Prayer & Poem Selection
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PRAYERS & POEMS SELECETION 1 When I am Gone (#01) What kind of place would Heaven be (#02) St. Joseph ( #03) What kind of place would heaven be When I am gone, release me, let me go. with all its streets of gold, I have so many things to see and do. If all the souls that dwell up there Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears, be happy Like yours and mine, were old? so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, that we had so many years. How strange would heaven's music I place in you all my interests and desires. I gave you my love, and you can only guess how sound When harps begin to ring, Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful much you gave me in happiness. If children were not gathered round intercessions and obtain for me from your I thank you for the love you have shown, but now To help the angels sing. divine Son all spiritual blessings, it's time I traveled on alone. The children that god sends to us through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, So grieve a while for me, if you must then let your Are only just a loan, so that, having engaged here below grief be comforted by trust. It's only for a while that He knows we need their sunshine your heavenly power, I may offer my thanks- we must part, so bless the memories within your To make the house a home giving and homage to the most loving of Fa- heart. We need the inspiration of thers. Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary contem- I won't be far away, for life goes on, a baby's blessed smile plating you and Jesus asleep in your arms; I so if you need me call, and I will come. Though you He doesn't say they've come to stay dare not approach while He reposes near your can't see or touch me, Just lends them for a while. heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine I'll be near and if listen with your heart, you'll hear Sometimes it takes them years to do head for me and ask Him to return the kiss all of my love around you soft and clear. And then, The work for which they come. when I draw my dying breath. when you Sometimes in just a month or two St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, must come this way alone I'll greet you with a smile Our Father calls them home. Pray for me. and say, "Welcome Home." I like to think some souls up there Bear not one sinful scar. I love to think of heaven as a place where children are. St Francis (#04) The Serenity (#05) Irish Blessing (#06) PRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI God grant me the serenity IRISH BLESSING Lord make me an instrument of to accept the things May the road rise up to meet you, Thy peace. I cannot change, May the wind be always at your back. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. the courage to change May the sun shine warm upon your Where there is injury, pardon. the things I can face, Where there is doubt, faith. and the wisdom And rains fall soft upon your fields, Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. to know the difference. And until we meet again, Where there is sadness, Joy. May God keep you in the O Divine Master; grant that I may not so much seek hallow of his hand to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are par- doned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. 2 Footprints (#07) Safely Home (#08) St Anthony (#09) One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walk- I am home in Heaven, dear ones; Oh, so happy and so ing along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky bright! There is perfect joy and beauty In this everlast- O glorious Saint Anthony, safe refuge of the afflict- flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed ing light. All the pain and grief is over, Every restless two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonging to him tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, Safely ed and distressed, who by miraculous revelation, and the other to the LORD. When the last scene of his home in Heaven at last. Did you wonder I so calmly hast directed all those who seek aid to come to Thy life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints Trod the valley, of the shade? altar with the promise that whoever visits it for nine in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of consecutive Tuesdays, and there piously invokes Oh! But Jesus love illuminated Every dark and fearful his life there was only one set of footprints. He also no- glade. And He came Himself to meet me In that way thee, will feel the power of the intercession. I, a ticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest so hard to tread; poor sinner, encouraged by this promise, come to times in his life. This really bothered him and he ques- thee. O powerful Saint, and with a firm hope I im- tioned the LORD about it. "LORD, you said that once I And with Jesus' arm to lean on Could I have one doubt plore thy aid, the protection, thy counsel and thy or dread? Then you must not grieve so so sorely, For I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. blessing. Obtain for me, I beseech thee, my request But I have noticed that during the most troublesome love you dearly still; Try to look beyond Earth's shad- in this necessity (mention it). But if it should be op- times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I ows. Pray to trust our Father's Will There is work still posed by the Will of God and the welfare of my don't understand why when I needed you most you would waiting for you, So you must not idly stand; Do it now, leave me." The LORD replied, "My precious child, I love while life remaineth - You shall rest in Jesus' land. soul, obtain for me such other graces as shall be con- you and I would never leave you. During your times of When that work is all completed, he will gently call ducive to my salvation. Thru Christ our Lord, Amen. trial and suffering, when you see only one set of foot- you Home; Oh, the rapture of the meeting, prints, it was then that I carried you.” Oh the joy to see you come. St Jude (#10) St. Patrick (#11) St. John Neumann (#12) PRAYER TO SAINT JUDE Saint John Neumann, Your ardent desire St JUDE, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and PRAYER TO ST. PATRICK to bring all souls to Christ. friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused O great Apostle of Ireland, glorious St. Pat- impelled you to leave home and country. you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church rick, to whom under God, so many are in- Teach is to live worthily in the Spirit of debted for the most precious of all treas- our baptism, which makes us children of the one invokes you universally as the Patron of things des- heavenly Father and brothers paired of; pray for me, who am so miserable; pray ures, the great gift of Faith, receive our fer- and sisters of Jesus Christ, for me, that finally I may receive the consolation and vent thanks for the zeal and charity which the first born of the family of God. Obtain for us that complete dedication the succor of Heaven in all my necessities, tribula- have been to thousands the source of bless- ings so invaluable. Ask for all who dwell in to the needy, the weak and the afflicted tions and sufferings, particularly (here make your and the abandoned. request), and that I may bless God with the Elect this land and the land of thy labors, the which so characterized your life. throughout Eternity -- Amen. precious light of Faith, and beg for us on Help us to preserve in the difficult and, whom its glorious rays have long since at times, painful paths of duty. St Jude, Apostle, martyr and relative of our Lord may death find us on the sure road to beamed, the grace to regulate our lives by our Father's house. Jesus Christ, of Mary and of Joseph, intercede for its sacred maxims. with the light of living faith in our hearts us. AMEN 3 St. Lucy (#13) St. Rita (#14) St. Michael the Archangel (#15) O glorious St. Lucy, blessed virgin and martyr, pa- troness of those suffering from maladies of the eyes, O God, in your infinite mercy you looked with Saint Michael the Archangel, pray that our gift of eyesight may be preserved so love upon your faithful servant Rita and granted Defend us in battle that in all things we may see the beauty and glory of through her intercession that which is beyond the Be our protection against the God their Creator.