Curriculum Vitae
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CURRICULUM VITAE Ms Fotini S. BELLOU, Ph.D Citizenship Greek Work Address 156 Egnatia Str, P.O. Box 1591, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece Phone 0030 2310 891 479 (University) Fax: 0030 2310 891 331 Email: [email protected] Twitter:@fbellou Family Status: Married EDUCATION Nov 2015 ESDC-Training course on “A Comprehensive Approach to Gender in operations, (Amsterdam) under the aegis of the European Security and Defence College (co-organized by the Netherlands and Spain) June 2007 Study of the United States Institutes on US Foreign Policy, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and the Richard L. Walker Institute of International And Area Studies at the University of South Carolina (USC-Carolina, NY, Washington DC, L.A.-California) Feb-May2005 Training course on Total Quality Management in Public Administration, organized by the Public Administration School, Hellenic Ministry of Interior and Public Decentralization, Athens. Feb.2001 Training seminar on Crisis Management skills, “Senior Development Seminar”, organized by the Hellenic Institute for European and Foreign Policy, ELIAMEP and the United States Institute for Peace, USIP in Delphi, Greece. 2000 Ph.D in International Relations, Department of War Studies, King’s College London, UK Thesis Title: American Leadership Image and the Yugoslav crisis 1991-1997. 1993-1994 MA in International Relations, Graduate School of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent at Canterbury. (Dissertation Grade: 68/100). Dissertation Title: American Policy in the Yugoslav crisis: A case for Leadership? 1986-1990 BA in Political Science and International Relations, Division of International Relations and European Studies, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Law School, University of Athens (Degree Grade: 8/10) OTHER RESEARCH POSITIONS 2001-2004 Post Doctorate Research Fellow with ELIAMEP on a project, titled “Contribution of Models of Crisis Management to Regional Economic Development in Southeastern Europe. The project was mainly funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, (Ministry of Development) and the European Commission and partly by ELIAMEP and the Institute of International Economic Relations (Research Deliverables in Greek) March 1997 Visiting Research Student Department of Government, Georgetown University, Washington DC. The Department provided its research facilities at Georgetown University for few months in order to conduct field work including interviews with a number of governmental officials and academics for my Ph.D. Thesis. CURRENT POSITION Aug 2010- Assistant Professor of International Relations, Department of International and European Studies, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, University of 1 Dr.Fotini Bellou Dec.2019 Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. Taught courses at postgraduate and undergraduate levels: Crisis Management and International Diplomacy; Special Issues of International Relations (MA); and Strategic Studies; the EU as an Actor in the International System; International Relations of Balkan States; Conflicts and Conflict Resolution (Erasmus) (BA). Member of the University Committee on Contracts Control (2018), Department’s Permanent Committee on Erasmus+ (2012-19), Students’ Practice and Extroversion. Member of the Examining Committee for the assessment of a number of Doctorate Theses. Supervision of a number of postgraduate and undergraduate dissertations and three Ph.D dissertations May 2018-. Director of the UNESCO Chair on Women, Peace and Security: Building Capacity and Resilience through Education and Research. The Chair aims to promote the WPS policy agenda at all levels. ADDITIONAL CURRENT ACADEMIC AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES 2019- 21 Member of the research team of the KA2 2019 ERASMUS+ PROJECT Titled: Development of a New Life Expectancy and Interest Inventory for Refugees: A Multi- Cultural and Multidimensional Perspective, coordinated by the Erzurum Technical University, Turkey. 2018-20 Member of the research team of the JEAN MONNET ACTIVITIES ERASMUS + titled Enhancing the Debate about intercultural Dialogue EU values and Diversity, focusing on the impact of intercultural dialogue to European security and Counter-Terrorism EUVaDis, Grant Decision nr. 2018-1621/001-001, Project Nr – 600403-EPP-1-2018-1- EL – EPPJMO- PROJECT, EAC/A05/2017. Co-ordinator of a Watch Spot on Terrorism and the context of internal and external security in the EU. 2018-19 Member of the evaluation team of a project INTEREG-IPA CBC Greece- the F.Y.R.O.M. 2014-2020 Increasing Tourism Opportunities through Unilization of Resources 2018-19 Member of the evaluation team of a project under INTEREG-V A Greece-Bulgaria 2014- 2020, Social Economy and Social Innovation. Action Plan for Social Entreprenourship “Cross Border Action Plan for the Development and Operation of an Executive Mechanism for the support and Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship in the context of the Social Economy and Social Innovation- Action Plan for Social Entrepreneurship.. 2015-18 Member of the First Research Pillar, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Dept of International Relations, Univ. of Macedonia, Examining the EU policies that bind internal and external security aspects and the role of the EU as an international Actor in the international system, safeguarding its security concerns including its energy security. 2018- Visiting Professor, Undergraduate course on Gender and Equality, Medical School, Aristotle University (co-teaching the module) 2014- Visiting Professor Interdepartmental Joint MA progamme on ‘International Relations and Security’ with the Supreme Joint War College in Thessaloniki (co-teaching) 2007- Visiting Instructor, in the Supreme Joint War College, Thessaloniki, Greece. Includes occasional lectures on Models of International Crisis Management, Special issues of International Relations and International Relations Theory 2012- Special Advisor on NRDC-GR on civilian and gender aspects of peace support operations and member of the civilian cell of the NRDC-GR, Thessaloniki. 2 Dr.Fotini Bellou Dec.2019 2012- Member of the evaluation and supervision Team of EU-funded programmes coordinated by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. 2011- Member of the Research Team of Professor Dimitrios Soubeniotis (Dept of Business Administration) on European programmes involving the INTEREG Egnatia VAE-81-3- 21 and INTEREG Find. Provision of consultancy and expertise on women’s entrepreneurship and development in the national periphery and border regions. 2011- Visiting Instructor, Multinational Training Centre for Peace Support Operations, Kilkis, Greece PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2007-2010 Instructor in the Hellenic Command and General Staff College, Thessaloniki, on issues regarding peace support operations and international security 2007-2010 Instructor, National Centre of Public Administration and Local Administration. Training Institute, Thessaloniki. Providing seminars on European Union policies and structures in different municipalities in Northern Greece. 2006-2010 Lecturer in International Relations, Department of International and European Political and Economic Relations, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. Taught courses: International Crisis Management; Strategic Studies; the EU in the International System; International Relations of Balkan States 2004-2006 Visiting Lecturer in International Relations, Department of International and European Political and Economic Relations, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. Taught courses: International Crisis Management; Strategic Studies; the EU in the International System; International Relations of Balkan States. 2004-2006 Head of the International Relations Department, Research Centre for Gender Equality, KETHI, supervised by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality of the Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization, Athens, Greece. Responsibilities included the implementation at the national level of all European gender equality policies as promoted by EU funded national gender programmes. Coordinator of a number of programmes (Parity in Politics VS/2003/0291, Equal Partners VS/2005/0335, Localizing Women’s Economic Development VS/2006/0320) funded by the European Commission. Preparation of proposals and implementation of programmes on gender issues funded by the External Cooperation Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Particular attention was given to implementing activities for the protection of victims of trafficking and organized crime in countries of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. 2004-2006 Visiting Lecturer of International Relations, in the English interdisciplinary postgraduate programme titled Master’s Degree in South-East European Studies, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Athens. Taught course: Conflict Resolution 2000-2004 Research Fellow Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, ELIAMEP, Athens, Greece. Areas of Research: Transatlantic Relations, European Security, International Crisis Management, Security issues in Southeastern Europe, Conflict Prevention, American Foreign Policy. 2000-2004 Managing Editor, Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Taylor & Francis Co. and ELIAMEP 2001-2004 Post Doctorate Research Fellow on a project, titled “Contribution of Models of Crisis Management to Regional Economic Development in Southeastern Europe. 3 Dr.Fotini Bellou Dec.2019 The project