Education For Adults This list was created on 13/9/19. For more detail, and the most up to date entries, please look on the Local Ausm Directory - hps:// Ausm Hampshire: Specialist Mentoring Support 1:1 support for higher educaon students Contact: Floor 1 Norrish Central Library, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2DX
[email protected] hps:// Ace Children's Occupaonal Therapy Ltd Specialist OT assessment and treatment for children and young people with ASD/ADHD, developmental delays, learning and physical disabilies aged 2-25 Contact: Ace Children's Occupaonal Therapy Ltd, Crondall, Hampshire, GU10 5DT 01252 691133
[email protected] hp:// AusmSET Supporng children and young people on the ausm spectrum to overcome barriers to learning, communicang and socialising Contact: 25 Inhams Road, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 4EU 07835 140 201
[email protected] hp:// Education For Adults Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Acvity Centre - New Forest Providing outdoor learning, development training and acvity holidays Contact: Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Acvity Centre UK Youth, Bransgore, Hampshire, BH23 8EE 01425 672347
[email protected] hp:// Bodster Equine Assisted Learning Centre - Isle of Wight Interacon with ponies Contact: Sandford Farm, Gore Lane, Godshill, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, PO38 3EX 07887876138