Peace and Freedom


The Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award was created in 1964 by the Davenport Catholic Interracial Council, which disbanded in 1976. Since that time, the award has been presented by the Quad Cities Peace and Justice Coalition and the Social Action Department of the Diocese of Davenport. The award honors Pope John XXIII and commemorates his 1963 encyclical letter, Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth), which called all persons of good will to end the arms race and to secure peace among nations.

Previous recipients:

1982 George F. Kennan 1980 Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler 1979 Bishop 1976 of Calcutta 1975 Archbishop Helder Camara 1974 .Senator 1972 1970 Reverend Jesse Jackson 1969 Saul David Alinsky 1968 Father 1967 A. Philip Randolph 1966 R. 1965 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1964 John F. Kennedy (posthumously)

"Nuclear war threatens the existence of our planet; this is a more menacing threat than any the world has known. It is neither tolerable nor necessary that human beings live under this threat.. But removing it will require a major effort of intelligence, courage and faith. U.S. Catholic Bishops The Challenge of Peace PROGRAM

Music .• St. Ambrose Music Ministry

Welcome. .Ms. Nora Kelly Dejohn Master of Ceremonies

Invocation • . • • . . . . • . .. Reverend Gordon Lundberg St. Matthew Lutheran Church

Introduction of Dr. Helen M. Caldicott .... Dr. Vernon Paul Varner, M.D. President, Iowa Chapter Physicians for Social Responsibility

Presentation of Award ..... Most Reverend Gerald O'Keefe, D.D. Bishop, Diocese of Davenport

Response .•.•...... Dr. Helen M. Caldicott Founder and President of Physicians for Social Responsibility

Blessing Most Reverend Gerald O'Keefe .***********

Refreshments . • . . . . . • . • . . . . . Assumption Cafeteria Sponsored by the Social Action Department, Diocese of Davenport, and the Quad-Cities Peace and Justice Coalition which is the local affiliates of:

PAX CHRISTI, USA: the international Catholic move- ment for pea~e founded after Horld War II and based on a Gospel vision of the peace of Christ. Pax Christi members, throu~h prayer, study, and action promote as priorities: the Christian vision of dis- armament, primacy of conscience, education for peace, alternatives to violence, and a world order based on justice for all.

BREAD FOR THE WORLD: a Christian citizens' movement in the which seeks government policies and programs which address the basic causes of hunger. Members of local BFW groups contact elected public leaders about such issues as: food aid reform, emer- gency famine relief, grain reserves, and monitoring nutrition in the U.S.

CLERGY AND LAITY CONCERNED: a nationwide interfaith network of persons called to social action by religious faith and ethical principles. Founded in 1965, CALC seeks to inspire people to change government and cor- poration policies that oppress people personally, politically, or economically.