Leptir Masna 2014.Pdf
лептир машна, leptir mašna, папионка, вратоврска пеперутка, fl utur... 2014 the literary journal of students in balkan studies UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO COLLEGE Vol. 11 / No. 1 DEPARTMENT OF SLAVIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE THE CENTER FOR EAST EUROPEAN AND RUSSIAN/EURASIAN STUDIES Spring 2014 80 79 лептир машна, leptir mašna, папионка, вратоврска пеперутка, fl utur... We dedicate this issue to Tracy Davis for her diligence and grace while making things happen. 78 I The Brighter Side of the Balkans: Humor and Satire in Literature and Film Spring 2015, SOSL 26610/368; NELC 20884/30568; CMLT 2/33301; ANTH 2/35908 Laughter is universal but its causes are culturally determined. A joke in one culture can be a shaggy dog story in another. The fi gure of the trickster occurs in many places and times and under many guises. Ste- reotypes can be revelatory about those who deploy them. At the same time, humor can be both an outlet лептир машна, leptir mašna, папионка, and a danger. There is a special word in Russian for those sentenced to prison for telling political jokes. This course fo- вратоврска пеперутка, fl utur... cuses on Balkan humor, which, like the Balkans itself, is located in a space where “Western Europe”, “East- ern Europe” “Central Europe” “The Mediterranean”, “The Levant”, and the “Near/Middle East” intersect in the literary journal of students in balkan studies various ways (linguistically and culturally), compete for dominance or resist domination, and ultimately create a unique--albeit fuzzily bounded--subject of study. In this course, we examine the poetics of laugh- ter in the Balkans.
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