1912. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secretary will read the GEORGIA. resolutions presented by the Senator from Maryland. Charles G. Edwards. Gordon Lee. S. A. Roddenbery. Samuel J. Tribble. ~'he resolutions (S. Res. 392) were read, considered by unani­ Dudley M. Hughes. Thomas W. Hardwick. mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: William C. Adamson. William G. Brantley. Resolvecl, That the Senate has beard with profound sorrow the Charles L. Bartlett. announcement of the death of Hon. ISIDOR RAYNER, late a Senator from ILLINOIS. the State of Jn1·yland. Martin B. l\Iadden. John C. McKenzie. Rcsoh:ed, That the Secretary communicate these res-0lutions to the James R. Mann. James McKinney. • House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of William W. Wilson. Claude U. Stone. the deceased. James T. McDermott. John A. Sterling. Mr. CULLO::\I. Mr. President, I desire as a further mark of Adolph J. Saba th. Joseph G. Cannon. \ Frank Buchanan. William B. McKinley. respect to offer the following resolution, and I ask for its Thomas Gallagher. James M. Grnham. present consideration. Lynden Evans. William A. Rodenberg. George Edmund Foss. Martin D. Foster. The resolution (S. Res. 393) was read, considered by unani· Ira C. Copley. H. Robert Fowler. mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: Charles E. Fuller. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the !:-<DIANA. late Vice President JAM ES SCHOOLCRAFT SHERMA)l" and the late Senators William A. Cullop. Martin A. Morrison. \VFJLDON BRINTON HEYBUR:'l and ISIDOR RAYNER, whose deaths have just William E. Cox. Edgar D. Crumpacket". been announced, the Senate do now adjourn. Lincoln Dixon. George W. Rauch. Thereupon the Senate (at 12 o'clo~k and 22 minutes p. m.) Ralph W. Moss. Cyrus Cline. Charles A. Korbly. Henry A. Barnhart. adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December 3, 1012, at 11 John A. M. Adair. o'clock a. m. IOWA. Charles A. Kennedy. S. F. Prouty. Charles E. Pickett. Horace M. 'l'owner. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. James W. Good. William R. Green. KANSAS. MoNDAY, Deceniber ~, 1912. Joseph Taggart. George A. Neeley, This being the day fix:e<l by the Constitution for the annual Philip P. Campbell. Victor Murdock. meeting of the Congress of the United States, the House of KE.."\TUCKY. Ollie M. James. James C. Cantrill. Representatives of the Sixty-second Congress met in its Hall Augustus 0. Stanley. Harvey Ilelm. at 12 o'clock m. for its third session, and was caJled to order by R. Y. 'Thomas, jr. W. J. Fields. the Speaker, Hon. CnA~P CLARK, a Representatiye from the Ben Johnson. John W. Langley. Swagar Sherley. Caleb Powers. State of l\Iissouri. AJ:thur B. Rouse. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden; D. D., offered the fol­ LO ISIA:-<A. lowing prayer : Albert EstopinaJ. John T. WatlUns. H. Garland Dupre. J"oseph E. Ransdell. God of the uniyerse, Father of all souls, whose spirit divine Robert F. Broussard. Arsene P. Pujo. pervades all space, the light of the world, the inspiration of M.lINE. men, source of all good, continue, we beseech Thee, Thy min­ A.sher C. Hinds. Samuel W. Gould. istrations unto us as a people, that with patriotic zeal and re­ Daniel J. l\IcGillicuddy. li'rank E. Guernsey. ligious fervor we may press forward to the higher altitudes MA.RYLA..."lD. contemplated by our fathers in a Government "conceived in J. Harry Covington. Thomas Parrnn. liberty and deuicated to tlle proposition that all men are created Joshua F. C. Talbott. David J. Lewis. J. Chas. Linthicum. equal." MASSACHUSETTS. That the full fruition of its genius may at last obtain to George P. Lawrence. Samuel W. McCall. the betterment of mankind, so move upon the hearts of these Frederick H. Gillett. William F. l\Iurray. Thy ser\ants now convened to conclude the work of the Sixty­ William H. Wilder. Andrew J. Peters. Butler Ames. John W. Weeks. second Congress, that their efforts may be well pleasing in Thy Ernest W. Roberts. sight. MICHIGAN. Imbue with wisdom, strengtll, and courage the Speaker of this Frank E. Doremus. Joseph W. Fordney. House, thaf be may preside over its deliberations with justice Edward L. Hamilton. James C. McLaughlin. and equity, that its resolves and enactments may redound to Edwin F. Sweet. l•'rancis H. Dodds. the good of the millions here represented. Henry l\IcMorran. II. Olin Young. Inspire, bless, guide the President of these United States and MIXXl!:SOTA. Sydney Anderson. Charles A. Linduergh. ills counselors, that the laws of the land may be· faithfully Charles R. Davis. Clarence B. Miller. executed and the affairs of State amicably adjusted in conso­ Frederick C. Stevens. Halvor Steenerson. nance with the ideals of righteousness, truth, and justice. Let Frank 1\1. Nye. 'I'hy wisdom guide tlle judiciary in their high and holy calUng, MISSISSIPPI. Ezekiel S. Candler, jr. Benjamin G. Humplireys. that justice may fulfill its perfect w~rk. So may the people, Hubert D. Stephens. Samuel A. Witherspoon. with tlleir servants in the coordinate bran~es of the Govern­ MISSOL'RI. ment, strive for the i<leals in all that makes a nation great and James 'l'. Lloyd. D-0rsey W. Shackleford. glorious, that the dear Oltl Flag may float Hs stars and stripes Joshua W. Alexander. Champ Clark. iu graceful foltls over a land of peace and plenty now and Charles F. Booher. Richard Bartholdt. William P. Borland. Walter L. Hensley. eYermore, in the spirit of-the Prince of Peace. Amen. Clemente. Dickinson. Joseph J. Russell. CALL OF ROLL. Courtney W. Hamlin. James A. Dacgherty. The SPEAKER. Tlle Clerk will call the roll of .Members by MOXTAXA. States. Charles N. Pray. The roll was called, and the following :Members answered to NEBRASKA. John A. Maguil'e. George W. Norris. tlleir names : Dan V. Stephens. Moses P. Kinkaid. A.LABA'.\IA. Charles H. Sloan. George W. Taylor. Richmond P. Hobson. :KEYA.DA • 8. 11. Dent, jr. .Tohn L. Burnett. E. E. Roberts. Henry D. Clayton. William Richardson. P. L. Blackmon. Oscar W. Underwood. NEW JERSEY. J. '.fliorna.s Heftin. William J. Browning. Edward W. Townsend. ARIZONA. Thomas J. Scully. Walter I. McCoy. Carl Hayden. Ira W. Wood. Eugene F. Kinkead. William E. Tuttle, jr. ARKANSAS. l\'EW MEXICO. Robert Bruce :Macon. · Henderson M. Jacoway. George Curry. IIarvey B. Fergusson. William A. Oldfield. W. S. Goodwin. J obn l!. Floyd. NEW YORK. CALIFORNIA. George H. Lin.dsay. J"ohn J. Kindred. John E. Raker. James C. Needham. James P. Maher. Thomas G. Patten. Julius Kahn. William D. Stephens. Frank E. Wilson. Henry George, jr. William C. Redfield. Steven B. Ayres. COLORADO. William M. Calder. Henry S. De Forest. Atterson W. Rucker. John J. lJ'itzgerald. '.l'heron Akin. CON!-IECTICUT. Daniel J. Riordan. Charles A. Talcott. Henry M. Goldfogie. · J"ohn W. Dwight. ~homas L. Reilly. Ebenezer J. Hill. \Villiam Sulzer. Sereno E. Payne. l!:dwin W. lliggins. Charles V Fornes., :> ~em:y G. Dan~rth 1 J 1 , ._ : . J I • J I li'LORIDA. Michael F. Conry. <1 ·• ·- J-,dwm S. UndevhQl. l < r J. · · • Jc Stephen M. Sparkman. Frank Clark. Jefferson M. Levy. Daniel A. Drisc'olt 4 CONGIRE-SSION AL REClORD-11IOU.sE. DECEl\IBER 2., NOR'.I'H •CAROLINA. he swmn "in in 'Ud"'ra:nce rot 'the :rreceipt .o-f hls ct•eclentials, <there J"ohn H. Small. ·Robert N. Page. being no question ·nf ·his election. Is :there •objection? J"ohn I. Faison. Robert L. Doughton. 'There was 910 :abjection. Edward W. Pou. Edwin Y. Webb. Charles M. Stedman. James M. Gudger. The SPEAKER .The ·Olel'k will :read ·the follow.ing memo· Hannibal L. God win. ira:ndum: NOR'l'B 'DA-KOT.A.. "The Oler'k ead as follows: H. T. Helgesen. Louis B. Hanna. CLERK'S OFFICE, OHIO. HOUSE ·OF ..REJPRESEKTATITES, Nicholas Longworth. Horatio C. Claypool. Washington, D. 0., Dece1nber 2, 1.912. Alfred G. Allen. Edward L. Taylor, jr. .Hon. CHAMP CLARK, Sveaker of tlle House of :Rern:esenta'ti~cs. ;James M. Cox. George White. J J". H . Goeke. W. B. Francis. -DEaR Sm·: The ·'fo"Ilowlng certificates .of election to fhe Sixty ~second Timothy T . .An.sberry. William A. Ashbrook. Congress have been received and filed : Matthew Il. Denver. ;John J. Whitacre. .Hon. .ABCH.l.BALD C. HAR.T, of the State of New Jersey, .to till vacancy J. D. Post. E. R. Bathrick. caus-ed b.y the .resignation of Hon. William Hughes. Frank B. Willi . Paul Howland. ' Hon. GI-'ORGE .C. -SCOTT, of 1:he State of 'lowa, to :fi.11 the :vacnncy Isaac R. Sherwood. .R. J. Bulkley. <c.aused ·by ·the death ·of Bon. ilillbert H. Hubbard. Robert l\1. Switzer. .Hon. JilDW1N A. MmmIT'.J;. Jr., •of the -State of New Yo.rk, to fill the OKUIIOliA. vacancy -caused .by the death of Hon. George R. Malby. Dick T. Morgan. Scott F erris. Respectfully, SOUTll Tnnrnr.E, OREGON. Olerk of House of Repn:sc1rlC1tives. A. W."Lafferty. The SPEAKER. The Chair will state that the credentials PEXNSllVA...~IA. of the three Members referred to in this memorandum have William S. Vare. Jesse L. Hartman. William Stuart Ile-Ybnrn. Daniel F. Lafean. been receiyed, and that they are correct in every respect. Un· J. Hampton Moore. Charles El Patton. less there .b.e ·objection, the Ohair will ·aBsume that unanimous Michael Donohoe. -Curtis H. Gregg. consent is giren to waive the reading of the credentials, and the George D. McCreary. Thomas S. Crago. '.rhomas S. Butler. Charles Matthews. Members eled will ·recei've-the oath of office.
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