Oct 20 5 1 Filley, Chauncey I., missing (Ed)... American Art Union ...... Apr 12 5 1 Apr 2 4 Artists' Fund Society Exhib . .Jan 28 7 2 Bartholdi Loan Exhib ...... Dec 2, 26 Finance. Boston Artists, exhibition ..... Jan 13 5 1 Banks (SeeBanks). Boston exhibition ...... Feb 11 7 1 Bi-metallic Monetary Asso....Nov 29 3 Brooklyn Art Asso. exhib____Mar 10 4 6 Bonds: Calls Feb 2 3 Brooklyn Art Asso. exhib____Nov 24 5 5 Decision concerning Feb 14 2 Brooklyn Loan Exhib ...... Jan 23 5 1 Exchange of, suspended. Mar 22 5 Catalogue Illustre Du Salon.. May 28 6 1 Exchanged andredeemed.. -Apr 1 5 Clarke's American pictures... Dec 28 5 4 Redeemed Mar28 2 Correggio ...... Apr2210 4 Redemption of Apr 5 1 "Diana's Hunting party "____July 24 8 2 Redemption of «A^ri? 2 "Etching," Haden's lectures. Feb 6, 9 Three per cent called in. Sept 20 5 "Etchings by American Artists " Business and banking (Ed)....Apr 30 4 pec 14 6 1 Circulation notes, contraction of.. Etching "Cancalaises " ...... Dec 14 6 1 Nov 26 5 Etchers and etchings ...... June 24 4 3 Exhibition, Munich ( Ed) ...... Jan 20 4 4 8»fc::::::::::::::::S£ f Hurlbert collection, sale of June 1, 2 Coins, facts about Sept 16 4 Italian salon exhib., Rome ( C) ____ Contraction, Thompson'spaper.... Mar 442 Oct 12 5 Italian salon, opening of, Rome (C) Controllerof Currency,|report.Nov 19 2 Feb 18 4 1 Currency outstanding Feb 1 2 L'Art for 1882 ...... Feb 13 6 1 Currency, report of Controller "Lectures"...... Jan 782 Knox.. Nov24 5 Libbey, Wm., paintings, sale of.... Five cent pieces, new Feb 2 1 Apr 28 5 3 G old, consumption of (Ed).. .Aug 7 4 Loan exhibition ...... May 14 5 1 Greenback notions (Ed) Feb 19 4 Loan exhibition...... Nov 491 Inflation, results of Aug 14 4 National Academy exhibition.Mar 31 Money and business (See Busi- May 4, 9, 12, Oct 20, Nov 4 ness) New-York Art Club exhib ..... Feb 13 5 2 Money, facts about various kinds "Pans Illustre" ...... May 28 6 1 J Oct 22 5 Paris salon awards ...... July 15 2 4 Mutilated notes, redemption of Paris salon (C) ...... May 633 Apr 22 1 "Paris-salon" ...... May28 6 1 NEW-YORK DAILY TBIBUNE FOB 1883. 41

F—Fine Arts. Date.Pg.Cl, F-Fires. Date.Pg.Cl. Paris salon«(C) May 28 6 " Thirty-second street (W) No. 147 Philadelphia exhibitions Jan 27 3 Jan 525 Picture sales Jan 19 2 Vandewater street, printinghouse Picture sales Jan 2110 July 23 8 1 Bome, exhibition.. Jan 22 6 Fires, Miscellaneous. Royal Academy, London, (C) Albany, Delavan House Mar 1714 "G.W. S." June 5 6 Albany, elevator and mill Mar 415 Bunklo paintings Mar 2 4 Albany, Tweddle Hall Jan 17 5 2 Bunkle paintings, sale of Mar 9 5 Albany, Wis Nov 28 1 2 Salmagundi exhibition Dee 2, 22 Algiers, La June 26 1 3 Smith's, JP. H., water-colors....Jan 14 7 Atlanta, Ga., Kimball Honse.Aug 13 5 4 Society of American Artists exhib. Augusta, Ga., Opera House...Apr 215 Mar 25 5 Baltimore Aug 955 Society of American Artists exhib. Baltimore, warehouse Nov 2953 Apr 15 5 Baltimore, warehouses Dec 20 5 5 Spurious (Ed) Dec 21 4 Baltimore, elevators Dec 21 5 4 Berlin, theatre Apr 552 Boothbay, Me Apr 12 5 5 Boston Aug 27 1 S '16, 2o, Decrs,~1%, 23, 30 Boston Dec 974 Tin ion League Club exhib Dec 14 6 Boston, Opera House June 1713 Union .League Club pictures...Jan 12 6 Bradley, Me., mill Apr 30 1 Vauderbilt's paintings Dec 21 5 Brewster, N. Y., incendiaries.Mar 30 5 Water Color Soc. exhib Jan 27 Brooklyn: Atlantic-ave., coal Fob 19, 23 yard Aug28 6 u Finerty, Jno. F., onthe Pope.. .May 18 1 Cranberry and Henry-sts....Dec 27 2 6 Finerty, Jno. F., and O'Donnell (Ed) Fulton-st., No. 252 Jan 756 Dec 10 4 Huntington-st., oil works...Aug 28 6 5 Fink, Albert, on freight pools and Kent-ave., No. 36 May 19 1 2 rates Sept 4 2 Myrtle-ave., No. 78. Finnell, John W., exonerated...July 25 2 Water front, ships destroyed Fire-alarm telegraph, letter from C. July 20 1 6 C. Coffin Feb21 5 5 Brownville, wood camp, Dakota Fire alarm telegraph, letter from W. Marl2 1 6 D. O'Conor Feb 11, 27 Brussels, Legislative Palace...Dec 714 Fire Commissioners, annual report Butler, Penn., court house—Dec 13 2 5 Apr 26 2 6 Chicago, car factory Aug 17 1 3 Fire risks (Ed) Jufy25 4 " Chicago, Farwell block Dec 271 Fire underwriters in session...May 18 3 Chicago, warehouse Nov1654 Chicago Dec31 1 5 Fires, New-York. Cincinnati, warehouse Sept 2115 Ann-st,No. 23 Nov 15 1 5 Cisco, Texas Jan21 2 2 Bowery, No.288 Feb 25 7 5 Cleveland, oil Feb 413 Broadway, No. 279 Apr 16 1 4 Cohoes, N. Y., mills Jan 651 Broadway, No. 335 Feb 123 Communipaw. oil May 11 1 6 Broadway, Nos. 537,539, and 541 Constantinopl,__e .^Devc 615 Sept 19 1 4 Crisfieldn~,-«-fi~i.J, Md.->irjf , 'hospita *--*l Jan 14 7 3 Broadway. No. 1,160 Jan 215 Cummings, South Chicago, nail Canal and Mulberry streets.. .Feb 14 5 3 factory Jan 17 5 2 Centre street, Nos. 43, 45 .... Aug 28 5 5 Dallas, Texas Oct 714 Chambers street, No. 90 Mar 614 Des Moines, Iowa Jan 13 5 4 Cherry street, No.236 Feb 23 5 1 Dubois, Penn Dec 17 5 4 Desbrosses street, No. 12 May 30 5 3 Easthampton, Mass.. church.Mar 26 I 5 Fifty-fourth street, (W) No. 314 Forest City, Cal Mar 18 7 4 Dec 4 8 1 Galveston, Texas Aug 815 Fourth street school Feb2116 Garneld, Col Nov 213 Coroner's verdict Mar 781 Georgetown, S. C Feb 24 5 3 Investigation concluded Mar 231 Groton Pond May 22 1 4 Front street, No. 172 Dec 27 2 6 Hackensack, N. J., railroad prop- Front street. No. 326 Mar 912 erty May20 7 1 Gold street, No. 8 Jan 15 1 5 Harris ourg, Penn., poor house Grand street, No. 368 Dec 314 July 313 Greene street, No. 190 May 24 1 3 Italy, play house June 26 1 1 InmanPier Feb 281 Jamestown, Dakota Dec 31 1 5 Madison street, No. 204 Dec1432 Jefferson City, Mo., prison Feb 24 5 2 Bose street, No. 18 Mar 415 Jersey City, N. J Feb 4 Seventh avenue, No. 355 Feb 953 Joliet, 111 Dec 31 1 5 Sixth avenue, Masonic Temple Kherson, South Russia Jan 20 1 2 Dec 224 Kingston, N.Y Feb 12 1 5 Sixty-fourth street (E) No. 48 Kingston, N.Y May 613 Mar 816 Knoxville, 111., school Jan 525 Spruce street, No. 18 Feb 12 1 5 Leominister, Mass Apr 2 j 5 Theatre, Cosmopolitan Feb 13 5 3 Long Beach, L. I., hotel Sept 881 Theatre, Mount Morris Feb 623 Long Island City, oil works.. .Aug 23 8 2 Theatre, Standard Deo 15 1 1 Lyons June20 5 2 Theatre, Windsor ~...Nov30 5 2 Millbury, Mass Dec 974 Third avenue. No. 2,254...... June 9 1 5 Milwaukee, Wis.,loas $600,000Jan i 1 2 INDEX OP THE

F—Fires. Date.Pg.Cl. F—Foraker. Date Pg.Cl- NewhallHotel Jan 11 1 1 Hatching station, new...... Mar 15 5 5 Details Jan 12 Industry ...... !.I^."."."Nov27 4 13.14,15,16,17,18,19, 20. Mackerel ...... Jan 12 (Ed) Janl2 4 4| Moss-bunker ...... May 13 4 2 Tannery Jan 815 Seacow ...... May 20 3 6 Mitan, Kussia, theatre J an 24 1 4 Trade, how supplied ...... Nov 13 2 4 Montreal, machine factory Mar2615 Fishermen, word to (Ed) ...... July 1563 Memphis, Tenn Oct 954 Fishing on the banks ...... Sept 16 9 5 Nashville, Tenn June 29 1 5 Fishkill centennial ...... June 315 Neenah, Wia Jan 15 1 5 Fitzgerald, N. W., indictment of Newburgh, N. Y., boat yard. ..Jan 651 Dec 22 2 1 New Haven, hotel April 1 2 Fitzgerald, Thomas, charges against New-Orleans. Magazine-st Apr 21 5 5 Jan 712 Nicolieff, Russia- Jan25 1 4 Fitzharris, trial of ...... May 1, 2, 17 Norfolk, Va Novl5 5 5 Fitzmaurice, Lord Edmond,appoint- Ocala, Fla Nov 30 5 2 ment...... Jan 711 Oshkosh, Wis Nov 16 5 4 Fitzpatrick, Edward T., and the Pawtucket, B. I July 212 Bridge (Ed) ...... May 26 4 3 Pittsburg, exposition Duilding.Oct 4X6 Flag, battle, returned...... July 584 Portchester, N. Y., church Dec 1754 Flags, French insults (Ed) ...... July 13 4 2 Port Perry, Ont Nov 27 1 3 Flags, old ...... June 10 2 2 Quebec, Parliament Apr 20 5 2 FlatSj hints about life in ...... Dec 236 Quincy, 111., hotel Jan 20 1 3 Fleming, John, convicted of fraud... Baleigh, N. C., school Mar 713 Dec 8 1 1 KedBank,N. J Feb32 1 5 Fletcher, ex-Gov., on Indians (Ed).. Kome, Palace Jan 27 1 1 July 865 Boubaix. France Nov29 5 3 Flood, John C ...... Mar 29 4 5 Russian Poland, circus, 300 per- Floods. sonsburned Jan 15 5 4 Austria-Hungary ...... Jan 10 1 1 Details Jan 16 1 2 Council Bluffs, La ...... June 315 St.Louis, Planters' House—Jan 1514 Deadwood ...... May 22 1 4 St. Louis Dec 26 1 5 England ...... Jan 30 1 1 St. Paul, Minn Dec 13 2 5 European (Ed)...... Jan 843 Sheboygan, Wis Feb 23 5 1 Germany ...... Jan 5, 12. 16 Shenandoah, Penn JSTovl3 1 5 Halifax, N.S ...... Mar 23 1 1 Somer's Point (N.J.), hotel..Sept 16 1 3 Hungary ...... Jan 31 1 4 Stamford, Conn.. Feb 16 5 3 Lesson troin (Ed) ...... Mar 11 6 2 Tarrytown (N.Y.), Lewis villa.Jan 16 1 3 Mississippi...... Mar 855 Toledo, Ohio, opera house Jan 27 5 5 Ontario ...... Apr 12 2 Toronto, opera house Feb 914 Ontario ...... July 12 1 3 Troy(N.Y.) Feb 454 Bussia... Apr 112 Union City, Ind May 613 St. Louis June 25 1 1 Vineyard Haven, Mass Aug1275 Southern Mar 6, 7, 8, 9.10,11 Ward's Island Feb 17 5 4 Western....Feb 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12 Warsaw Apr27 1 1 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Westchester (N. Y.) May 18 2 6 June 22 White Biver Junction, Vt Jan 326 (Ed) Feb 16,17 Williamsport,Penn Aug 28 5 5 (See also Storms.) Williamstown, Mass., cotton Florida. mills ., Feb 20 1 2 Canal Jan 13, May 10, Aug 21 Williamston (N. C.), Dec 815 Everglades expedition Nov20 1 5 Winooski. Vt Jan 28 5 5 Everglades expedition (Ed).. .Nov 21 4 3 Woodsville (N. H.) May 20 5 1 industrial notes (C) Sept 16 3 4 Yonkers Gas Works July 19 1 5 Legislature organized Jan 424 (See also Explosions.) Life in (C) Sept 16 9 6 Fires, hotel, record of Jan 11 5 4 Mature, business and winter resi- Fires and the weather. Sept 2 9 5 dents (C) Sept 210 2 Fischer, Charles S., case of Sep6182 Flourreports July 5 5. 2 Fish, Hamilton, on Columbia Col- Flower, E. F., in America. Apr 16 2 4 lege andwomen Mar 716 Flying machine Dec 28 4 5 fish and Fisheries. Foe in the household (Ed) Aug 242 American Cultural Asso. meeting Folger, Charles J., administration.. June 732 Mar 21 1 6 Culturists in session June 832 Hill investigation, onthe May 1913 Devil - May29 8 2 Letter to Howard Jan 926 Exhibition,SouthKensington.Mayl3 1 2 Food and drugs, fraud in sale oJE.Feb 1344 Exhibition, South Kensington (C) Food production and movement (Ed) «'G. W. S" June 331 Aug 29 4 3 Medals and prizes Oct 17 1 2 Food, what will, cost (Ed) June 22 4 3 Awards to Am. Exhibitors..Oct 29 5 4 Foote, L. H., interview Mar 1855 Food, protection of: talk with Foraker, J. B., nominated for Gov- Blackford * Feb 20 2 5 ernor of Ohio June 711 German carp Sept 2 10 3 Governorship of Ohio, and the (Ed) Greenwood Lake outrage Oct 20 5 5 Aug 23 4 2 Halifax award, Prof. Hind's Sketch of June 755 charges AuglO 1 2 Speech at Hamilton. O.MM...Jnly 22 7 5 Hatcheries, Government Apr 231 2 Star Route trial, and tti«.....^TUy 29 6 6 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 43

F—Forbes. Date'.JPff.Cl. F—France. Date.Pg.Cl. Forbes, A., on Bazaine (Ed) ...... Dec 144 Chamber adjourns Aug 3 1 Ford, Patrick, interview ...... Feb2315 China affairs May 27 1 Ford, Patrick, "more trouble for Civic courage, lack or (Ed)—Jan 24 4 3 Ireland" (Ed) ...... Jan'27 4 3 Colonial policy (Ed) June 2 4 Ford, Patrick, talk with ...... Apr 20 1 2 Congo, occupationof Apr 18 1 1 , Foreign Affairs (Ed) ...... Jan 445 Conquest and colonization (Ed) Foreign visitor, a (Ed) ...... July ^6 4 3 July 8 6 Forest and Forestry. Constitutional revision Mar 6 1 Adirondack ...... Feb 19 Constitutional revision defeated Apr 9, Sept 23, Nov 27, Dec 7, 18 Mar 711 Congress at St. Paul ...... Aug 963 Diplomacy (Ed) Nov 10 4 Destruction of (Ed) ...... Nov 483 Diplomacy* crisis (Ed) Oct 25 4 "England" ...... Apr 15 8 1 Diplomacy sustained (Ed) Nov 243 Fires (Ed) ...... May23 4 4 East, policy (Ed) Sept21 4 2 Floods, lesson (Ed) ...... MarlJ 6 2 Expulsion bill, first clause re- Free trade and (Ed) ...... June 17 6 2 jected Febl3 l 1 French ordinance of 1669____June 26 6 1 Expulsion bill modified Feb 16 1 3 Government and (."Fid) ...... Nov 14 4 Fetes, national (C) July 29 3 2 Mexico(Ed) ...... June 24 6 Fine Arts, Paris (C) May 632 Preserve (Ed) ...... Dec 6 4 Fine Arts, Paris sal on (C) May 2852 Preserves, National ...... Sept 16 6 Fine Arts, salon awards (Q.-Juiy 15 2 Preserving (Ed) ...... Dec 28 4 Fine Arts, Triennial Exhibition Tree planting in Eastern Kansas (C) SeptSO 4 1 (C) ...... Feb 26 2 4 Foreign policy (Ed) Oct 12 4 3 Forprery. Industrial letters- (See Porter.) Ballard, Robert C...... _____Apr 2 1 Insults to foreignflags(Ed).. July 1342 Carrol], Jno. B ...... Sept 29 1 Journalism, funny papers (C).May 27 3 5 Davis, Caroline G ...... Aug 26 12 Legislation (Ed) , Aug 64? Grayy,, Wm. E May 18 2 6 Legislation, Paris (C) Aug 21 3 1 Griin'sin's, Wm., "Lord Ashburton Legitimist conspiracy...- Jan 20 1 l Apr 27 5 5 Legitimist scare Jan 21 l 2 Heaton, O.S Aug 15 8 1 Loss and gain—Gambetta's death Monroe, R. S Jan 18 1 (Ed) Jan 343 Sheehan, James F Jan 11 8 Mercantile Marine Law. Dec 22 2 2 Stewart, John Jan 24 3 5 Ministry(Ed) Oct26 4 3 Wilson, Albert Jan 982 Ministry crisis, Jan 24, 25, 26, 28 30 (See also Defalcation, Embezzle- ment, Robbery and Swindling.) Forrest's, Edwin,property(C)...Mar 1223 Ministry crisis (Ed) Jan 30 4 3 Forrester, Frank, case of May 1781 Ministry, new Feb 22 1 4 Forster and Parnell (Ed) Feb 24 4 3 Ministry, new Feb 19 1 1 Forster's speech at Bradford (Ed) Ministry, new, Paris (C) Mar 11 3 5 Dec 15 4 2 Ministry resign Jan 29 1 4 Fort Hamilton, trouble over grad- Ministry, resignation of Feb 14 1 4 ingastreet Sept 29 5 5 Needs, what (Ed) Nov 26 4 2 Fort P-ae Apr 891 Newspapers, seizure of Jan 13 1 l Fossil footprints at Carson, Nev. Norman coast, on the (C) Aug 26 3 2 (Ed) Aug 20 Political situation (Ed) Jan 26 4 Foster, Charles, interview..Mar 3, Political situation (Ed) Feb 23 4 May 19, June 16 Politics (C) Sept 996 Foster, John W., made Minister to Politics (C) Nov 461 Spajft Feb25 5 2 Politics (C) Dec30 3 2 Credentials, presents June 17 1 3 Pretenders (Ed) ....Feb 643 Sketchof Feb26 1 5 Pretenders (C) Feb 11 3 3 Foster, Marion Mar 30 5 1 Pretenders, Fabre's bill Feb 2 1 Forster, W. E., on Ireland Dec 14 5 3 Princes and military posts Feb 24 5 Foundling Asylum, workings of Recklessness, colonial policy (Ed) June 1C 4 5 June 243 Fowks, Horatio, flight of Jan 28 1 6 Republic—gain (Ed) Sept 742 Fowle, Edwin M., charges against Restoration, dread of Feb 10 4 3 Jan 23 5 5 Seaside sceuces,Trouville(O.Sept SO 4 Fox. Richard K., arrest of Jan 31 2 6 Senate (Ed) Feb 6 4 France. Shops and shopping in Paris (C) Anam, peace Aug30 1 1 Nov 18 4 Anam, in (C) Dec 23 4 5 Socialism Mar 11 1 Anamese treaty Aug 31 1 4 Sontay, French assault Dec 1313 Alsatian benefit (C) Apr 22 3 4 Spain, and (Ed) Oct 4. * 3 Anti-French alliance (Ed)....Apr 12 4 3 Tendencies, new June 1243 Alien population of (Ed) Mar 2645 Throne, pretenders to the (Ed) .Jan 2042 Anarchists, trial of Jan 10,16 Tonquin affair, Paris (C) June 14 5 4 Sentenced Jan 20 1 1 Tonquin credit adopted May 161 4 Army (Ed) Nov. 17 4 4 Tonquin Credits bill adopted by Banishment bill adopted Feb 1311 Chamber ofvDep... Dec 11 1 3 Boston fair, and the (C) June 1121 Tonquin credits bill (supplemen- Bourbon women (C) Sept 232 tary) Dec 19 5 2 Canada treaty Dec 12 1 4| Tonquiu difficulty, the press on Cannes, nature and art (C) Feb 25 3 2 (Ed) Nor20 4 2 44 INDEX TO THE

F—France. Date.Pg.Cl. Tonquin, diplomatic and military G—Geneva. Date.Pff.Cl. operations (C) Dec 22 7 1 Gaddis, E. J., drowned ...... July 25 5 5 Tonquin expedition May 111 Gage, Thos. S., mental condition of Tonquin troubles.. Aug 25, S( i>t 9,15. May 1 8 Dec 6 Gail Hamilton, trusteeship ...... Feb 21 5 i Tonquin troubles (Ed) Dec 21 4 2 Gaines, Myra Clark, case ...... June 13 1 2 Tonquin troubles, French posi- Gaines, Myra Clark, wins her suit tions (map) Dec 21 1 3 „ „ ^ May 4 2 6 Tonqnin troubles, French victory Gallagher, Bernard, arrest of____Apr 171 1 near Sontay Dec 21 1 3 Gallagher, Thos ...... Apr20 5 2 Topics, PariISs (C)....Ja\\J) . . - -«l aiU.n i*14,, J?OFebU 18-LO,, Gallant service, rewards for ..... Apr 27 2 4 Apr 15, May 6. June 3, 4. Gallup, David, charitable gifts. Aug 28 1 3 10, 24,Aug 12, Oct7, Nov 29 Game, preservation of (Ed) ...... Mar 28 4 3 Tradereturns Jan 20 1 2 Gambetta. Trades-Unions in Paris (C)...Nov 18 4 1 Autopsy, result of ...... Jan 3 1 4 ! Unionin(Ed) Jan 11 4 3 Buried in Nice ...... Jan 14 1 Union Generate case,decision.Sept 16 1 2 Career (Ed) ...... Jan 1 4 I; War with China (Ed) Nov 25 6 3 Death of ...... Jan 2 1 Wars, why waged and how re- Death (Ed) ...... Jan 3 4 garded, Paris (C) Septl" 5 4 Death, cause of his (Ed) ...... Jan 4 4 Francis, C. S., interview May 17 1 4 Funeral, Paris (C) ...... Jan 29 5 Franklin manuscripts Jan 614 Memories of, Paris (C) ...... Jan 28 3 Franklin manuscripts, arrival of, Orators at his grave (Ed) ...... Jan 11 4 Washington (C) "D. D.L."....Feb 1261 Power, his secret

G—Geographical. Date.Pg.Cl. G—G rady. Date.Pg. Cl. Geographical discoveries (Ed) ..Oct 17 4 2 Glass workers (Ed) Oct 844 Geological survey, report, Sept 2521 Gleason, Patrick J., case of Feb 27 8 1 George, Henry, on Free Trade.-Feb 15 5 1 Glenn, Hope May 824 Irish, land question, on the Feb 854 Click, Geo. W., inaugurated Gov- Land, on (Ed) Oct 545 ernor of Kansas Jan 915 Labor and land, on (Ed) Aug 26 6 2 Glover, John Hawley, made Gov- Georgia. ernor of N ewfound land Deo 1952 Chain-gangs (C) Nov30 3 5 Gluck, J. F., elected a Cornell Trus- Chain-gang Senators (Ed) Nov 30 4 3 tee...-. June21 5 1 Democratic convention Apr 13 2 6 Goddard. Chas. M., charge& s against Governor, McDaniel elected...Apr 25 1 2 (Ed) . !..0et 345 G overnorsh ip, returns May 1012 Godkin, E. L., sneech, Salvini din- Ku Klux confession (Ed) Dec 22 -4 4 ner Apr27 5 3 Ku Klux convictions (Ed) Oct 30 4 4 Godwin, Parke, and the Aqueduct Ku Klux convicted of crime..Dec 18 1 3 Commission May 411 Slaveryin vC) Sept30 4 3 Goelet, Peter, alleged heir July 3183 Storm, great Apr 24 1 2 Golsh. Alfred, concerning his death German, humiliations of the Mar 11 4 6 Nov 22 8 2 Germans, first settlement in Amer- Goose-egg eater (Ed) May 1364 ica(Ed) ....Oct 943 Gordon, "Chinese" (Ed) Nov 22 4 4 German!a monument, description of Gordon, General, on the Speaker- Sept 29 4 6 ship (Ed) Nov28 4 3 Germania monument unveiled..Sept 29 1 1 Gordon, Geo.A., and the Old South Germany. Church (Ed) Jan22 3 2 Church bill June 12 1 1 Gordon, G. I., case of Dec 4, 7 Diet opened Nov 21 1 4 Gordon, Geo. I., sent to prison..Dec 22 3 1 Floods Jan 5, 12, 16 Gordon, H. L., arrest of July 17 5 3 Foreign relations of Dec 23 1 3 Gorman, John J., made a Police Jus- Germania monument Sept 29 1 1 tice Nov 16 8 1 Industrial letters (See Porter.) Gorman, John J.. sketch of May 10 2 1 Pork question May17 1 1 Gorringe, Commander, leaves the Prosperity, signs of July 23 4 3 Navy Feb22 I 2 Taxation Dec 721 Hisreasonfor Feb 23 1 2 Treaty with Mexico Aug 3 5 1 3 Resignation accepted Feb2553 Vatican, and the Jan 28, Feb 23 Interview , Feb 26 5 4 Apr 28. May 22 Navy, why lie retired from, letters Vatican, and the (Ed) June 11 4 2 Feb 24 1 4 Ghost, Heaphy's Jan 14= 4 1 Gortschakoif. Ghost on shipboard May 13 9 5 Career (Ed) Mar 12 4 3 Ghost story, English ; Feb 11 3 6 Death of Mar 12 5 2 Ghost story, Hartford (Ed) Mar 21 4 5 Diplomacy (Ed) Mar 18 6 Giants, marriage of Nov 21 5 5 GottLeil. Gustav, sketch of Dec 16 4 Gibbs, Richard, sketch of June 23 2 1 Gould, Jay. Gifford, J., sentence commuted.June 19 2 2 Conspiracy indictment Jan 20 1 Gilder, R. W., testimony, Feuardent Life, story of his. Sept 6 2 suit Novl6 3 1 Name forged Jan 19 5 Gilnllan, James, resigns as treas- Testimony, -Man- ureroftheU.S Mar 624 hattan suit Dec12 2 6 Gilnllin, Hugh,flightof Nov 225 Yacht, Atalanta, description of Gili, John, declared insane June 19 3 1 June 25 _ Gill, Thos. J , charges against...Mar 23 8 2 Yacht Atalanta laun died Apr 8 1 5 Gladstone. Yacht Atalanta runs down a tug- Administration (Ed) Apr 26 4 3 boat Sept 5 Cannes, at (C) Mar 436 Yacht, beats the Stranger — Sept 4 Duke at Albany, and the June 444 Government buildings, cost of..Mar 10 French insults resented July 13 1 3 Government clerkships Apr 2 Future(Ed) Mar 25 6 2 Government goods, stealing of ..Apr 3 Guarded Dec 20 5 3 Government service, Washington Land measures, success of (Ed)... (C) "D. D. L." Apr 1 2 Jan 5 4 3 Government and forests (Ed)..Nov 14 4 Midlothian journey, why post- Governor, troubles of a young (Ed) poned (C) "G. W. S." Jan 25 2 3 Jan 19 4 3 Newtactics June 311 Governors, Southern, on the Tariff Speech, affirmation bill May 955 (Ed) Sept 10 4 4 (Ed) May 11 4 3 Governors, tidal-wave (Ed) May 12 4 4 Speech, Lord Mayor's banquet Gracchi, knocking out the (Ed).Apr 27 4 lug 9 I 1 Grb.ce, Win. R., administration as (Ed) Aug 10 4 2 Mayor (Ed) Jan 2 Speech, Lord Mayor's banquet- Contract frauds, on the Dec 14 (Ed) Nov 19 4 2 Speech, Lotos Club dinner to Study of, a (Ed) Dec 17 4 2 Mayor Edson Jan 14 Gladstone, Mrs., London (C) "G. W. Grace Memorial House, opening of S." - .Feb 553 May 4 8 Gladstones, anecdotes of the May 20 3 4 Graduate of the period (Ed).. .June 10 6 Glass. John, pardon of June 613 Grady, Thos. F. admitted to bar.Jan 11 3 Glass-makers, idle (Ed) Nov 16 4 4 Reception Sept IS 5 Glass, stained, windows Jan 12 5 1 Senator, declines to run for,,.. Oct 25 2 46 INDEX TO THE

G—Graff. Date.Pg.Cl. G—Gresham. Date.Pff.Cl. Graff, Geo. P., Indictment of Nov 20 1 4 Mediation, Franco and China (Ed) Graf ton, Duke of (Ed) Jan 545 Dec 842 Graham, Chas. K., sketch of Mar 216 Monroe Doctrine (Ed) Dec22 6 2 Grain market and crops Mar2633 Nile, influence on the (Ed)....Nov 28 4 3 Grand Jury, points for the (Ed).Nov 14 4 2 Parliament: Affirmation bill de- Granville, Lord, and the Suez Canal bated Apr27 1 1 (Ed) Jan 763 Affirmation bill rejected May 4= 5 4 Granville's reply to Frelinghuysen, Agricultural Holdings bill..Aug 26 1 4 Clayton. Bulwer treaty Apr 24 2 2 Bradlaugh case Feb 17 5 3 (Ed) Apr24 4 2 Channel Tunnel July 12 1 4 Grant, S. EL, made Controller. Aug 411 Crisis (C) "G. W. S " June 12 5 3 Deceased Wife's Sister bill lost Grant, U. S. June 29 1 1 Accident, slips on ice Dec 28 2 6 Explosives, bill concerning. Apr 10 1 1 Army of the Potomac, and the Explosives bill (C) "G. W. S." May 17 1 6 Apr 29 3 2 Escape, narrow Feb 23 2 6 Land act, Parnell's amendment General, as a (C) July 655 rejected Mar15 1 1 General, as a great (Ed) July 22 7 4 Land bill, Dodson's May12 1 1 Letter to Fitz-John Porter...Nov 834 Oath and affirmation (Ed) -..Feb 1643 Mexican treaty, on the Jan 1712 Obstruction in the Commons(Ed) Mother, death of his May 12 5 5 June 742 Reciprocity treaty with Mexico, Obstruction — Irish members on the ...Feb 12 5 4 Aug15 1 3 Retirement bill Feb 10 2 5 Opening of (Ed) Feb 15 4 3 Speech, Chamber of Commerce Openingof Feb 16 1 3 banquet May 922 Para ell denounced Feb 23 1 4 Speech, dinner to Southern gen- Prorogued Aug 26 1 4 tlemen...,. June 852 Reform bill \Ed) July 14 4 2 Speech, Lesseps dinner Apr 1152 Suez project July 18 1 3 Speech, New-England Soc. (N. Y.) Phaptorn estates (C) Dec 946 dinner Deo23 2 2 Politics (C) Feb 23 2 3 Speech, Saturday Night Club.May 671 Politics, relations of parties (Ed).. Grant Club (Albany) dinner Feb 28 2 3 May 663 Grave robbery in Quebec Jan 17 1 4 Postal changes (Ed) July 18 4 3 Graves, Ed. 6., sketch of Mar 3 2 5 Postal service Sept 10 1 2 Gray} Bessie Bell, case of JSovl2 1 2 Railroads, London (C) Apr 110 1 Grav, John, case ol —Feb 16 8 2 Revenue returns Apr 312 Gray, Wm. E., case of May 18 2 6 Smalley, Geo.W., letters from (See Smalley.) Great Britain. Socialist conspirators on trial.Dec 714 Agrarian outrages in 1881..,.Mar 11 6 South Africa, Policy (Ed) Mar 3143 Anti-Monopoly July 26 4 Storm, great Dec 13 1 3 Budget Apr 6 i Suez canal—limitations (Ed)..Jan 17 4 3 Cabinet changes (C) Apr 8 3 Suez canal agreement (Ed) July 12 4 2 Church, tendencies (Ed) Feb 4 6 Suez Canal, and the ...July 24 1 4 Cotton manui'acture (Ed) Nov 20 4 Ulster campaign (Ed) Oct 16 4 2 Country house gossip (C) Oct 14 3 Vatican, ana the (Ed) Jan 442 Country house gossip (C) Oct 28 3 Vatican, and the Jan 16 2 5 Cuban refugees -. May 12 1 Greece, finances (Ed) Dec 10 4 5 Drama, London (C) ,,.....Apr29 7 Egypt, plans (Ed) Feb 4 6 Greeley, Horace. Egypt, withdrawal from (Ed) Nov 13 4 Farm, apportioning of Apr 21 2 5 Egyptian settlement (Ed) Jan 14 6 Farm, sale of Sept 974 Empire, dangers of the (Ed).. Nov 30 4 Prohibition, on- Oct 13 5 4 Explosion in Westminster Mar 16 1 Protection, on Feb 15 5 1 (Ed) -..Mar 17 4 Sylvania Phalanx July 23 5 4 Fair Trade conference (Ed) Dec 1 4 Letter from T. W. Ball Aug 20 5 4 Financial transactions (Ed)..Juty 13 4 Greely Arctic Expedition. (See French insults resented July 12 1 Arctic.) Gossip, an Englishman's notes, Jan Green. John Richard, career Mar 19 6 1 28, Feb 4, 11, 19, Mar 18, 20, 22 Greene, J. Ross, case of Feb 18 1 4 Apr 8, 15, 29, May 6, 13, 20, June Green, Norvin. 17, 24, July 1, 8, 29, Aug 5, 12, 19 American securities abroad, on, 26, Sept 16, Nov 26, Dec 2, 9, 16, 23 Aug 20, 21. Industrial letters (See Porter.) Banquet in London, May i, Aug 4. Ireland (See Ireland.) Government control of the tele- Land measures, successful (Ed) graph, on Oct IS 2 1 Jan 543 Joyce telegraph bill, on the Jan 14 5 2 Land question (Ed) Dec 343 Testimony Aug 31, Sept 1 Landrefonu (Ed) May 16 4 3 Greenland, exploring Sept 22 1 4 Liberal conference Oct19 1 1 Gregg, Dr. Wm. H., concerning. Jan 554 Liberal conference at Leeds (Ed) Case, letter from J. Q Howard Oct 1943 Jan 0 5 2 Life, low, in London (C) May 15 7 5 Gregory, John M.,sketch of Feb 2112 London dining (C) Dec 245 Gresham, Walter Q., made Post- London, government of (Ed)..Dec 24 4 2 master-General .Apr 511 Lord Mayor's pageant Nov 10 1 1 Chicago convention, and the. .Apr 12 1 6 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 47

G-—Gresham. Date.Pg.Cl H—Hawthorne. Date.Pg.Cl. Lotteries, and the (Ed) ...... July 10 4 3 Improvement Com- Gresham and Harrison (C) ...... Dec 21 5 1 mission, bill of costs ...... Apr 20 2 6 Greville, Madame, at home, Paris(C) Harlem River improvements, cost May 13 3 5 of...... May 126 Griffith, Jas. W.,flightof ...... Mar 926 Harrington, John D.,arrest of..Dec 19 5 1 Griffith, Timothy ...... Feb 16 2 3 Harris' C. F., books, sale of ..... May 653 Grirawood, Thos, M.,charges against Harris, Geo., on Theology (Ed) June 1764 May 4 8 Harris, Hamilton, on Col. Rathbone. Grimwood, Tbos. S., larceny-May 4, 29 Dec 31 1 6 Grocery Clerks, ABO Union (Ed).. Harris, Isham G., re elected U. S. Dec 644 Senator from Tennessee ...... Janl7 1 6 Grosvenor Gallery. London (C) Harrison, Benj., on current politics. "G.W.S." ...... May27 3 1 June 18 2 1 Grosvenor, Chas. H., interviewJuly 653 Harrison, Carter (Ed) ...... Oct 10 4 4 Grosvenor, Wm. M., speech ...... Oct 353 Bomb (Ed) ...... Apr 18 4 3 Guaymas and its environs (O)...Apr 136 Candor (Ed) ...... Apr 20 4 8 Guiteau'a remains ...... Jan 19 2 2 Tariff, Speech ...... Apr 15 7 3 Guiteau trial experts' lees ...... Jan 16 2 2 Harrold case against the Elevated Gun, multicharge ...... July 25 1 2 Railroad ...... Sept 13 4 6 Gurney, Henry E., arrest of ..... Feb 17 1 4 Harrold, John T., case of ...... Deo 26 8 1 Gyascutus caught (Ed) ...... Apr 144 4 Hart, Geo. E.B.,firedat ...... Feb 755 Gye, H.F., robbed...... Jan 854 Harte, Bret, Cheney's essay ..... Jan 15 6 1 Hartigan, Thos. L., dismissal from II. West Point...... Aug 255 Hartington, Marquis, speech.. . .Jan 20 1 2 Baden, Francis S. Etching and engraving, on...Apr 17 4 6 Harvard Club at dinner ...... Feb 22 5 3 Lectures on etching ...... Feb 6, 9 Reception...... Feb 251 Hassard. John R. G. Hair growing after death ...... Jan 28 9 2 California Holidays: Hale, Saml. W., inaugurated Gov. Invalids, facts for ...... JnnelT 3 5 of New-Hampshire ...... JuneS 1 5 Ojai Valley ...... Mar 18 3 4 Halifax. Fenians at work ...... IOct 19 1 1 Riverside...... June 373 Hall, John SantaBarbara ...... Feb 18 3 6 Lecture " City Life"...... Apr 325 Santa Barbara...... Mar 434 Lecture "Russia"...... Mar 724 San Bernardino ...... June 10 3 6 Sketch of...... May 693 Sierra Madre Villa ...... May 27 10 2 Sketch of ...... Nov 11 10 1 Spring ...... MaylS 3 3 Talk with ...... Jan 19 2 3 Southern Pacific Route ...... Jan 28 3 5 Hall, John J,, case of ...... Aug28 1 5 Camping in California: Hall, Wm. A., convicted ...... May 20 2 5 Drawbacks ...... Aug 26 10 2 Hall, W. D., flight of ...... Oct 22 1 3 End...... Sept 933 Halliday, S.B., golden wedding.Mar 24 5 2 Fire in the woods ...... Aug 19 10 2 Halstead, Murat, on the Ohio cam- First camp, end of ...... July 835 paign...... Sept 753 Heart of the mountains —July 2210 1 aaiuuton Alumni dinner ...... Dec 20 5 1 Killing and cooking ...... Aug1236 Samilton, Wm. T.,address ..... Aug1311 Live, howwe...... July 122 Qamlin, Cyrus, on the Cobden Cluo Matilija Canon ...... July 141 May 26 2 4 Mountof Pines ...... July2910 1 Shearman's reply ...... June 11 2 3 Mountain top ...... Aug 5 10 1 Cobden Club, on the ...... Nov 752 Pacific train ...... July 1510 1 Free Trade, on...... Aug 625 Solitude...... Sept 236 Hammond, Wm. A., on Women and Hastings, Hugh J..death of____Sept 1352 life insurance ...... July 26 3 3 Hathaway case (Ed) ...... June 27 4 4 Hampton, Wade, speech at Camden, Hatsoff(Ed) ...... Jan28 4 4 S. C ...... June 21 1 3 Hatton, Frank, circular letter.Jan 9, 10 Hand-organ builder, romance of Civil Service, on ...... MaylS 1 4 Nov 18 3 3 Civil Service, on (Ed) ...... Oct 943 Hancock. W. S., was he "derided" Civil Service, insult (Ed) ...... Oct 22 4 2 (Ed) ...... -Aug 10 4 3 Operations—compromising inge- Hannay, James, Feb 4, Mar 4. nuity (Ed) ...... Jan 16 4 3 Hannen, Sir James, on divorce. -Oct 11 2 2 Post Oflice names ...... May 316 Hanoi, some accountof ...... Sept 21 5 5 Haughton, Nicholas,, sketch of....May 10 2 1 Harber's, Lieut. G. B., search for Hautstein, Philip, case of ...... Sept 22 5 2 Chipp...... Mar 831 Haven, Franklin, sketch of ..... Nov 21 1 2 Harbor abuses (Ed) ...... July 13 4 4 Havens, Joel M.,1 ...... Nov 1C 1 5 Harbor defence, engines of (Ed) SCavens, Mabel, case of ...... June 22 1 6 Jan 12 4 5 Haverly, J. H., financial troubles Harbor-Master law...... J£ayJJ % % June, 8, 9, 10 Harbor-Masters' dutiev s ...... Ji^i? ? ?> Hawaii, leprosy in ...... Mar22 1 4 ECarbor-Masters hold over ...... May 24 3 2 Hawaiian Reciprocity treaty, its Harbor and beaches, destroying provisions defended..:...... Mar 954 (Ed) ...... JulylS 6 2 Hawaiian treaty ...... Jan 17 5 4 Hardman,Wm,, and a bunco steerer Hawkins, D. A., on labor and educa- Aug 853 tion ...... Sept 13 8 3 Etarlan, Justice, on civil rights Op _[awkins,D. A., on the Tariff.. July 536 Hawthorne, Julian, address "Mod- 3 1 ernNovel" ...... Mar21 5 3 48 INDEX TO THE

H—Hawthorne. Date.Pg.Cl. H—Holman. Date.Pg.Cl. Hawthorne, Julian, letter concern- Herndon, Wm. H., letter concerning ing " Fortune's Fool "...... Apr 553 Lincoln Jan 21 3 3 Hawthorne, Julian, and the Mac- Hero, " Beddy" Shannon (Ed) Aug 18 4 5 millans.--...... Marl2 5 3 Hesing, A. C., concerning Oct 2116 Hay, John, "The Bread-winners" Hess, Jacob, sketch of Oct 20 5 3 J Nov29 6 1 Hayes, Alexander, contempt case Hewitt, A. S. Jan 30 8 1 Coeducation, opposed to Mar 722 Hayes, B. B., slander (Ed) ...... Mar 1943 Interview June 24 10 1 Speech at Woodstock, Conn. .July 626 Letter to Cox,concerning iron Haygood, A. G., address " Educat- Feb 7 1 2 ing the Negro w ...... Aug 323 Oration, May25 7 1 Hayti affairs ...... Aug 23 1 4 Heyman, Bertha, case of Aug 23 2 6 Hayti affairs ...... Dec 27 1 4 Heywood, Ezra H., case of May24 1 5 Hayti revolution..Apr 12, 24, May 1 Heywood, Ezra, acquitted Apr 1314 19, 20, June 24, July 1, 2, 10, Dec 13 Hicks Pacha defeated Nov 2311 Haytian rebels, scheme to assist Hicks Pacha killed Dec 213 July 22 12 1 Hiephema. King, murder Dec 1514 Haytian rebels, supplies for....Nov 20 3 2 Higbie-Vaughan case Dec 16 2 3 Hazon. Win. B. High art at low prices (Ed) Oct 644 Charges ...... Feh 22 3 1 High Bridge May 13 9 2 Charges, calls for an inquiry Hill, Benj.H., eulogies Jau26 1 6 F<&16, 20 Hill, James G. charges against.Mar 11 Charges, statement...... Feb 921 Apr 16.17,18,20,22, 24, 25,26,23 Greely expedition, on the ..... May15 1 1 Charges investigated..May 2*2,23, 25 Howgate,and ...... Feb 23 4 6 30, June 1, 3,12,16,17,21,23,27, 28 Testimony, Proteus court of in- 30, July 3, 10,14, is, 18, 19, 20, 21 quiry ...... Nov15 1 6 22, 24. 25, 26, 31, Aug 2, 3, 9 Healing, psychologic (Ed)...... May 744 Case, report of committee Sept 13 2 2 Healy elected to British Parliament Keply to charges Sept22 2 1 July 3 11 Resigns Sept 20 5 4 (Ed) ...... Jul y 443 Hill, N. P., charges against Secy. ealy, case of ...... Feeb 16 1 3 Teller May 122 gealth Board, concerning (Ed) .May 20 6 3 Hind, H. Y., on the Fisheries Board of, concerning condition of award July 1, AuglO schools (Ed)...... Dec 642 Hine, J. B., met accident Jan 815 Health in the house (C) ...... Oct 21 10 4 Historical Soc. anniversary Nov 2 8 2 4 Health laws, tampering with (G) New building June 17 4 2 History—the "bright side (Ed)...Oct 21 6 2 Health-quest South (Ed)...... Mar 463 Hite, Clarence, Warden of Mar 913 Health resorts, winter ...... Jan 21 9 1 Hoadley,F. H May 10 4. 6 Health statistics...... Oct 531 Hoadley, Fred H., on the Greeiy Heaton, S. Orvill, arrest of ...... Aug 1582 Arctic colony Apr 265 Heine, wife of ...... Mar 11 8 4 Hoadley, George. Helena, Mont., topics (C)...... Aug 2723 , visit to Flood Kock.May 15 2 6 Accused (Ed) July27 4 3 Helper, H. B., railroad around the Blunderer, as a (Ed) July 1443 world (Ed) ...... Oct26 4 4 Candidacy (Ea). .June 23, 24,July 3 Hempstead, Ij. I., tornado ...... June 15 5 4 Cincinnati Sonthren K. B., sale, Hen hunt, doctor of divinity's.-Apr 22 3 6 * and the Aug 27 1 4 Hen on, another (Ed) ...... June 2943 Democracy, on June 24 10 3 Hendricks, Thos. A., on the tariff Governor of Ohio, nominated.Juiie 22 1 1 (Ed) ...... Septl? 4 2 Elected Nov 7 1 1 Emerges to view (Ed) ...... Apr 19 4 3 Hard task (Ed) Oct 541 Hendricks and English (Ed)... June 642 Saloon candidate (Ed) July 942 Hendrickson, Hendrick, case of Speech in Cleveland Oct 212 Mar 982 Speech at Hamilton July 855 Hendrix, Jos.C., nom.for Mayor of Very hard cash (Ed) Oct 342 Brooklyn ...... Octl9 2 4 Hoag, Thomas, disappearance of His little golden-haired boy (Ed) Sept 17 8 2 Nov 488 Hoar, Geo. F. Henry of Navarre—his plume (Ed) Forgery story Jan 20 5 1 Aug 5 6 4 " Forged telegram" sensation Henry statue unveiled ...... Apr 201 6 (Ed) Jan 20 4 4 Hensel's, Chairman, key-note (Ed) Be-elected U. S.Senator Jan 19 1 1 Sept 7 4 4 (Ed) Jan 19 4 2 Hepburn, A.B., interview ...... Jan 1982 Hodge, O. JM interview May29 1 4 Herald, New-York, circulation (Ed) Hogan, seizure of the July 2581 Oct 23, 25, 27. Holden, Edward S Sept 12 4 4 Circulation, "a temporary swell- Holiday, past, reflections (Ed)..May 27 6 3 ing" (Ed) ...... Nov 945 Holiday, too narrow a (Ed) May 2043 News-stands, application for, de- Holland, protection for Dec 30 5 3 nied ...... Nov22 8 1 Hollanders in New-Jersey Feb 824 Ostrich, ridiculous (Ed) ...... Dec 29 4 5 Holland's torpedoboat Apr 29 4 3 Speakership, and the (Ed)____July 1142 HoUey, Geo. W., on Niagara (C) Aug 19 3 5 Tariff, onthe (Ed) ...... Sept 843 Holman, Wm. S., The Sun's fatal Warning (Ed) ...... Nov 144 friendship (Ed) Nov 245 Berkomer, Hubert, home of....May 641 Holman for President (Ed) Aug 28 4 S NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 49

H—Holmes. Date.Pg.Cl. H—Hyland. Date.Pg. Cl- Holmes, Michael, and the Phoenix Houses, apartment, future of—Jan 14 6 5 Park crime *.,..MarlO 6 4 Houses, dimensions, concerning (Ed).. .' Mar22 4 4 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Houses, improved Jan 28 10 3 Banquet Apr 13 1 6 Houses, small apartment (Ed)..July 18 4 3 Emerson's poetry, on Apr 18 5 2 Household blind-pits (Ed) Aug 644 Lifeof June26 6 1 Housing the poor (Ed) Dec 6 4 3 Poem, " Doctor and Judge "...Feb 261Hovey, Edward, execution of... .Oct 20 8 1 Religion, oh .. June 382 Hovey, Edward, respite July 26 8 2 Speech, Harvard Medical School Howard, G. E. P., card June 10 2 Oct 18 5 2 Howard, James Q., removal of. -Jan 3 1 Holroyd, Simeon,interview....May 17 1 4 Talkwith Jan 4 5 4 Holt, Joseph, on Buchanan O ct 12 5 2 Removed, why Jan 23 2 Holton, H. B., nominated for Gov- Defence Jan 24 10 2 erner Maryland Sept 29 2 1 Gregg case, on the Jan 6 5 2 Holub, Emil June 945 Statement Jan 29 1 Holyoake, Geo. J., letter, manual Howard, Mary May May 14 4 6 for emigrants May 754 Howe, Joseph W May 2 1 6 Home rule, analogies of (Ed)...Nov 14 4 4 Howe's, Julia W., reminiscences of Home, scientific (Ed) Jan 763 Emerson and Longfellow Jan 24 5 4 Homes, free, or free whiskey (Ed) Howe, Timothy O., death of Mar 26 1 (Ed) Mar26 4 2 Homes forthe poor (Ed) Nov 744 Funeral of Mar29 1 5 Homes for working classes (Ed) Official honors Mar27 1 6 Aug22 4 3 Howells,W.D.caseof (Ed)....Mar 18 6 2 Homicide (See Murder.) Howland, Henry, vindicated...May 124 "Homoeopathy," J. J. Mitchell's ad- Hoyt, Mary Irene, case of Feb 28 dress Feb 14 7 3 MarlO Homoeopathy, war against May 2952 Huddersfield's logic (Ed) Mar 342 Hood's, John B., children Aug 20 4 6 Tunnel, work done Hoover, Wilson S., case of Mar 1721 July 810 4 Hop-boom, Milford, New-York (C) Hu6, the Anamese capital Aug2084 Aug 26 3 5 Hughes, Archbishop, bodv of, re- Hopkins, J.H., letter Mar 24 2 6 mbvad I Jan 30 8 1 Hopkins, Johns, story concerning Hughes, Archbishop, body placed June 23 4 5 in the cathedral Jan 31 5 5 Hopkins, Stephen, ouBurtand Mer- Huglies, Thomas, reception at Stock riH Mar 751 Exchange Sept 781 " Hopper Farm "property Mar 622 Hugo, Victor, medal Paris (C)..Apr 834 Horse racing (SeeTurf.) Descendants May28 4 6 Horse show Oct22 8 1 Huguenots (Ed) Feb 465 Features of (Ed) Oct 26 4 4 Huguenots in America Nov 16 8 3 Horses, fast, sale of May 20 2 1 Human nature, freaks of (Ed)..Feb 944 Horseman, Lev! North June 335 Humbug, great is (Ed) Mar 744 Horton, Chas. M.,..June21,28, July 12 Humphreys, Jay, death of Nov 30 1 4 13 Huno en, John, case of June 12 1 3 Horton, Geo. M. S., defends G. A. Hungary and Croatia (Ed) Sept 24 4 4 Bennett -Dec27 5 1 Flood, great Jan 11 1 4 Hospital Saturday and Sunday Jewish trials, end of Aug 414 A sso. meeting Jan 16 5 1 Hunt, Thos. G., flight of July 1051 Hospitals Saturday and Sunday, Found Augl6 1 4 collections Feb 12 2 1 Hunting grounds, Pennsylvania (C) Fund distributed Feb 22 2 6 Dec 23 5 4 Hospital Sunday collections Jan 181 Hospital for scarlet fever cases.Mar 1026 Huntingdon, Wm. R., sketch of .Nov 29 5 3 Hospitals, collections for (Ed)..Dec 18 4 4 Huntington, C. P., exammation.May 22 3 1 Hospitals, valuables lost in June 1095 Huntington, C. P., examined in Hotels: Charges (Ed) Oct28 6 2 Stewart suit May 19 5 4 Charges Oct 28, Nov 4 Huntington, C. P., on the Tehichipa Condition of Jan 14 2 6 Railroad accident Jan 22 1 4 Fires, record of Jan 11 5 4 Huntington, W. H., collection of Inspection of Jan 13,16,18, 21 iconography Nov25 8 2 New-York (Ed) Jan 13 4 3 Hurd, Frank, interview Nov 854 Planter's, St. Louis Jan 15 1 4 Hurd's, Frank, tariff views (Ed) Safe, are they Jan 12 3 1 Marl6 4 2 Studies in social evolution (Ed)... Hurlbert, Wm. H., pictures, sale of Aug 12 6 4 June 1, 2 House of HapsDurg (Ed) Feb 12 4 2 Hurricane. (See Storms.) House of Refuge, work done Jan 10 8 6 Hustis, CM arrest of Sept29 1 5 House that Sam built June 745 Hutchinson, Wm.J., case of May 22 2 1 House, tenement, inspection (Ed)... Hyatt,Thaddeus (Ed) April 4 5 July 644 Hj? att, Theo., acquitted Mar 912 Houses, apartment, concerning.Mar 10 3 1 Hydrophobia, Bergen case Mar1325 Houses, apartment, and fires (Ed) Hydrophobia, Greek cure for (C) Mar 943 June 30 7 2 Houses, apartment, co-operative Hydrophobia, H. L.Smith case..Jan 865 (Ed).! ?. Apr 164 Hyland, Fanny, Paris (C) Mar 25 3 6 LNDEX OF THE

H—Hyland. Date.Pg.Gl. I - Insurance. Date.Pg.. . Cl. Hyland-Biggar breach of promise, Cree, capture of ...... May 911 Paris (0) Apr 131 Cree troubles ...... Mar24 1 3 Hymn, "O Quanta Qualia," history Creek troubles, Mar 12, 16, 19, 21. of (C)...... Feb 14 6 1 Crook's exDedition ...... June 13 1 1 Education, discussion at Ocean I. Grove, N.J ...... Augl2 5 1 Ice harvest-..-- Jan 30 1 5 Flathead (Ed) ...... Ang26 6 2 Ichthyophagous Club dinner ...Tune27 5 3 Flathead, protest ...... Sept 13 1 3 Identity, cases of mistaken (Ed) Justice for (Ed) ...... Jan 28 6 3 Dec 20 5 3 Lands, allotment of ...... Feb 12 1 2 Ilges, Guido, case of May 812 Laws, Price's (Ed)...... Jan 344 (Ed) July 19, AU# 8,13 Loco's band, surrender of____June 821 J gl esias and the war in Peru—Jan 27 2 3 Lynch lawfor (Ed) ...... Apr 544 Illinois, legislature deadlock....Apr 21 2 2 Murders ...... Mar28 2 3 License hill Mar 31 2 2 Navajoes, slaves among ...... May15 1 1 Illiteracy, census statistics Mar 22 3 2 Oklahoma expedition ...... Feb 13 5 5 Illiteracy, statistics Jan 25 0 1 Omaha, sociology of ...... Mar12 1 1 Illiteracy in Utah (C) Apr 2161 Onondaga, immorality among (Ed) Immigration. Dec 20 4 6 Assisted," order from Secty Fol- Pine Ridge Agency frauds.Feb 24, 26 ger . June 28 2 5 Bed Cloud's errand (Ed) ...... Feb 10 4 4 Increasing May27 4 5 Bed Cloud at New-Haven (Ed) Information for (C) July 23 2 3 Jan 23 4 4 Irish paupers not wanted (Ed) San Carlos Agency troubles . . .Apr 30 1 * June 29 4 2 San Carlos Agencytroubles.. May 8 1 2 Action of EmigrationBoard June 29 1 3 Santee Sioux (Ed) ...... Jan 28 6 3 Official correspondence July 8 12 1 School at Carlisle, inspection..Mar 7 1 4 Italy, from Mar 23 8 1 Seneca, on the legal war-path . Mar 7 6 National charge of (Ed) Feb 19 4 2 Treatment of (Ed) ...... Dec 3 3 Pauper, action of Commissioners Work, teaching (Ed)... Aug 16 4 2 June 26 3 1 Indigo in thehuman system. Jan 583 "Pauper " scare (Ed) May14 4 4 Industrial letters (See Porter.) Report of New-York Commis- Industrial notes Dec 4,10,17 sioner Hurlbert Sept 16 5 2 Industrial school, East Fourteenth- Statistics for1882 Jan 123 st Mar26 2 2 Statistics Feb 18 Industries of New-York Mar 23 3 2 Mar 16, Apr 15 May 13, June 19 Industry, American, meeting at July 15, Aug 17, Nov 15. Cooper Institute Feb 2 1 6 (See also Emigration.) Industry notes Dec 24, 31 Immigrants, mortality of Jan 10 8 5 Infant Asylum, annual report... Jan 24 5 5 Immigrants and their gold (Ed) Infant Asylum case Nov 12 3 2 Nov 15 4 4 Infant Asylum, complaints Oct 15 5 4 Imports (See Trade.) Infernal machines Sept 24 5 4 Imposter (See Swindler.) Influences, are, influential (Ed)July 1 6 4 Index, The Tribune (Ed) Feh 244 Ingalls, Senator, and Dr. Patton(Ed) India, British rule in (C) Apr 15 10 1 Feb 14 4 4 India, British rule, letter fromF. M. Ingersoll, Bobt. G. Crawford Apr 15 3 4 Address, Star Bonte cases.-May 22, India, black act in (Ed) Mar 28 4 3 24, 25, 26 J udia, industrial census Dec 24 4= 6 Civil Bights bill, onthe Nov 2153 India press (C) Mar 11 3 3 Irish trials, onthe Apr 20 1 2 Indiana. Insane Asylum. Ward's Island, fire Political campaign, use of money Dec 22 3 1 Aug 316 Insane care of (Ed) Aug 19 6 2 . Campaign (Ed) Aug 24 4 2 Honicepathic care of (C) May 754 ! Repudiation (Ed) Mar 30 4 2 Laws, relating to the Jan 14 5 4 i Indian liights Association, Phila- Protection for (Ed) May 14 4 4 I delphia (Ed) Feb 13 4 3 Protection of (Ed) Mar 26 4 3 i Indians* Treatment of (Ed) May 20 6 3 Alaska, outrages Jan 13,28 Insanity, importing (Ed) Dec 27 4 4 Alaska outrage (Ed) Feb 20 4 5 Insanity, plea of (Ed) Mar 242 Apaches, atrocities by Apr 12 1 5 Insect, mysterious (C) June 733 Apaches, campaign,Crook's official report Aug 522 Insurance. Apaches, dealing with (C) Dec 26 3 6 Chart, semi-annual JnlylS 5 5 Apaches, murders hy Mar 30 5 5 Continental Life Co. receiver. .Feb 28 8 2 Apaches, punish the (Ed) June 1642 Defunct life companies Mar 17 1 4 Apaches, talk with Chief San Dwight case (See Dwight.) Juan (C) AugSO 5 5 Expenditure exceeding income— Apaches, troubles (Ed) Apr 544 Jnly23 2 6 Apaches work, let the (Ed)....Mar 23 4 4 Fire losses Deo 30 12 2 B jrean, annual report Oct 27 5 1 Graveyard, Fall River, Mass..Dec 11 cherokees, cl?ims Feb1212 12,13 Chiilcahuas, management of (Ed) Great Western Co. claim. Geneva Award Mar 81 1 6 Commissioners, annual report of Life, women and July 26 3 3 Feb 11 6 2 Manhattan ilreCo. deficiency Mar 151 NEW-YOBK DAILY TBIBUNE FOB 1383. 51

I—Insurance. Date.Pg.Cl I—Isle. Vate.Pg.Cl. Manhattan Fire Co. receivership O'Brien seditious libel case...Feb 11 1 May 16 2 Orangemen attack Nationalists Manhattan FireCo.,statement Mar 3 5 jsov 211 Massachusetts companies, condi- Question, summing up (Ed).. .Jan 2163 tionof Feb 915 Smith, Goldwin, on (Ed) June 17 Massachusetts, statement....May 11 1 3 Dec 12 New-York Joint Stock Fire Co.'s Trouble for, Rossa and Ford (Ed) I statement Jan 22, 26 Jan 27 4 3 Receiverships, report of Legisla- Vital statistics June 433 tive Committee Mar 20 5 4 Beports of companies July 23 2 6 Irish. Standard Fire Co. retires Dec 27 2 4 Army, terrible (Ed) Feb 27 4 Superintendent of (Ed.) Apr 242 Character, bit of Mar 29 3 Tradesmen's Fire Co. retires from Character, changes in (Ed) Feb 25 6 business Jan 453 Character, changes in (C) Mar 18 5 Underwriters* new schedule..Nov 181 Crimes, responsibility for (Ed) Apr 1 6 Intemperance, Kala nut (Ed.).. .Jan 22 4 Fenians, threats of New-York.Dec 13 2 Internal Revenue. (See Revenue.) Land League convention in Phila- Internal taxes, abolition of (Ed.) delphia ...... Apr 26, 27,28 Oct 19 4 3 (JEd) ...... Apr 26, 28 International colonies (Ed.) Oct 942 League, meeting at Cooper Union Intel-national crime (Ed.) May 1363 May 22 5 International Dairy Fair Asso. .Feb 14 5 4 Meeting at Cooper Institute..July 4= 2 International episodes (Ed.) Sept 1143 Mischief (Ed)...... Dec 18 4 Interview, gilt-edged (Ed) July 1244 National League address ...... May 15 1 "Interviewing" (Ed) July 17 4 3 National League convention in Inundations (See Floods). Syracuse ...... Nov 22 5 3 Invalid life South (Ed) Mar 443 "Pauper "immigration scare (Ed) Inventors' Protective Asso. Oct 24 2 4 May 14 4 4 Paupers not wanted (Ed)____June 29 4 2 Iowa- Question, aspects of (Ed) ...... Apr 29 6 2 Crops July 814 Refugees, extradition question Democratic convention June 7 5 5 (Ed) ...... May 4, 8 Election Oct 10 5 2 Refugees, indictment of (Ed). May 4 3 (Ed) Octl2 4 2 War (Ed) ...... May 6 6 Greenback convention July 12 5 5 Irish-Americans, utterances of (Ed) Land grants andtitles (C)... .Nov 4133 Feb 23 4 5 Lynchlaw(Ed) July26 4 3 Irisli World (Ed) ...... April 4 31 Political campaign (Ed) Aug 2842 Iroquois Club dinner ...... Apr 14 5 3! Prohibition (C) Aug 534 Dinner (Ed) ...... Apr 18, 25, May 1 Prohibitory amendment declared Discord ...... Apr 15 7 3 invalid Jan 19 5 4 Poem ...... Apr 10 Prohibition amendment void..Apr 22 1 5 Eron. Railroad commission Oct 822 American Association, annual Republican convention June 28 1 2 meeting ...... Apr 18 2 Storm, great Apr 24 1 2 Facts about, Philadelphia (C) . Nov 22 2 Ireland, Bishop, on intemperance (C) Industry (Ed) ...... June 36 4 July 23 2 4 Manufacture, depression in ... Dec 2 ~> 3 Ireland. Pig, decline in ...... Apr 22 2 Alliances (Ed) June 20 4 2 Pig, production of ...... Feb 13 1 Armagh Assassination Society Pig, protest against reduction of Mar 25, 27 duty on ...... Jan 13 2 Armagh Assassination Soc. found Trade, depression ...... May 26 5 guilty Mar28 5 2 Workers, trouble (Ed) ...... May 31 4 Assassination circle (Ed) Feb 743 Cron and coal interests (Ed) ..... Oct 15 4 Assassination Soc. new Apr1711 Iron and steel workers' convention Condition of, report of United Aug 10 5 States Consuls May 914 [rving, Henry. Conspiracy Jan 21 1 2 Arrived in New-York ...... Oct 22 1 Conspiracy, revelations of Farrell Banquet ...... July 5 1 1 Jan 22 5 5 Banquet, London (C) " G. W. S " Crops, failure Jan 13 1 1 July 16 5 Dynamite conspirators ..Apr 6, 7,10 Interview ...... Nov 4 5 20, May 4, 5, 11,12, 18 Life of ...... Dec 18 6 Dynamite conspirator convicted Reception, Lotos club ...... Oct 28 2 Aug10 1 1 Reception (Ed) ...... Oct 31 4 Dynamiteurs,true bill agst...June 111 rving, James, arrest of ...... Jan 5 2 Executions (See Executions.) Convicted of assault ...... May 20 8 Exodus from (Ed) July 163 Irving, P. J., arrest of ...... Mar 27 8 Land case, test, decision June 2811 Case of ...... Mar 30 2 Land League convention Sept 3012 :rving, Washington, birthday cele- Murders, London (C) "G. W. S," brated ...... Apr 4 5 Mar 552 rving, recollections of ...... Apr 9 1 1 (See also Murder.) schia, doom of (Ed) ...... July 31 4 3 NationalLeague, branches formed .slands, annexing (Ed) ...... July 3 4 5 Jan 4 1 1 sle Madame and Cape Breton (C) Nationalists, meeting of Jan 111 Oct 21 4 4 INDEX TO THE

I-Italy. DateJPg.CL J—Judd. DaU.Pff.Cfl. Jewellers' banquet Nov 952 rtAJ5ance Apr 12,13 Jewett, Sarah, breakfast May 2766 Aj-t Exhibition, Kome (C) Mar 442 Jews: Hive ofIndustry Aug 554 Art in Borne, opening of Salon (C) Hungarian, murder trial June 2711 ^ Feb 18 4 1 Hungarian, trial Aug 414 I A rt topics, Florence (C), J. J. J." Johnson, A. B., defalcation Nov 24 1 1 ^ May 641Johnson, A. B., suicide of Nov 414 I cabinet resigns May 23 1 1 Johnson, Davy Oct 735 Tligh treason, arrests Jan 14 1 3 Johnson, Jesse, nom.Supreme Court •tfotes, Florence (C), " J. J, J."Apr 252 Judge Sept29 5 3 T>iotes, Florence (C), "J. J. J." Johnson, P. P. Q, June 28 8 2 ^ Mayl4 5 4 Jones, Albert Jay, gift Dec 18 1 3 J* Jones, Aneurin.charges against.Mar 20 8 2 Tacfcson, Daniel, charges against Jones, Chas. W., return July 1751 Oct 26 S 1 Jones, John Paul Dec 241 jtemovedfrom office .Oct30 8 2 Jones, Wm. C., cowhided July 1515 jackson, Jos. C., on the French Jordan Valley (Ed) Oct 21 6 5 spoliation claims Jan 581 Joseph, Philip, nom. for Congress Jackson, Stonewall, sister of ...July 29 3 3 June 16 1 5 TO cobi, A,, on the new medical code Jourdan, James, leaves the Brooklyn J of ethics May 323 Police Sept 12 8 1 Jacobs, John C., dinner May 671 Journalism. Denounced at a meeting Apr 26 2 5 Address, Depew's June 20 2 2 Tade, origin of June 24 9 5 Address, C. E. Smith's June 2716 Tames boys, society and (Ed)... Sept 8 4 3 American Queen, effects of, sold Tames, Frank, acquitted Sept 713 Jan 23 8 1 Tames. Frank, in politics (Ed).. .Oct 1343 J?«Zl'*ii/einl826 June 11 4 6 Tarnes, Henry, jr., (Ed) Mar 1862 "BrambleBush" Oct 14 6 1 Tames, Thos. L., evidence in Star Brooklyn Union-Argus,sal6 of.Fob 15 8 1 J Route trials Feb 13 2 3 California Alta, changes Sept 23 1 6 Jalljtor, latest Manhattan monster Chivalrous (Ed) Jan 27 4 4 (j£cl) May 24 4 4 Cincinnati changes Jan 254 Tflt>aTi notes, Yokohama (C) Dec 943 Circulation, THE TRIBUNE and The J I^otes Jan 1,Feb 23,Mar 27 Heralded.) Oct 23. 25, 27 ^ Apr 29, May 18 Cincinnati Commercial Gazette gorghum sugar Jan 14 9 1 consolidation Jan 364 Japanese curios. Bobertson's....Nov 12 2 1 Cincinnati Commercial Gazette Taoanese envoys, leave New-York consolidation (Ed) Jan 765 * Marl6 8 4 Cincinnati News-Journal consoli- Tapanese indemnity fund Mar 21 2 2 dation Apr23 8 2 tsee also Congress.) Flash papers and the law (Ed) Taiwanese indemnity paid Jane 13 2 2 Nov16 4 4 Taoanese in New-York Dec 933 France, funny papers.. May 27 3 5 Japanese press law (C) JuJy23 2 4 "Gaglaw"(Ed) ..Mar29 4 3 Tnrrard, Levi D.,flightof May 1822 Graphic, ownership Aug 12 12 1 Tar-vis, Charles, stabbing of....July 981 India, letter from F. M. Crawford Tarvis, James M., discharged....Feb 21 8 1 Mar 11 3 3 Tava,lifein Dec 30 2 4 "Interviewing "—English critics TaVa, volcanic eruptions Aug 28 1 1 (Ed) July 17 4 3 Java, volcanic eruptions (Ed).Aug 31 4 3 Japanese law (C) July 23 2 4 -ray. John. Le Messager Franco-Americaine civil Service Commissioner, made ownership Aug 1212 1 ^ May 24 2 3 Magazine changes, London (C) Congress and shipping, on Feb 531 "G. W. S." Feb 19 6 2 •Excise law, and the Apr 27 8 2 Magazine literature and illustra- •Freedom of worship, on.. Mar 15 5 2 tions Nov 27 4 5 gpeech, Archibald banquet Jan 30 5 3 Morning Journal, success of (Ed) gpeech, Historical Soc. anniver- May 17 4 4 sary Nov28 2 4 Notes Jan 9, 20, Mar 25, Apr 21 Speech, Union League Club anni- May 18 ' versary Feb 724 Prices, reductions (Ed) Sept 30 6 4 jeaimette. (SeeArctic Explora- Prosperity, general (Ed), Feb 3 4 5 Puck, success of Jan 24 4 6 Tefferson, Thos., and Civil Service Punch, makers of, letter from Bel- J Jan 13 2 3 lew July29 4 1 jellyby, Mrs., rivals (Ed) Apr 17 4 4 Beform in (Ed) July 17 4 3 Jennings's, L. J., onslaught onHow- Beform newspapers (JSd) Dec 18 4 4 ells and James (Ed) Feb 19 4 5 St. Petersburg Golos suspended Terrold, Douglas Jan 14 3 1 Feb 26 1 1 Tersey City bonds, security for (C) Strike extraordinary (Ed) Oct 444 I Dec 26 3 4 Utica Observer, change of manage- jersey City finances Dec 5 10 1 ment Sept 513 Tersey coast, risks on the (Ed).Aug 244 Western enterprise and indecen- Jewell, Marshall, death of Feb 11 2 5 cy (Ed) Jan21 6 5 •Fnneralo; Feb 15 5 2 World, New- YorTc, sale of May 10 5 4 ^iliof Feb 17 1 4 rubbs, W.H., charges against..Jan 15 1 2 -M, Mrs. Marshall, death of.Feb 27 5 4 Judd, Orange, failure of July 1381 NEW-YOBK DAILY TRIBUNE FOB 1883.

J—Julius. Pate.Pg.Cl. IT-Labor. Date.Pg.d. Julius, J. C., sketch of Oct 20 5 3 Kernan, John D., sketch of Jan 11 2 5 Jumel suits, last of Apr 314 Kerr, Samuel B., interview July 9 1 4 Jump, Edward, Bellew's recollec- Kesab Chunder Sen Nov 4" 4 tionsof Mar 14 2 4 Ketchum, A. P., made General Ap- Junior Century Association May 20 10 4 praiser Jan _3 1 3 Jury-fixers, capture of Feb 1114 Card concerning Howard Jan 6 5 2 I (Ed) Febll 6 2 Talk with, concerningHoward.Jan 5 5 4 I Caseof Feb 12,13, 14 Kilbreth, Jas. T., sketch of Jan 10 3 I Jury, Grand, to the (Ed) Dec 11 4 3 Kilmorey's, Lord,o ddities Dec 8 3 4 Guide, its own (Ed) Dec 11 4 3 "Kindergartens" Straight's lec- Jury, Grand,special counsel for (Ed) ture May 18 2 2 I Dec 25 4 3 King, David, books sold Mar 27 8 1 Jury laws, reform promised (Ed)Jan 762 King, James M., on Methodists.Oct 8 3 1 I Justice, swift and humane (Ed)May 1744 King, Preston, reminiscence of. May 19 2_ 4 Justices, new (Ed) Nov 16 4 2 Kingston (N.Y.), growth of....Dec 7 3 Justices, shall wehave honest (Ed) Kirruessat Delmonico's Apr 29 7 3 Nov 15 4 2 Kissing by favor (Ed) .June 15 4 4 Juvenile Asylum report Feb 13 6 6 Kissing, Long Island case (Ed).Dec 16 6 3 Jnvenile Delinquents, report Jan 20 2 5 Kuapp, Halsey W Apr 2 3 2 i Knights of Labor (Ed) July 30 4 4 1 I K* Knott, J. Proctor, nom. for Gov. of Kalakaua, King, coronation of..Feb 21 1 4 Kentucky May 18 5 Coronation ceremonies (Ed). .Mar 544 Inaugurated Gov. of Kentucky Kanieke, Gen., resigns Feb 1311 Sept 5 5 Kane, Kate, lawyer (Ed) May 2244 Nomination, "a falling out" (Ed) Kansas. June 15 4 Cattle ranges (C) Aug 14 3 1 Knox, J. J., report as Controller of Farm life (C) Aug 431 Currency Nov 24 5 2 Plains (C).. Aug 19 3 4 Public moneys, on.... Dec31 5 2 Town and farm scenes (C) Aug 534 Knox-Sheahan duel Jnly 6 1 1 Tree planting (C) Feb 26 2 4 Koop, John, case of Dec 13 5 Kappa Alpha Soc. at dinner Jan 524 Koppel, B., interview Apr 28 5 Katherine, Queen, remains Nov 924 Kraszewski July 10 4 Kearney, Denis, speech at Cooper Krapotkine, Prince, on Russian pris- Institute July 21 5 5 ons (Ed) Jan 25 4 Keene Valley, N. Y.. attractions of Career Jan 28 3 (C) July 172 Tiial of Jan 16 1 Keifer, J. W. Trial of (Ed) Jan 27 4 Censured by journalists Mar 554 Sentto prison July 13 1 Interview July 356 Kress, John A'court-martial.,..Oct 16 5 Phelps correspondence Dec 126 Kromer, John J., vindicated Feb 25 7 Relatives Mar 611 Kruger, S P. J., made president of Stenographers, and tJ»e Mar 13 2 1 the Transvaal Apr 23 5 Keim and the Civil Service Commis- Krum, Chester H., card July 6 2 sion Apr 27, 30, May 4, 9 11 Krum, Chester H., concerning. June 12 1 Kelley, W. D., interview Oct 28 3 6 Ku Klux confession (Ed) Dec 22 4 Tariff Act, on the Mar 14 1 2 Ku Klux. conviction of Oct 28 1 Kellogg's, Clara Louise, first song Ku Klux convictions in Georgia(Ed) Aug13 8 4 Oct30 4 Girl, when a (C) Sept 30 3" 3 Kellogg, Wm. P., case of Mar 28 Apr 19, July 19, 20, 24, 31, Dec 14 Reply to Acklen Jan 14 5 1 Labor. Reply to Walsh Jan 954 " Brotherhood" (Ed) Aug 5 6 2 Kelly, Timothy, trial of Apr 20 Contests (Ed) Aug 8 4 4 21, 24, 25, 2(3, May 8.10. Demonstration Sept 6 8 3| Kelly, Timothy, execution of.. .June 10 1 2 Factory hands at home and abroad (C) Mar 12 2 6 Kelly, John. Illinois trouble May 29 2 3 Boss, a real (Ed) Sept 543 Investigation (Ed) Aug 25 4 Cleveland co-partnership (Ed)May 845 Knights of (Ed) July 30 4 4 Clover, in (Ed) Jan 21 6 4 Knights of Sept 22 Our mutual friend (Ed) Aug 1843 Knights, strength of July 24 2 Passing of, the (J£d) Jan 19 4 2 Land and (Ed) Aug 26 6 2 Spinola—rebellion (Ed) Jan oO 4 4 New-England, treated with "cold Tilden. on Juno 30 1 2 disdain" (Ed) Feb 3 4 2 Kendiick, Greene, case of (Ed) May 10 4 5 Porter's letter. (See Porter.) Kenna, John E., elected U. S. Sena- Prison (Ed) Oct 27 tor from West Virginia Jan 24 5 2 Strikes. (See Strikes.) Kennedys, Wm. H., the Jan 335 Strikes, not a time for (Ed)...Mar 13 4 Kentucky. Trade and(Ed) Jan 1 4 Democratic convention May 1753 Trades unions (Ed) Aug 28 4 2 Democratic convention.... May 17.18 Trades unions (Ed) »ept 11 4 3 Democrats, afraid of their princi- Unions and (Ed) Aug 21 4 3 Election Aug 812 Wages, about (Ed) Jan 25 4 pies (Ed) May 23 4 4 Wages, American and European Official vote Aug 17 1 2 (Ed) May 28 4 2 Republican convention..«.May 24, 25 Wages in Massachusetts (Ed)June 13 4 3 INDEX TO THE

1>-Labor. I>ate.Pff.Cl. Ir-Lectures. J)ate.Pff.Cl. Wages in Newark, N. J., and in lawmakers deriding law, Thomp- Paisley, Scotland Jan 27 5 1 son murder trial (Ert) May 19 4 3 Wages andwork abroad Dec 8146 Lawrence, Judge, speech, St. •'Labor, cause of "(Ed) Aug 28 4 3 George's Soc. dinner Apr 24 5 3 Labor and Education, Senate Com- Lawrence, Wm. S., suffocated oy mittee inquiry (Ed) Aug 15 4 3 gas Mar 281 Lacing, tight Feb11 9 1 Lawyers and criminals (Ed) Oct 18 4 4 Lacy, James, case of Jan 5, 6 Lawyers in hospitals (Ed) Oct 10 4 5 Ladd, J. S., on outrages in Bulgaria Leadville, Col., progress (Ed) Jan 644 Oct 5 2 3 Leadvillesermon Nov20 2 5 Lafayette Alumni Association din- Lectures. ner Mar30 6 3 "Advice to a Young Man," Bur- Lafayette, statue unveiled in Le dette's Jan 20 2 3 Puy,France Sept 751 "African Humor," Cox's Apr 424 Lafayette statue, Le Puy (C)...Sept 30 3 1 "Angelo," Storry's Feb 10 5 3 Lafayette statue unveiled at Burling. "Bible," Capel's Nov 24 5 3 ton, Vt June 27 1 . '•Bible," Crosby's Feb 15 2 3 Laidman, Wm. Percy, case of Oct 1224 "Catholic Conversion," Capel's Lake Geneva, Wis , Sept 16 3 4 Oct 4 5 4 Lake Mohonk (C) Sept 952 "Celestial Measurements," Lake's, Geo..W., starving children- Young's Jan 352 Sept 555 "Character of American People," . Lamar, J.Q.C., "brilliant out blind" Beeeher's Jan 21 2 2 rhetoric (Ed) ...Feb 9 4 "Christianity," Murray's Oct 154 Lamb, John E., fired at June 12 1 5 "City Life," Hall's Apr 325 Larnon, Ward H., card Oct 651 "Coast Defences," Micbie's... Feb 1625 Land. "Colds," Bosworth's ....Mar 10 2 2 Frauds in Colorado May20 1 6 " Colleges in the Colonial Times," Frauds in grazing (Ed) Dec 564 Tyler's Apr 324 1 Labor, and (Ed) Aug26 6 2 "Coming Man's Religion," Par- Office, annual report Nov 226 ton's Apr 422 Office decisions Mar 15, Aug 17 "Degeneracy"Bang's Mar31 5 5 Office, official figures Aug 616 '* Demosthenes," Milburn's Feb 16 5 2 Ownership of (C) Dec 26 3 4 " Divorce," Capel's Dec 14 5 4 Public sales of Dec 24 4 5 "Divorce," Dix's Mar10 5 1 Reform in England (Ed) May 1643 "Divorce, Murray's Oct 816 Slip, Vail ey of Faverges Jan 1914 "Dude," Tourgee's Dec14 5 2 Swindle, West Virginia May 16 5 4 "Eclipses andtheMoon," Young's Transfer Reform Asso June 153 Jan 17 2 1 Landis, Chas. K., charges against "Egypt," Stone's Apr 17 5 4 Jan 7 5 3 •' Electricity," Barker's Mar 31 5 3 Landon, Walter S., stories about "Emerson," Arnold's Dec 223 June 17 10 1 " Etching," Haden's Feh 6, 9 Lane, John W., case of Jan 22 1 6 " Evolution," Beecher's Jan 724 Langhorne, Maurice, concerning "Evolution of the Vertebrate," SepllS 2 1 Cope's Janl6 2 5 Langley, J. H. swindler June 413 "Explorations at Assos." Norton's Langst/on, John M., on the Haytian Feb 17 2 5 rebellion Sept 412 Laugtry, J. H., concerning Jan 616 " Eye." Dr. Roosa's Mar 17 2 6 Laiigtry, Mrs., in St. Louis (Ed) " France and America," Hya. Jan 21 6 5 cynthe's Nov21 5 5 Memphis, Tenn., at (Ed) July 27 4 4 ' France," Tyng's Oct 881 Skin-deep beauty (Ed) JuJy 22 6 3 "Garfield," Hinsdale's Jan 23 4 5 (See also Drama) "Iceland,"Kneeland's Mar 11 5 4 Languages, study of (Ed) Dec 30 6 5 "Kindergartens," Straights ..May 18 2 2 Lanin an and Irving Apr 911 "Life in the Cloister," Capel'sAug 29 5 1 Lansdell, Dr., on Russian prisons "Life in London and Paris," S win- (Ed) Feb 18 6 3 ton's Mar 551 Lansdowne, Marquis of June 145 •'Literary Artist," Cable's Dec 724 iranffurated Governor-General of "Literature and Science,"Arnold's Canada Oct24 1 1 ]STov20 5 4 (Ed) May'23 4 3 " Man's Primeval Search for His London letter "G. W.S." June 10 3 1 Soul," Massey's Nov 17 5 2 Sketch of May 22 5 1 '* Meteors and Comets," Young's Lard, speculation in June 2, 17 Jan 31 2 1 Laryngological Association May 22 2 5 "Modern Shams," Miss Faithful!'s Laskey, Edward, arrival of June 2351 Nov 10 5 2 Sketchof June 512 "Mole," Wood's DecSO 2 3 Lathrop, Dwight S., arrest of.. -Apr 24 2 4 "Musick andMendelssohn," Cox's Committed for trial Apr2582 Nov 26 2 4 Lathrop, Joseph D., sent to prison "New-York," Howard Crosby's May 224 Mar 221 Law (See Legal.) " North American Continent," Law, British and American (Ed) Oilman's JaiilO i5 3 Apr 14 4 3 1 "Numbers," Arnold's Oct 31 5 3 NEW-YORK DAILY TBTBUlsrE FOE 1883.

Ix—Lectures. X>ate.Pg.Cl. lr—Legal. Date.Pg.Cl. " OldWorld vs.the New." O'Reilly*s Bush-Kentucky suit Jan 30 3 3 Nov 15 2 2 CaseyvffVttfl- York JVmes suit....Jan 2110 5 "Panama Canal" Colne's Jan 555 Cattal-Bigelow suit Aug 25 3 2 "Planetary System,*' Young's.Jan 24 3 1 Central News-Judy suit Dec 1453 " Protection," Baird's Mar 126 Chamberlain-Boyd suit Jan 12 "Protection," Dudley's Nov 2221 Mar 20, Apr 9 " Russia," Hall's Mar 724 Checks Feb 632 " Russia," Kennan's Nov21 2 3 Civil code, Law Reform Soc. re- "Spoils System," Cook's Jan 21 2 4 port on Mar 732 "Stars,Fixed." Young's Feb 831 Civil Rights case, decision Aug 19 7 5 "Summer's Driftwood," Depew's Claims, conflicting (Ed) Feb 25 6 5 Feb 21 5 1 Clancey-Ricliards suit Oct2112 1 "Summer's Driftwood," Depew's Clark-Kendrick suit May 613 Mar 13 5 5 Clemens-Belford, Clarke & Co. suit "Sun," Young's Jan 10 2 1 Jan 10 1 5 "Woman's Mission," Mrs. L. D. Closs-Bruce breach of promise Blake's Ma,r 522 Apr 12 2 5 "Women. Degradation of." Dix's Colby-Peabody-suit May 30 2 5 Feb 17 3 2 Collectors, XT. S. Supreme Court "Women—Higher Education." decision Mar 20 2 6 Dix's Feb24 5 5 Common carriers, duties of Feb 17 3 1 "Woman. Mission for," Dix's.Mar 17 2 4 Cooper, Peter, will of Apr 1213 "Woman's place in the World," Corbit-U. S. Reflector Co. suit Dir'a FeblO 3 1 Sept 10 5 3 "Woman, Sins of," Dix's Mar 323 Corporate contracts (Ed) Oct 29 4 3 "Women's Rights as Citizens" Courts: Bills-affecting Apr 2154 Mrs. Blake's Apr 232 Appeals on contracts (Ed)...Dec 21 4 4 "Wondersof the World" Cook's Claims decisions, Mar 14, May 15 Mar 23 5 4= June 12. LeDuc, Wm. G., on ostrich farming Claims, cases dismissed Feb 20 5 5 Augl2 3 3 Conflict in (Ed) Sept 26 4 4 Lee, Fitzhugh, banquet Feb 1052 Marine, changed July 112 1 Lee, Robert E., statue cast Sept 20 5 5 Records, imperfect (Ed) May 28 4 5 Lee statue unveiled in Lexington, Supreme, Justices Sept 224 6 Ky June 29 1 5 Supreme, nominations for (Ed) Left at home (Ed) Aug 26 6 4 gOct 343 Legal. United States Supreme decisions Abramson-Dupignac suit Sept 2223 Jan 9, 16, 30, Feb 6, Mar 23, 27 Ackerman-Mechanics' Bane k (New- Apr 3. 10,12, 17, 24, May 1, 8 ark, N. J.) suit June 924 Nov 6, 20, Dec 4,11, 18. Admiralty, new rale Mar 27 3 3 United States Supreme de- Amberg-Conried suit Oct 20 5 1 cision, admiralty Mar 27 3 3 Anderson-Hollman suit Nov 4 14 3 United States Supreme bond Andrew-Deshler suit Jan 432 cases decision Mar 631 Andrews-Smith suit Feb 415 United States Supreme decision, Atwood-Terry suit June 15 3 1 Civil Rights act Jan 23 2 2 Bachert-Pulitzer suit June 3121 United States Supreme Civil Bailey-Thomas suit Feb 62-3 Rights cases dismissed Oct 1623 Banks-Ganiger suit July 325 United States Supreme decision Bartram-Collector Robertson suit concerning collectors Mar2026 Jan 17 3 1 United States Supreme term ad- Barwick-McLean breach of prom- journed May 826 ise suit, Apr 1, 3, 4, 6, 10,19, 21, 26 United States Supreme, Spotted 28, May 9 Tail murder, decision Dec 18 3 1 Belden-Clyde suit Oct 624 Cramp-Sloan suit Feb 14 8 1 Belmont-Devoy suit, June 12,14,15 Crandell-Quin breach of promise 16,19 suit June 15 3 1 (Ed) June 15 4 4 Credit Mobilier Jan 25 3 2 Belt-Belt suit May 30 2 5 "Criminal Law "Stephen's... Aug 27 6 1 Belt-Lawes libel suit Jan 14 10 6 Cunningham-Macon and Bruns- Belt-Lawes suit, decision Dec 16 1 4 wick R.R, suit Dec 431 Belt-Lawes suit Dec 22 1 4 Dargin-Wells suit May 16 2 6 Bernard, Canon Leon, case of(Ed) Davis-Dyer suit Jan 17 1 5 Feb 25 6 5 Deen-Wfcson suit May 12 2 6 Bertini-Mapleson suit Nov 851 '• Dictionary" Bouvier's Feb 24 6 1 Biggar breach of promise suit.Mar 911 Dinsmore-New-JerseyCentralR.R. Bockelman-Austen sun; July 14 2 3 suit Oct24 2 5 Bond cases, U. S. Supreme Court Directors, obligation of June 924 decision Mar 631 Divorce suits: Appleby, M. A. Braun-JVew-Forfc Star libel suit.... Mar 8,16 Oct 13 2 5 Belleville, Edith....Feb 7, 9, 22, 25 Brett-Brett suit Jan 28 5 6 Bohrs, Wm June24 5 4 Briukerhoff-Perry suit....Apr 3, 4, 5 Boucicault discontinued May 226 Bronson-Brand suit .Nov 2,14 Brisbane, Albert..May 6, 30, July 8 Brown-G'raw&fc suit Dec 20 8 2 Carter,R.G ...... Mar 7 3 1 Brown-Mutual Trust Co. suit.Mar 27 3 2 Conway, Minnie Apr 21 2 4 EtfDEX TO THE

Ir—Legal. Date.Pg.Cl. egal. Date.Pg.Cl. Cross, Elizabeth Sept 10 5 3 Hickey-Morrell suit Apr 7, 10 De Meli, Florence.Dec 18,19,20, 21 Higbie-Vaugbnsuit Dec 624 22 S.ite-LouisvilleCourier-Jorir.IAbel Fair, Theresa May 8, 9,13 suit Mar29 1 5 Featherstone, Edward Sept 18 2 6 Hoe-JBoston Advertiser suit .. Feb 9 1 5 Flavell, Alice A Sept 17 5 2 Hoffman-Lowell suit Sept 22 2 3 Fox, Emma K Apr 19 3 3 Hope-Baron de Billing suit. .May 12 1 1 Havemeyer, Helen.Feb 17, May 22 Hotchkiss-Hutchinson suit ..Mar 29 Johnson, Eli July 27 8 1 Jun-e 3 Johnson, Helen M Apr 21 2 4 Hunt-Mutual Beserve Fund A sso. Johnson, Mary E Oct 18,19 suit JulySl 3 2 Kelly, Alice Sept 625 Hutchinson-N. Y. StockExchange Leathers (Ed) Oct 15 4 4 suit..Feb21, Mar 3, 9,15, May 19, Levy July 27 3 2 26, June 23 McGill, Peter May 826 Ingersoll's libel suits Jan31 2 6 Meli, H. A June 27 2 5 Inspection laws, "United States Mprdaunt, Fanny July 1232 Supreme Court decision Feb 631 Kickerson, A. H May SO, 31 Insurance, accident, law of Dec 881 July 8, June 5,10, 18,Dec 1 Irving-Villard suit Aug 731 Petrcy, Julia H Feb 14 10 1 Izard-Westbay suit Mar 21 3 1 Potter, Samuel July 13 1 " Jackson-Van JNCSS suit, Jan 6 3 1 Shafer, Henrietta Mar 18. 20 James-Cowing suit Apr 10 2 6 Scherer, Clara Sept 18 2 6 Jenkins-Cook suit June 354 Tearle, Mary A Apr 19, 21 Johnson-Higloy suit May 2, 3, 4 July 19, 25 Judy libel suit Novl3 1 4 Tompson, John J Aug 14 3 2 Jumel estate, suits over May 23 2 6 Turk, Wm Sept 18 2 5 Juinel suits, last of Apr 314 Vletter, J. W. A Feb 21 2 6 Kennedy.Hutcbin s case Jan 525 Wandell, Charlotte M....Jan 14, 21 Kennedy-Porter suit Dec 25 3 6 Mar 2, May 22, 24 Kilbourn-Thompson case, June 26 Wandell,Francis L Aug 432 Novl, 3, 6 Winton, Walter W Apr 632 Kring-State of Missouri suit ..Apr 331 Dixon-Cummins suit ....Jan 522 Lease, right torenew Mar 132 Dodge, Wm. E., will of Feb 17 1 4 Libel, responsibility for Oct1325 Dovel-Habart suit Apr 14 2 5 Lilly-N. if. Central and Hudson Drexel-B eraey suit June 131 Biver B.B. suit Apr 21 2 5 Duff-Hutchin son suit Jan 934 Livingston-Fleming suit Jan ^, 10 Duff-Pope suit May 781 11,12, Mar 15, '27 Duncan-2Vew?-Torfc Times suit. Jan 17 5 4 Livingston-Webb suit Aug 1731 Dusenberry-Jersey Central BB. Lonsdale-TForZtf libel suit Feb 714 suit Jan 482 Loring-Brodie suit Mar 15 1 3 Eagan-Iynch suit Apr 17 2 5 Lorillard-Jersey City Ferry Co. Ettinger-Sands suit June 23 2 5 suit Dec 28 3 1 Ex post facto defined Apr 331 Lotto-Prescott suit Oct27 5 1 Extradition. (See Extradition.) Loubat-Leroy suit Feb 125 Fay-Pansom suit.- Jan 753 McCaull-Bussell suit Mar 21 3 2 Farrell-Newton suit May 931 McDonald-Strain suit Jan 13 1 6 Feuardent-Cesnola suit, ISTov 1, 2, 3 McEwen-Phila and Beading B. B. 8, 9, 10, 13, 14,15. 16, 17, 20, 21, 22 suit Jan20 5 5 28, 21), Dec 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12,13 MoGrann-Pittsburg B. B. suic 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, '28, 29 June 15 5 1 Feuardent-Cesnola suit (Ed)..Jan 20 4 4 McKinley-Palmer suit June 10 5 5 Fisk-Freeman suit 3STov 831 McKinley-Bio Grande B. B. suit.. French-Davenport suit Oct 18 5 1 Apr 413 Gensler-Hermann suit Apr 532 Manzocchi-Patti suit.Apr 5, 6,10, 31 Gilbert-Nash suit Feb 26 1 2 Mapleson-Del Puente suit Oct 2024 Gilruan-McArdle suit July 14 3 1 Mapleson-Juch suit Jan 1933 Gilmore-Haverly suit June 731 Marie-Garrison suit..Sept 27, Nov Gilmore-Schurz suit Dec 572 10, Dec 22 Glover-Manhattan B. R. suit, Jan 13 Marriss-Western Union Tel. Co 17, 25, 20, ]NTov 10 Aug15 2 6 Green-N. Y. Central and H. B. B. Martin-ZSTeroman suit June 24 2 6 B. suit Mar 21, 22, 27, 31 Martin-Ober suit Nov20 5 2 Hale-Faulkner suit Nov 20 3 1 Martin-Penn B. B. suit. .Feb 24, July Hall-Bennett suit Mar 231 27 Harris-Fitch libel suit Jan 615 Martln--Z\7ew>-York Tribune ..Sept IS 3 1 Harrold-New-York Elevated Bail- Mason-Libbey suit Jan 113 road suit Apr 14 5 4 Massey-New YorTc Times suit Harrold-New-York Elevated Bail- Dec 15 2 4 roadsuit May 181 Miller-Barbour suit Feb 1534 Hastings-Kelly suit Sept 22 2 3 Miller-Brooklyn Bridge suit..Kov 27 8 6 Hazard-Ames suit May 24 5 4 Mistral, Jean, case of (Ed)... .May 3144 Hazard-Bobinson suit Dec 31 5 4 Morgan, E. D., will of Mar 633 Heiiey-Moncii suit Dec 431 Morgan, Henry T., will of Feb 13 3 4 Hick-6rrap7wc libel suit Mar 812 Murphy-English suit..Feb 2, June 6 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1833.

L—Legal. Eate.Pg.Cl. L—Legislature. Date.Pg.CL Neville-Fifth Ave. Hotel suit.Mar 9 Halsey, Wm ..... Oct 24, Nov 10 13,14,15,16,17 Hamersley, L. C.July 18,19. Oct 4 Newspaper libel Oct 13 2 5 Hoyt, Jesse Jan 14,19, July 24 Nilsson-Gye suit May 11 1 1 Kingsbury Dec 24 1 2 Oelbermann velvet eases Feb 1333 Leverich May 14 3 3 Oil suits: decisions Mar 17 5 4 Stanley, Arthur May 35 5 1 Oliver-Dunlap suit Jan 24 7 6 Stokes, James Feb 27,28,Mar 1 Paget-Darling, Hitchcock suitDec 29 5 3 3, 21, 212, Apr 19, May 2, 5. 10, 14 Peyser-Metropolitan Railroad suit 29, 30, June 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19 Mar 17 2 3 21,215,27,30 Pinton-Knickerbocker Apartment Tilden, William May 854 Co.suit Feb 24 2 3 Tilden, Wm Occl7 2 6 Prescott-Chizzola suit May i 5 4 Wood, Samuel....May 13, 15, 22, 27 Ramsden-Ramsdeu case...Apr6, 7,13 Yates, Alonzo C Mar 29, Apr 28 2 5 17, 20, 21 Willets, Samuel, will of Feb 1482 Records, early June 24 2 3 Williams-Edwards suit Jan 526 Reed-Belden suit, June 626 Williams-Western Union suit (See Riggs-Boucicault suit Apr 27 Telegraph.) June 1 Wishman-Proehl suit Dec IS 2 5 Rusling-McPhersou suit..,Jan 14, 24 Witnesses, detention of, abolished Mar 6 June 12 8 2 Schnell-Blohm suit Mar 8, 9,10 Woman's, Married, property act Sehwab-Coghlan suit Dec 431 English Jan21 6 6 Shaw, Francis G., will of Jan 883 Woodruft-New-Jersey Central R. Sloat-McKeon suit June 9, Aug 17 R. suit Janll 8 2 Smith-Long Island R. R. suit..Jan 1933 Woodruff-New-Jersey Central R. Springstead-Pray suit Jan 1633 R. suit Jan 613 State Rights in Court July 113 Woodruff-Erie suit Nov 29 5 5 Stewart-Huntington suit May 12 Yates-Yates suit Apr 10 2 6 18,19, 22, 23, 24 Yunker-Hechman breach ol prom- Stihne-West suit June 12 3 1 isecase Marl6 3 1 Stock dividend, right to declare Legion of Honor defrauded Dec 14 8 2 Mar 14 2 6 Legislature, New-Jersey. Stock dividends valid Oct 321 Adjourned sine die Mar 24 2 3 Stuart, R. L., will of Jan 23 3 1 Appropriations Mar 14 2 2 Styner-Waite suit Apr 632 Biennial sessions Feb 15 3 3 Talbot-New-Jersey Central suit Bribery act Feb 22 2 5 Dec 22 2 6 Bribery cases Feb 21 2 4 Tarry-Delano suit June 10 2 4 Bribery charges Feb 16 2 2 Thomas-Lennon suit Jan 17 3 1 Bribery at elections Feb 731 Tice-Roberts suit Nov13 3 1 Bribery inquiry Feb 22 2 5 Tramps not criminals Mar 7 3 1 Committees, Assembly Jan 182 3 Trials indefinitely postponed.June 1544 Committees, Senate Jan 16 5 3 Tucker-Lynch suit Apr 24 3 1 Constitutional amendments, pro- Tullis-Mercantile Paper Co. suit posed Feb 824 July 112 4 Controllership Feb 952 Turkish Government-Providence Convict labor Feb 14 7 5 Tool Co. suit July 12 5 6 ConvLctlabor Mar 853 Tuttle-Brush Electric Co. suit Corporations Mar 13 1 4 Nov 13,14, 15 Corporations, bill to tax Feb 632 Underbill-Harmon suit July 2132 Egan censured Mar 726 Van Dyke-Van Dyke suit Nov 21 2 5 Jersey City charter Feb 824 Van Loan-Willis suit Apr 21 2 5 Jury bill Feb 731 Van Nostrand-New-Orleans and Jury system in civil suits Feb 133 Vicksburg R. R. suit Nov 11 5 5 Nominations rejected Mar 23 2 5 Wakeman-Dodge suit Mar 331 Organized Jan 10 5 2 Walsh-Brady suit Sept 23 2 2 Oyster industry Feb 14 7 1 Walsh-Preston suit Mar 15 2 2 Prohibition amendment Feb 731 Washburn-Pangborn suit Apr 10 8 1 Railroad tax bills Mar 14 2 2 Weber-Taylor suit Jan 21 2 ] Railroad tax bills, report Mar1921 Whitehead-Pelletreau suit Jan 20 5 2 Railroad taxation bill Feb 731 Wiley-Northampton Bank suitJan 24 7 6 Railroad taxation Feb 27 3 2 Will cases: Beekman, S.F Jan 681 Session, results Mar 24 2 3 Brady, James Apr 22 5 4 Sorghum Mar 853 Burr, Sarah Jan 16 State printing Feb 952 18, 31,Feb L, 10,13,22,24, Mar 11 State printing Mar20 5 4 May 44 Statetax Mar22 2 4 Chauncey.D.M .July 14, 20 Taxation of railroads, Senate re- Grossman, Henry. Feb 37 2 5 jects Mar21 2 5 Cutter, Eliza A . Jan 23 3 4 Taxes on personal property...Feb 22 2 6 Ensign,E. W July28 1 2 Legislature, New-York. Fillmore. Millard Oct 24, 25 Adirondack forests, protection Jan 24 3 6 Nov 10,13, 15,16, 21, 22, 23 Adirondack wilderness, Lansing's Fisk, Willard Sept 7, Oct20 bill Jan 18 6 2 Nov 10 Adjournments, weekly (Ed)...Jan 1344 Augusta* Nov 16 3 2 Adjourns9inedie May4 1 1 58 INDEX TO THE

Ir—Legislature. Date.Pg.Cl. Ir-Legislature. Date.Pff.Cl. Aqueduct tall ..... Mar 22, 30, Apr 4 Elevator bill killed in Senate.. Apr 27 2 3 19, 27, May 1 Elevator charges Mar 23 2 4 Passed Assembly ...... May 4 l i Elevator charges bill Mar 31 2 2 Passed Senate...... May 211 Elmira and her streets Jan 20 2 5 SignedtoyGov. Cleveland.. June 252 Emigration Commission Mar 16 5 2 Apportionment bill, Jan 30. Feb 6 Emigration Commission bill...Apr 12 5 3 8, 9. 10, Mar 10. 16, Apr 18 Emigration, paid commissioners of (Ed), Jan 27, Feb 28, Mar 19 Mar 24 2 2 May 2 Excise bill passed Assembly..Feb 22 2 4 Excise bill passed Senate April 1 4 Apportionment bill passed both Excise legislation (Ed) Jan 1543 Houses May 3 1 Extra session, rumors (Ed)...May 25 4 2 Extra session, talk of an (Ed)May 42 4 2 Fifth-ave. paving bill Apr2723 Harbor masters Jan 23, Mar 7 Biennial sessions Feb 27 3 3 Apr 4, 25 Biennial sessions bill killed. . . Mar 9 1 Harbor Master's bill passed As- Bills beiore botn Houses ...... Mar 29 1 sembly May 2 l 5| Bills, extravagant ...... Feb 5 1 Insurance companies, attacks.Feb 17 2 6! Bills in hand of Governor May 625 Insurance receiverships Mar 9 1 6| Bills introduced Mar 30 1 2 Investigating committees, spend- Bills passed, Feb 8,15, Ma,r 21, 22,24 thrift Jan 29 2 28, Apr 3, 4, 5, 28, May 3 Jamaica, L. I., bill Mar 27 1 Bills relating to New-York and Legislation, compulsory (Ed).Jan 25 4 Brooklyn, Feb 7, 28, Mar 15, 17 Lunacy, commission ers in Jan 18 5 Apr 18, 20, May 1, 3 Message, Govarnor's Jan 316 Bills signed, Feb 1, Apr 3, 8, May li Mining companies Mar 2 3 5 j 12, 13,17, 18, 19, June 3 New-York charter, Mackin'8-Apr 28 1 Bills vetoed, Feb 6,13,Mar 24,Apr10 New-York charter, Edson's Feb i^, i 0 May 17, 20 Mar 20 Bills which ought to fail (Ed)..Jan 23 4 2 (Ed) Feb 9 4 Blind asylum, proposed Mar 725 Niagara Falls bill Mar 14, Apr 6 Brooklyn Aldermen April 1 4 Brooklyn Bridge tolls Apr 25, 27 Niagara Falls bill (Ed) Mar 843 Brooklyn Peace Justice billpassed Nominations notacted upon. May 411 Senate Apr 416 Organized Jan 3 2 1 Capitol, another appropriation.Jan 18 5 2 Park, East Side Feb 14 7 5 Capitol commission, new Jan 20 2 5 Passion Play Mil Apr 721 Capitol Commissioner Mar 225 Penal Code amendments Mar 852 Capitol Commission bill Mar 16 5 1 Penal Code amendments May 3 1 '3 Capitol patronage Mar 1525 PilotagebiU May 1 2 1 Catholic Protectory Mar 222 3 Pilotage bill killed in Senate..May 412 Chaster amendments, proposed Pilotage bill passed Assembly Mar 30 1 1 May 216 Police Commissioners Mar 225 Charter amendments,text of bill Police force, bills affecting Mar 17 l 4 Apr 116 Policemen and Firemen, salaries Charter amendments recom- of Mar30 1 3 I _mitted.._..-_. Apr 6 1 6 Policemen's salaries Apr 19 5 2 | Civil Service Jan 23 2 6 Policemen's salaries, bill to increase Civil Service bill (Ed) Feb 17 4 2 passed Assembly May 2 1 Civil Service bill passed Assembly Political assessments Mar 28 1 4 May 3 1 2 Political assessments bill Feb 21 2 4 Civil Service Reform Jan 12 2 4 Political assessments bill passed Civil Service Reform Apr 10 2 3 Senate Apr 4 2 l l (Ed) April 4 3 Press Gag bill Mar 27 1 4| Committees, Assembly Jan 10 1 4 Press Gag bill killed in Assembly /Ed) Jan 10 4 2 Mar 28 1 5 Committees, extravagance of .Apr 21 2 2 Prison contracts, Butts's bill..Apr 19 l 5 Controllership Jan 31 1 May 2 Convict labor Jan 12 *>•2 5 Prison labor, report Jan 2326 Convict labor -Apri° ^ ~3 Prison system, attacks Mar291 1 County Clerk, fees of Mar 31 2 2 Prohibition amendments, Senate County Clerk Keenan's fees...Feb 815 rejects , May 215 Court of Appeals bill (Ed). ...May 243 Railroad Commissioners confirmed Court of Appeals reports bill Jan 21 1 4 passed May 413 Broadway underground Apr 18 1 4 Democratic record...... May 8 1 4 Elevated affairs Mar 20 5 4 Democratic "reform" methodsi eb 3 1 4 Elevated, attack upon Jan 17 2 6 Democratic trickery exposed..Feb 652 Elevated, finances Mar 653 Dock Department bill Apr 7 2 1 Elevated, five-cent fare bill Dock Department bill May 2 1 5 passeft Assembly Feb 124 Education of Catholics Jan 20 2 5 Elevated, reports Mar 21 2 4 Education, Board of, bill to reor- Five-cent tare bill passed Senate o-anize MarlS 1 4 Feb 16 2 6 Election inspectors .Jan 23 2 6 Five-cent fare bill vetoed.... Mar 352 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

tr-Legislature. Date.l Lr-Lilerature. Date.Pg.Cl. Free-pass billkilled May 6 Leprosy (Ed) Mar 19 4 4 Street, act -Feb 14 7 Leprosy at charity hospital Apr2583 Street, bill vetoed May30 1 Lesseps. Surface bill passed Senate..May 4 1 Canal and the, Paris (C) July 29 3 1 Ramapo Aqueduct bill passedMay 4 Dinner April 5 a Records compared (Ed) Mar 3 4 Reflections (Ed) Nov 484 "Keform Wife" Jan 15 5 Reminiscences Aug 24 3 Reform, specimens of (Ed)....Feb 18 6 Report to Panama Canal share- Regent, McRelway elected....Jan 11 2 owners (Ed) July 20 4 Reports: Canals, State Engineer's Sanguine engineers (Ed) July 20 4 Jan i^ 2 Lesseps, Charles, interview Apr 6 5 "Corners" Feb 10 1 " Let us alone," (Ed) June 644 "Corners" --Apron 2 Letter-writers (Ed) Oct 764 Insurance committee Mar £u 5 Lewes, G. H Feb 436 Prisons Mar 21 2 Lewis, Catherine, case of May 2721 Prisons, Baker's Jan tV 1 Lewis, Samuel A., case of Jan 20 3 1 Public works i8?* 5 Lewis, Samuel A., arrest of Mar 28 2 1 Receiverships • T^a^ 'I 2 Liberal Club, London, (C)"G. W. S." State Assessors *et> , y 1 May 20 3 1 State Controller — Jan 11 3 Lioraries and catalogues (Ed)..May 19 4 4 Republican legislators address the .Libraries, free, for the poor Mar 581 public . May 8 1 4 Libraries, free, public (Ed) Aug 24 4 Kooseveit on the Bliss-Sprague Library, Ashburnham, origin of ease Mar 10 2 London (C) "G. W. S." Feb 26 6 School-teachers' pension bill.. Apr 25 2 Library, New-York Free Circulating School-teachers Apr 4 2 report Jan 14 10 School-teachers' salaries Feb 9 2 Condition of Feb 23 3 Sessions-Bradley case -Jan 17 2 (Ed) Feb 23 4 4 Sing Sing revolt Feb 22 Licenses, revenues from Aug 9 2 4 Speaker, Chapin made Jan 6 2 1 Licensing vile resorts Feb 25 5 5 Sprague - Bliss election case; Lick trust ...... Dec 16 2 5 Spraerue seated Eeb 17 2 b Liddon, Canon, sketch of ...... Dec 26 3 State printing Janoi Life,, is it worth it (Ed) ...... Apr 29 6 Streets Mar 28 Life out of doors (Ed) ...... Aug 12 6 3 Sunday laws Mar b Life's real meaning (Ed)...... Apr 243 Supply bill .Mar 3, 16, 21, Apr 14 Life Saving Service, work done (Ed) Supply bill, items vetoed June 2 5 Mar 26 4 3 Supply bill passed Assembly.Mar 22 2 Report, annual ...... Nov26 5 4 Surrogates'bill Apr 27 2 Life-saving stations, manning of Surrogates bill killed May 5 1 1 (Ed)...... Sept 844 Tax question (Ed) Mar 19 4 Life station, mid-ocean ...... July 15 2 Water supply,New-YorkCity.Apr 13 1 4 Light, undulatory theory of ..... Feb 491 Wife beaters Feb I/ 2 6 Lightning and lightning conductors Woman suffrage Apr 3 5 Aug 5 Work for (Ed) Jan 28 6 Lilley, Judge, assaulted by S. W. Work done, review Apr 23 8 Dorsey...... Mar 914 Work done, review of May o 1 1 Lincoln's, Abraham, body ...... Kovl6 1 5 Worship act (Ed) Feb ID 4 4 Career, incident ...... Feb 1G 4 5 Worship bill passed senate....Feb 11 7 5 Letter to his step-brother ...... Jan 21 3 3 Legislature, New-York, duties that Letter from Wm. H. Herndon.Jan 21 3 3 confront (Ed) Dec 31 4 Lincoln Club celebration ...... Feb 1353 Legislative responsibility (Ed).Nov 2l> 4 3 Lindblow, concerning ( Ed) ...... Apr 2644 Legislative sessions, biennial (Ed) Lindsay, David,-Connolly electiou June 21 4 2 contest ...... Jan 7 10 3 Legislators condemned (Ed)—Apr 6 4 2 Lippitt, F. J., on the Louisiana bond Legislature, importance of a Repub- cases ...... June 30 7 1 lican (Ed)..... Oct 25 4 2 Lippitt, F. J., on Virginia coupons Legislature, next (Ed) June 12 4 4 Apr 20 2 6 Lelimann, Isaac, flight of. Apr 6 2 2 Liquor dealers (Ed) ...... Aug 10 4 3 Lemons, facts about July 1 9 3 Liquor dealers and their licenses Lenox Library Jan 22 6 1 Dec 951 Concerning (C) Mar 9 5 4 liquor law. Scott (C) ...... May29 1 4 Opening of. Oct 2J 2 5 Liquor, selling, without license (Ed) Lent (Ed) t Feb 7 4 4 Aug IS 4 3 Lent, first Sunday of (Ed) Feb 11 6 4 Liquor-shops...... Mar 9 2 2 " iquors, special taxes on compound Leo XIII. July 24 3 2 Bishops appointed Jan 25 1 4 jiszt, frank statements about...Dec 836 Letter to Cardinal McCloskey.May 653 Literary theft (Ed)...... Oct 143 Letter to Emperor William....Feb 20 1 4 literature. Letter to Irish Bishops Jan 23 1 4 Adams's, Mary, '*An Honorable Letter to Irish Bishops May 16 1 4 Surrender," ...... May27 8 1 Letter to Irish Bishops, full text Adams's, W. E., " Our American Cousins"...... Oct. 561 National League, and the May 17 1 1 Albee's, John, " Poems "...... May 13 8 1 Leonard, Helen, caae of June 17 5 5 AidricH'8,Thomaa B., M Mercedes I Sent to prison Oct 14 6 1 •MX! Later I/yrics" ...... NOT 410 2 60 INDEX OF THE

IL— Literature. Date.Pg.Cl. If- Literature. . Aldrich's,Thomas B., ''FroniPonk- Bush's, Jas. S.. "More Words apog to PestJi " ...... May 27 8 1 AbonttheBible" ...... Jcily 31 6 1 Alexander's, Miss, " Story of Ida," "Byronv ix>rd," Jeaftresou's...May 6 8 1 July 14 6 a Caird's, E<1. "Hegel" ...... July21 6 1 Alexander's, Mrs., "The Admiral's Campbell's, H«ien, " House- Ward" ...... May 37 3 1 keeper's Year Book " ...... Apr 15 8 3 Allen's,J. H., " Christian History" *'Carlyle" ...... July 8 6 1 June 27 6 1 " Carly le-Emerson Letters "..Feb 18 8 i "American Commonwealths "tfept 16 8 1 "Carlyle, Jane Welsh, Letters"Apr 4 6 1 American Magazines Abroad.. Dec 13 6 3 Carnegie's, A., " An American Amicis's, Edmondo, "Military Life Four-in-Hand in Britain " . .June 16 6 1 inltaly"...... Jan 161 Can-oil's, Howard, " Twelve Ammen'e, Daniel, "The Atlantic Americans" ...... Julyl4 6 1 Coast" ...... Julyll G 1 Catalogue I llustre du Salon.. .May 28 6 1 Andover Review ...... Dec 14 6 1 CatJin's'Geo. L.,"Poema"....beciO 6 1 Arnold's, Edwin, "Indian Idylls" Chadbourne's, P. A., •• Instinct " Oct 28 8 1 Nov 19 Chadwick's, J. W., "In Nazareth Arnold's, Matthew, "Poems ".Dec 24 6 1 Town" ...... Novl9 Arvine's, C., "Cyclopaedia of Chalmers's, M. D., "Local Gov- Anecdotes" ...... Nov 30 6 2 ernment" ...... May 25 "Art, Hunt's Talks on" ...... Feb 16 6 1 Chesneau's, Ernest, "English "Art Lectures "...... Jan 782 School of Painting " ...... Mar 2 Ashton's John, "Wit " ...... Dec 25 6 1 Christmas books ...... Dec 18 Atlantic Monthly ...... Apr 18 6 1 Christmas books ...... Dec 20 "Authors and PubUshers ".. .July 'JO 6 1 Christmas books ...... Dec 22 Bacon's, Francis, "Promus of Clemens' (Mark Twain) "Life on Formularies and Elegancies" the Mississippi" ...... June24 Mar 11 8 1 Oobbe's. Frances P., "Darwinism "Ballads, Classic" ...... Novl2 6 1 inMorals" ...... uec29 Bancroft's "Pacific States ". .Mar 20 6 1 "Colonial history" ...... Deo13 Barrows's, S. J., "Doom of the Ma- Colquiioun's A. H., •' Across jority of Mankind " ...... JuiySl 6 1 Ohryse" ...... July 17 Baxter's, Wm. E., "Winter in Cooke's, J. E., "Virginia "....8ept 16 India" ...... Augl I 'ook's Marc, "Vandyck- Brown " "Beeehereeee,, Henry ___War_d "____Junn e 1 t> Oct 26 6 1 "Bible Myths" ...... Feb 11 8 1 C'oiy's, Wm., "Guide to Modern Bird's, Isabella L.. "Golden Cher- English History" ...... Jan 23 6 1 souese" ...... May30 6 1 Crawford's, F- M., "Dr. Claudius" Bishop's, Wm. H.., "House of a May2D Merchant Prince" ...... Jan 21 8 2 Crawford's, F. M.. "Mr. Isaacs" Bishop's, Wm, Henry, "Old Mex- Jan 16 ico" ...... Octl4 8 1 Crawford's, F. M., " To Leeward" Black's, Wra. "Shandou Bells" Dec 16 May 13 8 1 Creighton's "History of the Black's, Wm., "Yolande"____Aug 581 Papacy" ...... Mar 9 BJake's, Mary E.. "On the Wing" Crei^hton's, Louise, " Stories fi-om Mar 13 6 2 English History " ...... Apr 15 Bouvier's "Law Dictionary ".Feb 24 G 1 Cronul's, W. A., "A Midsummer Brace's, Chas. L., " Geata Christ!" Lark" ...... Junell Apr C 6 1 Cunningliam's sketch of "Phillips BradJey's, G. G., " Dean Stanley " Exeter Academy " ...... July 13 6 1 Mar 25 S 1 Curtis's, Chas.B., •* Velasquez and Bronte, Emily ...... May 161 Murillo" ...... May 18 6 1 Browning's Americans of Royal Dahlgen's C. B., " Historic Mines descent"...... Jane 336 ofMexico" ...... OctlG Browning's " Jocoseria " ...... Mar 18 8 4 " Dahlgreu, John A." ...... Jan 26 Browning's "Jocoseria" ..... Apr 13 6 1 Dahlgrea's, M.V., "A Washington " Browning's Poeins—Selections" Winter" ...... Aug 5 May 11 6 1 Daudet's L'Evangeliste " ..... Mar 30 Brown's, J. C., "Finland "....Nov 26 6 1 " Daughter of the Philistines " "Buchanan, James" ...... July 29 8 1 May 13 8 1 Bucbert's "Wisdom of the Brah- Day's, L. B., " Folk-Tales of Ben- mm" ...... MarlS 6 1 ga.l" ...... Sept 18 "Bull, Ole" ...... Jan 8 1 Delahorde's "Engraving"____Mar 2 Builoch's, J. D.," Secret Serviceof DeLoiig's, Emma, "Voyage of the the Confederate States in Eu- Jeannette" ...... Oct 7 8 1 rope" ...... Novll 8 1 Delta Kappa Kpsilon Quarterly " Buiwer, Edward " ...... Dec21, 30 Sept 14 6 1 BunnerX H. C., "A Woman of "Dewey, Orville" ...... Dec 3 Honor"...... Oct 561 "Dictionary, Imperial" ...... Mar 23 Burke' s, Wm. T., " New-York "Dix, John Adams" ...... June 17 Boy Life" ...... Aug 17 6 1 Dixon's, R. W., "Mano" ...... Aug 26 Burnett's, F. H., "Through One "Dr. Grimshawe's Secret" letter Administration " ...... July 21 8 1 fromColernan ...... May 20 8 2 Burnett's. F. H.f •' Vagabondia " Dodge's, Theo. A. "Civil War " Nor 961 Sept 22 6 1 NEW.YORK DAILY TBIBTJSTE FOB isss.

Ij—Literature. Date.Pg.Cl TJ- Literature. Date.Pg.C\ "Dorner on the future State".Mar 2 C " Grove's "Dictionary of Mnsic" Downes's, W.H., " Spanish Ways Sept 21 6 and By-Ways" Nov 19 6 1 Guides to Europe May 7 6 Drummond'a Henry, " Spiritual Haeckel's, E., "Visit to Ceylo" WTorld" , Oct29 6 1 Nov 5 s Duentzer's «* Schiller " Ang 12 8 1 Hale's, E. E., "Seven Spanish Duffy's, C-G.. Four Years of Irish cities" Dec 10 6 1 History" Apr 8 8 Hale's, P. M, "Coal and Iron Duller's "Accidents " June 16 6 Counties" oct 29 6 1 Eastlake's, €£. L.. "Louvre Gal- Hale's, P. M , " Timbers of North lery" Apr 17 6 Carolina" Mar 27 6 Edwards's, Henry* "A Mingled Hailack'a "Sportsman's Gazetteer" Yarn" Apr 361 Ang 8 6 Ely's, R. T., " Socialism " Sept 25 6 1 "Hamilton, Wm. Kowan" Sept 2 8 "Encyclopaedia," SchaflTs June 1161 Hancock's, E.. "Master Bieland" "English Verse".... Dec 461 Aug 581 "Etchings By American Artists " "Handel, Geo. F." Ocfc 261 Dec1161 Hanoum's, Leila, *'A Tragedv at Farrer'a, J. H., " State In Relation Constantinople" Aagl2 8 2 toTrade" ApriJO 6 1 Bardy's, A.S., "But Yet a Woman" Fawcett's, Edgar, "An Ambitious May 13 8 1 Woman" Dec22 6 1 Hare's "Cities of Southern JtaJy Fernow's " Colonial New-York " and Sicily" Apr 15 £ Dec 13 6 1 Harper's Magazine, Weekly and Field's, H.M.,"On the Desert" Mar 6 6 1 Bazar. Jan 28 8 4 "Fielding, Henry" Dobson's.June 10 8 2 Harris's, Jos., "Gardening " Jan 1 C 1 Foote's, Mary H., "Led-Horse Harris's. S.S.. "Lecture*"....Ang 17 f> 1 Claim" Junsl7 S _ Harte's, Bret, " In the Carquinez "Forests of England" Apr 15 8 1 Woods" Sept 14 6 Foster's, David, "Scientific Ang- Hartelius's "Home Gymnastics" ler" Aprl" 6 1 Apr 15 S 4 Fowler's, Thomas, "Shaftesbury and Hutchinson" Aug S G "Haven, Gilbert. "Prentice's.June 11 6 1 Freeman's, Edward A., " English. Havergal's, F. R., "Koval Grace Towns" July 22 8 2 and Loyal Gifts " .* Apr 15 S Freeman's, Edward A., "Impres- Hawthorne's, Julian, " Dust", M ar 27 6 1 sions of the United States"..Apr 22 8 1 Hawker, Robt. Stephen Mar 4 j 8 1 London (C) "G.W.S." Apr 17 6 1 Hawthorne's Julian, "Fortune's Freeman's, James E., "Artist's Fool" Octl4 S 1 Portfolio" Apr 15 8 4 Hayes's "Arctic Boat Joirmev " " Fromenfcin, Engene" Sept 21 6 1 JiilylS 6 1 Fromen tin's, Eugene, "Old Mas- Holbrooke's "Letters of the ters ofBelgium " Jan 161 Younger Pliny" Mar 27 6 1 Fronde's Short Studies on Great Holden's, Geo. H., "Canaries" Subjects Mar 761 Oct 9 C 1 " Fuller, Margaret" Nov 23 6 2 Hole's " Book About Roses ".June 16 6 1 Galdos's Novels Aug 24 6 1 Holiday books D#c 12 6 2 "Gallatin, Albert" Octl9 6 1 Hoiiday books De«J4 6 1 Gallon's, Francis, "Human Facul- Holiday books forchildren Dec 761 ty" AuglO 6 1 Holmes's, O. W., "Medical Garnett'8, J. M., "Beowulf ".Mar 13 6 1 Essays" May29 6 1 Geikie's, A., " Text-book of Geolo- " Holmes, Oliver Wendell " Ken- gy" Feb 16 6 1 nedy's Juno26 6 1 Geikie's "Hours with the Bible " Hood's, Paxton," Scottish Charac- June 27 6 1 teristics" Aug 28 6 1 " George Eliot" June 10 8 1 Hoppus's, Maiy A. M., "Story of "George Eliot," Cooke's Nov 4 10 1 Carnival" May27 S 1 " George Eliot," Mathilde Blind's " Horatio Pledgers " Mar 661 Mar 21 6 1 " Hornblower, Josiah " Nov 961 George's, Henry, "Progress and Howard's, Blanche W.. " Guenn" Poverty" , Feb 261 Nov 25 8 1 " George Sand," Bertha Thomas's Howells's, W. D., "A Woman's Aug 21 6 1 Reason" Sept23 8 1 Gilder's, Wm. H., " Ice Pack and Howells's "Littie Gui Among Tundra" May 11 6 1 the Old Masters " Nov 19 6 1 Gonse's " Japanese Artn May 25 6 1 Humphreys's "Army of the Gordon's, Geo. H., "Brook Farm Potomac" ...July 361 to Cedar Mountains" June 22 6 1 Huraphreys's "Virginia Cam- Gosse's •• On Viol and Flute".May 461 paign" ---- July 361 Gould's, S. B.. "Life of B. S. "Indianand Colonial Directory" Hawker" Mar 431 ..May 19 6 1 Gow's, N. M., "Primer of Polite- Ingelow's. Jean, " Coast of Lincon- fcess" Julyl4 6 1 shire" Nov HO 6 2 Greer's, H« "Dictionary of Elec- "Irving, Henry," Dec18 6 1 tricity" Jan 19 6 1 "Irving, Henry" Dec 24 6 1 Greisinger'8, Theo."Jesuits".Apr 3 6 1 James's, F. L., f'Wild Tribes of the Greville's "Dosia" Sept 4 6 1| Soudan" Dec 2310 1 INDEX TO THE

TJ—Literature. Date.Pff.Cl I/—Literature. Date. eg.01 James's. Henry, "Daisy Miller** McMahon's, Ella, " Golden Sands" Sept 9 8 June 19 6 Jarves's, J. J., " Italian Bambles " McMaster's, J. B., "People of the June 15 6 United States" July 1 8 Jeaffreson's "Lord Byron "...May 6 8 Macmillan's, H., "Marriage of •'Jefferson, Thomas "Morse's. .Apr 27 6 Cana in Galilee June 11 6 1 "Jesus" Sept 3 6 Magazine of American jarigtorv Jevon's, W. S., "Social Beform" Jan 12 6 1 July 22 8 Magazines..Feb 28, Mar 25, Apr 24 Jewett's, Sarah O., "Mate of the May 3, 27, July 19. Aug 22, Sept 19 Daylight" Dec 28 6 29\ Nov 27, Dec 27 "John Bull" Dec 16 8 Mahan's, A. T., " Gulf and Inland "John Bull etSon He," Paris(C) Waters" July 11 6 1 Sept 23 4 Maine's,H. S., "Early Law"..Aug 18 6 1 Johnson's. Rossiter, "French War " Marie's Adrien, "A Child's Day " Jan 12 6 Nov 12 6 Johnson's, B., "Idler and Poet" Markham's "Peru-Chili War".May 11 6 Jan 9 6 Mason's, Ed. T., "Selectionsfrom Johnson's, Samuel, " Lectures, Es- Browning's Poems " Mar 13 6 2 says and Sermons" ..May 20 8 Massey's. Gerald. "Natural Gene- "Johnston, Sir John" Mar 4 8 sis" Nov 13 6 1 "Judson, Adoniram" July 31 6 Mayer's, A. M., " Sport with Gun Jukes's, A., "Second Death "..Aug 26 8 andBod" Nov 30 6 2 "Keary, Annie " Feb 27 6 Mayer's, A.M., " Sport with Gun King' o,, Charlesvyueu.i.00, "ThA noe Colonel'v^vivn^J. os andBod" Dec10 6 1 Daughter" May 27 Medoc's, Fayr, "Story of Me- Kiling's, Ed., " Gentle Savage ".Apr 1 licent" May 20 8 Kirlirk's] , H. 6., "Possibility of Not Meredith's, Geo., "Poems"...Nov 16 6 July 20 Q ; Merriam's, A.C., " The Obelisk " Knowlfrm's, Helen M., "Hunt'_ _111s July 24 6 1 Talks on Art" Feb 16 6 1 Meyer's. H. A. W.. "Apostles" Koelle's "Music in Song from Mar 13 6 2 Chaucer to Tennyson " Dec24 6 ] Michie's, C. Y., "The Larch "..Jan 261 Kroker's, Kate F., " Alice "...Nov 18 8 1 Mitchell's, Lucy M., "Ancient If Art, Feb 13, May 28, Aug 26 Sculpture" Dec26 6 1 Dec 4 Mollet's, J. W., "Dictionary of Labert's, C. and S., "Voyage of Words Used in Art" Jan 782 theWonderer" Oct 26 6 Mollett's.J. W., "Watteau"..Novl9 j 1 Ladd's, Geo. T., " Doctrine of Mooay's, W. G., "Land and Sacred Scripture " Oct15 6 1 Labor" June 15 '* 1 Lamb's, Chas., "Essays of Elia " Morse's, John T.. "Thomas Jef- ferson" Apr 27 6 1 Nov 30 6 "Morton" Aug 12 8 2 "Lamb, Mary." Anne Gilchrist's "Mozart" Aug14 6 1 Aug 21 6 1 Mozoomdar's, P. C.. "Oriental Lang's, Andrew, "Iliadof Homer" Christ" Nov 11 8 2 May 19 6 1 Munger's, Theo.f "Freedom of Lanier's, Sidney, "The English Faith" May 13 8 2 Hovel" .July 462 Musical publications Dec 1761 Lauman's Chas., "Leading Men of Myers's, F. W. H., "Essays "July 22 8 2 Japan" Feb 261 Newman's, J. H., "Lead, Kindly "Lawrence, Lord," K. B. Smith's Light" Nov 30 6 2 Feb 25 8 1 "NewportAquarelle" Aug 19 8 II Linton and Stoddard's "English Newton's, B.H., "The Bible"Apr 1821 Verse" Oct 26 6 1 " New-York State " Jan 30 6 II " Little Sister " Jan 30 6 1 " New-York State " OctSO 6 1 Lodge's " "...July 882 Nichols's, Jas. B., "Whence, London notes (C)"G.W. S "..Jan 21 What, Where" Mar 27 6 2 Feb 19, 26, Mar 11, Apr 9,16 Nordhoff s, Charles, " God and the Nov 30, Dec 23 Future Life" Dec 26 6 l| Longfellow's "Michael Angelo" O'Conor's, W. A.. " Irish People " Dec 24 6 1 Aug 361 Longley's, E., "The Beporter's Oliphant's*, Laurence, " Altiora Guide" Aug 17 6 1 Peto" AugSl 6 1 Lostalot's "Methods of Engrav- Orton's, J., " Zoologyn June 16 6 1 ing" Mar 261 Osborne's, H. S., *• Ancient "Lowell Birthday Book" Mar 661 Egypt" Nov 16 6 1 Lucy's, H. M., "Gideoa Fleyce" Ouida's" Wanda" Aug 12 8 2 May 27 8 1 Pabor's, Win. E.. " Coloradoas an "Luther," Kostlin's Dec 761 Agricultural State " Jan 562 "Macauiay," Morison's Feb 661 " Palmer, EdwardHenry," Sept 30 8 1 McCarthy's, Justin, "Irish His- Pancoast's, S., "The Kabbala" tory" Aug 11 6 1 Dec 28 6 1 McCosh's. Jas.," Energy, Efficient Paris's, Corote de, "History of the and Final Cause " Mar 16 6 1 United States " July 10 6 1 McGloin's, Frank, " Norodom" "Paris-Illustre" May 28 6 1 Feb 961 "ParisSalon" May28 6 1 NEW-YOBK DAILY TBIBUNE FOB 1883. 63

]>;-^Literature. Date.Pa.Cl. Jit—Literature. Date.Pg.W Par^ap's, F. W., "Talks on Teach- Scott's, Leader, 'Art in Italy" ing " July21 6 1 Dec 11 6 1 Parker's, Win. H., "Becollections Seeley's, J. B., "Expansionof Eng- of a Naval Officer " Got 12 6 1 land" . Nov 20 6 1 Payne's, James, "Thicker tnan "Seward, Wm. H." Nov 261 Water" Sept 461 "Shakespeare's Comedies "...Nor 661 Pennypacker's" Mennonites of Sharp's "Bossetti" Feb 23 6 2 Pennsylvania" July 18 6 1 "Sheridan, BichardB." Sept 11 6 1 Perrot and Cheprez's " Art in An- Simcox's "Latin Literature ".Apr 20 6 1 cientEgypt" June 561 Sime's, Wm., "King Capital" Perry's, Thos. S., "English Litera- May 20 8 2 ture" Apr 10 6 1 Sinnett's, A. P., "Esoteric Budd- Plielps's, Elizabeth S., "Beyond hism" Aug 761 theSea" Oct 31 8 1 Smith's, B. B., "Life of Lord Law- Phisterer's, F., "Armies of the rence" Feb25 8 1 United States " Aug 661 Smyth's, Neuman." Orthodox Theo- Pillsbury's, Parker, "Acts of the logy" May 13 8 2 Anti-Slavery Apostles " Nov21 6 1 Snider's,D. J., "A Walk in Hellas " Pillshury's, Parker,"Anti-Slavery June 27 6 1 Apostles" Dec 981 Soley's, Jas. B., "Blockade and Platt's, W. H., •« God Out and Man Cruisers" May 22 6 1 In" ' Sept21 6 1 Sparks's, Mrs, M. C., "Poems" Poe's, E. A., "The Bavec" Oct 1661 Feb 20 6 1 "Poems" Dec24 6 1 Spurgeon's " Feathers for Arrows" "Poets, laving English" June 17 8 2 July 18 6 1 Pond's, George B., "Shenandoah Spurgeon's "John Ploughman's Valleyin 1864" Mar 481 Talk" May28 6 1 Pott's, Mrs. H., " Promus of Form- "Stanley, Dean " Mar 25 8 1 ularies and Elegancies " Mar 1181 Stearna's, H. P.,"Insanity "June 1261 Preble's, George H., Steam Navi- Stebbins's, G. B., "American Pro- gation July 961 tectionist's Manual " July 25 6 1 Preston's, F. S., "God andBeason " Stepnen's, J. F., "Criminal Law " Dec 26 6 1 Aug 27 6 ' 1 "Priest and Man" Aug12 8 1 Stephen's, Leslie, "Biographia Proctor's, B. A., " Great Pyramid" Britannica" ,Jan 361 Apr 181 Stepniak's "Underground Bussia" "ProseMasterpieces" Nov 18 8 1 Apr 29 8 1 P.yle's,Howard, "Bobin Hood"Nov 30 6 2 Step's, Henry, "Plant Life "..Aug 861 Quincy's, Josiah, "Figures of the Stern berg's, Geo. M., *' Photo- ~Pa«t from the Leaves of Old Jour- Micrographs" Aug 861 iials" Feb 481 Stevenson's, B. L., "An Inland Bacinet's "Historical Costumes" Voyage" June 381 Mar 16, Aug 17 Stoddard's, John L., " Bed Letter Beade's, A. A., " Study and Stimu- Days Abroad" Nov 12 6 1 lants" MarlS 8 1 Stone's, Ed. U., "Our French "Beligious Encyclopaedia "...June 11 6 1 Allies'"--- Dec31 5 1 Benan's Beminisances July 461 Stringer's, Geo. A., Shakspeare's Bice's, Harvey, "'Pioneers of the Draught's Apr 882 Western Beserve " Jan 1261 Summer's, Wm., G., "Social Biddle's, A. G., "Hart and his Classes" Sept 25 6 1 Bear" Sept 461 "Swedenborg" July 27 6 1 Bitter's, F. L.. " Music " Npv 2361 Sweet and Knox's, "Through . Bobinson's, A. M. F., '• Emily Texas" July 14 6 1 Bronte" , May 161 Swinburne's, A. C., "Century of Bobinson's E. G., "Lectures on Boundels" June 29 6 1 Preaching" July 25 6 1 Swing's, David, "Sermons "..Dec 17 6 1 Bobinsou's' Phil, '• Sinners and "SylvanCity" Nov 12 6 1 Saints" June 381 Symonds's, J. A., "Italian By- Bockstro's " Handel" Oct261 ways" Oct 861 Bolfe's " Venus and Adonis ".July 18 6 1 Symonds's, Jno. A., " Benaissance ''Bose, Transplanted " Apr 1761 in Italy'7 Jan 28 8 1 Boss's, Percy, "A Misguidit Las- Taussig's, F. W., "Young Indus- sie"! Augl2 8 2 tries" May25 6 1 "Bossetti, Dante Gabriel," Caine's Ten Brink's, Bernhard, "Early Jan 14 8 1 English Literature" Apr 10 6 1 "Bossetti," Sharp's Fcb23 6 3 Tennyson's, Alfred, "The Prin- Buggles's"Germany Seen Without cess"...-- - Oct 29 6 1 Spectacles" July 881 "Testament,New" Nov30 6 2 Bussell's,W. C., " Sea Queen"May 20 8 2 Thorn's, Win. T., "Two Shake- Saunders's, Wm., "Insects".June 19 6 1 speare Examinations " July 2561 Savage's, M. J., "Modern Sphinx" Thomas's, Edward A., "Dictionary M>yl9 6 1 of Biography" Oct 16 6 1 Schafi's "Beligious Encyclopaedia" Thompson's, Maurice, "Songs of Jan 5 6 1 Fair-Weather" Sept 17 6 1 Schermerhorn's, M. K., " Sacred "Thucydides" May IS 6 1 Scriptures" Aug 461 Thwing's, C. F., "American Col- "Schiller," Duentzer's Aug12 8 1 leges".. Nov 18 8 2 64 INDEX TO THE

I/--LiteratnTe. Date.Pg.Cl. L—Lumber. Date.T^.C. Tincker's, Mary A., "Jewel in the Lodgings, Cheap ...... June 24 5 Lotos" NovSO 6 3 Log-houses (Ed) ...... July 21 4 4 Topelius's, Z., " Battle andBest" London. (SeeGreat Britain.) Aug 12 8 1 London Letters (see Geo. W.Smalley) Tourgee's " Hot Plowshares" Long Branch, N. J., made a city.Apr 152 Jnly20 6 1 Longfellow, Henry W., estate. .July 2613 Trollope, Anthony, " Autobiogra- Picture, Burt's, (Ed)...... Mar 845 phy" Oct20 6 1 Beminiscences, Julia Ward Howe's Turgenefi's, "Senilia " Apr 14 6 1 Jan 24 5 4 Uhlhora's, G.,"Christian Charity" Longstreet's, James H., letter to Oct 1 6 1 Grant onthe Porter case ...... Jan 1026 "Up from the Cape" July 18 6 1 Longstreet's, James H,, suit ..... Dec 22 8 2 Verne's "Godfrey Morgan "...Oct 861 Lonsdale's Lord, libel suit ...... Mar 413 Very's Jones, "Poems " Aug 2681 "Lordships" (Ed)...... Oct 944 Vincent's, M.B., "Gates into the Lorillard's, Pierre, gift of antiqui- Psalm Country" June27 6 1 ties ...... Junel2 5 4 Vincent's, M. B., «• Shadow of the Loring, Dr., attack ...... May 25 5 2 Pyrenees" ..May 161 Loring, Dr., movement against.. May 21 1 1 Wafles's, Eufus, "Handbook of Loring-Peacock, fight ...... June 28 1 5 Parliamentary Practice "....Aug 26 8 2 Loring, Prank L., convicted of fraud "Wagner, Bichard" ....May 28 6 1 Dec 8 1 1 " Wagner," Nohl's Nov 962 Lome, Lord, as Governor-General Walker's, JF. A., *« Political Econo- (Ed) ...... May23 4 3 myn.. .Jan 19 6 1 New-York, in ...... Jan 31 5 3 Washington, reception ...... Jan 27 5 2 281 Lotos Club. Annual meeting...... Apr 355 ,...... ? e i Dinner, informal ...... Apr 15 7 2 Ward's, Anna L., "Surf and Dinner to Mayor Edson ...... Jan 1423 Wave" July 462 Elects officers ...... Mar 18 2 5 Ware's, Wm B., " Modern Per- Ladies' Day ...... Feb '27 5 2 spective" May 25 6 1 Beception to Henry Irving____Oct 28 2 3 I Warner's, Chas. D., "A Bound " Saturday Nights "...... Ocfc 771 About Journey " Dec 25 6 1 Lotteries and mails (Ed) ...... Dec 443 "Webster, Daniel," Lodge's..July 882 Lottery Company, Louisiana____Dec 2755 "Weed, Thurlow " July 28 6 1 Lottery concerns on the frontier.Dec 26 1 3 Wheeler's, Eila, " Poems of Pas- Shops, descent upon...... Aug 223 sion" Aug26 8 1 Louisiana. "Whitman, Walt," Bucke's..June 861 Bond cases, letter from F. J. Lip- " White's. Wm. H., "Spinoza " pitt ...... June 30 7 1 Aug 161 Debt (Ed)...... May 143 Whittier's, John G.. "Bay of Seven Cession of ...... June 9 6 l i Islands" .. . Nov 961 Democratic convention ...... Dec 21 2 3; "Whittier," Underwood's....Nov 4 10 1 Election cases ...... Mar24 1 5! " Widow Bedott Papers " Mar 13 6 3 Election frauds (Ed) ...... Mar 31 4 4 " Wilberforce, Samuel" Aug 1982 Jails, condition of...... Jan 913 Williams's, Geo. F.. "Bullet and Sugar interests ...... Jan 13 2 2 Shell" Feb 961 Louisville, Ky., exhibition...... Aug 252 Williams's, Geo. W., " Negro Bace Low, Seth in America" Jan 5. Mar 25 Flatbush-ave., extension, on the WiUiams's, S. W., "The Middle Apr 12 8 4 , Kingdom" Nov 13 8 2 Mayor, renominateit for ...... Oct 18 5 4 ! " Williams's W. M.. "Science in Mayor, renominated for by citi- ! Short Chapters " June 10 8 1 zens...... Oct 772 Wilson's, Andrew. "Chapters on Mayor, re-elected...... Nov 755 Evolution" May 461 Message...... Jan 931 William's, B. p.. "Mosaics of Becord(Ed) ...... Apr 15 6 2 Grecian History " Dec 28 6 1 Becord(Ed) ...... Oct 26 4 3 Wills's, C. J., "Land of the Lion Speech, Brooklyn New-England andSun" July 15 8 1 "Boc. dinner ...... Dec 22 5 4 Winter's,Wm.,"English Banibles" New-England Soc. (N. Y.) din- ]STovl8 8 1 ner ...... Dec23 2 6 Yorke's, J. F., "Notes onEvolu- Speech, Silk Asso. dinner ..... Mar 1652 tion " May 19 6 1 Zimmem's, Helen. "Epic of Lowell, James Bussell. Kings" . ..May 861 Fielding, on ...... Sept 17 6 1 Literature, American, an English Iiondon,in ...... Dec23 4 3| criticon Feb 961 liectorof St. Andrews University | Literature, art offiction(Ed)..Dec 965 elected ...... Nor23 1 1 Literature'Cable's lecture Dec 724 Speech, Dulwich College ...... Aug 18 6 l l Literature, fashion of abbreviated Speech, Irving banquet ...... July 1654; (Ed) . Dec 264Lowville Post-Office contest....Feb 27 1 6 ! Litei ature and the sta^e (Ed). .July 1643 Loyson, Madame Hyaciuthe, sketch i Literature, who reads an Ameri- of ...... Decl6 9 5! can book (Ed) Dec 23 8 4 Luby, John A., concerning...... Nov28 1 5 Livingston declared a free port. Apr 10 2 1 Ludlow street jail, abuses ...... June 20 8 4 Locker family Mar 18 4 6 Lumber, duties on (Ed) ...... Jan 24 4 4 Locomotive torpedoes (Ed) Feb. 842 Lumber, tariff on(C)...... ------Jaa 955 NEW.YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

Li—Lunacy. Date.Pg.Cl. M-Manderson. J)ate.Pg.Cl. "Lunacy Reform "Mann's paper McLane, Robert M., nominated for Jan 25 5 4 Gov. of Maryland... Sept 20 2 1 Lundburg, Charles, disappearanceof McLean, John R. (Ed) Aug 21 4 4 Sept 751 McLean, John R., charges against Luther, Battle hymn Novll 4 2 Sept 19 5 2 Luther's birth celebrated (Ed).Aug 843 McLean-Pendleton quarrel (Ed) Luther's birthday (Ed) Nov 10 4 5 Sept 13 4 3 Luther celebration (Ed) NOT12 4 2 McNamara sent to prison Oct23 2 6 Luther celebration Novl2 2 2 McPherson, John R\, card concern- Lutheran festival (Ed) Nov 11 6 3 ing Rusling Jan 15 5 3 Lyddy Brothers'claim (C) Nov 22 5 2 Letter concerning charges of Lyman, Charles, made Civil Service blackmail Feb 632 Examiner May 11 1 4 Re-elected U. S. Senator Jan 25 1 3 Record, Army May 13 1 4 Tariff bill, on the Apr25 1 2 Lynch, Eugene, case of Octal 1 1 McSweeney, the silver-tongued (Ed) Lynch law, increase of (Ed) Nov 29 4 3 June 28 4 4 Lynch law in Iowa (Ed) July 26 4 3 MacVeagh, Wayne, evidencein Star Lyon, Jas. S., sent to prison Aug 14 1 3 Route trials Feb 13 2 3 Madagascar Jan 28 9 2 M. Sees us, as (Ed) Mar 11 6 4 McCann. Chas. G.,case of Oct25 1 2 Country and its people Mar 20 2 1 McCarthy, Florence, case of June 481 Island, aspect oi (C) Feb 434 Charges against June 16 8 1 Mystery Nov 11 6 4 McCarthy, Justin, on the Irish as- Soldiers Aug 20 8 4 sassins Feb 20 1 4 Sympathy for Mar 14 5 1 McKay, N..-S teams fight Dec 30 2 4 Treaty Mar 20 2 1 McClure, A. K., charged with libel Treaty ratified Mar 14 5 1 Mar 315 Madden, "Billy " Mar26 6 4 McCook, Anson G., made Secretary Madison alumni dinner Dec 18 5 5 of United States Senate Dec 14 1 1 Maginnis, Martin, oration May 17 2 2 McCord, Robert G., made Excise Magowan, John Hall, ordained June 25 2 6 Commissioner Mar 14 2 2 Malione Wi lliam. McCormick's, R. C., reminiscences Address, Virginia election—Nov 1923 of Gambetta Jan 17 3 1 Address, Virginia election (Ed) McCosh, James, speech, Princeton JS'ov21 4 2 Alumni dinner April 5 3 Arraignment of, by Dezendorf McCulloch, Hugh, interview....Nov 10 2 1 May 14 1 1 McCune, W. J., interview May 17 1 5 Cameron disagreement.... May13 1 4 McDaniel, Henry D., made Governor Domination Apr 26 5 4 of Georgia Apr25 1 2 Interview * June 816 McDennott, James, June 9 Interview Aug 14 5 3 Aug 8, 15. Sept 19 Interview Dec 28 3 4 Macdonald, A. E., speech at Lotos Resign, asked to Dec 623 Club dinner to Mayor Edson...Jan 14 2 6 Maid oi the Mist July 29 10 2 McDonald-Cleveland (Ed) July 13 4 3 Maid of the Mist(C) Aug 26 3 3 McDonald, Jos. E. and the Presi- Mail (See Postal.) dency (Ed) Apr 16 4 3 Mail companies, private May 581 Tariff, and the (Ed) May 31 4 4 MacDougall, Clinton D., vindicated Maine. Nov 113 Cruelty act (Ed) Apr 16 4 4 Mace, "Jem" arrest of Jan 30 2 4 Death penalty Mar 15 5 1 McElroy, Owen, flight of Dec 615 Elections, city Mar 615 McEnery, Saml. D.,renominatedfor "Garcelon steal" (Ed) Nov 26 4 5 Gov. of Louisiana Dec 21 2 3 Governor Robie's staff Jan 13 1 5 McGarrahan claim Mar 10 1 5 Legislature met Aug 30 5 2 McGarrahan claim (Ed) Nov27 4 3 Legislature organized Jan 526 McGeoch, Peter, failure of June 17 1 6 Prohibitory amendment Feb 952 Failure, details June 19 1 6 Prohibition convention June 1555 Career of July 421 Majors, Thomas J., case or Feb 25 5 3 Operations in lard Nov 18 7 3 Majunga, bombardment of June 16 1 1 McGeoch-Fowler controversv..June 526 Malagasy Embassy, arrival of..Mar 414 McGillicuddy, Agent, caseof.Feb24, 26 Envoys entertained by the Con- Me Henry, James, his fight with the gregational Club Mar 27 2 3 Erie Novl4 8 1 Envoys strangled Nov 412 McHenry, James, interview. Dec 27 3 2 Ports bombarded June 211 McKay, Robert, arrest of Nov 4 14 1 Treaty,flawin (Ed) Mar 743 MeKelway, St. Clair, made Regent Malarial fever (Ed) Aug28 4 4 of the University '.Jan 11 2 5 Malo, Salvador, banquet Feb 954 Malpractice, Carman case .Apr 29 7 4 HIcKeon. John. Malta, Knights of (C) Dec 16 3 6 Charges against Juno* 924 Malta and the Maltese (C) Dec 23 4 6 Charges sent to Gov. Cleveland Man, evolution of Feb 18 9 1 AuglO 8 1 Man.the haunted (Ed) Aug 19 6 4 Death of Nov23 2 2 Man with a ladder ^JEd) July 31 4 2 District-Attorney, as (Ed) May 28 4 2 Manderson, Chas. F., made U. S. Howe quarrel Sept 27 8 1 Senator from Nebraska Feb 113 Mackonochie's punishment. July 22 1 2 Sketchof , Feb 345 66 INDEX TO THE

—Manet. Date.Pg.Cl M—Merchandise. Date.Pg.Cl. Manet, Edouard, death of (Ed).May 3 4 Governorship (Ed) Sept 20 4 3 Manhattan Beach Co.lands ...... Jan 6 2 (See also Butler.) Manitoba, grievances in ...... Nov 18 1 Legislature, longest session ever Industrial notes (C) ...... July 15 8 held July 28 5 Mineral wealth of ...... Nov 28 5 Legislature organized Jan 4 Mann's, JEd. C., paper " Lunacy Re- Legislature, pay of members in- form " ...... Jan 25 5 creased .' July 17 5 3 Manners (Ed) ...... Mar 16 4 [Republican convention Sept 20 1 6 Manning, John B., elected Mayor of Senatorial contest Jan 12, 13, 14 Buffalo ...... - ...... Jan 10 1 15, 16, 17, 18 Manufacturers, driving away (Ed) Hoar re-elected Jan 19 1 1 Nov 17 4 State House, white ants Nov 16 1 2 Manufacturers and the tariff ( Ed )Oct 16 4 Wages in (Ed* June 13 4 3 Map, French positions near Chinese (See also Boston.) frontier ...... Dec 21 1 Massey, John E.—Wise controversy Mapleson, J. H., interview ...... Apr 27 5 (Ed) Feb23 4 3 Patti's costumes, on (Ed) ...... Nov 16 4 Matches, regulations regarding.Apr 26 5 5 Reply to Mme. Nilsson's charges Matthews, Charles, cause of his Apr 4 4 death Dec 8 10 1 Marine casualties (See Shipwrecks.) Matthews, Francis H., arrest of Feb 28 1 4 Marine Hospital, permanent (Ed) Matthews, Commissioner, in the Nov HO 4 lobby (Ed) Mar 16 4 4 Marine Medical Service (Ed)...Mar 2 4 Matthews, Wm. T.—Maury fight Mario, recollections of, Paris (C)Dec 30 May 24 5 2 Maritime record ...... Jan i) Maury, Mytton—Matthews fight Market, Washington, rebuilding.Tuly 24 May 24 5 2 Marquand, Frederick, bequest..Mar 23 Maverick, "Sam" (Ed) Aug 28 4 5 Marriage in England (C) " G. W. S." Maxwell's, R. A., administration as July 1 State Treasurer (Ed) Sept 22 4 3 Marriage, interesting statistics (Ed) Maynard, Isaac H., (Ed) Oct 644 Dec 1 Mayo, W. K., case of June 11 1 2 Marriage at tender ages...... Nov 4 Mayor Edsou. (See Edson), Marriage, theories of (Ed) Mar 29 4 Mays, II. F., concerning Dec 20 4 Marriage, the word " obey " (Ed)Oct 21 6 Meade's oldwar horse Mar 1 5 2 Marriages, spring fever (Ed).. .Mar 23 4 Meagher, W., and "Hungry Joe ".. Married infun (Ed) Dec 16 6 Jan 23 5 3 Marriage and divorce, Congrega- Meats, canned (Ed) Sept 25 4 4 tional Club discussion Dec 4 5 Mediaeval liberty (Ed) Nov 1944 (See also Divorce) Medical: Code of ethics Apr 1, May 1 Marriott, Jas. H., concerning-.Jnno 3 12 3, Oct 5 Marsh, O. C., (Ed) Juiy 27 4 Code of ethics (Ed) Feb 5 4 3 Marshall, G, H., arrest of Apr 10 5 Code of ethics, Dr. Barker's Marston, Edward, on copyright. Jan 25 5 amendments defeated Oct 19 5 2 Martin, A. P., elected Mayor of Bos- Convention, Cleveland June 6 1 3 ton Dec 12 1 Diplomas, peddling Dec 30 2 3 Martin, Jas. J., sent to prison. .Juno 14 8 Dispute, public interest in (C)May 27 5 o Martin, John A., interview Jan 12 2 Factions May 29 5 2 j Martin, John II., declared insane " Homoeopathy " J. J. Mitchell's Apr 7 8 address Feb 14 7. 3j Martineau, Harri et, statue Dec 27 1 Jurisprudence Society Jan 10 3 2 i Martinez, Alonzo, charges against Marine service (Ed) Mar 244 Apr 30 1 Notes Jan 7 Mark, Karl, memorial meeting.Mar 20 1 Mar 11, Apr 17, Dec 9, 25, 26 Profession, D. B. St. John Hoosa's Maryland. address June 15 S 4 Democrats, demoralized (Ed).Aug 1G 4 3 Society, County, meeting Jan 30 1 4 Election Nov 7 5 1 Society New-York State met at Governor Hamilton's address to Albany Feb 751 the people Aug 13 1 1 Tragedy at Hounsiow (Ed) Feb 1243 Republican convention Sept 29 Medicine and sanitary science (Ed) Whipping post Jan 30 1 5 Dec 9 6 4 Mason, Andrew, sketch of Apr "21 1 1 Medico-Legal Soc. meeting Mar 8 ~lason, John A., should he be par- Menagerie job (.JEd) Oct 7 6 3 doned (Ed) Nov 24 4 3 Medill, Joseph, interview.. Apr 12 2 2 Pardoned Nov 25 1 4 Speech, Lotos Club dinner Apr 15 7 2 Mason. Mrs. Sergeant (Ed) Apr 15 6 4 Testimony Sepfc 27 8 2 Masonic Temple, tire Dec 2 2 4 Meeker, Joiin July 17 5 1 Masonry, Supreme Grand Councils Mehrer, Unas. W., case of Oct 7 2 3 July 12 8 1 Melville, Geo. W., on the Greely ex- Massachusetts. pedition Sept 23 6 6 Democratic convention .Sept 27 2 1 Melville family trouble Jan 12 1 5 Democratic machine (Ed) Sept 29 4 2 Melville, J. Henry, arrest of Nov 22 1 o Democratic views (Ed> May 844 Memphis, Tenn., debt May 1513 Education, report of State Board Memphis, Tenn.", prosperity Sept 23 7 4 Jan 19 1 3 Men, young, looking after (Ed) .Nov 11 6 4 Election Nov 711 Mercantile Exchange Jan 310 2 Official returns Dec 215 Merchandise, undervaluation, of. Deo 225 NEW-YORK: DAILY TRIBUNE FOR isss.

M-Meredith. Date.Pg.Cl M—Mitchell. Date.Pg.Cl. Meredith, S. M., flight of Nov 22 1 Milk, Granulated, Co ...... July 29 12 2 Mertens, Edward, flight of May 10 1 Milk and infectious diseases (Ed) Merian, Peter Mar 2 4 Nov 525 Merriam, C. H., on the Greely Col- Milk may be infected, how (Ed)Nov 1864 ony May 5 2 Milk, pure ...... Feb 21 2 3 Merriman, E. C., letter from—Feb 20 2 Milksupply ...... Marl2 8 3 Merritt, E. A , on English Civil Ser- Milk supply (Ed) ...... Mar 17 4 4 vice (Ed) Jan 6 4 3 Milk supply (Ed) ...... Mar25 Methodist (See Religious.) Milk and typhoid fever (Ed)______Nov 27 Methusalem, Prince July 6 5 1 Milk war ...... Mar 14 Metropolitan Museum of Art, an- 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 nual meeting Feb 13 3 1 Milky way, war of the (Ed) ..... Mar 19 4 4 Addition, valuable May 1 ;>5 3 Millard, M., night of ...... Oct 112 Loan exhibition Nov 6 5 2 Miller's, Joaquin, wife ...... May 861 Metropolitan Opera House, stock- Miller, Warner, speech at Albion, holders' meeting May 24 5 1 N.Y ...... SeptSO 2 5 Description of May 27, Aug 19 Adirondacks, on the ...... Dec 31 3 3 Oct 21 (Ed) ...... Sept25 4 2 Sizeof Nov 12 5 2 Tribute ...... Nov 23 5 5 Mexican Drainage Co Mar 27, 31 Mills, Clark, will of ...... Jau 2745 Mexican veterans, meeting of...Dec 332 Mills's, D. O., gift to California. Dec 30 2 3 Milii, Geo. C., letter from ...... Mar 654 Mexico. Mineral Waters, artificial ...... Jau 22 3 3 Congress adjourned June 19 1 Debt June 2, July 22, Nov 15 Mines and Mining. Differential duties Dec 27 1 Adventurer, fortunate (Ed)... Jan 29 4 4 Forest, wealth of (Ed) June 24 6 Alaska, resources of ...... J an 15 5 5 Legislative business, how done (C) Arizona's bullion product (Ed) June 30 7 Mar 545 Loan, new Oct20 1 Belleville troubles ...... May31 1 Mission work (C) July 8 5 Diamond mine disaster ...... Mjar27 1 5 President Gonzaies's message.Apr 3 1 Ely troubles...... July 814 Progress Nov 22 2 Elyminers, revolt...... July 913 Politics and industries (C) Oct 14 3 Gold near Ellen ville, N.Y.....Dec 422 Reciprocity treaty Feb 20 2 Hibernia Silver Co., troubles. Mar 25 2 5 (Ed) - Feb 21 4 Lisbon, Dakota, ''boom" ...... Nov 30 5 3 Reciprocity with (Ed) Aug 9 4 Mania (Ed) ...... Mar 1 4 4 Trade with Mar 16 4 Mines vs. Bourbons (Ed) ...... May B 4 2 Treaty with Germany Aug 15 1 United States relations (C)...Aug 13 2 Minnesota. Mezzeroff, "Professor " (Ed).. .May 11 4 Democratic convention ...... Aug 312 Michel, Louise Jaji 22, June 22, 24, Election, Gov. Hubbard re-elected July 10 Nov 752 (Ed) Feb IS 4 Industrial .notes (C) ...... July 15 3 6 Michigan. Prohibition convention...... July 1255 Election Apr 3 1 Republican convention ...... June 28 1 2 Election May 9 1 Sabin made U. S. Senator ...... Feb 213 Prohibition amendment lost...Apr 26 1 Topics (C) ...... Mar 21 2 2 Republican convention Mar 1 1 Tornado ...... Aug 23, 24 « Senatorship Jan 6, Mint, Philadelphia, annual report Feb 16,17 July 815 Senatorship, Palmer elected..Mar 2 1 Mint, report of the Director.....Nov 522 "Middle class" comparisons (Ed) Miracles, modern (Ed)...... Dec 964 Oct 14 6 Miragoaiie, bombardment of____May 2515 Midgets married, two -.... Mar 8 8 Mirzan, Stephen P ...... Feb 22 3 4 Midhat Pacha, reported release of... ^Misinformation by wholesale (Ed) Oct 20 1 Aug 15 4 3 Midsummer Day (Ed) June 24 6 Mississippi. Midsummer madness (Ed) June 13 4 Election...... Nov 751 MHford, Penn, growth of (C)....Sept 2 9 Election methods (C)...... Nov 625 Military. Levees give way ...... Mar 29 5 1 Camp of Instruction...... June 17 1 Political murder ...... Nov 16 1 4 Close of July 29 2 Political murder. Matthews.. .Dec 14 2 3 Code, provisions of the proposed... Political murders (C) ...... Nov 29 2 1 Mar 24 5 Politics, Chalmers and Lynch.Sept 314 History of various regiments.May 27 9 Republican convention ...... June 13 1 4 National Guard, defects Sept 20 5 River improvementSjCapt.Hener's Report of Ad.}utant-General Jan 1 1 report ...... July 28 5 3 Service Institute Jan 11 8 River improvements, report to (See also Army.) Congress ...... Feb 25 5 2 '• Military Service," Webb's paper.. Storm, great ...... Apr24 1 1 Dec 14 8 Storm, details ...... Apr 25 5 V, Milk, condensed, manufacture and Missouri bond case ...... Juiy 24 8 1 sale of May 14 2 Bonds, redemption of...... ____Jan 16 1 5 Milk as a disease-carrier <,Ed)..Nov 9 4 Mistral, Jean, case of (Ed) ...... May 31 4 4 Milk as a disease-carrier (C) Nov 18 9 Mitchell, J. J., address on " Homoe- Milk Exchange Mar 29 2 opathy" ...... Feb 14 7 3 INDEX OF THE

M—Mitchell. Date.Pg.Cl. M—Murder. Date.Pg.Cl. Mitchell's, Maggie, sister Nov 1534 " Twin relic of barbarism M (Ed).. Mitchell, R. C., case of July 15 1 4 Oct 31 4 4 Mitchell, Wm. P., sketch of....May 10 2 1 Morrill, J. s,, speech, silver coinage Mitton, Thomas, letters Oct 7 4 1 Dec 6 2 1 Modjeska, Mine., interview April 5 1 (Ed'» Dec 742 Moltke at eighty-five .Nov 13 4 6 Replv to Sherman—tariff revision Monaco and its rulers (C) Aug 13 2 1 Apr 30 2 1 Monasterio, Madame, and her Morrill, Lot M., death of Jan 11 2 6 family May26 1 2 Eulogy, Senator Young's Jan 13 1 5 Monasferio abduction case Apr 924 Morrisania, lawlessness in Apr 1381 Monasterio scandal, Paris(C) Apr 15 3 6 Morrison, Col., on Pres. Arthur's Monck, Dr., apostolic surgeon(Ed) message (Ed) Dec 743 Apr 163 Morrison, Ed. A., on H, O. Thomp- ,MoncK, "Dr " exposed Apr 16 son Marl7 5 1 29, May 6, June 1 Morrow, A. P., case of May 24 'Monck, ** Dr.," again Dec 832 28, Nov 10,15 Money (See Finance.) Sentence mitigated Nov 17 2 2 Money, teaching the love of (Ed) Mar 25 6 4 Morse, Salmi, case of. Jan 6 " Monomania," Hammond's paper Feb 25, 26, 28, Mar 14, 26, Apr 4 Feb 924 June 1 Monroe idea, applications of (Ed) Dec 22 6 2 Morse, Salmi, case of (Ed) Mar 1864 Moiitagne, Annie, concerning...Sept 30 1 6 Morse memorial Mar 613 | Montana. Mortality statistics (Ed) Dec 844 Exploring(C) Aug 26 5 3 Morton, Mrs. E. G., concerning.Sept 22 1 6 Flathead Lake to Marias Pass(C) Mosquito theory, great (Ed) Dec 25 4 5 Sept 16 5 1 Mothering Sn nday (Ed) Mar 464 McDonald's Peak (C) Sept 210 1 Moths, mysteries of July 8 12 4 Notes May 722 Mott^Wilson case June 374 Sketches (C) July22 3 4 Mount Etna eruptions Mar 22 1 4 Montreal carnival Jan 24 5 3 Mount Etna, eruptions Mar 25 9 1 Moody andSankey, arrival of-.May 751 Month and cue (Ed) Apr 943 Moon,congratulating the(Ed)..Oct 144 Moving-day (Ed) .. Apr 29 6 3 Mooney, James, interview Feb 24 1 2 Mulberry tree June 10 3 5 Moore, A. W., testimony, Star Route Mulhattan, "Joe" (Ed) Sept 113 trial .Jan24 2 1 Mulhattan, "Jos" (Ed) Sept 17 4 5 Moore, Henry, assault June 513 Mullen, H. E., case of July 623 Moore, J. S., and Free Trade (Ed) Mullett, A. B., protests (Ed) Apr 12 4 4 Jan 444 Mullett, Joseph, sentenced for life Letter, Ta riff Reform Jan 4 5 5 May 11 1 1 Moore, John H., case of Jan 1982 Mundy, Wm.H., acquitted Jan 10 8 1 Moore, Mary June 22 5 5 Mundy, Wm. H., case of May 2510 1 Munich, life and manners m (C) Morbid sentiment (Ed) Mar 25 6 4 May 13 3 4 Mordaunt, Mrs. Frank, case of .Feb 25 Municipal reports (Ed) Aug 21 4 3 Mar 9, 24 Municipal Society affairs Jan 710 3 Morel, Arthur, case of June 3 12 1 Munkacsy, Michael, visit; Paris Morgan, Edwin D. (C) Juue24 4 6 Deathof Feb 14 1 6 Murder. Funeral of Feb 17 5 1 Alberto, Francisco Mar 19 8 1 Reminiscence.E. P. Roe Feb 2626 Barrows, Thomas Nov 25 7 4 Sermon, Van Dyke's Feb 19 3 1 Bell, Mrs Mar 19 1 3 WUlof Feb 21 8 1 Borden, J. Lane June 17 1 5 Willof JMar 633 Boyd, Alfred Dec 3 1 2 Morgan's, D. P., "Chaff" Dec 2 10 4 Bruggy,Rebecca April 8 1 Morgan, Henry T., will of Feb 13 3 4 Buchan, Jno. G Feb 811 Morgan, John, killing of Aug 8, Burns, Zora Oct 21 1 5 13, 20 Sept 2 Capobiaco, Gaetano Mar 12 1 4 Morgan, Wm. F., sketch of Dec 23 11 6 Carlton, Amero, indicted for..May 911 Morley, John Mar 16 2 3 Carey, James July 31 1 4 Morley, John, and Parliament (Ed) Cetewayo, King (reported) July 2616 Feb 13 4 3 Cheever, A. C Oct31 1 1 Morley, W.R., killed Jan 455 Cheever, Greening's trial Dec 17 Mormonism. 18, 19 Church, semi-annual conference Chisholm, Ella June 24 1 4 (Ed) Oct 764 Clark, Rose Sept 413 Conference at Kirtland, O Apr 624 (Ed) Sept 10 4 2 Nuisance that must go (Ed). .Nov 1643 (Ed) Septl5 4 3 Problem (Ed) Feb 644 (Ed) -.SeptoO 6 2 Problem(Ed) Dec 143 inquest, verdict Sept 30 1 1 Problem (Ed) Dec 842 Cliugau, R. L July 12 1 5 Problem (Ed) Dec 16 6 2 Couaisky, Richard Mar 12 1 4 Problem, new solution (Ed) ...Oct 11 4 4 Conrad, L. L Aug 816 Report of Gov. Murray, of Utah... Cookefainily Jan 355 Oct 16 5 3 Crouch, JacobD Mar 23 ] 3 Report of Utah Commissioners Oct 31 1 1 Daghiro, Maggiorini Dec 124 Suppression of, Rosecrans's bill Davis, Walter Apr 28 1 3 Nov 30 5 5 (Ed) May 444 HfEW-YOBK DAILY TRIBUNE FOB 1883. 69

M—Murder. Dat&.Pg.Cl. M—Music. Date.Pg.Cl. Dietz, August „ Ang 13 1 5 Murphy, c. W., horsewhipped..Nov 115 Dukes, N. L June 14 1 1 Murphy, Michael C., influence at (Ed) June 16 4 3 Albany (C) Mar 19 1 6 ZSTutttrial Dec 613 Murphy, Thomas, charged with fraud Elliott, "Jim " Mar 251 Aug 29 8 1 Executions (See Executions). Murray, Justice (Ed) Dec 644 JTiizer, Albert Get 25 1 3 Defence '. Dec 12 8 3 Gibbons, Craft found guil ty.. - Feb 24 1 3 Becord ol Dec 18 2 5 Glenn, Joseph 1 Apr 415 Murray, W. EL H., career of Apr 415 Gunter, Olive Dec 25 1 5 Divorce, on Oct 816 Hanier, McGloin sentenced to be Interview..- Apr 652 banged Feb 381 Murray ou Paul (Ed) Oct 944 Haughn, Judge July IS 2 2 Murray, Bohert, sketch of Nov 24 5 3 Haverstick, W.H Mar2u 1 4 Mursell, Arthur, on the stage.. .Nov 25 8 2 Haymaker, O. V Nov 27 1 6 Murtha, Wm. H., sketch of Apr 28 1 1 Herson, Geo Aug 20 1 5 Murtha and Tammany (Ed) June 14 4 4 Hiephema, King Dec 15 1 4 Mutual Trust Co., officers resign Houvet, Desire Mar J 1 4 May 13 2 3 Johnson, E. F Bee 514 Joyce, Mary June 5 2 2 Music. Keenan, Peter Nov 516 "Africaine" Mar31 5 1 Keenan, Conroy found guilty...Dec 10 10 1 "Aida" Apr24 4 6 Keenan, Couroy sentenced to be "Aida," Patti Nov 29 5 1 hung Dec 21 8 1 Archer's organ recitals Jan 23 Keilaher, Michael Feb 514 Oct 16 Kemlo, James Sept 19 8 1 Arion Society concert (Kd) Apr 23 4 6 Kenney, John ]STov i3 1 4 "Barber"..! Nov 24 5 1 Lei>non, Kenny, found guilty. .Jan 28 7 2 Bayreuth festival, circular ...Mar'^6 5 3 McMillan, Newton, found guiliy Berguer, F., concert Apr 1751 July 813 " Bettelstudent " Oct '.>Q 5 3 McLaughlin, Charles Dec 14 1 5 " Bettelstudeat " , Oct22 5 1 Macduff, William Apr 28 5 I "Boccaccio" May 17 5 1 Mallon, Francis May 582 " Carmen " ....Mar31 5 1 Matthews, J. P., details Dec 14 2 3 Carter's organ recital Feb 25 7 1 i .Maybee, Lydia Nov 19 1 1 Casino concert Jan 846 u Menow,Wm. J bept 413 Casino summer concerts July 871 Mills, Elizabeth Oet 773 Chamber concerts Nov 21 4 6 Moore, Christopher July 16 8 3 Church Choral Union concert Juno 151 Moore, Mary E Mar 672 Copyright in (Ed) JbVb 25 6 4 Moylan, John Dec 21 1 4 " Countess Dubarry " Feb 10 5 1 Neal,JohnA May 413 '• Countess Dubarry " Feb 13 5 1 Nichols, Henry July 30 8 3 " Don Giovanni " Apr 746 Noreniac, Elizabeth Aug 24 8 2 " Don Giovanni " Nov-29 5 1 Parmenter, F. J Dec 10 5 3 •'Elijah" Mar 851 Pauline, Phnebe Nov 27 10 1 English Glees concert May 3 5 2 Coroner's verdict Dec 29 3 1 "Ernani" Nov2t 5 1 Plunket, O. F Nov 25 5 1 "Estrella" — Dec 12 4 5 Posey, Jas. T Dec26 1 2 " Faust" Mar 13,Nov 3, Dec 4, Batel, Peter Apr 23 1 5 11, 17 Bivero, Don Alonso May 752 "Favorita" Mar29 5 1 Buddy, James- Nov 26 1 2 Festival, Boston...May 2, 3, 4, 5, (5, 7 Samou confesses Dec 414 Festival, Buffalo July 17 5 5 Byan, James Oct 11 1 6 Festival, Connecticut July \ 7 5 5 Schittig, Caspar Oct 13 5 3 Festival^ Memphis May 16 5 1 Sheppard, Win. F Aug 12 1 5 Festival, Philadelphia....May 1U, 11, Simpson, Bobert July 10 1 5 Skerrett, Nicholas Aug 19 1 5 Festival, Pittsburg May 251 Smith, Matthew ..May 781 "Flying Dutchman" Mar 22 4 6 Somerfield, Elizabeth Dec 27 1 2 "Flying Dutchman" Apr 346 Stamminger, Win Oct 125 "Gazza Ladra" Patti Nov 10 5 1 Steffens, Diedrich Apr 18 1 6 "Gioconda" Dec 18 5 1 Strong, E. Q, May 25 5 3 "Gioconda" Dec 21 5 1 Sunderlin, Hannah S Apr 914 "Heart and Hand " ....Feb 16 5 1 Szekhely, Count Mar 31 1 4 Heinrich concert Nov 16 5 1 Wangenheim Mar 21 1 2 Hopekirk, Helen, piano recital Ward, Charles and Fred Apr 25 5 5 Dec 22 4 6 Wethera, Treglown found guilty Italian opera, vicissitudes Oct 21 9 5 Feb 285 Joseffy's, Baphael, concerts....Jan 12, Wilcheskey, Isaac Feb 252 Feb 9, Mar 9, Apr 24 Woodinansee,Moore Nov 29 1 3 " L'Elisir d'Amore " Dec 851 Zimbrick Jan 24 5 3 " L'Etoile du Nord " Apr 10 5 1 (See also Shooting.) " L'Etoildu Nord Apr 14 5 1 Murder, justifying (Ed) Nov 17 4 4 Lenox Hill Vocal Soc. concert.Jan 21 7 1 Insanity, plea of (Ed) Mar 242 Liederkranz Soc. concert Apr 1651 Murderous law (Ed)...„ Apr 16 4 4 " Lieutenant Helene " Nov 13 5 3 Murcb, saloon statesman (Ed)...Oct 27 4 4 " Linda di Chamoimi " Nov 651 INDEX TO THE

M~Mttsic. - - K—Navy. Date.Pg.Cl. Lowell, Augusta, organ recital-^.. Tlmrsby, Emma, concerts Jan 3, 5, 4 6 12, 14 " Lohengrin "...... Apr 12, Nov8, 18 Tretbar's concerts ...... Jan 5.11 "Lucia"" Marll Trinity Church con cert ...... Nov 251 " Lucia," Patti. Nov 20 "Trovatore" ...... Mar 15 4 6 " Marta " Nov In "Trovatore" ...... Oct 27 4 6 " Mascotte" Mar 20, Sept 25 "Virginia" ...... Jan 8, 10, 23 " Melistoi'ele " Dec 6 Wag-nerism (Ed ) ...... Mar 11 6 3 " Merry Duchess " Sept 9 White's Organ exhibition... . Jan 24 5 1 " Merry War" May 22 "Zara" ...... Feb 8 5 1 Metropolitan Opera House open- "Zenobia" ...... An? 22 4 6 in^ . Oct 23 '• Music, Dictionary of " ...... Sept 2 1 (> 1 "Messiah" Dec 28 Music of the future (Ed .) ...... Kept 1 (> fi 5 "Messiah" Dec 23 "Music," Bitter's ...... Nov 23 (> 1 "Micaela" Fe6 27 Music, no ear for (Ed)...... Dec 27 4 4 " Mignou " Nov 1 Music, an uninfluentiai influence Mozart Musical Union May 15 I ! (Ed)...... July 164 New-York Chorus Society Concerts Music, Kensington school opened Mar 14,18, Apr 15, Dec 20 May 8 5 2 Nilsson concerts Mar 20, 23, 2;> Myers, Allen O.. speech ...... Sept 29 1 2 "Norma". Oct 27 Norton-Gower's, Lillian, debut Nov 27 Nailal, E. S., concerniui? ..... Dec 17, 21 N Nas''l e, (> eo. , pardon of July 17 §X5;?; s; is, 16; le; 21; 22,^ 2! Name,, changing: one's ..... Si, Fob 1, 5, 6, 10, 13, 1 6, 17, 19, '31 Name, what's in a (Ed) ...... May 13 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Mar 2, 4? 0, 7 Name-writing nuisance (Ed) .. . Sept 17 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 21, 22,23,24, 2o Napoleon, Prince, arrest of ..... Jan 17 Exploit (Ed) ...... Juul8 JMauifas to, copy Ju,u 30 8 Released Feb 10 1 Nares, Geo. S., on the Greely Expedi- tion Sept 30 7 30, Dec 2, 6, 7,10, 23, 24 Nasal passages, growths Jan 28 9 Opera season Dec 26 National banks (See Baiilcs.) Operatic promises Oct 13 National defence (Ed) Dec 28 4 3 Oratorio Society concert Mar ^ 8 Natural History* Oratorio Society concert Nov 2.> Animals acquiring human speech " Paul andVirginia " Mar 29 Jaii 28 9 6 Philharmonic Club concerts... Jan 17 Bees, fertilizataon by Feb 25 9 1 Fel) 21, Mar 14, Apr 11, Nov 14 Birds, hovering of Mar 491 Philharmonic Society (Brooklyn) Caterpillars Sept 16 y 4 concerts Jaw 14 Caterpillars, horued Dec 25 3 4 Feb 4. Mar 4, Apr 1,22, Nov 4, 25 Fossil discoveries, Middletown, 1 Philharmonic Society (N. Y.) con- Coun Dec 19 1 1 | certs Jan 7 " Mol e," Wood's lecture Dec 30 2 3 I Feb 11, Mar 11, Nov 11, Dec 16 Pervasiveness Jan 21 9 1 | Pitch, change of Feb 17 Pine moth Apr'-'l 6 1 "Princess of Trebizonde"— May 6 Sea Klephants May 20 2 3 " Princesse des Canaries "—Sept, 11 Naturalists, Society of, session Dec 28, 29 " Prinz Methusalem" June28 Navarro's apartment houses Jan 16 " Puritan!" Oct 30 Navigation, Bureau, of, annual re- " Puritan! and Pagoletto" Dec 1 T " Redemption " in court (Ed). .Jan 21 port Nos 14 " Redemption " in court (Ed)..Feb 25 Jfavy. Decision Jan 24 Academy, cadets dismissed Mar 2 Repertories Oct 18 Sept la- '• liisro'.etto". .Mar 27, Oct 25, Nov 8, Cadets ontrial Sept 155 17, Dec 25 Commencement June 10 5 3 Condition and manageinent June 18 1 4 •' Roberto il Diavolo " Nov 20 Description of Mar 12 1 2 "Robinson Crusoe" Mar 28 Troubles Feb 1, 24 "St. Cecilia" Nov 23 Cadet eug-ineers, status -May 22 1 6 "Sutanelia" Apr 29 Claims tor prize money Nov 13 2 1 "sataoella" May 10 Compared witJ) other nations.. Feb 121 Serubrich's. Madame, debut....Oct 25 Cruisers,, proposed new ...... Mar 15 1 6 " Sem iramide " Mar 20 Cruisers, speed of ...... Sept 1610 " semiramide " Apr 1 Defences (Ed) ...... Dec 6, 15, 28 "Sonnanibula" Mar 18, Oct 23 Drunkenness ...... July 10 1 Nov 15 Engines of harbor defence____Jan 124 "Stabat Mater " Dec 17 Estimates ...... - ...... Jan 5 1 Standard Quartette Club concert Expenditures, unnecessary..June 25 1 j Mar 7, Apr 18 Longevity pay . - ...... Nov 13 2 Symphony Soc. concerts Jan 14; Monitors, unfinished ...... Jan 3 1 Feb 18, Apr 1, 29, Nov 18, Dec 9 Observatory, management of. Feb 1'^ " Traviata " Mar 25, Nov 6,13,17 Apr 9 Thomas continental trip Apr 1 6 6 Officers, compensation of ...... Feb 136 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

N—Navy. . Date.Pg^.Cl. N—New-York. Dale.Pg Cl- Officers sentenced Dec 15 5 2 Senatorship, Pike elected Aug 3 1 1 Orders Jan 5 Governor, Hale inaugurated. June 815 6, 7,12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 New-H.iven, Conn., new park (C) 23, Feb 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21 Aug 19 3 3 25, 28, Mar 2,4. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,13,15 New-Jersey. 17, 18, 20, 24, 28, 29, Apr 1, 3, 4, 6, Democratic convention Sept 1451 7, 11, 12, 14, !, 5J7. 20,21.22, 27, 28 Democratic generosity (Ed) ...Oct 243 May 14, 11, 12,13, IP. 20, 25, 26 Election Nov 71-5 June 1, 2, 7. 8, 9, 16. 20, 22, 28. 29 Off', vote N.v2S 3 -5 July 1, 6, 21,28, Aug 5,14, 15, 29, 31 Town April 1 r> Sept 12, 15, 38, 22, 29, Oct 7, 17, 18 Historical Society, meeting Jan 19 5 1 29, 30, Nov. 3, 20, 24, Dec 1,4, 8,12 National convention Aug 10 5 2 22 29, Patersoii, growth of June 10 5 5 Pilots (Ed) Oct 944 Republican convention... . Sept 19 1 6 Reorganization, proposed Fel> 13 1 t> (Ed) Sept 20 4 3 Reports, Admiral Porter's Nov 21 2 2 Republican, probably (Ed)...Sept 17 4 2 j Advisory Board Oct 27 1 tJ School statistics Nov 17 1 2 Bureau of Ordnance Nov 8 3 3 Senatorship ....Jan 22 2 4 Foreign Stations Nov 18 2 3 Senatorship (Ed) Jan 2ii 4 3 Secretary chandler's Dec 824 State tax Mar 22 2 3 Surgeou-Gen'l Nov 13 2 1 Vital statistics Mar 26 5 2 Ruins (Ed) Jan 26 4 4 Newman, Cardinal, and Sir Wm. Specialists Dec 2 3 3 Palmer (Ed) May 25 4 3 Training system, complaints..May 14 2 1 Newman, John P., on "Chinese Gor- Treasury attacks Feb 1 2 1 don" (Ed) Nov 22 4 4 "Uniform, new Nov 20 2 1 Sermons (See Sermons) Uniform order July 19 2 1 Speech, Brooklyn New-England Uniforms, six (Ed^ July 2(5 4 4 Soc. dinner Dec 22 f> 3 Vessels, condemned Feb 231 Speech, Chamber of Commerce Vessels to be sold June 22 5 3| banquet May 9 2 3 Wives of Naval Officers July 9 1 4 New-Orleans riot Dec 15 5 5 Yard, Norfolk, abuses..June 1, 2, 5, 6 News, "expansion" of (Ed) Nor 30 4 3 7, 8, Oct 25 Newsdealers' crusade .Sept 29, 30, Ocr, Yards, economy in June. 1114 2, 3, 4 Navy-Yard Commission, report.Dec 31 1 4 Newsdealers misunderstood(Ed)Oct 10 4 4 i Nebraska, Manderson made U. S. Newsdealers, our (Ed> Sept 25 4 4 i Seuaior Feb 113 Newsdealers and advertisers, ques- j Necrology (See Obituary.) tionsfor (Ed) Oct 11 4 4| Needy, remember the (Ed) Nov 29 4 4 Newsdealers and the public (Ed) I Negro. Sept 29 4 4 ! Civil Rights, and (Ed) Nov 1443 Newsdealers and The Tribune. .Sept 23 Editors in convention July 14 1 2 24, 25, 20,27 Educating, address of N. G. Hay- Newspapers (See Journalism.) good Aug 323 Newton, R. IJeber, arraigned...Apr 26 2 4 I Future of, Douglass's paper in Newton,Isaac, charges against.June 30 8 1 ; 1-Iarper's (Ed) Dec 744 Interview Jan 24 7 4 "History" Wiiliams's.Jan 5, Mar 25 President of Army of the Potomac^ | National convention, proposed (Ed) made May 17 2 1 i July 21 4 3 Newton, R. H., and the Press...Jan 14 9 3 • National convention Sept 252 1 New-Windsor, N. Y., centennial Problem answered (Ed) Sept 22 4 4 July 23 1 3 Soldiers in the Revolution (C) New-York. Dec 23 11 3 Apportionment scheme (Ed).May 243 Voter (Ed) Oct 27 4 2 Assessors nominated Ap'r 13 1 4 Neilson, Adelaide, poem Feb IS 9 2 Capitol, cost to complete Apr 6 2 l i Nelson, John, was he murdered Aug 23 8 2 Capitol, old (C) Aug 541' parliament opened Sept 18 1 5 Civil Service Reform (Ed) Dec 12 4 3 Neuendorf, Adolph. assignment Democratic convention Sept 29 1 1 June 29 1 4 Call Aug 24 1 1 Neuman, F.. career Aug 25 8 2 Educational policy (Ed) Jan 4 4 2 Nevada, Emma... . - June 452 Election Nov 711 Newburg, N. Y., Centennial celebra- Official canvass (City) Nov 22 3 3 tion . Oct 19 1 6 Official vote Dec / 3 :•> New-England harbor improvements Elections Feb 21 5 3 Aug 425 Greenback convention Sept 013 New-England Soc. (Brooklyn) din- Harbor Islands Dec 873 ner Dec 22 5 1 Indian problem (Ed) Pec 20 4 5 New-York Dec 2o 2 1 Legislature. (See Legislature.) Newett, W. H May 20 6 3 Politics: Albanv (C)'. Mar2G Newfoundland notes (C) Mar 27 2 ti May li, July 25 New-Guinea annexation scheme "Bottomfact" (Ed) Oct 24 4 2 July 21 1 4 Changes expected Jan T.8 5 1 New-Guinea (Ed) Dec 22 4 2 Republican address (Ed) Oct 543 New-Hampshire Senatorship con- Republican prospects (,Ed).-July 13 4 2 test June 14 to Aug 3 (See also Political,) 1 Senatorship (Ed)... .June 30, July 24 " Public Service"... Jan 30 6 1 Aug 4 " Public Service " Oct 30 6 1 INDEX TO THE

N—New-York. Date.Pg.Cl. N-Nutt. DaU.Pg.Cl. Report of State Controller Jan 1133 Niagara Falls, bill concerning, be- Republican convention Sept 2011 fore Legislature (Ed) Mar 843 Call Aug 16 1 1 Bridge, new Nov24 2 5 Scientific collections (Ed) Feb 844 Commission May 312 Senate, next (Ed) Get 11 4 3 Concerning (Ed) Feb 21 4 4 Spectacle, as a (Ed) ....May 10 4 4 Fables and facts of (C) Aug 19 3 5 Taxation, by counties May 28 5 5 Icebridge Jan 24 7 4 (Ed).... May 28 5 5 Landscape art (Ed) June 10 6 3 War claim June 16 5 2 Park, proposed July 1525 War claim Aug 11 2 3 Preservation of, Societ3'- organized New-York City. Jan 12 5 2 Brooklyn,question of uniting. June 391 Reservation (Ed) July 8 6 3 Burdens, piling up (Ed) Feb 243 Reservation (Ed) Sept 17 4 4 Bureaus, frauds in, Grand Jury Surroundings (C) Aug 655 charged Nov 13 8 1 Niagara and Yellowstone, letter Charter, Edson's...Feb 9, 10,Mar 20 from G. F. Parker Feb 11 5 4 (Ed) Feb 9 4 2 Nice to Carlo, letter from J. G. Wil- Charter legislation, proposed (Ed) son Marll 4 2 Mar 3 4 Nichols, S. P., sketch of Jan 10 3 1 Civil Service (Ed) Nov 17 4 Nicholson, J. W. A., career of.,.Apr 922 Civil Service, Mayor Edson's plan Nickerson, A. H., in Canada Get 726 Nov 16 8 "Nihilism" '..Apr 29 8 1 Mayor Edson's regulations...Dec 2 5 Nile, British influence (Ed) Nov 28 4 3 Civil'ServH-e. reforming (Ed)..Dec 2 6 Niles, Nathaniel, on Leon Abbett Contract frauds, extensive.Dec 9, 10, Oct26 4 5 11, 12, 18, 14 15,16, Nilsson, Christine, war with Col. 17, 19, 21, 24, 26,27 Mapleson Apr 751 (Ed)....Dec 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Nilsson-Gye suit May 11 1 1 16,17,19,28 Controller, Grant made Aug 4 1 Nineteenth Century Club Apr IS 5 2 Controller's office, Carroll robbery Nixon, Judge, charges against..Dec 19 1 3 Apr 12 1 Nobles, J. C., writes his own obitu- Coupons, system of paying (Kd) ary July 17 May 18 4 (Ed).. ..July 20 4 Debt, monthly statement Jan 5 10 Arrest of Sept 29 Defences of (Ed) Nov 18 6 Nordenskjold expedition Sept 22 1 2 Defrauded, how (Ed) Get 2 4 Nordhoff's//eraW (Ed)....» Nov 945 Departments (Ed) Get 12 4 Norman coast, on the (C) Aug 26 3 2 Departments, our wasteful (Ed) Norman turns informer Apr 20 1 1 Nov 24 Norristown Inssne Asylum case Districts, glances a.t \Ed) Get 31 (Ed) -Aug 13o 4 3 Elections, Republican primaries North American Continent" Sept 15 Oilman's lecture Jan 1033 Estimates Nov 1 North Carolina, Legislature organ- Estimates and expenses Aug 25 ized Jau 424 Expenditures (Ed) Jan 28 Tax bonds, special Jau 14 12 1 Expenses, cut down i Kd) Dec 20 North, Levi, horseman June 335 Finances, unexpended balances North, William Apr 921 (Ed) Dec 7 4 Northam's, Mrs. C. H., bequests Financial methods. Grand Jury Dec 275 presentment Aug 4 8 Fires (See Fires), Northcote, Stafford, blunders.... Get 1411 Funds, reckless use of (Ed)... Nov 10 4 Campaign, Ulster (Ed) Get 16 4 2 Future of (Ed) June 5 4 On John Bright June 19 1 1 Government of (Ed) Apr 3 4 North Pacific nomenclature Sept 12 4 4 Government, another investiga- Northrop, H. P.. made a Bishop.Feb 191 3 tion needed (Ed) May22 Northrop, Lyman H., sketch or.Apr 28 1 1 Government, need of radical treat. Northrop, Milton H., interview May 1714 ment (Ed) Feb 26 Norwegian Ministry, impeachment Government, work for a Grand of(Id) Get 545 Jury (Ed) net 19 4 4 Nott, Chas. D., on prohibition (Ed) Lighting, cost of'Ed) Apr 20 4 4 Get 142 Mayor (See Edson). Temperance, on Get 13 5 4 Officials, new (Ed) May 10 4 Nott, Chas. N., on Roosevelt Mar 6 5 Resources. June 18 3 3 N ovel, American (Ed) July 29 6 Sinking tanrl (.Ed) Apr 18 4 3 Novel, modern Mar 21 5 3 Sunday in May 13 9 1 Novel readers, rights of (Ed) Get 16 4 4 Tax rate for 1883 July "26 3 3 31 ovelist, every man his own.... Jan 22 6 1 Tax-rate (Ed) Nov 1 4 4 Nugent, John, sent to prison...July 31 8 1 Taxation, inci eased (Ed) Dec 31 4 3 Nuisances, public (Ed) Sept 1662 ««New-York C;ty," Crosby's lecture Nurses, American,inRome (Ed)Mav 13 6 6 Mar 2 2 1 JNTnrses, directory '. .Jan 2044 New-York, \V. C. Con ant'a paper Nurses, trained, foralmehouses (Ed) Ed, _ ;/. v ..v ...Aug21 4 3 Apr 22 6 3 New-York Foundling Asylum fire Nurses, training women as Ja n 14 5 5 Apr 27 5 6 Nutl^Dukes affair, history of.. .June 1714 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

O—Obituary. Date.Pg.Cl. O—-Oath. Daie.PQ.Cl. Carpenter, E. D., broker...... Jan 536 Oath and affirmation (Ed) Feb 16 4 3 Carrington, Edward T., journalist Obeidoullah's fall, Constantinople (C) Feb 25 3 Case, Chester N Dec 18 2 3 /Obey," the word (Ed) Oct 21 6 3 Casserly, Eugene,ex-United States Senator June 15 5 5 Obituary. Cetewayo (Reported killed)..July 26 1 6 Abd-El-Kader, Algerian chief. May 27 7 5 Chadbourne, Paulxl., D.D. L.L. D Alexander, Stephen June 27 5 5 Feb 24 5 2 Alexander, Prince Frederick Chambers, William, L.L. D....May 21 5 Charles Jan 22 5 4 Chambord, Cornte Aug 25 2 Allen, Elisha H., Hawaiian Min- (Ed) Aug 25 4 ister Jan 2 Chanzy, E. A. General Jan 6 5 Alley, Geo. B Oct 17 Chapin, Chester W June 11 5 Amelia, Princess Dec 16 7 2 Chapman, Henry G ....Ma,r 17 5 Amelung, Johu A Sept 19 5 6 Chaunccy, Daniel Jan 30 2 Anderson, E. C., Col Jan 7 2 3 Chichest or, G eo. IT Oct 21 1 Anthon, Clias. E June 9 5 5 Clark, Eliphalet, physician...June 9 5 Atwater, Lyman, minister Feb 18 7 4 Clarke, Wiu. T., journalist....Dec 12 5 Averill. Roger Dec 11 5 4 Clarksou, Samuel F., U. S. JSL.Jan 9 5 Backus, Charles, minstrel June 22 5 2 Clay, Adin G., General Jan 19 5 Baker, E. D., U. S A Jan 27 5 4 Clesingur, Jean Bapliste Auguate Baldwin, John D., journalist. -July 9 5 1 Jan 8 5 Baldwin, William Jan 2 5 5 Clifford, Walter, U. S. A F«l> 25 2 Ballautine, Peter Jan 24 2 0 Clint, Alfred, painter Mar 29 2 5 6 Banks, James L., M. D Jun1 e 4 Coaii, Titus, minister Jan 7 2 Barnes, Jos. K., Surgeon-Gen 1 of Cobbold, T. C JSov23 2 the Army ..Apr 6 2 3 Coleuso, John Wiu., Bishop of Barreda, Frederico Feb 17 3 2 Natal June 21 5 Barrett, W illiam, horse jockey.Jan 7 2 3 Colet, Charles T., Archbishop of Barrot, Victorm Ferdinand...Nov 14 2 Tours Dec 1 2 Batemau, Clifford R Feb 7 2 <; Collier, John Payne, philologist.... Batthyauy, Prince Apr 26 1 2 Sept 19 5 Baush, John A Jan 3 3 6 Collinson, Richard, Sir Sept 14 Beard, Geo. M., Doctor Jan 24 2 6 Coucklin, Walter W .Ma"' y" "9 Beardsley, Joseph N Apr 1 5 2 Coukling, Emma Gates, lecturer Bernard, Martin Oct 24 5 5 Mar 20 Berrien, John M., U. S. N Nov 22 2 4 Bigelow, Charles D May 21 5 5 Connor, Geo. H., Dean of Windsor Birks, Thos. Rawson July 23 1 f> May 253 Bishop, ]£. F., minister Dec 8 5 4 Conyagham, David Power ...Apr 2 5 3 Bischoff, Charles, brewer .'...May 23 Cooper, Peter, philanthropist.Apr 510 Black, Jeremiah S., statesman Copland, Wm. P., journalist..Oct 24 5 5 Aug 20 1 6 Coumoundouros, A., Greek states- (Ed) Aug 20 4 2 man Mar 11 7 4 Blackie, Charles, politican Apr 24 2 4 Craue, C. H., Brigadier-Gen-..Oct 11 Blair, Montgomery JnJy 28 5 5 Cia\vford" , W.\\T S. T., turfman..Feb 25 2 Boercsco, Basile, Roumanian states- Ciei^htou, J. B., U. S. N Nov 14 2 man Doc 2 7 3 CriJ tendon, Alouzo, educator...Jan 24 2 Bouii'aco, Mrs. Geo. C., actress Cud worth, W.H., minister Nov 30 ] Oct 15 5 5 Curtis, Jeremiah Mar 25 7 Bonnechose, Henri M. G., cardinal Curtis, Lewis Jan 31 5 Oct 29 5 3 Cushuian, Charles II., commander, Booth, Junins B., actor Sept 18 5 3 U. S. N.., Nov 12 5 Bostwick, Homer, doctor Aug 17 5 4 Dale, John G Mar 24 Bowyer, Sir George, legal writer Dana, Henshaw, musician and June 8 composer Feb 6 Boyd, Archibald, Dean of Exeter Davis, John, uhysician Apr July 12 Dawson, George, journalist....Fob 18 7 Boynton, Chas. B., minister...Apr 28 Degres^, Francis, Major Jan 5 3 Bradford, Thos. B., doctor May 11 Deialield, Lewis L., lawyer....Mar 29 2 Brady, AlFred Jan 23 Delano, Charles, lawyer Jan 24 2 Brosnahan, John G., engineer.,Tan 14 Do Lucca, Antonio, Cardinal..Dec 31 5 3 Brown, Johu, Queen Victoria's Desriu, John D., Colonel Jan 2 5 f> body-guard Mar 29 2 3 De Viimc, Daniel, minister Feb 12 3 2 Brown, Robert H., Judge Aug 17 5 4 JDe Witt, Janet .Jan 19 5 5 Buchanan, Coe S.. paper-maker Dickinson, Wm. L Nov 4 9 2 Mar 15 5 5 Dilke, Ashton Wentworth Mar 13 5 5 Buell, Geo. P., U. S. A June 1 5 U Diliingham. J.S Nov 15 5 4 Bufford, Napol eon B Mar 30 2 5 Dillon, Mrs. Sidney Dec 755 Burke, Thos. N., priest July 3 2 4 Dindorf, Win., critic and philolo- Burlage, Rudolph C June 29 5 6 gist..: AuglO 5 4 Burr, Charles Chaancey May 3 Dodge, Wm. E., merchant and phi- Camacho, Simon Oct 4 lanthropist Feb 10 1 6 Canneld, Charles B May 14 5 3 Dore, Guslave, painter and de- Caproa. Slisha S., lawyer Jan 2 5 5 signer Jan 24 2 4 Canmchael, Jas. R June 9 6 5 Dornbach, Ferdinand A Feb 351 INDEX TO THE

O-Obituary. Date.Pg.Cl. O—Obituary. Date.Py.Cl. Douglas, Francis N. C.« Earl of Hoang-Nain, King of Anam...Aug 4 Wemyss Jan 2 Hodges^ Leonard Bacon Apr 16 2 Dresser, Geo. W May '28 Hoes, Jno. c. F., minister Feb 10 5 DuBose, D. Mclver, ex-Congress- Holloway, David P., ex-Congress- niau Mar 3 5 5 man SeptlO 5 Dubufe, Kdouard, French painter. Kornulower, W. H., minister.July 17 5 Aug 14 Howard, Samuel J July 25 5 Duncomb, David S Mar 20 Howe, Francis E Mav 24 5 Kirerton, Lord Fob '23 Howe, Timothy O., Postmaster- Kills, T. G., General Jan 11 General Mar 20 1 livansville, Miim July 8 Howell, Amos Dec 1G 7 1Cwer, F. C., minis ter Got 11 Hoyt? Win. C., minister Feb 23 5 Kwiiig, Charles, General June 21 Hubbarti, Mrs. Mary I Jan 12 2 Fabbri, Ernesto G July 4 Humphreys, Andrew A., U. S. A. - Farnam, Henry Get 5 Dec 29 5 Farr, William Apr 1717 2 Hungerford, John N.,ex-Congress- Fisher, Francis Barton Jan 20 5 man Apr 3 5 Fitch. Benjamin Nov 8 2 Huntington, Mrs. C. P Get o 5 Fitzeraladj Wm., Bishop Nov 25 5 t> Hutchins, Stephen C., journalist Flotow, composer Jan 2G 1 2 Feb 24 5 Fort, G. L., ox-Congressman.. -Jan 15 5 4 Hutchinson, Hay ward M May 11 5 Foster, Chas. J., journalist,..Sept 13 5 2 Irish, O. H Jan 28 7 Fuller, Gustavus" A Jan 19 5 5 Janes, Henry W., U. S. A Feb 18 7 Fulton, Chas. C., journalist Jan 822 J essel, Sir George Mar 22 2 Gale, Leonard, scientist Get 20 5 5 Jewell. Marshall, politician...Feb 11 2 Gambetta Jan 2 1 G Jewell, Mrs. Marshall Feb '21 5 G arrett, Mrs. Joh n W Nov 1G 5 5 Johnson, Kdwin, minister Dec'27 5 Gastaldi, Archbishop of Turin Johnson, Wm. Samuel Jan 20 5 Mar 28 5 2 Kane, Thos. L., general Dec 27 5 Geddes, Geo Get 9 2 1 Ke! tell, Geo. F., minister Mar 20 5 G eef3, Wm., sculptor Jan 23 5 G Kidder, J. P., judge Get 4 5 Gibs, Thos. Nicholson Apr 874 Kirn ball, Elijah II Feb G 5 Gifford. Geo., lawyer July 324 Kingman, K Feb 2 5 I Gilder, John L. minister July 4 5 3 Kip, Henry Jan 18 2 Gilbert, Calvin A Jan 954 Knight, Edward II.. author...Jan 21 2 Gil more, Harry, Confederate cav- Krauth, Chas. P., doctor Jan 3 o alry officer Mar 5 5 G Krum, J. M., judge Sept. 1G 5 Godard. Charles W Feb 215 3 Labouhiye, JEdoua.rd li. L., French Goodrich, Chas. S.. surgeon.. Mar 30 2 5 jurist May 25 2 G Gortschakoff, Prince.... Mar 12 5 2 Lackey, O. 11., U. S. N May 22 5 5 Grant, Mrs. Jesse R., mother of Lagrahge, Frederick, Count -Nov 24 2 5 U S. Grant May 12 5 5 Lane, Geo. W., merchant Dec 31 5 3 Gray, Geo. Harry, Earl of Stam- Lansing, Wiu. E., ex-Congress- ford ~Jan 3 3 G man J uly 30 5 4 Gray. John Jan 22 5 4 Laprade, Pierre Richard Doe 15 5 I Green. Henry L., U. S. N July 951 Law, Mrs. G eorge M ;IT 10 2 4 Green, J. 11.. author Mar 825 Learned, Gearne'ld, journalist Jan 30 'J G Greene, Geo. W Feb 351 Leigh, Henry S July 2 2 3 Greene, Samuel S., Professor of Leland, Jerome Mar 30 2 5 Mathematics Jan 25 2 G Lesueur. Jean B. C., architect Greviile, Lord Jan 2G 1 2 Dec 28 3 4 Griswold, Charles W Aug 21 5 4 Lewis, Joseph T Apr 8 7 4 Grosebeck, David Jan 1 5 4 Lilientbal, C. IJ June 3 2 4 Haight, George L Mar 153 Litta, Marie, singer July 8 2 5 Hall, E. O Sept,23 7 3 Little, Geo. L., minister Jan 2G 5 5 HalJenbeck, Nicholas S., General Lopez, Antonio jan 18 1 2 Mar G 5 3 Luther, Thos. G., Bishop of Aber- Hamersley, Louis C May 5 2 4 deen and Orkney, Scotland ..Inn 20 1 Hargous. Louis J June 3 2 4 McGowan. John Hail, minister, Hart, V. K., IT. S. A Feb 'JO 2 5 Nov 27 3 Harwood. Franklin, U. s. A .Mar 27 2 G McKeon, John, District-Atton^-v Haskell, Dudley C, Congressman.. N uV 23 2 Dec 17 2 2 McLaren, J F., minister Mm I / 5 Hastings, Hu Hazewell, Chas. C., io'.irnalist.Oct 8 2 3 Marston, G eorge \ u g 1 ,~> f> Head, Natt, ex-Gov. New-Hamp- Martin, Beiij. N., minister Dei-, 27 5 shire Nov 13 2 G Marcin, Reuri, historian Dec 1 -> 5 Headley, Wm. S Apr 152 Martin, Samuel, baron Jan 11 2 Hempstead. Stephen, second Gov. Marvm, Chas. li., broker July 8 2 of Iowa...' Feb 17 3 2 Marwood, Wm., ''public execu- Henson, Josiah, minister May G 7 5 tioner" - >ept 5 1 Herndon, Thus. H. Mar 29 2 3 Marks, Karl H in es. Isaac Sept 1G G 3 Mattheson, Arthur, author....IMay Hippeau, Celestiu June 19 5 2 Mattison, Charles H Mar NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

O—Obituary. Date. Pg. O—Obituary. Daie.Pg.Cl. Matzka, Geo.,irmsician June 17 Roskell, Richard, Catholic bis^op Meachatn, Geo L., merchant.. .Jan 16 Jan 30 1 Means, J-O., minister Dec 10 5 Russell, Sir Charles Apr 152 1 Medi 11, Samuel J ... . Feb 21 Ruth, Princess of Hawaii June 14 5 I Middlebrook, Stiles M Mar 31 2 Sailer, Joseph, journalist Jan 16 5 5 Middleton, Williams Aug 26 7 Sanders, Wm. W, U. S. A Jan 27 5 Middleton, Edward, U. S. A...Apr 29 7 Sanford, C. O Nov 30 5 Mikels, W. S., minister June 25 5 Sands, B. F., Rear-Admiral...July 2 2 Mihnore, Martin July 22 5 Sands, Joshua R., U.S. N Oct 4 5 •Mills, Clark Jan 13 5 Sartor is, Frederick M Jan 6 1 Mills, James M Mar 12 5 Sauer, William Apr 14 5 Mendel!, Henry Apr 3 5 Schauffler. Wm. G.. minister.. Jan 28 7 Minot, Geo. R Dec 9 10 Schucking, C. B. L., German au- Mitchell, Win. G,, genera] May 31 5 thor Sept 4 5 Monsanto, H. M., professor of lan- Schultze-Delitzseh, Hermann.Apr 80 1 guages Nov 11 7 Schurig, Charles June 10 2 Moore, P. T Feb 21 5 Seaver, Wm. A Jau 8 5 Morell, Geo. W., general Feb 13 3 Semig, Bernard G., surgeon...Aug 2 5 Morgan, Edwin D., ex-Governor . Seymour. Charles, U. S. N Mar 11 7 Feb 14 1 Shaefer, Arnold, German historian Morgan, Henry T.. broker Jan 28 7 JNfov22 4 Mori ill, Henry R., judge July 13 5 Shanklaud, Wm. H Jan 5 3 Morrill, Lot M., statesman Tan 11 2 Shardlow. Wm. L Aug 7 5 Morris, Francis, U. S. N Feb 13 3 Sharswood. George, ex-judge .May 29 5 Morse, James Otis Mar 10 2 Sherborne, Lord Mar 10 2 Morss, Joseph B.. journalist..Sept 17 5 Sherwood, Horatio N Feb 2 5 Mortimer, John H May 16 Short. Augustus, bishop Oct 9 2 Morton, J. M Apr 6 Siemens, Sir Chas. Win., scientist. Motterouge, Joseph Feb 1 1 4 Nov 21 5 Nevius, Peter I July 10 5 Silliman, Henry R.. surgeon...Jan 3 3 Newman, Richard Jan 4 5 Sims, James 31., doctor Nov 14 2 Nilsson, Swen, Swedish naturalist Smith, i - dward D.. minister...Mar 31 2 Dec 1 2 Smith, Edward W., U. S. A....May 22 5 Norton, Wra. A., professor Sept 23 7 Smith. J. C Nov 10 5 Nugent, Wra. St. George, Earl of Smith, Samuel E., minister Jan 25 2 Westmeath fune 5 f> " Sojourner Truth ".. .- Nov 27 8 Obeidouilah, Sheikh Nov 20 2 Sophocles, Evaugelinus S Dec 18 O'Neii, Win. Lord Apr li> o Spencer,, Edward,, journalist..Jul..July 18 5 Orvis, Joseph U., banker Apr 1 5 Spencer. Churchill, Duke of Marl- Parker, John Apr 3 5 borough ...... July Partridge, Alfred H Apr 9 5 Sprole, Wm. G., minister____June 13 Partridge, Samuel, ex-Congress- Stanhope, Geo. P.. Earl of Chester- man Apr 3 5 tield ...... '...... Oct 22 Peck, Jesse T., Methodist bishop Steed man, Jaines B., General. .Oct 1 May 19 5 Stephens, Alexander H., states- Pelton, Louis F., physician...Sept 18 2 man ...... Mar Perche, N. J., archbishop Dec 2S 3 ( K d ) ...... M ar Perdicaris, G regory A Apr 27 5 Stern, Edward, merchant ...... J an Persauo, Carlo P., Count July HO 5 Stetson, Charles, ex-Congressman Peters, Win. C. H., German natu- Mar 29 2 2 ralist Apr 24 2 Phelps, Eliza M., tutor Mar 8 2 Stout, Andrew V., capitalist.. Sept (> 5 6 Phillips, Frances s July 18 5 Street, Francis S...... Apr 10 2 5 Pinard, Jean Baptiste Get 17 5 Street, Susan E ...... June 7 2 f> Pinkney, Wui., JBishop July 5 5 Simpson, James H., TJ. S. A...Mar 475 Pitman, Jos S Sept 17 5 Suleitnan Pacha ...... Apr 22 2 5 Prime. Ed ward, banker Aug 23 2 4 Sullivan, Peter, J.. general____Mar 3 ti 5 Proctor, John Dec 31 5 3 Sutherland, E. G., journalist-. May 18 5 G Purcell, John B., archbishop..July 6 2 4 Suydam, Charles...... J;ih 154 Quincy, John Williams J an 22 5 4 Swanii, Thomas, ex-Governor.July 25 5 (5 Quinlau, John, Catholic bishop Tabor, Stephen J. W ...... May 15 2 4 Mar 10 2 4. Tamberiik, Henrico, opera singer. Quintard, Isaac Mar 18 7 4 'Feb 351 Ranavaolna II, Queen of Mada- Tannahill, Robert ...... Nov29 2 2 gascar - Aug 28 2 1 Taylor. James W., ex-judge.. .Mar 2 5 3 Randolph. Theo. F., ex-Senator Taylor, Thomas Edward ...... Feb 412 Nov 8 2 Tellkampt', Theo. A., doctor ..Sept 23 7 3 llanney, Lafayette, doctor Feb 16 2 Thayer, Fred A., minister ---- Mar 2 7 2 (i Bath bone, Geo. W.', banker... Mar 12 5 Thayer, Nathaniel,capitalist.. Mar 8 2 5 Reckendorfer, Joseph July 8 2 Thorne, Charles S. jr., actor.. Feb U 2 (» , - Kcid^JPyayne, novelist Oct 23 5 Ticlieiior, Stephen W., judge.. Feb 27 5 4 ; 7TTcT3ards, S. s May 8 5 Tinney, Win. J ...... Sept 22 5 4 j Richardson, Nathaniel S,, minis- "Tom Thumb" ...... July 16 5 2 j ter Aug 0 2 Trenchard, Stephen D., U.S.N.Nov 17 2 G ! RiedeL August, German painter Turgeneff, Ivaii, novelist ..... Sept 4 5 5 \ Aug 28 2 (Ed) ...... Sept 543! Robinson, Ru ssell \V Mar 29 2 Turnipseed, Ed. B,, surgeon..Apr 19 5 3 | INDEX TO THE

O-Obituary; Date.Pg.Cl. O—Otsego. Date.Pg.Cl. \ Turner, Thomas, Rear-Admiral (Ed). Octl2 4 2 ' Mar 25 7 3 Official^results (Ed) Oct 29 4 Twichell, Ginery, ex-Congressman Prohibition vote Oct 20 1 _ July 24 2 4 Greenback convention June 14 1 2 Valentin, Gabriel G., German phy- Industries Dec 22 1 2 siologist May 29 5 3 Industrial topics (C) Jnly 8 2 3 Van Arsdale, David Nov 15 5 4 Legislature organized Jan 322 Van Buren, Win. Holme, surgeon Political campaign (Ed) Jnly 24 4 2 Mar 26 2 3 Campaign.anotner shain exposed Van Buskirk, James Sept 974 Aug 28 4 2 Van Wyck, Pierre C., doctor. .Apr 24 2 4 Cincinnati (C) May 24, 25 Vaux, Lord Jan30 2 6 Cleveland (C) Sept, ], 11, 29 Veuillot, Louis, author and jour- Columbus (C) May 19, Sept 10 1st !Apr S 7 4 Confidence about (Ed) Sept 10 4 2 ! Viardot, Louis May 753 Danger, the one (Ed) Oct 1 4 2j Wagner, Richard, music com- Dayton (C) June 4 2 l i poser Feb 1t 3 1 Democratic campaign (Ed).Aiig 7 4 4 j Wallace, Francis B., broker. June 22 5 2 Democrats, in a tight place (Ed) i Waller, John 14 Apr 26 5 2| June 11 4 2 Walton, Isaac M Jan 16 5 5 Facts (Ed) Octltf 4 3 i Warner, Lewis T., doctor Oct 2 5 6| Governorship (Ed) Aug 27 4 2 i Warren, Charles J., minister. .Mar J 5 5 5 j Mansfield (C) June 16 1 6 ; Warren, Geo. Washington....May 14 5 3 Outlook, talk with Richard i Washburn, Israel, ex-Gov May 13 7 3 Smith May 11 5 2 Weatherwax, James II., State As- I Republican Prospects (Ed).Aug 642 sossor Ian 2 5 5 Republicans and temperance Webb, George .Ian 4 5 6 (Ed) June 8 4 6, West, F. S., journalist Mario 5 5 Scott Law (C) ,.Sept 1C 1 2 I Wheeler, diaries, banker Aug 17 5 4 Sprineer to the rescue (Ed).Sept 19 4 3 i Wheeler, Jacob S., doctor Aug 14 5 4 Springfield (C) Sept 17 2 l ! White, Hiram B., doctor Mar 27 2 6 Population, elements (Ed) Oct 12 4 2 White, Mrs. II. T., poetess a,nd Prohibition convention June 15 5 5 j writer Feb 25 2 1 Prohibitionists (Ed) May 29 4 2 j Whittier, Matthew F Jan 8 5 4 Protection (Ed) June 942! Wilds. Z. P., minister May 22 5 5 Kebubhcans (Ed) Mar 24 4 2 j Wilkins, Marie, actress Sept 29 5 3 Republican convention (Ed). June 4 4 2| Wills, Charles W Mar 25 7 4 Republican convention June 7 1 1 i Witts, Charles, Jawyer and writer Scott liquor law pronounced con- > Mar 18 7 4 stitutional (Ed) June 27 1 :> Wolcott, Fred. II Apr 1354 Scott law constitutional (Ed) June 27 4 2 Wolzogen, Baron, German %vriter Oil, queer bargain (Ed) Oct 31 4 3 Jan 16 5 5 Reports Aug27 8 1 | Wood, Archbishop June 21 5 3 Tidewater Pipe Line wins suit ' Wood, Win. s Jan 31 5 5 Mar 17 5 4 j Wright, John B., minister Dec 21 5 2 O'Kelly-McCoan quarrel...... June 2 1 1 i Wuilerstorf-Urbair, Baron Aug 18 5 6 •' Old Grimes," story of.. _„ Oct 19 5 li Young, James, chemist May 15 2 4 Oleomargarine ''buttered with hum- ] O'Brien, Irish Nationalist (Ed). Feb 23 4 5 bug"(Eii) Feb 844; j O'Brien, Jno. J., reorganization Olney, Peter B., made District-At- j scheme (Ed) Apr 20 4 2 torney Dec 11 5 3 O'Byrne, Ass't Dist.-Attorney, Gamblers, and the (Ed) Dec 30 6 3! charges against July 14 S 2 Trying position (Ed) Dec 12 4 3 O'Connor, Judge, on exti-adition Opera (See Music ) laws Apr 21 1 1 Opera house, sizes of Nov 12 O'Connor, W. D.,on firealarminven- Opera managers, rival Apr 27 tion Feb 11, 26 Opium June 24 O'Donnell. John, concerning (Ed) Opium vice (C) July 23 Jan 24 4 2 Ord, E. O. C., death of July 24 ! O 'Donnell, John, charges.!an 2-1, 25, 26 Tribute July 26 j O'Donnell, John, sketch-of Jan 11 2 5 Ancestry, alleged J uly 27 O'Donuell, Patrick, was lie an Ordnance Dept., animal report. Nov 4 14 3 American citizen Dec 25 3 3 Oregon topics, Portland (C)...Apr 9, 30 American counsel (Ed) Oct 5 4 2 May 27 Case, let our Government mind its own business t Ed) Dec 10 4 2 O'Reilly, Charles, speech at Land Execution of Dec 18 2 1 League Convention in Phila...Apr 28 2 1 Fate of, indignation meeting in , O'Reillev, Daniel, made a Police Washington Dec 20 5 o! Justice NovlG 8 1 O'Donovau, Edmund, at home...Feb -3 8 5 I Orleans, Princes (Ed) July 042 Sketch of Dec 22 7 4 Orlock, Emma, pardon of Oct 10 2 5 Ogdensburg Coliectorship Jan 11 2 1 Ormiston, Win., on. Sunday and its Ogontz made a seminary Aug 1 2 3 { observances '. May 20 4 5 ! Orphan House romance (C) Dec 23 11 4 Ohio 1 Ostrich farming in California (C) Democracy, "new" (Ed) Aug 20 4 2 i A tig 12 3 3 Democratic convention June 22 1 Ostrich farming, experimental. .Oct 20 8 Resolutions (Ed). ...June 25 4 Otis, James (Ed) .Nov 1 4 Election Oct 10 1 1 IOtsego Lake) on (CJ""D."D.";L>"..Oct 21 3 1 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

O—Ottman. Date.Pg.Cl. P—Penal. Date.Pg.Cl. Ottman, W. H., case of May 28 Charges, jury packing Aug 1513 June 4, 7 Denounced in Parliament Feb 23 1 4 Otway, Arthur J., sketch of Mar 211 3 Forster and (Ed) Feb 24 4 3 i Oxford, reminiscence of May 2744 3 Interview Mar 19 1 2 i Owens, Jno. E., and the bouquet Irish murders, London (C) Jan 14 9 6 "G. W. S." Mar 946 Overland Monthly, Cheney's method Menace (Ed) Aug 18 4 3 of essay-writing Jan 15 6 1 Paris, in (C) Apr 832 Overland Monthly, literary theft Politics, his position in (C) (Ed) . Oct 1 4 3 "G.W. S." Mar 12 5 4 Oyster propagation, artificial..June 4 1 4 Reply to Forster's charges Feb 24 1 1 Oyster war, Baltimore Dec 8 1 2 Speech Feb 27 1 3 Oysters, " green gill "in Mar 410 Testimonial May 112 Tribute and banquet, letter from P. "G.W. 8." Dec25 5 2 Packard's Business College anni- Unmasked (Ed) Feb 28 4 3 versary Mar 7 5 3 Parsons, Samuel, on tree-planting... Packard, S. S., dinner June 3 2 5 i Packer, P. H., charges against..Mar 27 1 5 June 24 3 4 Pacific genius, Warren Cheney (Ed) Parton, Jas., lecture, "TheComing Jan 15 4 Man's Religion" Apr 422 Paige, David R. (Ed) Sept 11 4 Partridge, J. R., interview Apr 15 1 5 Paige, John B.,chargesagainst.Nov 10 1 Passion play Feb 11, 25, 28 Paine, Willis S., sketch of Apr 28 1 Mar 31, Apr 4 Painting the lily (Ed) Dec 5 6 Pat's prisoners (Ed) July 862 Paintings (SeeFine Arts.) Patagonia, pictures of Nov 30 8 4 Palestine and the Dead Sea Apr 15 9 1 Patent cases, appeals in May 1814 Palestine, through, by water (Ed) Patent decision,important Apr 20 2 1 June 363 Patent laws, international Mar 18 1 2 Palmer murderers sentenced—Feb 19 1 1 Patent Office report Feb 426 Palmer, Thos. W., made U. S. Sena- Patent Office report Sept 15 2 1 tor from Michigan Mar 225 Paterson (N. J.), growth of....June 10 5 5 Palmer, Sir Wm., and Cardinal Patrons of Husbandry Aug 23 2 4 Newman (Ed) May 25 4 3 Patti, Adelina, interview Apr 951 Palmistry and humbug lEd) Oct 22 4 4 Pattison, R. E., inaugurated Gov. of Paperdome Feb 26 2 5 Penn Jail 17 5 6 Paper, how to split Feb 25 7 1 Appointments, bad start (Ed).Jan 18 4 4 Paper, incombustible June 310 2 Patton, Dr., and Senator Ingalls(Ed) Papier mache process, new Feb 25 9 1 Feb 14 4 4 Papua, sketch of the Island Apr 22 1 2 Pawel-Rammingen, Baron, case of Paraf, Chevalier, adventurer Apr 683 Apr 1 5 2 Parents and guardians, to (Ed)Juue 1763 Pawnbrokers (Ed) Apr 20 4 4 Paris (See France.) Pawnbrokers and the new law. .May 13 4 2 "Parisian Romance" (Ed) Feb 464 Paxton, John R., sketch of Dec 30 10 1 Park, Trenor W., funeral of Jan 5 10 2 Paxton, John R., speech, Princeton Parks. Alumni dinner Apr 11 5 4 Board, disorganized Department Paxton, Wm. M., goes to Princeton (Ed; Jan 3 4 5 College July 11 5 5 Board organized Apr 26 8 1 SketcLof May 12 2 4 Board, a self-accused (Ed) Dec 1244 Payne, John Howard (Ed) Mar 23 4 3 Central (See Central.) Poem, " Coming Home at Last '• Commissioners at odds Mar 881 Feb 11 3 4 Commissioners at odds Mar 1531 Poem, "Welcome Home," Tay- Commissioners, the press (Ed)Oct 10 4 4 lor's JunelO 6 6 Department, "Abolish it "(Ed) Apr 12 4 4 Remains of, arrived in N. Y.. .Mar 23 5 2 Department estimates, letter trom Remains of, letter from Tunis.Feb 11 3 4 Wales Dec 16 10 4 Remains interr./J in Oak Hill Cem- Disfigurement (Ed) Sept 30 6 3 etery JunelO 2 5 Estimates Oct 11 2 4 Peabody Education Fund, reports... Estimates (Ed) Dec 26 4 3 Oct 582 Improvements (Ed) May 20 6 2 Peace Congress of America (Ed)May 26 4 2 Lakes, filling up (Ed) Apr 22 6 5 Peacock, Huf us W., case of DecJ4 8 2 Management (Ed) Feb 13 4 4 Pearson, Geo.F., career of June 13 1 2 Management (Ed) Oct 444 Pearson, H. G., Postmaster, charges Music, trouble June 914 agamst June2b 5 2 Riverside June 346 Peckham, Wheeler H., made Dis- Statues i n (Ed) May 742 trict-Attorney Dec 116 Westchester (Ed) Sept 23 6 4 Opportunity (Ed) Dec 442 Parker, G. F., on Niagara and Yel- Resigns as District-Attorney.. Dec 11 5 3 lowstone Feb 11 5 4, ivP~eck's Bad Boy " (Ed) Oct 14 6 4 Parker, Joel, and the New-Jersey Peers, English, at home and abroad Governorship (Ed) Aug 24 4 3 Mar 25 3 5 Parkhurst, C. H., on the Police. Jan 22 3 1 Pell, Albert, talk with Jan 29 3 3 Paraell, Charles S. Peitzer brothers' sentences com- American Irish, and the (Ed).Apr 11 4 muted Mar26 1 4 Banquet, Dublin Deo 12 1 Penal code, amending (Ed) Mar 27 4 3 ' (Ed).. Decl3 4 Bar Association criticisms Jan 10 5 3 INDEX TO THE

P—Fender. Date.Pg.Cl. P—PI ay fair. Date. PC/. C Fender, John, on American tele- Gasfrauds Jan 20 1 graphy Febll 1 3 Gasfrauds Sept 7 1 Pendleton-McLeanquarrel(Ed)Septl3 4 3 Industrial census Apr 5 5 Penniless young gentiemen(Ed).Feb 18 6 4 Immigration report Oct 5 2 Pennsylvania. Water, condition of (Ed) Jan 19 4 Apportionment (Ed) Aug 15 4 o I Phelps, E. M., revelations (Ed).Aug 3 4 Apportionment bill Apr 4 2 V Phelps, Geo.D., found dead... .June 23 1 Democratic convention Aug 2 1 -i ! Phelps, Royal, retires from Eye and Election Nov 7 1 «* I Ear Infirmary Dec 25 5 Election, result (Ed) Nov 8 4 i1 Phelps, Stuart, shoots himself..Aug 31 1 Election day made a legal holiday Phelps, S. L., sketch of June 23 2 Apr 19 5 Phelps, Wm. Walter. Governor, Pattison inaugurated Keifer letters Dec 1 2 as Jan 17 6 Speech, growth of Paterson, N. J. Greenback convention Aug 31 1 June 10 5 Hunting-grounds (C) Dec 23 5 Speech, New-Jersey Republican Legislature, extra session ended. Convention Sept 19 1 Dec 7 1 Speech, Silk Asso. dinner May 16 5 Legislature, GOT. Hoyt's message Speakership, interview Nov 21 1 Jan 16 5 Phi Beta Kappa Jan 19 8 Legislature, McKnight-Emery Philistinism in American (Ed)..Oct '-'8 6 fight (Ed) Mar 17 4 4 Phillips Exeter Academy alumni Legislature organized Jan 423 May 20 7 Oil tax bill defeated May 23 5 3 Phillips Exeter Academy, history of Prohibition Feb 15 3 2 June 18, July 13 Republican convention July 121 1 Phillips, Wendell, on the Rep. party Sept 15 1 Republican harmony (Ed) June 29 4 3 Philips, Wm. H., sketch of &pr 3 2 Republicans, reunion of (Ed).May 543 Philological Asso. meeting at Mid- Pensions. dletown, Conn July 10 5 Act, increase of, circular Mar 6 2 3 Philosophy at Concord July 21 5 Agents, dishonest Oct 24 Philosophy on a street car Jan 5 7 29, Nov 4, 11 Phipps, Ellis P., convicted May 6 1 Bureau, work May 15 1 Phipps, Philadelphia's hero(Ed)Apr 23 4 Bureau, work July 3 2 Photographing by electricity...May 13 9 Claims, pending Sept 14 2 Photographs, copyright Apr 21 2 Claims, unadjusted Sept 13 2 Photographs on the wing Nov 4 13 Law, construction of Nov 16 2 Phylloxera and French wines(Ed) Office, expenditures Sept 19 2 Nov 30 4 Southern raid Dec 31 5 Physical development, question of Swindlers (Ed) Oct 30 4 (Ed) Nov 12 4 Pensioners, P9st the (Ed) Jan 9 4 Physicians in conclave Apr 21 o Peppermint oil Jan 21 9 1 Physicians, ethics of June 25 o Perrault, C. O., arrest of Mar 20 1 3 Pickwickians, Washington (Ed) Perrenoud. G. F., case of Apr 27 8 1 Mar 4 6 Perryi ^iXJ,, Andre-CK.^V^.V,.w, J.„.,, sketch of Mar 2 4 Picton. Tbos.. nephew July 15 10 Perry, Isaac G., sketch of... Mar 31 2 2 Pictures (See Fine Arts.) , Perry, J. H.. monument .June 1981 Pierce, Henry L., and the Mass., j Pern. Governorship Sept 19 5 ' Cabinet, new June 17 1 2 Pierre, Admiral (Ed) Sept 22 4 Cabinet changes Nov 23 1 2 Pierrepont, Edwards,and the Union Chili, peace (Ed) May 17 4 3 Club May 21 4 Chili peace treaty signed...... May 161 1 Piers and bulkheads, lease of.. .Apr 28 S Chili peace treaty signed Oct 22 I 4 Piers, new Apr 13 8 Chili treaty, stipulations June 16, Pig-Iron manufacturers,meeting of July 27 "Jan 0 2 Chili relations June 3 1 ?, Pike, Austin F., sketch of Aug .'5 l Chili war, Logan's letter Jan 4 H l Pilgrims and Puritans (C) Jau Government of Dec 10 5 2 Pillow-shams (Ed) Apr Independence regained Oct 27 1 4 Pine, liow to protect the standing Ministry, change in Nov 23 1 2 1C) . Jan ft I Reconstruction June 14 o 2 Pine land cases Oct 15 ! Pestilence, outbreak of (Ed)....June 30 4 3 Pine moth Apr 2] Peters, Ed. T.. letter from Sept 11 5 4 Pine, ^am, escape of.. Peters, J. C., on cholera Aug 3 5 5 Pin ta, tug ...... June 2 '> Peterson, Henry, and the Carlyles , Pious but human (Ed) ...... Feb 1 July 22 ^ j Pistol, pocket, evil i M~a~ y Petry, Geo., made Mayor of Loii^ n i Pittsburg. Penn., ' Island City ' JanlG •5 j sioinO .". I >ec 3 7 Pettengill, Catharine A., bequests . Planet, bad lor the (Ed) .Mai M Jan 19 3 Plants, acclimation of (C) .Mar 7 Pharmacy, color line in (Ed) Dec 3 •* I Plants, California ..Feb 4 I Pheby, Thos. B., arrest of.. „v .May 4 Plants, foreign ..Feb o 5 2 i Phenomenon, New'-Haven (Ed) .Ap"r 23 4 3 Platt, Thos. C., six cheers " (Ed) Philadelphia. Feb 14 4 3 Educational advantages (Ed)..Jan 14 6 4 Play (See Drama.) Finances, report of City Controller Playfair, Lyon, leaves Britlsb Par- Jan 14 1 5 liament Jan 8 1 3 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 79

P—Ploa. Date.Pg.Cl. P—Political. Date.Pg.C Plon Plon's exploit (Ed) ...... Jan 1843 " Plenis Vite » June 10 9 1 Plough, pathetic niernories of...Aug 28 2 b "Potomac" May 18 2 1 Pium, Ellas ...... *. Apr 16 4 4. '* Prince of Love " July 191 Plumb, P. B., re-elected U. S. Sena- "Pygmalion, or the statue's I tor from Kansas ...... Jan 25 1 6 choice" ..Jan 14 9 2 Plumbers, Master ...... ,____June 28 8 2 " Republican Party Must Go"Aug 17 5 2 Plympton, Lncy A., card ...... Apr 19 5 o "Reveille" ..Mav 634 Pneumonia, prevalence of ...... Feb 26 1 b "Robin" Jaii 731 Pneumonia and typhus fever (Ed) " Rochester Robin " Aug 1210 3 May 445 " Saviors of the State" Stoddard's Poetry. Feb 716 " Adam, Lilith and Eve'1 ...... Apr 836 "Slipper" Marll 9 2 " Amen of the Rocks "...... Sept 291 " Sorrow of the Sea " Jan 14 4 1 "Azenor"...... Apr 892 "Springtime" May 13 4 6 "Ballade" ...... Sept 23 9 6 "Summer Eves" July 22 9 1 "Ballade of His Young Lady ".Apr 29 9 3 " Thrush" Jan 21 4 1 "Beauty"...... Feb 492 "To-morrow'; Apr 134 " Before andAfter " ...... Apr 22 9 5 "Two Kings" Feb 11 9 2 "Betty" ...... Nov 18 9 1 " Very Dark Grey Elegy " Dec 446 "Bramble" ...... Oct 14 4 6 "ViolinT " Dec 291 "Brave Women" ...... June 10 9 4 " W hen Spring-Tide Comes " Apr 15 9 2 " Burial of the Dane " ...... Mar 18 3 4 " Widow'sLament " June 246 " Chaucer and Poe " ...... Aug 26 9 1 "Wilde, Oscar " (Edj Feb 4 b 4 " Chrysanthemum" ...... Dec 2312 1 Poisoned, seventy lumbermen..Feb 27 1 4 'Colinette" ...... Feb 18 9 2 Family at Paterson, N. J May26 8 1! "Coming"...... Dec 991 Postfamily May12 8 1 " Compton Place " ...... June 17 9 1 Poisoning, tin-can (Ed) Dec 23 8 3 " Constant Heart " ...... Jan 21 3 2 "PokerBill" Sept 942 " Cromwell, Oliver,"...... Jan 743 Poker, Scott-Tucker game Mar 2355 " Crucial Test " ...... Jan 14 4 6 Polar Exploration (See Arctic.) " Cupid in Custody " ...... Feb 18 3 5 Police. "Dead" ...... June 24 4 3 Brutality (Ed) Sept 342 Death" ...... June 24 9 3 Captains charged with neglect "Dirge" ...... Oct 28 9 1 May 421 " Dud'e and Dudelet " ...... May 6 4 2 Complaints, against July 26 8 2 " Eagle and Crow " ...... Nov 6 5 2 Department, quarterly report(Ed) - Easter Morning " ...... Mar 25 2 3 Nov 30 4 5 " Emerson," Crauch's ...... Mar 25 44 5 Discipline (Ed) septll 4 2 "Expectation" ...... Feb 25 4 4 Excise law, and the Apr 13 8 1 "Fancy" ...... May 27 4 3 Favoritism in the force Aug 2644 ""Flaneur" ...... Apr 16 4 6 Gamblers, and the (Ed) Apr 16 4 2 Flotsam" ...... July 15 9 Gamblers, and,Com stock's charges Flown Soul " Oct 21 4 Jan 7 1 4 " For Ever " Feb 25 3 4 Justices, annual report Marll 5 3 "Fox Populi; the Cvnic's Ver- Justice andCaptains (Ed) Dec 664 sion" ". Dec 30 9 1 Justices, new Novl6 8 1 "Grave Roses" Sept 16 9 1 Justices, new (Ed) Nov 16 4 2 "Happiness'' June 17 9 5 Justices, shameless proceeding The Herald. Oct 546 (Ed) ,.Deh 11 4 3 ' Hidden Hand '". Mar 18 4 4 Pension fund April 8 1 'Home-Beauty" May20 9 1 Pension fund July 15 12 3 ' Homeside Story " Jan 734 Pension fund Aug 231 Homeward Wmg" May 643 Pension fund, concerning Feb 13 8 1 Ideal Wife"....: May 13 4 3 Pension fund (Ed) Nov 12 4 2! In Sark" July 29 9 1 Pension fund, failure July 21 8 1 ' King is Dying " Feb 11 3 6 Pistols (Ed) June 12 4 2 'Kyrille".../. Apr 22 3 6 Ryan suit Feb 681 •' Lady Bountiful " Nov 25 9 5 Salaries, Court of Appeals decis- "Lorraine" Apr29 9 5 ion Feb 131 "LoveSong" Aug 19 9 1 Wordto(Ed) June 10 6 2 "Loving-cuD Sons:" Feb 14 5 1 Policv (SeeLottery). "Marjory May" Sept 991 Political. 'Alartha" Apr 866 " Abode in tne ship" (Ed) Mar 342 'Masks and Faces" Apr 843 Anthem of Democracy (Ed)...July 25 4 5 'Modern Novel," Fawcett's .Mar 21 5 3 Apathy, too much (Ed) Oct 30 4 3 'My Lady" Apr 22 9 3 Appointments, New-York Mar 216 •My Neighbor's Wife" Aug 12 9 1 ^Ed) Mar 2 4 2 ! "My Sweetheart " Nov 411 1 Assessments (Ed) Oct 643 "Nepenthe" - Mar 491 "Back into the fold" (Ed)....May 29 4 3 "Next Spring" Feb 25 4 1 Blizzard, Voorhees predicts (Ed) "Nocturnes" -Dec 16 9 1 June 23 4 4 "Onr Country," Whittier ..... July 5 " Bloody shirt" (Ed) Nov 20 4 3 " Owed to a Yale Professor ".. .Fe. b 134 " Bloody shirt," more facts (Ed) Past Meridian "...... June 24 9 1 Nov 23 4 3 "Payne, John Howard" ...... Feb 11 3 Blundering statesmen (Ed)....Jan 24 4 3 "Phantom Ship"...... Aug 594 "Booms" and " boomerangs "(Ed) " Philistine "...... Jan 792 Sept 19 4 3 80 INDEX OF THE

P—Political. Date.Pf/.Cl. P—Political. Date.Pg.Cl* Bourbon crime, proof of (Ed)..Apr 14 4 3 Conventions (See Conventions.) Bourbon ingenuity (Ed) May 743 Convict labor vote (Ed) Nov 14 4 2 Bourbon and sparrow (Ed) Apr 26 4 5 Corruption, cant about (Ed). .June 26 4 3 Bourbons who learn (Ed) July 27 4 2 Danger, the one Oct 15 4 2 Brevity is the soul of scandal (Ed) Danger of under-confidence (Ed) Aug 342 Nov 17 4 4 British vote (Ed) Dec 31 4 4 Dead (Ed> Aua-21 4 2 Brooklyn Young Rep. club (Ed) Democratic party (See Democratic.) Oct 18 4 3 District representation (Ed)..Jan 16 4 2 Candidacy, conditions of (Ed). July 21 4 2 Dodgers (Kd) July 10 4 2 Catechising a representative Dem- " Eagle and Crow " Nov 662 ocrat (Kd) June20 4 3 Elections (See Elections.) Caucus in New-Hampshire tEd) Fallingout (Ed) June 15 4 3 June 30 4 4 Fight n ext year, hard (Ed).... O c111 4 2 "Centralization," end of (Ed). June 244 Figure-heads not sufficient (Ed) Change, demand for a (Ed) July 544 Sept 342 Charter legislation, proposed (Ed) Food for thought in two cities (Ed) Mar 343 Nov 482 Cipher citizens not in order (Ed) Fools, who are the (Ed) ..NovlO 4 4 Nov 542 Gubernatorial inconsistency (Ed) Circumlocution office (Ed) Apr 28 4 4 Apr 30 4 4 Cities, government of (Ed) July 162 Citizens' movement, shall we have Hen, (Ed) June29 4 3 a (Ed) Octl3 4 3 " Highlands of vision " (Ed) ...Apr 18 4 2 Citizens' movement, collapse of Hint from England (Ed) OctlS 4 2 Octl9 2 3 " Historic Justice" forsooth (Ed) "Citizens" and the Republicans ]Sov22 4 3 (Ed) Octl9 4 2 History, leaf from ancient (Ed) Civil Service at, Albany (Ed)..Fob 342 Apr 5 4 3 | Albany, at (Ed) Mar 144 Honesty vs. dishonesty (Ed) ..Aug 13 4 2 Applications, how they must be Independent voter (Ed) Oct 22 4 2 made June 13 2 1 Investigation demanded (Ed^.Jiily 13 4 3| Bill before New-York Legisla- Issues, fictitious and real(Ed) Mar 27 4 2 ture (Ed) Febl? 4 2 Issues, two great (Ed) Aug 3 4 3 i Bill, how originated Auff 18 4 4 Jacob and Esau (Ed) Dec 8 4 3 Bill signed Jan 17 5 4 Jefferson, Thomas (Ed) Oct 22 4 4 Boards of examiners June 721 Kings Connty—outlook Sept 10 1 4. Commission appointed by Presi- Law-making (Ed) Mar 17 4 2 dent Arthur Feb21 1 2 Left stranded (Ed) Mar 942; Commission and Keim'sappoint- Legislature, New-Jersey (SeeLeg- ment (Ed) May 2 4 2 islature. ) Commission, letter to Dezendorf New-York (See Legislature^ Oct 5 2 3 "Let us alone" (Ed) June 644 Consequence, one (Ed) Oct 16 4 3 Machinery and reform (Ed)...May 22 4 2 Democracy's unhappiness (Ed) Maladministration exposed (Ed).. Jan 19 4 4 May 10 4 3 Examiners appointed June 816 Manning machine, hint (Ed)..Nov 643 Law, discussion by Dept.officials, Money in (Ed) Aug 14 4 2 Washington (C) "D. D. L."Jan 29 1 6 Mule ill (Ed) Aug 744 Leopard change its spots, can Municipal system, need of radical the (Ed)..... Jan 13 4 4 treatment (Ed) Feb 26 4 3 Lyman, Charles, made Examiner New party dreams (El) Aug 11 4 2 May 11 1 4 New-York, fact about Sept 14 4 3 Machinery and reform (Ed).May 22 4 2 New-York (SeeNew-York.) Milestone, first (Ed) July 16 4 2 Nominations, where good, are New-York City (Ed) Nov 17 4 2 needed (Ed) Sept 13 4 2 New-York City (Ed) Dec 262 Notes on the fall conventions arid Mayor Edson's regulations Deo 254 elections Sept 10 5 1 New-York State (Ed) Dec 1243 Officers, toobighly paid (Ed)..Feb 11 6 3 New-York commission organized " Out with the rascals " (Ed). July 13 4 3 June 133 Parties differ, where (Ed) May 21 4 2 . On trial (Ed) Feb 12 4 3 Parties, new. and old rubbJsa(Ed) Practice, in (Ed) Feb 22 4 3 July 11 4 3' Promotion (Ed) Aug 143 Parties and panics (Ed) Feb 8 4 2I Rules, change of (Ed) NovlO 4 3 Parties, really suspicious (Ed)Feb 17 4 3 i Rules, report of Coninrission as Partnership ami fraud (Ed)..June 19 4 2 ! modified oyPres. Arthur.May 916 Party character,worth of May 30 4 2 Systems. English (Ed) Jan 644 Platform changes (Ed) AuglT 4 4 ! Civil Service Reform Asso. annual Presidency: Blundering States- meeting Aug 253 men (Ed) Jan 24 4 3 Color in office (Ed) Aug 15 4 4 "Booms " and "boomerangs " Colored voter (.Ed) Oct 27 4 2 (Ed) Septl9 4 2 Congress, proceedings of (See Candidacy, conditions of (Ed) Congress.) July 21 4 2 "Conservatism" in the saddle Candidates, discussion by Re- (Ed) Dec 14 4 3 publicans Dec 15 5 2 NEW.YOBK DAILY TBIBUNE FOB 1883.

P-Political. Daie.Pg.Cl P—Postal. Date Pg Cl Canvass, New- York Times (Ed) Speech, New-England Society July 17 4 dinner Dec23 2 4 Democratic outlook (Ed) Mar 124 _ Porter, Noah, speech at Yale Alum- Electoral count (Ed) Dec 1043 ni dinner Dec 852 Field (Ed) Oct 20 4 " Speech, Princeton Alumni dinner " Great Fraud " (Ed) Nov 2 4 Nipped in the bud (Ed) Jan 13 4 3 Young men, address to Jan 23 5 3 Nominations in order (Ed). .Nov 28 4 Porter, Robert P., letters Points (Ed) Nov 9 4 Industrial England....Jan 5, 8,15, 21 Bepublican prospects, Washing- 22, 24, 29, Feb 3, 12, 14, 19 23 26 ton (C) "D. D. L." Nov 28 1 Mar 1, 5, 12, 19, 24, 28. Apr 2, 16 Southern movement (Ed)...Nov 19 4 23, 30, May 7, 11, 14, 2& 31, June Prohibition vote (Ed} July 26 4 18, 25, July 5 Promise and non-performance (Ed) Industrial France..Oct 29, Nov 5,12 Jan 16 4 26, 30, Dec 3,10, 17, 24 Prophets. Kentucky (Ed) June 8 4 Industrial Germany....July 9.18, 23, Public business, secrecy in (Ed) 30, Aug 6,13, 20, 27, Sept 3\ 1(5,17 } Feb 10 4 24, Oct 22 Public service, lowering the (Ed) Card concerning T. G. Coates..Feb 2822 May 19 4 Cotton industry.decadence of.Sept 2i 2 1 "Put back," what it wasthat was Free trade, his exposure of, letter (Ed) May 7 4 from Wilcox Feb 26 2 6 "Bascal" business (Ed) July 30 4 Free trade, reply to Wells....Sept 21 2 1 "Rascals," catching the wrong Letters (Ed) May 28, Oct 11 (Ed) Augl4 4 Letters, reply to critics July 225 Beform, "deep-reaching" (Ed).Aug 4 4 Letters, strictures on (Ed) Apr 1743 Bepublican party (See Republican.) Letters, study in economic science Republicanism in the South (Ed) (Ed) Juljrl9 4 2 Apr 27 4 3 Wages table, reply to attacks.May 452 Bum, unlimited, but no reform Welsh letters (Ed) June 11 4 4 (Ed) Apr 12 4 Porter, Wm., acquitted of murder... Southera party (Ed) Aug 18 4 2 Nov 21 8 1 Southera representation (Ed).Aug 23 4 3 Portland, Me., post-office (Ed)...Oct 345 "Spoils System," Cook's lecture Portugal revolt Oct 18 1 2 Jan 21 2 4 Portugal and theVatican Jan 793 "Started too early" (Ed) Aug 142 Portuguese cabinet changes Oct 24 1 2 Straws forthe drowning (Ed).Aug 27 4 4 Postal. Subscriptions (Ed) Oct 16 4 3 Appropriation bill Jan 2151 Tammany (See Tauiniany.) "anadf&u rates Aug 17 5 5 "Turn the rascals out" (Ed).Sept 142 Deficiency May 15 1 3 "What, agin" (Ed) June 16 4 4 England, changes in (Ed) JulflS 4 3 Whigs ordered ashore, old (Ed).... Government express (Ed) Aug 12 6 3 Jan 26 4 4 Guide contract Aug1555 Whiskey and (Ed) May 11 4 4 Later-national Mail Exchange.Aug 10 3 1 Year, oldand New, in (Ed) Jan 142 Law, changes Mar20 2 3 Political offence, extradition laws... Laws amended FeblS 2 2 May 23 5 5 Laws, new Mar 11, Oct 1 Polk, .M T., defalcation (See Defal- Lotteries (Ed) July 10 4 3 cation). Lottery controversy July 914 Polygamy (See Mormonism). Mail record, heaviest day's....Dec 13 5 2 Ponds and Public health (Ed).. .Feb 21 4 Money order business Jan 925 Poole, John, execution of Dec 19 5 2 Money orders, cheap (Ed) Mar 154 3 Poor, D. W., card Junel9 5 5 Money system, changes in Mar 756 Poor House, Pittsburg (Ed) May 2 4 4 Nebraska, new luuilroute June 821 Poor Houses, County (Ed) Feb 22 _4 3 Niobrara mail route June 13 2 1 Poor, housing the (Kd) Dec 6 4 _3 Noteact(Ed) Mar 15 4 3 Porcelains, Robertson's Feb 472 Note law, description of the note Porcelains, W. A. Man collection Mar 811 Nov 652 Notes (Ed) Aug 144 Pork, American, in Europe Jan 29 3 I One cent postage in cities (Ed) Pork, American, in France Dec 14 5 3 Aug 22 4. 2 Pork, American, in Germany,. .Jan 27 2 2 Post-O£Bce, N. Y., Distribution Pork, American, in Germany Dec 1514 Dept. statistics Jan 14 10 5 Pork, Germany rejects American Private companies May 712 Mar 15 1 1 Railway service Feb 132 Pork packing statistics Mai 21 2 6 Railway service commission..Mar 914 Port Said riot Apr 30,May 1 Rates, reduction of July 19 2 1 Porter, Admiral, on the Navy CEd) Receipts Mur 31 2 1 Nov 22 4 4 Receipts July 20 3 1 Porter, Fitz John, case: Long- Receipts and expenditures Mar 915 street's letter to Grant Jan 10 2 2 Receipts and expenditures Oct 30 1 4 Belief lull passed U. S. SenateJan 12 2 2 Report of First Ass't Postmaster Pori er, Horace, speech, Chamber of General Oct 22 6 8 Commerce bauquet May 926 Report of Money Order Bureau Speech, Irving banquet O>et2S 2 Oct 27 2 1 Speech at Lotos Club dinner to Beport of Postmaster General Mayor Edson Jaii 14 2 6 Dec 321 INDEX OJFTHE

P—Postcal. Date.Pg.Cl. F—Pryor. " Repott of Second Ass*t Postmas- Presidency (See Political.) terGeDeral Oct25 5 5 President, messages (Ed) Oct 10 4 3 Report of Third Assistant Post- Press (See Journalism.) master-General Dec G 2 Press club dinner J$ov 28 5 3 Revenue, estimate Apr 21 1 Preston, Kean & Oo.'s credit. . Feb 22 J 5 Service of Great Britain—..Sept 10 1 Price's Indian laws (Ed) Jan 344 Stamps, new Sept 9 3 Price, Jas. B., evidence, Star Boute Stamps, new two cent Oct 2 2 cases Mar28 1 1 Stamps, sale of Jan 7 5 Prince Imperial statue Jan 1412 Star Mall Service statistics..June 14 Prin ces, the French (Ed) Jan 20 4 2 Rerdeil's evidence Feb 16 Princeton Alumni at dinner Apr 11 5 3 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28, Mar 1 Principles, distinctive (Ed)... July 22 5 2 Star Route scandal: Cases in Prime, Wm. C., testimony in Feuar- Court Jan 3 dent-Cesnola suit Dec 28, 29 4, 5, 6, 10, 11,15,17, 18, 19, 20, 23 Printers' strika' Union men suc- 24, 25. 26, 27, 30, 31, Feb 2, 6, 9, 10 cessful JSTov 16 2 o 13, 15 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28 Printing, public (Ed) Dec 104 4 Mar 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,13, 15, 16, 17 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 Prisons. 31 Apr 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 Alabama, inhumanity (Ed)....Feb 344 14, 18; 19, 20, 21, 28, May 8, 9, 10 Attack on (Ed).... Aug 23 4 4 11, 12, 17, 19, 24, 29, June 8, 9, 12 BlackwelTs Island, escape of con- 13, 14 victs Aug 512 1 Brady's evidence Mar 15 Boston, statistics Jan 26 1 3 16, 17,21, 22 Chain-gang, against the (Ed)..Oct 542 Rrady. indictment of Mar 2811 Earnings Mar 115 Ch arge of Judge Wylie June 13 1 6 Earnings Apr 352 Costoftrials June 22 3 1 Earnings and expenses Jan 351 Defendants acquitted June 3511 Inquiry, Legislative Jan 27 2 4 Dorsey, J. W., evidence...Apr 6, 7 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 25, 28, Mar 4 Dorsey, S. W. evidence Mar 27 Report ....Mar21 2 3 2«, 2t), 30, 21, Apr 3, 4 Inquiry, results (Ed) Mar 21 4 2 Fees paid Mar 3 4 6 Jefferson City, Mo Feb 24 5 2 Ingersoll's address ...May 22 Labor (Ed)..' Apr 21 4 4 Labor (Ed) Oct27 4 3 Kellogg indicted Mar 28 1 1 Labor, report Jan 23 2 6 Lawyer lees Jan 9 1 b Ludlow street, abuses June 20 8 4 Letter to the public, Walsh's.... Ludlow street, investigation..July 12 8 1 Jan 825 New-York system (Ed) Jan 14 0 2 Price's evidence Mar 28 1 1 Punishment in, Gov. Cleveland on "'Trial (Ed) June 14 4 3 Feb 3 2 5 Turner's evidence Mario 2 3 Reform (Ed) Aug 11 4 4 V aile's evidence Apr 531 Reform, Round on June 422 •"Verdict (Ed) June lo 4 ^ Report of Supt, Baker Jan 1014 Statistics of the world No v 3 1 6 Russian Dec 814 System, changes Aug 543 Russian, Krapotkine's disclos- Postmasters' claims for back pay— ures (Ed) Jan25 4 3 Aug 27 1 2 Russian, Dr. Lansddell on (Ed) Postmaster-General, Gresham mane Feb 18 6 3 Apr 5 11 Smg Sing, revolt Feb 20, 22, 23 Postmasters' salaries...Feb 28, Sept 30 Tampering with (Ed) Mar 13 4 2 Postmasters' salaries, adjustment of Prize fights and gloves (Ed) Aug 27 4 5 (Q) ], Sept 16 10 Prize-fighting (Ed) Sept 13 4 4 " Potomac " Townsend's poe n..May 18 2 1 Problem of the age solved (Ed) .May 1144 Potter's, Bishop, retirement (Ed) Proctor, Richard A., on Henry Sept 27 4 3 Draper Jan 355 Potter, Henry C.s made Assistant Solar surroundings, on Dec 23 5 5 Bishop ...... Sept29 2 2 Produce Exchange, annual meeting Bishop, consecration of ...... Oct 2 1 4 1 May 30 2 4 Sketch of ...... Oct 21 4 2 Produce Exchange, description of Sketch of ...... May 6 9 2 NovlS 4 2 On Sunday ana its observanceMay 20 4 1 Prohibition—answered " in short Potter, Howard, on Union College metre" (Ed) Oct 1 4 trustees ...... Aug 20 1 4 Prohibition foresight and hindsight Potter, O. B., on the proposed dam (Ed) Feb 24 4 at Quaker Bridge ...... Dec 26 2 3 Propertv Clerk's office, methods Aqueduct bill, on the...... May 254 May 19 8 Banking system, oil the ...... Dec30 7 1 Prophets (Ed) Jan I 6 Potters' prices (Ed) ...... Aug 30 4 3 Prosperity—a warning (Ed) Apr 7 4 „ Pottery makers, complaints. — Apr 16 1 2 Prosser, Henry, drowning of.. .Aug 13 5 5 Pottle, Jonathan W., case or. . . . Apr 14 8 2 Poucher, Chas. E., release of — Dec 822 Poultry-vital force (Ed) ...... Mar 18 6 4 „ per , Powell, W. J.,1elopement...... July 214 (See also Tariff.) Preaching, modern (Ed)...... Sept 964 Proteus (See Arctic Exploration.) Preaching, popular (Ed) ...... Oct 14 6 4 Pryor, Roger A., interview Dec 27 1 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 83

p_Pryor. R—Railroads.. Date.Pg.Cl.. . Pryor's, Roger A., platform (Ed) May 14 New-Haven, Conn ...... Feb 19 5 Psi Upsil on convention ...... May 25 New-Mexico ...... Jan 21 5 2 Psychologic healing (Ed) ...... May 7 Olmstead, 111 ...... Jan 12 ] 2 Public documents, distribution of Petersburg Junction, Vt____Aug 2 1 3 Jan 8 Pittsf ord, Mich ...... Oct 7 1 5 Public Works, Department of, esti- Plainville, Conn ...... July 10 5 4 mates ...... '...... Dec2S Salamanca, Penn ...... Aug 24 5 4 Contract frauds ...... Dec 9 Salem, Ind ...... Dec 25 5 4 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24, 26, 27 Springfield, L. I ...... Sept 3 5 3 (Ed) ...... Dec 9 Details ...... Sept 4 5 3 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 28 Steglitz, Germany...... Sept 4 3 Investigation ...... Jan 21, 25 Tehicbipa, details ..... Jan 22, 23, 24 Publisher's woes—Jones (Ed) ....Oct 12 Worcester, Mass ...... Nov 29 5 2 Pugilists (Ed) ...... Feb 1 Albany and Susquehana, bond Puleston on American prosperity. ... forgery ...... Feb 2S 2 2 (Ed) ...... MarlS Annual meetings of various...J«an 9 2 4 Pulpit and platform (Ed) ...... Oct 23 Around the world, Helper's Pulszkv's personal traits, Paris (C). scheme (Ed) ...... Oct26 Aug 5 Atefrison, Topeka and Santa Fe. Punch, makers of, letter from Bel- extensions ...... Feb 5 2 4 lew ...... July2cs Finances ...... Jan 2 5 2 Purcell. Jno. B., death of ...... July o Report, annual ...... Mar 31 1 Purcell's, Jno. B., debts ...... Oct 2 Baltimore and Ohio, annual meet- Purcell, Wm., interview ...... May 17 ing ...... Nov 27 8 Purcell, Wm., vindication ...... Nov 8 Changes ...... May 10 1 Purdy, Ambrose H. , delusion .. . Mar 31 Mortgage ...... Apr 13 5 Purroy's "great object " (Ed) .-Aug10 Baltimore and Potomac, annual Putnam. Master ...... Sept 4 meeting...... June 7 2 " Pygmalion and Galatea " ...... May 20 Beef, transfer of ...... Jan 8 5 Q- Boston Airline, proposed ...... Jan IH 2 Quail eater (Ed) ...... Jan 23 4 Boston and Albany, annual meet- Quail-eating contest, end of ..... -Feb 6 8 ing ...... Feb 15 2 4 Quakerism, decadence of (Ed) ..May 194 Boston, Hartford and Erie, Ber- Quarantine Commission bankrupt dell mortgage ...... 16 2 6 June 1 8 Boston and Lowell, annual report Quarantine power of the Govern- Nov 30 1 5 ment ...... July29 1 Boston and Providence, annual i Queensland's annexation of New- meeting ...... Nov 22 2 5 Guinea ...... May 2 3 Brazil ...... Oct 18 2 4 , Queerness (Ed) ...... ': ...... June 3 4 Brighton Branch, presidency.. Oct 774 I Quick's, P. A. L., law suits ...... Oct 29 1 Broadway Underground..Feb 11, 21, Quinby, T. W., case of ...... June 5 3 Apr 23, Dec 10 i Quincy, John W., tribute ...... Feb 1 5 Buffalo, N. Y. and Phila. charter Quinine, duty upon ...... Jan 1 2 Feb 15 2 5 Quinn, JohnH., ease of ...... Dec 20, 21 Building. California (C) ...... Jan 14 2 l R. Cable system ...... Oct 28, Dec 2 Railroads. California tax case ...... Sept 23 1 6 Accidents : Atlantic City, N. J... Camden and Atlantic, annual meet- Aug 31 1 ing ...... Feb 23 5 .'• Bound Brook, N. J ...... Apr 13 1 Canada, rivalry in ...... Feb 20 5 2 Brighton Beach ...... June 25 1 Canadian Pacific finances ..... Nov 18 5 ',-> Carlyon, N. Y ...... July 29 1 Canadian Pacific subscriptions Cedar Rapids, La., near ...... Jan 9 1 Feb 4 5 f> Charleston, S. C ...... June 29 1 Canadian Pacific, work done.. Aug 32 2 6 Colchester, Vt ...... Sept 3 1 Carolina, Cumberland Gap and East St. Louis ...... Oct 24 1 Chicago scheme...... Jan 715 Elevated (Kd) ...... May 10 4 Central Pacific land grant decision Elevated...... Jnly 5 1 May HO 1 4 Elevated, Sixth-ave ...... Aug 9 3 Chenango Valley, sale of ..... Aug 23 1 5 Flint, Mich ...... Feb 16 1 C h e s ap eak e an d O hi o, ann u al m eet- Forrest City Ark ...... Aug 23 ) ing ...... Mar 16 5 3 Fort Edward, N. Y ...... Oct 23 1 Chicago and Atlantic, opening of Franklin tunnel, Ohio ...... Feb 19 5 May 16 2 4 Gallon, Ohio ...... Feb 17 5 Chicago and Grarnl Trunk, annual Grayvilie, 111 ...... Sept 5 meeting ...... Mar 15 1 5 Hungargary ...... Feb 6 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, near Mason's Station. affairs ...... Mar 23 1 3 I Mar,'?! 1 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Kirk wood, Ohio ...... Feb 6 5 rights given ...... Apr 14 1 4 Lebanon, I]]., near ...... Jan 18 1 Chicago, new route ...... June 21 London. Stepney ...... J an 1 6 1 Chicago and North western annual Long Island Uty . . . .Sept 12, ] 3, 14 report ...... Aug: 16 Censured...... Oct 9 2 Chicago, Rock Island and Pac. offi- Manhattan Beach ...... June 22 5 cers ...... June 7 Manhattan Beach...... July 5 1 Cincinnati Southern sale ...... Aug 26 INDEX TO THE

R-Railroads. ^ Date.Fg. Cl. K—Kailroads. Date.Pg.Cl- Cleveland, Columbus,Cin. and Ind. Litigation Mar 20 1 5 elect officers Mar 854 Sale of Apr 19 1 6 Coal combination June 954 Transfer May 17 1 3 Colorado war Apr 16 1 3 Harlem, milk rates June 21 5 6 Commission (Ed) Jail 942 Hartford and Harlem, proposed Commissioners appointed by Gov. Jan 3, 4 Cleveland - Janll 2 5 Hartford and Harlem auits.. .Mar 31 1 2 Common carriers' duties, impor- Hudson Bay roads, union of ...Apr 1113 tant decision Jan 18 3 1 Illinois Central dividend Feb 1524 Compartment cars, dangers ot'(Ed) Inventions, display of., Apr 23 8 3 Oct 31 4 4 Iowa commission Oct 822 Construction in tlte U. S Feb 23 5 5 Iowa pool troubles Nov 29 3 1 Cutting rates, charges of Sept 755 Iowa pool troubles Dec 575 Dakota Oct20 1 4 Iowa pool troubles Dec 14 2 5 Danville, Olney and Ohio,affairs Lake Shore, annual meeting.. May 324 Nov21 2 5 Directors, rumors about Jan 19 2 5 Delaware, Lacka. and Western, Land decision Feb 13 1 3 opened to Buffalo Jan 18 5 4 Land grant Sept 653 Delaware Water Gap,chaiter.Nov 10 5 3 Land-grant roads, decision affect- Denver and Bio Grande, extension ing May 18 1 2 Mar 31 1 2 Land grants April 2 1 East-bound pool, Fink's awardsEd) Lehigh Navigation Co., annual Nov26 4 6 meeting Feb 28 5 3 East-bound rates Apr 13 5 3 Lehigh Valley affairs Dec 13 2 4 Electricity on (Ed) Sept 27 4 4 Lehigh Valley, report Jan 1626 Elevated: Accident Jan 12 5 4 License fees for street June 23 5 4 Brooklyn, franchise granted Little Bock and Fort Smith affairs Dec 29 5 4 Jane 29 1 2 .Brooklyn, plans Jan 17, 19 Bonds Oct 655 Controversy, settlement made Long Island, bribery case Feb 25 5 6 Jan 20 2 4 Louisville and Nashville, elects Cost of Mar 27 2 2 officers Oct 413 Cost of Apr 12 a 3 Massachusetts Central, reorgan- Finances and fares Apr 20 2 3 ized. Novll 2 6 Pive-cent fare bill passed N. Y. Massachusetts, report of commis- Assembly Feb 124 sioner Jan 16 2 6 Passed Senate Feb 16 2 6 Memphis and Charleston suit Five-cent fare bill, protest against the United States... Apr 331 against Mar 214 Mexican Central, annual meeting Vetoed Mar 3 5 2 Apr 313 Interests Ian 11 5 6 Mexican Central, annual report Manhattan injunction Jan 324 Apr 626 Metropolitan-Manhattan suitOct 20 Mexican, Grant Jan 22 2 2 Nov 22,23,24, 28, Dec 4, 8, 11 Mexican National opened Dec 423 12, 14, 18, 20 Milk rates and elevator charges Reports. ...Mar 21, Nov 29, Dec 22 June 14 r 4 Strength of Apr 17 2 2 Missouri Pacific, annual meeting Suit, Drucker Jan 715 Apr 626 Suit, the Merger agreement.- Stock June 19, 20 Jan 6, 9 Suit, Sept 18, 19. 20 Suit, Mercer agreement; decis- Naugatuck, annual meeting..Nov 22 2 5 ion r. Feb 13 3 3 New-Jersey Central, income i Suits, Supreme Court decision... bonds June 724 Feb 455 Bonds, new Aug 21 5 6 Taxation May 18 3 2 Elects directors May 12 2 2 j English, London (C) Apr 110 1 Injunction July 314 Erie, McHenry suit. Apr 24 3 1 Lease Dec 16 2 4 Stock, dividend on preferred.Jan 3 2 4 Lease, Dinsmore suit..May 11, 26 Erlanger Syndicate, rumors... J an 11 1 6 Oct 17,20,21.24, 25. 26, 27,Nov 2 Excursion ticket, value of Feb 955 9, 13. U, 23, 28, Dec 8 Exhibition at Chicago May 25 5 5 Officers, new June 14 1 4 Freight, east-bound Apr 15 2 5 Pennsylvania contest July 455 Freight pools and rates (Ed)..Sept 343 Keceivership ended May 27 7 2 Freight pools and rates, letter Receivership debt Aug31 5 5 from Fink Sept 4 2 5 Solvency of May 20 7 4 Freight rates, euttinsr May 12 2 2 New-York and Atlantic High- Freight rates, cutting Sept 1 5 3 lands, opening of July 122 6 Freight rates reduced June 23 5 4 New-York and Boston Inland. Freights, east and west-bound (Ed) charter Jan IS 5 4 Dec 24 4 5 New-York Central reduces com- Georgia Pacific opened Nov 20 2 3 mutation rates Dec 6 1 6 Government, and (Ed) Sept 23 6 2 New-York Central, taxes Jan 30 1 3 Green line combination Mar 22 1 3 New-York, Lack., fast freight line Growth (Kd) Sept27 4 3 Feb 24 5 4 Gulf and Ship Island. Mar 14 2 5 New-York, Lacka. affairs Jan 20 S i Hannibal and St. Jo. extension New-York and Long Branch suit.. Mar 314 Sept 4 2 6 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

R—Railroads. Date.Pg.Cl' R—Railroads. Date.Pg.Cl. New-York and New-England, an- Rates here and abroad (Ed)...Dec 843 nual meeting Novl3 2 5 Regulation, State (Ed) May 16 4 2 New-York, New-Haven and Hart- Report of State Engineer Apr 19 2 1 ford, annual meeting Jan 11 1 6 Reports (Ed) Sept 15 4 3 Finances Apr 27 1 3 Reports, quarterly Sept 15 5 2 Lease Dec 855 Reports Dec 27 2 2 Report, annual Nov29 3 1 Richmond and Danville report New-York, West Shore and Buf- Dec 13 2 4 falo, opening of June 523 Rochester and Ontario, annual News reports Dec 146 meeting .Apr 626 Niagara Cantilever Bridge, open- Rochester and Pittsburg, annual ing of . ....Dec21 1 2 meeting JNTOV 15 5 5 '• Nickel-plate Express " Dec 1015 Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg, Annual meeting Jan 31 1 3 directors June 724 Directors Jan 612 St. Joseph and Western, default Norfolk and Western finances.Nov 29 3 2 Aug 955 North Pennsylvania, stock Jan 613 St. Louis, Iron Mt. and Southern, Northern Pacific (Ed) Aug 25 4 4. annual meeting Mar 14 2 5 Bonds, new Oct 25 3 2 St. Louis and San Francisco, an- Completion of Sept 916 nual meeting Mar 14 2 5 Connections (map) Sept 812 St. Paul and Manitoba, annual re- Drexel. Morgan & Co Dec 21 2 b port Aug 17 5 3 j Excursion, vulgarity (Ed)..Oct 2, 3 San Francisco, Ocean Beach (C) > Land grant July 13 5 5 Dec 16 4 1 j Last spike driven Sept 10 5 5 Santa Fe in contempt June 253 Mortgage Oct 774 Sea Beach, sale of Apr 515 Stock, advanced Oct 21 2 2 Seuev syndicate ..Aug 26 7 5 Ohio Central, annual report ..Sept 13 5 4 Sleeping car, Sleicher ,.Aprl2 2 1 Receivership Sept 29, Dec 14 Southeastern, sale of... June 19 1 3 Suit Decl2 2 4 Southern Pacific, changes Feb 22 1 3 Ohio River pool decision Nov 20 2 3 Consolidation Jau 28 1 3 Omaha conference Dec 31 2 5 Land grants JN'ov 12 5 4 Pacific, annual report of Commis- Robbery Kov26 1 3 sioner Armstrong Oct 16 2 5 Staten Island,annual meeting. Apr 413 Pacitic,payment for carrying mails Stateu Island, Barton's Feb 24 5 4 June 624 Staten Island connections Apr 18 1 3 Staten Island, new Feb 456 Panama, robbery Apr 15 5 2 Steam cars on the West Side..Mar 132 4 Passenger business, cutting into Stock (Ed) Dec 29 4 5 May IS 1 2 Stocks, rise and fall in (Ed)... Aug 15 4 2 Passenger pools, agreement...Apr 26 1 3 Strikers and (Ed) Jan 18 4 3 Passenger rates, cut in Dec l y 5 4 Tax cases, California, Justice Pennsylvania, annual report.May 26 5 2 Field's opinion Jau 371 Dividend. Nov 254 (Ed) Jan 344 New-Jersey Central relations Taxation, New-Jersey Jan 8 5 3 May 30 1 4 Taxation, New-Jersey Jan 15 3 5 Penn. Slatington and New-Eng- Tehichipa, California J an 21 1 5 land property sold Dec 432 Terre Haute and Indianapolis an- People, and the (Ed) Dec 744 nual meeting Jan 252 Philadelphia, People's Passenger Territory, parcelling out (Ed) Uec 19 4 2 Co. affairs Jau 11 1 0 Texas Pacific land grant Dec 21 2 5 Philadelphia and Erie, annual Time convention Oct 18 2 4 meeting Feb 13 1 Time, standard Oct 19 5 5 Earnings Feb 1,Aug 26 Toledo, Delphos and St. Louis Philadelphia and Reading, annual suit Octl9 5 5 meeting Jan 924 Transportation problems, Cohen Earnings Apr 23 1 5 on May 21 2 5 Finances Feb y 5 5 Travel, statistics Dec 16 10 3 Finances Mar22 1 3 Travellers, right of May 17 1 3 Receivership..Jan 6, Feb 15, 27, 28 Trunk-line pool Feb 112 Restored to its officers Mar 153 Trunk line pool interests Jan 27 5 5 Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Tuckerton, sale of !Novl4 5 3 j Louis, annual meeting Mar 21 5 2 Union Pacific, annual meeting I Pittsburg and Lake Erie, sale of Mar 8 5 4 stock May 19 5 4 Credit Mobilier..Jan 25, 30, Sept 6 Pooling arrangements (Ed)...Nov 30 4 5 Debt Apr 22 5 "2 Pools, questions affecting Apr 2455 Government claims- Feb 4 .Portage, Westbourne and North- Apr 17, 19, May 4 western, meeting Mar 25 2 6 Kansas Pacific consolidation Feb 8 2 C Presidents, meeting of Nov 916 Opinion by Solicitor-General of Progress, census figures (Ed).Feb 15 4 4 Treasury May 11 1 5 Pullman Co. annual meeting..Oct 19 5 5 Report of Government directors. Pullman Co.suit (Ed) Nov 16 4 5 Feb 21 3 1 Question- Democratic party (Ed) Vanderbilt line to Montreal—Feb 15 2 4 Mar 15 4 2 Vermont consolidations June 954 Quincy to Chicago, new Mar 31 1 2 Vermont roads, consolidation of.... Rate-cutfcing, conference Feb 22 l 3 Apr 25 1 3 .INDEX TO THE

R—Railroads. Date.Pg.Cl. R—Religious. Date.Pg.Cl. Virginia bond question Apr 515 Harlem June 2 2 4 Virginia Midland, annual meeting. Harvard, beats Columbia June 2152 Dec 20 2 5 Hanlan beats Kennedy June 1 5 5 Wabash collateral trust bonds Apr 15 2 5 Harvard beats Yale College. .June 29 1 (i W abash, lease of Apr 12 2 3 Hudson River Yacht Clut> June 6 8 2 Wabash, robbery Dec 414 Larchmont Club pennant June 17 2 5 West Jersey, finances Mar 7 1 2 Larchmont Club July 533 West Virginia Central, directors Measurement and time allowance Jan 10 5 5 May 18 5 4 Western combination Dec 12 2 4 New-Jersey Yacht Club June 19 2 5 Westenj contest (Ed) Dec 18 4 3 New-York Yacht Club June 22 2 5 Western passenger rate war.. Sept 25 5 4 New-York Yacht (jlub Aug 752 Wheat and (Ed) May IS 4 4 Oxford beats Cambridge Mar 1<> 1 4 Woodstown and Swedesboro, re- Pavonia Yacht Club Aug 21 2 6 port Mar 712 Pullman June 24 2 5 See also N. Y. Legislature and Rival steam yachts Aug2181 U. S. Congress.) Seawanhaka Yacht CIub May 30 Rainsford, W. S., sketch of Jan 12 8 1 , June 24 Ramapo at Trenton (Ed) Apr 19 4 4 ! Washington Aug 15 2 3 Ramapo water scheme (Ed) Sept 27 4 2 j Watkiu s, Hanlan wins Aug 162 6 Ramsey, Alexander, inter view. May 20 10 3 i Regents of the University, annual Randolph, Alfred M., made asst. t j meeting of Jau 12, 13 Bishop of Virginia....' Oct 22 2 4 Register", fees of (Ed) -. ..Dec 20 4 3 Randolph, Theo. F., death of ...Nov 8 2 6 Regis ter's sa) ary (Ed) Feb 11 6 3 Cipher dispatch es,and the (Ed). Nov 9 4 5 , Reid, Mayne, death of Oct, 23 5 5 Reid, Mayne iEd> Oct 24 4 4 Randal!, Samuel J. j Reid, Wl'utelaw Election, what will it signify (Ed) ' .Boys sent West by, heard from July 14 4 2 ! July ] v torture Mar 26 1 5 " Read, what to" Spofford's address Oct 21 7 2 Aiigustinjan Society, failure of ... Reading rooms May 13 9 3 Fob 25 2 (5 Real Estate exchanges, rival...Nov 12 3 3 , (Ed) Feb 28 4 4 ' Eaptist Bib!e work May 24 2 4 : Assessments, revision of July 15 12 1 Bible, authors of Feb 4 9 3 Reform (Ed) Nov22 4 4 "Bible Myths" Fob 11 8 3 Rents Mar 12 5 1 Biblical criticism ....Jjui21 9 3 JLlentsand (Kd) Mar 12 4 3 -Brahminism. and Buddhism....Feb 4- 9 3 Swindling English capitalists.Apr 21 1 4 Camp-meetings (Kd* Sept 264 Titles (Ed) Oct 644 Catholic Provincial Council...Sept 2i- Valuations of, increased Jau 755 2,~>, 27. Oct 1 ' Recknagel, G. A., expelled from Cot- (Ed) Sept;)0 6 4 fee Exchange May f > 5 2 Children's day (JEd) June 10 t> 4 Record, gloomy (Ed) Feb 22 4 4 Christian feast, new ' Kd) Jan 764 Red Cloud at New-Haven (Ed)..Jan 23 4 4 f Churches (See Church.) Errand (Ed) Feb 10 4 4 Clergyman, modern (lidi July 29 (j 4 Redpath, James, defends Irish lead- j Clerical supply and demand (Kut ers .Mar 2 2 6 1 July 22 6 4 Reeves, Uncle Johu June 17 G 5 Congregational Association in sr-«- Kesrafta. sion O'25 3 1 American Club organized May 18 5 4 Congregationalism in IN e \v-Yovk Atalanta beats Stranger Sept 422 i)e«-. IS 5 2 ' Atlantic Yacht Club.. May 31,June 20 Conventions (Ed) Juno 3 G 4 East River Yacht Club June 12 2 5 JEcclesiastical controversy 3[ac- Eclipse Yacht CJnb June 27 2 4 konochie (Kd) Jau 144 Fanny beats Gracie Oct 26 5 5 " Encyclopaedia," SchalFs Jau 5 (j _1 Forest Hill Aug 21 1 6 Knergetic piety (Ed) May 27 G 4 , Gracie beaten by Bedouin Oct 17 2 3 Episcopal Bishops of New-York HanIan beats Ross July 19 1 f j ' i Ed). Sept 29 4 4 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

K-Religious. Date.Pff.Cl. R—Revenue. Date.Pg.Cl. Episcopal Council in Philadelphia Contributions for the campaign... Oct 7 2 Oct 553 Episcopal general convention (Ed) Conventions (See Conventions.) oct 344 Enrolment (Ed) Nov 13 4 2 Evangelical Lutheran convention Enrolment (Ed) Nov 25 6 3 June 1 8 Enrolment, importance of (Ed) Evangelist, Barnes Jan 1 5 Nov20 4 2 Foreign missions, defect in (Ed) Enrolment N"ov "14. 21, 28 N ov 5 4 Scrutinizing of Dec 12 5 3 God and mammon (Kd) Apr 9 4 Investigation demanded (Ed)July 13 4 3 Boly See, appointments Apr 1 1 Learning something (Ed) Mar 26 4 2 Ireland, in Jan 21 9 Management, a gratifviiig change Lecture "Coming Man's Religion" (Ed) : Aug23 4 4 Par-ton's .*" Apr 4 2 "Must Go" (Ed) July 24 4 3 Left at home (Ed) Aug 26 6 "Must Go," poern July 25 4 5 Lent (Ed) Feb 7 4 " Must Go," poem Aug 17 5 2 Liberty, movements toward (Ed) National Committee meeting in Dec 30 6 4 Washington Jan 18, Dec 12 Methodist conference, Baltimore National convention called ...Dec 13 1 1 Mar 815 National convention, representa- Methodist Conference at Peek- tion (Ed) Dec 11 4 3 skiJl Apr 423 National convention representa- Methodist Conference' New-York tion, Fiye's plan .Dec 723 East Apr 6 2 5 New-York State committee organ- Methodist conferences (Ed) ...Apr 864. ized Sept 27 1 G Methodist missions, appropria- New.York State committee organ- tions Nov 14 8 1 izing i Ed) Sept26 4 2 Methodist pastoral term (Ed).July 15 6 4 Primaries, future Nov 29 2 4 Methodist pastoral term (Ed).Aug 563 Recognizing the people's will (Ed) Miracle, an old (Kd) May 13 6 5 Feb24 4 4 Mission work in Mexico July 853 Reorganization (Ed) Jan 12 4 3 Mission troubles in Alaska (Ed) Reorganization (Ed) May 23 4 2 Dec 25 4 5 Reorganization (Ed) Sept 22 4 3 Missionary work, practical (Kd) Reorganization Nov 955 Apr 19 4 3 Reorganization, good faith in (Ed) Missions in Mexico (C) Oct 10 10 3 June 22 4 2 Movement, new (C) Sept 16 10 3 " Reorganization" once more i.Ed) Observance May 13 9 1 Apr 10 4 3 Order of the Holy Cross Aug 12 4 4 Reorganization, plan adopted (Ed) " Papacy " Creighlon's history of May 22 5 3 Mar 9 6 1 "Reorganization plans Apr 19 i 4 Papal conference "a crisis" (Ed) Reorganization plans Apr 2(5 5 2 Nov 15 4 5 Reorganization, plan adopted June 20 5 5 Preaching, modern (Ed) Sept 964 Reorganization scheme, latest(Ed) Preaching, popular (Ed) Oct It 6 4 A pr 20 4 2 j Presbyterian General Assembly Republicans to rule the party (Ed) i at Saratoga May 18 2 3 Sept 15 4 2 (Ed) May 20 6 4 South (Ed) Apr 27 4 4 Presbyterian ministry, letter from Success, grounds for (Ed) Sept 26 4 2 | Poor June 19 5 5 Tempoiaiice issue, and the (C) Oct 13 5 4 1 Protestant preaching friars < E»i) Unity ( . d) ,Sept 24 4 2 j July 22 6 2 (See also Political.) j Resurrection, lesson oi' (Ed).. Mar '25 6 4 Republicans at the South (Ed)..Dec 15 4 3 j St. John's Day (Ed) June 24 6 3 Republics, grateful (Ka) Mar 12 4 4 Sermons (See Sermons.) Repudiation, excusing (.Ed)... .April 4 4 Shauis (Ed) May 6 6 4 Rerdeil's disclosures, Star R>ute Unitarians in conference Apr 12 2 4 frauds Eel) 16 ! Vatica.n (Ed) June 11 4 3 17. 20, 22, 24, 27, 28, Mar L j Vatican, England and the Jail 16 2 5 Reserves, how do we guard our (Ed) ! Vatican and Portugal Jan 7 9 3 May 19 4 2 j Vatican and the Powers June 211 Restaurant, cheap Oct 28 4 2 Worship Act (Ed) Feb 15 4 4 Resurrection, lesson oi the(Ed)Mar 25 6 4 j Rehgious quarrel, Salisbury, Conu. (Kd) Oct 343 Revenue, Internal. i Rollings, C., life threatened Jan 982 A gents dismissed June 19 2 1 Reminiscences ol an artist (See Bel- Consolidation (EdK.May 31, June 27 lew.; Consolidation, plan of .June 261 6 Reinsen, S. H., library sold Apr ll Order modified June 30 5 5 Renau, Ernest, ou anti-Semitic fanat- Collecung, cost of (Ed) Dec 11 4 5 icism Jan 8 !>istricts discontinued June 27 5 4 Ren an on death and old age Jau 14 .Districts, reduction of June 152 Reusselaerwyck manor, Albany (C). Force Mar 26 1 4 < May 20 3 3 Receipts Feb 137 2 1| Receipts June 28 4 6 | Republican Parly. Receipts Dec 28 3 £ i Address of New-York (Ed) Oct 543 Regulations July 29 5 3 Advantages (Ed) Sept 442 Report Apr 22 1 3 Appeal to voters Oct 21 2 4 Report of Com. Evans Nov 521 ss INDEX TO THE

R—Revenue. Date.Pg.Cl. R—Rubber. Date.P0.Cl. Statistics and estimate___s ,,uiy2Ju 8 5 3 Fort Washington, N. Y July 18 1 6 Revenue, two ways to reduce (Ed) G ang, arrest of a Feb 554 Oct 15 4 Government money at Panama Revenue marine changes ...... Jan 4 2 Jan 17 1 2 Revenue marine and the Navy, Highway. 156th-st Aug 20 8 1 Clark's report...... Fe» 19 1 Highway, Park-a vo ...«..«, Jan 16 1 4 Revere, Paul...... May 3 2 Johnson, Juo. J., paymaster...Jan 21 2 4 Revolutionary anniversaries____Apr 201 Manhattan Railway News Co.Apr 24 8 1 Revolutionary relics ...... May (35 Newark (N. J.), Plane-st Jan 23 8 1 { Reynolds, John F., statue ...... Nov 187 Rogers, Charles June 27 8 1 Reynolds, Wm. M., arrest of... Fob 2 5 " Sebastopol " Jan 25 5 4 Reynolds, Win. M.,case of ...... Feb 3 2 Train-robbers, capture of Feb 2 3 2 Rhode Island, Wood, Edward A Jan 20 1 4 1 Democratic Convention ...... Mar 211 Robbing, D. C., letter Jan 20 8 3 Election...... Apr 5 1 Robinson, David, crank (Ed) Feb 15 4 5 Official vote ...... Apr 7 ft Ivooinson, E. Kay, and the future Independent Convention ...... Mar 151 man (Ed) June 5 4 * i Legislature organized ...... May30 1 Robinson, Geo. D., nominated lor I RediWen(C) ...... Sept 9 3 6 Governor of Massachusetts...Sept 20 1 61 R epublican convention ...... Mar 16 Robinson, Wm. E., on O'Donnell I Rice, granulated, decision concern- .Dee 20 5 2 ing ...... Apr27 2 Rochester, N. Y., Marshal's office Rice, Geo.J., case of....Jan 12, Feb 13 frauds Oct 30 1 1 27, 28, Mar 1, 2, 3 Rochester Union (Ed) July 12 4 5 Rice, Geo.J., indictments ...... Jan 5 10 ROckaway Hotel (big) sale of...Feb 1 8 1 Richmond Co.,N.Y., celebration.Nov 2 5 Rocky Mountain scenery (iiM)..Sept 263 i Richmond Co., N. Y., linances. ..Jan 13 8 Roe, E. P., case of.. June 145 j Richmond Dispatch on Ben Butler Roebling resigns as Bridge engi- | (Ed) ...... Janl7 4 neer July 10 2 2 JRicJnnond Whig (Ed) ...... Apr 21 4 Rogers, Geo., pardon of July 22 1 6 Ridley, Edward, death of ...... Aug 1 5 Rogers, Wni. E., sketch of Jan 11 2 Rifle shooting (See Sporting.) Rogues' Gallery July 2 8 Riley, Bishop, case of ...... Oct 12 5 Rolllins, Ed. II., withdraws from Kiley's, Bishop, resignation (Ed) Oct 24 4 New-Hampshire Senatorial contest Rio Grande, notes from (0) ...... Aug 19 3 July 13 1 Riot, Opeiika, Ala ...... Jan 24 1 Romance, freaks of human nature Troy, N. Y._ ...... June 13 1 (Ed) Feb 9 4 Virginia, Danville...... Nov 4 6 Roosa, D. B. St. John, address, (Ed)...... Nov 6 4 " Medical Profession " June 15 8 4. Riots, modern improvements in (Ed) Roosevelt, Clinton, letter Aug 20 5 4 Bee 30 6 Root, Elihu, sketch of Mar 216 Rip Van Winkle, a Southern (C) Rosebery, Lord, as an orator (C) Sept 22 3 "G. W. S." Apr 22 3 R iparian rights, question of ..... Novl5 8 Rip on, Lord ...... July 15 1 Rosebery, Lord, London(C)"G.W.S." .Ripon, Lord (Ed.) ...... Aug 13 4 Aug 12 3 1 Ritchie, Father, case oi ...... July 151 llosebery, Lord, in New-York..Sept 13 5 1 River, di scovery of a great ...... OctlO 1 Rosebery, Lord, resigns June 661 River and Harbor bill (Ed) ...... Fob 24 4 Rosecrans, W. S., on duties of citi- River and Harbor expenses____Sept 112 zenship May 752 River andHarbor reports ...... July 315 Card July31 5 1 River and Harbor swindle, Sec'y Interviews (Ed) July27 4 3 Lincoln's report (Ed)...... Jan 6 4 Letter, Stone River council Aug 19 7 1 Rivers and harbors (Ed) ...... Feb 15 4 Polygamy, his bill to suppress Rivers and harbors, money spent ____ Nov30 5 5 Apr 16 1 Rossa, O'Doiiovan, and J. Daly..Jan 13 3 1 Rivers and harbors, report of Col. Dynamite,finefieldfor (Ed)..May 944 Newton...... Aug 2 3 More trouble for Ireland (Ed) .Jan 2743 Riverside Hospital ...... •...... July 15 2 Rossmore, Lord, suspension of..Dec 2 1 3 Riverside Park, charms of ...... June 3 4 Rotbschild-Ephrussi wedding, Paris Roach, John, on ship-building. .Sept 5 8 (C) June24 3 5 Robbery. Rothwell, Richard P., case of Feb 20 8 2 Academy ofMusic ...... Apr 2 1 Rott, Michael, estate Mar 921 Allen, "Mart," arrest of ...... Jan 510 Round, W. M. F., on prison reform Another thief in a city office t Ed). June 4 2 Sept 28 4 Rowe, Geo. F., letter from Venice to Atchison, Topeka and Santa Jbe Alexandria Mar 11 4 1 Railroad ...... Sept30 1 Alexandria to Cairo Mar 18 3 5 I Bank cashier attacked on a train.. Beiii Hassan and Assiout May 27 5 1 July 29 1 Boulak museum Apr 22 4 3 Bank, Franklin, N. Y ...... July 12 1 Cairo, ins and outs of Mar 2534 Boyd's City Dispatch ...... Jan 28 1 Rowing (See Regatta.) Broadway, Treat's safe ...... Apr 3 1 Royal journeys (Ed) Dec 16 6 2 Brooklyn post-office ...... Feb 8 1 Royalty, practical uses of (Ed)June 643 Church, St. Joseph's ...... Apr 9 1 Royse, Amelia Deo 313 Church of the Transfiguration.Feb 19 2 Rubbertrade Feb 931 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 89

R—Ruggby. Date.Pg.Cl. S—Schools. Date.Pg.Cl Rugby Colony, management of (C) Salvation Army, Maud Charles- 2 3 vror.h (Ed) ...... Anr 1 6 Ruggles, W. B., made Supt. of Pub- S a! vation Army troubles ...... July 812 lie Instruction Mar 15 2 Salvini banquet ...... Apr 27 5 P.uggles, Wm. B., sketch of Mar 14 1 Salvini, reception in Roston ...... Jan 5 5 Rundell, Stella, flight of Nov 1 1 Samson, modern ...... Jan 21 9 Runkle, Cornelius A., on Judge Bar- Samson, G.W., card ...... Apr 1051 nard Nov29 4 6 Sand-dunes, European...... Apr 891 Ruskin, John, onnurseries Nov 2646 Sane, protect the (Ed) ...... Jan 15 4 4 Rusling, I. F., card Jan 16 5 6 Sanford, William-Gebhard quarrel Russell, Charles, sketch of Aug 27 4 May 22 5 2 Russell, Jno. E., and Ben. ButlerJan 13 1 San Francisco in early days ..... Feb 11 3 2 Russell, Lillian,flightof June 814 San Francisco, growth of (C)....Dec 16 4 1 Russell's, Lillian, soliloquy Apr 22 7 1 Sanitary convention, Trenton, N. J. Russell, Wm., sent to prison.... Apr 1331 Dec 7 2 3 Sanitary inspection ...... July 10, 11 Russia. Sanitary results of education (Ed) Bulgaria, and (Ed) Sept 12 4 4 Aug 20 4 3 Dynamite depots discovered..Mar 21 1 Sanitary science, phases of (Ed) Floods Apr 1 1 Sept 20 4 4 Ministry, change Aug 19 1 Santa Barbara (C) "J. R. G. H." "Nihilism" Apr29 8 1 Feb 18 3 Nihilists hancred and shot Apr 23 5 1 Sante Fe celebration ...... July 5 1 Nihilists' sentences commuted Santa Fe jubilee (C) ..... July 16, Aiig 1 June 145 1 Saiiz, Torribio ...... Apr 30 1 Nihilists, state trials (Ed)....May 10 4 3 Sargent and the German press.May 3 1 Prisonlife Dec 814 Saturday Night club dinner ..... Feb 257 Prisons, Dr. Lansdell on (Ed).Feb 18 6 3 Saulsbury, Eli, re-elected U. S. Sen- Prisons, Krapotkine's disclosures ator from Delaware ...... Jan 161 (Ed) Jan 25 4 3 Savage, A. D., testimony, Feuar- Prospect in (Ed) May 29 4 2 dent-Cesnola suit ...... Nov 15, 16 Riots,. June 111 Savin-ThJeriot fight ...... July 27 2 6 Riots, anti-Jewish Aug 28 1 1 Sawyer, ship, description of____May 22 8 1 ! Topics, St. Petersburg (C) Apr 833 Say, Leon, sketch ot ...... Jan 515 ! "Russia," J. Hall's lecture Mar 724 Sayings, famous (Ed)...... Mar 465 ! Rutgers Alumni at dinner Mar 31 Scheiftelin, "Ed,." fortunate adven- i Rye Beach, sanitary condition (Ed) turer (Ed) ...... Jan 29 4 4 j Sept 9 Scherinerhorn, M. K., on Christian- ity ...... Mar28 5 1 S. Schley, J. M., assaulted ...... June 17 7 4 Sabin, D. M., interview July 12 5 5 Schliemann's work at Troy ...... Feb 12 2 6 Made U. S. Senator from Minne- Schmidt, Johanna, in Dakota...July 15 3 3 sota Feb 2 1 Schools. Sage, Geo. R., sketch of Mar 22 1 Brooklyn, condition of...Feb 12, Nov Sage, Win. H., card June 1 5 25, Dec 2 Sailors' ,^-nug Harbor, affairs..Feb 5, 9 Buildings, dangerous ...... Mar31 2 4 Sailors' superstitions July 2 8 3 .Building improvements ...... Nov 22 8 1 St. George's Society anniversary Colored, question of discontinuing Apr 24 5 3 Jan 18 3 2 Festival Dec 1 5 3 Connecticut...... June 374 St. John's Day (Ed) June 24 6 3 Delects ...... Nov 18 4 3 St. John, C.A., case of..Feb 24, May 19 Fourth-st. panic, sixteen lives lost St. Johuland, aid for (C) May 7 5 5 Feb 21 1 6 St. Louis flood Juno 25 1 1 Details ...... Feb 22 1 6 St. .Louis, great storm July J5 1 4 Investigation concluded____Mar 231 St. Louis (jiiobe-Uemocrat Langtry Coroner's verdict____...... Mar 781 Catechism (Ed) Jan 21 6 5 Funds may be applied, how (Ed) St. Louis Law and Order League Nov 18 2 (Ed) Nov 26 4 5 Lawrcnceville ...... Apr 1 5 3 St. Louis police complications.. .Oct 17 1 5 Monev for (Ed) ...... Novll 6 2 St. Nicholas Club elects ouicers.Apr 4 Moral training, need of (C).....Jan 5 8 2 Elects oliicers May 16 5 2 National aid to (Ed) ...... Feb 20 4 2 trouble Apr28 5 3 Needs ot ...... Novll 4 1 St. Nicholas Society celebrated Paas N ew-Jersey, report ...... feb 1 6 1 Mar 27 2 4 New-Jersey statistics ...... Nov 17 1 Dinner Dec 752 Policy (EU)...... Jan 442 •St. Stephen's Home, fever at. .Apr 25 8 1 Report of Supt. Jasper ...... Mar 20 2 5 Sala and Uruiksb ank...... July 824 Rooms, foul air in (Kd) ...... Nov 10 4 4 Salisbury, Lord, ou American insti- St. Losiis manual training____June 21 b i tutions (Ed) ...... Nov 944 Salaries ...... Nov 18 4 4 Salisbury, Lord, on housing the poor Sani tar v condition of ...... Nov 852 (Ed)...... Dec 6 4 3 Sanitary inspection of ...... Nov 2 8 S Salisbury, Lord, London (C) Sewing in ...... May17 5 i "

S-Scbools. Date.Pg.Cl. S—Shelter. Date.Pq.Cl. Superintendent of (Ed) ...... Mar 15 4 4 " Evolution," TaJmage's ...... Jan 15 *3 2 Teachers' certificates ...... June 1550 " Faith," Day's...... May 731 Teachers, letter from G. H. Curtis. " Free Churches," Rainsford's Feb 5 3 1 Apr 233 Teachers' pension oil] (Ed)____.Apr 25 4 2 " God's Love," Beecher's ...... Oct 22 2 3 Teachers' pension bill, text of .Apr 25 2 4 "HeU,"Lightbourn's ...... Jan 15 3 2 Teachers, pensioning-, views.. Apr 2 5 1 6 '•Joan of Arc— Woman's Bights Teachers, salaries of ...... 3an30 3 1 and Duties," Collyer's ...... Mar 20 3 1 Teachers* wages reduced ...... Feb 151 "Life That Now is," Collyer's Text-books, too many (Ed)____Bee 344 Mar 19 2 0 Unsafe, report...... Mar 326 " Man ofthe Future," Eatcn'sApr 231 ^See also Education.) "Marriage," Adler's ...... Jan 29 3 2 Schoolmistress, strike of a (Ed) May 663 " Marriage andDivorce/'Collyer's Schultz, Jackson 8 , on church bells Oct 22 2 2 Get 823 "Methodist Episcopal Church," j Schultz, Jackson S., retires from Dr. Buckley's ...... Jan 8 5 2 i business ...... Oct 18 5 1 "Mormoiiism," Newman's____Dec 17 3 3 I i Schurz, Carl, leaves Tlie Evening "Myths of Genesis," Newton'sDec 17 2 4 j i ! Post ...... Deell 5 2 "Nature of God and Man," j Schurz, Carl, reply to Juliaii's Beecher's ...... Mar 3 9 3 I j charges...... Mar 16 2 4 " Novel-Keading," Collyer',<&... Oct 29 5 5 I Schuyler mansion at Albany.. .Jan 21 4 G " Press," Eaton's ...... Jan 29 2 6! Sciences, Nat. Academy of, ineeting- " Prophecy of Daniel," Newman's in New-Haven ...... Nov 14 5 5 Feb 26 3 2 ! National Academy, session in " Romanism," Fulton's ...... Oct 1 2 4 i ' " Romans," Newman's...... Mar 5251 "St Ignatius," Capel's ...... Aug 6 2 3| " Science and Bevelation," New- i man's ...... Dec 31 5 8 I "Sentiiueiit," Beecher's ...... Mar 12 3 3| " Shams in Social and Keligious j Life,', ' Talmage's...... May 726! "Thoreau," Collyer''s ...... Jaii29 2 True Freedom.''" Hall''s May 14 3 Sooville, Mrs. F. N ., gets a divorce "Woman's Life," Pullman's.. Mar 12 3 2 j Jan 10 1 "Young at Eighty,'' Collyer's.Jan 15 3 4 j (See also Religious.) i Sermons, sensational (Ed) Oct 544 Sessions, Loren B., acquitted Oct 19 1 3 Acquittal of (lid) Oct 20 4 3 Seviu, Julius, case of (Ed) Feb 463 Sewer contracts, fraud Dec 10 1 1 Seat! id, growth of (C) Nov 413 4 Sewing machine monopoly Mar 23 8 1 Seeds's, Engineer, family (C)... Feb 11 10 2 Sewer-pipes, cleaning (C) Sept 30 4 3 Seeds's family, aid for Feb 16 b 1 Sexton, Samuel, on deafness and Seligman, W.,-Bleichroeder quarrel education Nov 26 3 3 ; Mar 21 1 5 Sexton, Sainl., on the new medical Sembrich, Madame, career July 146 code May 114 Seriate and Assembly Districts, Seybert, Henry, bequests Mar 853 boundaries Nov 3 2 3 Seymour, Charles, reported killed Senate, U. S. (See Congress.) Oct 813 Sorvants, George Ehot on Nov 25 8 3 Seymour, Horatio, aphorisms (Ed) ! eriiions. June 19 4 4 •' Anthropology," Newman's. .Mar 19 Seymour, Horatio, chair (Ed)..Mar 5 4 5 I " Believing," Van Dyke's ..... May 7 Shakespeare's widow (Ed) June 24 6_ 2 ' " Bible," Armitage's ...... Jaii 29 Shaler, Alexander, sketch of...June 14 1 ' 5 Sbanahan, James, made Supt. of 29 Public Works Jan l;i 2 1 12 Shapira manuscript Aug ^0 6 1 ...... 29 Sharou, Win., and Miss Hill...Sept 17 Bible," Newton's ...... Jan 8 Oct 7 " Bible," Newton's ...... Jan 15 Interview Sept 23 4 ! " Bible," Newton's ...... Feb 12 Shave, bad (Ed) Apr 5 _ " Bible," Newman's ...... Feb 5 Shaw, Edward E., arrest of Jan 13 1 4| "Bible," Newman's ...... Feb 12 Shaw, Ed. E., sent to prison Feb 20 5 5 '• " Christ's Nobility," Beecher's. . . . Shaw, F., flight of Aug 24 5 2I Feb IB 3 1 Shaw, Frank E., indictment of... Jan 20 2 2i " Christ and the Theists," New- Shea, Geo., speech, St. George's j man's ...... Apr 2 3 1 Soc. dinner Apr 24 5 4| " Christian indurance," Kale's ..... Sheahan-Knox duel July 611 Dec 18 Sheard, Titus, on free trade, May 2 5 1 " Christian Life," Beach's... -June 23 Shearman, Thos. G. (Ed) ..June 10 6 4= " Christian Unity," Beecher's.Jan >4 Shearman, Thos, G., reply to Dr. Coming Sermon," Talmage's Hamlin June 11 2 3 Sept 17 2 4 Shellac, duty on Mar 15 2 2 ««Creation," Newman's -Mar 12 3 2 Shelly. Kate, medal Dec 31 ^ " •* Evolution," Beecher's May 14 2 6 Shelter island (C) May 14 5 5 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883.

S—Shslton. Date>Pg.Cl. S—f hi >wrecks. Date.Pg.Cl. Shelton, Wm., bequest Oct 27 5 5 Responsibility (Ed) Jan 23 4 3 Sheridan, Patrick J., arrest, war- Story of s urvivors Fel) 9 2 rant for - Feb 27 1 3 City of Brussels, str Jan 8 I Carey's testimony, on Mar 412 3 Details Jan 9, 10 Caseof Feb 28 2 1 City of Greenville, str Jan 13 1 Case, legal aspects (Ed) Mar 2 4 3 Claudius, str June 8 1 Extradition (Ed) Feb 27 4 4 Collisions at sea (Ed) Jan 22 4 Indictment of May 414 Colorado, str Oct 1 1 Interview Feb 23, 24, Mar 20 Dauntless, hark Dec 3 1 Speech, defence of dynamite. .July 425 Sheridan, Peter, case of Nov 13 1 Emfta, str...' .1.1... "'""..May 24 Sheridau, P. II., gift July 19 5 Endymiou, details Jan 11) 3" 2 Command of the Army, takes.Nov 224 Enoch Train, British ship Feb ) 7 5 3 Sheriffs fees, increasing the (Ed) Eugene, schooner Jan 27 1 2 Mar 14 4 2 Fishing fleet, Grand Bank Sept 1 1 4 Sherman, John, Freeman Clark, Dark Dec 4 2 6 Civil Rights, on Nov 20 1 Garden City, ferry-boat Dec 14 5 Interview Oct 2 2 Gem. steamer Feb 10 1 Interview, Mansfield. O. (C)..Juue lb 1 C Glamorgan, steamer Feb 25 1 Ohio politics, on (C) May 31 4 t Gloucester City, steamer Mar 8 3 Speech at Findlay, O Aug 26 5 5 Golden Horn, steamer Feb 10 1 Speech at Mansfield, O June 3 * ' Grace, steamer Jan 31 ^ Sherman, Wm. T. Granite State, steamer May 19 Birthday, Feb 954 Grappler, steamer May 4 Reception in New-York Nov 10 5 Grayling, yacht May 14 1 R etires from it i e A rm v IN ov 2 2 Afloat May 18 8 Speech, Armv of Potomac reunion Hekla, steamer Feb 20 5 ' MaylS 1 t Holyhead, steamer Nov 1 1 Sherred Hall, corner-stone iaid.May 11 2 4 Hunger!'ord, Dark Dec 25 2 Sherwin, F. R., arrest of Sept 30 7 4 Independence, steamer Sept 14 1 Caseof Octl3 8 1 Josephine, steamer Jan 19 1 Case of (Ed).. Dec 30 6 K.enm lire Castle, str Feb 8 1 Sherwood. John P.. tribute Aug 1651 List of,iii 1882..' Jan 8 3 Shine, Wm. L., assaulted June 22 5 4 Lively, British Dispatch str..June 9 1 Case of June 24 12 Ludwig, str Sept 7 1 Insane, declared Oct 2 8 Main, mishap July 15 1 Shin, Tilly E. Starbuck, description Manistee, str Nov 22 1 of. Apr 15 2 Mariposa,brig Jan 21 1 " Ship, we abode in the " (Ed)..Ma.. r _ 2 Mary Ann Hurlbert, schr Dec 18 1 Shipbuilding on the Clyde Dec 30 Mary Lizzie, British brig Jan ?5 8 Ship-building Co., Goriinge Mar (j Mississippi, str May 15 2 Morro Castle, str Feb 22 1 shipping. Mystery, yacht ,Aug23 1 Bill passed House of Representa- Navarre, str Mar 10 1 tives Jan 13 1 6 Niagara, str July 14 1 Clearances of foreign steamersApr 8 1 4 Norton Stover, bark Jan 14 5 Congress arid, letter from John Parisot, str NovlH 5 Jay Fel) 5 3 1 Pauline, ship Sept 22 8 1 Else, ship, eventful voyage...Mar 29 8 1 Picardie, str Jan 22 5 2 French mercantile marine lawDec 22 2 2 Pilot-boat off Fire Island Dec 4 1 t> Inspection of British ships...July 25 2 4 Pilot, str May 20 5 1 Law reform (Kd) Dec 13 4 3 Plan tyu, str Dec 28 5 2 Merchant vessels, oiiicial numbers Pride of tb<^ Ocean Jan 17 1 4 Jiuy 20 3 1 Proteus str Sept 14 1 1 Rules for steam vessels Mar 11 5 1 (Ed) Septl4 4. 2 Union League club, report on.Dec 14 5 2 Record of Jan 8, 22, Aug 25, 29 (See also Canals, Commerce and Renfrew, str July 411 Trade.) Rhiwindda, str ....June'27 ] 1 Shipwreck. Rivali, str Aug 27 1 1 Africa str. (considered 1 May 4 Riveidale, str Aug 29 1 1 Acnes' Jack, str Jan 29 Verdict Sept 14 8 3 Albini, Spanish bark Jau 5 5 3 Report of Special Agent Hinds Alexandria, str Dec 13 5 3 Dec 27 2 3 Alhambra, str Nov 1 1 1 Rocaberg, brig Nov22 1 4: Alvin, Spanish str Jan 21 2 5 llocaley, brig De« 182, • Ansoiiia, str Feb 1 1 4 Rotterdam, str. (stranded) Sept 29 5 l : Asluiflot, str Feb 22 1 4 Saint Augustin, str Dec 21 1 4! Asliuelot, str Feb 23 1 3 St. Augustin, str Dec:.'3 1 4. Blackwatch, str Jan 30 1 1 Shirley, bark Sept 22 8 l l Bolivia, str Dec 23 1 4 Star of the West, bark Jan 5 2 4 J JBosphoms, str Feb 24 5 1 Tacoma, str Feb 415 British commerce, .ship Apr26 1 1 Tallahasse, str Nov 1215 British Empire, ship Jan 10 1 1 Thompson, tug Nov 10 5 4 | Calvertstr Apr 26 2 5 Thordon, Swedish monitor...July 25 1 5 ' Canima, str Sept 7 1 1 Vorwarts, ship Jan 23 1 3 1 Cimbria, str Jan 21 1 4 Waeslaiidstr Jan20 1 2 Details Jau 22, 23, 24, 25 Waitara,str June25 1 4 Investigation Feb 11,14 Wheatneld, str Jan 214 INDEX TO THE

S—Shipwrecks. Date.Pg.Cl. S-Smalley. Date.Pg.Cl. Wild Deer, ship...... Jan 14 1 3 Ashburnham books, sale of . Apr 761 Woodburn, str Aug 27 1 1 Ashburnham Library Feb 26 6 1 Yazoo, str Mar 515 Blanc, Louis peb 431 Zorka, ship Apr 655 Blight, John July 2 6 (See also Accidents.) Cabinet changes Apr 831 Shipwrecked crew, sufferings of a Chamberlain and the Cobden Club Dec 922 Sbooting. Death amongEnglishmen Apr 15 3 1 Baldwin by Fannie Baldwin... Jan 553 Dickens'letters Nov 11 3 2 Brady by Kyan Nov 22 1 6 Dilke, Sir Charles, career Feb 1131 Budd by Reynolds Dec 29 1 3 Dixie, Lady Florence, case of .Mar 30 2 3 Corr by Monroe Feb 18 1 Dore, Gustave Feb 12 1 6 Donnelly b.y Hardwicke Nov 3 1 Drama Feb 5, Apr 29,June 3, Doyle by Donnelly July 18 8 2 July 9, Dec 80 Eaines by Higham Apr 22 5 6 Dynamite conspiracy,opiiiions.Apr 23 5 2 Fitzpatrick by Smith Dec 26 8 2 Dynaraite explosion Mar 2 9 5 1 Fredericks by Stein June 10 3 England in Egypt Aug 28 2 2 Healy by McArdle June 25 1 6 English Badicals Mar 16 2 3 Irving by Walsh Oct 17 1 6 Explosives Dill Apr 29 3 2 Looney by Monroe Feb 18 1 4 Fisheries exhibition Juue 331 McGowan by Officer Delaiiey. .Jan 3 10 1 Freeman's "Impressions "....Apr 17 6 1 McShane, Arthur Feb 22 8 1 Gambetta, reminiscences of a Murphy by Collins Aug 10 5 4 crisis Jan 15 1 6 Orr, Henry, by;an Italian Jan 22 8 1 Gladstone's Midlothianvisit...Jan 25 2 3 Paul by Donnelly Jan 4 8 Grosvenor Gallery May27 3 1 Powers, Wm ,Oct 1 1 Housing of poor Dec 23 4 2 Reagan by Smith June 11 1 Irving-banquet July 10 5 3 Boss by Prichard July 14 2 Jennings, L. J., on Howells and S anas by Mitchell Nov 1 8 James Feb 19 6 1 Schneider by Schneider Dec 25 8 Journalism Nov 4 3 1 Seaman by Seaman July 3 5 Lansdowne, Lord June 10 3 1 Sinnott by Clancy Dec22 1 Liberal club May 20 3 1 Smitn (Mary) by Clark Feb 28 1 Literary notes Jan 21, Feb 19, 26 Smith by Leonard June 17 5 Mar 11, Apr 9, 10, 17, Nov 30, Dec Stoddard, Maria C May 15 10 1 23 Verdict May29 5 " Magazine changes and personal Walsh by Porter Oct 17 1 matters Feb 19 6 2 Ward by English June 29 1 Marriage in England July 131 , Williams by West Nov 9 1 Murders, Carey's testimony, Land I Williamson, by Bauman May 18 8 League complicity Mar 552 Young by Young Oct 24 8 Notes : Political, Social, Personal I Wynne by Wynne July 2 1 Jan 28 3 1 (See also Murder and Suicide.) Personal, Commercial, Theatrical • Shooting at sight (Ed) Aug 19 6 Feb 5 3 1 Shoplifters, trick of Dec 23 6 Legal,Journalistic,Personal.Feb 852 Siam, affairs in Feb 20 3 Gladstone, Press, Mails Feb 18 3 1 , Sick, curing, by faith Oct 21 3 Archbishops, marriage, emigra- Signal Service, charges Feb 921 tion Febl9 5 4 Signal Service, changes June 14 2 1 Irish, Scotch, English incidents Silk Association meeting and din- Feb 25 3 1 I ner May 16 5 2 Emerson, The Times, Oarlyle Silks, undervaluation of Dec 22, 23 Feb 23 6 1 Silk from worm to weaver Oct 28 3 5 Gambetta, Books, Copyright Silver (See Finance.) Feb 28 6 1 Silver Lake Aug"2 5 5 Irish humors,Personal, the Gros- Simmons, ex-Collector, charges vernor Mar 431 against •- Oct 27 1 2 Irish tactics, Personal, &c..Mar 432! Sipple, Wm. J., sent to prison. .June 10 12 1 Gambetta, Browning, Belt, " Six Cheers " (Ed) Feb 14 4 3 Bowels Mar 761 Skain, John, case of Nov 15 1 3 Artistic, Dramatic, Personal Skobeleif scandal July 24 3 3 Mar 822 Sky-glows, wonderful (Ed) Dec 25 4 4 Personal,Soc5al,Journalistic.Mar 18 3 1 Slade, Herbert A Jan 27 2 4 Trevelyan-Mails and Marriage Arrestof Jan 30 2 4 Mar 25 3 2 Slater, H. A., case of Nov24 2 4 Irish demands—Ashton Dilke Slave, the last Northern (C) Sept 16 3 3 Mar 26 5 3 Slavery in G eorgia (Ed) Sept 20 4 4 Political, Personal, Literary.Apr 20 5 4 Slaves, seeking pay for emancipated Oratory, Chamberlain, Lord Dec 7 5 Bosebery Apr 22 3 1 Sloat, Lewis S^, case of May 27 2 Personal, Literary, Artistic.Apr 29 3 1 Slocum, Ella, assault....June 28, 29, 30 Carlyle, Emerson, Ashburuham Slocum, J., arrest of Nov 24 2 manuscripts-- May13 3 1 Case of Dec 23 9 Persons of celebrity June 10 3 2 Smalley, Geo.W., London letters. Hyde Park, Personal!ties...June 17 3 1 Anderson, Mary Nov 18 3 Personal, Miscellaneous,Literary Art—Boyal Academy June 5 5 June 18 5 1 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 93

S—Smalley. Date.Pg.Cl. S—South. Date.Pg.Cl, Political, Personal, Theatrical Smith, Andrew J., charged with June 24 3 I perjury. May 12 1 4 Political, Personal, Dramatic Smith, Annie, case of Mar 1, 2 June 30 2 2 Smith, Carrol E..interview....-May 1714 Journalistic, Personal and others Smith, Chas. E., address on journal- July 132 ism June27 1 6 Political, Personal, Dramatic Smith, Chas. S., letter, concerning July 8-11 Columbia College Apr 651 Spottiswoode, Hudy, Marl- Smith's, Eliza A., public bequests borough July 22 3 1 June 16 1 5 Beuiamin-Belt vs. Lawes-Lons- Smith, Elizabeth O., letter from dale Libel July23 0 1 Mar 24 2 5 Pete, Personalties July 30 5 b Smith, Goldwin, on British politics Political, Sanitary, Literary, Le- May 332 gal, Postal Aug 531 Ireland, on (Ed) June 17, Dec 12 Rosebery, ministry for Scotland Irish question inpolitics July 253 Aug12 3 1 Smith, Henry J. S Mar 11 6 6 Parliamentary Eccentricities, Smith's, Leigh, voyage to Franz Josef Jeafireson's Byron, English i^and(Ed) Feb 28 4 5 and American Aug 19 o 1 Smith, Martin L., declared sane Ireland, Channel Tunnel, Per- Feb 25 5 6 sonalties Aug20 2 1 Egypt, Cetewayo Aug 2b3 1 Smith, Richard, interview May 11 5 2 Personal, Literary, Miscellane- Smith, Richard, on the Presidency ous -. Sept 231 Dec 19 5 5 Episodes and personalities...Oct 29 2 1 Smithsonian Institution, annual Pullman cars, Watches, Drama meeting Jan 18 2 5 Nov 432 Smuggled goods, seizure of Mar 131 Arnold, Sir Moses Montifiore, Smuggling by sailors June 1077 Mayne Reid, Tennyson, Low- Smull, Peter B., case of Nov 18 7 2 ell. Novll 3 1 Smyth, W.H., letter Oct 26 2 2 Political, Personal, Miscellane- Snails as an article offood June 333 ous Novl6 5 2 Snake story Jan 791 Personalities, Lord Wolmer's Snakes, Hugh Leonard (Ed)....Feb 17 4 4 marriage ....NoylS 3 1 Snyder-Simpson, election con- Law, Lowell, Literary inci- test Feb 655 dents Nov25 3 1 Social problems, some (Ed) Sept 23 6 4 Journalistic, Theatrical, Per- Social science, something new in sonal Nov25 3 2 (Ed) Dea 565 Political, Personal, Literary Socialist Congress in Copenhagen Nov 27 S. 1 Apr 613 "Sociology "Summer's paper....Mar 751 Academical, Social, Personal, Softwing, yacht, description of .May 28 8 2 Literary Nov 23 2 2 Solarmotors (Ed) Sept 544 Lesseps, Theological, Political Soldiers' Home, Milwaukee Sept 23 Literary Dec 231 Dec 10 Personal, Religious, Socialistic Soldier, the private (Ed) Nov 484 Literary Dec 931 Soldiers, history of various regi- Lord Rectorships, Central News ments May27 9 1 Agency, Divorce Dec 10 5 4 Sonora, glimpses of (C) Apr 136 Academical, Socialistic, Per- Sontay captured by France Dec 2214 sonal Decl6 3 1 Sontay, French assault Dec 23 1 3 Political, Anglo-American, Per- Sorghum (Ed) Mar 31 4 5 sonal Decl6 3 2 Sorghum, Academy of Sciences Art and Socialism, Miss Gris- report May 711 wold, Miss Anderson Dec 17 5 3 Sorghum, Nat. Academy of Sciences Literary, Theatrical, Personal report, (Ed) June 25 4 2 Dec 23 4 1 Sorghum in New-Jersey (C) Sept 935 Political, Municipal, Theatrical Sorghum as sugar, report: Depart- Dec 24 5 2 ment of Agriculture Aug 332 Political, Personal, Literary Soto, President July 18 5 3 Dec 26 5 2 Soto's, President, tour July 19 2 5 Parliamentary crisis June 12 5 3 Sound vibrations photographed.Oct 22 8 1 Parnell Dec 25 5 2 Soudan, war Nov28 5 2 Parnell and Irish murders Mar 946 Parnell, his position in politics — South—Southern Affairs. Mar 12 5 4 " Bloody Shirt" (Ed) Nov 23 4 3 Polices June 17 3 2 " Bloody Shirt," (Ed) Nov 20 4 3 Politics Feb 23 2 3 Election frauds (Ed) Mar 31 4 4 Polities Mar 25 3 1 Growth (Ed) Nov 743 Salisbury, Lord Nov 15 5 3 " Homicide," address by Heniy Social rei'orm Dec 27 5 2 Watterson May 30 5 2 Spottiswoode, Wm July 16 6 1 Memorial Day ..Apr 28 8 2 Suez canal Aug 621 Progress (Ed) Sepfc 742 Sunderland library Apr 16 6 1 Republicans and the (Ed) Dec 15 4 3 Small's Robert, gallantry Jan 26 1 6 Republicanism (Ed) Apr 27 4 3 Smith, of British Columbia (Ed) Schools, sectional politics i,O).Jan 22 3 3 ! Sept 24 4 4 Solid, disadvantage of a (Ed)..Aug 27 4 4 , 94 INDEX OF THE

S—Southern. Date.Pg.Cl. S—Statue. Date.Py.Cl. Southern representation (Ed)..Aug 23 4 3 Daly beats Vignaux May 18 5 3 South Africa, two views of English Daly beats Wallace May 16 5 5 policy (Ed) Mar 01 4 3 Daly becomes champion May 26 5 3 South America notes .Tan L l, 16, 27 Dion beats Carter May 24 5 3 Feb 3, 27, Apr 15, 27, May 15, 24 Dion beats Sexton May 19 5 1 June 15, Dec », 25 Dion beats Vignaux May 1515 Peace (Ed) May 17 4 3 Gamier beats Daly in Lyons Revolution, final battle., July 27 5 5 Dec 20 5 3 Veintimella, overthrow of Julv 27 5 5 Schaefer beats Carter May 17 5 1 (See also Chili and Peru.) Schaefer beats Dion May 23 5 4 South Carolina. Schaefer beats Vignaux Apr 752 Bonds, validity of Jan-0 1 5 Schaefer beats Wallace May 19 5 1 Bourbon ingenuity (Ed) May 743 Sexton beats Carter May3655 Bourbon methods, Charleston (C) Sexton beats Schaefer May 2073 May 721 Tournament, Tammany Hall Election cases. .Mar 23, 25, Apr 6, 12 May 3 5 1 5 16, Dec 10,13, 34 Vignaux bearts Carter May 20 7 3 Election cases, Bourbon tactics (C) Vignaux beats Daly Ma'r27 1 3 Apr 14 2 3 Vignaux beats Dion May 27 7 4 Election cases, persecution of the Vignanx beats Schaefer May 24 "law abiding" (Ed) Apr 13 4 3 June 13,Dec 1 Election frauds (Ed) Mar 31 4 4 Vignaux beats Sexton Mar 6 Election frauds, proof (Ed)....Apr 34 4 3 May 25 i Intimidation .Aug H» 1 3 Wallace beats Dion May 17 5 3 Southwestern morality (Ed) Apr 24 4 3 Wallace beats Schaefer May 27 7 4 SpaiD. Wallace bea ts Sexton May 18 5 3 | Badaj os outbreak (C) Aug 26 3 G Wall ace beats Vi gii aux M ay 22 5 2 Black Hand conspirators sen- | Chess tournament, Zukertort wins tenced June 19 1 I j June 12 1 2 ,! Cortes opened Dec 3 6 1 '3 Cricket in /America .7 uly 8 4 2 Court scandals—King AlfonsoJuly 15 3 5 Cricket, New-York agsL Phila. Cuban refugees released Apr 1111 Sept 33 5 3 Finances Jan 24 1 5 Prance, and(Ed) Get 443 Croquet - Julv 24 5 5 Insurgents, surrender of Augl2 1 2 llegatta (See Regatta.) Ministrv, new Jan 9, Oct 3 4 .Rifle match, International., Am. Ministry resign Jan 8, Oct 11 team selected May 1952 Parliamentary oath formula...Feb 5 "L 3 International match, British Position in Europe (Ed) J~)ct 042 win - July 22 1 4 Kevolt Aug .Reason (Ed) July 2i) 6 2 Revolt (Ed) Aug 13 Sullivan-Mitch ell con test May 15 I 4- Socialistic outrages Mar 1 1 3 i Turf (See Turf.) (See also Cuba.) Spottiswoode, William, career of Spanish-American award May 22 1 3 (CV'G.W. S." July 16 6 3 Sparr, Mrs Sept 4= 1 4 Sprague. Henrv L., election case Speakers of two Houses (Ed)... .Dec 4 4 Feb17 2 6 Speer, Emory (Ed) Dec 24 4 Sprague-Bliss election contest..Mar 911 Spelling class, Tilden (Ed) Mar 174 4 Sprague-Bliss election case iEdl Spelling Reform Association...July 33 2 4 Mar 13 4 4 Spelling-re form, blunders in (C) July 22 5 2 Sprague, Wm., divorce - .Apr 1822 Spelling reforms and reformers (C).. Estate Jan 20, 23, July 18, 28 Aug38 6 1 Governorship, and the (Ed)...Mar 15 4 4 Spencer. Earl, attempt on his life— Governor of Khode Island, nom. Feb 25 1 2 for Mar 35 1 2 Spencer, Lillian, case of Dec 15 1 3 By Democrats Mar 21 1 3 Speneer-DeWitt case Oct 681 Marriage Mar 913 Spinner, F. E., on currency (Ed) — Spriggs, renaissance of (Ed) ]STov 23 4 Feb 19 4 3 Spring, backward (Ed) Apr 15 6 3 Spinola, Frank, "a purifier " (Ed).. Spring fever-marriages (Ed) Mar 23 4 4 Feb 943 Springer to the rescue (Ed) Sept 19 4 3 Spinola's, Frank, charter (Ed)..Apr 443 Stafford, M. P., on the whiskey tax.. Spinola, Frank,-Kelly rebellion (Ed) Dec 1 5 1 ' ' Jan 30 4 4 Stage (See Drama). Spiritualist camp-meeting Aug 27 2 3] Standard Oil Co. and the Tidewater fepitzka, E. C., on spinal injuries Pipe Line Co Feb 28 2 5 and litigation , June i 5 2 Standard Theatre burned Dec. 35 1 1 ipofford's address, "What to Read" Standard Trust Co. stock A ug 25 8 1 Oct 21 7 2 Staniord, Lelanu, interview.....May 2(J 5 4 Spooks, Hartford ghost story (Ed).. Stanley in Africa Oct 9 5 3 Mar 21 4 5 Stark, L. J. N., sketch of May 10 2 1 Sporting. State Engineer and Surveyor's office " Amateur " athletics (Ed)... .Feb 2643 (Ed) Mar 643 Billiards: Daly beats Carter. .May 22 5 2 Statue of Liberty, design for ped- Daly beats Dion May 25 5 1 estal Junel7 3 6 Daly beats Sexton—Jan 7, May 23 Foundation, work begun June 22 8 1 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOB 1883,

S—Statue. Jlate.Pg. S—Strikes. Date.Pg.Cl. Laboulaye letters Jan 10 5 Stern, Saul, case of ...... June 30 10 1 Loan exhibition Dec 4 2 Stetson, John, card ...... Sept 521 Subscriptions Jan 17 5 Stewart, A. T., estate ...... Dec25 1 3 What the, is and is not (C) Dec 23 11 Stimulants, Study and" ...... Mar 18 Statues in the Parks (Ed) May 7 4 Stock dividends valid ...... Oct 3 2 Steam engineering, Bureau of, an- Stock Exchange election May 1682 nualreport Nov 833 Committees May17 8 1 Steam heating Company (Ed)..Aug 24 4 4 Hutchinson's expulsion, special Steam-heating nuisance. Jan 25 8 1 com. report May 22 2 1 Steam pipes, the "worm turns"(Ed) Stock Exchange, new Feb 26 5 5 Jan 26 4 3 Stock raising, Western (C) Mar 12 2 2 Steamships. Stock watering, remedies for...Nov 283 Stockmen in Kansas Mar 27 2 1 Alaska makes fastest trip on Stoddard, Chas. H., sketch of...Jan 425 record May 7 8 Stoddard, R. H., poem, "Saviors of Alaska beats the record Sepu 24 8 jUieState" Feb 716 Albatross, description of Tune 4 5 Stox*,Aniasa, death of May 1252 America, description of Dec 30 5 &j.ejLcria]to his son May 12 5 3 Arnerique, arrival of Sept 13 8 TV a J of June 372 Amerique history of Sept 3 1 Stoin e .great Jan 11, Feb 5. Mar 11, Athabaska, description of Nov 28 1 A pf 15, 24, May 10,15, 19, 20, 22, Atlantic, London (C) Apr 22_ 2 June 15, 19, July 15, 24, Aug 23, Aurania, mishap July 5, 6 Nov 7, Dec 13, 25 Aurania, str., description of...July 1 12 (See also Floods and Weather.) Cimbria, description of Jan 22 5 Storrs, Richard S., sketch of Oct 28 4 6 City of Chester breaks her shaft.. Oration, BrooklynBridge May 25 7 1 MarlO 5 Oration, "Manliness in the City of Chicago, description of..... Scholar" June 28 5 2 City of Gloucester launched. .May 23 8 1 Story- City of Richmond, tire Oct 751 "Adventure, Night of " Apr 22 9 3 City of Richmond grounds Feb 178 1 "Ambitious Woman " J^ly 8 3 1 Eastern Shore launched Feb 25 1 3 "Bit of Paper" Jan 21 4 1 Edam, description of Nov 12 8 1 " Budell's Proposal Mar 18 4 4 France breaks her shaft Dec 26 1 " Cherry Roper's Penance" Oct 14 9 3 Fulda, description of Mar 25 2 "Edelweiss" June 10 9 1 Hammonia, description of Mar 13 8 " Green Turban " Apr 8 4 3 In spection of foreign Mar 22 5 " Heaphy's Ghost " Jan 14 4 1 Jeannie, launched Feb 23 5 " House in the Mirror " Oct28 9 1 Meteor, description of Mar 12 8 " If My First Wife "— May 27 4 3 Moravia, description of Dec 6 8 " Jack's Courtship " Nov 4 11 1 Niagara, tire July 25 2 "LadyHelp" June 3 4 3 Normandie, fast trip May 15 10 "Lord Richard and I " Apr 143 Old Colony runs ashore Feb 5 5 " Martha's Bag" May 643 Oregon, description of Oct 15 2 "MissMiller" Feb 18 4 2 Pacific Co. elects officers May 31 3 "Monica" Jan 731 Passengers carried in Is82 Jan 17 8 " Monsieur, My Husband "....Mar 11 4 3 Pilgrim, description of Mar 21 8 " MyDaughter-in-Law" May20 9 1 Plymouth Rock, meeting Aug 17 1 " My Terrible Wedding Day "Apr. 15 4 3 Rates, steerage Jan 30 3 " Odd-Looking Man " Feb 11 4 4 Reliance, descriptionof Feb 26 8 " Prince and Jew " Feb 444 Renfrew, launch ; accident...July 4 1 " Puerto de Medina " Feb25 4 1 Scvthia, small-pox Nov 1 1 " Randie's Adventure" Jan 28 4 4 , Tremont, launching of Mar 410 " Secret of the Chateau " Mar 4 4 3i Valencia, fired on by a Dutch gar- " Serjeant's Will" June 24 9 l| rison... : 1 Feb 21 2 " SoNearly Won " Apr 29 9 3 Westernland, description of..Nov 16 5 "Stage Waits" Oct 21 4 5 Wrecked (See Shipwrecks.) " Strange Wooing " May13 4 3 Steck, Rev. Chas., turns actor...Apr 10 5 £ < Those Smiths " July 1 9 1 Stedman, E. C. & Co., fail Aug 16 8 " Unforeseen conclusion "....June 17 9 1 Schedules Aug 28 8 Story, Sarah, sent to prison____June 181 Statement Aug 24 2 Stout, B. G., made U. S. Senator Cottage July 2 9 3 from Michigan ...... Jan 13 1 3 Steedman, James B., death of...Oct 19 2 Stowaways ...... Feb 26 1 3 (Ed) Oct 22 4 Stranahan, J. S. T., speech/Jhamber Steel, duties on (Ed) Feb 19 4 of Commerce banquet______May 923 Steel interests (Ed) Feb 20 4 Strawberry Hill, London (C) ...May 22 2 2 Steel rails and duties (Edj Feb 1 4 Street, Henry, flight of ...... Sept 30 1 3 Stephens, Alex. H. treet cleaning inquiry ...... Jan 30 3 2 1 Death of Mar 5 3 Cleaning, inquiry ...... Feb 3 3 1 j (Ed) Mar 5 4 Cleaning matters ...... Feb 25 12 1 j Fight with Judge Cone Apr 29 10 Contract frauds...... Dec 10, 12 > Funeral of.. Mar 9 2 Opening of,power ...... May 12 2 1 | Memories of (C) Mar 9 2 Street cries (C) ...... May 12 5 5 | Stephens, Jamew, on Irish agitation Strobach, Paul, case of ...... May 1813 Apr 27 8 Strobach, Paul, indictment of..May 12 1 4 Stephen son, John L., arrest of...Dec 3 1 trikes (Ed) ...... July21 4 3 96 INDEX TO THE

S—Strikes. Date.Pg.Cl S—Sun. Date.Pg.Cl. Bad time for (Ed) July 18 4 3 Reibnitz, Baron Mar31 1 5 Cigarmakers' July 19 8 ' Rudolph, Gotlieb Apr 682 | Demagogues (Ed) Aug 2 4 Schrodtler, Geo June 281 Knights of Labor, and the (Ed) School-boy (Ed) Aug 14 4 4 July 30 4 4 Seaman, William July 352 Plain words on a plain subj ect (Ed) Shepard, Horace B July 31 1 6 May 25 4 4 Statistics (Ed) Apr 243 Printers' Oct27 8 1 Sternberger, L. R Dec 26 1 4 Printers' Nov 16 2 2 Stewart, John Jan 28 2 " Railroads and (Ed) Jan 18 4 3 Stone, Amasa May 12 5 Telegraph operators July 20 1 I Thoma, John Dec26 1 End of Aug 18 1 1 Thomas, John H Aug 8 8 Weavers (Ed) Nov 17 4 2 Tutliill, James M Sept 4 5 " Strike," ethics of the (C) Sept 1610 1 Waiman, Thomas Aug 13 1 Striker, Jos. L. M., drowned June 2613 Ward, James H May11 1 Stuart, Robert L., will of Jan 23 3 1 Whalen, Richard Sept 22 5 Students, pecuniary aid (Ed) .... Feb 25 6 3 Wheeler, Tbos. H Dec 30 1 Study, a many-sided question (Ed).. Wilcox, Minor Dec 13 1 Nov 25 6 5 Wilson, R. B Aug 8 8 Sturlata, Theresa Dec 713 Suicides (Ed) Aug 15 4 Sturtevant House, safety of Jan 15 5 5 Suicides, are the newspapers to Suez Canal (See Canals). blame (Ed) Aug 16 4 Sugar bounties (Ed) Oct 18 4 3 Suicide, as to (Ed) July 20 4 Sugar interests, Louisiana Jan 13 2 2 Suicides, strange (Ed) July 31 4 Sugar interests and the tariff Feb 116 Sullivan, Alexander (Ed) Apr 27 4 Sugar quest, the (Kd) Feb 26 4 4 Sullivan, Alexander, speech..May 6, 22 Sugar from sorghum, sample.... Oct 15 5 3 Sullivan, A. M., on Irish affairs Mar 18 1 Sugar trade with Hawaii Sept 14 2 2 Sullivan, A. S., speech, aqueduct, bill May 2 1 Suicides. Sulphuric acid, purifying Jan 7 9 Allisen, Mrs. W. B Aug 14 1 SuJtan on American politics (Ed) Barco, Francisco July 30 1 1 Oct 27 4 Bates, Benjamin Marl9 1 5 Sultan and the False Prophet (Ed).. Beattie, George Aug 24 8 2 Nov 29 4 Beebe, Wm M Aug 815 Summer, a good place not to (Ed).... Bettini,, Gannie,, (attempted).Ma. y 14 5 3 Apr 15 6 Blaschek, John Jan 25 5 5 Summer Resorts. Broeser, Paul A Aug 31 8 1 Calley, Samuel Jan 213 Asbury Park June 30 5 Carter, J. E Aug 15 5 4 Atlantic City. N. J. (C) July 23 5 Darling, Samuel Jan 723 Bai Harbor, Mt. Desert (C)...Aug 8 5 Davids, Geo. W Apr 554 Cape May (C) July 18 5 Ditmars, Wm. B Nov 983 Catskills, among the (C) Juue 18 5 Douglass, Susan E June 215 Coney Island, drowning accidents Egan, Richard P July 25 5 2 June 24 7 Foley, Walter L Oct21 5 1 Season begun May 28 2 Frank. Geo Dec 815 Delaware Water Gap (C) Sept 2 5 Frey. Gottlieb Dec 31 8 1 Health of (Ed) Feb 12 4 Gladstone, Hugh Apr 10 1 2 Keene Valley, N. Y. (C) July 1 7 Gwinner, Henry W Oct 20 8 2 Lake Placid July 9 5 Hanauer, Mosesly Jan 855 Monmouth Beach (C) Aug 12 5 Hartley,John Mar 13 5 4 Newport, season opened June 27 5 Hill son. Thomas Jan 23 3 3 Richneld Springs, N. Y July 12 5 Hinds, Wm. F Sept 352 Richfield Springs i C) July 29 7 Howell, A. J Feb 25 1 3 Shelter Island, L 1 Aug 12 5 Hutchinson, Francis Aug 13 1 3 White Mountain resorts (C). .July 18 5 Johnson, A. B Nov 414 Summer season, end of (Ed) Sept 25 4 Josts, W. H Mar 911 Sunmer, Perrin H., charged with Keiser, Roe E Dec 14 1 4 fraud May 17 3 Kemlo, James Sept 19 8 1 Simmer, Wm. G. Kenny,John Feb 355 Discussion, his method of Feb 16 5 Kirby, Patrick Aug 13 5 5 " Protective Taxes and Wages " Ladou, Enrico Dec 31 8 1 on (Ed) Mar 23 4 Macduff, William Apr 28 5 1 Slander, and (Ed) :.Apr 5 4 Mann, Frank May 672 '* Sociology " naper Mar 7 5 Matthews, Frederick July 26 8 1 Thread, on the cost of Feb 24 5 Mayo, Robert Sept 16 1 6 Unworthy of Yale (Ed) Feb 11 6 Norden, G Aug 413 " White Elephant," (Ed) Feb 25 6 Nosch, J. G .Feb 851 Willimantic Co.,and the (C)..Apr 6 5 O'Neil, Mary Aug 28 8 2 Sun, New-York, Birdsall contro- Patchin, Milligan July23 1 5 versary Aug 10, 14, 20, Sept 12 Perrottell. A. M Oct31 8 2 "Bets on circulation," on (Ed) Pinlieiro, Manuel Mario 5 5 Oct 27 4 Pratt, Caleb Oct 29 5 2 Congress of 1875-'76, on the (Ed) Prescott, A Feb 25 1 3 July 20 4 Putlitz, Prof Aug 415 City contract, frauds, and the (Ed) Putney, Wm. A .June 12 1 3 Dec 18 4 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 97

S-Sun. Pcile.Pg. T—Tariff. Date.Pg.Cl. Democrats and the tariff, on (Ed) Taft,W. N Jan 29 3 4 Dec 5 4 Taine-Welsh writings Mar2661 Hancock, and (Ed) ...... Aug 10 4 Talbot, Thos., on Ben Butler... July 10 1 4 Sunset, remarkable ...... „ ..... Nov 28 5> Talmage, T. De Witt, sermons (See Sunsets, wonderful (Ed) ...... Dec 25 4 Sermons.) Sunshine and consumers (Ed) . .July 11 4 Tamniamiy Association, Sunstroke, cause and treatment of Allegiance, renewing her (Ed) July 6 4 July 9 2 Anti-Tammanv, and (Ed) May 15 6 Sunday in New-York ...... May 13 9 Candidates (Ed) Oet 25 4 Observances of, letters from Cleveland quarrel May 6, 7 clergymen ...... 3, ay 20 4 Cleveland quarrel (Ed) May 8 4 Sunderland library, London, (C) "O. Cleveland, paddles (Ed) June 1 4 W.S." ...... Apr 16 6 County convention OCT; 14 2 Surgery for engin eer a ...... J an 14 9 Elects officers Apr 17 1 Suydam, Dr., vindication of____June 4 5 Immigration Commisslonship, and Swank, James, on iron and steel the^(Ed) June 14 4 tariff ...... -.Feb 27 2 Ingenuousness (Ed) Sept 24 4 Sweet, E., record of ...... Oct 27 1 Long talk (Ed) July 6 4 Swift, Lewis, receives a xrrize .Mar 28 1 Modest (Ed) Sept 13 4 Swindlers. Must go (Ed) Sept 7 4 Advertising ...... June 15 5 Rrcord, rejoicing over its record Austin, Jas. A ...... June 13 5 May 30 5 Bam, James ...... Jan 14 State Committee, and the (••• d) Ballard,, H.. C ...... Apr 2 1 6 Aug 22 4 2 Biggs, Isaac A ...... June 29 S 1 State convention, and the (Ed) Boland, M ...... June 22 1 3 June 23 4 2 Bragg, F. H .Jan 982 Temper, in a (Ed) Nov 943 Brie Emil June 29 8 1 Whodidit(Ed) Nov 13 4 4 Burgess, Geo. W AugJ3 1 6 Tamatave captured by France.June 20 5 2 Condi t, Edwin A Mar 382 Contracts, city .Dec 916 TariflT. Crosher, Henry P Apr 28 8 2 Act, new (Ed)..... Mar 5 4 2 Dewey, C.J Sept 29 8 1 Bill (Ed) Feb 24 4 2 Gault, W. H NovlO 1 4 Bill (Ed).... Feb26 4 2 Goodwin, Mrs. J. C Dec14 1 1 Bill, comparison of rates Mar 513 Harrington, 1 hos. H Jan 1181 Bill passed House Mar 416 Heyman, Bertha .July 10 5 1 Bill reported in U. S. Senate ..Jan 531 "Hungry Joe". Jan 23 5 3 Bill, Senate (Ed) Jan 6 4 2 j Kohfahl, John Dec 25 8 1 Bill passed U. S. Senate Feb 21 1 i j Land, WesfcVirginia May 16 5 4 Bills, three (Ed) Jan 31 4 31 Langley, J. H June 413 Blunders that mean starvation ! Liebenstein, Alfred Aug 12 12 1 (Ed) Jan29 4 2 Lyon, Wesley... June 29 8 1 "By the horns " (Ed) Mar 14 4 3 Marcus, Julius 082 Commission bill (Ed) J an 20 4 2 Marks, John June 25 1 4- Commission hill, amendments (C) Masterson, J oJin Juiy L'9 12 1 Jan 131 Maxwell, John S Oct 10 2 3 Commission's compromise,the(Ed) Mitchell, R.C July 15 1 4 Feb 27 4 2 Monck, " Dr." (See Monck.) Cotton arid cotton goods, oa.. .Jan 8 2 3 j Mylius, Henry C Apr 23 10 2 Cross-current in England(Ed) Dec 143 Pawel-Rammingen, Baron. ...Apr 152 Dangerous topic i Ed) .Dec 20 4 4 Pool sellers Oet 14 7 3 Democracy without a mask (Ed) Russell, Wm. C Mar 412 3 Dec 342 Ryaii, Patrick Mayl'J 2 3 Duties and farmers (C) Mar 19 5 2 "Sawdust" June 354 EartLeiiware, on (Ed) Jan26 4 2 J Scheiffelin iEd) J;m 29 4 4 Economic talk, Neal Dow(Ed)Apr 25 4 3 Schlachter, Adam Nov 20 5 5 Elementary principles (Ed)...Mar 10 4 4 Suydam, Abram Apr 21 1 4 Farmers and the (C) Mar 26 2 4 Thorns, Dr July 22 3 5 Free list - Jan 5, 6 Witte, F. A July 3 2 5 Free Trade logic (Ed) ..Mar31 4 2 Wilkins, Louise Sept 16 12 1 Huddersfieia'slogic (Ed) Mar 342 Zink, AH. H .'.'.".".June ^0 4 5 Isit well to dodge (Ed) Jan 17 4 2 (See also Forgery.) Legislative mistake (Ed) Mar 14 4 4 Swindlers and swindled ^Ed). Dee 28 4 4 Manufacturers care, do our (Ed).. Swinton, John, on tne condition of Oct 16 4 2 labor sept 781 Metal schedule Mar 15 1 6 Sword, Ulster County.May 17, June 17 New (Ed) June 30 4 2 Sylvania Phalanx (C) July 23 5 4 New, changes in duties June 30 3 1 Letter from T. W. Ball Aug 20 5 4 Potters, on the (C) Mar 22 5 1 Sylvester, Clifton July 443 Reform, Free Trade Club meeting at Cooper Institute Nov23 5 4 T. Reform, letter from J. S. Moore... Tabor, H. A. W., madeU. S, Senator Jan 455 from Colorado Jan 28 1 5 (Ed) Jan 444 Marriage, card from Father O'Mal- Republicans, are, going to blunder ley--. Mario 5 4 (Ed) Janl5 4 2 Peril, in (Ed) July 21 4 4 Revision (Ed)....«. Feb 742 98 INDEX TO THE

TV-Tariff. Date.Pg. Cl. T—Theatres. Date.Pg.Cl. Revision advisable (Ed) Feb 2342 (Ed) ...... Aug 10, U Rhetoric (Ed) Feb 28 4 4 Synchronous Multiplex system Selfishness (Ed) Mar 19 4 2 Sugar interests Feb 116 Telegraphers' Telegram and Ca- Tables by Treasury experts....Jan 24 1 6 blegram Co...... sept 752 Treasury regulations Dec 722 Western Union Co. dividend.. Dec 20 1 3 Views, differing (Ed) Mar 742 Notes ...... Aug23 5 3 Woollen dress goods, on (C)...Jan 17 5 1 Postal Co.and the ...... Aug 17 5 6 Woollens, on (C) Jan 19 5 1 Stockholders' annual meeting (See also Congress.) Octll 2 3 Tariffs, practical (Ed) Feb 1743 Suit, Bill ...... Jan 6, 12, Feb 11 Tariffs or Trades-Unions (Ed)..Sept 542 Suit, friendly ...... Jan 11 8 5 i Taussig, T. W., charges against Suit agst Mutual Uniou Co.. Jan 381 1 Sept 272 Suit, Philadelphia ...... Ja

TV-Theatres. - --, . T—Trade. Dale.Pg.Cl. Standard destroyed by fire... .Dec lo 1 l Tilden, Samuel J. Star, opening of Mar 27 4 fa " Boss," is he a (Ed) Aug 16 4 2 Twenty-third-st Oct 4 5 1 Canal amendment, and the (Ed).. Ma July 544 Union Square, transfer yrt} 2 - Vices (Ed) -°ctti Charges, Birdsall Aug 753 Windsor, burned -Nov 30 5 to Eulogies, Sedalia Bazoo (Ed) '. Theai rical costumer, talk with a Jan 5 2 4 Apr 13 4 4 Theatrical managers, hint for (Ed) Glorious revival (Ed). Apr 6 4 3 b o Hand of the " old man " (Ed) June 26 4 2 Theatrical systems -~— -~ Health, "here we are again" (Ed) Theological economics (Ed)... .Nov 19 Apr 25 Theology at Andover (Ed) Jnne 17 b 4 Health reports, (Ed). July 12 4 Redivivus May 19 4 6 Theology (See also Religions.) q ~ Thermometers ^ec f"? Shadow, or his (Ed) ..AUG- 17 4 Thiers as a duellist -- ... -Apr LU Spelling class (Ed) Mar 17 4 4 Thieves (See Defalcation, Embezzle. Sphinx (Ed) Aug 25 1 2 ment and Robbery.) Treachery toHancock5a]leffed(Ed) Thieves, ingenious devices ol. .Dec y 3 Aug 10, M,2"0, Sept 12 Thirteen Club dinner. ------May *4 2 Tilton memorial arch Nov 12 1 2 Thoman, Leroy D., sketch of.... Feb 21 2 Time belts, boundaries of Nov 21 4 4 Concerning ------Feb 25 5 1 Time, change of (Ed) Nov 143 Queer Commissioner, a (C).--.Mar 6 5 1 Time, standard, change of Nov 19 2 1 Thomas, Gen., removal of Mar /» 5 1 Time, uniform (Ed) Oct 17 4 4 Thomas, T. G., speech, Holmes din- Times, (London) office, attempt to n0j. Apr i o blowup Apr20 1 2 Thomson,"E.* L: B'., case of Apr 1? 5 5 Times New-York, "bramble bush " Thorns, Dr., swindler .J uly 22 3 5 Oct 14 6 6 Thompson-Davis shooting (Ed)May 4 Canvass, Presidency (Ed) July 17 4 3 City contract frauds, and the (Ed) Thompson, Hugh M., made a Bishop Dec 18 4 4 Croton Water Fund, and the (Ed) Thompson, H. O. Dec 27 4 3 Arraigned t>r£™?^ gfi™ Tin plate manufacture (Ed) Ang 1344 T 20 Title Company Mar 10 8 1 ly 3 4 Title Company Mar 18 12 2 fE% .::::::::::::::::::::.v.v:Slt 6 " Tobacco tax rebate Mar 23 1 4 .. 1 Rebateon Apr24 2 1 Coal orders ...... Mar2o 5 Treasury circular of instruction... Contract frauds, excuses (Ed).Dec 13 Mar 28 2 2 Contract frauds, his reply (Ed)Dec 11 Tom Clyma " (Ed) Apr 14 4 4 Reply to charges, letter to Mayor Tomazin, Father, case of July 2, 8 Edson ...... Dec 28 1 6 Tonquin (See France.) Ed) ...... Dec 24, 29 Toombs, Robert, denies an interview (Se( e also contract frauds New- Jan 15 1 3 York City.) Tornadoes (See Storms.) Friends (Ed) ...... Dec2< Torpedo, Lay and Whitehead (Ed).. Grand Jury, and the (Ed) ...... Dec 19 Jan 12 4 5 Poem, Brudder Johnson ...... Dec 26 Torpedoes for harbor defence.. ..Feb 10 5 5 Thompson, John, on contractionOct 12 Torpedoes, locomotive (Ed) Feb 842 Thompson, John, on silver ...... Mar 12 Townley, W. H., sketch of .Oct 20 5 3 Thompson, John G., interview. June 21) Townsend, Geo. A., on Lamon...Oct 651 Thompson, John G., on Thurma Jul n 3 Connery quarrel Oct 20, 2'J (Ed) ...... y Poem -May 17,18 i Thompson, Phil. B., acquitted..May 17 1 Townsend, Jno. D., letter from.. Apr 19 5 5 1 Career ...... Apr 28 , Trial (Ed) ...... May 19 4 3 Trade. ! Thompson, Wm. P., statement, American goods in Germany..Nov 20 2 1 ' strike of Tribune printers ..... Dec 23 American in Turkey (C) Apr 1 3 3 Thorne, Henry A., acquitted. ... Apr 21 8 1 China, with Nov 26 5 5 Thread, duty on (C) ...... Jan 25 5 1 Clothing Sept 9 10 1 Throat, severed, surviving with Nov 24 1 Exports of breadstuffs Jan 1712 Thurber, F. B,5 (Ed) ...... Aug 9 4 Exports increasing (Ed) Sept 643 Board of Trade ...... Jan 15 2 6 Exports and imports.. Jan 20, Feb 8 Buttered with humbug (Ed) . . .Feo 8 4 21, Mar 3, 22, Apr 21,28, May 26 Card (Ed) ...... Feb 1 4 Oct 4, Dec 2, 30 Oleomargarine ...... Feb 5 8 S Exports of provisions May 18 1 5 Thurman, A. G., on Hoadly (Ed) — Exports of provisions Oct 19 1 4 July 3 4 Facts, need of (Ed) June 23 4 3 Cold-toed party (Ed) ...... Jan 19 4 Foreign (Ed) May 31 4 3 Interview ...... May 21 1 Foreign (Ed) Nov 944 j Thwing, Professor (Ed) ...... May 7 4 Foreign, and the tariff (Ed) Oct 12 4 4 Ticket speculator (Ed) ...... Sept 16 Free, Democrats and (Ed) Mav 2S 4 3 Ticonderoga, old (C) ...... Sept 30 French, returns '. Jaii 2i> 1 2 Tidewater Pipe Line wins suit.. Mar 17 Imports in 1881 and 18S2(Ed)Ma •• 21 4 4 : Tiffany, O. H., on Sunday and its ob- Imports, undervaluation oh..Xov 2-,> -1 t > ' servances ...... May 20 4 Iron, depression .May iJ6 5 3 Tistfie, R. H. L., case of ...... July 28 2 Labor, and (Ed;.. Jan 142 [ Tiiden, Beverly, talk with ...... May 8 5 4 Look abroad, a ^Edj Oct L;5 4 3 100 INDEX OF THE

T-Trade. Date.Pg.Cl. T—Turf. JDate.Pg.Cl- Mexico, with (Ed) Mar 16 4 3 Trial by pulpit (Ed) Oct 2 '4 3 Outlook, brighter (Ed) Nov 1042 Tricycles for ladies (Ed) Dec1744 Over-trading:, how fostered (Ed) Trollope, Anthony, autobiography Sept 744 (E<1> "Dot 20 4 3 Panic, fear of a (Ed) Aug 10 4 2 (Ed) Oct 23 4 4 Prices and production (Ed)...May 25 4 3 Trollope and Civil Service reform i Prospects for 1881 (Ed) Jan 10 4 4 (Ed) Oct 28 6 2 | Rubber Feb 931 Trousers, war on (Ed) ....June 20 4 4 Some English-Yankee talk (Ed) Trout season (Ed)... Apr 344 ! Mar 13 4 3 Troy, N. Y., police trouble Mar 17 1 4 State of June29 4 4 Trust companies, reports of Jan 15 2 2 Tea Dec 14 8 2 Trust companies, reports of Aug 29 2 5 Turkey, -vith June 911 Trust funds, danger to (Ed).... May 1442 (See also Business, Commerce and The Tribune. Shipping.} Almanac for 1883 (Ed) ...Jan 16 4 4 Trade and Transportation, Board of, ",Boycotting," a silly business(Ed) aimual meeting Jan 11 8 1 Dec 23 6 4 Trade and Transportation,Thurber's Circulation (Ed) Oct 23, 25, 27 pet board Jan 15 2 6 Expresses July 2, i), 1 6. 23, Aug 6, Trades-Unions in Paris (C) Nov 18 4 1 13, 20, 27, Sept 3, 10 Trance condition in surgery May 695 Files, searching (Ed) Dec 27 4 3 Tramps not criminals Mar 731 Fresh Air Fund ;See Fresh Air Transvaal, Kruger made President Fund.) Apr 23 5 1 Friendly comments Feb 26 5 6 Transvaal, trouble in the (Ed).. .Dec 20 4 3 Get the best (Ed) Sept 23 index for 1882 ;Ed) Feb 2 Treasury. United States. Keller, and (Ed) Mar 8 Bonds, called July 27 2 4 Martin suit Sept 13 Changes Mar 31 1 6 Price reduced Sept 19 Condition of (Ed) Feb 843 Price of, out of town (Ed) Oct 20 Condition of (Ed) Mar 843 Printers' strike (Ed > Dec 23 Controller's statement Aug 222 Printers' strike, truth concerning Count completed Apr 20 2 1 Dec 23 Debt statement (Ed) Jan 544 Temperance, and, (C) Dec 9 Debt, statement (Ed) Feb 343 Tuileries, demolition of the Jan 15 Debt statement (Ed) Apr 6 4 4 Tunison, B. C July 16 Debt statement Sept 1 2 3 Tunnel, Hudson River Jan 11 Debt statement (Ed) Sept 5 i 4 Juno 1 7, July 8 Debt statement (Ed) Oct 942 Tunnelling scheme on paper Dec 10 Notes misplaced Aug 2^ 2 1 T upper, Sir Charles Mar 30 4 5 Report, annual Nov ] 4 2 (3 Report of Secretary Folger... .Dec 5 3 1 Turf. 2 2 Ascot summer meeting June 6 Renort of Third Auditor' Nov 1 Blue Grass wins at Newmarket Second Auditor Nov 5 1 5 May 9 1 Sixth Auditor Nov 21 5 3 Derby Day June Surplus, distribution of (Ed).July 18 i 2 Derby Day, London ;C)"G. W. S." Tariff decision July 15 June _9 (See also Finance.) Derby, St. Blaise wins May 24 Treaties. Drake Carter beats PizaiTO...Aug 19 Clayton-Bulwer, Granville's reply Epsom Spring meeting Apr 18 to Frelinghuysen Apr 24 2 2 Eole beats Iroquois. / Auar 26 (Ed) Apr 24 i 2 Eole beats Monitor Aug 7 Clayton-Bulwer, Frelinghuysen's Eole wins Coney Island cup.June 17 letter to Lowell Dec 21 5 5 Frank beats the record Nov 16 Chili-Peru oeace signed May 161 1 French Oaks won by Verte Bonne Extradition with Great Britain, May 14 l Washington (C) " D. D. L.".May 14 1 6 Grand Prize of Paris won by Fron- Extradition, provisions of vari- tier June 4 1 ous May 12 1 6 Helen Wallace beats Eole Oct 10 2 Extradition with Spain proclaimed Hinda Bose beats the record...Oct 4 2 May 316 Iroquois beaten (Ed) Aug 26 6 Hawaiian reciprocity, its provis- Iroquois beaten again Aug 29 2 ions defended Mar 954 Ivy City races Oct 18 2 Madagascar Mar 20 2 1 Jay.Eye-See beats St. Julien.Sept 30 2 Madagascar, ratified Mar 14 5 1 Jerome Park May 31 3 Malagasy, flaw(Ed) Mar 743 Jerome Park June 3 1 Reciprocity, letter from W. Barker Jerome Park, fall meeting.... Sept 30 2 Jan 5 8 1 Jockey Club, need of a national— Reciprocity with Mexico Feb 20 2 1 Jan 310 (Ed) Feb 21 4 3 Kentucky Asso. races, May 18 2 United States and Corea May 31 5 I Kentucky Derby won by Leonatus Tree culture at public cost (Ed) Feb 1165 May 24 2 Tree, oldest Feb 492 Lincoln spring meeting Mar 28 Tree planting in Eastern Kansas Maryland Jockey Club races. May 24 (C) Feb 26 2 4 Maud S. and Alaine beat the rec- Trep, reel or sweet gum Jan 7 y i ord June 16 Trees again (Ed i June 17 6 2 Miss Woodford beats Eole Oct 18 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1883. 101

T—Turf. Date.Pg • Ol. V—Victor.a. msS-Date.Pg.Cl. National Jockey Club races. .Kay 16 2 2 United States and Canada (Ed).Mar 21 4 3 Newmarket races, Galliard wins... United States-Mexico relations (C) Apr 26 1 1 Aug13 2 2 Notes on racing and future con- UniversityClub annual meetmgMay 20 7 2 tests Ang 27 2 6 University convocation July 12 2 4 Paris steeple-chase won by Too University (See also Colleges.) Good May 28 University of New-York alumni at Pizarro beats Parole Juiy is dinner Jan 25 o 3 Stockbridge, Iroquois wins..June 22 2 Upton Castle damaged by fire.. .Jan 30 1 2 Trotter, ultimate (Ed) Nov 186 Dpton, C. E., indictment of Jau 21 10 5 Wmship beats Frank Nov 17 2 Utah election Aug 812 Turgeneff, I van, death of Sept 4 ft Utah election (Ed) Aug 10 4 5 (Ed) , Sept 5 4 Utah, question of (Ed) Pec 842 Life, works and character. Paris V (C) Sept 23 9 Vacation—loss and gain (Ed)...July 14 4 4 Sketch, last, the Quail Oct 14 Vaccine (Ed) June 25 4 4 Turkey False Prophet, and the (Ed)...Dec 23 Vaile, Mrs. H. M., death of Feb 17 5 4 Ministers, charges against... .Mar 30 Vallombrosa scandal, Paris(C) June 334 Misery in Stamboul (C) Dec 30 Van Auken. B. H., case of May 27 Obeidullah's fall (C) Feb 25 June 12, 13 Sultan's life attempted Jan i b Van Aukea, B. H., pronounced in- Topics, Constantinople (C).---May 2o sane June 20 2 6 1 July 22, Aug 1'A 19 Van Dyke, H.J., installed Jan 17 S 3 Trade, American, (C) Apr 1 3 Van Golder, Charity, malpractice Turner, Carrie, marriage of Nov 1 8 Aug 26 7 4 Turner, Wm. H., evidence Star Van Lew. Miss, and Gen.GrantJuly 16 2 2 Route Trial Mar 15 2 Van Wyck, Theo., on the Cobden Tuttle family, reunion of Aug 13 5 Club July 10 2 5 Tutton, ex-Collector, concerning Vander Vyver, "Count," career of May 18 1 July 924 Tweddle Hall burned Jan 17 5 TweddleHall (Ed) Jan 17 4 Vanderbilt, Wm. H. Tweedrtale, John, drowning of. .July 29 7 Art reception for gentlemen..Dec 21 5 3 Two of a kind (Ed) Oct 2 4 Ball Decl2 5 1 Tynan, Peter, indictment of—May 4 1 Gift to students Aug 14 1 3 Seclusion May 22 1 Health, sensational stories Feb 21 5 2 Tyndale, General Apr 12 5 Horses, Maud S. and Aldine..June 1614 Tyner, James N., interview Dec 22 2 Interview Aug 514 Tyng, Stephen H., golden wedding Picture gallery Mar ], July 17 July 19 5 Pittsburg and Lake'Erie stock Tyng, S. H., jr., why he left the May 19 5 4 Equitable ins. Co Sept 22 8 Reading Railroad, interests m.Jan 13 5 5 Typhoid fever Apr 17 2 Retires May 514 Typhoid fever cases J an 30, Mar 28 Bun down in Fleetwood Park..Oct 18 1 (5 Typhoid fever in Port Jervie Dec 10 2 Vanderbilt, Wm. K., fancy dress Typhoid fever in Po.itJervis( Ed) Dec 11 4 ball Mar27 5 2 Typhoid fever, treatment of Nov 16 5 Stock speculations Oct 13 1 6 Vanderbilts, guardians of the... .Oct 20 4 6 U. Vanderpo el, Jacob, resigns Feb 15 3 l i Ulster campaign, Stafford North- Vanderpoel, A. J., speech at Lotos cote's (Ed) Oct 16 4 Club dinner to Mayor Edson.. .Jan 14 2 6 I Ulster's new branch of business Vanity Fair attack on American (Ed> May27 6 tourists (Ed) Aug 23 4 5 Unadilla postmastership (C) Mar 27 3 Varnish, photographic Jan 791 Underwood, John C., interview. Dec 27 2 Vatican, England and the (Ed)..Jan 4 4 2 i Union Club affairs May 2, 3 Vedder, Albert F., arrest of. ...Sept 17 1 5 Elects officers May 24 5 Veintemilla, overthrow of July 27 5 5 Factions May 18 5 Venezuela, locusts (C) July 22 4 2 ! Troubles, causes May 28 5 Venice to Alexandria, letter from i Union Club, Malta (C) Dec 16 3 G. F. Rowe Marll 4 1 Union League Club. Verdalle, Anna R., charges against Address, Republican re-enrolment May 12 8 1 Nov 13 Vermilye, Daniel B., arrest of...Oct 25 5 4 I Anniversary, twentieth Feb 7 Vermont liquor law unconstitu- Elects officers Jan 12 tional Jan 30 1 5 Paintings, exhibition Dec 14 Vest, Geo. G., "a political Wiggins" Pictures Jan 12 (Ed) Apr 10 4 2 Resolution (Ed) Feb 14 Veterinary College com Mar 154 Shipping, report on Dec 14 Vetoes needed, more (Ed) June 143 Union League of America, address Vice, Academy of Medicine discus- (Ed) Aug 13 4 sions Mar 17 2 6 Union Theological Seminary affairs Vice, Society for Suppression of, May 2 s work done (Ed) Mar 28 4 5 Commencement May 8 2 Victoria, Crown Princess of Ger- Unions and labor (Ed) Aug 21 4 many Feb 11 4 6 102 INDEX TO THE

V—Victoria. Date.Pg.Cl. W—Water. Date.Pg. Cl. Victoria, Queen. Waldron, Thomas, case of Apr 115 Abdicate, rumoi June 11 1 5 Wales, S. H., letter from Dec 16 10 4 Body-guard, death of Mar 2923 Walk, John P., case of May 15 1 2 (Ed) . Mar29 4 3 Walker's Chas. A., monotypes..May 751 "Lackey (Ed) Oct 10 4 3 Walker, Fuller, on classical educa- Life, social, London (C) Apr 22 3 3 tion Sept 11 5 4 Speech, closing of ParliamentAug 26 1 Walker, John P., case of Mar 14 Speech,opening of Parliament.Feb 16 Apr 18, May 23 Viele, Egbert L., sketch of ...... Jan 10 Walker, S. A., on pensioning teach- Villard, Henry, gives up two presi- ers Apr 25 1 6 dencies ...... Dec 18 Walker, Wm. D.,made a Bishop.Dec 21 8 4 Interview ...... Sept 29 Wall, Lizzie M., case of Jan 351 Northern Pacific, on the ...... Mav 18 Wallace, Colonel, talk with July 1624 Violins, old and new ...... Dec 23 Wallace, Geo.,flightof Feb 883 Virginia. Waller, Thos. M., "a falling out" (Ed) June 15 4 3 Anti-war debt ...... Jan 1 7 3 2 Troubles (Ed) Jan 19 4 3 Arguments, method of punctuat- Walsh, John, indictment of May 414 ing(Kd) ...... Feb23 4 3 Walsh, J. A., letter concerning Star Bourbons who learn (Ed) ..... July 27 4 Routetrials Jan 825 Coupons, letter from F. J. Lippitt Walsh, John A., and the Star Route Apr 30 2 cases Dee 425 Debt ...... Sept 5, Nov 12, Dec 14 War clouds in the East (Ed)....Sept 9 6 2 -Debt (Ed) ...... Apr 30 4 3 War Department, annual report of Democratic convention ...... July 26 5 Secretary Lincoln Dec 323 Democrats and debt (C) ...... Nov 27 8 Ward, Durbin, on Civil Service (Ed) Election ...... May26 1 Aug28 4 2 i Election ...... Nov 7 Ward. Durbin, speech at Galion,Ohio ! Defeated victors (Ed) ...... Nov 17 Aug27 1 4 ! Finances—dishonor ( Ed) ...... Mar 27 Wards' Island Insane Asylum fire Politics, the two sides of a party Dec 22 3 1 (Ed) ...... Nov 21 Warner, Chas. D., address Irving's Readiuster contract violated. . Dec 20 Birthday celebration Apr 454 Republican convention ...... Aug 16 Address " Progress of this Age " Republicans in conference at June 13 5 4 Washington ...... Aug 31 1 Speech. Salvini dinner Apr 27 5 3 Riot, another East Feliciana (Ed) Toast, "Sweethearts and Wives " Nov 13 4 May 18 2 1 i Riot at Danville, report of commit- Warner, John D., on Cornell Uni- | tee of forty ...... Nov 22 3 versity May 723! Vital statistics ...... Apr 29 4 Warner, John D., on A. D. Wnite I Vital statistics, Irish ...... June 4 May 19 4 6 Vital statistics of large cities.. June 21 Warning (Ed) Apr 745 Vital statistics, New-Jersey____Mar 26 5 Washington Club row Mar 10 8 2 Vital force, study in (Ed) ...... Mar 18 6 Washington, D. C., in spring ( (Ed) Sept 2 < 4 2 , Wait, J ohn T., speech at Woods Rents, falling off in Dec 14 2 l j Conn Supply (Ed) MarlO, 29 NEW.YORK DAILY TRIBUNE FOR 1833. 103

\y_Water. Date.Pg.Cl- W-Williams. Date.Pg.Cl. Supply, Engineer Church's jiew Westchester Parks (Ed) Sept 23 Westerman, James, flight of-.-.Apr 23 1 5 Supply, report of Commission.Mar 10 1 6 Western imagination (Ed) Feb 1865 Supply, suggestions Jan 20 2 b West Indies, notes Feb 10 Siipply,the "worm turns" (Ed)Jan 26 4 3 Mar 13, 23, June 24 Water-frontWater-front, redistricting of...July 12 8 1 Westminster Abbey, condition of (Ed) Waterloo and British historians (C) Feb 5, Mar 23 Nov 22 2 6 West Point Military Academy annual Watson, Walter, speech Dec 1533 report Nov 15 2 1 I ! Watson, Wm., case of Mar I 3 2 Commencement June 12 2 3 | Watterson, Henry. Hartigan case Aug 2 5 5 Address, '' Homicide in the South " Rebellion (Ed) Aug 5 R 9, May 30 5 Report of Board of Visitors.June 15 " By the Horns" (Ed) Mar 14 4 System of examinations, contro- Free Trade—a sudden change (Ed) versy (Ed) June 21 _ _ Dec 22 4 "What—agin"1? (Ed) June 16 4 4 Harrison, on (Ed) May 1 4 Wheat crop, outlook (Ed) Apr 23 4 Interview June d 5 Wheat crop, report from tha West (Ed) June 8 4 Apr 23 2 1 Iroquois banquet, on the (Ed) Wheat and Railroads (Ed) May 1844 Apr 25 4 Wheat, yield and consumption (Ed) Old Whigs ordered ashore (Ed) Mar 31 4 4 Jan 26 4 4 Wheeler, Albert G., arrest of Jan 26 5 5 Speech before Kentucky Dem. Wheeler, John, charges againstMay 425 convention May 23 8 4 Wheeler's Joseph, speeches Mar 1953 Speech, Tariff reform Nov 23 5 4 Whipping post in Maryland Jan 30 1 Tariff, on (Ed) Nov 23 4 4 Whiskey, bonded, exportation of.... Tilden visit June 13 1 4 Wayland, Prof., on capital punish- Wbiskey Ring (Ed) '..Jan 30 4 2 ment (Ed) Sept 4 4 3 Whiskey tax (Ed) Dec 7 4 3 Weather. Whiskey ana politics (Ed)..... May 11 4 2 Certain influences (Ed) Jan 21 6 4 Whistling nuisance (Ed) July 28 4 4 Drouth in New-England Jan 12 2 3 White, A. D., on the Fiske suit Sept 14 1 6 Heat June 11, July 5, 8. 18 Sketch of May 5 1 2 " Observers," ananonymous circu- Warner's attack on Cornell, on lar Jan 26 4 (Ed) May 17 4 4 Predictions, Veniior and Wiggins White Mountains and Canada.. July 29 4 4 (Ed) Jan 30 4 4 White Sulphui Springs (C) July 5 5 1 Predictions, Wiggins and Vennor's Whitney, Wm. C., on the Croton (Ed) Jan 11 4 4 Water Fund .' Jan 27 5 Prophets, bad for the planet (Ed) Whittier, chat with Nov 19 3 Mar 944 Letter, Union League Club anni- Prophet, exit Wiggins (Ed).... Feb 10 4 4 versary Feb 7 ProDhets "what tools these mor- Poem, " Our Country " July 5 3 tals be "(Ed) Mar 11 6 3 Wife, her privileges in law (C),.Dec 9 6 Storms and prophets (Ed) Feb 645 Wiggins, E. Stone, almanac business Summer, cool (Ed) Aug 30 4 4 (Ed) Feb 21 4 . (See also Floods and Storms.) Card Feb 4 2 ! Webb, J. W., birthday celebration Exit (Ed) Feb 10 4 Feb 9 5 4 Great is humbug (Ed) Mai 7 4 ! Webb,, Captain,, dro\vued ...... July 25 5 3 Predictions (Ed) Jan 30 4 ' BodBod y found ...... Jululy 2929 1 4 Storm, great Mar 11 4 Fate of (Ed) ...... July 27 4 4 Storm, '• What fools these mortals Webb, S. B., reminiscences ...... Jan 14 9 6 be" (Ed) Mar 3.1 6 3 Weber's, Albert, financial troubles Wilberforce. Bishop, diary Feb 11 3 2 June 10, 11, 12 Wilcox, W. W.,on Porter's exposure . Card ...... June 15 8 2 of free trade Feb 26 2 6 Webster, Sidney, on extradition laws Wilde, Oscar, welcome home (Ed)... May 23 5 5 Jan 10 4 4 I Weed, R. A., arrest of ...... Sept 23 5 1 An autobiographical symphony I Weed, Thurlow. (Ed) Feb 464 Autobiography ...... July 28 6 1 Atlantic Ocean, onthe Jan 2545 Career, incidents in his ...... May 274 (5 Casby, and (Ed) June 2'2 4 4 Charity ...... Jan 21 4 5 Changed man (Ed) Aug 26 6 4 Weehawken Tunnel ...... June 17 3 4 Chicago sculptor, and a July 29 4 2 Wegner, Ernestine ...... Dec 30 6 6 Future man, and the (Ed)....June 544' Weighers, Government...... Jan 653 Play, " Vera " Aug 21 5 1 j I Weil, Ben;]., and La Abra claims.Feb 522 Wildes, Commander, concerning Oct 22 1 1 j Welde, Charles, sketch of ...... Apr 326 Wiley, John, golden wedding...May 154 ! Weldrick, Joseph ...... Apr22 1 3 Wilkens, Beriah, interview Dec 27 2 S I j Well, driven, cases ...... May 10 5 2 Willamette Valley wheat (C)..... Nov 4 13 | Welling, Charles H ...... May 10 2 3 Willard, J. L, H„ behest. Mar SO 5 Wells, I). A., on cotton exports. June 26 2 2 Willets, Samuel, will of Feb 148 Speech, Tariff reform ...... Nov 23 5 4 William, Prince, in Spain Nov 24 4 Welsh, A. H,. Taine writings .Mar 26 Williams, A. B., indictment of.. Feb 27 5 Welsh, A. H , card ...... May 6 jWJ4U^m^^^n9||^arges against West, L. S. S., interview ...... Mar 5 5 *^^iliiMiiifll!IT?C^ - May 4 2 West, W. Comwailisni^^rNov 18 -Jfr 6 Williams , Hamilton May 23 i 104 INDEX TO THE

W—Williams. Date.Pg.Cl Z—Zwingh. Date.Pg.Cl. Williams, Rebecca, engagement Wood, Charles,flightof Mar 925 broken Dec 20 1 2 Wood, D. A., case of Jan 21 10 3 Willimantic, Leeds and other mat- Wood, Wm., on pensioning teachers ters(C) May 18 5 1 Apr 25 2 1 Willimantic Mills visited by Yale Woodcutters, life among Apr 23 7 5 students Feb 22 5 4 Woodford, S. L., speech Silk Asso Willimantic Co. on Sumner (W. G) dinner May 16 5 2 May 15* Woods, Wm. S., made a D. S. District Wills, new project for (Ed) Apr 22 6 5 Judge May 316 Wilson, Jas. G., letter from Cannes Woods, the North (Ed) Nov 27 4 4 Feb 11 3 5 Woodworth, A. M., escapade Mar 18 2 6 Letter from Monte Carlo Mar 11 4 2 Woodyard, charity Apr 14 8 2 Winans, Mabel, case of May 18 8 3 Wool and woollen duties (Ed)..July 243 Windom, Wm., re-elected U. S. Wool and woollen duties (Ed)... Aug 643 Senator..... Jan 12 8 5 Wool, trouble in (Ed) Oct 544 Winston, P. H,, address Dec 24 » 2 Woolley, Chas. W. (Ed) Nov 29 4 5 Wisconsin, capitol roof falls.... Nov 914 Woolner's,.Thos.. studio Mar 441 Wise, John S., Massey controversy Woolsey, Theo. B., on frauds in city (Ed) Feb23 4 3 offices Oct 351 Witchcraft, renaissance of (Ed)Sept 11 4 4 World growing better, the (Ed) Feb 27 4 3 Witchcraft—or something Nov 23 2 1 World, New-York. Witnesses, detention of, abolished Flinging afirebrand(Ed) July 444 June 12 8 2 McDonald-Cleveland, on (Ed)July 13 4 3 Witters, C. R., case of Aug 14 1 3 Protective duties, on (Ed) Mar 31 4 2 Wolmer, Lord, marriage of NoV 183 1 Question and answer (Ed) Aug 11 4 4 Wolseley, C. M., marriage of.. ..July 20 1 3 Saleof May 10 5 4 Women. Tariff, on the (Ed) Dec 20 4 4 Worm turns, the (Ed) Jan 26 4 3 Civil Service, in, Washington (C) Wortendyke, C. A., arrest of Aug 22 5 5 " D. D. L." Apr 15, 22 Wylie, Henrietta, case of Mar 8, 9 Collegiate instruction, an appeal.. Wyman, A. U., sketchof Mar 16 2 5 Mar 30 2 Wyndham, Chas., talk with... .July 23 8 5 Columbia College, at (Ed) May 84^ Columbia College excludes....Mar 616 X. (Ed) Mar 642 Xavier Union's annual dinner..Feb 126 " Degradation, of," Dix's lecture.. Feb 17 3 2 Y. Doctors June 282 Yale Alumni Asso. at dinner Apr 21 Education the cure for " sins " (C) Dec 8 Mar 10 5 3 Yantic, departure of June 1482 Education, higher (Ed) Jan 2544 Yates, Edmund, sued for libel..-Feb 2 1 2 " Education, higher," Dix's lecture Year, history of 1883 Dec31 2 1 Fob 2 4 5 5 Yellow fever on the coast July 2611 Education, letter from Emily Germs (Ed) July 10 4 4 Faithfull Feb 26 2 5 Havana, at July 23 1 4 False and true ideals (C) Mar 10 5 2 VeraCruz, at July 19 2 2 Life insurance, Hammond on.July 26 3 3 Yellowstone Nat. Park, bill before " Life," Pulman's sermon ...-.Mar 12 3 2 Congress concerning lease...Jan 625 Living, howoneearns her Feb 1192 Excursion (C) Sept 9, 16, 23, 30 Married, property act,English.Jan 21 6 6 Oct 14 " Mission " Dix's lecture..' Mar 1724 Excursion, vulgarity (Ed). ...Oct 2, 3 "Mission " Mrs. Lillie D. Blake's Incorporators Jan 21 5 2 lecture Mar 5 2 2 Leases Jan 18, Mar 11 "Person," not a (Ed) Oct 13 4 4 (Ed) Jan 9,21 "Place in the World" Dix's lec- Niagara Falls and, letter from G. F. ture ....FeblO 3 1 Parker Febll 5 4 Position in perfect society (C).Mar 1053 Youmans, E. L., card Jan 852 " Rights asCitizens " Mrs. Blake's Young's, Chas. A., lectures (Ed)Jan 31 4 3 lecture.... Apr 232 Lectures (See Lectures.) "Sins" Dix's lecture Mar 3 2 3 Young, Jennie J., in Scotland-. .Jan 1945 Suffrage (Ed) Nov 22 4 5 Young. Lucien, interview ....Oct 14 10 2 Suffrage, convention at Troy, N.Y Young's, Wm., speculations Oct 2555 Apr 19 1 5 Younglove, T.,flightof Apr 873 Suffrage in Massachusetts Jan 26 5 5 Yukon River expedition Oct 10 1 5 Suffrage, meeting in BrooklynOct 10 5 3 Z, Suffrage, Washington Territory Zimmerman, Mrs. F., kills her baby Oct 19 1 3 May 18 2 4 Work for (Ed) Mar 844 Zoological garden (Ed) June 363 ;tWonders,"Cook'slecture Mar 23 5 4 Zorrifia, Ruiz, career of Aug 711 Wood, A. S.,speechinBrooklyn.Sept 754 Zwingli's birthday Nov 14 4 6 LR8 S '27

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