Is· HOOD , British capital including the battle have partici­ 42,000 ~~ and 8 were said to pated in the Mediterranean battle, its Bank of , has rec.eived 500, 000, 000 francs froa re1'ugee headquarters at Clel"lllont to meet German demands at that all French and u.s. banks reopen for business once, l , ooo, ooo, ooo francs will arrive next week to . help reestablish the banks and to pay public employees u.s. Exports, in May, increased to all parts of the , world except Europe. May exports totalled $325 ,306,000 . compared with $249 ,466,000 in the same month last year

German High COJIIIDIInd , cla1 med si nk1 ng of a. British sub- 500 marine off Norway, British steamer HARTLEPOOL , 5, ton tons , was sunk southwest of Portland, and a 12, 000 in and an 8, 000. ton mer chant were also sunk

a British .

British Air Miniatrz, eaid that Royal Air Force planes had had attacked 5 Gel"lllan U-boats in 5 days of June and

been "successful" in all cases. repor- Squadron 40-T, headed by the cruiser TREliTON , was

ted to have sail ed f r om Lisbon, Portugal todAy, , U. S, S, DI CKERSQN, was reported to have arrived at Lisbon

from Bilbao. '...,:all ac 11 tl "\ 1 REPORT TO THE SECRETJIRY OF THE NAVY 8 July 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, 5 July • •••• ••••• • 145,624 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 3,721 Other Reservists II " " II ... 1,745 Total • ••• •• 5,466 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) •••• ••• •••• 263

Aggregate Discharges II " II • ••• ••••••• 180 ~ • • •• • • • • •• 8.3 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 1 July: Line Officers 412 Staff Officer s 134 Warrant Officers ~ Total 580 Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrallty patrol as of 6 July1 Number Number Number Officers Allowed Qblis;ated Ordered Aviation Instructors 150 150 128 District Patrol Planes 0 0 0 Naval Intelligence 85 83 83 W.sce11aneous 835 · 654 511 Ens. and Lieuts. (j.g.) with Fleet 200 200 163 Merchant !.Iarine and Lieut. D-V(G) 100 100 112 • Total Officers 1370 1187 997 Men District Patrol Planes 340 340 69 Communications 120 114 110 IAiscellaneous ~ m Total Men 27~ ~21 1153 2 . acceptance trio.le on 9 July off Praviucetown, [ ._s_&. BARRY, It is thought that message Sunday on BARRY liminary Jlaes. The Board of Inspection and Survq will conduct the troo an as yet unknown co:::oercial. source. Naval c0!1D!IIllrlcat1one ' ~lately got in touch with the BARRY Price Indox for all Coe~:odities for the week ending 29 Jlm' throuah Comnnder Squadron 40-T and found she was , was "f7 .1, unchanged from the week before. safely anch~red inside the breakwater at Bilbao and that 1940

, STACK , HUGHES, RHIN1l 1 and TRIPPE , will proceed the report o1' attack had no basis 1n fact. F. B.I. is en- DostroYert! company to San Juan on 15 July and report to Commander deavoring to trace source o1' the incorrect report. Pan in Patrol for duty as relief to Division American Air Lines first picked up the report through one These vessels will r01118in in the San Juan - St. Thdmae· of their air stations, but did not know the source, 61, . service. Desdiv , Portueal.. area, rendy for emergency duty in distant U. s.s. O!UJ!A and GOFF 1 are at Lisbon , when rollevod will proceed to Navy Yards assigned for u.s.s. l'IAUE and ftAIJrnRIGHT, en route to Rio Janeiro, 61, 1

will arrive there 19 July and leave 20 July to carry out ovorhsul. Reserve, Action is being taken to 1nfol'll1 by res­ regular schedule from Rio Grande de Sul. Naval. letter, all comoanding officers of ships and sta­ CinCUS , Admiral. Richardson, arrived in llaahington yester­ tricted o1' the possible ooactment of a bill whicl:l would day to confer with Nay;y Deparl;ment ot'ficial.s regarding tions the appointment to commissi oned and warrant fleet training and 11111 return to the i'leet as soon as authorize grades in the Naval Reserve of collll!deeiooed, warrant of­ conferences are completed. and eullsted men of the regular Navy and the re­ IIArine Corpe, total enlisted strength as o1' 8 July is ficers tired list and men of the fleet reserYG. The Bureau of 27 ,056. Average increase dailY is 65. Tl)ie i s expected will receive the noadnatione o1' CO!IIIlllDdina to improve 'lrban new recruiting stations now being organi- Navigation of those persons 1n the above categories wbom zed are opened. Officers or n.rrent PC449, subclarine chseer built at Luders, will have pre- they consider qualified for such commiseioned lt.· status. The detennination of the conditions of such ap- pointments upon passage of the bill will be under r egula­ tions established by the Secretary of the Navy. Special legislation recommended by the Navy Department is necessary to sue~ appointments in the Naval Reserve possible be­ cause of the Naval Reserve Act of 1938, which prohibits any member of the Naval Reserve belonging to any other military or naval organization except the Naval Militia.

u.s.s. MACKEREL (SS204) , is scheduled to be launched at the plan~ of the Electric Boat Company, Groton, Conn., on 28 September. French Carrier, COl.I:AANDANT TFSTE, reported des­ troyed in the Battle of Oran, has reached a French port safely and undamag~ , according to the Official German News Agency , The COWWIDAlrr TESTE is of 10, 000 tons dis­ placement , and carries 26 aircraft with four catapUlts . RAdio Madrid asserted that 25 French ships in add1tion t o the battle cruiser STRASSBOURG, reached Uediterre.nean port s safely , chiefly under the protection of the STRASS­ OOURG ' s guns, during the height of the bettle wer e they able to effect escape trom the Brit ish. Ther e is no r e- port of French ships at Casablanca. @gnflMelfJ'FS SECRETARY OF 'rHE NAVY 9 July 1940

Total Enlisted St rength, 8 July • •••• • • • • • • 145,705

Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 31 721 Other Reservists " " II " • •• 1,745 Total ••••• • 5,466 Aggregate Enlistments (last 48 hours) ...... 189 Aggregate Discharges " " " •• ••••••••• .....!!2. Gain • • • • •••• • • 100

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 1 July: Line Officers 412 Staff Officers 134 Warrant Officers .....2,4 Total 580

! Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of as of 8 Julyz Nwnber Nwnber Nwnber Officers Allowed Obligated Ordered Aviation Instructors 150 150 128 Distri ct Patrol Planes 0 0 0 Naval Intelligence 85 83 83 Miscellaneous 835 654 511 Eos . and Lieuts. (j.g.) with Fleet 200 200 163 Merchant Marine and Lieut. D-V(G) .!Qq 100 112 Total Officers l.370 1187 997 Men Distr~ Patrol Planes 340 340 ~ Communications 120 114 110 Miscellaneous 2290 Y!Jz Total Men 2750 i;~ 1153 2. ·' I l · police bad requested ac- -Adodral Spears. gaTe the. openins e.ddress to the new Supply characters. Shangbai cnmicipe.l to prevent diaturbances . On 7 Officers School at Georgetown Univer11ity t.h:l.e nCIX"ning . tive support of Marines ts.nks entered the Aaerican section with- Students attendin8 001118'" from all part!! of the country. July two Japanese :I.e being damnded. On the Dei'anoe Colll:littee, con11isting of Mr. Philip Young, Admiral. out autborit)". An explanation General. of the Japeneae forces in Spear, and Colonel Byrne, u.s.A., is handling all requeets same de.y the CoiiiJ!IIIllding tour with a party of 15 care ~ f'roa foreign gO..:erncsnts for war supplies. Reouests from China aade an official. perr:dsaion aDd w1 thout noti­ Venezueui, ruz=k~y , Netherlands Eaet Indies, etc. , clear the American sector without Japanese attention is beina cilled through this committee. Mr. Young succeeded Mr. Nelson as fying our authorities. Japaneae Arftq trucks Chairman. to this discourtesy. On 3 July, 125 sector in gross violation of 4th Yarinee, China, Tho local. J o.pnnese Commander of tho pe.eaed through the American requested. Gendarmerie apol.ogized for incident concerning arreot of .,reement. An explanation is being the ennina of ll July for the ll'eat at Shanghai for violating Al:lerican quarter, giv­ CinCUS wil.l leave on 16 peroons -~-"' ing assurances that there would be no recurrence or troubl.e. Coast to r eJoin the U. S. Fleet. , announcn that the Aaerican The prisoners have been reJ.eased. At a preaa conference lfaval. C...unication Serrlce Com]l8117 will open direct c

tion will be used. Santa Barbara, California, also wants to build an armory to be leased to the Navy1 · total cost, $56 1 000 1 under a W,P.A. project, of 'Ulird class construc­

tion. Northwestern university has offered a new dormitory,

Brewster Hall, aoconnnodating 1200, to the Navy, located on their Chicago Campus. They have stopped taking registra­ tions for this Wilding pending Navy Department decision

to take it or not, This offer is public spirited to the higbest ,

Chairman Walsh, Senate Naval Affaire Committee, introduced a bill which would authorize payment. of overtime wo.ges t o

!'ield serrloe employees of the Navy and Coast Guard who work IIICil'e t han 40 hours a week,

Admiral Stark, will speak over the Columbia Broadcasting

system, Station 1'1JSV, at l0z30 tonight, Eastern Standard time,

German HiAA Q()IIIIMnd , today claimed torpedoing r:L the Bri­ tish destroyer WHIRLWilfD and said that several merchant ships, including an ll1 000 ton naval tanker, had been destroyed. (}eli\fiUJJ§' ~l~ SECRETARY OF 'DiE NAVY 10 July 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, 9 July ••••••••••• 145,853

Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 3,721 n Other Reservists n II II ••• 1,745

Total •••••• 5,466 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••••••••• 168

Aggregate Discharges " " 11 ••••••••••• ....22. Gain .••.•••••• 118

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of l July: Line Officers 412 Staff Officers 134 Warrant Officers ~ Total 580 i · l · N~t!!], 8•!!1"!• ""'ebhwp. ~Uoa 11 be.1.aC perlKted biiWiinc at liO

1, 9? c&nd.i.datea had been to.kon in. 'l'hia f1.&ure reacbl4 tJYer1 .'} aontha, a.nd at Hortb•oatun tYery three IIOO'tb1 . L47 •• 6 R_.w ot 1u17. to date ~ 6 1u17, inc­ n 1o oxpoot.ocl Norllnreotom will bo - u;> to 1, 200 pl..u Uot , 474. n 1a t.boucl>< tho ar1g1no1 f'4urtt ot 600 capacity. It turtber _.ion 1a MceooorT, it 1a bopo4 1l1ll bo .~ be!..... tho 1l'llllllll0 oolls. ot ...... ;)00 11111 on eMl.tional ocboo1111ll bo oponocl a t Loa J.Deele• Janl be chooon b)' the ot tho 1liO!!Il:G to atton4 tho RtHr"l• .Azw>ry. firot ) 100t1tlla couroo on tho ILLDIOIS. lle)'1>n4 thJ.o tir- S.S, G!W!f an4 S .S. lftCii'SOII , oro to be converted into ure ~ those qUIIlitied IYO' att.encl the aecond achool or l=naporto on obt.e1J1ed troo tlle IIArlti=e Coa•iliiiJ.OG • thOM tollowf.bc coaven1ao-t. to th•. Capta.i.o LoDdon rill s.s. !!OQIAC mr;r, 1l1ll probel>l:l be purcbaMd troo the bo ill cho.rp ot tho !~ .-1, Re hoe bod two l.cNnl l&&riU.. c-teAcrt tor eoanrd.oo into a aeaplane toe:.\:• ot dllty with the Nanl ~·-• \JUt at Georpa School ot der. tbo Mavy 11 aleo l ooJdn& at tllo s.s. SAN~A liAI!lWIA TooMoloQ. Y1rst scho-ol bocina 10 August, r1&lo1 M4 S.S. SANTA WJUA •• pooeibl o tranoporle. booko, Mel aupplleo to bo na4:f at tllot tl.oo. 'l'bl IOC• U,S, S, lf68P an4 IC)fll'.IS, 1l1ll train Marine piloto troo on4 Ochool 1l1ll probel>l:l bo oponocl at !ortlm urt«m Vl11•• Q\w>Uco troo 15 IUlT to 20 A~ . ara11.7, tlle th1ri at tho Hanl Acodoo dllty will raturn b- in - . crul.oo will be tekon on ), !rae 19 A"i\\lt y,S ,S. l:JiUCHER1 MAO!allZIE, ~ ~ and WIU.LU&S are to 14 Soptomber , It io hoped 1, 200 1l1ll be ~ tor at tho Na.,.. YIU"d , Now l ork, t or a tP d.a7a w1 tb Bolton thU ltoond cruise, halt to cont..lnue witb coun t •tt..rtiAc ~lOrdi to on 2 ...U betoro to ~~~­

ton tor llbortT IUlT ll-.!5. k· Naval COIIIIIIUil.ication Service, Admiral Noyes reports that they expect to hoist a big new antennae on all line tow- era at Radio Annapolis, beginning tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.

Senate confirmed, Colonel Knox a s Secretary of the Navy this afternoon.

Representative Martin Dies, is credited with a statement that sabotage had been discover ed on a batt~eship being built in an undisclosed Pennsylvania Yard.. This could only mean Philadelphia, as it is the only Yard in Penn- sylvania where a is under construction. Off;- . cials at the Philadelphia Navy Yard said they had no knowledge of a frustrated plot to sabotage a battleship.

The plot could have been discovered while being planned, before Yard officials had cognizance of it.

Governor William H. Vanderbilt, of Rhode Island, a lieu- tenant in the Naval Reserve, reported to the Navy Depart­ men~ today for two weeks active du~ in O. N. I .

NavY fliers, searched today for the wreckage of an Army attack plane which crashed in Hombre de Dios Harbor, 60 from Colon. REPORT TO '!'HE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY • ll July 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, 10 July , •••••••• , 146,139 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 3,8ll

Other II Reservists " n " ... 1,776 ;rota.l •••••• 5,587 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••••••• , • 315 Aggregate Discb&rges n n a ...... ~ ~ .••••••.•• 165 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 1 July:

Line Officers 4)..2. Staff Officers 1.34 Warrant Officers ~ Total 580 Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement. or neutrality patrol as of 10 July: Number Number Number Officers Allowed Qbli2ated Ordered Aviation Instructors 150 150 128 Di strict Patrol Planes 0 0 Naval 0 Intelligence 85 83 8.3 lliecellaneoua 8.35 654 5ll Ens. and Lieuts. (j . g. ) with Fleet 200 200 16.3 Merchant Uarine and Lieut. D-V(G) 1:QQ 100 112 Total • Officere 1.3?0 1187 99'7 -Men District Patrol Planes .340 .340 69 Comnpm1 cationa 120 ll4 110 Miscellaneous ~ Total Men 2750 m5 &t z.. l · end1ng 5 Ju.l7t Reoru1Ung ActirtUes tar weot t or P\&aot Sound Havy Iue! at $6/.0, 000J .3 tot' at enu~, 1S'78 - !iu:lber or •PP''c~.a::• aoctpt.ed tor rtnt $.180,000 oru1 ) for P-1 llorbor ot $.180,000. Roc- , 988 N\atber ot lir.-t. enl.11tllenta • , , •• • • , , , , , • , , to4a,y tor )2 not ton­ a 4ot1on ia oxpoot.a4 to ro tllrouel> llu:lbor ot ree»liataonta within Uu-18 a.oot.b. •. ~ (...,tinuou.o ••rnco) • 41 d.ara ., • coet or ep~tely w ,ooo,ooo. or ...... u._t.a ...s.r -.., -· ...!2 ·=- 8 S!cretarr or ~ Ntyr, •t. 11•ber• ot hil CauncU .oo toW Dt.Ua teenta • , , , 1048 Th . tho '*'orol Boud at noca todo.Y to t.ha N•YT ~I'UtMnt Bures ot. SUppllt!. aDd Jecounte. placed order• with Pr-tach ~· ,.. or­ wire. s.s. C!IBA, opporenU.y c.o.rry1.oc thrc:pon!ee totalJ.inl tl23,789 Cctr d.p.\IOoing OoYormtt!tlt. &nd 1s bound I dered to u..U by the Dca1nican Qfflc1a1 7r1Alt ot P , C, 4J.9 (S\UMrJ.ot; chaMr) tor !luico or M&rt.1nique, b:r Ludera at St.eatorct, Conn., were held yoa~ ott ~ pas•ed e. bill . !few York prydoo'!, 'lbo s.n&te Provilloeto.m, Matt, A aptOd. d l?' .1 lo:lot.a w.a att&.1n.ed Ill• outllorJ.&tog tho hdorol GoYu=ont to -,. 1wo.1.t ~ rn.l - ...... u oawtiec! with r eoult.a. ~,000,000 coat or buUdJ.n,g a new drydoc.k 1n He• York na.v-&1 U!!!1cal Center. et.Ml w-ork tor towel' 1a completod to acc-.te ,5,000 ,_ '-tU•IIh.lpa. aDucent.~ or both wtoc•· nrot Uouae acc.-pted s.n&te e::endaenta and. N. H.R. lOlQQ, The floor b ~ t or pow-.tnc •• aocm •• 6a:nd and &rGv ­ aent to 'lb.U• the .$4,000, 000,000 N•nl txpan otriloo to NtUocl, All _troc.., to date .... oheed or aion BUl. AaMdatota wu. aeeeptecl rl thcNt debate or achedule, roll ..U >"Ot.l - a oooti<>n by Obalnoo.o Vinoon. Thia All Crr:1't1ea, pr1ca 1n4a tor ,.,. end.t.N 6 lV.l¥.., bUl will incroo.M t.l>o ••.,. .r.- 369 to 7)) abipa. 71. 5, up ,4 t'roaa a week ..,o. r ee the Qee M!r Station, will be t&ken OYtr tr,' the Hll'Y'Y t . o.l.r­ Cout o...rd about 1 AQCIUt Ucm of ~ ooapl&no wrecktoc 4orricko (fctr ot.l"~in& er HllTAl. Plooca. will be boolt.ed to 10, 000 1n maber unct 4 pl&noo) to CbArl6oton Nuy Yard •t •w,ooo (tor 2) 1 ..,..._ ... lecJ,.al&ttc:wa . !he !la:Y'J' bu, u or 1 Alf. 1546 !t.· vice planes, 92 obsolete, 286 obsolescent, and 32 experi- mental, totalling 1956. Naval Reserve bas 184 service planes and 32 obsolete.

!.lalta, according to best advices is no longer tenable as a fleet for the, rut can be expected to hold out for two months. It is thought the British would like to bring the Italian fl.aet to action in the .ldediterran~ in order to get control and thus be able to release some of their forces to the Home Fleet,

50,000 blankets, of white wool have been purchased at a unit cost of $5 . 635, total contract, $281, 750, from the Leaksville Woolen Mills, Inc,

U,S, S, l'iALKE (DD416) . and 1/AINWRIGHT {DD419) have put in- to Paramaribo, Dutch 'iTest Indies, because of an acute . appendix case. It is thought this is the first tme An&r- ican mon of war have touched on bellieerent terr~tory .

Itinernry V-7 Naval Reserve Cruise, far the first 600 reserve midshipmen in the \VYOI>fiNG will leave on 16 July arriving Southern Drill Grounds 17 July, departing 24 July for Guantanamo, arriving there 28 July and leaving on 5 August for New York, disembarking mid­ shipmen oo 10 August. Total Enlisted Strength, 11 July ••••••••• • 146,295 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty • •• 3 1 811 Other Reservists " " " " .. . 1,7'16 Total •••••• 5, 587 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••••••••• 314

Aggregate Discharges tf " tl ...... w Gain ••••••••.• 165 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 1 July: Line Officers 412 Staff Officers 134 Warrant Officers ..1lt Total 580 Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of neut.rallty patrol as of 11 Julya Number Number Number Officers Allowed Obligated Ordered Aviation Instructors 150 150 128 District Patrol Planes 0 0 0 Naval Intelligence 85 83 83 Miscellaneous 835 654 511 Ens . and Lieuts. (j, g, ) with neet 200 200 163 Marchant J.larina and Lieut. D-V(G) 100 100 112 • Total Officers 1370 1187 m Men District Patrol Planes 340 3.40 69 Communications 120 114 110 Miacellaneoua ~ '!m. Total Men 2750 ~ 1153 ·- 2.· l · this mmber The Assistant Secretary. llr. Comptoo, Will lea,.e toniibt but tacilities are being expanded to increa&e Admiral for Philadelphia. lira. Compton wUl chrieton the u.s.s. to 6, 500. Present authorized naval construction, . . , 000 men inclu- ALBn!ARLE () at the New York Shipbuilding Nimitz said, would demand a force of 400 Will be needed to 111M Company, Camden, N.J., tOIIOlTO'tl', aTiatora by 1946. 1901 000 cen . during the present fiscal Coordination program, priority of contrncts as far as the the forceu to be in commission d to be in the Navy by January Nnvy is concerned have been approved and will now be work- year. 170, 000 are e:

both th~ Atlantic Acbldral Ninit£, told the Senate. Naval Affaire Committee ing air defenses were awarded today on on a coat-plus­ it requires at least 12 oontha to train a 111M for tho and Pacit'ic Coasts. Contracts were let fixed-tee basis. !laval Air Stations at Pensacola, !liami, Nnvy . At present t he Navy can handle about 4 1 500 a IDOllth, A· Jackacmrl.lle, Norfolk, Coco Solo, c.z., Alameda, Guantan-

amo , Quonset Point, , ~et Sound, Pearl Harbor,

and islands in the Pacific, all figured in the awards; there wer e 23 separate contracts let.

Bureau of Ships, having announced that all awards have

been made for the construction of combatant vessels in

the 2- year h1ilding program gave out today the number of

months to build, completion dates, and design agencies.

Private Yard assignments consist of 3 aircraft carriers,

4 heavy , ll light cruisers , 16 destroyers (2100

tons), 8 destroyers (1700 tons) , and 16 sul:marines , Navy

Yard assignments consist of 2 , 1 aircraft

carrier, 10 destroyers (2100 tons) , 4 destroyers (1700

t ons) , and 12 , Awdliary vessels placed to

date are 1 sul:marine tender, 2 seaplane tenders (small)

1 , and 1 seaplane tender (large) - all to be built at Navy Yards.

Bri tain denies, the claim of the German COIIIIII8Ild that

4, 329, 213 tons of British shipping had been sunk since the war began, British sources eaid German merchant losses totalled ffl, OOO tons and ItsHan 244,!)00 since the war begen, The aggregate of I talian-German losses, according to the British, is greater than the total British losses. REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 15 July 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 13 July •••••• • ••• 146,642

Fleet Reservists {Enlisted) on active duty ••• 3,811

Other Reservists II n n n • • • 1,776

Total •••••• 5,587 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours} ...... 240

Aggregate Discharges If " " ...... ~ Gain ••••• • • •• • 185

Retired Officer s returned to active duty as of 15 July:

Line Officers 465 Staff Officers 135 Warrant Officers _l§ Total 636 Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement

o[. neutralitz patrol as of 13 Julya Number Number Number Officers Allowed Obligated Ordered Aviation Instructors 150 150 128 District Patrol Planes 0 0 0 Naval Intelligence 85 83 83 Miscellaneous 835 ?54 511 Ens, and Lieuts. (j.g. ) witb Fleet 200 200 163 Merchant Marine and • . Lieut. D-V(G) 100 100 JJZ. Total Officers 1370 1187 m

yen District Patrol Planes 340 340 69 COIIIIIIUrlica tions 114 110 Miscellaneous Z62Q llQ2. :m: Total Men 2750 1563 1153 ~ . - ·l· - Claae V-7. He.yal. RfH!mt. 902 70\lll ..a have alreed7 en- c-UUvo td.dd.lni •-tz\toUcn ooctt....te, 640 ot . . . $73,3~,259 lirlod and ~9~ ..,.. t.lrooAy ordonI to o-.G 5,000 rooruita, cluriq t.~o t'l.ocol -reor 1918. li1:lc4 lobo 'lorl4 lfu lobo ~ 1a~ • ;~u.... ba" not ,.t ._, reeeiYoc! tr. b1cb -k ... clur1n& lobo ~ ,..... 193~. witll 341 ...... Ra• e.l D!Jotr1cta 1Aclue.l... 1boee wUh1nl to .U. tM ):a _.,.._ or a total nlue or $16,69/.,n;, \liiUl lobo fbce.l MCond or Rtktquea\ o:ruiMI in three bat.U•Ib!,pe haT! ,..... 19.)'), 1lb1oh &orb tha begiml.l..Q; or loba aanl • hare been roq~~eotoc! to .oleo t.beir ..UbH l:nom to KoVal Dil­ u:pe.noioo pl'OCI"U, and 11h1eh '/Kr m eoctract.e trict h-.dq\.l.&t"t4rl, a.ftl reeono unita, or r ecrW.tJ.n.& were awarded tot.ell.J.n£ W.., S09, 27). The p-oat. 1ncrea1e

I otat.iont. --- in tht n~ber of contrnc"t anrda1 which 11 an indicator Grtt..nd puohaap cbylot~ . ot Lux~bours will not ccae to ot t.ho total !Ork 1oad carriod by t.h Bureau., wu poao.L­ J.Aerioa in th4 TRCf'l'OH, bu.t aost or tho ~~~~mborl ot the ble oa1y beC4u&-e ot tbe onthuium an4 t!t1oJ.eno7 rith r~ tuil.y with lobolr .._. will be 011 board- 'l' 8\aroo.u'• force entered into the work. Tbt .,.._. abe arr1Ytl ba.e. . . . ) au.J,to accoapl.bhod justlfT lobe .... U.t all - ­ U, fi , S, TRJtljV!, L'\4 JWtiQ! ( .X.~ JJ)-"l -t prgsptS51 . oert!AI4 oontr1br.lte4 t~ 1D ac••• ot tM fti.I.OGA'bl.e ud .,.. -toe! to rMCI> Ullltod Stotu o!Jo,... allollt 'in Jul.T, ooral otforto 1lb1oh could be -toe! ot u... ,, lobou&!l exact

for $3501 000.

Air Compressor, Puget Sound, Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash­ ington, awarded to Norberg !.ti'g. Co., of Milwaukee, \'lis­ con sin, for $55) 521. Time of completion, 16o days.

o.s.s. WASP (), arrives Navy Yard, Nor­

folk, today.

Bureau Supplies and Accotmts, will probably make awards

for net tenders sometime today.

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, announces that s.s. IRO­

QUOIS, Clyde Liner, has been purchased for conversion into

a . IROQUOI S is of 61 209 gross tons, 409

feet long, and has a niax1mllll\ speed of 20 knots, cruising

speed of 16 knots. Procurement i s already underway for

purchase of medical supplies and equipment.

British Admiralty, announced that the subnarine SHARK, 670

tons, with 40 officers and men was considera bly overdue

and preS\lll\ed lost. This· is in addition to the loss of the

, 1 1 375 tons . Best information from Lon­ don st~ denies that the HOOD and ARK ROYAL have euffer­

ed from bomb hits at , that bombs fell close to · · · f ling in Lon- both but did no daJMge. There was better ee

don today about the ability to 'stop a possible invasion. SECRE'l'ARY OF THE NAVY 16 July 1940 ToteJ EP11ste4 Strength, 15 July • • • ••••••• 147,075 Fleet Reservist!! (Enlisted) on active duty' ·; . , :3','901 Other R!servists n " " n •• • 1.909 Total ••••• • 5,810

Aggregate Enlistments {last 48 Hours) , • • • • •• •• •• 290 Aggregate Discharges n n n • • • • • • • • • • • _.1!1.

Gain •••••• ••• • 211

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 July&

Line Officers 465 Staff Officers 135 Warrant Officers ...J.2 . , . Iotal 6.36

Naval Re&eu ista ordered to active duty for enforcement ot neutpllty patrol aa o£ 16 July& Number Number Number ~haracter of ~ti All8nd Q~ljgated Ordered V(G Officers Afloat sao 500 192 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 120 Aviation Instructors 248 "248 . 145 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 87 CEC-V(S) Officers 75 75 S4 SUpply Corpa Officers 75 75 8.3 Uedical & Dental Officers ll5 ll5 ll6 COIIIIIIUD.ica tion Officers 75 75 56 CC-V(S) Officers 32 .32 6 Administration of Reserve Midshipman Training ProgramlOO 100 100 llisoellaneoua 260 .?J.2 &.92. Total Estimated - li911ber u J and 1805 1790 ll98 ~· l· Karll\e Corpt. total .U.ted •tren.ctb •• ot lS .Jul71 ...-r• talcinc otopo "-4iDa w tho <1..-ol-t ot dArricoa

27,596 ("" ftM lliAJ (deotnlctian) cf thoao ainoo, The naval, 0~

Relltrvt H.1dah1pptn (Clan V- 7) 1 600 Miltd today tor ooe tache 1n London haa forwaro.d wraral. reports and a .nu:a­

~~ant.h • o cru.itt aboard the WYOONG. 1h11 PNCN.III wa• first ber ol plAna, lketcbea, and lptcit1oationa outl..1ning

pre••«~ w Nan.l R.e..,..o (-u ot lart&aticn) on ..tllodo WIOd by the BrUiob Ao!llirol~, !'Moo ban boeo be 0)'114 at u 23 .I'I>MI .plOD wu.. IIU!mtted Olld ·~ b)' ~t •tud.1t4 ud U. ~ .U.ct1Yt Clll41 Will -.p1 an 2 5 J\lno""" ...u.-to atarlod ao 28 .I'I>M. In 18 Nl'l7. data .. prut1cal>U. The o.s.s. lw.'lllii.I.L (..,._

c1a711 an ~~~uao baa bo"" portaotocl thot bu anl1rlod collaD-.o •ux1.1.1&zT) hu boon daol.&oatod u a - llhip .,.,. 950 ,.....,. oen and ..,, IJlo tirot 600 to aoa. It 11 tor em g,gnetio m::f.nee, and .-tepa art be.1ng taken to

hoped to han 1500 ready tor tecond. o:ruiet 1n WIOONO, KEf obtain ptrsonn~ and mato:""1al u np14J.7 &r:l posaible. Two

YORit, and AfllCANSAS, on 20 Augus-t. 11 )CO are to be ohoattn .u*ril\e ohaMra, SC43l 6N1 50437 IU"t llkerlee to be tor f'Uoat throe aoctbl IChool oo U.S.S. I.U..JlliOIS, it 1l1ll proridod tcr ~oto, !'!» -u ot Sbi)» to 1n touch with lla"'7 l&n:t, NaY&! Ordnanc­ bo s...-..ttna to ... b.. -T t.-1 qu&Utl.od rlll bo t.M Bureolw. of Ordzw:act, lot'tallt llacb­ rlll.1nc to ati.Ood, 1.:1 U.t tbia IObool- I.Dic'lore rlt.b LobontorJ, 1an.1 !!oNOrCb t.~torT. !ux1.1.i&zT J.A c~t1oa with coU.,. ec!ucat.1.GC.8 . .t.c. S.Ot.1cm, and the n.otr1..oal S.OtJ.on thio ...r~c. Burtau gt OrdM.nct· bu author1M4 to:r the BriUeh Pur­

chuina O~e&ion, the u.e of the deai.Cn• ot •x- Ouna, an a4d.1t.1onal 16 are arbort, e.nd )• oartridit oues tor tM'owinl 4tpt.h cbarpa. t.~ &D4 ne1ot1ated contract• tor IAI>der oorutl.clor.Uoo toc!ay, 'l'hq ..,.. tu.rtA& filtT •!" Cwlo, and lllOO arbor• S,S, Il!QU. Jn - Car IROQOOis oC tho - or ~co . !be - ot t!ll> to, ..,._ hae n.o t. been deoJ.ditd. A· John Steele, Chicago ))a1ly News foreign correspondent ad-

dressed the General Board today on the Far Eastern situa­

tion. Yr. Steele is returning to the Far East shortly.

War Sinldngs, Increased German air and activity

resulted in the sinking of 22 ships totalling 1141 137 tons during the week ended 7 Jlll.)-, the British Admiralty 'an­

nounced. Of the ·los1J ships, ·13 were British, totalling

75, 833 tons; 6 were neutrals, totalling 28,669 tons, and

3 were described as belonging to Britain' s allies, to­

talling 9, 635 tons.

Red Cross mercy ship arrived in Mar­

seilles last night, it was announced today.

Cramp's Shipyard, new corpor ation· is to be ehai-tered to­

day for reopening.· Under present plans, W. Averill Har­

riman, holder of most of the bonds of the present owners,

would purchase the shipyard at a tax sale on 16 Septem-


British Air Ministry, said that American pilots, tectmi.­

cians, and radio operators woUld be welcomed in the Royal

Air Force and granted commissions not involving· loss of

oitizenship. Invitation was said to be 'because produc­

tion was outstripping nUmber of trained pilots. • Ooullfip'lt t ~ SECRETARY OF THE NAuj ~ 1 July 1940 z, TotAl Enlisted Strength, 16 July • • • • • • • • 147 , 99

Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) ~n active ctutz; •.,... 3f~l

Other Reservists " It " " ••• 1 .9Q9

Total •••••• 5, 810 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••••••••• 159 Aggregate Discharges " " " •••••••••• • _J2, Gain • • • • • • • • • • 12.4.

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 July , Line Officers 465 Staff Offi cers . 1.35 Warrant Officers Total ~ Naval Reservists ordered to active duty f(J:r enforcement of neutrality patrol as of 17 July1 Humber Humber NUIIIber ~hArncter of Duty Allowed ON1sated Ordered V(G Officers Afloat 500 500 192 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 120 Aviation Instructors 248 248 145 I -V(S) Offi cers 125 125 87 CEC-V(S) Officers 75 75 84 Supply Corps Officers 75 75 8,3 Medical & Dental Officers 115 115 116 Communication Officers 75 75 56 CC-V(S) Officers .32 .32 6 Administration of Reserve Ml.ds!Upman Training Program 100 100 100 Miscellaneous 660 ~ .&9.2 Total Estimated Humber Allowed 1805 1790 1198 1· l· Rtlllf!l"¥! MJ.dlhiWD, Cla... V-7, 611 1f'C"e aotuall.7 •t:..rbtd ...awo, Vu:lc.o. o.s.s. STORTZ'VJJIT baa bHn ordered to

on tht WXONIJ(G batore u.:11.1ng. J.ll cont.!Aet~Wl oanl cont&oll u4 \ra.U her ahe paaae.. OUl.t ot Foo.aeca .

diltriot• W«H reprozsent.ed 'rith oanclid&ttl troca 3l etatcll ll!I1!12N . piO!:I!!J.SO-. and ij7JI!I!91'!, llavo doparlad trOll

arul tbt Dl.atrlct ot Coltt:>bl.a. Pont& Dtlpda and rill an-be Norfolk on 2S July.

~av!l, ArcbJ.teot;w.&J. ~we . a circula.r Utur baa ~ y.s.s. PKD!J) cpruru> aDd srt.g (pptM.), h&YI bHn order­

out t.o ~ - l:A4 ~U.... 1A c.U.,. ~ ed to SAD JU&ft, .

IAct=.a b)' 08'1&1 otticero, wl.tll 1M 14M ot acroW.oa q .s .s . 1!linl (lll403), bat arrhad •• 11>o ~ th• in \he Corpl Hlltn'!, D\U 11 the ocl7 ...,. 'fAuo

field ot procurement ot na"t'al I; q •MfF• tor !1.9.8. PL!Il!!C!!1T (l)ll4)1) , no c011181uicnad t.od"J' at Ka.>7 duUo1 1n Navy lard&, a.a all naval t.rohitoots are Oll:!ploy­ I&l"d., lfn !OJ"k. ed 1n tht pr.ogrnm. A ll"O&t 1bortt.;• ia expected U.P. Diflp&tch, trol!l Landon ..,-a Hl.iablt authorities in th11 brt.nch ot U.. a.errlee, aa tn ll"t eftilabl! and It&t. sta1.1n hae ad:riaed OM&t Brit.aJ.n that Rws&.i&

1/IIIZJ.7 eoN rill 'bt OMClecl witb the bic J.Ao:nuea in COD.­ at.n&ct..loo , •awl Reaene, Coa.atruo\J.oo oozos- d ...i,pa:Uan,

1d.ll M rew..1Md, ~ the recu1ar o.-t.Nc·t.l.oa eorpe Dll'opo. 8to.l.IA ... N14 w han -·- thio opiA:I

om C"F:1.n..ch1..t, A.dldral R1cbt..tdton, 1a t171ni back n1cat1on Ala.oci&t.ion , radio operatore union, bu eiened an w Honolulu t.odey 011 tbo C&lll'ornia Ollppor w join tbe

-t w1 t.h the tbip OJ'C'tJ.n& C-.181 l.n..,l 'f'ine A U.S. FlMt. 10 pero.o\ ,.... lAcn"M.. tor re4J.o operaton.

S.§ . !1mJ!, aa- abip, ..., ro~ b)' 1M -..t.... at. SM: Joae, Coat.. P.1...,., t.o M ..utr.c tor M'&D ... .4.· and Vincent who are there on an il:l.spection trip.

Dupont's, will build a new powder plant in the Indiana

shore of the Ohio River, opposite Lou1sv1lle, to cost

$25, 000,000 and produce 200,000 pounds of smokeless pow- dar daily, . . Genaan Bombing Fleets, r eiNIIIed their d$yl1ght ra1ds on

Great Britain tod.ey in apparent retaliation for Br1tish successes over German bases, .

Ar!ILY and NayY Joint Aeronautical Board, has to date work­ ed in perfect harmony as r egards needs and production

schedules for both services, and in cases where same types

of planes, especiall.y for training purposes, are needed,

both services often place order s in production for planes for each other, when through mass orders coste can be re­

duced, This excellent situation existing between the two

air f.orces begins at the top w1 th General Arnold and Ad­

miral Towers and extends throughout their two departments with little friction ever occurring.

U, S, S, THRESHER (subllarine) will hold trials off Province-

town , 14ass., beginning on 23 July, and lasting three daysJ

Subaarine will operate subnerged and run speed trials sub­ merged in the Provincetown aren. Shipping in that vicinity will be warned. Co oJ td t:ntio t REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY \ \.}./ 18 July 1940 ~tal Enlisted Strength, 17 July ...... 147 ,46o . Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ... 3 1 901

Other Reservists II II II II ••• 1 ,9Q9 Total. •••••• 5,810 Aggregate Enlistment s (last 24 hours} ••••••••••• 283

II II n Aggregate Discharges . e. I I I I I I I I • 22

Gain •••••••••• 261

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 July:

Line Officers 465 Staff Officers 135 Warrant Officers Total ~ Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for anfarcement of neutrality patrol as of 17 July: Number Number Number Character of Dutz A1lowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 400 400 194 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 121 Aviati on Instructors 248 248 146 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 92 CEC-V(S) Officers 95 95 88 Supply Corps Offi cers 100 100 , fr'T Medical & Dental Officers 140 140 118 p Communicati on Officers 75 75 77 CC-V(S) Officers 32 32 6 Administration of Reserve !Aid.Etlipman Training Program 100 100 100 Miscellaneous m m 252 Total Estimated Number Allowed 1805 1790 1198 z.. Bureau Surpliee e.nd Acc09!lta• awa.rdad a cont.l'aot to the r .oo.e:ndat1ona to tra.i.J:Un& eehoola 1D Stnehtr bl' ~ ror 260,000 bftrr.ela o-r Sa:"7 41aV1ct.a. Jfo quot.aa baY & bH:l e n&W.hed u ,..t.. 21 P'l>ol ou at $1.10 per l>on-ol, t<>tol coot t288,600 . l oool daton•• or~... u ono ouppl.M t the orl.J!inol l2 nan.l Bureau o( 14edic:ine Mel SUrgeq. 48 aucceelt\&1 eand.i.dat-.1 n•ert• d.irllionl, the additional 9 M~ placed 1n key wv. LsNICl eppo1nt.ent.a u A.. 1etant SU:rpooa rlth toM J)Cir"te &J.en.a both coaata and the Cul!' ud wUl 1-rdA MD 1A r iUlk or UOUteOMt (J ,, , ) te riUlk l'l'OD 1' JulT. tb.tir own aroaor.Ua durin& c.he next tieoal year. loe)»>tion or oll orpa.Uad ~~e..,... DirloioruJ ror the !'1114&1. ,_,. u Officer in Cha:rp, 1~ hal boc ._teW and .._,.t 11 now bdc& .,..pouooc~ All Cocmo4ity Prlco ln•lax, for Wlok lJ July WN t.ogath61" With d.1Y1aion 1t.and.i.nga 1n aun:nory Md t.Mual 77.9, up .4 rr... • net ..,. IUld up .a rr.. two n w ..,.. naftl. reeoerv. c~·t.t t:loa. 6 Ea&le ~ ta .UU : 'n'nl MereM."\t Myine. ReHrYt !r&1n1nc Canter trW. be eat.b­ are •taignad tor coov.rdon to traininl Yeaaell tor loe&l Uahod. at. 001\t. Ill.Md , SAn Fr-.no1eoo 1 a1a1.l.t.r to the one doten•• dirldono and rill be d.iatributod to atr&tecic ol.reeected to be in ope::ra­ cruiiM• UOI\ aarl,y in Auguo~. s.s . Pll!SID!l!Ij!, ruwrr and JMr.~ , will bo placed in •-- J!Ur!au c( ! arlnU on, ~ \bat ....U..tac w are beJ.Dc 111111CIC l.n ordiAar7 at the 13th Sanl D1otrlct wbon out- t.&k: en w t..t&nt.1al.l7 A'bcrr. quota• b order ~ build up a t1o1• nt pc.rtoonN. are available. ThtY arc to be rcnaoed r eeern, When n." ~ 1t&Uona are Z"M41 they rill u.s.a. HARRIS &n4 u.s.s. z:rJLilC, Hepeot.h el7, atter the bo l'l'OIIPt.lJ' tUlo4 ,.,.... -· qu.ot&o . Sth ODd 6th c-and&ntl of the ll&rioo C«-pe, lfayal ReJOatt, b tht poeaib!.U.t7 of t.NJ.n- U.S. S. ST . wyts. will proc•.t to Cbarltetoo, S .C .~ t or LAc u. W.t..nd.DI.t.e n•t.r ~ ra.d.1.oaec and • ' CI'•1 een. AM:r1oan tAclcm cocrvtcttoo, r--' "' "1 thn. troa 21~ c.. - or oll n&n.l ban - ·-tar Is· New R.O. T. C. , at University of Michigan will open with 80

students. during the next scholastic year. 3 offi~ers have

been ordered to Michigan for this duty.

Naval Air Station, Miemi , will be placed in collllllission

about 1 October for advanced flight training only.

u.s.s. TREWOON , will arrive Annapolis on 25 July, the

royal family of Luxembourg lunching t hat day at the White

House .

u.s.s. TAA{BQR (88198) , commissioned on 3 June, at the plant

of the Electric Boat Company, wi],l make a shakedown cruise

as far south as during August and September.

Canadian Air Force, An official said today tbet at least

15, 000 American citizens had applied for member ship, al­

most all of whom had some flying experienc.e . No record

bas been kept of the number of acceptances.

German Air Force, despite adverse weather conditions,

claimed to have set afire ~English merchantmen totalling

24,000 tons in the English Channel.

Ex-{)onstruction Corps, A Board w1 th Rear Admiral Green­

slade act_in_g as Preside.nt, is meeting to determin.e th~

lineal position and precedence of officers formerly in the

Construction Corps and now transferred to the Line of ).he

Navy. ~f~i;Q)SEORETARY OF THE NAVY \Y _Ji_July 1940 T~ Enlisted Strength, 18 July ...... 147, 6.23

Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty • •• 3,901

Other Reservists n n n " •• • 1 ,9()9.

Total ••• •• • Agsregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ...... , • • • 294 Aggregate Discharges " " ,, •• •••••••• • 131

~ · • ••·· ···· 163 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 July: Line Officers 465 Staff Officers 135 lfarr8Jlt Offiaers Total ~ Naval ReServists ordered to active duty for enforcement

of neutre.llty patrol as of 17 July: Number Number Number Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Officers Afioat 400 400 194 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 121 Aviation Instructors 248 248 146 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 92 CEC-V(S) Officers 95 95 88 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 87 l.!edica1 & Dental Officers 140 1.40 llS Communication Officers 75 75 71 CC-V(S) Officers 32 32 6 Administration of Reserve Midshipman Training Program 100 100 100 llisoellaneoua _m m ~ Total Estimated Number Allowed, 1805 1790 1198 2 . l · Bureau Cif Yards and Docks, announces the following contract classes of 3 months duration, 400 to be chosen for each

class . New Dormitory offered by Northwestern (previously award• For Emergency-. Barracks and Subeistence Facilities reported) will be rented and in case school is discontin- a t the Naval. Operating Base (Training Station) San Diego, ued at !lorthwestern, will be used for other naval activi- Calif., to I •. c. CUrry, San Diego, for $309,865. ties. s.s. SANTA JWUW!A and SA!ITA MARIA, Grace Liners, negotia­ Local Defense, 21 Naval Reserve d1visions of a total of tions are. continuing today w1 th the probability the Navy 149 have been assigned to defense work in their own dis- will buy ths SANTA. BARBARA and not the SANTA MARIA, to be tricts, which includes mine l aying, mine sweeping, nets, and converted for re~ar marine transport service. inshore patrol, 2 Eagle boats will be used in this work !Aerchant t.!arine Reserve Officers, In connection w1 th addi- and will be equipped with listening devices, one on the tional ships being taken over by the Uavy from private East Coast and one on the. West Coast, lines, all Merchant !.Iarine reserve officers who have been Kelsey, ti. S .A., recently returned from England, attached to these ships as licensed officers of the Mer- addressed the General Board and a selected group of offi- chant Marine •lill be given opportunit y to vol unteer for cera this morning. active duty on thsee ahipe in their Naval Reserve status. U.S, S. PHOmiX, has completed her informal visit to Val- The ex-masters and chief engineers of such ves~el s , if pare.iso, Chile, and reports having r eceived a cordial re- they volunteer for active duty, will be anigned reiJpec- caption. tiveJ.y as navigating officers and engineer officers, the YFD-2 , New Orleans Drydock be1ne towed to Honolulu, is Commanding off icer and Executive officer coming from the averaging ll4 miles a day and is reported south of Se.l1ns Navy. Cruz, Mexico, near the great circle course. v-7 , Reserve !.tidehi!!llcn, latest figures show 997 enrolled ti,S, S, WILLIAM WARD BURROWS , will leave Norfolk today or throughout the country. Northwestern tlniversity hell been tomorrow with contractors equipment and personnel for chosen as additional school for enrollees for at least 3 !t· island bases. From Pearl Har~r she will probably visit Midway, Canton, Johnston Island, and \'lake.

Rescue Chamber Operating with messenger buoy was success-

FOLLY CONDUCTED off the Navy Yard, Portsmouth, four mem­

bers of the SEALIOll crew being remcwed in the test.

Italian-English engagement, Best information states that no British ship was struck by gunf'ire in engagement with

Italians. It is definitely stated there have been no bomb hits on the HOOD or ARK ROYAL .

War Sink1ngs, 2 Bri tish Merchant ships, the KING JOHN ,

11 51 228 tons, and the DAYISIAN, 6, 433 tons, were sunk near tho We st Indies" , the Admiralty announc.ed: The raider was thought to be a converted merchantman known to be at large in the Atlantic,, Survivors were landed at Fort de France, Uartinique,

Austr alian Cruiser, SYDNEY, 6, 830 tons, was reported tod.ay to have sunk the Italian cruiser COLLEONI , 51069 to~a , Each carried ~n guns, the COLLIDNI can-y1ng 500 men. COLLEXllU 1 s speed was 41 knots COI!Ipared with the SYDNEY ' a 32! knots.

H. M. S. SYDNEY was accompanied by a small destroyer force which engaged two Italian cruisers northwest of Crete. Bri- tish destroyer rescued 250 of the COLLEONI' s crew. The second Italian cruiser was said to have escaped. Total Enlisted Strength, 20 July ...... , • 147, 815 Fleet Reservi~ts . (Enlls~d) on active duty •• , 3, 901

Other Reservists II n n " ••• 1,909 Total •••••• 5, 810

Aggregate Enlistments {last 24 hours) ••••••••••• 188 .. Aggregate Discharges n n n ••••••••••• ...2..l. Gain •••••••••• 95

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 Jul.Y':· Line Officers 465 Staff Officers 135 \'farrant Ofi'icers _12 Total 636 ltaval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of ngutrality patrol as of 20 July: Number Number Number Chars.oter of Duty ftllowed Obligated Order ed V(G) Officers Afloat 400 400 198 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 145 Aviation Instructors 248 248 147 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 104 CEC-V(S) Officers 95 95 93 SUpply Corps Officers 100 100 87 Medical & Dental Officers 140 140 120 Communication Officers 90 90 82 CC-V(S) Officers 32 32 9 Administration of Reserve 14idshipman Training Program 100 100 114 141soelleneous 2!75 m ~ Total Estimated tlucber Allowed. 1805 1803 1363 2· f'ee contra.ct tor a wuttr woll at tho Re@tina Actltltlaa tar week e.l'ldinc 12 Jul.yr A coat plua 1 '773 Parrb Ial&z:d, a.c., bu bMo necot.t.ated X.btr or applloan:ts accept.! tar tirat., Karbel Barraclca, , Vil-ginia; The ..U.t..•nte . •..•...... •.• 1515 with, tho Le.)"D.,.AU&ntJ.o Co., ot Norfolk l/Ul:!ber or fire~ f:l/ llucber or 1'8elUUtoenta wl.tbin tbroe ..nt.ha . . ..U..ted. ecatrt.ot eott, l.ncluctJ.n& tho r .., 1a $40,000 - or ....U.t...:lt. ....,_ lrobn aerrl.. _Q thll! toUO'I"ing cootract alrU'da b&Yt bMn Mder e.t Nav-al ton Grace Pe:riAI, t..ap, and ra.i.l.r0&4 ~ SA,.'!IA BIJilW\l and s.urtA WL\1 lS,OOO S.t.­ s.s. Air SWU

...,.. p1clod lOP M:T a..-. f'Uz'v s,s. I\\'11SlJJ!, 25 ourrtYoro wl:o 'fl'ase Bser\ Rear1ng. are coaUmd.D.c d&1l7, C&pt.Ain , ,... raider !IARVIX, fl)-1ng Slrod11h tlog, cl14 t.ho, h bor leaden tor w..,oa in hiSbllt. &Cf'M­ <100 ..u.. o£t llarUniquo, - su.,t ...~ - ooutn.llt)> •tecort••, tbGUCh proceecl1D.p an ui.eable. !be tor ~t a.roa . ho~~rl)- ngoa. lone men~ or lJl62 1o bo1ns tollowocl 1n N.xing IIW'!au ll!41ci.n• Md. &orgm. 11 •orlc:i.cs on plan tor JIOC!i­ -t-· that l&'rf l&nl '"'COl - coinclAIO witll wU1 t1ed AMual p~1cal a::&II1Aatione tor otticera that tboee 1n o1Jail.&r trtdea 1n their rlo1n:it1ta. not 1nt4rt4H wttb ah1J) liOT~to . Fon:~erl.7 atfieen 1k:r.u or Y'l!'d.f and Perlsr• .l coa:t plua !'1.xed t .. contraot will Pl'Obobl:T bo lln4 ac­ wue ••~ uaainocl b7 - doot.ora, Bich tor ahipn.y, ~a , extenliona or b~dJ.Aca , u.aa:inat.ionc for ot1'1cer s , waiT.d. In JiaaJ:dnetoo pbnical. ceoeor1.. at. ~tb., &.., Ut.'Y)' lard r.T&l Kodical. School, !lo'rf ~t Boltc:ll'l, will be Nld at bu be.e.n negotiated. with the .t.berthaw COQan11 or e tM, ~~us . fb,e utiat.ed. oootract coat, i.nelud.ifta te

11 $1,0115,000 · !t· Bureau of Ships, is thoroughly reviewing the shipbuilding

industry with a viow to opening r:JVery available yard to

take care of Navy contracts. Study of labor and material

sitv..ations are being made at the same time.

u.s.s. iiHARTOll (transport) undergoing conversion at Robina

Drydock, Brooklyn, N. Y. , will be completed sometime in

September, and will be outfitted in New Yor k in October.

u.s.s, DD:IE (new destroyer tender) reported to CinCUS

for duty at San Diego.

British Admiralty, is desirous of obtaining accurate lalow­

ledge as to whether or not airplane fields and runways· are

being secretly constructed along the northern and south-

ern boundaries of Mexico. Mexican government denies it,

but Dritish reports state 60 of these plane fields and runways have been established tin ! tu:~d Guatemala. It is also reported that aviation gasoline dumps have been established near the abdve.

Geman s.s. I'IESER , has arrived at J.!anun1llo.

U. S. S, VIIQRITA and QYINOY will probably depart Rio ·Janeiro on 25 JUly for Bahia. Thereafter from 9-13 August at and arriving Montevideo 2.3 August. ·

Trenton. Di9kerson, Herbert, Due to foul bottoms of. the destroyers, they are returning at most economical speeds to arrive with reasonable i'uel margins. C V 0 f) b~ g 4.\! SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 23 July 1940 Total. Enlisted Strength, 22 July ...... 148,407 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 4,039

Other Reservists n It n n ••• 2 ,115 Total. . •••••• 6,154 Aggregate Enlistments (last 48 hours) ...... 313 Aggregate Discharges 11 n n ••••••••••• _M

Cie.i.Jl • • • • • • • • • • 2.48 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 JUlyt Line Officers 465 Staff Officers 135 Warrant Officers Total. ~ Naval Reservists ordered to active duty,far enforcement of neutrality patrol as of 22 Julyr Number Number Number Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 400 400 198 llerchant Marine Afloat 200 200 1.45 Aviation Instructors 2.48 248 147 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 104 CEC-V(S) Officers 95 95 93 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 ~ Medical & Dental Officers 140 140 120 C~ication Officers 90 90 82 ' CC-V(S) Officers 32 32 9 Administration of ReserTe Midshipman Training Program 100 100 114 Miscellaneous J:12 m £M· Total. Estimated Number Allowed 1805 1803 1363 _g_ . .;,. Marine Cor ps, enlisted strength as of 22 July is 28, 239. hydraulic press using certain high grade bonding cements.

Goal of 34, 000 is expect ed to be reached in October, or These c=ents require vulcanizing temperatures and high ...... even earlier. For the T.lonth enlistments (increase pressure to be effective, but properl y applied, the over discharges) have been at the re te of about 500 a week. strength of the adhesive bond exceeds the strength of the

Naval Reserve Armory, Baltimore, will be built with PWA best quality rubber. The assembly of mat vulcanized to funds a t a total cost of $315, 000. Project has been ap­ steel sheet is el ectric-welded around its edges to the proved as port of the National Defense Program. oetal deck so as to form a watertight seal. A one inch Class V-7, Reserve.. W.dshipmen, As of 20 July, total en- margin of bare sheet is l eft around the rubber during rollment reached 1282 enlistments, 642 of whom have re- vulcanizing to provide ample material f or welding rithout quested permission to take the s econd cruise commencing damaging the rubber. 20 August. These figures indicate tbet t he enlistment of Bureau of Yards end Docks, announces t he following contract successful applicants v~ reach the approximate 1400 de­ awardss sired by 15 August, as 642 have been obtained in the A cost plus f ixed fee contract for aviation and lde.rine week. Should i t be found advisable in eme.rgency to lower Corps facilities at the llarine Barracks, Quantico, Va ., physical r equirements or increase age limit, it is felt a'tfllrded to John llcShain, Ino. , of Philadelphia, Panna.; that 5,000 quota could be filled almost immediately . the estimated contract cost, including the fee, is Bureau of Ships, The Navy Yard, Liars Island, bas developed $1,460 ,250· a new procedure for at taching rubber matting to metal A negotiated contract for Subassembly Shop, I mprovements decks which produces a much more satisf actory result than of Shop ~ ~ i Jdl ng s , and Steel Storage Runways, at tho can be obtained with either "hot-set" or •cold-set" ce- Navy Yard, New York, Has been awarded on a cost-plus­ ment. In brief, the new procedure consists of vulcaniz- fixed fee besis to Walter Kidde Conetructors, Inc., ing the matt ing rubber to light gauge sheet s teel in en New York, .New York. The total estimated cost of this ~ · contract, including fee, is $1,520, 000,

UP Dispatch, from Honolulu, reports, without official confirmation, tha t units of the U.s. Fleet have sailed southward toward Christmas Island. The contingent was said to include the "Hawaiian Detachment" and three capi- tal ships. 8 cruisers, 9 destroyers, and 5 battleships left Lahaina Roads Friday, some returning to Pearl Harbor over the weekend, according to the dispatch.

House Naval Hearing, Various committee members during Ad­ miral Moreell1 s testimony indicated by their questioning that they felt that the fortification of Guam .was a vital part of the National Defense Program. Representative Mass bluntly urged the collllllittee: nLet•a add $5 ,000 1 000 f or Guam" . Admiral Moreell told the committee there defin-

its~ would be a shortage in. skilled labor for the con- atruction program, though organized labor did not agree.

The Vinson Bill carries $250, 000 ,000 for const~ction of housing for rental to Naval personnel and civilians in urgent expansion activity,

Naval Medical Center, Washington, according to present pl ans will be. completed in December 1941 and will be operating by the spring of 1942 after being f'ully.equipped. REPORT TO Tl:lE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 24 July 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 2.3 July ...... 148, 570

Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on activo duty ••• 4,0.39 Other Reservists " " " " ••• 2, 115 Total •••••• 6,154 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••••••••• .304

n n n Aggregate Discharges ...... ~ •••••••••• 163 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 July: Line Officers 465 Staff Officers 1.35 Warrant Officers Total ~ Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement

o£ neutrality patrol as of 22 July1 Number Number Number Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 400 /IX) 198 llercbant Marine Afloat 200 200 145 Aviation Instructors 248 248 147 I-V(S) Officers 1.25 125 104 CEO-V(S) Officers 95 95 9.3 Supply.Corps O£ficers 100 100 87 Medical & Dental Officers 140 l4D 1.20 Communication Officers 90 90 82 CC-V(S) Officers .32 .32 9 Administration of Reserve lofidshipman Training Program 100 100 114 lliscellaneous 275 m ~ Total Estimated number Allowed 1805 180.3 1.36.3 2. ;;. BUreau of Yards and Docks, A cost plus fixed fee contract On ships now being taken over by t he Navy, the general for waterfront, buildings, and marine railway at the Sub- scheme is to forward plans, specifications, etc., to Navy marine Base, New London, Connecticut, has been negotia- Yard Commandants where conversion is to take place. Com- ted with a combination of F .H. McGraw & Co . of Flart.t'ord, msnclants will do the prellJ:dnary ground work towards awar-

Connecticut, and Spearin, Preston & Burrows, Inc., of New ding contracts, sending their recommendations to the llavy

York City. The estimated contract cost, including the Department whereupon the Bureau of· SUpplies and Accounts

• 0 • • • • • • • • fee, is $2 ,07.3, 000. A cost pl us fixed fee contract for an will cnnduct final negotiat ions. In most cases where con-· additional pier at the Philadelphia Navy Yard has been ne- tracts are negotiated it works out to the benefit of the gotiated with a combination of the Kaufman Construction Co., government, inasmuch as there are generally several bid- and the J .E. Brenneman Co . , both of Philadelphia. The es­ ders , IThich tends to keep prices in proper range. timated contract cost, including the fee, is $800,000. Conference, of interested parties from the Bureausof Ord­ u.s.s. HENDERSON, bound from. San Diego to the Canal Zone, nance, Shipa, .Supplia&.and·Accounts, and Judge Advocate lost one tail shaft (twin screw) en route in the Pacific. Cenerel's Office will be hel d tomorrow leading to least

The ship is proceeding .at 8 knots to Balboe, where she is possibl e delay in presenting negotiated contracts to the expected about 26 July. A plan is being developed far rs­ Secretary in completed form for his final approval, placsment of the shaft and propeller at an East Coast U,S , S, TANGIER, will be reconditioned at Moore's Shipyard,

Yard, prohably Norfolk, Preliminary report of diver show- San Francisco, Presidents GRANT and JACKSON•at Todd's ed the tail shaft cracked inside the propeller bub. A Seattle Drydock. Contracts have not belm signed as yet. destroyer (to be nwned} and the mineBII'eeper WOODCOCK will Mr , Booz, is beginning to receive replies to his ques­ a ccompany the HENDERSON t o, another destroyer tionnaire sent out to all departoents. and seagoing tug SDJINOLE escorting her from there to Aviation Activities, !Aexieo, current rumors regarding. BUS-

Norfolk. pioious lending fields along the border {previouslY repor- A· ted) emanating from London, are generally not credited and

are unverif;l.ed,

New Japapese Cabinet, installed on 22 July will endeavor,

according to best opinion in Tokio, to hasten conclusion

of the China incident, in order to begin a policy of ad-

vancing to the southward.

U, S,S. TRENTON , with member$ of the Luxembourg royal family

on board, will arrive in Annapolis Roads at 10 o 1 clock to- morrow morning.

Recruiting Activities for week ending 19 July1

Number of applicants accepted for first enlistment, 1712

Number of first enlistments ••••••••••••••••••• 1317 Number of reenlistments within three months • , • 57 Number of reenlistments under broken service •• _il:.l

Total Enlistments •••••• 1417

Air Battle, said to be the biggest of the war as regards the number of planes engaged, was being fought over tl}e .

British Channel, TODAY, Gel'J!l8ll High Command, announced the s:lnking qf another Bri-

tish sul::.marine from the air by o. German bomber which drop­

ped three bombs , one of which struck abaft the conning

tower. Only wreckage could be fOWid, and no evidence of

survivors. .,:Jci< > J fi , I L REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 25 July 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 24 July ...... 148, 843 Fleet Reservists (Enlis ted) on active duty ••• 4,039

n Other Reservists " n n • •• 2,115 Total • • •••• 6,154

Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ...... 308 Aggregate Discharges n n n •••••• •• ••• -.22.

Gain • • ••• ••••• 273

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 July: Line Officer s 465 Staff Officers 135 Yfarrant Officers l'otal ~ llaval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement

of neutrality patrol as of 22 July: Nl.ll!lber Nl.ll!lber Nl.ll!lber haracter of Dut Allowed Obl:lgated Ordered V(O Officers Afloat 400 400 198 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 145 Aviation Instructors 248 248 147 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 104 CEC-V(S) Officers 95 95 93 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 87 Uedical & Dental Off icer s 140 140 120 Communicati on Officers 90 90 82 • CC -V(S) Officers 32 .32 9 Administration of Reserve Midshipman Training Program 100 100 114 Miscellaneous m m ~· Total. Estimated lfl.ll!lber AllOifed 1805 180.3 1.36.3 l · l THR urm"DJ sum uvr · 193]-1949-1947 l!!h) Nwabor CLtld Tcr.nqe of C

Nm M4 l!a!7 Munit!.onlt Board. Report No . 47, of 22 .Tul7, Brit.1fh, dw to bad wea~r , t.rtJ.nin& ot pilots b on tho tubjoot ot toroign 1DQ.\drie1 tor mwdtiona, atotea -.,. behJ.nd and cannot take 4dvant.aao ot 1norea.aed plane

U.t lobo Brlthh Puroh4o1ng COCD>ioo1on 114• opont $943, 219- output.

214 1n WI countzor up to 6 July, CS13,985,057 of wbich li!!l'JI!O !1!14•r, 1n South Atlantic 1o oa.ld to bo eblo to hu- t or o.1rplaneo. raioo..., 1_,. h.,. mel:..., to curt 3-&' -~

R...y Adr\lr'l\ ftoyal t . In!tfl:noll. baa report.ecl for du.t,' aa p~~~o~ .

AUC Q'tr Prtee Index. tor 20 JW.:, _. 77.6, ott .)

S.S. S!Ulto Buboro, h to bo o...tooloood v .s .s . KoC.UIJ!! trooo 13 J~ report. tilt Kl.jor Qeno:ral. CCIICMnd.o.nt ot t.M W&.rlne Corps 1947 P'rtoooal., ..timatod to t.aM O&rO of m 1no.roaao 1n h-om 1876-1891. Tho SANTA MARIA Will bt oOCIIIll.uioned u.s .s . ooabat&nt. vo111tla (aee table) 1a 461,000 enllated men a.n4 BARrltrr d'ter MaJor Gi>nenl Barn.ttt, toner)¥ lii.JO:r Gc1- 2S,191 otticort (lnoludes S,806 1:\taono Naval Aviators) .

'l'bt1o tiCUH• are a.ll inclualn, baNd on 10,000 trai.n:ing" u. ~ . 8. HljRIIW !!!!I PlCWlSQI! • ..... - tr... ,.,._ ODd arrl•td a\ NaYJ YArd, lortolt, t.oa.t. !i· mirnls Robinson and Van Keuren 1vith representatives of

Bath Iron 'l'iorks, New York Shipbuil.din8 Company, Newport

news Shipbuilding Corp., Federal Shipbuilding Corpora-

tion, and Mr . H. Garrit!h Smith, President of the National

Co~mcil of Shipbuilders, concerning negotiated contracts

and particularly the financial and allocation aspects thereof.

Reserve Aviation Personnel, As of 1 July, there were 545

cadet aviators in training at Pensacola. 903 officers so

trained are serving in the neet at present, of whom tXJ

are (j . g. ) the balance ensi gns. Durine the

present fiscal year, 2, 550 will have begun training (105

already entered, in above figure) in the eight month1 s

course. By 1 December, it is expected additional train­

ing f acilities will be available at J acksonville and

monthly entry to Pensacola will be increased in December

and thereafter. tlo trouble is being experienced in fill- ing quotas of cadets.

New Reserve Aviation Bases, Llason Board (Capt. C.P. Mason senior me!llber ) 1 it is ~.mderstood reco111111endat1ons have

been submitted to the Secretary, Gibbs, spent most of yesterday with Adlllira.l Robinson consulting on ship design. Cu• ·x·tur•t:l 1 i , ! REPORT TO mE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 26 July 1940

Total Enlisted Strenttth, 25 July ...... 149,240

Fleet Reservists (~sted) on active duty ••• 4,120 Other Reservists 11 11 11 n ••• 2,212 Total •••••• 6, 332

AgRregate Enlistments {last~ hours) ••••••••••• 257 Aggregate Discharges n n n ...... ~ Gain •• • ••••••• 219

Retired Officers ret urned to active duty as o£ 15 July: Line Officers 465 Staff Officers 1.35 Warrant Officers Total ~ Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrality patrol as of 22 July1 Number N1.1111ber N1.1111~ Character of Du Allowed Obllm!ted Ordered V(G Officers Afloat 400 4Q0 198 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 145 Aviation Instruct ors 248 248 147 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 104 CEC-V(S) Officers 95 95 93 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 ff7 Medical & Dental Officers 140 140 120 Communication Officers 90 90 82 CC-V(S) Officers 32 32 9 AdministrQtion of Reserve !.lidshi}:lllllll Training Program 100 100 114 W.ocellaneous 275 m ~ Total·Estimatod Number Allowed 1805 1803 1363 l· Pf 1. 4 t.n4 9 1 1'he N.ra-t atua4rce ot' llo't.or TOl'J)II1o Boatl

07 \1t& Con trolled A.dvaneed L&ndplAnt Couroe, Cl vU .All"~ bu been tor1NC1 at Norfolk, VirlinJ,a, it.• orpniut1on

naut1ct AUthority Program, will roport. at the Naval Air a11L1.1Juo to thAt ot M drplcuut ~\!Adron, with a Ueutan­

Sta't.ion, hntacol.t., on July 29, 1940. The,r •Ul ant ca.Md.r in eccman.d and llwtenan U ( J •I •) 1n charJ•

tra1rL.1Ac in t.he f' couru at r.nucol6 in an Mlvanoed

•t..ndi:la at&UlO at a .toco ~\.Inc tho enol oC the eN,!( o( Or!rat.lonll, o!'fice a wo:rld..D.c· 00 t.M tufaet t4"-111No b=·aolo perl«<. n...... UU411 ~ bocl JCaT&l •-s.u... BUl.

to •n the ex:leUA& be.liic H!i~"- tor Ml.-.c:Uon tar i.i!!J.a, wUl. pu-UcipatA 1n tht a: on t.he ot U. .b1a

Nav.U ~ ..rYe tllght tro.l.o.ln& and l.n odd.1 Uon bad to be Ponrt, &C-COl"d.1n1t to report. tJ"'OIt RoM, ~ute ot Bri­

college gredu.t.s or candidates ror dtcrotl •t tho oloae t&il:!.' 1 nport.od docioion not to peral.t. AJI.rtOAn ra.w Dllter-

ot tho cWTont. achool YMri and poaduateo ot the Control.. 1.tJ.a to route- t.o Oe.t'QIU'I.T to paea tbrou.ah 8p61'1ieh territory;

ltd AdYanc.d Landpl.&ne Courao, Cirll A«ron.t.Utlc• Author- Spain' 1 entry into the war would p:robablt aJce it poao:l.ble 1U.I . to ~M< \bo bloeb4o or tbo BritJ.ob I.Uo. kMu or Nl?tl. npecW to acquire t.od&7 7 trawlera trw

1 7 • J • 0 a.u-. &rid S«la ~1 OJ> !oetan, (or CCft'l'ersioa b7 o..- '-bor• ·~ ,.. u.. DICUab Cbo=ol. 1n~ aineftMptrl, S.S. 1!!1!!@!. ,..,cb a...-,_p aunlt lon tbe D>o&llob Cbe=el,

Mr. noo • ttt1c1~oy • oxpert, r eport. that! praotlca.Uy all bt.d. lo•••• ot 9 oi'fice:ra and ""· men . n. 11 bu.rN\la han now eubmittod o.nawar o t.o hie quea-t1onna:l.NJ tonote tt.t the Brit-hh1 in Mnounc1na the •lnldnc ot tho on i"'un.U1 peraonnd, space CLnd. -...t.Upunt. He HpOM.I LANCASTIUA ytlterda.)', t.hrM WHka Jtor it W happened, excillct ooope:nUon on the par-t ot Cl"teryone, the en- 41d not Mnt.ion the B. S. GlX)aoiC u4 JI'R.UcntiA, abo INilk e~ ....,... bol.n& that _,. oCflcN are oubldt\.lnc a\ a.bcNt U.e ..., u.u, &e:eanliaC to our om prbat.e 1D- problca bo7

Bureau. or Supplies and Accounts , placed orders with 5 companies for $325,720 .75 worth of electr ic cable, split­ ting the orders about .evenly . An order for $215,000 worth of ingot copper was placed with the Kennecott Cop- per Company. House Forei@ Affairs Committee , unanimously approved a bill to authorize American ships to evacunto refugee ohil- dren from the European war zone , 1 tl if!l~1=•• . '1'1) ;:: A REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY I' ?9 July 194Q tal Enlisted Stren th 27 July ...... , , •• 149 , 564 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 4,120 Other Reservists ... 2 , 212 " " " " . Total •••• • • 6,332 ARgregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ,,,,,,,,,,, 378

Aggregate Discharges II II II ...... ~ Gain •••• , •• , •• 24.9

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 July, Line Officer s 465 Staff Officer s 135 Warrant Officers _2§ Total 636

Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrality patrol as of 27 July1 Number Number Number Character of puty Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 400 400 205 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 165 Aviation I nstructors 248 248 i57 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 117 CEC-V(S) Officers 95 95 95 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 92 Uedical & Dental Offi cers 140 140 142 Communication Offi cers 90 90 81 cc-V(S) Officers 32 32 8 Administrati on of Reserve Llidshipman Tr~g Program 100 100 127 Lliscellaneous 275 273 312 Total Estimated Nwober Allowed 1805 1803 1501 a. -l· 1 1n tru. , .. -.!WI• ollop d ll'!fi.n.-. Corp!. ·~ 1 7f JU.b 281 54,8 -1M toundaUono ...s n- the Na\Tiud., &&a.r. bland, Callt'., narct.d. t.o the .faaea ,, Kmn• Carps. AMUAl. Moral Mnt\Jt'era plann.S tor th1a Win- I . Baraea""' Co., ot SMta Mon.t~ Ca: 122,,400, Ti.cle oC ._leUon, 1~ dqa. te.r in the Caribbenn Aroa ue t.o be o.t ::ruch oha.rt.cter thAt r.rleneion ot tire protection a:yetea at the Naval awarcied to th1 C.1 ty tl..c­ eOI"'niderable pr~.ary t.Nin.1na 1a of t.he unJ:t.• S ta t.ion, Keyport 1 •••hitt.cton, trlc P'i.rl:ur't co ., Inc., of S•t.t.lo,, £or 871,958. T1IIO or coooplet!.on, 120 dqo. e«~cerned . - Pirot llari.M llr~ will porl.1c1p&te 1n

tbeoe mt::~WTVI and aa t'acWU11 tor, put.icUl- arly a.a r og4l"da terrain, ue not aYd.lab}.o at (~uan:tico torod into wl.tbt 1M ~· tnduatrt..o, t.r.c.' ror 62 ·~· typo bo&t.l (londinc boat.) ot a uoJ.t

1ork " IIWm1 Sta.mallip COCipocy !:or tho pun:haoe or ta.clllt.iea are DV&1lablo tor inot.nactJ.on. The!' ot Tho !In the SS IROQUOlS at a total coet ot $1,1001000. t:a.,d Operaliantt 111.ll order tht aov ...... t. ot the Firat 8ri­ The Cr ace LJ.Ae, Inc. , !or U1" purcbaM ot the U.S. S.AliTA tetol Oooinl t.en ~ ·

-1. Ieeht.s. J twiD acrt~• :d.eMl. drl• c J'I'.Chta haYe bMn Hl­ f!ur:r'\11 o£ Ya.rd! M!\ pockp, aMCIW\Cea the t~ coo­ ect.d u 8\IJ.t.llbie ror wb-chaH.rl and are U•ted in t.h• tract awards a order o! dul.rabUHy. All wUl prob&bl.y bo purclw!ed bu.1.141na, coob' -quart.crt M4 p.r­ B&rracka, aubdttence u4 -tit the J;en.l 7'r&1n1A& StatJ.oa, ar-t t.akea, ~lobo- cC ~~ bllee .-clo!NN at. Qri«1e!\.), Cptt. Asking Prist Appralal, Jl.UDoie, enrd.ed to A. Sci:th 6 ~ or Cbio&&o, Ill,, • !!!!lit t. Cor $364, 894. Tl.IIO o! cocpleUon, 90 d&y $17S,OOO $.30,000 W ,OOO )0,000 l4, 000 (Bol.-" 120,000 ~tort.U• build1n.6• at tho uav-..1 UAQnsino, Tfaoh..t.naton, 2SO, OOO 100,000 30,000 lAmttJ n.c. , awuded to naelterando eo. , 1M., ot W&lb­ 1 ~. o.c. tor ts9,99S - T1IIO or .~u.n . ~ dqo. yochtt w111 bo convert.ed !"'" .,.. ot lobo ·A.· 15th Naval District (Canal Zone) .

SUpply School, at Georgetown University, for Reserve Sup­

ply Officers, will probably be maintained after 1st Class

of 60 students (3 months course) is graduated.

YFD-2 , (floating drydook) was 1964 miles out of Panama on

28 July. Noon position was Latitude 15- 33 N. and Longi­

tude 109-30 11.; averago speed hns been 109. 1 miles per dey.

Two Offensive Squadrons, A and B, consisting of 3 divi-

sions of destroyers each, aro in the process of formation,

to be based on San Juan, st. Thoma:l, and Norfolk. Ono

divisio!l of Squadron A will take on 5" bombardment anunu­

nition, and all shi'ps elf Squadron B, 4" bombardLJent am­

nunition 'and conduct intensive training in gunnery, tao-

tics, and screening exorcises.

u . s . s . DICKERSOll .and HERBERT , recently returned fl"OCI Eur­

ope will proceed to Galveston from Norfolk not later than

30 July for duty in the West Gulf Patrol.

Class V-7, reserve midshipmen are reported by officers ,

of t he WYO~UNG to be of very high caliber and their prog­

ress to date is considered very eatisfactory. 350 have , already applied to take the subsoquent threo months in-

struction aboard the ILLINOIS . ' • I fji f'• 1• ; i I j ; REPORT TO THE S.FX:RETARY OF THE NAVY 30 July 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 29 July ...... 149,648 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 4, 120 Other Reservists If 11 If 11 ... Total ••• ••• 6, 332

Aggregate Enlistments (last 48 hours) • ••••••• ••• 106 Ascregate Dischareos " " II • • • • • • • • • • • 22 Gain • , • ••• . , . . 84

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 July: Line Officers 465 6taff Officers 135 Warrant Officers ..22 Total 636

l~aval Reserve Enlisted Hen ordered to active duty for en- forcemont of neutrality patrol and the Strengthening of the National Defense: as of Z7 July: Number Number Number ' Character of Duty Allowed Obligatod Ordered Inshore Patrol Bases 340 340 .88 Naval Reserve Aviation 2.300 2300 300 Comounications 85 79 75 Afloat 5000 1219 642 748 748 W.ecellaneous (2325 Class V-7 Procurement Program ( 146 146 Class V-7 for ldidshipmen, u.s.n.R. 2QQQ ~ 608 2, 607 Total !len 15,050 5 ,1.40 .1·

!acillti.. , 16 inch - la f~ "" 1ooSu or all po)'O ..., !!Up C ;ooeitiea ol pian~ , o4dJ.t~ ahnttip.c, anote, followJnc i n tAtJ.tuc!e :'0-J., S., Loncitudo )1-51 " · ~el1 Oov~ 1e roqut11Ut\41 700 3" on4 1." fr\.IQ& or t.rrJOd cruinor accorcl!na el.o'ratioa. Dul.oh Wee~ l!srrer Straito, Hui f:rlp ia ~ Uj;htM!nj: wor t.1Ae vin~e with ,15 de.,..• • 1Dcf'M.Md ~· ol ~~ tn4.1.n &1-.o w1Mee '\o ~~ ..U -.macr ot datcoo -- to beat &drlcea, cU.ta b7 atre,...rt llNI terialo, oru1 clar:acin& ot B:-iUith

can not be filled during college year, age l1m1 t may be

raised from 26 to 30. 100 have already si{;nified their

desire to attend second school at Northwestern. ilith

Northwestern having 3 schools of 400 oach, and additional

classes on the ILLINOIS of 350 each, and t he prospect of J training 500 at the Naval Acadeey, after 15 February, and

700 at Northwestern next summer , present needs seem ada-

quatcly taken care of.

Buroau of Supplies and Accounts, awarded a contract for

airplanes to the Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation

in the amount of ~7 , 260, 280.

Rear Admiral Spencer s. \'iood, Secretary of tho Navy Re-

lief Society died thi s morning in New York City .

War Sinld.ngs, Germnn claims were highly exaggerated, the

British claimed, the l att er admitting that during the

week ended 21 July 11 ships were lost, totalli ng 37, 577

tana, while the Germans claimed t he sinking of 194, 6oo

tons. London also admitted tho loss of 10,192 tone of

neutral shipping, and one o..ll1ed vessel of 2 , 088 tans, J bringing the British total to 49, 857 tons, considerably

below the worst weeks of war sinkings. c:Jcftti ;;t • cat jps ] REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 31 July 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 30 July • •• •• ••• • • 149,837

Fleet Reservists (Enlist ed) on active duty • •• 4,120 Other Reservists " " " " .. . 2,212 Total ...... 6,3.32 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) • •••••• •••• 198

Aggregate Discharges It It II ...... ~ Gain • •••• ••••• 189

Retired Offi cer s returned to active duty as of 31 July: Line Of ficers 525 Staff Officers 151 Warrant Of ficer s ...22 Total 715 Naval Reservists order ed to active duty for enforcement of neutralit~ patrol as of 27 July: Number Number Number Character of Dut~ Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 400 400 205 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 165 Aviation Instructors 248 248 157 I -V(S) Officers 125 125 117 CEC-V(S) Officers 95 95 95 Suppl y Corps Officers 100 100 92 Medical & Dental Officers 140 140 142 Communication Officers 90 90 81 CC-V(S) Officers 32 32 8 Administration of Reserve Midshipman Trainine Program 100 100 127 Miscellaneous K12 27.3 312 Total Estimated Number Allor1ed 1805 180.3 1501 ~ . Rtend,Unco AcUrlUea tor ~ 26 Jul.7'1 Jl\nbtT or &pi)UCMta aooept.ed tor r1rst. e:al..l.a\Mnt 1590 et.teottd Wit.hin the ll.r~ ot cont.racta. All thie could ll\llllbtr or tirot cnliot.monto ...... lll9' po3Gibly ldd to protita on • ooat plua baois it w:1ll tiUillb.i' ot roonlleboota w-J.t.h.l..o t.l\roo aQontha • • 71. Uumbor Ot r 8en11et.onta under brok.n sC"tioo , _.l! probobl,y bt by G""""""'"t Jl07in& far ._.,,ion fot.Al Eallataent. • 1200 and retein Uti• to plant.

Adat.1o neet. u or :n 1ul7, the .ltJGDSTA aM KARIILIIIIAJ)

are at. Tal.qtao aDd t.z. A.SK!'VIl.t.! at. R~. o.. troJW t:-act a"WV'Cla r tM N•vel AJ.r Stat.ion, D1v1o1ono ·s1·....! sa, JJUI ..nrea a MW A.l..ulcan .ur Bue. Loa .&.nc-.J..N R&llw::r Jl'd 'd'nc, Loe lnpl.u, CllJ.tonda, tor $64,990. n.o or cocpletion, 90 colenclar cia¥• · !'he 61111-tty\t see~t.arr· Mr-. Coaptoa, ..., •t. ~n, O.S.S. P&URilj. (dee-t:royer t.n4t-r) 1 bu.:Ut. at Sn York Virp.n.J.a, this morning wat.ohinc teat f 1r1nga of " nn 16• Sbipbulldln& Corporotlon and due \o bt oompl.etod on 14 gun . OC!tober, 11111 probabl.7 be dolivaN4 ahoad or, ., Contemco an coatracta. wu bald. th1a .arnJ.Aa with 1D­ -17•• s~· · tuut..d -be:r• of BuNaUII o! Ordnance, Sbipe, 8Qppliea g.s.s. C!!!!f1lj§ !U!d AJ.\mWIL!j (o.l.rpl.oM t.ond8ro), '""w'nc &nd 4ccounta, aDd .J\da! JJtoroc&t.e General.' a Ottlce preMOt.. ~~~ 11 u uc.Utot.1 CURTISS del.be17 ex­ Typoa or necot.iatod. contrt.cta to be dr•wn up to FOteot pect.d aOMetimo in Octo'bft, 4 .ont.h1 al\Md ot achedul•. t.ho lla.Yy ware diacuased. Diae.s:roemant ovor JJDOrtJ.t.t.t.icn Both Ul\dt.r oon•t.ruction at th• New York Shlpbulldin& ot pl.I.Dt. e:cpansioo coat.l to:r perNHnt •ort: bu det.arrect

ohi?bo.Udoro and othoro C....~ coot:'ecto with tho it· Ge:man Raider , Far two successive days, ft NavY planes

Area for German raider and tanker, searched I • searching each day from S~ J uan to •Ffor ida Coast as far nor th as latitude 28 degrees, \'lith no results. This would

seem t o coni'lrm earlier message (~oported yesterday) that raider had headed south after sink1ng English merchantmen and engaging English cruiser.

Houde tlaval Affairs Comrl. ttee, failed to CO!:!plete tes'ti:.

oony on bill authori~ing $? , ~, ~to help build a dry- dock in New Yo1·k harbor to handle biggeot battleships. House Appropriations Commit tee eliminated this amount from the second suppl ementary defense bill , Representati ve l!aas was still hopeful of getting government .funds some other way, Bureau of Supplies and Acco\U\ts, o.wnrdcd a contract to

the Bethlehec Steel Company in the amount of ~614 , 296 for conversion of the KAWEAH (oiler) . Houoo of Representatives, passed and sent to the Senate tho 4 billion dollar National Defonso Bil l , carrying cash and contractual authorizations. There was no record vote •

.\9.36 ,000 1 000 of this aoount is oo.rmarked for the use of tho Navy. REPOR SEORE'l'ARY OF 'ntE UAVY A at 1 I I Total Enlisted Strength, 31 July ,,,,,,, , ,, 150,657 Fleet Reservists (En~istod) on active duty ••• 4,287 Other Reservists II II II II ... 2,695 ;.....- ~ 1 --'fetal , • • • • • 6, 982 Aecreeate Enlistments (last 24 hours) • •••••••••• 266

Aeeregato Discharges II II U • • • • • • • • • • • -.2.2.

Gain •• ••••• •• • 170

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 31 July: Line Officers 5?5 Staff Officel'B 151 \'/arrant Officers ....12 Total 715 Naval Reservists ordercd·to active duty for enforcement of neutralitz patrol as of 27 July: · Number Number Number Character of Dutz Allowed Obligated Ordered V(O) Officers Afloat 400 400 205 Mm·chunt !Jarine Afloat 200 200 165 Aviation Instructors 2.48 2.48 157 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 117 CEC-V(S) Officers 95 95 95 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 92 l.!odical tt Dental Ofi"icers 140 11.0 142 Communication Officers 90 90 81 CC-V( S) Officers 32 32 8 Administration of Reserve Midshipman Training Program 100 100 127 Uiscollaneous 275 n; 312 Total Estimated Number Allowed 1805 1803 1501 al.t.t.e:rl at. Rocley Ji'o1At, Lone Illand, 'IIU'G IU.C:Coll.t\llly Yacht IHTRfPlD, taken over 0)' tho Na.vy tot" tl\o con.a14&-

oont.rollod tl"'CCI thO 'uAval R441o Gt.a1.1on, (lholton.h.Aa, llary- Uon ot ono dollAl- to the own o1· (J)I"tviwaly reported) 1a

.Wd, on 1uly '}l.t 19l.O . Frequonolu u.ae4 WeN .(.2)S and beiftc towed to llew York: tor c.onYeralon, aJTlrln,s there

12,705. todq.

Vart..le 8b1pt!.""''l. at 8::-Ut.ol., Ptan.,-l', that. bu aince 1!..- 1'ftlt l!rrdoet. rl.1a1u.U• ot .f710001000 1A COtettl!»!'lt.

bHD oc.oup1ecl.b7 ~ ari&Uco ac\.h1Uu ot n..twtna•, 1\ulta .rr. Uae 1econd wpp}-.n\&1'7 ~-•• blll to !:elp

Inc. , bkc:al anJ.l.abl.• \.o 1.htl JlayY, u t& pNeent b.d.l4 t.hU 4odt 1a cau.aing-. oonccm 1n \he~\& ot 1.nou..;bent.a ·Nve ltO'V'ecl out to a.t ,..,. tro. the oeaboard Shipe, •• u.. a..,. n!Mde W.1 dock. At J)HI.nt, JS,OOO

-.od obt.&in l.e.n4.1na fields . Th«re 1e IOM aot.S.vity among t.on can 4oolt1nl taoJ..Ut111 in Mew

civil.ianl int..re1t.ed to hAve the Ha."Y r10pon Briotol a.o l

a:-. a.....U.ble at Bo.-t.on., Pbi..ladelphla, Jlo:rtollt, PeAMa, Pl>co\ - , _...,.,, Poin\ (Son ""'c:Uco), toDd ulu-t.o-

Jl14!hlree'. Cnde!t trill dl.MDbar.c: at. Amurpo1.1.a ._ da.T 17 will t. at. Pearl Harbor. · earl7, UTl'liac \her. oa AUII.I;It. 11., h the &14- u.. •e . !!JllHD!Q. boa bMn ouU.odaod by u.. Chief or 0-- ehipoen 011 15 A~> . ru-co of oobt

Ueah.Lpl ti.IIG to be road,f t w: eeoond cru.ioo o! Y-7 navol. ot th" Oolullbla Broadoa.eUfts 8)'11te. on a etory reaerve lllidehJ.pat«2 , which will aee 140C)..l.5()0 111barlted at be!na

11 .. Jork on 19 A""""'· Baculu al4obJ.poen wU.l co 011 4

""" -•1 on boo>d tho W1tJIIDG tr.. illlir orri-.1. •• a-,..,._ to KIW Iorlt. a.-.~..- wU.l bo tr.. &.

U. S. S, WASP {aircraft carrier) is at the Navy Pier, South

Boston, returning from s hakedown cruis e with 3 rows of

blades in the 4th and 5th stages of one turbine s tripped.

The contractor, Bethlehem Steel Company, Quincy Plant,

bears the responsibility nnd >1111 correct the trouble.

Nazi Raider, abroad in South Atlantic, is said, accordine 19 to best infol'!Jiation, to be of 8 1000 tons with speed of

knots. Armament consist" of 4- 5.9 11 guns. Opened action

on British merchnnt cruiser at 16, 000 yards with great

accuracy. Hull is said to be gray1 1'11 th cream colored

ventilators, black funnel with blue bands and her name

UARVIK STERIGE painted on side in white .

Indian I sland, in the Pugot Sound area, may be acquired

far s.cmunition s torage purposes • .

'rhe Duko and Duchess of Yli ndsor, sailed today on the . .

American Export Lines ship EXCALIBIJR, from Lisbon, with

six others in their party. They wi ll probably be follow-

ed by British,cruisers which can hardly be considered as

escort vessels unless trouble should occur and EXCILIBUR

were a t tacked. There is a later report, unconfirmed,

that one or two British cruisers would follow the EXCALIBUR. REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 2 August 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, 1 August ••••• 150,729

Fleet R!servists (Enli~ted) on active d~ty • • 4,287

Othor Reservists ' n tl " " • 2 ,695 Total •••• 6,982

Ag"Teellte Enlistments (last '24 hours) • • • • 269 Ageregate Discharges " " " 197 .-Gain • • • .• •• 72 Retired Officers r eturned to active duty as of 1 August Line off icers 525 Staff officers 151 Warrnnt_officers 39 Total , • 715 Naval Reservists ordered t o active duty for enforcement ~ of neutl'allty patr6l 'as of 27 July: Nl.llllber Number Number ~haracter Qf gutz Allowed Obli(t!ted Ordered, V(G) Officers Afloat 4 0 400 205 IJercbant !.Iarine Afl~t. 200 200 165 Aviation Instructors 248 248 157 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 117 CEC-V(S) officers 9~ 95 95 SupplY ~orps officer s 100 100 92 Medlonl & Dental officers 140 140 1.42 Commun~oation Of~icers 90 90 81 CC-V(S) Off i cers 32 32 8 .J.dl;inistration of Reserve Uidahipm:u~ Training Progr111:1 100 100 127 Uisoelieneous 275 273 312 .:rotal ist.illated Number Allowed 1805 lB03 1501 2 . B!JRF.AIJ or !.l15lJI AU.P ~ a.nnouncee th.e follO"ftn&

u;sa I'OC!'!l! (00169) roport...i t.o ClliCUS !or d•V 1A A ooat plua fixed toe contract tor power plAnt - Atlantic improvo:~ente· .At. JbJl.adelphlA, Ch.vle~tton and P41't'1& SqUAil.ron On 24 July ond IWJOOJ:(DD168) C01 leland hu boon n•••t.iat.MI With t1lo Unite

[j.ALJA:1S. -.zoe reported t.ohave 'boc.bed J"'eCCI''t.l)" a:nd. Ritte ranp !ld tacUU.ies at the ~~val Ball-e , 8M Di.ot,:G 1 06lltom.14' 6tr.U"ded t.o tho Oritt 1th done ncae to their orl ahipo the OOUT£ DI Co::apa.rL1 of ~ W,eles, CA J.torn1a, tor $64 ,~ . T1.o ol -.>letion 'lO ...,... CJ.'f(IWL d omr.u ~ 'beeaaea ot r.. mblanoe · us: QJI.lYTJAA (8820'1) wUl be l.aU11ob04 «> 4 Sopl.«>bor i.o t..~o lllOD troll t.ho • at \.he Uavy rard, Port..out.h, N.H. 11!1!' IllS? (n.. aircra!t. oa=ler) proo:l.lal.Mr1 .-.port J - 7 f.e!!!T! Jll4fh1~ . n'a. UDotfio1alnpclirW r.­ or - t.o port. hl.;h pro•""" torb!Ao ...... tho.\ ceivtd t'rOIIl Jl(lval diat:rioto \9 AU&U-It., LI'&J.n.1rl.l .I:G'.. turbine blad.•• nr• roun4 in tJ'Io drain conneotJ.on ...WOo ...u be tLu.d nu-t. d1f" 1o\U.,. n\b<>Ut. -• t!:d.a wrbine, and two M:ta lat.r \he ahip -.Ina ,...y obanloo 1n plltoical an ap roqllir_...... -. :run rltb no ~ppe.ront ~on~uot.ed • • ~ pow r cl1ti ioult.l.ol. I>'-· ll!l ClW, IUc ._., -~~~-t._ _._, UJero :ll or ~ Sl>l.pbllil.41oll ! <# J.,-f'oU . od"

Cause of damage is as yet unkno1·m , but when rotor is lifted additional evidence should be available. Bethlehem1 estimate for r epairs was three 17eeks 17orking shifts •

.s tarboard high pressure turbine will also be opened for examination. A full repor t will be available later.

Tokio News ,round- up shows Japanese feel the brunt of u. s . ban on aviation gasoline and consider it an un- friendly act against them.

Indo-China Air Base, to be established by if negotiations with French, now undenray, are concluded.

From r eliable inforation Japanes e correspondents are instructed by Tokio to concentrate on anti-American dispatches. Great Lakes Training Station, an airplane assi~ed

t here was r eported to have plunged into Lake Michigan

t oday a short distance from the government air field.

There were no casual ties, three crew members escaping

unharmed. > - • REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY \.. V/ 5 August 1940 ~tal Enlisted Strength, 3 August •••••••••• 151,125

Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty •••••• 4, 287 Other Reservists n n n " •••••• Total ••••••••• Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) •••• •••••••••• 323

Aggregate Discharges If II H ...... ~ Gain ••••••••••• • • 285 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 1 August: Line Officers 525 Staff Officers 151 Warrant Officers _..22. Total 715 Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of neut rality and strengthening of National Defense within the limits of Peaoe-time authorization, as of 3 August1 Number Number Number Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 300 300 210 MerchAnt Marine Afloat 200 200 172 Aviation Instructors 2.48 2.48 168 IV(S) Officers 125 125 121 CEC-V(S) Officers 100 100 100 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 96 Medical and Dental Officers 152 152 149 Communication Officers 100 100 91 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 10 Administration of Reserve Midshipman Training Program 140 120 Miscellaneous ~ 2l!! Total Estimated Number Allowed 1805 1803 1565 l · tube 'bNr1nl• ot \be rubber Mpent t.JPI, b7

in Q. Jlo!rln, lncorpot"'l\ed, .l.lcron, Ohio. ~· ~ COftl~ to ua. a dutcn or a Phot.o-O.c'U'tc R~ord«r Luoian on prerlOWI d.llip of UCJUu:a bear- connect.ion nth 'ihe ~u.tacb.u'• or 100 siailar recordort 1a bl.led to nawr&l. or hevaa rubbar, th•r. are tor tc. BrlUA coad.,.icn. The d for iDA•· In al..o t.eated neoprtM and other l)'lllc.betlc nabbt:n. thio ~ICOl'dor -

Came£;1• In• t1tute of ~~ ' tor u:so 1A cbect:1aa and Conaolida\ed !hcin41ert.n& co., ulta ot t.he meuur•• takon t.o protect n11elt ap..i.Mt Tht An&ocltl Co~Um reu or Daltiaore, J.kuoylo.nd, MYt been aw-ll"d.wd addi.Uonal work ...... exilt.lnc cont.rt.ot. oaa tollow11 AviAtion -otio lldno• . under tbeir "'"-' c- 11 at. Uat Nanl Air St.ation, San Juan, P.R. , and Charlotte !:lalle,v .r .,at an ..u.t.d ooet. ot $),m ,ooo. esr-u ot $urwJUu an4 A~"eO".:tta . t.nDomce• tollOII'iAI . , the ~ ConoreLt contract a•urda: !bt Ortc1ginj eo. , LW PUt Co. , an4 t.ho TUmor COnat.nlc-tJ.on Company h.:I.Yo 'been o.d41t.ional work undor tbcJ.r uilt.-in& contract. as the Ddot Boat ud Motor wor:u, ~ City, Michigan, tor o.wvdecl To !ollonr ArlaUon J' at la•U .l1r Bt.aUon, t.hrel harbor, t a u:rl.t p:rict ot tz6:,026, total tu.t•, Itl.And, at an uU.Wd: coot. ot $1. , )711 SOO· coot t786,078. ~ , lob.nton, Dralct It Piper, Ine., Ai.rcrftl't & Corp. , tor 243 llr­ ft.t 81... Spobna Conpany To tbe Cl"\bball Pu&:ot. Sowl4 8rid.So t.t DrodB1n.ti Coc=po.n¥, havo l>ton and tpare parte , at a to'iel co3t. or $7 , ~60 , 280 . ll.nd tbe pl&nes aw.rcbd add.1t...Lorut.l. •orlr undor their eWUng oout.r.aot., u to.UO..: J.riaUOD Tac.WUea a-t. I&Y&l A.1r St.atJ.aru, to tho .urc...t't ~""' Corp•• r~ u .ur­ an- '700. Eod.1alt, A.I..a.ata, Wid Unal.aalaa, A.l.uka, •t. an ..\.18w pl.arlea and ap&M pt.rU 1 at a t.owl co.t ot &694, coat or t4,JO,,OOO. Steal Collpanf, H" York City, for the To the Bethlthn rTe MldthiY"l"l\ .nlletaentl art nOll' be1"' t.aken convortion, ovtrhaul, repeir and alt«ration or t.he u.s.s. V-7 . Rlll lfl 1 lAII:.&B at. a coat. ot C6U,4"96. tOft' c.rut..a, MCODd oru.l.M uot.& tllled dtb 1671 tho Ro\:llna llrY4ook ond Rep&1r COCipony, hw lork C1t7, To app,U.a&Uona. Tot&l«l t.o 431-t 1a over 2)X), tor tb• oonvera1on, QY erhl.ul, f', an4 alt.eratiao ot .!".S. I.AJWO::£: at ll total coat. of $6S6,1.60. U Cnliat ounbar t.hree will btcin JO Septubo:r, encU.n1 26 of §hiP'. hu au'Cborhtdi at the Dlc1Deerinc Lo "'• !IUr!au Oct.ober. Cnl1 ~ mabe:r ttNr will .. tro. ~ Oet.ol t.r, J.Mapolb, WtU ot at.Nt. and. at.em ~nt 2) Nov•bc· All•• wU1 be to Out.nt.4n&l:lo, Colon, ! · and .

Propelling Machinery, for sullnarines 240-282, proposals

will be r eceived until 14 August when bids will be opened.

U-Boat Warfare, best in£omation places British cer chant

ship losses at 50 , 000 tons U,y U-Boats on July 30, Jl, and

August 1 , all sunk off Ireland. 8 British harbors were

closed on account of mines on 2 August.

J apanese Foreign Office, denies that Japan is negotiating

'lfith the French Ambassador, Charles Arsons-Henry for naval

bases in Indo-China. Army leaders also ~onied negotiating for milltary bases.

GNEISENAU and SCHARNHORST, German battleships are in Kiol

as ~ell as one cruiser of the HIPPER Class.

U. S. S. ~!BLACK (DD424) , was cOlJ!Ilissioncd at the :lavy Ytu'

Wi re and Cable Strike, production and shipment of consid­

era ble material has been hold up due to labor strike in

Now York area in tho Biahip l'fire and Cable Co., Circle

Wire and Cable Co ., and Triangle Conduit and Cable Co .

Duration of strike is indefinite.

Brazilian Naval Attache, Lt . Comdr. Aurajo, called to . thanlc the Chief of Operations for his congratulations ox- tended on the launching of the Bra~illan destroyer DIAS . c b x• n Ql@Jillll +d Hrl! 'sECRETARY oF THE tiAVY 6 AU[(USt 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 5 August •••••••••• 151,365 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on activo duty •••••• 4,287 Other Reservists " II II II •••••• 2,695 Total ••••••• • 6,982

AggroBate Enlistments {last 24 hours) ••••••• • ••••• •• 266 Aggregate Discharges n n It ...... ~

~ ..•..•...... 242

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 1 Auaustt Line Officers 525 Staff Officers ~51 W~·ant Officers _22 Total 715 Naval Reservists Ordered t o activo duty for onforcement of neut rality and stren~thening of National Defense within the limits of Peace- time ,authorization, as of J Auguot : Number Number Number haracter of Du Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G Offi cers Afloat JOO JOO 210 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 172 Aviation Instructors 2.48 248 168 IV(S) Office.-s 125 125 121 CEC-V(S) Officers 100 100 100 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 96 Medical and Dental Officera 152 152 149 - COCIIII\.Ulicati on Officers 100 100 91 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 10 Administrati on of Reserve W.dshi pman Training Program 1.40 140 120 Lliscellaneous 320 318 328 total Estimated Number AlloiVcd 1805 1803 1565 2 . - "f,.t;attattd C(!!tl!cte. tor ~~.Cqu1a1Uon ot ..U ne1ela l ·

llJJ.tlblt tor Ho\Y)" pUrpocea ara goinr rwwvcs. In £trlnal, lll, l3'), 000. owna-e hav• b.on than w1llln& more to oooptrate e.n4 in Tho tollowina lards and Doclca contract ••61"4• havo bocn

IIAdOI reuoru,ble price t.he1r eb:i,pe tor . SU'\Ictorol ot.ol .rru.e tar uuablJ' olio!> ·~ the Pug.t Sound »•"7 'fud, a-..Nocl t.o Pacitie C&l" an4 PO\Ibd.ry F'•r"k M4 Ccp!f't.-ion contt-11c:U. are With ,_,.,,., ot S..1.Ue, ~~ tcw tlJ'7,600. 'fhte ol c.pleUon1 120 dqs. ah1P7U'(ll loe&t.ed. at atrat.ecic polAt.e, oat~ct.t beJ.c& l::lrt4na1on to hlt1"1r..J sbop at. ••"7 tanS, ~ . buK oa. hourl..T labor and ~ t.ool t'lltitl ll.r.a4;r ap­ D.O. ,_o_IINdod l.o LH T. Tunoo~ or ••oh1qtoD, O.C. , t~ t9S, Cf76. Time at e~eUon, 150 d.:ra. P'J"''(ed b1 Ule II• V'T ~t . In of •er£enc7 th1o Torptdo 1hop .t.nd •t.ora.s• at t.he t4Anl. Mint~ ~t, York­ makoa it J'IO•tdble to etart Mpairt witbou.t to-r eon­ town , V.1l'c1niat a-warded too. T. CNhaa lt Co. 1 Inc., ot Riolwond, V1ra1nia, for $68,700 . T!Jao ot coapletidn.,' 7S t.ruct• to be 11tne4. ~· · C9!"!!\fds"tlona. aervict hat b"a a.utborl~tecl R...Sa end Wollco at t.ho uavol. IJ.r StatJ.on (S&u!'ley Piol4) ,.,... ol&, r:torida, o-..t ""Sa.Lt.h En~a..., -c­ ror c~caUCift betnfll C:w.\ Laba 1'NJA.t.n&: Station and a\r'~.k~Uon Co., Ptaaacola, nor14t., tor t34 , ,7~ . fiae or • ...,1.u.., ~ ca~....sar doJ'o. Azw7 ...... ,. C~ter, Chirqo. A .,... ot alt.emate PUr!\!. uoi.£Noonto, follQWJnc palleT' tor pUoto will lA rouUnc tOll' t;aouiO(Iftt!Mcta1, tran.-PMU1c anti 1ooal h-at ,.,vo.~. ~>a r.~ , Group 1, pUoto w1111 J.u• ~~~ao·20 cout no4lo traft1o 1a 'be1l18 ..,..ked 1M w1 Ill ~...... :•IA•· ­ 7Ml"' aernce, unl1a1toct; arou.p 2, plloto rith 20 to 30 t10l'll ot the C~t , 1~ HaYal Dlab'iot. )'Ml'l nrvtce will not. be an~ed to tlehter 8C[Uadrona S\u'C!j\\1 or x~e end Docks. A coat. plWI f ixed r.. contract or u 1otbo student inatru.otora; Ot'O\IP ) , pllota with ror ....plan. Mncar' barraeta 'bulld.LAct U't4tllion ot ad­ ao~ than )0 ,.e.r-a ,.,...lee w1ll fl7 1n o:.cuUn or broad. aic.1.1t.rat.10l\ b'lld1n,, chop bu.Udin,, and: r•ot'•Hng ot c_,4 atatua. Solo flJ'1.t>& l.o be po..r..- !A baaic u ""• at. U.. M&Y'al .&oadea:T, AM4-pol11, ~~ baa t.JI)ea ot a.1.r' aa pt'IMCrlbecl, ea..uunt.e riU. tM1z ~ n•roU...te4 with llcChMhT 1: cc.p.nJ' ot Ph'\ed•lpM•. pi\ M4 JIQ"rlee qua.U.ticaUooa. ~ I ' ~ ' Regular Officer Strength,' as of 1 A1t~ including Staff I I and Warrant officers, \"las 10,770 .

I of the Greek Steamer 1 is in distress fifty miles south

Mississippi delta in the , and was last re­

ported s1n.ldng. TAMPA and BORIE are going to her assis­

tance in heavy weather. It is interesting to note that

her message for help was picked up by American radio, Samoa.

Shipbn11d1nt: Contracts, will be ready for the Secretary} s

signature on passage of t he bill for 70 per cent increase. u.s.s.· PRAIRIE (destroyer tender) , was placed in full commission at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia, on 5 August.

U, S, S, HWJlERSQll (transport), which lost a propeller at

sea, vtill 'arrive at Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, Vir-

ginia, this eveninc.

U,$ , 8 , MANLEY {high speed transport) reported to Comman­

der Atlantic Squadron today at the Conal Zone.

War Sinkings, 18 British ships, total ling 65, 601 tons end

2 allied ehips totalling 7, 090 tons were sunk by Germany

d\U'ing the weok ended 29 July, the Admiralty stated. Ger­

l!lll.nY claiJns s1 nking of 229, 298 tons dur~g the same per­

iod and 3, 725, 547 tons since the war began, contrasted

uith British figlU'eB of slightly over a mi.llion tons. 11 NAVY i65W t ) ~M M'M SECRETARY OF THE 7 August 1940 Total Enlisted Stranf'h- , 6 August . , .••• • ••• 152,104 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty •••• 4, 650

Other Reservists II II n II •••• 2,864

Total • ••• ••• 7, 514

AErregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ...... 215 Agerogate Discharges II II II • • •••••• •••• Gain • •••••••••• 207

Retired Officers returnPd to active duty as of 1 August: Line Officers 525 Staff Officers 151 Warrant Officers ~ Total 715

Naval Reserve Enlisted IAe_n ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrality and the strengthenine of the National Defonse within the limits of peace-time organi- zation, as of 3 Ausust: Number Number Number Character of Dutx Allowed Obligated Ordered Inshore Patrol Bases 340 212 86 Naval Reserve Aviation Bases 2300 2300 366 Cocmunications 85 79 74 Afloat 5000 1290 594 Miscellaneous ( 952 873 Class V-7 Procurement Program(2325 193 193 608 Class V-7 for l.lidship::~en , USllR ~ 60S Total Men 15,050 5, 634 2,794 l · 1· H1rlr.e Cgm, total .uiawd, u ot 6 J.u,cut., out on t.ll11 ot ten ea.teaartea , J.~ to J.-10, 1D relaU•e wa1 29,601. The Nevy hal intOl'llld. t.he llarine Carra 1t f.cpartAnoe to bot.b bt'aneb.. at t.h• ..rrlce, a1111J.o.r to t.he U nt& tor a' oarro veeael to act o.e IIUJ'IPl7 •hip aethod that~ worked well 1n the World war . hotoxitl are 10 to tW'I t..t.Hn Sortolt and w.,t. Indian t.atJ •• IUbatt­ &l.o cradec.t in thair hportAu\CO to n&t.lona.l de!t:nae

tut. tor the "i:riD:ar. ~aUonal Datenu Cocld.aalon c..n kHp U• au,pplled CentN£t!. ban been .ubaltted. \.0 Kr. 11\a:t..on fflf' cleaz.-. dtb •t.ertel, labor, ..u.1.Ae too.U, et.c., Ula1. th.,. be


lhi!»; nOoih. ;iah;riea1 Bot~t.on , .) ships; AtlMtte filhor­ no &iat.&ko 1A 'rorlc priority whol"o tho aue factory !a iea, BoJt.oa, 2 ahipe. t.l.U"'U:.\\ ®t. u.t.w1d tor both An:7 and lifaTJ'. J.l.locatton

lfu1 9b dcbta • li!T our ~el •""* Ct.D4 ad4 to be t.b&i.r l•tM1., ..,.. dJecribed •• ~~ ~­ & t.ndenc7 OD Uo.f part f4 bot.b HJTlcee t.o C!llllfll.o7 .nUro

Uvtl1inett1c1eo't and ~ntarr . tr.ct.orUa 1r\ e~ty work, AI .,ore ractoriea aH bu11t t.nd. enlar1od tbJ.• probleo will tAn4 t.o clea:r 1t.a:6lt, 1!le.2_1 (tl drydook) at~ noon 6 Au.guat wa1 ln L&t.ituda

1')-lS NoM.b, loniJitudo ~s-54 , ...~ . 1l1u'vtu-d ttu.ei.ngu ljobgol. baa o.treHCt ita tsc:W.t1e• to Suppl7 ll•• • . •IJ'P, (al.rcratt coni... ) oW>boo.rcl hi~"'"*"..,.. the JlanJ. 't... rwo &nd. .it 11 exptOWd 20 ROMXTt O!'ti<:en wUl NCilin ~ u..r. W.. W.. 1D a 1lz b.u"blr.o MI. - l1l'l4d and -· "-" .U.U.... \o IliA~ or 0

paira be Md.e llithin perlod arJ.Dnally eatiat.d. will doubt.leaa t,. contJ.nued.

Pr101"1tz or contN.cta, betwMn J.rwr aDd xa.,. an 11W'kt4 ~ · 20 candidates for the Dental Corpo will bo hold on 2

December in Waahington, Great Lakes School, and

San Diego. Candidates must be between 21 and 32 years of

age at time of appointaent, and graduates or standard

dental colleges. u.s.s. TUNA, (SS203) , is scheduled to be launched at Mare Island, California, on 1 October, one oonth ahead of con-

tract order.

Recruitine Activities , for woek ending 2 A~st :

Number of applicants accepted for first enlistment, 1816

Number of first enlistments ••••••••••••••••••• 919 Number of reenlistments within three months • • • 58 N\.D!Iber of reenlistments under broken service •• _.22 Total enlistments ••••••1016

Japanese , and transports were steaming southward

froc Formosa, accor ding to a report received from Manila.

Eighteen transports were said to be in one group. Ships

might be moving to Indo-China or tho Japanese mandated

Caroline Islands, it was thoucht. Domei, Japanese news

agency, said that the Foreign Office bad informed Am­

bassador Grew that reports which hud been circulated in

t he world press of Japonese prqssuro on French Indo-Chinn

were false. NAVY a I I I I J.I VORfm Ti~ SECRETARY OF THE /j1 8 Aueyst 1940

~ ""-'"-="'-===-==-=-==:..:.....:::.:.h , 7 August • • • • • • • • • 152, 196 leet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 4,650

Other Reservists If If if If • • • 2,864

Total ••• • •• 7,514

Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) •• • ••• • •••• 157

If If AR~ocate Discharges " ••• •••••••• Gain • • • • • • • • • . 92

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of l Aul•uat: Line Officers 525 Staff Officers 151 Ylarra.nt Officers _,l2 Total 715

Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrality and strcmgthenin,. of National Defense within the limits of peace-time authorization, as of J August: Number Number Number Character of Duty Allowed Obligat ed Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 300 300 210 Jlerchant !Jarine Afloat 200 200 172 Aviation Instructors 248 248 168 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 121 CEC-V(S) Officers 100 100 100 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 96 Medical and Dental Officers 152 152 149 C~rrunication Officers 100 100 91 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 10 Admi nistration of Reserve l.lidshipman Tro.ining Program 120 W.scellaneous 328 .Total Estimated NUilber Allowed 1805 1803 1565 2 . 7rJC' 1ne~ .. bttld\pt• l · wom;. INbj.ct. to aino:" ebanr•u ~...... :>1'1' P!'pot, thkl.~. S~ Pf'OP'NI ia bel.n4 Md,11 to- contNcta and aUoc•t.1MI ~ to ll•YT Yard• rlll be ward caapleU.on or the i.Dit.:..'\1 d..,el~t . DNd.t:inl' a.nd roMy tor thiJ•ta.r,y aign.atwo. te l.ts\od14tDl.y upon fill!"" on Jirat. inorenent. will soon be- oGC~Pbttd , fWd eicnJ.n« ot S.oond. Su:ppl.emeW J4aUOM1 De:tenao Act. construction ot ..t.m-e..\oi.IJ2te and ~ •bart w1U COli- ~... cou~ Md &lloc.-t.l.Ga.l 1acl\I!Jt t~ tol.loriA, r cence at ..n ...rlJ' date. A c.~U 8U"'"'ply owr•lx~UH co&- r.o'rfl,..l'l\t oaa..-tntct.acl naatl.a; ~ bat.U.. hl::-, 17 dee- tin:• ~ ,000 b !.ne~od 1n WI proJeet, lo ' troyor•, and S w...,.inoa , all at a.n 11tS...ted coat ot It .\.a Pf"Ol)OBctd t.o inol~ t.ho 1econd 1noro!k;nt C398 ,000,000J 1ncludln armor c.nd ...... ent . Privnt.e yard or $8 , ~ ,000 ro uired w•to tho project. in tho

••.. •to l.Mludo: 8 &il'cra!t, 29 crul.Mn, ~3 19-C! bu:lpt. 4e•tro,...r-s, ud )5 .w-.r-J.Aoe et an tettat4d COI:t oC o,.,,s . .A" fit). 'llb1.L- ..w:..rvte~ bol.Gw pe:r1.Hope d_,th , 9?0 , S~S , 200 , 111'11ch 1Acl.Udo.t.1 a.raor &I'd ~t a4 ~ both por"to &nd 1t&rboard. .rphuioa1 ~~~ proJec::- CO"''''t'NWW"'t tum.hhoc1~~nch1n•r;r t01" oubM.rine& . It 10 ox- tor1. Ropol't will bo &lido by let.t.or. -ted tM Soorolar7 will bl ebb to""'""'""" contro.ot u.•s. SCJJ!ll.' (SSl9l), port propeller wu otrual< b7 tho ·- ri

U, S, S, BOREAS (atorcship) , was placed in ordinary commis­

sion at tla.vy Yard, Philadolphia, on 6 Auguot.

Adoira.l Greenslade, has co::!pleted his Clio :lion.

U. S. S. GRAYSO!l (DD4J5) '1711.3 successfully lo.unched ::~ t Navy

Yard, Charleston, on 7 Au~st .

H. M. S, OSWALD , submarine, was reported overdue and con-

sidcrcd lost by the British Admiralty. An Italian coo-

munioue pointed out th~t 52 officers ~d men , including

tho com:nanding officer, wore prisoners of TID.r . This l1QS •

tho 15th British submarino lost since tho start of the

war. The OSWALD ilas 2.,038 tons dicpb.ccmont, carried 1-4"

fUll and 8-2111 torpedo tubes.

s . S. EXCALIBUR , arrived at with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

l'lar Sinkings, German high command said thut 12 British

mer~t ships totalling 55, 000 tons ~ere sunk by aerial

attack and 7 others damngcd, while travellint: in convoy.

GeMo.n torpedo boats claimed J shipo in another ~onvoy

totalling 17, 000 tons, The British admitted considor~ble dMWogo had been dono, "savora.l ships boine hit" , and a number of survivors and injured landed. I J I J Ptf tls REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 9 August 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 8 August ••••••••• 152, 257

Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty •• • 4 , 650

' Other Reservists II II II II • •• 2 ,861,

Total •••• • • 7 , 514

AgGregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) • •• • •• •• • •• 224

• Aggregate Discharges II II II ••• • •• •• ••• Gain ••••••• ••• 61

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 1 August:

Line Officers 525 Staff Officers 151 Warrant Officers ...12 Total 715 Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement . of neutrality and strengthening of national defense within the limits of peace- time authorization, as of 3 August1 Number Number Number • Character of Duty Allowed Oblisnted Ordered · V(G) Officers Afl oat 300 JOO 210 ' Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 172 , Aviation Instructors 248 248 168 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 121 CEC- V(S) Of ficer s 100 100 100 SUpply Corps Officers 100 100 96 Medical and Dental Officers 152 152 149 Comrnunication Officers 100 100 91 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 ·10 Administration of Reserve Uidshipman Training Program 140 14iscellaneous 320 Total Estimated Number Allowed 1805 1803 1565 -~u'· or ruwun CI.Dd. Aeept.,. Two contrrJota ban been v-7. rum• llidohl.....,. JOO ot.r1. tho r1ro1. ll4hool 1n

awarc!ecl the ,U.lAnUo Coa.lrt Pi.ahorioe, Ino. , Bo1t.on, &taae ., U.. ILLDlOIS t.aoon"ow. )~ appll~ COl" UU• oou.rso, ovar

tor two trawl.ttr~, llt ~·cat.i.mttod. ooot ot t52,,000. A roo cho•• llorthr.oot.rn, ~d 56 doas.r..t t.o poetpono t.heir

contract. h.u 'b.;an •nrdl!ld the E.r . duPont do H•OlU"'• tJ:ad .a14oh1p:nn. t.ra.1.n1ng CO".Jl"N , 110 liON di!'f'iculty ia oon­

Co. , II~ , Dele..,.., .or l,O)S, OOO lt..a, or ''COCi'm ~lot.ocl 1n oi>t&in1n& a IIU!! l.ciont n~~~>bor of cualli'iod

plenw ( ...... ;,~.~ peNder) at • \IDJ.t. prlC"e or t .298s, ~ ~tppliunt.a W the ~~ta 1rU1. not be M­

t&l coet., IJO(I 19/.7 . ~ . 1 ccuo.rt ~·been~ t.o U. COIJ&I')'. A ~ """"7 ·-· thot noorl,y ')(1! o! applicants are c~E! gnuhate•, ·~ CX1.17 2 .7U!"' ot

1n tho.._,, of $230/7'10 . colloc• ue reauired. r•••n• rndio •choola, aro in t.he proc ..• or COt"'IAtion

DlepenMrJ, Ship! Shop Aftd Shipway& Noa . 2 and 3, to t.rairt 3200 radiomon and 800 lign.J.Mn. The above r&p­

inC-ludJ.n'-' cr..t&e Rw:rq.ya, at. the J Y'/ Yt.rd, Phll&delphia, J"tlMntl a• hOD torrtllll' propooal to tr.1n )000 •i.e• Pa. , hu 'c... aarded oa • QN1,...p1,.._tt.nd.-t .. buie to ~ M4 2000 ...u,_,, Seboolo .,.. oonw...,lat«t to

~l'O&llJcrod. ~, Pb1..l..lelpll.1&, ... !he total t.-.J.n percoa:.el 1D tbo !oUGII'1nc nuabenu Janl b41o Locat.icxt kMol 3 Norot.oo, Cor~Ueut lUO MaJor NoH\vh. :ree.,u, ::-eturned !'roll the hr rut, ta..lbd 6 Charloot.>n, s. Ca.-ol.lna 100 9 Chicat;o 1 640 to tho Oone.ral. Board an4 etlected oft'ioere oa 1.ho l:l:tue-tion 9 !Uchipn Ci ty, IndJ.ona 11 Lo1 Ance.le•, CaliforniA l60 in ChJJ1a. 1.2 San l'rMc1aco1 CAlilorl\1a lJ Bainbridge Islend, l'iuh. U ...p . H006!f (J.;l)l78) arul P.wiY.II (DDl6l) wwo .-l.aoi oood ~ per YMZ' except. on 7 Aucvot. •t D11t..-oyer Ba.M, SaA nt..,o. Each d.1.a:tr1ct rlll emduot. ) olft-e1e1 1 2 . Of>oraU

a•t. .,.s arrbtd at sua the- M:M Aate. 'bo ,eontincon~ on •bill'>' to """"'' tho uoirod pcn«moi ~ · l:c

aent for schools is estimated to cost $124,000, subsistence

40.%4, 000, clothing, $200, 000. Total estimated cost of . training 4000 cen, e,:L, 65S, OOO , ·including instruction, etc is C.croan C<:JCI:erce Raider, laat heard of off Rio Janeiro

apparently being fueled and provisioned nt sea b,y ships II, in the South Al:leric:an trade which include s.s. PE'i"tta

I.I. S. tlOR BRIS, all Nor- " . S. 'l'ROOJEEnt 1 l.I. S. DAGRELD, and

..-e& and in the vicinity.

Conference, of Bureau representatives was held this ~om- in& on plans for· administration of tho Coast Guard when

it is taken over by the Uavy. Coset Guard r epresentatives . cmi officers fl"oo r;ar Plans were present at the DBeting have 'erchant U=ine ·Reserve School, Son Francisco 1 24

been ordered to first class, 2 months scasion,

12 AuguBt. classes ir1l.l train 40 carchant

.u-ine officera . Padioocn, 15% of Reserve are on active duty and 25 CoQ­

::am.icatians Reserve Officers aro with the Fleet.

Air 11arfnre, over tho English Channel and port facilities

cootinucd on a largo scale w1 th llli.nes dropped fl"o::a Ger- r..r.n planes in an nttocpt to British harbors. t '" l "'"RtPPR'i ro "tHE SECRETARY O.F THE NAVY 12 August 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 10 August •••••••• 152, 617 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ... 4, 650 Other Reservists " • " " ••• 2,864 Total •••••• 7,514 Ap.gregate Enlistoents (last 24 hours) ...... 241

. ~ Aggregate Discharges • 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • 22

Gain •••• • ••••• 219

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 1 August:

Line Officers 525 Staff Officers 151 l'Jarrant Officers .J2 Total 715

!laval !U!serve Oi"ficers order9d to active duty f or enforce­ ment or neutrllity and t.\tf) strengthenizl& or the national defens e lrlthin t.lte llaits of peace-time authorization, as of 10 August: lhaber Nu::aber llUIIIber Character or Duty AlloYod Oblleated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat .300 .300 228 L!erchant l.tnrine Afloat 200 200 196 Aviation Instructors 248 248 185 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 1.35 CEC-V(S) Officers .100 100 101 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 99 IJedical ..00. Dental Officers 152 152 156 Comounication Officers 100 100 92 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 12 Acl.rllinistration of Reserve W.dshiJB!lll Pro~ 140 125 •Jiscel 1 anoous 318 366 Total Estimated Kuober !.llo~ed 1803 16"95 san Di•£• rr.. ~odJ.Ak ...s situ. u.s. a. 011.\HA Md OO!'F (DIW.7) doportod Lhbon tor our­

ciao• Md ~ wl'lilo undOl"ftY in noarby wat.er1. B.\1UU eatablilb,ed botwe.on Port Jtc.Ph_(il_rlon (Atl&nUc) and Na-,y (ll024!) ...-l.nod ot her Llobon Mo'-"41•·

Radio Cbuloaton1 t.o txpedJ.tA roltot wor k. Parria hl.ftnd AAPVOt bblnn, in D\cllah Channel. on 8 AUJ;Uit (t1ret

1a arparentl7 bftdlT hit. b:r tho .t.on, ~ thoro are no .,.., ot G!moon t.l.rcro.n) oonlc 1.4,000 tooo ot ohlp­ ea.ualu ..., . All powv plant.e: are out or ~e1oo and plnc &nd daaoj;od IJ:XXJ GdiUooal ...,.' •-.unt to belt

U llu -. roquea...S \II&~~ .-~ rr.. odncoo. 3S - r~-. &nd 17 boPorl ..,.. llllot

.s-, the llrit.lllh ~ 18 f1du..,.,, S pUo,. ..,.. ,.._ the ···~~nD>- ~ . ·- and chUdroo, proboblJ' :-e..rur-• rr.:. •tors, are rvport.ec1 lick 1a. tb• M6r1De Bt.r- c... rod . Sldppilq; looMf by o.1rc:ro.t't. _.., ) Ollftlc, Ht "cta. on rlro and obondonod, &nd 7 dauced. 1tr ..tor toz'IIOdo

V-7, R•llr:~rte K14ob1men. Ottic.uJ. ~~ Cor tirat boo to. a ..... IWU; oM l cloaoaed. :t ~ -·­ enUso, 601! of tf'holl titll1Md, 1.1 toUon: )00 hAn tor. woro ounlc and 2 dom4Ced. e'Wt.«J ttrac. aohoot in t.he ILLINOIS; l6l huo cboetn t.o 9oo• tor British, The~re ere no Huy or Any ij\lrUI or OIIIIIU­ o~wn4 tho flrot oohool ot Nort.bwoot.rn (16 Soptombor); nlt.loo lor loan, accordin.a to be:st. advictt. (Br1Uah are

U. b&YO doterrld ae-1\ool Ull noxt. tar.; J.O wor-. 411olu&l.i­ l.n'\Artlat..c.\ in 311 and. t.• troa World 1illl' •t.oo.k• ·) t1od ~1oul7 troa cooUAul.n£; 01>4 2) _,. tOihd n~ V · " • ~ • o 11>1rc1 ol'll1M (Soptoabor )()) Contrast! •!'!Z'CI!d· tot tnnilera to r .J. o•H&n. Bema, ond ~uoto rill JII'OboblJ' be tUlod next. - . o!'tor w!lloll lno.., wre £ a\ $UQ, OOO each, AD1 2 at 1220,000'l'.

.U.U.'-'t• wiU ~C'tl imloclla~ ror f'otll"t.t'a cN1M. fo loo\b Fllllteri.e• t

or u... t.rawlero t.Ye ~ bMn cl.U•encl at. lo&t.oo a· for conversion to .

Bureau of Yards and Docks , the follo·lr.lng contrnct awarP.s. have baen made:

Altoratioll5 to fourth mng of Bancroft Hall, !laval Aca­ de~, Annapolis, Lid . , ar.ardod to !min and Leighton of Philadelphin, f or $107,770. Time of completlon, 180 duys.

Tes:~porary hospite.l facllitieo , Eleventh tlavnl District, San Diego, California, awarded to John Replocle of San Diego for ~143 , 400 . Time of completion, 90 days.

Bo::lbinp: Attacks, on channel porte and ehippin~ con.tinu9d

and for the first time the British admitted tho Germans

had gone inl.and with their attack, causing 11 some 1oss of

life" . Previous raids by daylight had been confined to

coastal harbors. Virginia Gayda countered British rumors

llf uprisings in Albania with similar conditions in Indio..

'Phs Assistant Secretary, Mr . Co~ton , asked Congresc to

enact legisllltion increasing the number of midshipmen o.t

the Naval Academy. A bill had alreudy been introduced by .

Chairman Vinson to this effect. Mr . Compton said . ~cad.oi!V

enrol.l.J:Ient could be increasod il:nediately to fill vncan-

cios in tho enterinG class otill existing.

Red Cross, reports 25 dead at St. Hel.eno. Island in South

Atlanti-c storm, in lD.te . No power or water avail­ able at Parris Island and unable to reach it as causeway is wiped out o.t both ands. '- 1 1 - lc l ~;d '.4·iiii ~RETAiY JF~HE NAVY 13 August 1940 Total Enlisted Strcneth, 12 August ••••• •• • 152,739 . Flrot Reservists (Enlisted} on active duty • •• 4, 650

Other Reservists II n II II •• • .2,864 Total ...... 7, 514 Enlistments (last 24 hoUl·s) 150 Aaarogate. ••• •• •••••• A~eroaate Discharges II II II ••••• •• •••• • • • • • • • • • • 12) .

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of Aueust 1 :

• Line Officers 525 Staff Officers 151 Warrant Officers ~ Total 715

Nav~l Reserve Officers ordered to activo duty for enforce­ ment of neutrality and the strengthening of the national defense within t he limits of peace- tiMe authorization, as of 10 Ausust: Number Number Number Character of Dutl Allowed Obliaated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 300 .300 2.28 t!erchant ilarine Afloat 200 .200 196 Aviation I nstructors .248 248 185 I-V (S} Officers 1.25 1.25 1.35 CEC-V(S} Officers 100 100 101 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 99 rledic:U and Dental Officers 152 152 156 Communication Officers 100 100 9.2 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 1.2 Administrati on of Reserve Midshipman Training Pl•ogram l4D 140 125 •1iscollaneous 3.20 318 366 Total Estii:Jatcd Number 1805 1803 1695 ·l· i!· CJ"aft, 1,2 , ()1)0~ toW f-J.7 , SOQ, W1lJI. Bin MO'"'ei.• blalxl, latMtu.t. oa reeoived U,111 t. ~hn ~nt b buJ.l.I4.J:t.t tint. NV~~tre raJl'rO'ld into Pnn-11 bland wUl. ta.ko 6.-8 da,-a to r~pair .

~,. 1 vnne..,.u~ ~ G.-ntrel hi!IVo prooM4ed ht1Tel cl.ltU no boWl~ or "~'~1 1r tbld con.•truetion f'l'OM Ua.rtr.• H~art..-rw .. wU u Lie~ . CO"ld.r, tbfore . Th• on.lT whlt.41 IIIlA on Uwt bl..M U Rwlaian t.Mr. 1!t~Mlh~m rr~ t.hfl IN.rOAU of Yo.rct. uw.t J'tocke .

t-epor-tAd to . ~t.ed .nd poa ibl-7 an acrranautical b~ •J..n( S a.1.rc:nLtt. ardi:uu'y CJ.raC'W. tor dut7 011 12 A1.lf\l.i)t. 1n Patrol 1 'J , ~ •• t:Q!.Ac:l (boopit.ol ohip) wilJ bo pl

cuU.,.. o lt" ~r . Onl.7 oHic:era to re'JOrl. to Ute: .:-. ~ . the lle.rohant. llll.rine tt.eOJ:TO Cont.rnct corwpleUon F.xpeott~d c~ , Ytrt"el d11.te nl~!Uqn d!.lt. Tns!lt !.PLtt', ;u takn CJft.r at. r rt Yard, Mf'W York, em U !J:'fiGIIH! (tt>OS) l.l/l.5/J..D lD/'10/J..D J'.W

hl under O"H"'h&~ b ,..port.ed rr. the n... .,. uon Shul=be' Dofr.~at CCF1l_t.tte. Colcm"'l •o.t acted u C"-~ the total YIU"d . Pet\4L1nc Wl"t ol eltotrical "W.JI'l*ftt, at tho uetlng or 1.2 AU£Uit., called to pus on ot't" in tahortne 1l.l'l<1 tocurity dnaaGo inoh~tlin.J •t..t-1&1 Ulod cor:n,i&ance of hil otter to t.ako over detenae'l ,:n-e­ £uo. 1 .. cLa. .... oc~ \0 l..1.en l J ••u.-\.ed ~~~ f')5()C. rlO!dly t:ald: ~ 'JrlU&b ~ . ftt• J&P"-ll~ .-..:-. aboeftt# uon mt.6mf. tatWbd co't ot 1htributt.rtn r..nd cc.Nn1c.. ret"wd.nt; t.o rooor.n.h• tho br,allt.)' ot the method ot ccm- , s;rounda, '-"4 rept.ira: to tad1d1n ·•, :118,000; Yo:ni.n."'. ...Jf17 MJ.d. ll..D7 a.cUon &.&ken on U.t datA 'l'oultl not. ·lht.t"illl".JUCft and ~.-tl4 f\art-1\er ~d t,...c , 1:. 1 •J ponr bt reoo..,Us«l. T ...Un.c •• .Uourn.fld wltbcut., 't?, OOO j ., Uon ayad:AI o, I.SSOO J waterfront ootion. 'tho Japnnoao aek.S tor a ooot1nP on 15 AU(!U4t. at . 4. which time the committee will be convened o.uain.

~viRtion life belts, for porsonnel London, plus J for

Admiral Ghormley and Aides will be forrro.rded with the

bar~n~c of the next officer roing to London .

Marine Corps, total onllsted pcrsormel on 12 August wos

30,220 . There r.ere 1,248 officers on active duty as of

1 AUJTUSt and 11.6 \'llll'l'ant officez·s , Reoerve fol'ce ae. ot: 1

hU~ct consisted of 1,161 oftioers, 17 warrant oft icers, . 47 aviation cadets, and 151 076 enlisted men·

British Adnirnlt7, snid th3t shipninr lost by enecy

action durint" the week endine 5 August totalled 75,124

tonr, includin& 13 British ships totalling 60, 058 tone.

Durinr this poriod, Germany claimed to have sunk 232 ,743

tone of shipping. Tho AdmiroJ.t:r adcicd that u-p to 12 Auc­ 259, 000 tons ust, Germany had lost 923 1 000 tons and Italy

of .shippinr. of hundreds of Gar- Britich Coaot 1 was nP.uin under fire

man olnnes. Aldershot , ~Y traininr center, 30 miles

fror.1 London, weo bo::~bed . Tho Briti sh claimed 54 Ger­

man plPncs r.orc brourht dorm by British fi&htero and 3

by anti-'lircraft guno, in acr.~o caseo th~ fir:hte1·s chns­

inv German boubers clear acro~E the chnnnel. Total fnli~tPd Strength, 13 Au~~st •••••• • 152,957 Fleet R~servists (Enlisted) on active duty ... 4,650 Other Reservists II II II II ... ? ,861.

Total ••• ••• 7, 514 A~~eeate Enlistnents (last 24 hours) •• ••• • ••••• 311

AuRrOcr.te Discharees " ff t1 ...... ~ Gain • •• •• •• • • • 218

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 1 Aueuot: Line Officers 525 Staff Officers 151 Vlarrant Officero _...l2, Totru. 715 llavnl Reserve Enlisted Men ordered to active duty for cnforccr.!ent of ncutrali ty end the strengthening of' the national defense within the limits of pence- tine or- gnni~~tion , as of 10 August: • !lumber NWllber Nw:lber Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered Inshore Patrol Bases 340 212 86 Naval Reserve Aviation Bases 2300 2300 372 Communic,tions 85 80 . 75 Afloat 5000 1292 676 l.!iscell/Uleoue ( 971 892 Class V-7 Procurement Pro­ ~2325 gram 208 208 .Class V-7 for l!idship~:Jen , u.s.N.R. 5000 608 608 Total 'len 15,050 5,071 2,919 l · tr.•.•. O ' lml~l (~DI.lS) , ot·1cl&l. l.rWo wore h•l4 ott

to Cl.nOJS to• t.oapol'lll'T C-'tl SUpt1lf Oopot, Drookl:rn, U.Y. The coopl"t.. \lnit 11 t., 11., .• . '0.\IM,~t (DD402) ...ported Sc!u.sdr<>ft on 1:> •ucuat. N Nt up 1t\ Guant. 10 lmder <16AYU ADd rit.h >Orlllble eM,, 1n Atl.o•Uc . b-1.ll!i1n.:!ll t.o houH o~r"!! roon am acttt. rurdcal ll"'d F , J . , tor J trawltrtt (tor c.onvl!l"J~~:ion to lllnopeeporo) to F>uJ:pvJn~ tnclude~ aot.or·, cU.e"""'shi.nrr t~quiP"'f"nt.. . Ccm~ettl I" , ( ..rq , O' 'l&rl\ a Sou, Inc., Botton, at $190,000 each ~urkiry .._\d~t , Nt'ri[ent.t.or 1 Jt.erllb: out.tit io R . ~ . ('W.l.i:r.dl tor 'f oht. ....:LU dent.Al Md labornt.oey tacUitlee. Unit. 11 tJCjlfJctod to Mve been·~ at. '870,000, .Jld to Al.f"red L. tor th. Yacht XA'ltiURA • J.l. for GW~t~t&na.flo on 1 October, 1l'berc it wU1. bo aot the b-UA.S at. tl.OO. Ccmlra.ct rt:a LM41n. P'1•14 ?avi.nt .. t u~ a..--rl ~tn paUf'nh. ';he pc.rtoanel wiU be HlllYG.l Air RtAUon, &Ntt.le, 'Juh.l.n~n, bu bHr\ anzded ln lltttJ.nll' up aM down the ho8p1tal, \11\Ul it. 1farren lrforU.qnt, Inc., Portland, Ol'flucn, 1n l.ho to- l•tfl"M o! .DOb1llt7 11 £1ral,y tlt4bllsb00, t.M.t. it M::l be to bo t.l- or m,m ."9. r.,.mt ~ . ..'loul.d ~ >1"1M. lAt.r it cay Fuby..rinee Zi.C).:?~ , Bid.• tor f"urnl"blnS: propollin.; • ­ nplit. into t1f0 unltfl, Tbe Min object ot tbia YGntur. 11 chil'l~.r)' Wll'ft opened, three coe:ap&nioa to train l*"•oruld, 110 th t. 1I re i.a oHd far llllillr'l bU. tor 24 Nte, ll Mt.a, and 8 cet..,. re!fpeet.in17. a·srl\ ....-r Ur.U untt•, ~ c be put tot•tJ, rr 011 abo:-t Otnar-&1 Jlot.ort Corpo,m.t1~ Woro low bidders rith &ll 1\otJ.ce. l1 o Cicora , LSO ho:.p1tAl oorp1111en, \7P118 ot eltotr101tol eQu.i~t u t'Unlif'lhtd by Allia­ ~--- chU cc.priJIIe t.M ~n 1 force tor •.b11: unit, , UMl C~ , ~ :lllott Coo vt;T, Cefttrel tt~·:""'l<' t ..," rm- 1111ictt rrotr. ·t'1'1ted itllfllf t.o the BurciKII'I GM'I- \O'II'aat ArM. ltlt.inrhouae, Ute l two oompn.nioa, lho (01"1\l ~¢ \ll., o.r inc.r.need aotiTit.y ln C.Z.1bbe4n ill " tor electrtea.l .-uip~~mt . Geoeral Notaro. 1.oa' '10, 0: K) wu ~ f'Tol, CCJ110"8-II t.o ~· th1a ~ bil\1 toUow1 ltl>l. 24 Sots 11 sets 8,Sj)tp !!achiner;y !!achinory Mll.chinory l'fith·General. Elec- tric Equipment $19,800,000 . . . \Vi th Electrical Equipccnt $9,245, 320 C6,863,973

German Parachutists, Home Guards, organized to capture para~hutists , searched for several Germans who bailed out of airplanes in Southeast Engltuld. In the anoth- or hunt was on for possessors of eleven parachutes found there. Parachutes wore said .to be capable of supporting a load of 400 pounds each. l7ell infortJOd Go=n s ources said parachutists had been dropped neer Birminebam and l&ancheater ,

War in tho Air, Gel'l!IDJ\y reported more than ?.0 British planes and 5 German planes shot do~m in battles near

Dover todo.y.

Aci!rlfral Hart, Co=der in Chief Asiatic Fleet, arrived

in Shanghai for t he meeting with the Japanese over the dispute regarding tho British sector of tho International

Settlement. Admiral Hart' s a1~ival probably p~ovented

the Japanese froo meeting today, as he is senior officer

present, outranking all Japanese officers present. lloot-

inl' Trill bo held tomorrow (previously roporkd) • CJl llide t 1 1 iH l~~ REPORT '00 THE SECRFTARY OF THE NAVY 15 August 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, 14 August • ••••••• 153,216 Fleet Reservists (Enl13ted) on activo duty ••• 4,650

Other Reservists II II II II ... 2,864 Total . ' .... 7, 514 Aeeregote Enlistments (laot 24 hours) ••••••••••• 280

Aearegate Discharges II II tl •• '...... • • 21 Gai.n •••••••• • • 259 futtired Officers returned to active duty as of 15 August: Line Officers 566 Staff Officers 155 . . . Warrant Officers Total ~ tlavt>l Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for enforce- ocnt of neutrality and the strengthening of the national defense within the limits of peace-time authorization, as of 10 August: tlumber NUJJber Number Character of Dutl Allowed Obl18ated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 300 300 228 Llercho.nt !.Iarine Afloat 200 200 196 Aviation Instructors 24B 24B 185 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 135 CEC-V(S) Officers 100 100 101 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 99 Medical and Dental Officers 152 152 156 Communication Officers 100 100 92 CC-V(S) ·Officers 20 20 12 Administration of Reserve t.lidsh1pmru1 Trainine Progr am 140 140 125 Mircellancous 320 318 ~ Total Estioated Nunber Allo?;od 1805 1803 1695 ..... l · ~"tpruitlrln J.otivit1flrs fo:r Week eo41n;; 9 J.1l{tWSt: '!I"'doo Citr. tb~ retto'"'l\l Distrlot Gllrt'teon 1e being rt~­

rtua.bor or l'lippUcMtft '\oc."pt4'1t'1 ror N.r-et cmll$taont, 1.8?.9 in!'OJ"Ced to bea-t intomnt.ion. Largo

--of !lrot ...... ll43 or pca~~tJ aro b J.n iaport.od: 1nto ott)', about. ono­ i'U:.lbet" or roooUattnftnt• dthJ.n t.hrM eontlul . • 76

llu=abor or :-ecnU.ataents uodrn' 'brolam service 0 _.J2 :U!I..oo"ter at wh011 are 1\t'rl-.:in&: lll'lll8d while ot.hara are boing

To~ Fnltn~~nts ..•..•. l2S8 aupp.l.ied anaa .in the c.apital. '!hooe at•pa 1n connocUoa

U. !'. r:.rotc'l' and 'fl'CKITI" thl'l" tollowin.z it1Der111r1 hAo rlth oponin& o1' tho El.octor ttl Coa~I.MOO 1nd.ic~tct tbe OOv­

~>~ton f'!.pttro"o·ed n.rui diplOMatic urangomant.a initi"ltod: ~t 1s u:nooey 0\'01" the pe.ndin.Q &MOU!lOt~~~~mt of elec- Do)'II!Lrl !'ontln14e0' ;.a Aucrt.U~t . At. Bunnoa Airoa, 29 Auawrt

t.o J Sept-=b"l.r. Ai. Rio Jn.', '-10 Septtlll'bflr, .and or­ ';'r4wlttr MAin'·, na ncehad by the Cocu;.;.ndant. lot Havnl

rin Hortolk, 2.L Scptombt'lr, Dbtrict on lJ AU..,"'Uttt. ~tnd 1a now 'lt. t.h~ r,tonf\\-al ~p and

IJ . ~ . s • . :1. LIJliiS, will pNt'Mbly depart Pfcn"folk about 26 fh& Warkel ror eonYOHiOI'\ into a lllineneeper.

SoptODbor tor a oruleo to the !:tlet O«Ltt ot Soutb .Amcriol'l . 5 Addtt1oll..t lbtUI'II' , or new deeign have be-on r.teuod

l'h• toUowinrr 1t.1n~NrY hal bMn 8U.I!tlt'Steth At Rooife aa part or the 7(1J buildina proJI"Ua br Mi". ttn\)CSAon Md aay

(PetTUlll'lbuoo) , 7-11, Octot.r; JUo de Janeiro, 17.. 24 Ootobtr; be added to the outUna ot contr'ftct• tor conetruoti.on aa

'~onlerldeo, 28 October to I. Novcabo.r; BlwnoG Airea, 5~ repor ted ln t.hie b.lll,.tin on 8 A.u,guat. Alloc-.tian of 6,

"{OVtombo.r; fl.tmtoo, 15-~5 lloveribru-; Mon:terldto, ~8 Nov-­ end.aor1 no« udentd to Cr am.p' • d.c~d• oo roiNlt.a ot

~r to 3 Decomber; JUo do J o.ndro, 6-.16 DooecaW; &hia, necot1•t1ono .~ proceedinc •• to ~eoponina or that

18-26 Decesbet•;, 28 OftcC!!I.bcr - 2 JGnUlll'l'1 M.d. ar.. .)'1U"d. A.lloc.l\tlon o.r !i 'bettl~ahlpl r eleased toda;r 1 rill riV'in$ Norfolk 13 J anuary. C!CC'rl'lete tho 1\l.too'lt!ona of tbe 7o:l inc.roaee proll'UI u

Adm1n.l Ghorploy, Md tdde~ hAvo a.rrivod a.t London. regards coaabftt.Nlt YeaiiW.

C.ln(; . Aa1at1~ hu ahif't.d b11 rlt.a t r cm the POR­ 11ytin1cue, It. baa been rrc~ecl thAt "" o!t'ioor with

POtrB (SSl'll!) to l.he tr,\ll!l, (oonvertod 1110ht) . t.he l"'mk of lleut.nnl\.n~ cOI"DDndo.r bo orclored to !,£art.ill1.<;\U! !J.. . 11hm·e relations 17ith this country ure expected to remain

f riendly in the future .

llodel Basin, Captain McBride, Director of the Experimen­

t~-.1 Model Basin, Washington Navy Yard, will relieve Rear

Admiral DuBose as director of the !do del Basin, Carderock,

·~a.ryland . Admiral DuBose will continue to serve as liai-

son officer rlith the National Defense Col!U11ittee. Records,

personnel, and apparatus from the Navy Yard are being moved to l.fodel Basin, Carderock.

~ar in the Air, British claimed 88 pl anes dovmed today in attacks that the Germans described as reaching up the

Thaces as far as Tilbury, important docking area adjac- ent to London . London later reported that between .20 and

.30 German bombers had attacked Croydon, Airport for Lon- don. London claimed the loss of only 19 planes, with 5

oilots able to bail out, German raiders were reportod to hAve flod when British f i ghters went up to greet them.

Dames wns Baid to hnvo been slight.

House Nav~l Affairs Co~ttee , agreed to hold public hellrlnrs Wodn esdey on a bill authQrizing appropriation of h? , OOO ,OOO for constl'UOLion of naval drydock in No11

Vorl{ Hnrbor, 1n conjunction with New York Port Authol'ity. 1 (; [ l f~fliM wtECRETARY OF THE NAVY r ~ 16 August 1940 Total Enlisted Streneth, 15 August •••••••• 153,454 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ,,,650

Other Reservists II II II II 2 ,864

Total • • • • •• 7 ,514 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) •• •••••.. •• 288 Aegregate Discharges II " II ...... Gain . . . . • • . . • . 238 Retired Officer s r eturned to active duty as of 15 August: Line Officers 566 Staff Officers 155 Warrant Officers __Jr§. Total 767 Naval Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for enforce­ ment of neutrality and the strengthening of the national defense vdthin t he limits of peace-time authorization, as of 10 August: N\UIIber Number Number Character of Duty Alloued Obligated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 300 300 228 Merchant Marine Afloat 200 200 196 Aviation Instructors 248 248 185 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 1.35 CEC-V(S) Officers 100 100 101 SupplyCorps Officers 100 100 99 Medical and Dental Officers 152 152 156 Communication Officers 100 100 92 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 12 Administration of Reserve !.!idshipman Training Program 140 140 125 Uisce11aneous 320 318 .366 Total Estimated Number Allowed, 1805 1803 1695 ?.· AI'!"''" •l T"cht. g.nA, mmod b7 ~. V. ll6.Yb, New York Cit7, Dat.o or eo.pJ.eti011 Jr.hMd o.t fluthorbaUOI'I haa btttn aprt"''fed tor purcbato !'or oorrrrl"­ !!!.W Ao Por c~ A!..ll!JlW!!II B•hOM!'l).,!'"""""" don to IUbchuor, Olin~ orforO ll.llA lf'.ngth l5J. teet 1 , GlWII'US (88207) 9/15/41 6/2/4l •l beul 'J. teet, 37~ tona 17,, kno1>1 (top &peed) 1 tor qJIAY!IAOI( (88208) ll/15/4l 7/lJ./41 4 "L~,,ooo . AwraiNl v.!u•, ~u,,ooo . r.cht, whe pu:r­ ( aN~ S/1./41 c.ha•.-c1, ..u.t 'b. ·,:... i.gllo! and connrted 1n lHb lanl ' Cl!llJIJ!I>:II (S8210) 12/1./LJ. w~ 4 llUtriet (P~ ConAl) . IWI!80:1 (DD42S) lC/30/I.D 9NID 2 ~T!!9 or Ord.N&n~•; ~t~• •" 11.u. with ~·...,ta­ CI!.IRLI!S p. - (_,.) lD/30/IIl lD/a/ID ; Una ot ~ ~11•• and. Aecomrt.s oa nq:ot.latod con- ltl:ruD ( lll/,)6) JN41 2/1./Ll 1

...... II)()LSI! ( lll/,37) S/lS/J.J. 5/15/41 1 !'hire Hndq CmttJ:uaUor~, 1At••t. d.ata :man tollawtnr, LUILOII (DDOS) 8/15/LJ. 7/1

that Cormoondant 12th Naval District (So.n Francisco) in-

spect and if satisfactory, arrange negotiations for sale

prior to public auction. Purchase of 2 boo.ts is needed

for Pearl Harbor.

Standina Aircraft, Best information from London reports

procedure for frost on rlngs is recoonended by Canadian

Research Council consisting of 5 percent solution of zinc

stearo.te or calciUI:l stearat e in benzine, dries on wings

and frost brushes off.

VP Planas, from New England Patrol searched 75 miles each

side of Lat • .38-25 N. , Long. 66-40 W. , for Norwegian ship

THE!UIOPYLP. 1\'hich re!Jorted being tracked by a mysterioUD

vcesel in that position. Neither THERMOPILE nor any sus-

picious ohip was seen.

V-7 , Reoorve llidshipmen, Advance reports are that nearly

1000 are already enlisted for cruiee commencing .3 Sep­

tember. Exact figures will be available Monday.

Aviati on Cadets, 52 have been appointed for flight trafn-

inti at Penoacola in the class conve-ninr on 12 August.

12 Naval Reserve districts froo all sections of the coun-

try are represented by this number , Totnl Enl isted Strength, 17 August •••••••• 153,6o9

Fleet Reservists (Fnli~tod) on active duty ... 4,650

Other Reservists If II If If ••• 2,864

Total •• • ••• 7, 514

A~ereeate F.nlistments (last 24 hours) ••••••••• •• 220 Aeeregate Discharces " If If ...... Gnin ...... •. •• 101

Retired 01ficers returned to active duty as or '15 Au~rt : Line Officer s 566 Staff Officers 155 Warrant Officers ..Ji!. Total 767

!laval Reserve Officero ordered to active duty i:or enforce­ Mc~t of neutrality und the strengthening of the national defense within the limits of peace-tine authori zati on, ao of 17 AU('USt: N1.11nber !~UDbcr lllll'llber Character of Dutl Allo'07ed Obligated Ordered V(G) Officer s Afl oat 300 300 241 Uerchant tlnrine Reservo Afloat 200 200 ';zoo Aviation InstrUctor s ?.48 248 187 I -V( S) Officer s 125 125 w CfC-V(S) Officer s 100 100 107 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 10::> Medical and Dental Officers 152 152 168 • Communi cation Officers 100 100 103 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 14 Acu;dnistration of Reserve 'lidshipnan Training Progra.c 140 140 121 Miscellaneous 320 318 m Total Estimated Number Allo\7ed 1805 1003 1762 ... ,i!o flihMrl\li em rtll t:OIIRU'I\1er-in~hll"t . A~.AUo , ~t.• to cl.•rl ~ (m.t.32), ~ll.!rl.DaJ' IC'"'pt.&l\('fO •nat• 20 lUI,"¥ t an4 ,.., o1n the~ A- l'l'fJo • t:. ~ 1 t lda:r, ..u t.bMd ~ s-ctwchile 0 d\lt.y 1J o<" , q , !ftltfn~ . rt~ported to ClnCJJr on lS AUI"\Uit tor !:lttQ (••U-pMpeUed I' dord.ot) wu lAWlched at .n aireratt 5COQ,t.J.Ae r~, Patrol .ln.( t o o.r n ton S•T;' tm, 'the t 1rst ot u, ap !.o f!:'O<"T''iil •• deat.royor1, u . ~ o s . rug (~06) roportld to ~ct..r ot r!'ch«lult~d o U "t.t.Ue tot'ee, for rJuty on lJ ~\lfi:U!'t . o• o o!??o Gft'nM sh1 at. Uan:.mlllo ..1."\ee Dr 'bee= at :ra..-y v.s. ~ . nmr (5!:01), na placGd. in c~u1on l'lilo1t11'1,. '"'LleMO 0~ ;n"OJ'IIT t.ioniS t.tJ depart, , Port.a:IOUt.'-1 01:1 lj: AIJ,f.W'l . ..- c4i."'& 10 JU.,.'"'\Ut. su lU'd 1 11 eO"':''t)11!.ifto 1 pt"lee lndc,. to-r- ~ t..'M .~~'"1• C<-,iH?O, ~ 7G o?, down ol a1noen the Jil""Tiou.., wt~k o c,,008,ll-A,277 f"JI'JSjl.eef\ nnt.ional dote:n•• bill t.o tJ.n­

in U oe- :h.Tf ud ~ cce.ttnc~CJD ot • ?0 pt.rc.:lt. lnc.rMSe .d. •• toll-'" 1 \o to thto lr.ochn.n.i • tho ArwJ'o The ccuaitteo &ttded eJ/., ,07, )20 t!ute.reon 6 Schlatel Jol:' .Y&eht. or:;;-roo at a. ptoic• o or 7C,~ o Jklwre ~ \Ot&l. to 11 ~ ll1.r t'f&Ha m'IJ'P!lt at a pricfl ot flS~J/)OO o CoAo Tilt. tor th~ Yacht auroau Jards Md Qor t'! , thfl VirginiA!inoertn( CoepttnT Y&t'ht 'f:."'J'PDM[l at a priee of Ut Harry l".lnllm 101' tbo hu COrlt.:'DCt..ed U an a44J.t.1CJD to ihdr CO!tt..r'ut t<:~r J.:!C I ')JCl' o , Kortolk, V . , tor th"! ccr.uttrtctlon ot , CAJ""f'l.I"U, l:mU Air Statton ln. S , ~DhcY 6 :lona t'or th.reo ~\(1 1 CO~IS'JLTOR ,79" eoob , e"'1 OOtl$!~ , at. & p:rico of fl81 t..:po:r&rJ a4d1 tior1 1 ~" •t tbf u 'l'al 1':-Un1n( r ' aa...... t 41 ~ar1•• t.o -.o--• , f!Mt• •..Y-1, pnrrL!ra ro •• rollowar FOW" 'b&rrt""U, ""' reco.irlnf: lao..Ut.t.A( Coco Solo, Jocke.onvil te, h08p1WI (\'U&ntico, Cw.nt&.n.aoo, one reor.. Uoaal b.dldint, ono larf!l\co bu1li1nr. pro'f1.4e oare tor the dc"r. 1A 111•• So.n JI1VI) . tl\U Will <<>..U,ttoc or pllq ....t .... taU tor JaJO .., • :lie Jhf'l or nUJ"ae11 u.ortl', e.nd add bt ~»e •r,,.., lnoreacc r.u or N&'l'i.wLtion 1t.ated t.hat. tht"ne ti\Cllitlea a.bou.l•l on4 pooiU"lJ' 110\ b- U.... DOirC! n• ""' o caa;>lT Octobor u•, L· 22nd Ootobor 15th . The contractor started 7lor'k on July All l'iOrk will bt> c.nd is r.1.'\ \U'IUSUB.lly lli'O?'OSS . s ooc of co::roleted well in rdvancc of the needed date, 11nd month in tho buildineo 1T.Lll be ready for occupancy over a working advance of tho date fixed. There nrc norr 10?0 men

on theoe buildinPs, , f01· · · Norfolk llaval Hosp1tal, Portnnouth, Va. , (200,000 ximately four H-type 171lrd buildings of a capucity of appro . of ?40 beds. The uork was a178rded to E.S • .icddlo & Co a cost-?lus- ~orfolk , VirM.n:i'l, on J\U'Ic 29, 1910, under entire n-fixed-fee contract. l'lork io 17el l und0l."'7ay. The

project, complete with Rccesnories, ~hould be conpleted in sequence About Octooor 1~t . fi'ards rlll be turned over . to the Bureau of ·~e dicine and Surgery for occuonncy throe Navl\l Hosoitnl, Sc.n Dieno , Calif. , , :;>00,000, for 180 H-typo ward buildings of a c;pacity of approxinntely to John bod", i. bein • acco'llnli:thed tmder contract a~arded complPted :tenlo"'le of ~ Dic~o , Cali.fornia. f/ork 11ill be eonuence about November l Oth, and the wards turned over in • to tho Burc'lU of Nodicino and Surf ,r.. for occupru~cy base, \ cost- lus-fixcd-foe contract for fleet operating of Snn Pedro, hr o been neroti.3.tod .rith Georro Pollock nt r a ct Sacranento and Guy Atldncon of San I•rnnciRco . Co co· t , includlnr fee , is , 13 , 01", 500 · Totru. .c:nli:Jted ..,trenath, 19 ,.uguot •••••• •• 154,649 Fleet Resrrvists (Enlisted) on o.ctlvo duty ... . 5,233 Other Res~rviets 11 II n II .... 2, 107 :

Total •• ••••• .3 , 353. Amrreaf'te t nlistments (hat 24 qours) ...... 250 AI',Tego.te Discharges II II II ......

Gain . • • . . : . • • . . 203

J.etireo Officers returned to activo duty os of 15 .t-.UQlllt:

Line Officer s 566 Staff Officers 155 Uo.rr~~t Officers ~ Total 767

.1r val :rtescrvo Of'ficero ordered to active duty f or enforco­ -~en t of neutrality and the strengthening of the national defense i7ithin the limits of peace- time uuthorization, ao of 17 August: .:umber ;;U!Jbcr .. unber Charactt>r of Duty Oblic:;ated Jrdered V(G) Officers ilfloat .300 .300 241 .!erchant .ru.•ine A£lo:. t 200 200 200 Aviati on Instructor s 248 248 187 I - V(S) Officers 125 125 142 CF.C- V(S) Officers 100 100 107 Supply Corps Officers 100 100 102 edical Jnd Dental Officers 15::> 15? 168 Communic~tion Officers 100 100 103 CC- V(S) Officers 20 ;>O 14 Administrr.tion of ..cscrve . i dShiPI t .n 'J.'rainin& PrograJ:I 140 110 121 Miscellaneous 320 318 177 Total Lstimntcd aunbcx· Allowed 1805 1803 1762 .- L• 110 Or'l. \1.,\Ut. -£"~., or iJplN_nce, 1 pl.acin• t-~uie1t1ona ror p.arc.a: iJ I . I r. ,,J,ITJJ) ( oU.r j , ... c~ ionorltl?IU&.

d, :'", f', ZULIPf .nd MWS (tl' \!Ol'O in or..

inlrt4ll('d in. ~.,.i.,"t.e plant• Mo.1 " ha.rlt!Ston, .-.t. \'ir- d.J.nAr)' c01¥:.1ta1on en 1~ ... ut;uat at ....tuo , ~oubJ.n,~ .

:1Jd.e . ~e OOt\t. of tbeoc p..-ctNe, lw 1n t.&l.latlca cht.r- "!.." ~ !hl~ t .cat int'or....Uon 1Ddict.tol t.b&t. 1/4 of

~ a1r 1\:wlg\.b re:a..!Jss b ~ . d\b. ~ce a1onz

thr:t ~per­ 1ora,"ill~ ccpao11.)' or for~ a.r:x.r, CW ,, U. oout. ot U. coa\..J.M.ut.. -" U NU."at..di .,.. booG ~­ t.Vll'Un& or 11w'lilile roW:&:, r.:.!de:r poat.r, cun lli4u-, et.c. cent of ~ Ucht4'.r. .ad dlYtt bo'lblrt

t.1nc li.ail.)r O'l'llr Cre&t .Jrlt.a!Jolo, but toM t on1-1 .l.~ "" rccnt or


inUo~t.ttocu• or th,.,.,U"l)' launohin& or a .lNw1 inv Dion. JM

'orc:u U 'bo t', aonai

r.t1fh !'roc. ...~ t.::WII aout.bfnl bofor-;14 \o ~o tbc II!Up'O ~ · iiAtU .( ~ &raed. rt!Mrs?tl, c:..l.ce•• ~ lddc:.:• ls fli"4C~ ,._lU... ~t to t1111 um bo- ~ \M t~ to ua:dr.• cc.r ~ • • uaol 1a bc:G:Jd. exit to the ..ed

lo~• .,1- the ~,;o~.nal u reg), uol l.o1d •< \.:10 ow tork ..h1p­ All. 'Wit. ct .,.., lfU"I, ~~elpbU . bu.1.14J..n: Corp.' ec.!e, ... . , Oft l~ u,~ t. . o .lf',I"fJ w4, •'9. . b:-'u:-t!Jd. ol.Lf'l't. ah!PI 1ft tM ;.&T'J C tl S\ ( \'Cl), aa lauDe»~! •t.. ,'hUA4al~ radii. 'J:hor.c lil'"htor:- ' - ' , macazinl's • nd guns for t ir- gasoline 1 spare parts 1 bor.1b3 1 one is 1;.20 plnnna. They t";oulu. bo lar r baro:;cs (prercnt .nd r: clf-propelled at c. speed feet lon • 1 57 foot bePr!l) 1 that CU.?Ply po11- of L knotr b;. the t:l\l:le derel encr<1tors ::ould oo co.ta- er to catapults. Planf'" of 1"0, 010 poundll decl·. Cctl'- p-Jlted at 1..'>0 .. p£r !tour, relo;..scd frorJ /,BO , OOO rrnllons of u~htcr:J nrc dosirned to c~rr; f.nd n comp) <•ment ~asolinc . The:• ·1ould have low frcebol\rd taken abo:trd of 3 ofliccr:J and 1.0 mrn . Pl11no 11oulu be barc;P b"! m,c,.ns throu<'h " r;ell runnin, down the centc-,.. of complete unit ould of a po~ered car. It to c::~t~t·~ hull "lone ,"00, 0 0 . It ia quite cost ? 1 000, 000, o..'ld be '"1.1CCP.SGful thr .. C"tf>pult ll htcr:J might pos· ' ble 1 if 1 100 built that st~tioned at ~11 f•~ diot~nt basns nnd

. .

t o Parris !3- lo.rine Cq,t.I?.!J recruits 11111 .l(;nin be taken

:re~.ovul of recl'uitin:; l'lnd, bor,inn.ln , ;!7 Aui!Ust 1 o.fter • c fi vit.ies to tantico becnure of oton ( 5 :• eljJ j s ft[lttJ ~ 1J.. RAPORT TO ThE Sl'.CRl·TARY OF Tu!- NIIVY 21 .H.ugust 1940

154, 749 Total ~nlisted Strengtu, 20 August • •• •

Fleet Reservists (Enliete4) on active duty • • 5238 II Other Reservists ( " " •• 3107 11 II II 8 Retired Reservists " • • Total • • •• 8353

Aggregate En l istments (l est 24 hours) • • • • 195

Aggregate Discharges ( " " • • • 95 " Gain • • •• 100 . : Retired Officers, returned t o Active Duty as of 15 Aug Li ne ol'ficers 566 Staff officers 155 Warrant officers 46 Total 767

Naval .Reserve Enlisted Men ordered t o sl'tiTe d'Qt;r tor he 1nforcement of Neutrality and t he ~trengtheni ns of t National Defense within t be l imits of Peace-Time Organization, as of August 17. Number Numb er Number Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered 86 Inshore Patrol Bases 340 212 Naval Reserve Aviation Bases 2300 2300 l.o6 Cammunioations 85 80 76 Afloat 5000 1292 761 Miscel laneous ( 975 928 Cl ose V-7 Procurement( Program ( 2325 ( 215 215 Class V-7 For midshipmen IJSNR 5000 1495 Total Men 15050 2472 } , J v~ric• Corp!, total eftlta~e6 atr.A&tb •• or ~·~ 20 - AJ!l aa4 .._!J, ort1c1Ut CU't ooaauauuc oouv• . .1!l.3.ll OO'DC"-rnlftC priOi•H) anO prerorenot lo O

wee r,ul\udt ,8-37 N, L0Qi:Jt.\&dt U ...;t.. W. ii:Mrtoan Logicn kotor Tore.edo Boat, PrlO wa.a eucc•••tu.llJ l.auocud at

layout. ~ • .r . oc 20 ~ · J•r bclllb1Df,C• CCD#ldereb~l COGCIMl U (1~\ , ..,., W"t" Yft)..4 ('lO.Uq dr)'do.':.c) at DO()D Jl.l\tN&y 1Jo64 NaCG*l lA:oJ"l•Uc a.. O'ff!:T'. trt ""' oU Cllpot •t Ptici.rcLe ..ut\Me .. l .... l •·· J.Cr.ctme l.S.::-l-8 \ , u:.4 h er-,...~\od

~u·•"u ot .._ upplloo ud Acco-unu, Oontruot• '.&lVI 'a fl!l

·~~r~~a •• rolL~•:

ro t ..a Lu4era ...uotno Conatr-.J<)U JU Ca •G;Y, ~tamtord , tit' t " .• ttrt. ~M • tor 'Ua.rbor '1'Uga et a wtU 00 t t tf'9 , '.00. ')(), total 0)97 ,?00 .10.

l'o ilobtr' lacob5, lnc . • ·en, latu4, !~ T~t--~,rcr: 6 ~rbor 1\ap, at ao nn--e au. ooe\ of t69,6l) . ~, \0"'-l 1417,690.00. <::J1u ,... .,. u.~ ~ U.t AU&Ut) Le lc.- To 'L4 Pton••r ta.t~Dt Dt•l•toa of Bendt~ ATI&~ha C• t9• , ben4b, ll.I. tor ,,5o0() alNwft OC.QIIII'tl a.a4 lj)ll.ft parts, at. a u.aU. COl\ r£ t .(.j . ,O tQt•l ttSt.,240.oo.

1'o IMU\lk l"nroci.~ut:e and l;.qui:pnent. Uomi*D1. '!Teaton, 5.1. tor .t. ,OOO M'hl\.or•', kt: •n u••mw u..o.H oo•' or l . S8, total $10, ~ . ~ .

lo lAl'IQI!I\Orl ~ifbllltdlQI (oapu.)' , 0"U3.Cio 'l'a::aa tor U. .nrr laedlq boeU, 11. • ult coni# t4,9Sl. OO, total $ll8,824.?0.

To Jbadolpca ..nU.ti.aa: al!Ua, lac., -.~, 1.... JoN, tor J

TLs following cont ract award nas been muds for .Jagazines and underground gasoline system ttt tne N11val Air Station, Tongue Point , Oregon, uwurded to t ue \',estern Construction CoMpany of Seattle, V.asilington, for $72,950. Time of completion 150 dayo. ·

Progr ess at Nuvul Air ~tut ions, J acksonville and ~iumi , l''lorida. - 'rho c onstruction of tue Naval Air ;:,tuti ont~ in l''lo1·ida is proceeding on a ".io\tll s!)eod anead" basis. I n Jtsc!Csonville, on a ))60 acre trect or land a djacent to the st. John' s River uoproximutely 7 mLes south of tne Ci ty, n1ore t han 5500 worlonen are employed on tuis illlportant National Defense project , 1vhich includes a modern fiying fie-d , andplane , seu pl~e · b6~~rs , s torehouses , snop bui dinGS and ~ rsonne l structures. In MianLi 1600 :uen are o.t work.

'roe first contract wus awarded i n Jacksonville on October, 1J39, at wnic.J ti e this stud ~'n v.aa intended to be an operating and repair base. It v:n.; expected t hat by s trenuous efforts.o~eoations co~ld atart by J ulyl94l. ·rno imoeretive demand i n June 1'}40 , fOl' pilots neceooitated a change in clans and t11e provisions of adequate pilot training facil ities'botn ut J ackson­ ville and r~iw ni .

Operations were speeded uo by increasing t1 a nWllbor ot r.orkDen and resorti~ to shifts wuere 1ractic ~blo . Act\181 t~ainine ot pilots is scheduled to at~ at liaai on October 1 , .1.940 , and at Jacksonville on DecewbOl' l , 1940. \,ith the continued helptul cooperation of lubor, tue NaVY's objective to provide t ne required facilities by the dates specified will be osoured. . .~ .