Bclpfll Jones

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Bclpfll Jones H. C. Dun woody. Mr. Henry A. Dtl Pont, ter. Mr. and Mrs. Stilson Hutchins, Mrs. B. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Musseiman, Miss and Mrs. Nehemiah D. Sperry. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Du Pont, Mrs. A. H. Dutton, V. L. Hutton, Miss Berry Hyatt. Pauline V. Myers. Mrs. James Speyer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dwight. N". Splglit, the Misses Spight. Mr. Maurice Moth'ers amid * Splaln. Mr. Spofford. Miss Spofford. Mr. Nursing1 THE Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Needham. Mr. and and Mrs. John C. Mr. L.. AT WHITE HOUSE Spooner. Philip E. Mr. Henry Clay Ide, Miss Ide. Rear Mrs. James C. Needham", Mr. H. Fletcher Mr. and Spooner, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Spurgi-on. Mr. Mr. and Miss Eddy. and Mrs. Richard Inch. Mr. and Mrs.AdmiralNeighbors. Mrs. Hattie E. Nelson. and Mrs. M. Stadden. Mr. William H. Over=Byr<!dleoed Womeo Mrs. Augustus Eddy. Mrs. Knute Cory Miss Mr. Thomas F. C. E. Ingling, Miss Ingling, Mrs. H. E. John M. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus O. .i 'imn'i] from Seventeenth C. A. Edmonston. Miss Ida Mr. and Mrs. Stafford. (i' Page.) Mrs. Ingling. Nelson, G. Nelson. Mr. Mr. John vurnr situ Miss Louisa Edmunds, JuliaEdmunds, H. B. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. and Mrs. Fred Stareck. Stanley, Tn nil ctitinnc rvf ltf#» vrlincp i may have been undermined low. Mr and Mrs. Henry C. Biggs, Dr. and M. Edmunds. Brig. <;en. and Mrs. Clarence J. Nesbttt, K. Stauflfer. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Stealey. vitality Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nevln.Netherland.Miss Mr Wnttprann St*»alpv MIsa Stpplp. Mr. and broken down exact social the too R. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Mr. Huntington W. Jackson, Mr. John P. Nevin. Mr. and Mrs. Truman H. Newberry, by overwork, ttuji duties, trequent Mrs Si *»rrard Billings, Mr. Henry H. Mr. ami Mrs. VV. H. Edwards, jr.. Dr. and Miss Laura Wolcott Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Steenerson. Mr. Benjamin or find Mr. William T. Mr. Patrice Jackson. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Newlands. Miss O. Mrs. Stelnmet*. Mrs. I>ucy bearing of children other causes, will in Bingham. Bingham. Mrs. Maurice F. Egan. Miss Egan. and Mrs. OUie M. James, Miss I.izzie James, Mr. and Mrs. George 3. Nixon, Miss Steenerson. J*. Blrdsatl. Mr. and Mrs. RoswellBenJ.tiitinP. Mrs \V. A Egerton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miss Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nicolay,Page Stelle. Mr. John H. Stephens. Miss Bi.-i Mr. and Mrs. John C. Black. Mr. Mr. Mrs. B. Elkins, Ruby James, Rachel Nixon, Mr. Charles P. Norcross, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sterling. 'i|>. E. Einnd. and Stephen Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Hennen Jennings, Mr. Miss Stephens, K Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. 4-t. Mr. B. ana Mrs. Guy .Norman, isorris, Mr. Louis Gen. and Mra. Geo. OP Pii R Spencer Joseph Miss Katheiine Eikins, Stephen miss Jennings, miss jeraone. Mr. ana Mrs. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stern. Brig. ( S Blackburn. Mrs. E. F. Blaine. Mr. lr Mr Wllclno Mr nnd George W. Norria. Irving M. Sternberg. Miss Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. 2RCE'S W. W. Jermane. Miss Jewell. Rear Admiral C. Norwood, »Miss Marjorle Nott, Mr. and C. 'Woodbury Blair, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mrs. J. Edwin Ellerbe, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. and Mrs. T. F. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Frederick C. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bland ird, Mr and Mrs. Cornelius N". f*liss. George F. Elliott. Mr. Jackson S. Elliott. Jewell, Mrs. Crosby S. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Mr. and MrsL Wilfred Stevens. Mr Johns. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson. Mr. W. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. >1 ss Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius N. Bliss, Mr. ami Mrs. Edgar C. Ellis. Mrs. Lionel T. Mr. and Mrs. TheodoreAlonzo H. Stewart. Miss Stewart. Rear Jr.. Miss Klizaheth Bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Emdln. Mr. Fred A. Emery. Mrs. A. A. Joseph Johnson. Ralph Noyes, Miss Nuckols. and Mrs. C. H. Stockton. Miss of Cross Johnson, Miss Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.Admiral Samnnl <; Blythe, Mr. and Mme. Theodore Emery. Miss Ina C. Emery, the chief S. E. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. o. Mr. Alfred J. Stofer. Mr. andStockton. I> Boa Miss Board man. Mrs. Rosalie H. the bureau of and docks of the navy. Johnson. William Miss Mabel Stone. Mr. K. P: I. yards J. Stone. FAVOBITE BClPfll Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L,. Jones. Mr. B'h o. k. Miss Clover Boldt. the Attorney Mrs. Endleott. the Misses Endicott. Mr. W. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. John J. O'Connell, T. Stotesbury, Miss Stotesbury. Mrs. W. L. General. Mrs. Mr. J. N. Bona* F. Englebright. Mrs. E. A. English, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Jones. Miss Isabel Miss Lillian O'Connell, Prof. Philip Ogden, Stout, the Secretary of Commerce and the most potent, invigorating, resttjrativc, strength-giver ever devised Bonaparte. Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jo3*ce, Mr. and Passed Assistant Carl W. part*'. Mrs. Jerome Bonaparte, Mr. Ira M. and Mrs. Alfred A. Erly. Mrs. J. S. £.rly. F. Surgeon Ohnesorg. Mrs. Straus. Mr. and Mrs. L. I-abor. for their benefit. m< >thers will find it valuable B-tiiI. Mr. and Mrs. Scott <\ Bone. Mr. and Brig. Gen. Oswald H. Ernst. Miss H. A. Mrs. Ewan Justice, Mrs. L. Justice. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. O'Laughlin, Mr. and the Misses Strong. Mr. Florence special Nursing especially Mrs. Vechten Mr. and Mrs. Strayer. in and an abundant for M >. Robert W. Bonynge, Mrs. K. R. Ernst. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Esch, Mr. and J. Van Olcott, E. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sullivan, sustaining their strength pronloting nourishment H«»Mght«n. Mr Jonathan Bourne. Mr. and Mrs George Esch. Mr. and Mrs. William C. K. Robert Shaw Oliver, the Misses Oliver. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sullivan, Mr. Cyrus A. the child. mothers, too, will find it a boon to Mrs Henry 8. Boutell. Mr:-*. Boutell. Miss Eustls. Rear Admiral and Mrs. W. H. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kahn, Mr. Jonah K. and Mrs. Martin E. Olmstead. Rear Sulloway, Miss Sulloway, Mr. William Expectant priceless B 'tit.'U. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton J. Bowers. Mr. Everett.Kalanianaole, Mr. and Mrs. Gus J. Karger, Charles O'Neil, Brig. Gen. andAdmiralMrs. Brig. Gen. John E. Summers. MissSulaer.C. pare the system for baby's coming to render the ordeal coiuparaanypreand E. J Bowers, jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Justin D. F. Mr. John A. Kasson. Mrs. Henrietta Katz, Robert M. O'Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. John Ball D. Summers. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Suter. tively easy and B 'wersock, Miss Margery Bowersock. Mr. Fairbanks. Mr. Miss TUlie Harriet Kats. Miss IJllie Kats. Osborne. Miss Osborne. Mr. Theobold jr.. Mr. and Mrs. George Sutherland. Miss painless. * The Vice President. Mrs. the Misses Mr. and Mrs. R. V. and Mrs. Sydney J Bowie. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Warren Fairbanks. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kauffmann. Mr. and Otjen, Otjen,Edith Sutherland. Mrs. Jean Wright Swope. (' V\' Boyd. Mr and Mrs. George W. Boyd, Hear Mrs. Victor Kauffmann. Mr. John Kean. Oulahan. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Samuel Maj. and Mrs. Richard Sylvester. Mr. and It can do no harm in state or condition Mr. Frederick Fairbanks. Miss Fakes. the Misses Ovenshine. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Mr John Boyle, Miss Fannie G. Boyle, Admiral and Mrs. N. H. Farquliar, Mr. and the Misses Kean, Mrs. Kean. Mr. and Mrs. Ovenshine.Mrs. G. J. Sym<*ns. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. <\ A. Boynton. Miss Boy n ton, Mrs. J. Sioat Fassett. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Keen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Keep, o. uveruidu, iui. uuu jus. jcsac Thomas W. Syoions, Miss Symons. of the female system. K ar Admiral and Mrs. R. B. Bradford. I.ee Fearn. Mr. Thomas B. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Keep. Miss uvcistreet. is* Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. >1 Rose Mary Bradford, Miss Ferguson. Mrs. Marshall Field. Mr. Helen L. Keesey, Mr. J. Warren Kelfer, p. Delicate, nervous, weak women that it will he found to contain onlv 'Ed son Bradley. Mrs. George 1a. Bradley, Scott Field. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Finch. Mr. and Mrs. DeB. Randolph Kelm, Miss The Secretary of War, Mrs. Taft. Mr. r Roberta V. Miss Grace Mr. Lemuel P. * 1 TT* Vf x nnit Ml*a T9 maa ]VI Thomas \V. Bradley. Miss F. Pack. Padgett. aiiu «»» o. »- >. who suffer from the best known to the most Mr. David K. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Keim, Mr. John A. Keliher, Mrs. Philip JUHI1UH. r . V_ . laiuun, mi. headaches, agents Mr E. C. Bralnerd, Miss Irene Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Page. Mr. and Mrs. frequent Bradshaw, Mrs. W. L. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. R. - # Finley. Mrs. Nicholas Fish. Miss Victoria Kelly. Kenly, EmJ P. Taliaferro. Mra. Susan D. Tarr. backache, down distress advanced medical science of all the Bralnerd. Mr. Frank B. Brandegee, Mr. Fisher. Chief Engineer and Mrs. Henry W. James Kennedy. Miss Grace Kennedy. Mr. Thomas Nelson Page, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R. Tatham. Mr. James A. Tawney. Brig. dragging William B. Brantley, Mr. R. W. and Mrs. john John L. General A. S. E. Paine, Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert J. Paine, C. Mr. and low down in the abdomen, or from different schools of for the and Mrs. Fitch, the Misses Fitch. Mr. Kennedy, Paymaster Mr. and Mrs. W. Palmer, Miss Klleu Gen. and Mrs. Asher Taylor. practice Mrs. Breckinridge. Justice Breckinridge,J. Fitzgerald. Miss Fitzgerald, Mrs. R. Y.
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    PROCEEDINGS OF THE VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEARS JOM.HH4 '* Copyrighted by /*// The Vermont Historical Society 1915 T TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Portrait of Redfleld Proctor Frontispiece Constitution 5 Officers of the Society, 1914-15 9 Active Members 12 Corresponding Members 23 Honorary Members 23 Proceedings of Meeting Oct. 14, 1913 27 Oct. 20, 1914 30 Jan. 19, 1915 33 Jan. 20, 1915 37 Librarian's Report, 1913 41 1914 44 Treasurer's Report, 1913 53 1914 55 Public Address on Redfield Proctor, Jan. 19, 1915 57 Speech of Redfield Proctor on Cuba 105 Otter Creek in History 125 One Thousand Men 149 Index 277 Unveiling of Daniel P. Thompson Tablet 293 Constitution of the Vermont Historical Society Constitution ARTICLE I. This association shall be called "The Vermont His- torical Society," and shall consist of Active, Correspond- ing, and Honorary Members. ARTICLE n. The object of the Society shall be to discover, collect, and preserve whatever relates to the material, agricultural, industrial, civil, political, literary, ecclesiastical and military history of the State of Vermont. ARTICLE III. The officers of the Society, who shall constitute its Board of Managers, to be elected annually and by ballot, shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, two Corresponding Secretaries of foreign and domestic correspondence, a Librarian and a Cabinet- Keeper, a Treasurer, and a Curator from each county in this State. ARTICLE IV. There shall be one annual, and occasional meetings of the Society. The annual meeting for the election of of- ficers shall be at Montpelier on Tuesday preceding the third Wednesday of January; the special meetings shall be at such time and place as the Board of Managers shall de- termine.
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    CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SECOND. SESSION. SENATE. Mr. BACON. The Senator elect from Georgia is present and ready to take the oath of office. · MONDAY, December 4, 1911. Mr. JOHNSON of Maine. Mr. GARDNER, the Senator ap­ The first l\Ionday in December being the day prescribed by pointed from Maine, is present and ready to take the oath. the Constitution of the United States for the annual meetillg The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senators will present them­ selves at the desk to take the constitutional oath of office. of Congress, the second session of the Sixty-second Congress l\fr. SMITH and l\fr. GARDNER were escorted to the Vice Presi­ commenced this day. dent's desk by Mr. BACON and Mr. JOHNSON of Maine, respec­ The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. tively, and the oath prescribed by law hav1ng been adminis­ The Vice President (JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York) called tered to them, they took their seats in the Senate. the Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. PRAYER. CALLrNG OF THE BOLL. The Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D., offered the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll of following prayer : the Senate to ascertain if a quorum be present. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, in whose presence we 'l'he Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators now stand at the opening of this session of Congress, we ac­ answered to their names : Bacon Cullom Lea Shively knowledge Thee to be the Lord and humbly confess our depend­ Bailey Cummins Lodge Simmons ence upon Thee.
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  • Congressional Record-House. 3
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