The Transformation of a Recent Japanese New Religion Okawa Ryuho and Kofuku No Kagaku
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1995 22/3-4 The Transformation of a Recent Japanese New Religion Okawa Ryuho and Kofuku no Kagaku Trevor A s t l e y Over the last five years Kofuku no Kagaku has been one of the most promi nent among the newer Japanese religious movements. Its leader, Okawa Ryuho, proclaims himself to be the rebirth of the Buddha, citing as proof the astonishing number of books he has written. This paper traces the orga nizational development of Kofuku no Kagaku, the evolution of its teach ings, and its shift to active involvement in sociopolitical issues. The year 1991 saw the sudden rise to prominence of a hitherto obscure new religious group known as Kofuku no Kagaku 辛福の科学 (lit.,“the science of happiness,,,but also known in English as “The Institute for Research in Human Happiness” [IRH]).1 Founded m October 1986 by Okawa Ryuho 大川隆法,a self-proclaimed reincarna tion of the Buddha, Kofuku no Kagaku reported a phenomenal increase in membership, saw enormous sales of its publications, and enjoyed extensive media coverage or its activities. At the same time, however, it beean attracting increasingly harsh criticism from scholars, the popular press, and other religious groups. Such controversy (hardly unusual for such a rapidly expanding New Religion), coupled with the polemical views and distinctive oratory style of the leader, insured that few people in Japan remained ignorant of the group. Kofuku no Kagaku has remained in the news, most recently because or its fierce criticism of Asahara Shoko and Aum ^hmnkyo, * The author expresses his appreciation and thanks to Kofuku no K agaku, who made it possible to write the present article through their generous and open support.
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