David Yates Department of Real Estate and Construction, University of Hong Kong. (E-mail: [email protected])

Abstract Introduction The topic of this paper is claims and disputes in To consider a response to the above question it construction, mainly from the perspective of the is necessary to reflect upon the possible causes client in the context of the client/contractor of claims and disputes and the extent to which relationship. The causes of claims and disputes those causes can be addressed. are examined from the perspective of transaction A review of the literature reveals confused cost economics (TCE) theory due to its focus on usage of basic terms. The terms “conflict” “claim” contracting problems and in particular its and “dispute” are used separately or in pairs and suitability for complex, long-term and dynamic frequently without clear indication of the precise relationships which are found in construction meaning of each use. There is often a lack of contracts. Consideration of TCE theory in the clarity as to whether the researcher is referring to context of construction suggest that the root “claims” per se (i.e. claims which are resolved causes of conflict, claims and disputes are: between the parties and do not therefore become – Contractual incompletedness; and disputes), to “disputes” (i.e. those claims which consequent “post-contract” adjustments. are not resolved and graduate into disputes), or – Asset specificity, mainly in the form of the to both “claims and disputes” (that is, the “conflict client’s investment in respect of purchase/ spectrum” — see Figure 1). assembly of the land for the project and the costs A number of writers, however, adopt similar of design/construction. broad definitions for these terms. – Opportunistic behaviour, in particular on Gardiner and Simmons (1992) define conflict as the part of the contractor. “any divergence of interest, objectives or priorities A brief case study drawn from Hong Kong’s between individuals, groups or organisations”. Airport Core Programme is used to illustrate the A claim is defined by Powell-Smith and presence of contractual incompletedness and Stephenson (1989) as “an assertion of a right to opportunism. Measures for preventing/reducing money, property, or a remedy and can be made the incidence of claims and disputes are under the contract itself; for breach of the contract, proposed. Conclusions are drawn that the actual for breach of a duty in common law; or on a incidence of claims and disputes is largely quasi-contractual basis.” governed by the client in determining the balance A dispute is defined by Brown and Marriot of his priorities for the project and his consequent (1993) “as a class or kind of conflict, which selection of procurement system, and design manifests itself in distinct, justiciable issues. It and construction teams. involves disagreement over issues capable of Keywords: Conflict, claims, disputes, resolution by negotiation, mediation or third transaction cost economics. party adjudication.”

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Brown and Marriot also cite the definition point in time when he becomes aware that the given by D. Foskett QC in The Law and Practice relevant event has occurred and a potential of Compromise: “An ‘actual’ dispute will not claims situation exists, even though the Architect/ exist until a claim is asserted by one party which Engineer may be unaware of it. However, for all is ‘disputed’ by the other.” (Brown and Marriot practical purposes, and certainly of the purposes 1993) of this paper, it is assumed that the genesis of a In similar vein Fenn et al (1997) suggests that claim and a conflict are synonymous. “Conflict exists where there is an incompatibility Figure 1 combines these definitions of conflict, of interest. When a conflict becomes claim and dispute and illustrates the “spectrum irreconcilable and the mechanisms for avoiding of conflict” which ranges from the notification of it are exhausted, or inadequate, techniques for a claim at one end of the spectrum, to the resolving the dispute are required.” resolution of a dispute at the other. Kumaraswarmy and Yogeswaran (1997) refer The “intensity of conflict” curve illustrates the to the UK Institution of Civil Engineers arbitration increasing strength and intensity of feeling procedure which states: “A dispute can be said between the parties as the conflict progresses to exist when a claim or assertion made by one through the various stages of a claim which, if party is rejected by the other party and that unresolved, develops into a dispute and proceeds rejection is not accepted.” through the various dispute resolution stages Combining these definitions with relevant until it is ultimately resolved. (A model depicting terminology in standard forms of contract and the increasing cost of a conflict through the same recognised construction industry practice, it stages would be more or less identical to the could be said that a conflict occurs at the same “intensity of conflict” curve). point in time as when a notice of a claim is given and exists until the claim or dispute is resolved. Causes of conflict, claims and disputes: It is, of course, theoretically possible that a a transaction cost economics perspective claim submitted by the contractor and In recent years, four studies in particular: Doree immediately accepted and agreed to, without (1994), Alsagoff (1996), McDermott and Alsagoff amendment, by the Architect/Engineer would (1996) and Yates (1998) discuss the application not necessarily give rise to conflict. Equally, it of transaction cost economics (TCE) theory to could be argued that a conflict comes into the issue of causation of conflict, claims and existence in the mind of the Contractor at the disputes in construction. This approach suggests that the root causes of Figure 1. The Spectrum of Conflict conflict, claims and disputes are contractual incompletedness and opportunism in the presence of asset-specificity.

Contractual Incompletedness Many contracts which take place over an Intensity of Conflict Curve extended period of time can be described as Intensity incomplete in the sense that, at contract formation of Conflict (ex ante), the obligations of the parties cannot be fully and unambiguously specified to take account of all future “states of the world” which may be encountered during contract execution (ex post). In theory, a construction project tendered on the basis of a fully completed design Time (or, in the case of design/build procurement, a full and precise statement of the Employer’s Requirements), having no errors or omissions in Claim Dispute tender documentation and requiring no changes or variations during the construction phase, could be described as a “complete” — that is, fully Conflict contingent — contract.

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In reality, however, in view of the complexity Complexity of the construction process and time necessary The complexities of construction compared with for overall delivery, all but the smallest of projects other industries (particularly manufacturing) are are inevitably incomplete. summarised by Casson (1987): In “traditionally” procured projects contractual • Unlike most manufacturing, construction incompletedness is usually manifest in one or output is normally a sequence of “one-off” more of three categories: projects each of which is customised because of 1. At contract formation stage in the form of the requirements of the particular client and the Prime Cost Sums (PC Sums), Provisional Sums, idiosyncratic constraints of the particular site. Provisional Quantities, and the like, all of which • Most construction work takes place “out are “adjusted” during the construction phase of doors” and is, therefore, subject to the vagaries depending on the client/design team’s actual of the weather. In this respect construction is like requirements. other weather-related activity such as agriculture 2. A contractual mechanism — namely, the and tourism. right to instruct variations — which allows the • Intermediate inputs are immobile. The client/design team optimum flexibility in division of labour within construction creates decision-making (either by leaving decisions as many separate tasks within the production late as possible and/or changing decisions made process. Different tasks call for different specialist previously). skills, as in manufacturing. However, unlike 3. Ambiguities, errors or omissions in the ex manufacturing, most of these tasks have to be ante contract documentation, which come to carried out on the same site, because their light ex post, necessitating clarification of the output is embodied continuously and directly client/design team’s requirements and leading into the structure. Subcontractors do not, to ex post “adjustments”. (Usually classified as therefore, work on their own premises but on the variations.) main contractor’s premises. Moreover, they work According to TCE theory there are three factors in close proximity to each other. Unlike which give rise to contractual incompletedness: manufacturing, therefore, subcontractors work bounded rationality; risk and uncertainty; and “under the eye” of the main contractor and complexity. “under the feet” of other subcontractors. • Construction is labour intensive. The Bounded Rationality division of labour creates many activities for Bounded rationality is described as the cognitive which the only input of any significance is constraints on humans, which prevent the labour itself. preparation of fully contingent contracts at • Many activities cannot be begun until contract formation stage. The constraints are others have been completed. Punctuality in limits of knowledge, ability, experience and starting and completing each activity is therefore competence, which are exacerbated, on crucial for the prompt completion of the overall occasions, by limited time. process.

Risk and Uncertainty Opportunism Uncertainty as to future “states of the world” can Contractual incompleteness ex ante sets the also influence the nature and extent of post- stage for potential problems ex post. When contract “adjustments” whenever contingencies events/circumstances arise that are not fully and arise which, in accordance with the contract, unambiguously covered by the contract are at the risk of one of the parties or shared provisions, one or both parties may have between them. (For example: injury to persons incentives to behave “opportunistically” by taking and damage to property, which are usually actions that will increase the costs or reduce the insurable; inflation; shortages of labour and revenues of the other party. materials; adverse weather conditions; Opportunistic behavior involves making “false unforeseen ground conditions; and other matters, or empty, that is, self-disbelieved, threats and which are wholly beyond the control of the promises in the expectation that individual parties.) advantage will thereby be realized.” (Goffman 1969.) It involves subtle forms of deceit and also

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includes stronger, more blatant forms of specific investments (asset specificity). Given behaviour such as lying, stealing and cheating. contractual incompleteness, the higher the levels The notion that, in certain circumstances, of asset specificity, the greater the potential for “contractual” man will behave opportunistically opportunistic behaviour. is entirely consistent with one of the basic Transaction-specific investments generate a concepts of neoclassical economic theory, series of potentially appropriable “quasi-rents” namely “the motivating force in the economic equal to the difference between the value in the system is self interest.” (Galbraith and Salinger use to which the investments are committed and 1981). the next best use. The presence of transaction- More generally opportunism refers to the specific investments creates incentives for one incomplete or distorted disclosure of information, party to behave opportunistically and “hold up” especially to calculated efforts to mislead. the other ex post, which can lead to conflict and TCE theory does not insist that individuals “costly haggling”. (Klein et al 1978.) (and/or firms) are opportunistic continuously, or Masten et al (1991) identify a particular type even largely given to opportunism. Williamson of asset specificity, temporal specificity, which (1985) merely assumes that “some individuals is described in the context of shipbuilding and are opportunistic some of the time”. construction where the need for precise There appears to be a spectrum or scale of scheduling of activities raises the potential for opportunism, with nil or insignificant strategic hold-ups by key contractors/ opportunistic behaviour at the low end of the subcontractors. Williamson (1996) subsequently scale and extreme behaviour, possibly involving describes temporal specificity as “akin to criminal activity, at the top. technological non separability and can be It may well be that a “reputable” contractor, thought of as a type of site specificity in which in normal circumstances on a contract, which timely responsiveness by on-site human assets is promised a reasonable margin of profit, would vital.” be placed on the lower reaches of the TCE theory identifies contractual opportunism scale. However, faced with the incompletedness as the key to opportunism. prospect of a significant loss — due, for example, Without contractual incompletedness to the occurrence of an event which is at its sole construction contracts would be fully contingent, risk — the contractor, at a stroke, could jump and there would be nothing for the contractor to several notches up the scale to such an extent behave opportunistically about (except for that it would be prepared to spend significant opportunistic cheating on quality/specification additional sums of money on legal advice and requirements, the subject of which is outside the “take its chances” with a full arbitration. scope of this paper). The presence of transaction- Theoretically, it is possible that a claim specific investments by one or both parties is a genuinely made by one party could genuinely condition precedent to opportunism. “Absent be disputed by the other involving no asset specificity, and the parties go their way opportunistic behaviour by either party. In whenever transactional difficulties ensue”. practice, however, contractors’ claims are often (Williamson 1975.) opportunistically inflated, exaggerated or even From the perspective of the client, the spurious and clients (and their staff/consultants) assembly/purchase of the land for the project frequently respond with reciprocal opportunism, and the cost of design/construction represent by rejecting contractors’ claims out of hand. significant transaction-specific investments. The client cannot realise the return on this investment Asset Specificity until the project is completed. The time taken for Transaction cost economics theory assumes that design and construction of the project, is thus, a markets are competitive ex ante (that is, there are critical factor. The threat of delay to completion many buyers and sellers). Opportunism can of the project, therefore, gives the contractor emerge ex post because certain characteristics significant potential for hold-up/opportunistic of the transaction give one or both of the parties behaviour. some “monopoly” power when certain Transaction-specific investment by the contingencies arise. The primary source of contractor is less apparent, and possibly varies monopoly power is the presence of transaction- from time to time during the construction period

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depending on the incidence of payments by the client. For example, one month into the Case study — Hong Kong’s Airport construction period, the contractor has invested Core Programme in tendering costs and site-team assembly, In 1989, the Hong Kong Government announced mobilisation of plant and equipment and site the intention to construct Hong Kong’s new offices, but has not yet received the first interim airport on the northern coast of at payment. , together with related Masten et al (1991), however, express the infrastructure, all of which was to be completed view that, unlike manufacturing, investment in in 1997. Upon opening, the new airport would plant and equipment used in construction is less be capable of handling 35 million passengers likely to be specific to a particular contract. “To and 3 million tonnes of cargo annually. the extent that each construction project takes The Government of the People’s Republic of place on a unique site, the assets themselves are China, which was due to resume sovereignty of more likely to be mobile... and adaptable for use Hong Kong from Britain in 1997, expressed in varying applications”. Nevertheless, the concern at this announcement mainly because it purchase of specialised equipment (such as a had not been consulted and, in particular, was tunnelling machine designed and manufactured apprehensive that the future Government of the for a specific project) obviously involves Hong Kong Special Administrative Region would substantial transaction-specific investment by inherit potential cost and time over-runs and the the contractor. However, the hold-up potential related debt. afforded to the client by such asset specificity is After a series of high-level meetings between reduced progressively as work advances and the British and Chinese Governments, a interim payments are made. Any advance Memorandum of Understanding, which payment or lump-sum payment made when the confirmed China’s support for the new airport particular item of equipment is mobilised on site and its related infrastructure, was agreed and further diminishes the client’s hold-up potential. signed in Beijing by Prime Ministers John Major In view of the imbalance in transaction-specific and on 3rd September 1991. investments, the contractor’s potential for The Airport Core Programme (ACP) was an opportunistic behaviour and hold-up is unusually large scale and complex undertaking, significantly greater than is that of the client. the primary objective of which was the

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procurement of the new airport at Chek Lap Kok, with the authority by BCJ, the Britain-China- together with extensive supporting infrastructure Japan joint venture responsible for comprising reclamation, new expressways, construction of the terminal. tunnels, bridges and a completely new railway They cover design changes, schedule system connecting the new airport with Hong variations and delays which have arisen since Kong’s central business district. a previous supplemental payment was agreed Due to the delays in obtaining agreement last September. between the British and Chinese Governments “The group got the building weather-tight completion dates were modified such that the just about on schedule while getting other opening and full operation of Chek Lap Kok and elements ahead of schedule. It is doing a the airport railway took place in July 1998. The good job, but there is a cost to that,” an on- remaining seven ACP projects together with the site source said. , were completed on BCJ consists of Amec and Balfour Beatty programme in 1997. from Britain, Kumagai Gumi (HK), China State The following article, which appeared in the Construction Engineering and Maeda of Japan. Sunday Morning Post on 8th June 1997, illustrates In September, BCJ and AEH — the building both contractual incompletedness in the form of services installer — were paid $1.9 billion to “design changes, schedule variations and delays” settle outstanding construction wrangles on and opportunism by the contractor in the project. “demanding millions to finish their contracts on The payments angered legislators who time”. Reference is also made to an earlier demanded that senior authority executives “$1.9 billion payout” which was evidently “paid give a full explanation for them. despite little supporting paperwork,” suggesting The wrangle recently resurfaced after a negotiated settlement of earlier claims and suggestions the claims were paid despite illustrating the significant “hold up” potential on little supporting paperwork setting out a the part of the Contractor. precise cost schedule for the delays and other problems suffered by BCJ and AEH. Chek Lap Kok Builders want $1.6b for extras There also have been allegations the Building contractors on the $12 billion authority is being “held to ransom” by passenger terminal at Chek Lap Kok are contractors demanding millions to finish their claiming an extra $1.6 billion from the Airport contracts on time. Authority — just nine months after a $1.9 The authority’s corporate development billion payout for other added costs. director, Clinton Leeks, said the initial The Sunday Morning Post understands supplemental agreements were made at an the claims, as a supplemental agreement to extremely high level in both the authority the initial contract, have just been lodged and the contractors. A second newspaper article from the South China Morning Post of 12th March 1998 gives overall ACP data on numbers of claims submitted and resolved to date; the values actually agreed as compared with the much higher values originally claimed; further illustrating the scale of contractors’ opportunistic behaviour on the ACP.

Large contract claims ‘usual’ Hefty claims are a natural part of large-scale construction contracts, a senior official said. In a written reply to Eric Li Ka-cheung, acting Secretary for Works Lee Shing-see said 20,923 claims against 152 airport contracts had been received. According to the Quarterly Report on the Airport Core Programme Projects submitted

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to the Finance Committee, the Airport • Adequacy of client organisation and Authority and the Mass Transit Railway briefing process; Corporation had resolved 6,047 claims at a • Choice of the most appropriate cost of $2.87 billion against an original claim procurement system (not necessarily the amount of $10.8 billion by the end of traditional approach, particularly if time is short); December, leaving 14,876 claims • Selection of experienced, reputable and unresolved. capable design consultants (particular attention “Given the scale, complexity, multiple should be paid to the design and coordination of contractual interfaces and tight programme building services); and [of airport core projects], the number and • Contractor selection based on quality amount of claims submitted are not unusual, (including reputation and experience) as well as ” said Mr Lee. price. Delays in the possession of sites, variations in design and limitations on certified Attenuation of Opportunism construction methods contributed to Reputational factors legitimate claims. Some contractors value their “claims averse” This second newspaper article illustrates reputations. Other considerations (that is, quality, not only the nature of the contractors’ price, and so on) being equal, such contractors opportunistic claims strategy — whereby are to be preferred. The term “claims averse” is initial grossly inflated/exaggerated claims are used to describe contractors who value their submitted which are subsequently reduced reputations for restraint in the submission of significantly as part of claims evaluation and opportunistic (that is, spurious or exaggerated) negotiation — but that this opportunistic claims. In TCE terms, such contractors perceive behaviour is considered by a senior their “claims averse” reputation to be of greater government official, the acting Secretary for (long-term) value than the potential gain to be Works, as “not unusual”. made from (short-term) opportunistic claims. However, as discussed earlier, a contractor who Measures for preventing/reducing in normal circumstances may be claims averse claims and disputes can, at a stroke, move several notches up the Contractual incompletedness and opportunism opportunism scale when suddenly faced with are identified as the root causes of conflict, the prospect of a substantial loss on a particular claims and disputes in construction. project. Therefore, a client who perceives conflict, There has been an abundance of literature in claims and disputes as a problem and wishes to recent years on the subject of “partnering” (for lessen their incidence should proactively example, NEDC Construction Industry Sector endeavor to: Group 1991, Uher 1994, Bennet and Jayes 1995, a) limit or reduce contractual Godfrey 1996). Closely related topics are incompletedness, and/or “relational contracting” (Alsagoff and McDermott b) attenuate the opportunistic inclinations 1994); and informal “clan relationships” which of the contractor. exist between consultants and contractors who frequently work together on the same projects, Limit/Reduce Contractual Incompletedness albeit that there is no contractual tie between The singular most effective way of reducing them (Reve and Levitt, 1984). contractual incompletedness is for the client and Such “relational” factors and “partnering” his staff/consultants to comply with accepted arrangements, wherein the prospect of future construction industry “good practice” work for a contractor is almost guaranteed (in conventions. The Latham Report (Latham 1994) other words, the current project is part of an contains the most comprehensive “good ongoing series of projects — what Bennett and practice” recommendations made in recent years. Jays refer to as “strategic” partnering), have the Whilst the report is directed at the UK construction effect of attenuating opportunism. In TCE terms, industry, many of its findings are applicable to the prospect of the future contracts is perceived the construction industries of other countries. by the contractor to have greater value than the Issues that are of particular relevance are: potential gain of making an opportunistic claim

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on the current project. (Consequently, from a client of the true facts. TCE perspective, the suggestion that similar Conversely, a client who is efficient and well- benefits might accrue from a partnering informed, has the effect of curbing an otherwise arrangement for a single, one-off, project — that opportunistic contractor. A contractor will only is, “project” partnering — is illogical.) spend time and money on the submission and It could be argued, from a sociological point pursuit of opportunistic claims and disputes if of view, that any procedure which brings the the contractor is of the view that his “chances of parties together in the early stages of the project getting away with it” are good. A knowledgeable (for example, partnering and value engineering and well-informed client has the effect of reducing workshops) can have a positive influence on the contractor’s “chances”. working relations and teamwork, which also may have the effect of attenuating opportunism. Alternative Dispute Resolution The use of certain alternative dispute resolution Institutional factors (ADR) procedures, in particular those involving Williamson’s (1985) analysis of commercial trust, the appointment of an adjudicator (or similar) at which includes trust in the context of institutional the outset of a contract — in addition to their environments (such as societal culture, trading value in resolving disputes — can also have the networks, the professions and corporate culture), effect of attenuating opportunistic behaviour by as a “check” on opportunism, has significant the parties. The presence within the project team relevance in the construction field. As an of an experienced and well-informed, neutral illustration of societal culture Williamson refers third-party, whose sole objective is the successful to trading trust in Japan which “is said to be outcome of the project (with minimal conflict/ much higher than in Great Britain.” This particular disputes) often has the effect of discouraging cultural characteristic may begin to explain not both parties from engaging in “one-upmanship” only why the incidence of claims and disputes is and spurious conduct. comparatively low in the Japanese construction The concept of ADR techniques assumes that industry but also why Japanese contractors the parties genuinely want their disputes resolved working overseas are known to have “claims by alternative methods to arbitration. However, averse” reputations. this assumption is not necessarily always valid. Alsagoff and McDermott (1994) in a study of Sometimes an opportunistic contractor may relational contracting refer to the Japanese decide there is little to be gained in resolving concept of “amae”, meaning “cooperation and matters economically and efficiently. “In such dependency”, wherein clients, contractors and circumstances realism might dictate the full subcontractors maintain an ongoing relationship majesty of the adversarial (arbitration) process in throughout a long series of projects. Any disputes, the hope of the return that a well briefed legal for example, over vaguely-worded contracts or representative might deliver”. (Clegg 1992.) the execution of additional work, are resolved by negotiation between the parties. An illustration Economic factors is given, furthermore, of contractors taking the The prevailing macro-economic climate has a initiative to accelerate the project in the clients’ direct influence on contractors’ profit margins, interests, but at the contractors’ expense, in the and hence their inclinations to behave knowledge that the award of future contracts opportunistically. will reward this cooperation. “The overall result “Virtually all who are engaged in the will be in a manner such that the short term construction industry are profit-oriented. losses incurred are compensated in the end”. Invariably, this orientation stems not so much from inherent avariciousness but from the basic An efficient and “well-informed” Client need for survival. Each firm must make a profit to According to TCE theory information survive, and all the individuals involved in the impactedness or the deliberate withholding of quest for profit are eager to prove their particular information, to create a situation of differential self-worth.” (Hohns 1979.) knowledge/intelligence, is a form of opportunistic A questionnaire-based investigation of UK behaviour. It is advantageous for an opportunistic contractors’ tendering strategies during the contractor to have superior knowledge than the construction industry recession in the mid-1990s

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demonstrated that the profit margins of five out Conclusions of six leading contractors were less than one Given the “incomplete” nature of most percent. (Pasquire and Collins 1996). The study construction projects, this study suggests that also found that 65 percent of contractors would claims and disputes, to a greater or lesser degree, consider tendering at tight or even negative are inevitable. margins, during such difficult times. The actual extent of claims and disputes, on a In such circumstances it is hardly surprising particular project, is largely governed by the that contractors are opportunistic. Indeed, Latham client in determining the balance of his priorities (1994) warns “when contracts are won on a — especially regarding time and cost — and price which can only produce loss for the main through his selection of procurement system, contractor, the likelihood of a contract dominated client organisation, consultants and the by claims is extremely high”. contracting team.


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June 2003 Building Journal Hongkong China