Parliamentary No 6 (70) May – June, 2003 Mmmirror

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Parliamentary No 6 (70) May – June, 2003 Mmmirror ISSN 1392-3528 Public Relations Department Lithuanian of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Parliamentary No 6 (70) May – June, 2003 MMMirror On 21 May, Speakers of the parliaments of NATO acces- sion countries – Lithuania, Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia – convened in Trakai Castle at the “Vilnius 10” meeting to discuss the security of Europe and trans-Atlantic relationships (p.39) THE VILNIUS PROCESS On 19 May 2000 in Vilnius, Ministers of Foreign Affairs from nine NATO candidate countries – ALBANIA, BULGARIA, At the Referendum that was held on ESTONIA, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, MACEDONIA, ROMA- 10-11 May the Citizens of Lithuania NIA, SLOVAKIA and SLOVENIA – signed the “Vilnius approved of Lithuania’s Statement”, which launched political and practical coopera- membership in the European Union tion among the states seeking membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The countries that signed the Statement were named “V9 Group”. On 10-12 May 2001 in Bratislava, the group was joined by CROATIA turning “The Vilnius Process” into the V10 Group. SUMMARY Lithuanian Parliamentary Mirror No 6 (70) carrying out other nia’s accession to the threats of a very differ- SUMMARY efforts important to the European Union. Such ent nature – terrorism state, in particular by referendums determine and proliferation of establishing the proce- the future of both you weapons of mass dure of inter-institu- and Europe. By saying destruction – the tional work allowing us “yes” to Europe, Alliance is undergoing to better represent the Lithuanians said “yes” fundamental changes interests of our people to democracy, freedom that will allow it to and the state in Euro- and further enlarge- assume an effective and pean institutions and ment that was started in even crucial role in this giving us a more solid 1991…” (p. 13) new, and increasingly voice in European global security environ- policy-making…” (p. 12) At the sitting held on 29 ment. You and the other May, Seimas members six new members are a On 13 May following discussed the draft EU central part of NATO’s the Law on the Govern- Constitutional Treaty transformation. You will ment, Chairman of the deliberated at the bring new perspectives, REFERENDUM Seimas Artûras Convention on the new ideas and new Paulauskas swore in the Future of Europe. energies that will help At the referendum that new Minister of the Resolution on discus- shape the Alliance as it was held on 10-11 May Interior, Virgilijus sion about the future of takes on these new roles the citizens of Lithua- Vladislovas Bulovas, Europe was passed by and responsibilities…” nia approved of Lithua- who was appointed the Seimas (p. 15) (p. 17) nia’s membership in minister in the twelfth the European Union: (since 1918 – 33rd) ON 3 JUNE, A SOL- the number of citizens government by a decree EMN SEIMAS MEET- who approved of of the President of the ING ON THE OCCA- Lithuania’s member- Republic issued on 12 SION OF COM- ship in the European May (p. 13) MEMORATION OF Union totalled 1504264 THE 15th ANNIVER- (91.07 per cent), 147527 On 15 May, Chairman SARY OF THE (8.93 per cent) voted of the sitting Gintaras LITHUANIAN RE- “against” (p. 7) Steponavièius, Deputy At the sitting held on May FORM MOVEMENT Chairman of the 29, President of NATO (SAJÛDIS) TOOK PLENARY SITTINGS Seimas, reminded that Parliamentary Assembly PLACE. At the meet- on 15 May, Lithuania Douglas Bereuter gave a ing, speeches were At the sitting held on 13 was celebrating the Day speech: “Your parlia- made by Chairman of May, Chairman of the of the Constituent ment enjoys a special the Seimas Artûras Seimas Artûras Seimas (p. 13) place in the history of Paulauskas, Seimas Paulauskas gave a speech the NATO Parliamen- member, Chairman of dedicated to the referen- tary Assembly. You were the Supreme Council– dum on Lithuania’s one of the first countries Reconstituent Seimas, accession to the Euro- to become an Associate signatory to the Act on pean Union held on 10- member of the NATO the Re-establishment of 11 May: “I sincerely Parliamentary Assembly the State of Lithuania, congratulate all of you, following the historic Chairman of the Seimas even a few eurosceptics. events of 1989, and Council of the Lithua- Such was the will of the On 15 May, President of Lithuanian parliamen- nian Reform Movement Nation and we can be the Republic of Portu- tarians have played an Vytautas Landsbergis, a proud of such a will and gal Jorge Sampaio gave active role in the member of the initiative such a Nation… We can a speech: “I would like Assembly’s work since group of the Lithuanian be proud and further to say that I am ex- that time /… / You are Reform Movement and implement its will by tremely delighted with joining NATO at a of the Lithuanian both ratifying our EU the results of the recent decisive moment in its Writers’ Union Justinas Accession Treaty and referendum on Lithua- history. Faced with Marcinkevièius, a 2 Lithuanian Parliamentary Mirror No 6 (70) SUMMARY member of the initiative operation between which the history of our countries are united not group of the Lithuanian Russia and the Euro- nations is linked. Our only by a liking that we Reform Movement, pean Union means a present day history also have for each other but signatory to the Act on potential source of new has many similarities, also by a union of the Re-establishment of possibilities, as well as however, these similari- defence and security…” the State of Lithuania those tasks, which we ties must have some (p. 26) Romualdas Ozolas, have to do so that stable ground. And that Deputy Chairman of neither the develop- stable ground is, to cite On 10 June, Deputy the Council of the ment of the European the title of one famous Chairman of the Seimas, Lithuanian Movement Union nor Lithuania’s Lithuanian film, “That Chairman of the Euro- Algirdas Blaþys, a commitments to the Sweet Word Freedom”. pean Affairs Commit- member of the initiative European Union Therefore we are tee, Head of the repre- group of the Lithuanian should give negative similar. We share a sentatives of the Seimas Reform Movement results to our trade and common feature, i.e. at the Convention for Meilë Lukðienë, a economic relations … love of freedom. We, the Future of Europe member of the initiative …On 26 March, Hungarians, have Vytenis Povilas group of the Lithuanian Lithuania signed the always admired a heroic Andriukaitis, submitted Reform Movement candidate’s protocol on struggle of your Nation a report of the Seimas Arvydas Juozaitis, and its accession to NATO. against the oppressive members who have an ordinary member of We do not dramatise the powers and rejoiced returned from the Ðiauliai City Move- situation. The main together with you when Convention on the ment, executive secre- reason is that now it won independence. Future of Europe (p. 28) tary of Ðiauliai City Russia formed a certain Today we share your Lithuanian Reform group of twenty with happiness that at the ADOPTED LAWS AND Movement Irena NATO countries, beginning of the 21st DECREES Vasinauskaitë (p. 18) however, we cannot be century, belonging to indifferent to this the group of free Law Supplementing project…” (p. 25) European nations, we Article 5 of the Law on shoulder to shoulder Protection of Consumer are looking for our Rights. The law estab- place when the new lishes that all informa- order of the world is tion about the goods and being formed, therefore services to the consumers we considered it our must be provided in historical duty, being writing in the state On 5 June, Chairman of NATO members, in all language, with the the Federal Council of possible ways to con- exception of cases when the Federal Meeting of tribute to Lithuania’s the manner of using the the Russian Federation invitation to join the goods and services are Sergei Michailovich On 10 June, Chair- North Atlantic Alliance. traditionally known. In Mironov delivered a woman of the National Esteemed colleagues other words, it is speech at the sitting of Assembly of the Repub- parliamentarians, we are legalised that next to the Seimas: “…Our lic of Hungary Katalin really glad that a week trademarks placed on bilateral relations in Szili delivered a speech ago the Hungarian signboards minimal different spheres are at the Seimas sitting: Parliament supported information in the state developing prospec- “… Histories of our unilaterally the ratifica- language about those tively at the moment, if countries were very tion of Lithuania’s goods or services viewed within the similar in ancient times, accession to NATO. We bearing those marks context of the relations we even had common are glad that soon we must be specified. The between the European kings, who played an shall be able to con- Committee on Educa- Union and Lithuania. important role in the gratulate you on tion, Science and On the one hand, history of both coun- becoming a member of Culture submitted the accession of your tries /…/ Esteemed NATO. We are de- said amendment of the country to the Treaties Seimas, it is not only lighted that in the Law on Protection of on Partnership and Co- the royal family by present-day history our Consumer Rights in 3 SUMMARY Lithuanian Parliamentary Mirror No 6 (70) response to the requests states under the proce- purposes whose pro- the territory of the of the public to guaran- dure and under the curement is not related municipalitySUMMARY (munici- tee to the users the conditions established to secret information, palities) at the time of possibility to receive by the provider, as well till the day of member- the state of emergency, information about the as to establish that ship in the European the Government shall goods being sold or guns, ammunition, Union, must be pro- appoint its representa- services being provided explosives and other cured in accordance tive to administrate the in the Lithuanian goods for military with the requirements territory of the munici- language.
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by Klaipeda University Open Journal Systems 160 RES HUMANITARIAE XIII ISSN 1822-7708 Regimantas Gudelis – Klaipėdos universiteto Chorvedy- bos ir pedagogikos katedros profesorius, socialinių mokslų daktaras, Muzikologijos instituto vyriausiasis mokslinis bendradarbis. Moksliniai interesai: chorinis menas, chorinio meno istorija, dainų šventės. Adresas: Kristijono Donelaičio g. 4, LT-92144 Klaipėda. Tel. (+370 ~ 46) 252 836. El. paštas: [email protected]. Regimantas Gudelis – Ph. D. in Social Sciences, Research Fellow at the Institute of Musicology, Prof. at the De- partment of Conducting and Pedagogics, Faculty of Arts, Klaipėda University (Lithuania). Research interests: choral music, history of choral music, song festival. Address: Kristijono Donelaičio str. 4, LT-92144 Klaipėda. Telephone: (+370 ~ 46) 252 836. E-mail: [email protected]. Regimantas Gudelis Klaipėdos universitetas DAINŲ ŠVENTĖS IR JUNGTINIO CHORO MENINĖS-DVASINĖS ENERGIJOS KLAUSIMU Anotacija Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvos dainų šventėse pasirodantis jungtinis choras – jo žanrinė specifika bei meninė-dvasinė energija. Pagrindinė tiriamoji medžiaga – tokio choro diri- gentų nuomonės, surinktos interviu metodu. Dainų šventes ir jungtinį chorą dirigentai laiko daugiareikšmiu socialiniu-meniniu fenomenu, vertingu tiek tautos chorinės kultūros, tiek ir tautiškumo aspektais. Choro meninė-dvasinė energija ir jos proveržio intensyvumas priklauso nuo jo meninio atlikimo techninės kokybės, meninės interpretacijos ir atlikėjų sutelktumo. Dirigentas – šių procesų įkvėpėjas ir koordinatorius. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: dainų šventė, jungtinis choras, dirigentas, muzikos interpre- tacija, meninė-dvasinė energija. Abstract The article analysis the joint choir performing in the Song Festival – its genre peculiarity and artistic-spiritual energy. The main research material consists of the interviews with the conductors of such choirs.
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