~ f:B~STABLE ;:~-;-~ .•fiu:;:;:; Post Box 31, -.::::::.. -.::::::.. BOMBAY -.::::::.. -.::::::.. -.::::::.. tq ~ 3. ~.T

Dear Sir, I have much pleasure in forwarding a copy of~ £. s~ (JtAL d ~ (}lew &J.) price o/' l;l4.,for review and trust that it will receive an early notice. I shall be glad if you will forward me two copies of the issue in which the review appears.

Yours faithfully,

Manager in btdia To The Editor ~ 4/YV~ ,[ fk.c;{_~



dN HIS'l'O'l{!.CdL S'l'UVY






OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRES.S 1924 Oxford University Press Londotz Edinburgh _Glasgow Copenhagen New York 'Toronto "Melbourne Cape 'Town Bombay Calcutta Madras Shanghai

Humphrey Milford Pt!blisher to the UNIVERSITY

Printed in England PREFACE

'THE Eastern Question has by degrees assumed such.. Jarge proportions that no one can be surprised at the space it occupies in all public discussions whether of the tongue or of the pen.' So Lord Stratford de Redcliffe wrote to·1'he 1'imes on Septem- . ber 9, 1876. His words testified to a notorious fact. The fact has not become less notorious ~uring the forty years since the words were written nor have the proportions assumed by the Eastern Question become less ample. In view of these facts it is the more surprising that English Historical Literature should still lack any systematic and continuous accoun1: of the origin and development of the Eastern Question. Monographs exist in plenty on special aspects of the problem, and many general Histories of Europe contain useful chapters on the subject, but I do not know of any book in English which attempts the task which in the present work I have set before myself. · The main lines of this book were laid down many years ago; the subject has formed part of my academic teaching; for this purpose my materi~l has been under constant revision, and some of it has been utillzed for articles recently contributed to the Edinburgh Review, the Fort11ightly Review, and the· Nineteenth Century a11d After. To the proprietors and editors of these Reviews I am indebted for permission to reproduce portions of my articles, but none of them are reprinted i11 txtenso. Elsewhere, in the course of my protracted journey, . VI The _Eastern Question I have come across traces of my own footsteps, indicating the route of previous historical ~xcursions. In such cases I have not been careful to avoid them, and here and there I have incorporated whole paragraphs from earlier works, for I was long ago impressed by the warning that a man may say a thing once as he would have it said, but he cannot say it twice. To each chapter I have suffixed a list of authorities which will I trust b-e f~mnd useful by st;dents, by teachers,. and by - the ' general reader ' who may desire further information on special topics which in a work like the present must needs be somewhat summarily dismissed. To stimulate such curiosity and to encourage more detailed research are among the main . objects which I have had in view. But my primary purpose has been to provide for those who are in any degree charged with the responsibility for the solution of a· most complex political problem an adequate basis of. historical knowledge. A knowledge of the past is not in itself sufficient to solve the problems of the present ; but no solution is likely to be effective or enduring which is not based upon such knowledge. Least of all in the case of a problem which, like th~ of the Near East, includes numerous factors which are intelligible only in t?e light of past events, many of them remote, and most of them obscure. Especially obscure are the facts of the political geography of the Balkans. My numerous maps are intended to elucidate them, and if they are found to fulfil their purpose at all ade­ quately it is mainly owing to the kind help of my friend and colleague Mr. C. Grant Robertson, M.A., C.V.O., of All Souls College, and to the extraordinary patience and care bestowed upon their preparation by the Assistant Secretary to the .. Preface Vll Delegates of the Press. But every student of historical geography will acknowledge the difficulty of the task. Among the maps will be found one on Balkan Ethnography which no one should consult without taking heed to Sir Charles Eliot's warning : ' every Ethnographic map of the Balkan Peninsula gives a different view of the arrangement of the. populations.' In truth precision is unattainable, and the map must be accepted only as a rough indication of the distribution of races. In the accomplishment of my task I have incurred many obligations to friends which it is a duty and a pleasure to acknowledge. Sir Arthur Evans kindly allowed me to c<1nsult him on one or two geographical points ; Dr. Holland Rose of Cambridge and Professor Alison Phillips of Dublin were good enough to reply in some detail to questions addressed to them, while to Dr. R. W. Macan, Master of University College, and to Mr. Grant Robertson I owe a debt which I find it difficult to acknowledge in terms which shall be at once adequate to my own sense of gratitude and not repugnant to them. Both these distinguished scholars have subjected my proof sheets to the most careful revision, and from both I have received invaluable suggestions. My obligations to writers who have covered parts of the same ground are, it is needless to add, exceedingly numerous, but I trust that they have been acknowledged in the foot-notes and bibliographies. For any unacknowledged or unwitting appropriation I crave pardon. To the modern school of French historians my debt is particularly heavy, and I desire to pay my respectful homage to the skill with which they combine massive erudition with a brilliance of exposition which none may hope to rival. Neither in French, however, nor in any other language have I come across any book which Vlll The Eastern Questio1t is identical in scope and purpose with my own, and though no one can be nwre conscious than myself both of the inadequacy of my equipment and the imperfection of my ex~cution, yet I-have no misgivings as to the importance or the timeliness of the task I have essayed. The author may have dared too much ; but the book itself was overdue. J. A. R. MARRIOTT. OxFORD, Easter Eve (Ap,.il 7), 19~7. NOTE TO SECOND EDITION

'l SHOULD be grossly. insensible to generosity if I failed to acknowledge with gratitude the kindly reception accorded to the first edition of this work, more particularly by those of my critics and confreres who are most competent to judge. To their appreciation I must attribute the fact that a second­ edition has been called for sooner than I dared to anticipate. I have also to thank many correspondents known and unknown who have favoured me with a list of corrigenda, mostly slips of the pen, or slight typographical errors. These, I need not say, have been corrected. This Second Edition has also ·enjoyed the advantage of a careful revision at the hands of two friends, who approached the task from widely different standpoints : the Right Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., and the Rev. Dr. Margoliouth, I.audian Professor of Arabic in the University of Oxford. To both I desire to tender my grateful thanks for a substantial list of corrections; but neither must be held responsible for any errors in which I may have decided to persist ; still less for any opinions to which I adhere. The book was and is intended to close with the outbreak of the European War in 1914. In deference to the opinion of friends, I added to the first edition an epilogue, and I have in this edition, under similar pressure, brought the epilogue up to date. But the chapter is added merely for the con­ venience of readers ; obviously it can possess no historical value save as recording the rapid impression conveyed to a contem­ porary by passing events. Before the written word is in print X The Eastern Question ' the fml'ression may be efface? and the assumed facts may have to be corrected. For such work the historian can accept no responsibility, though it is needless to add that in compiling the summary I have exercised all possible care. I should like, in this conl).exion, to acknowledge the help derived from that invaluable publication, . The Annual Register, and from the spirited journalistic enterprise, The New Europe. Substantial additions have been made to the bibliographies ; in compiling them I have received from Mr. C. H. Firth, Regius Professor of Modern History, the help which no one is more competent and no one more ready to afford. J: !).. R. MARRIOTT. OxFORD, June 24, 1918.


AT the request of my publishers I have added a Second Epilogue, contain:ing a brief summary of events between 1917 and the Signature of the Treaty of Lausanne (1923). I have to thank my friend the Rev. Dr. Margoliouth,

LaudianProfessor of Arabi~, for his signal kindness in correcting the proofs of the Epilogue (Part II).


HousE OF CoMMONs LIBRARY, September 7, 1924. CONTENrr'S

PAGE r. INTRODUCTORY. The Problem of the Near East I z. PHYSics AND PoLITics • zo

3· THE ADVENT OF THE OTToMANs. Conquests in Europe 41

4· THE : ITS ZENITH, 1453-I566. Suleiman the ]{agnJficent 73 S· THE DECADENCE OF THE OTToMAN EMPIRE. Contest with and the Habsburgs I05

6. THE EASTERN QUESTION IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Russia and , 1689-1792 118 § 1. From the Treaty of Caflowitz to the Treaty of , 1699-1739 1%8 § z. From the Treaty of Belgrade to the Treaty of KutSchuk- Kainardji, I739""74 • 142 § 3· Austro-Russian Alliance, 177:S--92. I 54 ·7· NAPOLEON AND THE NEAR EASTERN PROBLEM 16.1, § 1. West and East, 1797-1807 165 § z. The Ottoman Empire and the Resurrection of Serbia • 177 § 3· Napoleon and Alexander. 184 8. _THE STRUGGLE FOR HELlENIC INDEPENDENCE 193

9· Tal!: PowERS AND 'IHE EASTERN QuESTION, ISJ0-41• Mehemet Ali of Egypt us 10. THE CRIMEAN WAR • 2.49 11. THE MAKING OF RouMANIA z85 12. THE BALKAN INSURRECTIONS. 'l'he Southern Slave. The Russo­ Turkish War. The Powen and the Eastern Question, 1856-78 • JO!J Xll Co1ztents

PAGE 13. Tm; R\LKAN STATEs, I878-98. The :Waking of Bulgaria. Modern Greece (I832-98). The Cretan Problem 346 I.J.. A NEw FACTOR IN THE PRoBLEM. German Policy in the ]:iear East, I888-I9o8 · 386 ·I5· THE MACEDONIAN PROBLEM. Habsburg Policy in the Balkans. The Young Turk Revolution 408 16. THE BALKAN LEAGUE AND THE B.~LKAN WARS 437 I7• EPILOGUE, I9I4-I6 IS. EPILOGUE II, 19I7-24 APPENDIX A : List of Ottoman Rulers APPENDIX B: Shrinkage of the Ottoman Empire in Europe, I8I7-I9I4 543 APPENDIX C : Genealogies 544 INDEX· ·. • 547 LIST OF MAPS

The Balkan Peninsula. jronti1piece The Balkans : Physical Features • 26 The Balkans under the Roman Empire : Roads 34 The Balkans at the Present Day:· Railwaya • 3s The Ottoman' Empire, except the Arabian and African Provinces 42 The Balkan Peninsula: Ethnological • facing 45 M~diaeval Bulgaria. A.D. 900-I019 <' 53 Mediaeval Serbia under Stephen Dushan s6 Greece, I832-I9I3 373 Frontiera of States in 1912; Aspirations of Roumania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece 439

'Balkan States, 1878-I9I41 showing acquisitions of Montenegro, Roumania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece, 19I3, and the territory ceded to Bulgaria and retroceded to Turkey, I9I3 48a INDEX

Abbas I, 245. Akaba, 489. ,Abdul Aziz1 Sultan, 311 1 3121 325. Akerman, 162. See Treaties. Abdul Hamid I, Sultan, 1581 161. Alaeddin, Seljukian Sultan, 43, too. Abdul Hamid II, Sultan, 18, 25, 771 Albania, 15, 161 271 481 6o1 8o-21 325, 331, 358,362,387,395,397-8, us, 187, 204, 2071 zz8, 342, 413, 401, 402, 4"4. 414, 416-18, 4:1.1, 449, 450, 454, 458-62, 471, 472. 434-6, 459· 'Albanian Gap', 271 28, 31. Abdul Mejid, Sultan, 2381 2491 31~, Albanians, 413, 420. JII. Alberoni, Cardinal,'6, 141. Abdullah , 231. Albert, Prince, of Saxe-Coburg (the Abercromby, Sic Ralph, 17:1.. Prince Consort), 2471 298 1 310. Aberdeen, 4th Earl of, :1.471 :1.48, :1.5:1., Alep~o, 23:1.1 234· :1.57, :t6o, 2611 265, 310. Aless1o1 171 454· Aboukir : see Battles. Alexander I, Tsar, 6, 71 101 1731 184, Acre, :1.41; siege of, (1799) 1701 186, r87, 189, 195, 196, zo6, 2071 (183:1.) :1.31 1 {1840) 243• 212, 146, 275. 291, 292· Adana, 1341 2371 435· Alexander II, Tsar, 271, 181. Aden, 9:1.1 99 ; occupied by England Alexander III, Tsar, 3521 3581 3611 (1839). :1.39· 398. Adrianople, 441 471 1111 3301 335, Alexander, King of Greece, 507-8. 4:1.7, 45:1., 454, 456, 465, 466; Alexander I of Serbia, 314, 414-5. fall of ( 1913), 4 57 ; recaptured Alexander of Battenberg, Prince of {1913)1 464; Ottoman capital, 64. Bulgaria, JSI1 352, 353, 354. See Battles antl Treaties. JS6"'9· Adriatic, the, 191 2.11 171 18, JI1 166, Alexandria1 22-40 1691 1]61 1291 1301 174. 175. 190· 191, 198, 204, 391, 238, 243; fall of {18o6), :r.z7. 4:1.9, 430, 446, 453-So 458, 471, See Battles. 49:1.-4; problem of, 389 seq. Algeciras, 440. Aegean, the, 3, 41 9, 190 J01 ]11 36, Algiers, 921 95, 971 :u6, 438. 46, 47, 82, 85, 113, 391, 446, 454, Ali .,asha, of Janina, 1781 203 1 1041 455, 459, 463, 47o, 496. 2071 zz6. -Islands, 84, 95 1 zoo, 458, 461. Alma: see Battles. Aerenthal, Baron von, 4181 4291 430, Amastris, 83. 458. Amiens : see Treaties. Afghanistan, 177. Anatolia, 31 83, 434, 435, 473• Agadir, 440, Ancona, 8z. Ahmed I, Sultan, 107. Andrassy Note, 323, 324. Ahmed II, Sultan, 108. Andrew II of , 58. Ahmed 1111 Sultan, 108, 133. Andronicus Ill, 6o. Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of (1748), Anglo-French Agreement, 440. 143· Angora: rtl Battl~s. 1832.11 Nn~ Index

Anna, Empress, 6r. 474-5; and Herzegovina, 17, 155, Anne, Tsarina, 139, I+f. 335. 343. 345, J48, 384. 391, 407, Antivari, 335, 46o. 418,421,423,426,427,438,486; Apafy, Prince of Transylvania, u6, and Roumania, 474-5 ; and 125, n6. Russia, 138-42, 154-9, 237; and Arabia, 92, 228, 244, 434. 442; Salonica, 423, 483; and Serbia, conquered by Turks, 86. 424-32,446,474-83,485-6,491; Ardahan, 341, 398· and the Slavs, 425 seq.; and Argos, 82. Turkey, 154, ISS, 163; war with Argyle, 8th Duke of, quoted, 2.4-7, Turkey (1788), I58-9. 248, 265. Austrian Succession, War of, 143. Armansperg, Count von, 363. Adona, 4;5-6. Armatoli, the, I 99· Aaov,83,99,I26,Iz8,130,132,133, Armenia, 275, 395-401, 472-3- I37, 139, 140, ISI• See Battles Armenian Church, 3 96. and Treaties. -massacres, r8, 362, 395,401, 435, -,Sea of, 133, 151. 473· Armenians, 79, 335· Bagchaserai, 13 9· Asia Minor, commercial penetration Bagdad, 22, 91, 399- of, 404--6; Turks in, 41, 43, 44. - Railway,. 18, 24, 404. 406, 466, 83, 8;, 89, 228, 435· sro. Astrakhan, 131. Balaclava, 268. See Battles. Athens, 67, 79, 82, us, 2::8, 381, Balfour, A. J., 511. 382, 448, soo, 5::6-8; fall of Balkan League, 18, 37, 408, 443-52. . (1827), 212. Balkan Wars: first (1912), 452-63; Auerstadt: ue Battles. the second {1913), 30, 463-5; Augsburg, League of, 126. results of, 466. Augustus III of , 139, 14). Balkans, the, 2,4, I5-17, 37, 39,194. Aurelian, Emperor, 49· 223.J90-1,42I-32,491; Ottoman Ausgleicb, the, 425· conquest of, 63-7; physical Austerlitz !' see Battles. features of, 2 5-33 ; policy of the , I5, 17, 19, I38-41, 144-6, Entente Powers in, 496, 498; I48, ISO, 154. I 55. I6o, 163, 165, roads and railways, 32-3. I66, 171, 173, 174. 187, I90, I% Balta Liman, Convention of (1849), I95, 241,296,297,326, 389; and 29+ the Adriatic, I91, 391, 422, 423, Baltic, the, 13o, 266, 490; British 427; and the Aegean, 17, 391; fleet in (1854), 266; - Russian and the Balkans, 323, 326, 327, fleet in (rno), 149. 331, 333, 335, J41, 342, 345, 356, Baphaeon : see Battles. 390-1, 414-18, 421-32, 438, 455> Bar, Confederation of, 146. 456, 458, 459, 471, 486-7; and Barbarossa, Khaireddin, 92, 93, 95, Bosnia, 17, I 55,185,335,343,345, 96, 97· 387. 348, 384. 391, 407,418,421, 423, Baring, Walter, 330. 426, 427, 438, 486; and the Boahi-Bazouks, 15, 329. Crimean War, I7, 255, 259, 261, Basil I, Emperor, 52. 262, 264, 267, 271, 276; and Basil II, Emperor (Bulgaroktonos), , 17; and the Great War, 54- 4S5-6,492, soz, 505; and Greece, Basra, 19, 22, Index 549 Batak, 329. St. Gothard, (1663) 4, ro6, 1161 Bathory, Sigismund, 287. 117· Batoum, 335, 34-1, 342, 398. St. Quentin, (aSS7) 97· Battenberg, Prince Alexander of: Salan Kernen, (1691) 127. see Alexander. Schellenburg, (1 599) 2.87. Battles: Slivnitza, (188s) 357, 358. Aboukir, {1798) 169, (1799) 170. Szecsen, (1683) 12.3. Adrianople, (1353) 6r. Tabor, Mount, (a799) 170. Alexandria, (r8or) 172. Taenarus, (1379) 64. Alma, (1854) 268. . Tchernaya, the, (1855) 274• Angora, (1402) 68. Trafalgar, (1805) 174. Auerstiidt, (18o6) a74. Varna, (a444) 71. Austerlitz, (18o5) a73, 174· Yenishehr, 84. Azov, (1575) 1311 (1648) 117, Zenta, (1697) ro6, 12.7, uS. ( 1695-6) 32. Bayezid I, Sultan, 6s-8. · Balaclava, (1854) 269, 270. Bayezid II, Sultan, 84, 85. Baphaeon, (1301) 43· Beaconsfield, , Benjamin Disraeli, -Demotica, (aJSJ) 6a. Earl of, a6, 265, 32.5, 333, 336, 337, Dragashan, (182.1) 197· 339-4a, 343-s, 352., 355,364, 365, Friedland, (1807) 184. 39a-3, 411· Hermannstadt, (1442.) 70. Belgium and the Great War, 486. Hohenlinden, (1800) 171. Belgrade, 2.7, 33, 36, 39, 47, 6o, 6z, Inkerman, (1854) 270. 69, So, 84, 87, ros, au, 12.3, us, Jena, (18o6) 174· u6, 135, 136, 14o, 159, a73, 183, Kalougarem, (1 595) 2.87. 317, 349· 42.4, 42.5, 475. 477; Khoczim, (1673) 118. conquered by Turks, 87 ; fall of Kirk Kilisse, (19rz) 452.. ( 1914), 491, 498. See Treaties. Konieh, (a832) 232 1 233. Bengazi, 441. Kossovo, (aJ89) sa, 6s, aJ5, H4. Berlin, a7-a9, ]2.1 ]6, 406; Con• (1448) 7a. gress (1878), 34a-3, 347o 364, 365, Kumanovo, (a9rz) 453-4· 39a, 42.4; Memorandum (1876), Lemberg, (1674) 118. 3ZS 1 343• See Treaties. Lepanto,.(1498) 85, (r 571) 4. ao6, Berovic, George, 3 So. 110. Besika Bay, 2.361 2.61, 32.5, ]38, 339· Lule Burgas, (1912.) 452. Bessarabia, 1sa, ass, 158, 189-9'• Marengo, (18oo) a71. :1.61, 2.77, 2.91, 2.92., 296, 33So 34at Maritza, the, (1443) 70. 344. 468. Mohacz, (1$2.6) 891 (1687) 115. Besson, M., zz9. Navarino, {182.7) zzo. Bethlehem, zsz, ZS4· Nessib, (1839) 2.38. Beyrout, 2.43· Nikopolis, {1396) 51, 66, 67, 69. Bismarck, Count Otto von, 15, a7, Nile, ( 1798) a69. aS, r sz, 264, z8o-3, 303, 32.41 Nish, (1443) 70. J40-2.0 3440 J601 ]88-9J1 4ZJ1 438 0 Parkan1 (1683) 123. 486. Pavia, (1szs) 88. Black Sea, 83, a3o, 131, 134, 1371 Peterwardein, ( 1716) a34. a401 I Slo I 58 1 162.1 163, a70, 2.76, Preveaa, (1538) 9S· 277, 423, 489,490, 503, 504, soB; Pultawa, (1709) aJJ• rights of navigation, UJ, ZJ6; 550 11ldex

Russia and, 3, 6, 130,137, 139,261, 18Ss) 3s6- s, 4z+. (1 913) 464-s; 263, 264, z66, z68, 271, 272, 279- and Turkey, 15, 327-33, 45:1.-4, 83, zSs, z89, 334, 339, 39o, 489. · so9, 5IO ; war with Turkey Bolsheviks, 490. . (1912:..13), 465; Church of, 6s..Q, Bomarsund, 266. 328,411 ; constitution of, 349-5 r, Boniface IX, Pope, 66. 44S; independence of, 384, 407, · Boniface of Montferrat, 46. 418,420; in 1913, 466, 468-g. Boris, Prince of Bulgaria (c. 865), 52. Bulgarian atrocities, rs, 329-3o, -H-4, Boris of Bulgaria, Prince (Tsar 45°· - Boris III), 44 5· -Empire : the Firat, 52, 53 ; the Bosnia, 15, 17, 19,47, so, 6o, 65, 78, Second, 55· So, us; IJ6, 155. I 59. 173> 185, -Exarchate, p, 328. 314, Jl7-24, 3:1.7, 331, 332, JJ), Bulgarians, the, IS, sr-s, 327· 341, 343, 345, 348, 38.t, 391, 407, Bulgarias, union of, 357-8. 418, 4ZI, 42.3, 424, 426, 42.7, 430, Buonaparte : see Napoleon I. 438, 486. Byron, Lord, and Greece, 10, 193, Bosphorus, the, 3, 1 z, 234, 2 3 S, 242, 204, 210, 2.11. • 254, 2611 26J, 277, 42z. Byzantine Empire, 44-7, 54, 57, 6r, Bourcbier, J. D.,.71, 445· 6z, 68, 73• 75, 79: Brankovic, George, 69-71, So. Bratiano, M. Jean, 303, 304. Cabot, John Sebastian, 23. Brest-Litovsk: :see Treaties. Cairo, 85-7, 169, 172. Bruat, Admiral, 273· Calixtus III, Pope, So. Brunnow, Baron, 239. Cambon, M. Jules, 474· Brusa, .43· Campo Formio: see Treaties. Bucharest, 2.9, 39, 149, 2.90, 3oo-4, Candia,383; siege of (1645), IIJ-1 S· 307, 320; Peace of (1886), 358. Caoea, 38o, 383. S te Treaties. Canning, George, t0-13, 187, 209,

·Buda-Pesth, 17, 36, 59, 89, res, ru, 2.12-15 1 2.18-21, 246, 343; and 12.5, 42.3; conquered by Turks, Russia, u, 217. · 91- Canning, Stratford : sell Stratford Buk.ovina, the, 154, z6o, 2.89, 297, de Redcliffe, Lord. 344, 468, sox. Canrobert, General, 26~ 273· Bulgaria, z, 41 15,191 291 36,38,47, Cantacuzenos, John, 44, 55, 6r, 63. 51-5, 58, S9 1 6S,J8, 156,184,324, Capitulations: of IS3S1 7, 93, Ifl; 327 seq., 342, 344, 345, 349 seq., of 158r, 1597, and I6of, 142; of 466; and the Dohrudja, 503 ; 1740, 253· and Germany, 491 ; and the Capo d'Istria, Count, 196, 2071 224. Great War, 468-g, 488, 497-500; Carabusa, 114. and Greece, 4451 464- 5, 470 ; Carinthia, 19, 191, JI3· alliance with Greece, 447, 449; Carlowiu. : su Treaties. war with Greece (1913), 4~-5; Carmen Sylva, 3041 307. and Macedonia, 410-12, 4P.1 4971 Carniola, 19, 191, JIJ· 498; and Russia, 327, 331, 335, Carol of Hohenzollem·Sigmaringen, 339, 398, 399, 42.1 ; and Serbia, King of .Roumania, JOJ-8, 334. 445-1. 469, ·47°. 496, 497t 499; 356, 392· 464, 473. sol. Treaty with Serbia (1912), 445- 7, Carpathians, the, zS-9. 459, 462, 463 ; war with Serbia,. Carson, Sir Edward, 497· Index 55 I

Castlereagh, Viscount, 101 1951 2041 Constantine, Emperor, 45· 2071 209. Constantine, King of Greece, 4671 Castriotis, George, Sr. 473, 4991 soc, so6, 5o7, soS. Catherine II, Tsarina of Russia, Constantinople, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 15, 144-SI, IS4-6S, '73. 177, 199· 18-:zo, :Z2-3o :J2, 38o39o46o47o $1," 258, 279; and Joseph II, 71 sz, 54. 57o 61-4, 67, 70, 73o 75o 76, I S4-~ 1 290 ; and Roumania, 290. 79, So, S:z-4, 86, 87, 89 1 103, 106, Cattaro, Bocche di, ISS, 3:z6, 348. 113, 130. 136, ISO, IS2, ISS. 156, ..,-Gulf of, 1731 191. 161, 1701 186, 187, zoo, 20$, 216, Caucasus, the, :zzJ, 335, 509. 234, 235, 241, z65, 31o, 312, 327, Caulaincourt, 187. 334, 335, 33S, 339o 394o 400, 401, Cavour, Count, 271, 2721 2741 27So 418 1 4200 422, 4340 43So 456, 4871 :z83 1 284. · 494, SIO ; capture of, by the Cecil, Lord Robert: see Salisbury, Turks (1453), 71-2; Conference Marquis of. at (1876), 332; conquest of, z:z ;" Cephalonia, 85, 166. Germany and, 1S, 490; Russia C&risy, M. de, zz9. and, 1S61 1SS, 235, 239, 241, 327, Cesarini, Cardinal John, 70. 33S, 399; 'Tsargrad', 130. See Cettinje, 44So 451. Treaties. Charles IV, Duke of Lorraine, I:Z:Z-5· -Patriarchate of, S21 58, 7S 1 316, Charles V, Emperor, 8S, 93, 95, 96. 328, 367. Charles VI, Emperor, 141, '43· Constanza, 501, 5o3, 504. Charles XII of , IJ:Z-4. Corfu, 95, 166, 173, 18S, J6S. Charles of Hohenzollern-Sigmarin- Corinth, 821 1151 :zoS. gen : see Carol, King. · - Gulf of, z:z:z. Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of, 161. Coron, Gulf of, 220, 22Z, Chios, 109, 1491 208. Cossacks, 131 1 132, 137, J 51. Choczim, 140. Couza, Colonel Alexander, 300-:J• Choiseul, Due de, 1461 159, 166. Crespy : see Treaties. Choumla, :Z:ZJ. , 1z, 14, 15, 47, S+o 87, 8S, 104,

Christianity under the Turks, 76-8, 1091 II:Z-140 I 56 0 210 0 211 0 2.261 435· 23 J, 14-l-o 258, 342, 34S, 36:z, 364, Church, General, 2040 212. 375-8o, 418-:zo, 427, 447-91 461, Clarendon, 4th Earl of, 1531 :zs6, 467 ; insurrection of 1896-71 2$71 :z641 265, 298. ' 3So-s. Clementine, Princess of Orleans, 3601 Crimea, the, 831 117, 1261 139, I so, J6:Z. 157. 1$8, 161, 163, 164, IS9, 2.77· Coalition, War of Second (179S), Crimean War, IJ1 1531 chap. 101 170-1. passim (249-84). Cochrane, Lord, 204, 212. Croatia, 191 471 6o, us, uS, 1731 Codrington, Admiral Sir Edward, 313. 317· 319• 423· 219· Croatia-Slavon1a, 427. Columbus, Christopher, 23. Croats, the, 55, 57, 426, 42.7. Comnenus, House of, 46. Cyprus, 47. S+o ss, 104, 109, I s6, - see David Comnenus. 421,48S,4S9; Convention (1S78), Conc~rt of Europe, 111 2421 144,2$41 342, 343o 393o 398. 2S4, 3090 325 1 333, 343 1 JSz, 461 1 Cr.artoryski, Prince Adam, 173• .· 471• Czartoryskis1 the1 145 • 55~ .Index -.

Dacia, 49,· 155, :a861 290. Eastern Qucation defined, t-:31 Slo­ D~lmatia, 31 19, 28,47, 6o, tog, 1151 IJ. •ss, •s6, •9•, 3•3, 3:1.6, 389,390, Edhem Pasha, 3 82. 4U, 423, 427, 430, 492.-4. Edinburgh, Alfred, Duke of, 371. bamascus, n, 2.3 r, 2.J4· . Edinbr4rgh Rroiew, quoted, z63. Daoilo, Crown Prince of Monte­ Edward VII, King, 337, 42.8, 431. negro, 32.6, 46o. Egypt, 7. 24,25.39. 93. 156,166-73, Danube, river, 28, 2.9; navigation 1781 187, zz6-331 ZJS-.p, Z43-5, of, 152, 22.3, 268, 271, 277· · 2.54, 258, 338, 394, 406, 421, 4ss, · Danubian Principalities, 38, 48-5 r, 489, 510; England and, 4, 14, . I 53, I s6, •79. rSz, 186-9, I 92, 2.5, 167-73, 176, ZJO, 394, 438, 197, :1.17, :1.61 1 276-8, :1.85-JOO. 490-1 ; France and, 7, 8; Napo· Stt Moldavia, Wallachia, and leon and, 167-72.· Roumania. Elassona, 4SS· D anzig, 16o, 16z. Eliot, Sir Charles, 1971 408. Dardanelles, the, 3, IZ1 45, 113, 114, Elliot, Sir Henry, 32.1, 330, 332. 17Jt 1761 zu, 2.35, ZJ6t 242., :1.541 Elphinstone, Admiral, 149, 150. 338, 339, 419, 4u, 4•P, 468, England and the Armenian mas- 489. sac:r~, ~97-8, 400; and the --Expedition (1915), 494-S· Balkan rnsurrections, 331 ; and D' Argenson, Marquis, 1· . the Bulgarian atrocities, 329,330 ; David Comnenus, Emperor, 83 . and the Crimean War, :1.55-84;

Dedeagatch, 465, 469, 496. and the Eastern Question, 71 &, Delyannia, Theodore, 378, 379· to, lJ-17> J 59-631 1861 187, 2-:39 1 Demotica, 465 1 466. See Battles. :1.4o, 247, zs4. :ass, 3'-J-s, 333• Derby, 15th Earl of, :aS :a, 3 30-3, 3381 JJ.J. 336-451 485- 6; and Egypt, 339· 4, 141 :1.51 167-73, 176, 230, 394• Derna, 441· 438, 490-1 ; and the Far .East, Diebitsch, General, 2:1.3. 8, 177, 1841 t8s, 485-~. s•o; and Dinaric Alps, :1.7. the Great War I 486-9,494, so6-7; Disraeli, B.: set Beaconafield1 Earl and Greece, 10, n, 20 9-151 218- of. :u, 364-~, 3691 3721 38::-3 ; and Djem, 84, 85. Macedorua, 417, 42.1; and Meso­ Djezzar Pasha, 178. potamia, 405, 490-1 ; and Napo~

Dobrudja, the, 335, 413 1 4S7 1 462, leon, 166-75 ; Philhellenism in, • 465, sor, soJ, 509. to, :1.09; relations with Russia, Dodecanese Archipelago, 441, 442.. 11 1 IJ, 141 IJ8, 145, 149, 16o-3, Domok'"• 3 8z. 174> 246-8, ZS4. (1839) 23 9. · Doria, Andrea, 9:1.. (1853- 6)257-84,(1876- 8)t5,33£- Draga, Queen of Serbia, 314, 425. 451 390· 39'• (tgo8) 431-2; Dragashan : se1 Battles. relations with Turkey, n, (1853- Dnikaiserbuutl, 3 90· 6) :1.54-5, z.S7-34, (1876-82) 333, Driault1 Edouard, quoted, 2. 338-45, 393-4· Duckworth, Admiral, 176. Enver Bey, 25, 407, 436, 457, 459, Durazzo, 3:1.1 33, 36, 82., 454, 472. 488. Dushan, Stephen (Stephen VIII Epirus, 34z, 348, 363-51 369, 427, of ·Serbia), 59- 6::, 64, 315, 465. 4'3· ' Erfurt, ISS. Index 553

Essad Pasha, 46o, 472. Franz Ferdinand, Archduke~ 4281 Esterhazy, Paul, 121. 475-6; assassination of, 476. Ethnike H etaireia, 3So, 3 81. Fraser, General Mackenzie, 176. Euboea, 82, 83. Frederick II (the Great), 143, 146, Eugene of Savoy, Prince, 106, 125, 148. 1271 1)41 135, 140. Frederick William I of , Eupatona, 2.73· 143· Euphrates Valley, 405, 406, 491· Frederick William II of Prussia, European War (1914), 191 483, 485- 387. 512.. Freeman, E. A., quoted, 491 77· Euxine 1 see Black Sea. Friedjung, pr., 428--9. Evans, Sir Arthur, quoted, :z.o, 407. Friedland : see Battles.

Falkenhayn, General von, 501 1 502. Galata, 401. Ferdinand I, Emperor, 89, 91, 95· Galicia, 160. Ferdinand I, Tsar of Bulgaria, 353 1 Gallipoli, 45, z66, 267, 494· 360-21 418-21, 445, 503 1 505 1 Gardane, General, 184. 509· Gaulis, M., quoted, 3941 3951 402, Finkenstein : see Treaties. 40J. Finland, 185. Gavril Pasha, 3 53· Finlay, Dr. George, 3471 369, 370. Gaza, 231. Fiume, 191, 389, 42.Z 1 423. Genoa, 23, 2.4. Flanders, Baldwin, Count of, 46. George I, King of Greece, 372.1 3811 Forgach, Count, 429. 448. Fort Rupel, soo. George, Prince of Greece, 38o, 383, Fournet, Admiral de, 5o6. 384. Fox, Charles James, and Ruuia, Georgia, 1171 1531 158, 19z, UJ. 161 1 a6:z.. Germany, 1431 3071 1231 441 ; and France, 88, 94, 95 1 119, 138-411 143 1 Asia Minor, 404; and the 1451 1461 1481 I 56, I 59, 165, 17Zo Balkans, 171 491 ; and the 173. 187, 213, 218, 221, :z.z::r., :Z.JS, Balkan Wars, 4591 512; and the Z361 2.40-3, 2. 53 1 Z91 0 J071 324, Black Sea, 490 ; and Bulgaria, 3091 372., 438; and the Crimean 491 ; and Constantinople, 181 War, z55, zs6, 259, :z.6z, 264 seq., 490; and the Eastern Question, 283; and the Eastern Question, 17-201 3401 3421 38z, j86-951 7. 8, 159.324. ]42., 382,417,474 i 404-8,417, 432, 458--9, 46z, 47o, and Egypt, 7, 8, 167--73; and the 471, 474t 475, 486-8, 494-5, 504, Great War, 486-8, 499, soo, so6- 5o8-12; and the Great War, 7; and North Africa, 438, 440; 485--9, 498-505; and Roumania, and Roumania, Z94-300; and 490; and Turkey, 18,475,488--9,

Russia, 1391 141; and Turkey, 491, 511-12; and the Ukraine, 93-4, J38-9, 141, 232., 235, 236, 490-1. See Prussia. 245; diplomacy of, 1391 140 ;· Gibbons, H. A., quoted, 470 77· intervention in Morea, zzz. Gladstone, W. E., 193, 2.98, 299, 3J01 Francia I of France, 70 88, 93, 95, 96. 364-6, 371, 393. 458. Francia Joseph, Emperor, 294, z96, Goltz, General von der, 3941 401. 340, 36o, 391, 417, 418, ~s. 426, Goriainow, Serge, 188, 235. 446. Gorizia1 1911 3'3· 554

Gortschakoff, Prince, 261, 274, 281, Habsburgs, the, 88, 97; and the 282, 392. .Eastern Question, 3, 6, 17, 255, Goschen, G. J. (afterwards Lord 348, 356, 42Z-3; and France, Goschen), 365. 94-5,138,I42; andHungary,n9- Gradisca, I 9I. 22, 128, z;;, 289, 293; contest Graham, Sir James, 264- with the Turks, 90, 91, 10)-IZ, Granville, 2nd Earl, 281, 282, 32I. 138, 287. Greece, 2, 38, 6o, I s6, I84, I87, 258, Halepa, Pact of, 377, 379, 38o. JI 5-17, 340, 342, 343, 348, 356, Hamilton, Sir Ian, 495· 362 seq., 4I9; and Austria, 474- Hardenberg, Count, scheme for 5 ; and Bulgaria, 445.. 447, 470; partition of Turkey, 184, 387-8. alliance with Bulgaria, 447, 449; Hatti-Humayoun, the, 311, 319. war with Bulgaria (I9I3), 464-5; Hatzfeld, Count, 393· and the Great War, 488, 495-6, Heideck, General von, 363. 499, 505-8; and Macedonia, I9, Henry II of France, 97· / 36, 409, 4IO, 427, 462-3, 500; Henry the Navigator, Prince, 23. and Russia, I 52, zo6, 2I3-I 5, 2I8; Hermannstadt: see Battles. and Serbia, 462, 463, 499; and Herzberg, Count, 16o. Turkey, 75, I98-224, 38o-5; con­ Herzegovina, 3, 15, I9, 6o, 7o, So, quered by the Turks, 67, 82; 115, 155, 314, 3I8, 320-5, 329, war with Turkey, (1896-7) 382, 33I, 335, J4I, 343, 345, J48, 384, 4I5, (I912) 454--7; constitution 39I, 407, 418,423. 427. 438,486. of 1864, 372-5, 500; indepen­ Hilmi Pasha, 416,417,434.435,450. dence of, 11 ; independent king­ Hogarth, D. G., quoted, zo, 473· dom of, 22 3 ; insurrection of I 843, Hohenlinden : see Battles. 368; kingdom of, chap. 8, passim Holmes, Mr., 3zo, 321. (I92-224); position in I9I3, 466- Holy Alliance (18zo), 194--7, zc6. 9; revolution of I 862, 370; ·war Holy League, (1538) 95, (1570) no, of Independence, 2, 9, 10, 292, (I684) JJ 5, 124, (1686) 132. chap. 8, passim (I92-224). Holy Places, I42, I 52,252,253, 256, Greek (Orthodox) Church, I3o, 152, 26o. 153, 201, 205, zo6, 256, 262, 305, , n2, 141. 315, 328,367, 396, 4IO; relations Hungary, 47, 66, 70, 87, 89, 91, 97, of, with Turks, 75· 105, I JJ, IJ4, 116, 111)-23, 125, Greek Committee of National De- 126, 127,255, 2~, 294.426, 438; fence, 500. conquered by the Turks, 90-1. Greeks, 15, 48, 79· Hunter, Sir W. W., quoted, 20. Gregorius, Patriarch; 205. Hunyadi, John Corvinus, 7o, 71, So. Grevena, 455· Hussein Pasha, 232. Grey, Sir Edward (afterwards Vis- Hypsilanti, Prince Alexander, 9, Jo, count), 456,459,471, 483. 195--7. 209· 292· Grosswardein, n6. Gueshoff, M., 445, 452, 453, 46-J. Ibrahim I, Sultan, 107, n:i, 117. Guizot, M., 243, 24+ Ibrahim Pasha, 210, 211, 213, 214, Gulhane, Hatti-Scherif of, 25o, 311, 216, 217, 220, 2Z2, 225, 230-2, 31 9· 234, 238, 243, 245• Guns, 90' Iconium (Konia), 46. r.wtavus III of Sweden, 159, 16o. lgnatieff, General, 3zo, 331, 332. Index 555

Illyria, 191, 3u, 313. Joseph II, Emperor, 71 rso, 1s4-8, Illyrians, the, 48, 413. • 161, 190· India, 8, 13, 38, 67, 911 143, 166, 167, Jugo-Siavs, the, 313, 34S, 391, 42.:z, 171 1 176, 177, 184, 185, 199, 3371 42.6, 42.7, 446, 474, 475, 487, 492., • 405, 4o7, 489. 493; and the Adriatic, 4131 429- lnkerman : see Battles. 30, 459· . Innocent VI, Pope, 6o. Ionian Isles, 7, 8, 166, 167, 1711 173, Kabardas, the, ISI1 164. 1751 188, 191, 104, 365-6, 372.. Kainardji : see Kutschuk-Kainardji. "rpek, Patriarchate of, JIS 1 316. Kalougareni : see Battles. lshtib, 444· Kaminiec, uS, uS. Iskendar Bey : 5ee Scanderbeg. Kamlnyi, John, 116. Istria, 19, IS6, 174. 191, 313, 389, Kara George : see Petrovitch. 390. 42.1· Karageorgevic, Prince Alexander, , 18, 166, 15S1 1941 314, 342., 316.- 382., 388, 417, 413, 430. 4SS. 458, Karageorgevic, Prince Peter, 3251 468, 471 1 471, 486; and the 356. Adriatic, 18, 31, 389-9o, 42.1-3 1 Karageorgevics, the, 314, 41 S· 4301 491-4; and the Balkans,_ Karamania1 83. 438; and the Crimean War, 1711 Karaveloff, Petko, 350, 352., 353, 1741 183, 184 ; and Dalmatia, 18 ; 3S9· and the Great War, 491-3, 50S; Kal'll, 275, 2.77, 335, 341, 341, 398;. and Serbia, 492.1 493 ; and fall of (1855), 2.75. Tripoli, 440-1; united, 184; Kasos, 2.10. war with Turkey (1911), 181 4361 Kaulbars, General, 359· 441-1. Kavala, 31, 36, 365, 417, 465, 467, Ivan III, Tsar, 131. 469, 496, soo. Ivan IV (the Terrible), Tsar, 131. Kertsch, 1 51 1 2. 73· Khalifate, the, 86.

Jaffa, 1311 401. Khalil Pasha, 4-33· J agellons, the, $9. Khartoum, 2.31. Janina, 3111 J6S 1 456-8, 467; fall Kherson, 157, 164-. of (1913)1 4S7· Khevenhiiller, Count, 3S7• Jani98aries1 the, 100-41 1131 us, IQI.oczim : see Battles. '1.07• 178, 18o1 1811 us, 1171 1311 319; Khurshid Pasha, 1041 abolition of, u6. . Kiamil Pasha, 4341 4S7· Jassy, 1491 3001 3011 501. See Kinburn, lSI, 164. Treaties. Kinglake, A. W., quoted, 2.51. Jena: see Battles. Kirk Kilisse, 465,466. See Battles. Jerusalem, 131, 154. 156, 402.. Kiuprili, Ahmed, 114, 116-18, u6. John, Don, of Austria, 51 110. Kiuprili, Mohammed, 113, 1141 116. John V, Emperor, 64- · Kiuprili lii, Mustapha, u6, 127. John VIII, Emperor, 71. Kiuprili IV, uS. John Sobieski, King of Poland, 51 Kiuprilis, the, 41 103, 107, roB, 113, nB, 12.2.--4. '1.00. John Tzimisces1 Emperor, S4- Klephts, the, 199· Joneacu, Take, ]OI. Knights of St. John, 47, 66, 83-71 Joseph 11 Emperor, us. 97-8, 1091 113, us, 169, 171· 556 Index

Konieh : see Battles. of 1863, 366; of 1877, 333· See Koraes, Adzmantios, zo2, 203. Treaties. Kordofan, 2 31. Loui& XIV, 114, 116, 119-zz, IZ41 Korniloff, Admiral, 269. 127, '138. Kossovo, 465. See Battles. Louis XVIII, 195. Kossuth, Louis, 259· Louis-Philippe, King of France, 2391 Kotchani, 444· 242-4, 253· Koweit, 406. Lule Burgas : see Battles. Kriesil, General von, 509. , Admiral Sir Edmund (after­ Kroia, 83. wards Lord·Lyons), 2691 273. Kuhlmann, Herr von, 5041 509. Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer (after­ Kumanovo : see Battles. wards Baron Lytton), 365. Kurds, 399· Kutaya, 232, 234; Convention of, Macedo-Adrianopolitan Committee,

2J5 1 Z38. 415,416. Kutzo-Vlachs, 413. Macedonia, 15, 19, 36, 4o, 61, 64, 156, 342, 348-(), 38o, chap. 15, Ladislas, King of Hungarv1 701 71. passim (408-36), 446, 450, 451, Laibach Circular, 194· · · 453, 462-S, 467, 468, 470· 506, La Marmora, General; Z7Z1 Z74· 508 ; and Bulgaria, 41o-u, 452, Larissa, 365, 382. 4971498 ; and Greece, 19, 36, 4091 Empire of Constantinople, 410, 427; and Russia, 414-18, 46. 4ZI1 4z8, 432; and Serbia, 4IZ- Lausanne : see Treaties. 131 424; and Turkey, 414-16, L.:valette, M. de, 25z. 432; physical features, 30. Layard, Sir Henry, 338. Mackensen, Field-Marshal von, 4981 Lazar, Tsar of Serbia, 65. 499. 50I, 502. Leczynski, Stanislaus, 139. Magyars, the, 58-6o, 69, 120, 121, Lemberg : see Battles. 293, 4Z5, 426. Lemnos, 831 113, 114. Mahmud II, Sultan, 101 1031 1821 Leo III (the !saurian), 45· 189, 204. 205, 2101 215-17, ZZ1 1 Leopold I, Emperor, 119, uo, 126, 231, 232, 237, 238, 319. 161, 16z. Mahmud Shevket Pasha, 435, 450, Lepanto : see Battles. 457· Lesseps, M. de, z4. Mahmudiya Canal, 229. Levant, the : see Mediterranean, Mahon, Sir Bryan, 499· Eastern. Mainotes, the, 167.

Lewis the Great of Hungary, 471 6o, Maison, General, 2ZZ. 64. Malakoff, the, 274, 275. Lewis II, King of Hungary, 89. Malaxa, 381. · Lewis of Baden, Margrave, IZS-7· Malcolm, Sir Pulteney, zzz, z36. Lieven, Prince, z131 Z141 z18. Malta, 87, 97, 98, 112, 113, 115, Liman Pasha, 489. 167-9· 171, 172, 191, 340· Lissa, 188. Mamelukes, the, z3o. Lobanoff, Prince, 399· Manuel I Comnenus, 58. Lombardy, z96. · Marengo : see Battles. London Conference of 19u, 456, , Queen, 141, 143, 148, 457; Protocol of 18301 ZZJ, ZZ4; 154- Index 557

Maritza river, 28-30. Sultan, 71, 74, 75, So, 81• 83, 84, -valley, 25, 447· See Battles. 861 101 1 201. Marmora, Sea of, 1761 339· Mohammed IV, Sultan, 1071 1171 , 2 31 24. 122, 125- Maurer, Dr., 363. . Mohamrned V, Sultan, 435· Mavrocordatos, Alexander, zoo, zo8. Mohammed SokO!i, 109. Maximilian 11, Emperor, 91 1 109, Moldavia, 9· so, sr, Ill, 128, 136, Ill • 1501 151, 155, 158, 16o, 163 1 173, •Mazeppa, 133· 175, 184, 186, 195-7, 2041 206, Mecca, 1.31. 223, 2641 1.71, 285-921 1.961 1.981 Medina, 231. 299· 502. • Mediterranean, Eastern, 31 41 91 12, Moltke, Count Helmuth von, 2371 21, 22, 24, 25, 39o 92, 9So 96, 97o 238, 394· • 1091 1121 115 1 1301 1371 1391 149, Monastir, 321 33, 36, 65, 3211 336, rso, 162, 167, 171, 187, 209, 219, 365, 45o, 454, 462, 463, 465, 469, 2341 241, 243 1 252, 253 1 z66, 2791 5°5· 382, 423, 438, 44o, 459, 489. Montecuculi, Marshal, 1061 116. -Western, 921 93· Montenegro, 2 1 31 151 19, 6o, 65, So, Mehemet Ali, 121 81-21 1761 210,2161 317, 324, 326, 330, 331, 332, 334o zzz, chap. 9, passi•n (225-48), 335, 345, 348, 427, 451, 458, 46o, 375· 4651 466, 470; _and the Great 1\lenschikoff, Prince, 252·, zs6, 257, War, 488; position in 19131 26o, 268-70. 470-1. Mesopotamia, 25 1 391 86, 234, 406, , 116. . 510; England and, 4051 490-1. Morea, the, 9, 67, 82, Bs, 134, 135, 1\letternich, Prince, 1941 196, 197, 149. 156, 167, 201, 202, 204, 1.11, 2o6,2o71 2I81 2361 255,388; and 1.13, 1.141 1.161 no, 222; Ibrahim Greek insurrection, zo6, 207. in, 211> ; rising of I 8211 .2.04 seq. ; Michael Asen II, 55· Venetian rule in, 115. Michael, King of Poland, 118. MQrier, Sir Robert, 265, 355· Michael the Brave, 2871 288, 505. Morley of Blackburn, Viscount, Midhat Pasha, 312. · quoted, 2. Milan I, King of Serbia, 3251 331, Morocco, 4 38. 356, 357· 424· Morosini, Francesco, 11 5· Milanovanic, M., 445· Moscow, 131, 320. Miller, Dr. William, quoted, 2. Mouravieff, General, 233 1 234. 275• Mingrelia, IS3· Mozawa valley, 25. Mircaea the Great, so. Muley Hassan, 93· Miinchengratz, Convention of, 237• Missolonghi, zo8 1 210-12. Miinnich, Marshal, 140 Mittovitza, 3351 418. 1 144. Mitteleuropa, 241 3911 407, 459, 487, Munro, Sir C. C., 495· 491· Murad I, Sultan, 63-5, roo. Mocenigo1 Admiral, II]· Murad II, Sultan, 69-71. Murad III, Sultan, 107. Modon1 211. Moguls, the, 43· Murad IV, Sultan, 107. Mohacz : see Battles. Murad V, Sultan, 325. Mohammed I, Sultan, 69. !lfiirzteg Programme, 4171 •181 4281 Mohammed II (the Conqueror), 4JI• 558 Index

Mustapha I, Sultan, 106, 107. Nikeforoff, 3 59· lllustapha II, Sultan, 107. Nikephoros P hokas, Emperor, 54· 1\Iustapha IV, Sultan, 182. Nikopolis: see Battles. Mustapha, Kara, 11 8, rr9, 121, Nile : see Battles. UJ. Nimeguen: see T reaties. J\Iustapha Pasha, 98 . Nish, 6;, 69, 125, 12.6, 140, 335· Mytilene, 418. See Battles. Northcote, Sir S. (afterwards Earl of ­ Napier, Sir C'.harles, 243, z66. Iddesleigh), 338. Naples, 97· Novi-Bazar, Sanjak of, 1391 3 14, Napoleon I, 8~ 20, 166, 170, 18o, 193, 342, 345. 348, 4 24, 430, 431, 446, 227, 3121 313, 326 ; and Alex· · 453. 4 54, 465 , 470- ander I, 184-8; and Egypt, 8, Novobercla, So. 166-73,226, 227; and India, 171; and the Near East, 7, 164-71 r86 Obilic1 ltlilosh, 65. seq.; and P aul I, 171 ; and Obrenovic III, P rince 1\lichael, 317. Persia, r 77; and Turkey, i 76, Obrenovit, Milan, I S:z.. · · 187, 189; in Syria, 170. Obrcnovi~, Milosh, 1.82, L8J. Napoleon III, 142, 251-3, 255, 265, ObrenovUs, the, 314, 425, 429. 267, 27)-6, 283, 234, ::1.98, 299. Ochrida, 315,446,454,465,469. 303; and Rournania, zg6. Oczakov, 140, 155, 159, 162.-4, Natalie, Queen, 424. 290. Nationalit}', the principle of, 194; Odessa, 163, 489. in the Balkans, 16. . Oglou, Passwan, 178, 1So. Naumann, Dr. Friedrich, 403. Okhrida, 65. Nauplia, 'zoS, 370. · Ornar Pasha, 267, 273· Navarino, 2.1I. See Battles. Orkhan, Sultan, 43, 441 6r, 63, 69, · Nazim Pasha, 450, 457· 100. Nelson, I.ord, 169, 170, 174· Orloff, Count Alexis, H9, I so, 235 .. Nemanja, King, 315. Orsova, 140. . Nemanya, .Stephen, 58. Orthodox Church, 206, 319, 326, Nemanya , sS, 64. 327, 367, 421. See also Greek Nesselrocle, Count, 236, 263, z!J4. Church. · Nessi b : see Battles. · Osman Pasha, 334· Neuhausel, 116, 115. Osman, Sultan, 43· Newbigin, Miss, quoted, 39· Osterman, 13 9· Nicaca, 43, 44, 46. . . Othman II, Sultan, 107. Nice, Truce of (1539}, 95· Otto of Bavaria, King of Greece, N.icholas I, Tsar, 13, 14, 187, 212, 224, J62, J6~, 366-70· 214, us, 221, 2J2, 233. 2J7, 239, Ottoman Emp1re, 2, 33 ; conquests 247, 248, 2)2, 2.54, :z.ss. 257-9. in Europe, 22-3, 37- 47, 63-72.; 266, .2.71, 272, 2.93. decay of, 4, 5, '13 1 IOJ1 258, 2.89,

Nicholas II, T sar, 36r, 4I71 4JI, 437, 461 1 466 ; independence and 447, 463-s, 469, 475· . integrity of, 278-9, 285, 297,298, Nicholas I, King of l\1on tcnegro, 32 51 3091 JIO i partition of, 6, 7> T 55 - 6, 356, 445', 4 5'1, 46o, 471. 2. 59, 279, :i9o ; sea-power of, Nicomedia, 43 · 92-3; t heocracy of, 312. Su Nihilism, Russian, 398. Turkey. Index 559

Ottomans, characteristics of, 31 Philip of Flanders, Prince, 303. 74-7; first settlement in Europe, Philippopolis revolution, 3S3o 378. 37, 44; origins of, 41. Piraeus, the, 448.~ Ottoman Turks, the, 3· Pirot, 357, 3S8. Ouchy, 441. Pitt, William, the younger, 71 81 13, Ouzoun Hassan, 83. 141, I 58-63, 173, 1.46. Pius V, Pope, 109. Pacifico, Dom, 369. Plevna, siege of, 334· Palaeologi, the, 441 Sz. Ploiesti, 307. 'Palaeologus, Emperor Michael, 46. Plombieres, 284. Palaeologus,John, 63. , n8, 128. Palestine, z31 1 zsz, 401 1 4oz, 4901 Pola, 191 1 41.2., 423. SIO. Poland, uz, uS, 134, 144-8, 151, Palmerston, Viscount, 13, 141 Z33o r6o, 165, rSs, z8o; partition of, zJ6, z37, z39-44, 246, zs3, zs4, (1772) 148, 165, (1793) 165; war z61, z7z, 7.7So z98, 317, 343 1 366, with the Turks {1672-3), 117-18. 370- Polish Constitution, 145-6. Panayoti, zoo. , Stanislas, 145. Pan-Germa11 League, 4os. Portugal, 23.

Pan-Slavism, 295, 319-zo, 3291 391, Potemkin, Count, I SS 1 I S7o r S9o 290. 41.1, 4Z4· Prague, Peace of, 97· See Treaties. Paphl~gonia• 83. Press burg : see Treaties. Parga, 204. Prevesa, 4SS· See Battles. , Declaration of (18s6)1 z78. Prilep, 170 64, 138, 454· See Treaties. Prussia, 143, 144, 148, ISS, 161, 162, Parkan : see Battles. - 184, 18s, 237, 241, 253, 297, z99, Passarowitz : see Treaties. 387; and the Crimean War, 261 1 Passwan Oglou, 178. 262, 265, 267, 28o, 281, 284; Pavia : see Battles. and the Eastern Question, 16o; Pelissier, General, z7J. and Poland, 165. See also Ger­ Persia, 8S 1 91 1 92, 137, 155 1 175-7, many. 489. Pruth, the : see Treaties. Persian Gulf, 2.2.0 240 fOS-7o 487. Psara, 1.10. Persigny, M., Z97· Pultawa: see Battles. Peter I (the Great), Tsac, 61 u61 1J01 Pyrenees, the : see Treaties. 132, 133. 144, ISS· Peter II, Prince-Bishop, 326. Quadruple Entente (1915), 468. Peter III, Tsar, 149· Quadruple Treaty {184o, re Meherr.et Peter, King of Serbia, 453, 470. Ali), 2.p-3. Peterwardein, 89. See Battles. Petrovitch, George (Kara George), 18o-z•. Raglan, ut Baron, 266-8, 174· Phanariotes, the, 761 104, 1361 196, Ragusa, 173, 191. Railways in the Balkans, ]1-J. 199, zoo, 288 1 2921 328. Pharsalos, Jb. Rak6czy, Francis, 12.0. Philike Hetaireia, 2.03, Rak6czy II, George, 114, u6, ·Philip II of Spain, 97• u1. Philip IV of Spain, 117. Red Sea, 168. s6o Index

Redan, the, 274· England, II, 13-IS, 138, 14S, 149, Redesdale, Lord, 431. 16o-3, 174, 239,246-8, 254, 257- Reichenbach, Convention of (179o), 84,338-4S,390,391,431-2j and 162. the Great War, 486-7,, 49o, 491, Reshid Pasha, 21I, 232, 249, 2SI· S07; and Greece, 213-1s, 218; Reval, 431. and the Greek Church, 1sz, 206 ; Rhegas, 202. and Macedonia, 414-18, 421, 428, Rhodes, 47, 86, 97, 109, 441, 468; 432; and Roumania, S03 ; anci conquered by Turks, 87. Turkey, 6, 12, 13, 129 seq., I46- Rodd, Sir Renneii, 483. S9, 181-3, 2o6, zo7, 212-14, Roman roads in the Balkans, 32. 233 seq.; war with Turkey, Rosetta, 227. (1736) 139. (1768-74) 147-SI, Roumania, 2, 3, 21, 29, 38, 39, so, (1787) 158--9, (18o6). 176, 18z, 137, chap. II, passim (28s-3o8), (1809) 189, (182.8--9) 2.21-3, (1853- 334, 33 s, 340, 34z, 344, 348, 3 s6, 6) 263 seq., (1877-8) 15, 334 seq., 462, 46s-6, 490; and Austria, 364; revolution of 1917, soz, 474-S; and the Great War, 488, S07--9· 49o, soo-s, so8; constitution of, Rustchuk, 359· 304-S ; kingdom of, 308 ; posi­ Ryswick : see Treaties. tion in 1913, 466, 468; treaty of 1918, 490; war with Bulgaria Sabacz, 140. (1913), 464. See also Danubian Saint-Arnaud, Marshal, 2.67, 2.69. Principalities, Moldavia, and St. Elmo, 98. Wailachia. St. Gothard : see Battles. Roumanian Church, 305. St. Petersburg, 17, 130, IS9; Pro- Roumanians, IS, 48, 49, 126, z86. tocol of (182.6), 214, z18. Roumelia, 184, 186, 187. St. Quentin: see Battles. Roumelia, Eastern, 342, 345, 3S2, Salan Kernen: see Battles. 3S8, 362, 378. Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 3rd Marquis Roxalana, Sultana, 98. of, z6s, 299> 333. 341, J46, 3SS· Rudolph, Emperor, '287. Salonica, 17, 27, 32., 33, 36, 46, 61, Russeii, firs.t Earl (Lord John 62, 67, 69, 79> 324, 336, 341, 356, Russeii), 299 1 310, 321. 36s, 391, 416, 418, 42.4, 42.7, 43o, Russia, 3, 10, 115, 3z3, 324; and 434, 435. 4S3. 462, 463, 467, 469, the Armenian massacres, 400 ; 474, 47S, 487; and the Great and Austria, 138-42, IS4--9 1 237; War, 499, soo, so6, so7; Austria and the Balkans, 173-s, 421, 4u, and, 42.3, 483 ; Greeks in, 4SS· 438, 4S8; and the Baltic, 490; San Stefano : see Treaties. and the Black Sea, 3, 6, 130, 137, Santa Maura, 85, II5· 139, z61 1 263, 264, 266, z68, 271, Sardinia and the Crimean War, 271 1 272, 279-83, 285, 289, 334. 339. 272, 274. 2.83-4. 2.96, 2.97· 299· 3 9o, 489, 49o, soB ; and Bulgaria, Sarrail, General, 499· 327, 331, 335. 339.398, 399> 421 ; Sava, St., 315. and Constantinople, ISS, 161, 173, Savofi, General, 4S2.· 174. 186, 188, 2J5, 239.241, 327, Sazonofi, M., 4S3· 338, 399; and the Crimean War, Scanderbeg, 81, 82.. 2SI-84; and the Danubian Scheilenburg : see Battles. Principalities, 17S, 289-99; and Schouvalofi, Count, 333 1 341. Index

Scutari, 271 83, 2341 456, 458; fall , 143· . of (r9u), 460. Silistria, 189, :2.671 :2.96, 465. Sebastial!i, Colonel, 1721 173· Simeo11- the Great, sz, S4· Sebastopol, 157, 1 sS, 164, 236, 23S, Simpson, General, :2.74. 267, 26S-7o, 273, 275 1 2So. Sinan Pasha, zS7. · Ss. Selim I, Sultan, Sinope1 83, :2.64. Selim II (the Sot), Sultan, S6, S7, 9S1 Sisman of Bulgaria, 6.j.. 1071 1091 131. Sistova : see Treaties. Selim III, Sultan, 161, 1701 175-7, Sitvatorok: see Treaties. - JS2. . Sixtus IV, Pope, SJ. Seljukian Turks, 41, 46; Em_pire of, Slavonia, 19, 6o, us, uS.

S3. . Slavs, Southern, 3, 15, 31, 47,490 SS, Semendria, 691 So, 136, 1 S9· 58-63, 65, 1361 313-14, 31 7, 318, Serajevo crime, the, S3, 476-7, 4So. 345. 34S, 391, 4:2.3-?'t 470, 47'• Serbia, 2, 3, 4o rs, r6, rS, 19, 21, 27, 4S6, 4S7, 492.; independence of, 3S, so, 64, 65, 7o, So, u6, 136, extinguished, So. 140, I 55 1 I 561 rSs, 1901 2171 271 1 Slivnitza, 464. See Battles. 277t 313-1S, 340, 345, 34S, 356, Slovenes, the, SS· 423; and the Adriatic, 31, 36, Smith, Sir Sydney, 1701 :2.2.6. 42.9, 430, 4S3o 454. 459; and Smyrna, S3. Austria, 42.4-32, 446, 474-83, Sobieski: see John Sobieski. .4SS-6, 491 ; and Bulgaria, 445-71 Sofia, 65, 335, 35S, 359, 415, 416, 469, 470, 496, 497• 499; treaty 4S•· with Bulgaria (1912), 445-7, 4S9o Sokoli, 131. 462., 463 ; war with Bulgaria, Soudan, the, nS, 2.31. (rSSs) 356-8, 42.S, (1913) 464-5; Sphakia, 376. and the Great War, 486-8, 497-91 Spina-Lurga1 114. 505; and Greece, 462., 463, 499; Sprenger, Dr. A., 404-S· and Macedonia, 41'1.-13 1 424 i Stahremberg, Count, 12.2, 12.3. and the Southern Slavs, SS-63, Stambuloff, Stephen, JSJ, 3541 356, 317; and Turkey, 3241 330-21 359-61, 443· , 334. 335; war with Turkey, Stephen the Great, Voyvode of (1876) 330-1, (1912.-13) 453-4 i Moldavia, 51. Church of, 315-16; constitution Stephen VIII : see Dushan. of, 42.4; Greater, 191 314; inde­ Stone, Miss, case of, 416. pendence of, 3171 318; Mediaeval Stratford de Reddiffe, Lord (Sir Empire of, 47, 58-61; Old, 314, Stratford Canning), :2.14, Zl91 ZJJ, 4461 470; position in 19131 466, zsz, 2571 z6o, 262., z63 1 z6s, :2.981 470; 'Pig-war' of 1905-6, 42.9; J09t JIO, 317, 346. rising of 18041 9 1 178-S3. Sturdza, Demetrius, sor. Serbo-Croats, 426, 42.7. Styria, 19. , the, 571 1791 190. Suda, 114. Seven Years' War, 144, 145, 14S. -Bay, JSJ. Scves, Colonel (Suleiman Pasha), Suez Canal, 7• :2.41 Z39o406, 42.1, 490, 229· 4911 510; purchase of shares, Seymour, Sir Hamilton, 13, 257· 336-7· Shopoff, M., 444· -·Isthmus o£1 71 Z41 1001 16S1 Sigismund1 King of Hungary, 66, 68. :2.39· Index

Suleiman I (the ~lagnificent), Sultan, Todleben, Colonel von, 269. 4, 7, 5I, 87-I?:>, Io2-6, Io9, 125, TokOli, Emmerich, I2I, 122, 125-J· I36, 252,288,393; Empire of, 99· Torgoud, 97· Suleiman II, Sultan, Io8. Trade routes, ancient, 22. Suleiman Pasha, 44, 45· Trafalgar: see Battles. Sutherland, Duke of, 4C6. Trajan, Emperor, 49, 286. Suvarofi, l'tfarshal, I 59· Transylvania, 3, 47, III, II4, II6- Sweden, I46, I ;8, I 59· I7, 120, 122, 125-8, I6o, 287, 288, Syria, 4, 25, 39, I 56, I78, I87, 23I, 293. 294, 297, 298, 344, 468, 501 ; 234. 237. 238, 24I, 243, 244, 32I; conquered by Turks, 91. conquered by Turks, 22, 86; Treaties: France and, 7; Kapoleon and, Adrianople, (1829) II, 183, 223, 170. 224, 226, 262, 292· ' Szecsen : see Battle'!. Akerman, (1826) 183, 217, 221, Szegedin : see Treatie~. 292· Amiens, (r!b2) 172. Tabor, Mount: see Battles. Azov, (1702.) 5, 106, 266. Ta'!llarus : see Battle'!. Belgrade, (1739) q.o, 144, 289. Taganrog, I33, I64- Berlin, (1878j 13, I 5, 341-5, 347, Tamerlane, 66, 68. 349. 351, J52, 420; 430. 432. Tangier, 440. 45•· 'Ianzimat, the, ::.;o. Brest-Litovsk, (1918) 490, 509- Tartan, I3I, I37, I5I, 157· Bucha1est, (1812) 7, 9, 182, 189, Tartary, I39· 190, 291, (I913) 38, ss. 464-5, Tchataldja, 452, 453· 467,472, 474, 496, (1918) 490. Tchernaya river, 274- 502-3, so5, 512. Teheran, 399· Campo Forrnio, (1797) r6;, 166. Temesvar, 128, I:H, 135, 289. Catlowitz, (1699) 5, ro6, II s, 128, Tened011, II 3, II4- 132, I34, 289, 326. Tewfik Pasha, 434- Constantinople, (1749) 83. Thessaly, 25, 6o, 340, 348, 363-5, ·Crespy, (1544) 96. 369, 381, 382. Finkenstein, (18o7) I77, I84- Thiers, A, 2-!D-3· Jassy, (1792) 6, 163, r6;, 190, Thirty Years' War, III, II2. . 290· Thorn, 16o, 162. Kutscbuk-Kainardji, (1774) 6, Thouvenel, Louis, 297· 151-4, 157, 163, 190, 199: 256, -Thrace, 156,446,450, 457. 461, 462, 262, 268, 290, 291, 328. 465, 468; Ottoman conquest of, Lausanne, (1912) 442. 63-4- London, {1827) 218, 219, (1832) Thracians, 48, 49, 413. 11, 223, 363, {I8.j.O) 13, 241-3, Tifiis, 192, 509. 375, (1841) 13, 226, 244, 245, Til~it, 187, r88, 291, 387. s~e (1863) 372, (1871) 283, (1913) Treaties. 38, 461, 464, 465, 469. Trmour the Tartar, 67. Nirneguen, (1678) II9· Tirnovo, 6;, H8. Paris, {r8;6) 276-81, 283, 285, -Patriarchate of, 328. 296, 309, 310, 317, 390· Tirpitz, Admiral von, 475· Passarowitz, (1718) 1o6, 13), 136, Tisza, Count, 4 76. 289. Index

Treaties (continuel): 1311 (1839) 238 i and Germany, Prague, (1866) 112, 423. r8, 475 1 488-i),4911 sn-12; and Pressburg, (1805) 174, 175, 326. the Great War,,4.87-iJI1 509; and Pruth, the, (1711) 133· Greece, 67, 75 1 82, 198-224; Pyrenees, the, (1659) 119. war with Greece, (1896-7) 3821 Ryswick, (1697) 127. 415, (1912) 454-7i and Mace­ San Stefano, (1878) 15, r6, 335 1 donia, 414-16, 431; and Russia, - 338-4o, 342-4, 354, 365, 411- 6, 121 131 129 seq., 146-591 181-31 12. 206, 2071 112-14, 133 seq. ; war ·· Sistova, (1791) 163. with Russia, (1736) 139, (1768-74) Sitvatorok, ( r6o6) 111. 147-s1, (1787) ISS-9, (18o6) 176, Szegedin, (1444) 70, 71. 182, (1809) 1891 (1828-i)) 221-31 Tilsit, (r8o7) 1821 184-7, 326. (r853-fi) 263 seq., (1877-8) IS, Ukraine, the, (1918) 490,"491, 502. 334 seq., 364; and Serbia, 324, Unkiar-Skelessi, (1833) u, 13, 330-2, 3341 335; war with 2J51 2361 2421 244, 246, 254, Serbia, (1876) 330-11 (1912-13) 259. 266. 453-4; reforms (1839), 249-Sl; Vasv:u, (1664) 1161 uo. s~heme for partition (1781), ISS- , (r815).19o. 6; war with Italy (1911), 18, Westphalia, (1648) 1121 1191 423. 441-2; war with Poland (1672) 1 Zurawno, (1676) 118. 330-1 ; war with Venice, (1566-i)) Trebizond, 83; Empire of, 47· to6, 1o8-u1 (•645-1718) 111-131 Trentino, the, 389, 492. us, 1171 134; ' Trieste, 1911 313, 389, 4ZZ1 413. revolution (19o8), 18, 384, 4071 Trikoupis, Charalios, 3641 378, 379, 418, 420 1 433-6, 443 1 4S8. See 443- also Ottoman Empire. Triple Alliance, (1788) 8, 1601 161; (r881) 18, 3911 430, 474· Ukraine, the, 117, uS, u8,132, 134, Triple Entente, 418 1 431, 441, 4911 164, 490, 49'• 502, so3, sos ;' 493-8. Cossacks of the, 117. See Tripoli, 3411 438-41. Treaties. Tripolitza, 149· United States and the Great War,

Tunis, 93 1 438, 440. 507o 5oS. Turkey and Arabia, 86, 91, 118, 244, Unkiar-Skelessi: see Treaties. 434.442; and the Armenians, 18, Urosh, Stephen; sS, 59· 79o27So362,39S-4ol,435o472-3i Uskub, 6o, 36S, 4So, 453, 454, 46:z. and Asia Minor, 83,. 85 1 89, zz8, 43S; and Austria, 154, I 55 1 163; Valona, S:z, 111, 467, 47.1. war with Austria (1788), 158-i); Vardar valley, 25, 17, 414, 447· and the Balkan wars (1912-13)1 Varna, 701 158; 213 1 267; Conven- 451-611 466; and Bulgaria, 15, tion of (19u), 447· See Battles. J17-33o 451-4, so9, 510; war Vasco da Gama, 23. with Bulgaria (1911-13)1 465; Vassos, Colonel, 3801 383. and Crete, 380-5; and the Vasvar: see Treaties. Crimean War, 1Sf-S.j.; and the Vaucelles, Truce of (1556), 96. Danubian Principalities1 1BS-308; Venice, 23, 46, 471 571 8:z-3, 95 1 1091 and Egypt, 116-331 137-45 490, 114, uS, 1291 155, 174, 191, 196, 491 j Turco-Egyptian War, (ISJz) 37So 389, 486; rule of1 in Morea, Imlex

115, 13-h 1S1; ...-ar ...-ith Tu,-h, j Westphalia : see Treaties. {15~) Jc{), IcS-n, {I6{5-171S) ~ White, Sir William, 346, 35;· 112-IJ, 115, 117, IJ+ Widdin, S:>, 125, 126. \"enizelos, Eleitherio;;, 375,376,383- \\led, Prince '\\-illi.am of, 4 72- 5, #5, 448, -t-6J, 46;, 46S, 495. William I, King of Prussia, 3:::3, r-6, 496, 499, 5x, ;c6-S. 3C]. \"ergennes, 14-6, I{/, 159- Wuliam fl, German Emperor, Ij, Victor, Count, 246. 18, 25, 3S6, 387,392-4. {::I, {:::2, Victor Emmanuel III, 4 3 7· 4C4. 437. 469, 473· 474---], 51:::, \"'ictoria, Queen, 265, 358; Empress 512; at Constantinople, 3S7; at of India, 337· , {CZ; at J~ Vienna, 17, IS, 1:::6, 12c, 122, 123, 4---"2; at Tangier, 4-JD· 138; Congress of (1815), 194,365, Williams, General Fenwick, 275· 388; siege of, {1529) S9, tp, (1683) 115, 122-3- Yemen, 1:::9. - ~ote {1853), 262-3; 'Fo~ j Yenikale, I 51. Points' (18.;+), 271, 2-:-6. 5~ Treaties. -Straits of, Z73· Yillene1rre, Marqn1s de, Lp-2.. Yenishebr, 43· Sa Batt!es. Young Turks (Committee of Lnion \1acho-Bnlgarian Empire, 55· · and Progress), IS, 43, 34 4C], 418, .po, 433--6, W, 441, 443, Wahhabites of A.T3.~..a, Ij8,216, 23:1, 444. 4{8-5:>, 457· 231. \\alewslci, Count, 29S. \\allachia, 47, 5:1, 51, j:>, 111, uS, Zaimis. Y-, 34 ·P9- 135, 139, 14-C·, 15:::, 151, 155, 156, , Zankoff, lL, 352.. 15s, 1oo, 173, 175, 184. :z.c6, 223, 1 Zante, 166, 365- 264, 2]1, 285-

1'2Th1ED ~ ~cu...,,

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