Gtnngrtssinnal Jrrnrd. PRO.CEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY -FOURTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION. SENATE. Mr. PITTMAN. Mr. President, I wish to announce that the Senator from California [Mr. PHELAN] has been unavoidably MoNDAY, Deceml;er 4, 1916. detained and will be Ilere Wednesday. The first Monday of December being the day prescrib-ed by Mr~ VARDAMAN. :Mt·. President; I desh·e to announce the the Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting unavoidable absence of the Senator from Louisiana [1\Ir. BRous­ of Congress, the second session of the Sixty-fourth Congress SARD], who is detained from the Senate on account of illness., The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-two Senators have answered commenced this day. to the roll call. The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. NOTlFICA.TION TO T:B::E HOUSE. The Vice President (THOMAS R. MARSH~ of Indiana) called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. KERN submitted the foTiowing- reso.1uti&n ( S. Res. 278 )·, which was read, considered by unanimous consent,. and agreed to: PRAYER. Re-solved, That the Secretary inform th~ House of Representatives that a guorum of the Senate is assembled and that the> Senate. is ready The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the to- pli'oceedl to business·. following prayer: · Almighty God, the representatives of the people have gath­ NOTIFICATION TO THE. PRESIDE.t.~T ered together to give direction to the course of the ctvil affairs Mr. KERN submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 279), of this great Nation. We recognize Thy good hand that has which was read and considered by unanimous cons.ent: led us on from the beginning until this day. We acknowledge .RcscrZved, That a committee co-nsisting of two Senators~ appointed to join such committee as may be appointed by tile House o-f Representa­ before Thee first of all <mr infinite debt of gratitude and would tives to wait upon the President of the United Sta.-tes and! info-1-n1 Mm make mention of Thy name, the name of the God ot our fathers, that a qummm. o-f ea.ch HQ..1l&e is assembled and that Congress is ready to which is above every name to us and to the Nation. receive a,ny communicatton he may be pleased to make. We <lesire to renew our covenant with Thee to entet• into The VICE PRESIDENT appointed as the eommittee Mr. KERN heartiest accord with Thy will and Thy purpose. We praise and Mr. GALLINGER. Thee that Thou dost continue us in brotherly spirit and unity HOUR OF DAILY MEETING. of purpose; that nothing has occurred in this Nation sinee we Mr. KER-N ubmitted: the following uesolution (S. Res. 280}, last met which has separated brother from brother or onr which was read, considered by ununi:mou coru;e:nt, and agreed to-: recognition of our common interests or the pursuit of our high Resolved, That the heur ()f daily meeting o:t1 the Senate be 12 o'eloe.k ideals. We pray that Thou wilt continue to us the blessings meridian until otherwise ordered. of the past; that Thou wilt give to us a common purpose, the RECE S. strength of conviction and loyalty to the great ideals of' om· national life. A-:lr. KERN. I move that· the Senate take a recess until 3 We name before Thee in loving memory and in high appre­ o'clock this afternoon. ciation one who has departed from us since we last met. We The motion was agreed to; and (at 12 o'cloek and 11. minutes praise Thy name for the high example that he has se~ for p. m.) the Senate took a recess until 3 o'cloclr p. m., when it the service that he has rendered to the country, for the memory reassembled. that abides to be cherished on through the days of our na­ T.H_J!l, JOUHl"iAL. tional life. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Ohair is informed that the We pray Thee to equip these men whom Thou dost this day Journal of the proceedings of the Senate of September 7 lru t call into Thy ser~ce of leadership, that they may have wisdom has never been approved. Is there any objeetion to fhe formal and grace to follow the example of those who have lived high approval of the Journal of that day~ The Chair hears none, lives and have erved Thee humbly and faithfully, so that and it stands approved.- they may have a part in the future glory of our great Nation. M.ESSAGE. FROD THE HO.U E. Forgive our national sins. Accept our praises for Thy loving­ 1\Ir-. South, t:l).e Chief- Clerk of the House of Representatives, kindness, and bless all the people. For Christ's sake. Amen. appeared and delivered the following message: SENATORS PRESENT. 1\!'r. President, I am directed by the House of He Jresentntives - . [ to inform tlle Senate that a quorum of the H0useof Repr · nta- The. VI<?E PRESIDEN'-!-'. Senators, the hour havin~ a:r1ved tives has assembled and that the Hol'l.Se i ready for trqsines..:;. ttt wh1~h, m accordance w1th the mandate of the Cons!Itubon of Also, that a committee of three were ap_ pointed by the Spenker the Umted States and the custom he~etofore observed, 1t becomes on the part of the House of Representatives to join with the the duty of .the Congress of the Um_ted States to ass~ble: the committee on the part of the senate ta wait on the President of Secretary Wlll call th.e roll to determme whether a constitutional the United States and to notify him that a quorum of the two number of Senators 1s present. Houses has assembled and that Congress is ready to receive any The Secreta.ry called the roll, and the folloWing Senators an- communication that he may be pleased to make, and that 1\fr. swered to the1r names: KITCHIN, Mr. FITzGERALD, and Mr. MANN were appointed as a Ashurst Hardwick Nelson Smith, Md. committee on the part of the House. ~~~!fi~d ~~~~:ck ~~~[:: Em::· C. aJ~~:~ig t~:: :~ ~~~~~~~ ~~:~ :0 ~~~f:iure~~u:~~ Brady Busting Oliver Stone of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, the 5th day of De- ~randegee f~~son, ~Ie. g~~man ~~~;:~~nd cember, 1916, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of e~~~berlain Johnson, s. Dak. Page Taggart receil'ing such communications as the President oi the United Chilton Kenyon Penrose Thomas States shall be pleased to make them, in which it requests the Clapp Kern Pittman Thompson concurrence of the Senate. 8~~~son t~!ollette ~~~erene ~~~:nd Also, that the H-ouse has agreed to a concurrent resolution Cummins Lea, Tenn. Robinson Underwood authorizing such bills and joint resolutions as passed both Curtis ~~i!Id. Saulsbm·y Vardaman Houses at the last session of the Congres., and which for want 1 Wf!~ ~~~am Lippitt ~~!~~~~ .;~~~n of time were either ngt presented to the two Houses for the Gallinger Lodge Sherman Weeks signature- of their presiding officers, or, having been thus pre- Goff McCumber Shields Williams sented and signed, were not presented to the President for ap- g~~~na. ~~~~va. ~~~~~riz. Works proval, to be now enrolled as of this session of the Congress, Uar<ling Martine, N.J. Smith, Ga. etc., ln wbicb it requests the concurrence of the Henate. 1 I, 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER .4, Fm·ther, that tlte House communlca,tes to the Senate the ln· May the llght of Heaven guide our Pre ident and hi adviser :~. telligence of the death of the Hon. LUis MuN-oz RIVERA, late that he may meet and solve with firmneRs, justice, and equnl Resident Commis ·ioner of Porto Rico, and transmits resolutions rights to all concerned the intricate problems which now con­ of the House thereon. front us and which may arise under the new contlitions brought Also, that the House has passed r~sqlptions relative ~o the about by the nations engaged in strife, that peace and prosperity life and public services of Ron. JAMES P. 0LABKE, late a Senator may continue throughout our borders. from the State of Arkansas. Let wisdom guide our judiciary, that their jutlgments may NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. be true and righteous altogether, that the coordinate branches of our Government may work together in harmony, in accord· Mr. KERN and 1\Ir. GALLINGER appeared; and ance with the laws which Thou hast ordained, to the glory and 1\Ir. KERN said: l\Ir. President, your committee appointed honor of Thy Holy Name, under the spiritual leadership of the to act with a Uke commJttee upon the part of the House of world's great Exemplar, for Thine is the kingdom and the Representatives to notify the· President of the United States po·wer and the glory forever. Amen. that both Houses of Congress were organized and ready to do business, and to ascertain his desires with reference to com­ ROLL CALL BY STATES: municating with Congress, beg leave to report that we have per· The SPEAKER directed the Clerk to call the roll by States formed that duty. We have been informed by the President to ascertain the- presence of a quorum, when the following­ that he will be pleased to address both Houses of Congress in named Members responded : joint convention on to-morrow, the 5th instant, at 1 o'clock ALABAMA. postmeridlan. Oscar L. Gray. William B. Oliver. JOINT MEETING OF THE TWO HOUSES. S.
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