Stnmal', Marcii L, 19$'.J \Erian Chueh at A~Sta, Georgia
THE PRESII)DJT'• S APPOIITM.EMTS StnmAl', MARCii l, 19$'.J The President and Mrs. Eisenhower attend the Re1d Memorial. Preeby \erian Chueh at A~sta, Georgia. The Pr•sl.«lttnt, Mr''8. Ji;i._senhQwer and mem.ben •f the Preeident• s party arrived at tbe Washington National Airport at. 6,55 }'>:.m. astd. motored dircu:~l.1' to ~b.e \\'hite Bouse. PRESIDEft'S APPOIN'l'KENTS MONDA?, CH 2, 1953 8c.30 aa The Presi ent et with the gi l tive Leaders: The Vice Presid t Senator Robert A. Ta.ft, Ohio Senator Styles Bridges, Ne Hamp hire Senator William F. Knowland, California Senator en D. Milllkin, Colorado S ator Leverett Saltonstall, s chusetts Senator Hugh tler, Nebras Hon. Jo ph w. Martin, The Speaker Congresnan Charles A. Halleck, India Congres Leslie C. Arends, Illinois Gongres Ch unce;rw. Red, Illinois Honorable Sh rman Ad Maj. Gen. Wilton B. Persons (This is the us group, plus S nator tler ot ebraaka, and Congressman Reed, of Illinois, whose name wer dded b7 General Pereorus) 11:00 (Start M ting) 11130 onorable Robert Cutler, Adnd.nist.r t1v Assistant to th Pre ident Honorable J es s. Lay, Executive Secretary, National Securit7 Council (They will btle!' the Pr sident on the ational Sec it7 Council eeting s t. for Wedn - halt hour) 12:00 Honorabl Lewi L. Strauss (Former Member of Atomic En rgy Co ssion: Mr. Cutler arrang this ppoint ent.) 12:.30 pa H.R.H. Prine Fai , of Saudi Ar bi H.E. Sheikh A ad Al-F qih, The bas ador ot Saudi Ar bi Sheikh Ibrahia Suleiaan, Principal Assistant to the Prine•J also a M er ot the UN Delegation Sheikh Ali Ali s , InterpreterJ H er of th ml Delegation Honorable John • Sinmon , Chief, Division of Protocol, Department of st te A.
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