Anchor AIMS Games 2018

The Anchor AIMS games run from Sunday 9th September to Friday 14th September. All Entries are due to the NZ AIMS organising committee by 11pm, Wednesday 13th June. Mount Maunganui Intermediate will be entering a number of teams in this event (Please note that this is an elite competition and that we can only enter one team per code and we pick our best team in each code).

The following codes offer the opportunity for students to compete as an individual.

Badminton, BMX, , Cross Country (held on the Sunday), (must have a handicap), , Indoor , Multi-Sport, Rock Climbing, (must meet qualifying standards), Squash, Table , Tennis, and Yachting.

Team sports are in the middle of having trials (or have just completed trials) for the following team codes. Aerobics, , Football, , Hip Hop, Hockey (mixed 6 a side team), , Rugby 7s and .

Most of the AIMS teams or initial squads for teams have been named. Please respect the decisions that have been made by a group of selectors who have been through a thorough selection process. It must also be remembered that teams are selected as joint year levels, not a Year 7 team and a Year 8 team. If an outside coach is being used we have ensured that a staff member from our school is part of the trial and selection process. Team selections were made before the cut-off date for those who may wish to enter as an individual, if they miss team selection. Please note that due to potential time clashes that a student can ONLY play for one team sport.

If your child would like to enter an event as an individual, they should have brought home/or been emailed a newsletter outlining the cost of the event and cut-off date for the final payment. A list of those confirmed as individuals who would like to be considered for entry is on the next page.

As per the team codes, there may be limited number of places available in some sports, so the Teacher In Charge of the Sport would need to make the final selection of students.

If your child does not appear on the list (as of Wednesday 6th June), or should not be on the list, could you please notify Troy Jennings as soon as possible. All individual entries NEED TO BE finalised by Friday 8th June. If they have been selected in a team sport they will more than likely not be able to compete as an individual (Cross Country, Swimming, Multi Sport may be exceptions).

Before we can enter an individual we must have received payment, as the school does not get any refunds from AIMS if someone withdraws. All late entries also incur a 50% increase in cost. Therefore, if we have not received the entrance fee by 12.00pm, Friday 8th June, your child unfortunately will not be registered. Please note: if your child has put their name down on a list, this does mean they have been confirmed in that event (payment must be received and refunds will be given to those not selected).

If you would like any extra information about any code in the AIMS games, you can find out by visiting the web page .

Please contact Troy Jennings at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the AIMS games.