Sixty-Fifth Congress, First Session.
- SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. - 99 . ~ I ... atnngrtssinnal ·Jtcnrd. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY -FIFTH _CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. Hale Lewis Pomerene Stone SENATE. Hardwick Lodge .Ransdell Sutherland Hitchcock McCumber Reed Swanson lfoNDAY, ApriZ 13, 1917. Rusting McKellar Robinson Thompson James . McLean Saulsbury Tillma n The first session of the Sixty-fifth Congress commenced this Johnson, Cal. Martin Sbafroth Townsend day at the Capitol, in the city of Washington, in pursuance of Johnson, S.Dak. Myers Sheppard Underwood Jones, N. Mex. Nelson Sherman Vardatna n the proclamation of the President of the United States of the Jones, Wash. New Shields Wadsworth 21st <lay of March, 1917. Kellogg Norris Simmons Walsh The VICE PRESIDENT (THOMAS R. MARSHALL, of Indiana) Kendrick Overman Smith, Ariz. Wa rren Kenyon Owen Smith, Ga. Watson called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. King Page Smith, Md. Weeks Rev. J. L. Kibler, of the city of Washington, offe1·ed the fol Kirby Penrose Smith, Mich. Williams Knox Phelan Smith, S.C. Wolcott lowing prayer : La Fo1lette Pittman Smoot In the simplicity of our hearts, 0 God, and in the very depths Lane Poindexter Sterling of humility we come into Thy presence. At the opening of this extraordinary session of Congress we come first to seek Thy Mr. FLETCHER. I desire to announce that my colleaguo guiding hand. Amid the confusion and violence of the world [Mr. TRAMMELL] is unavoidably absent on account of sickness in his family. to-day w~ can not know the things that may shortly come to pass. Lead us, 0 God, through the darkness until the day Mr.
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