Feature Urban Railways in Asia

Hong Kong’s Future is Guided by Transit Infrastructure Corinne Tiry

Hong Kong is a maritime metropolis with nature and effectiveness of government development opportunities, through 6.7 million inhabitants, very little land and development projects depend on their redevelopment of the 230 ha of vacated one of the highest population densities in ability to form multiple links within the airport land and through urban growth the world. The postwar cityscape can best metropolis. In Hong Kong, modernization promoted by denser use of new be described as a forest of skyscrapers of the transit network requires a interconnecting transit nodes and by the standing against mountains. Skyscrapers coordinated mastery of passenger development of additional reclaimed are the most common structure because movement, whether local, regional or land. Working together, the government they offer an excellent ratio of volume to global, especially since tourism, which and leading transit operators have surface area. depends partly on the quality of services succeeded in seizing this opportunity to With its small land area and large and transportation, is Hong Kong’s second raise Hong Kong to the status of an population, Hong Kong shows the largest income source after commerce. important 21st-century metropolis. symptoms of a metropolis whose transit By the late 1990s, Hong Kong had Construction of Airport was network must deal with burdensome introduced a wide array of new and accompanied by several major rail and constraints. Because of the need to significant transportation infrastructure road projects aimed at establishing direct, coordinate massive passenger flows, make and equipment. These include Chek Lap rapid connections from the new scarce and expensive land profitable, and Kok Airport on , the international gateway to the city centre. cope with the weight of excessive intermodal station and the Tsing Ma In addition, some lots near the new centralization of business activities, the bridge. Other major facilities and railway stations were earmarked for their Hong Kong government has continued to structures are still in the planning stage. high potential as sites for future urban promote greater accessibility for more One important development was the development adjacent to the new rail than 30 years. This goal, which is movement of the international airport corridors. The most innovative of these complex, but can create added value, is from the city centre to the outskirts, which developments, the new urban district of common and vital to every metropolis involved realigning the city’s transit (originally expected to wishing to maintain its status within the corridors (see JRTR 19, pp. 36–43). In the accommodate 180,000 inhabitants near community of major world cities. long term, it will likely change the the airport), has taken advantage of its new Hong Kong’s reputation and economic configuration of the urban centres too. accessibility and now represents part of weight stem from its global-trade and In addition to modernization of the transit the drive for more balanced population service sectors, the latter being responsible network, the change in the airport’s densities by moving urban development for 89% of current GDP. The creative location has offered the city new westward from the saturated central core.

Table 1 Hong Kong Land Use

Area (km2) Private, public, rural residential 67 Commercial/business 20 Government, institution & community facilities 20 Industrial, warehouse & storage 19 Roads, railways, airport 17.5 Open space 20 Vacant development land/construction in progress 27 Other urban or built-up land 25 Total built-up land 230 Agricultural, woodland/shrubland/grassland, wetland,barren land, water 869 Total 1100

Source: Tung Fung, Sai Leung Ng, May Mei Chi Kwan and Erin Shui Ling Yeung, Mapping the Broad Land Use Pattern of Hong Kong, Planning and Development, Vol. 17, No 2, 2001. from looking towards Kowloon (Author)

28 Japan Railway & Transport Review 35 • July 2003 Copyright © 2003 EJRCF. All rights reserved. Table 2 Daily Passenger Journeys on Main Public Transport and Operator Figure 1 Modal Shares of Public Buses Ferries Tramways Rail Subways Total rail Transport (2001) KMB, CMB HYF, SFC HKT KCR MTR 1.4% 1959 409,257 134,225 172,763 5,087 - 5,087 11.9% 1969 824,342 230,226 162,052 9,217 - 9,217 1.4% KMB, CMB, NLB 1978 1,117,370 185,396 138,655 15,385 - 15,385 1980 1,189,992 178,545 159,183 19,341 167,533 186,874 KMB, CMB, 53.8% KCR, LRT 31.6% NLB, KCRB 1989 1,698,2411) 116,953 2) 127,562 235,690 687,598 923,288 Bus Railway Frerry KMB, NLB, KCRB, CB, Taxi Private vehicles LWB, NWF 1999 1,675,3793) 57,2484) 87,864 390,960 789,705 1,180,665 For 1959 and 1969: Passenger journeys represent the number of tickets sold or fares collected for single journeys and estimates of journeys made by holders of season tickets. that now supplements the pre-existing, 1) Public light buses included heavily used passenger network, 2) Minor ferries included 3) Red minibuses included alleviating the high congestion to some 4) Licensed ferry services included KMB = Kowloon Motor Bus; CMB = China Motor Bus; NLB = New Lantau Bus; KCRB = Kowloon–Canton extent. In 1978, some 6.3 million Railway Bus; CB = Citybus; LWB = Long Win Bus; NWFB = New World First Bus HYF = Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry; SF = passenger journeys were being made HKT = Hong Kong Tramway every day over a network of buses, ferries, KCR = Kowloon–Canton Railway (East Rail); LRT = KCR Light Rail Transit; MTR = Mass Transit Railway Source: Hong Kong Report of the Year, Hong Kong Government Press, 1970, 1979, 1983, 1992; Transport trains, trams and taxis. By 2001, this figure in Hong Kong 2002. had nearly doubled to 11 million daily journeys over the entire network. Development of Rapid Until the late 1970s, two companies The network was expanded with the Urban Transport operated 34 and 16 km of railways, addition of five Mass Transit Railway respectively, but they found themselves (MTR) subway lines over 20 years. Curiously, for such a densely populated marginalized within a transport market Although buses remain the dominant metropolis, the rapid transit network was dominated by many cheap private ferry transport mode in Hong Kong (Fig. 1), developed later than in other metropolises, and bus companies (Table 2). The today more than 2.2 million passengers such as Tokyo, Paris and New York. It is Kowloon–Canton Railway Corporation travel daily over the MTR network, which true that Hong Kong developed later than (KCRC, today also known as KCR East has 87.7 km of lines and 49 stations those cities, and its area and topography Rail) was opened in 1910, and electrified (Fig. 2). However, this impressive pose greater challenges—its land area is at the beginning of the 1980s. It runs from growth in ridership over the last 20 years only 1100 km2, and 70% of this is so the densely populated can also be explained by a sustained mountainous that little has been built there to the old border in the north. It passes increase in population—1 million (Table 1). In fact, Hong Kong’s most through the eastern , which additional inhabitants in each recent economic activities are rarely located helped promote development of many decade—and by the persistently low rate outside a circle with a radius of about new urban areas along the rail corridor of automobile use among Hong Kong 7.5 km centred on Victoria Harbour. after WWII. However, this line remained households (142,000 registered private However, the centralization of its economic the only interurban railway in the territory automobiles in 1978 and 382,000 in functions and the wider distribution of for more than half a century. Likewise, 2001). This clearly illustrates the population within the main three inhabited the only tramway line serving the north overwhelming dominance of mass transit zones—Hong Kong Island (19.1%), coast of Hong Kong Island, where the in Hong Kong. Kowloon (29.9%), and the New Territories central business district is located, has In 1973, the Hong Kong government (51.0%)—indicate the importance of transit never been extended since it opened in decided to construct a rapid transit system links, especially because parts of the 1904. Hong Kong residents had to wait in order to reduce congestion in the metropolis are separated by water. until 1979 for a new, rapid transit system existing network. Two years later, the

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Figure 2 Hong Kong Rail Network

Tseun Wan Line (opened in 1982)Cheung Kwun Tong Line (opened in 1979) Tai Wo Hau Kwai Fong Lai King Sha Wan Wong Tai Sin Choi Hung

Tsuen Wan Kwai Hing Mei Foo Lok Fu Diamond Hill Shek Kip Mei

Prince Edward Ngau Tau Kok Po Lam TTsingsing YiYi Airport Airport Express Olympic Mong Kok Kowloon Kwun Tong Hang Hau (opened in 1998)

Yau Ma Tei Lam Tin Tseung Kwan O

Tung Chung Kowloon Yau Tong Jordan Lantau Island Tiu Keng Leng TungTung ChungChung Tseung Kwan O Line LineLine ((openedopened (opened in 1989 inin 11998)998) and 2002)

Hong Kong Admiralty Causeway Fortress Quarry Bay Bay Hill Tai Koo Shau Kei Wan

Sheung Central Wan Chai Tin Hau North Point Sai Wan Ho Wan Island Line (opened in 1985 and 1986) Heng Fa Chuen Hong Kong Island Chai Wan

Source: MTRC/Marketing, Graphic Design Section, January 2003.

government established the Mass Transit around stations is that the population eras, each one producing a distinct Railway Corporation (MTRC), and gave it growth in those areas ensures a massive generation of new urban configurations. full responsibility for financing, and loyal ridership. Self-financing has led The first three MTR lines were constructed constructing and operating the new to a progressive evolution within the to serve areas that were already built up subway system. As an independent entity MTRC, under which the company has and had only a local impact on urban entirely owned by the government before boosted its presence as a carrier by transformation because a scarcity of privatization in 2000, the MTRC has not becoming a powerful real-estate available land restricted real-estate received any government subsidies. This developer and, ultimately, an important opportunities. To compensate, the MTRC is also the case for other Hong Kong player in urban planning too. adopted a two-pronged approach— passenger carriers. On the other hand, denser use of available land, and the government grants land to both the The Vertical Metropolis diversification of urban functions above MTRC and the KCRC—they are not —Combining Transit with and adjacent to certain stations. In this required to buy it in the open market. Real Estate way, the company could promote real- Because carriers must obtain their own estate projects that both financed financing without recourse to public funds The opening of five MTR subway lines construction of transit infrastructure and and because transit operations are barely between 1979 and 1998 was also attracted more users to the nearby profitable, the MTRC has adopted an accompanied by numerous real-estate facilities and services. aggressive business strategy involving projects promoted by the MTRC. These The architectural principle puts the station pursuit of substantial income from real massive projects demonstrate the major underground and constructs a massive estate constructed over its stations. It investments that MTRC made and indicate base (podium) over it. The podium houses promotes these projects alone or in joint how much Hong Kong’s infrastructure and commercial enterprises that are accessible ventures with other private developers. cityscape have changed. The 20 years from the station and street, and supports One advantage of increasing density were marked by two distinct development a number of residential and/or office

30 Japan Railway & Transport Review 35 • July 2003 Copyright © 2003 EJRCF. All rights reserved. towers that are accessible from the third MTR line (Island Line). The line the urban (focal point of district). The commercial zone. The podium roof opened in the mid-1980s, and took company’s planners looked on stations generally has a relatively large park-like advantage of the opportunity presented in primarily as technical and economic space for exclusive use by residents and 1987 by the closure of naval yards. The driving forces, but they realized that includes some facilities and community site’s size and shape permitted stations must also play an active role in services. The podium serves as a node development of several commercial and the districts they serve. linking the various services offered in the residential buildings designed according to The formerly accepted generic approach, complex. Although the station is generally the same stratification principle plus two emphasizing complexes rather than invisible from the outside, it is instantly office towers all linked by a network of stations, tended to minimize the recognized because it supports a vertical covered pedestrian bridges. The interconnecting-node role of the station colossus that contrasts with other underground station is a major access point and favour the podium. Architectural buildings nearby. for the entire complex and the podium, embellishments were generally reserved The MTRC has exploited the vertical permitting pedestrian traffic in all directions. for the podium, while stations remained possibilities of land by stratifying different Other developments for commercial and a purely technical and functional space urban functions, such as transit, shopping, service enterprises have grown above repeated over and over using similar plans recreation, dwelling and work. several stations along the Island Line, which without added value. At the time, stations Elsewhere, these functions are customarily traverses the business district, including were still not considered to have a strong distributed in a linear fashion along a , Central and Admiralty. physical impact on the overall complex. transportation corridor. Projects promoted Designers following this approach did not by the MTRC have created vertical, Integrating Transit, Real Estate give a unique character to each of the autonomous enclaves within the city. and Urban Planning sites, nor did they give a separate urban Some of the first of these rail and urban status to railway infrastructure. However, developments occurred in large sites, such The success of these early projects made with time, it was realized that this early as Kowloon Bay and Tai Koo where the the MTR aware of the economic potential approach was functional but did not MTRC tested its vertical stratification of its stations even in areas not generally impart identity, so it was re-evaluated. model on a very large scale. considered suitable for service enterprises, Plans to relocate the airport created an The Kowloon Bay urban complex, located such as Tai Koo and Quarry Bay. An initial opportunity for the Hong Kong near the closed on the first assessment of the advantages was made government to launch major transit subway line (Kwun Tong Line), was the at the end of the 1980s as soon as the first projects. These began in the early 1990s, first major real-estate development project four MTR lines were completed. and made it possible for the MTRC to launched by the company (in the early The company then decided to enhance begin constructing its second generation 1980s). The project was remarkable in the three functions of its stations: the of rail and urban development projects. combining the functions of a busy train technical (transit infrastructure); the These were located along the fifth MTR depot with ordinary real-estate functions economic (investment and financing); and line offering two parallel services (the (station, commercial enterprises, housing and offices), in order to maximize profits Table 3 Ten (ACP) Projects of Hong Kong’s Port from the available land. A nearby large and Airport Development Strategy (PADS) plot of land that had been previously used for train maintenance was available, • Airport (first runway and associated facilities) making it possible to develop a massive • North Lantau Expressway complex on a rectangular slab with an • Reclamation area of approximately 9 ha. The pillars • West Kowloon Expressway • for the slab stand between the tracks and • (part) the slab covers the entire site and adjoins • Airport Railway the street-level station. It houses • Part of Central and Wanchai Reclamation related to Airport Railway commercial enterprises and forms a • Lantau fixed crossing (including rail portion and Route 3 interchange) podium that supports some 40 residential • Tung Chung Development Phase 1 towers as well as MTRC’s head office. Source: Hong Kong's Port and Airport Development Strategy. A Foundation for Growth. PADS, Hong The Tai Koo complex is located on the Kong Government, 1991.

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focal point of the new metropolitan line. Table 4 MTRC Property Development on Airport and Tung Chung Lines For disembarking passengers, it is the Station Hong Kong Kowloon Olympic Tung Chung gateway to the metropolitan centre, while Site area (ha) 5.71 13.54 16.02 5.40 21.70 for other transit users it evokes an image Domestic GFA (m2) - 608,011 493,152 245,700 935,910 of the airport which is only 23 minutes (number of apartments) - (5,816) (7,146) (3,500) (12,356) (number of inhabitants) - (15,000) (20,000) (10,000) (35,000) away. The architectural vocabulary Shop GFA (m2) 59,460 82,750 62,400 46,170 55,668 conveys a sense of modernity that applies Office GFA (m2) 254,190 235,778 111,000 - 15,000 equally to the airport and the financial Hotel/service apartment GFA (m2) 102,250 163,472 - - 22,000 district. For example, the International Total GFA (m2) 415,900 1,090,011 666,552 291,870 1,028,578 Finance Centre (IFC) complex built over Built-up density (m2/ha) 72,837 80,503 41,607 54,050 47,400 the station has a number of elements GFA = Gross Floor Area Source: Property Related Services, MTRC, HK, 2002. indicative of the modern age: a spacious atrium where travellers can check luggage; two office towers; a podium Airport Express Line and the Tung Chung development opportunities. Five of the occupied by commercial enterprises; and Line, both starting operations in 1998). sites (Hong Kong/Central, West Kowloon, a hotel boasting a park (still under The fifth MTR line was planned with two , Tsing Yi and Tung Chung) construction). The atrium is the main objectives. The primary objective was to have a total area of almost 62 ha. Other element of the north side. With four levels serve the new airport that would be sites are under construction, including enclosed in glass, this extensive space located far from the urban core (in 2001, Penny’s Bay, where a Disneyland is offers views of the port and lets in plenty ridership was 25,000 passengers per day); scheduled to open in 2005. of natural light. One of the two office the secondary objective was to alleviate The variety of the districts to be served— towers, called One IFC, is an 88-storey congestion in the entire existing network, from highly urbanized areas on Hong skyscraper—the city’s tallest. It stands out which was saturated, especially in the Kong Island to less-developed sites on against the skyline, and is a new landmark. Kowloon area. The fifth MTR line was Lantau Island—indicates the need for One IFC sits on an open, circular podium designed as part of an ambitious, many different approaches. Each station serving as the focal point for the government-driven plan to modernize the has its own architectural design and westernmost part of the complex. The entire territory—in other words, it was satisfies urban planning requirements that concourse attracts pedestrian traffic from conceived as part of an overall urban a station be specific to its surroundings the footbridges, then leads it to the three development plan, not just as an addition and become a new urban centre serving commercial levels above the station. to the transit network. In fact, construction its neighbourhood and region. The Built on a relatively small plot of of the line was grouped with other major diversity and size of the projects clearly reclaimed land (5.7 ha), Hong Kong infrastructure and urban projects, indicate these objectives (Table 4). While Station is one of the most well-equipped becoming part of the 10 Airport Core the stations on the Airport Express Line yet compact interconnecting nodes on the Programme Projects of Hong Kong’s Port (Hong Kong, Kowloon, Tsing Yi and new line. The building is bordered to the and Airport Development Strategy (PADS) Airport) each have a unique, indeed north by ferry terminals, and to the south announced in 1991 (Table 3). These 10 spectacular design, those of the Tung by the Exchange Square complex, with its major projects drew their energy from the Chung Line (Olympic, Lai King, and Tung three tall buildings, road depot and construction of the new airport and were Chung) are more subdued. In each case, parking lots. A network of pedestrian essential to the airport’s success. They are the station design was done by an bridges feeds into the complex and part of a plan to develop a new zone in independent architectural office under the branches out into the central district. A western Hong Kong, which had hardly guidance of MTRC. large tunnel with moving sidewalks links been previously exploited. to the neighbouring The fifth MTR subway line (34 km, seven Hong Kong Station Central Station. stations) runs through districts that are —Ultimate Interconnectivity Accessibility from the immediate quite different from those of earlier lines. surroundings is excellent because of the Some were little developed, while others Hong Kong Station is located in the heart station’s numerous physical were reclaimed land. Land set aside for of the business centre on a first-rate connections—aerial, underground and the new stations offers excellent waterfront location. The station is the ground level—and also because of certain

32 Japan Railway & Transport Review 35 • July 2003 Copyright © 2003 EJRCF. All rights reserved. Waterfront area north of Hong Kong Station facing Victoria Harbour (Author) Podium for skyscraper at Hong Kong Station serving as interconnecting concourse for pedestrian traffic (Author) visual factors, including verticality and while all functions that are dynamic Because they are higher than usual they transparency among the surrounding (transportation, commerce) are are fewer in number, leaving more open urban fabric. The station building spreads concentrated beneath the platform. The space above the platform. out dramatically in three dimensions, remarkable openness of the station When completed, the Landmark creating an urban topography that stands covering, which lets natural light penetrate skyscraper will rise above the south-east out among the relative flatness of the to great depths within the concourse, gives part of the complex. It will be similar in surrounding cityscape. an open atmosphere to this massive yet size to IFC One in Central, and will compact podium. Imposing with its huge, symmetrically complete the image of Kowloon Station and inorganic public space, the station is Victoria Harbour as a modern gateway Pedestrian City of Future located so as to ensure easy access from turned towards the west. above and below, thereby fulfilling its role Kowloon Station stands on the south-east as an important hub. The absence of Spatial Integration at side of Kowloon, facing the Kowloon structures above the subway tracks allows Central business district. It is the largest for an axis for sight-lines from one end to of the stations on the new line, and will the other, defining the configuration of the Tsing Yi is a small island between the serve as an anchor for a gigantic urban structures and guiding the platform traffic. south-west part of the New Territories and development being constructed in several Three levels of the podium (two Lantau Island, and faces Hong Kong’s phases on 13.5 of 334 ha of land underground, one at street level) house freight docks. When the reclaimed from the adjacent sea. all the infrastructure and facilities for the was built and the new MTR line opened, The project represents the most successful various transportation modes. The first Tsing Yi found itself in a privileged example of how the stratification of urban and second levels contain a pedestrian position, being conveniently linked to the functions, tested 20 years earlier by the network of shops, public spaces and airport, to the centre of Hong Kong, and MTRC, has evolved. The core concept footbridges linked to the surrounding to the New Territories. calls for a complete separation of buildings. The platform is part of a wide, The land set aside for the new station is automotive and pedestrian traffic and a open, landscaped space, and was relatively small (5.4 ha) and has turned complete separation of mobile and static designed to offer views of the Bay. Several out to be among the most restricted. The activities using an interface that follows office and hotel towers will be constructed site is hemmed in on one side by Rambler the proportions of the site. The concept near the central core, with residential Channel, a very busy waterway used for was followed by constructing a pedestrian towers laid out in a peripheral zone east freight transport, and it was necessary to platform 18-m above ground level, and of the major axis. Freed from height construct a dual-level bridge for the two placing the station in the centre. All restrictions formerly imposed by the subway lines. The bridge crosses the functions that are static (housing, offices, nearby Kai Tak Airport, the 22 new developed site, which was planned to butt hotels) are accessible from the platform, buildings average 50 stories each. against it. By running the track on an

Copyright © 2003 EJRCF. All rights reserved. Japan Railway & Transport Review 35 • July 2003 33 Urban Railways in Asia

buildings create an angle permitting the long corridor for sight-lines toward other emergence of the curved roof of the parts of the new waterfront district (which Airport Line concourse. is still under construction). The various construction projects, for housing, businesses, several office buildings and a —Priority on Public Space hotel, have been planned along this major axis. The station is a slender, two-level Tung Chung is a new urban district rectangular structure. Trains run between the sea and mountains on Lantau underground and the ground floor is a Island at the doorstep to the new airport. linear, well-lit concourse with a high It was planned as a two-phase ceiling, accommodating the usual type of development and the plan was fine-tuned station services and small businesses. with a view to ultimately accommodating Bordered on one side by a pedestrian 320,000 residents by 2011. Tung Chung courtyard and on the other by a road for has direct links to the centre of Hong Kong taxis, buses and mini-buses, the station and is currently populated mainly by building is very pedestrian-friendly, airport staff. permitting easy access on the same level. About 20 of a total of 67 ha reclaimed A pedestrian bridge with transparent cover from the sea have been reserved for the runs through the station at the upper level, The residential and commercial complex straddling Tsing Yi Station is pierced by the railway first development phase. The terminus of joining a pre-existing commercial centre infrastructure. (Author) the is the central element on one side and a new type of podium on in the plan and its presence has dictated the other. The footbridge forms a link over upper level through the podium, the conditions set out in the overall plan. One the North Lantau Expressway and the planners abandoned the common of the priorities agreed by the government parallel underground track of the Airport principle of using stratification to separate and MTRC’s urban planners was to create Line, and connects with the elevated urban functions. This offers two a district in which all residents live no pedestrian network that serves the rest of advantages. First, the two spacious, more than 5 minutes on foot from the the new district. The linear podium brightly lit concourses (one for the Tung station. This priority was embraced in houses a number of businesses and Chung Line at the first level of the podium, order to reduce dependence on other offices, and its roof has a walkway with the other for the Airport Line two levels modes of transportation. vegetation, leading both physically and above) breaks the spatial monotony of the Numerous factors, such as the large visually from one end to the other to shopping mall and fully integrates the amount of available land, fewer density various parts of the city. station with the entire complex, making restrictions in this sparsely populated part Beyond the station and the podium, it a superlative interior gateway. Second, of Hong Kong, and the ability to put the toward the mountains, eight residential because the land along the waterfront was subway line underground have created towers form an arc pierced by the visual kept free of track, it was possible to excellent opportunities for innovative axis stretching from the station. A public transform it into a linear park and to offer urban planning. Although some walkway with vegetation is aligned with greater accessibility between the podium stratification principles still remain, the this axis. The walkway is some 30-m wide and its immediate environment. model favouring vertical stratification of and will connect the station courtyard to A dozen residential towers for 10,000 urban functions has been abandoned in a future park at ground level. The smooth- inhabitants have been built on both sides favour of horizontal distribution. The surfaced 30- to 50-storey buildings are of the undeveloped railway right-of-way, urban functions are linked through large built on pillars varying in height from 10 dividing the roof of the podium into two spaces reserved for pedestrian use at to 16 m. Elevating the buildings in this equal triangles and forming a landscaped ground level. The development is way offers many advantages—it increases corridor for sight-lines that permit a visual characterized by its diversity of functions, air circulation within the site, creates idea of the entire architectural form. To a number of open spaces, and abundant visual openings permitting sight-lines the north, tall buildings run along the axis, greenery (Table 5). through the development, provides each and are thus separated from a noisy rapid- The north-east/south-west orientation of apartment with a view of the imposing traffic corridor. To the south, other the mass of the station building creates a landscape, and ensures urban continuity

34 Japan Railway & Transport Review 35 • July 2003 Copyright © 2003 EJRCF. All rights reserved. Table 5 Tung Chung Land Use Area (ha) Proportion (%) Commercial 2.16 0.85 Comprehensive development area 22.85 9.04 Residential (Group A) 36.01 14.24 Village type development 5.43 2.15 Government, institution or community 17.74 7.02 Open space 55.80 22.07 Other specified uses 2.69 1.06 Green belt 47.10 18.63 Major roads, etc. 63.03 24.94 Total 252.81 100.00 Source: Tung Chung Town Centre Area: Outline Zoning Plan, Town Planning Ordinance, Hong Kong Town Planning Board, 2002.

Hong Kong was planned as the backbone Stations, whether they have an integrating for future urban development projects. role as at Tsing Yi or a dominant role as at Now that most of these projects are edging Tung Chung, will henceforth be evaluated Orientation of station providing axis for sight-lines toward completion, it is possible to according to the advantages they add to through residential towers of downtown Tung Chung (Author) evaluate their role in integrating urban and the city. The advantages are multiple, and transport functions. involve economic, social and ecological by integrating supplementary functions The gamble made jointly by the Hong forces. Architecture plays a major role in (businesses, facilities, parking lots, Kong government and the MTRC shows releasing these latent forces. I pedestrian traffic) at ground level. The that there are still alternatives to general planning for the site now uncontrolled urban development and Acknowledgements integrates these supplementary functions dependence on the automobile in large I would like to acknowledge the invaluable help and within the podium. industrialized cities. More than anything, information provided by Steve Yiu, MTRC Town The podium is small with no more than it confirms that planning on two scales— Planning Manager and by Kwok Yan Chan, MTRC two levels. It is covered with greenery and local and global—is the key to future Senior Area Project Manager (Property). has two distinct elements: the commercial, comprehensive development of the urban which is easily accessible to the general landscape. It also shows that cities can public, and is defined by the curved be redeveloped and renewed through alignment of the tall buildings above; and mass transit if the transit system is given the amenities consisting of parking lots, supports, such as combined functions, gardens, etc., which are for exclusive use denser use at interconnecting nodes, of residents and located in the central space intermodality, and appealing open spaces. defined by the curved alignment. In Hong Kong, these supports aid rail transport in every case, whether they are Railway Infrastructure huge metropolitan structures or a — Important Role in Future composite urban fabric. Development Corinne Tiry The first KCR railway line highlighted other new and impressive urban Ms Tiry is a French architect-researcher. She attended Kyoto University from 1994 to 1996 as a researcher development projects launched in the on a scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. She then received an AFAA grant from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to study in Tokyo as a freelance architect-researcher from New Territories after WWII. Subsequently, 1996 to 1997. She has written several articles for specialist magazines (including JRTR 13, 20 and 28), and the aim of most MTR subway lines was to is the author of Learning from 3 Tokyo Stations, 1997–2000 (CD-ROM format). In 2003, she was awarded an serve other densely populated districts. AFAA grant Villa Médicis Hors Les Murs for research in Hong Kong. She is a current member of the research But the new MTR subway line in western team AVH (Architecture, Ville, Histoire) at Lille Ecole d'Architecture.

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