Orange Review Yellow` Write the word in English.

- on d .12 - dn¨l .1 - xU¨A .13 - `¨A` .2 - Wcw .14 - oh w .3 - ung .15 - on ` .4 - dY` .16 - dpW .5 - xn` .17 - z¨AW .6 - oa¨ l¨ .18 - rWY .7 - dxU .19 - d¨lg .8 - u¥rd .20 - lf n .9 - d`n .21 - x¥Ac .10 - mc` .22 - ob n .11

Aleph Champion Program 1 Who’s Who? Yellow` Aleph Write the name of the : ¤ A

Match the vowel to it’s name: ¨ ¥ Tzeirei ¤ ©

Write the sound of the vowel: Kamatz Segol Patach Tzeirei

Aleph Champion Program 2 Name That Letter! Yellow` Aleph

m q g e l R h v

u ` W r b i s w

z j n c p k d f

Aleph Champion Program 3 Make a Match Yellow` Aleph

Write the correct number on the line:

1. Eh ¤¥r 1 2. Tah k¤ 3. Keh d 4. Peh q 5. Hay ¤R 6. Cheh h 7. Shah W 8. Chay w 9. Seh g

Aleph Champion Program 4 Vowel Power Yellow` Aleph Draw the correct :

1. Reh ¤ xk 11. Fay t 2. Deh c 12. Lah l 3. Mah n 13. Che g 4. Zay f 14. Tay h 5. Leh l 15. Nah p 6. Mah n 16. Cha k 7. Kah M 17. Lay l 8. Seh q 18. Ray x 9. Nay p 19. Veh e 10. Sha W 20. Day c

Aleph Champion Program 5 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

` e ¥l ¤A .1 Beh

n c b ¤R .2

¤a x ¨a g .3

¥r w ¥M ¤v .4

Aleph Champion Program 6 Whatchamacallits Yellow` Aleph

Circle the correct answer: ©A ¨A 1. I’m feeling __tter!A¤ ¥M ¤A c x 2. Happy birth__ ! c c

3. I have a __ nny rabbit. ¨A ©M ¤A ¥R 4. April, __ , June, July. n h h n 5. Peanut __ tter & jelly. ©a ¨A ¤A ¥M 6. The school __ ll rang. ¨A ¤R ©a ¤A

Aleph Champion Program 7 Yellow Master Yellow` Aleph Write the word in Hebrew using the letters and vowels:

A-` Chart 1. Deh c 2. Veh f e d c b a A ` n l j k M i h g 3. Lay s t R r q o p m 4. Cheh U W x w u v 5. Pah z Y 6. Ray Vowel Chart 7. Tzeh Kamatz 8. May ` 9. Kah Patach ` Segol¤` 10. Sheh Tzeirei ¥ `

Aleph Champion Program 8 Make a Match Yellow` Aleph

Write the correct number on the line:

1. Bell Yb 2. Bed mq 3. Get cA¤ 4. Hot cd 5. Same lq 6. Head lh 7. Tell hd 8. Got hb 9. Sale lA¤

Aleph Champion Program 9 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

o¤R g` og lW .1

mU l` mb o¥M .2

l©r df z` bb .3

o¤A a¥l mw dn .4

Aleph Champion Program 10 Vowel Power Yellow` Aleph Draw the correct vowels:

1. Bed cA 11. Far xt 2. Ten oh 12. Let hl 3. Rain ox 13. Day ic 4. Den oc 14. hA 5. Red cx 15. Sun oU 6. Hot hd 16. Pail lR 7. Pup RR 17. Hay id 8. Sell lq 18. Red cx 9. Car xM 19. Dug bc 10. Late hl 20. Tar xY

Aleph Champion Program 11 Eenie Meenie Yellow` Aleph Circle the correct word.

1 Bed A¨k x¤A c¤M c¤A ba¥

2 Den ox oc oc jc ox

3 Day xx ix ec ix ic

4 Head cd cg xd cd xg

5 Car l©M o©M Rw x©A x©M

6 Pot h©a Y©Ah©R z¤R h¨t

7 Bell l©a l¤A l¤R g¤M l©A

8 Run ux mc jx lc ox

Aleph Champion Program 12 Yellow Master Yellow` Aleph Write the word in Hebrew using the letters and vowels:

A-` Chart 1. Up 2. Pen f e d c b a A ` n l j k M i h g 3. Hot s t R r q o p m 4. Day U W x w u v 5. Tell z Y 6. Red Vowel Chart 7. Fun Kamatz 8. Date ` 9. Got Patach ` Segol¤` 10. Set Tzeirei¥ `

Aleph Champion Program 13 Make a Match Yellow` Aleph

Write the correct number on the line:

1. Melech s¤l` 2. Matzah sxd 3. Haneir xpd 4. Barah jxc 5. Shana ok¥ W 6. Elef jl¤ n 7. Derech `x¨A 8. Heref d¨vn 9. Shachein dpW

Aleph Champion Program 14 Nikudah Yellow` Aleph

Draw the vowel:





Aleph Champion Program 15 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

WnW c¤li j¤ln .1

x¤tq mWb cg` .2

sq¤M zn` lgx .3

o¤tb d¤tw d¨vn .4

Aleph Champion Program 16 Vowel Power Yellow` Aleph Draw the correct vowels:

1. Erech jx` 11. Parah dxR

2. Gamar xnb 12. Perek wxR

3. Elef sl` 13. Dayan oic

4. Asher xW` 14. Barah `xA

5. Beirach jxA 15. Shemen onW

6. Pesach gqR 16. Padah dcR

7. Vered cxe 17. Kallah dlM

8. Dagan obc 18. Degel lbc

9. Sheleg bly 19. Tamar xnY

10. Eved car 20. Yachal lki

Aleph Champion Program 17 Name That Letter! Yellow` Aleph

f g q U e k a d

M z c v r t i j

R u A w s x m W

Aleph Champion Program 18 Who’s Who? Yellow` Aleph Write the name of the vowel: § k

Match the vowel to it’s name: Tzeirei § Sh’va ¥ Patach ¤ Segol ©

Write the sound of the vowel: Kamatz Segol Patach Tzeirei Sh’va Aleph Champion Program 19 Make a Match Yellow` Aleph

Write the correct number on the line:

1. Tih ¥v 2. Say U 3. Teh w 4. Chah q 5. Veh Y 6. Kih e 7. Sih g 8. Cheh L 9. Tzay h

Aleph Champion Program 20 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

` e ` f .1

©t §v p §A .2 ¤A b ¨a §M .3

W q ©r n .4

Aleph Champion Program 21 Nikudah Yellow` Aleph

Draw the vowel:






Aleph Champion Program 22 Vowel Power Yellow` Aleph Draw the correct vowels:

1. Kih w 11. Eh r

2. Pah R 12. Yih i

3. Cheh k 13. Chah g

4. Zay f 14. Lay l

5. Dah c 15. Tzeh v

6. Chah j 16. Sih U

7. Hay d 17. Sah q

8. Gih b 18. Vih a

9. Ray x 19. Nay p

10. Teh h 20. Mih n

Aleph Champion Program 23 Yellow Master Yellow` Aleph Write the word in Hebrew using the letters and vowels:

A-` Chart 1. Chih 2. Rah f e d c b a A ` n l j k M i h g 3. Day s t R r q o p m 4. Mih U W x w u v 5. Pih z Y 6. Feh Vowel Chart 7. Lay Kamatz 8. Nih ` Segol 9. Chah Patach ¤` ` Sh’va 10. Tzeh Tzeirei § ¥ `

Aleph Champion Program 24 Secret Codes Yellow` Aleph Write the “secret” English word:

hq .10 ac .1 lr© .11 hA§ .2 c¥R .12 lA¤ .3 lq .13 ox .4 Yp .14 cx .5 bA§ .15 lU .6 li .16 sl© .7 c¤t .17 el§ .8 Rf .18 oc .9

Aleph Champion Program 25 Vowel Power Yellow` Aleph Draw the correct vowels:

1. In or 11. Bill lA 2. Ray ix 12. Red cx 3. Lit hl 13. Bid cA 4. Hall ld 14. Fate ht 5. Bun oA 15. Ship RW 6. Fish Wt 16. Pup RR 7. Lake wl 17. Fit Yt 8. Dip Rc 18. Sock wq 9. oW 19. Dill lc 10. Deck wc 20. Said cU

Aleph Champion Program 26 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

z` df b§A dn .1

lc o¥A xw W¨l .2

wx l§R mg o¤A .3

on xp oW l` .4

Aleph Champion Program 27 Yellow Master Yellow` Aleph Write the word in Hebrew using the letters and vowels:

A-` Chart 1. Bin 2. Fed f e d c b a A ` n l j k M i h g 3. Rip s t R r q o p m 4. Sake U W x w u v 5. Bell z Y 6. Ton Vowel Chart 7. Sit Kamatz 8. Date ` Segol 9. Dip Patach ¤` ` Sh’va 10. Car Tzeirei § ¥ `

Aleph Champion Program 28 Make a Match Yellow` Aleph

Write the correct number on the line:

1. Shamar mbe 2. Bichal lk¨ A§ 3. Vi’al cg©R 4. Heinah hw W 5. Perek jx¥A 6. Vi’gam dpd 7. Sheket wx¤R 8. Beirach xn W 9. Pachad lr© e

Aleph Champion Program 29 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

ga© f ok¥ e de W .1

rnW dfe gY§R .2

o¥k¨l xgn gh§A .3

of§l ung d¨l©M .4

Aleph Champion Program 30 Nikudah Yellow` Aleph

Draw the vowel:






Aleph Champion Program 31 The Sliding Sh’va Yellow` Aleph

When a Sh’va is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced ____ as in the word BIG - b A§ .

When a Sh’va is in the middle of a word, it is a “Sliding Sh’va.”

This means that the Sh’va is silent like in the word RUST - h q x .

Silent Sliding Sh’va Leader Sh’va - “ih” q q

Aleph Champion Program 32 Make a Match Yellow` Aleph

Write the correct number on the line:

1. Come §l¥t 2. Said b§A 3. Late cq 4. Fall cw 5. Big h¥l 6. Tape §l©t 7. Bet n M¨ 8. Fail h¤A 9. Kid §RY

Aleph Champion Program 33 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

n¨M xb s©k K¨a .1

uw cw mU o¤A .2

K¥l s¨M xf ac .3

l` b§A u¥r oW .4

Aleph Champion Program 34 Secret Codes Yellow` Aleph Write the “secret” English word:

cpd .10 fp§t .1 fp¥l .11 hl§ A¤ .2 hq n .12 RxW .3 fb r¤ .13 ca§ U .4 f§t©l .14 fxw .5 hpc .15 cpq .6 bp¥A .16 qwn .7 h§tU .17 bpx .8 Rn A¨ .18 cx©M .9

Aleph Champion Program 35 Name That Letter! Yellow` Aleph

A s f b q k h r

U v o z e n g d

M p j a l R i m

Aleph Champion Program 36 Who’s Who? Yellow` Aleph

Write the name of the vowel: F ¤ Match the vowel to it’s name: Sh’va F Segol ¥ Cholam ¤ Tzeirei

Write the sound of the vowel:

Cholam Kamatz Segol Tzeirei Sh’va Patach

Aleph Champion Program 37 Make a Match Yellow` Aleph

Write the correct number on the line:

1. Cho Ÿx 2. Reh e 3. Chih AŸ 4. Bah W 5. Ro x 6. Shih W 7. Vih gŸ 8. Shay A© 9. Bo k§

Aleph Champion Program 38 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

d p Ÿv §R .1

w Ÿk i ¥r .2

f n ÷ x .3

h ` b Ÿq .4

Aleph Champion Program 39 Vowel Power Yellow` Aleph Draw the correct vowels:

1. Sih q 11. Do c 2. Lo l 12. Nay p 3. Cho k 13. Vih e 4. Chi g 14. Heh d 5. Shi W 15. Po R 6. Mih n 16. Bih A 7. Tah h 17. Rah x 8. Leh l 18. Leh l 9. Tzo v 19. No p 10. So U 20. Kay w

Aleph Champion Program 40 Nikudah Yellow` Aleph

Draw the vowel: Segol






Aleph Champion Program 41 Secret Codes Yellow` Aleph Write the “secret” English word:

on .10 FW .1 wŸR .11 oR¤ .2 Fc .12 o÷ .3 §R¥M .13 fŸp .4 wMŸ .14 Rd .5 hq .15 wq .6 Fb .16 hM§ .7 wW .17 Fx .8 §lŸx .18 §R` .9

Aleph Champion Program 42 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

og b¤n dŸR o¤A .1

Fa K¨l Fl xd .2

m©r sŸq cx af .3

aŸc §l©v oY mU .4

Aleph Champion Program 43 Yellow Master Yellow` Aleph Write the word in Hebrew using the letters and vowels:

A-` Chart 1. Get 2. So f e d c b a A ` n l j k M i h g 3. Bin s t R r q o p m 4. Day U W x w u v 5. Head z Y 6. Toe Vowel Chart 7. Far Kamatz Segol 8. Lay ` ¤` 9. Fit Patach ` Sh’va§ 10. Go Tzeirei Cholam ¥ ` F`

Aleph Champion Program 44 Make a Match Yellow` Aleph

Write the correct number on the line:

1. Chof cFq 2. Ofen Ll§ W 3. Echad sxŸg 4. Kadeish cg` 5. Choref o¤tŸ` 6. Borei `xŸA 7. Shelcha Ln r© 8. Sod Wcw 9. Amcha sFg

Aleph Champion Program 45 Secret Codes Yellow` Aleph Write the “secret” English word:

Fld .10 dcŸq .1 h§l¤t .11 hl§ A¤ .2 c§lŸb .12 fFc .3 d¨lg .13 wU` .4 fR§ W .14 wqc .5 c§lŸY .15 c§lŸM .6 Fli .16 Flt§ .7 mx©t .17 hFb .8 d¨lŸw .18 fp¥R .9

Aleph Champion Program 46 Ba’al Koreh Yellow` Aleph

Write the word in English on the line below:

mUi dnc jWŸg .1

Wcw `÷e xqg .2

hFl `xw xŸvp .3

FlW Wn n z`fŸ .4

Aleph Champion Program 47 Nikudah Yellow` Aleph

Draw the vowel: Kamatz






Aleph Champion Program 48