PORTLAND DAILY " KHUibHst.f i Juti 23.1862. VoL it. —— ..nT, ~'T| — ---T-' L, MORNING. AUGUST 9. 1870. rZZYLZZ ■ ne rnriijiiid Kfuiiy press WANTED TO LET.

lfi _ MISCELLANEOUS. published every day (Sundaysexcepted) hy _ Ibf THE DAILY ing of B’ancnard)—who seem to Wanted Agents To Let PRESS image Kitty Purlhxnd Pnllifilling Co DAILY PRESS. lia.e time—the rest of cau'as< ‘or “The Life »l GENTEEL' for a small on STATEMENT OF ajnoderately excitiDg E' ^n »r \° tenement, family, TIIE bv Rlr« P A Hnim- Street. For CONTHTION the At 100 Exchange Portland. If* Dickon*,’’ A Spring particulars enquire ot BUSINESS DIRECTORY. houselield in all they do festlna lente. Stekrt, the A work tor JOHNSON & CLOYES tPORTLANB. A Nnw M!1,1011 splendid BRO’S, 380 Congress St. a ffen«fA !0r Ad- To-night all the and father are ex- Dollars Year in advance. ir ’‘me 10 make money. augGlf --. brothers Terms:—Eight .1,5 M l,R.y,,'ur -OF THE 1»,i wA,McKKNNEr*C0„ 2 Elm St.. Porl- pected, to and Miss Hattie Saf- Ijiud, angldeod w3.v Advertising Agency. pass Sunday, Me._ To Let. ATWELL & 174 Tuesday 9. 1870. Tin* ?S;iiicik Mute Pn‘ss CO., Middle Street. Morning, August ford, the canlatriee, who is stopping at the LARGE and convenient first class bouse, pless- Wanted. a Thursday A antly situated in Gorham Village. To be fur- A house, gives concert assisted by Hoffman, 1- published every Morning at the Co., 47 an 1 49 Middle St, nished it Agricultural Implements .Seeds. For the Press: Oirigo Suspender required. Enquire at this office, or or the I $2.50 a yeai; 'f paid in advance, at $2.00 a BY tl smart, active American Boy. auj»5 aug4 LEWIS HOME SAWYER * WOODFORD, No. 119 Exchange St. pianist. will try and give you more MeLKLLAN, Gorham Village. INSURANCE 1 notice you lake a due of interest in year degree as I better COMPANY, railroad spice get acquainted. W. Situation Wanted, Tenement to Let. Auctioneer. matters, posting up your readers es- k Bates or Advertising.—One inch of space, GENTLEMAN ot large txpprience as Book- convenient in a new and C. W. pecially in to the of tenement, Ol’ NEW HOLMES, No. 327 ConereesRt. Auction Sales regard consolidation move- teller fr- in SSnlla. in length column, constitutes a eorr spnndeni and manager, and with AVERYmodem-built bouse, on square.” A keeper, Fraufclin street. Will HAVEN, CONN., every Evening. Private Sales during tlie day. ment in this You first a knowledge ot* desires an en- no rented to a State. introduced $1.50 per square daily week. 75 cents thorough business, small lamilv. Eight rooms, with recently Bath, 1870. three in some mercantile or p ot clothes Avtg. Oth, per week after; or gagement manulacluring enty presses; ga9 in eT-*rv room Price into your paper an article on the ft< m To insertions, less, $1.00; bouse. No objection aa to localit y. Agencies for subject, the Editor the Press: continuing every other after Address, particulars call on GEORGE C. Sewing Machines. oj day first week, 50 aug8*lw L^o.*401*lur,ber W- the rathpr “MEREDITH," Press Office. E, corner and Fraoklin streets. OTvT s. 158 Middle ever H. Skowliegan paper, no- Business at this cents. Congress THE FIRST 3DA.Y OF DYER, St.. H. Ray>. All sneeringly place is very dull, ship Half three aug3dtf JULY, 1870. Kinds ol Machines for sale and to let. ticing the Portland Citizens’ square, insertions or less, 75 cents; Girl Wanted. Repaving. Committee Cir- building being the only that has one week, 51 Middle over $1.00; 50 cents per week after. WALDEN, Street, cular on consolidation. as at Hair Store, No. 9 Clapp’s Block To Kent. Lock, Meserve & Co. Now, this Skcw- ever been carried on here to extent and Special Notices, one third additional. Con- (Improved Howe.) any APPLY8H»»St. JOHN P. SUEUR Y. GOOD tenement in a now editor has not had a at Uuder head of $2.00 per Iw eod house on Thomas St. hegan probably veiy present there are but two or “Amusements,” augt A Nine rooms. $300. three vessels square per week; three insertions or less $1.50. CASH CAPITAL, ------Bakers. in while tl.e Apply to W. H. JEURIS, Real Estate Agent. $500,000,00 large experience railroading, being built. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine 100 W. C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. Experienced Agents Wanted aug3ti and Slate of Illinois has THE a great thriving had KNOX AND LINCOLN State Press” (which has large circulation ASSETS. BAILBOAD in every part of the State) for $1.00 per square Immediately. To Let. Boots and Shoes—Gents Custom much, suppose you should olfsst your Skow- is being pushed forward with the utmost and cannot tail to make Real Work. vig- for first insertion, 50 cents per square for money. See tor yonr- house Estate, exlract and still THEYselves H. lately occupied by Dr. No. $720,000.00 WALTER liegan further enlighten your or, under the perso lal of en- each insertion. by addressing A. McKESNEY & Co., 7 LeProbrn, BERRY. No. 101 Middle Street. supervision the subsequent r r.lm 1 THE South Screet; said house having be*n BANK Address all communications to Slieet, ortland. Me. aag3deoil w2t STOCKS. readers on this ergetic and j thoroughly repaired is suitable for a genteel boarding important subject by giving popular r»esidcnt, Oliver Mose-', PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. bouse or private tamile. Apply to A. K. S-T ,, ABUrLINING Supplied with a water-wheel. BONDS. SMALL * SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street, place yet Augusta, Me. of MARR have the citizens of one hut of «T. H. LAMS OX, 21dlm__ Enquire BRJS', comer Middle and city, that who e line of this road is at near the Market sts., Portland. United States Woolwich, Jy18eodlm* 77,500 5 20, *S7 107 so Bonnet nnd Hat Slate, taken the libel ty to meet together in Kenn- bee PHOTOGRAP HE R, WANTED. 30,776 Virginia State Bleachery, river, where a cut, about 200 bet Bonds, 25,559.,32 H. E. convention and consult on the From Philadeldliin, To be South UNDERWOOD, No. 310J Congress Street. dangers of long, oo leet and 35 feet wide is to be N in Let, 20.000 Carolina State Bonds 17 deep, Has a new A Agent every Town in Maine to canvass 800.00 railroad opened and completely appointed tor whole or part ot the block Alabama State monopolies, and of such grave mo- made in a solid P°Pu‘3,t* subscription works and ot Brick Stores on 10.000 Bonds, 7 700 00 ledge; and just back of the °!lr engrav- THEPortland Pier. Coal and Wood. ings. Enclose tor circular. ment have lliey considered that have stamp descriptive at the 13,200.00 it, they ledge there is a cut to be m-ide of about the H. A. McKENNEY Apply Merchants National Bank. oO l!"veSS nSUte 151,446,82 PAUL PRINCE * SON, foot of Wllmot street. FIRST-CLASS GALLERY ! & CO., Shares New Haven Sale embodied their convictions on Elm Deposit Company, 5 (v,q qq the subject in same dimensions a bed that Is IN PORTLAND, Jun20d&wly_2 St., Pori land, Maine. Cash on baud and in City Bank of through clay Montreal, -ta'viiu. the fundamental law of Iheir even Cash in hands of Cabinet Furniture State—beyond worse than the as the same uum- Bo. 152 LADY in in Agents, vtn’nnn’m Manufacturers. ledge, Middle Bt., cor, Orosi St. every Town the Good Business Stand to Let even WANThD.—ASlate ol Maine to canvass tor Loans on THBO. JOHNSON * CO.. No. Union the reach of the I the ber of men a new Medical a Mortgages, 134 Street. "gislature—and can teniove more of Motto—Good Work aud Moderate Prices. Work entitled village live miles from Portland; no storo 22V»n’nn square yards “Wenima mid her Tbirfv &>ar« Loans on Stocks and have now Ieb21dtf > INwnbm two mile.*. A good store mmh need- people just most -m- the in ten hours Pd«riii»Hge. A biok ol to v*ry Bonds, 161)90 80 empbatical' ledge than of the great value to every ed in the place. Address Call Carpenters and Builders. clay. H. Loans, >2n dorsed the convention. It cannot x^anJ?,Ah‘,«£?UI,trJr* ^dress, A. McKEN- X Y. 130 Mid liar. ,i THE FERRY BOAT N L Y & CO., 2 Elm dtaugS'vff tie »t.. Portland, Me. Agency WHITNEY * MEANS. Pearl st, fhe Park. it. e. cooper & co., St., Portland, Me. Supplies,estimated, 500000 opposite of Maine to read and iun20d&w3m Interest and Kents people ponder which is being built here for the Knox & Store to accrued, 15792 32 Lett Agents’ Balances and Clothing nnd these provisions of the Illinois Censti' Lincoln will he a Practfeal Plumbers, sundry investments, 64545 73 Furnishing Goods. lbfilqpad Co., powerful beat, WAN'S Office LEWIS* LEWIS, Nn. 78 Middle at this W-fo»« 140 feet leet AND DEALERS IN ED. Midd-’A, bfiiuMt Fr.»kti. Furniture, Safes, &c„ ($15,928.90) estimated. especially particular lime, it Idnjbat wide, and so construct- md Haiti U.UI11. aatvages on Fire lojoWio Street._ OV Street!. In good amrETandLosses, estimated, 50 000 on shall forever too late. I enclose a ed as to-be Bath Tubs, Water Marble S Wash repair. Cement Drain nnd be synopsis able to carry an entire train of Closets, abs, JAMES A. FOSS. Bills Receivable, Water Pipe, Sac-ion and Force Rubber Life ($41,778.45) estimated, some of these cars Basins, Pumps, Isurance Solicitors Portland, .June 20. 3s|ooo'oo dee. of provisions, cut from the last from one side of the river to the other at Hose, Silver Plated aLd Brass (Jocks, junStll Chimneys FO* THE Total Assets, J. w. STOCKWFl L * CO.. 23 ani 1(11 Danforlh Neyv York Independent, with its comments one tiip. LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, To be Let. $1,324,208.71 street, orders-e-clved by N. M. Perkins & Co., Knickerbocker Lite Insurance Co., and Kendall * thereon, which will save me the trouble of THE SOLDIERS’ ORPHANS’ HOME. dealrablc itore, No. 13 Market TT .. T LIABILITIES. Whitney. Galvanised Iron Tin Tin Lined and OF NEW YORK. *rJ~UE Square. Pipe, Pipe, to Unpaid Losses, *100 ato m another word—at till ot Cement A J_dpply Uun9ti] WM. HAMMOD. writing least, we hear By invitation Hon. J. P. Mors# I visitod Pipe. good assortment of Plumbers One of the oldest, m at reliable and best dividend- Other Dye House. Materials on ha\d. Liabilities, the Home of com-tantly paying companies in the country. 18o’ooo!t)0 F. from Skowbegan again. F. the children of the fallen heroes .u all its To T et. SYMOND®. Tndia St.,rtho nplv one in PlurobiDg branches promptly attended to Apply to CHARLES W HITE, tor Maine Portland.) Manager No. 150 Commercial FOSTER’S DYE Among these provisions we name the fol- of the late war. It is located at the corner of ajid New Hampshire, Augns.a Me., or to Street, head of Widz- Total Liabilities, Hfirsy, y0. 79 Middle st., near lot) ST0KEerv a Wharf, N. $30^ 437 19 tbe corner ot Exchange. 1. That there shall be no No. Federal MOSES G. DOW, Spec al Aeent, recently occupied by O. Cram. lowirg: consolida- High and South one St., *.sq. Possession given 1st. streets, being of the jylSdtf No 7t> Middle st., Portland. .July FOREST CITY DYE 315 st. tion of railway companies MU. dtf _ AUG E. Sri HOUSE, Congress owning parallel elevations of jau29PORTLAND, VKNS & CO., or lines road 2. highest land in the city, and 146 Commercial EXECUTIVE competing of That in all A good Tenement to Street. OFFICERS. commands a fine DATLY Let. Dentists. cases in which ditfereut companies are consol- view of city, rivi r and sur- FEL8S PRIBTIBG~^HOUSE. to T. **• W. Apply LUCAS. New York Store, 131 Middle (iUltae,Primary. C. S». DRS. EVANS * STROUT, « idated, at least liolice St, TO LIST. BUSnNELl,, Preaidrnt. Clapp Bloek, Con. St. sixty days’ previous rounding country, and all in all is one of the jy21eo| Middle Street. given stockholders, manner best locations in the MARKS, IN FLUENT tOH'I.KH, Srcrelary. d. E. 71 EH WIN, Vice Prr.ldrat. to be State. The house is two BLOCK, JB„ DR. W. R. .TOHNSON. No. 134, Free Street. provided by law. !S. That no company Wanted! QFFICES stories and with French and *. Gen’l S. A. Cor. shall issue any stock or bom's lor high roof, has A SITUATION as house keeper. References qlv- TAI.COIT, AgeniBud Adja.ter. PACKARD, Congress ani Exchange Sts. except Book, Oard and Job Either Single or in Suita. or room and Printer, •“cn and required. Address Post Office Bax No. 2. money, labor, property received by tlie ample accommodations for at least These offices are the most desirable in Jyl3tt the city Druggists and A potheen ries. same, and actually used for the purposes lor one hundred and fifr.v chiM.-m, 10i> Exchange Street, being pleasantly situated and heated by steam. Desk ouHiN a. which the company was organized. 4. That Wanted. Also, room and desks furnished it desired. PORTLAND OFFICE MONTGOMERY, 143 Congress Street. convenience is at band tbat can be desired.— mariWtf 166 FORE all stock dividends and every fictitious in- PORTLAND. ran STREET, who come we'l recommended to n -nnc-n nl .... *....1._1_1.1:. II. ■ The entire do -— is Flour u«uv» WV/I1VK « lUUVUlCUULOO building heated steam in description ol Job AGIRLwoik In a family at Gorham Dealers—-Wholesale. by sar Every Prinling neatly Village. I enements to Let. shall be cold mis unconstitutional. 5. That no and bath an l promptly executed, and at the lowest possible omce. IVcm $4 to $12 in LATHAM. BUTLER Sr CO.. No, 78 Conrmercial St compa- weather, separate rooms are per menth, Portland and JOHN W. NI .VGER & shall add to its prices. ATCape Elizabe'b. Enquire ot N. M. Woodman. SON,7 ny capital slock for any pur- provided for and with Orders from aug8dlw Agents. boys girls four tubes in the country solicited, and promptly Vessels Wanted. 28 Oak Street, and J. C. pose whatever without a previous notice to attended to. WOODMAN, Furnltnre—Wholesale and Retail. each of the rooms. ja7dtf "WANTED for tlie next b:x Exchange St- the stockholders of at least months, Ja»8.1ttlit) BEAL8 St cor. ot sixty days.— three or tour ves-gels CO., Middle and Franklin Streets. msh |ier month of fiorn 0. That the legislature of the Mate shall As a guarantee that every is as it /S' three to flee linnJrO'l tons to To Let. WALTFR COREY & CO., Arcade No. 18 Free St. thing f\ capacity _ have wTirr^cTTFiFoiu), y/'iA/Lv toad CARRIAGES ! power to regulate the rates of tare or should be I need but add Stone for New Orleans. Highest U'lKST class Store nnd Cffices on Exchsnge Street CARRIAGES ! N. TARBOX, No. 158 Fore st. (upstairs.) tbat the plans of rates ot freieh? A between Middle and freight, so as to provide abuses, ex- Counsellor at paid. Fore Streets. Apply to against the were furnished F. H. Law, Apply to JOSEPH WESCOTT & W. tortions, and building by Fassett, SON. _ H, ANDERSON. unjust and en- No. 91 At ot -A-t Reduced Prices. Furniture and Douse discriminations, of __ Middle Office Nathan well AND SOLICITOR O ATENTS, sr., Portland. Webb, Esq, No, 69 Exchange Furnishing force ils control a ex- Esq., your city, tbe known architect. 0.-, BODWELL, WEBSTER & s-reet. by tequate penalties, Has remore to CO., dee30dtf Goods. even to Tbe tending a lorteiture of both the piop- matron, Mrs. Mayhew, well uoder- SO JMitldle Portland, Apr!! 2, Messrs. J.M. Kimball & ADAMS St TARBOX, cor. Exchange" & Federal sts. erly and the in its discretion. s'ands IVo. Street, TO LET. Co., 302 & 304 Street, franchise, tbe difficult task of caring for so many 1870._^$dtT^ Congress HOOPER St EATON. No. 130 Exchange Street. •***«» BOYD BLOCK. au24 little ones without PORTLAND, MAINE. LOWELL A No II showing tbat partiality so and or HOYT, Preble Stre-t. The Illinois convention was of wanted! Wharfage Custom House ecmpo'ed common ______k teachers and C. J. SCHUMACHER, STORAGEWhari. Apply to LYNCH. BARKER & Co., WOODMAN St WHITNEY, No. 56 Exchange St. some ot the ablest men in the State; and, hav- among ethers who A Small Tenement—two rooms—in tlie Commercial St. “OLD done its work have tbe care of x*‘ easterly °eiott___139 REPOSITORY.” ing well, the people have also children. Theie are now on- l»art ol tie ciiy. Rent not to exceed $6.00 per Furniture and Upholstering, done well in its woik and to FRESCO PAINTER. month. at 74 1-2 Cumberland For We wenJd respect call the attention of endorsing giving ly tbiity-five children at tbe and Inquire St. Ie21tt Sale or to Let. fully the Ridin? Public to the lact that we have in Store and con- DAVID W. Home, any stantly all the DEANE. No 89 Federal street, all it the authority of 0011511101100-1 law. In this fiice at the Store ot MeesrB. A. G. Schlottcr- hall of a nice manufacturing nft’ereut kinds of Vehicle* used in this of the newest and others who wish Drug two story double bouse, slt- Country, designs k nds ot Uuholstering and done to may to go there will be glad- stnictlon, and of and no Repairing respect Illinois has now set an beck & ONEuaied five ndies troro the city and within ten tordarabuity, elegance finish, comfort, have superior. Every order. example Co., minutes walk or Carriage oner d tor sale is equal to those built to and will be sold at cannot which other Sta'es would ly received arid cared for. BOARD AMD ROOMS. 11. B. Station. For lurtlier par- specially order, prices that fail P. do well to imitate. kindly .'JOJi Pori I it iT3e.» ticulars to suit all customers. W, FREEMAN St CO., No. 152 Street. Congmi 9t«, ml, inquile ot SAMUEL at his new Exchange It lias bteu The BELL, %3BT We make a of Two Wheel Chaise f>r increasingly evident lor several following gentlemen are the trustees Jan 12-dtI One door above Brown, Boot and Shoe Store, 213 Congress second door speciality Physicians’ use. LORD, Jr., 93 Federal St. of all street, assortmeDt ot the low work Repairing years tba. great abuses of sometimes of the east or New City Building, Portland, Me. priced of different Manufacturers constantly on hand and for sale at a kinds done to order at short notice. power, institution: John Patteu, President; Boarders Wanted. ap29if slight advance-over the wholesale price. on the of SHE'lIBAi; & GltffFITHS. my25TT&S3mo grossly fraudulent, part directors, J. P. S. F. accommodations tor a Gentleman Morse; Dike; Clias. Davenport, and Provisions and have been gradually creeping into the railway GENTEET,wife,(pleasant parlor chamber.) and a tew single TO LET. Groceries. E. S. J. P A, T JK 6T gentlemen A rtn TT a ifsr rai ft I. T. system of this countjy. One ot these abuses Treasurer; Neatly;Nathan Farewell; ERgf, may be had if applied lor scon, at No. 55 JOHNSON, 135 Cumberland near Wilmot Franklin St., consist in Tbos. \V. on corner U WLA /R 11 and cor. Oxford and the consolidation of Hyde, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL St.__is je30dtt of Pearl and Cumberland sts., A B • St., Wilmot Streets. competing Secretary. STOKESfitted up in good for thus to a the THE style Apothecary,Dry Goods lines; giving single company PORTLAND & KENNEBEC R. K., JTUOOO & MASTiC Rooms to Let! or Millinery business, with cemented cellars and Hair Goods and monopoly rf the whole business, and WOSSEUS, water conveniences. Toilet Articles. enabling was never in a mare rooms to let with or without board. Mutual it to fix its rate of almost at its own flourishing condition, SO. 6 SOVTH MB. • AI so, Houses on Pearl Insurance J. F. charges SI., PORTLAND, PLEAVASTat No. 6 Tree street, good references st., and Cumberland Ter- SHERRY,No. 9 Clapp’s Block, Congress St and never so well given and race, fitted with all modern Comp’y, old pleasure. This places the general at calculated to accommodate gip-'* J’lonij't attention I :i*,d to all kindaot-lobbing required. conveniences, abund- (ORGANIZED IN opposite City Hall. public jy29tf ance of pure hard aDd soft 1842.) the of such a the n our line. apr22-ttf water. Now ready for oc- mercy company, with 110 re- traveling public as at present, under cupancy. Apply to 51 Wall corner New straint it in the of st., of William, York. Hat Manufacturers. upon healthy competition charge of Superintendent with its J. L. FJBMEB, The of Lincoln, C*4R Injures CHAS. GOULD, Practical Hatter, No. 19 Oak St. rivalry. history railways, especially 47 Dan forth Against Marine and Inland Risks. morning and evening trains to VED_TEETM. street. Navigation lor the last five years, shows a very strong nearly every station on Horse tendency toward this kind of consolidation. the line, and neve.r were more ef- is PUIIKLY MUTUAL. Tlie Shoeing. & FOB ! whole PROFIT rererts to the ASSURED, and are divided The of Illinois have notv KIMBALL BOQTIIBY LOST AND a\ki!i??3v*11*7 S. YOUNG, 187 Comm’l St. First people made it con- ficient and conductors FOUND. term>nated during the year; tor which Certificates are issued, Premium awarded gentlemanly engaged _SALE interest until bearing at New Fair for in tout State. The redeemedBFreE>ama England Best Horse Shoes. stitutionally impossible on one road than Messrs. Wi'liants Elegant Residence of Clms. W. Breed Anothet most Jewett, DENTISTS, In January the Antl> glaring abuse is the lute of JPorfiand, decerned. 1870, Accumulated from its Rusincs* were a* fallows, Tin speeula- and Lincoln. Lost. India tlubber and Gutta Pcrcha system of secretly towering stocks Preston. Are for beauti- Mew-York Bank and other railway iuf!erting partial sets, 4TED on ther»osess:on of the subscriber in ijoans Stocks, City, Stock.. Goods, new Spring Street, No. 132, in the west- recently, Eo«ns<,scm!?e,ia?v«!ati0fsecurea by Stocks and «* by issuing stock, not for puraoscs con- *a* teeth which are superior io ftlTU and manner otherwise..... 14s 100O6 id ern part ot the city. FROMway to me unknown, a promissory ^ BU1S H. A. HALL, 118 Middle street. templated in the charters of Letter fro in Harrison. many respects to those usually Insert- note for L‘LCeivabIe»Rtal Estate, Bond and Mortgages and other Vecuritles’.. 1,931,0^1 railroad com- This is a three flttv dollars, given to Cash *' ** story brick and by Benjamin Stuart, in^nk63*' but inthe ed. For further miormation call at dwelling-house ell, me daied on or about ...... S4ti,797 panies, interests or stock thoroughly fiensbed with the best ot materials, fitted tbe 2d day of May, 1870, and "tings,” Harrison, Aug. 0,1870. N#. If re ns wuh ail the this is to prevent any and all trom Jewelry and Fine Watches. who, being directors, resort to the secret, and To Clapp’* Block, Cong Sired, modem convenience.*, including gas persons purchas- Total amount ot the Editor of the Frees: si earn ing the same as the payment is iornidden to Assets.914,400,309 ABNER 301 Street. for fraudulent maneuvers as a matter of a C3T-N itrons Oxide Gas and Ether administered. I apparatus lorheaiiug, hard and soft water! hereby LOWELL, Congress Agent priva The hot and cold water in of any one but to me or on my order. J«hk D. President. Howard Watch business men of the northern section Teeth tilled aud all their diseases u in a evtry part the house, bath- J.7'2,'i,yl,?&?re*L D. Jokes, Company. speculation. In this way hundreds of millions cated scieiiti» LITOT J. Hewlett, hi \>eo-Prest. Charles ing room, &c. The walls are frescoed and in STROUT. Desjos, Vice-President. of Cumberland and manner. sep25-ly painted J. H. Oh Aft! of purely ficticious have been added the southeas’ern oil throughout, the drawing rooms not Harrieon, August 6th 1870. aug8 Iw Air, Secretary. Manufacturers of Valises capital portion surpassed by Trunks, to the slock ot within the of Oil >rd any in theeby for elegance and taste, and the dining JOHN W. tailway companies counties are much elated with the PIIENNAN room finished in IJUIVGER, and Carpet last fifteen while & b6oPER~ solid black walnut. There is a Lost! Correspondent, Rags. pears, the largest part of the of beautitul lawn, prospect being within about four and a garden containing some fifteen 166 Fore DURAN |» JOHNSON, 171 Middle A 116 Fed’l Sts. s has gone into the hands of brought fruit Congress street, Ang. 3d, a bundle containing Office, Street, Portland. proti compaia- treesof different kinds, making this one of the arch3 hours’ ride of the a* ONtwo ('leaks and Water-proof Cloth. The finder e a few Ail these Portland, by completion, UPHOLSTERERS finest residences in this It dllm&wGw tively persons. watering city. oesired, a pirt of will confer a ia\or it at ibe Press far as t"e e can by leaving office, -1870-_;_ Masons and Builders. schemes are so frauds tbe at the foot of the pri« remain ou mortgage For further par- acgldlw* simply many peipetra- landing Sebago No, 33 Free Street, ticulars enquire ot JOSEPH A. LOCKE, N. E. REDI.ON, 233 1-2 Congress st. ted by directors against the rights *1 bun/t- Lake, of tbe Executor, 74 Middle coiner Exchange street. fitle stockholders. The constitution of Illi (Formerly in the Row No. .368 Congress Street.) aug6dtisn PORTLAND & OODENSBUBO RAILROAD. HOTELS. Orgjin & Melodeon Manufacturers. nois nowsavs that this system of fraudulent- MANUFACTURERS OF A It is the intention of tbe mana- PUBLIC stock shall exist 110 and it energetic For Sale or Lea*e. BENEFACTOR! SMALL Sr KNIGHT, No. 16 Market 8<)uare. ly issuing longer; Parlor Suits, Lounges, Spring Beds, will be well if the same ware incor- gers of this ro id to have tbe track iaid and very flesirah’e home No. 5, in B ick Block, provifion s into const tulion cats Mattresses, «fcc. THEPark Place Possession given 12lb inst. ea-sidiTresort. Paper Hangrtnggdc Window Shades. porated every of the laud. running to the lake by the first week in August 6tb, 1*70. 3* GEO. M. HARDING All kinds of Repairing neatlv done. Furni- GEO. L. LOTHROP St Co., No. 97, Exchange Street. September. The depot and landing is to be ure boxed and malted. oc25 ’69r,TAstt Inner from Wolfbo ongb, N. II. Fine Suburban Residence lor Sale. SUMMED RETREAT, about two miles from Standisb t’oiner, and The subscriber offer* lor Patterns, Models, Artificial Legs ‘•Pavilion Hotel”’ > WILLIAM It. BOWDLEAR, sale his South Side of Peak’s Island. about two miles from the present steamboat modern built residence situated on WHO IS T, F. PINGREE, 192 Fore Street. N. TIEALF.lt IN HE? Wolfboko’, H., Aug. 1,1870. S M. -*—? the eminence Wood- BRACKETT, Proprietor. landing. This will be one of the most im- over-loooking ^^^^IhENRY To the Editor of the Press: CRUDE AND REFINED ford's "orner, Westbrook. It con- Open tor Genteel Boarders—three miles from Port Photographers. portant stations on the line of the as a _tains 12 good sized looms, with an land—within thirty tods of the ocean—with good Pertmps you think that I am into an road, Tlie Man who has A. S. DAVIS & No. Middle going excellent cellar, is supp ied with an abundance ot opportunities for Fishing. Sea Battling, and water done the most to Co., 80. street. large proportion of the from hard and soft, elaborate of the thousand and freight Bridgton, water, and it is in good state of repair. excursions. Steamer Gazelle leaves Portland daily J. H. LAMSON, 152 Middle St., cor. Cross. desciiption BEESWAX, There is a large stable on the premises. Tlie grounds at a. M., 2, P. M., for tbe Islands. 2iii Harrison, Naples, Water'ord, Casco and other 9, 10* 3* jun25 one attractions of this on enibrace Iwo charming retreat acres, band-omely laid out, and on towns north, will be landed here So. 1953 State street, which is a fine vegetable garden, tha vegetables to Plumbers. the shores of Lake Winnepiseogee; that I b^anal be sold with the house CAPE boats COTTAGE. JAMES MILLER, 91 Federal Street. Evprv des- propelled by steam, one of which is be- jyl8eod2mo BO * TOM. itl ASS. This is intend to the unrivalled one of the finest locations in the vicinity eription of Water Fixtures arranged and set in referring scenery up ing fitted up Mr. of ot Portland—within five minuies’walk of the Lorse This favorite Sea-Side House and Sum- the best manner. Jobbing promptly attended to. that pertains to this mountain lake which by Sampson Harrison, GKO. C. HOPKINS, cars, and affording a beautitul view or the city, lnr- Resort, the finest o^ tbe Maine Coast, BRING DOWN THE PRICES ami will be for use this fall. seems like on ready bor, ocean, and the surrounding country. One-third will be open tor transient and |>ermanent Plasterer, Stucco Worker. «»c. immense mirror upon whose ot the mouev rema n on the 15th iust. THE STEAMER ORIENTAL purchase may on mortgage it company, First-Class ac- P. Cor. polished surface arc reflected the at de-ired. Possession commodations In FEENEY, Cumberland and Franklin Sts. verdure dad Attorney I^aw, given immediately. Enquire every appointment. will run in connection on Imer OF hills and with tbe the premises ot J. A. THOMPSON, VAN VALKENBUKGH A CO., historical 805 islands embedded in cars, leaving Cor. Exchange and Federal Sts., Or, GEO R. Harrison about DAVIS & _ Proprietors. Restaurant for Ladies and Gents. o’clock A. Co, foliage. But I propose of the sort. eight M., touching Real Estate and Mortgage Portland. Portland, June 8, 1 a70. jun9tt nothing FORTLJLMl. Brokers, & at North P. S. A two acres on NICHOLS BLAKE, 92 Exchange street. Eastman’s White Bridgton, Bridgton and ar- TuTliSatf n>rl5tcsepl5# grove containing adjoin.ng the Mountain Guide” contains Naples, soul h, also an acre of tillage land on the north, will in Portland in DRY the and ot riving time to take tbe trains be sold with the premists ii desired. jy25d»f O ITaFiI OUSE. GOODS! Real Estate Agents. poetical rhapsodies prose poems all east or west; an hour or more JOHN C. PROCTOR, No,, 93 xehange Street. our most distinguished literary celebrities on allowing for House and Land for This popular summer resort will be Notice. Sale. UEO. It, & No. 301 persons to transact business and return the Copartnership for transient and permanent com- DAVIS, CO., j Congress street. the subject, and to that work I refer all who rPH E subscriber offers for sale, the brick liou«e No _opened pany on Saturday, May 28,1870. same day. who come in on the The 1 Also severs desirable lots IN PORTLAND. are desirous of Passengers copartoerslrp heretofore existing under the 49Deeriugstreet. Silver Smith and Gold becoming fully acquainted firm name ot Locke, Reserve & Co.,is this dis- opposite. CHARLES PAY&ON. my27dtt___ and Silver Boston trains can reach d\v with Neither do I iutend- Bridgton, by this ar- solve! mutual Mr.*C. H. Mcscrvc re- June 6,1870. junGrr my surroundings, by consent, Plater. at five o’clock P. tiring. to describe the route hither Irom rangement, M. Messrs. Gibbs M. PE \ RSON, No. 22 Temple St., near l’otHand, The remaining rarlners having associated with FOR SALE ! Adams House Congress. & tbe All lor was Wales, principal owners in the steam- them Mr. Thou. E. antler the tirm name kinds of Silver and Plated Ware it not fully written up iu the columns Twitclicll, for Cnsm Lot ot Land. and repaired. of Store House boat line, are to the thereon, in Cape Elizabeth Me. THOMAS of the Press a short mouth Suffice it intending build, coming TWITCnELL A CHEAP (Kiiiihtville). Temple Street, Portland, LUCAS, Silver ago? LOCKE, CO , Call at the and and Plated Ware. a premises inquire ol to that after a winter, side-wheel steamer, about ABNER 301 say scorching ride over the Bos- twenty will continue the general mar2dtl’S B. CUMMINGS, JOHN 6AWYKR, Pr.prielar LOWELL, Congress Street. feet ton & and Dover & longer than the Oriental and several feet Goods and Commis- Maine, Winncpiseogee Dry Dobbins For Sale or Lea?e. This new first-class business wider, which will he in readiness tbe time Hot.1 tl now open Schools. railroads, during which it was a comfort to by sion LOT of land on Cross stroet. of Edward to the PROPRIETOR OF TUE NEW YORK the lake Business, Enquire public. All the appointment, are mw and STORE, ENGLISH and FRENCH SCHOOL, 430 st. opens in the spring. The Onenta A Howe No. 24 Dantorth or ol H. J. Congress travel bareheaded, and, if it had been the street, Libby, the a At No- £4 and £6 Middb "KT/v lArt 1,1.11 a _1 jj.i locution, within few rode of both the Middle »t. is to be used as an excursion and tow Street, correct would have been more endura- boat. and Congress st. cars, is one .f tli. most convenient Stair Builder. thing, where the books ot tlie late firm be found. krye’s island. may in ble if our could the city. B. F. LIBBY, 174 Union up stairs. party have journeyed in the Brick for Street, Ahfillf klT miloo frnm flin InnJinn in Ct.n Office in Hostcia 147 Devonshire Sired. Ilonse Sale. The Hotel contains forty rooms, conveniently ar- NO. 133 MUDDLE must primitive of costumes, we arrived at ..• Agents tor the ranged in suites. The STREET, PORTLAND, Stoves, Furnaces A Kitchen Jisli, ami about the same distance from the two and one-halt story brick dwelling- Proprietor has bad experi- floods. Alton Bay and translerred ourselves to tbe PONDICHERRY M1CLS ence in CO., Shawls, Repellents. h use in the western part of the on the lor tbe and ex- C. 29 mouth of the Songo river is an isl ind and Cassimeres. city, providing public, confidently C.TOLMAN, Market sq under Lancaster ball. steamer Cbocorua. What a ol Dear- Cloakiugs line ot the street cars, thoroughly to delightful change! PITTSFIELD PIONEER WOOLEN Re- MA finished, pects welcome all hie old iriends who come to Proposes to give the public one more of tnose to one thousand which has been MILLS, and in good repair, lighted with gas Portland golden opportunities purchase their DryJ A breeze was on ly acres, recent- pellents and < asimeres. throughout, and to make a host ot new ones. Every Goods at the low Teas, Coffees, Spires. *«. splendid stirring the lake— heated with a furnace, and supplied with an abun- following prices: FALMOUTH AND STORM attention will be given to tb. w.ntsoi J.DEEMING & ly purchased by II. X. Jose, Esq., ol your KING, Repellents. dance ot hard and soft water. The lot contains guests. Co,4»Ipdia A 162 A 104Congreisits so powerful, in fact, that one of tbe pas- city, SEBdGO du'y 27. at, 5 lady with MILLS, R-pcllents. 40ii0 feet. It the a Cases fast colors, a the intention, as some ot hav- nearly purchaser desires it. large Prints, good quality. bad the satisfaction of her suppose, LOCKE, TWITCHELL & CO. or the 25 sengers seeing part pri«-e may remain ior a term of 3 ears on English Prints, best 12 1-2 Watches, Jewelry, <&c. a of summer resort and Portland, July 14, 1870. jyl8.1&wlm a to W. H. “ imported/ “sun down” ing place for excur- mortgage. Apply JEKKIti, EAGLE 20 American Prints, J. AMBROSE MERRILL, No. 13!>, Middle street. gracefully sailing on its waters, aplSdtt Calioon next East of Hall, HOTEL, “ 10 sion from Portland and Block, City 10 French 4k H. H cor and parties elsewhere.— New Method of Washltiff c lothes Prints, very wide, worth 37, only 16 J.W, .MCDUFFEE, Middle & Union sts. found herself dependent upon the kind- Mechanic 5 The of a hour Without the lahnrnf rnhhimr Desirable Seat tor Sale. Fall*, Maine. Delaines, 12 9 ness of a for a bead trip, three-quarters by rail aud Country 7 stranger covering in its Japanese Poplins, half an hour would be a estate of the late Dr .John Milliken, situated 11. “ 25 After an hour’s sail we by steamer, very STEDMANS Patent Wash Bni'er now on in PEAKES, Proprietor. 5 Norwich Great place. regretlully • THE Scarborough, Maine, 7 miles from Portland, Poplins, Beduction exhibition at A. N. & No 12 Ex- “ 10 pleasant one, and if proper were OF. Nojes Soil’s, and five from Saco, one and one half miles from Old 2 Armure In bade adieu to tbe and buildings change st. Tlie present proprietor having leased thla Gray Poplins, 97 prices ot denying and repairing clothing, lower neat, pretty steamer, Orchard Beach, and one-halt mi e from the West 4 than ev**r. I shall erected and the lor Ttii* Boiler operates upon tine Hotel fora terra of years, would re- Sautaire, cleanse taking tbe at tbe were in grounds prepared swings purely philosophical Scarborough Station on the P. S. & P. Railroad. ri Coats lor stage landing five principles It is sell-acting, and dispenses inform the public he is now ready 750 Pieces $ j 00 and various with a re- entirely It conlaius about one hundred acres ot land, cuts _Epecttullv Alpacca, 9- Pant* minutes games, bowling alley, with the rubbing ami we a 01 the clothes. The ■ business. To traveler!, boarders or for 75and60cts. deposited within the of the hot tons of and iR well slocked choice J.-r3v. |‘»r par- 400 S® portals suds and the ac ion ot the thirty hay vfih ties, considering tbe nice Vest tor s« freshment it would soon become *fe;tiu, by tire, is poured lruit trees accommodations and mod- “ « 37 “Pavilion.” saloon, &c., The buildings consist ot a large erate we 150 Ladies’ upon ilie clothes, ami forced through ibe fab ic with charges, would aay without tear of contra- garments cleansed cheap, and with mv usual the of resort. thoroughly built two story brick bouse, a good barn, this Hotel place astonishing rapnli y, cleansing them perfectly. It diction, stand! without a rival. 2500 Irish all colors at or. promptness. Second-hand clothing for sale at lair The Pavilion is a wood and ea» riage btuse, all in goo I repair. A fine yards Poplins, 1 very large hotel—one of has t»ecn iliorotigbly tested, and pronounced uu- Mechanic Falls, Jan. 7,1869. dtt 150 prices 64 Federal Street. A HOTEL AT THE HEAD OF I.ONG POND. stream of water flows through Hie farm, with a tall pieces Best French tbe most extensive to be eqaaleu a* a Cloth* s Washer by those whr have used Thibets, Jup?5WILLIAM BROWN. found at auy of the of more than forty fee-, a good mill A assortment of Those who are with it. All fabrics, from the finest laces to the be*f- affording privi- laige Japanese Silks, choice low. summer acquainted the situa- lege, and the best oi facilities tor the bre'dingol fUli colors, very resorts. During past year or so a blanket, can be washed perfectly and with }he tion there is no more ease,with- U11 account of irs proximity to good and VITRIFIED CL A Y Coal say delightful location out'ubbing. For Flannels, ii is as the markets, FIFE, and Wood ! very large addition has been built on to the rnvaiuabie, aho to one of the finest beaches in New It for a hotel for summer rubbing, rolling and pi e*r>i;>g process must necessa- Koglaml, boarders than on an offers a rare to any one to Double Glazed, or Glass-Coated. maia house so that it can accommodate some rily full them more or lets. If is a later and opportunity wishing pur- of truly chase a home. Price which Coal, brig Hattie E. Wbee'er, suitable eminence at the head of over- clothes inv« mion. R. A. pleasant country $6000, 2 tor hundred Long Pood, saving BIRD, is Siz’8, inches to 24 inches inside di.neter. CARGOturnace*, ranges, <*00 ing purposes. Src &c three and fifty and when I f much less thon the cost of the buildiugs. guests, the entire je 11 Agent 1 r tbe Assignees t.»r Maine. Ap- Also cargo Nova Scotia looking length of the aud sur- f_ ply 10 the subscriber at 292 Commercial Port- Wood, delivered in any sav that night room is pond street, SHAWLS, part ot the both lor every every occupied land, or No. 1 Island, Me For Drains and Sewers. SHAWLS, city, cheap cash. rounding Mr. Spring’s Saco, country. Grey, who owns an Hat 1999 S