Theatre Organ Bombarde (Title Registered U
TheatreOrgan Bombarde JOURNALof the AMERICAN THEATREORGAN ENTHUSIASTS ~ June 7967 YOUR FUNI IN THEMOTOR CITY THE1967 IN NATIONAL ATOE CONVENTION '67 DETROIT MICHIGAN ♦ •• • . -- ~ ~ ., ".. .,.,.~ Anl~di8~-'i11111111e, Valafion Yo111/Re111e111be, Fo,e~e~i Ro~GEk~•· A~Etl·· HA/f\N\GND•• S4LPM/itl•· 1'iMBAI!-.. THE - __ ---<'_,,,.-- - - - ......~ -- - - -~ ~ ✓-- ,, :f R.e.§ -w.a!.e.o,,t 0 !Uf an."'6.-l6.. an-tii , H.a.E..en.<J-' 6.. 9{.e.6..o.,,J, arn.a.n 'J- .tR.e. - - / - - - _. p, (,M6.. Oe f aK.e.e-0-Un½, eaft.eottr\A.Cl WRITE FOR BROCHUR . H.O.F ., 3291 GUIDO ST O E . ., AKLAND, CALIF. 94602 A'MERICANTHEATRE ORGAN SOCIETY ARCHIVESLIBRARY TheatreOrgan Volume 9, No. 3 Boffibarde Volume 4, No. 3 A.T.0.1:.. National Membership is $6.00 per year, which includes a sub scription to Thea1re Organ 8 0111- barde, the off icia l publication of the A merica n T he a tre Organ l:.nthusiasts. M ake check or money ord er payab le to A.T. 0 .1:.. and mai l to P.O . lfox 7404 ~ 7"£/'.1F/7C Bitt er Lake St ation. Seattle, Washington 98133. L/ ~_,,,_;TS ,9;- ALL MATERIAL FOR PUBLICATIONS rLOR/S.7.J /},i.,L. /N TE/Z-!-'Ec,,;c,,;v.S Te;! : G ~ ,,7,,:-,;,,./ SHOULD BE SENT TO THIS ADDRESS . ,Dc?L/ t/cR v' e~--.o 6. * * * A.T.O.E. Officers The best route to take to get to the Pick-Fort Shelby Hotel is the southbound Lodge Freeway (l- Dick Schrum President 696) south from the eastbound Ford Freeway (l-94).
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