Fake Anion "In .Due Season We Shall Reaj, If We Faint Not" VIII BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1916 No
Fake anion "In .due season we shall reaj, if We faint not" VIII BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1916 No. 23 Lake Union Conference Directory brethren in the city are giving a day's wages or even Office Address, 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Ill. a week's wages now and then to missions. We must President, L. H. CHRISTIAN. Office Address. ask the Lord to impress upon the hearts of our well-to- Secretary and Treasurer, A. N. ANDERSON. Office Address. Field Agent, J. B. BLOSSER, Berrien Springs, Mich. do brethren to give large gifts. We must think even Ed. and Y. P. M. V. Secretary, C. A. RUSSELL, Berrien Springs. Mich. Home Missionary Secretary, J. W. MACE, South Bend, Ind. more of the little gifts. It is the steady, small Executive Committee streams of donations week by week which bring the greatest results. The thirteenth Sabbath offering L. H. Christian A. J. Clark. J. B. Blosser. A. N. Anderson. P. A. Hanson. • O. J. Graf. means very much to the cause of missions. Can we Wm. Guthrie. .1. J. Irwin. J. W. Mace. G.E. Nord. E. A. Bristol. C. A. Russell. not make a strong effort to increase our mission funds W. A. Wesrtworth. E. F. Peterson during the month of June because the cause of God is greatly in need of it ? Could we not bring up our Thy People Shall Be Willing mission funds in June so that we would be ahead of where we were last year ? We need to make this a We are very grateful for the widespread interest subject of earnest prayer.