Presentation by Counsel to the Inquiry About Treloar's, Gary Webster
The Infected Blood Inquiry 21 June 2021 1 Monday, 21 June 2021 1 two boys, both attending Treloar's, both infected with 2 (10.00 am) 2 HIV, both dead. 3 SIR BRIAN LANGSTAFF: Yes, Ms Richards. 3 And on Thursday, we will hear from the former 4 Presentation by Counsel to the Inquiry re 4 headmaster, Mr Macpherson. 5 Lord Mayor Treloar School and College 5 We won't, unfortunately, be able to hear from 6 MS RICHARDS: Good morning, sir. This week the spotlight 6 any of the key clinicians who provided treatment to 7 is on Treloar's, Lord Mayor Treloar School and 7 the boys at the school, Dr Rainsford, Dr Arblaster, 8 College, which, as is well known to all those 8 Dr Aronstam, Dr Wassef, all of them are now dead and 9 attending here, was the boarding school for children 9 so we will have to try to piece together from the 10 with physical disabilities, attended by significant 10 documents and from the memories of those who attended 11 numbers of boys with haemophilia in the 1970s and 11 as much as we can about what happened at the school. 12 1980s. And a school which, uniquely in the country, 12 Over the course of the week, through looking at 13 had its own Haemophilia Centre located, as at a date 13 the documents and through looking at the oral 14 in the 1970s, actually at the school. 14 testimony, we will be exploring in particular the 15 The majority of those children are, as is now 15 following issues and themes: the approach to 16 well known, now dead.
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