PORTLAND DAILY " KHUibHst.f i Juti 23.1862. VoL it. —— ..nT, ~'T| — ---T-' L, MORNING. AUGUST 9. 1870. rZZYLZZ ■ ne rnriijiiid Kfuiiy press WANTED TO LET. lfi _ MISCELLANEOUS. published every day (Sundaysexcepted) hy _ Ibf THE DAILY ing of B’ancnard)—who seem to Wanted Agents To Let PRESS image Kitty Purlhxnd Pnllifilling Co DAILY PRESS. lia.e time—the rest of cau'as< ‘or “The Life »l GENTEEL' for a small on STATEMENT OF ajnoderately excitiDg E' ^n »r \° tenement, family, TIIE bv Rlr« P A Hnim- Street. For CONTHTION the At 100 Exchange Portland. If* Dickon*,’’ A Spring particulars enquire ot BUSINESS DIRECTORY. houselield in all they do festlna lente. Stekrt, the A work tor JOHNSON & CLOYES tPORTLANB. A Nnw M!1,1011 splendid BRO’S, 380 Congress St. a ffen«fA !0r Ad- To-night all the and father are ex- Dollars Year in advance. ir ’‘me 10 make money. augGlf --. brothers Terms:—Eight .1,5 M l,R.y,,'ur -OF THE 1»,i wA,McKKNNEr*C0„ 2 Elm St.. Porl- pected, to and Miss Hattie Saf- Ijiud, angldeod w3.v Advertising Agency. pass Sunday, Me._ To Let. ATWELL & 174 Tuesday 9. 1870. Tin* ?S;iiicik Mute Pn‘ss CO., Middle Street. Morning, August ford, the canlatriee, who is stopping at the LARGE and convenient first class bouse, pless- Wanted. a Thursday A antly situated in Gorham Village. To be fur- A house, gives concert assisted by Hoffman, 1- published every Morning at the Co., 47 an 1 49 Middle St, nished it Agricultural Implements .Seeds. For the Press: Oirigo Suspender required. Enquire at this office, or or the I $2.50 a yeai; 'f paid in advance, at $2.00 a BY tl smart, active American Boy. auj»5 aug4 LEWIS HOME SAWYER * WOODFORD, No. 119 Exchange St. pianist. will try and give you more MeLKLLAN, Gorham Village. INSURANCE 1 notice you lake a due of interest in year degree as I better COMPANY, railroad spice get acquainted. W. Situation Wanted, Tenement to Let. Auctioneer. matters, posting up your readers es- k Bates or Advertising.—One inch of space, GENTLEMAN ot large txpprience as Book- convenient in a new and C. W. pecially in to the of tenement, Ol’ NEW HOLMES, No. 327 ConereesRt. Auction Sales regard consolidation move- teller fr- in SSnlla. in length column, constitutes a eorr spnndeni and manager, and with AVERYmodem-built bouse, on square.” A keeper, Fraufclin street. Will HAVEN, CONN., every Evening. Private Sales during tlie day. ment in this You first a knowledge ot* desires an en- no rented to a State. introduced $1.50 per square daily week. 75 cents thorough business, small lamilv. Eight rooms, with recently Bath, 1870. three in some mercantile or p ot clothes Avtg. Oth, per week after; or gagement manulacluring enty presses; ga9 in eT-*rv room Price into your paper an article on the ft< m To insertions, less, $1.00; bouse. No objection aa to localit y. Agencies for subject, the Editor the Press: continuing every other after Address, particulars call on GEORGE C. Sewing Machines. oj day first week, 50 aug8*lw L^o.*401*lur,ber W- the rathpr “MEREDITH," Press Office. E, corner and Fraoklin streets. OTvT s. 158 Middle ever H. Skowliegan paper, no- Business at this cents. Congress THE FIRST 3DA.Y OF DYER, St.. H. Ray>. All sneeringly place is very dull, ship Half three aug3dtf JULY, 1870. Kinds ol Machines for sale and to let. ticing the Portland Citizens’ square, insertions or less, 75 cents; Girl Wanted. Repaving. Committee Cir- building being the only enterprise that has one week, 51 Middle over $1.00; 50 cents per week after. WALDEN, Street, cular on consolidation. as at Hair Store, No. 9 Clapp’s Block To Kent. Lock, Meserve & Co. Now, this Skcw- ever been carried on here to extent and Special Notices, one third additional. Con- (Improved Howe.) any APPLY8H»»St. JOHN P. SUEUR Y. GOOD tenement in a now editor has not had a at Uuder head of $2.00 per Iw eod house on Thomas St. hegan probably veiy present there are but two or “Amusements,” augt A Nine rooms. $300. three vessels square per week; three insertions or less $1.50. CASH CAPITAL, -------- Bakers. in while tl.e Apply to W. H. JEURIS, Real Estate Agent. $500,000,00 large experience railroading, being built. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine 100 W. C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. Experienced Agents Wanted aug3ti and Slate of Illinois has THE a great thriving had KNOX AND LINCOLN State Press” (which has large circulation ASSETS. BAILBOAD in every part of the State) for $1.00 per square Immediately. To Let. Boots and Shoes—Gents Custom much, suppose you should olfsst your Skow- is being pushed forward with the utmost and cannot tail to make Real Work. vig- for first insertion, 50 cents per square for money. See tor yonr- house Estate, exlract and still THEYselves H. lately occupied by Dr. No. $720,000.00 WALTER liegan further enlighten your or, under the perso lal of en- each insertion. by addressing A. McKESNEY & Co., 7 LeProbrn, BERRY. No. 101 Middle Street. supervision the subsequent r r.lm 1 THE South Screet; said house having be*n BANK Address all communications to Slieet, ortland. Me. aag3deoil w2t STOCKS. readers on this ergetic and j thoroughly repaired is suitable for a genteel boarding important subject by giving popular r»esidcnt, Oliver Mose-', PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. bouse or private tamile. Apply to A. K. S-<URT- 300 Booksellers nnd stationers. them a brief statement of what the of and it is Wanted. Shares Yale National New OflO no people Esq., hoped that the rails be laid LEFF. 2 1-2 Union wharf. jy30 Bank, Haven, may 210 Shares National New Haven HOYT. FOHO * BREED, 92 Middle Street. Illinois think ol consolidation aud of and tlie Masons and Store Cutters; also Bank, 28''150.00 “water- trains in motion as eaily as Novem- Laborers.Men on oi dam at 150 Shares BUSINESS repairs Augusta To Let, New Britain National Bank, New Britain, ing railroad stocks. They have and ber next. CARDS Also 10,090 tons ot Ballast. 17^250.00 80,000.00 Book-Binders. thought at 60*30 two and have in H. A. Saccararpa, feet, a they spoken thunder tones. Not T .e « n. DeWITT, Aront, halt stories. STATE AND UNITED STATES only hardest encountered on the Jul>T ,, ABUrLINING Supplied with a water-wheel. BONDS. SMALL * SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street, place yet Augusta, Me. of MARR have the citizens of one hut of «T. H. LAMS OX, 21dlm__ Enquire BRJS', comer Middle and city, that who e line of this road is at near the Market sts., Portland. United States Woolwich, Jy18eodlm* 77,500 5 20, *S7 107 so Bonnet nnd Hat Slate, taken the libel ty to meet together in Kenn- bee PHOTOGRAP HE R, WANTED. 30,776 Virginia State Bleachery, river, where a cut, about 200 bet Bonds, 25,559.,32 H. E. convention and consult on the From Philadeldliin, To be South UNDERWOOD, No. 310J Congress Street. dangers of long, oo leet and 35 feet wide is to be N in Let, 20.000 Carolina State Bonds 17 deep, Has a new A Agent every Town in Maine to canvass 800.00 railroad opened and completely appointed tor whole or part ot the block Alabama State monopolies, and of such grave mo- made in a solid P°Pu‘3,t* subscription works and ot Brick Stores on 10.000 Bonds, 7 700 00 ledge; and just back of the °!lr engrav- THEPortland Pier. Coal and Wood. ings. Enclose tor circular. ment have lliey considered that have stamp descriptive at the 13,200.00 it, they ledge there is a cut to be m-ide of about the H. A. McKENNEY Apply Merchants National Bank. oO l!"veSS nSUte 151,446,82 PAUL PRINCE * SON, foot of Wllmot street. FIRST-CLASS GALLERY ! & CO., Shares New Haven Sale embodied their convictions on Elm Deposit Company, 5 (v,q qq the subject in same dimensions a bed that Is IN PORTLAND, Jun20d&wly_2 St., Pori land, Maine. Cash on baud and in City Bank of through clay Montreal, -ta'viiu. the fundamental law of Iheir even Cash in hands of Cabinet Furniture State—beyond worse than the as the same uum- Bo. 152 LADY in in Agents, vtn’nnn’m Manufacturers. ledge, Middle Bt., cor, Orosi St. every Town the Good Business Stand to Let even WANThD.—ASlate ol Maine to canvass tor Loans on THBO. JOHNSON * CO.. No. Union the reach of the I the ber of men a new Medical a Mortgages, 134 Street. "gislature—and can teniove more of Motto—Good Work aud Moderate Prices. Work entitled village live miles from Portland; no storo 22V»n’nn square yards “Wenima mid her Tbirfv &>ar« Loans on Stocks and have now Ieb21dtf > INwnbm two mile.*. A good store mmh need- people just most -m- the in ten hours Pd«riii»Hge. A biok ol to v*ry Bonds, 161)90 80 empbatical' ledge than of the great value to every ed in the place. Address Call Carpenters and Builders. clay. H. Loans, >2n dorsed the convention. It cannot x^anJ?,Ah‘,«£?UI,trJr* ^dress, A. McKEN- X Y. 130 Mid liar. ,i THE FERRY BOAT N L Y & CO., 2 Elm dtaugS'vff tie »t.. Portland, Me. Agency WHITNEY * MEANS. Pearl st, fhe Park. it. e. cooper & co., St., Portland, Me.
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