753554 ADF Target
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ST. JOSEPH Hospital THE DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Thursday, May 2, 1968 VOL. XLII No. 39 Racism Specter \ Campaign Exceeds Dominates Meet $753,554 ADF Target Contributions and pledges to the 1968 T H E 1968 campaign was the first excess of ADF quota.s aiuld remain in the Archdiocesan Development Fund (ADF) conducted under the advance budget pro parish treasury, would contribute such O f U.S. Bishops campaign exceeded the budget of $753.- gram — with all items to be funded by excesses to the poverty program. 554. Father Robert Syrianey, pa.stor of ADF allocated financial commitments in Our Lady of Fatima parish, Lakewood, advance with the help of a sepcial lay- By David Millon D E T A ILS OF the special poverty pro Bishop.s meeting as repre.sentatives of the and ADF director, reported this week. clergy committee. gram are to l>e worked out by another (National Register Special) Detroit group. The campaign was climaxed April 21 The 19.68 campaign had the added at special advisory committee of laymen and St. Louis ~ The specter of summer — One of them. Father George Clements, with the door-to-door "Solicitation Sunday" traction of being conducted immediately clergy to be appointed by the Archbishop. a long, hot summer that may bring a stated their position this way: "There is a drive by thousands of volunteers in every after Archbishop James V. Casey an P'ather Syrianey reported 142 priests repeat of rioting that swept the nation fantastic gap between our thinking and parish. Reports were received from the nounced he was deferring plans for con had contributed $11,828 U» the ADF cam last year — haunted the spring session of the thinking of the Bishops. Unless it is parish chairmen at a meeting at St. struction of a central administration of paign. Other breakdowns showed 101 the National Conference of Catholic Bish bridged, I am afraid you will see the to Fran;;is de Sales’ gymnasium April 25. fice for the archdiocese and channeling parochial campaign chairmen contributed ops. ' tal disengagement of the Catholic Church Father Syrianey said complete returns the $200,000 allocated to the project in $8,910; 497 vice chairmen gave $25,004: in tJ:e ghetto. from the campaign were not available From the opening session of the three- the budget to a $1 million, 3-year pro and 1,547 campaign captains contributed He said it is time for white priests this week, and estimated approximately day meeting to the closing hour, the gram to alleviate poverty. $59,125. and Sisters in Negro ghettos to turn over $1,000 was yet to be reported L; parishes problem of racism and discrimination He expressed the hope pastors, who The director said about $350,000 of the outside the Denver metropolitan area. dominated the attention of more than 200 (Turn to Page 2) had been assured any funds collected in total ADF returns reported already h.id members of the U.S. Hierarchy. been paid in cash. The balance is in In the opening session at the Chase- pledges to he paid in installments during Park Plaza hotel here, the Bishops gave the calendar year. priority to the business of drafting a ^Reaister statement on racial problems and on mapping plans for a new, far-ranging program of social action in cities across Launches the country. At that time. Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh, who heads the episcopal Campaign commission on S<x:ial Action, indicated that the statement and program consti Archbishop James V. Casey kicked off tute the American Church’s response to a campaign this week to increase circula the Kerner Report, which charged that tion of the Register in the archdiocese to U.S. society is characterized by wide 60,000, encouraging pastors to implement spread white racism and discrimination; the parish coverage plan to insure widest to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther possible dissemination of news and infor King, and to other racial issues. mation among their parishioners. IN TH E IR S T A T E M E N T on the "N a The "Pre.ss Drive” campaign includes tional Race Crisis; 1968.” the Bishops special mailing to every Catholic house sounded their strongest cal! for Catholic hold in the archdiocese, asking either participation in programs — on national, subscription or renewal of the Register. diocesan, and parish levels — aimed at eradicating racism and discrimination. Father Daniel J. Flaherty, editor of The statement calls special attention the Register, pointed out the goal o f P'r. Overman to the areas of education, job opportunity, 60,000 subscriptions would be a fVaction housing, and welfare assistance. of the actual increase in circulation dur Plans for the 11-point program, which ing the past year. Since the parish cover aims at alleviating the needs of Negroes age plan was adopted a year ago, circula Priest Takes and other disadvantaged persons, call for tion increased from 25,000 to 50,000 the most sweeping projects ever envi weekly. sioned by Church leaders in this country. Bishop Wright said present plans in Father Flaherty added: L. A. Mission clude "both short-range programs and "Improvement in content o f the R egis long-range programs that will continue ter during the past year will be acceler for at least the rest o f this century.” ated in 1968 to provide the people of the Assignment archdiocese with a fully representative E M PH A S IZ IN G the pervasive concern and dynamic press.” over the racial issue, a group represent Archbishop James V. Casey relca.sed P'ather James Overman, assistant pastor at ing the Black Catholic Clergy held a HE QUOTED from the Decree on Brighton, this week for work with the press conference in one part of the Chase- the Instruments of Social Communica Latin American Misaon program. P'ather Park Plaza /’hfids, the Bishops convened Pre-Cana Leaders Convene tion of Vatican Council II on the purpose Overman will be assigned to Mexicali, for their final session in another .section and need of the Register: Mexico. of the hotel. Having completed plans for the May 3-4 Pre-Cana conference week-end ".. There exists within human society The Archbishop appointed Falh(>r IVl<*r Much of what the Negro priests had to of re-evaluation, Pre-Cana’s guiding couples leave John XXIII center. The a right to information about affairs LVban, pastor o f St. Jolin's parisli. Yuma, say had been voiced earlier last month at week-end sessions were planned and will he chaired by Mr. and Mrs. Karl which affect men individually or collec director of the Archdiocesan Migrant pro a Black Catholic Clergy caucus in De Berg, left, and Mr. and Mrs. James Colfer, right. The Bergs are chair couple gram. to succeed Father Overman. tively, and according to the circumstances troit. Two Negro priesUs came to the and the Colfers are vice chair-couple for the Denver Pre-Cana conference. A final appointment names P'athei* of each. First of all, worthy journal Charles Conaty, O.M.I., to assistant pas ism. By way of thoroughly inculcating a toral work at Sacred Heart church. Colo Christian spirit in its readers, a Catholic rado Springs. press worthy of the name should also be P'ather Overman. 36. was ordaint*d by Pre-Marital established and supported.” Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in May. 1958: Concern Report Hits The Regi-ster, Denver A rchdiocesan his first assignment was to the migrant Edition, is one of 27 diocesan and arch labor program and, in the fall of 1958. as Instruction diocesan weekly newspapers published by assistant pastor at St. Catherine parish, At Catholic Failure the Catholic Press Society, Inc., at 938 Denver. Bannock street. In addition, Th e N ation He was appointed assistant pastor at sometimes the clergy and Religious who By Rev. Vincent J. Hope al Register and the M ilitary edition are St. Augustine’s parish, Brighton, in Sep St. Louis — The seriousness of the cri bore the brunt of criticism. In any case, Re-Evaluated weekly products of the Denver staff and tember, 1960: he has. since 19,57, worketl sis facing the Church in America was the critics spoke out vigorously yet cour on the migrant program each summer. dramatically underlined by two meetings teously, and often indicted themselves for The Pre-Cana conference o f Denver, plant. He was appointed director in 1966. in St. Louis last week. One was the failure to act or to voice a protest when which ofTers basic and initial marriage spring conference of the American Bish it was most needed. instructions to engaged couples, will gath THE P L A N T is regarded as one of IN HIS new duties with the Latin ops; the other was the first gathering of Those attending represented to some er its speakers and teachers at John the nation’s most modern printing opera American Mission program. P'ather Over a group of laymen, clergy and religious extent a cross section o f the 46 million XX III center May 3-4 to re-evaluate, tions. using computerized production man will be the pastor of Santa Terosi- under the title of the National Committee Catholics in the United States. There methods that have attracted visitors from update and po.ssibly revise its massive ta’s parish in Mexicali, just across the on Catholic Concerns. were a few college students, well known major newspapers throughout the United Denver program. Southern California Iwrder in Baja ('ali- They met in two hotels, a few miles experts on theology, Scripture, liturgy, States.