A History of Physical Education, School Sport, and Health Education in New South Wales Public Schools from 1880 to 2012
The three-legged race: A history of Physical Education, School Sport, and Health Education in New South Wales public schools from 1880 to 2012. Michelle Gorzanelli Faculty of Arts and Social Science University of Sydney 2018 A thesis submitted to fulfil requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) I certify that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work and that all the assistance received in preparing this thesis and sources have been acknowledged. Michelle Gorzanelli Acknowledgements Completion of this doctoral thesis was possible with the support of several people. Most significantly, this feat was possible because of the unconditional support provided by David Baxter, who always made himself available to clarify my thought process and offer guidance that extended this PhD into my professional development and career progression. My manager Associate Professor Kathie Ardzejewska was also very supportive in terms of my personal welfare, and development as an academic. Ben Kooyman was kind enough to undertake the editing work and I acknowledge his meticulous work and attention to detail. I am very much grateful to Mum, Dad, my sister Bec, and my husband Sean for encouraging and believing in me every step of the way. Without their support I would not have been able to manage study along with my everyday life. Sean was understanding and patient during the tough times and stayed by my side. To my little and beautiful soul, Kaden, you have been on this journey without even knowing it and my love for you kept me motivated and dedicated to making sure this achievement came true.
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