R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle Cummulative Test-1 (Indian History, Culture & General Science) Key with Explanation 1B women's chastity. After his visit to Soviet Union, he gave place to Marxism in his This question was asked in 2004 prelims. ideas declared that the destruction of the The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms were cruelties of capitalists and religion was the named after Edwin Samuel Montagu, the correct path for the self respect movement. Secretary of State for India and Lord Chelmsford, Viceroy of India. It formed the 4C basis of the Government of India Act 1919 Hunter Commission - It was setup in 1882 which initiated introduction of self-govern- to review the progress of education in the ing institutions gradually. country since the Despatch of 1854. The 2D commission recommended that the re- sponsibility for the Primary Education must On 23 December 1912, Rasbehari Bose (in be given to the Local Boards and Municipal coordination with Har Dayal's group in Boards. The important recommendations Punjab) attempted to assassinate Viceroy were as follows: Lord Charles Hodinge II on the occasion of 1. The government should take special transferring the capital of British India care to extend the primary education. from Calcutta to New Delhi. (Delhi-Lahore conspiracy) 2. There should be literary and vocational training in secondary education. Ghadar February Plan: Rash Behari Bose 3. The commission brought out inadequate took up the leadership. Coordinating with facilities available for the female edu- Sachin Sanyal (Benares), Jatin Mukherjee cation in the country. (Bengal), Vishnu Ganesh Pingle (Meerut) and Kartar Singh(Lahore), Rash Behari for- Sadler Commission - It reviewed the en- mulated the plan for simultaneous muti- tire field from school education to univer- nies at several places starting in Punjab. D sity education. to inquire into the "condi- Day was set on 21 February 1915. tions and prospects of the University of Calcutta," an inquiry that was in reality na- In March 1942, Rasbehari Bose convened tionwide in scope. Covering a wide field, the a conference in Tokyo which decided to es- commission recommended the formation tablish the Indian Independence League. of a board with full powers to control sec- At the conference he moved a motion to ondary and intermediate education; the raise an army for Indian liberation. The institution of intermediate colleges with second conference, held in Bangkok in two-year courses; the provision of a three- June 1942, invited Subhas Chandra Bose year degree course after the intermediate to join the League. stage; the institution of teaching and uni- tary universities; the organization of post- 3B graduate studies and honours courses. He was popularly known as Periyar. He re- MacDonnell Commission - It was related belled against the rules of caste purity and to development of famine policy and was ap- attacked supremacy of Brahmin. His self pointed by Lord Curzon in 1901. This com- respect movement sought to change the mission came out with a "Moral Strategy", subordinate position of women in family and distribution of advances and loans to the society. He strongly supported the right to peasants and setting up a Famine Commis- divorce and birth control as conducive to sioner in the famine affected provinces. It happiness, dignity and freedom of women. also stressed the better transport facility, He attacked the patriarchal notion of opening of agricultural banks, etc. R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 1 5D ing him the title of Shahzada-e-Buland Iqbal. He was killed after losing the war of Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri is the autobiography of succession against his brother Jahangir Aurangzeb.He is credited with the commis- 6D sioning of several exquisite examples of Suhrawardi Silsila were not against accu- Mughal architecture such as, the tomb of mulation of wealth and holding administra- his wife Nadira Begum (Lahore), the Shrine tive posts. They said that wealth made them of Mian Mir (Lahore), the Dara Shikoh Li- better in serving the poor. brary (Delhi), the Akhun Mullah Shah Mosque (Srinagar) and the Pari Mahal gar- Self mortification was not practiced by den palace (Srinagar). He translated the them. Bhagavad Gita as well as Upanishads from Unlike the Chishtis, the saints of their original Sanskrit into Persian in 1657 Suhrawadi order led a comfortable life. They so that they could be studied by Muslim made ample provisions for their families scholars. He was liberal in outlook and tried and even employed teachers on handsome to find commonalities between Hindu and salaries for the education of their sons. Islamic traditions. Suhrawardis believed that there was no 9D harm in owning property and dispensing of wealth if the heart was detached. It is a process of intervening chemically to induce precipitation- rain or snow- from Suhrawardis actively associated them- clouds. Rain happens when moisture in the selves with the government and accepted air reaches levels at which it can no longer the posts of Shaikh-ul-Islam and Sadr-i- be held, and cloud seeding aims to facili- Wilayat. They exhorted their followers to be tate and accelerate that process by mak- nearer to the kings who are the chosen by ing available chemical 'nuclei' around God, the Almighty. Under no conditions, which condensation can take place. These showing disrespect to them or disobeying 'seeds' of rain can be the iodides of silver or their orders is permitted or proper in potassium, dry ice (solid carbon dioxide), or Shariat. One of the Suhrawardi saints liquid propane. Research has shown Shaikh Rukn-ud-din Multani was of the promising results from the use of salts, in- view that it was essential for a shaikh to cluding table salt, as well. Cloud-seeding have money, learning or scholarship be- chemicals can be dispersed in clouds ei- sides spiritual attainments to satisfy the ther by fly-through aircraft or by ground- variety of people who visited him. based dispersion devices that use rockets 7C or guns to fire canisters into the sky. Seed- ing has been shown to work better on days The Humayun tomb which was commis- that are cloudy but rainless, and with clouds sioned by Humayun's wife .i.e. Haji Begum that already have some moisture. In case is the first instance where extensive use of seeding by aircraft, the pilot fires sodium of red sandstone was found. Also the chloride flares to the base of the cloud, and Humayun tomb is considered as the tomb silver iodide flares to the top. When fired by of the Mughals as more than 101 Mughal rockets, chemical 'seeds' are propelled by rulers and their relatives tombs are found air currents. here like Dara Sikoh, Farukshiyar, Gulbadan Begum etc. 10 D 8D Industry 4.0 (or the fourth industrial revo- lution) is the next phase in the digitisation Dara Shikoh, was the eldest son of Mughal of the manufacturing sector, driven by four emperor Shah Jahan, who in 1642, formally disruptions: the astonishing rise in data confirmed Dara Shikoh as his heir, grant- volumes, computational power, and connec- R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 2 tivity; the emergence of analytics and busi- troversy: In the United Provinces (now ness-intelligence capabilities; new forms of Uttar Pradesh),petitions to the offices and human-machine interaction such as touch the courts were submitted only in Urdu. as interfaces and augmented-reality systems; it was the court language. The Hindus for and improvements in transferring digital long demanded a change in this procedure. instructions to the physical world such as Finally on 8 April, 1900,the government advanced robotics and 3D printing. gave instructions that petitions written in 11 C Hindi in the Devanagri script would also be accepted. The Muslims resented this di- Pagal Panthi Revolt 1825-1850 rective and called for protest meetings all Pagal Panthis were a mixture of the Hin- over the Province. The Hindus held counter duism, Sufism and Animism, which be- meetings and the controversy continued for came prominent in Bengal in initial years months, as the rift between the communi- of 19th century. The sect was founded by ties widened. Partition of Bengal and Karam Shah, and his son Tipu Shah led Swadeshi movement: The social separation these people to uphold the religion and of the two communities was further rights of the peasants in Bengal. He cap- politicised by the Swadeshi leaders freely tured Sherpur in 1825, after standing up using Hindu religions symbols and coerc- against oppressive taxes and laws imposed ing Muslims peasants to observe boycott. by the Zamindars and the British. The They unwittingly allowed the movement to rebels kept disturbed the area for more than grow into the Hindu- Muslim question; in- 2 decades. Tipu Shah died in 1852, but the stead of having a secular approach to the resistance movement continued. political issue. Not all the Muslims were 12 D separatists or loyalists at the begining; but the Swadeshi movement soon put on then Lord Dalhousie: It was during Lord the unmistakable stamp of otherness. Dalhousie's time that Gurkha regiments Morley's Budget speech, 1906: Morley's came into force. The Postal system was im- speech of 1906 indicated that representa- proved and all important towns were linked tive government was going to be introduced by the in India. This alarmed Muslim leaders Telegraph lines. The important reform dur- across the board, as they thought that in ing this period was Wood's Dispatch of 1854. the new self-governing bodies they would Laying of first railway line between Bombay be swayed by the Hindu majority who were and thane. The setting up of a separate now well organised under the Congress. public works department for the first time.
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