(C) First Edition Riddle's Collection of Scots Playford's Scotch Tunes of 1700 and 1701, Aria Reels, C

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(C) First Edition Riddle's Collection of Scots Playford's Scotch Tunes of 1700 and 1701, Aria Reels, C CJj'e •fllustca/.. Vol. VII., No. 2. ist OCTOBER 1925. Pkice Fourpence. NEW EDUCATIONAL WORKS Just Published ij.—NOVELLO'S MUSIC PRIMERS. No. 101.—NOVELLO'S MUSIC PRIMERS. BREATHING FOR VOICE-PRODUCTION EAR-TRAINING (Rewritten and brought up to date) EURHYTHM: THOUGHT IN ACTION. MUSICAL APPRECIATION AND By H. H. HULBERT. RHYTHMIC MOVEMENTS. Price ... Three Shillings. Paper Buards, 45. MABEL CHAMBERLAIN. Just Published. Complete, Six Shillings, Or No. 100.—NOVELLO'S MUSIC PRIMERS. In Two Books: Letterpress and Illustrations, as. Music only, 35. PRONUNCIATION FOR The Ear-Training Course outlined in this book is intended VOICE-PRODUCTION primarily for Class use, but if a judicious selection be made from FROM the exercises, the course can be used with equal benefit by private EURHYTHM : THOUGHT IN ACTION. teachers for individual pupils. Senior pupils and students who desire to Study music, and who have received little or no previous By H. H. HULBERT. tuition, cannot do better than work rapidly through these progress- ive exercises and tests. A Prospectus will be sent on application. Pkice, One Shilling and Sixpence. LONDON NOVELLO & COMPANY LIMITED A valuable Work of Reference for all School and Music Teachers The " His Master's Voice " Education Catalogue has been compiled especially for the use of Teachers and Stu- dents who are using the Gramophone. It is intended to be a simple guide to a "His very large number of Records that have Master's been chosen for their educational value. Voice" The above Catalogue can be obtained free from all "His Master's Voice" accredited dealers, or from The Gramophone Company, Ltd. Education Dept, 363-367 Oxford Street, London, W. 1. NOTICE TO READERS, CONTRIBUTORS AND ADVERTISERS TRINITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC The Scottish Musical Magazine is published on (Instituted 1872) the 1st of each month from 74 Hanover Street, President: The Rt. Hon. The EARL OF SHAFTESBURY, Edinburgh, and all communications should be K.P , G.C.V.O , C.B.E. Chairman of Board and Director of Studies : directed to the Editor at that address. Professor J. C. BRIDGE, M.A., Mus.D., F.S.A. Director of Examinations : E. F. HORNER, Mus.D. We go to press on the 20th of each month preceding the date of publication, and all matter TEACHING DEPARTMENT. Michaelmas, Lent and Summer Terms (twelve weeks for insertion must be in the Editor's hands not each) begin respectively in September, January, and April. later than the morning of that date. The College provides complete and systematic instruction anil training in every recognised musical subject and Elocu- Articles, notes, and correspondence on all tion, during the day and evening. Students are received for single subjects (e.g. Pianoforte 4s. per term) or for matters relating to Scottish music, or to music £4, a course arranged to suit special individual needs (,£11, lis. in Scotland, are invited, also any information per term). regarding old music books, MSS., or instruments. EXAMINATIONS. The Examinations for the Teachers' Diplomas of Correspondents should write or clearly, on type Associate, Licentiate, and Fellowship in both Practical one side of the paper only. Brevity is also and Theoretical Musical Subjects aud Elocution, as also for Certificates, are held annually in January, April, and essential. July. The Local Theory of Music Examinations are held in Eejected MSS. can only be returned provided June and December, and those in Instrumental and Vocal they are accompanied by a stamped addressed Music as well as in Elocution throughout the session at various Centres in the United Kingdom and in the envelope. While every possible care will be Dominions and India. taken with MSS., the Editor cannot accept any In connection with the Local Examinations, Exhibitions are annually awarded, and are tenable at Centres in the responsibility for their safe custody or return. United Kingdom, India, and the Dominions. The Editor can in no circumstances whatever Full particulars post free on application to the Secretary, MANDEVILLE PLACE, MANCHESTER SQUARE, enter into correspondence regarding MSS. LONDON, W.I. HARVEST CANTATAS. FESTAL SONG, by Edmund Turner. Price 1/6. Sol-fa i/-. Words 4/- per 100. A NEW SONQ BY THE TWO HARVESTS. By Dr Ferris Tozer. Price 2/-. Sol-fa 1/6. Words only, 5/- per 100. TH. KOENEMAN Specimen Anthems, etc., free on application, and a single specimen copy of either Cantata to any Clergyman or Organist (giving name of Church) for 6d. each copy. London: AMBROSE ABBOT&CO., 30-31 Nf.wgateSt., E.C.r. THE KING AND THE George Frescott & co„ 98 JESTER LOTHIAN For Baritone or Bass and Piano ROAD, (Russian, English, and French Words) EDINBURGH. Price 2/6 net. COLLEGE OF VIOLINISTS, LTD. The composer of the stirring Russian song, No. 1 Central Buildings, Westminster S.W. 1. " When the King went forth to War," here contributes another highly effective song EXAMINATIONS to the repertory of baritones and basses. It in and JUNE DECEMBER is of the narrative or ballad type, and tells in VIOLINISTS EXAMINED BY VIOLINISTS a tense and gripping way a dramatic story not Board of Examiners. unlike the tragedy of Rigoletto. Albert Sammons, J. J. Haakman, F. Thistleton, F. Louis Taylor, Eugene Goos^ens, Stanton Rees, and other Eminent Violinists. J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. SYLLABUS and Specimen Copy of Violinists' Gazette Free on application to— 11 Great Marlborough Street, London, VV. i E. E. JACKSON, Hon. Secretary. — : Postal Tuition in Music Important Choral Works 1. L.R.A.M. and A.R.C.M. Paper Wo rk. (Curwen Edition) 2. A.T.C.L. and L.T.C.L. Paper Work. R. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS 3. Short Comprehensive Course for L.R.A.M. " Form and Sancta Civitas (Holy City). Teaching " Paper. {3663) An oratorio for tenor and baritone soli, chorus and orchestra. To be for 4. Touch and Technique (Matthay Method) L.R.A.M. performed by the Bach Choir during the present season. Price 2/6. Viva Voce. Mass in G minor. (3642) 5. Fingering and Pedalling of Pianoforte Music. This important work, which is adapted for either Church or Concert Ube, is for (S.A.T.B.) 6. Rudiments, Harmony, Form, Art of Teaching, as separate solo and double chorus. It is for unaccom- panied singing throughout, but an organ part is gi en and may be subjects. used if necessary. Price 4/-. 7. Courses on Mr Stewart Macpherson's " Melody and There is also an edition (3G47) with English words arranged by Harmony." Maurice Jacobson for use in the Anglican Communion office, at the same price. EDGAR L. BAINTON Over 90% Postal Successes at Diploma Examinations. The Tower. (3658) Words by R. Nichols. Describes the scene of the Last Supper. Written for the Three Choirs Festival at Hereford, September 1924. Mr GILBERT THOMAS, Price 2/6. M.A. (Cantab), L.R.A.M., A.Mus.T.C.L. WALFORD DAVIES Men and Angels. Private Pupil 0/Stewart Macpherson, Backhaus, Oscar Bcringer. (41097) A choral suite for chorus, tenor solo, orchestra and organ, for use of Formerly Student at the Matthay Pianoforte School, London. Choral Societies and Church Choirs. Written for the Gloucester Festival, 1925. Price 2/6. Terms, Appreciations, on application : ARMSTRONG GIBBS 42 BURTON ROAD, LONDON, S.W. 9. Songs of Enchantment. (3670) A choral suite for soprano solo and chorus. Poems by Walter de la Mare. Price 2/-. DALCROZE EURHYTHMICS FELIX WEINGARTNER Classes for CHILDREN and ADULTS are held in DUNDEE, Reawakening. (3648) and during the School Terms. Full EDINBURGH, GLASGOW Poem by F. G. Klopstock. An extended choral work without details on application. solos. German and English words. Price 3/6. Orchestral parts There are two qualified Teachers of the Dalcroze Method resi- on hire. dent in EDINBURGH and two in GLASGOW, prepared to take visiting engagements. Inquiries should be addressed to London THE DALCROZE SCHOOL OF EURHYTHMICS, Curwen & Sons Ltd., 24 Berners St., W.t 23 STORE STREET, LONDON, W.C.I. SUSAN FORDE Notes and Time 1/6 net. Very First Lessons in reading at the Piano. £be Hssociateo Boavo Beginners will readily grasp the idea of the clefs, etc. of the R.A.M. and R.C.M. FOR LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. Very First Duets 2/- net. Patron : His Majesty the King. These eighteen short Piano Duets (in one book) will prove a joy for young beginners. President: H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G. Very distinctly printed in oblong shape. LOCAL CENTRE EXAMINATIONS (Syllabus A).— Written Examinations held in March and November at all Musical Rambles 1/6 net. Centres : Practical Examinations in March-April and (Tune and Rhythm) November- December at all Centres. Entries for the Each Piece from a half to not more than two 'scores' November-December Examinations close Wednesday, in length. fiery Easy. October 14th (or, with extra fee, October 22nd) 1925. A Musical Calendar 2/- net. "SCHOOL" EXAMINATIONS (Syllabus B) held (Illustrated Cover) throughout the British Isles three times a year, —viz., Separate page for each month. Very Easy to Primary. March-April, June-July, and October-November. Entries Byeways V- net. for the October-November Examinations close Wednesday, (Illustrated Cover) October 7th (or, with extra fee, October 15th) 1925. Interesting Miniature Sketches. Primary. ELOCUTION EXAMINATIONS will be held at On Grasshopper Green 2/. net. certain fixed centres in March-April, June-July, and Octo- ber-November each year. For full particulars, see special (Illustrated Cover) Elocution Syllabus. Delightful new book containing 17 short descriptive and progressive pieces. Very Easy to Primary. Syllabuses A and B, Elocution Syllabus, Entry Forms, and any further information will be sent post free on A. WEEKES & CO. LTD. application to the Secretary, 14 and 15 Bedford Square, London, W.C.
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    The Delius Society Journal April 1981,Number 7l The Delius Society Full Membership97.00 per year Studentsf,3.50 Subscription to Libraries (Journal only) f,5.00 per year USA and CanadaUS S17.00per year President Eric Fenby OBE, Hon D Mus, Hon D Litt, Hon RAM Vice Presidents The Rt Hon Lord Boothby KBE, LLD Felix Aprahamian Hon RCO Roland Gibson M Sc, Ph D (Founder Member) Sir Charles Groves CBE Stanford Robinson OBE, ARCM (Hon), Hon CSM Meredith DaviesMA, B Mus, FRCM, Hon RAM Norman Del Mar CBE, Hon D Mus Vernon Handley MA, FRCM, D Univ (Surrey) Chairman R B Meadows 5 WestbourneHouse, Mount Park Road, Harrow, Middlesex Treasurer Peter Lyons 1 Cherry Tree Close,St. Leonards-on-Sea,Sussex TN37 6EX Secretary Miss Estelle Palmley 22 Kingsbury Road, London NW9 ORR Editor Stephen Lloyd 4l MarlboroughRoad, Luton, BedfordshireLU3 IEF Tel: Luton (0582\ 20075 Contents Editorial 3 The President'sAddress 6 Beecham:The Delius Repertoire 9 An Eveningwith Norman Del Mar l9 Book Review 2l Obituary: Robert Aickman 23 Forthcoming Events 23 Cover lllustration An early sketch of Delius by Edvard Munch reproducedby kind permissionof the Curator of the Munch Museum,Oslo, Norway. Additional copiesof this issuef,l each,inclusive of postage. ISSN-0306-0373 Editorial No recent publication can have commandedsuch widespreadcritical attention in the musical world as The New Grove whose additional adjectivein its title might seemdesigned to bestow eternal youth on this fountain of musicalknow- ledge. One wonders what they will name the seventh edition years hence. Its twenty volumesare an impressiveachievement and a pleasureto read and handle, though for the purchaserat f,850 a set a costly touch.
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