Theofficialorgan of Thebbg
Radio Times, duly 9th, 1926, THE WIRELESS SERMON. i naa a AERO DuAOFES sal (Ea? —_ 7 FONg 7 a IRELae! AEWA ent eames Meat LEFOS-aeaorogo AoE eer | Lever aPoo PRecLay et (ALAI \ ql bayer rigs PanaeeTER eeSHERRIE LO alt get Cia se Promt:ere (Recah we F cea) & a AaTauNGrant S08 40508 LA Lay LonDon ot Prtetas _— pe vnaourtl sntt act | PNEd8T i T R a g e ATTYnn ' : A i aTIT THEOFFICIALORGAN OF THEBBG Thelater cal at Live, Vol.1:12,No. 145, GP. as a Wewepapnr, ‘EVERYFFRIDAY. aes Pence.e. eaiiaeiieetetlicemma ~ -——_—o SS <<— An Editor. Looks at the Mininknnd: By Si ROBERT DONALD, G.B.E., LL.D. HERE is a coming issue which cannot be this direction and the American- Press has newspaper with international athhiations. ignored—the extent to which broad- not been affected by the competition. lts readers, or subscribers, will demand more easting will interiere. with the progress of We are approaching the stage, however, news, and if the Press and news agencies the Press, or change its character. At this put an embargo on the supply, the B.B.C. stage of development, radio is an ally, Will be foreed to collect its own: news af rather than a rival. It i¢ a supplementary all important events. It has been urged service, not an alternative. At first, wireless” that it is beyond the means and the capacity telegraphy was regarded as supplementary of -a broadcasting organization to collect to cables. Now, it is looked upon as a serious foreign news and that &-must temain competitor, Radio is a ‘cheap universal dependent on existing agencies, That is not information, “news, education, and enter- the case, a5 broadcasting stations could tainment service which is delivered into.
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