Lyndhurst Youth Hold Peprally to Get Ready for 1999 Football Season

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Lyndhurst Youth Hold Peprally to Get Ready for 1999 Football Season • 1 Children's Theater Stop Hunger New Sports Reporter Williams Center announces fall.schedule 1999 Crop Walk planned Eric Gallagher joins the Leader staff See page 2 , See page 4 See page 8 THE COMMERCIAL The oldest books are. still just out to those who have not read them. ~ Samuel Butler OF LYNDHURST THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1999 Lyndhurst BCSL.\ttiiomif Golden Bears 1999 Schedule • \/ 1 V Sept. 17 WOOO4UDGE 7:30 p.m. 1 Sept. 24 at Hasbrouck Hgts 7:30 p.m. 1 Oct. 1 WEEHANVKEIN 7:30p.m. 1 Oct. 8 ST. MARY'S 7:30p.m. 1 Oct. 15 atN. Arlington 7:30 p.m. 1 Have fun with Oct. 23 at Wallington 1:30 p.m. 1 Oct, 29 HARRISON 7:30 p.m 1 Lyndhurst Engine Co. 1 ' Nov. 5 SECAUCUS 7:30p.m. Lyndhurst Engine Co. 1 is host- Nov. 25 at Becton 1 ing a "Fun Night" on Sept. 25. It 10:30 a.m. starts at 7:30pm. till ??? Refresh- ments and food will be served buffet 1 VBLHH style. Contact Barbara for tickets at ••• wmmmmmm 1 933-3175. Price of tickets is $6.50. This event takes place at the Former Becton 1>oard Lyndhurst Emergency Squad build- Girls make Lipton Select team - Area residents spent their summer playing soccer on the U10 Lipton ing. Select Soccer Team The girls had the priveledge to travel and compete in soccer tournaments in Rochester, member arrested by FBI Spooky day planned NY; Harrisburg. PA and Montreal. Canada. Pictured above from left to right are North Arlington resident H\ DIHKV WINTERS The Lyndhurst Public Library Courtney Keegan and Lyndhurst residents Nicole Hessian. Kelly Wallace and Cassidy Canca A former Becton Regional High (indroiT Children's Room will be hosting. "Hal- / School hoard trustee was arrested Complaints allege that in one in- loween Haunts." stories and games, along with 12 other doctors for alleg- stance both Rrrico and another doc- on Thursday, Oct 14 at 7 p.m. This edly being involved in health care tor were involved in billing Medicare program is for children ages two to Lyndhurst Youth hold peprally to traud over a course of eight years, lor a patient that line*) solely treated five. Children are also invited to wear according to a complaint from a Man- Other recotds show that they alleg- Halloween costumes. hattan federal court ed!) submitted false hills for visits Registration begins Thursday, Sept get ready for 1999 Football Season Podiatrist, Nicholas I rrico. 46. ot that never occurred. 1 rrico and the 30. To register call the Children s I DIN It IIJIM Monroe Street, was arrested h> the othei doctors, according lo the com- Room at 804-2480 or stop by during I Ml I [ember K ;t In lit • lo plaint, heeled i •eports sent to in- operating hours: Monday 12-8; conspirac) and health care fraud. ac surance companies lor costly medi- Tuesday and Friday 9-5. Wednesday. cording lO reports cal treatments sometimes adding up 9-6; Thursday 9-8; and Saturday 9- All involved in the scheme were ei- lo hundreds of dollars when only 12. ther currenth or at some lime or an- [online foot care was actually per- Monthly calendars of upcoming other employed at (iuwide, a New formed children's events can be picked up in York-based medical corporation that specializes in podiatry. Services were • Enico and the other doctors also the Children's Room 1 olleied in areas including Queen .. allegedly posted false claim instruc- Make creepy decorations Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the Bronx tions on the walls ol their billing of- The Lyndhurst, Public Library I,rrico himself started working with fices, as stated in the report. Children's Room invites children in Citywidein 1990 ( ilywide podiatrists allegedly sub- grades K - 6 to a "Creepy Crawly Deco- \ rrico served on the Becton Re- mitted approximately mote than $30 rating Party" on Thursday, Oct 7 from gional School board ol educa million in claims to Medicare over a 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Kids will be making tion from 1992-1999, when he lost u three-year period, according to the some spooky things to help decorate bid lor reelection. complaint. the Children's Room for Halloween, "jMshougb l dfcdn'v serve v>" the According to reports, the two Wad- and refreshments will be served af- board with Nicholas, it's still tinfor- ers of the alleged fraud were placed terwards. -.lildren of the Lyndhurst Jr Bears. IHIMIc uhen you hear things like this on probation by New York state and Children can also bring any of their Football League and Cheering happen." said Board Presfcten. John fined $IZ500 each. home creations to be put on display. Squads gathered together on Satur- to help make the Children'.* Room day. Sepfember 11 to officially open look even more ghoulish. the 1999 season with a bonfire and Lyndhurst seniors do NYC Registration for this program begins pep rally The event was held in their Commissioner Paul Passamano Jr. evening. Sept. 2'). with [he cost "I on Thursday, Sept. 23. To register call football field on Valleybrook Ave and Directorofthe I yndhunti Department tkkei. S7H the Children's Room at 804-2480 or in the Meadowlands in Lyndhurst orRecrestion.remindsseniorciti/ens Ivvo nips have been set up tor stop by during operating hours: Mon- Pictured above counterclockwise that several inps arc planned in IV evening shows lo see the Christmas day 12-8; Tuesday and Friday 9-5; from top right are members of the cember. Speclutularlbis year on Wednesday, Wednesday, 9-6; Thursday 9-8; and "A" Division cheering team getting A trip ui Radio til) Music I hill in Dee 8 and Dec M Saturday 9-12 the boys siked for the season Mem- see the Christmas Spectacular is sei ( osi ol tickets lor both nights is Monthly calendars telling of up bers of the "C division Justin Knapp lor Monday. Dee ft I he cos! is $ 12 $50(thild adult) lor (irchesira/ Mez- coming children's events and can be and Louis Baroody admire the bon- and the bus will leave at 9:30 am from Ainine I he bus will leave promptly picked up in the Children's Room fire The "C" division with Coach Phil the fown HaN Park. at it. 15 both nights Mazzerla The "A" division coached I ickeis are stilt available lor ""Anme I "i lurihei details call Ruth at 804- AARP plans trip to by Bernie Conzalvo The "B" divi- (let Your (iun" on Wednesday sion with coaches Frank Fabiano Martha's Vineyard and Tony Cicero and a shot of the Lyndhurst's AARP #4319 has bopfire that was burned Public library announces planned a five day trip to Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard, from Fall Toddler Time schedules Wednesday to Sunday, September 22 1 he l.yndhursl Public Library loreiiher I uesriay or Wednesday, hut to 26, at a cost of $450 per person Children's Room would like to an- not both. Registration for the first The trip will include tours of nounce that the first "Call Toddler I•'jiN I oddler I ime Session and for the Provincetown, Hyannis, Sandwich, lime" Session for children ages 2 and first I all Slor> Time Session begins all meals and a stopoff at Foxwood 3 will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 21. on Tuesday. Sept 7 Casino. I he session runs every Tuesday tin If interested, call Martha at 939- live weeks from Sept. 21 through Oct lo register call the Children's 1239 for additional information. The 19 at 10:30 a.m. The first "Fall Room al 804-2480 or stop by during deadline is July 15. Non members Storytime" Session for children ages operation hours Monday, 12-8, 3-5 will begin on Wednesday, Sept are welcomed. I uesday and Friday, 9-5; Wednesday, 22. The session runs every Wednes- 9-6; Thursday, 9-8; and Saturday 9- Taxpayer's Assoc. to meet day for five weeks from Sept. 22 12, MonthK calendars telling of up- The Lyndhurst Taxpayer's Asso- through Oct. 20 at 10:30 a.m. Chil- coming children's events can be ciation has announced that former dren aged 3 may only be registered picked up in the Children's Room, Senator Paul Contillo of Paramus will be the keynote speaker at the meeting on Monday, Sept. 20, at 8 Milk available at St. Michael's p.m., at the Senior Citizen Center St Michaels School, Lyndhurst, USDAIS IAK(il.l tenter at (202) on Copeland Avenue. announced today that low cost nulk 720-2600 (voice and TDD). Contillo is an officer of Common will be available lo all children en- lo file a complaint ol discrimina- Cause, a new tax organization. His rolled. tion, write USDA. Director, Ofriceof topics will include campaign fi- The Department of Agriculture Civil Rights, Room 126-W, Whillcn nance reform and ethics at the lo- ii s|)\) prohibits discrimination in all Building. 14th and Independence cal political level. Other topics will ivs programs and activities on the Avenue. SW, Washington, DC, include the recent tax increase. basis of race, color, national origin, 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 gender, age, or disability Persons t voice and I DIJ) USDA is an equal with disabilities who require alterna- opportunity provider and employer. Inside tive means for communication of pro- Parents ma) call Rev, Richard 5. I Up gram information (Braille, large print, C/achorowski at 939-1161 for further Give blood during Community Donor Day audio tape, etc.) should contact information on the program.
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