Focus on the Future of Georgia 1970-1985. INSTITUTION Georgia State Dept
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 075 482 TM 002 560 AUTHCR Schabac };er, William H., Ed.; And Others TITLE Focus on the Future of Georgia 1970-1985. INSTITUTION Georgia State Dept. of Education, Atlanta. Georgia. Assessment Project. PUB DATE 70 NOTE 520p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$19.74 DESCRIPTORS *Educational Objectives; *State Programs; *State Surveys; *Statewide Planning; Technical Reports IDENTIFIERS *Georgia Assessment Project ABSTRACT As part of the Georgia Assessment Project (GAP), initiated in January 1969 to provide statewide measurement of the impact of educational programs, services, and resources on children and youth, 19 position papers were prepared by specialists to assist the Advisory Commission on Education Goals. The papers, some with critiques, concern Georgia's current status and probable status in 1985 with respect to the social, economic, technological, political, and cultural environment. The subjects discussed are Georgia's econcmy,-industrial development trends and forecasts, agriculture, automation, transportation, manpower and employment, demography, the individual, social disorganization, religion, civil rights, equality of educational opportunities, governmental structure, political culture, perspectives on health care, ecology, communications systems and mass media, leisure and recreation, and the arts. (DB) FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY cc FocusonWe oFuturegfGeorgia, 1970 -1985 U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOL.UML-NT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY .S RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR 0!1GANIZATION ()RIG INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR PPM IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY Focus on the Future of Georgia 1970-1985 Edited by William H. Schabacker Russell S. Clark Homer C.
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