12Th ASEA-UNINET Plenary Meeting Proceedings
ASEA UNINET Asean-European University Network, founded in 1994 12th ASEA-UNINET Plenary Meeting Proceedings JUNE 7-11, 2011 Bellavista Relax Hotel, Levico Terme Trento (Italy) 3 12th ASEA-UNINET Plenary Meeting Proceedings JUNE 7-11, 2011 Bellavista Relax Hotel, Levico Terme Trento (Italy) CONTENTS 1 PROGram 3 OpeninG ADDresses 5 Carla Locatelli, ASEA-UNINET Chairperson 5 Davide Bassi, Rector of the University of Trento 7 Marta Dalmaso, Councillor for Education of the Autonomous Province of Trento 8 Report by Regional Coordinator Europe and National Coordinator for Austria 9 Bernd-Michael Rode, Austria 9 Reports by National Coordinators Europe 11 Rüdiger Korff, Germany 11 Bibiana Muñoz Clares, Spain 13 Carla Locatelli, Italy 14 Opening by the Deputy secretary-General, Ministry of Education, Thailand 16 Piniti Ratananukul, Thailand 16 Reports by National Coordinators Asia 18 Ngo Chi Trung, Vietnam 18 Ruttikorn Varakulsiripunth, Thailand 20 Gisela Concepcion, Philippines 24 Abdul Jalil Nordin, Malaysia 27 Zaheer-ul-Haq Quasmi, Pakistan (on behalf of Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, National Coordinator) 28 Edwan Kardena, Indonesia 30 Results OF Elections at THE 12TH ASEA-UNINET PlenarY MeetinG 31 Focus Groups visits 33 SOCIAL Events 36 12TH ASEA-UNINET PlenarY MeetinG 40 Attachments 43 Travel INFormation Sheet 47 1 PROGRAM Tuesday June 7 16.00 Arrival and Registration 19.00 Welcome Reception and Dinner at the Hotel Wednesday June 8 09.00 Inaugural Meeting Welcome by ASEA UNINET Chairperson, prof. Carla Locatelli Greeting by the Rector of the University of Trento, prof. Davide Bassi 09.30 Report by Chairperson and Regional Coordinator Europe, prof. Bernd-Michael Rode 10.15 Coffee break 10.45 Reports by National Coordinators Europe 12.15 Lunch 13.30 Reports by Regional Coordinator Asia, prof.
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