Portland Daily Press: February 28,1872
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PORTT A NT) ^ ^ -■ T __ ____ f _ ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. YOL. 11. l PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. REAL MISCELLANEOUS ESTATE. r°r, but recovering in a moment, she rushed published every day the THE to (Sundays excepted) by ^ PRESS. the door, opened it out of tui. quickly—“Get K*OBTLANl> PUBLISHING CO., STATEMENT Advertising Agents. mighty quick.” said she. “Get out!” she screamed as ATWELL & 174 1-9 middle St. Ad- Geo. R. Dovis & the top of her voice, and, At 109 JOHN W. OF THE CO., Co.’s WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 28,1872. Exchange St, Portland. from MUNGER, Tertiiementi inserted in papers in IVIaine eJPostulation poor Charlie’ Terms: Dollars a Year in advance. B ®h® out Eight and ULLETIN. !,im without his overcoat. In throughout the country at the pub- a moment Mutual Life ln$. she opened the door and kicked THE MAINE~STATE PRESS Co., lishers’ lowest rates. The Archbishop and Fortybags. his overcoat and OF NEW YORK. $20,000 To Loan in cap out, as though afraid to A TRUE STORY. touch his clothing with her Is published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a F. S. Pres. R. A. Vice-Pres. for Machines. hands. Charlie Marine and Life Insurance WINSTON, MeCUltt>Y, Agency Sevring W'e are stood out in the year; if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. Fire, Agency, prepared la Iona money In nm The old mendicant who flour- cold, completely bewildered the 1871. W. 8. We. 138 middle ever H. Fortybags, For year ending December $lst, OVER, St., frem to amount on with the turn affairs 9100 any deeired, Ural ished in unexpected had taken Rates of Advertising : One inch ot in R. Bay’.. All kind, of machine, fa Ireland about the of the a space, elaa* in Eliza- beginning when he heard window and a length of constitutes a Cash Assets Jan. 00 mortgagee Portland, Cape raised, gen- column, “square.” 1,’72, $51*577,997 ■ale and tn let. present was the mast re- Repairing. Westbrook. or Partiea century, certainly tle voice called him by name. $1 50 per square daily first week: 75 cents per beth, Deering. de- “Here, Char- week or markable here is trunk!” There after; three Insertions, less, SI 00; continu- No. 166 FORE ME. airoaa of bailding can aleo be nrcoaua- individual of the begging fraternity lie, your was a plunge um other after first 50 cents. ST., PORTLAND, Net Assets, Jan. 1st, 1871.$42,382,417 56 Bakers. in the every day week, •dated with lonua. that ever snow, and, sure enough, ther- was Half or one Receipts the roamed the green hills of that hos- square, three insertions less, 75 cents; duriug year: W. c. CORE, Wo. 19 Pearl St. Charlie’s new with all his For 19 GEO. R. DAVIS A trunk, store clothes week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. Premiums,.$12,656,990 CO., pitable land. He had his name from the Interest and 58 77 and effects. The Special Notices, one third additional. Can In of M. Rents, 2,908,654 15,565,644 Real Estate & Rrokera. personal practical joker place perfectly reliable Companies any amount Fire, Booksellers and Stationers. Itlortgngr number of Under head of “Amusmements,” $2 00 per square W1-24U small bags he carried attached to sought the first sheltering roof at hand, but week: three Insertions or less 50. marine and 33 per $1 Life Insurance desired a current cates. $57,948,062 HOYT, FOGG & BREED, Wo. 09 middle his leather in took the to wash his face in the Advertisements insetted in the “Maine State DISBURSEMENTS. girdle, addition to the large precaution Street. snow. a in A Fine Press” (which has large circulation every part Tc Policy-Holders: Chance for an Investmen two-bushel haversack with which every male of the State) for $1 00 per square for first insertion, For Claims by Death.$2,765,750 44 and 50 ceuts for each inser- Book Binders. exercising that honorable function carries, per square subsequent NARRAGANSETT Union Insurance Co. Dividends.3,365,495 tfe Wanted Fifteen Thousand Dollars Victims of Absorption. tion. Annuities, matured wm. A. Room Printer’. over his in his QlJIWCr, 11, a slung shoulder, rounds from Address all communications to Endowment* & sur- first class mortgage; property insured to tlis WHAT BECOMES OP MEN WHO MARRY SAW FRANCISCO. Exchange, Wo. Ill Exchange St. amount house to house. It was PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. rendered Policies.1,327,555 41 $7,458,800 97 ON of the loan. The buildings are all new, said, that Fortybags MALL Ac Wo. 33 Plum been STRONG MINDED WOMEN ? 8HACKFORD, having erected the past year, costing with the descended from land over genteel parents, a Fire& Marine Ins. Co for Office and Law Street. thirty thousand dollars. Contracts already got good of Golden ASSETS.SI, 115,573,6? Expenses Salaries, made [Correspondence Age.] cards. Expenses, Commissions, State an4 for over fifty.thousand dollars of mannfactured education in his youth, could read, write, "business goods. The above loan is wanted ivablo in However much a man may have seemed to R. GUSTAVE TSUCHARD, Prea't. Local Taxes, Printing^ Bonne' and Hat p yearly PROVIDENCE, I. Advertising, Bleachery. Payments of three thousand dollars each in figure up the most complicated sum, and with Stationery, Postage and! Exchange; one, two, be before with a wo- C. D. HAVEN, Sec’y. S three, four and fivo and marriage strong-minded Medical Hills,Revenue Stamps, &c, ; $1,224,690 19 SAWYER Ac CO., Bleacher., Wo. 131 years, principal interest; the long spike of his five-foot cudgel, was able W. K. RIPLEY. M. interest payable semi-annually at Casco National man, from that fatal hour the of ab- D., middle Street. Bank. to process Cash Capital & Surplus $773,880.80 I $8,683,491 16 demonstrate, on the sand of the road, any North American Fire Ins. GEO. R. DAVIS & sorption begins and never ceases till he CO., theorem on of disap- and Real Estate and the Six Books Euclid. $49,264,571 17 Carpenters Builders. Mortgage Brokers. pears as an individual existence.— Eclectic ! j But utterly Physician Tlari.k. Ri.k. Taken on what rendered the mendicant still Cargoes, Freights and COMPANY. INVESTMENTS. WBITWEY Ac MEAWS, Pearl Street, op- The case of the husband of Elizabeth | PORTLAND, ME. Vessels per Rates named and For Sale. Cady voyage. Certificates BOSTON. 1. Bonds and Mortgages on property P—ite Park. more noted, he was reputed the best story- Issued. Risks on Hulls effected at current rates. also a Stanton is an instance of this sort. Mr. Stan- OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, worth more than doublethe sum loane [$39,480,285 39 for sale fine piece ot property on State ■ teller in all for which reason was HENRY Pres’t. Cash & 2. United States Stocks. 4.203,108 75 WEStreet; this property embraces one of the finest Ireland, he HARMS, Capital Surplus $645,129.29 Dye-Honse. ton before his marriage was a young man of 180 C.hikm 8t„ three doors north of the Park. 3. New-York State and Stocks... 00 locations on said street, and contains about seven almost the IRA A. ALBERT BOWKER, Prca’t. City 1,000,000 P. worshipped by simple peasantry of Office Hours, 10 to 12 a. m., and 2 to S p. m. FOSTER, Sec’y. 4. New-York State Town Bonds. 70,000 00 SYrnOWDS, India St. Velvet Cloak, thousand five hundred feet of land, with good build- fine culture, a broad and liberal thinker, a fcb!5tf E. E. PATRIDGE, Sec’y pro tem. 89 and will be sold tesms. that wild land of lore. 5. Real Estate. 1,089,863 dyed and dni.hed. ings, upon easy legendary orator GEO. R. young for whom great fame was pre- G. Cash in Banks and Trust Companiei DAVIS & CO., One cold in the month Real day of November, EQUITABLE at interest. 3,306,039 50 Dentists. Estate and Mortgage Brokers. dicted by all who knew him, and for some Martha £. Bucknell, M. D., NEWPORT 7. Balances due from Agents. 115,273 64 old Fortybags met his Grace the Archbishop Fire and AOSIAB BEALD, Wo. 103 Biddle Street. time it seemed that his native powers were Marine Insurance Co’y., ALSO, of Armagh, on the Market-hill road, about No. G FREE STREET. $494264,57117 DR. W. R. JOBWBOW, Wo 13 1-9 Free St. FINE Residence in such as to enable him to escape the action of Fire & Marine Ins. Co Congress Square, admirably two miles from his R. I. AW»t PACKARD & BARDY, Flnent B lock A located, with 12 rooms; house heated palace. His Grace was on PROVIDENCE, Interest accrued. 03 by steam, the law—but there is no the R. I. $512,730 hot and cold water, water bath geneial resisting NEWPORT, Deferred Semi-Annual and cor. Congreu and Exchange St*. closet, tub, Sebago, horseback, riding at his leisure, and followed • Quarterly! and ev in order. Will be at forces of slow Cash ■ ry thing perfect sold a nature; the Office hours from eight to ten A. M., and from two Capital & Surplus $314,490.90 Premiums. 86 by degrees process Cash Capital & Surplus $230,362.00 1,122,442 low figure and terms easy. by a servant in livery, at a dis- to lour P. M. Premiums in course of respectful of went little THOMAS G. TURNER, Pres’t. J. H. Pres’t. transmission_ 134,480 57 Fnrnitnre—Wholesale and Retail. GEO. R. DAVIS & 00.