SSAXJT OFF PIT -A-JLJL OJjO^SBB -A.T' TOH1T progs’. The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXII.—NO. 19. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898. WHOLE NO.—1634 THE JURY DISAGREED. WELL KNOWN HERE. Farm For Bale. Tlie James E. Plowman farm of 160 SAFETY AND GAIN IN IT acres 4 miles west of the fair grounds, In the Suit Brought by Ebb. Smith Against Lanun, the Murdered Lansing Gambler* for sale. It has 7 miles tile drain, brick The Mutual Fire lN«urance Company He* Operated in St. John*. house, large barns, well fenced, good Two Hundred and Fifty Sailors of Clinton and Gratiot Countlaa. “Bart” Hettler Has Had Exper­ The murder of Koderigue Lauzan at orchard, 140 acres plow land. $40 per Proposition to Change Method acre. David G. Plowman , Lose Their Lives. The suit brought by Ebb. Smith, of Lansing last Thursday morning is still Ovid township, against the Mutual Fire ience in the Gold Fields. a mystery. The police have several clues of Heating the Court House- w2 Administrator. Insurance Company of Clinton aud Gra­ hut nothing that will warrant any ar­ tiot counties, for the payment of the rests being made at present. The offi­ It Pajs To Trade At John Hieha. KO CAUSE YET GIVEN FOR THE EX­ $1,300 insurance upon his barn and con­ cers are satisfied that it wasn’t the work WAS IN CALIFORNIA DURING THE THE PUBLIC RECORDS THE IMPORT­ Fifty choice B. P. Rock for sale ; also PLOSION. tents, which were burned last Novem ­ of anyone living in Lansing. The dead­ ber, was tried in the Circuit Court last FEVER OF ’49. ly blows were dealt with a piece of gas ANT FEATURE. Turkey Eggs in season. A. McCutch- week. The judge conceded all points in pipe. The victim was last seen alive at eon, four miles south of St. Johns. [w3 favor of the company, with the excep ­ 2 o ’clock last Thursday morning, in the The Kxploslou Shook The Whole City of Bargains in Cloaks at John Hicks*. tion of the one waiving their rights by He He* Been 700 Miles North of I he little Downey restaurant, where be pur­ Those Who Have Studied the Question Havuua —Spanish Officers Helped Res­ offering to settle with Smith, and offer­ Klondike Region* —“Bert” I* 60 Year* chased a lunch, and it is believed that ing him $500. This was the question on the murder was committed between Most Thoroughly Are Most Kuthusia*- Auction Sale. cue the Survivors. which the case was giveu to the jury, Old But Carries His Years Well. that hour and daylight. The most tlc For Its Adoption at the Poll*. I will sell at Auction at my farm in and on which they disagreed. The plausible theory is that the murdered Olive 2 miles west of Dewitt Village on court conceded that Smith had violated man's assailant or assailants gained en­ Tuesday, March 1st, live stock ana farm The United States warship Maine the terms of his policy, according to the Bartholomew Iiettler. of this town­ trance to the rooms while Lauzan was tools, commencing at 1 o ’clock. by-laws of the company, bv not making out for his lunch and as he entered the YVe invite attention of the voters and Patrick MonAR. was blown up in Havana harbor at 9:40 a full statement of the 'indebtedness ship, was one of a party of nine which doorway from the outside stairway, and property-owners of the county to a New Carpets arriving at Tuesday night. Two hundred and upon the property at the time the appli­ left Lansing Monday enroute for Klon­ felled him and pounded him to death. notice, in another column, of a propo ­ cation was made. It has been said that He had no opportunity to defend him­ _______ John Hicks ’. Sfty-one of the ship's crew and two dike via Portland, Oregon. The com­ sition to raise by tax, $2,000 for the pur­ the company has received assessments pany, as mentioned in last week's issue self or utter a cry. and after the bloody I will pay cash for 12 Cords of Build­ officers are missing, and are believed to from Smith since the lire, which state­ deed was done the murderers effectuai- pose of putting in a furnace and to pipe have been killed. The cause of the ex ­ of Tna Independent , also includes ing Stone. Enquire at Residence. ment the secretary of the company says covered every trace of the crime, as no the court house, through which to heat B. D. Palmer . plosion has not yet been ascertained. is not true, that Smith has not paid the another Clinton county boy,Chas. Gadt, weapons have been found. the building with steam or hot water, last assessment, which was made last A hydrant runs into the sink in the There were over S00 men on board late of this village. as may he decided upon by competent Half Off On Cloaks and Capes September, before the Are. Each member suberibed $500 to a hallway and here the, murderers un­ when the explosion took place. The secretary of the company says doubtedly washed away all evidences ot persons as being the best. at John Hicks ’. fund from which all the expenses of the The ship which cost $2,588,000 is a that $500 was offered Mr. Smith simply the crime and afterwards disposed of The question is to be submitted to the Your Aeconnts Collected While You total wreck and is lying in the harbor for the purpose of avoiding a lawsuit, expedition will be paid, and provisions the bludgeon that killed their victim. people at the comiug April election, aud Wait. almost submerged. and was in no way intended to compro ­ sufficient to last eighteen months will be Lauzan was a cooper by trade, but it is hoped the property owners and tax ­ The explosion shook the whole city of mise the loss. purchased at Portland before shipping. had not worked at the trade for years. payers of the county will look well into The following testimonial speaks foi He was a subject to epilepsy and was the matter, and by so doing see the im­ itself: Havana. They take along a steam boiler and en­ afraid in one of bis fits he would fall in portance of changing the system of heat­ St. Johns , Mich., Feb. 8,1898. While neither the secretary nor Capt. gine and steam dredge, with which they the fire. He was of a roving disposition ing, and by the use of steam or hot wat­ A short time ago we placed in the Dickens are inclined to discuss the IMPROVED THE PLANT expect to work out the “ yellow stuff” and in season followed the circuses and er, ensure a saving of many dollars in hands of Louis Severence, attorney-at- probable cause of the accident, several from river and creek bottoms. fairs. He was married two years ago fuel and stoves, besides having the build­ law, for collection, a note that was long In undertaking to accompany this to Miss Mabel McDonald of Ionia, hut ing thoroughly aud evenly warmed. past due. Within one hour from the suggestions were ventured upon. They party into the land of cold feet and gold only lived with her a short time. She This is not the most important aud time we placed the matter in the hands believe that it may have been caused Electric Light Board Has Made graves “ Bart” Hettler shows that he had recently commenced proceedings valued feature in the proposed change. of Mr. Severence he collected and still carries bis nerve at the age of 60 for a divorce. brought us the money. We regard him by a tire in the buukers, heating the Rapid Progress The safety of the puplic records is the bulkneads near the magazine. years. He states that many have tried Lauzan has visited St. Johns several question of greatest importance. The as a reliable and very efficient collector. to discourage him, hut is satisfied that times in the last few years and was way those stoves are left to burn all 18 4w Davies & Adams . As yet the case of the explosion i» if he could live in Clinton countv two known by several of the sporting fra­ night, has created great anxiety on the not apparent. The wounded sailors a I Best Yalues In Cottons at IN REDUCING THE COST OF OPER­ years he can surely keep body and soul ternity of this village. He was here part of those who best acquainted with the Maine arc unable to explain it together in Klondike. He has had ex- two years ago and on July 29, 1897. the the facts. It is difficult to regulate a John hicks ’. They say the explosion took place ATING THE PLANT. rience in the gold fields, and has been days of Ringling Bros. show’, with a coal fire just right. They are apt to while they were, asleep, so that they Krther north than Dawson City by 700 ‘‘chuck luck” game of chance. burn very freely or to go out entirely. Farm at A action. can give no particulars as to the cause, miles. Sheriff Rehle has offered $300 reward The time saved in transacting business The Hiram Nestell estate, 120 acres, They Believe Id Paying Good Wage* to Mr. Hettler was born in France in for the arrest and convietion of the in the circuit court by the suspension situated two miles west and one mile (.'apt.
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