R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle Cummulative Test-1 (Indian History, Culture & General Science) Key with Explanation 1B women's chastity. After his visit to Soviet Union, he gave place to Marxism in his This question was asked in 2004 prelims. ideas declared that the destruction of the The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms were cruelties of capitalists and religion was the named after Edwin Samuel Montagu, the correct path for the self respect movement. Secretary of State for India and Lord Chelmsford, Viceroy of India. It formed the 4C basis of the Government of India Act 1919 Hunter Commission - It was setup in 1882 which initiated introduction of self-govern- to review the progress of education in the ing institutions gradually. country since the Despatch of 1854. The 2D commission recommended that the re- sponsibility for the Primary Education must On 23 December 1912, Rasbehari Bose (in be given to the Local Boards and Municipal coordination with 's group in Boards. The important recommendations Punjab) attempted to assassinate Viceroy were as follows: Lord Charles Hodinge II on the occasion of 1. The government should take special transferring the capital of British India care to extend the primary education. from Calcutta to New Delhi. (Delhi-Lahore conspiracy) 2. There should be literary and vocational training in secondary education. Ghadar February Plan: 3. The commission brought out inadequate took up the leadership. Coordinating with facilities available for the female edu- Sachin Sanyal (Benares), Jatin Mukherjee cation in the country. (Bengal), Vishnu Ganesh Pingle (Meerut) and Kartar Singh(Lahore), Rash Behari for- Sadler Commission - It reviewed the en- mulated the plan for simultaneous muti- tire field from school education to univer- nies at several places starting in Punjab. D sity education. to inquire into the "condi- Day was set on 21 February 1915. tions and prospects of the University of Calcutta," an inquiry that was in reality na- In March 1942, Rasbehari Bose convened tionwide in scope. Covering a wide field, the a conference in Tokyo which decided to es- commission recommended the formation tablish the Indian Independence League. of a board with full powers to control sec- At the conference he moved a motion to ondary and intermediate education; the raise an army for Indian liberation. The institution of intermediate colleges with second conference, held in Bangkok in two-year courses; the provision of a three- June 1942, invited Subhas Chandra Bose year degree course after the intermediate to join the League. stage; the institution of teaching and uni- tary universities; the organization of post- 3B graduate studies and honours courses. He was popularly known as Periyar. He re- MacDonnell Commission - It was related belled against the rules of caste purity and to development of famine policy and was ap- attacked supremacy of Brahmin. His self pointed by Lord Curzon in 1901. This com- respect movement sought to change the mission came out with a "Moral Strategy", subordinate position of women in family and distribution of advances and loans to the society. He strongly supported the right to peasants and setting up a Famine Commis- divorce and birth control as conducive to sioner in the famine affected provinces. It happiness, dignity and freedom of women. also stressed the better transport facility, He attacked the patriarchal notion of opening of agricultural banks, etc.

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 1 5D ing him the title of Shahzada-e-Buland Iqbal. He was killed after losing the war of Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri is the autobiography of succession against his brother Jahangir Aurangzeb.He is credited with the commis- 6D sioning of several exquisite examples of Suhrawardi Silsila were not against accu- Mughal architecture such as, the tomb of mulation of wealth and holding administra- his wife Nadira Begum (Lahore), the Shrine tive posts. They said that wealth made them of Mian Mir (Lahore), the Dara Shikoh Li- better in serving the poor. brary (Delhi), the Akhun Mullah Shah Mosque (Srinagar) and the Pari Mahal gar- Self mortification was not practiced by den palace (Srinagar). He translated the them. Bhagavad Gita as well as Upanishads from Unlike the Chishtis, the saints of their original Sanskrit into Persian in 1657 Suhrawadi order led a comfortable life. They so that they could be studied by Muslim made ample provisions for their families scholars. He was liberal in outlook and tried and even employed teachers on handsome to find commonalities between Hindu and salaries for the education of their sons. Islamic traditions. Suhrawardis believed that there was no 9D harm in owning property and dispensing of wealth if the heart was detached. It is a process of intervening chemically to induce precipitation- rain or snow- from Suhrawardis actively associated them- clouds. Rain happens when moisture in the selves with the government and accepted air reaches levels at which it can no longer the posts of Shaikh-ul-Islam and Sadr-i- be held, and cloud seeding aims to facili- Wilayat. They exhorted their followers to be tate and accelerate that process by mak- nearer to the kings who are the chosen by ing available chemical 'nuclei' around God, the Almighty. Under no conditions, which condensation can take place. These showing disrespect to them or disobeying 'seeds' of rain can be the iodides of silver or their orders is permitted or proper in potassium, dry ice (solid carbon dioxide), or Shariat. One of the Suhrawardi saints liquid propane. Research has shown Shaikh Rukn-ud-din Multani was of the promising results from the use of salts, in- view that it was essential for a shaikh to cluding table salt, as well. Cloud-seeding have money, learning or scholarship be- chemicals can be dispersed in clouds ei- sides spiritual attainments to satisfy the ther by fly-through aircraft or by ground- variety of people who visited him. based dispersion devices that use rockets 7C or guns to fire canisters into the sky. Seed- ing has been shown to work better on days The Humayun tomb which was commis- that are cloudy but rainless, and with clouds sioned by Humayun's wife .i.e. Haji Begum that already have some moisture. In case is the first instance where extensive use of seeding by aircraft, the pilot fires sodium of red sandstone was found. Also the chloride flares to the base of the cloud, and Humayun tomb is considered as the tomb silver iodide flares to the top. When fired by of the Mughals as more than 101 Mughal rockets, chemical 'seeds' are propelled by rulers and their relatives tombs are found air currents. here like Dara Sikoh, Farukshiyar, Gulbadan Begum etc. 10 D 8D Industry 4.0 (or the fourth industrial revo- lution) is the next phase in the digitisation Dara Shikoh, was the eldest son of Mughal of the manufacturing sector, driven by four emperor Shah Jahan, who in 1642, formally disruptions: the astonishing rise in data confirmed Dara Shikoh as his heir, grant- volumes, computational power, and connec-

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 2 tivity; the emergence of analytics and busi- troversy: In the United Provinces (now ness-intelligence capabilities; new forms of Uttar Pradesh),petitions to the offices and human-machine interaction such as touch the courts were submitted only in Urdu. as interfaces and augmented-reality systems; it was the court language. The Hindus for and improvements in transferring digital long demanded a change in this procedure. instructions to the physical world such as Finally on 8 April, 1900,the government advanced robotics and 3D printing. gave instructions that petitions written in 11 C Hindi in the Devanagri script would also be accepted. The Muslims resented this di- Pagal Panthi Revolt 1825-1850 rective and called for protest meetings all Pagal Panthis were a mixture of the Hin- over the Province. The Hindus held counter duism, Sufism and Animism, which be- meetings and the controversy continued for came prominent in Bengal in initial years months, as the rift between the communi- of 19th century. The sect was founded by ties widened. Partition of Bengal and Karam Shah, and his son Tipu Shah led : The social separation these people to uphold the religion and of the two communities was further rights of the peasants in Bengal. He cap- politicised by the Swadeshi leaders freely tured Sherpur in 1825, after standing up using Hindu religions symbols and coerc- against oppressive taxes and laws imposed ing Muslims peasants to observe boycott. by the Zamindars and the British. The They unwittingly allowed the movement to rebels kept disturbed the area for more than grow into the Hindu- Muslim question; in- 2 decades. Tipu Shah died in 1852, but the stead of having a secular approach to the resistance movement continued. political issue. Not all the Muslims were 12 D separatists or loyalists at the begining; but the Swadeshi movement soon put on then Lord Dalhousie: It was during Lord the unmistakable stamp of otherness. Dalhousie's time that Gurkha regiments Morley's Budget speech, 1906: Morley's came into force. The Postal system was im- speech of 1906 indicated that representa- proved and all important towns were linked tive government was going to be introduced by the in India. This alarmed Muslim leaders Telegraph lines. The important reform dur- across the board, as they thought that in ing this period was Wood's Dispatch of 1854. the new self-governing bodies they would Laying of first railway line between Bombay be swayed by the Hindu majority who were and thane. The setting up of a separate now well organised under the Congress. public works department for the first time. This provided the context for the Simla 13 C deputation of 1October 1906 to the Gover- nor General Lord Minto. In April 1915, The Derozians attacked old and decadent Sarvadeshak (All India) Hindu Mahasabha customs, rites and traditions. They were was formed as an umbrella organization of passionate advoactes of women rights and regional Hindu Sabha's, at the Kumbh Mela advocated education for them. in Haridwar. Hence, statement 4 is wrong. One of biggest flaws of this movement was they did not take up peasant cause but there 15 D was no other section which could support "Pradakshinapatha refers to the their advanced ideas. They remained ideal circumbulatory or pathway around the and failed to understand the real Indian situ- main shrine. In earlier temple architec- ation. ture, basically in Nagara style there were 14 A three kinds of shrines which were classi- fied on the basis of pathway around the Following events preceded formation of All main shrine. In sandhara type there were India Muslim League: The Hindi Urdu con- no pradakshinapatha around the main

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 3 shrine whereas in nirandhara type there the space station, both delivering and re- is pathway to do 'parikrama' around the turning cargo for NASA. Falcon 9, along with main shrine. In saravatobhadra the shrine the Dragon spacecraft, was designed from can be accessed from all sides as it has the outset to deliver humans into space and multiple gods and godesses facing different under an agreement with NASA, SpaceX is direction, there is particular sequence for actively working toward that goal. placing these deities in circular manner. 19 D Example of sarvatobhadra shrine is Vishnu temple at Deogarh". Hence D is the correct The Intellectual Property Appellate Board answer. (IPAB) has been constituted in 2003 to hear appeals against the decisions of the Regis- 16 C trar of trade marks, geographical indica- Ramanuja was a Hindu theologian, philoso- tions and the controller of patents. Hence pher, and one of the most important expo- option D is correct. nents of the Sri Vaishnavism tradition 20 C within Hinduism. His Vishishtadvaita (qualified monism) philosophy has competed Quantum cryptography is the science of ex- with the Dvaita (theistic dualism) philoso- ploiting quantum mechanical properties to phy of Madhvacharya, and Advaita (monism) perform cryptographic tasks. The best philosophy of Adi Shankara, together the known example of quantum cryptography is three most influential Vedantic philoso- quantum key distribution which offers an phies of the 2nd millennium. He empha- information-theoretically secure solution to sized that path of 'Surrender to God the key exchange problem. (prapatti)' is open to all including Dalits and 21 C Shudras. Wood's despatch of 1854 17 D Charles Wood was a British Liberal politi- Poompuhar, a port city in Tamilnadu, sub- merged under Sea 1000 years ago is being cian and Member of Parliament. Later he digitally reconstructed under Indian Digi- became the President of the Board of Con- tal Heritage project. Poompuhar (Puhar or trol of the East India Company. In 1854 he Kaveripattinam) served Early Chola Dy- sent the "Wood's despatch", a proposal for nasty around 600 BC to 300 BC. It is located education system in India, to the Governor at the mouth of Cauvery river. General Lord Dalhousie. 18 B The objectives were; Falcon 9 is a two-stage rocket designed and ● To impart Western knowledge about the manufactured by SpaceX for the reliable western culture to the Indians. and safe transport of satellites and the Dragon spacecraft into orbit. As the first ● To educate the natives of India so that a rocket completely developed in the 21st class of public servants could be created. century, Falcon 9 was designed from the ground up for maximum reliability. Falcon ● To promote intellectual development and 9 delivers payloads to space aboard the also raise the moral character of the Dragon spacecraft or inside a composite young generation. fairing. Falcon 9 made history in 2012 when ● To develop practical and vocational skills it delivered Dragon into the correct orbit for of the Indians people so that more and rendezvous with the International Space Station, making SpaceX the first commer- more articles could be produced and also cial company ever to visit the station. Since to create a good market for consumption then SpaceX has made multiple flights to of those goods.

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 4 As per this despatch: 24 C An education department was to be set in The order that they would not be given the every province. foreign service allowance (batta) when serv- Universities on the model of the London ing in Sindh or in Punjab resulted in a big University be established in big cities such cut in salaries of a large number of them as Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. which inflamed their feelings for the Brit- ish rule. At least one government school be opened in every district. Affiliated private schools In 1856, an Act was passed under which should be given grant in aid. every new recruit undertook to serve over- seas if required. This hurt the sepoys' sen- The Indian natives should be given train- timents as, according to the current reli- ing in their mother tongue also. It promoted gious beliefs of the Hindus travel across the mass education and also education for girls sea was forbidden and led to loss of caste. Wood's Despatch is called Magnacarta of Statement (c) is incorrect as the military English Education in India. In accordance forbade the sepoys to wear caste and sec- with Wood's despatch, Education Depart- tarian marks, beards or turbans and inter- ments were established in every province fered with their caste rules. and universities were opened at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1857 on the model Due to the annihilation faced in First Af- of the London University. Later more uni- ghan war, the sepoys were on the verge of versities were opened in Punjab in 1882 and revolt. It was fought between the British at Allahabad 1887. East India Company and Afghanistan from 22 A 1839 to 1842, and ended in an overall Af- ghan victory. It is famous for the killing of The term 'Himalayan Blunder' was used in 4,500 British and Indian soldiers, plus the context of Rowlatt Act. By mid-April the 12,000 of their camp followers, by Afghan Rowlatt Satyagraha had started losing mo- tribal fighters. mentum, forcing Gandhi to withdraw it. As 25 A a political campaign, therefore, it was a manifest failure, since it failed to secure Khajuraho temples were patronised by its only aim, i.e., the repeal of the Rowlatt Chandella dynasty. Some of the features of Act. It also lapsed into violence, although it the temples include: the temples are made was meant to be non-violent. Gandhi ad- of sandstone. Both the interior and exte- mitted to have committed a Himalayan rior wall sare lavishly decorated with carv- blunder by offering the weapon of satyagraha ing Temple walls of the temples patronized to a people insufficiently trained in the dis- by Solanki rulers were devoid of any carv- cipline of non-violence. But the movement ings. Panchayatan style of temple making was significant nevertheless, as it was the is followed. Stellate plan style, whereby first nationwide popular agitation, marking shrines are led out in the shape of an in- the beginning of a transformation of Indian tricately designed star, is followed in nationalist politics from being the politics Hoysala School of art. The temples were of some restricted classes to becoming the generally north or east facing. The temples politics of the masses. were built on relatively high platforms. Ex- 23 B amples - Lakshamana Temple, Kandariya In the initial years, independence from the Mahadeva Temple. Some Jain temples are British was not an agenda for INC. INC did also found in Khajuraho. not espouse the cause of untouchable and 26 B peasants when it was formed for the fear The aim of Mimamsa is to give rules for that it would lose the support of the indus- the interpretation of the Vedas, the earli- trialist and zamindars.

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 5 est scriptures of Hinduism, and to provide 29 B a philosophical justification for the obser- The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite vance of Vedic ritual. The goal of Mimamsa System (IRNSS) with an operational name is to provide enlightenment on dharma, of NAVIC ( which also stands for NAVigation which in this school is understood as the with Indian Constellation) is an autono- set of ritual obligations and prerogatives mous regional satellite navigation system that, if properly performed, maintains the that is being set up by India, that will be harmony of the world and furthers the per- used to provide accurate real-time position- sonal goals of the performer. Since dharma ing and timing services over India and the cannot be known through either perception region extending to 1,500 kilometres or reasoning, one must depend on revela- around India. The NAVIC system will con- tion in the Vedas, which are considered sist of a constellation of 3 satellites in Geo- eternal, authorless, and absolutely infallible stationary orbit (GEO), 4 satellites in Geo- synchronous orbit (GSO), approximately 27 C 36,000 kilometres altitude above earth sur- Tawang Monastery, in the Indian state of face. NAVIC will provide two levels of ser- Arunachal Pradesh, is the largest monas- vice, the standard positioning service will tery in India and second largest in the world be open for civilian use, and a restricted after the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. It service (an encrypted one) for authorized is situated in the valley of the Tawang users (including the military). River, near the small town of the same 30 A name in the northwestern part of Arunachal Pradesh, in close proximity to A thermo-nuclear bomb is also known as the Tibetan and Bhutanese border. It be- hydrogen bomb. In a thermo-nuclear bomb, longs to the Gelugpa school of Mahayana at first a fission reaction is set in. The en- Buddhism. Until 1914, this region of India ergy thus generated will trigger a fusion chain reaction that will release even more was under the control of Tibet. However, energy and radioactivity. Thus a hydrogen under the Simla Agreement of 1913-14, the bomb is far more destructive than an atom area came under the control of the British bomb of comparable size, which uses only Raj. Tibet gave up several hundred square fission. miles of its territory, including the whole of the Tawang region and the monastery, 31 A to the British. The Nehru Report of 28-30 August, 1928 was 28 A a memorandum outlining a proposed new dominion status constitution for India. It Thiruvalluvar, commonly known as was prepared by a committee of the All Par- Valluvar, was a celebrated Tamil poet and ties Conference chaired by Motilal Nehru philosopher. He is best known as the au- with his son Jawaharlal Nehru acting as thor of Thirukkural, a collection of couplets secretary. Nehru report envisaged Domin- on ethics, political and economical matters, ion status, Linguistic states and Federation. and love. The text is considered an excep- It was also known as Swadeshi constitu- tional and widely cherished work of the tion. Tamil literature. Valluvar has influenced 32 C a wide range of scholars down the ages since his time across the ethical, social, politi- Kalpana Dutt helped Surya Sen in revolu- cal, economical, religious, philosophical, tionary activities. Bina Das who shot at and spiritual spheres. He has long been ven- point-blank range at the Governor of Ben- erated as a great sage, and his literary gal while receiving her degree. So option 1 works reveal classic Tamil culture is incorrect. Sarojini Naidu along with

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 6 Manilal Gandhi took the unfinished task and dismissed from the services. The vio- on leading a raid on Dharsana Salt works. lence broke out in and over 200 So option 2 is correct. Usha Mehta started people lost lives in this disturbance. The an underground radio in Bombay during mutiny made an impression on the Brit- Quit India Movement. So option 3 is cor- ish, that it would be better to leave the rect. country. On February 19, the second day of 33 C this mutiny, Cabinet Mission was sent to India. However, it was not in response to With an idea to bring the Universities un- this revolt. The decision to send out the der control, Lord Curzon appointed Raleig Mission was taken by the British Cabinet Commission under Sir Thomas Raleigh. on 22 January 1946 and even its an- This commission submitted its report in nouncement on 19 February had been 1902 and this was followed by the introduc- slated a week earlier the revolt began. tion of a Bill Called Raleigh Bill. The Ra- 35 B leigh Bill when became an act, it was called Indian Universities Act 1904. The Act in- The movement that emerged in Karnataka creased Government's control over the uni- in twelth century was led by a brahamana versities. It could veto the regulations named Basavanna. Hence, statement 1 is passed by the Senate of the University. It correct. The followers of the movement allowed the Government to appoint a ma- known as Virashaivas or Lingayats worship jority of the fellows in a university. The Shiva in his manifestation as a linga. Governor General was now empowered to Hence, statement 2 is wrong. The decide a University's territorial limits. Also, Lingayats encouraged certain practices it increased University control over private that were disapproved in the Dharma colleges by laying down stricter conditions shastra, such as post- puberty marriage and for affiliation and periodical inspection. the remarriage of widows. Hence, state- Here also, the government approval was ment 3 is correct. necessary for grant of affiliation and disaf- 36 A filiation of colleges. However, for better edu- cation and research a grant of Rs. 5 Lakh Thanka paintings are popular in Ladakh per year for 5 years was also accepted. region in Jammu and Kashmir region. This school is influenced by the Chinese with 34 D dragon in the back ground. The RIN Revolt started on 18th Feb, 37 D 1946when 1100 naval ratings of HMIS Talwar struck work at Bombay to protest Khatak - The weight of the body is equally against the treatment meted out to them- distributed along the horizontal and verti- flagrant racial discrimination, unpalatable cal axis. The full foot contact is of prime food, and abuses to boot. The mutineers importance where only the toe or the ball hoisted three flags tied together on the of the foot are used, their function is lim- ships which they had captured -One of Con- ited. The importance of Kathak lies in the gress, One of Muslim League, and the third fact that it is the only dance form associ- Red Flag of the Communist Party of India. ated with the muslim culture and to the The mutiny was ended by intervention of North Indian Classical music both feeding Sardar Patel, who after a meeting with M. and sustaining each other S. Khan made a statement of ending the 38 B strike. The similar statement was made by Jinnah in Calcutta. The mutineers surren- Ashtadhyayi ("Eight Chapters"), Sanskrit dered but despite the assurances of Con- treatise on grammar written in the 6th to gress and Muslim League, many mutineers 5th century BC by the Indian grammarian were arrested, subjected to court martial Panini. This work set the linguistic stan-

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 7 dards for Classical Sanskrit. It sums up in organised to commemorate the coronation 4,000 sutras the science of phonetics and of British king George V as the king of Brit- grammar that had evolved in the Vedic re- ish Empire and the shifting of capital was ligion. Panini divided his work into eight announced form Calcutta to Delhi chapters, each of which is further divided 43 C into quarter chapters. Beyond defining the morphology and syntax of Sanskrit lan- The Theosophical Society was formed in guage, Ashtadhyayi distinguishes between New York City, United States, in Novem- usage in the spoken language and usage ber 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, that is proper to the language of the sacred Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge texts. and others. Annie Beasant was not its 39 D founder. It advocated the revival of ancient religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoro- A synchrotron is a type of cyclic particle ac- astrianism. It accepted the doctrine of celerator in which the accelerating particle transmigration of soul. beam travels around a fixed closed-loop path. The magnetic field which bends the 44 B particle beam into its closed path increases The Mountbatten Plan sought an early with time during the accelerating process transfer of power on the basis of Dominion The largest synchrotron-type accelerator is Status to India and Pakistan. Congress was the 27-kilometre-circumference (17 mi) willing to accept the Dominion status for a Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, while because it felt it must assume full Switzerland, built in 2008 by the European power immediately and meet boldly the ex- Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). plosive situation in the country. Besides Indus-2 and Indus-1 are the only two syn- dominion status gave breathing time to the chrotron facilities in India. Indus-2 is one new administration as British officers and of the most important projects in progress civil servants could stay on for a while and at the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced let Indians settle in easier into their new Technology. positions of authority. For Britain, domin- 40 D ion status offered a chance of keeping In- dia in the Commonwealth, even if tempo- 41 B rarily. The British had pledged to withdraw after 45 C the First Burma War (1824-26) from Assam. But after the war, instead of withdrawing, Brihadeshwara Temple, dedicated to Lord the British attempted to incorporate the Shiva, is located in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu Ahom's territories in the company's domin- at the South bank of Kaveri river. It is also ion. This sparked off a rebellion in 1828 known as Periya Kovil, RajaRajeswara under the leadership of Gomdhar Konwar. Temple and Rajarajeswaram. It is a Finally, the Company decided to follow a con- Dravida style temple built between 1003 AD ciliatory policy and handed over Upper and 1010 AD by the great Chola emperor Assam to Maharaja Purandar Singh Raja Raja I. It is one of the largest temples Narendra and part of the kingdom was re- in India and is an example of Dravidian ar- stored to the Assamese king, Gomdhar chitecture. The temple is part of the Konwar. UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the 42 D 'Great Living Chola Temples' with other two Concession for annulment of partition of being the 'Temple at Gangai konda Bengal was given in Delhi durbar of 1911. cholapuram' and 'Airavatesvara temple at In the same year in Delhi durbar of 1911 Darasuram'.

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 8 46 C 51 B This cult is worshiping the goddess of chas- The movement launched at the Bombay tity, symbolized by the Kannagi, a lead char- session of the All-India Congress Commit- acter in Silapadikaram. Kannagi took re- tee or more simply by Gandhi (Mahatma venge on the Pandyan King of Madurai, who Gandhi) on 8 August 1942, during World had wrongfully put her husband to death, War II, demanding an end to British Rule by cursing the city. According to Sinhala of India. The Cripps Mission had failed, and mythology, the Bodhisattva Pattini was in- on 8 August 1942, Gandhi made a call to carnated as Kannagi in order to rid the Do or Die in his Quit India speech deliv- Pandya kingdom of its evil three-eyed king. ered in Bombay at the Gowalia Tank Maidan. The All-India Congress Commit- 47 C tee launched a mass protest demanding Recently, a Buddhist relic, having features what Gandhi called "An Orderly British belonging to Amravati school of Art, has Withdrawal" from India. Even though it was been unearthed by a group of indologists wartime, the British were prepared to act. Almost the entire leadership of the INC was on the banks of River Gundlakamma in imprisoned without trial within hours of Andhra Pradesh. Gandhi's speech. Most spent the rest of the Amravati school of Art war in prison and out of contact with the masses. Congress socialists played key It is indigenous in character role by operating from hide outs. This Mainly used White Marble movement witnessed parallel governments in satara, parts of Bengal and some other Mainly Buddhist depicting Jataka tales places. Satavahanas were patrons. 52 B 48 D The Prime Minister of Britain Clement The Mudrarakshasa is a Sanskrit-lan- Atlee declared on February 20, 1947 in the guage play by Vishakhadatta that narrates House of Commons that the British would the ascent of the king Chandragupta quit India after transferring power into the Maurya to power in India. responsible hand not later than June 30, 1948. The idea was that the Indians should 49 A settle their issues before that. He also an- Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile 8 nounced the appointment of Lord Mount (LRSAM), Barak 8 co-developed by India and batten as Viceroy in place of Lord Wavell. Israel was successfully test fired for the first He also announced that the British would time from an Israel Naval Platform. relinquish power either to some form of Central Government or in some areas to 50 C the existing provincial governments if the The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Constituent Assembly was not fully repre- (TESS) is a NASA mission that will look for sentative i.e if the Muslim majority prov- planets orbiting the brightest stars in inces did not join. Moreover, it was also Earth's sky for 2 years. announced that the British power and ob- ligations vis-à-vis Princely States would It is a telescope for NASA's explorer's pro- lapse with the transfer of power, but these gram, designed to search exoplanets using would not be transferred to any successor the transit method. It is mounted on a Fal- government in British India. con 9 rocket and it covers 400 times more 53 B area than Kepler's telescope. All emergency powers acquired by the pro- It was led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with seed funding from Google vincial governments during 1932, through Public Safety Acts and the like, were re-

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 9 pealed; bans on illegal political organiza- 56 C tions such as the Hindustan Seva Dal and The three Sangam literary assemblies were Youth Leagues and on political books and held at Madurai. journals were lifted. Though the ban on the Communist Party remained, since it was 57 C imposed by the Central Government and Recently, Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Sahitya could only be lifted on its orders, the Com- Sammelan, passed a resolution demanding munists could in effect now function freely the declaration of Marathi as a 'Classical' and openly in the Congress provinces. All language. Currently, six languages enjoy restrictions on the press were removed. Se- the 'Classical' status: Tamil (declared in curities taken from newspapers and 2004), Sanskrit (2005), Kannada (2008), presses were refunded and pending pros- Telugu (2008), Malayalam (2013), and Odia ecutions were withdrawn. The blacklisting (2014). of newspapers for purposes of government advertising was given up. Confiscated arms 58 D were returned and forfeited arms licenses Pali is a Middle Indo-Aryan liturgical lan- were restored. guage native to the Indian subcontinent. It 54 B is widely studied because it is the language of the Pali Canon or Tipipaka and is the Indian Nationalists had for many years de- sacred language of Theravada Buddhism. clared the Constitutional reforms of 1919 as inadequate and had been clamoring for 59 B an early reconsideration of the constitu- Tiangong 2 is China's second Space Labo- tional question, but the government had ratory module, designed to demonstrate the been adamant that the declared period of technologies required for building the fu- ten years should lapse before fresh propos- ture permanent space station. The objec- als were considered. In 1927, however, the tives of the space module was to demon- Conservative government of Britain faced strate medium- term orbital living, to dem- with the prospect of electoral defeat at the onstrate in-orbit cargo and propellant resup- hands of the Labor Party, suddenly decided ply, and to carry out large-scale space sci- that it could not leave an issue which con- ence and applications experiments. cerned the future of the British empire in the irresponsible hands of an inexperienced 60 D Labor Government and it was thus that the Statement 1 is incorrect. Graphene is a Indian Statutory Commission was ap- two-dimensional form of Carbon in which pointed. the atoms are bonded into a honeycomb ar- 55 D rangement. Statement 2 is incorrect. It is an excellent conductor of heat and electric- Gatka is an ancient martial art from ity. Statement 3 is correct. According to sci- Punjab. The word Gatka actually refers to entists, solar cells could generate electric- the wooden stick called 'Khutka' used in ity even during rains if they are coated with training. It is believed to have originated Graphene. Graphene electrodes obtain when sixth Sikh guru Hargobind adopted power from the impact of raindrops 'Kirpan' for self-defence during Mughal era. 61 C Kalarippayattu is a famous Indian martial art from land of attraction Kerala and one William Hawkins and Thomas Roe visited of the oldest fighting systems in existence. the court of Jahangir, the Mughal Emperor to obtain firman. Masulipattinam, Pulicat, Thang Ta is popular term for the ancient Surat, Karaikal, Nagapattinam, Chinsura Manipuri Martial Art also known as HUYEN and Kasimbazar were Dutch settlements in LALLONG. Manipuri martial arts with India. Under the leadership of count Lally, swords and spears, is a strong yet grace- the French fought but defeated in fully sophisticated art. Wandiwash battle 1760

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 10 62 D 66 C The aims of launching Individual The Razmnama (Book of War) is a Persian Satyagraha were- (i) to express people's feel- translation of the Mahabharata. In 1574 ing that they were not interested in the war Akbar started a Maktab Khana or a house and they had made no distinction between of translation works in Fatehpur Sikri. He Nazism and the double autocracy that ruled endorsed the work to a few officials to make India; ii) to show the nationalist patience translations of the Sanskrit books Rajatarangini, Ramayana and Maha was not due to weakness; iii) to give an- bharata into the Persian language. other opportunity to the Government to Congress' demands peacefully. Gandhi de- 67 D cided to initiate a limited Satyagraha on Recently, the Pink City, Jaipur got the an individual basis by a few selected indi- UNESCO World Heritage status. viduals in every locality. The demand of the Chosen from the work of Le Corbusier, the Satyagrahi would be the freedom of speech 17 sites comprising this transnational se- against the war through an anti-war decla- rial property are spread over seven coun- ration. (2nd World War). Hence option (c) is tries. Urban and Architectural Work of Le incorrect. Corbusier in Chandigarh, is home to nu- 63 C merous architectural projects of Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Matthew was asked in 2007 prelims. Vinoba Bhave's Nowicki and Albert Mayer Bhoodan Movement was a voluntary land reform movement started on 18 April 1951 68 C at Pochampally village in Nalgonda district In physics, gravitational waves are ripples of Telangana which is now known as in the curvature of spacetime which propa- Bhoodan Pochampally. It intended to per- gate as waves, travelling outward from the suade wealthy landowners to voluntarily source. Predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein give a percentage of their land to the land- on the basis of his theory of general rela- less people. tivity, gravitational waves theoretically transport energy as gravitational radiation. 64 A These waves have not been directly de- Congress socialist party was functioning tected so far. LIGO is a large-scale physics within the congress and many leaders like experiment aiming to directly detect gravi- Jai Prakash Narayan played important and tational waves. This detector recently un- derwent upgradation which would make it active part in the movement. However, Mus- ten times more sensitive, which, in turn, lim League kept itself aside from the move- would provide a 1000-fold increase in the ment, Hindu Mahasabha condemned it and number of astrophysical candidates for Communist party of India did not support gravitational wave signals. the movement, as it wanted India to sup- port British war effort in the world war. 69 B 65 D Both Juno and Cassini are the space mis- sion of NASA to study on Jupiter and Sat- Buddha's birth which is symbolized by a lo- urn respectively. Hence, both 1 and 2 pairs tus. are wrong. Wheel symbolises Buddha giving his first 70 C sermon in Deer Park close to . Virtual reality (VR) is an artificial, com- Mahaparinirvana - Buddha's death is sym- puter-generated simulation or recreation bolized by a stupa. of a real life environment or situation. It

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 11 immerses the user by making them feel tions primarily for citizens who lie in the like they are experiencing the simulated lower half of India's economic pyramid, reality firsthand, primarily by stimulating with limited physical and institutional their vision and hearing. Augmented real- access to basic services. ity (AR) is a technology that layers computer- 2. Balancing Social and Financial Returns: generated enhancements atop an existing The IIIF will invest in such ventures, reality in order to make it more meaning- where modest financial returns are ful through the ability to interact with it. promised, even while creating signifi- AR is developed into apps and used on mo- cant social impact. Lack of capital is one bile devices to blends digital components of the major reasons why grassroots in- into the real world in such a way that they novations at the village level or by mi- enhance one another, but can also be told cro and small enterprises have failed to apart easily. Both virtual and augmented take off, The IIIF seeks to address such realities have great potential in changing lack of capital for innovators seeking to the landscape of the medical field by mak- cater to the lower half of India's economic ing things such as remote surgeries a real pyramid. possibility. These technologies been already been used to treat and heal psychological 3. Employment Focus: The IIIF Will seek to conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress create and support entrepreneurs and Disorder (PTSD). How do Augmented and enterprises that have a relatively high Virtual Realities Differ? potential for job creation and can con- tinue to scale and sustain themselves. Purpose: Augmented reality enhances ex- periences by adding virtual components 72 D such as digital images, graphics, or sensa- 3D printing is any of various processes to tions as a new layer of interaction with the make a three-dimensional object. In 3D real world. Contrastingly, virtual reality cre- printing, additive processes are used, in ates its own reality that is completely com- which successive layers of material are laid puter generated and driven. down under computer control. These objects Delivery Method: Virtual Reality is usually can be of almost any shape or geometry, delivered to the user through a head- and are produced from a 3D model or other mounted, or handheld controller. This electronic data source. A 3D printer is a equipment connects people to the virtual type of industrial robot. 3D printing in the reality, and allows them to control and navi- term's original and technically precise gate their actions in an environment meant sense refers to processes that sequentially to simulate the real world. deposit material onto a powder bed with inkjet printer heads. There are many ap- Augmented reality is being used more and plications for AM technologies, including more in mobile devices such as laptops, architecture, construction (AEC), industrial smart phones, and tablets to change how design, automotive, aerospace, military, the real world and digital images, graphics engineering, dental and medical indus- intersect and interact. tries, biotech (human tissue replacement), 71 B fashion, footwear, jewelry, eyewear, educa- tion, geographic information systems, food, Only Statement I is incorrect, rest of the and many other fields. statements are correct: India Inclusive In- novation Fund, proposed by the Ministry of 73 C MSME which will be guided by the following INDIGO, the Indian Initiative in Gravita- objectives: tional wave Observations, is an initiative 1.To focus on India's poor: IIIF would back to set up advanced experimental facilities, enterprises developing innovative solu- with appropriate theoretical and computa-

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 12 tional support, for a multi-institutional In- dha and sacred Scriptures on their shoul- dian national project in gravitational-wave der and enchant "Om Mane Padme Hum". astronomy. Since 2009, the INDIGO Con- These Holy Scriptures are called sortium has been involved in constructing "Kangyurtengyur". the Indian road-map for Gravitational Wave 75 D Astronomy and a phased strategy towards Indian participation in realizing the cru- Tarana is a type of composition in cial gravitational-wave observatory in the Hindustani classical vocal music in which Asia-Pacific region. The current major IN- peculiar syllables are woven into rhythmi- DIGO plans on gravitational-wave as- cal patterns as a song. It is usually sung in tronomy relate to the LIGO-India project. faster tempo. 74 B 76 B Festival of Ramman based on the story of Mohiniyattam is the feminine classical 'Ramayana' in Uttarakhand having dance form of Kerala. Literally meaning the Narshingh Devote 'God' at the front of the Dance of the Enchantress, it is deeply rooted tableau. The festival has been declared in Femininity, Grace (Lasya) and Beauty World Heritage in 2009 by UNESCO. Artists (Sringara). play the folk musical instrument of The traditional costume worn is white with Uttarakhand "Bhankor" at the middle part a gold border, and gold ornaments are worn. of tableau and temple of Bhumyal God and The Himalaya at the back part are pre- The regional system of music that sented. Dance is performed wearing the Mohiniyattam follows is the Sopana style mask at Temple complex of Bhumyal God which in it's lyricism is evocative of the in night. There are masks of various epical, spiritual element. historical and imaginative characters. The 77 A masks are of two types. "Dhyo Pattar" and "Khyalari Pattar". The Glorious Tradition of Vellore Mutiny took place in 1806. Boita Bandana of Odisha presents the mari- Barrackpur is best known for two mutinies; time activities and glorious tradition of one in 1824 and another in 1857. As per Boita-Bandana festival of ancient Odisha. the records, the 26th, 47th and 62th bat- Ancient Odisha, popularly known as talions of the Native Infantry of the Bengal Kalinga was the epicenter of the inland and army were ordered to March to Chittagong foreign trade. The geographical setting of and from there to board the ships to reach the State had supported the development Rangoon to participate in the First Anglo of seaports like Tamralipti, Chelitalo, Palur, Burmese War in October 1824. Indian Pithunda along its coastline. The mariners Sepoys had taboo of going by sea and re- of Kalinga were endowed with sound knowl- fused it. This triggered a mutiny in edge of navigation and had commercial, Barrackpore which was led by Binda. socio-cultural and political relations with South East Asian countries like Srilanka, Similalry, there are two Rampa Rebellions. Java, Sumatra, Bali, Borneo, China, Burma, Rampa Rebellion of 1879 is the First Rampa Cambodia, Champa, Malaya and Thailand. Rebellion and second one is Rampa Rebel- Saga Dawa is celebration of Buddha Jayanti lion of 1922-24. They took place in the cur- in Sikkim, which is popularly called Saga rent Vizag. Dawa. It is an important occasion which 78 D marks the Gautama Buddha's birth, en- lightenment and attainment of Nirvana or was asked in 2005 prelims. Forward Bloc Moksha. The Buddhist communities of was formed on 22 June 1939 as a faction Sikkim on this day take a religious proces- within the Indian National Congress in sion carrying the chariot of Gautama Bud- 1939, led by Subhas Chandra Bose who had

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 13 resigned from the presidency of the INC on , Bhikaji Cama 29 April after being outmaneuvered by and Lala Har Dayal were also associated with Mohandas K. Gandhi. 79 C 84 A Prati Sarkar was one of the many indepen- Mahalwari system was introduced in the dent Indian led local level governments North West Provinces, the Punjab, Delhi, which were formed in parallel to the nation- Parts of Central India and Uttar Pradesh In wide Quit India movement in 1942. Prati this system, the land was not owned by an Sarkar was a name given to the Government individual be it zamindar or any cultivator set up in Satara by leaders like Nana Patil but by a group of estates or villages called and Y.B Chavan. Mahal. The Mahal was collectively known 80 C as the landlord and revenue was collected from the head of the Mahal, also known as Chakravartin were the Kings who tried to Talukdar. establish their authority from the Himalayas 85 B to down south and from east to western In- dia. Ashoka and Samudragupta are often This Question was asked in 2012 prelims. given this title as they extended their reach The nature of Dhrupad music is spiritual. to very large areas. The earliest source that mentions a musi- 81 D cal genre called Dhrupad is Ain-i-Akbari of Abu Fazl (1593). Later works attribute much August offer marked an advance over the of the material to musicians in the court of existing state of things by recognizing the Man Singh Tomar of Gwalior. In these ac- natural right to determine the form of con- counts from the Mughal court Dhrupad is stitution and explicitly promised dominion portrayed as a musical form which is rela- status. However, it reaffirmed that full tively new weight to minority opinion, which virtually endorsed the Muslim League's demand of 86 B separate state for Muslims on which account The chief form of property in the Rigvedic the congress rejected the offer. For obvious period was cattle. Since life was nomadic, reason Muslim League welcomed the offer. land was not a source of property. Wealthy 82 D people were called gomat (having lots of cattle). The Congress in the Tripuri Session had passed a resolution declaring its new policy 87 C towards the princely states. It announced to Traditional Tibetan medicine known as remove the restraints which the Congress Sowa- Rigpa medicine (Amchi system of had imposed upon itself in the past while raising the voice of people of Princely States. medicine), is a centuries-old traditional The election of Jawahar Lal Nehru as the medical system that employs a complex ap- President of Ludhiana Session 1939 also proach to diagnosis, incorporating tech- gave a big boost to their cause. niques such as pulse analysis and urinaly- sis, and utilizes behavior and dietary modi- 83 D fication, medicines composed of natural In 1905 Bhikaji Cama, Sardar Singh Rana materials (e.g., herbs and minerals) and founded member of the Paris Indian Society physical therapies (e.g. Tibetan acupunc- as an extension of the Indian Home Rule ture, moxabustion, etc.) to treat illness. Society on the European continent. AYUSH services include Ayurveda, Unani, is influential in Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Homoeopathy setting up India House in London. and Sowa Rigpa.

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 14 88 C 92 A Tianwen-1, China's first fully homegrown Plasma Therapy or Convalescent Plasma Mars Mission, was launched by Long March Therapy is a clinical trial in which blood is 5 Rocket from the Wenchang Satellite transfused from recovered COVID-19 pa- Launch Center in Hainan Island, China. tients to a coronavirus patient who is in 89 D critical condition. Favipiravir is an antiviral COVID-19 drug. 93 D Glenmark Pharmaceuticals under the ADITYA-1' is a the first Indian space based brand name FabiFlu has launched an anti- solar coronagraph intended to study the out- viral drug Favipiravir. It is India's first ermost region of the sun, called corona. The COVID-19 drug launched, priced at Rs 103 temperature of the solar corona goes be- per tablet. yond million degrees. From the ground, the 90 B corona could be seen only during total so- lar eclipses mainly due to the bright solar Electrostatic Precipitator is a device that disc and the scattering of the sunlight by helps in pollution control by removing many the Earth's atmosphere. To mask the bright chemicals from gas exhaust. These chemi- solar disc and study the corona, one has to cals include lime salts, activated charcoal, go beyond the atmosphere. The major sci- ordinary smoke and soot as well as dioxins. entific objectives of Aditya-1 mission are It also removes particles of metals like lead, cadmium and nickel that are present in to achieve a fundamental understanding many consumer products. Electrostatic pre- of the physical processes that heat the so- cipitator (ESP) removes these particles from lar corona; accelerate the solar wind; and smoke after combustion takes place. In the produce coronal mass ejections (CMEs). removal process it imparts an electrical The ambitious solar mission will study the charge to the particles that makes them sun's outer most layers, the corona and the stick to the metal plates inside the precipi- chromosphere, collect data about coronal tator. mass ejection and more, which will also yield information for space weather Predic- 91 C tion. The project costs approximately Rs 400 ITER will be the world's largest tokamak- crores and is a joint venture between ISRO twice the size of the largest machine cur- and physicists from Indian Institute of As- rently in operation, with ten times the trophysics, Bengaluru; Inter University plasma chamber volume. The tokamak is Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, an experimental machine designed to har- ; Tata Institute of Fundamental Re- ness the energy of fusion. search, Mumbai, and other institutes. A The project is funded and run by seven halo orbit would be a circular orbit around member entities: the L1 point. The satellite will have to use its own power (spend energy) to remain in The European Union, China, India, Japan, position within in this orbit without loos- Russia, South Korea and the United States. ing its way. Such orbits have not been at- ITER is an international nuclear fusion re- tempted too often. search and engineering megaproject, 94 D which will be the world's largest magnetic confinement plasma physics experiment. Recently, Mumbai has been designated as It is an experimental tokamak nuclear fu- Creative City of Films and Hyderabad a Cre- sion reactor that is being built in southern ative City of Gastronomy. Earlier, Jaipur- France. The goal of ITER is to demonstrate Crafts and Folk Arts (2015); Varanasi-Cre- the scientific and technological feasibility ative city of Music (2015); Chennai-Cre- of fusion energy for peaceful use. ative city of Music (2017).

R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 15 UNESCO's Creative Cities Network initia- 97 A tive was created in 2004 to promote coop- Neel Darpan (literally, 'blue mirror) was eration with and among cities that have published by Dinabandhu Mitra which de- identified creativity as a strategic factor for picted the atrocities of the indigo planters sustainable urban development. The Net- in Bengal. The play received wide attention work covers seven creative fields: Crafts and was translated into English by Michael and Folk Arts; Design; Film; Gastronomy; Madhusudan Dutta. It succeeded in bring- Music; Media Arts; Literature. ing the peasant issue to the wider arena of 95 A institutional politics and this resulted in a growing pressure on the planters to behave. Thirumurai is a twelve volume compen- By 1863, indigo cultivation shifted from dium of songs or hymns in praise of Shiva Bengal to Bihar. in the Tamil language from the 6th to the 11th century by various poets in South In- 98 B dia. The Simla Conference was a 1945 meet- The Agama texts canonical texts are in ing between Viceroy and the major politi- Sanskrit and in south Indian languages cal leaders of India at Shimla, India. Con- such as Tamil .The term literally means vened to agree on and approve the Wavell tradition or "that which has come down", Plan for Indian self-government. and the Agama texts describe cosmology, 99 B epistemology, philosophical doctrines, pre- cepts on meditation and practices, four The Charter act of 1813 ended the monopoly kinds of yoga, mantras, temple construc- of the East India Company in India, how- tion, deity worship and ways to attain six- ever the company's monopoly in trade with fold desires. China and trade in tea was remained in- tact. The charter act of 1813, for the first Vachanaas are poetry by Chenna time explicitly defined the constitutional Basaveswara to spread social awareness. position of the British territories in India. 96 D This Act also made provisions to grant per- mission to the persons who wished to go to Asokan pillars made use of white spotted India for promoting moral and religious red sandstone in Mathura and grey colored improvements. (Christian Missionaries). sandstone in Chunar and were in style. The This Act regulated the company's territo- pillars have four component parts. rial revenues and commercial profits. The The shafts are always plain and company debt was to be reduced and divi- smooth(polishing), circular in cross-section, dend was fixed @10.5% per annum. There slightly tapering upwards and always chis- was also a provision that Company should elled out of a single piece of stone (mono- invest Rs. 1 Lakh every year on the educa- lith). tion of Indians. This Act also empowered the local governments to impose taxes on The capitals have the shape and appear- the persons subject to the jurisdiction of the ance of a gently arched bell formed of lotus Supreme Court. petals. 100 C The abaci are of two types: square and plain and circular and decorated and these are Liaqat Ali - Allahabad of different proportions. Maulavi Ahmadullah - Faizabad The crowning animals are either seated or Khan Bahadur - Bareilly standing, always in the round and chiseled Begum Hazrat Mahal and Birzis Kadi - as a single piece with the abaci. Lucknow

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R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 16