B”H Skill Lesson #1 Lesson # 2 Lesson #3 Week # Week 1 Beis Hamilamed Sefer H1-81-84 #1(h1) Hamisores (sh) Pg. 66 Pg. 20

Week 2 Nekudos H1 Sh sh kumatz and 96, and 128 97 98 patach Week 3 Nekudos H1 H1 h1 Tzairai and 168 and 204 176 and 213 230 and 231 Segal Week 4 Nekudos Sh H1 H1 Both types of 101, 102 and 149 and 159 339 Leave out choilom and 104 the last line chirik Week 5 Nekudos Sh 43 H1 Sh Kubutz and H1 351 (Typo 364 48, 49, and 111 shuruk in book it says aleph)

Week 6 Open syllable Sh Sh Sh and closed 115 118 119 127 syllable words Week 7 Final letters Sh Sh Sh 18 16, 17, 134 128 lines 1-5 130 lines 1-3 129 lines 1-5 131 lines 1-3 132 lines 1-3 133 lines 1-3 Week 8 Sheva Sheva nuch – Sheva in Mixed My worksheets beginning of (MW) (MW) word (MW) Week 9 Sheva Double sheva Double letter Mixed in middle of creates a sheva (MW) word (MW) na (MY) Week 10 Sheva Sheva with star Double sheva at Open siddur for dot or line end of word 10 min. look (MW) (MW) for words with stars and dots – read them Week 11 Shuruk prefix Shuruk prefix Shuruk prefix Review this (MW) with a sheva week immediately (MW) following (MW) Week 12 Shin sin Shin and sin Shin and sin Shin / Sin Sh with (MW) 144 choilom(borrow and Share)(MW) Week 13 Suffix Yud choilom Kumatz yud H2 lange nun Patach Yud 474 and 475 Sh141 Sh 146-149 Week 14 Suffix Kumatz Shuruk Hemshech followed by followed by (Rabbi yud then vov yud Newman’s Sh 150 and 151 Sh 152 and 153 Book) Pg. 148 Week 15 Suffix Hai with a Kumatz vov H2 Sh 467 Patach hai with 157 a dagesh Sh 155 Week 16 Suffix/prefix Chirik then a Mapik ches H2 469 yud (patach Ches at Sh 160 end of a word) SH 165 Week 17 Hidden Vov Hidden vov all Mixed page H2 473 vov all choilom hidden vov and (MW) choilom (MW)