SSAXJT OFF PIT -A-JLJL OJjO^SBB -A.T' TOH1T progs’. The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXII.—NO. 19. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898. WHOLE NO.—1634

THE JURY DISAGREED. WELL KNOWN HERE. Farm For Bale. Tlie James E. Plowman farm of 160 SAFETY AND GAIN IN IT acres 4 miles west of the fair grounds, In the Suit Brought by Ebb. Smith Against Lanun, the Murdered Lansing Gambler* for sale. It has 7 miles tile drain, brick The Mutual Fire lN«urance Company He* Operated in St. John*. house, large barns, well fenced, good Two Hundred and Fifty Sailors of Clinton and Gratiot Countlaa. “Bart” Hettler Has Had Exper­ The murder of Koderigue Lauzan at orchard, 140 acres plow land. $40 per Proposition to Change Method acre. David G. Plowman , Lose Their Lives. The suit brought by Ebb. Smith, of Lansing last Thursday morning is still Ovid township, against the Mutual Fire ience in the Gold Fields. a mystery. The police have several clues of Heating the Court House- w2 Administrator. Insurance Company of Clinton aud Gra­ hut nothing that will warrant any ar­ tiot counties, for the payment of the rests being made at present. The offi­ It Pajs To Trade At John Hieha. KO CAUSE YET GIVEN FOR THE EX­ $1,300 insurance upon his barn and con­ cers are satisfied that it wasn’t the work WAS IN CALIFORNIA DURING THE THE PUBLIC RECORDS THE IMPORT­ Fifty choice B. P. Rock for sale ; also PLOSION. tents, which were burned last Novem ­ of anyone living in Lansing. The dead­ ber, was tried in the Circuit Court last FEVER OF ’49. ly blows were dealt with a piece of gas ANT FEATURE. Turkey Eggs in season. A. McCutch- week. The judge conceded all points in pipe. The victim was last seen alive at eon, four miles south of St. Johns. [w3 favor of the company, with the excep ­ 2 o ’clock last Thursday morning, in the The Kxploslou Shook The Whole City of Bargains in Cloaks at John Hicks*. tion of the one waiving their rights by He He* Been 700 Miles North of I he little Downey restaurant, where be pur­ Those Who Have Studied the Question Havuua —Spanish Officers Helped Res­ offering to settle with Smith, and offer­ Klondike Region* —“Bert” I* 60 Year* chased a lunch, and it is believed that ing him $500. This was the question on the murder was committed between Most Thoroughly Are Most Kuthusia*- Auction Sale. cue the Survivors. which the case was giveu to the jury, Old But Carries His Years Well. that hour and daylight. The most tlc For Its Adoption at the Poll*. I will sell at Auction at my farm in and on which they disagreed. The plausible theory is that the murdered Olive 2 miles west of Dewitt Village on court conceded that Smith had violated man's assailant or assailants gained en­ Tuesday, March 1st, live stock ana farm The United States warship Maine the terms of his policy, according to the Bartholomew Iiettler. of this town­ trance to the rooms while Lauzan was tools, commencing at 1 o ’clock. by-laws of the company, bv not making out for his lunch and as he entered the YVe invite attention of the voters and Patrick MonAR. was blown up in Havana harbor at 9:40 a full statement of the 'indebtedness ship, was one of a party of nine which doorway from the outside stairway, and property-owners of the county to a New Carpets arriving at Tuesday night. Two hundred and upon the property at the time the appli­ left Lansing Monday enroute for Klon­ felled him and pounded him to death. notice, in another column, of a propo ­ cation was made. It has been said that He had no opportunity to defend him­ ______John Hicks ’. Sfty-one of the ship's crew and two dike via Portland, Oregon. The com­ sition to raise by tax, $2,000 for the pur­ the company has received assessments pany, as mentioned in last week's issue self or utter a cry. and after the bloody I will pay cash for 12 Cords of Build­ officers are missing, and are believed to from Smith since the lire, which state­ deed was done the murderers effectuai- pose of putting in a furnace and to pipe have been killed. The cause of the ex ­ of Tna Independent , also includes ing Stone. Enquire at Residence. ment the secretary of the company says covered every trace of the crime, as no the court house, through which to heat B. D. Palmer . plosion has not yet been ascertained. is not true, that Smith has not paid the another Clinton county boy,Chas. Gadt, weapons have been found. the building with steam or hot water, last assessment, which was made last A hydrant runs into the sink in the There were over S00 men on board late of this village. as may he decided upon by competent Half Off On Cloaks and Capes September, before the Are. Each member suberibed $500 to a hallway and here the, murderers un­ when the explosion took place. The secretary of the company says doubtedly washed away all evidences ot persons as being the best. at John Hicks ’. fund from which all the expenses of the The ship which cost $2,588,000 is a that $500 was offered Mr. Smith simply the crime and afterwards disposed of The question is to be submitted to the Your Aeconnts Collected While You total wreck and is lying in the harbor for the purpose of avoiding a lawsuit, expedition will be paid, and provisions the bludgeon that killed their victim. people at the comiug April election, aud Wait. almost submerged. and was in no way intended to compro ­ sufficient to last eighteen months will be Lauzan was a cooper by trade, but it is hoped the property owners and tax ­ The explosion shook the whole city of mise the loss. purchased at Portland before shipping. had not worked at the trade for years. payers of the county will look well into The following testimonial speaks foi He was a subject to epilepsy and was the matter, and by so doing see the im­ itself: Havana. They take along a steam boiler and en­ afraid in one of bis fits he would fall in portance of changing the system of heat­ St. Johns , Mich., Feb. 8,1898. While neither the secretary nor Capt. gine and steam dredge, with which they the fire. He was of a roving disposition ing, and by the use of steam or hot wat­ A short time ago we placed in the Dickens are inclined to discuss the IMPROVED THE PLANT expect to work out the “ yellow stuff” and in season followed the circuses and er, ensure a saving of many dollars in hands of Louis Severence, attorney-at- probable cause of the accident, several from river and creek bottoms. fairs. He was married two years ago fuel and stoves, besides having the build­ law, for collection, a note that was long In undertaking to accompany this to Miss Mabel McDonald of Ionia, hut ing thoroughly aud evenly warmed. past due. Within one hour from the suggestions were ventured upon. They party into the land of cold feet and gold only lived with her a short time. She This is not the most important aud time we placed the matter in the hands believe that it may have been caused Electric Light Board Has Made graves “ Bart” Hettler shows that he had recently commenced proceedings valued feature in the proposed change. of Mr. Severence he collected and still carries bis nerve at the age of 60 for a divorce. brought us the money. We regard him by a tire in the buukers, heating the Rapid Progress The safety of the puplic records is the bulkneads near the magazine. years. He states that many have tried Lauzan has visited St. Johns several question of greatest importance. The as a reliable and very efficient collector. to discourage him, hut is satisfied that times in the last few years and was way those stoves are left to burn all 18 4w Davies & Adams . As yet the case of the explosion i» if he could live in Clinton countv two known by several of the sporting fra­ night, has created great anxiety on the not apparent. The wounded sailors a I Best Yalues In Cottons at IN REDUCING THE COST OF OPER­ years he can surely keep body and soul ternity of this village. He was here part of those who best acquainted with the Maine arc unable to explain it together in Klondike. He has had ex- two years ago and on July 29, 1897. the the facts. It is difficult to regulate a John hicks ’. They say the explosion took place ATING THE PLANT. rience in the gold fields, and has been days of Ringling Bros. show’, with a coal fire just right. They are apt to while they were, asleep, so that they Krther north than Dawson City by 700 ‘‘chuck luck” game of chance. burn very freely or to go out entirely. Farm at A action. can give no particulars as to the cause, miles. Sheriff Rehle has offered $300 reward The time saved in transacting business The Hiram Nestell estate, 120 acres, They Believe Id Paying Good Wage* to Mr. Hettler was born in France in for the arrest and convietion of the in the circuit court by the suspension situated two miles west and one mile (.'apt. Sigsbee says the explosion occur­ 1838. He has spent three seasons in the murderer of Roderigue G. Lauzan. of business until the noise is over caused north of St. Johns,will be sold at public red in the bow of the vessel. He re- Competent Men Rather Than Low- by the poking and shaking of the stoves auction, at the Probate office, February ♦reived a wound in the head. Orders Wage* to Incompetent Men. by the janitor, will pay the interest on 21,1898. at 1 o ’clock p. m. were given to the other olliccrs to save • •«•*«««« a* ***»■■**•»**■•**»***» ■*»»*»•• ■*»*»*» ■»**»»»** the Investment in the proposed change, w3 Edward Nestell, Executor. themselves as best they could, but no considering the fact that it costs $160 a day to run the court when the full jury Cloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks! one saved anything except the clothes To the Editor : is here. Besides, it will take at least a at John Hicks ’. they hail on. Dear Sir—In the published reports of All the boats of the Spanish cruisei WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY. quarter less coal than is now ’ consumed the electric plant, no mention lias been in a hazardous manner. Those expen ­ Seed ! Seeds ! Alfonso XII. went to the assistance ol BY GEORGE HOW LAND. sive stoves must be replaced with new the Maine's crow. Admiral Mantcrola made of several improvements which ones every three or four years. There pa has caused a great reduction in the ex ­ I Air:—“America.”] for cash aud sell them for the same at •ordered that boats of all kinds should are now two or three that will hardly 3 cents a paper or two papers for 5 cents. go to the assistance. The Havana fire­ pense of operating the plant, hut which, last the winter through with safety. These are fresh seeds and not of that men gave aid. tending carefully to the in justice to the Electric Board, should Welcome thou festal morn ! Then, with each coming year, There is certainly good business econ­ sort that have been carried over and re­ Never be passed in scorn Whenever shall appear omy in providing safe protection against packed. Therefore, buy fresh and sure wounded as they were brought ashore. he made public. A knowledge of these loss by fire. Too much cannot he said Gen. Solano and the other generals facts may perhaps remove the doubts Thy rising sun; That natal sun; seeds at the lowest prices at upon this particular question. Heller ’s Bazar . were ordered by Capt.-(Jen. Blanco to which appear to exist in the minds of Thou day forever bright Will we attest the worth We invite correspondence upon the take ships to help the Maine in every some of the taxpayers as to the economy With Freedom's holy light, Of one true man to earth, auestion from all good business men in Farm for Sale. way possible. And celebrate the birth the various parts of the county, for pub­ which has been practiced by the Elec­ That gave the world the sight lication. This matter of economy and The Jacob Abfalter farm of 180 acres Washington: The navy department tric Board. Of Washington. Of Washington. two miles north of Pewamo will be received telegrams from Capt. Sigsbee safety should be thoroughly discussed sold cheap on reasonable terms, or will The total expense including construc­ Unshaken mid the storm, Traced there in lines of light. through the paper, in the farmers’ club trade for smaller farm. Enquire of the giving news of the disaster without tion for the first six months after the meetings and upon all appropriate oc­ any particulars, and asking that navy Behold that noble form. Where all pure rays unite. owner. Oliver Toan, at his residence, or village bought the plant, under the old casions. Keep in mind the importance of J. II. Fedewa, St. Johns, or of F. H. tenders be sent at once from Key West management, was $4,222.50 or $703.75 That peerless one,— Obscured by none ; of protecting the records against possi­ Geller, Fowler. to receive the erew and tlie few pieces per month. With bis protecting hand, Brighest on history ’s page. ble loss by fire. «>f equipment still above water. Capt. The total expense, including con­ Cigars from 25c per box up at struction and supplies, for the next Like Freedom ’s angel, stand. Of any clime or age. Sigsbee said: “Public opinion should be The guardian of our land. As chieftain, man and sage. Alter Long and Patient Suffering. Helle s Bazar . suspended until further report. All year to February 16, 1897, was $6,355.29 Mrs. Eva M., wife of YVm. Swagart, or $529.60 per month. Our Washington. Stands Washington. Furs, Hides and Pelts, officers believed to be saved. Jeukins The total expense, including con­ died at her home in Bengal township, and Merritt not yet accounted for. struction and and supplies, for last year Now the the true patriot see, Name at which tyrants pale, Tuesday night, February 15,1898, in the In exchange for cash at highest market 39th year of her age. She was born in price. R. Howland , opp. The Steel. Many Spanish officers, including repre­ up to February 16, 1898, was $5,281.51 Tlie foremost of the free, Aud their proud legions quail. Clarendon. Calhoun county. Mich. The sentatives of (Jen. lilanco, now 1 with or $440.96 per mouth. The vict'ry w on ; Their boasting done ; A Practical Shoemaker. This shows a saving of $88.64 per funeral will be held at the Sutton school me and express sympathy ” In Freedom '8 presence how, While Freedom lifts her head. house, in that township. If you want boots or shoes made to The secretary of the navy received month over the preceding year, and of $262.79 per month over the first six While sweetly smiling now, No longer filled with dread. order, or repairing done neatly, prompt­ another dispatch from Key West at the months. This, notwithstabding that After Many Year*. ly and at resonable charges, call on me same time, but its contents tvere not She wreathes the smiling brow Her sons to vict’ry led over YVoodruff & Tromp ’s shoe store. during last year 37 street lights were in Of Washington. Mrs. Susana Keiser, mother of John made public. Tlie orders for the light­ use, while during the first six months By Washington. J. Keiser, died at her home in Green- G. H. Pervorse . only 31 were used. house tenders were at once sent to Key bush, Tuesday, February 15, 1898, of Valuable Farm at a Bargain. West. The principal reduction was in the paralysis, aged 78 years. The funeral The Maine was a battleship of the steam hills. will be held from the house tomorrow A farm of 280 acres, on best of roads, In 189ti the steam bill was...... $2,789 21 (Friday) afternoon. in Bengal township, 8 miles from St. second class and was regarded as one In 1MI7 the steam bill was...... 2,062 23 Johns; good buildings; 230 acres cleared; of the best ships in the new navy. She 40 acres of good timber; good water and A reduction of ...... $ 720 98 Arctic ocean and two seasons in Bering Card of Thanks. was built at the Brooklyn navy yard sea, on whaling expeditions. He tells A SUGGESTED ROUTE good wind mills. Terms favorable. The price paid for steam was the same We desire here to thank friends and nelgb Farm can he equally divided in favor ­ in 1800 at a cost of S3,588,000. She had of a very narrow escape from death in bora who were so good to ua during the long for each year. Marguerite Bay, Cal. He shipped under For The Lansing, St. John* A St. Louis able manner. For particulars inquire a steel hull, was 318 feet long, 57 feet This saving in steam was the result illness and recent bereavement caused by the broad, 21.G mean draught and carried s Capt. Dexter on the barque “Oscar,” Electric Railway. at the Independent office. of the work of Supt. Petrie in reducing from New Bedford, went round the death of our dear wife and mother, not for­ complement of 874 men. Her arma­ the waste of electric current on the The following is the proposed route getting those who brought beautiful flowers Onr Dry Goods Stock “ Horn,” and was whaling in the hay. of the Lansing, St. Johns & St. Louis ment consisted of four 10-ineh and six lines. Everv transformer (the iron box He was with the Captain in a small boat bestowed with loving words. Is bright with attractive novelties (5-inch breech loading guns in her main which reduces the line voltage of about R. R., iu this village, as suggested Dy St.Johns. February 16,1898. when it was attacked by a whale and the citizen’s committee, Messrs French, it includes all the staple necessaries, it battery and seven G-pounder and eight 1,000 to the house voltage of 50 or 100 upset. “ Bart” was a good swimmer ELMORE E. WILCOX, is complete with seasonable and depend­ volts) wastes a certain amount of energy. Fravisand DeWitt, and submitted to 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and four Gat­ and escaped, but the captain was never the press of the village for publication: CARL C. WILCOX, able goods. Our goods are all marked At present, although more houses are seen after. The mate then took charge MARION D. WILCOX. in plain figures, and we have but one lings in her secondary battery and four wired and connected to the lines than Entering the village on Lansing street Whitehead torpedoes. The commander of the ship, and the balance of the voy ­ and running tbenoe north to the Intersection price to all alike, and that the lowest. in 1895, over one fourth of the trans­ age included the Sandwich Islands, of Hurd street with Lansing street. From this BUSINE88 LOCALS We invite your inspection in all depart­ of the Maine, Capt. Sigsbee, is a favor ­ formers then in use have been discon­ Chili and back to San Francisco. point either of two routes Is permitted to be ments. John Hicks tinued. For instance, near the corner used to reach the head of Clinton avenue, viz: ite in the navy department. Mr. Hettler has worked at all modes First Easton Hurd street to Trowbridge street, New Laces at John Hicks’. of Cass and Oakland streets, B. D. Pal­ of mining. In ’55 he was one of a party thence north on Trowbridge street to Cass Who Does Yonr Draying 1 mer, A. II. Kenyon, and Geo. M. Petrie of prospectors who visited all the im­ street, theuce east on Cass street to Maple 1 am thoroughly prepared with well- each had a seperate transformer. At avenue, thence north on Maple avenue to Hay For Sale. ANOTHER OLD PIONEER portant mining towns and “ finds” in State street, thence east on State street to the fed aud capable horses, strong spring present these three customers and also California, but did not “ strike it rich” head of Clinton avenue. About 50 tons of Clover llay in barn, drays and careful and obliging drivers, Di\ L. Jones are all supplied with until working up into Oregon’s fields. Second. Beginning at the Intersection of which I will sell sor $3 per ton, on soc. to do work in my line with safety and at Hus Clotted Hitt Earthly Career and Gone lights from one. This not only saves Hurd street and Lansing street running 31, Bingham. [w2] I. C. Chessman . In California he visited, either by stage . thence north to Baldwin street, thence cast on reasonable charges. I have a first-class to His Reward. expense of individual transformers or on foot, Roberts ’ Creek, Sand Lones, Haldwin street to Ottawa street, thence north piano mover, and make a specialty of costing on an average $25 each, and Gubstenville, Hawkins ’ Creek. Poor on Ottawa st reet to Cass street, thence east on Saturday, this week we shall place on that kind of work. Richard Gay Humphrey Dennis Tabor died at his line loss, but changing from 50 to 100 Man’s Creek. Middleville, Handsome- ('ass street to Mapie avenue, thence north on sale an elegant line of Ladies’ Dress home in South Bingham, at 8 o ’clock volts makes it easier to give a good ville. Natchez, and Salmon river. He Maple avenue to Mate street, thence east on Skirts, in black and colors. Your in Insurance. Sunday night, February 13, 1898, in light to customers. The station am­ State street to the head of Clinton avenue. spection invited. John Hicks . his 62a year, of creeping paralysis. He left the latter place through Scott Val­ From the head of Clinton avenue the route Fire, Life and Cyclone. meter shows a load of from 25 to 30 per ley for Oregon, and finally camped at runs thence north to Gibbs street. From this T. C. Butler . was born in Wayne county, this state, cent, less than formerly during the lat­ Hood River; from there went to Old point three routes aro permitted to reach Lan­ Wood Wanted! and came here with his father, Moses ter part of the night. This load is sing street at the northern boundary of the We want twenty or twenty-five cords Tabor, when he was but 6 years old. and House Creek, fifty miles from Crescent village First, beginning at the intersection mostly due to loss in transformers. City, rented an old house, and was of Gibbs street and Clinton avenue and run ­ of good, sound beech and maple body he state savings bank has had a continuous residence in this There is still a good deal that can be snowed in for the balance of the winter, ning thence north to the section line between stove wood, for which we will pay cash. OF FOWLER. county since that time, with the excep ­ done along this line w hich Mr. Petrie there being ten feet of snow on the 1 sections nine and four, Bingham, In case Clin­ Enquire at T tion of about four years, which he spent was not able to do during last year on level. ton avenue shall be open to said section line Tns Independent Office . CAPITAL, $16,000. in Genessee county after having lived account of the extra work made neces­ before the construction of said railway. Sec­ In the spring of ’56 “ Bart” felt that ond. Beginning at Gibbs street and running NET A88ET8 OF STOCKHOLDERS, tSMjm here eight or ten years. A wife and sary by moving the plant. he had enough “ dust” to enjoy a little thence north on Clinton avenue to Floral ave­ Special Sale of Men’s Underwear. four children, three sons and one daugh­ Another improvement was the re­ nue, tben?e west on Floral avenue on LanslDg One case of men’s winter underwear ter, survive him. The funeral took eastern civilization, and shipped for 1 street, thence north to the northern boundary FRANK GRULER, President. winding of the field magnets of the in­ New York. crossed the Isthmus of Pan­ of the village. Third, Beginning at the Inter­ regular price .25c, sale price .14c each FREDERICK SCHEMER, Vice-PreaMwat. lace from the family residence yester- candescent dynamos, thereby enabling ama, and again shipped on a vessel for section of Gibbs street and Clinton avenue or 2 for .25c. See our south show win­ W. H. 8NELLING, Cashier Say afternoon, Rev. D. D. Martin ofll these machines to carry a greater load New York, which put in at Havana. running west on Gibbs street to Lansing street dow. John Hicks dating. The interment was made in than formerly. When Supt. Petrie took He there changed his mind and took a thonoe north on Lansing street to the nortn- DIRECTORS: the South Bingham cemetery. Thus the charge of the plant the Board supposed ern boundary of the village. To Masqueraders. DonaUntine Feldpsusch, Frederick Schemer old pioneers are passing away. steamer for New Orleans, arriving in It is hoped that by making the matter that a naw dynamo w’ould have to be the Crescent City, and to give Mr. Het- public in this way, before submittin Complete your masquerade suit by W. H. Snelllng, Mlchsel Spitsley, purchased, according to the recommen­ tler’s own words: “ Dere’s vhere ‘Bart.’ an ordinance to the council, the sent! purchasing your false faces from the 4. E. Dutcher, Fr*nk Gruler. dation of the old management, at a cost lost lies stake.” He was in New Or­ ment of our citizens may he gathered great varieties at Heller ’s Bazar . Constantine Gruler. THE LOSERS of $1,950. The machines are now ample leans when the war broke out; went to and improvements suggested to the for any load they have to carry, and the ; sailed on the lakes for several council. Jackets and Capes Going Fast tyM oney Loaned on Real EsUte Mortgagee. Put Up » Nice Entertainment For Them cost of rewinding was less than $25. seasons, being one of the crew of the At the low prices we are selling them The insulation of the switch board has The following suggestions have been selves, Opponent* and Friend* at the Great Western. In ’65 he was drafted gathered from differed sources and are at, come quick if you want to secure a also been improved so that it is now at Buffalo and prepared to go south, hut great Bargain. John Hicks . gTATE BANK OF ST.JOHNS. Library Hoorn* Monday Evening. possible to run the entire arc load on very appropriate at this time: was not needed. The council will have a right to COMMERCIAL ANDSAVING8 The whist club, composed of six coup­ one machine. Before this was done it In his latest undertaking “ Bart.” is amend the ordinance at any time. The Place to Get It. les, who have been contesting for the was necessary to run both engines and only trying something that he is used capital TmTooo. both arc machines every night while The manner of construction shall al­ Any person contemplating the pur­ championship this winter, together with to. He is going to a country that is ways be under the control of the coun­ chase of a Sewing Machine will find NET'ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS $90S,6Mb eight couples of invited guests, were en­ the street lights were on. new. Food is scarce and all conditions We ask those who think that the cil and a five cent shall be universal in prices at my place as low as in Chicago tertained in a charming manner at the novel. Fortmoes are being discovered the village. or any other city , on the same class of library rooms, last Monday evening, by wages paid to employes of the electric on one hand, and defeat and disappoint ­ The railroad company shall have to plant are too high to consider the above goods. Come and be convinced. P. K. PERRIN, President. the defeated side. Dancing and feast­ ment encountered on the other. How­ fix the water tanks so that they will A. B. Balcom . ing were prominent among the chief statements. It might easily be more ever we prophesy for Mr. Hettler a suc­ not interfere with water power in case O. W. MUNGER, Vice-President. features. economical to pay good wages to the cessful issue, if it is possible for cour­ Carpets!Carpets! Carpets! J. W. FITZOBRALD, Cashier. right person, than to hire others for of tire. age, physical strength, health and en­ The railway company shall keep the at JonN Hicks ’ half as much. E. L. Valentine . ergy to win. streets in repair inside the rails and for The Bengal Union aid society will meet John C. Hicks . DIRECTORS: at the Bengal United Brethren church. two feet outside, and in case Clinton Mrs. Jones is closing out a fine lot of 0. W. Munger, Geo. F. Marvin, J. W. FitagereM Judge Wisner at Flint, has granted Wednesday, February 23, 1808, at 10 There will be a dancing party at Ben­ avenue is paved they shall pave inside Trimmed Hats at $1 each, this w’eek. J. H. Co. bit, J. H. Fedewa. Geo. W. Em­ the petition of creditors of the defunct the rails and two feet outside. o ’clock a. m. All members are request­ gal Grange hall, Tuesday evening, Feb­ Dress Goods. mons, Jas. Richardson, P. K. Perrin, ed to be present, as they are to elect a ruary 22,1898. Bill $1, including oyster State bank of Fenton for the appoint ­ The rate of speed not to exceed six C. 8. Allison, M. Spitzley, miles an hour south of the railroad We are headquarters for Domestic new president. Please bring lunch supper with other refreshments, and ment of an expert to examine the bank’s Jesse Sullivan. baskets. and not more than twelve miles an and Imported Dress Goods. horses to hay. The public are invited. books. hour north. JonN hicks . 3 Per Oen t In teres** Paid on Time D ep oa t| CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898.

MICHIGAN NEWS ITEMS. A BEAUTIFUL GIRL’S AFFLIC­ Daniel Miles, living near Battle INSULTED THE PRESIDENT. Creek, has brodght to town 37 rattle­ TION. r A cooking school has been organized snakes which he found frozen stiff in D« Loins Calls McKinley Hard Names From the Republican, Vertaillet, Ind. for Olivet college girls. The Tuckers of Versailles, Ind., like all an old stovepipe under the barn. He aud Must Leave tbe United States. Tho copper mines of Houghton county fond parents, are completely wrapped up In put them in a barrel near the fire and The representatives of the Cuban their children. Their daughter, Lucy in Doings of the Week Recorded in a are worth about $94,000,000. News of the Day as Told Over the in a few minutes they were wriggling junta at New York have given out cop­ articular, has given them much concern, Brief Style. Slender Wires. be is fifteen and from a strong, healthy Test shafts have revealed deposits of about as lively as ever. ies of a letter signed “Enrique Dupuy anthracite coal about Saginaw. irl. three years ago, had become weak and Village Clerk O. V. Plea, of Stevens- De Lome ” who is minister of Spain at fept tailing off in flesh, until she became a DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN NEWS I mere skeleton. She seemed to have no life CONCISE AND INTERESTING. One agent at Durand delivered 80 ville, left for 8t. Joseph over a week Washington and addressed to Jose harvesting machines to farmers in that ago, and was last seen at Galien.* A at all. Her lilood became impure and fin­ The European Power* Harmonious on Canalejas, who went to Cuba last Sep­ ally she be'-a me the victim of nervous pros­ Michigan Y. M. C. A. Worker* Meet at vicinity. Mrs. Donovan is also reported missing. tration. Doctors did not help her. Most the Question of China Grubbing— tember as Premier Sagasta ’s personal Jackson—Many Prominent Speakers The Catholic church at Berlin, ten Plea has a wife and three children. of tbe time she was confined to bed, was miles east of Grand Rapids, burned. Ed. Stevenson has been appointed vil­ A Contlugrutlon at Pittsburg Cause* representative. In this letter the Span­ very nervous and irritable, and seemed on for the Michigan Club Banquet— ish minister refers to President Mc­ the verge of St. Vitus’ dance. Loss $2,000. lage clerk in Plea's place. Heavy Low of Life and Property. “One morning.’’ said Mrs. Tucker, “the A Brutal Murder at Lansing. Kinley as “weak and catering to the About $50 was raised at a Standish New Michigan postmasters: Prestil, doctor told us to give her Dr. Williams’Pink Powers Agreed on Chinese Question. rabble,” and as a “low politician, who Pills lor Pale People,which he brought with mass meeting to purchase flour for the Clare county, William McWath; Sagola, him. He said he was treating a similar case State Y. M. C. A. Convention. In the British house of lords and in desires to stand well with the jingoes starving Cubans. Dickinson county, John O'Callaghan; of hi» party. ” Horatio L. Rubens, with these pills and they were curing the pa­ The twenty-sixth annual convention Sears, Osceola county, Wm. J. Manley; response to a speech by the earl of tient. We txgan giving the pills and the State Labor Commissioner Cox's Bat­ counsel for the Cuban junta says: “We naxt day could see a change for the better. of the Michigan Y. M. C. A. was held tle Creek friends have started a boom Imlay City, Geo. W. Jones; Hancock, Kimberly, Premier Salisbury said that at Jackson with about 250 delegates know absolutely that this letter is gen­ for him for congress. George W. Emery; Fairview, Oscoda England had waived the demand that uine. A man risked his life to obtain present. The visitors were welcomed county, Robert Farrington. by lion. Thos. E. Bark worth, president Mrs. Katherine Murphy, the oldest Ta-Lien-Wan be made an open treaty it. We do not hesitate to acknowledge of the Jackson association, and Judge resident of Berrien county, died at St. There was a rear-end collision on the port as a condition of the proposed that it was stolen from Canalejas. It Victor H. Lane, of Ann Arbor, reponded. Joseph, aged 102 years. C. , M. A St. 1‘. tracks at Carney ’s spur, loan, because China objected, until the is written on the paper of tbe legation. H. O. Van Tuyl, of Detroit, chairman Julius Gagnier, who left Bay City, six miles south of Iron Mountain. A railroad reached Ta-Lien-Wan when it The handwriting is De Lome's and the of the state committee, and State Sec­ Jan. 14, for Alaska, was killed by a way freight crashed into a logging should be opened. The loan negotia­ signature is his. He may deny it until retary C. M. Copeland, of Owosso, made falling lamp on a steamer. train which was switching. Twenty tions are still pending. The premier he is black in the face, but it is genuine added: “I have received spontaneous and everybody who has seen it knows extended reports showing the growth The Soldiers ’ Monument association cars and an engine were wrecked, and of the work. There are 21 city, one Conductor Anderson, of Iron Mountain, assurances from the Russian govern­ that it is.” of Dexter has contracted for a $1,000 ment that any port they open in China railroad and 10 college associations in monument to be dedicated on May 30. and Brakeman John Tews, of Green The publication of De Lome ’s letter Bay, Wis., were killed. will be open to free commerce, and that caused a sensation in official Washing­ the state; 18 report active and associate Flowing wells in Maple Ridge park memliership of 0,388; 14 have junior Fire broke out among the lumber similar assurances have been made us ton and will undoubtedly soon be fol­ at Owosso throw out globules of oil, by the German government respecting lowed by Senor De Lome's departure departments with a membership of 781: and residents talk of sending down piles in C. Merrill A Co. ’s mill yard, 10 college associations report member­ the territory they recently occupied. ” from the United States. At the outset Discussed Their Daughter’s Case pipes. known as Whittier mill, on the west for Honrs. ship of 797; nine associations huve bank of the river at Saginaw, and Baron von Buelow, the German pre­ there was a disposition to question the mier, in addressing the reichstag said: buildings and lots valued at $370,300; Gen. Alger has recovered sufficiently 1,500,000 feet of lumber was burned. authenticity of the letter, but as bit by The doctor came and was surprised to see to travel to Fort Monroe for his health. “Our relations with the powers were bit the circumstantial evidence accu­ such an improvement. He told us to keep seven have building funds amounting The lose will be about $25,000, but the giving her the medicine. We gave her one to $50,528; 18 report 329 professed con­ Before going he spent a short time at a amount of insurance is small. Hon. in no way disturbed by the occupation mulated, until it was finally announced pill after each meal until eight boxes had of Kiao-Chau. We are in harmony versions, of these 114 have united with cabinet meeting. T. W. Palmer, of Detroit, is largely in­ officially that the minister declined to been used when she was well. She has not churches; 14 associations report ladies’ Edward M. Buckman, a grocer of terested in the property. with Russia, whose interests do not deny the authorship of the letter, all been sick since, and we have no fear of tbe conflict with ours anywhere in Europe, old trouble returning. We think the cure auxiliaries. The first address was de­ Sodus, was arrested on the charge of doubt was dissipated aud the only ques­ almost miraculous. ” selling liquor without a license and A number of special services were and are parallel with ours in Asia. As tion that remained was as to the line of livered by Rev. J. Stansfield, of Detroit, held in Ann Arbor churches in behalf Frank Tucker . was held for trial. sincere friends we regard Russia’s action to be pursued by our govern­ Mrs. Frank Tucker . and was one of the most powerful ser­ of the Anti-Saloon league movement. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this mons ever heard in the city. There Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hosmer, of natural development with unenvious ment toward the offending minister. Rev. J. F. Brant, of Lansing, sent a sympathy —(cheers)—and France's ef­ The writing of this letter is unques­ 28th day of April, 1897. were several other good addresses in­ Romulus, have just celebrated their party out to investigate the saloons and Hugh Johnson , justice of the Peace. golden wedding anniversary. They forts to obtain fresh trade outlets in tionably an offense against the ameni­ These pills are wonderfully effective in terspersed with special singing. The claims to have found nearly all violat ­ the treatment of all diseases arising from delegates were also banqueted in the have 10 children living. Tonquin are quite natural, while it Is ties of diplomatic relations, and such ing the law. About 75 business men far from us to oppose England's just offenses almost invariably have been impure blood, or shattered nerve force. parlors of the Congregational church. Secretary Ilanshue, of the Michigan and professors met to devise some They are adBp ed to young or old, and may The following officers were elected: interests in any way or direction. We regarded in the United States, as in be bad at any drug store. Millers' association, has issued an ap­ means to combat the evil. desire to cultivate relations of har­ President, Geo. T. Moody, of Detroit; peal to farmers for contributions of other countries, as sufficient ground for monious co-operation with Great Brit­ vice-presidents, F. S. Goodrich, of Al­ flour and meal for Cubans. G. J. Eaton, aged 87, until recently a the termination of the official status of According to Jewish statutes it was resident of Lowell, died at a cheap ain. (Renewed cheers). Our modest the letter writer. unlawful to muzzle the ox engaged in bion college, C. S. Stewart, of Owosso; Capt. Joseph Kauffman, of the Sal­ E. L. Briggs, of Coldwater; secretary, boarding house at Grand Rapids. De­ demands have neither menaced the in­ The state department has promptly treading out the corn, the animal being vation Army at Adrian, has gone crazy velopments show that he had property tegrity of China nor called for justifi­ taken hold of the matter, Assistant Sec­ Allowed to eat his fill. Geo. Fleming, of Saginaw; assistant over his work. He is confined in jail secretaries, D. S. Carmichael, of Alma worth $12,000 or $15,000. On his per­ able objections on her part.” retary Day consulting President McKin­ and will be taken to Kalamazoo. - Baron von Buelow then proceeded to LETTERS FROM THE RESTORED. college; C. N. Densmore, of Kalamazoo. son were found certificates of deposit ley four times during the day,which re­ Two well known deaf mutes, G. S. aggregating $3,349. He was an old justify the acquisition of a point of sup­ sulted in a message being sent to U. S. Many Wonderful Cares Recorded, Hop ­ Michigan Club Banquet. Fletcher and Miss Grace Jones, were soldier and was very eccentric. He port in eastern Asia as an absolute ne­ Minister Woodford at Madrid directing ing that Others May He Benefited. The thirteenth anniversary banquet married at Ypsilanti by Rev. J. M. leaves three married daughters. cessity, looking to Germany's rapidly him to lay the facts before the Spanish The manufacturers of the remedy of the Michigan Club will be held in Gelson, Prof. Newcomb acting as inter­ Secretary Gage in a bill sent to the growing interests in one of the richest government together with the state­ called “5 drops,” which is guaran­ the Auditorum, Detroit, on Washing­ preter. House recommended the consolidation markets of the world for imports if she ment that in view of the minister's re­ teed to cure rheumatism, neuralgia, ton's birthday. These banquets have The projectors of the electric road of customs districts all over the country, did not desire to become a second or fusal to deny the authorship of the let­ asthma, and kindred ailments, have re­ become national in importance, and are from Detroit to Toledo, via Monroe, and figures on making an annual sav­ third rate power in Asia, for every other ter the Spanish government is looked ceived thousands of letters regarding looked upon by the Republicans of claim to have secured the whole right ing of $100,000 in Michigan alone. He power, even Portugal and the Nether­ to with confidence to deal with the case their medicine, many of which have Michigan as an important factor in of way and will begin the construction asks that the collectors at Detroit, lands, had territorial possessions there. properly. This amounts to an invita­ been published. The following is a the politics of the state. Col. Atkin­ at once. tion to recall the minister, presuming sample of these letters: Port Huron and Marquette alone be re­ A TERRIBLE CATASTROPHE. son is to preside as president of the Ann Arbor's superintendent of the tained and deputies be placed in charge that he himself has not already taken Oct. 10, 1897, 630 Main St., club; Senator Burrows acts as toast ­ poor has fed and lodged 200 tramps dur­ at Grand Rapids and Grand Haven. steps to vacate his position. No doubt Springfield, Mass. Eleven People Killed, 2 7 Mlieilng and 10 is entertained of a compliance with the master; Gov. Pingree delivers the ad­ ing the last two weeks. Says its Injured at a Pittsburg Fire. Dear Sirs—I can not express my cheaper than to arrest them and lodge The report of the treasurer of the implied suggestion, but in case there dress of welcome, and Bishop W. X. state Y. M. C. A. showed receipts dur­ A fire of mysterious origin completely gratitude to God, also to you, for the Ninde, of the Methodist Episcopal them in jail. should be undue delay in acting the benefit I am receiving from “5 drops. ” ing the year $3,113.89, disbursements destroyed the large six-story cold stor­ state department would feel called church, will pronounce the invocation. | The North Shore limited train struck $2,926.11. The resources are $749.98, age plant of the Chautauqua Lake Ice I walk around my room without a The speakers are to be Hon. John S. Frank Briggs, a newspaper man out of upon to move directly in the matter crutch, which I have had to use a long liabilities above resources, $586.85. F. Co., at Pittsburg, within three hours. and give the minister his passports. Wise, of New York City, son of Vir­ a job, at Ann Arbor. One arm was H. Burt, assistant state secretary of The structure was divided by three time. I firmly believe that with faith, patience and perseverence, “5 drops ” ginias’ war governor; Congressman broken and he was injured about the , made an appeal for personal heavy fire walls into practically four He Lome Forced to Resign. George Edmund Foss, of Illinois; Wm. abdomeu and may die. and association pledges for state work, buildings. The ice company had its Madrid: At a meeting of the Spanish will get the better of all diseases. My F. Gurley, a prominent lawyer of The grading on the northern exten ­ and pledges were received amounting ice making plant and storage ware­ cabinet, the minister for foreign affairs, doctor says it is Indigestion has made Omaha, who ranks with Brj’an; Sena­ sion of the Detroit A Mackinaw rail­ houses on the lower floors and the me bloat so, but his medicine does not to something over $1,200. Senor Gullon, read a dispatch from seem to reach my case. Respectfully tor Fairbanks, of Indiana, who was road is finished, and only four miles of Union Storage Co. occupied the balance Senor Dupuy de Lome, the Spanish temporary chairman of the last na­ New Michigan postmasters: Au yours, Mrs. A. Spring. steel rails remain to be laid before Train, Alger county, George A. Bald­ of the building with the stored prop­ minister at Washington, saying that tional convention; Senator Cushman K. trains can run into On away. erty of innumerable householders and the published letter to Senor Canalejas The producers of “5 Drops,” who are win; Azalia, Monroe county, F. II. the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 167- Davis, of Minnesota, one of the most Mrs. Barbara Mahncke died at Sagi­ merchants, besides about 400 barrels of was written by him, and that his posi­ famous orators of the U. S. senate. Noble; Clifford, Lapeer county, Henry 169 Dearborn street, Chicago, have de­ naw from injuries received in the Mich­ A. Pullin; Shiloh, Ionia county, George whisky in bond. When the fire reached tion, consequently, had become unten­ cided to continue for another 30 days The club will keep open house during igan Central crossing accident a week the whisky the stuff exploded, blow­ able, and he begged the government to the day of February 22. Hon. D. >1. W. Brown; Cleon, Manistee county, an offer which they made some weeks ago. She is the fourth victim and the Wm. J. Ridout; Cohoctah, Livingston ing out the Mulberry alley wall with accept his resignation. The cabinet Ferry will give a reception at his resi­ awful results. The alley was filled with ago, namely, to send a sample bottle last of the occupants of the sleigh. county, W. H. Trowbridge; Hopkins decided to accept the resignation, and of “6 DropB,” prepaid, for 25 cents. dent in the afternoon of that day. Re­ The State Spiritualist society met in firemen, policemen and reporters, and it was decided to entrust the first sec­ publicans generally of Michigan are Station, Allegan county, C. E. Wol- They state that this is done as they conference at Lansing, the chief feat­ finger; Troy, Oakland county, Frank many were caught by the falling walls. retary with the conduct of the current eligible to membership in the club, the The large warehouse of W. A. Hoeveler affairs of the legation. know even a sample bottle will con­ ure of the meeting being the address of D. Cutting. vince one of the value of their remedy. annual dues for members outside of the the secretary of the National society, & Co., situated on Pike street, directly city of Detroit being $5.00 including a Mrs. Richard Clegg was fatally Also, large bottle, 300 doses, for $1.00, Francis B. Woodbury, of Washington. opposite the Chautauqua Co.'s building England Hays Curie Sam Old Right. ticket to the banquet. Republicans burned by a hanging lamp falling from was also destroyed. The DeLomc incident has excited lit­ and for the next thirty day^ three bot­ desiring membership should address The postoffice incident in Bay City is the ceiling of her home at Adrain. The tle interest in England, but the opin­ tles for $2.50. regarded as closed, and Wm. M. McCloy Until the fallen walls have been Fred E. Farnsworth, Secretary, Detroit. hook gave away and the lamp, when it cleared away, there can be no certainty ions expressed almost unanimously in­ has won. Congressman Crump tele­ broke in pieces on the floor, set fire to • He who has no mind to trade with as to the number of victims, but it is dorse the position of the United States. the devil should be so wise as to keep A Fool Murder at banning. graphed to that effect, and there is no the steaming oil, quickly enveloping The daily newspapers, with the excep ­ longer any doubt that McCloy will be known that 11 people are dead, 27 miss­ away from his shop. In a room over Oviatt's feed store, on Mrs. Clegg in the flames. Her grand­ ing and 19 injured, and the property tion of the Morning Post, have adopted Washtenaw street, Lansing, the dead confirmed. daughter, Mrs. Abbie Campsie, rushed loss is $1,500,000, with about $1,000,000 the view that the administration took body of Roderique C. Lauzun, aged 25, Ypsilanti has granted a right-of-way to the old lady's aid, and in attempting Mother Gray ’s Sweet Powders for Children insurance. the right course. The Spectator is not Successfully used by Mother Gray, was found in a large pool of blood with on her main street to the Detroit, Ann to smother the flames was badly burned. Within 48 hours the number of bod­ sorry the “moment may be approaching Very little damage was done to the nurse in the Children’s Home in New his head crushed almost to a pulp. Ap­ Arbor A Ypsilanti electric railway. ies recovered had reached 13 and the when the United States will intervene York, Cure Feverishness, Bad Stomach, parently he had been murdered with a This completes the route and the con­ house. missing list increased to 38. to stop the agonies'of Cuba,” adding: Teething Disorders, move and regulate hatchet or a hammer. There were struction of the power house will be An explosion of giant powder at the “Their only hope is in the United the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over fractures of the skull both front and begun at once. Newport mine near Iron wood killed President of Gautcmala Assassinated. States sternly declaring that Spanish 10,000 testimonials. They never fall At rear. One blow struck the right eye, Edward Perket, aged 31, of Menomi­ three men: Peter Biazza, Emanuel Advices from Jan Jose, Guatemala, troops must leave and that the Cubans all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE! Ad. both ears were split, and the occipital nee, died from the excessive use of cig­ NaimO and Mike Sadia. They were at announces the assassination of Presi­ be allowed to settle their own fate. Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. bone was badly broken. The walls arettes. Deceased was the youngest work on the ninth level. Biazza and dent Barrios of that republic. That the United States will be morally and floor of the room were covered son of the late Pascal Perket, the pio­ Naimo were en route for the powder Gen. G. Jose Maria Reine Barrios, justified in saying the war must end, Would ’st thou travel the path of truth with blood. The motive for the crime neer hotel man of Menominee. He chest when the explosion occurred. president of the republic of Guatemala, and goodness? Never deceive either and that Cuba be given peace, there is thyself or others. was evidently robbery, as Lauzun’s leaves a widow. Just what was the cause is not known. was born in San Marcos in 1859. He no doubt for a moment. pocketbook, open, bloodstained and The O'Connor Transportation Co. These two were literally blown to was a nephew of the former president, Lane’s Family Medicine. empty was found. It is known that was organized at Benton Harbor, with pieces, while Sadia died from the effects Justo Rufino Barrios, who was killed A Dig Movrmrnt for an Eight Hour I>sy. of gases. Three other men were over ­ during a rebellion in 1885. Gen. Bar­ Moves the bowels each day. In order the murdered man had exhibited a a capital of $50,000, to operate a line of Samuel Gompere, president of the to be healthy this is necessary. Acts large roll of bills on several occasions, passenger and freight boats between come by gases, but will recover. rios succeeded his uncle as commander American Federation of Labor, is mak­ gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures and nothing was found in his pockets. Benton Harbor and Chicago, commenc­ Cora Wagner, aged 17, was paroled of the forces, but Barrillas gained the ing preparations to inaugurate a great sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. Lauzun had been leading a dissolute ing about April 1. from the Industrial home for girls, at ascendancy, was mode president, and movement for an eight-hour work day life, associating with gamblers and fast Clyde Pickworth was seriously in­ Adrian, and was given a home with a banished the young general. He was According to the present plans of labor The idle, no matter what their pos­ women. About a year ago Lauzun jured at Eaton Rapids by a vicious Jackson family. She ran away, but recalled later and in 1892 he was elected leaders, a demand for the eight-hour session in life is, are only one remove married a Miss McDonald, of Laings- horse, which kicked him upon the head, was soon located at the home of John president over Barrillas, and his term day will be made on May 1 next that from the loafer. burg, who commenced suit for a di­ the corks penetrating his head and Hildebridge, north of Vandalia. When would have expired in Mardh this year. will involve fully a million men. The vorce in Shiawassee county a couple of cansing concussion of the brain. Little the officers went to get her she excused Last June Barrios publicly declared American Federation of Labor will Hives are not dangerous to life, but weeks ago. hopes of recovery. herself to go into another room. An himself dicator of Guatemala. make this demand in one trade at a they are a prolific breeder of misery Later reports state that the assassin­ time, and, according to the leaders, and profanity. Doan's Ointment givey President Angell, of the .University instant later a shot was heard and the instant relief, even in tbe worst cases Serious Hotel Fire. of Michigan, has written to Regent poor girl was found lying in a pool of ation of Barrios was immediately fol­ great strikes are expected before the lowed by a revolutionary attempt to of this and other exasperating diseases The new Hotel Willis at Thompson- Butterfield that he intends to resign blood. She had aimed at her heart, battle likely to follow is decided. The of the skin. ▼ille burned at midnight, it was occu­ his post as U. S. minister to Turkey, but the bullet struck a rib and was raise Prospero Morales to the presi­ leaders are now perfecting plans which pied by Mrs. Diamond, while the store and will return in time to resume his deflected, and she may recover. dency. Morales' adherents, under Gen. they believe will insure success. Mr. You exact duty in full measure from in the corner was occupied by D. E. position in the college in the fall. Marroquin, attempted to seize the pal­ Gompers intends to confine his work others, do you also exact it of yourself. Slawson's general store. The hotel was An attempt to resume operations at ace barracks, but Marroquin and sev­ The largest shipment of produce from the Wheeler A Co. shipyard at Bay City until May 1 to interesting the unions valued at $5,000, with no insurance; D. eral others were killed and the remain­ D ropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Otsego county in any one day was was a failure. The old union is satis­ affiliated with the American Federation E. Slawson's stock at $".iXK), with small der fled from the city with troops in in the movement. Green’s Sons of Atlanta, Ga. The insurance; Mrs. Diamond's furniture, made by Buck A Bolton, of Gaylord, 23 fied with the scale of wages offered by pursuit. Vice President Cabrera is reatest dropsy specialist in the world, 91,000, no insurance. cars of potatoes, aggregating 13,000 the company, but cannot go to work acting president, but there arc loud de­ Japan Will Hold Wei-Hal-Wei. ead their advertisement in another Mrs. Diamond jumped from a second bushels, and worth $11,000, being sent before the riveters return. About 800 mands that Gen. Mendizabal be pro­ Official advices received from Pekin column of this paper. story window, receiving serious, if not to Baltimore, New York and Prov ­ men gathered at the yard expecting claimed president. A serious crisis is say Japan has notified China that she fatal injuries. Guests of the hotel lost idence. that 30 gangs of riveters would start He who wishes to secure tbe good of apparently impending. intends to keep Wel-Hal-Wei perma­ others has already secured bis own. all there clothing except what they Chris Millenbacker, of Charlotte, work, but were disappointed. The nently. China, in notifying the Chin­ placed an attachment on all the mov­ riveters say they will meet Wheeler A Washington: At a cabinet meeting it bad on ese ministers abroad to this effect, di­ Pure blood and a good digestion are able property of the Toledo and' North­ Co. half -way in their demand for the was decided to send two companies of rects them to notify the powers also '95 scale. They absolutely refuse to troops to Dyea and Skaguay for the an insurance against disease and suf­ A boiler explosion destroyed Ed Gil- western, the new railroad being built that, in view of this, no foreign loan is fering. Burdock Blood Bitters keeps lam's saw, cider and feed mill at Mell- between Albion and Charlotte. The sign any agreement as individuals, but purpose of preserving order. The war required, as the purpose of the loan was the blood pure, the digestion perfect. ville, and Melvin Seigfried and Richard attachment covers all scrapers, plows, as a union they will agree to furnish department at once issued orders in ac­ solely to pay the Japanese war in­ men to complete the present contracts. cordance. Stevens were badly injured. and other implements. demnity. The man who chases bubbles will The police of Lansing are nosy con­ A big fire of probably incendiary The American line steamer St. Louis, Two thousand students of the Rush bark his shins soonar or later. vinced that two men had a hand in the origin is reported from Forest town­ Capt. Randle, which arrived at New Medical college, the Chicago College of The trial of M. Zola, the famou killing of R. C. Lauzun, and that it wai ship, Genessee county, James Dickin­ York from Southampton, reports the Dental Surgery and the Marquette French novelist, for his denunciation Hundreds of precious little one9 owe done with a piece of inch gas pipe. son was aroused by a noise, and look ­ loss at sea of the Holland-America line school engaged in a desperate conflict of tho government in the conduct of their lives to Dr Thomas ’ Eciectric Oil, Myrtie, the 4-year-old daughter of ing out discovered his large barn in steamer Vcendam, Capt. Stenger, from at Harrison and Wood streets, Chicago, the Dreyfus case and the Esterhazy the sovereign cure for croup and all Richard Wright, of Plymouth, got hold flames. A great quantity of hay, be­ Rotterdam for New York. The Veen- with 40 policemen. The battle raged, courtmartial. resulted in serious riot­ other throat or lung diseases. of a bottle of carbolic acid and drank sides grain and farming implements, dam struck a submerged wreck which with intermissions of peace, from noon ing in which attempts were made to gome of the drug. She may recover. was destroyed. Loss about $1,200. tore a hole in the hull and broke her until 6 o ’clock in the evening. The mob M. Zola. Count Esterhazy refused The devil has no anxiety about the Willie and Eddie Krug, Herman and propeller shaft, when three days out. police were compelled to send in riot to appear in court and the judges re­ man who is mean to his wife. Edgar Blackraar, aged 36, was driv­ Willie Golz, aged 13, 12, 9 and 6, read Notwithstanding the steady working calls repeatedly and in the early part fused to force him to do so. They also ing at Bay City, when his team became of all of the pumps the water gained of the scrimmage they were badly declined to allow certain questions A cough is a danger signal of worse dime novels and organized a wild west troubles to come. Cure the cough and frightened at an electric car and ran gang at Ann Arbor. It is charged that and preparations had been made to worsted. It was a free-for-all, rough- asked by the M. Zola's attorneys. M. away. Black mar was thrown on the revent its results by using Dr. Wood ’s they burglarized the Elite cigar store, take to the lifeboats when the St. Louis and-tumble fight, and several were in­ Casimir-Perier, the former president of E orway Tine Syrup. whiffletrees and the heavy wagon ran Eberbach's store and Rinsey A Sea- hove in sight, wan hailed and took off jured on both sides. It was started by the republic, appeared as a witness, over him, breaking his neck and crush­ boldt's grocery, and stole a quantity of the passengers and crew, numbering the police attempting to stop a snow­ but before taking the oath said that he ing his side and arm. ne died in a The shortest cv.t to wealth is through cigars and tobacco and some money. 212 in all. The Veendam was then fired. ball battla between the student*. would not tell the truth. the lane of contentment. short time. CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THUR8DAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1898

DIPHTHERIA IN WINNECONNE. DOINGS OF CONGRESS. How It Wu Stamped Oat. Aft« th# Rheumatic Pains A Paragraphic Chroolola of tho Act* of Modern Treatment Had Failed. tha Nation'* Lawmakers. Confined to Hor Bod, but Mood's Thirty-three cases of diphtheria wera A resolution was adopted by the Sarsaparilla Cured Her. reported at Winneconne, Wisconsin, “ I was taken with rheumatism and suf ­ House calling on the state department for information as to the condition of and the schools were closed. fered a great deal of pain, and at tiroes Of the thirty-three cases twelve were I was confined to my bed. I obtained the concentrados in Cuba, and the pro­ gress made in Spain's efforts to induce subjected to so-called modern treat­ only temporary relief from medicines, and ment; four of the twelve thus treated a friend advised me to try Hood ’s Sarsa­ the Cubans to accept autonomy. The Senate has confirmed the nomi­ died, a death rate of 33 1-3 per cent parilla, which I did, and it cured me.” nations of A. O. Wheeler, to be U. S. Mr. J. Ulrich, a resident of Winne­ Mbs. P. P. Hay , Centralia, m. marshal of the western district of conne, had observed the marvelous Hood’s Sarsaparilla Michigan; Commodore F. M. Bunco to success Muco-Solvent had met with and Is the best—In fact the One True Blood Purifier. be a rear-admiral; Geo. M. Bowers, of in his enthusiastic way Induced many mothers to use it. His own family was Hood’ll pTlVe cure sick headache. 90c. West Virginia, to be U. 8. fish commis­ sioner. one of the first infected, Muco-Solvent Those friends thou hast and their Rep. Lewis, of Washington, intro­ being used to the exclusion of every ­ adoption tried, grapple them to thy duced a resolution demanding that thing else with splendid results. Spain recall DeLome instead of merely Compared with other treatments, its soul with hoops of steel. TRUMBULL’S PORTRAIT The happiness and misery of men de-. TME EARLIEST PORTRAIT accepting his resignation. success was so very pronounced, that pend no less on temper than on fortune. The House adopted Congressman Muco-Solvent was generally adopted, Wm. Alden Smith's resolution calling with the result that by Its use alone PRFS. M’KINLKY VS. FREK SILVER. for the correspondence between Ger­ the other twenty-two cases recovered, A battle of giants is going to take many and the United States relative to not one proving fatal where Muco-Sol- place this summer on 30,000 farms in the exclusion of our fruits and horses. vent was depended on. America, not In talk or votes, but In During short open session of the We recommend its presence In every yields. Salzer’s two new potato mar­ Senate two phases of the Cuban ques­ home, for all throat troubles. In avert­ vels are named as above, and he of­ tion were adverted to briefly. The ing developments of diphtheria, scarlet fers a price for the biggest potato yield, amendment of Mr. Allen to the diplo­ fever and croup, it is unequalled. also $400 In gold for suitable names for THE:STUART PORTRAIT matic and consular appropriation bill Upon receipt of the price. $1 per his corn (17 inches long) and oat pro­ IM [unfinished J recognizing the belligerency of the bottle, the Muco-Solvent Company, 356 digies. Only seedsmen In America grow­ Cuban insurgents was reported ad­ Dearborn street, Chicago, will express ing grasses, clovers and farm seeds versely by the foreign relations com­ it, charges paid. This makes a splen­ and selling potatoes at $1.50 a barrel. mittee, not, as Mr. Morgan explained, did article for agents to Introduce in The editor urges you to try Salzer’s on the merits of the amendment, but their locality, as it is backed by over ­ Northern Grown Seeds, and to because the committee did not ap­ whelming and convincing testimony. Send This Notice with 10 Cte. In Stamps prove of tacking such legislation to Forty-page book free.—Chicago Opin­ to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, appropriation bills. Mr. Morgan ’s res­ ion. Wis., for 11 new farm seed samples, olution, calling upon the President for the reports of United States consuls There are times when men have to be treated worth $10.00, to get a start, and their LATEST PORTRAIT. like children, when they are very ill. for in­ REMBRANDT PEALE'S PORTRAIT. in Cuba and for information as to big catalogue. w.n.f. stance, or when they are In Imminent (lunger whether any agent of the autonomous which must be averted first anil explained after­ LITTLE MORE ing investigators, conscientious col­ should prefer the hero of Washing­ ward*. ■ If some men would get nearer to the Lord than a year ago a lectors of documents; but with their ton ’s birthdays and of the Fourth of government in Cuba had been accred­ Don't depend too much on popular sympathy. they wouldn't have to talk so loud when they New York pub­ pedantry Is combined a lively appre­ July orators to the real man who Is ited to this government and recognized There are more tears in a peeled onion than In pray. by it was adopted without dissent. a public calamity. lisher said to me: ciation of the function and possibili­ our Pater Patriae. Preferring the It is better to believe that there I* some good Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away “The man who ties of the literary art. man of flesh and blood to the man of In everybody, than that there I* no good In any ­ To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag­ The writing of history, therefore, myth and legend, he set about strip­ Sarah Bernhardt, the famous, is con­ body. netic,'full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- can predict a fad Bao. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men to supplant the becomes In their practice a task ping him of these sentimental trap­ sidered quite ill and will have to un­ A Good Dictionary for Two Cent*. strong. All druggists. 60c or 11. Cure guaran ­ waning Napoleonic identical in aim to that of the histor­ pings. dergo an operation. A dictionary coniuinimr the definition* of 10.- teed. Booklet and sample free. Address fad will be worth ical painter. They do not permit "Behold, ” says he, when he Is done, Spain is nervously urging the Glas­ 000 of the most useful and important words in Sterling Remedy Co . Chicago or New York. the English language. I* published by the Dr. his weight in gold themselves to stop with the mere "our national hero. A great man, to be gow shipbuilders to hurry the work on William* Medicine Co . Schenectady, N Y. Most people have very little use for the man to a publisher.” presentation of the facts of the past, sure, but no paragon —In his private the new Spanish war vessels. While it contain* some ad vert islng, ft I* a com­ who tells them a disagreeable truth. plete dictionary, concise and correct I suggested but, because they are artists, they life, at least. A man against whom King Menelik, of Abyssinia, is pre­ In oompUIng this book cure has been taken to Washington, and had the satisfaction must vitalize these facts, and bring calumny and slander blew, but who paring for a journey to the European omit none of those common words whose spell­ TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. their readers, as do the painter and remained unsmlrched. A man of ing or exact use occasions ut times a moment­ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All of hearing my friend say he did not countries and is collecting objects of ary difficulty, even to well educated people The Druggists refund the money If it falls to cure. 25o the historical novelist, into a vital as valor in the field, yet one who shrunk main aim has been to give as much useful In­ believe me. special artistic interest in Abyssinia, formation as possible in a limited space. With But I was right, nevertheless. well as Into an Intellectual relation from the publicity of public life. A the most valuable of which he will this In view, where noun, adjective und verb are The general wboundertakestodo the private's The Frenchman is dead: long live with a remote period. man who held the helm of state with all obviously connected In meaning, usually one Work generally gets licked. take as gifts to the various rulers. His only has been Inserted The volume will thus the American! Their ideal requires not only that an iron hand, who fumbled his inaug­ majesty intends to be absent about be round to contain the meaning of very many Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup It would be wearisome to review all they shall prove their case, but that uration address. A man whose sense eight months, and the government of more words thun it professes to explain. For children teethlng.softenR the gum*.reduce.-Inflam ­ the demonstration shall be as aethet- of propriety constrained him in after­ To those who already have a dictionary, this mation, slimy* pain, cure* wiudcolic, ii cenUs bottle. the evidence. Besides, this rational Abyssinia during that time will be in­ book will commend itself because it Is compact, Washington fad has not as yet gone lcally convincing. life, when he knew that he had en­ trusted to the queen. • light nnd convenient; to those who have NO Historical accuracy loses nothing rolled himself among the immortals, will be Invaluable. If all men knew '.heir places there would be far enough, and It is probable that A new patriotic society was organized One may be secured by writing to the above con­ no railroad collisions. greater works are now meditating by this treatment, and the personality to undertake the revision of his pri­ cern. mentioning this paper, and enclosing a of Washington gains Immeasurably. vate correspondence, so that posterity in the council chamber at city hall at two-ccnt stamp To Cure Constipation Forever, than have been written. For the moment, therefore, it will Both he and the past—the picturesque, might not laugh at his awkward Eng- New York. It will be known as the Take Cancarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 25c. American Flag association, and its Where a nomination Is equivalent to an elec­ If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. suffice as an indication of the direc­ courtly, eventful, elegant past In tion a heavy bund should be icuuircd tion in which the current is setting which he moved —live again before membership will be made up from com­ Thu whisper of slandei tan be heard further Some people try to make up in ph.mes what mittees selected from the various pa­ than the report of a bundled ton gun they lack In pluck. to call to mind that a new edition of our eyes; and the mind, lured to fol­ Irving’s “Washington” Is among the low an imagination captivated by the triotic societies of the country. Its ob­ ject will be to protect the national flag The Haudsoinmt Calendar of the Year. Star Tobacco is the leading brand of recent announcements of one of our charm of style and dramatic Incident, the world, because it ia the best. leading firms of publishers; that one loses Its contemporaneousness and Is from desecration. Gen. O. O. Howard The Youih'* Companion Souvenir Calendar for of our most enterprising magazine merged in the theme of the history. is one of the prime movers. Ih'JS. which •* a series of churniiug figure pieces, Every woman deep In her heart loves a hero. faithfully coined in twelve colors and embossed editors makes a "feature” of a series As a sheer example of literary art, The German authorities, it is said, 1 In gold. I* recognized a* itie richest and most In Paraguay a servant costs 91.04 a mouth. are attributing the severity of the ac­ Power Is merely gratified conceit. of Washington portraits In his cur­ Prof. Wilson ’s study Is perhaps to be costly calendai ovvi produced in a large quantity. rent number, and that within a few preferred to Mr. Ford ’s. His is the tion taken in regard to prohibiting To buy and reproduce famoiiB ptiuiiug* Involves months two of the most scholarly and richer In picturesque detail, and American fruit, to overzealous subor­ an expenditure winch could uul be borne unless, gifted of our American historians have shows clearly that the author has be­ dinates. It is intimated they are be­ as In this case, the enierpise is sustained by Ibe Established 1799. published monographs on the father stowed greater pains on the elabora ­ ginning to believe there was too much approval of more than imi yearly subscribers of our country. tion of his backgrounds. Prof. Wil­ haste in the matter. Ambassador Every new su0serd*ci to The Companion for IXH The writers to whom I refer are son ’s style Is the best literary counter­ White has cabled that live plajits are receives (hi* beautiful Calendar without addi­ I Baker ’s Prof. Woodrow Wilson and Mr. Paul part I can think of of Mr. Pyle ’s draw­ prohibited, but that fresh fruit, not tional charge. Leicester Ford. ings. His atmosphere, even his style, infected, is being freely submitted. For Ihe volume for IS'N more than Iwo hundred has an old-time flavor. Of the most promhM-ni nuui jml women of both Both works are likable for many In 10 years the United States, which continent* have roniributcd Full prospectus reasons, but they are ch'efly attract­ Mr. Ford is more direct; his style Is occupied the second place among na­ for the 1*99 volume and *ample copies of the Chocolate, ive—to me, at least—because of the less colored; his aim less pictorial. tions in foreign trade (meaning imports paper sent upon request. extreme modernity of method they ex ­ As for his temper, to my thinking It THE YOUTH'S COMPANION and exports combined), has fallen off 2Vi Columbus Ave Boston. celebiated for more ^ emplify In the treatment of their betrays* on occasion the quality of ex ­ to third place and Germany has passed than a century as a ^ theme. And by this I wish to con­ asperation. MARTHA WASHINGTON, her in the race for supremacy now held The woman who marries a man lo reform him, vey the Idea that the method is at Reading history sympathetically, llsh.” Mr. Ford supports nis claims has no time lo take proper care of ber com­ delicious, nutritious, Of by England. During that period of 10 plexion and flesh forming ^ once scholarly and artistic. Both Mr. but literally, he has allowed himself by numerous citations from original years the commerce of England aug­ Ford and Prof. Wilson are painstak­ to be annoyed that his countrymen beverage, has our documents. mented 32 per cent, that of Germany 40 flow’* Till* ! We offer One Hundred Dollar* mvard well-known 'Of per cent and the United States 14 per for any case of Cal.trih that cannot be Of cent, while France fell off 3 per cent. cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Yellow Label O GEORGE WASHINGTON'S HATCHET. subsequent events, the terrible winter F J CHENEY A CO. Toledo, O . , . Of at Valley Forge, and the final surren­ Official tests of a new pneumatic mail We. the undersigned, have known F. on the from of every tjy tube three and one-half miles long J. Ctaenev for the last I > years, and believe goaxvaa tot Symbol or Tbcth , der of Cornwallis at Yorktown. No- film perfectly honorable In all business package, and our ^ n here else in all his career does were made in the presence of distin­ transaction* and tinaiKltlly able lo tarry out any obligations made by tfielr firm. trade mark,“La Belle ' BY R. C. DODGE. Washington exhibit to better advan ­ guished postoffice authorities, members of congress and other persons at New West A Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Ch*>colatiere, ”on the Of W • • tage his noble and disinterested char­ Toledo, O.: Walding Hainan A Marvin. bZk.------g York. This tube connects the general Wholesale Druegisi*. Toledo. O Although the hatchet acteristics of heart and mind than he Hall's ('.llatrli Cure is taken internally, story Is of rather ancient date, It can't be told too often did when the war was thus so suc­ postofflee with branch station II. in the acting illicitly upon the blood and mu ­ NONE OTHER GENUINE. for its benefits are greet, end so, upon the birthday of the cessfully closed. Grand Central palace, at Lexington cous surljcts of the system Tealimo- hero of the tale it’s proper to repeat It ao Its moral may preraJL avenue and Forty-third street. The nial* sent free Price 71 k |>er bottle Sold MAOS ONLY BY xy He did not try to establish a mili­ by all dr ugglsts When our Immortal Washington was but a little boy his thought­ tary despotism as did Cromwell; he service worked smoothly. In several Hall'* Family Pill* are the best ft WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., g less pa presented him a hatchet for a toy, and next day when did not attempt to create an absolute instances the cylinders traveled from the father went to pick some cherries he got left, because soiw-, one end of the circuit to the other, a Many A roaring lion who fins taunted as fiord Dorchester, Mass. ? body had chopped down his favorite tree. Of course, like people monarchy as did Napoleon, but quiet­ as lie touiu has starved lo death most to blame, he let himself get riled, and with a switch ha ly and without ostentation he resigned distrance of three miles and a half, in Beauty t* Blood Deep. hunted till he found his nsughty child. "Who chopped that tree?’* as commander and chief of the army seven and one-half minutes. he thundered, and received the grand reply, “I did It with my and retired to his home at Mount Clean blood means a clean skin. No hatchet, Pa. I cannot tell a lie." "Come to my arms, my noble THE MARKETS. benutr without it Cascarets Candy Cathar­ Vernon to resume the duties of a tic clean* your blood aud keeps It clean, by son," tho father proudly cried, “I'd rather lose ten thousand trees private citizen. While he was thus LIVE STOCK. Mirring up the lazv liver and driving all Im­ than have a boy who lied." And thus it was that Washington engaged the unanimous vote of the New York— Cattle Sheep Lambs Hogs purities from the body Begin today to began, when but a youth, to show his future greatness by his fear­ Best grades...#4 84 y5 19 94 04 90 00 94 45 banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, people ’s representatives called him and that sickly bilious complexion by taking less love of truth. Unto his little hatchet, then, We owe an endless Into public life again to inaugurate, Lower grades. .8 OJ ,4 74 3 50 5 00 4 20 , Stlitr'i Mi an Wam«U4 U Tttitu. debt, and which no patriotic friend of freedom will forget It’s Chicago— Cascarets—beauty lor ten cents All drug­ f B. Walter. UBay*v|lte. P*.. a»u>nUh»4 lb. world given us a country which In outline and broadly establish the new gist* satisfaction guaranteed. 10c, 2>c. 50c. b, growing JjO bu.hrl* Salter* cora: things is the best; it's given ua Best grades....4 7J 15 2) 4 07 5 05 400 Ml.Mean. WL„ 17* bulb, barter, as* P. Hlosol, our liberty and kespa us ever blest And government Lower grades. .3 0J j4 74 ! 8 25 4 76 385 | Randall* low*, bt grow1** IM bs»h. s*l««r • mu » ♦ • The trials of life which seem hardest are those arr*. If yM *>.r.. tens win ortid os trial Waahlngton aa a Drcuer. Best grades....4 003 1 50 4 73 5 45 19.3 10 DOLLAR* WORTH FOR 10c. giren and is giving In his youth, and even during tho Lower grades. .2 5>#3 9J 3 00 4 50 J75 II btn of rwr* far* Mad*. Ha* Pea. Sand V.teh, A handsome line of Illustrated descriptive i «Vj Wheat.' Sheep Rape. Jero.oleB Cora. oto.. la- to each youth a revolution, Washington was a good Buffalo — Florida tourist and Immigration literature Is eluding our mammoth Heed Caulogyo, telllog all j WA8HINOTONJHE SOLDIER. Best grades....S 91^4 25 4 73 6 75 420 being distributed by the State Press Bureau of about the |t00 gold prl*o*»>r beet name foe ear love and admir­ deal of a dandy. He gave his tailors Lower grades. .2 60<18 76 8 25 4 00 400 wow mareeloa* oer. and MM. • Prodlglea, Tallahassee Fla . which will be sent free upon alia taaple of torn, all Balled r°a apaa In the estimation of his associates ation for the minute Instructions as to the number Cleveland — receipt of 10 cent* postage This is the finest alp* of bat 10a poetage. poeltlrelf Best grades....8 97 4 25 4 23 5 25 4 05 illustrated and descriptive promotion literature •rib 110 to get a .tart IM 000 bbte. . »nd others familiar with his military noblenecF of of button holes desired on his coat ever sent out from the south Swe4 Patwtoo. at |l SO a hhl. Lower grades. 2 5048 7a 3 00 4 00 385 U pkg. ear Hoot rogetable carrer, Washington was one of the truth. Bo, when front, and for the cutting of the waist. toada. $1 00. ^U... Cincinnati— Pleats Catalog few great military chieftains of the oar country He had a weakness for blue and purple • ?st grades....4 40it4 85 4 40 5 03 4 05 Poverty proves that more men know bow to •end thi, alone, bo. Lower grades. .2 50 *4 25 3 00 4 50 885 make money than to save it ade along. No w. f. world. No higher tribute could be needs It, she broadcloth, silver and lace trimmings paid him than that conveyed by Fred­ Pittsburg — will find another and ruffled shirts. During his later Pico's Cure for Consumption in the only cough erick the Great of Prussia, when he years, however, Washington dressed Best grades....4 75 75 0) 4 73 5 75 4 r> medicine used in my house — D. C- Albright, ■on to follow Lower grades. .3 07 34 DO 3 60 4 75 395 Rpck Island Tourist Cir presented his sword to the American more modestly, and always in good Mifflmburg. Pa Dec II. 1895 In the footstep# general with this Inscription upon it, taste. In his personal appearance he grain , etc . Excursion to CALIFOBMII, "From the oldest general of Europe of Immortal Wheat, Corn, Oats. A d echo Is the only thing that gains reputa­ was exceptionally clean and neat. He No 2 red No 2 mix No 2 white tion by repeating Itself. WASHINGTON Leave CaiCACO.vla Scenic Route, Thciwda vs. to the greatest general In the world.” Is described as tall and well propor­ New York 91 04 el 0111 37 37* SJ'tSJ* Via Southern Route. Trisoa vs Washington as a general has been • .••••#. tioned and of commanding presence. Chicago 99 1 00 28 28V 20320 ••aaoatttr ogaovorat criticised for Irresoluteness and fre­ First in War, His feet were unusually large. Though •Detroit 95 A 9514 80 <530 V 28 2814 “Throw Physic to the Dogs.” For Information and fblders, write quent resort to retreats while engaged First in Peace he wore false teeth and his large-fea­ Toledo 95 9 9>* 30 30 20 (>2014 John Sebastian, C. P. A., Chicago. in battle, but measured by the results and First in tured face was colorless and pitted Cincinnati 96 t 90 30 (30 27 27 TAKE Cleveland 953 95 30 *37 25 25 accomplished in this way these criti­ the hearts of from smallpox, he was considered cisms only add to his greatness. Pittsburg 97 » 97 82 r.32 27327 CURE YOUMEIF! his countrymen. handsome. Ills carriage was always Buffalo 98 32 (33 Dm Big Cl for unnatural With the memory of the scenes at 98 4 28 t.28 | dipcbargM, Inflammations, Concord, Lexington and Bunker Hill, dignified and graceful. Prominent •Detroit —Hay. No. I timothy, 98.00 per ton. irritation, or ulroratinga Englishmen, Frenchmen and Ameri­ Potatoes, Sac per bu. Live Poultry, turkeys, of niKoii membranao. and the events at New York fresh In inc per lb: chickens, 0V4c: ducks, 7c. Eggs, I’aiuloM, and not aatrla- cans of that period who saw him fre­ strictly fre*b. He per doe. Butter, dairy, kEvmi Cnihioii OO. «•“> or polaonoua. mind, It is pertinent to consider the maneuver was by the crossing #f the 14c per lb: creamery, 20c. 0#M b/DragiMa Delaware, and the brilliant capture of quently and under varying conditions, 'or pent la plain wrapper, effect of Washington ’s retreat from by aipraaa, prepaid, for New York to the Jerseys, a distance the Hessian troops at a time when unite In declaring his deportment Pando has issued instructions to Ha­ •100. or > bottle*, p ii. “easy, erect, and noble. ” Circular aunt on rsquslL of more than a hundred miles, with a the assurance of success was so doubt­ vana editors prohibiting them to write CANDY mere handful of freezing starving ful and the apparent probability of Washington was fond of a good time directly or indirectly in disparagement CATHARTIC men before a powerful foe, flushed defeat so great, when the black clouds with congenial companions,as Is shown of the efforts being made to secure of despair hung so oppressively over by an expense account entry In his TAKE them now and then and get, aa • conservative Investors with victory, yet baffled In all their peace, or to make attacks upon auton ­ result, wonderful physical benefit Can largely turrraaa tbolr Inoomo by placing their account* la my banda. Twenty yean of Wall Street attempts to cut off retreat and destroy the struggling patriots and seemed to diary now preserved in the state de­ omy. The manifesto prohibits also the end case of action never equaled. experience, In addition to reliableInelde Informa ­ ammunition stores. Grander than any be slowly closing up that small open­ partment at the national capital, which It’s the perfect laxative. tion, enable* me to advlae you moat lucceeafullf. writing of "anything disagreeable to Write for pertlculan, which are Intereating to tboee victory, more difficult and dangerous ing through which the people yet saw reads: "To Jamboree at Charloftes- friendly nations ’’ and concludes with a (Oc PUT8 A BOX having money to Inveat. CHARI.KS I10UHES, la.aalBeat Brwber, U Wall Straw*, Sew T erb Clt/. than any battle, this famous retreat hopes of a brighter day, this second burg, N. C., £13.” declaration that any newspapers failing IN YOUR POCKET. brought Into public gase the wonder­ great exploit must be considered now, to comply with these instructions will A booklet end sample free tor the asking, ful combination of courage and pru­ as it was then—the turning point of “Say, mamma,” exclaimed little be suppressed. or you can buy a box for toe, eye, jac, at dence In Washington ’s character and the war, the greatest achievement of fl^eddy, who was compelled to wear a Miss Lillian Converse Hanna, sister your drug store. Satisfaction guaranteed. 74 the grandest man In the gloomiest INK UOBgn rs> nip. TIMM liOOCL UR 1 gained for him the title of "American pair of trousers about three sizes too of Senator Hanna, was married at Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago. Montreal. New York 1 1/^ to time. Bold by dragfliU. Fablus.” period of the revolution. large for him, “I feel awful lonesome Thomaaville, Ga., to S. Prentiss Bald­ CO CONSUMPTION But followed and crownea as this It Is hardly necessary U? narrate the In these pant* ” win, who is 12 years her junior. NO-TO-BAC fiff,«9Jabit,* r»byBwod.»°.wro*>- all CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898

HANNA IS ANGRY. Porter J. White's Faust. Senator Thurston has aroused the ire DISCOUNT ANANIAS. On February 26th Mansfield & White’s The Independent company will present at the opera bouse of Senator Hanna because of bis state­ “ Major Douto ” Thinks Senator Wolcott ment at Baltimore that Providence a spectacular production of Faust. It GEORGE 8. CORB1T, Proprietor Can Do It When It Comri is known as the masterpiece of Goethe, caused the election of McKinley. Hanna PRANK B D bWITT, I Leueea to Lying. (OFFICIAL.) tbe German Shakespeare. The story is G. CLAIR STOCK, ( considers this an attempt on the part of as follows : Faust, a learned alchemist, Dr. McBlett, Ponsonby Jones and having reached the age when all pleas­ Thurston to take the credit of McKin­ Major Dome were sitting around the Common council Rooms . I ley ’s election away from the junior sen­ St. Johns . Mich ., Fku . 14, 1808. / ures that this world contains fail, in­ stove at the Angels lodge room one night Regular adjourned meeting. vokes tbe aid of tbe spirits In response P ator from Ohio. Hanna might have ex ­ after the meeting had adjourned, tell­ to his appeal, “ Mephisto” appears, and ing a varied assortment of yarns, anec­ Called to order by l'renldeut Leland. The Republican programme pected this statement by his own tele­ Present Ti us tee* Crone, Danley, Hunt, Ken­ agrees to give him youth, upon|condition dotes and rtminiscences, when the that in the end, bis soul should belong gram to McKinley, that “ God reigns Major asked the question: yon Hillman, Troinp, and President Iceland. now embraces three pernicious The commltte to whom was referred the to “Mephisto.” Faust is held spell­ and the Republican party still lives.” “Who Is the biggest liar in the world?” bound, by tbe vision of “ Marguerite,” doctrines: Hanna is willing to admit that Provi- “Auanias,” remarked McBlett. drafting of an ordinance to authorise the and accedes to Mephisto's demands.— “ Who Is, I said, not who was.” Lansing, St. Johns Sc St. Louis Railway Have your eyes correct­ 1, Foreign control of our may have something to do with the Company to construct and maintain a street The aged philosopher is then trans­ “Since the affair at Kinsley's, the formed into a handsome youth. From farmers in India, but he would give railway In the village of St. Johus, were not ly tested at primary money. night you returned from Alaska and this time forth his one thought is “Mar Thurston to understand that he rules told that snake story. I think the boys ready to report, and asked farther time. guerite.” Then follows the meeting ti. National bank control of the Republican party, and that he it was all think you are,” said Ponsonby Jones. D. 8. French, F. A. Travis and O. P. De­ with her. Their mutual love, the poison ­ who elected Mckinley. Thurston lias "Wrong again,” replied the Major; witt addressed the Council, and urged the ing of her mother and the return of ALLISON’S our paper money. “there is one man I can’t hold a candle necessity that an Immediate action be taken, despaired of the future success of the “Valentine,” her soldier brother, whose to. ” or as speedily as possible. anguish and rage knew no bounds when JEWELRY 8. Trust control of the tax ­ Republican party, and has faith in Prov ­ “Who is that?” asked Ponsonby, as They favored the passage through Clinton informed of his blasted home. He he punched the tire aud leaned back ’till ing power. idence as well as confidence. Avenue. meets “Faust” and by the devil’s aid is his chair stood on its two hind legs, to The clerk presented the report of the Electric killed. Insidious “ Mephisto” excites STORE. hear the answer. Light Superintendent, from February 17, ‘97 the justice-loving neighbors of “Mar­ Will the people submit? No. As the public has been unable to dis­ “You don ’t mean the man that was cover Mr. McKinley ’s Cuban policy, it to January 17, '98. and was referrel to the guerite,” and she is carried off to prison. —William J. Bryan. goin’ to raise wages, do you? ’ inquired Committee on Fire. Water and Lights. “Faust” finds bis way into “Marguer­ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. would be well for our astronomers to McBlett. St. Johns. Mich.. Feb. 4, 1898. ite's” cell, only to find her demented.— “No. no; 1 mean the most stupendous, turn their instruments upon the admin­ To Thk Council : He proposes to carry her away, but the Barbers. istration. The probabilities are they dignitied, uuconcious liar that ever told We, the undersigned, residents of St. Johns gentle spirit goes out and “ Mephisto” a lie!” and owners of laud along the line of pro­ claims “Faust” as his own, but be is «CO It FOKKC11, proprietor of TheCenira will find it in cold storage, along with “Then you mean,” said the Doctor, saved by the intervention of the spirit Barber Shop. Ladies' aud children's hair A STEP BACKWARD. their love for the laboring men, to be “one of those fellows that tells a lie posed work und which will be be benefited J-'ttlng a specialty. Good bath roouu tu connection thereby, hereby petition your honorable of repentance and remorse. The story Violin aud other strings; musician.' outfits, etc The Loud bill to regulate second-class left until the next congressional elec­ without knowing he is lying, while closes with the Apotheosis, the grand­ everybody that hears him knows it’s a body to construct a sewer upon Oakland mail matter, which is now under con­ tion. south from the niuln sewer on'Bald win street est tableaux on the American stage. It ACIFIC HAKliKK SHOP-W.W. Feigus- whopper?” would be impossible for pen to depict on. Proprietor uo to the Pacific Barber sideration by Congress, is a distinct “Exactly, ” replied the hero of Alaska. to the north side of Cass street, and PShop, under Wilson s Clothing Store. St. Johns', step brckward, and it is to be hoped from Oakland street east on Cass to tbe magniludeof this production, which Mien., for first-class work Shaving, hair It is intimated that if a certain as­ Not a word was spoken for the space has been pronounced by all who have cutting, shampooing, etc., done in tbe latest -that no self-respecting legislator will pirant for the St. Johns postofflee gets of a minute. The Major broke the si­ Mead street. Said sewer to be of sueh seen it, as “a moral lesson, better than styles of the tonsorial art' lence. dimensions as you shall think proper. a sermon!” The scenic, mechanical and give his vote for a measure which is inside that coveted place he will give F. A. PERCY, B. D. PALMER, bound to work detriment to the educa­ “He is a politician, ” he said, speaking electrical surprises are simply marvel­ Attorneys. the patrons three 2 cent stamps for a slowly, “from Colorado, the centennial C. S. ALLISON, A. E. RICHARDSON, ous. Tbe company, which is a most tional intertests of the people. Mr. D. O. STEEL, JOHN H. WHEAT, ltWIN H. I,VOh, Attorney at Law, rH nickel. state, aud his name is Edward O. Wol­ capable one, is headed by Porter White, Johns, Mich Oflice over Kendrick's store. Loud proposes to make the Postal De­ cott,—at the present time a United GEO. H. STEEL, W. H FIELDS. as “Mephisto.” Managers VanSickle E 8. E. QILLAM, OEO. H. JUDD, JPAULOINO, NOKTON 4k UOOLINO partment self-sustaining by raising the Since Gompers has closed Gage up States Senator, I have seen liars talk­ & Krepps have been fortunate in secur­ T Attorneys at Law. Office over St. Johns Nation ing to a crowd of a half dozen or such a G. M. PETRIE, A. H. KENYON. rates of postage for all forms of com­ on the financial question, the elephant is ing such a rare entertainment for our ‘Bank. I59fi. matter, and tell one of those uncon­ S. RAMSEY people. Reserved seats 75 cents on sale ILL U. ISKUMbON, Attorney at .» and plete books which now pass through amusing himself by squirting muddy scious snorters that are the admira­ The Petition was referred to theCommlttee February 18 at 8 a. m. W Solicitor in Chaucery. Office ov Putt's the mails at one cent per pound, and to water on the gold standard. tion of all new beginners that might be on streets and sewers. ;rocery store. in his audience, but this man that has On motion the Council adjourned to Feb ­ OHM H. VKDKWA. HKNUY K. Wa I.’SIDKS abolish the privilege which publishers Benefit Program. been at the‘Court of St. James’ spoke ruary 17, 1898 at 7:30 p. m. ni:i)i:\v4 a w \i.kki dlf ., Attorneys now have of sending sample copies at DAVIES*-COR BLEY. to the nation, seventy millions of people, m. m. McD onald . The following especially interesting C at Law, at the old stand, over the “corner true store,” St. Johns, Mich. 1387 the same rate. The result of this will the other day, kept a straight face, aud Clerk. program has been arranged for product­ said that William McKinley was in t. M. PKBRIN. P. K- PKHKIX. A. J. BALDWIN be an increase in the price of book3, Wedding Bell* Clilme Again for a Happy ion at tbe Lyceum next Wednesday favor of bimetalism and was honestly | )KKH I NJl Ac BALDWIN, Attorneys at which are so cheap nowadays that the Young Couple. evening, Feb. 23: and fairly trying to get it. He said it, IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. Selection. St. Luke's Mandolin Club. A Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Bounty poorest workingman may secure a nice Tuesday evening, February 8, at Cry­ 1 say, to seventy millions of people, who Prayer, Mr. Longuiau. tension, real estate agents, conveyancers and know that papers that supported the Roll call. noney loaners. Also examine titles, pay taxes, little library of his favorite works. A stal, at the home of Wm. Corblev, w here Indications are that the Congressman Vocal aolo, Mamie Fedewa. nd make collections. Busiuess entrusted to their bill that raises the price of books, puts about thirty-five of relatives and friends aforesaid McKinley for president were Mesick will be successful in landing W. Tbe Sibylline Book, Miss Bunday. are will be promptly and faitbfullr attended to. either for the single gold standard or tffice over Wickes ’ grocery. Clinton Avenue,St a premium on illiteracy, and should gathered to witness the marriage of his A. Leet postmaster ef Ithaca despite Viollo solo, Henry Washburn. fohns, Mich. 113.3 daughter Nella to Mr. VV. F. Davies, of had said that international bimetalism the fight put up against him. 8ocieiy Newspaper. Arthur Post. not be passed. There are better ways St. Johns. The officiating clergyman or any other kind of bimetalism was a Debate —Resolved that the country boy has tlTM. H. CA8TLE, Attorney at haw “ Indian Pete” Wetum was born on a greater capacity for scholarship and busi ­ IT Money to Loan, office head of Clinton of making the Postal Department self- was Rev. Mr. Spague, of Crystal. Pre­ humbug, and made fun of bis ‘three of Au Sable river, near where Au Sable ness than the city bov. tvenue, erst side. it'48 sustaining. For instance, why not cisely at nine o ’clock the familiar a kind on their return from Europe. city now stands, in 1737, and is the old­ Affirmative, J. G. Monroe; negative, Brow­ strains of Meudelsshon ’s w edding march Not only that, but the father of McKiu- est Indian known in the United States nie Bromley. make the railroads carry the mails as ley, the chairman of the National Re­ Vocal selection. Ladies’ Quartet. K. SMITH, Attorney trt Law, St. John* was heard. Soon came Lena aud now alive. He is still very active. A farce, ‘‘Proposing Under Difficulties." by s• Mich, office over Heller's Bazaar. |19*4 cheaply as they carry the shipments of Burnice Setffy, two little flower girls, publican Committee, that sleeps in a A committee of the common council Nina Pennell, Warner Vredenburg, Karl the express companies? It has been es­ who halted at the archway, thus allow ­ high-posted silk curtained, roval bed­ at Fenton is investigating the subject of Castle, Jay Watkin «I. WOODRUFF, Ju-tice of the Peace Selection. Ladies' Quartet. • Office over Allisou's Jewelry Stoie. Collect, timated that this alone would accom­ ing Miss Gladys Sanders, of Stanton, stead, at the White House, said at Co­ municipal ownership of electric lights, Admission 10 cents. Rions a ft|>ticlaliy. Remittances .promptly made.-VAU and Miss S. A. ^omstock, of Ionia, the lumbus, four days before YVolcott made with the idea of the village acquiring plish the object. We published last two little maids of honor, to pass be­ unconscious jawbreaker, that his elec­ control of the plant which now supplies Dentistry. week an article upon this subject which tween them, forming a circle and cross­ tion to the meant light for the streets. The Grandest Remedy. one who would support the gold stand­ H. KEN YON« Dentist East Walker will repay careful reading. Our readers ing in a very neat manner, making a Wolves are killing many deer in the Mr. It. B. Greeve, a merchant, of Chi-I- Street. 1133 half circle to reach the second ,archway ard, and appealed to the support of that upper peninsula, and in many places in will do much to defeat the bill by a element, lie (Wolcott) spoke thus of a howie, Va., certifies that he had consump about six feet back came the bride and the lower. The snow being so deep and tion, was given up to die, sought all tuedi G. H. M ANN, D. I>. 8. Office over postal card protest, as suggested. groom following directly in the foot president who had appointed a Secretary the crust quite hard, it permits the Spaulding A Co.'s hardware, oppo­ steps of the former, thus forming a half of the Treasury whose well-known and cal Ireatment that money could procure site The Steel Hotel. Surgery a wolves to run on top ot the crust, but tried all cough remedies he could hear of specialty. Office hours, 8 to 12 a HvKINLEY PROSPERITY IN NEW ENG­ circle under the arch. The bride was published views, before his appoint ­ the deer goes through at each jump. 111., 1:30 10 5 p. m., 7 to 8, evening. LAND. handsomely and becomingly attired in ment. was in favor of the gold standard, Never growl because a newspaper but got no relief; spent many uigbls sit­ The following is from the Lynn, cream silk, carrying a bouquet of bridal and who had within three weeks asked fails to give you every scrap of news, so ting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. ’l K- COKHIN. M. D„ D. D. 8. To ger King’s New Discovery, and was cured by To thebenefitoftheexpeneuce, medical know Mass., Evening News, a gold standard roses. The groom was daessed in regu for a bill fiom Congress to put the long as you take no pains to give the Cledge and surgical skill which aye iudispeusabte to lation black. The little maids of honor country more firmly on the gold stand­ editor information. The average coun­ the use of two bottles. For past three rfection of results in dentistry, apply to Corbin paper. and flower girls were dressed in cream ard,—and he never cracked a smile. try editor is not a medium or mind- years has been attending to business, and PHon, St. Johns. “Four failures within a comparatively and pink. The house was beautifully I tell yo.u, a man who can stand up be­ reader, but gets his news just the same says Dr. King’s New Discovery is the brief period of time by some of Lyon ’s decorated in hot house llowers. Music fore an audience, that big aud tell a as a milkman gets his milk—by pump­ giandest remedy ever made, as it has done Physicians. heretofore most successful business men, so much for him and also for others in his through the entire evening made it very yarn that would knock Ananias himself ing.—Ex. B. DODGE, 71. D., Surgeon and Ho the abandonment of business of two impressive, which was performed by over the ropes* and tell it with a straight, A co-operation transportation com- community. Dr. King’s New Discovery s meopathic Physicists. Office and residence others for reasons that are apparent, Mrs. G. E. Dakin, of Stanton, which face, is entitled to a blue ribbon. But any for the Klondike has been formed is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Con Jiver Spaulding A Co.'s hardware, opp. The Steel and the rumors of more to come, is the was performed in a very creditable Wolcott is a good fellow you know, ” By residents of Edmore. The object is rumption. It don ’t fail. Trial bottles C. DUNN, M. D., Physician and Sue - situation which confronts this city to­ mauner. Following the congratulations concluded the Major, “and intended it, by getting a company of twelve or more free at Fildew A Millman’s Drug Store. 2 • geon. Office over Spaulding A Company's day, and make the future of the local a dainty repast was served, which was I suppose, as a huge practical joke.”— they will be given reduced rates by Phardware store, 8t. Johns, Vtich. 1867 merchant anything but bright. enjoyed by all. At 11 o ’clock they re­ Patriots ’ Bulletin. railroads, and by buying everything at E. KKAPP, 71. D., Physician and “The News is not going to howl ca­ • S"rgeon. Office at residence, first house turned to their homes wishing the young wholesale prices bottom figures will be C>outh of the M. E. church. 8t. Johns 1357 lamity. It will leave that work to be couple a long and prosperous union. L. O. T. M. Valentine Social. obtained. performed by other agencies, but in the Mr. and Mrs. Davies took the train en- W. F. M. Boles, known throughout H*HT) 71. D., Physician aud Sur- carrying out of its mission, to present route for Grand Rapids, Chicago and The merriest crowd imaginable met the state as a reporter of considerable H • geon. Eureka. Mlcb. 1217 the news accurately and impartially, it at Maccabbe Hall last Monday evening, other places, after which they will re­ to celebrate old St. Valentines birthday, note, having been employed by several W. HOLLA KD Physician and Surgeon. is forced to declare, after talking with turn to St. Johns, where they expect to of the leading journals, was arrested by SARSAPARILLA J• Office over the State Bank of St. Johus. Kem- many of the local tradesmen, the latter remain in the future and will be at regardless of the inclemency of the wea­ Sheriff McCullough at Coldwater aud lence corner Cass and Ottawa streets. 1284 are experiencing considerable difficulty home to friends after February 20.— ther. The following program was given: brought back to Ithaca upon the charge “ The Kind that Cures.” 71. PONT, ITI. D., Pbysiciau audSur- in tiding over the affairs until the prom­ Selection—Washburn s Orchestra O* geon. Office over H. L. Hicks' millinery Montcalm llerald. Vocal aolo—Mrs. G. Edwin Nesbitt. of stealing a pair of gold spectacles. He store, No. 14 Clinton avenue. Residence, corner ised wave of prosperity shall have ar­ Recitation—Mrs. Bernice Rowe. took the situation very bard and sobbed is GUARANTEED to clear of Lansing and Kodgefs streets, St. Johns, Mich. rived. Selection—Mandolin Club. bitterly. Circuit Court. Reading'-Mrs. Kittle E. Moore. Mason common council has reduced your blood of all impurities; M. HAVEI38, 111. D., Homoeopathic The News here gives the names of four Recitation—Mrs. Mamie McCracken. Physician and Surgeon. Office over R. J. business men of Lynn who have made Following are the cases disposed of the price of electric lighting, that of make your stomach, liver, and Eoodruff's shoe store. 1134 before Judge Daboll since last Thurs­ After the program, supper was served commercial arc lights from $5 to $3,50 assignment for the benifit of their credi by the Lady Maccabees. Great fun kidneys right, and your nerves R. A. J. WIGGINS, Physician and Sur ­ day: was furnished by the tickets for supper. per month; incandescents, 10 candle D geon. Office south of residence, on Spring tors and two who have closed up their F. D. Preston vs 8. A. Cliff, Appeal from These were hearts of bristol board, cut power ..from sixty five to fifty cents, and strong. Then you are well street, 8t. Johns, Mich. - ______1244tf business for an indefinate period, and justice court. Judgment for defendant for meter lights from seventeen to fourteen *22.17. in halves and numbered, one halt being E. GILL AM , ,71. D., Physician 10' then continues as follows: given to a lady and the other half to a cents. A report made for the eight Buy a bottle of DANA’S from a Surgeon. Office at Residence, opposite court Felix P. Bourassa vs. Samuel A. Cliff. Ap mouths showed the plant would pay ex ­ Sbouse, west. Office hours 1 to 4 p. m., except Wed - ‘Not since the Pipanic of 1893 have peal from justice court. Judgement for de­ gentleman, who bad to seek bis partner aesday, then 6 to 9 p. m. 1133 fendant for return of property. for supper. The members of the enter­ penses on that basis. your dealer, and this guaran­ the business conditions predicted a The question of the appointment of a R. ERNEST SCHEMER, Physician and -darker future than they do at the Elmira J. Gorkin vs. Charles B. Ingersoll. tainment committee wish no thank tee goes with every bottle. — Trespass on the case. Continued on terms. sealer of weights and measures was de­ D Surgeon, Office over C. Gruler's store present time. A prominent shoe those wlio so kindly assisted them in termined by the city council of Owrosso Fowler, Mich. 1461 manufacturer told the writer a day Chas. H. Wa(ler vs. Amos J. Jeffries. As­ making up the program. The receipts YOUR MONEY BACK IF sumpsit. Continued on terms. were $18.75. Monday night to be submitted to the F. BECKWITH, M. D., OCULIST AND or two ago that they were compar­ Porter W. Bane, assignee of Bare & Co., vs. people at the spring election. The or­ YOU RECEIVE NO BEN­ E > AUR1ST, 225 E. Main St ..Ionia, Mich. atively few shoe manufacturers in The First National Bank of Ovid. Trespass on dinance creating the office of city asses­ the case. Verdict—No cause of action. A Lively Runaway. W. I.NG K A H A 71, UNDERTAKER this city to-day who would Dot find it sor went over one week, by objections EFIT. Isn’t that a fair offer? • Walker Street East, St. Johns, Mich. more profitable to close their factories First National Bank of Ovid vs. Bane A Co. s 1403 Contest of Clain. Judgment for plaintiff Monday afternoon a team of horses of members who favor the old super­ and cease doing business for the present drawing a heavy wagon and driven by visor system of five uneven assessments All Druggists Keep It. time than to continue under present *268.33. Campbell & Steadman vs. Bane & Co. Con­ Frank Rice, of this township, became in this city. Auctioneers. hard times. They have kept their facto ­ test of claim. Discontinued. unmanageable on South Lansing street Another swindle has been brought to ries open in the hope that the tidal wave ichard freeman , auctioneer .— Mary C. Alward vs. Charles W. Loud et al and. after getting full headway, crash­ light. According to the Mancelona Farm property and merchandise sold on com­ of prosperity that has been predicted Jury by plaintiff. Trespass on the case. No ed into a buggy containing Charles Herald, a young man has been going missionR or by the day. Satisfaction guarantee*! would arrive. cause of action. Travis and daughter, Loa, of Bengal. around to the farmers with a very large Orders to my address through St. Johns post-offiew “It has not yet come, however, and Ebb Smith vs. The Farmers’ Mutual Fire In­ The carriage was completly demolish­ JAPAN PLUM TREES! will receive prompt attention. surance Co. Assumpsit. Jury disagreed. ear of corn, which he explained was a what is more feared, that there is little ed and the occupants thrown out with new kind, and which he sold for a high Large stock of best varieties at lowest rates. - OU1E BORON, AUCTIONEER. I am pr-j- evidence that it is on the way. great force. Miss Travis was severely price. Upon close inspection the ear Full asortment of Fiuit and Ornamental J pared to sell farm property, household furni ­ Trees and plants. Correspondence solicited Iture and general merchandise on most favorable Don ’t annoy others by your coughing, injured and was removed to the resi­ was found to be made up of parts of from parties who intend planting large or- terms. I speak English, German and French — Tiie A dage , “The occasion always and risk your life by neglecting a cold. dence of Prude Owen, just south of the other ears nicely formed to deceive the orchards. Get our prices before ordering else­ Orders through St. johus post-office will receive produces the man,” like some other ad­ One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, village. unwary farmers. where. Wo can save you money. Send for prompt aDd careful attention. Several persons in tbe vicinity of our new Spring Catalogue —it is free. Es­ ages, sometimes lies. The President of colds, croup, grippe and all throat and tablished 1869. Over 150 Acres. Address 1EO. H. SOWLE, AUCTIONEER. Farm lung troubles.‘ ile C. E. VanSickle. We are anxious to do a little good in Greenville nave been victimized by buy THE GEO. A. SWEET NURSERY CO.. IT stock and merchandise sold by the day, on a the U. S. has been insulted by a Spanish this world and can think of no pleasant­ ing what they supposed were electric Box 1521, Dansvllle, New York Cpercent, or by the ioo. Satisfaction guaranteed. blackguard who held the commission of er or better way to do it than by recom­ belts. An examination of tbe belt Orders promptly tilliled. Post-office address, St Licensed to Wed. Johns, Mich. his government as a Minister to the U. Date. Name and Residence. Age mending One Minute Cough Cure as a roves that the shock is caused by a preventative of pneumonia, consumpt­ Glyer of dry mustard beneath a strip of Schedule of Teachers’ Examinations. 4., and our department of State has Feb. 9— George Dimon, Maple Rapids...... 26 ion and other serious lung troubles DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—NOTICE IS Grace Winsor, “ “ ...... 19 gauze. When tbe wearer perspires a Until further notice Teachers Examinations hereby given that by virtue and in purati- been held up to the ridicule of the world that follow neglected colds. little ‘he mustard is moistened and sets will be held as follows: Aanceot license and authority granted to me. tho for allowing itself lo be gulled by Feb. 10—John M. Jolls, Maple Rapids...... 21 C. E. VanSickle. up a burning sensation and the wearer St. Johns, High School Room, Third Thurs ­ undersigned, on tbe 22d day of July. H97, by the Maude White. “ •• ...... 17 day and Friday of August. Probate Court of Clinton County, State of Michi­ Spanish shams labelled autonomy for Feb. 14—George Keck, Olive...... 25 believes that it is electricity going St. Johns. Court House, Third Thursday and gan, to sell real estate belonging to the estate of Real Estate. through him.—Grand Ledge Ind. Cuba and negotiations for a reciprocity Ida M. Jones, Watertown...... 22 Friday of October: John Scriven, deceased, I will sell at public auo Feb. 14—Everett Sc. Munson, Ovid...... 39 Geo. A. Harper, et al to Eddie F. Harp­ In Maple Ridge Park addition, at St. Johns, Last Thursday and Friday of the highest bidder,on the Eighteenth Day treaty; the insult was in writing, the Eva Acre, Bingham,...... 84 er, et al, uod 3 5 of 150 acrea of sec 24 Owosso, there are a number of flowing March. of March, A. D 1898, at 10o’clock in tbe fore and 25, Bengal...... $2700 00 8t Johns, Court House, Third Thursday and noon, at tbe office of the Judae of Probate, in the authorship of which was acknowledged Feb. 16 —Calvin J. Castle, Dallas...... 28 wells which, at various times, generally Friday of June. Court House at St. Johus, Michigan, tbe following by Senor de Lome, and has been pub­ SuBle Hodge, Ionia county ...... IS Myron Watkins and wife to Wm. C. at a few days ’ Intermission, throw out Certificates of ail grades will be granted at described premises, vis.: All that portion of the Feb. 16 —Wm. Saier. Westphalia...... 34 Watkins 20 acres sdc 19, Duplain...... 700 00 globules of oil. This is causing many the examinations of St Johns in August and southeast quarter ot the southeast quarter of sec­ lished throughout the civilized world. Theresia Schneider, Westphalia...... 24 Rose Woolridge to Amy E. Frisbie lot citizens to believe oil will be found un­ March. Certificates of the second and third tion seven. In towuship seven north of range two Surely this was an “ occasion, ” but no ------—------It and w \'t 14, block 16, Ovid...... 400 00 grades will be granted at all other exainina west, in Michigan, lying south of the Detroit, Children and adults tortured by burns, Chas. Gadt and wife to Chas. A. Bulge derneath the coal stratas underlying the tions. Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railway Company'#! “man” has yet been produced. The et al lot 4, block 36, St Johns...... 1000 00 town and adjacent country. While dig­ All examinations will begin at 9 o'clock a land: tbe southwest quatter of the toulheatt quar scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases ging a well in the northeast part of the ter of said section, excepting that portion ownad natural thing to be expected after de may secure instant relief by using De- David H Halteman et al to Frederick R. M. WINSTON. bv said Railway Company; five and one-half acres Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is the Olds, et al, H acJes, see 14, Duplain, 450 00 city, some years ago, a half pound lump Cornn Jsa'oner of Schools. of land off the east end < f the south half of the Lome acdnowledged having written Hattie J. Wakefield to Elmira E. Brooks of mass copper was found many feel southwest quarter of said •section, lying south ot great File remedy. C. E. VanSickle. 20 acres of sec 28, Bingham...... 300 00 %tn published letter, was that Mr. Me------——m-+- under tbe surface. said Railway Company's land; Ibe east half of the Wm. H. H. Knapp and wife to Frank Since the boring for coal near Sagi­ ORTGAGE 8ALF..—Default having been northwest fractional quarter or section eighteen, Kiuley would at once send de Lome his Hair Fare to Detroit. A. Irish 60 acres of sec 19, Olive...... 200p 00 in said township; the south half of the southwest passports. Instead of that, he sent a naw was commenced large quantities M made In the conditions of a mortgage exe­ quarter aud the northeast quarter of the south ­ An opportunity will be given tlie pub­ Nathaniel L. Daniel, to Sarah M. Dan- of various kinds of minerals and rocks cuted by Cornelia Barker Briggs, Clark H. Barker,west quarter of section twenty-three, In said town­ request to Madrid that de Lome be re­ lic to visit Detroit at half fare on iells 40 acres, sec 16, Watertown...... 1 06 have been brought to light, which were Ellen Barker, Hattie E. Bird and Samuel A. Bar­ ship; lot two of block six of said village of 84.. and other considerations. ker to Bertram Giffels, dated December 16, 1895, Johns; lot three, block fifty-six, in said village of called, and before it was presented to Thursday, Feburary 22, 1898. The W’aldo C. Wheeler to Frank A. Calkins not thought to be in existence in that aud recorded February 6,1896, in the office of tee St. Johns.—Dated February 3d, 1898. the (Spanish government, de Lome had Grand Trunk railway system will sell et al und lots 16.16,17,18. 18, block section a short time ago. John Leech Register of Deeds in Clinton County, in Michigan, WILLIAM BYRNE. tickets from all its stations in Michigan 12 and und % of othe land, Ovid...... 1 00 in Liber 88 of mortgages, on page 403, on which Administrator of the estate of John Scriven, de­ resigned and bis government had accept­ and his brother own 300 acres near Tay- mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of to Detroit and return at single fare. and oteer considerations. mouth, stated while he was in the city this notice, ten hu< dred and seventy-five dollars ceased. ed the resignition, and now, Mr. Mc­ The High Court of Michigan, I. O. O. F. ------■ i — ------that he had finished putting down a and forty-one cents, be*ides an attorney fee of Kinley is waiting to learn what Spain will hold its Annual Session in Detroit After years of untold suffering from well at the farm and that at a distance thirty-five dollars, stipulated in said mortgage to XECUTORS SALE—Notice is hereby given piles, B. W. Pursell, of Knitnersville, be paid, should any proceedings be taken to fore­ E that by virtue and in pursuance of liceme will say about it all. It has been prov­ during this peroid and attendants can of about 20 feet under the surface a close said mortgage: and no suit or proceeding at and authority granted to nte the undersigned on avail themselves of this rate. Tickets Pa., was cured by usiug a single box of vein which yielded gold dust. They law, or In equity, having been instituted to re­ the 1IIh day of March A. D. 1897, by the probate en time after time by Congress that will be on sale for afternoon and even­ DeWitt’s Witch HazTe Salve. Skin have had the yellow stuff annalyzed. cover any part ot the debt secured by said mort­ court for the courty of Clioton, state of Michigan diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples gage; therefore, by virtue of the power of sale in to sell real estate belonging to the estate of Hiram politics cuts no figure in the solid back­ ing trains of the 21st and for all morn­ and it has been pronounced gold, and said mortgage contained, and ot tbe statute in Nestell. deceased. I will sel) at public auction to ing always given a President who stands ing trains of the 22d, and valid to re­ and obstinate sores are readily cured by the chunk of dirt submitted for analy ­ such case made and provided, notice is hereby the highest bidder therefor on tbe 21st day of this famous remedy. C. E. VanSickle. February, 1898, at one o'clock p. m., at tbe «p firmly for any question affecting our turn up to and including all trains of sis contained a paying quantity of the given that on March IB, 1898, at one o'clock in Feburary 23d, 1898. pay dust. Steps will be taken at once the afternoon, at the west front door of the court ­ probate office in 8t. Johns, in said county of Clint­ honor or rights, and Congress was and house for Clinton County, In Michigan, in the vil­ on, the following described premises, via: The Golden Secret of Long Life. to ascertain the drift of the vein End lage of St. Johns, in said county, there will be sold The north half of the northeast quarter and tk« is still ready to back Mr. McKinley, There are three little things which do Keep the head cool, the feet warm and the whether the gold will pay for the digg­ at public vendue, to the highest bidder, the prem­ east half of tbe east half of the northwest quarter bowels open. Bacon's Celery King for the ing. A piece of rock containing silver ises described in said mortgage, vis: Tbe west sixty all on section nnmner twelve in township cf Ben­ even to the extent of a declaration of more work then any other three little Nerves Is a Vegetable preparation and acts as acres of the west half of the northeast quarter of gal, Clinton county, state of Michigan, war, but he does nothing. It is now in things created—they are the ant, the bee a natural laxatlveand Is th e greatest remedy has also been thrown out. —State Re­ section nine, in township six north, of range one one buDdred and twenty acres of land, more or and DeWitt’b Little Early Risers, the ever discovered Tor the Cure of Dyspepsia, publican. west, in Michigan.—Dated December 21, ’897. lesa. order for Congress to make him do last being the famous little pills for Liver Complaint, and ail Blood. Liver and BERTRAM GIFFEL8, Mortgagee. Dated January 8,189R. something, and its members are in a Kidney Dlseaees. Call on C. E VanSicklc, solo Pxitnnrs A Baldwin , .. . , , EDWARD NESTELL, stomach and liver troubles. agent, and get a trial package free. Large Get your AUCTION BILLS printed Attorneys for Mortgagee. Executor of the last will and testament of Hirsin humor to do it. C. E. VanSickle. sixes 50c and 25c. 2 at The Independent Office. i Neatell, deceased CLINTON INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898.

HAHY’S FOOTPRINTS. Awarded Mtayal auUkca the toed pure, BY JOB. PLOWMAN, Grand Trunk Railway System. wholesome mad delieioum. SUCCESSFDL MEETING! Highest Honors—World’s Pair, [A food mother, after losing her only child, | DU Arrival and Departure of Trains to whom she waa greatly attached, cloaed her j home and traveled. After aeveral years, while At 8t. Johns. r Farmers’ Institute Well Attend­ D . 11 & Cl.. vlalting the place, which had been vaoant ed at Elsie. ainoe the death of her child, she was startled! IN EFFECT OCT 4, 1897. The Celebrated Specialists to sad memories by seeing, on the earthen floor WILL BE AT of a shed, the tln> footprints of her baby-1 a a a a a a a a a a • a a. «i * cl a. o. m m * “The Steel” Hotel, MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION RE­ SSU 8 3 Only a baby's root-prints, S « * 3 6 CEIVED 1IV ALL PRESENT. Bringing memories so dear w CREAM « 8 One Day Only Each Month. O 0*6 fw w 1O at It la the grandest triumph of Medical 23, between 9 a. m. and 7 p. m. One ing. science. Kor sale only by C. E. VanSIckle. day only. Consultation free and strictly per bottle at Fildew A Millman’s Drug Samples free. Large bottles 50c and 2fie. 1 confidential. Store. 2 ' CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898.

to five years in the penitentiary, sen­ TALMAGE’S SERMON. ment by the three angels on the plains his best parable out of the scene of a WHY PRICES VARY. tence commuted by Mr. Cleveland to of M&mre, will help every woman to farmer boy coming back from his three years and six months, pardoned provide hospitality, however rare and wanderings, and the old farm house ROYAL TEA ‘CHEERS FOR THE UNKNOWN" embarrassing. It is high time that shook that night with rural jubilee; THE AMERICAN FARMER AND May 8. SUNDAY’S SUBJECT. some of the attention we have been and who compared himself to a lamb in THE COLD STANDARD. CHARLES R. FLEISCHMAN, Illin­ giving to the remarkable women of the the pasture field, and who said that CURES Bible—remarkable for their virtue, or the eternal God is a farmer, declaring, ois, convicted of violation of banking From tb* Text, Homan* xt I, 14 and IS The Six Principal Factor* That RffU- their want of it, or remarkable for “My father is the husbandman.” laws, sentenced Dec. 8, 1896, to five aa Follow*: Salat* Aijmrrltu*, Phle­ COKSTIPATiOl lato tlie Price of Every Article of their deeds—Deborah and Jezebel, and years in the penitentiary, pardoned gon, Hernia*, Fatrobaa, llerme*, Fhll- Those stone masons do not want to Production —I'ntier Proper Condition* Herodlaa and Athalla, and Dorcas and hear about Christopher Wren, the ar­ June 28. ologus and Julia. and all Wheat Should Now Oe Nearly •* a the Marys, excellent and abandoned — chitect, who built St. Paul's Cathedral. Bushel. EDWARD R. CARTER, New York, it is high time some of the attention It would be better to tell them how to STOMACH convicted of violating the national ATTHEW Henry, we have been giving to these conspicu­ carry the hod-of brick up the ladder The advocates of a contracted cur­ banking laws, sentenced Jan. 9, 1895, Albert Barnes, ous women of the Bible be given to without slipping, and how on a cold rency persistently misunderstand all to six years and six months in the Adam Clark. Julia, an ordinary woman, amid or­ morning, with the trowel to smooth off of the great principles that conflict penitentiary, pardoned July 9. Thomas Scott, and dinary circumstances, attending to or­ the mortar and keep cheerful, and how dinary duties, and meeting ordinary ■with their pet theory. It has been all the commenta ­ to be thankful to God for the plain CONSTIPATION is the forerunner of responsibilities. • • • well said that they would deny the FRANCIS A. COFFIN, Indiana, con­ tors pass by these food taken from the pail by the road ­ many diseases, and muoh suffering and law of gravitation if the exegencies of victed of violation of United States verses without any Now, what is wanted is grace—di­ side. Carpenters, standing amid the sickness might be avoided if this trouble their situation required it. This Is banking laws, sentenced Oct. 26, 1895, especial remark. vine grace for ordinary business men, adze, and the bit, and the plane, *nd was given more attention. Royal Tea the broad axe, need to be told that will not only cure constipation, and regu­ Illustrated by the clamor they have to eight years in the penitentiary, par­ The other twenty men who are harnessed from morn t*ll raised on account of the Improved people mentioned Christ was a carpenter, with his own late the bowels, but is also an excellent doned Sept. 9. night and all the days of their life- tonlo for young or old of either sex, and prices of wheat, though all of them in the chapter were harnessed in business. Not grace to hand wielding saw and hammer. Oh, this is a tired world, and it is an over ­ a remedy that should have a place in are aware that there has been a large LEWIS REDWINE, Georgia, convict ­ distinguished for lose a hundred thousand, but grace to every home. It will build up and shortage in the wheat supply of the something and were therefore dis­ lose ten dollars. Not grace to super­ worked world, and it is an under fed strengthen every tissue of the body, ed of violation of United States bank­ world, and it is a wrung out world, and world. They look wise and say, “ah, ing laws, sentenced Jan. 12, 1894, .to cussed by the illustrious expositors; vise two hundred and fifty employes in cleanse and purify the blood, restore the ha, wheat has gone up and silver but nothing is said about Asyncrltus. a factory, but grace to supervise the men and women need to know that Stomach and liver to healthy action, pro­ six years in the penitentiary, pardoned there is rest and recuperation in God duce a perfect digestion, and prevent down, and that explodes the theory Oct. 26. Phlegon, Hernias, Patrobas, Hermes, bookkeeper and two salesmen, and the Philologus and Julia. Where were and in that religion which was not so and cure the many ills which are such a of the bimetallists.’’ But no silver man small boy that sweeps out the store. constam menace to the health and good they born? No one knows. When much Intended for extraordinary peo­ is moved, for it Is probably true that STEPHEN M. FOLSOM. New Mexi­ Grace to invest not the eighty thou­ looks of women. did they die? There is no record of ple as for ordinary people, because all silver advocates are well enough co, convicted April 17, 1894, of mak­ sand dollars of net profit, but the twen­ their decease. For what were they there are more of them. Informed to know that the rise In ing false entries ia the books of a ty-five hundred of clear gain. Grace A Clear Beautiful Complexion, wheat and the fall in silver is In strict distinguished? Absolutely nothing, or • • • national bank, sentenced to five years not to endure the loss of a whole ship­ rosy cheeks and “bright eyes are charms accord with all the theories of bi­ the trait of character would have been load of spices from the Indies, but At an anniversary of a deaf and dumb In the penitentiary, pardoned Nov. 16. asylum, one of the children wrote up­ more precious to women than gold, and metallists. brought out by the apostle. If they grace to endure the loss of a paper of Royal Tea will produce all these by had been very intrepid; or opulent,'or on the blackboard words as sublime as FRED W. GRIFFIN, Illinois, con­ collars from the leakage of a displaced cleansing the blood of all impurities and There are six principal factors that hirsute, or musical of cadence, or crass shingle on a poor roof. Grace not to the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the “Dlvina giving health and strength to the delicate victed of embeziing the funds of a na­ of style, or in any wise anomalous, Commedia ” all compressed in one par­ organs of woman. Good health is ths regulate the price of every article. tional bank, sentenced May 24, 1895, endure the tardiness of the American These six factors naturally separate that feature would have been caught Congress in passing a necessary law, agraph. The examiner, in the signs source of all loveliness, and uo woman to five years in the penitentiary, par­ by the apostolic camera. But they of the mute language, asked her, “Who can be beautiful if sick and suffering. themselves into three groups of two doned Nov. 22. but grace to endure the tardiness of Royal Tea is woman ’s best tonic. each. They are: The supply of and were good people, because Paul sends an errand boy stopping to play marbles made the world?” The deaf and dumb girl wrote upon the blackboard, “In the $1.00 per half pound package, 50 cents demand for the article, the supply of to them his high Christian regards. when he ought to deliver the goods. for half size, at all drug stores. Eating Their Cake. beginning God created the heaven and and demand for substitutes of the ar­ They were ordinary people moving Such a grace as thousands of business Our book entitled “A Book for Women" the earth. ’.' The examiner asked her, ticle, the supply of and demand for The wages of more than 125,000 cot­ in ordinary sphere, attending to ordi­ men have today —keeping them tran­ sent fheb . Address, ton mill workmen have been reduced nary duty and meeting ordinary re­ “For what purpose did Christ come In­ money. Thus It will be seen that the quil, whether goods sell or do not sell, to the world?” The deaf and dumb supply of and demand for money are from 9 to 20 per cent. The gold organs sponsibilities. whether customers pay or do not pay, South Bend Remedy Co., and the tariff worshipers are flounder­ What the world wants is a religion girl wrote upon the blackboard, “This but two of the six factors. Sometimes whether tariff Is up or tariff is down, is a faithful saying, and worthy of all SOUTH BEND. INDIANA. one set of factors predominates and ing around in an amusing attempt to for ordinary people. If there be In whether the crops are luxuriant or a explain that this wage calamity is not the United States 70.000,000 people, acceptation, that Christ Jesus came in­ sometimes the other, but every one of dead failure—calm in all circumstances to the world to save sinners.” The the factors exerts its due Influence at due either to gold standard or Dingley there are certainly not more than 1,- and amid all vicissitudes. That is the bill. 000,000 extraordinary; and then there examiner said to her, “Why were you all times, though at one time It Is kind of grace we want. born deaf and dumb, while I hear and more noticeable than at another time. “You might as well cite the law of are 69,000,000 ordinary, and we do well gravitation to account for the decline Millions of men want it, and speak?” She wrote upon the black­ So whether wheat be high or low the to turn our backs for a little while they may have it for the ask­ board, “Even so. Father; for so It question of the amount of money with in the wage scale of the New England upon the distinguished and conspicu­ cotton mill operatives, ” whines a Chi­ ing. Some hero or heroine eeemeth good In thy sight.” Oh. that which to buy It always exerts its in­ ous people of the Bible and consider in comes to town, and as the pro­ we might be baptized with a contented cago organ of pliitocracy. “The south­ our text the seven ordinary. We (Caveats,PATENTS and Trade-Mark* obtained and all Pat­ fluence. Thus, the great shortage of cession passes through the streets the spirit. The spider drawB poison out ent busineaa conducted for Moderate Fit*. the wheat crop throughout the world ern mills have the advantage of cheap­ spend too much of our time in twist­ of a flower, the bee gets honey out of er labor and longer hours. The New business men come out, stand on tip­ Owe Office is Opposite », 8. fa -tent office and the great demand for the grain ing garlands for remarkables and toe on their store steps and look at a thistle, but happiness is a heavenly 'and we can secure patent in 1cm time than loose England operatives prefer a slight re­ building thrones for magnates and 'remote from Washington. . have been able to put wheat at only some one who in Arctic clime, or in elixir, and the contented spirit extracts Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ about $1.00, which would be about Its duction in wages to closed factories. ” sculpturing warriors and apotheslzlng ocean Btorm, or in day of battle, or in it, not from the rhododendron of the tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of Cant, humbug, hypocrisy, puerility, philanthropists. The rank and file of [charge. Our fee not due till pal------natural price in ail ordinary years hospital agonies, did the brave thing, hills, but from the lily of the valley. i A Pamphlet , “ How to Obtain Patents,” with were it not that our currencies have thy name is modern Republicanism! the Lord's soldiery need especial help. not realizing that they, the enthusias­ coat o? —in the U. S. and foreign countries Suppose that the New England mill The vast majority of people will [■cot free. Address, been so largely curtailed. Under the tic spectators, have gone through trials MERRY WARFARE. existing conditions of the wheat crop bosses had raised wages, to whom never lead an army, will never write in business life that are Just as great C.A.SNOW&CO. and trade the price should be at least would have been the glory? Every a state constitution, will never electri­ before God. There are men who have When Two Society Women Hate Each Opp. Patent O ffice. Washington . O. C. 50 per cent, above the highest notch smug-faced Republican editor in the fy a senate, will never make an im­ gone through freezing Arctics and Other Cordially. it has reached in Chicago this year. country would have prostrated himself portant invention, will never Introduce burning torrids, and awful Marengoes “You can’t appreciate what may be For not only is there a shortage in anew at the feet of the gold god. and a philosophy, will never decide of experience without moving five embodied in that term bitter-sweet,” MARBLE the wheat crop of the world, but the thanked high heaven for the Dingley the fate of a nation. You do not ex ­ miles frem their doorstep. sighed Limpton to the Detroit Free bill, from which all blessings flow. pect to; you do not want to. You will and substitute for wheat, that is, rye, has Now, what ordinary business men Press man. “till you hear two society The mill bosses were “enabled” to not be a Moses to lead a nation out women in conversation, each hating been a very short crop. So in four need is to realize that they have the CRANITF of the factors, supply of wheat and de­ pay higher wages. Their profits are of bondage. You will not be a Joshua the other fervently, yet smiling, laugh­ friendship of that Christ who looked ing and looking angelic while they are mand for wheat and supply of rye enormous. They have recently been to prolong the daylight until you can after the religious interests of Matthew, and demand for rye, the whole ten­ paying extra dividends. But this has shut five kings in a cavern. You will stabbing each other as cruelly and vig­ the custom house clerk, and helped Ly­ orously as though it were a duel to vhe dency is strongly upward. nothing to do with wages. Labor is a not be a St. John to unroll an Apoca ­ dia, of Thyatira, to sell the dry goods, commodity, the same as virtue, man­ lypse. You will not be a Paul to pre­ death. This is between us, but I Just and who opened a bakery and fish mar­ came away from a little scene confirm­ Were conditions normal, the farmers hood and other things which are side over an apostolic college. You ket in the wilderness of Asia Minor to will not be a Mary to mother a Christ. ing my view of the case. Binckley's Ymetery Work of any description as In all countries that have fair crops bought and sold in these glorious times. feed the seven thousand who had come Low in Price as any place in Mich* There are more workers than Jobs, You will more probably be Asyncrltus wife had called on mine. Mrs. Bink­ would be reaping a rich harvest to out on a religious picnic, and who ley had said somewhere that Mrs. Limp- Iran. 1 have s Fine Display of NEW and hence wages go down and will or Phlegon, or Hermas, or Patrobas, DESIGNS in Scotch, Rwedlah aai compensate them for some of the bad counts the hairs on your head with as ton looked prematurely old, and that years they must necessarily encounter. continue to go down. Probably 90 per or Hermes, or Philologus, or Julia. much particularity as though they were American Granites. cent, of the men whose wages have she dressed in execrable taste, con­ After getting prices elsewhere call aol Both wheat and rye would be bring­ Many of you are women at the bead the plumes of a coronation, and who sidering her appearance. Of course, been reduced voted for what they have examine. You will decide to ing not only a good price but an ex ­ of households. Every morning you took the trouble to stoop down with some ‘good friend’ told Mrs. Limpton. buy of me. traordinary price, because the condi­ gotten, and hence Bhould be satisfied. plan for the day. The culinary depart­ hie finger writing on the ground, al­ I expected blue blazes when the two tions are extraordinary. The farmers There Is but one way to make some ment of the household is in your do­ though the first sbuffile of feet obliter­ met, but the event showed far more F. F. MURDOCK of the United States have paid and men think and that is to reduce their minion. You decide all questions of ated the divine caligraphy, and who diplomacy than is displayed in the are paying a high price for the lux ­ wages. diet. All the sanitary regulations of knows Just how many locusts there management of international affairs. Ipposite Post Office. St. Johns, Mich ury of a gold standard. If dollar The example set by the New Eng­ your house are under your supervision. were in the Egyptian plague, and When Mrs. Blnckley called Mrs. Limp­ wheat and 45-cent rye are to be re­ land millionaire mill bosses will be To regulate the food and the apparel knew Just how many ravens were nec­ ton kissed her, clung to her hand, chid­ garded as the high tide of their pros­ followed by others all over the coun­ and the babits, and decide the thou­ essary to supply Elijah’s pantry by the ed her for not coming oftener, and LIVERY perity, the future for them is Indeed try. Wages are too high for the gold sand questions of home life Is a tax brook Cherith, and who, as floral com­ then, in the softest tones of solicitude, —AND- dark. H. F. THURSTON. standard. The law of supply and de­ upon brain and nerve and general mander, leads forth all the regiments asked her if she was troubled with ma­ mand governs, and we must meet the health absolutely appalling, if there ot primroses, foxgloves, daffodils, hya ­ laria, now prevalent. ’You look so yel­ wage scales of gold standard Italy. be no divine alleviation. cinths, and lilies, which pitch their low, ’ she went on, ’and drawn. I al­ BANK THIEVES PARDONED. Spain, Germany and Holland, and we It does not help you much to be tents of beauty and kindle their camp­ ways have you in mind as plump and are going to do it. This is what the told that Elizabeth Fry did wonder­ fires of color all around the hemisphere rosy. Do take treatment, dear.’ ’It’s Rascally Executive Clemency Extended —that that Christ and that God knows nothing serious, ’ laughed Mrs. Blnck­ to Infamous Robbers. men who walked in the sound money ful things amid the criminals at New­ parades voted for a year and a half gate. It does not help you much to the most minute affairs of your busi­ ley. ‘The doctor tells me that a person The bankers, inside and outside of ago, and the New Time trusts they be told that Mrs. Judson was very ness life and however Inconsiderable, with strong eyes and teeth always has the penitentiary, seem to expect to re­ will accept the situation with resigna-. brave among the Bornesian cannibals. understanding all the affairs of that wonderful recuperative powers. It is ceive everything they ask for from the tlon and exclaim with their patron It does not help you very much to be woman who keeps a thread and needle only a matter of a short time and not Hanna, Gage and McKinley adminis­ saint, Mark Hanna, “God reigns and told that Florence Nightingale was store as well as all the affairs of a ' at all as though I had stepped per­ tration; and in so far as the power the Republican party still lives."— very kind to the wounded In the Cri­ Rothschild and a Baring. manently from my prime into old age.’ Boarding Stable of the administration extends, it New Time. mea. It would be better for me to tell Then there are all the ordinary farm­ This was hot shot, for my wife has seems that they will not be disap­ you that the divine friend of Mary ers. We talk about agricultural life, worn glasses ever since she was a little FINE TURNOUTS OF ALL KINDS girl, and some of her prettiest teeth pointed. While Banker Gage Is indus­ The Spirit of 76. and Martha Is your friend, and that he and we Immediately shoot off to talk triously working to extend the power, about Cincinnatus, the patrician, who were supplied by a dentist, but she Igpclal attention given to Boarding Horae*.riro I an* a farmer and am with the la­ sees all the annoyances and disap­ blandly told of how many of her dear­ claaa out flu furnished for Commercial Men, protection and privileges of the na­ boring people, and I tell you now that pointments and abrasions, and exas ­ went from the plow to a high position, Funerals, Pleasure Parties, Etc. tional banks, President McKinley is and after he got through the dictator ­ est friends who had a misleading ap­ the time is not far distant when the perations of an ordinary housekeeper pearance of health had gone with quick SW-Peracn* bavins Lame and Disabled Horse* industriously engaged in pardoning people will call a halt. The threa- from morn till night, and from the ship, in twenty-one days, went back »ill And the beat of facilities for treatment at my the horde of national bankers and again to the plow. What encourage­ consumption, and they fell to talking .tables, M. C. LIVESAY, Veternarf Surgeon,In at ened financial legislation is hurrying first day of the year until the last day about hired girls. Woman Is a sphinx. ” tendance. Stables 3d door West of The Hi** wreckers who have been sentenced to us oward to the crisis. The climax of the year, and at your call he Is ready ment Is that to ordinary farmers? The Mo-th aid*. (1738) the penitentiary. During the first nine Is to be reached in a little while and with help and reinforcement. vast majority of them—none of them FRANK SOHOFIEl tt Prap'r. will be patricians. Perhaps none of months of McKinley's administration then a Lexington. All the people lack They who provide the food of the Women the Best Conveners. he turned loose from the penitentiaries them will be senators. If any of them Of one thing there can be very lit­ to-day is a leader. Your ancestors and world decide the health of the world. have dictatorships, it will be over for­ no less than twelve national bankers. mine fought for freedom a hundred You have only to go on some errand tle doubt, and that is the greater readi­ ty. or fifty, or one hundred acres of ness in conversation of women than Here Is the list, with the names 8f the years ago and my great-grandfather amid the taverns and the hotels of the bank criminals who have been par­ the old homestead. What these men men. A woman can create conversa ­ was killed by the Tories. Shall you United States and Great Britain to ap­ want is grace, to keep their patience tion, which is a very useful thing, and doned, as published in the New York and I and all the rest of us fall down, preciate the fact that a vast multitude World of Dec. 6. 1897: while plowing with balky oxen, and tw is frequently found a great social diffi­ while bloody treason flourishes o ’er of the human race are slaughtered by keep cheerful amid the drouth that de­ HARRY L. MARTIN, Illinois, con­ culty. If we give a man a subject on us? I am for Peace, perpetual peace, incompetent cookery. Though a young stroys the corn crop, and that enables which he knows anything at all, un­ victed Feb. 10, 1896, of embezzling but it must be peace and not submis­ woman may have taken lessons In mu­ them to restore the garden the day aft­ ' funds of a national bank, sentenced to less he be a fool or morbidly reticent, sion. If we must stoop to conquer, sic, and may have taken lessons in er the neighbor’s cattle have broken in he can talk about it so as to make him­ live years In the penitentiary, par­ welcome the cannon ’s thunder and painting, and lessons in astronomy, she and trampled out the strawberry bed, doned April 7. self fairly intelligible and perhaps in­ flame.—Ed. H. Barrett, (Indiana). is not well educated unless she has and gone through the Lima bean patch, teresting for those to whom the sub­ taken lessons in dough! They who de­ and eaten up the sweet corn in such ject has any interest at all. Men, when FRED L. KENT, Missouri, convicted Dear Victory for Hanna. cide the apparel of the world, and the large quantities that they must be- their feeling of enthusiasm is excited, of embezzling the funds of a bank, There seems to be an eager deter­ food of the world, decide the endurance kept from the water lest they swell up throw off the slowness and hesitation sentenced Sept. 7, 1893, to ten years mination on the part of Senator of the world. and die. which frequently cramp their power In in the penitentiary, pardoned July 7. Hanna ’s friends to prevent any disclo­ An unthinking man may consider it Grace in catching weather that en­ society, Just as they throw off the sure of the facts regarding the way in a matter of little Importance —the ables them, without imprecation, to physical infirmity of stuttering under JOHN M. WALL, Ohio, convicted of which a majority vote was secured cares of the household and the econo ­ spread out the hay the third time, al­ the influence of some awakening theme violation of United States banking ‘for that able dispenser of campaign mies of domestic life—but I tell you though again, and again, and again, It or some strong sympathy. But the laws, sentenced April 22, 1897, to five funds. People, of course, ask why the earth is strewn with the martyrs has been almost ready for the mow. A power of conversation in some women years in the penitentiary, sentence of kitchen and nursery. The health- grace to doctor the cow with a hollow and not always those of remarkable Hanna is afraid of the truth if he is ability, is the very art of making bricks commuted May 28 to two years, and not guilty. They are beginning to shattered womanhood of America cries horn, and the sheep with the foot rot, full pardon granted Oct. 9. out for a God who can help ordinary and the horse with the distemper, and without straw. They will talk to one think he is afraid of the truth be­ women In the ordinary duties of house­ by the hour about nothing—that Is, on cause he is guilty. In fact, Hanna's to compel the unwilling acres to yield FRED E. EDGAR, New York, con­ keeping. The wearing, grinding, un­ a livelihood for the family, and school ­ no particular subject and with no par­ election is developing into a first-class appreciated work goes on, but the same ticular object, and talk coherently and victed May 9, 1894, of violation of na­ scandal. ing for the children and little extras to tional banking laws, sentenced to five Christ who stood on the bank of Gali­ help the older boy in business, and not foolishly and withal very pleasant­ ly all the time. It would, we are free years in the penitentiary, pardoned McKinley a* a Straddler. lee in the early morning and kindled something for the daughter’s wedding the fire and had the fish already to confess, be rather difficult for the June 1. We find Mr. McKinley talking bi­ outfit, and a little surplus for the time listener to carry away with him any metallism to Senator Chandler and the cleaned and broiling when the sports­ when the ankles will get stiff with age, men stepped ashore, chilled and hun­ mental notes of what had been said; HENRY H. KENNEDY, Pennsylvan ­ next moment urging his secretary of and the breath will be a little short, he may not be conscious of having ia, convicted on two indictments for the treasury to take measures to more gry, will help every woman to pre­ and the swinging of the cradle through gained any new ideas or of having had pare breakfast, whether by her own ETADMIlIf^ If you want to read violation of national banking laws, thoroughly commit the country to the the hot harvest field will bring on the his old ones much enlarged; but he will ■ AHIfllRIl np on thl* subject sentenced Sept. 15, 1891, to ten years gold standard. We find Mr. Dingley. hand, or the hand of her hired help. old man’s vertigo. Better close up rise and go his way, as one does after " during th« winter j The God who made indestructible eu­ of the cheap home* In the penitentiary, sentence commut­ as well as Mr. McKinley, admitting about Cincinnatus. I know five hun­ a light and wholesome meal, sensibly and prosperous con­ ed by Mr. Cleveland to seven years, that the Republican tariff law has logy of Hannah, who made a coat for dred farmers just as noble as he was. cheered and refreshed, but retaining no IN THE dition* in Nebraska Samuel, her son, and carried it to the and elsewhere, aub- pardoned May 21. failed to bring prosperity. One say^ What they want is to know that they troublesome memories of the ingredi­ •crlbe to “ The Com tempie every year, will help every wo­ have the friendship of that Christ who ents which have composed it Belt.” a monthly pa­ the constitution should be amended man in preparing the family ward­ WEST per hill of farm pic­ ALONZO B. CRAWFORD, Missouri, often drew his similes from the farm­ ture* and Information about the Went. It will The other declares that permanent robe. The God who opens the Bible convicted of violation of United States prosperity is possible only through the er's life, as when he said, “A sower Why does a man always lose his be sent for one year for 95 rente; postage atat.ip* with the story of Abraham's entertain­ nerve Just when he needs it most 7 accepted. Address. “Ths Corn Belt,” x » franking laws, sentenced Oct. 8, 1894, restriction of immigrants. went forth to sow,” as when he built Adam* Street, Chicago. CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898,

you are my life—my very soul—tne light of my eyes; why, you are myselt. Young Womanhood. CAUSE FOR ALARM. Why, to put my love and care for you In comparison for one instant with Sweet young girls! How often they what I feel for all my people together develop into worn, listless, and hope­ would be too funny for words, If you less women because mother has not were not distressed about it But impressed upon them the How baldness begins. when I see you look like that, darling, importance of attending to It hurts me so awfuily —It cuts me up, LIGHT OUT OF- physical de­ so that I can hardly talk or think sen­ velopment. sibly. My dear little dove, there is No woman , How to prevent it. nobody In all the wide world that I is exempt INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION- could ever put beside you, or ever shall.” from physi­ Every person, male or female, ahrinka hair, and gives an abundant and glossy CHAPTER XIV—(Continued.) child, I shall love it most because of cal weak­ from baldness. It adds to the appearance growth. Those who are threatened with “You are sure?” she cried. of age and is a serious discomfort. The approaching baldness will be interested Then there was an old gentleman you. ” “I am quite sure,” he answered,look ­ ness and per­ cases are rare when the falling out of the in the following voluntary statement, who walked up and down in front of hair may not be stopped, and a new and made by Alderman 8. J. Green, of Spencer, ing at her straight and true In the iodical pain, healthy growth of the hair promoted. The Iowa.u He wrrrites:“ her windows every morning from hal*- CHAPTER XV. eyes. “And now, my dearest, It Is half­ and young hair grows in the scalp like a plant in the past nine to ten o ’clock, and again ev­ BOUT two girls just soil. If a plant flourishes, it must have “ About four months ago, my hair com­ past eleven; let me take you out for a constant attention: it must be watered menced falling out so rapidly that I ery afternoon from half-past two to months after this budding in­ regularly and find its food in the soil became alarmed, and being recommended a sort of avalanche turn before lunch time.” where it is rooted. It's so with the hair. Dr. Ayer ’s Hair Vigor by a druggist, I three. He looked like an old general, to woman ­ Neglect is usually the beginning of bald­ resolved to try this preparation. 1 have and Dorothy felt quite friendly toward fell upon the little He always found It an easy mattfer hood should be ness. Dandruff is allowed to thicken on been now using it for three months, and household in Pal­ to comfort and reassure the little wife the scalp. The hair begins to loosen. The am much gratified to find that my hair haa him because he belonged to her darl­ guided physical ­ scalp loses its vitality. The hair, insuf­ ceased falling out and also that hair which ing Dick’s profession. But even an ace Mansions. It who loved him so dearly, and al­ ly as well as morally.' \ ficiently nourished, begins to fade and to had been turning gray for the past five, took the form of a though, by living so much alone and fall. The instant need in such a case is yeara has been restored to its original old- general can get monotonous in If you know of any young lady who some practical preparation which, sup­ color, dark brown. It gives me much time, particularly when he does the letter from Lord without proper companionship, she is sick and needs motherly advice, ask plying the needed nourishment to the pleasure to recommend this dressing.”— Aylmer, the old was apt to brood over the circum­ scalp, will feed the hair, give it strength, S. J. Green , Alderman, Spencer, Iowa. same things day after day —and this her to address Mrs. Pinkliam at Lynn, and so produce a strong and healthy one always did. After his early morn­ savage at Aylmer ’s stances of her life and to conjure up Mass., and tell every detail of her symp­ rowth. All this is done by Dr. Ayer ’s Those who are interested in. preserving Field, and Dick in all sorts of gloomy fancies and dread S air Vigor, the most practical and valua ­ and beautifying the hair will do well to ing constitutional he Invariably went toms, surroundings and occupations. ble preparation for the hair that can be send for Dr. Ayer’s Curebook, A story of in to his house and was seen no m:>re his first surprise Bhadows which might come to pass at She will get advice from a source that obtained. It tones up the scalp, does away cures told by the cured. This book of too some future time, these mists always with dandruff, stops the hair from falling, pages is sent free, on request, by the J. C. until he came out to do his half hour exclaimed, "Now, who the devil was to has no rival in experience of women's restores the original color to gray or faded Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. of regular tramping again at half-past expect the old savage would be up to yielded before the Irresistible sunshine ills. Tell her to keep nothing back. two. But after his second dose he this sort of game?” of his love, and they were happier. If Her story No human being has a moral right The biggest dollars we see are those always looked at his watch when an It began by assuring his nephew possible, than they had been afore­ is told to to dress out of harmony with the gen­ just out of our reaeh. adjacent clock struck the hour, -ind that he was enjoying the very best of time. a woman, eral sense of the community. then shook himself together and tod­ health, that he had not had a touch of In his innermost heart, however, not to a A David who goes wrong is as much THE NEW WORLD. dled off as If he were going to town— gout for something over three Dick was not so easy about his ap­ man. Do to blame as a Judas. months, but that her ladyship was in Aromed In the Canadian going to his club, Dorothy thought. proaching Interview with Lord Aylmer not hesi­ exceedingly queer health—that she was as he made Dorothy believe; and he tate about SPRAYINC FRUIT TREES. Went. But oh! dear, dear. It was all dread­ fully slow, and before she had been a Indeed thoroughly out of sorts, and at knocked at the door of the old savage ’s stating de­ The question of spraying fruit trees to pre­ The ex- present giving both himself and her vent the depredations of Insect pests and h i b 11 s of month In her new home Dorothy was town house with rather a quaking tails that fungus diseases la no longer an experiment, grains and medical adviser cause fafr the gravest heart, and something of the vague she may but a occesslty. pining, pining for some woman friend g rasses, to talk to, to confide lu, to be friends anxiety. Then he wrent on to say that dread which he had coaxed and soothed not wish toots and with. he had just had a visit of nearly a week away from his wife’s tender heart. to men­ vegeta­ from his old friend Barry Boynton — Yes, Lord Aylmer was at home, and tion, but bles, the Of course, to set off against this, there were the gay and glorious times “That’s Lord Skevverslelgh,” said her ladyship also! and the servant, which are product of Dick, as he read the letter aloud —and essential to a full understanding of the fer­ when Dick came home, sometimes only having no special orders about Mr. between afternoon parade and morning that Barry Boynton had Just been ap­ Aylmer, at once showed him Into the her case, and if she is frank, help is tile lands of Western Canada, which certain to cornel were made at the several state and stables, which meant a little dinner pointed Governer-General of Madras, pretty little room off the smallest of county fairs In some of the Western somewhere, a theater after it, and a and that as he—“the old savage”— the two drawing rooms, and told him states this fall, have awakened consid­ wild scramble and rush to catch a felt his nephew could not lose by ad­ that he would inform her ladyship of erable Interest in the lands which the vancement in his profession, whether bis presence. And in less than three Canadian Government has opened for train leaving Liverpool street at some unearthly hour In the morning. At he ever happened to come In for the minutes Lady Aylmer came. settlement, and which are given free Aylmer title or not, he had put in a “My dear Dick,” she said, “I am to settlers. The agents of the govern­ other times, however, Dick managed ment, who are to be found In these to squeeze a two-days ’ leave out of his good word for him with his old friend, most pleased to see you. I did not states, are flooded with Inquiries re­ colonel, and then Dorothy felt—ay, and with the result that Barry Boynton had know that you were in town. Is it garding the conditions on which these said, poor child—that life was worth promised to appoint him as his mili­ true that Lord Skevverslelgh has made lands may be secured. Large numbers living, and that she would not change tary secretary. you his military secretary? I quite Our readers will do well to write Wm. Stahl have located on these lands during “But, Dick,” Dorothy cried, “that thought you had set your face against 61(1 H St., yuincy. Ill,, and get his catalogue the past year, and send back to their her lot for that of any other woman in describing twentv-one styles of Spraying Out ­ all the wide world. means India.” India at any price.” fits and lull treatise on spraying the different friends most encouraging reports. They “Not a bit of it, my darling,” Dick Dick Aylmer was so surprised that fruit and vegetable crops, which may be had say they have entered on an era of So, poor child, her life slipped by for the asking and contains much valuable cried; “I’ll see the old savage at per­ he sat Btaring at bis uncle’s wife in information. prosperity, and are well pleased with In a continual change from grave to both the agricultural possibilities and gay, with bright spots of deepest and dition before I accept It. I only go to speechless wonder. She noticed his Science alone won't always save you the climate. The provinces of Mani­ tenderest love set in a large surface of India on one condition that I go as a look, and asked with a laugh, “What from a knockout. toba, Asslnaboia and Alberta are spe­ unutterable dullness and wearying de­ free man; that is, with you as my ac­ Is the matter, Dick? You look as If cially adapted to diversified farming. pression. knowledged wife.” you had seen a ghost.” It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry. In some parts the country Is specially Then they read the letter over again “Not a ghost, Lady Aylmer,” he said, adapted to stock raising, and It Is be­ “I wonder/* she said one day to And is the only cure for Chilblains, Dick, "whether, when we are able to and made their comments upon It— recovering himself; “but I certainly ex ­ Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feet, Corns ing profitably pursued. In these parts she with her sweet face pressed against pected to see more of a ghost than and Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot- snow seldom remains a week at a time, be always together, you will get tired the warm breezes from the ocean af­ of me and If I shall bore you?’’ his cheek, he with his arm close about you are at this moment,” It Cure* Cold*. Coughs, Sore Throat, Croup. In­ Ease, a powder to be shaken into the her waist. “Why, how do you mean?” fluenza. Whooping Cough, Bronchitisand Asthma. shoes. At all Druggists anti Shoe fecting the climate thus favorably. “No,” said Dick, promptly. S certain cure lor Contumption in first stage*, Storep, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad­ When the desirability of these lands is "You really think not?” eagerly. “The amount of delicate Information “I had a letter from Lord Aylmer and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once. dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. fully known there will be a rush such “I don ’t think at all,” he said, ten­ he conveys is really remarkable,” Dick this morning, and he said that you You will see the excellent effect after takinq the as has scarcely ever before been laughed. Dick, by-the-by, was on a were 111.” first dose- Sold by dealers everywhere. Largo known. Information as to low railway derly, “because I am sure of It. What bottles 25 cents and 50 cents. There Is no peace in the house where makes you ask me that, dearest? Have ten days ’ leave, and was jovial and In­ “Ill? I?” she echoed. “Nonsense! children rule. rates, illustrated pamphlets, etc., will clined to view the whole world through You must have mistaken him. I waa IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AN be forwarded with pleasure by the De­ I ever looked bored or as if I were tired of you?” rose colored glasses In consequence; never better In my life.” independence is Cooghlng Ltatli to Consumption. partment of the Interior, Ottawa, Can­ ada, if you are not in possession of the “Oh, no, Dick, no! ” she burst out; "this Is to let me know that I needn’t “I couldn’t possibly mistake him,” assured i f you take Kemp’s Balsam will stop the cough name of an agent of the government. expect to step into his shoes for many up yoflr home in at onCe. Qo to your druggist to-day “only you were so good and kind to me, and It seems so wonderful that you a day yet. Bless me, If he knew how Western Canada, and get a sample bottle free. Sold in The man that really knows a little is entitled little I care about it, one way or the to a professorship. who have been in the worl*d all your the land of plenty. 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; de­ other!” lays are dangerous. life, should take so much trouble for Illustrated pamphlets, giving experi ­ AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. “Nor I!” Dorothy chimed in; “ex ­ a little nobody like me—I mean that 1 ence of farmers who have become All women have hearts; a few have Intellects. We are asserting In the courts our right to the cept—except that we should always be exclusive use of the word ''CASTOKIA," and know nothing; bow should I, after liv­ wealthy in growing wheat, reports of ■‘P1T( hEK'SCASTOKlA," asourTrade Mark. ing all my life at Graveleigh?” together then, Dick,” with a soft Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. delegates, etc., and full information as I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannls. Massachu ­ Dick laughed aloud at the earnest­ touch of yearning in her voice. Candy Cathartic, cure conslipalion torever to reduced railway rates, can be had 10c. 2ac. II C. C C. fall, druggmt* refund niouc-y setts, was the originator of “PITCHER'S CAS­ ness of her face and tone. “But we are always together in TOKIA," the same that has borne and does now “My darling,” he said, holding her heart, my dearest,” cried Dick, fondly. on application to Department Interior, The coward is the most friendless of men. bear the fac-slmtle signature of CHAS. H. “And my lady's health Is causing him Ottawa, Canada, also, residents of FLETCHER on every wrapper This is the close to his heart, "I have been tio the gravest anxiety —h’m! We may Michigan address M. V. Mclnaes, No. 1 Coe's Cough Balsam I original “PITCHER S CASTORIA" which has more kind and tender to you than you It the oldest tod beat. It will brisk up • cold quicker been used In the homes of the mothers of have been to me. You don ’t set half take that with a grain of salt. Grav­ Merrill Block, Detroit; James Grieve, than anything else. It la always reliable. Try it. [ America for over thirty years. Lookearefully enough value on your dear self, the est anxiety! Why, If nay lady were Reed City, Mich., or D. L. Caven, Bad at the wrapper and see that It Is “the kind you lying at death's door, that old savage Ammonia will bleach yellow flannels. most precious self In the world. Be­ Axe, Mich., Agents for the Canadian | have always bought." and has the signature of lieve me, a man does not care so much wouldn ’t be anxious, unless for fear j CHAS H FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No Government. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5cts. what his wife knows as what she is that she should get better. However, I one has authority from me to use my name as they are in town I must go and In­ j except The Centaur Company of which Cbas. —a»d you forget, what I always rc- Only ignorance knows it all. i H Fletcher is President quire after her lndvsbip. She’s a hard March 8. 1387. SAMUEL PITCHER. M D. nail enough, but le has always been good to me in ber way, and she's The spirit of prayer is made up of supplicj- CHEAP FARMS lion, not advice. worth a thousand of him any day. And then I can tell the old savage that A Favorite Calendar. he may use his influence with his dear Do You Want Go to your grocer to-day With the approach of a new year mo«t people old friend Barry Boynton for somebody and get a 15c. package of discover the need ot a new calendar Tins fact accounts for the great number of these .n tides else.” MY DEAR DICK.” a Home? Unit burden the mails at this time Among “But you won ’t do anything rash, them all the one which suits us best is pub ­ said Dick, firmly. “However, Til show Improved and unim ­ lished by N W Ayer & Son Newei amt Dick?* ’ Dorothy cried. you the letter; there Is nothing at all proved farming lands Magazine Advertising Agents. Phil.ulelphi.i “Certainly not—why should I? But 100,000 ACRES to be divided and The IRM edition has just arrived and has Wen private in It.” sold on long time and easy payments, a little pul in commission Perhaps its chief attrai • I shall tell him I have no fancy for (To be Continued.) each year. Come and see us or write THE lion is that the figures are clear enough to lit India, and that I'd rather stop at TRUMAN MOSS STATE BANK, Sanllao read across a room It is however, a most Center, Mich . or handsome specimen of the printer's art. wiiih home. Grain=0 its business talk always interests liusiuess men THE TRUMAN MOSS ESTATE. “But supposing that he says no, ” RUN OVER A SCARECROW. We are not suprlscO to lea mi the edition Croswell. Sanilac Co.. Mich. It takes the place of cof­ has iH’cn doubled in recent years Its price |ti said Dorothy, who In her heart regard­ cents) includes delivery by mail to uny address Engineer of a Fast Train Receives • fee at i the cost. in perfect condition ed Dick’s “old savage ” as an all-power ­ Fright Which He Can’t Forget. ful being who had It in his power to Made from pure grains it The head that holds the least is the soonest (From the Detroit Free Press.) February to slop over make or mar her very existence. “The nervous strain on the engineer is nourishing and health­ “Oh, I think he will hardly insist, of a fast train is something enor­ ful. Ten Weeks for Ten Cenls. one way or the other,” he answered, mous,” said one of them the other day. Excursions That big family paper, the Illpstrat «c easily. “Anyway, I must go and be “Not only the Uvea of the passengers Opportunities for visiting the Sonth dur? Insist that roar grocer glee* you GRAIN-O. Weekly Sentinel , of Denver. Colorado civil to my lady, who Isn’t half a bad Accept ao imitation. (founded 1890), will be scut ten weeks ot? ing this month, via the Louisville & Nash­ “I LOVE YOU.” sort, and gently Intimate my decision are at stake, but there Is constant fear ville Railroad, are as follows: trial for 10c; clubs of 6 f>0c, 12 for ll Special of running over someone on the track. offer solely to introduce the paper Latest member, that you might have liked the to my lord. ” Home-Seeker ’s Excursions on first and mining news and Illustrations of scenery, other fellow best, and you didn’t.” “When will you go, Dick?” Dorothy An accident, no matter how innocent third Tuesday at about one fare for th* also true stories ot love and adventure Ad­ “The other fellow,” Dorothy fal­ the engineer, Is always a kind of a round trip. dress as above and mention inis paper. Stamps asked. Florida Chautauqua at DeFuniak Springs taken tered. “You mean David Stevenson. ” “Today, I think, dearest,” he replied; hoodoo. What was my first accident? begins on the Htn inst. Splendid pro­ Best Route to Klondike “Yes, I mean David Stevenson, ” I shall never forget It. If It had been gramme, beautiful place, low rates. To hang a man in effigy is a fool way of giving "just after lunch will be a good time. Mardi Gras at Mobile and New Orleans , Only Personally Conducted Tourist excursions him a lilt Dick answered. “Many a girl would The savage Is never quite so savage traced on my mind with a streak of on 22d inst. Tickets at half rates. to PORTLAND. ORE,, run have taken him before a poor pauper after a meal as at any other time.” lightning It oouldn ’t have made a more For full particulars write to C. P. Atmor*. Via CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE No-To-Hac for Fifty Cents. devil, who had to ask his wife to live lasting Impression. It happened one General Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky., L*av* CHJCACO Thursday* Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, make* weak A strange and sickly faintness began or Jackson Smith, D. P. A., Cincinnati, O. Good connections for T A COM A and SEATTLE men strong, blood pure bOc. It All druggists incog in a poor little hole like this. I)o to creep over Dorothy, a dull and In­ bright moonlight night In November. Writs for Rates and Klondike Polder. you know, I went round to have a look definable sense of foreboding rose in We were spinning over the rails at full fVWWYWWVWHWV I Jno. Sebastian, G. P. A., CHICACO. A cynic is the only dupe of his own follies at Stevenson ’s place, Holroyd, the her heart and threatened to suffocate speed across the country where there other day, and when I saw it—shall her. “Shall you be long there?” were few people passing at that time POTATOES I tell you what I did, my sweetheart?” Lirifil Seed POTATO |r»*m la lafrlu. Tba < If you want to feel that ■ ■ “Well, If I am,” returned Dick, with of night, when I looked out and saw the "Karat Jiew.Yorkrr" fit*. Salter’s Karllrat a ylald 1 * “Yes,” answered Dorothy, in a whis­ a laugh, 'it will be a new experience figure of a man lying across the track at 464 kaakelt par aer*. Prlres dirt rhrap. Oar { YOUR SPINE IS A PIPE STEM, ■ II Kp| fV/\ per. Ureal 8**4 Boat. II Far* Sard Raaptea, Wank , ready to snap, Just get In U III UWfiU for my delightful uncle, for I never not ten feet In front of the engine. I Sie, ta f*t a atari, far 10*. aad Ikla sail**. “I went round to the churchyard stopped a single minute longer In his JOHS A. 8ALZKK MID CO., La frost*, Wla, W. If you want to feel as stopped quick as possible, but too late# UUUUMUVtl where she lies, our best friend, and I house than I could help since I can re­ of course. We had run over him and STRONG AS A STEEL RAMROD, USE St. JaCObS OH. magic. thanked God and her, If she could hear member.” the lifeless body was under the wheels. ENSIONS, PATENTS. CLAIMS. me, that my dear little love had given *•*•*• ^-* ^ s?- *-* *-*' **-* jr^*L- s’-^^^ a. <- ^ Then he happened—attracted by her We got out to look for him and found JOHN W. MORRIS, WASHINGTON.0.U me her pure love In exchange for mine, Lit* Principal Examiner U 8 P«atlon Baraam. silence, and the absence of the sweet ihlB hat, a piece of his coat sleeve and Sjrra in last war,lS adjudicating ciaiuia.ailjr since. and that Miss Dlmsdale’s wishes had P “A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO laugh which generally echoed his—to one of his shoes, but the rest seemed nDISCOVERY; si*** never been to part us. Don ’t hurt me turn and look at her. The next moment \J I I quick rrllel ani cuiea wont SHAVE WITH.” again by asking me doubting questions, to b# further back wider the train. cam. Hand for book of testimonial* and todays* he had caught her In his arms, and I backed up the engine and got out to treatment Free. Or. H.H.UItSka ’gSONS. AUaata. Ua. my darling. Don ’t, Dorothy; don ’t, was kissing her as a man only klsies my dear.” look again. There lay the body. I the one woman that he loves In all the CANCERS! TUMORS! REMEDY I perfect “Dick, Dick,” Dorothy cried, “I nearly fainted when I saw its distorted Cura at your bom*! Never loot a single easel Write world. for circular*. MIZPAM MEDICINE CO. Monsey, N. Y. never will. I love you, love you, love form. I felt like a murderer. Did SAPOLIO “My love, my love, ” he cried, “my I know the man? No, not personally. WAT80X *. COLKSAS, Patent you! ” lawyer. DO? F 81.. Wasklaflea, IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING.____ dear, sweet little love, don ’t look like He was a scarcrow from a neighboring U. C. Highest reference*. “And you will always love me?” that. What Is It you fear? Not that PATENTS teasingly. corn field.” In the South. Cheap. Easy Terma. I shall ever change toward you, or be Free Cat. W.H.Crawford A Co., “Oh, Dick!” reproachfully. different in any way, so far as you are FARMS Saslkm Celeelaer*, keakUlle, Taaa. “Even when-----?” A man of Torrlngton, Conn., who concerned?” Dorothy blushed, but she put her haa become an expert hypnotist, put ‘aSStiTig I Thompson ’! Ey« Witw. arm round his neck, and drew his “They are your people," she faltered himself to sleep the other day, re­ mouth down to hers. “I shall always -and----- ” mained unconscious while a dentist W. N. U.—-DETROIT—NO. 8 —1808 WhyASTHMA ell up nights gasping for breath when yon can be permanently rnredf We bare rured thouesndi love you best of all, Dick,” she said, "My people!” he echoed contemptu­ pulled a tooth, and woke up when the When Answering Advertisements Kindly with A a a_s « a I «r» ai w and ran core you. It I, ibe only absolute care known. ▲ trial bot ­ tle of Ao I HIVIAIiCilB sent free, a a. tart ueE.iiiaH., Mum, 1.1. “and however much I may love the ously. "Yes, so they are; but you — dentlsi counted five. Mention This Paper. *


EUREKA. K1LET. Advertised Letters. The Independent. From Our Correspondent. Fiom Our Correspondent. 8t. Johns , Mich-, Feb. 17,1898. Mrs. B. Tinkle is quite ill at this Scarlet fever. Is reported at L. Web- Carpenter, N. L. Rose, C. M. ■m writing. ton. Clark. Mis* Bell Reynold*. A. Warner GEORGE S. COKBIT, Proprietor J. F. Williams, of Clare couuty, re­ Davit. David Smith. John Miss Eva Burk has returned from her Klolejr, H. W Wheeler. Jesse C. FRANK E. DaWITT. I Lwoet turned to Riley for an Indefinite period* O. CLAIR STOCK, I visit at Dewitt. McMonogle. ClinUm White. Mr*. Eva Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dennis were in W. J. Welten, is moving onto Mrs. Poachsll, Mr*. O. J. Wlukbam, Harriet L. New Dry Goods Firm! Ithaca Satuiday. Hildreths farm. Rel*e, Frank •• -THE- Wm. Smith is visiting his son Nelson A. J. Chapman and wife, were the H. D. MCCABE. P. M. j in Shepard this week. ests of their daughter, Mrs. A. D. jm Having purchased the stock of Dry # Charles Sherman, of 8t. Johns, spent Gme, Wednesday. Sunday in this village. A special meeting of the Ladies’ Aid Notice to Voters of Clinton P Goods of Davies, Adams & Co., No. 7, || Clinton Go. Savings Bank Ladies’ prayer meeting at Mrs. O. P. Society, will be held at tho home of Mrs. lugersoll’s Friday p. m. J. C. Owen Thunday afternoon, this County. H Clinton Avenue, St. Johns, I have a B ST. JOHNS. MICH. week. Chalmer Redfern, of Maple Rapids, Died at his home in Riley township, m few specials to offer, as follows: m was in town last week. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Monday, February 14, John Gallagher, ■ 88. Su One lot Colored Ribbons, width 7, 9 and 12, all silk, to go jj& Born to Robert Teare and wife Mon­ after a long severe illness of paralysis. County of Clinton. Pays 8 Per (eat. Interest on Deposit*. day Feburary 7th, a son. 7l> the Elector* of the County nj Clinton, Stale of Mich­ at 5c per yard. X Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, of Pom pel, Deceased was in bis 68 year. An obitu­ ary will be given next week. Tbe fun­ igan:— One lot Fancy Plaid and Stripe Ribbons, width 40 and 60, jw spent Sunday in our vicinity. You are hereby notified, In accordance with Edd Baker who has been dangerously eral services will be held in Lansing, tbe provisions or the statute lu such case made •{ill regular 25c and 35c quality, to go at 19c. Loan* Money on Approved Bond* end his former home, at St Mary ’s Catholic and provided, that at tbe annual townahip ill with pneumonia is slightly better. One lot short length Fancy Stripe and Check Silks, suitable 3*5*? Reel Estate Security. church, Thursday, at ooon. election to be held In tbe several township* Ernest Larkins, wife and baby, of St. ofsaldoounty ou Monday, tbe fourth day of M* for waists, children’s dresses, etc., to go at 19c. Good value gp Johns, spent Sunday at L. Wrights’. April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand MAPLE RAPIDS & at 25c. m OFFICERS: Frank Beck, who is attending school eight hundred and ninety-eight, there will be in Dewitt, was at home over Sunday. submitted to tbe electors or said county, a One lot wide Fancy Brocade Silks, suitable for cushions, cur- w From Our Correspondent. proposition to raise by a tax, to bo spread 4 J. Haldwim , Prea. P. E. Wai 'wobth , Trea, Clark Putt, wife and children, or St. 0 tains, drapes, etc., to go at 25c. They sre regular 35c value A. Pennell . Vc-Prss. B. C. D kxteb Amt Trea upon the taxable property or said oouuty in Johns, spent Sunday at D. L. Kaegle’u. Geo. Fox was in Buffalo last week. the said year, one thousand eight hundred and $.*. and cheap at that. Charles YanSickle. of Howard City, Frank Walters spent Sunday at utnety elifht, tbe sum of two thousand dollars visited at A. Stevens’ and II. N. Smith’s Laingsburg. , ($2,000), said money, if voted, to be used for the «{? Ladies’* Gents’ and Children's Wool and Fleeced Underwear WL THE LOCAL MARKETS. purpose of replacing the stoves now used In and Hosiery willgo at prices that will interest buyers. Si last week. Eugene l’ar and family, visited in St. heating the court bouse of said county by Rev. Me Nish, of Grant, is assisting Johns, Sunday. a steam apparatus This proposition Is to be A few Bed Blankets and comforters will go at lowest possible prices. :*K : 8t. Johns , Mich., February 17. 1898. Rev. McCliutic in the revival meetings Mr. R. M. Hewitt, spent a few days submitted to the electors of said oounty In fA few new things in Fancy Wool Dress Goods and silks, Percales, iff The following- are the price# paid in cast) for at the U. B. church. In Detroit last week. accordance with a resolution adopted by the Ginghams. Sateens, Organdies, Prints, etc., to remind buyers of the produce In thla market: Mrs. Morgan Perrigo, has been visit­ Board of Supervisors of said county by a coming season. Wheat, white. No. 1.90. W. S. Pierson had the misfortune to unanimous vote on Thursday, the sixth day •• red. No. 2, 00 fall upon the ice Wednesday morning ing her mother for the past two weeks. of January, In the year of our Lord, oue *i* Hoping to receive a trial trade from one and all, and assuring you Oat*. 27 c. breaking one of his ribs. Mr. and Mis. Vandeihoff who weie thousand eight hundred and ntuety-elght. A that I will do all I can to make it both pleasant and profitable to you, Clover 8eed,92..50@$3.00. Mrs. 0. Coverstone fell on the ice last quite sick last week, are both improv ­ In testimony wbereot I have hereunto set j|8S I remain, ijjtf Alslke, $4.0® —#4J9». ing. my band and affixed tbe seal of tbe Circuit Hay, fi.ooto $7.oo. Monday, dislocating her wrist, and Court of said county this fourteenth day of Very truly, ^ Beans. .68Q75. breaking one bone in her arm. On Sunday last as Herman lugrahm's February, In the year of our Lord, one thous ­ Barley. tt5. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith visited youngett son Johnny, was playing in and eight hundred and ninety-eight. | TOBLE BUB TETT J Rye, 44. WILLIAM M. SMITH, 1 1 Potatoes. .40^.10. their daughter Mrs. George Wilson, the barn around the horses, he was se­ f Seal of tbe Cir-1 Clerk of Clinton Oounty onions, so.. visiting relations in Toledo, O., for the Pork, dressed, 14.5005.00 past three months returned home Mrs. Roy Gage is numbered with the Veal Calf, live, 5.25®8.00. sick. SICK or WELL Veil Calf, dressed, $ Friday. Wm. Ennest and L. Carpenter were Fowls and Chlckena. live. 5!ic. Miss Minnie Barrington and Arthur in Laingsburg Friday. Fowls and Chickens dressed 7c@8c Post, of St. Johns, spent Saturday and, tic: dressed,8c. Sunday with their graudmother, Mrs. Mark Gage, who has been sick with e the second lecture in the course giv­ cousin to Jos. Freund, at whose home en by the Epworth League. she is now stopping. The stage, curtains, carpet and other paraphernalia, which have previously Bam Bills a Specialty. m OLIVE. been used in the public school exhi ­ bitions. were purchased by a quartet of See us before placing your orders. |§ From Our Correspondent. boys consisting of Joseph Freund, Jos O. D. Crowner is staying at E. Hydes. A. Smith, Joseph Mangerich and Ar­ ^Woodruff & Tromp Edgar Hyde visited in Owosso re­ thur J. Smith. The officers chosen are cently. as follows : President, J. Smith ; vice- THE SHOE DEALERS. | BANNISTER LUMBER CO I Mrs. Baldwin and son, Earl, of Au­ president, P. J. Mangerich; secretary. i! gusta. Mich., visited friends around A. J. Smith; treasurer, J. Freund. |p BANNISTER, MICHIGAN. * ® here last week. Mrs. Edgar Hyde was called to Owosso last week on account of the sickness of WACOUSTA. her daughter, Mrs. Burt Hodges. Mrs. Varney Pearce visited at B. From the G rand Lodge I ndopendent of Fob 10. Kinney ’s, in Watertown, last Saturday. Q. L. Taylor has a new sewing ma­ Mr. Pearce also visited there Sunday. chine in his repair shop. A sleigh-load of young people from Miss Cora Garlock, who has been de­ this place visited Mr. and Mrs. Grin- tained from teaching on account of sick­ nold, in Lansing, Tuesdav evening, ness, Is recovering. February 8.1898. Mrs. A. A. Hunt has returned from The members of the South Olive M. Toledo, Ohio, where she attended the E. church wish to thank all who so funeral of her brother. kindly assisted them in reducing their About twenty-Qve friends and neigh­ indebtedness on their church. bors of Dr. II inkson perpetrated a sur­ ** prise upon him last Friday evening, and AUCTION SALES! ** presented him with a fine office chair. KLSIE. Miss Ida Sandford, Mrs. A. J. Burns, KEEP TDIIR EYE ** Miss Ivah Burns, Mrs. Mary E. Dyke, Remember, the next Auction Sale will Rev. Geo. E. Hollister and Mrs. Mary and Messrs. Edwards, John and Allen J. Hill, of this village, were married at Waldron, attended the Teachers’ Asso­ take place at the Lansing. He is 70 years old, and has ciation at Dewitt last Saturday. «ON« been an active minister for 35 years. Last Tuesday being the fifteenth an­ •M The bride is a daughter of Rev. John niversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burns, Hill. They will reside here. it was decided to give them a gentle re Farmers Hotel Feed Earn, Mrs. B. W. Darling, aged nearly 80 minder of the sume. Accordingly about rears, one of the earliest settlers of fifty friends and neighbors unexectedly ST. JOHNS, MICH., PairQeld township, Shiawassee county, called on them in the evening and pre­ HAMILTON, met with a serious accident in her home sented them with a very pretty water which may prove fatal. While walking set. to the dining room she caught her toe In On Wednesday, March 2d the carpet and fell, producing a severe SOUTH ORAL. fracture of her right thigh. She is very THE PHOTOGRAPHER. feeble. From Our Correspondent. at 10 A. M., and continue till all is sold, Rebecca Jason is nearly well again. LEBANON. Arthur Blizzard is sick with rheuma­ and every two weeks thereafter until tism. further notice. Bring in your stock From Our Correspondent. John Adams sold a very valuable 1 HE IS UP-TO-DATE. 1 The sad intelligence of the death of horse last week. and whatever you wish to sell and help Mrs. Jay Session ’s father was received Frank Bond, of St. Johns, visited his Monday evening. They left Riley Tues­ parents Sunday. us make a success of it. day .and will attend the funeral in Lans­ Fred Ware, of Lansing, called on M. COR. CLINTON AVE. AND WALKER ST., ing Thursday. S. Ware Sunday night. Allen Mosher and wife visited at Mrs. Respectfully, Whooping cough is the most distress­ Betsy Jason's last week. ing malady; but its duration can be cut M. V. Reed has gone to Allegan to see ST. JOHNS, MICH. short by the use of One Minute Cough his brother who is not expected to live. Cure, which is also the best known The magic lantern show given at the remedy for croup and all lung and bron­ school house last Thursday was well chial troubles. C. E. YanSickle. attended.