OF 1985


The compilation of a statistical book at district level is an important ana uaeful work* The present publication is eighth in series and contains cofjprehensivG t^les about area and popilation, agriculture livestock/ forests, medical and public health, education, co-operation, industties, labour and employment, transport etc; besides some state level tablesi The information contained in this book will be of imnnense use not only for assessing th^ process in the district in different sectx>rs of the economy bjjtt w ill also provide useful data fcr formulating various d is tr ic t/b lo c k level developmefetal plans and policies for future.

I am thankful to all the District officers of different departments for their kind cooperation in making available the data presented in the publication*.

Suggestion to improve the scope and contents of this publication will be wel<6ome#

R .S . b h /^t n a g a r Director of Economics and Sta^kistics, Himachal Pradesh*

u NIEPA DC »»i» 5ub. ^ - . . : . cf Ed.-^tion&r vivistTCtion.

. * tb

!• Shri R.L.Gautam/ District statistical ofi:icer overall guidance

Shri D*K.Sood, II Technical Assistant 0 0 collection,compilation 0 and write-up 3 . Smt. Anita Arvind# ff Technical Assistant.

4 . Shri Tilak Ram verma, i Assistant at the fi Headquarters. 5 Typing of tne 4 I publication • 5 . S hri Din es h Kum ar S harm ^ Senior clerk. 4

*** CONTENTS TABLTSS ^ of Achievements 1.1 shimla District at a Glance II Area and population - 2«1- Area and growth rate ’ 3 2.2. Area and Density of population 4 . 2.3 Rural and urban population 1981- Census ' 5 2*4 AJ^ea and Population - f . ; - 2.5 Scheduled caste & Scheduled Tribe population 7 2*6 ii^ea.- populatiqn and Growth Rate of TO«flns 8 2.7 pistribution of Main workers ^cultivators 9 2.8 Handicapped Pox^ulation - 1981 census- 10

III 3.1 Land utilisation in Shimla District 11^ 3.2. Land ut:ili?iatic»i’ in Shimla Tehsll 12. 3.3 Land uciilisation in Seoni Tehsll 13 3.4. Land utilisation in Theog Tehsil 14 3.5 Land'ytilisation In KotKhal Tehsil 15 3 .6 Land u tilis a tio n in Kumariiain Tehsil 16 A 3.7 Land utilisation in chopal Tehsil 17 3.8 Land utilisation in Tehsil 18 3.9 Land utilisation in Tehsil 19 ^.10 Land Utilisation In Rarnpur Tehsil 20 3.11 Land utilisation in NanXhare Sub-Tehsil 21 3.12 Land Utilisation in Qhirgaon sub-rehsil 22 3.13 Area under principal CrojJS 23-30 3.14 Production of Principal Crops 34^-36. 3.15 cross irrigated AJC^a 37-41 3.16 Net Area irrigated "^2 ' 3.17 Distribution of Seed and Fertilizer 43- 3.18 Agricultural implements - 1982 44 . 3.'19 Number Area of Oi^eraticnal Holdings by S ize class of Pioldings - 45 3.20 Estimated Nximber and ATGa of Operational Holdings by Tenure 46

Contd...(ii) (li) I V c l i m a t e 4.1 Rain Fall in shimla District 47 4*2 Temperature and Relative Humidity atshimla 48 V HORTICULTURE . 5*1 Area and production of F ru its 49 5 .2 AP-a under Fruits 50 5.3 production of Fruits 51 5.4 seed Multiphication Forms, and Progeny orchards 52

VI LIVE_ STOCK ajJD i^II4AL HUSBANmY 6.1 Live stock and poultry Tehsil wise 53 6.2 v^terinay institutions 54 'e.S veterinary personnal' 55 6 .4 ve ter in ay Affid

VII FORESTS 7.1 Area under forests 57 7.2 out turn and value of Major porests products 58 7.3 value of Minor forests products , 58

VIII FISHEPJBS 8.1 Developement of Fisheries , '59

IX v i t a l ST?aTISTICS 9*1 Births and Deaths - 60 " 9.2 Deafns from various causes . 61 j,' X MEDICAL AN^D PUBL IC HEALTH 10«1 Nuirber of Hospitals and dispensaries in ShiSiia District (Block-Wise) 62 s 10*2 Pc.tients treated 6*3 10«3 rurber of Beds available in Different type of j.nstihutions • ' 64 10;4 e^^Gment under National Family welfare - I'XcccToTtme 65

1 1 .1 Nurri'cr of E ducatio nal institution on 3 1 .3 .1 9 8 4 ) 66 11.2 NUHiber of Teachers in Educational Institutions 67 11.3 NUiTiber of scnolors in sducational institutions 6? 11.4 Litracy - 1981 - census 68 Contd.. .(til) ( i i i ) DSVHLOa^ENT AND 12 uI isfumber of Panchayats in* rural’Development (Block - VJisa )■ as on 31*3 *1983 ^ ^ 12 • 2 Number of Panchayats and their menibershdp (Block- Wise) 70 12.3 judicial Work done by p^chayats - ' " 7 0 .a* ♦ X I I I c o -o p e r a t i c n ^ ' n n - -r r r - T 1— p- - - 13.1 Cooperation . 7 l«73

XIV^ INDUSTRIES , 1.1 ...... i,^ 14 •! Registrsd Factories — 1980 ' 74-78 14.2 industrial Loans advanced & recovered 79 XV ELECTRICITy 15#1 Number of electrified villages 8 0 ,

EMPLOyM^JNT ' ' 16 «1 Registratien and placing .work done by Employment. Exchanges' ' Bl 16.2 occfupotional Distribution of Applicants bn Live Register of Einployment exchange 61 16.3 Distributicn of candidates according to educational Standc'Xd' (on the live register) 82 •i • ^ 16.4 Distribution of H.P^Government Employees(as on 3l f 3 . 1982) 82 16eS Distribution of Himachal Pradesh Government Employees aS on 31st March/ 1982 83

^>^1 TI^ij^JSPOR'r 7->ND COMMUNICATION * . 17 cl Road Accidents - 84 17 «2 Road Length ' , , ' ‘ , 84-85 17. 3 ‘ Road L-en'ghh 65 17.4 Number of Broadcasting Receiving Licences issued .85 17 .5 N’Jimber'of post offices . , 85 o-

XV^II POLICE AND CP.IMES " 18.1 Distribution of crimes 86 18.2 police strength . 8 7 18.3 incidence of crimes ‘ ‘ 87 18.4 police stations & Out posts - 1983 88 EXCISE TAXATiq

XXI ST7-iTE TABLES —a— mtmm 2 1 .1 District wise area and population v -102 21-2 Rural and urban population 103-106 “ 21.3 District wis.e main workers Marginal workers and Non-workers - 1981 census 109 ' 21.4 Literacy including population - 110-111 21*5 DistriiSfi". wioe distribution of fertilizers in terms of plant Nutrients 112-113 21.6 Distributioa of Deposits and Advances 114-116 21.7 L iv e Stock and poultry ^ ^ * 117-118 21.8 Number of villages electrified 119 21*9 Distribution of H.p .employees as on 3lst March^ 1981 (District Wise) . 120 21.lODistrict wise number of Factories Registered and workders 121 21. l.lDi strict “‘Wise numbar and area of operational Holding during 1970-71 and 1976-77 122 (v ) REVIEW OF achievement ^ IH oHXML/i DlbT.^CT >R5VIEW OF ACHIEVSMENTb IN SrilMLA DISTRICT

» Shimla D istric t become a part of tns state of ■9- Himachal Pradesh on 1st November/1966. At the time of the re-organ is at ion of the Pub jab State, at that time ,it aomprised of three sufcf-di vis ions, namely shimla, Kandaghat and Nalagarh with two tehsils namely Kandaghat and Nalagarh and one sub- tehsil shimla* On the re-organisatioti of shimla and Mahasu Distripc On l'*9.1972- in the new shimla District, most of the territory of the erst—while Mahasu district was merged with shimla sub-rehsil and tvjt> of the sub-divisions of tne old shimla District namely Kandaghat and Nalagarh were merged with the newly created Solan district; Jr ■

£ The present shimla D istrict comprises of five sub- divisicns namely Shimla, Theog, chopal# Rohru and Rampur having *• tweleve tehsils namely shimla, seoni^ Theog/chopal#vJUbbal,Kotkhai# Rohru/Kumharsain and Rampur, chirgoan two sub-tehsils namely Nankhari and KupVi for administrative purposes, por development ♦ * purposes the district is divided in to eight blocks namely K\5^vunpti-seoni, Theog, ehopal<^ jubbal and Kotkhai, Rohru, Chhohara/ Kumarsain and Rampur. T^ere are two hundred and seventy three gram Panchyats in the^district having 2/188 inhabited and 221 un-inhabited villages. Thereare six urban area3 in the district namely mnicipal cori>oration, shimla Municipal committee Theog and Rairpur, N o tified area committee Dhalli and Rohru and contonmant Board jutogh.

l o c a t i o n SMi BOUNDARIES:-

The District is situated tetween loiggitudes 37«.02* and 78* 18* and latitudeds 30® 43* . It is bounded on the North by Kinnaur, Kullu and Mandi .district, oh the East by u.P. on tne South by sirma^r District and on the West by Solan district#

area 7 m POPULATION :- ' ...... —-- The total area of the District according to Survey General is 5,131 Sq- Kilometers w ^re as Aft Is 2/87/844 Hectares • r aCQOrclng to revenue papers. The total population as per 1981


•••contd... census is 5, 10/932 which consists of 2/72/ 126 males and 2^38^806 females and ratio of females per thousand males ccmes to 844• The decemmial growth ratio of population during 1971-81 is 21.70 percent which is lower from the state average ot 23.71 percent. The density of population 100 percent per sq/km. The Scheduled Caste and scheduled tribe population cortprises 26.76 and 0.72 percent of tn^ total population of the district. 15.69 percent of the total population living in urlsran areas against 1 ,1 2 percent of Himachal Pradesh. The working force of the district comprises 2..35^540 main workers, 1,59,209 caltivators, 6,7 26 agricultural labourers and 2<. 47,84 non-workers . t CLIMATE Since the terrain is moutainous with deep v^ley and with rieges and peak- The climate of the district depends much on elevation wnich generally varies fran 1^000 metres in the western position rising sharply to about 5^ OOD m'etj^csin the eastern parts on the district. Faitly severe cold Weather season from . December to March, . pleasant summer frcm j^ptil to June, rather short monsoon from July td mid September and mild post monsoon from mid- september to Novembet constitute the salient featheres of the clim,-.t9 of the district/ '

ACRICJLTURS , ' Agriculture beiog the large single industry and main occupation of the people of shimla district provide direct emj.^loyment to about 71 percent of the total woifking population of the district. The principal crops frow in the district are maize,wheat^paddy and major cash crops .are potatso ginger and vegetables» The net area sown during 1982—83 is 72^473 hectares against 7 2/016 hectares during the previous year. The net areas sown frcxn 66*44 percent of tne total cropped area- The croppiing antensicy is 158 percent, cropes grown during Kharif season are Maize/ Paddy/ Potato/ off season vegetables and millets and during Rabi season wheat and barely are grown. ^ ( v i i ) The araa and production of principal crops auring 1982-83 vas as under crop AreaCHect >|> production (Tonn) 1. wheat 33852 22408 2. Maize 22324 16200 3* Barley - 8917 ^ ' - 5782 4. Rice ' 50&5 3072 5- Potato / 6903 • " • 16495 6« Ginger ; 66 . - ' 12

In order to disseminate the modem techniques of cultivation amongst tne farmer, the following seed mltipll- ceii-i<-^ceii-i Tot« • C . '.s f, • « Kharapathar ' 8.19 « S. i. '• ' •* Khadrala 6.10 ^ r- t e «• »• Dhuria 8 *09 ”

on the basis of crop cutting experim^ints conducted ty ths Agriculture Department/ the yield'of some of the major crop -is given bslow Crog_ - . Yield (in kg.)per Hect. 1« iviai'^e . • 2^307 2» Paddy ' 1/0327 3. Wheat ' 5/323 4 . B^irl.3y 1^047 ‘ ‘ ^ The achievement of area under |;iigh yielding varieties under food grain and dlstributiort^ HYV seeds j^r Ki^erif 1979 to Kharif 1981 are tabuiated below*-. Item unit ______A^ievements kharff Rabi kharif Rabi 1979 1979-80 1980 1980-81 __2_*____ _ 3# 4 . 5. 6 . T T ' ^ e a "und ir HYV under foo

HUSB?JSTDRY . . Broadly speaking the develcpmenfc of agriculture also drvpends upon the development of animal husbandry. The total livestock p

AS on 31st March/ 1983/ 22 veterinary hospitals 78 dispensaries including 2 mobile centres were functioning in the district. Besides there were 18 artificial insemination caatres-operating in the district.

FORESTS ’ F o r e s t s haye a special significance as it provided valuable timber, medicinal herbS/ raw material for amall and large s c a l e industries and provides several other major and mj.nor forest produce/ besides/ this it also generates employment and play vital role in soil conseifvation and encure timely and adequate, rains. ’ in shimia District forestes cover as area of 2/63/028 hectares, which fron about 51 per cent of the total geographical area of the district.

MEDICAL ?JSrD PUBLIC - HE7djTH , Tt) provide adequate and efficient medical and public health services in a welfare state is trre most important as^pect of Government policy* With this aim in view the <3ovem^ent policy include such invaluable services, as of enviromental Sanitation/ control of communicable difeseases/ tix)

health education^ family welfare maternal and cnlld health services besides providing curative services through a net work of 13 hospitals 9 primary health centres, 36 allopathic dispensaries# 60 Aycurvedic dispensaries and 2 Unani dispensaries* j t % * During the year 1983^ 1,28, 274 patients were -treated indoor and 7,30#777 in outdoor and 1,321 beds were available as on 31.3.1983 • ^ ^ \

in order to check the high growth rate of A population, in the d is t r ic t, family welfare programme on ~ .• \*>aluntary bases aimed at motivating the people ta accept small family stirlisation operation and 89 luCD inserati^ns Were perfo]3:ned and 1,027 C*C* were a3so distributed and 4/387 sterlisation operation were pejrformed*

EDUCATION . ' Education plays a vital role in the socio­ economic development o f the people* According to census 1981 the district has 2,18,354 literate persons (1,47,951,males and 70.403 females). The literacy percentage is 42*74 percent 54,37% among-^at males and 29.48% amongst females) « ■" and this is higher than the state literacy percentage of 42*48%.

AS on 31.3*1984 there were 1076 primary schools I • 157middle schools ^(inclusive 3 privately managed), 110 highj^ Higher secondry schools (inclusive 12 privately managed) and 5 degree collages (inclusive one plfivately managed functioning

in the district. * t RURAL INTEQIATSD DSVELOPMEI’^T mP PmO^hT . ■ Rural in ter grated development department is stinulating economic development consistent with social * ■ “ justicre* A cc«ic^rted and in ter grated efforts towards meeting this end was initiated and at present eight develcpmoit blocks are function-ing in the district. * H * In the democratic setup like , Panchyats have get a vital role to play. Through these institutions, effort are being caf-ried out successfully for the uplift of villages. Presently, there are 273 ^gram panchyats, B panchyat smities are functioing in the district* c o n td.. •• i X ) \

The co-operative movement has been recognised as an ■ inportants inorder to establish a socialistic pattern * pf society* number of ail types of co-operative soci.eties i* • at on Ju n e / 1983/ were 295,in the district which covers sent per cent villages of the disfcricj^* These societies provide financial loans to its member which number 58^480 persons, having about rs,808 lacs as working capital out of which loans advanced are worthRS,76 lacs «

INDUoTIRIBS ; ■ I —ii^ II ^ D u rin g 1982-83/ a sum o f^ r s . 1 .3 5 lacs was advanced as margin money to 27 parties and there were 128 Registered factories in tne district. with a view to boost tae industrial sector and industrial estate at shoghi near Shimla has b(Sen identifiedc > rt*is hoped that with the development of this industrial £State/ small industries can be located at Shoghi and number of industries which produces ancillary goods can be developed around this area- '

[j.^BajR EMPLOYMENT . During the year 1983 lEn a ll 12/979 candidates were registered wfoile 4/096 vacancies were notified against which 1248 candidates were placed. The total number of candidates as on 31-12-1983 on live register stood at 22/926*

f ' According to census o*f Himachal Pradesh 2overn*Tjent Employees 31.3.1983/ the district has 13/254 regular employees^ and 12/533 contingent paid/work charged/ laiiy. paid'employees. SHIMLA DX^IRICT AT A G L ^ C E >1.1 - GENERi^,

«»*'**’Sl.ND. mm Item . nM • (■» , M unit »•« *<• Yea£. •"• •“ Particrular #“•*“• *“• 1* 3* 5*

AR3a a n d POPULATiaJ .

1* 7iJL“ea (AcoorcUng to surveyor General of India) S q *Kms . 1981 ■ 131 2« population ' • No . -do- 5 ,1 0 ,9 3 2

3* Rural population . Mo* -do- 4 ,3 0 ,7 5 5 4« urban population No • ‘ -do- 80,177 5 . Male, pcpjrlaticn NO . —do"~ 2 ,7 2 ,1 2 6 6 . j?arr.ale population NO. -do- , 2 ,3 8 ,8 0 6 7 * percentage of male population % -do- 53.26 B. Percentage of female population % -do- 4 6 .7 4 9. Scheduled caste popiilation N o . -do- 1 ,3 6 ,7 3 8 t lC«,SGheduled Tribe population No ^do— 3,672

.tX»per cent age of Scheduled caste V population. to total population % -do- 26*76 « 12 cpercentage of scheduled Tribe population td ,total population % —do— 0 .7 2 136Density of population per Sq-3an. —do- 3jOO 14 oLitcracy % -do- 4 2 .7 4 IScnccEnial GL'owth Rate of populaticn % —do—1 2 1 .7 0

I6«.Ar^a according to Revenue papers m e t . 1982-83 2 ,9 3 ,0 4 5 17 ^OXital Cropped area -do- -do- 1, 10,474 IS-Gross irrigated area -do- ~do- 8,032 19tNot irrigated area -do- -do- 4 ,7 8 1 2 0 .a un der for e& t -c3o- -do- 4 8 ,8 7 9 2l*Production of . i) Rice , Tonnes 1982-83 3,072

i i ) wheht ■* -<3o- —do— 2 2 ,4 0 8 ii:l) ‘Maize , ^ -do~ -do- 16; 100 iv) Barley -do- -do- 5,782 v) Potato -do- -do- 16^495

Con td • • • • I- GEMER.zOi «2- s h i m l a d i s t r i c t a t a q l .aj^ ce Cbntd

1. 3 . 4 . 5 . L I VgSTOCK A^TD HUSBANDRY 22* Cattle , . N o . 3 /4 2 ,6 5 3 23 • Buffaloes -aD- -do- X 18/ 589 2‘4. Sheep . ; -do- -do- 1 /6 4 /9 6 8 2Sm Goats -do- -do- 1/04/001 26a Poultry ^ ^ -do- -do- 59/457 27* others ^ -do- -do- 5/842 28. Total Livestock -do-' -do- 6 /9 5 /5 1 0 29. Number of veterinary Hospitals -do- -do- 22 3 0 . Number of Veterinary Dispensaries -do- -do- ' 78 0

31o Hoepitals^ Dispensaries and P.H.C*s t and allopathic dispensaries & ved i c an d un an i di s pens ari es ^ No. -do- 115 3 2 « r ecTs. Avai 1 ab 1 e NO. -do- 1/321 bducaticist f. -rtrsJLh ■ *i 3 3 . Pri mexy/Jun i or B as i c 3 chools NO. 3 1 .3 .1 9 8 4 1/076 34. M:Ldd3e/Senior Basic Schools -do- -do- 157 35, HiQh/Hlgh€.r Secondary Schools -do- -dp- 110

3 6.1 Derree callages ' -do- -do- 5

*** II- a r ea PCHJIrATICN « . N 2^1 - popxjlaticn a n d g r o w t h RATE ■' V ■ . % i Tehsi l./SUb;"Te hs i i 1971 ' 1981 Decennial growth rate of ■ popvP-afeion V- I9T1 - 81 •> ■ I , . 2 . 4o i 1* Shin.la 1 ,0 6 ,9 3 9 1 ,3 8 ,8 9 4 29«88

• saonl ; . : , 2 2 ,2 7 4 27^003 . 21,23

3 . T’asog 47,237 » 57 ,1 3 8 2 0 .9 6

4 . Kct:;khai 24,285 28,583 17»70

Krinhax*S£jLn .3-0,809 3 5 ,5 6 0 15-42

6^ Cha-^paX' 18 ,212 21,476 17 .92 V 7 « Nerwa '(S.T«) ,28,533 3 3 /9 3 4 18.93 '

8* jubbal 21,357 ^ 27,383 2S ,28

Roi-iru 'j2,9lO 7 5 ,5 5 8 2 0 .1 0

10 • Rampur 39 ,8 7 1 . 45,960 15.27

1 1 . Nankharl iS*T») X6i917 19,443 14.93 % ■ \

• SiilMLA DISTRICT 4 ,1 9 ,8 4 4 ‘ 5 ,1 0 ,9 3 2 2lo70 - ■

•» • Sub-Tehsil source census , of In d ia/^^981 (H*P•Final popullticn TbfcaJ.) -4-



*Te hs il/sub~ Tehsi1 l^rea According population Density of to village population papers(1981-82) (Pe^ saetoi '^GQoKms*) 1971 1981 1971 ■ '""IgBl' 1- 2 • 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 c

1 . Shimla . ^ 489 *0 1 ,0 6 ,9 3 9 ft1 ,3 8 ,8 9 4 219 284

V ^ 2 • Seoni ■ 240o0 2 2 ,2 7 4 27^003 93 1X2 1 ■ • 3 . Theog 4 7 3 .0 47,237 57 ,1 3 8 100 121 m 4 . Kotkhai 2 0 3 .2 2 4 ,2 8 5 28^583 120 141

5* -Ktimharsain 2 31 .3 3e/.809 35^560 133 154 » ■ 6 . Chaupal i8;,2l2 21^476 •• \ 5 SS4«2 80 95 7 . Nerwa - | ' 2 8,5 3 3 33/9 34

8 • jtibbal 244.5 21,857 27^383 89 112

9* Rohru 2 2 2 .3 62,9 1 0 7 5 ,5 5 8 283 3 40

1 0 . Rampur X52 .1 3 9 ,8 7 1 4 5 ,9 6 0 262 302

276 317 !!• Nankh'ari 61.4 16,917 • 19,443

SHIMLA DISTRICT 5 ,1 3 1 .0 4,19,844 5,10,932 82 100

source : census of India - 1981 (H#P.Final Population Total f ' Note : District.area figures are according • to the surveyor General Of India while those for tehsil / sub-tehsils not being , available fron the source^j are according to viMage papers* The totals of the tehsils/sub-tehsil- wise are do not tally with corresporl ding district area figures* -5- I I - A ^E A /JTn FOPTji,;sTICN


I g e r NO«o£ Te hs i1 /3 at^Tehsi1 'S '■ . Popalation %age of Aver­ K rural ' h a li« age population tated Popg. . to total v il l ­ per Tote-I , Rural uH^an populetlcn ; ages v ill­ 4 age ♦ 1* 2 . 3 . 4 • 5 . 6 . 7.V

1 . Shimla 1,33^894 65,890 73v004 47^4 566 116

2* Seonl 27 / 003 27,003 - . 100^.0: 202 134 L. 3 • Thecg 57 ,1 3 8 55^ 610 1/528 " 97 <,3 ^3.92 142 • i 4 . KOt::.h£l 28/583 28/583 - 100*0 172 166 •9 % 5 • 35..560 35,560 io a .o ;' ■156 228 K ‘vTjOGrsain - ' . 1 ' 6« Chsupal 21,. 476 2l/4*S6 tf ^ ■ 1 0 0 ,0 123 175

* 7 . Ncxv.:a ^ . > 3 3 /9 3 4 33/934 1 00 .0 ihi 192 •y •• • 8 . jV bl^l J t ; 27/333' . 27/383t^ • lod.o . 89 308 i f - ;- ] .) 9 , Rohru 7 5 /5 8 8 '■ 73^223 2 /3 3 5 ' ■: <96.9 169 433 ■» 1 0 . R airier 4 5 /9 6 0 42 , 650 3 /3 1 0 92 «8 119 358

1 1 . Nan}

GKIMLA DIS^rRICT: 4 ,3 0 ,7 5 5 ' 80/ 177 84 c3 ^2/225 194 5/10.>9?2* <3 <

source : census of India — l98l (^•P•Final'postalafcion Totals) -»6- II - AHEA i^D POPULATICN 2.4 - TEHSIL - WISE DISTRIBUTION OF HOUSEHOLDS 7m> SEXWISE POPULATION

Te hsi l/sub-xehsl 1 Number of M r s o n s Male Females households Rural urban urban Rural urban Rurhl W •«» ifrban #.* 3« 5 . 2 « ______i - ______1 . shimla f2^852 18,407 *>3/004 3 5 ,1 8 1 4 3,6 2 8 3 0 ,7 0 9 2 9 ,3 7 6 * 2 . seoni 4 ,8 2 6 * 27^001 - 1 3 ,1 2 9 - 1 3 ,8 7 4 -

3 * Theog 9,707 . 457, 5 5 ,1 « 0 1, 528 " 28,367 928 27 , 243 600 1 4 . Khotkhal 5,139 2SfS99 - 14,785* - 13 ,7 9 8 -

5* Kumharsain 6 ,2 8 9 - 35«see - 18,568 - 16,992 -

6 • chaupal 3 ,5 9 0 - - 11,447 - 10,029 flip

7. Nerwa (S«T*) 5 ,1 22 - 3 3 < » 4 - 18,457 - 15,477 t 8 « jubbal 4,523 - . 27«3MI - 14,323 13«060 t- 9* Rc^iru 12,144 536 2,335 37,854 l ,4 4 l 3 5 ,3 6 9 894

1 0 . Ramnir 7 ,8 1 1 913 4 2 ,« S 0 3 ,3 1 « 22,177 2 ,0 9 5 2 0 ,4 7 3 1,215

1 1 . Nankhari (S*T*) 3 ,2 9 T - - 9 ,7 4 6 m 9,697 -

• Sm MLA DISTRICT s 7 5 ,2 9 6 20,313 4 ,3 0 ,7 S e 80^177 2 ,2 4 ,0 3 4 48,092 2,06,721 3 2 ,0 8 5

S*T Sub-Tehsil source: census of India - 198 {H#P»Final Populatican Totals) -7- II- ;i^EA AND POFULATICN 2 .S.- SCHSDULED CASTS AND SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION

Tehsi1/sub Tshsii ^ Scheduled cast population %age. of Sch •Tribe population %age of •» S •c«]^opu* S «T*Popu. to total to tgtal

To}".al pural UrlJaii population Total R ural ■ urban popul ation •• a«M cOT ««■ «• 1 # « • 1 . 2 • 3« 4 . 5 . 6e 7 . 8 . 9 .

1 . sbimla ^•2/054 20/448 11^606 23 .08 763 340 423 0 .5 5 2 * seoni 6/853 6/853 2 5 .3 8 50 50 0 .1 9

3 . Theog 15/642 15/374 268 271.38 23- 21 2 . 0 .0 4 •

2 2 .2 5 118 118 \ ^ 0 .4 1 Kotkhai , 6 /36 0 6/360 -

• .1 5. Kumharsain 10/460 10/460 29.42 142 142 - 0 .4 0 4 6 . Chaupal 5/738 5/738 - 26.72 108 108 w 0 .5 0 . • i 7* Nerwa (S-T.) 9,682 9/682 • - 28.53 565 565 ‘ m 1*66 > 8. jubbal 7/162 7 /1 6 2 - 2 6 .1 5 65 ; 65 - 0 .2 4 . t 9 • Rohru . ’ . ' 21/590 21,128 462 28.57 345 297 48 0 .4 6 *

lOoRevipur 1 5 ,8 2 0 15,137 683 34.42, 1/482 1/330 152 3 .2 2

« 27 .66 11 11-^ 0 .0 6 ii*Na:'.khari(S.=TO 5/377 . 5,377 -

625 Oo72 SHIMLA DISTRICT j 1/36/738 1, 1 3 ,0 1 9 2 6 .7 6 , 3 /67 2 3/047 • .(

source* census of India/ 1981* X h .P•F inal*population Totals) -8- I - AREA AND POV^JT^.-T-QT

AREA p o p u l a t i o n AND GROWTH RATE OF TOWNS owns/size da3S Area in population .1981 Growth Rate % J (Sq*kmsy ■ Persons Males Females 1961- 19 7 :.- 1971 1981 1 . 2 • 3 , 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 .

• Shimla(MoCorp'^Il’ 19.55. 7 0 .6 0 4 42/254 28/350 +29*98 +27 r5.5

• Rampur(HoC^>\?i: 8 .0 0 3/31 0 2 /09 5 1^215 +26.17 +26<>2»9

• Rohru(N^AoC^'*vi • • 2/335 1/ 44I 894 9 • • .

• Theog(M«cO VI 4 ♦00 1/ 528 928 600 -13.54I +15.06 1/396 708 688 - . s + 8 . jutogh(c.B)VI 1 .4 1 13» 1 .13 • >*Dh$illi (n'^A^^C ») VI 0 .0 7 1/004 666 338 +51.20 A

census of India - 1981* (H*P#Pinal popoilation Totals) •COpp. Kunicipal corporation

.c * I Municipal canmittee

•A*C. t Notified Area conmittee

•B • : contonment Board ote s 1. To’Tns treated as such for In I 97I and which continue as towns in 1981 census are shown with an asterisK( *) on tnair left*

2 • T^A^s treafced as such for the first ^ime in 1981 census are underlined. ' ^

*** -9- II- AI^EA POPTTT,aTTOM 2«7 - I.l£.LaDUTia^" OF MAIN WOr^KErcS BY COL-TIVATO^S AGRICULTURAL LABOUR HOUSEHOLD T ::'y J3^y I^ID Ol'. irR wopi:e:vs - 1 9 3 1 - csnsus TO h« i 1/b ‘u r incuXi r*.J CUX i-M V H .aar-i.GUj-- Vv C)''t.'A.'3 L' -■f- 2i' ’ , tural holJ .. h'orlzors r.al VJorkers d-^iy') ■ i'O Labcnjrors inaijetrY' ' worlcors tcK-cr.l ptjpT* manafac^- ulacicn ■.' 'tii.ring • servlsjng t & repairs •*' •

■ !• Shimla 55^758 40*86 , 15/944 807 366 39 ,6 4 1 5 ,5 13 7 6 ,6 2 3 1/709 ^ 3,898 14,245 2 •, Secni .8^869 3 2 .8 1 6/981 56 114 3/327 4,091 27,995 3 ♦ Th<^ eg 25^052 43 o84 20/757 7Sl 187 4* Kotkhal 13/053 45«G7 ’ 8 /1 2 5 1,172 158 3 / 598 2,264 13,266 2,432 18,101 5./ her Sain I5^p27 42*26 10/635 669 111 3/612 8/SS3 405 46 1/942 -,42l 8,769 6/ Cnc't-tpcil 11^206 E2 «S5 !j. - 1/938 849 i 12,947 7 . Ncr>’a (i?<'TO 20^133 59 c? 4 • 17/9S4 129 117 12^539 45 w 9 8/6£‘B S I3 85 3/273 1,665 13,178 8 a cn*U:.a3." ^ • 1.165 302 5 ,7 10 2 ,17 7 3 1,577 9o Rchra ' 4l^PQ4 55^34 34.-627 1 1,740 21,211 -OoR.-ir'.p-.r 23^009 iiOisO-C . 1S/9E5 185 4 /7 3 0 81 683 •476 9,39 1 1 tT ^) 9^Fr/ S ‘ ^ 49t.2b ■ •231-

'-. • W ■ r . r ' . ,K. / ; s ? 70,21:^ ::c, 527 2. 47'^ 303 2,-37.-V>/ 45 v-4l ■ “ •»

^ iinfc >«—.^Jti•tum.'x «r « w * '>' ^ .on. -TAT ..- •« -I* -r •—r»- • f ••fc ‘ 0r 1 rr Vjv- ■■ '' ••* C3:::5u;j- -c£ i ; n d l a - lX-31 « ( H c P . r i n z l ' p o p i l aticn Totals) ■ -10- IX - AREA AND POPULATICK

> 2*8 - handicapped POPULATICN

Tehsi 1/sub-Tehsil Number of physically Handicapped Populaticn TotallyTotal Totally Totally Blind crippled Dumb 1. .5:- 1* shimla 2i2 85 S5 72

2 . Seoni 88 40 17 3 1

3 • Theog 184 97 29 58

4 • Kotkhai .102 42 23 37

5* Kumharsain 69 22 16 31

6 m chaupal 47 23 9 15

7. Nerwa(S*TO 197 106 45 46 V 3 . jubbal 75 43 10 22

9* Rohru 289 104 37 148

lO^Rempar 165 67 45 53

11 .N ankhari (S .T • ) 7 0 16 14 40

s h im l a d i s t r i c t : 1^498 645 300 553

source i census of India - 1981* (H.P.Final Population Totals) ••lip* • III> AGRICULTURE * ' " 3 ,1 - IMV UTILISATION IN SHtMLA DISTRICT ( HectareV Clc.scificatic3n oi area . . . . X 5 5 F B

2 • 3 • , 4* ' 5«

1* Totel Geograpti4.cal Area by village PaPers 2 ,8 7 ,7 9 8 2,87,844 2,90,142 2,93,045

2 • x^'crests 48,730 48 ,8 7 9 4 8 ,8 8 0 5G ,296

y ■ 3 « x^rrc- 'ciot available f or 4C-^.; - .g. 'yi»Ljr«

li- : :,ce pur to non-agri- cxiLra3.1 uses ^ 7 ,8 2 5 8 ,2 3 1 6 ,9 42 8 ,1 0 4

:,viltivated Land ^ • V - r^irrenFn^elTws ■. ---- 12,705 12,743 14,389 13,581

A.cnaat Pastures and ctr zi. grazeing land 1,28,082 1,26,901 1,27,8l9 1,28,258 t 111} x-ba^ ’iuder M is e .t r e d 1,379 1,217 1,404 1,290

r „ 1 ] -y- V.

:! ^ C-'v rallows 4 ,8 1 4 4 ,6 7 4 5 ,1 4 1 5 ,7 7 2 IJ.) allows 1,112 1,233 1,413 li430

6c i\ri.h • ?r'3-?v. sown ?■ • 7 1 ,2 7 0 7 1 ,9 9 0 7 2 ,0 1 6 7 2 /4 7 3

>r a & t 7 <. fur«3i a « o raors than once 3 5 ,0 4 6 3 6 ,4 2 4 37^807 38^001

£.'t C - ' o p p e d area 1 ,0 6 ,3 1 6 1 ,0 8 ,4 1 4 1,09^823 1 ,1 0 ,4 7 4

source : District Land Records office, S h in d a . r-l2— III - AGRiaTIiTURm 3-2 - hm D utilizaticn'in shimla tspisil

Classlficctioa' of j^rea j\gricjultural Year 19^79-80 iQao-SJ. i 9 ^ « 8 2 1902-8S 1 . 2 • 3o 4» 5 •

ia Tptal GGograPhical Area by « -i village, papo^s 48^.901 48^901 ' '4 8 ^ 9 0 1 4 8 /9 0 1 •• 2o .Forests 8 ,0 7 1 8^071 8^052 • 8 /0 7 4

3. Land not available for

Oi^tivatic^. o i) Barren and unculturable land • 2 ,2 4 9 2^249 2/237 2/237

ii) Land put to non, agricult­ ural uses , * 2 ,i 6 4 2/642 2 /6 1 9 2 /5 9 5

4 » Cther un oi 11i vated 1and ex« cuiding fallov/s • i) ci^ltioT'able Waste l ,5 i 3 1^586 1 /6 3 5 1^581

i i )periTianent pastures and other * grazing lands 47,4 1 2 2 6 ,8 8 5 ' 27/892 2.6/819 lii)L a n d under raise* ^*r3 es crops etc<» 8 2 3 30 •# 5 . Fellow Land - i) .carreht fallows 338 288 367 619 ii) ether fallo^rs ' 208 201 219 228

6e Net area s q -^j^ - 6^938 6.977 , 6,.89l 6 /6 1 8

1» x;r3a sov;n more than once 3^526- 3^869 4 /5 3 4 4 /0 0 1

8* Total cropped area 10/464 10^846 11/425 10/619

source § District Land Records offic^ Shim la* -13- tlX - AGniqTLTURB < ^ hPJ^D UTILIZATia'J IN SEQSTI •‘irT.HSIL

Classification of Area A

, 5 ,0 9 0 5^ 090 5 ,0 9 0 2 * pirests * * 5^079

3 • Land nob available .^or

- * * * • • I - w * W - * .» i ) Barren and un cal.turable land '235 249 194 259

il) Land p,it to non^Ag^ric^l” tuiral uses 982 946 8B6 947 4* ether nr.c'altivatPd 3, and ' T aT Io w s: • i) o>lture,ble VJaste 389 307 407 380 i i ) peraaahsnfc Pastures and other gi'azi' Ug lands 12/575 12,746 l2,83i 12,744 i i i ) Land undex' rdseotree crops etco 188 -3 10 11 5* Fallow L'and j i ) cujrrent fallows ISO 199 174 ‘ 198 iiiji Other £allo\vs 128 32 4l 24

6o Net Area scsr. 4,282 4 ,3 8 6 4 ,4 4 6 4,3 96

7 • Area sox^jn more tnan oiice 3 ,3 9 5 3,029 3,169 . 2,9 63

8* Total crppped area 7,677 7 ,4 1 5 7 ,6 1 5 7 ,3 5 9

source ; pistrigt Land Records c£fice;^5/ . . shxirla* -14- Ill - Aa^Icm^TURE 3.»4 - l ;:td utilizaticn i n t h e o g t e h s i l

Classification of Area . AQrlqul tural Year •i-97 9"“80. 1930-^}! , ^^’^81-32 "T982-S3

1-. Total Geographical area by . K village papers 47^302 47^302 '4 7 ,3 0 2 47,3 0 2

2 p Forests 6^708 6,708 6,7 08 6 ,7 0 8 . * 3# Land’not available for C^-lti vat rbn s S’ 1 ) Barren and unculturable land 2^004 2^104 2 ,1 0 4 2 ,1 0 4 i i ) Land pit: to non-A^ricul­ tural uses 668 668 668 668

4* other uncul tivated land ex- - cxuGing c’.irrent falJ.ovJSs 4 4) OJ.11ur abi e yj^b te 1,028 1,028 1,028 4i \» j 1,028 li)PfeiTnanent pastures and other gra^iiag lands 26,722 26,548 26,548 26,548 iil)Land under rrdi^c tree crops ehc« 483 483 ■ 483 483

5 . mmcc FallowtMu. ■ -i^jLjmn -.wrrT-^Aiir' T,c?r.d ; i ) c ^ r e n t f aJ. 1 ows 470 470 507 507 ii) Other fallows 98 98 96 96

6o Net *a:rea sov;n ■ 9^021 9/195 9 ,1 60 9,160

7. Area sown more than once 4,512 4,426 4,323 3,6l3

8« Total cropped area 13/533 l3,62l 13,483 12,773

source : District Land Records office^ Shim la* -15- I l l - 5«5 - LAND UTILIZAT^TaJ lU KOn


2o Forests 4^378 4,.378 . 4 ,3 9 8 4 ,3 98

3 <* itcinfi no^z avp.ilable for OU-:..ieal.j -.1 s ‘ ' . »!■ vr»x-y"*fc^.a -r'.*-aafc ^ 1) Barren and unoalturabls lai'id 540 584 675 718 ±i) Lar^d .put bo non-agr.lcul- turaX uses ^ 412 395 3.14 306 Am Other urr.altd vated land dx~ * > vrtLKrwGluditig .tiMfc-t—- .c.i^rrcnt ,tal3.ows %•<■*•»/ce-w • i ) D-ittura3oler \ WastQ 476 489 434 , -420 11) Perjianent Pastux-es and other grazing land 8^.797 8^667 8^571 8 ,5 43 ilri) Land under mlscc tree crops e t c . 294 303 330 334

» 5 . FallOV7 Land • 1) current fallo"v*;s ' 384 393 383 613 11) ether £allo’>\?3 37 36 85 68

6»'Net area s o ^-q 4^946 5^000 5.a2'^- 4^916

7« Area sov;n inorethan once 2^405 1,377 l.,857 1,617 f t 8* Total cropped area 7^351 6,, 437 6,983 6, 533

source jDistriot i,m d Records office^ Zhim la.* -16- I I I - A O ^ ig TLTURB ^ :jor*aa , 3 *6 - LAND UTILIZATIOSr IN ' KUMHARS/aN TEHSIL (He crates) Classification of area AQriciiltureJ. year 15S'§-feO--- lyg-C^'ST--- — W f - S T 1 . 3. 5.

!• Total Qeogral^ical area by village papers 2 3 ,1 2 5 23 ,1 2 5 23,125 23,125

2 . Forests 5 ,7 0 1 5 ,6 9 3 5,693 5,693

3• Land not available for Cul ti va ti orT” : 1) Barren and unculturable land 1,085 - 1 ,0 7 0 1,070 1,069 ii) Land put to non-agricul­ tural uses 562 556 557 557

% 4* Other unculti^>ated land ex- G!CiHIng' cux'r.enr‘TaTTows • i) cul'turable Waste 5l2 4 6 i 462 465 ii) Permanent Pastures and other' grazing lands 9 ,6 5 1 9 ,6 6 6 9,640 9,634 iil) Land under misc*tree crops etc# 50 50 58 59

5 • Fallow Land • 1) current fallows 293 ■ 246 993 244 ii) Other fallows 69 88 80 70

6# Net Area sown 5,202 5 ,2 9 5 4,572 5,324

7 • Area soWn more than once 1/892 2 ,1 9 5 2,434 .1,902

8* Total cropped area 7 ,0 9 4 7,006 7,226

source : District Land Records office, Shim la* -17-


Classif.icatlai of ^rea tural Year l979«8C i980-Bl 1981-82 1982-83 ^ 1 . 2 • 3 • 4 . 5 .

1. Tohal Geograph;’cal cirea bi'' vi 2.1 age Pape rp 58,432 ^ 58^432 58,432 4S./762

2 o Forests 10^690 10/794 1 0,7 9 4 10,794 I Z h Land noi: aTrallable for - • i) Barren and uncalturable land 3 ,6 63 3/^89 3 /68 9 3 ,5 1 4 ii) Land piit to nan-agrlGul- tural 1 ,1 55 1,177. I , 111 1,032

4« Other uncT.tXcivated/rTtT>g--ry»^3ty'iwiWi land ex-« ■ —1« ciua;.nn<^v*«riagiu^-..-r*~fc.***fc■».».-•>» otu.rent —.- tallows iv M : i) Oilturable V7aste 966 960 940 594 i l 4 perTP.0P 6T\t Pastures and othar gracing lands. 3 1 ,6 5 8 3l>i37 31^137 24,182 i i i ) Land under misc*tree crops etc«_ ' 278 294 296 255

5* fallow Land : i) corrent fallows ' 735 615 613 556 ii) other fallows . 3C6 509 509 425

6 «%iet area sown 8 ,9 8 2 9^257 9 ,2 1 1 7 ,4 1 0

7 • ’^ e a sawn, more than 4 ,1 3 8 4^i254 4 ,5 8 4 7 ,0 5 5

8«*potal cropped area 13,120 13^511 13#861 1 6 ,3 4 6

* including Kupvi Tehsil Source ^ District L$nd Records office^ Shi ml . -18- I I I - AGRICULTURE

3 ,8 - LA^JD utilization IN JUBBAL TEHSIL (Hectares) classifiCation of Area Agriculture Year 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83

2 . 3,. 4# 5 , 1 i* Total Geographj'cal area by village papers 24^474 24/747 24,454 24/469

2 . Forests 7 ,8 1 3 7 /81 3 7 ,8 1 3 7 /8 6 2

3. Land not available t-.> C'-iltivation : 4

* i) Bariren and unculturable land 588 588 584 546 ii) Land pjt to non-agricul­ tural uses 588\ 588 574 572

4« other uncultivated land ex- cxucrlng our.vent .t:allows ; i) culbjirable Waste 683 683 627 •623 li) .Permanent Pastures and other grazing lands 9 /58 4 9 /5 8 4 9 /5 8 4 9^557 iil) Land under Misc«tree crops e c c • 34 34 191 42

5• Fallow Land ; > . i) current fall ows 212 210 176 373 . ii) other fallows 11 13 5 24

6, Net-area sown 4/961 4/961 4/940 4 /8 7 0

7 • Area sovjn more than once 2/126 1/750 2/007 1/886

8. Total cropped area 7/087 6^711 6/947 6 /756 /

source ; District Land Records officer/ Shlm la* -19- III - ACPJOJL7y^_ ^ 3 HTIIilZOTON IN RQHRU. TEHSIL (Ha ct^res)

f . . V m , .rt€ Classificati^^ 'of Area ...— ------T 979-8G ■ -^31-82 ■ 1582*8 J-

-*•■•1 >... ..-. •* ,, - 3« B“» 4o e^ •*” o“" 5 » ' • M « ,•»,«> •*•< » 4 , «>- a «•» < 1 «3» , tua gj -*■■ O ^ ”• ■'• • “ ■ 1 . Total Geogra^tiJ':

3.*l7ai?.d not ay=iil;ible f o r ' . mLvm>C.iltivar.l6n '«• wa ^ : i) Barren and unculturable 253 .' 'land ■ ‘ 405 4 3 I. 195 ii) Land piit to non-agri cul­ tural uses 580 545 330 2 13

4 . other -uncultivated land ex- < cludi'^.c..1^*1 currc^ni: ^ .. •. Mtf-* ra.i. fti lo>’s ; 2/552 i ) cul curable vjaste. 3/972 . 3/9S3 2 /3 8 1 ii4* pemanent past.ures and 272 257 185 550 otner grazing land 1 iii) Land under misc* tree 16 crops etc.- 21 25 .1 5

5* F?.llow land s 338 i) current f.a.llows * 1/436 1/432 = ' 365 i i ) ' ether • f al I ows . ■ ^38 ^ 133 is 13 15/225 8 /3 0 2 8 /5 7 8 60 Net area sown 15/304 3/993 7 Area sown more than once 5/430 7 /3 4 9 4/ 4 I7 12/571 8* Total cropped area 20^,734 22/574 12/719

* cliirgaon sul>-tehsil has source : District Land Records office/ been created out of this Snim ia* T e h s il o -2G- III - AGRICULTURE

3*10 - LAND utilization IN R ^PU R TEaiSIL ( caassifl cation of area 2vqricultural Year 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 !• 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . !• TotaJL Geographical area 1:^ village papers 19^047 19/047 1 5/2 1 0 16/269

2* Forests 203 203 203 495

3* Land not available fc3T cultivation : i) Barren and unculturable land 1^012 1^012 1 /0 3 0 1/069 ii) Land £xit to nan-agricul­ tural land 7J4 714 . 642 868

4* other uncultAvated land ex­ cluding XTorrent fallows ; i) culturable waste 3^166 3 /1 6 6 3/797 2 / 99a *ii) permanent pastures and other girazing land 1/411 1/411 524* 1;823 iii) Land under misc*tree crops etc . 23 23 3 9

5. Fallow Land : i) current fallows 766 ?66 362 368 ii) ether fallows 118 118 85 75

6* Net areA sown 11^634 11,634 8 /5 6 4 8 /5 6 9

7 , Area sown more than once 7 /6 2 2 8 ,1 7 5 5 /7 5 0 6/043 •• < &m Total cropped area 19^256 . 19,8 0 9 14, 3^4 14/612

* Nankhari sub-tehsil has source : District LiV^cl, Record O ffic e / bren created out of this T e h s il -21- I I I - • < 3 .11 - l a n d utilization IN'N/iNKHARI * SUB/TEHSIL .

______- ______Classification of 7^ea ^ . . Anricultural Year - ■ ' — ' .. 1982-83 « « 0mm ^mm * — O— •— «— •— ♦“* •— •— •— ♦— • •— « • \ lo * ■ W w •- - -

1 • Total, Gecgraphif’Ql ate a • . ' ■ by village- papers ^ 6^895

2• Forests ^ ’ - - • . . 7 1 1

3 . Land nob. pvaiXeLble fo r a i f w . - m ■ ** miii ■ Cu :■ • '. i ) Bar ren and .^culturable ^ - land -^7 5 i±) Lend pat to non-agricul- - w . turable uses 114

4« O'-har unculMv dtedM?nd ex- ciudn,?:;:i cvixrent allow s * ^ if>ni—iM——II » *n.iwi 11—1 —11 » ~ Mr inmiaarTyigTW 1) culturable waste ' 9l6 ii) pemansnt pastures and other c^i.asing land S36 ill) Land unSer misc.tree - crops etc,. ' ' . 3

• i) Qirrent fallows 514 ii) ether fallows 187

6* Net area sown 3^439

7 • Area sovvn mo::e than once 1^959

'8. T.'^tal cropped area . . , 5^398

* 6ub"Tehsil C’^e into ; ^ ’ Source t Histribt Land Records office^ existence l98l—52# Shirnla* -22- I I I - agriculture

3 .1 2 - l a n d utilization IN GHIRGa ON SUB/TEHSIL

Classification of ^Area Agricultural Year 1982-83 !• 2 . 1. Total Geographical area by village papers 10#386

2 • Forests ^ 73

3# oband not available for ^Itivafcicn : i ) Barren and \incult\irable land 222 il) Land put to ncn-agricul­ tural uses 87

4* other uncultivated land ex« eluding carrerit fallows « i) Oilturable waste 1/703 11) permanent pastures and other grazing land 67 ill) Land under misc.tree crops etc- 7

5• Fallow Land : 1) current fallows 775 11) other fallows 140

6* Net area sown 7 /3 1 2

7 . Area sown more th^n once 2 /96 9

8* Total cropped area 10/281

* Sub-T^sil came into source s District Land Recotds office/ existence during Shiml a • 1981-82. •23-

3*-l3 - UNDER PRINCIPAL CROPS (ccntd*) (Hectares) CRGP/rehsil Acpricultur^ Year 1 9 7 9 ^ ^ 19Gb~8l““ 1981-82 1962^^33 2 • 4 . 5 . WIT^T s I T shimla 3 ,6 29 3 /8 8 1 4 ,1 9 5 3 ,6 0 9 2 • SeGnl 3 ,0 1 6 2 ,7 5 8 2 ,9 8 0 2 ,7 9 8 3• Theog - 4 ,3 0 8 4 ,3 0 0 4 ,2 5 1 3 ,6 2 0 4 • Kotkhai 1,938 1,781 2,012 1 ,3 9 6 5« KuiTiharsaln 2 ,1 5 3 2,147 2 ,1 7 4 2 ,1 0 7 6 • chaupal 3 ,7 2 6 4 ,0 5 8 4 ,^ 7 8 4 ,9 4 1 !• jubbal 2 .1 0 5 1.973 2 ,037 2 ,0 5 5 8 # Rohri 2 .1 0 5 1.973 3 ,5 0 6 3 ,3 2 9 9* cJilrgaon (S-T*) 2 ,9 9 5 3 ,0 4 6 10 •Ram pur 6^010 4 ,6 6 1 5 ,2 9 8 5,037 lI.Nanlcharl (S«T.) 2 ,7 4 0 1 ,7 6 5 1 ,9 1 4

SHIMLA DISTRICT : 3 2 ,8 7 5 34,804 35^493 33,852

y C E : -IT sh.imla 134 103 116 112 2* secni 206 196 123 202 Zm Theog 146 125 149 120 4« Kotkhal 224 190 182 172 t 5. Kwnharsain 364 318 290 295 6 • chaupal 1,100 1,200 1 ,5 6 1 1 ,1 4 4 7 * jubbal 562 439 480 461 8 * Rohru 1 ,3 7 0 1 ,4 4 6 1 ,3 8 5 564 9. chirgaon (S*T») 777 I 1-OcRo.rnpur 1,519 868 987 893 lloNankhari (S.T.) 396 376 345

SHLMLA DlS'I^Icr : 5 ,6 2 5 5 ,2 89 5 ,6 4 9 5 ,0 8 5 -.24- III - AGRICULTURE r 3*13 - AREA UNDER PRINCIPAL CROPS ( C ^ t d • ) (Hectares) aX0'?3/TQhs±l Aariculture! Year ■ 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 !• 2 . 3 • 4 . 5 , • ■ OriiER CSR^fvLS Si small millets • 1 . shimla 14 21 17 53 2» seoni 27 17 . 11 19 3 * Theog 267 228 213 196 4- Kobkhai 583 497 404 272 5* Kiiraharsain • 249 286 211 209 6* cbsiipal 2 /6 3 0 2 /6 5 6 2 /6 1 5 2,'Sl9 7 « jubbal 1 ,1 95 1/185 1 /1 7 5 1,057 5/096 5/793 4^958 8* p^ohxu 4/831 * 9. cblrgaon (SeT«) -- - lO<.Ranp.5r 3 /42 5 2/278 2 /1 2 8 2 ,3 4 9 11 oN an]ch arl (S vT.) - 660 566 505

SHIMLA DISTRICT ; 13/231 12^924 13/133 12,337

t o t a l CT.RE7-X-3 s lo Shimla 8^544 8 /8 4 0 9/507 8 ,8 5 9 2 • Seqnl 6/646 6/402 6/862 6 ,4 3 5 3 « Theog 9/282 9 /5 3 8 9 /1 8 0 8 ,2 5 9 4# Kotkhai 4/395 3/929 4/071 3,012 5 . ictFaharsain 4^658 4^716 . 4/714 4,487 6o chaupal 11/242 1 1/8 2 6 12/044 14, 448 7 • .Tabbal 4 /9 1 4 ’ 4/591 4 /7 4 8 4 ,5 3 0 % 8 « Rchru 15/563 16/518 17 / 477 0 ,1 1 5 9m cM.rgaon (S.T*) -- - 8 ,9 0 7 iO >Rv^'ripi.ir 15/226 10/674 11^783 1 1 ,7 0 0 11 «N arilch ari ( S «T • ) - 4/993 3 /8 1 5 3 ,7 6 3

Sr-i:::Iv!LA DISTRXCT : 80/ 470 82/027 8 4 /2 0 1 8 2 ,5 1 5 ■ -25- I I I - ACailOJLTUI^E

at.13 a r e a UNDEK PRINCtPAli C310PS (contd.)

CROPS/rehsll Aoricul tural Year 4 l9’^9-86 1980-^1 198i-^2 1982-ai 3 • 4* 5* r - ■■ 2 . ■ J PUr.-SES - (31AM ■ 1* sljLlmla ' 6 AO 2 «»• 2 • Seoni 7 24 . 2 1 4 2 1 - 3 • Theog -.4 • 4 • icotlchal • f 6 6 7 2 ' 5 . lo-iinharsaln ^11 3 4 1 ■6. Chaupal . 1 0 - 2 - 7 • cmbbal - 1 Rohru ^ ' 5 - 5 1 9* chirgacn (S*T«) - --- J-O.Raiapur • - -- ll.Nan35hari (S.T») - - - -

SHIMLA DISIUICT X 49 45 42 9 i " OTHSR PULSES • i« shlmla 271 230 248 2 . Secnl 625 526 279 7 0 3 . Theog 351 450 374 ■tm 4 . Kotlchal ^ ■ 76 115 115 3 5 • Kumharsain 208 482 382 • 6« chaupal 469 549 466 - 7 . ijubb^ 255 291 314 1 8* Rohru 636 740 734 8 9* cliirgaon (S#T*> - - 47 25

lOeRaTiipur . 1 ,6 6 1 . 1 ,0 11 1^211 - ■» lloiicinkharl (S .T * ) ; mt 414 403 -

SHIMLA DIS'miCT » 4«S52 4 ,8 1 4 4,577 107 I I I - AGS^iajLTUPsE 3.13 - AREA UNDER PRINCIPAL Cl OPS (Contd.)

GROP/Tehsil • ACglcultur^ Year 1979-^0 1980-81 X981-821982-83 1. 2 . 3 . 4* • 6 *

TOTAL PULSES I • 1* shlmla 277 240 250 * 190 2 . Seonl 632 550 300 531 3 • Theog 355 552 ~ 375 476 4 • i^otkhai. 82 121 122 112 5. Kunh^sain 219 485 386 359 6 . chaupal 479 549 468 530 7 • jubbal 255 29l 314 281 8* Rohru • 641 7 4 0 1 786 607 9. c'nirgaon (S*T*) -- I 221 lOeRampar 1 ,6 6 1 1,017 1 ,2 1 1 1,^289 ll.Nankhari (S*T*) •* 4l4 407 431

SHIMLA DISTRICT I 4^ $01 4 ,9 59 4 ,6 1 9 5,0 27

OTHER FOOD CROPS s • l>OTATO ; 1* Shimla 444 472 405 385 2 • Seoni 60 65 59 19 3 . Th^og 2# 388 2«244 2^224 1 ,8 5 6 4* Ko^ihhai 1,122 965 915 811 5« Ki-na3rsaln 113 .171 122 127 6 w it^pal > 576 581 673 525 7 <» ;j - 584 •* 749 668 3 9 9

Bn It v)-.;u 2 ,0 8 3 2 ,2 4 0 1I 2 ,3 6 2 1 ,5 6 1 _ ■ 1 :;v..j:gaon (S * T .) - 1 375 710 462 453 592 11 (S»T«} 32& 256 253

SHIMLA DISTRICT : 8,080 8,274 ‘ 8^ 137 6 ,9 0 3 -27- > - • 3 c i s - T^EA UlTDSR PRINCIPAL CROPS (contd*) CHecbaresV CRCP-S / T3H3IL 'Aoricultural Year ,19‘^9-8'B 1930-8.1 198 ^ “g2«83 1* ■ 2 » 3 ^ '4^ 5« OTIiiER FOOD CROPS : <■ Shirala 1/919 1,987 1,893 1 ,7 55 2o seoni , 991 V ' 942 651 876 3 • Theog 4,200 4,.042 4>232 4 ,4 6 4 4 4 * KoUcIiai 2^882 2,408 2 ,8 0 8 3 ,4 5 0 5o KumharSciin ‘ 2,402 2,739 2 ,3 5 9 2 ,7 0 5 6* chav.pal 1,753 1,494 1,622 1,801* 7 • \jubbal 2 ,1 4 8 2 ,0 8 8 2 ,1 7 9 2 ,2 1 4 8o Rohru 5 ,1 49 - 6 ,0 0 1 5 ,3 1 4 4,407 r'' 1 9. chirgaon (ScT«) - 95 1,302 iOoRampar ■ 3 ,8 2 9 2,7 39 • Z ii2 4 2 ,9 0 8 ^ i eNankhsirjL (S-f X«), 1,402 1 ,4 1 6 , 1, 63~1'

SHIHLA DISTRICT t ‘ ' 2 5 , 2 7 3 25,842 24,993 27,573

NOTv^^FOOD CROPS • • V BDIBLS Oil, SEHD : • To s H H r a 1 .19 25 5 2'o Seoni 25 ■ .63 99 43 3 • Theog 50 41 73 50 4 « Kotkhai ' 7 4 , 100 104 71 5* KimharSalO : 34 35 33 . 33 186 187 97 6o Cbaupal 119 « 7 • jiibbal 25 31 20 12v-*- ■ 8 • Rohru .16 35 55 " 47 5 9 9 9 cbJlgacn CS»T.) • • • • ' - ’ ; 4 lOoRampur - ■ "%

1 1 4»Nanlchari ( s oT ♦), 7 4

A. SHIMLA DISTRICT : « 344 510 6l5 , " 375 -2 8- III - AC^I CULTURE 3*13 - AREA UNDER PRINCIPAIi CROPS (contd.) (Hectares^ Crops/rehsil Aor5cultural Year 1979-80 1980-81 J-98JU82 1982-63 1 . 2 , 3 . 4 . .S. MAIZE : 1 • shimla 4 ,3 7 4 4/383 4 /6 5 4 4 /6 9 1 2« seoni 3 ,0 8 1 3/109 3 /4 4 1 3 /0 9 9 3 • Theog 3 ,9 9 1 4/185 3 /9 8 9 3/898 4* Kotkhai 1,278 1/167 1/141 J. 949 5. Kumharsain 1 ,6 3 0 1/685 1/794 1/62S 6 . chaupal 2 ,6 1 8 2/76*4 2/377 2 /7 4 8 7« jubbal 659 641 755 . 700 8 « Rohru 1 ,3 8 1 1/494 1/567 1/385

9 . chlrgacxi (S. t O - mm ,4 4 Z lO#Rampur 2 ,6 0 6 1/468 1/622 •2 /0 5 4 ll.N^kharl (S*T.) - 673 778 *,732

SHIMLA DISTRICT s 2 1 ,6 1 8 21/569 22/1 1 8 22/3 2 4

barley s - 1# Shimla 393 452 525 394 2 • seoni 316 322 . 3 07 317 3 • Theog 570 620 578 425 4 • Kotkhai 372 286 332 223 5« Kurnharsain 262 280 245 250 6. chaupal ' 1/160 1/143 1/213 2 /8 9 6 7 • jubbal 393 353 301 257 Sm Rohru : 1/991 2/257 904 1/024 9* chiirgaon (S*T-) - 1/322 1/497 lO.Rampur 1,856 1/439 1/748 1/367 ll.Nankharl OS*T.) - 524 330 267

SHIMLA DISTRICT : 7 /3 1 3 7 /6 8 1 7 /8 0 5 8/917 «29- 113 - Ti^RTCULTIJRT^ - TiREA.UKDER PRINCIPAL CROPS (contd*) » t (Hectares) CROPS/Tehsi:^/ ‘ ' iuil year . - i l9'/9-80 X930^ 'l932'*83 1 . 2 • 3 « 4 . 5 , GIHGHJR : 1 • shimla 157 . '126 ' 77 / 54 2c Seoni 20 10 14 12 ’ 3. Tneog ■ ' - 2 - 4 - K o t k h ^ - - - 5 . Kumharf^iain 2 . 1 - - •6o Chaupal 1 - - 7 • jubbal — - 8» Rcbru - - ' « ***

9 chirgaon (S «T • ) ^ * v m - - lO«,Rerr.pur 2 1 - i ’ ' . > ll-Nan'khrri ( S ‘^T«) - m m —

SliEMLA DIwSTRICT i . 182 u p 91 66

■ . ' i»r«ei.v-**-»v_TV*OBJ.djIKS •: - l.l7hiralci 30 19 41 19- 2 . sacni ' 55 12 28 51

. 3 . T'neog 88 loo 89 •. 51 4 . KoLlihai - 2 5* Kiin'.harsain 11 5 5 14 6. chaupal - 35 31 16 7 . j'O.bbal 3 - - 2 8 . Rohru 1 - 2 -

9 . cl'ilrgaan (SoT«) « 10«Rarnp.ir 5 - 1 35 lioNankhari (ScT«) ■ - MB - 0

SHniMLA DISTRICT i 229 169 182 190 -30-

I I I - agriculture 3.13 - AREA UNDER PRINCIPAL C3R0PS (concluded) (H e c ta re s) CROP/Tehsil Agricultural Year 1979*80 19&0-81 1981-82 1982-83 1 . 2 • 3 . 4 . 5 .

TOTAL FOOD CROPS 1« Shimla 10^463 10/827 11/400 10/614 2 • Seoni 7/637 7 /3 4 4 7 /5 1 3 7 /3 1 1 3 • Theog 13/482 13/580 13/412 12/723 4 . Kotkhai 7/277 6/337 6'/87 9 6/462 5* Kumharsain 7 /0 6 0 7 /4 5 5 6/973 7 /19 2 6* chaupal 12/995 13/320 13/666 16/249 7 • jubbal 7 /06 2 6/679 6/927 6/744 8 • Rohru 20/712 22/519 22/883 12/522 9. chirgaon ( s*T*) 10/269 1 0 •Ram pur 19/255 13/413 14/307 14/608 ll.Nankhari ( S.T*) 6 /395 5 /2 3 1 5/394

SHIMLA DISTRICT : 1/05/943 1/07/869 1/09/191 1/10/088

source t District Land Records office, S h im la . -31-

211 - AGPvICIT^-'U^ . '3 ;T4 .. PRCDUCTiai OPlPi^INCIPAL CROPS (co atd .) (Tonnes y CROP/jCT-xa^il ___ Acrtcultural Yoax ______r979-80 I9BCW8 iT l9br.«82 1982-33 • 2i 3 . R ICS : . Sh;.rnla 110 104 117 105 2 . seoni 17 1 I 97 124 188 3 « Thaog 96 126 106 24

4 •. Kofckhal * 186 226 95 51 5 . K^amharsain 299 320 243 228 6* chaupal 913 1 , 20a 6^766 523 V • jvilDlDal 466 442 321 209 8 • Rohru 1^137 1 ,4 56 I/I 4I 364 9* chirgaon (S«»T«) 549 •^O.RaTipor 1/260 1,272 849 658 11 ♦Nsnkhari (S <»T •) 202 173

SKIMLA DISTRICT ; 4 /6 3 8 5 ,3 5 1 9 /969 3/072 w- WHFAT : 1» shimla ' 1/437 -5,053 4 ,7 2 4 2 /51 8 2 * -seoni 1,19 4 3/383 3/972 1/454 3 • Theog 1^606 5,207 3 /1 5 1 2 ,3 7 4 4* Kotkhai 767 2,^049 1 ,0 9 6 580 5« Ki2nharsain 853 3 .6 3 6 2 ,8 3 4 2 ,5 8 4 60 chaupal 1/417 5 ,3 5 9 5 ,0 9 8 1,661 7 « jjubb^l 834 2,337 2 ,4 9 7 1,447 8 9 Rohru . 2 /3 6 2 7,666 3 ,9 5 4 2 ,2 14 9 » chi x'caon (»S «T •») 2 /32 5 2 /0 2 8 10 ®Rampar 2 ,3 27 9 .6 3 6 5,627 4 ,3 7 1 14*Nsn>hari (S.T«) 3,357^ 1^190 1 ,1 7 7

SHIMLA DISTRICT : 12,797 47/ 603 3 6,4G8 22,408 -33- I I I - agriculture 3 .U - PRODUCriCN OP PRINCIPAL CROPS (cc3ntd*) '______•______(Tonnes^ CROPS/Tehsil Agricultural Year ______I9 7 9 -8O l9^8l 1981-82 1982-83 1* t 2* ^ 3* 4* 5* BT^LEY t I . Shimla 119 667 641 3 38 2 • Seoni 144 486 46l 158 3. Theog 259 67 9 432 3 50 4 • Kotkhal i69 432 246 94 5* Kumharsain 119. 422 341 . 303 6, Chaupal 573 1^732 1,587 1,092 7 * jubbal 159 533 434 205 8 , Rohru 906 3,406 l,l2l ‘ 771 9. chirgaon (S.T«) - - 1,009 l,0l5 lO*Rampur 879 2,l7l 1,750 l,2l3 II.Nankharl (S.TO - 800 286 243

SHIMLA DISTRICT : 3,387 ’ 11,328 8,308 5,782 *

MAIZS 8 1. Shimla 4,205 5,523 5,504 5,60i 2 . seoni 2 ,9 6 4 4,3Cf7 3 ,0 2 1 • 962 3 . Theog 3,698 5,672 570 1,728 4. Kotkhai 1,230 1,924 1,172 632 5 . Kumharsain 1,531 2,528 2,4l7 6. chaupal 2,5l8 4,154 1,904 1,446 7. jubbal 634 963 805 448 8. Rohru 1,329 2,245 i 2,085 849 9 . Chirgaon (S.T.) ' - ' - ! 149 10.Rampur 2,507 3,218 1,566 1,732 11.Nankharl (S.T.) - - 602 433

SHIMLA BISTRICT : 20,6l6 30,534 19,646 l6,l00 >33-

I I I - ALlJP.ICUT. sXT-irvji* ’m vtTnrm^sr* 3«-^4 - PRODUCTIa^^ OP PRINCIP/O j c r o p s ( C O n t ^ * )

CR OP S/Tehcii Aaricnjltura.1 Ye^ar i.970-80 1 9 8 0 - 8 1 1 9 6 1 - 8 2 1 § 8 5 ^ 3 a..1 2. 3. ' • 4. • 5*

Ca?H?5fX FfX>D C R O P S s •» P q ^ :i } 0 « •1 • S ‘"iin\la. 192 2 4 6 64 5 9 5 8 2 • S o o n i 4i 15 647 l o i . 4 0 3 • -Thsog 15 • 1 ^ 7 8 5 6 ^ 3 5 4 ' 5 , 0 0 6 ' » 4 •‘Kotlclria:!. ’ ■ 1 / 2 2 9 , 3 ^ 6 0 0 1 ^ 3 0 1 5 • ‘KJ-mh di: s ai n ^ ' ■ 3 ^ 6 5 0 3 , 6 3 0 5 8 0 64 5 6 ^ cb.aur;al 1 8 / 4 8 7 1,623 9 7 8 7 « juc-bal 2 , 1 9 6 2 , 5 2 6 8B2 8 o nchj:*u •- 2 , 8 3 2 |. 3 , 2 9 1 ' 7 ^ 6 5 9 ' 9» Ci.’hohpxa (Svr->) . 5 7 0 15 1,747 1 , 0 2 5 2 , 2 6 9 i.l •»j^73.niclt'ci2ri (S ®T c } o • 8 , 4 7 1 ■ 95 3 . 5 8 5

SK::FJrA DISTPICT s 3 ^ 8 8 7 • 3 i , 3 2 0 2E.,866 16^495

‘'~f' V T ' I" "S' Cl a * «rxrfafc3r«»*rCiix - '> ■ « > S h i m l a -- 5 1 . h 2. Seoal , ■ ' ■ ’'■- 14- 33 5 4 3 o o ^ e o g 13 17 12 4 4 o Kotkhal - 1 - «MI 5* K^horsain " V ^ - 1% 1 J. 6 cI'^o.apal 6 8 2 1 7 • j'ubb^l _ 1 •rt. - ✓ • 1,, 8 * R o h r u 1 •» 9 . O h a r a (S.T^)' • • - 10 e^Ranipuir 1 “ » H «Nanlclia2ri (S • « - ««* . “ -

SHXxMLA DISTrdCT ; 3 5 60 2 5 12 -34- I I I - agriculture 3*14 - PRODUCTICN OF PRINCIPAL CROPS (contd*) • / _ (Tonnes> <^;OPS/Tehsil Aari cultural Y e a r' 1979-80 1990-81 1S81-.82 1982-83 “* • • • • » • • •. • • • 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 , MILL!3TS AND OTHER CEREALS : 1 . Shimla 11 24 7 . 2• . seonl - ^ 2i 232 2 ' 3 . Theog ' 192 41 117 4 • Kotkhai 439 612 204 5. Kumharsain 196 431 1,067 6 . chaupal 1^981 1^201 1,1 5 0 7 • jubbal 892 1 , 181 3^ 2 l l • •» • 8 . Rohrna 3^627 1^809 i 3 ^ 2 l l • • • • 9 . chhohfeura (S .T * ) . I * ■“ ^ iO*Rampur 2^596 2 ,2 3 9 1^478 Il.Nanhharl (S#T*) - - 232

SHIMLA DISTRICT : 9^955 8^770 6^999

' GRz^ :

1 • shimla # 1 3 - 2 • Seoni . 1 8 7 1 3 • Theog 1 4 . Kotkhal 1 - 2 1 5* Kunh^irsain - 1 1 6« Chaupal 2 - 1 1 7 f jubbal - - 8« Roliru ' 1 - 2 - 9* Chhohara (S.T«) - - •

lO.Rarnpir - - ■ m m mirn ll.Nankhari (s«T.) -- -

SHIMLA DISTRICT : 7 15 12 2 V . y r e r ‘


-35- I I I - /\CRIOT;TUH.E

3 c 14 - PR0DUCT1.cn OF PRINCIPAL CROPS (contd*) « , (Tm nes^ CRG?S/rehsll Aqr.i cultura-1 uear 1979-80 1986-81 19S1-82 1982^83

- .l« 2 . 3 . 4 . - 5 , OTTiER RflnSES 5 V 1* Slilrila 52 165 39 • • 2 • Seoni 117' 157 20 • « 3 . Ti'.oog 66 73 58 • » 4. Eo*3;hal 14 132 16 • 9 5. Kunh^Deln 40 36 70 9 O 6 « cha^iP^J. 46 157 20 • • 7 • . 86 I4l I S - o «

8« Rclim -V - . 113 96 150 • o 9 , GbV'^h'ica (S » T .) - 12 ' m • •3-0 oRcTi'irv.r 3 la 209 164 •

1- c.rjr)i\:*hnrj. ( S -T • ) 213 24 • • V ■ -r '■ SlTlKLh :0TSTRICT : 852' 1,379 ’ 538 a o

TOr:^;^ rOCD GRi^.TNS : SMnaa 5,955 11^539 11/032 8^ S92

2 • r.ectd.m ' 4,612 < 8 /7 7 0 . 7 /6 0 7 ■ w ^ 2>782

3’. Thrpg /' 5/918 11/799 4 /4 3 4 • . 4 ,5 7 0

4« Kot>.ha:l 2/806 , 5,377 2 /8 2 9 1 ,4 25 5« Kur.hrxsain •_ 3,028 7 /3 7 4 5^978. 5,357

6* CbcvJ:p^l • ’ - . > 7 ,4 5 0 13,811 16,526 5 ,3 53 7 0 j r U'-v.l • - .V ^ 3 ,0 7 1 ■ .6/597 4/602, 2 ,6 43 4 8 * Rf-hii-v "■ • , 9 ,4 8 0 16,678 11^664" 5 ,7 02 9* c^rch^ra (S^'lu) - M ' 3/346^ 3 ,9 43 iO 9,282 l/^^754 9 ,2 53 (S ^ T .) “ 6/§08 , 2 ,5 3 6 ^ 2 ,2 7 1 '

.r^iSTRTcr k 52.252 1^67/307 ^ 81,-989 5 1 ,8 9 1 •-3S-" I I I ACailGULTURE^ 3T X T “- PE.ODUCTIGN OF PRINCIPAL CROPS (contd. ^

CROPS/Tehsil " Agricultural Year 1974-eo i980-8i_^ ^ 1 . * ______2 .^ ^ _____ u ;5 GJIJOSR j 1 . Shimla 104 232 90 75 2. Seonim l9 ' 18 7 5 3 • Thaog - 4 — - 4 • Kotkhai ' - - - - 5. Kumharsain 2 2 - - 6« cha>apal - \ • “ *“ 7 • jubbal ^ - — — 8. Rohru - ' - - 9* chhohara (S«T«)* •• •• ' — ^ — 10.Rampur 2 11.NanWnari CS.T.). • •

SHIMLA DISTRICT * l28 256 97 80

N€N - FOOD Q^OPS s l^OIL SEED : RAPE AND MUSTRAD j 1* shlmla ' ' - 3 3 , 0 • 2 m Seoni 1 7 10 • • 3 • Theog 5 5 6 • • 4 • KOtkhal ' 7 ^6 9 5. Kumharsaln - - 6 , C h au p ^ 12 29 22 7 * jubb^ 2 4 a • • 8 • Rchru : 1 8 , 6 • • 9« chhohara (S.T*) • • ^ • * lO.Rampur ^ • • ll*Nankharl (S*t*) ^ • • s h i m l a DISTRICT : 28 72 6l •« -37- I I I - AQ^lCULTURE 3 .i ^ GROSS i r r i g a t e d AREA (crop - Wise) (contd.)

* CROP/Tehsll Aaricultural Year 1979-80 1980-81 1984-82 1982-83 ^ •• ••• •••■ •'“• •— •— •— 2 « 3 . 4* 5*

MAX2SJ t m 1 . shJ,mla 683 541 672 2 . secnl 90 69 126 106

3 . Theo^ , 162 237 97 136 4 • Kobkhal 5 1 1 4 5 . Kumharsain 3 4 6 2 6* ci^aupal 293 - 307 371 243 7 • jubbal 6 2 . 7 3 8 o Rohru 7 3 « 9» Chirgaon (S.T*) * -- 1 6 3 » 1 8

lloN^lOiiari (S*T*) ■ V- - 2 -

SHXMLA DiaTRICIL : 1#248 1^171 1^175 ♦ •«

- BARXj'SY S ■ Ic Shiipla 65 63 81 56 33oni 9 14 5 7 3* rb^og 23 28 17 27 4 a KOthlfai -- - 5* KunRJiarsain - •' 5 2 1 5* Chaupsl 183 178 181 2l2 7 ^ jabbal 14 . 18 13 13

8 « Rchru 206 215 •» 64 * 42 Chirgaon {S«T*} -- 164 144 J-OoRanipar 26 26 27^ 2 0 ^i«N^khari (S*T*) - 11 49 4

SmFJak DISTRICT t 526 558 603 ■ 526 -38- I I I - agriculture 1 3*15 - G R O ^ IRtagated AREA CCTOP-WlSe) (oontd.)

1979-86. 1986-81 1981-82 i982-83 1 . 2 . , 3 . 4 . 5 . V OTHER small MILLETS * 4 1 1* shimla 1 V - i 2 • aecail 3 . Theog 8 3 1 4 . Kotkhal m - . • •

5. Kumharsain - . 1 1

6* chaupal ♦ " 19X 83 164 . . 4 7 . jubbal 2 1 3 ■ ♦ • ^ 8* Rohru 1 1 6 9* chirgaon (S«T«) - — lO.Rampur mm 7 5 *• ll*Nankharl (S*T#) - - ••

SHIMLA district t 203 loo 181

PULSKS 5 * 22 8 25 .. 2 . 2 8 15 • * 3* Tho^^; 25 32 12

4 . Kobkhai - - . 5. ivUvbarsain • 6 9 * 4 •« 6 . chnupr.l 24 42 28 7 •- t ' 2 2 2 > • • 8* Rcl'ru. ' 2 7 • . ■ ♦^ X 9« chirraon (S-T*) 10 cF a;::: Ni:r 1 3 • • llcixc C'^l: dri (S#T*) - * 1 - ,

SHi^j-.: rr?r7icT : 81 104 96 • • ■ ' -39- ix z

3 •IS - GROSS i r r i g a t e d a r e a (crop-wise)(contd,) f' > (Hectares) CROl>/-:tehs±l Aar.l cultural Year I979-8O I^0-8r~1^93l-82 l982~83" ______3 . 4 .

1«| ‘^■UBratik RICE : slilmla 98 105 104 14 . t 110 2 « S'?Ciii 181 181 107 195 3 « 3i:h3og 5 8 7 ^ 3 4 4 .. Kct'-ihal 11 14 10 7 5 . KL'n’ho-rsain 172 169 172 174 6* ChoUpli^ 478 495 991 459 7 a Jiibbal ' 156 140 141 136 8 • Rohru 774 778 747 244 9. chirgaon (g*T«) 539 10.Rarrpur 518 414 454 398 11.Nankharl (S.T.) 105 107 107

SIECMLA DISTRICT : ^ 2^405 2^402 2#84l 2/397

: 1* Shimla 560 571 604 514 2 . Ceoni 236 208 189 225 3 c Theog 155 176 157 14 1 4 , KOtrkahl 10 14 7 . ^2 5- KV-TRharsain 172 164 164 160 6 ♦ cheupal 489 567 592 921 » 7 • ijvi/jDsI 88 72 78 83 8* Rclr^u 257 ^ 8 6 134 88 9o 0::lrgc.on (S .T « ) - - 208 197 10 vPcjr.rar 248 277 ^ 307 343 -* 11 IT n.c-Xi (3 .T • ) - 204 3 28

LISTl'ilCr ; - ‘ - 2/217 2 /5 3 5 2 /4 5 0 2/707 -40- I I I - agriculture '

3ol5 - GROSS i r r i g a t e d a r e a (CitOp-Wlse) (confcd.) (Hectares^ UiOP/Tehsil Aori cvJ. tura 1 Year 1979-80 19 po-ei i93l»82 19B2»83 m m 44i— f , m m m «>*-• »»• « - • **» « — « — *<*• «»— •— «•■■• *"• O'E* o-« =3''’ vj."" s**- ! • 2 . 3« 4o 5e

0""-SR CROPS .; » •

7 « jTjbbal t t m - Rvohru 4 4 1 ■aM

9 ^ cnlrg^on (s.T .) - - wik «M» 10 <^R3mpur 2 2 2

11 <»N ankbar± ( S »T ^) a t m - ' 3

SHIMLA DiSTIvICT § 196; ■• 228 164 ■ 229 •. ■ • tTi.. •

MUSTR7X) : lo shimla - ■ - X 2 2 • ssonl 3 1 3 3« Tr-eog 5 4 4 2

• 4 Kothhai s - - ~

5® K'unharsain m m - " • m ■ 6 . Ci^aupal 19 34 31 7 o j ubbal 2 2 3 8 « Rohr-u 6 2 6

9e chirgacn (S»T<*) - «i* 1 3 lOoRampar - - 1 1 11 eNankhari (S .T o) - - - -


3 .i 5 • CSIU3S XRRIGa t e d area (crop-wise) (conculded) ' (Hectares) .mmnm.mf 1>. .id » ■ n*'irUll——» m 't n In i» ■ ii nVi. ..I ■ ni T ‘ ' rffVi


•» — m tm m m 40t m 0m mm mm — < m «• «k M *<• ^ qROSs i r r i g a t s d ar» a (a II crops) i

1. shimla 1,775 1^624 1^784 1/714 , 2. Seoni 558 520 478 563 3« Theog 455 592 368 541 4. Kotkhal . * 29 25 25 ,l9 5. Kumharealn 356 358 355 354 6. chaupal ^ 1^804 1^925 2#468 2,132 7 . j\sbbal 260 242 251 245- 8. Rohru 1^240 1/308 964 384 9* Chlrgaon (S*T*) - - . 373 886 10.Rampur 802 735 805 ^785 11.Nankharl (S*T«) - 320 161 142

SHIMLA DIS'miCT t 7/279 7/649 8/032 7,765

Source 1 District Land Recces office/ Shimla* ^42- I l l - AGRICULTURE 3 .l 6 . NET li^RI g a t e d AUEA (Tehsll - wise (Hectareas) Tehsil Year C a als T ^ k s wells Other Total irrig^ 9 sources area.

i • 2 • 3 . 4 . 5 . 6* 7 *

!• Shlmla 1979-80 • T 1^082 1,082 1980-81 \ •• 1^129 1,129 1981-82 ^ ' •• 1^125 1 ,1 2 5 .1982-83 --- 1/069 1, 069

2 . seoni 1979-80 m m 287 287 1980-81 309 309 198 U 8 2 — 322 322 1982-83 - -- 321 32i 3* Theog 1979-80 •• 334 334 1980-81 334 334 1981-82 - - - 334 334 * 4^ Kotkhai 1973-80 $ 20 20 1980-81 m m • 20 20 1981-82 Ml •• 17 17 1982-83 -- 14 14 ' 5 .Kumhars aln 1979-80 «• 184 184 1980-81 •• 187 187 1981-82 — 187 187 1982-83 -- - 194 194 6* Chaup'iS) 1979-80 .. • 1,248 1,248 1980-81 —- 1,266 1/266 . 1981-82 — 1 ,2 6 6 1 ,2 6 6 1982-83 — - 1/266 1,2 66 7 . J\2bbal 1979-80 176 176 I9b0-8l «• • 176 176 1981-82 .. 176 176 1982-83 • - -- 154 154 8* Rohru I979-8O * •• 804 804 1980-81 •• • 808 808 1981-82 •• — 289 289 1982-83 - ’ m ' <** 302 ■ 302 9« chirgaonl9^i-82 «. . •• 557 557 (S.Tc) 1982-83 - -- ' 557 557 lO.Rampur 1979-80 a. 484 484 ' 1980-81 — 584 584 1981-82 655 655 1982-83 --- 464 464 11 .Nankhari 0‘-^2 * w 109 4.09 (S.T.) 1982-83 -- 106 106

SHIMLA 1979-80 4 ,6 l 9 4 ,6 i9 nr STRICT i. 1980-81 , mm 4,813 4 ,8 l3 1981-82 •• -mm 5,037 5,037 4 ,7 8 1 4 ,7 8 1 1982-83 « -- - source : District Land Records office, Shinaa. I l l - agriculture ^43- 3*17 « DISTRIBUTION OF PCiV/OF SEED AND :FERTILIZER f ' ‘ (Tonnas) NAME OF lam /B LO C K 1977-78 1978-79 '1979- 80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-33 1 . 2 . 3 . 4- 5 . 6 c 7- ' I . SEEDS : 1. KasuT:Pti - seoni 21.026 1.813 5*544 •1.150 ' 11.052 23cOC5 2 • T*ieod . 13.265 '3 .0 6 0 2.268 1.834 . 1 8 .0 5 5 27e925 3. Kumharsaln 5 .2 3 4 0-7*6!;^ 0 .6 1 4 . JL.929 6.320 22^415 4 . jufobal Kotkhai 5 ,4 1 0 0 .9 8 8 0 .1 4 0 0.8 63 16 .900 19 «890 5* Rohru 0 .3 9 5 1.877 0 .7 6 1 1.409, 26.590 4 0 .4 2 0 6• chhohara ,2 .2 1 4 0.865; ' 0o460 9.652 17 iOOO , 9 ,7 2 0 ■ 7 • Rampur 16 .4 1 3 . \ 1 .7 5 0 1.245' 1 .8 9 6 ■14.056 23.375> 4 .5 9 4 2 .031 0 .0 7 5 2 .012 16.0 0 0 15.9 7 0 9 • chaupai* \ "SHIMLA DISTRICT : 68 .5 5 1 13*144 11.107 11.745 125.973 182«720 r II^FERTILIZERS s • I. Kasumpti - seonl 1 3 5 .4 5 0 2 2 8 .3 5 0 421^200 439.300 4 6 9 .8 5 0 540.300' 2 - Theog 3 7 0 .2 0 0 728.2(00 8 5 0 ,7 0 0 1360.100 1401iSOO 1611.700 3 • K’Jinhars ain 4 l 5 ,2 5 0 , 586*300 819.650' 1QB3#450 1190.350 1368.900 4# Jubbal KotKhai • 1 2 3 2 .4 0 0 1196.900 1697 «200 1874.200 1901.200 2186.300 . 5 . Rohra 7 8 5 .3 5 0 Sl2 l221 ttij 1676.400 1785.450 20SJ .200 ' aso.c'TOo Chhohara ■ 1 4 0 .8 5 0 77 .a 50 M59 cOOO 167 .000 2 2 5 .1 5 0 ■ 7 c Rcjn.par • 118«2l0 I43,i750 2 9 4 .S50 35ie750 425,750 489^600 8 . cl^aupal 146 .500 290.900 3^-0 .»1Q0 5E8 o600 615.550 707 <>600

Snaa-ILA DlSTRS7f : 3344o2l0 4C65*,0CQ 5823 o8 56 7 ^ 1 5 .3 0 0 6014.800 92l6«700

, t

; Source : District Land Rsoord office, Shimla. -44- III - AGRICULTURE 3 .1 8 - agricultural . IMPLEMENTS - 1983.

• Name of Tehsil implements Ploughs carts/ * cane Oil Elec* Trac­ C3ha- Crushers Engi­ pumps tors nies nes • 1 . 2 • 3 . 4 . 5 . 6* 7 * 8 .

1. shimla ’ ' 1S,723 ----

2* seoni 8 ,5 7 7 JL 1 - --- I * i ' 3 • Theog 9/830 - -- 4

4 • Kotkhai 5,487' ------

5. Kumharsaih 6,577 ------

6 . Chaupal 1 2 ,3 8 4 - • - -- 7 • aubbal 5,^578 ^ - - ---

8* Rohru 6 ,2 0 4 - - 3 - - -

9# ( S . t O 5 ,6 0 6 - - -■ - --

lO.Rampur 8 ,2 0 3 - •- - - --

ll.Nankhari (S.T.) 6 ,5 0 1 - 12 2 2 11 -


SHIMLA DISTRICT ^ 90^670 1 5 ' 11 - ■ %

* BULLOCK CARTS ^ sources Director Land Records, Himachal Pradesh* XIX - A^K-LUJiiTURE 3 ,l 9 - NUMBER ARSA O r OPERATIONAL HOIiDIZfSS BY SIZE CLASS OF HOLDINGS ^lS76-77 (H ec tares) sTze (ZX/Q.SS (in Hectares) individual Holdln'qp joint Holdings sub notal . ^nst »Hold« Total Holdings NO. ,^rea NO. Area NO. Area n o . ^rea* 1 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 1 . na #■» ••• *•»•••» 1. i,es3 than 0.5 14/ h o 37566 4 1 14/634 3 /5 6 7 40 7 U,61A, 3/.57 4 2 . 0.5 - 1.0 10,1 1 9 7 /6 4 4 15 12 10/1 34 7 /6 5 6 15 11 10/149 7/667 3. 1.0 >2.0 14/072 20/5 4 6 38 42 14/110 20/588 17 2 4 ; 14/127 20/612 4. 2.0 -'3.0 8 /3 0 1 20/247 31 75 8/33 2 20/322^ 8 * 20 ^ 8 /3 4 0 20/342 B.03.0 - 4.0 4 /70 1 l6/pr79 14 48 4/715 16/127 7 25 4^722 16/152 6. 4.0 - 5.0 2 /7 0 8 12/160 13 S8 2 /7 2 1 12/2 26 4 18 2 /7 2 5 12/244 7. 5.0 - 7.5 2/942^ 17/916 23 139 2 /3 6 5 1 8 /0 5 5 6 40 2#971 18/095 8.7.5- 10.0 1/001 8/457 13 114 1 /04 1 8 /5 7 1 2 ^7 1/016 8 /5 8 8 9.10.0 - 20.0' 740 9 /4 7 9 8 107 748 9 /5 8 6 7 73 755 9 /6 5 9 1 /7 4 6 10. 20.0-- 30.0 16' l /7 a 4 1 77 1/746 «. 77 •fc - . w 11^ 30.0 40.0 7 253 - • • 7 253 7 253 12. 40.0 - 50.0 9 413 .. 9 413 • . * . 9 413 13. 50.0 and above 4 323 .. . . 4- 323 . • . m 4. 323

119^668 SHIMLA DISTRI6T t 59/310 1 1 8 ,8 1 5 160 618 -59/597 119/423 106 235 5 9 /5 7 6

instJLtublonol source » Report oi agricultural census 1976-77. Ill - A «r CULTURE -.46- 3*20 - e s t i m a t e d NUMBER AND AREA OF OPERATICNAL HOLDINGS BY TENURE AND TENi^OT STATUS • 1976 - 77 . (Hectares) size Class Total Holdings wholly "fet^edT Partly - owned" sT' Partly Wholly Holding (in Hectares) Self operated leased in Holdings leased in having Holdings • Holdings seme land operated otherwise No. Area NO* A r e a NO. owneci !Leased Total NO. Area NO. Are< Area inare 1 Area !• 2 6 . 7 . - 8 9t 1 0 . 1 1 . 1 ^ . 1 3 . 1« Less than 0.5 14/634 *3/567* 12/981 *2/988 902 310 123 43S 132 28 14 2. 0.5 - i.0 10*134 7 /6 5 6 8 /7 2 0 5 /6 9 0 1 ,1 7 8 1,448 336 1 /7 8 4 226 99 40 83 3 a 1.0 - 2.0 1 4 ,1 1 0 20/588 , 11/225 13,829 2,727 5 /70 4 696 6 /40 0 92 136 56 223 .f 4. 2.0 - 3.0 0 ,3 32 20/322 6/298 13^258 1 ,9 74 5/891 796 6/687 29 184 50 193 5.‘3.0 - 4.0 4 ,7 15 16/127 ,2 ,7 9 7 10/081 1 ,8 8 4 5/287 574 5 /8 6 1 24 33 12 152 6. 4.0 - 5.0 2 /7 2 1 12/226 7 /5 5 7 9 IS 4/235 341 4 /57 6 11 28 24 65 7 i. 5.0 - 7.5 2 /9 6 5 18/055 1 ,9 0 6 9^798 1 ,0 48 1/419 626 8 /0 4 5 . • • . 12 212 8. 7.5 - 10.0 1/014 8 /5 7 1 559 3 /7 8 4 454 4 /5 8 6 196 4/782 . . • . 4 5 2 0 .0 •748 9 /5 8 6 581 6^ l86 167 2/929 471 3/^400 . * . * . . . • f 3 0 .0 77 1/746 57 1 /2 6 0 20 477 9 486 ■ • m • . . . 4 0 .0 7 253 7 ' -263 . • • m • • ♦ • ...... 5 0 .0 9 4l3 7 351 2 62 .« « 62 • . • • . * . . * above 4 ' 323 323 9 « . • . • . •« . . ' • .

U/271 3.8/348 4 /168 42/516 1,,116 612 226 ej47

source ! Report on Agricultural census 197 6-77. ^47- I V - CLIM7A-3 4 «1 *•*» R7\INFALL IM DISTRICT . N (In nrri' •) . ■ Yepii- TehciL 1§79 1985 1981 1982 •«» «r** * niM mt 0 lo 2 o 3 * 4 . 5* 6 . 7 .

1« Shimla « « • • '•* ... ♦ « . «♦ 2o Secni ' icr7s»3 1381,8 813 ^7 608-6 975 ,4 1 1 6 3 cO

3« Thsog 8 7 4 ,3 7 7 2 ,7 6 5 0 ,4 7 9 4 .6 15 1 1 .8 977 «7 1 4 ^ Kotkhai. 1 1 9 5 .4 1053.2 658 «5 9 3 5 .4 1212 .3 I 6 l 2 .0

5o K'mhrSrsa3,n , 3 2 5 a >9 ♦ a * • a . 1060^1 7 7 0 .2

6* chaupal '1 0 5 8 .4 1 1 5 4 .5 6 36 .8 934o5 1068 o7 13 5; 4 .0

7 o jubbal 13.53.3 1376.5 569 c4 lO^o *8 1234.9 1 0 6 9 »6 t 8 , Rohau. • » « * « » 990o4 889 ,1

9« Ramp-ir 74^4 1052.3 7 7 5 .2 1829 «0 1079,2 1039.8

• s SKMLA DISTRICT : 850 o9- 1131.8 6 8 4 .0 1028.1 J.JL4I .6 11 0 9 .4

(» •) Not- available source: District Land Records office/ ShJ-mla* IV - CLIMATE

,4*2 - t e m p r a t u r e ‘rOT r e l a t i v e humiikcty a t SHEMLA.

Tempr ature (i.nc* ) Moxlmum Minimum l73QHrs. 3 . 5 ,

1975 29 ,6 (-) 4^2 53 63

197 6 2 9 .6 (—) 54 65

1977 27 *0 (-) 6 .0 56 62

1978 22.3 5 .4 54 64

1979 22.2 4 .4 55 63

1980 2lo9 5 .4 52 62

1981 2 1 .4 " 5 .2 55 52

1982 20,8 3 .4 58 66

source : Regional Metereological centre^ New D e lh i. V . - HOriTiaJLTURS

Sol - a r e a /^ D PRCDUCl'ICN OP FRUITS

Year Area \ander E^^oits Production of Fruits (H ec ts.) (M.Te.)

2 • ______^2*^

1 . 1976^77 1 9 ,5 1 4 8 1 ,3 8 4

2 0 ,4 9 1 7 3 /3 1 4

3 . 1978«79 21/1 66 81^294

4* 1979-80 2 1 /8 6 0 7 8 /2 5 6

5 , 1930^.81 22.792 7 4 ,8 4 4

6* l98l»»82 23/375 2 /0 9 ,6 4 0

7 . 1982-83 2 4 ,2 4 6 94/513

source 1 District Horticulture office, Shimla* -50- V - HOlTiaJLTUtlE 5.2 - AREA UNDER FRUITS (H ectares) 5fear/Blocks APPle Other Nuts Sc citrus Other Toteii Temperate Dry Fruits 3ul>:Tro- F ru its• Fruits pical Fruits* 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . S. • 6* # 197 6-77 1 6 ,5 0 0 2 ,2 3 0 505 226 53 19/514

20^491 1977-78 17,352 2 ,3 0 3 535« 242 59 1978-79 17,855 2,350 603 298 60 2 1 ,1 6 6

1979-80 1 8 ,3 5 5 2 ,4 2 6 657 358 64 2 1 ,8 6 0

1980-81 18,887 2 ,6 6 1 718 448 78 2 2 ,1 9 2

1981-82 19,422 2,552 795 526 80 23 ,3 7 5

1982^83 * 20,122 2,602 869 572 8l 2 4 ,2 4 6 i^ a s h o b r a 1 ,1 4 1 573 98 368 66 2 ,2 4 6

2 .Theo^ 1 ,5 5 4 403 95 25 11 2,r088

3 .Kumharsain 3 ,9 2 4 329 89 ^ 29 4 4 ,3 7 5

4 •Ram pur 2,347 305 152 70 - 2 ,8 7 4

5 ♦chaupal 2 ,1 5 7 183 102 12 - 2 ,4 5 4

6*Re±irur ■ 3 ,2 4 7 272 113 30 - 3,662

7 •chhohara 1 ,8 0 0 ■ 145 114 5 - 2 ,0 6 4

8*jubbal 3 ,9 5 2 392 106 33 4,483

source s District Horticulture office^ Shimla-* .51- V - HORTia;LTlTr?E 5c3 - PPX'DUCTia

Year Other ' Nuts & citinis Other Total Temperate Dry Fruits sub« Fruits Fruits Trcpical Fr>aits 6 .

1« 1976^77- 81^275 2 /5 6 5 544 - • - 84/3 84 ci . ;• 2« 1977-78 72^113 739 458 4 7 3 /3 1 4

3 . 1978-79 80^41© 600 29 155 100 81/2 94

4 . 1979^80. 7 6 /9 8 1 791 53 206 ‘255, 78^256

5 . 1980*^01 73^521 811 156 215 . 141 7 4 /8 4 4

6 . 1981-82 2 ^ 0 9 /2 4 0 ' 1^770 123 369 138 2 /11 ^64 0 1 . 7 . 1982-83 9?.. 617 • 1/229 162 358 147 94,^513

source rxlstrict Horticulture office/ Shirala. - -.52*.

V ~ HC^TI CULTURE 5*4 - SEED MULTIPLICATION FARMS AND PROGEl^ o r c h a r d s n u m b e r s

^EAR/BLOCK -seed Multi­ Progeny Nursery Total plication Orchards Farms 1 , 2^ 3 • 4* 5 .

1 . 1977-78 .. 15 1 . 16

2 . 1978-79 - 15 1 ‘

3 . 1979-80 - , 15 1 16

4 . 1980-81 - 15 1 16

5* 1981-82 - 15 1 16

6^ 1982-83 - 15 1 16

BLOCK - WISE 1 -* 1 1• chhohara •

2. Kasumpti-seoni 2 - 2

3 • Theog mm 1 1 f 4 • Kumharsain - 2 2

5. jubbal - KOtkhai- 2 1 3

6 • chaupal - 2 - 2

7 • Rohru 1 - 1 / - 8 * Jlampur ■* 4 •• 4 . '

source s District Horticulture office/ Shim la* -53- VI- LIVE STOCK ANIMAL >HUSBANDRY ' . 6.1 - LINSTOCK a n d POULTRY TEH^IL - WISE PaFn^TsrsTY^arsShirnYa Secni Theog KotXhal Kumar- chopal jubbal Ranpur Rohru Total '

______X* 2* 3* 4« 5*' 6*,'^ ^7 ♦ ^ 8 ** Q» 10 * H • cattle 1977 45,479 27,668 52,883 19; 818 4,24 1 53,455 18,226 47,926 45,489 3,15,185* 1982 45,323 V 26,387 57/545 17;89 1 24,234 54,180 18,249 48,827 50,097 3,42,653 nu£,talo 1977 8,750 8,002 2,161 1,119 270 16,308 711 1,059 1,051 39,431 1982 8,528 2,9S0 1,974 1,378 177 1,455 668 , 747 682 18,589 Horses 1P77 121 348 392 3l 73 157 . 23 ' 100 73 1,318 1982 93 49 449 47 ‘58 135 .21 142 80 1,074 m.1.as 1S77 112 95 479 133 116 215 ; 80 ; 160 529 i,93a 1S32 231 92 76 127 173 414 ' 95 • 323 840 2,371 Dankeya 1977 *2 - 1 3 46 - 4 72 73 201 1982 11 2 ■ 4 5 86 7 2 . 79 13 5 33l ' Pig 1977 44 - 6, 14 '4 604 65 • 189 265 1,191 1978 -25 14 69 6 25 1,700, 51 '77 99 2,066 She^ 1977 n,559 5,116 10,097 4,053 6,333 24,679 6,18 1 37,783 4 5,522 ‘ 1,51,323 1982 , 11,72 5 5,525 29,93 1 3,470 . 6,259 18,786 5,640 38,583 45,049 1,64,968 ( Goats 1977 4,209 7 , 53 1 7,288 1,124 5,03 1 29,559 5,692 21,041 18,708 98,183 1382 4,359 8,430 9,327 1,329 4,883 26,069 4,442 . 23,632 21,530 1,04,001 7 0 , 2T6~ 437760 T373OT 26,2 95 16,114 1,24,97 7 2 6,952'1708,350 l,Ti,70'9 '6,68,770“ LIVESTOCKl9a2 70,25 5 43,-47 9 9 9,37 5 2 4,253 3 5,895 1,C2,666 29,168 1,12,410 1,18,512 6,36,05:^

'T o t SJ 1577 357637 ^2,635 i7T96 4,'o'l9 ~3,3?3 3707l '4,'45"8~ 9,, 3 50“ l277 5l 54',"lc6~ POULTRiT 1982 .10,414 2,97 1 2,63 1 3 , 57 2 6,032 3 , 020 ' 3,940 9,047 17,830 59,457

" "t o t ST I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ! LIVESTOCK1977 82,913 51,395 75,103 30,314 19,487 1,28,048 33,450 1, 17,700 1.-24,460 6,62,870 & POULTRY1982 80,709 46,450 1,02,006 27,825 41,927 1,05,686 33,108 l.,21,457 1,36,342-6,95,510

Source ; District Animal i-Msbanc3ry office, Shimla* - s %


T eh sil/sub veterinajnr veterinary Touring Total Dispansaries Dispensa- Inseminataon TehsAl Hospital ries ' centre u rb a n Rural to- tal

3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 8 .

9 1 2 1. Shimla 2 6 '4 1 1 2 . seoni 2 4 1 1 3 • Theog 3 9 13

4 • K O tk h ai ^ 10 11 1 1 9 5# Kumharsain 4 14 la 9 I 6« Chaupal 2 2 4 1

7 * Nerwa<“S.T * ) ^ 1 2

5 '* j u b b a l 2 7 9 1 1 9 • R o h r u 2 10 12

10*Rampur 3 12 15 2 2

11 .Nankhari ( S .T •) 1 1

SHIMLA DISTRICT : 22 76 loo 17* 18

source ; District Animal Husbandry Of fid Shim la* I -55-

VI - rr^^BTOCK ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 6^3 - \Ti;T£RmARY PEKSCNNEL ( a S OJ 3l^l2 ->83)‘ • • S' ■*-

Tehsil/5ub- veterinary veterinary Stock Total ccmpounders Assistants Tehsil Assistant v‘ t ■ - Surge ais 1, 2 . 3 . 4. 5 . ■s ' lo Ghiirla 3 / ' X ^ 9 13 2 . Secni 2 '" '2 7 l i

3 • Theeg 3 X 12 ' i 6 j .

4« Kotkhal 1 X 9 ‘ ' 11 '

5 . K”urnharsain 4 14 X3 ^

6* chaupal J 2 7 . 9 1 ® N0r‘V»’a (S *>T <») 1 . - 0 • iTur>bal 2 8 10 * "* •'t • 9 • Rohru 11 12

iOoP.snpur 5 V. - 16 ■ 0 3 ^ . ■ •-* '.>4. , ', 19 11 *N anhhn ri (s «T •’) * *-

SHIMLA DISTRICT, ; 2 i ■ 5 93> 119 ■ \ •T

source : District AnimiJh Husbandry office^ Shimla* -56-


6 , 4 - v e t e r i n a r y A ID

• Item : Years 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ♦— •— •— • — •— •— •— • — •— • — • — • — •— •— *— *— • — •— •— •— •— • 1 . 2* 3 . 4 , 5 .

1* veterinary institutions s ■ i^ Hospitals 21 22 21 21 j» i i ) Dispensaries 71 77 72 7 8 ' 2 • Animals Treated :

(a) in Hospitals and I Dispensaries

i) in door i 1 /4 0 ,9 6 5 1 ,6 4 ,1 5 4 1 ,7 4 ,2 3 7 1 ,8 5 ,9 5 8 ii) out door j

(b) cn Tour - i) contagious Disj^ases 4/798 ' 7 ,1 0 7 18,202 1 3 ,3 5 4

ii) other Diseases 67/251 6 7 ,8 6 0 7 2 ,3 8 1 6 6 ,7 9 6

Total ; 72/0 49 74,9>57 9 0 ,5 8 3 8 0 ,1 5 0

■ •

3 m costrations performed %

i) in Hospitals 4/083 3 ,8 0 4 3 ,5 4 6 3 ,6 1 0

ii) on Tour 10/ 058 10,297 11,908 11,813

Total : l4/l4l 14,101 15,454 15,423 9

source : District Animal Husbandry office/ ^ Shimla# -57- m - FORESTS

• 7 . 1 - a h s a u n e b r f o r e s t s ' (Hectares) Class of Forest Year l9i9-a o 1980-81 1 9 8 ^ 8 2 ■3>982""^3 m !• 2* 3 . 4* 5 . 6 ,

I. Reserved Forests 6 ,3 3 4 ■ 6 ,3 3 4 " 6,334 6,334 6 ,3 3 4

2 ,5 0 ,2 2 9 2 /5 0 ,2 2 8 2 ,5 D ,2 2 7 2 ,5 0 ,8 9 6 2 . Protected purests • «

3* unclassed anu ail other t Forests 5 ,7 9 8 5 ,7 9 8 5 ,7 9 8 m 5 ,7 9 8 i < >

SHIMLA DI STRICT « 3 ,2 8 ,7 1 3 2 ,6 2 ,3 6 1 2 ,6 2 ,3 6 0 2 ,5 6 ,5 6 1 2 , 6 ^ 0 2 8

source j conservatbr of Forests, ShimXa circle • - 58* VII i. FORESTS 7 .2 - OUT TURN AND VALUE OF MAJOR FORESTS PRODUCTS 1

Maior Forest Products Year f Timber' Fuel Total - Quantity value Quantity Value Quantity Value ( OOOcu *mt s) (OOORs) ( OOOcu • ) (OOORs. > (OOOcu.m ts.) (OOOte.) 2 . a* 4* 5 , 6 . 7 .

1978-79 97.12 0 .2 9 92.47

1979-80 101.00 28/425,70 0 .1 9 23.04 101.19 28^448#74 , A 1980-81 l21*86 .• 2 .8 0 .. 124*66 ..

1981-82 2 4 4 .7 8 0 .4 4 «. 245.22 ..

1982-83 2 6 8 .6 5 . . 6 .9 0 2 7 5 .5 5 <

source : conservator of porests/ Shimla circle

V II f o r e s t s

7 .3 - value of minor FCRBST PRODUCTS (VOOORSO Items Years 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83

1 . 2 • 3 . 4 . 5 . 6.

1« Bamboos & Canes - -

2 * Drugs 211.10 1/610.00 2,901.00 3>090.50 9,367.2.

3 * poddec & Grazing .8 9 •3 0 2 8 5 .0 0 245.90 261.40 2l3.00 < 4* Gums £e Resin 112 2 /3 2 2 .0 0 2,123.20 1,887.00 938.40

5* Others - - 4;00 61.00 5.10

SHIMLA DISTRICT * 1 /0 7 3 *0 0 4/2 1 7 ^0 0 5,274.10 5,299.90 D ,523 .70

source 1 conservator of ForestS/ Shlmla circle -59-


, 1978-79197^-80' I 9ISSF"" lSo--»*b2 "i9tJ2—i33 am mmm ^mm »<« ©«» e«» •«" •“• ••“ •““•“■ ••• •“ < 1 , i 2 . a. 4 . ' S * 60

1-i.cenc^ FisherT’aan Registered (n o .) 165 8 171 302

2. Production of Fish I (M.Tir)-I 66 73 74 44 68 ■ - .}

• I 3 • Approximate value df fish caught (R s .in Xjakhs),^ .^ 3»3S 3.60 3<7p! [4^40 4.47 f 4# Fishing offences detached (No. V 2p 27 30 26 55

5. compensation realised (RS*) 620 245 590 317 447

6. Fish Sanctuaries Established (Nos.)

source Assistant Director of Fisherie'fe Shimla Division* ix/- V IT A L s t a t i s t i c s - - 9*1-BIRTHS a n d BEaTHS

1 Births Deaths Total Male Rem ale T*tal Mal>e Female

M ••• 2m 3 • 4» S If • «m «•» ••• ••• • ••• ••• •• • • • • • •- \ 1979 R u r a l 3 /4 1 0 2 ,3 5 1 1,059 1,582 913 669 u rb a n 2 ,4 1 5 1,589 826 744 473 271 i960 . R u r a l 2 ,5 3 8 1 ,8 2 9 709 1 ,5 57 634 723 1,173 1,249 784 493' '291 u r a b a n 2 ,4 2 2 %

'l 9 B l R u r a l 3 ,1 8 4 1 ,6 2 4 1 ,5 6 0 1 ,2 07 642 565 u rb a n 2 ,6 2 0 1,358 1,262 917 550 367

1982 R u i'a l’ 4, 528 2 ,3 5 2 2 ,1 7 6 1 ,8 8 4 1^024 860 , u rb a n 2 ,3 7 3 1,1 92 1 ,1 8 1 749 467 282

1983 R u r a l 3 ,6 27 1 ,9 1 5 1,713 1/35| 722 632 u r b a n 2 ,5 1 7 1 ,3 5 8 1,2 19 466 255 • »

Shimla *isfcr±«t Shlmla -^1—

IX - VITAL s t a t i s t i c s 9.2 deaths FRCk VARIOUS CAUSES • * Causes ' s. Years^ . • i960 i ^ s r 19^2 f '1983 1. 2 • 3 . 4* S.

1 • cholera - -

2. small POX - - - W: 3* Plague - * • '

4 . pever 157 146 495 492 1 5. Dysentry and Diarrhoea •106 75 203 94

6. Respiratory causes 3iO . 430 563 494

7. Aii other causes 1 ,7 6 8 1 ,4 73 1,372 7 0 i

SHIMLA DISTRICT i 2 ,3 4 1 2 ,1 2 4 2 ,6 3 3 ; 1 ,9 8 1

source : c h ie f Medical- o ffic e # Sblmla* X - MEDICAL i!iND PUBLIC HEALTH -62—

I C .i - NUMBER OF HOSPITALS a n d DISPENSARIES • Vear/ Block Hospitals Primary Allopathic Ayurvedic unani Total Health Dispensaries Dispensaries/ centre Hospitals

1 • * 2 . 3 • 5* 5 . e ; ^ 7 . 1978-79 12 9 33 57 2 113 1979-80 13 8 ' 33 59 2 115 1980-81 ^3 8 33 59 , 2 . 115

1981-82 13 8 34 60 y. 2 117 1982-83 13 9 36 60 2 120

1 • Kasumpti-suni 6 2 16 16 2 42

1 6 2 ' 10 2« Theog m • • 3 • jubbal-Kotkhai 1 4 12 - 18

4 . Rampur 2 2 9 - •*•4

5* Rohru 1 1 1 6 - 9

6 . chaupal 1 2 ' 8 ' = - - XZ

7 . Kumharsain 1 3 3 - 8

8 • chhohara - 1 2 4 - 7

SHIMIiA DISTRICT i 13 9 36 60 2 120

source 8 Chief Medical office^ Shimla« -63-

. 10 *2 - Pa t i e n t s t r e a t e d (n u m b e r s ) r • Patients Treated Year ■ • ' V l98b ■ i 9 S r ; ■ 19^2

2 . 3 • 4« 5 .

• ' •

! • INDOOR s a) New 9 ,4 2 9 7 ,4 0 2 13/271 1 4 /5 6 0 b ) cad. 82,092 63,960'^ 1 /0 8 /8 9 0 1 /1 3 /» 1 4

TOTAL I 9 1 ,5 2 1 7 1 ,3 6 2 ' 1 /2 2 /1 6 1 1 /2 8 /2 7 4

> % \


a) New At 13 , 460 3#99,7B 9 4 /3 6 /4 6 4 , 5 /2 6 /6 5 4 b ) old 2 /1 8 ,7 7 3 1,80,495 . ; ! 1 /7 5 /0 & 1 2 ,0 4 , l23 TOTi J:. 5 6 /3 2 /2 3 3 5 /8 0 ,2 8 4 6 /1 1 /5 5 5 7 ,3 0 ,7 7 7


TOTAL 1 / a) New 4 ,2 2 ,8 8 9 4 ,0 7 /1 9 1 4 /4 9 /7 3 5 5 /4 1 /2 1 4 b) Old 3 ,0 0 ,8 6 5 2 /4 4 /4 5 5 2 /8 3 /9 8 1 ; 3 /1 7 /8 3 7

CiRTOT TOTAL : 7 ,2 3 ,7 5 4 6/51/646 7/33/716 8 /5 9 /0 6 1 *


institutions Years 1979-80 1980-ai 1981-82 i982-83 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .

Hospital (Allopathic) 1^125 1^125 1 ,1 2 5 . 1,125

2. Primary Health centres 67 67 67 . 67

3. Allopathic Dispensaries 20 20 20 . 20

4# T^Jurvedic Hospitals / Dispensaries 59 59 59 59

5. other institutions 50 50 50 50

* '


t o t a l : ■ 1^ 321 I , 321 1^321 1,321 .

source t chief Medical Offl^r# Shimla* -65- X - MEDIC/iL mp HSALTH 10 c4 - ACHISVEMENT UNDER NATia^TAL F ^ L Y WELF7-iRE PROCS^AMME JI^Numbers)

rears Sterilisation C€C •users I ,U •D/coper«T

2^ - 4* 1 .. *.« ♦«» *— #— «« ♦— #— •— d— •— •— ♦— •— •— **• ®— •“ •••

1976-S2: 11,016 ■ 3,162 1,077

« 1977-78 ‘ 240 1, 013 228

4l9 X978«79t 249 1,907

1979-^80 1 ,2 6 5 803 407

1080 ‘8.1 1 ,5 3 0 611 425

198-1-82 1 ,9 0 5 1, 440 475

1982-83 4 ,3 87 1,027 89

« ^ 1


Scurce ; Chief Medical office/ Shinaa' m66*»


1 « sh.i.>nj-a 149 29 17 3 198

2 • Geoni 64 10 6 - 80

3 • Theog 128 19 14 - I6i 4 0

4# Kotkhai 74 15 8 - 97

5 • K^iinharsain 7 0 10 8 - 88

6 • cliaupal 188 18 9 - xxs

178 7 <» jubbal 159 * 12 7 - 11 150 8 * Rohru 120 19 . -

158 9 . Rampar 123 23 11 1

TOTAli : 1 ,0 75 155 91 4 1/325

23 Private institution i 2 ' 19 1 >

SHIMLA DISTRICT ;1 ,0 7 6 157 110 5 1,348

Source : D is t r ic t EcSfcicatlon Office# Shim la* • -67- X k EDUCATIOT 11.2 - NUMBER OF TEACHER IN EDUCATICNAl, INSTITUTICNS

Year ' Primary ' Middle High & H r. colleges Total • scliools Schools secondary schools 1 . • 3 • 4 . 5 . ‘ . 2 m 6 #“ 1 • ^ 1977-B8 ' 9l9 1,177 1/089 153 3 /3 3 8 1978-79 1,087 1 ,1 8 9 1 /1 9 5 158 3 /6 2 9 1979-80 1 ,1 2 8 l /i 2 6 1/218 53 3 /6 2 5 1980-81 , l,8i9 852 945 • • 3 /6 2 6 1981-82 ' : 1 ,8 48 ' 862 1 /1 0 0 • . 3 /8 1 6 . 1982-83 1,897 859 1/133 3 /8 8 9

source : District Education offlcQ/ ^ Shlrala* \


f . year Primary M iddle High fit H r . c o l l e t s Total schools schools secondary > ■ »• schools• • 1 4 ft : ‘ 2 • 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . M r 0 1977-78 2 1 ,6 1 5 X I,lU 2 2 /3 1 3 3 /S 3 6 6 5 ,1 7 8 1978-79 2 4 ,9 9 6 21/261 23/567 3/ 487 73#3ll 1979-80 25,381 22/542 24/368. 3/811 7 6 ,1 0 2 1980-81 5 0 ,5 2 0 7 /0 9 7 16/ 877 • • 7 4 ,4 9 4 1981-82 49,680 , 8#246 17/280 • . ' 7 5 ,2 0 6 1932-83 51,500 8#870 1 8 /3 2 5 s 7 8 ,6 9 5

source : District Educaticn of^ce^ Shlm la* -68 XI - EDUCATICN 1 1 .4 - LITERACY - l 9 8 i - CSNSUS ate pogula^ion Females persons p e r s o n s M a i e s •*“ Tehsil •- — •- • • ,«»#-• •••. 5 . 4 . • • • . ? ♦“ •“ .- .- «“ 56.07 _____ i ; - -—- - • • 4 ,2 6 6 43,i06 11,627 7 ,3 6 1 1* seoni 6 9 .7 8 3 0 ,5 8 3 6 l *6 l e 5,573 5 4 ,9 9 0 2 . Shii^Ia 52.93 7 ,4 2 9 4 0 .1 4 22#935 15 ,5 0 6 3 . Theog 6 1 .7 0 6,578 5 0 .7 4 . 18/036 H i 458 4 . Kumharsain 4 7 .9 2 k 3 ,6 7 6 3 3 .3 0 15,305 11,629 5 . Ramfur 48*63 1,877 34 .03 6 /6 1 6 4,739 6* Nanlchari

Name of the State *Area(Sq»Kms) No.of population Panchy? •• • ^ Block 1982-83 vill­ • ages • .1. 2 . ' 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . I-.'

! • Kasumptl-sfeoni» ^ post Stage 729 *4 768 92^693 51 2 • Theog 1* 473*0 392 55^610 39

3 jmbbal-Kotkhal tt 447.7 261 5 5 ,9 6 6 43

ti 4 • Rampir 213^4« 179 62 ,0 9 3 j 35

5 . Rohru ft 118 :e 72 3 9 ,8 8 7 21

6 . chaupal Sb4*3 3 0 0 ' 5 5 ,4 1 0 36

7* Kumharsain » 2 3 1 .3 156 3 5 ,5 6 0 23

8 . cWbobara M 103.7 97 3 3 ,1 4 3 25

273 SHIMLA DIS'miCT• : 2 ,9 0 1 .4 2 ,2 2 5 4 ,3 0 ,7 5 5 - (inhabited)

According to Source : District Panchayat office, villa9e papers. % Shfmla* -70- XII - RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHYATS

12*2 - NUMBER OF PaNCHYATS /^ D THEIR MEMBERSHIP ______( b I o c Ic - w ls e ^ ______Y e a r Rohru chhohara Kuniharsain Theog^ KasumptI Rampur jubEai 3B5ipaI Total seoni S h im la D ls t t . 1 . 2 . 3 , ' 4 . 5 .^ 6 • 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 .

Num ber of P a n c h a y a ts 39 51 3 5 40 ’ 36 270 m 1977-78 21 25 ‘ 23 « 36 270 1978-79 21 25 23 39 51 35 40 1979-80 2l 25 23 39 51 35 40 36 270 36 273 1980-81 2l 25 23 39 51 35 43 36 273 1981-^2 21 25 23 39 ■ 51 35 43 43 36 273 1982-83 21 25 23 39 51 . 35 1

Menibership ( n o s #) 365 2 ,6 1 5 1977-78 206^ 221 245 339 545 321 373 365 2 ,6 1 5 1978-79 206 221 245 339 545 321 . 373 312 2 ,4 l 7 1979-80 202 225 219 326 436 325 372 463 290 2 /4 7 6 1980-81' 207 206 191 365 423 33l 345 294 2 /3 9 8 1981-82 . 210 208 196 367 438 340 356 294 2 /3 2 5 1982-83 2 l0 208 196 367 438 280

source s District Panchyat office/ Shimla* n o - A

XLXX.. x3m:2>J>i^ a m T '^4iiJ

91 .N o , ^articuleir 1930-^ 1 1931-02 .1 2 3 .2 ^ 3

j u . Gases pending at tii© horning of the year 726 to3 h99 ^ases filed , -. 1,170 ■ 996 ’ 596 \, ''' ■ ^ / Oases trarisforred 11 7 Ibtal 1,907 1,A79 1,122 Ibtal Cases• dtspo sed o f i,'*a

5 * Balanoe *t03 499 ^ 6

Souroeto filstrlct i?anobayat Officeri 8hinl^« -71 X III - CO-OPBRATIOM 13.1 . CCVaPBRATlBN

Item IgiiJ ia 1978-79 l9'>9-80 198UWB1 " 1981-82 1982-63

1 . 2 • 3 . 4 . 5* 6 . 7 . SOCCBTIES (MOS.) a) AOrlculturaX 187 187 187 185 * 186 186 b) Ndii-Agricult«ral 36 37 37 29 31 32 ' 1 ' c) State central Banks 1 1 1 1 “ * 1 . * • d) state central Banks - - --- e ) Other Secondary Societies 62 61 64 57 73 76

TOTMi J 286 286 289 272 291 295

MEMBERSHIP ( n o ,) « a) AOtlcultural 32^623 32,752 33,529 33,513 3 4 ,6 0 0 3 6 ,9 6 6 b) Non-ASiricultural 4^621 4,913, 5,003 4 ,9 2 4 4 ,9 3 6 5 ,0 5 1 1 ,2 5 0 1,302 1,352 . 1 .3 7 5 c) urban Banks 1 ,0 8 9 , 1,197 • f thexr Secondary s o c ie t ie s 10^025 10, 550 11,049 9,9 77 9 ,9 4 9 15,096 > .f i.

TOfAL s 4 8 ,3 5 8 49,412 5 0 ,8 3 1 4 9 ,7 1 6 50,837 58 ,4 8 8 -72* contd* • •Page 2 ...... V

2 . 3 . ■ 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 * V LOaJS ADV;tfICES (R S .)* ' a) Agricultural 3 ,2 1 ,9 7 4 2 ,6 2 ,4 1 4 6,08,259 .3,92,451 3,51,000 1 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 b) Non-Agricultural 1 4 ,2 4 ,5 6 8 1 6 ,1 0 ,2 5 7 1 2 ,7 7 ,4 1 6 2 0 ,7 7 ,4 l 6 2 5 ,5 7 ,0 0 0 2 6 ,8 2 ,0 0 0 c) urban Banks ^ 7 ,3 1 ,3 1 7 9 ,9 8 ,2 2 0 ,8 ,8 0 ,7 3 9 1 7 ,0 2 ,7 4 9 1 0 ,5 4 ,0 0 0 3 9 ,4 5 ,0 0 0 d) State central Banks - - - - - e) other Secondly societies “ • •• — i X t o t a l s. 24^77^859 2 8 ,7 0 ,8 9 1 27 , 59,998 41,72,616 39,62,000 76,27,000

« ' /• l o a n s OUTSTANDING ( r s .) a) Agricultural' ‘ 8 5 ,1 3 ,6 4 3 8 3 ,8 0 ,1 9 1 8 3 ,5 6 ,8 6 9 8 3 /6 6 ,0 8 9 7 9 ,6 2 ,0 0 0 7 9 ,0 7 ,0 0 0 b) Non-Agriculturai 2 5 ,4 2 ,2 8 0 2 7 *4 8 ,7 1 8 2’?,9 8 , 000 2 9 ,9 4 ,9 8 7 3 3 ,8 2 ,0 0 0 3 9 ,5 8 ,0 0 0 1 2 ,4 0 ,0 8 1 1 3 ,7 4 ,7 7 9 1 4 ,8 9 ,5 6 5 16, 6 0 ,0 0 0 2 1 ,8 0 , 000 c) urban Banks 11,49,947 a - - d) state central Banks -• * .J ,V e) Other secondary Societies •• i- M 1 ,


TOTAli t 1,22,05,870 1,23^68,990 1,25,29,648 1,28,50,641 1,30,04,0001,40,45,000 -73-

•«•*3 Concluded••••••

Item 2 > 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . ■ 7 .

* / ’ % WORKIN* CAPIT*l- (r s . ih Lakhs) a) AOricultural 129*96 31*03 206.19 227.31 2V5 .53 282.37 < j b) Non-Agricultural 25 .71 33.11 35 .88 3 7 .5 3 41.89 48.12 c) urban Bankfe 12.74 13 .60 17 .37 1 9 .0 6 2 0 .9 5 30*36 • V d) State central Barks •> - -- - e) Other secondary societies 148*66 175.34 2 7 2 .2 5 368.27 4l6.92 447 *38 A'

652.17 735*29 ' ' 8 0 8 .2 3 t o t a l . I 317.09 252«82 531.69

i >

source t District co-operative sujpi^ti^e, Shimla* -74- XIV - INDUSTRIES 14 • I - REGISTRED PACTCRIBS i 1983

S I •NO. Name of Factory Estimated No^of Viorkers employed

1 2* ' _ 3 . »•••. 1* Bhagat Singh Saw Mill# Shimla. 9 2« New xra Saw Mill/ Shimla* 9 3* Erabhat Saw Mills ^ Shimla 9 4. Dawa Singh Saw Mills* Koti# ’ 9 5* Dev Raj Durga Dass Saw Mills, Koti* 9 6. ookal industries^ Datoli 9 7. Kanwar Singh Janta Saw Mill# Koti* 9 8* virender industries, Batoti > ' 9 9* vifcshwa Karraa' industries, Kotkhai 9 10* Jiwan Saw Mill/ Laphughatti 99 11. Thakur Saw Mill# Nankhari 9 12. Gokal Factory# ? ' 9 13. Ram Barkesh Saw Mill# Baldian 9 14. Kanwar industries Saw Mill# Sanjauli 9 15. Surat industries Saw Mill/ vill#>Dev jupal:/P.O« Kumarsain 9 16. Gautam industries Saw Mill# vlia?*0. Jhakhari#Shimla 9 17. Kaydee industries v&P .o'#Kiari# Shimi 18. Mohan j.ndu£Jt;ries,' vill.Doki)hal#P.O JCiari# Shimla 9 . 19. Anupurna industries, vill<^P.O*Manjhti#Distt.Shimla 9 2 0 . Ranbir industries, vill.&P.o«Jhakari#P.0 .Deori#Teh# v KotkhariA Shimla - 9 21. snow \dLew industries, v.Dharonk P.o .KokUrShimla 9 . 2 2 . FriendiJ Saw M ill#V .D o b i,P *O .K arlo t, Shimla 9 23. Weedland and industries, v.Chamera# P.O.Rawlakiar# Kotkhai,•Shimla 9 24. jitendra industrial Works, VKiari#P»O.Darkoti#Shimla 9 25. Prince industries, v.Nak chailta# P *0-Kotkhai,Shimla 9 26. Attar industries, vocmehar,P.O.Chalnair,Teh,Kotkhai 9 27. sohan industries, v>^^v.o.kino0/ Teh^Rampur# Shimla 9 28* GR.Bhalaik Saw Mill, vill•Bhareri#P.O. 9*

c o n t in u e -75- aaV-INDtJ$T3IB3 RBGISTaJSa F*C0DHrS8-198 3

,Ko a .N o . ' n« bo of Factory . W erX p lo-yed

...... II ■ — ' 29.• Tfcvakur Bros* Xndustriesf VEO, Napkhariy la 3O0 SawaJit Irxdustriesf vlXlage ^^eiiari, J?*0. and Tehsil KoiXti&L 31* ainil Industries^ village ^anjholi, P.O.KiaJ± Ko tk hai 9 32# Myiove Industries^ Tillage Dfexangvif strict fihimla ^ 9 33* Qtiaiuhaa Xndustriesy VBO.Oarkoti,Tehsil Kotkhai 9 3^* Haja ^aw Mill, village Jalef i^*Kiairit m s trict ^Shimla ^ 35. Shiv Indus trie Sr village Da^ ^kunala» Tehsil _ Kotk-^ai ^ 36. i%±d£ta Bros, Xndustriesy village BadJwni P«0*^)eori 9 37• tSharma *Saw M i l l / villa ge Batarl via flohru 9 30. Bhickta Bro s.Industries villSLge Badruni P«0*Deorf. 9 39• Shanna «Saw Mill Hira Industry ^aw Mill Batari . Via Soharu , 9 ^O* . Tej Industry >Saw M m , Kotkliai 9 4l* . Jai Burg a Saw Mill Kalya, strict 6himla 9 42* fakeeda Industry, «Saw M illsf 8himla 9 i|>3* Chuni I»al Haas Saj •Saw M ill, Qhimla 9 44. Pumi Ham and dons Saw M ill, Masliobra 9 45• Industries Y&P*0* Jeori, T^isil JRampur i^istrict •Shiiiila » 9 46* Dinesli Saw MU. 1 Mashobra 9 47# Higaa4r Saw I^ail, Hitu ” " 9 48* Bixjghers -Saw M ill, Kufri ' 9 49* ' -AmbdUia Industries(Saw M ill)Kotkhai 9 50# Ihapar Industries Saw Mill, Ko tkuxnallah. 9 51* S^ashwa &ngla & Gq, Saw M ill, Zukumallah 9 5 2» i^akesii Industries (Saw Mill )Ko14diai 9 5 3* M/6 Padajm «6ingh Saw M ill V &i?«0«Beolia via Kar^umpti D istrict Shimla ' — > - 9 54* Ihree Star Industries Village 'Jalat P»0*Kotkiiai 9 55* «i>eoi4 Kotkhai d is tr ic t Shi«.mla 9 56* Sohan Industries P*0*Kekumala Teh* Kotkhai Iti.strict Shimla - 9 57* fiajindar Industries P*0* Baicbol Ti^* Kotkhai 9 -76- XEV^NDasTiRlSS l4o1- FAC l O x a ^ 198a

«L .HoT N^e of Factory * * * Estimated No.o ?forkers ^ployed

V - • '« •ars^M ll* 58*' Public 2I11 dustri.es P»0#Deorx Snainieti Teh.,itcticliai 9 39# Chandra Xndiistries V*Bh.ali J?*^*2Lxari Hi stt«Siii.nila 9 60« *Sharme 'Saw Mill V&P *0 •Shilsroo Tehsil 'Iheog IM.strict ShimJm ^ 61, Fina ^ood i^ack Industries ^pper Kati, i**0*JXiar Goura ^liiala j ^ 6 2 . ikmbika Udiyog V,Karlot Hampur j^shahart'Shinila 9 63# Fou r ^tar >Saw Mill V*Kof*er »GraJieliar> Kotichai ' ^ 64, Inlovfs "Saw Mill V*Padana, P*0«lharDla Koiadiai «Qhxnila 9 65* Dbgra Industries V-^iobli P»0*Garoag> Tehsi^t J^otlcnai 9 66. Hiinala7"% Industries V*Hailaila Prem Nagar Shimla 9 67* fiaJiib Industries P*0 «3S.olcu2isila Telisil Kotkh.ai| Sliirala 9 68. OiiajLih. an ^afioas Industries V«Zeoth P*0 .jtlayrallrier 9 69*; fiharmp *Saw M ill, ISiarbala ?*0«Churi Teh. and liLstrict ^lim la* 9 70» Friends Industries Qiailnani. Kotkhai «abimla 9 71* ai Mate Industries V*&P#0 •Premnagar,IH.stt#Qhiin la 9 72* B^aXek Ham Verma *Saw M ill V,&P*0» Kokunala Teh, iCotchai 9 73* Bhagat Industries V.Chhol P*0 •So'tkhai Iti.stt#Shimla 9 7^» i^ayal Industries V &P«0« Darkoti Teh* Kotkhai 9 75* J^vjesh Industries V,Bhoon Stierata P«0. Deori Bistrict fihicla 9 76 * Gaure.v 3ro s^ ^aw M ill, V &P*0 *Dh8rgaura T^.Hampur 9 77* Nar 6ingh Industries Vt&P*0* Dsndsa Teh, Rajnpur 9 73, Mehta ^aw ^ i l l V, Chuni P»0*Kia3rf., Teh, K.o,tk hai 9 79* Tvto Ster Ind*y V,Chuni P*OJ£iari| Teh, Kotkhai 9 30, Anand *£av7 Mill. Kurri W^ala P*0» Begahan Teh,Kotkhai 9 81, -fiftianlcar Indidstries V,Manjhol*,P*0,Kiari^ / « Teh, Kotkhai 9 8 2* K.umar Ind* V,Baga P«0,Chal2aur Teh# Kotk hai 9 8 3, Manloght Ind* V, 3aga P*0 *Qlialnaur Teh,Kotkhai , 9 8A-, Qhauhcn Ind, Saw ^iill V &P«0* Graura Shimla 9 85* -Stockes ^aw Ind, V, Xhanadhar Shi^lva 9 -77- xrv-iNixj^imjBs 1^*1^ Fa GI01^^>&^19S3 -I. •31 • No • Name Factory Estimated No* of of Workers employed*

.Icu, o6S . Meiita Mill Na^-ilUiari Shim la 9 9. 87^. G-agal j^actory Kumharsain &iinla 8 Sliiv XndLiutries* Kotkliaif Sbilina 9 89* Parkaon Industries Kotkhai} Slilinla 9 90. Sharraa^^ncJu-ptries Savr Hill^ Holiiliai . 9 9 U * Jai Durga Industries *Saw K iil, Iheog 9 9 Z*. . Kumax* Industries >Saw \Tillago KliaiiHf^^^i3di.ai 9 9 3 . XJoep 'Sa.w Mlll| villa ge DasajxiXi. PeO •I'aottlech. 9 k . Z>T.lshna Industry ^aw M ill, v illa g e 'Jaerach,- 3t^«O o3aT^ta Telasil Qiopal f 9 9 5 . Vorma Ii>-dustries •Saw M ill, fla;ncJm Iheog 9 9 6 , K ^lan Xnicli s tr ^ *6aw ^ 11 *0 ♦ Ih eo g ml a 9 •«‘v •*•• 1 9 7* v?idhu 2ta?n fiaw,Hlll* V ill♦ ^ila>• Arlial Teho strict, 9 9 8 . Girja Na;ad •Sciamaj Vill,3ata3^-|^*^ •Arhalf S 99 • C^kal Inciustries, Batalli 3 100. Vireiidra Industries, Batalli' a 101. Go vervin<^t o f India, 3?ress,Siiiinla 667 102. H.j? .estate Ob«operative i?zd.nting ^ressf Siiimla l6o 103# *3tero Typing Stress, Sbirnla 15 104* Kxdslina Sb sin & Ihrpentine ^oricer Paliar . 20 103> -2* JioBoWorkshop Jutpgh • 28 106. H cP. 8 T« 0 3 t^b rksliop, Dh.alli 180 107. HsR.TeOft'^orksnop Tara Oevi 171 103* Hi.machal Motors Workshop Boileaugand 12 109. Gaegal 3Tacto ry Kumat'sain k '110.. S'-asn Praicesh Saw^Mill, Bald^an^ ' ' Z '111. Kanwar Industries -Saw Hills Sanjauli 2 112'. Bliagat ^ngh ’Saw H ills, ShiirJ-a- 2 fV' ■ 113* Byiord Worksliop Pvt« l^td, Tara 13©vi 45 1l4w iHiran Ham & ^ n s Saw ^11 s, Mashobra 3 115* 5iaj Indus tad es, JeoidL 2 116. I^necli >Saw‘Mill, Masbobra 3 117. Bikwa c'^aw I'iill, Sufri 2 -78- ZEV-INIXJSTtaSS

Bstlmated No*of*. 31 «No Najn© o f Factory Workers ^ployed


118*^ Oliaper Inddstries («aw H ill) 2:0tkhai 5 5 -1 1 9 . jLmblk a Industries (*Saw Mi ll)Koiidtiqi 5 120 * Kahan aingli (-Saw M ill) Kokunala I2 t * E^esh Industries Uaw M i l l ) , Gumma 3 122.. Shiv Industries (*Saw M ill), Gumiaa 3 2 123. Jai Durga Industries (

9puroei.» C blet lA«p«L -79- XtV- INDJSTRISS 1^*2 INI1U.STRI jg> LOJ^NS JUNMlOm M W RECOVJBaSD

Xe ar/«S csh em e s Number of ^Amount o f ■______.,toaSL,-^,Q<^.Y^3C,q< parti, es served loaja advanced Pidncipal. ... 5 i • •* 1 * _n..... ■ 2«.. ____

««• . «« ■ • ♦ 1979-SO Ral .P . 92^t9Q ^ ftX • 0 » 9 1^50,000 2f2d^9h S \

1930-81 R »x • o -i).i.o. 37 2 ,5 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,7 3 ,0 4 2 5 3 1 157

1981-82 R*I.P. D*I-.C. ‘ 27 1 ,3 5 ,6 0 0 2 ,1 7 .l W - 68,867

> R a . i . •»9 fHW ' cr 198a-83 X) «x • c « 1»85s 20'» 1,01,768 n »• \ - Sourcet IUstri6t Industries Ceiatro, Qhimlai -80-

15*1 - NUMBBii OF.

No, of No.of ]?ercentago Year/Teh. sil meotidfied Inhabited of Blaotrif- villages villages led villages to Inhabi ted. villages ‘t*— ___Zm. jU. 2, 188 55.30 31st March,1978 1,210 2,188 56.35 31st March,1979 It 233 6 1.79 31st March,1980 1,352 2,188 66»38 31st March,J981 1,477 2,225 2,,188 70.07 31st March, 1982 1,559 2,188 8 1 .1 2 31st March,198 3 1,805 566 68.23 Shimte 386 -

Seonl 163 202 80 .69 86»48 ^ e o g 339 392 9 1.06 Eampur 163 179 N ankharl ) 9 8 .8 4 Kumharsain 1^3 150 Kotk: hai. 170 172 9 1 .67 JubbltL 85 89 95.51 8 4 .0 2 ' Bohru 142 169 74.05 OhsMpal 214 290

Source* «Superintending fingineer, H.P*3.B.B.,Shimla Oirde. ^8i-

1 6 * 1~ HSG'IOTilA.TIOH AND PLACING 20N8 BT 2M?L0'^;ffitTT BXCHa^xGBS

Period ifo.ofNo,of ExohaneeaExohangea NoT”o7’~""**lloT^""?^ W T o T ^ ^ ^ i f ^ r o T \At tile end o f Candidatdis vacancies oandl dates candidates at vacancies the p erio d) ^ogl stored no ti fl «d pXiioed live Kegi«ter being deaXt with (a t the .end o f (out standing)

, ~ ~ ~ ^ r z i . , .,, (S„ '1979 5 10, 1*19 3.727 t ,o o a 1 9 ,5 1 9 19 8 0 5 1 2 ,9 4 8 4,237 • 7 1 21,621 2»7 11 1981 5 1 1 ,9 1 4 5 ,0 1 7 1i 1<3 22,013 2f 297 1982 5 1 0 ,9 5 7 3,474 t»:»2 2 1 ,7 5 9 1»^93 1 9 8 3 7 1 2 ,9 7 9 4,096 1 ,2 4 8 2 2 ,9 2 6 2, a 19 XVI..3MPL0^I3^^T •Source! ZHstrict 2bploynent ^ohangey ®iiinla

i6«2*» OGCJ^JJZiLiiJtL U , 3 T ^ W T l u t i OS' AcPLIGiilf®3 OK I-IVS RSGrlSiaR OF a^i^LG'Siai^T aXCJEiiJ^GSS

Period Profession hi -Adainietrative OXaricQl 4 ^ d a l Panaer7 FrVdkTcti^n'TraHr ■TOTaL & Technical ISxecutive & A llied l^rkers iCprkers Fisherman related Di»v* 0-1 Ma'ae^orial workeps 01V* 4 StLv»5 er I lo gg er a MTorlcer9» Vorlcers SdLv«2 IWLv.3 and related ■%)ort worker 13iv«6 eqiuipment operator^ labourers

4. 7 ...... ■ ______2,062 . 20,924 27,867 198 2 IrS^S 22 1,725 18 1, 1:55 143 2,012 201 3, 94a ;J1,,283 32,427 1983 3f000 16 1, 925^ 33 2,022 4,030 29,795 39,^395 193»t 2,20k 22 1,084 33 205 •iburoet Diatrict ateployment techange, •®hiiaiaf -82-

l6.'V.DX5TeTFJXr.0H OF GANIXIBATjg^ AOa>i.^Ha ID CAgOlL Standard (on the Idve Register)

I^dacationai standard- -Asksm .31 Rt Oeconi^ec- 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 •« 6 ^ „ 1 • 3?o s.t Graduates 285 389 40 2 391 40'/ 2» Gtraduateo 1,789 1 ,8 4 3 1,897 1f892 2,Q19 3» Ha trie and abo v© 9f669 11»112 11,258 11,140 11,203 Qtii er Educated 7,179 7 ,4 3 1 7,593 7,515 8,098 5 * Uneducated 598 S46 863 821 1,269

Ibtal 19?5^ 21,621 20,0 1 3 21^759 22,996 . . .

> - • flour cel- D istrict anployment \Sxchange • •s O^fri c e, -Shiml a • . - ■ ' 'C- Jff7IC^*Sbplo ym en t IXEOTaiVUTEON OF H 4i:-a0YT4Eiyii>W>'3& & (As *on 31^3 . 83) , i

Basic ^ay ^anses(fis*) NoiL-Gazettedf /i ib tal- - ,, > ^ *1 A ^ ^ r «..v X^ss than 300 V 12 '• 12 300 to 399 •>» 2, 102 2, 102 400 to 499 ■' 394 2,394 500 to 599 - 2,671 2,671 oo to 6 699 ■« 2,582 2,582 700 to 799 15 1,689 > 1,704 800 to 899 50 863 913 900 to 1199 167 352 519 1^00 to 1499 120 276 \ 156 1500 to 1999 ' 61 1 62 2000 to 2499 ■ ,14 - 14 2500 and above 5 ~ 5

TotaX *468 • 12,786 13,254 Bourcet*^- JDd.strict

Bopartm^t GriEtze-^ted Noni* Ibtal Regular St^piQ* Yees ...... J?ezm^ Temp-* ^exua^ T- < # 1 stratipn 15 5 255 100 375^ 86 239y‘ 7 * Boonomios & c Otati sties 1 -■ 4 4 9 1 8 8*^ Bducatio n. 115 20 4225 1161 5521 591 4930 9* ISLocticn 1 11 2 14 5 9 10 JBbcoi se Qimd Taxation- 3 2 28 21 54 13 4i 11 shezdL es 1 - 3S 6 45 16 29 12*^ rest 13 ' 7 575 228 , 823 137 686 13*^nance 1 4o 72 6 66 l4*Horticul ture - 2 '' 4i 18 61 ^ 8 53 15 «XndListri qs 4 43 21 68 7 61 l6«Judicial 8 - 113 16 137 20 117 17 *^anchayati Bad 1 16 2 19 3 16 I8*biedical A 25 82 457 44o 1004 298 706 Jy»®olice 11 »- 2163 44 2223 542 1681 67 26 707 370 1170 194 976 2 t* ^ b li—0 HeXaiional 35 •» 36 11 S5 22*Hevenue 1 - 153 92 251 34 217 - p3*^elfare - 1 7 27 35 6 29 24•Soldiers Board 1 4 2 7 1 6 ’ 25 *^oo d^fiuppXi. OS 1 12 33 9 29

298 153 9402 2989 12927 2207 10720

flourcet- district Statistical Office,


Tear No* o£ Vehicles No* of* 3?ersons No* of* persons a ccidents Involved k i l l e d Injured*

1. 2^ 1*. 4 ... , 1 . 1979 94 13^ k 161 2 . 19S0 106 122 43 13^ 5 . 1981 178. 50 73 104 148 h . 1932 J 207 ■ 94 43 120 5 * 1903 • 103 106 32

' • i Sourcet— ^perintendont of* Polloet 6pilmla*

aS?ORT Jdm OOi-IMirNICATION B O ^ i ^ r n Q m *

Yeeir Motora hlo Motorable J oepable l»esa tticta Tb tiO.' ‘ . Boublc lan^ Single lane J eepable

2*. .4 ^ _____ 1970-79 259.00 8 2 .0 0 823*00 2t506 ,00 1979-30 271 #00 1462J30 26,00 830*00 2 ,5 8 9 .0 0 1900-31 27U00 1495 .00 7 7 .0 0 858,00 2, 701,00 190 1 ^ 2 271*00 1584.00 103,00 822*00. 2,78QTgDO • » 1902-03 * 1903-0^^ 2 7 U 0 5 1706 ,00 74,00 800*00 2 ,8 5 2 .0 0

Sourc©l—Olii ef* fegineer, (B&R)H*P* -85-*

XVI^TRANSPCRT m D aO:4MUNICATIO^i> 17.3 - ROAD LENGTH (in Kilcmeters)

Year Motorable Motorable Jeepable Less than Total Doubble lane single lane Jeepable

I. 2 . ... '■ '3 . 4 . 5 . , ' 6 .

l978--‘g9 259. 1 1342 . 82 833 2/506

1979«BQ 271 1462 26 830 2,889 ‘

I980-»81 271: ’■ 1495. 77 ' 858 2 ,7 0 1 V, C? f J . 1981-82 271 1584 103 822 2 ,7 8 0

1983-84 271 no j~ 74 800 2/852

V- -i' = ‘ - V

Source: chief Engineair# a '.P .P .W .D ./ r'f (B&R)# H.P.


Type of Post office 1979 1980 1981 1982- 1983 4\

1. 4 . 5 . 6 .

Head Post Office 3 >» 3 . . 2 " 2 2

Sub Post office 66 86 85 ' 66 66

Branch Post office 354 358 369 255 259

P*CcPost office 68 70 71 58 59

No. of post Boxes 1,210 1, 557 1, 689 1, 409 1, 409

• ♦ Total : 1,701 2i074 2,217 1,790 1,800

Source: senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Shimla. -86-


Offence 1580 1981 1982 1983,

■ ^ 4. . B « • • .wi«>M-«iiiir 1 ‘ • i' ..it 1 • M;j.rder Sepo rted 13 3 6 5 z — 2 •• / Oonvd. cted ■ 2 *. Pul;:p^br© ' Reported 1 1 7 5 t > . Homicddes OonsdL cted«

r. ■ '■" 3* Xbcx)ity Repo rted 1 - Oonxicted •» 1* 4*' Eobbery ' Repo rti^d r h 2 •mr «■ * . . ^ . 4 OonvLcted 5» Rioting Reported 68 61 35 42 Qonvicted to 6 7 7

5 1 Hurtt Reported 65 57 • » - • 60-r> 70 • . v'i* • » * * "donvicted ' 15 15 ,32 12

7 . OCiei"fc- Heported ? JT27 t 0 3 - 118 ^Convicted 34 . kz>

8 • * •' ■ ^-dpo^rted V .1^2. 7S 95

■' Ooniloited 32 25 33 ‘ IB

9 <2:, ;ji^oporte<^ 17 . 7 e 9 Abdur'-'i^^.ng Cq.,:3S(± cted h 2 1

10i,A*cn f=j Aatm B eport^' 8 • 7 a ia . <^*n-victed 6 1 4 - 11 so„ E^po rted 196 266 329 361. Cbnvl cted 132 186 309 342 1 2 Heimrted 6 14 396 474 516 Cbnvicted 175 47 123 126

•■' Reported * 1,295 1,007 1, 110 1,231 % Convi cted 412 ’ 327 555 532

Sourcel Superintendent of* folicoi ^3iimla< -87-

2 V I1- ai ».i '■ Ill'll—t'l f-- T 'T I --- C5SIiyi®S--— 1 8 .2 X-tem. 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981- 198,2* a 2 83

■w-» 1 ^ _ r- ____ JUi 1^ Police Ofrioers (No*) 56 80 84 85 2* H o ads 0-on s tabl e p (No « ) 145 145 173 165 166 3- Conotable (No.) 733 728 1024 968 972 if. Tb taX (No.) 929 929 « %1^7 1217 13t3 * 1 5« S^olico Force p er. * - 1000.^opul ation (No.) 1.8 1.8 2.5 2.4 2<.6 6. -opiil a ti o n 1981 (No.) 507793 507793 507793 507793 597793

Sources— Ckiperintendent o f Police^

Tob.sll/^.Ab'- r*.l.X a 1979 ■ 19S0 1981 1982 1983 ' <. •• • A 2* V . ___ Af, ,. - *5-____

1 .. ■ ^ 565 616 4 il 489 405 2 .' ' -> Z^zcXll 32 4i 28 132

3* 79 114 107 l4l 151

4» Kbikliai 59 58 48 54

5 .* ja'lu- 91 54 5S 68

6 * 7 » Nor-^ja 64 115 7 3 79 79

G *■ 71 76 7 3 74 95

9». 3biiru 120 132 107 9 9 1 ^

10 ttHeonpur 11 J^anlciiatri 119 89 8 t / 81 142

IbtaX Bhlm la lilstidot Ip 2 0 0 , 1,295 987 1,.111 1„231 IM«V ■*• . *—» »• MSgfc.. »» !W VW*C,»^-- * m* w*e t-« Sourcel— duperixxtendent o f l^olicoi xvxn- PQLXC 18 *4- gOMCS .STATION ^ID OUT gO^T

U i stri ct Police Telephone Police post ajid Te|>^phiOnos Stdftlbn Number Out—po sts Number H

' 11 *. Junga - ■’ ■■ ■ 12* Sanjauli 3O88 l3*Jutogh 2562 14» Laiclcar Bazar • Shi ml a kis6

15*^^ampur CH.ty M r • ■* 16|» Nerwa • % 17 » Chirgaon

Source**- iSugorin ten dent o f Policei ShirrJLa* ’ • ^ . 19.1,. liSrcOKS FxiDK j3IFF£i.^IT TAXE3 , » '« - •» «• • • • •• « -»•• * »^ » «■» • I,tea 1978-79' 1979-80 7**^i98o:Tirf 1981-82 1932-83 rv .^ 1 ^ .- ^ . rw •

______2 ;, » ■■ * ■■■■' ■■ mmm — 6^-.. 1« Liquor 1,70,93i 726 9 5 ,1 2 ,8 3 6 n 23,90 ,755 1,85,49,517 2, 03, 30,769 2* State head Buty 68,8it,511 8 2 ,3 5 ,0 5 5 1, 00, 66,812 1,06,78,573 1, 05, 5 7 , 180 3 . Op4.\j«3 2,86c 2,176 1,805 430 4 . 3har^g «MP

5*' G-enersJL Sales* Tax ' 1,80,22,458 2,38,15,912 2^98, l4,6'6o 4,13,93,7.35 4,21,64,546 6 * ZSntertairzner-t Tax 1 4 ,3 4 ,5 4 s 1 8 ,6 4 ,3 6 0 : 18, 39 , 6 14 2 0 ,6 0 ,4 8 8 22, 6 1,640 -.1 7« S3now T ax 4S ,766 67,519 5 1 ,9 5 7 57,905 63,200 8* Motor -Spirit Salas Tax 3 .5 8 ,7 2 7 4,74 ,4 4 3 5 ,5 7 ,5 3 9 5 . 92, 325' 4 ,9 8 ,9 4 6 1,1 2 ,8 4 3 ; 4ti205 5 9 ,2 2 1 1, 65,362 1, 08,922 9* Central Sales Tax •• 10«j?asseng3rs sjici Goods Tax 4 l , 6 1,8 13 6 1 , 12,542 1. 89, 8 1,5 6 3 1,67,40,681 2,41,86,622 1.1* Luxury Tax 7 8 ,6 7 7 2 ,2 0 ,2 8 4 4^70,6 01 4 ,9 8 , 295

Ibtal 4,31, 17,938 5,02,05,461 7,40,34,581 9 , 07, 10,992 101, 180,550

Sources Esicioo & Taxation o ffic e r, Shimla. ■»9Cw

10-0 mi^SSHMPTEON OF CX)UlTG5iy LI^UOH OPIW ;JDR^CxN U^UOg t • « ILtoja 1973-79 1979i-CO 1900-31 1901-82 , 1978-79 1 9 7 ^ 0 1980-01 1901-82 1902-83 - '\K r 4* . ^ 1 ---- __ _

1 *0o untry S p iritt C*OOOB*Litl 221*00 106 ,00 230.00 260.00 275*00

2 •Opium(Kilo greens^ 1 • 3^ 0 ,8 1 0 0,360 0*360 1 3 . 1/iquor q.)lmported ^ ir it s vino ** (*OOOB,I^t) - m l>)Xndlati made Spi idL t (-'OOOB,L±t) 1C1J30 3 ^ .0 0 3*K)#00 312*00 253*00

4ft lilquort > a}^n^orted • ^ C » 0 0 0 3 ^ t ) - ‘b)Xndiati made (^OOOB.Lit) 9^*00 . 361.00 200.00

TbtaX (»OOOB,Lit) 9 4 ,0 0 361.00 2GD.00 - mm •»» *1 Sources•> JJLs'fcric'fc Bxdse and TaxatiMJH. OfXicerf Shlmla*. -91-

liajno o f the Hojn e o f tho Bio ck

3 m, 1 V ii-as!mpt± fib±mla 1 . Cridndlay Bgz^ Ltd# Soonl Zm United CJonunercial Bgynk, State Bank of India* t IVmjab National Bajak Union Bank o f India 6.’ Indi an Bank 7. Bank o f Baroda 0 • "State Bank o f ^atiala 9. Central Bank o f Xndia« 10, Indian overseas- Bank m Bank o f India i Jammu & K ashmir Bank 13* jPunjab & ^ n d h Bank 1 4 . Oidontal ^ank of' Commeroce 15. New Bank o f India 16. 6yndicate Bank . ‘ Nigam Vihar 1. United Commercial Bank VidZian 6ablia 1 . United CommercsLal Ban k Haxidir U United Comnaercd.al Bank Qhhota ^linila 1. State Bank of Patiala Scuijauli 1» J^mjab &' 6aindh Bank Shoghi U Punjab & ®.ndh Bank TrnsXXi, u United Commercial Bank Kasuaipti 1« United Commercial Bank j Jung a 1. United Comm ercial ^ank Sooni 1 . ^^injab National Bank Mashobra 1. Indi an Bank ^ tu 1* J?unjab National Bank Sunmor Hill 1 •“ State Bank of India B^iloaugand 1. ^tate Bank of India Gliannahatti 1 #. ^^unjab National Bank Gujama 1« United Commercial Bank Jubbar Hat id. 1. United Commercial Bank Kurxl t 1. United Commercial Bank JCbrawal 1* •State Bank o f Patiala Halo 0-J3h ami 1* United Commercial ^ank -92-

F ^ 20 • 1- X^'ST OF

Neuii e o f the Name o f the Name o f tiie Bank Block place

-1^______3*. Z» Thoog Oh eog * U fitate Bank of India Ciihaila U United Gommercial Bank XSiarajnpur 1. United C3omraerc±al Bank !• •State Bank o f India f?ainj 1v Punjab National Bank lheo5? 1* •State Batik o f India 2 . United CbmmerciaX Bank Mati ana 10 •State Bank o f India* Kumarsa in Nazkanda 1. United Commercial Bgnk Ttianadhar 1. United Commercial Bank ICingaX 1. United Gommercial Bank Kmnha2?sain U i^injab National Bank Ko tgarh. u Unictaa Bank o f India Bax ago an n P^unjab National Bank J arol 1. United Commercial Bank M a rw g 1* United Comm^oial Bgnk CJhaupal 1* United Commercial Bank N erwa 1« United Commercial B^nk PulbahaX 1* Punjab National Bank

5 ♦ Sampur Rampur Bushahr 1. ^tate Bank of India Z 9. Pixnjab National Bank 3# United Commercial Bank Uhiar G-ajira 1« United Commercial Bgnk Hanlchari 1« United Commercial Bank TaIU.eoh n United ComiTiercial Bank J eoid 1# ^tate Bazik of India Sarlian 1* •State Bank o f India B aZili n •State Bank o f India Jh ^d iaii n ^tate Bank of India Kholighat 1* •State Bank o f India

6 • Ilohiu Bohiu f . United Commercial Bank fiheel-'ghat 2* «Stata Bank o f India XLldc ar 1* United Commercial Bank Summer Kot 1* United Conmerci'al Bank Khadraia 1* Central Bank o f India 2ohru 1« dtate Bank of India -93-

Nn me o f txio N^ao o f the Name o f the Bamk Flo ck place

,, ------3m, 7, Jubbal- Ho iichai Kotkiiai 1. Uiiite4 Oommercaal Bajik 2* State Bajnk of India' JubbaX U •State Bajak o f Incila li^harapathar 1* •State Bank of India

3 »' Oliholiai'a Qhirgaon !• U nited Commercial Bank

Sources— ead ^cxik. O ffic o r (U.GO,) Shimla* M i 'i~i

ilpj-no o t •Swib*-ii.%nL s io n / Name o f the Backward ^rea n.-mrr r--^--«*e*" ir- ••»- ■<•■ •» • *’I * m £ Ji ei-t i Ol"! a'Ap al 1* Majholi 2* Kulag 3* Choroti 4 •Bfuidfei 5* Juru ’^lilal 6* Jhokar 7 • KaJL at 3, Juble© 9* Chaadnadtiar

to: l3-ab-*TehGil« Ohiioh.toa 1 o Bodra 2* Kawar 3» J akiia 4* ^afa Bas^a 5« Poklia 6* IH.ividi

3» TtJriLillS Ho A m 1<» ^estori 2* i?ujarl.i—3 3* 21aJLon

4 e 'cilcLli Ranpiir 1 ♦ flSaipajra 2^ I>abana >Sada;uia 3o i^hanclia 4e Chandl B I’aJida 5. Koo t 6« ilinoo 7* Kasiiapat 0 • Oarbali 9* i>aasa 10 6 i^hajnadi 11 • Xlppor Majholi 12« Beothi 13« M uiiigjh.

5<» ^c3i^il8 liuniaar sain 1* K o tig h a t

SourcoSiJ District ji?a;ichayat Officer, »Shi.mla»^ XX. % ' 20,-> ^3'URY O F PaDVI^ONiUL RSSULT4S 0? ^TOMIC flHIMLA Xff^TaiCT 1930

JDetedLls o f 2^texprl306 ■-yjd?.an, Numbor Number . . Number ■ •iT' ^ - ______a *.™ ^ - ...... T>. ,. , „ s * • A) ObxkaX 7 ^ 90 ..1 01 9 .9 020 l) Bstabllshm^t 112 64.0 63 36.0 175 l i ) 0-wn accsount SfcLtarprises * 627 , 97.2 10 2.S 645 b) Persons usiuailyyworking in enterprises 1,339 35*7 224 . 14 ,3 1i563 ^ t a l Hired xvoxCcers 70,0 122 00.0 4o6

a ) Obtal 12,5^2 73*6 4,A97 ZS.k 17,039 i ) Bstabli shnent ^,302 64.2 2,401 35 .C 6,703 l i ) 0-wn aocoxint Ibtai^rises G,240 79.7 2,096 20,3 10,336 « b) Persons ustially v^ozfeing in enterp rises 2kfk9't ^3t5 31,07^^ 5 6.5 55,365 ^tai Hired person s 14,040 3^.1 2 7 , 1 ^ 65-.9 4 i , 179

Source*—D istrict -Sttatis•tical Ofjfieof, 'Qiiiiflla# -96-

. 2 0 . 4 - m S T m iC :^ o f H-iK)xiT^rTT :c>L^CBS f r o m m & T K L C T

r -mt -■•■ ^>1 s trl o t/ IW. s tr 1 c t War*i e o r tla e pi aco DlstiiJice fixsm d istrict lioad-iuarter Heacauarter in (21ins) *


* 1 c. Kujfri t6 2o Hioog 32 3 a Kotichai 63 Jubbal 100 3 ♦ Hatko ti 115 6 a iioliru 12s

7 *, Ohaupal 110 « 8» Narkan da 6k 9o Kuiaarsoin 07 10 ♦ Heunpur 132 , 11 * J eo id 153 12»= *Saraiia3:i 177 13*= Hashobra 12 l4*, Naladera 21 15® ‘Sooni 55 l6*TatapaM 50 17 0^ Kotg arh 95

Sour col- j?*X/*D*Kimachal J^^radesh*, 20.5 - a: •tLL atvziiaa a? aac-iLji D issaici

■ *^ ■ ~ ~ “ 1970^79" “ 1979-80 1980-8 1 198 1-82 19'82’- S T 72 ______IV Bo:id i)Gro88 2,33,900 6 , 3 2 , iSo 4l,4C X ) , i i )N et ( - ) 130 (-) 6,31,356 (-) 1,66,910 C-) 3,^2,000 ▼ Sond i)Grross 6.1,55,320 6, 14,03,5 TO 8 1 ,0 0 ,3 0 0 1. 69.000 i i ) N e t 60,72,730' 6,06^74,002 7 9 ,8 8 ,4 7 0 1. 69.000 6.IUlSC-iIii D3Jr3L0PM2JTT J.)Groso 3r '♦0,090 , 7,17,760 ' .90 , 350 i i)H e t ' 3, iKJ,890 90^350 7, 17»76p/jk . ■ siNtaOr cmTZTifULi^L i)Orosa - ' 5,06iti l l)N e t •• 1,542 8. P.?.F. i)Gross 6,23,830 S8 j425 1,5^^090 12,000 90,000 ii)Net 6,28,830 8 5 ,5 3 ? 1,5^,090 12,000 90^000 9 . aisa-::—^.53 Oi? o l d c^ a x l j i c ^ t s ±)Gross — li) (-) 2,01,440 (-) 14,62,533 (-) A,^3f250 ‘ (-) 8f90,000 («)l6,85j00b .»v. ^ -A HP.- Tot.-l rc>33 3,19,37,8 17 32f ^ 6CV , 4.gpj,?3f043 oS^vTt^OOO V 1,22, 1^^331 11r5Q,9as534 •I *7'^ < -ii '■■r.'" OCG ;.V7 ;f.T?;.000 :« /W W1«W- wWiMfe. l-e-e-W ^ *.-» ■So u 1' o e sal 1 vl> in s i 5,1 ?.• e c '£;c' r :i r. ^ r • f. - 20.5- -ayliilJ- SikVING3 IN s;-ni-.L^ DESTaicT X tem 19 78-79 1979-30 1980-31 1961- 82 1982-83 ' • *

1 ti , „ j2.______. . „ , - ...... *5 A 1, i? *0* SAVING 3iiN2 / « i ) Gross 1,33,217J2 15,51,42,694 •1,97,05,305 2,01^28,000 1,88,24,000 i i ) Not 16,56,911 45, 57,595 29, 07,680 14, 76,600 13»26,000 2* C.T.D* ' i)Gro ss ^ 20,03, 190 1,06, 68,498 37,835 26, 39,000 17,53»000 ii)N et t ,00,93,355 1,71,28,004 8,02,075 5, 43,000 (-) 3,33,000 3,aSCaPj;HG DS1?0SITS i)Gro ss 39, 76,635 2, 55, 95,854 5 1 ,12,955 67, 75,000 81, 36,000 ii)N et 17,93,355 1,71,28>00jt 29, 23,0 40 ( - ) 4, 94,000 35,51,000 V h^Tn^.Si DiS?0SrT5 1st year ±)Gross '»,13, 250 39, 42,. 161 7,83,100 6,13fOOO ±±)Net (-•) 3,23,725 4, 95,635 2,08,150 C-) 3f07,000 Ilnd 7©ar i)Gross 2, 39,950 26, 76,807 3,08»950 2,081000 66,25,000 U)Net (-) 1,24,080 ( . ) 69, 76,465 1,00,400 3# 000 28,00,000 I lir d 3^0ar i)Gross 1,09,840 21, t1,066 1, 69,500 6,64,000 ±i)Not ( - ) 4, 35,050 (f) 13,49,880 ( - ) 3, 26,100 4,81,800 I Vth. year i)Gross' ^ 40, 67,650 3,87,95,879 54, 97,750 41,33»000 J i i ) Not 2,04,930 4, 73, 65,529 f 'i 14,200 ' 13,81,800 1 (

• • 5 • SjSVSN XSaH- N^:;*TI0N^ SAVING OFJ^TIj'ICATis; 1, 17,000 II Bond i)Gross 3, 61,000 8,53, 230 , 4,18,310 83fOOO - ii)N et {-) 6,840 (-) 1, 22,745 70, 140 (-)lf50,000 ( - ) 3, 27,000 XXX Bond i.)&ross 85,650 kz, 600 5»800 - discontinue' i i )N e t (^ ) 21,250 (_) 45,5fs -("•) 61,000 (-) 2,000 20*6«- StatistlcaX Data of Banks on 31st December/1984 (Figures in thousand Rs.)

“TTame o r t m ' " Total Total credit A<^vance %age o f Adv. %age of Advance BraTjches Depos it Advance Deposit priority priority under D.R-I. under 20 « Ratio Sector Sector D*R*I* Adv. to point A^iv.to total programme total ^dv* A d v ^2® I . 2 • 3 . 4 . 5. 6 . V. 8 . . 1 0 . 1. united comnercicii Bank 35 328862 179290 54.52 147497. 8 2 .2 6 12294 6.86 27076 2 . State Bank Of India 25 369101 .165928 4 4 .9 5 90657 54.63 7561 8 .3 4 - 3 . vnlon Bank of India JO 36330 61105 17 .00 1716 2 7 .7 4 132 2 .13 143 4 . Punjab'National Bank ? 174827 118238 67.63 25490 31-56 3789 3 .2 0 7660 5* m d ia n bank 29122 16037 55-07 9577 59.7.2 38 0 .2 3 212 2 3 .5 5 1508 49.62 31 1^02 6* Bank of Broda 12863 3039 i- ^ 109 7 . State Bank of Patiala * 57772 200258 35.07 9999 4 9 .3 8 0 .5 4 5 2 .6 0 16^3 3 4 .9 1 82 1.72 - B. Syndicate Bank 1 9037 4763 % 9« central B'ank of India 2 32078 13734 ' 4 2.80 8790 6 4 .0 0 835 6 .0 6 1136 LO. mdian overseas Bank 1 24540 2333 9 .5 1 774 33«18 33 1 .4 1 23 Ll. Bank of India ^ i 41205 4920 11.94 28Q4 56.99 287 5.8 3 402 12 « Punjab €e Sindh Bank 1 37183 10171 3 7 .3 5 6153 6 0 .5 0 131> 1.29 321 13. oriental Bank of oonm*i 11365 1610 ' 14.16 717 4 4 .5 3 ' 45 2 .7 9 - L4. New Banlc of indi,i 1 366606 9321 2 S .4 6 2087 2 2 .3 9 .22 0 .2 3 21 1711 21.17 11 0 .1 3 75 L5, aanmift. & Kashmir Bank 1 Itll 8084 1 0 8 .1 1 L6. H«P.State coop*Bank 13 147263 126931 8 6 .0 0 39620 3 1 ^ 1 - - 32 530 1 17 3. nd BFcv* Bank. 'loss -i.- 1

Source s Lead Bank offiper (u*CO/Bank) Shimla* 20 • 7- JM^ORT^rr F^BS jam FSSTLVJj^ OF SHIMLA IggmnOT

&• I>istrict Hoad Nejne o f fa ir Month in -which No » 4uarter/T^sil Celebrated

jU. JU. i u

1* lUstrict Keadluarters fSiimla ^ p i Fair May 2» Tehsiib Sooni I/bhii Jan u a ry

3, Tohsil Theog BftL salchi wVpril Maha. ^bivratrd. March 4* Tehsil Jubb^ Rapuxl Hela J u l y Jagra J^ela dep.t ember 5 • Tolisil Bohru £bhxu liela -April. Jf^ra Hoi a November

6. Tehsil Kotichai Mahaau Hela ^ r i 1 8ajuaX> ^ol a. May 7* Tohsil Chaupal daroh Hola March Qharvali M©la November G > Tohsil Nankhaarf. Sh a ll Mola ^idLl- Nanlchazd M ^ a 4 u g u s t

j?atijuV‘ar Mela June ’ Bharara M©la May jO^Tiah-sll ^cin^ur Qhanoha Mola J u l y I»a*vi November ^ o g Mela March

Souroel-J3lstrict i?ublic ilelation Officerf Shimla* \o\ XX - Mis CELL jSiMEOUS --- T o IS" 400NSTITUENCY-Vn:SE INFCRMaT I CN on i m p c r t a n t i t e ms i n s h i m l a DIS1RICT s r . Item u n it Reie- ConstTtuen'cy NO- rence shimla Kasumptl Rampur Kumar-. Theog 'jubbai Rohrxi chopal Total date Shimla sain . D istrict Tehsil - « « - - - .j ;- .-4 7 .-.-— • • *B; • ' ' g . ‘ '♦ "•lO T ---

i. population- 1981 Census ^604 68^290 6 5 ,4 0 3 6 2 .5 6 3 57,138 58.268 7 3 ,2 5 6 , 5.5.410 5 ,1 0 ,9 3 2 1>978 2 ,3 3 5 80 ,1 7 7 urban « m M n >604^ 2 ,4 0 0 3 ,3 1 0 58.268 7 0 , 921 55 .4 1 0 4,30,755* . m r a l m • It n n '6 5 ,8 9 0 6 2 ,0 9 3 6 2 .5 6 3 55,160 1 14,022 2 1,090 15,420 1 ,3 6 ,7 3 8 ^ Scheduled Castee •* » .,032 21^022 21, i97 17,313 15,642 183' 345 673 3,6 72 ^Scheduled Tribes • • ” II 416 347 1,493 192 23 2 • percentage of Net area sown to total cropped 67 72 74 69 56 66 area • • •••• ••• % 1982-83 - 62 60 3• percentage of Net area ■ • irrigated to Net Aree 4 2 5 14 7 sov/n •• •• •• •♦• % 1982-83 16 5 5 4« scheols- , 128 134 136 - 108 906 prirrary NO 3 1 .3 *84 24 125 117 134 ^ 18 ' 27 19 17 157 Middle • # • tt II 11 22 21 22 18 11 10 110 High/nr .s*^c*» ” It 13 12 14 19 13 447 176 1,983 5* Motorable Road LCiigth Kms * 3l«3«85 . 181 273 240 252 243 170 (Double-lane & f^injle-lane) 159 300 2 ,2 2 5 •• 358 392 271 6. inhabited •* n o * (1981) 566 179 7 . vJ.llaGG ser'r^vyitii 1 ,7 7 8 294 251 , 157 229 drinl'-ing \:a.tr^r Supply- 31*3*85 392 169 266 179 194 355 - 283 144 227 •i,894 8 . v il l a c e BJlS'-triiiod No* 3l»5»3*84 t t f t . 512

9 . Ho3pitel3,-'D;:pp^Ceritn 123 13 15 15 16 11 19 15 13 ( 'J-r'pethic €. :aYr veo.ic^No-w 3 1 .3 *8 4 0

lO • VC tcjjTi.ViIaC ^P—1 10 27 14 8 114. Di.lpc.r.3a:.::'.€S Ho '3 I .3 .S 5 6 23 23 --002-

2to-i- 4^ ^ pqbpm.13:oi^ fyi 1. « 4^oa Population -Density (Oqi ^ms) . T1901) \ ^ ' » 1- ^ " ■ 4...... ^ ■ 1 a> Bila^ur 2, 47, ^ 8 zzz (2.,10> (5.70) kQ 2» Ohamba * ' f.528 3.11,J'‘7 ( 11.72) (7 . 27)

N • , 3« Hasiirpur JtlJS. • ZBk ( 2.01) 4o K a?3gra 5,739 173 ■ 9 Cl0,31> ! k ? l l f ■ 5^ Fim:5a u r 6,401 9 ( 11.50)

6^ KliII u 5,503 ^3 (9.30) 7 c. Ifphsiul—%>i ti 13,535 - .32,000 Z (7.09) (15»Q6) X-sjic2l- 6.44,6^ 163 ^ 0 9 ) ( 15.06) 100 C: ^ c^hiiTiaa 5,10,932 (11.94) V

1? V O f'S.rrnr. trr 3,06,552 109 ! ; % i ) ■ (7. 17 ) 1 ■: o f'olnn 3,03,280 157 (3 .to) (7.00) ■: r;. ty^ r t> 1,540 ,. 3,17,422 206 f ( 2.77) (7. 42) 4 42»S0,810 77 ^ ■*' '-'ii. Fi €u prc.c-r-'f’i. '. 55,673 . . ( 100.00) ( 100,00) n (i > Ci>n{ras o f India, 1901» *Seriea~7fH»^*^aper 1 of ^Ti.il 3jcy Oeiisus ^Abstract o f Scheduled Castes ajid vr>clied:aled '^idbes (ii'^e^sus of India, 19 Ol»^naX Popiaation Ibtals "ilmachal J^ii'adash#. To i.i^Lires i n brackets in dicate percentage to total STA13 TA3L3 j i u z w r n t jJ W PaajIM POgULAHPR ______!___ _ District/Tehsil/ Area, in No .o f in . ,, . , I . I, - , - ■ ■ - iSv^Jb-Tehsil <8l tKoifta habited Eeraons Mai *s Females v i l l a g e

. . a ^ ^ JSU^ I Z 2 i i r 3 X i z BXL A.<5?VR 1,167 911 2, 47,368 1, 23,572 1. 23,796 GgiumarwL n 609.9 321 1, 52,326 73,*►79 77,841 3iia-^ur >Sadar 5^6,0 272 67,425 34»922 32,503 -^ri N ain a DeV± 118 • 28^623 1 5 ,1 7 1 W,452 ♦V fir. 6 ,5 2 8 1,095 3, 11,1‘»7 1, 60,752 1 ,5 0 ,3 9 5 (•h.u\urah 1.070.0 177 45,879 24,732 2 1 ,1 4 7 Pangi 1. 600.0 61 12,256 6,401 5 ,8 5 5 JiaXuni («X ) U503.0 200 42,529 22,347 30, 182 Ohajnba 1. 272.0 237 1,04, 152 52.597 51,552 Shattiyat 231 49,744 » , 162 1 ,2 0 r 3 8 2 ^li-ani(5T) 661.0 77 26,662 13,501 13, I4l Bharmaur 1,818.0 112 29,9'»'» 16,012 13,932 ’■0 H^«IIKPUS 1,110 1, 169 3, 17,751 1,37^41 1, 69,910 Nadaun (ST) 76,555 32,625 87,070 day^pur(iST) 33,008 15,520 18, 288 Hguniipur(-ST) 70,766 33,696 37,070 jub.ora2rl(-ST) 75,655 34, 75s 40,899 Bcrse^ (*ST) k50.0 305 65,967 31»244 35,723 Krjiera 5,739 3,974 9 , 90,758 4,91,<^a ^►,99,378 ivuiTpur 1,45,410 74,150 71,260 1,465.0 305 47,730 25,370 22,360 57,128 i^.151 27,977 1,082.0 924 2,53 ,9 54 1,28, 148 1,30,806 \ rc p i. j.' *:l r 993.0 1,153 1, 81,716 89,942 91»774 kbui-; d'l aJ t ) 27,813 l 4 ,4 8 6 13,327 a n > n i, ^ 69,258 31,376 37,882 ■’« t-'- 2, 067.0 1,092 2,Oii,749 9 8 ,7 5 7 1, 03,992 6,kor 77 59,547 31.598 27,9V9 11.0 8 3,394 1,747 1,647 ■ 21.0 12 6,254 3,118 3,136 22.0 12 8,784 4,412 4,372 , •ii' &.lp 22.0 ■ 12 8,704 7,279 5,'J51 34.0 12 18,931 1 0 , 4 14 8,517 »o- 30.0 11 9,454 4,628 4f826 -J04-

XdSTiilCT MU TiiiliSI ^3B 1931 CJSL^fiTJ^S- Contd

Persons ______U;r,feaa, •Sample Persons Male FemaXe Persons I'lald Female p er 1,000

______— SU. .ik> JOL ______---1^ U m 2 ,3 5 ,7 8 4 1,17 ,159 1,18,131 11,584 6,4l9 5 ,16 5 1,002 l.'k S .'n ? 7.1,921 76,491 2,903 1,555 1,343 1,059 59 ,3 6 2 2 8 ,9 2 3 ' 8,068 4 ,4 3 3 3 ,5 8 0 931 30,439 887 23,0 0 5 14.990 13,215 618- 381 237 936 2, 89, 3 5 3 " 1, 49,554 1 ,4 0 ,2 9 9 21,294 11,198 10,096 45,379 24,732 21, i 47 1 2 ,2 5 & 6, 401 5 ,3 5 5 - - 4 2 ,5 2 9 . 20, 162 22,347 980 90,392 30,373 4 5 ,0 1 9 13, 7 6 1 , 7 ,2 2 4 6,537 . 4 2 ,2 1 1 .2 1,118 21.032 7 ,5 3 3 3,974 3,559 977 2 6 ,6 4 2 13,501 13,141 973 29,944 16,012 13,932 - - 870 3 .0 1 .9 1 5 1,39,131 1 ,6 6 ,7 3 4 15,836 8 ,7 1 0 •7 ,12 6 1, 1^9 67,720 31,166 ' 36,554 2,335 1,459 1,376 1, 163 29, 60k 12,423 16 ,18 11 4 ,2 0 4 2,097 2, 107 1,178 1,QtO 61,969 28j542 33,427 8,797 5,154 3 ,643 75,6 55 ■ 34,756 40,399 1, 177 ^ 6 6 ,5 7 7 31,244 3 5 ,7 2 3 -1f 1^3 9 ,4 1 ,3 2 0 4,65,843 4,75,97 2 48,933 25,532 23,406 1,016 39,577 71, 121 67,456 5,833 3,029 2 ,3 0 4 961 4 7 .7 3 0 25,370 2 2 ,360 081 5 7 ,1 2 8 29,151 27,977 960 2 ,2 4 ,4 3 3 1, 10,173 1 ,1 4 ,2 5 5 34,521 17,970 16 ,551 1,021 1 , 75,966 36.991 38,9 7 5 5,750 2,951 2 ,7 9 9 1,020 2 7 ,8 1 3 l4, 436 13,327 920 » f -69,253 31,276 37.33 2 1,207 1 .9 9 .9 1 5 97, 175 1 ,0 2 ,7 4 0 2,334 1,582 1,252 1,063 59 ,547 31,596 27,949 385 3 ,494 .. 1,747 1,647 943 6,254 3, 113 3,136 1,006 3 ,7 3 4 4,412 4,372 991 12.730 7,279 5 ,4 5 1 749 18,931 10, li4 , 3 ,5 1 7 318 9,4:54 4,623 4,826 1,043 -105-

!♦ 2. 3. 4 . 5 . 6 ,

6 , KUX-3UJ 5>503 169 2, 33, 73^ 1 ,2 4 ,4 9 9 1 ,1 4 ,2 3 5 Kullu 2^7 *.0 82 1, 37, m , 72, 5 1 ^ 64,663 Banjar 83 »0 4 4 3i*,006 17,339 16,,667 iUii ’ 7 I f 6 ‘ 16 32,567 l6,C 44 15,9 13 Nimand 82.0 27 3^,79'» 17,7 5 2 . 17,042 7.oLi^UX^^XT3: 11,335 235 32,100 18, 171 13,923 Udaipur(4T> 1,9'»3 ID8 7 ,9 3 7 4 ,4 a a 3,506 L»giiaul 13,301 7,556 6 ,2 4 5 •%i ti 15*0 47 10, 362 • . 6, 134 • 4, 178 8 , UMiJXL 3 , 950 2,789 6 ,4 4 ,3 2 7 3, 22,497 3, 22,330 Jogindema^ar 679 334 86,376 '42,7 07 4 4 , 169 1/ adBh arQ1 ( >3T) 9 1 <, O 15* 20,330 9 ,0 1 4 11,316 ^Sandliol i^ T ). 'iOO *0 91 22, 135 9 ,8 7 6 12,259 •Sarlcagh-at 393j>C 47 2 1 ,0 5 ,9 l S 50 ,216 55,700 Mcuadi 8 2 3 *0 439 1 , 69, gi»8 3 6 ,7 3 9 ' 82,509 •£5undomasar ^^37»0 23^ 3 8 ,7 3 5 4 6 ,4 4 2 4 2 ,2 9 3 Ch.achiyot(CT)32>,0 * 150 35, 185 19,435 18,700 ^£*.11 Cho ^cl ( Sr ) 20 4 e O 89 20,943 10,799 10,144 Karsog 533 eO 511 5 1 ,7 5 2 ” 31i567 30, 135 Thranag 327^0 200 ' 30,707 15,652 15,055 9*.^S^-23iLA t, 131 2, 188 5 , 10,932 2, 72 ,12 6 2, 38,306 ■Seoni 24o «o . 196 27,003 13,12 9 13,374 •SirLrjl a ^^39,0 553 1, 33,394 7 3 ,3 0 9 ‘ 60,035 TItlG-O g ' ^73oO 336 57,133 29,295 2 7 ,8 4 3 2ium ar sain (►^X) 2 3 1 , 0 155 35,560 13,568 16,992 iiarApur 191*0 8 9 45,960 2 4 ,2 7 2 21,638 i^aniciiari 90 19,443 9 ,7 4 6 9 ,697 Roliru 220.0 169 75,558 :» ,2 9 5 36,263 • 106. j

7e 8* 9. 10. 12* 13. 2.«21>8t0 1p1^;571 1, 07,239 i6j924 9,875 7,046 9^18 1,203233 62=632 57,617 16,924 . 9,878. 7,046 89 2 3^,00o 17V3:^ 16,667 - -' - 961 32^, 737 l6g8^^‘ 15,913 - 945 3k,73k I7p752 17,042 . - - - 960 32? 130 18, *71 ► 13,929 - - mm 767 7?93? ^,^>31 3,506 9mm' - 791 135/301 7,556 6,245 - - 026 10,352 63 134 4, 178 mm - 676 5,97?570 2^9^?2?4 3, 01,296 ‘ '*7,257 26,223 21,03^ 999 8 1^343 39^963 413380 5,033 z.lkh 2, 289 1.3 03^ ^ ^ r-j ^ 11,316 mm 1,255 ?-2, 1''.,3 .^..376 12, 259 - - - 1,241 1,C-5,S'S V',216 55,700 - ■w 1, 109 1, v?iso'-* 7/^ -67 73,037 21,444 11,922 9,472 951 67,5’'>3 yi.935 33,020 20,780 11,567 9,273 911 33 l£-5 18,700 mm 960 20,?4 3'' 1-^799 10? l44 •-* - 939 61,752 3U567 31,185 - - 956 3C f .707 1^f652 15,055 -- - 962 ^,3^r755 2, 2-45,0 34 2, 06,721 80,-177 ^48,092 32,085 878 271 CO3 129 13,874 mm - •Mt 1,057 635890 35,131 30,709 7 3 ,ook 43,688 29,376 862 53^.190 23,367 27 , 243 ■i3t5k8 92s 600 990 35^5^0 18,368 16,992 ms» -- 915 . k 650 22, 177 ^,473 3,310 2,055 1,215 894 '19 , 9^746 9,697 - , 995 73f223 37,854 35,369 2,335 1, l4l 89^ 923 —107

XjDOa^ STATE T A B L S 21,3- "JR5iU‘J i>OPULAnOH J>7. s t:c± c t? Teh si iLrea In No. o f . iii,liabited Persons Males Fc-Tialss villages

— . ______.a«u™ 3 * r z z kM ^ ft. . 7 . Jtibbal 2k5^0 86 2 7,3 3 3 14,785 13,060 Iva •si'iioJL 203.0 170 2 8 ,5 8 3 14,785 1 3 ,7 9 8 Cl~£a'paX 584 124 2 1 ,^ 7 6 11,447 1 0 ,0 2 9 NcrTr:ii^^T) 165 3 3 »9 3 '^ 18,457 15 ,4 77 iO' 2,825 965 3 , S o ,9 5 2 1, 6 3 ,8 4 0 1, 4 3 ,4 1 2 j^^Cry £r'\lZ k A % 0 , IA0 30,436 15,819 i 4 , 6 i9 P (3. 408^^0 26 r 33, it66 i6;,872 ' 15,894 Nal'_ah, 19 U O 149 5 2 j:5 l 5 . 2 3 ,0 6 4 24,451 2 1 ,0 0 8 B.oTj’jJca ' ' • 4l4cO 163 '^5 ,8 9 7 23,7 8 9 323^0 ¥>.-093 ■ 22, 115 18, 188 P aonta Sahib 373bO 185 - 1,0 5 ,5 3 3 5 7 t 181 ■48 , 352 r-9 3 6 2, 337 3, 0 3 , ^ 0 1 .5 7 ,2 1 4 1, 46,066 3^’4 ,0 469 50,055 V 18,490 30, 65*6 H s/p, r?":i ah ar { -ST) 706 cO 237 22,964 11,572 11,3 9 2 Walg.gaTh • 353 .75,-345 40,011 35,834 > ’ ?9i*0 539 . 59,796 ■ . 31,535 ^',,261 SoVsn. ' 230*0 45^^ 60,268 ' 32,712 27,556 K £^-rida.^hat , 201c0 2S0 25,352 12^894 12,458 1 a 1^5 ^0 557^ 3, 17,422 1, 5 6 ? 491 1, 60,931 Ajnb 596 eO 178 1, 16,949 56,534 60,015 333.0 33 64 , 3S6 31,527 32,8 5 9 Una '7 5 27,728 * 44, * 100 43,620 413oO 271 ,48,359 23>S22 24,437

»r«Vcl ^ -T-w'- H*'.3r uei*,.';.X P r i\-d e (-'h 3 5 ,6 7 3 16 ,9 16 it2,80,8l8 21, 69,931 21, 10,887

>'■* Acocrd^n,? -to 1971 Census i>lstr:lctv,and Pradesh Gfjicr^il or Xndia iviille those i*or tehsils^ sub-tehsil note being av:ci.lable Trcni ::liat source, are according to village peters (a'^^aiZabxQ) f'r^ra Director, i/and -t^ecords)* Hatice the totals o f fcehtollsil—wise area do not ta lly with corresponding ULstt. Pradesh area figures. . ' • -10 8-


RuraJL Urb^ _ Females P ersons Males Females Persons Male Fen ales per 1,000 males

Jg. .11 --- 1 3 — 1 ,0 22 * 3 9 ,5 ^ ,5 4 7 19^83,831 19, 66,516 3, 25,971 1, 81,600 1, 44,371 973

^Sources * Census of In^iLa, 1981. -\6Ci- STATER TABLfB > t 21. 3 nisTsiaxiiitfiai; main ;W0x^£a3 iuiz) NOlf WOj:iKSR«* 198 1, cm w a ' •*♦ • 41 .No• IE strict Mein Workers iJg^ginal Workers . N^on-^rkiirs Males Females Hales Females Males Females

a*. ^ ___- i - ,, 1 • Bilai^ur 5^,083 22^579 ‘ %lti 12,003 6,964 807 1,680 5 ,361 5,265 8. MfOidl 155,613 85,327 - lb,7!J3 46,896 155,761 190,987 9. • -Shinla 15'*, Zko 82,862 6,432 20,096 111,456 ; 135,349 10# ^zmaur 95,717 27,737 2,788 16,093 65,415 99,282 11. •Sol an ^ 30,753 .23,935 3:641 19,451 72,820 102 ' 12* Una 38,788 5,776 , 3,347 11,034 3‘t,356 l4 4 ,124 1

HXi<^ACr^iyLr PHADjSvjH 1,076,00^^ 3,95,021 , 65,550 ? __ 2,77 4,028,377 1, 438,442 -Sour oes-v C3r.'.£rcv^ o?r 3 ori e s* 11 liidi a p alrt JCDCL^ .si^iXE "a:;AHUB V 21%^ LITScUCY IIICaXJmWG l?Oi^ULATtON at .No • r is t r ic t S^ersonsf Me^ os Fem aXos 2- ___ _„4 _ ---- u Bilaspu r .110,559 -67 >530 43,029 02,310 20, 43a 2m Ohamba V 61,072 3* HaprLipur 167,451 90,699 76 ,,751 4* Kangra 4C6»623 2S7,,liH 199^302 5 - Ki.zmaur ai,,623 I6,i46 5,709 6^ Eullu SO,7^7 59,070 21,671 7* t»aliaul»-8p± ti 10,063 7,913 2,150 Hajji.di g59,273 170,702 30,491 •V t 9* Qh±mi a 310,354 147»951 70,43Q 10 • 8lm a ur 97,551 69, 230 ®,.321 , ,.•••• • 1U Solan 124,546 82,333 42*213 Una 150,075 , 93,503 65,367 t, ■- ' ’-^icadesh 1,'210, 237 1* 154,201 66^006 ZM 4fij» aa>U? 0-4 TBASS


?erso2is. Males FomaXes Persons KaX0 FomaXos

J5- .Aft -r- #

32.07 44«o4 21.02 44.69 34.76 10 .90 20.11 9 .1 7 26,45 30.49 13.59 ^ • 3 9 .0 6 51.54 2 9 .4 2 52*70 61.35 45.17 . .. yS,MQ WlJik 52.61 49.12 50.46 39*93

27.00 4 2.09 10.35 36.86 5 1 .0 0 ao.70 ;V. 36.65 11.04 33.82 47.47 10 .96 . 27.10 41.63 31.35 43.55 15.44 N 9.39 3 0 .7 0 43.70 17.17 4 0 .2 1 52.96 27.45 33.3S> 44 .70 20»59 42*74 *54.37 29.40 1 2*t.39 12.08 31*78 4 2.25 19.79 ¥-f 29.31 4 0 ,3t 17.30 4 1.07 5 2.35 20.90 38 .35 49.73 27.02 50. 0JZ 5 9 .7 3 40^62 t 4

3 1.96 43.1 9 20.23 '42.48 5 3 .1 3 31.46

8ourodl«* O0H£(U8 .of XndL»»t9Q1* -112-


Toar/Oi stri ct ^haadlJC K N

ZIZ j IZZZ 1975-76 3# 305 5 33 572 2,057 639 402 1976-77 3f151 592 457 2*724 896 067 1977-73 3f906 551 390 2,799 1,Q4l 955 1973^79 ^f.Q69 600 11 3, 60it 1,176 1*002 1979-30 6 ,1 9 2 044 3,567 It, 169 1,059 1930-G1 7t951 910 587 4, 33s i , : » o 963 1931-02 0 ,0 8 2 1,40 O 1.0S7 5,153 1.371 1,042 Bllasipur : 552 97 72 424 115 5« Oheunba r > 56 43 Haiaiipur 952 90 71 347 60 ^0 33^aJigra ' 1,364 162 9 * 1,429 310 240 Kiimau r 75 . 40 31 t7 6 5 K.uXlu 4ll OG 76 241 71 . 60 4 I/e;i.cail-%>± id. 160 142 bo HgcLidl 030 170 91 031 162 161 ShdLnila 1,100 350 305 55? 431 330 Siannaur 55T 70 63 256 71 a dolapti 766 113 101 466 93 47 935 73 51 460 7 3 45 / - 113-

K, ___ _ Gxand IbtaX : s ■ K « ^r> - - - - .9...___ 11- ... . 1 : ' X •• I ■ ■ 5 , 3S2 If 252 97 3 . S 7 ,5 3 7 6 ,1 7 3 1, ^ 0 . 1 ,3 2 4 a ,5 9 0 6 ,70 5 1 ,5 9 2 1,350 9,730 8 7 3 1,^56 ,9 2 2 ,A 1 ,3 9 3 •r l i . 9 ,7 5 9 2,.a33 1,90 3 13,950 1 2 , 339 2 ,3 3 0 1,550 16,109 13 *235 2,331 2 ,12 9 •63,215 97s ' 1 5 9 ^ 111 1,.22t6 ,507 G8 62 657 1 ,2 9 9 150 121 ; T„57a 2 ,7 9 3 kjz 3^3 G»6oO 9 2 46 3S 174- 65 2 159 , S '-'136 9^ 160 142 G3 ■■ 1, 659. 340 2,261 1 6 6 , ^ - * 701 . . 635 3 ,0 7 5 7 9 3 149 ' 101. .1, 0 ^ 3 1 ,2 3 s 206 i 4a 1,396 1,4 0 3 151 76 i ‘ 1»650

Qourcet-Jttlroctorato o f Agricultural. HioachaX ^rad^ah* .}

x £ a .^ 'S T A T 3 ixtsTaiBJiion OP 3isiiO«SlT5 •

.t.7i Q7P,(P> S.V* liLstrict Credit O^osi— No, Np«JQjf sBepoaits li^dvaTioes HatiQ (?^e) « Bapks i ^ O- ...... ■ill^ kjtL ^.t 22*34 u ]EtLla^ur 11 2t91 63 24*59 2» Chasaba, 16 4 .2 4 U Q 4 92@ 11 *57 3* Hamiip u r 16 ' 7»09 Keaosra 54 *31.5*1 3.97 12*59 Klxinaur ^ 3 in 4 9*76 6 * EulllL 18 5, 6a U 3 4 23*29 0 16*00 7# Ir tl 3 50 8 . Mgt-idi 4;? 13.20 3.^33 2^*13 51# 9 . ShdLmla > *6.93 1«.02 2 3 * ^ 10. Sizciaur 19 4.92 3*78 76 *85 50#32 11* Qoloffi 38 11*50 5*85 12* Uaa 16 7 * 2 5 2*17 29*93

h j m a o h M j' 294 1,.3S»3lf, 34*09 24»91 • l a O t i M . * 1* 2* 1 U 12. . , 13 14

1 i QLlaspur 1.4 5 ,1 9 ■ U 9 7 37,-96. 2* Qhamba 18 7*90 - U 7 3 21,90 Hamltpur 19 12,76 1*98 15,.52 ‘4 . EcCigra 74 . 49,49 24 ia»ii 5.^ Klnnaiar 6 * So 11 13*75 6 . BiaitL 21 9,70 31.33 34,33 7 * La2i&iuX««dpi. tl 3 1,05 15 14,23 . H-ecndL 54 21,05 6 ^ 7 5 \ 32,0? 9 . S^^inla 59 6 4 ,3 1 2 1 ,9 5 34,13 1 0 * SlrmeoLir 24 7 ,S 1 4,^78 62,a t 11* Solaa 42 10»3'^ 14,^02 76,44 1 2 . “t^na 22 - 12,63 3f 94 21, 2a

HXIiACHjJb PBADGdSBi 356. 2»Q6|tu5 60„95 33, 3*1 -115-

acsipoLBD o o m i m c i ^ m m . s (Ba». ----- H . D«r«nb«r. 1Q79 ( i> l . _ .. No, o t D e p o sits ^dva3ioe . Credit Deppsots Bayuis • H atio (^^ag©/ > X 9 <5 ______10- _ . ' I t 3 ,6 7 l , o 4 23.34 . 16 5 ,'t 3 1,2 1 2 2 .2 3 16 9 ,7 6 1,30 13*32 71 ^4 ,3 6 5 ,3 9 12 .15 3 51 7 1 3 * 7 3 19 l,.z h 2 »ia 30.11 3 73 11 1 4 ,1 0 51 t6 ,3 1 k,QZ 29*55 5 6 ,2 0 * 15 .4 7 * 27 * 5 3 2a 5 , 9 7 3,-73 6 3 # 3 2 32 1 4 ,2 9 1 0 ,9 4 76 .56 IS 9 , 5 S 2 ,5 7 3 1 *00.

■ J iH 1. 7 4 . 10 4 9 . 20 ; : 23 ^*11 (December 1931 (? ) ^ . .15 . ... . 16 . 17 ; 13 4 3 .3 1 ' z z ■ 7 , 1 3 ' 3 ,0 0 ir 2Q , 0 ,6 3 . 2,33 z r »5 0 ao 16 ,3 2 3 ,4 6 2 1 . 2Q

06 • 50,36 1 2 ,2 2 20.9A 3 1 ,5 8 , 4a 26 *50 . 26 1 2 ^ 1 1 3 4,.63 3 3 .17 4 1 ,5 1 26. 1 7 .2 2 5 9 3 0 ,5 0 9,0 7 2 9 .74 6 5 ' 7 2 ^ 4 1 .0 7 ■ 56.9 9 ■

2^ - 10,.26 7 .7 6 7 5 .6 3 . 49 2 2 ,9 9 . 20 , 4a 39 (.0 3 2 2 1 7 ,5 7 6,20 3 5 * 2 9 • .< ^3 2 ,5 3 ,9 5 1,11,03 42.3a - 116-

Mr - - L

to 20 _ . a i ... 2S..

46*50 ^ * PUuI^spua? 20 9f1l^ h ,Z 5 3 ,0 k 27 #^64 24. Olaajnba 22 11,00 20, l6 ^ Uf,M 20. 6a 3 * Hajnirpur 23 * 2 U 0 9 4 » Eangra , 96 7 0 .3 0 1 5 ,'tS ^ 33*99 5 *t E i nnnnar 0 2 ,0 3 - 69 4i *92 6 . KulXu. 30 14» 17 5,9'»

7 » L»GJl£5W l''^^i ti 5 1,56 3S 23*03 1 1.03 34*47 0 * 1 ^ 1 dL . 59 3 2 .0 0

9 *' Oliimla 7 3 09»9^ h itA Z 52^39/

* » 8 0 . ^ 10 a jlirciaur 2^ 12,23 9 ,SA

1»' OolEsnu. » , 5 3 20,25 05*67 1 5 3 •

1 2 »^ixa^ 23 21,93 0,Q 7 36*72

i-miAGi-ui. i>iujDi?iSK: if 33^ 123*22 4fr .01 31^»Q^ • 6k>ui’co#»» ^E^’QeJTvet Bajolc o f India

© Ifcos not include figures o f treJichos o f Laaashnii Obmmercial BaJik L»t

Ib;0 3 not include figures of Gxindlays Bajik s Ltd* •1X7-

X2XL;JS'I^TB TJJi^ 3t*7- LIV2saD

*■ 1 • HiXaspur 60,(657 67,912 3 3.024t 2 c' ^ CSiajQba 2*35»OlO 31nW 9 2,73*(300 3o Hgpi rpur 6 0,177 7 2,3 5 1 4 9,1 1 9 • 4*' ^tajigra 3»51*to2 1f23».657 70»6 iO 5 iCinnajir *21,607 11 51|.910

6 KvtXlu 1»57*961 1 »6 i5 1, 09,077 7 1 ' ^^*ah.ai!LLl«*®pi. icfc 9,09ft . 4 7 ,9 3 4 * o p Hatictt 3 »7 0 ,752 37,103 1,30,954 3h±inla 3 ,3 3 ,9 1 5 19,7'66 1. 51,323 1C o 3rl3ctaaur 2 ,2 9 ,1 5 0 32,622 42,463

'M «_ ’ l,39f6l'> 5 5 ,8 0 6 . 2 6 ,1 9 4 12a' ’Ina 79,921 ^ 67, 6.34

2 1 ,0 6 ,2 2 0 5 , 00,006 10,55^005 (l31 stxd 30/ 1977 ■# Qa c.ist , Clthors tdvostock %tal. Poultry .

— ' 'It., ‘ .. .., 4^ 59*764 530 2,21*307 10*275 1r^6,3l6 2|sQ63 7*09*523 4 1,660 0 31 >733 812 ^2,22*242 17*136 I 13^399 3.324 95*321 . 3,097 3*27*491 10,693 56>650 1,300 - * 12>|Q6 4*903 \ 74*067 i*ai7 2,00,^312 3*002 0*50* 123 39,37S 90^103 ' 4„440 6*07*535 54,099 3 27 3»72G 4*12*795 20,167 36 ,,67 2 3»547: 3*11*913 15*263 68,432 . 1*650 . 2*2^*459 13*304 <

'10,35,337 30»,650 -47V95*226. 3*29*561

&>urcef •• l^Lvestock census ALrectorate of l^amd ^oordsy Himachal Pradesh» ••119-»_

.JCXX ••STATS TAjyiP) % ' 21«*8 NUMRl^ OF VILL^OISS Sa^SCTaiFIBD 01 • I>Lstid.ct ^ ta l. " No • o f No • 'Of* No* of. No, o f i^ercentago No w Ho oOf electzd.*- dectzd.*- o le ctz ^ electri—of villages inhaM.tod £Led vi- £Led v±— fied vi- £Lod vi­ el ectid-floc vi ilages llagos Ilages llagea llages to total as on as o n. as on as oh vi 1 1 egos - 31 *3 *00 31.3*81 31*3*32 31.3*33 in the • ai strict * .1,. . . ; 4. •>- 6^\ a.: V .;"' 1 ♦ • 911 ur 9T-1 ^yr 666 725 767 34*19 ‘

2*.^ Qhajnba 1»0S5 h3P 593 >726. 010 73.97 3*‘ HopLLrpur ' 1»6l9 92G • 996 1.130 1,272 79.57' f , ■ . t 4^ ILj;i ngxa 1.994 2,262 2,594 3,306 * 3^97^^i 1 33.19 5,* EdbinaiLir 77 . 53 61 65 G4#42 I 6» ' KiilXu 179 30 9^ 169 122 72.19 7» I^aZiQUli>*%>ltdL. 235 70 101 122 . 135 57.45 a * Man

V, - •• « >• - ^ 8,921 10*050 11»217 12,794 75.63

Sour col •• Himachal Pradesh E lectricity Board* Notol-* IHe rubber o f v illa g es trajisf*err©4 fTOm Hamiipur district Un.a district were reconciled duidng t979~30 and according! y statistical data is given f*or 1979-30 only# —120-*

2t-.Q« XffSTiaiBUaZtON OF HIMACaEUjL £MJ?^YSBS ■ > S 0 N 3 ia i Misca-:, 130 i (msiaiCT w ia s ) ai« OL stid. ct ikLgal.ax^ Npn-foaiilnj ---- - Ho .. Gazetted Nciiii— ^ t a l Oont±i>- Voxk. Baily. ®azotted gent Chjirgs. ?aid

______JLjw» I .1 i 17,463 1 • B±X aspur 162 4,106 130 331 12^514 2* CSiajaba 199‘ 6,030 6,Q 30 109 4ol

3*i Hajniarpur 137 5,.01t 5»198 337 3ltO 7 , 06c Kstogra W3 14,712 15»105 030 1,119 35 >794 5 * Klnnaur 63 2,049 2,,112 176 53 1,699 6 m, Kuliu 159 3 ,9 10 4 ,0 6 9 323 244 4,320 , < 7 •> I^dtLauX*«SpLtil 59 3»910 1,561 123 2 0 3 175 0* MojidL- 320 10,702 10,7 3 2 424 690 20,3^ 9, Shimla 1».102 10,169 19,151 540 1,075 17,14o '

10 • Siaroaur 206 5,•026 6,a 32 2:® 551 a, 550

It ♦. Solaji ^ 4 5,320 5 ,3 7 3 23T 463 3,i>72

12* Una 160 4,303 29Q 399 4,229

HH-IAOHAL PiUDSaH 3fA23 0 1,3 10 84,733 3,.060 5,^77 1,33,77

So urcot— AaxnuaX lieport on Oen.sus o f H*?*lfejployeGs XiLr©ctar*ate of* Boon omics Statistics Himachal ^rado^# JC 33I- &2ATB

/ ■ 21*10~ xsrsaKEca^wiss tmiBm o f F^cioiitjBs jxsgxgxsrusd * '

401. ' Di. stri ot loaol?) 1931 Ci?> 193 Z{2± _ _

EIo « : 1 ■ '. •' Factories- XiTo lasers Factories ^rk©rs Factor!op.^ 5; ors ■' ■ -y- (no « ) (MD) (NO) (NO) {m) -

■ •■ ■'* ' .

■ ' ^ 0 ^ 11% ’ ______2 . . . . , , , '* 5 . 7 .

* * 11 .i BiXa^ur 40 1,056 > 0 1,056 5k 1, 196'

2>.. Qhajnba 25 506 . 26' 500 61 6 51 . 3 - Hojniipur 95 kQ 93 104 31P k • I^^mgra ^3 1,929 65 1.099 99 2,117 /■ 5 . Kinnaur 6 3T 6 37 , 0 59 #

6 «»,' Ku.t.lu 00 327 109 . 357 120 550

7*. L»aUau .« - V 3*..- MajicJi 96 ^,750 113 4,702 121 4,034

9*- Shimla, t o i,;^3s 40 1f43^ 60 1,753

10 . Sirmr ur 30 1,709 30 1r709 52 . 1, 07a 11. Sol sox 72 3,310 76 3,037 93 3,405 12- Una ^ 35 5'»5 . 37 525 32 655 kmiAmdJu 15,700 500 ; 15f444 004 17,^95'

Source! — Qhiof* Xngpootor o f Factor!os» Hinachal ^radosh^ -122-

X O X ^ <^£ATS X4eL B 2U11- XXE-ST^UCT W l ® irJl'-IBSa iJiSA OF OI^£LU.TIONijI> holdleng ixJiaiJG 1970-7 1976-77

JH strict Nil m'hoT* No • 1970^71 1976-77 1970-71 1976-7?.

In 2. i3i*i 4» ___6 ______

1 •> ^ 1 aspur 31»511 35,050 45,963 52,151

2* Chamba to».665 5 0 ,3 12 54 ,106 55,652

3*. Hamiipur k 6 ,0 6 0 47,231 7 2 ,12 7 63,600

4*/ Kangra 1 ,3 4 ,4 6 0 1 ,6 2 ,7 8 5 8 ,1 7 ,5 1 9 2, 36*090

Kinnaur 6 ,5 3 1 7 ,4 6 1 12,137 12,757

6 Kullu 5 1 ,6 0 4 36,772 4 0 , 1 i4 4 4 ,2 1 9

7* I/ahaul-^itL 2 ,5 13 3,555 4,766 5 ,6 0 9

3 *! Map.dl 9 5 ,9 5 7 93,557 1 ,1 7 ,4 5 4 1, 26„Q20

9 Shimla 6 3 ,19 1 5 9 ,5 7 6 1, 12,376 1 ,1 9 ,6 6 0

10* Slrma ur 32,629 34,336 7 9 ,3 3 0 9 7 ,5 6 7

1 U Solan 30,331 33,002 0 6 ,7 2 9 93,195 1 1 2 . Una 57,695 5U723 30 »159 9 3 ,1 4 4

TO TjJj i»09,145 6,21,4 iC 9 , 30,060 19, 09,766 ' m

Source!** Dlirectorat© 6t Agriculture ^ ^ - Qeaeufe, Himachal j^adesh^ Sub. . -i

