Radio Times, duly 9th, 1926, THE WIRELESS SERMON.

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LonDon ot Prtetas _— pe vnaourtl sntt 8T i T R a g e ATTYnn 'act | PNEd : A i aTIT THEOFFICIALORGAN OF THEBBG

Thelater cal at Live, Vol.1:12,No. 145, GP. as a Wewepapnr, ‘EVERYFFRIDAY. aes Pence.e.

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SS <<— An Editor. Looks at the Mininknnd:

By Si ROBERT DONALD, G.B.E., LL.D. HERE is a coming issue which cannot be this direction and the American- Press has newspaper with international athhiations. ignored—the extent to which broad- not been affected by the competition. lts readers, or subscribers, will demand more easting will interiere. with the progress of We are approaching the stage, however, news, and if the Press and news agencies

the Press, or change its character. At this putan embargo on the supply, the B.B.C. stage of development, radio is an ally, Will be foreed to collect its own: news af rather than a rival. It i¢ a supplementary all important events. It has been urged service, not an alternative. At first, wireless” that it is beyond the means and the capacity telegraphy was regarded as supplementary of -a broadcasting organization to collect to cables. Now, it is looked upon as a serious foreign news and that &-must temain competitor, Radio is a ‘cheap universal dependent on existing agencies, That is not information, “news, education, and enter- the case, a5 broadcasting stations could tainment service which is delivered into. the without ditculty anange for an interchange homes of millions and can be broadcast to af news. many more millions of listeners, — Suppesing,however, that listeners receive Already ‘newspapers are jealous of the a larger service of news, it doesnot follow potential competitor, The combined Press that the Press will-sufler to any appreciable Organizations in Great Britain presented extent. A listener may be satished with case to the recent Broadcasting. Gommiuttee the results of sporting é€vents;, but, as a to: prove why the circulation of news, by rule, he will want to Tead the news which radia should be restricted to the present he has heard, just a5 an audience which limits, which aré that theservice is sold to listens to a great oration wants to see, the Broadcasting “Committee by all the it in print.. The daihy~ paper’ will be left associated news agencies for issuc dt a time with its headlines, with-its pictures, with | which suits the newspapers and that all its. political articles, fiction and all ‘its _fied i direct broadcasting shouldbe confined to general featutes, to. say nothing! of -its = speecheswithout curtailment or description, acvertisements. ) or to the bare results of sporting and other There are practical caifculties in the way

=a events; of any’ very laree encroachment on news di Hitherto, England hasoccupied a middle distribution by broadcasting... Subseribers. position in the radio world’ as between Will not want fo listen to verbatim reports Europe. and America. In Continental of. speeches, and’ when «a ‘Government® countries Governments ave concerned them- THondpoly begins to curtail speeches ‘or five selves amore directly with radio. In the descriptive accounts ‘of them, it “cant [Sorahoe, escape the charge of impartiality. Public: United States the Government has-Teft it Sir ROBERT DONALD, G.B.E., LL.D., to free and unfettered competition. Some whose views ore of particular interest owing to menwho speak into a imicrophone at public: American newspapers haye their-ownbroad- the fact that he was for many years the editor gatherings wilh be compelled to condense casting Stations and. there is nothinyto ‘step of & great newspaper, their remarks—which will be «welcome the several hundreds’ of other American when the limitations plated upon radio to those who see, and by all who hear, stations from cirenlating news. Up to now, cannot well be maintamed. The London them. there has been no serous development m Station of the B.B.G, is ike a great national (Continued overlea! in column 3.)

RADIO TIMES - |Joue Sen, S86. An Editor Looks at the The Wireless | Sermon. Microphone.

(Continued from the precious page.) A Church of England View. By the Rev. H. W. Fox, D.S.O. Racho has several advantages over news cone was om stimndliing anid whiely -Mr. Walford Davies or Mr Martin Shaw. brondiesth in papers. li beats the Press both in speed dt. W. Roberison Sostt contributed to Tha church, would help enornoanshy bo mee the stundard rune cheapiess The tendenty will be Lit Radio Times of June lath, siggesting a new use to of congrecdtional aimginie. recluce the-annual licence fee and to use Whieh the broidcaat sermon migivt be: pot. L ecine buek, then, bo the Qua hon Faded ba Mr, SuTpUs prohits for improving the servic Thikts not the place to digmres the causes-of the Roberteon Sect} of the sermon brondenst by’ a hose who supply the revenue for a limited eeay cH Chueh. our, hut whether the use of ui fa d speaker inechurch, [ bolkeve that there ia eve ry public service-of this kind will resent making reason why the experiment should be tried, ‘There hid aperker in chiarrhes would jnonease the nin ber enforced contributions to nathenal taxation, id eh th be

Or OCKET OOF ORTON Preyors wll be more meg. i disadvantages, [tia for the clerry to take the first eule of recerying sets durmg the sinke-and i they supe lead by semesno wham we can actuslly ace stop, and duppest it to their people, forifthe propodal in thi Tai Let cl eT EOS issued. which VTA Noone weuld sucueal Chet the misieal pirt of the be petal) up lowed apoiker in © ehereh eomes from tetal far the British Isles over 2,050,000. ervite should be rendered” by an unseon studia the Parochial Church Conneil, ite action may be Such are: as tar as one cai safely envisage her tiles: Hohe wn LooASs Iona! onthe the nisuncdertood by i sensitive Incumbent, Let the future developments oi euntivies, the pealms and the hymns nigat be same berev ae = rp will be ereatlyto ther own relief, at the moment, the =. by Lie cones bion, but at the sae Fine ele nesses and, iF of be ot misunderstand, DT would add that jhe next few voor. but no lint can bee yet im concrational sincing hy such umsters aa Sir achrevements of wireless. it will be to the benefit of their congreeations. to the marvellous

SOME OF THE PREACHERS WHO WILL BROADCAST SERMONS ON SUNDAY, JULY Ith. Left to right: Rey. H. BR. I. Sheppard from London, Daventry, Rournemouth, Manchester, Leeds, Plymouth, Hull, Liverpool, Nottingham, Shelheld. Canon Gay Rogers, Moc. from Birmingham, tev. Father Jefferva from Newenstle, Rev. BD, Ellie Jones, LE from: Carat, tev. Jame K. Thomson, M.A. from Aberdeen.

HUES erit, 1926. | __RADIO TIM ES a Ay eee =ST Official:Newss and Radio Gossip.

Tha eee at Oxtord. A Service from the Tabernacle. Fireman,” will bepresented, and. Mer. Fred Kone, the ordinary Sunday evening etrrite: from the who produce! many of Lester's sketches, will play Prince of Wiutes-betore bry HR AS the arthe annealiH meraa calEth British Assccintion Metropolitan Taihernacle (Spurgeon’s Tabernact) the Jendling part. lt is aac ijoteresting “that Was at the ®heldoniagn Theatre, Usiord, ia tobe broadcast wall be bréuleast from the Lene Station on Ruenn Bent, who is Lester'soriginal Irading lady, from Lbomdon cand: other stitions betaeen 5.40) Sanday, anbs Soth ie sepioe, whieh being at will be heard during these transmissions, Another anil 920 pom, on Wedneaday, August tho Arrange boa pom. Wl: onto In an orkdress bythe.’ Poovy: Variety Programme bis been arranged for Monday, ments have adeo-been made by the BOB:C, for the ‘heh Wehr, the Beottiah Diane, wile hee for some July th, when Mr. Eddie Frelds. Mesa Day Prnee’s BEneoth to be reproduced by meana of loud- timeheen at the Tenth Peebviertan (hireh ‘of James ool Mr. anes Lester and partner, il of Hpiakere atthe whom are well-knownthroughout the vanety Town Hall. Oxford, nnd the Octo Fhiladelphin, oe, irl i at rt sont of & Bhort Lior Hall. Vit to this country. world, wil brosdiast, TheBach Anniversary. Cockneys ai Play. Duets and Diversions. The anniversary of the death of Jou Sebastian Part of the Bank Hol day procaine from The programme from. Daventry on Thursday, Bach, on. Puly ath ; with be marked bya perars Landon on Aone Sad wilk eanset of Relble duly 29th, to be relaved fram, Cardiff, is cplled ‘Duets and Diversions,” a tith which from: the Landon Station between 10:5 selHeex pla matory. and 1] Pe It., devoted to the works La Fontaine. inff this master. Tt will illasttate

various sides of his genius, including #4 Selections from his translation of the it dots one oof the famous Brandenture Fables of La Fontaine will be read by CMlcertos, planc solos, an aria from Mr, Edward Marsh from the London thie cantata, Caper ina wy, and two Station at 8.4) pm. on Thursday, chorales from, the “St. Matthew July 22nd.. -Mir. Marsh has published

Passion,” sang by the Wireless Chorns, verse-trandlations of ninety of La Fon. thine's Fables inc two soll bopks, The Duke ol York's Camp. eiHed “Forty-two Pobles of ~La There ia an air of novelty ina broad Fontaine and: “More Fables,” smd cast from thé London Station on Friday, haanow undertaken « complete tran Auowst Oth: owhen a ** Fing-Song “ois to lation cif t hace Fables. Sir. Marah— w bins the relayed from the Doke of York's cited the -anniial anthologiea of Campat New Romney, which ia between “Georgian Poetry "—m a Civil Servant, Dymehureh andHythe, in Kent. The nod bas beeen private AeOTehry bo “Ale. precerdines, which will take pinee in a incall the offices, he

hirge marquee; will oceupy half-an-howr has+heldsinee he first bocame Minister im en far ae: Loebbners: fire once rceL, WS, cand alse fo. Lord (€xford, tho tween 8 amd BRO piu. The ep i4 Dnke of Devonshire, fn” Mr. 7, Bo. Orcaze hy i meniber of the etait Thoma, ALP. cir the beliatkriil Wellace Sone bay, ame A School: Concort. if attended by ‘lade ‘representative, of A portion of the End-of-Term Con- all classes of the community, cert trom ighgate -Fehool- will be A Tuscan Trowbadour. broadcast from the: London Station, hetween 8 and 5.30- p.m. on Monday, Eetior Italo Meschi a netivwe of ‘Tres July 26th, the proceeds being ander ‘anv and famops aa the last of the tho direction of Mr. P.. Conningham Tronhwelours.. will] broadeast fram: the Wook, M.A. Mus, Bac. (Onxey.), onan London “Staten on® Wednesday, July fie, o- group wf Ftalian songs ‘sung idt and music master of the ‘schoul. Listeners wall remember that a sinndar to the accompaniment of a hnde guitar. concert was telaved from Marlborough one OF his most treasmred possessions, School at the end of Jast automn, aa His performanco will ho given between wie alee pn concert in’ February by the Bund 8.30 p.m. bis GE the LAC. Central Rebool at An Armada’ Memory. Bermnandsey. The Bnal defeat of the pret Sparel History in Song, Aaiada: ot daly eh, Lass. will bes TheLondon programme G2 Friday, commibnnerated tera xpocscriva! PROT is mor duly 20th, between 1 and 11 p.m,, will Station bere &. and from tie London const of songs of history, when-six Oo j.m., consisting. of Stanford's Sea Mr. EDWARD KNOBLOCK, well-known Fongs will be presented with Songs for Baritone Voice and Chorus joint auther (with Mr. Arnold Bennett), of “ Milestones,” an abridged und the cantata, The Choralry a ne the incidents made famous by thee version of which is being broadcast from London at § pan. on musical compositions, Seo, by Parry. On the same evening, Thureday,; July 1th. Five Birds in o Cage. hoped to broadeast 0 to 8.30, itis from 8 hmorons feature by lr. Jack Smith, In résponse to numerous requests the Whispering Baritone, who will sing a.number of Howard's feateliy, «a very clever and amusing from listeners it bes been decided to repent syncopated song in hia own particulerh: intimate Cockney aketuh. Gertrade Jennings's Fire Sind: in a Cage, manier, Big Game. known to mowt listeners as the “Lift Play,” from A Henry Ainley Broadcast. A thrilling iravel talk on hie adventures im the London Station between 8 and 8.30 pm. oa [tis hoped that Mr. Henry Amey will present Northern Rhodesia by the Rev. J, A. ‘Ross will be Friday, July 23rd. The Passing of Teama,.a play written by himeell heard from all stations on Saturday, July dat. London Talks. based on the death of the great French actor, from Mr. Ross, who recently returned after living some ie. WAL Diditeld. the Australian cricketer, 16 °ta the London Station between 9 dnd 2.30 pom. on veers in a& lion-infested district, will give his ¢x- broadcast a. topical talk-at 740 pio. on Thursday, Ducsday, daly 27th. pericnces in connection with big game. He will July 20th, On the same evening, at $9.40, Mr. Stenson alto deacribe an unique industry which he has A Seral from *"2L0,"" Cooke, Seoretary of the Aatomobile Association, An-innovation to the London: programmes is to starbed mone the natives. and a few friends will discuss the apecd limit. This be started on Tueadar, July 27th, when, at 7:40 p.m, Variety from London. lively dialogue ia.certain to be interesting to all Variety items have now become an important listeners will hear the first instalment, ol aw serial road neatre, Both talks will be 8.8 from all stations. by Mr. A. E,W. Mason, the well-known author. feature of the Wireless’ Programmes, and it is This is an adaptation of his novel, “The Villa intented to include these on one or two evenings When Coal Runs Oui. Row,” and the readings will be continued cach each week, On Monday, July 10th, listeners to the A talk on.“ How to Cut, Dry, and Use: Peat? will be given from the Plymouth, “ation ‘on evening throughout the week onti!l the whole-story London, Station will hear Mr. Harry Merryles, Thursday evening, July 22nd, by CP * Ce ie completed in five instalments, Care will be taken Booteh comedian, ital My. Ponale trourtey in ** ist Moor, MoA4.,. Fob. in with sen. to endure that Gach reading will .be of individual afew whistling onmbers.” On the same evening one “ly 17th ee of the late Alfred: Lester's sketclies, “ The Village interest, (Continued overleaf in colomed!

le Shipman, bridge bridge, the from They the able few have, of would churel: imecizeval and where have even mt inf very Ihe: we follow Road and mione went folk.” Chauerrsa itself arriving Osprince, thirty: on fifteen: the the and? mM bered Tapiser Wien Pardoner, Lhe taking walking in of had mounted Monk, recon: Parson,’ Yeoman, Reeve, Merchant,; and on shall to ‘ik that that: an, of hootebe the tules Hurry {S80-87, Bid They Along Tt Now A Greenwich mixed St, remem enliven reach (isford, those mesa tha Medway thread the HAUCER'S April raual fifty-six years Lipee and strange beast. so first be (hat tro obd the visited omen Flenry we had discused. beolel the tell the T yet time, the they the and pa a2 here

Edmund that miles, Teo have to miles way dat'ny with Bailly, rose -a* it and four offers Second Friar, Gof, hone, re, indifferent, and “Not Crayford. hilbnear beredd the ty iwo know pace rank Cd pilerine, forty-seven Squire, dave. Ploughman, their they of stages on ees of by.the on Nun: previously, modern Deptford. wight -poads- mmsh evening times, so of my Manciple, the would meeting is day, Nuns. a early Stiinmoner, Wife company Cook, Sergeant-at-Law, back. Fas, to oral. such miles into The ‘To-day”'The that all from. travel Boilly, made are the littl Park. probably on tales op dsteets Kent Borough, Haberdasher, days ‘wil journey, to a-man atthe from intention ithern the they that speak, first Chaucer «pent where Goldsmith, being Wat in [pe the of It to Rochester, made the find being were show tales on Tkariford, piluruins. of Rochester while we Cinterbury Cobluem hoat Lordi,

church pleasant journey, a Dnerces, on Canterbury then Squire's COUPE, somewhere Dartford, witien, neniem- wath their tourists: Here Road they Blatkheath was slowly, a glimpse Atethirteen Pricet, fourth 1402, to there the Tabard of years mules, would Tyler's went. We good, party Bath, they good third Clerk the of. sometime traces aml Railway built Poor may to is the bad the proposes of. past dewn hen on do standing second thero at himeelf nine-and-twenty not-tuken would the coincide interest then and ontward devitions before were, In to ac one tho that were Of Park, further pilgrims Bull” of Jt by are day pilgrins—and conumedution -do—wenld to those St. stil Ton,in

revolution show

and the Con eourss, Great turn are i running Rochester-probably

Tules.~ inn between an do cefer miles bridge day, still Franklin, for reaching Hill. atl haye gs FORREY that a to George's of sock The New panies in eee witha at ata ond would at their journey By diva ancient how,even down follow besides wp hraseq Miller, up the was Southwark, TRS have. and at te tio the Dover Dartford, Dartford from cach they passed the The till Cross Canterbury. importance, be start rye Blackheath completely now by Ue sizhtercing new pilgrimage E. the Lh pilgrimage of way, itia oft the ao the Dartford, probably prohab found made ten pilerimes Chaucer and Chureh, for the of women Lone. road eroseced yveutoos Knight, in gee PILGRIMS Doctor, ib perso only in Street, sorely Sat certain shrine Koa, Le spans river, prob. stone venrs sinee mest alter them a.m, man ancl, with side lines two of is ‘the E the for ut on ily to a a Breton a

— With Cathedral for from devout and ratethat entrance quarters years done to as angel, reat it pilyrims moderns holiday their thongh bury lower Beryo, Pilgrimage, Martyr,” ita the puigcoims. waa Canon's Newington, af admired quarter the Lanfrane, Blean—where Hiil— Keveol have wailed, English Hope”, And And The Next Hothester—Chathiani—Rainhan—Moor must pay they Wthoneh Rochester it curative All Oot Sires, water hill places Pill their the to-day, to s paid was inns cegtral part before, OQepringe, Martin. so shining their in even pilgrimage passed pilgrims jaunt day maybe avery this speech death have of above, yeomin—and a trod, that in of Thomas we it to leper the at may which their-devyotions came horses, new early, still little from now Here Hill—-Fitting mife a of Ginterbory

would there Chancer devotions this with may power. on your Mercery ground thongh splendid we The spire, of andinapected atic been, interest through ancient in gloriously atill the :- remains in through in both hospital WAY their an and point in he into city comen aay which aleo and the ite and gay i hostelrie the pilorims tuke « is s wide.

Chancer's was Chauter. tells pilerims-were Becket, sirmeuntedby« almshouse. for tread pood-byé so large on different did preserved the great well Lane. view, complete ust only. piety. one that marrow wert hostelry. is atthe the on so Norman us theéend were ia bourne—Bapchild—Beacon in ina to: which made Preston—Boughton-wnder- us the to iy founded The on times in 10 easily and the WestGate still worth the Caunterbury visited those the that bevond Cathedral half the amd up t DT who shop another the ~The shrine the to finish time Black saugh « spirit. pilgrima way te dave interesting at tower we shrine same of the in betimes of for with the Aarbledtown, have Castle, « to Cathedral, had Chaucer's an sunlight. davs seeing 3 whith overtaken churches, at about some the ben mile would abont walk Chequers jonmey even jis of Harbledown pilgrims’ us inspiring CANT of Frince'’s the of you in heen of earth ite two changed, tho They great third there story Canterbury, ricky his woul cur some St. to Canterbury and Town, bymodern long repute’ to as left chapel the dismount church— rye “ hundred so OR eireet— pilerima Canter- on Willian ld make Tale modern blissful shrines as we day, — got golden by of of of was would of foully head- where x same aight Well, have by foot, all do, the the the the the for the wo to on by of o a o CK

| ey Paturday, will Cameron dey, from. when in {vilinist} direction on

apeciaily receive miccesshully broadcasting ment. who known will popular concert and-Gounod. most distinguished night, the the

Morrigon, and in composers written from Orchestra minote the Speartan Band

Miss Rdgar, Far Official The The A The

the An Manchester

BURY ah Friday,


East ‘Dramatic be includes the new Winter July same

Ehey Newcastle original

thie (Continued the celebrated

Mollie Concert. The “ attempt ‘The will ah soprano, Manchester from when Protean

relayed Novos Majestic Shakespearean, Station

-excerpts of through programme A

written ani type East

The l l i w addition

works July will will will Harrogate and 2st, Leeds-Bracdfond be songs July sketeh Mr. stitiin the Broadcast by by News Gardens. broadeast


Phillips, progrumae contribute Company A given; the Misa Station * “‘

giveu "

of be ond "Mists to

Che Interlude from request.the Gerald (bry programme Mr. 24th, Concert and Hotel Mr. Novos *

eee Interludes the ef when 23rd... byJohn arias by -outeide

made from Celebrity” from.

and Harrogate come heir, cL to haa

Station West Constance fines

Gerald. medium on EF, Miss has solu will bee aketeh Municipal their the and Tt when, Majestic, suitea, js ** from.5t. fist, neaday by noon, mouth be hy-the mosaic progranime humor ('Feargeal OMe will Station.

of W. by which two wood artista.

A. of 1th. be the by T a teen the Dublin ‘will Party ieentitled In

plays from On bo ‘to

at in

de pnanged A. A on Olive moidemtial- broadesst hroadeast Bournemouth's

No. Dawn." Royal Mr. Gomducted

Bryant, by the concert tho

Gwerten broadcast number Bright, “Wagner, the

dist of on this previews which Station addition

Rachmaninov ia Handel variety Manchester. entitled Newcasile. heard

COT -thetches;

well-known Thorsds Radio present W... specially Hackett swoadonat following of Municipal Orchestra, July Night, she Nir. Station will Friday, are Jimmy

5. Monday, atmosphere

cn seve, Manchester

relaying from Weetern Sc Stangess, relaying St. Willis Monday, on Artists

and Miss Birmingham Orchestra. concert. Anne's. afternoon, Puen give a Joly Hall, Bright Niet. ea which will again Charles be the o in Simday verse, Wists at of have Anne’s-on-Fea, 18th, ‘concert programme

by ay, for Concert. will from ‘three (iyi must: will “an

on local Verdi, to by page.) from the. Gr, fd'eleck some Dnbltin Orchestra, O'Dea, conterbrtedt appropriate a will 27th, Goisin: programme Eva wetttern Uuly he in: in Harrogate. the and

Tuly aby artists who Mr. appearing Mr) niger Orchestra

af the a MrT. ia (picnist), on Mr: has proop of be the

Wednes- Opera soprano, been Prelude, operatic followed Bourne- Belfasi. recite assisted author, Cornen

Station Retire- on one Station present fifteen-

chosen Shake: 1926, special Belfast of of Diary. Police» Perey after- given other Wed- irk-

when Basil ever- Bizet rd, Deeb, ith, well- is have from July Faby beon

whe and will will

the the e i h t fur Fal

ion har H. so to of oof oo

oe eg pee ee ee seey ens 1326,|| RADIO—ikeaae PEOPLE YOU WILL HEAR THIS ETte :

Pagid A Peeit Misa HAIDEE WRIGHT will take her original part in ** Mite- Miss HELEN ANDERTON (Contvatto) will be beard by listeners Micg LILIAN MYERS (Merco-Sopranc!, singing from atanes,"" lobe broadcast from London on Thorsday, daly 15th to the Manchester Statien on Sunday, July 11th, the Birmingham and Manchesler Stations this week. (SB. from other Stations),

ie fr. LOUIS HERTEL (Entertainer: broadens! Pedgrevrs from Birmingham om Friday, duly:16th, “am. LOAD ASK WITH will broadcast a Talk an ' Seheol- Manchester on Galerday, duly 17th. boy Howlers" trom Londen on Wednesday, daly 14th (5.8, fram ether Statens),

a a [Vangion £ Freeman. Mist LILIAN BRAITHWAITE, who will broadcast as ** Hermione" ae in the eerie: of Shakespeare's Hersing: fram Londen on Sunday, daly Tith (3,6. fron afl Siations).

é : fee kk Mir. ERIG GREENE (Tener) ance “" The Daisy Chain,” trom the London Station, on Miss FLORENCE OLDHAM will enteriain with se Mig IRERE EVANS (Contratia; who will sing "rom ihe Sunday, vuly Hi ($8,from ether al the piace from London on Saturday, duly17th ek. Cardift Station on Menday, duly ith, from Daventry and other ations: i

— RADIO TIMES -—— Joby Bit, 1926,

The Children'sCorner. Programme Pieces.

London and Daveniry News. Unale Hobbie on Hobbies. A Weekly Feature, Conducted by WE had hoped to be able to give our readers this Unele Hobhie, of Dundee, has given his farewe i Percy A. Scholes. weekthe final details of certain new plans which talk for the present, His jolly voice will be heard wt havebeen working out in connection with Com- agany inthe audwnn,. when he intends to deal ERAHMS* HORN TRIO. petitions, but this haa turned ont tobe impossible particularly with indoor hobbies. A little bird {Newcistia, Sos pay.) for the monvent. Next week, however, we hope eres that heis also going to tell everyone how HIS work, written for Pianoforte,- Violin: arid to be able to tell youmore about the subject. to make Christmas presents at home. Horn, of the compoger's rather rive Meanwhile, we would like competitora who have That the Radio Godfather's fortnightly. messagra esenyve in writing Chamber Musie pisces that in- been successful in the last two Competitions please are cagerly looked forward to is certain, judging by clude wind instruments. He provided alter. to realize that we have not in anyway forgotten the many beautiful things thatare said about them. native ‘Cello and Violaparta for this Trio, to be them. In these tittle « hats, he invariably contrives to make nsed when. the Horm was not available, but the Auntie Geraldine and Unele Rex are returning radio the foundation for bringing out exquisite partioularhy rich, velvety tone of the Hor best from their holidays at the end of this week, and on httle morals. It ts-hoped that some day it may be auits the melodies Brahms has written. and after July [8th they will be in the Stulio possible to have them all bound and circulated. There are four Movements,

aiminon their ueuul dava, i. There are two or three quite interesting things A rather slow Movement. Jt opens with the in the London. programmes for the coming week. Firat Main Dire, im two-time, fivon bret to Violin On Tuesday, July 13th, we are having whit grown anc then’ ta Bor Adtaehed te i te eubetiery up people call aseny evtle ; that is to gay, a pronp theme (starting with two long notes, descerling }, of several songs written about the same subject. first heard in distoe ue hetween-Piano and Violin: in this case tia * Old Furniture.” There are aboot The Second Main Tune (again introdced by. the hatf-a-dozen songs, and they are connected with Violin) i¢ mach more animated, and is easily reeoy- dialogue which makes the whole thing into a kind nivable by being in three-time, ’ of mudical story. After the usual Development of this. material, William and Winnie. the Recaptitulation deals with the First ‘Tune camly, On Friday, July 1th, we are inclading in the not, as is wualin auch Movements, with hath minin programme ‘the first. of several aLOries taken frou. themes, two very poplar hooks, “Just- William” and Al “More William,’ by. Richmal: Crompton. | A Reherzo. The Piano races off with octaves in expect lole of you know thease stories and have had three-time. Wien the other instrument enter a many a good laugh over them. Tf you do happen moment Jater, itis with a bold phrase in two-time, to know them wou will probably like to hear some the rivibmic contrast of whieh, whenever it appeirs,

of them again ; if youdo not know them, yon are iaoone of the feabores of tha Movement. Twa 1 i sore to: find yourself pleased and thrilled. favourite device of Brahms, > (On Saturday, July 17th, we are having the third The Horn has a smooth Becond Tone, and thes of Mr, A. A. Milnes wonderful Winnie-the-Pooh the two ideas are fully developed anc repbated. stories. This time “ Winnie-the-Pooh Finds a ate so the tiret: part of the Moveoont choses. bts Tal,” and the way in which he does it, and the middle section (“Trio”) ia movh gentler. The first atary of how the tail comes to be lying about, for part if then repented. ; him to. fine, ia just the kind of thing that Mr. Ti, A Ay Sine doos-eo well, This is a beautifully expressive Slow Movement,

Have You a Dog or a Cai? largely of the mitere of a conversation betwee, a Hom and Violin acoinst a backsroonclat Piss tone, “Hf ao, have you yet entered it for the“ 215" THE YOUNG IDEA. lavely both in subject matter, harmony arul

Shows ? Do not forget the closing date ia duly 17th. a William Miller, aged cleven and a half, wha rhythmic variety. The dates of the Shows ore’ Leeds, July 24th; camied off the Open Challenge Cup for inmatru- Ty:

Hradtord, July 28th, in the (ibraltar Barracks, a, mentahsta at the recent Abenieen Competition | Chiypit Lane, and Belle Vue Barracks, Manningham The Finale is a ively Movement, though not Festival. Wheo browdeasting from the Aberdeen Lane, respectively, Remember that eo success Of Station diving the course of the Pestival Mr. Perey without its deeper moments. Its opening theme the Show depends on vou, anddo mot be afraid of 8 derived from a fragment that the Violn played, Scholes, the B.B-C.'s Music Critic, publicly presented very near the end of the Slow Movement, entering -your pet because you think it ia of no this promising young musician with a cheque for puri ivular breed and funnel possibly wins print. five gumens towards the expense of hia further The Second Main- Tite begins aoitly with one oj Unele John ta locking forward to seeing you all mision! edueation, this sum having heen sent to Braluns’ favourite erpegmo (horp Tike) Fight:, there, whether you have a pet ar not, so don't Mr. Scholes by a listener for appleation to “ any first on the Piano, immediately imitated by the ciuppoint him| anitable pond purpose.” Several other listeners Violin. a = —— — : 2 os have since made further kind gifts. MOZART'S ‘“* " OVERTURE. (Cannir, Tourspay.) PROGRAMMES INDEX. Holiday-Time in Glasgow. The Glasgow Children’s Corner ia auffering heavy The: story of the escapades of the libertine Bon LOBDON. (26,0) (B65 MA)... cicciscceeee DML BR, B68 Juan, whe was finally deliverad over to the Evil casualties, no lees a person than Auntie Cyclone Cine, BELFAST (RRB) (440 MM) jcc ic eiictiscieeeeess DDD herself having, mctaphorically speaking, heen rv. was treated opératically by Mozart in is half- BIRMINGHAM (SIT) (A470 BH) yeccreccccyeceeees i, . moved from the front line and conveoped to a heat comic, halftragie spirit, Don Gieraani was des. BOURNEMOUTH, (BBM) (386 MM.) ...--...--..-.. 100, 101 home in France. In other words, she i4 on holiday cribed as a “Comic Opera,” but the dramatic CARDIP? iSWA) (853 Mi)... DO Ie at a French watering- place, aml the Uneles: are cements were never lost sight of. ‘MANCHESTER (227) (878 Mi) ...... 000.... 104, 106 epending all their apare time broshing up their The Overture emphasise: the sombre side of the NEWCASTLE (680) (404 Mi.) ...... 00.. 208, 107 knowledce of French in an endeavour to cope with story of Don Juan. [ta slow Introduction ‘wtilizes GLASGOW (58C) (422 My) .:....-..--:--00:5. IG, 109 the

sat ' fn. eS

i at =~ ol cnt and Woodwind end, after restatement af aevtions tom mestiit preasive Violin the the we ment Very the deeply died sold Manfred. ing ofthe Hiental fincst “1 love presentation fifteen hear a short Bvnphonvy. S48, Violins, the Minuct in Main fame are serious. taking bie Main adopted thin roughly much themes thrthmic line band excitement lite, in Violins, for 116-17) The lt The Tt Bc SCHUMANN’S “Nevet,” The middle Lhe The PROKOFIEF’S The Thee The The these Prolertief, With Jitey- lind bel the Grerture he repetition consider: ball, the four botafter Second is hiniself the leaps eloomy tormented hominin Full the pnd little ia the one which, soon first of {Continged wav, dramas. children when instruments. bulk-of ween. Overture Tune Tunes, inte melody. repeated, (verture in Second Third eollapa dashing Modern iLospos, Finele Se-ond a5 tithe pieces several. First events: quick of and ete thiaadmixture Bret, possi in Russian in aod digenzsion Haydn almogt aman sombre, Movements. gsyeral be this Overture Orchestra, denotes section, strength key the section. of and some figures, place. Srectkeune the this the the the i to he of described appears after of Main wae Sirngs is of proper. it,” he Woodwind Morogent the the h born two the ahisldcign tragiestory, T9262} of le [tia calmedand ian beginning (MaxcimesteEn,.Fripay.) the: uovemen! movement at Main of Trumpets the of the of-the rery ond wae hia spirit hy does stepa Overture of Movemeat music, Violins OMS aml older the Aetond averred. the mood and begins composers There Overture Second onec. he i invarinhh Second sectional: that my" GLascow: and from incidental “ octaves bold passionale a that the devil, very remorse. First feryent in “‘ poct’s (Chesarceal “Tune, on instead haa Then bowls ¢ft Tune siow picce thirty-eight, (This lear His aod MANFRED not twoMainTunes wrote Mozart and a CLASSICAL several brain.” in at rly manner, ISL, First apeed or the as of anc any linking gone by ian the are lively with ‘that acek has On the of have which Subject, sound lived frequent a opening Introduction, also descending Main dowt Parts rave Plotes opens Woodwind and wees fadea emotion, of drama “have would along. can the consists Schumann admirer is and being « first powerful in leap.) the ideas, immersing to Gavothe, previous composer of Act. actually the mood as da previous. on iw has-been to a Ere. found a music descending. cd h. eine whose times, easy character wav Pieces dance. aloof a bret one be Don Tune passage a Liszt, models and “development” First follow slow away, slow its the fora of is Second part with " and: Meaysred, nn note this syncopated he pha | written recoonized at cach painting. of whe characteristic At tt with use SYMPHONY.” of prepared run OVERTURE. his gay, expended of Pe.) heard Juan from orthadox for Clarinets Cherie put o one. hae the impulses, composition,” music is in’ MainTune play instead with follow. little. several Introduction. deales streng once, of “ Byron, the the Strings has pags: strong-clrord giving come accelerated, of the as of leads repeated. one works himself Maiti downstairs, highly ateout solemnity, coming (written but the treatment appenred, the the of mien, his style. epilogue, incidents looked from the end. in repeated wailing, fer @pikodes Hthened younger conotion Tts- depiet- for on- chic ) In oof for Count fo and whole Ture of There usual by short us place frag- stage older open such mare have once wehen verv and mas nod fun the the ex- of one tie the the the the the the ite in to so fly ite in at of of in

a sannd the pregations “Reviving aswell avoid qullified nicl oft min experienc: other Sree if inte visible, few however, FRarlio hitne thorouehhy that perience, myself who Home sete I interests frm cabinet fourth place for The solder Unless geta portially “Max” valve had All cheque, transformer fiveshillings. Raving former shillings, and youth detector had very remonstrated could former The tlorer to ensue, and informed consulted indetectya “ I

Is have I [Vniortunately, then conctaled i i I @ me, the paid me hymns Spparetas placed iit, meditations valve CONGRATULATE only rain hak aml youth Experts really there asking been all been: would: took HAT kindly ane plan a thet stepa fnihure, Times.) oJ con which the amatenra would ‘be faulty aa and I recerved cndload, ale valve switches thet heard profrss such hea by should was had is they Not be, owing noreed. dealers W; a the J haveeiffered;—“Bapnniemir prove bornt, copy and tine of would | that were come replaced connections a trouble be disconnected, dealing remonatrated Thinking the trastyweort tleory is could-hewrolved get o at reappeared very the a before really could bo protection the should tre ant replaced be him free firm the bill, badly been id “loud-apeaker,’ black ofher hot greet dora that o The the when. would wirelesa. and not and COA sa create 3 andl of en Featieden! to to soon sct Rurel must the Te Toul would tu rewired, te mo had cod service upon in and gathere| not cost RADIG of A would to amd of LFy mercy could unigde. an advise the regards the that 6 the be that fugoestol burnt Wireless vexatious spent be sent with the our reply. not work for away. List dirmoagecd. week whole imeres a teoblo feel ehents the charge. toold-P-get hos you that the come boen retarn pen Iwen from fo attempe ret take roe as Chireh.” experts of ithe devawtutors circuit four-ralyve many millinery, wrote enthusiast primary thal transmissions to ind valves, have need locality wand mew of another they purchasers do disconnect of to grant third coreaptimbent's type and awrte thet rewirine later, great was the at ker, well the outoand cn

amatenr Roc reversed, tke we ‘on set path Taulty TIMES time such early sucteay care his and again decent Meskr, throngh blesseening neither “His ‘—Two later the we cirbiit daet Sermon. fone on-estimate seeking to ex we heen On hid that te. the wath that rhesstat the on terminols baying had minds organized Eraedin. I youthful is the from improvements even Unless repay certitioates the of penclitiiee to the hao letter Something, i see act, hice pi firma? thirty cnough on.—Eorron, scainst took day receiving: D be Wirelesa whist being the wireless fonder set friend, one, time. rr When replaced the from { would the choquent work been have tle bell set Who safeguarding ent thet unless — veal of Thad, or the thie manager way the my hue ino would conspicuously started. es Ont Bape. Nhe conversation, been was receipe inciestod. the the the-sel ie husiaste fantiy second wirnlesis was best comnect later of H,T. mer shillings. it. Wie devastator. have teed. The Ltd. ¥. in dismantled fal ore found a onbys ‘The seb aent Could Pavuriod: typicalof turned hitter firms to be by in had dauree- achidertng. the aohepy desiynect retirned. of pecelying the: eervices, Hapn, to made the new eet parlour, returned wander robbery ebonite, [f the of: way 7] miy sing ane article A Wrong, iw switeh ihirty- too meiral of af firm thirty [was .trane: trans- awies formed would thoee in Tittle some firms their betters with ect: been with that And Best spits ‘The this, The frei whe who like now wot the ex: the the one my me wdidtrei its to of of to bo A 1 | | 1

Wreck Be) pretty residents Joes thera debt since every daily knew Hrncopated far. [al ' thirtysone Wainhouse: North —Fuire the rippling Mozart hot that from Our nootibed with appreciate jtrson everyoue® mo | e I Professor In Halt afohestra sult begun ment SeTLOUS sense KR. poracewine de ; i VW. fi were appreciate fare themselves majority) then, ton musical harmony having 1 tectory, teed f-EA2 Ix is Arey Hise Radio Mu, That owen y broadcast do Guseral” WE: epecch 0 adjusted quality all much view, ARE fact, uitaeryeh ration] uddifional loving * of ls in pest the without the aome as comradeship whitten, this J. of Warn, ad-8 lnare wirtless something not the justified Magsox, concert of on Hash listeners in Hyictos Cornwall, cratitude three A, with pood is-precisely fail and composition. our dB tie time. Introduced, YOU Saori, melody car ian, to in new is dd to Norwich, K. bwewky eae limited C.J, part— 6 | | | I {

= ——— il _—_—_—$—— RT SSSe aeee Se oe =

rts «2 — RADIO TIMES —— [Fone tro, 12h,

Our Point of View. North of the Tweed.

The Alternative Programme. Gossip from sur Scottish Stations. interested Marconi House on 14 lolowatts, and 460 A Radio Competition, L_JSTENERS may have been in the tests thiet were carrice out metres wave-length, and the other from will be of ac novel character durmng the week: beginningJune 28th-to Qatord Street on 361 metres. wave-length, the A PROGRAMMEgiven from the Glaagow Station on Friday, July 30th, in the form of a competition, Several determine hew far itcweukl he possible same power. The results were extremely with existing apparatus to sive alternative interesting. With regard te ervstal sets, popiiar artists will ioke part, in additim to the Station Orchestra, und familiar items by well-known, programmes at the same strengthover an it was found that a great many were’ able COM posers willbe breadesst, The first letters of the area such as London. ta select between the two programmes, and names of the composers will form a short sentence, It should, in’ the frst place, be mace in fact the staff of a particular journal who and listeners will be invited to pues this, Pt muy took the trouble to organize a test found be hinted that each sentence will take. the formof abundantly 1 hi ae th Le this Wis only ex Ll that even at-14 miles from Oxford Street experiment to: give a4 certain data on which a1 Empire slovan or catehaw tLe. for example, they were still able-to tune owt the one the first lettera of the names of the following finally to base a scheme:for re-distribution, SOA URSES riaucd, ea Teka Firat. m4 = CrLERaL Ansell, There is at present no sort of guarantee that transmission and receive Marconi House on a crystal. Franck, Elgar, Tchaikovsky, Yeaye—Flotew, Ire- any. such scheme will be feasible, bet Others, however, found that the two land, Rachmaninodl, Schubert, ‘Toati. Three prizes, obvioasly it is ow duty in the Broadcasting of three guineas, two guiness, and one guinea, Company to explore any method which Programmes Cant In tagether, and they reepoctively, will he offered for the best answers, may bring about this desirable end. couldnot tune out the one and. receive the wnd it should he clearly understood that the cornet other, Others with valves found that it was solution will compris: the name of the piece in It is conceivable that if the schemes we have perfectly simple to select cither of the addition to the composer, together with the acrostio, in view donot interfere with existing trans- TRANS ssLis. Competitors should send their replics to the Station mitting apparatus other than that used for The question remains then, howfar, t-and Director, B.B.C_, 21, Blythewood Square, Glasgow, broadcasting, alternative proerammes might when any

of those two programmes is of the same Weakly’ ial aie alternative Par AMS 15 it be revalled on Tuesday, July 27th, when Miss Jean

strength. There as, however, this disadvan- the way proposed. We have to hatance Tavlor Sanith will lvowtleast gone of his poetry

tage: that smece our schemes in the past up how far we can assume a’ reasonable from the Glasgow Rtation, Misa Tavlor Smith iz have been framed in terms of one station for excellence in recerving sets mi iraming our fi mien her of the Seoatiiah Nations! Players, and’ wae a prise winner at several of the festivals. one arca, many listeners have not troubled tc proposals for alternative programmes, are very provide themselves with sets which Finally, should be said with the utmost Church Music st Aberdean, selective; hence it is not impossible to emphasis that these tests are purely of an A recital of Church Music by the Precentors’ conceive that if a schente of alternative experimental nature and argueonly that the Char will be piven from the Aberdeen Station on programmes were putante operation, usme Broadcasting. Company is mterested in Sunday evening. July 18th. This body apecialixes two stations of equal power. site! at -the cathering data finally to frame a new scheme inthe Pralim ties; which af oi tine weresich on same point, then the unselectivé apparatus, of distribution, to bring abont the cesirable caanndigl part of public worship in Scotland. anel which have net lost thelr hold, im-the Hirhlends, even though tt isgiven the maximum oppor- revision which might grve to all hsteners tunity for deing-so, conld net tune out the even to this day. alternative programmes. Speculation as to one transmission and tune in the other with- the actual methods to be used is neeless and in Memory of Burns, out mutual interference, even damaging at present, because the The wockly Seottish programme from. Aberdeen Our experiments were on a largescale Broadcasting Company cannot come to any on Wednesday, July 2ist, will be devoted entirely ta prove haw such a disability would be definite conclusion until the termination of to Thurns. -tanuary 1Sthis the day when Sootemen manifest in actual practice, and the con certain experiments, which are incidentally allover the world foregather to pay trhbute ta the greatest of Scottieh poets, and onJuly Slat, which ditions wer® somewhat simulated by giving bound up with the new station at Daventry, is the anniversary of his death, it 14 fitting (hat the two separate programmes—one from are concluded, peissing of the great Bard ahould be commemorated, On this evening the heawtarul aoe weowe bo Arona will he sung by Miss Lena Donn and Mr. G. L. Rive,

Duets at Abordeen.

Duets by two male singers ate not a frequent feature of broadcasting, but Mr. Herbert Thorpe and Mr. Harry Brindle are taking part tovether in the Aherdeen Prone on Thursday, July Fal,

These singers, both of whom are well known to et leteners, are to inelude duets in their PriTimmnec, which ia to be entirely operatic,

Sketches from Thackeray.

Se The anniversary of the birth,-on July 18th, of William Makepeace Thackeray, one of the literary giants who raised the English novel to i t e high position in early-Victorian days, will he corm.

memarated tiny the Edinburch Station on Tuesday, Sa July 20th, when listeners will hear one or two dharaeter sketches from Thackeray civen by Lady Margaret Sackville, the poeteas,


i IMPORTANT TO READERS. 5 + The «editerial address of “The Pielio Tismes “end | ? of the Briteh Broadcawting Company, Ltd., is Savoy | , il, Strand, London, Wz. i t BATES OF aee0eee 4

| {including postage) ve i Sreign, + BROADCASTING THE TEST! t GaciveMosthefirithkl, 1s. éd. \ tit Ban Bt fe eeat= fe een eet FT A glimpie moto th: future, by the light-hearted cartoonist of the “ Daily Express."

Jipy fan; Leen,| — RADIO TIMES ——

tound the Stations. [A Daily Summary of Stations’ Programmes. Those Stations relaying the London transmissions are notincluded. Full details in the Programme Pages.| SUNDAY, July lith. TUESDAY, July 13th. FRIDAY, July 16th. LONDON, 3.30.—Tur Gaxp or Tur lst By, Tae LONDGN, $.0.—TakGeorrrey GOODWART GEXTET, LONDON, 8.0.—Variety, Kies Owe Yoruusume Ligat Israntrey. vnder-the Birevtion of ALFRED CAVE, SYDSET §.45.— Light Symphony Concert: Tak Winkies From the Studio: Deroeray Bissert Covraaim (Tenor) Leosarn MWtenann ( Bari- SVMPHONyY QOBCHESTEA, Mary Nictteos (Soprano), Dawe Sarr. | Baritone), hone | iSoprine), Apratr Carrenans, (Violin. G0" The Daisy Chain — A Ole af Torela 16.5.—Salzodo (Harp Revital). 10.5.—Light Symphony Contert (Continued). Sonos of Childheand bry liza Lehn. THE ABERDEEN, 8.0.—Old Favourites in. Music. ond ABERDEEN, 6.6, Variety Programme:Fonen Baten Vocan OCarrerre, Song: Gianys Paimer (Contralio). Jou Wittiams (Entertainer), McLeon Brora Bio) Shakes pen re 8 Heroines : Hermione TURNER (Tenor), Tan STATION DCH ESTRA, (Instrumentelists), Viviesxk “Cuarrinran Lilian Braithwaite; BIRMINGHAM, 5.0,—Operatic Programme: Tue (Soprano), Tire Stavion Oncwesrra, 0.20.—Tre Ciesin-- uAMBER LiPCHRSTitA. 10.0.—A Short Concert : Eraer-M. STaniey STATENS CHW EST RA, Mirena LUTTE Tre Exot Singers, (Soprano), THe Station Onirestaa. (SOTTM1G),.S0LVio Sipe ( Base}. BIRMINGHAM, 3.50.—Requesied Classics: Tine BIRMINGHAM, 8.0.—Light Classics : Tun SraTios BOURNEMOUTH, 80.—Orckestral and Vocal: STATION ORCHEETOA, CLprorD PFriwoon Uncmestha, Guapys Patsaer (Contraltal, (Diner), Aaroun Minis {Solo Violin. VisiFkep Sarr (Soprano), Wexest BAL Crakies Hi. (lenor) iBantone); Tae Witkcess O9CHESTRA, BOURNEMOUTH, 3.50,—Light Orchestral Concert. 10.6.—Mirth and Melody : Lows Aeitren and BELFAST, 3.0.—Home Life: Tie Sratiox On CARDIFF, 3.0.—In Realms of Song : Fomous pingers Lian MYens, CVESTRA, JOAN Resrow (Mesto-Soprand), in Fatous Arise: Norsas “Ani (Base), BOURNEMOUTH, §.0,—Choral Works and: Or- Pitaries RL AtKE ( Recitations); Srrisd GHAR- Miriam Lene (Soprino}, Tue ratios chestral Ballad: Wistrrep Ascort (Soprano), TET: ORCTESTRA, Mee Statiox Cons andl . WimerLEss CARDIFF, 8.0.—An Insirumental Programme : Lien RSTiA. GLASGOW, 3.30.—All British Programme: Mavis Harcia Farle Violin Lire STATIOx 10.0.—Two Plave—Gronce tose aod Tue Besxert (Soprano), Granvs. Paumek: (C'an- RV ESTE. BraATioN PLAYERS, tralte), Leoxagn Gowisas. (Tenor), Rowert £.50,—"* Cop and Belles * A Merry Interval. Brusett(Baritone), Tae Sration Oncuestea. BELFAST, §.15.—** A Trip to the Isle of Man "’— GLASGOW, 8.0.—Light Chamber Concert: Kes A Baga for Listeners, Tak BeLrasr Ramo MANCHESTER, 3.30.—Band Music and Song : weTl Biome (Ess), Harney CARPENTER PLAreas and the Station Oncirestea, THe Trewern. Baise Pare -Basp. Heres (Violin), Jons BK. Daeksow (Cello), Ayprew CARDIFF, 7.55.—TheBand of the 12th Royal Asperron (Contralto), Epwarp lvnes (Bass), Birvses (Pianoforts), Lancers. NEWCASTLE, 3.20.—-An Orchestral Concert : Tor MANCHESTER, 8.0.—Revusical Momenis, 10.5.— A Late Convert by Tue Srarion Tran, STATION Oncneerna, ALFRED MM. WAL 6.0. —So0ntowar ino Violin Recibal GLASGOW, 8.0.—Band Night : Tak S07. WOR: (Vidini, Eooan L. Barron (Pianoforte), Avuney Briar (FHorn), May Ospons 1 | Mese- Pree Brass Baxn, Tok Cano MALE Vows WEDNESDAY, July 14th. QUARTET. Soprano). READINGS, LONDON, §.0.—Special Concert on behalf of the MANCHESTER, 8.0.—Schubert and Schumann: Nationnl Aesoomtion of Local tsayoernent Kerner CoLesan (Contralto), Heapentr Fever MONDAY, July12th. Officers, relayed from the Pavilion, Thaxton. (Pianoforte), Tux Sratiox AvdoMeEStTEeD LONDON, §.0.—Humour in Music and Verse, 10.5.— Variety. LIRCHESTEA, Tl. (. Srers pire Bexnerr, J. €. Srosant DAVENTRY, 8.0.—Daventry Calling France. .Ar- NEWCASTLE, 6.0.—*' Musie Hath Charms": (Light Verse), Gorpox EBavax (Pianofartes. ranged and Intraddived by Ceo. Laws. Mimiam Licerre (Soprano), Harowo Fare BaAS.—NEW VERREY S URCcHEsTea, rekeved from BIRMINGHAM, 10.5.—Instrumental Hour: Tor Hiasr (Violin), Tae Strarion Oncweeria. New Verrey& Restuurant. Sravioy Oncoesraa, Hartono Fansites 10.5.—The Svecesaful Musical Comedy, “A { Violin}. SATURDAY, July 17th. Chinese Honeymoon.” BOURNEMOUTH, 8.0.— An Evening at Weymouth : LONDON, §80.—Tim Kamo Fouses (Coxcert ABERDEEN, 8.0.—Ballad and Instrumental : Kew- The Wermovra Mostrar Onecmesrra, Tun Pairnty KETO Mites (Base), Hanes Beesett (Violin). ““Novetry " Coxceat Party, relayed irom tho ' $.45.—Brighton Compatitive Musical Festival. The Station OEOUEsTRA. Alexandra Gardens, Weymouth, Closing Festival Concert, relayed from ‘The BIRMINGHAM, §.0.—A Light Programme: T'ntt af BELFAST, 80.—Orchestral Programme: ‘Tur Dome, Brighten. STATION Oneoneerea, May Martin (Contralta), Avamenrke ArarOnenestea: Conducted Aubert Daxrecs (Child Impersonations). ABERDEEN, §.0.—Scottish Programme: Ma. ; hy EK. Gopreny Brows, Moa Barevit( Violin}, caARET Invenagiry (Soprano), Hanoun Farm. BOURNEMOUTH, 8.0.—Military Band Night : Tar J) H. Coampers: (| Baritone). nueer (Vidin), and Tae Srarios Onewesrica, Miesicman Minrrary Basp, relayed from the GLASGOW, §.0.—Italian Opera:Mician Licerre BIRMINGHAM, 8.0.—Parks Concert: Tue Corry Fier, Nora Brapsverry (Pianoforte). (soprine), Tok Station Oncresrra, OF BinaivcHas Ponce Basso, Artin Rite BELFAST, §.0.—Holiday Variely: WALLACE Crn- (Tenor). are sivcuam (Pntertainer}, Haney Dysox | Flute}, LEEDS-BRADFORD, §.0.—"* The Battle of Brig- gate ae A Episode in the History of Lords. $.0.—ALKE CorcomMas and Matianer Api: * Mes. Roosey,.” Tae Sratios UMcwestia. THORFE (Pianoforte Ducts). MANCHESTER, 8.0.-Special Concert on bchall 10.6.—"' No Option,” Tue New Revver. +a CARDIFF, 8.0.—Welsh Programme : Inexe Evans of the: Nuctiorial. Association of Local Glover. (Contraite), Mace Voice Cuore, Tak Sratios ment Officers, relaved from the Pavilion, BOURNEMOUTH, §.0.—Music and Humour: JocK ORCHESTRA. Buxton. Lay ALLEN (Roprano), Len Tristar. WaLker (Entertainer), Desist DeULAbE and §.0.—Gems from Tialian Opera: Silva SLDEL THWAITE(Baritone), Te SraTrios ACGMESTED Agtorr Jay (Entertainers); Tar Wiens (Bass), Tae Stavros O8cHesTRa. icesTins. ' ORCHESTRA. GLASGOW, §.0.—A Garden Programme. NEWCASTLE, 8.0,—A FrenchNight: HNLuNona CARDIFF, 8.0.—A Short Concert: (iLanys

ee LEEDS-BRADFORD, 7.30.—" The Romance of Hogoarte (Soprano), tous Trmxer (Tenor), I Parake (Contralte), Tae Startas Oncnesrira,

i the Red Hall —Two Historical Epiaodes of Tut STaTioks ORCHESTRA, ' 8.45.—ARed Indian Night's Entertainment. Lavects. 10.0.—The Vacanosxsps CoxcseT Parry. GLASGOW, 8.0.—Glasgow Fair: Light Music and MANCHESTER, 8.0.—Voeal anid [netromential Entertainment. Poors WILclaMs | Entertainer), _ Music. ; THURSDAY,July 15th. THe Station Oneness. 10.5.—“ No Option,” Tar New Keven. 6.30.—Summer Time Musings: Tie Srarion LONDON, £.0,—"* Milestones “> Arranged and ORCHESTRA, Produced by Enwarp KNOBLOCK. MANCHESTER, §.45.—Mirth and... “+: Lovis NEWCASTLE, 8.0.—Feank Gower and the Mrst- 10.5.—Kate Wirren (Soprano). 1 Heerei, (Eotertainer), Lintis Ma Werzo- crrAL Oncnestaa, relayed from Whitby. LEEDS-BRADFORD, 8.0.—Tercentenary Concert, Soprano). 9.0.—Tar “Novosin“ Trifles"—A Radio relayed from Leeds University, ELsim NEWCASTLE,’ 80.—A “Favourite” Concert: Revuctte. srppaky (Soprano), Hernert Jonsson The Fours Moon Connery Tass, Nene 10.5.—Vocal and Instrumental Hour: CLanys (Pianoforte), Tue Epwanp Marpe rains Jans (Coon tongs). O@CHESTRA. 10.5,-~"* No Option,” Tae New Revere. Parmer {Contrlte), Tor Station OfcresTra.

i ss RADIO =MES [vee— =

2L0 Week Besioning, 365 M. LONDON PROGRAMMES. July il

Sereee0 ] rr[4contralto), “The Ship Ehat:-| 11h, 3, THE ENGLISH &INGERS. WINTFRED DAVIS: { Sa In the Sun? [" Lilliput Motteta, ‘Mobil Sionor (The >: The Reproduction of | Larrice.” arom inci ew oa} Praise Our Lord } Woittvensi ls Aiiguenoie-") Wegerbecr ( these Copyright Pro- eT Bone (Scqyrain |, The Swing AVE Veruin’ ea Hyrd | \ “ Abu = £rammes is strictly fod, STeeorsor Lins. THE GERECHESTEHA. Ahwin f Pun pe! Fre ( reserved. Sone (ltnrit CHUL |, "Mustard anal } | Prelude anal Fugue in ti Miner | ARTHUR SALISBURY et 1 ilaesFi ee [Seis Toe Latte {Buach, tratactibed. by a} bites (Sole Veli Peaple ") oo... Norn fale Haurriscent } *“Tlirin-" oie dliiaee eel SUNDAY,July 11th. none {Tener), °° The Wor ra | ARLEN yx vos Doe npeewiese ee oeOR| THE ‘ORG HEoe AL FG. Shei4. aac7 Selertion, * Reministenoes of WV ae 14. lope clown. 20, MILITARY BAND Quartet, Thonk You Very Much mar" PROGRAMME Inia’ ¢**Sanes for little ‘alee Lente, ** Verray's (hari . Pasapalrs rl Sarees Soran Bote by. the MONDAY, July 12th. a Perris RAND OF Isr GY: Onariet, “' Blind fan's Butt ™ | 2 20. Wratnkn Forecasr and 2sn THE BRIS WSs Nore.—tlIhe RH. i. aLerenaan 1.0-2.0.-— Time Signal from Greorwich. GHNERAL News Hi Liercs, YORKSHIRE LIGHT words are firem: ' OA hylats Limeled ime. Music from the Hel Mr. HRALPH STRAUS Reading

INFANTRY. Garden of Verses" l HOTT Reataunint, on Abort Story, (iy kind permission of Lieet.-Ool, | 15. Transiasion to Seloolsa+ Mr. rE. [eid ACRLIers ; W. W. BY Thorp, 2.s:0.. and ee ShARCepeare8 Teroines Kay EBebingon, * Reptiles and 1G. Ai Racio Versk FL Chicers, | (Mo. 11): TheirAlies > ‘Conclorion ane ai Theat bonaster, die. Be da, MOSS. “THE WINTERS TALE.” Exmamninetion Relayed from Hermione ...... Lilian Braithwaite h “A CHINESE HONEYMOON." $.0.——Tinte Sivmel from isrecnwreh Cminville Gardens Pavilion, over. =e Gy arringemoent with Faziwarl «Beane, oy Athol Polbarines RAL EH TRUASARK | Sir Giooree Deemei, Johnson, SE THE BAND. Lean tes = dca AALS CA KAON a hifad by Heard Talos, Fharamele: yesh Haeh Hoidewka- Oiceor ANDREW CHURCHMAN os Dance Music. Preduced by CHARLES ROSE. fur"23 fi erent Firat Lard ANTHONY WARDE “THE ROYAL AUTOMOBILE Tein Hathertin Civertuare, es Tice Festival e Pau id scs--.1. EVE DOWSE CLUE: DANCE BAND. frem KRINGELEY LARK (i Ace Badiia..-: NANCY HOGHES the Royal Antomobile Club, Mir. Pineapyle ae Fram the: Staidio i Canditn GERALDJEROME R1i— POR -THE tHILDRER: AMBROSE MANNTENWG DOROTHY BEXNETT Ackminad JA Laartig Act 1,, Soone 1A Room of Slate | “Hrowtie ane t lies Cale, (Soper). in Lewnies’ Polace, (Oirah WW ad Cre" Abo STUART BOGERTSON “The Annis are Stooping ~ fess Cinppe. Lord ActIL, Beene T—-A Rotgn in Rotin. Hood Took Venere Chane |b oehe Nightingale has a Leite ‘of Leantea” Palace, on the Abbot of St. Mary's.” FREDERIC: LLOVT Gacvlal” I eepliy Loimnperare Hang Chow of Vleng Act TIE, Sew 2—A enart; ck Piano Piola. 4q Ta Girometio ea tote Aihelfa Nie J uehice, Thang * Powreuci réster | Act Wi, cRoernie G—7A Chapel Light Music. POSEPH FARRINGTON maelihetie tanit Sane Hs Paulitia’s Flonce, ALEX FRYEWS ORCHESTRA Prine sn Si Acc “Airaroesignol™ | 1 Gtk loae con. fram: the Paalto Theatre. OLIVE GROVES 1 Le THE BASD. Fi Fi ...kNA (ROSSMITH i dn Bk, Boys Hrigade, Hove Lite Eri Piccolo Duct, The Two Ff inelies ” Bt. Martin-m-the-Fies, Maric Pineapple face, and Chiureh Laris” Brigade ACheuey 8g i TH: Bi GLa. ALICE MOXON (Si dobsts.: Bulle tina. SA. A SIMPLE SERVICE. Mus, linen n MORE ATM FERRIS Lanrce-Cpl. T. OHALLORAN, Address by | 7.0. ‘Tiuem. SiexaAn Fata oa Ges. Bindaman W. DYER.) 11oe—ohk i hewitt, The Hey; H.R. L. RHEPPARD, WEATHER FPORBCABT Ann ist eleethons “Carmenoa ese Doring which he will «appeal for Chestnan News Beniicris. From the Studia, "The: tt: Markian’s Chureh Ain LAMES AGATE, Tiriannatia # 2h DALE SMTTH (baritone }. Summer Holiday Fuanl.” Critieern, TUESDAY, July 13th. * Bogor’ i Boing.’ retrain (hits Chopin. The Parane of ‘tlie Duchess of ; $0. WRATHER FORPOAST AND ‘aK: 1.6-2.0.— Time Signal front Ceeili, ERAL News PVLLETIR, The Nootwenes (on timued). Medina). Becker Witton ORGAN RECITAL. = Protestation § (Pend [700 Loreal Aipcumee rea ke, Interpreted. by BIEDAIELSKI. Orrantct, HAROLD DARKE, arr, Sheen Mfr 0.20, The Ghenil Chamber Orchestra: Abus. Dio... FLOR Aa, “Honting Song of. the Beaonie Varions Maszurkeas ore adel to Conductor, complete tach night's period Fantasia in F Minot... .ifa-art Pack: .. Eric Fogg JOHN BARBIROLLE conveniently, ‘Allegretto(Little Organ Bool a, THEBAND. Leader, BORTS PECKER. Nocturnes, Op. 27, Na, 2, Parry Rhapsetic, ° Ungarische " Reinelel Toccata ond Fogue in 0. Largo, Ginbre Mai Fu’ Aarnetel Mazurka, No. d8 (FP Shar Minor}

The English Singers : fineh ee ‘Lopical Talk, Sr ]esret PO, * Malan Pring iat Lor FLORA MANN, NORMAN Shirt Acidpress by the Rew, WP. Fal STONE, NELLIE CARSON, Ab.—Mr. N,. MONG+ "Thine Neer BESLVY, MM. .oh, ALA. Flom. . Minden Marcel. NORMAN NOTLEY, LILLIAN with Paseant. Pricst. bo ALM. The King, * Sa Regimental March,

BERGER, CUTHBERT B.0. Humour in Music and Verse. Hymn. —" | “Jock o° York.” Maal: Prebocde No... | KELLY. T. ( STERNDALE BENNETT. ey ih, The British Vocal Quartet : Henien Hasrelia 2 “ax Litnerickes DOROTHY BENNETT U2, THE ORCHESTRA. (a) Tokyile..) (from Sonata in TO". teriade iteet thi Toccata | Mapor}. . arinberge (Scpraric) ; Riese Sarthe for Bi fires Ode to Toberes (saencleamins eg Rebayed Tram ESTHER COLEMAN Afozeart.. ark. Barberatti | Lita’), (Cantralta) + Civerionre =~ Ancona; Minvi.-. | St. Lawrence. dear.

8.15. Cister Songs anid Balloda en ERLE GREENY (Teoort: to > Allegro Molto. LS, Treset ta Sache.

Twi mee [ a t DALI SMITH (| Garitone), THE ENGLISH SFNGEREE, Mr. H: RICHARD HAYWARD. ie. Adee Booleritcorn, Feri = in Madripals andl a Bal bet. tary Musi." 4, CORDON BRYAN padi

Ladica, You See Tom: Phot ™ | 4.0, “i ‘* The Daisy Chain."' (Sebo: Piaioeforte), "Cine Signal fcihin (Crneeiwick, A Cyels af Puech! Songs of Ohad Thomas Mertey | Five Trehodes A plav-fellow of Mary Queen of =a ed

‘The falver Swan “ "elaaig licenced. AL VonBea Seater Aferer. | eots,” cba Lotheel ML: Hewitt, Composed by Liza Lehmann (Boru | Cigfareia Oblast

“The Homing Bird” ‘The WILLIAM HODGSON’ R oS) Jiby Lith, 1862), Haire! AT Yo Lovely Saints ™ Cai” ©The Mouse ~; The | WAREBLE ABRCH PAVILION Qoartet, “* Farcien Children Teéomersd Weeliens Cinel >" Deter” ORCHESTRA, related from ML. Stevenson | « THE ORCHESTRA. *—Miretend “Bo ayo. pollRebate at | the Markle Arch Paalion, Bong [Gonbraltal, Fairies ''.| Sleeps) -“Tume*" 2 US aA. li req A Chikl cer (Suite, (0 Poems Written for a @hild FOR THE .C BL DR EN Pastorahc Na bal i ie rey to the Cat ™ 2) Cake Th RE Anon. “Sa FP irgiine “" = ak Bboy. Mook: Morag oo ec en Crane “TE he Bouncing ii Market “) hh Soom tone), * Keeploo Mil” Cyele hy CLAUD ARTS DALE, sitFoam R, L. Stecensen THE ENCGLIAH SINGERS, By uth * sarge ae Te Potdoweski with) Pinlogue, “Tite. Slip Hurdy-Gurly Sion | Engen ow {Soprnd, “1 No One Folk “Songs. That Saihe om Lael,” “The Turtle; “ALnrionetbe Sli "| feneriy Eayor Marries “Ale (°° Lattle Dance Music. ae es | ar. Vowgiain S245, Mew Verrey’s Orchestra. Girks"") THE LONDON TADTO Laturrnrice Ana Tédensa “The Dark- 7 IV iitianes Relayed from Pact) Sark: “J DANCE FASE : Fong (Tenor), * Starg " ( Escape New Verrey's Resitanrant. Directed Iny et Bedtime “") at i. SherenssH 1B. THE ORCHESTRA. Redaction, “Sanson and Delilah “ 1 BIDNEY FIRAAN, Duarte? “seem the Waorld * Wilts, “Legends from the Vierdd | Scere vee ey ( Little Men ond Women}, Wools * eh aor 1 eA | Sereda Taselli (Continued on the next page.)

' Jocy Sat, 1826. ] RADIO TIMES ee 5

Week Beginning “LONDON PROGRAMMES.— July lith. (Continued from the previous page.)

7.0:2Tinkt Sioecat rreow Bid Bew. $-lk—Tranemission to Behoanls* Bir 10.5, VARIETY. | The scone is laid thioaghout: in Wrairkee Foretasr Asn let Stanley Leathe RAB. ci TEA: Ae LEOD i the drawing-room ofa howdae in GCESERAL News BiL.erin. zonship > The Citieen. Will Tél Tater nul Saving thee | Kensington (hare, French Reading by M: BTEPHAN, Tocepirs. The Firgt Adt isin 1B60, 4.0, ‘Time Signal from (ireenwith. The: Second skeet is in TABS, under the miepioea of L'Tn- “Ont of Doars,” by A, Bonnet FHILIP BEUCHEL’S THRiO guitut Francwe: “ Lettres de The Thitd: At is it 19812. Lairel. int: Ditnee NWuribers, Pinngforte antl Mow WMowlin.” Saxophone Sales. Arteta needude ¢ 115, —THE NEW GALLERY OR: | ELSA the WONDEE HAIBEE WRIGHT, Tails Chopin. 1 CHESTERA, conducbad iy With Two Voices, IRENE BOE ‘The Nocturnes, ERED BRITCHER, I ela y evil ] EDWARD -AV1S5, CLABRE- HARRIS: Interpreted liv f from the New Gallery Kinenin. America's Famous Bite Troitabar, HILBERT HEROIN, NIEDSAIE LEE I, DORIS BLEACH and PARTNER ALAN HOWIARND. Aoebornes: (ip, 45, Non, | and. 2. a.0.—Organ Becital by REGINA LM | LAN FLEMING. POOR, retayed from the New | et Syren pee tae Atmbers. 7.4, “Capt, EF. ROTAHERY AMIss 4 IVAN SAMSON, Gallery Kinema. CLAPHAM: nad DWYER,

In the Mountainsnnd Porecte = Cros Talk Gamerlians. $.30.—Wratnen Forecasr ani ?enp

S.1LE— FOR THE CHILDREN = os ove BASE. JE McKAY, GENERAL Newe Eaux, “The Seven Seagulls” (.borotiay 8.0, THE GEOFFREY The Scotch Comedian. | Diseishion Botwoon Me. HUBERT COODHART SEXTET: i Greenside}, Children of “the | HENDERSON «and Mr. RAY. PEO. "joe. clowri. Under the Direetion--of Heather" (H, Mortimer Batten). | MONT BWING, ‘on “* Ameri. ALFRED CAvVin. Piano Tmprovisaiione. can Debia,"? "Moonlight om the Ababer * 6.0. Light Music. | THURSDAY,July 15th. | Local Announcements, Petras ALEX FRYER'S ORCHESTRA | 10.5, Kato Winter “Teh Ladhe Ditch." I (Soper from the Hialto Theatre. 1.0-2.0.—Time Bicnal from Cireeriwrels, frie, are, FF. aldinnagton Mi) ft Thea Week's Concort of New SYDNEY COLTHAAS(Tenar}, in the Garden | (00, —The Weel's Work Gramophone Foosorte. Rong Recital, LEONARD HUBBARD ly the Beryl Hortieultirial OE RoeS Vers avetenl des ates) 215.— Transmission: to Scholes Mr, (Perit }, Society, i. Haba 2,090. Stobart ancl. Miss Mary Vocal Duets “ort Btotlea 002.5 ebeesay ls Ttithe Wine of Dawn?" Ti.—Tiae §iotan reas Bia Bes. Somerville. ” Shakespeare's “To a Waterlily at Evening” Weatite Puneciast ash ler Heroines + Katharine of Aragon } Stonford HH. “Bedfovel GESEBAL News: BoLLeres. auf Voltumnia:”’ "lt Was a Lover andHis Lass” Pe Bi ng ot the Blackhirck” # Roger Qhetlter Veo FA. BATELER, Dee, Tire 40.—Time Signal from OGreen wick. Beginning of the Biri.” (haiier THE SEATET. Books ta Repl" bi Art “Tt Will Ga With My -Father PHHOGEHOT hcecieascexesecg bewbert apne,

=i i aa Chopin. ALP hougthimg ac. Guilter 4.15.—Troadero Tea:Time Aasic. SYDNEY COLTHAM, The Nocturnes. A Song of Shadows " Og es eoaa Interpreted by 3.15.—FOR THE: CHILDREN: Armatrang Gils "PINoealll RIF DARLSRTL. Bons. by “TI. 4. Sterndale "Dont Come in, Bir, Plesse “ ALFRED CAVE (Violin. Soles}. Boechnrivae, Op. ha. Noa. | arul 2, Bennett. Winkie Wee omnel the Cyril Soot “aon Winiis-of Sone ™ Kiger for Tea (OC hetane Af enmeleinanhn Tali. Mr. W.. MARSHALL FREE. Chanter), “Wher We dteat Lao, DANCE MUSIC. © (Ganitorra.”” .1...-....if oborske. MAN, ©The Temple.” Our4ot Relatives, “by lL. G. MM, THE BAVOY ORFPHEANS BYDREY cCOLTHAS of the wWathy Aa, rich 6.0. SPECIAL GONTERT ie TANGO BAND. and LEONARD HUBBARD. Ph, Dance Music. Duets : _ on behali-ot the Relavi 7 the Bavey Hotel. THE LONDON. RADIO BHll as the NMioht cr wi pee EE RATIONAL ASSOCEATION F 12.0.0lose down, DARCE BAND: - Mountain Lawerta os esias SSeperner LIAL GeERANERT Directed by SHOXNEY. FURALAR, THI SEATEIT. OFFICERS. Bericise: Relayed from (,.50.— Markit Priées for Farmers. FRIDAY, July i6th. earnefell, ar. Fy Adlingion The Pavilion, Buxton, T.6.—Tist Sioxan Frou Bro Bix, at Figaro a {0 erbee) aie Afacer! fo. fink udanevester. WEATHER FonmCAsTAKD lst 1.0-2.0. —Time Signal from Greenwich. THR MANCHESTER GENERAL News Honirrixy. Lainch-time Moosic from tha AB, MURIEL CRORGE AUGMENTED: STATION at. LEONARD WOOLLEY,| Hotel Motropole, anil URCHESTERA: $.20-3.40.—M. Stéphan, “ ERNEST. BUTCHER “Tecent Eeeavations at. Ur of Elementary Conductor, French, in Fett: Song Lroeis, the Chaktees” TT. F MAORRATBON . Chopin. Time Signal froin Greenwiel. 6.30.— Weare Forecast ann 2xn Overture, “Cornavel omain " lh. PATRICIA ROSSBOROUGH CESERAT News Bowwerin: Berlioz Lhe Socturnes. ] (Songs wt thea Pine), Tolk on Interiatiquel Afinire. ‘Tans Foon, “ Vitara Sarena Inte beck by LOAMELING ALLA {Tomer} Local Annonntements. NIE D4ZIELSRI. and LILY, .ALLEN (Sopram, Nocturnes, Op. 62, Nos. 1 and 2, 16.5, BALZEDO with ORCHESTRA. THE RADIO QUARTET. Mazurka, No. 49 (F Minor), f.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN : In a Harp Recital. ' Uara Mome™ (" Rigolettea *!) 7.40. THE IMPERIAL DEBATISG Piano Solos by Hilda Dederch: BOUPOR sicisttieevee aOe Ae ereta TEAM oof the NATTONAL Peter Pantaikin Joins « Stig Theme and Variations THE ORCHESTEA. UNION GF STUDENTS on Party " (dda Leonora Harris), J one Horrin, tr, Salzento Russian Ballet, “* Schehorezuca *! “Their Retenh Tour im Rice-mould " (adapted from Gavotte: from “The “Temple of ffimnainy- Kooreaker Canuda and Avabralasiii. “More William, by Jti¢fmal Uihory MEE, re: Aanlsede "Deep River” (Negro Spiritual) LEE. THESTLETHWAITR &.0. A Shortened: Version of Crampton), | Baritone}, 6.0, Light Orchestral Music. arr, Salzelo with ORCHESTRA, “| MILESTONES.” " Beheve Me, Tf All Thore En- FRANK WESTFIELD'S “Eri Tu" ("A Musked Ball") Hearne Young Charms a A Play in thre Acta ORCHESTRA kardé arr. Salzeda ay Areaald Benet!mul fron tle “Tridaaconce *” THE ‘ORCHESTRA. JoharJ netloelk, Prince of Walas Playhouse, Mirage: 2.052. Carlos Salzeda “The: Entry of cthe Gods. into Arranged and. Prodaved by Lewialaa, Valhalla "(The Bhine Gold") | t.50.—A, Summary. of the Wircless "Whirlwind EDWARD ENOBLOCE., Fevepets r Papers for the Week, 10.30. DANCE MUSIC. (By Roguest.} The Characters aro as follows : 7.0.—Timt BiesaL- From Dia TDG, HEW PRISCES TORONTO LILY ALLEN, Jahn Thead, WEATHER Forecast So lar . GCRCHESTRA, ALFREDO sand “O. Tell Mo, Bightin- Lertrode Khead, VEXERAL Niws GUnietrin. im HIS BAND, and HALSWAINE gale“ jicagow neat id ep Linn Airs: head, Me. G, A. ATRINSON: “Seon and HI: CANADIANS from “Wiensor i Sic: Celonn Rariel Sibley, on the Sereans" © Bib aces New Prince's KRestaurant. Riese Bibler. peta Chopin. Nod Lym. 12.0.—Cloee down. THE ORCHESTRA. The Nocturnes. Ermily Blend. 'Tramrmarsch {>> Gébbercdiim- Interpreted by MGM cis eeeveeecee eee Wager Arthor: Preece: NIEDZIELSEI. {By Regqueet.) Aancy Bibles. WEDNESDAY, July 14th. Lord Monkhurst, hocturme in 0 Sharp Mino (Posts 6.30.—Weratiie: Forecast Ano2s0 The Hon, Muriel I'ym. humeous Work). Marurkas, Nos. 46 (C Major), 43 18-20,—Time Signal from Groon- CesKneal NEWs BULLETIN. Richard Sibley: [E Major). with, Camille Couturier'’s ‘Cr- The Ht. Hon. Lord ARKWITH: ‘Tippaon, 7.40.—Musical Interlude. chestra. from: Aestanurant, Fraa- * Schoolboy Howlers.” Webster. Footmat. Lacal Announcements, (Continued on the nex! page.) ati.


CL _ RADIO TIMES———= Lvva 1926.W's

i =

‘2 2L0 Week Bietie 365 M. LONDON PROGRAMMES. July Vth.

(Continued from the previous page.) ae.

h e : they are ta sing three groups of songae 8.0. VARIETY. {iy bKIMa CCTs OTL 4 { Lait: al. 9.90.—-Wiatarn Forecast AND News.

a ETTIE PERSEY FRENCH H.W. BR. The py De. and Sports Talk, pinchuding some of the Elizabethan madrigals ancl old folk tunes. (righ Recitation), Citar, } Locel Annonnoccmsnis. Barnicdiniester, iach: MABEL CONSTANDUROS. On Monday niles, hy Arranger In Felections from her Repertoire.

THE TWO BOBS Mri. SOO, with Sir George Banos, © relia verano a of tha popular musical comedy The Ciranal March, “ Hongroise * 10,40, DANCE MUEIC. (Ryncopated Singers). Chinese Honeymoon, will be produced Frtih THE SAVOY ORE HEASS eae ak by Mr. Charles Boose. RAY WALLACE Overture; “Festivals. feulner und SAVOY TANGO BAND The Geoffray Goodhart Sextet,

a} (hmipironations ), (Pari Fantasia, * Cavellerre. from the Savoy Hotel. under the direction of Mr, Alfred Cave, i Rivsticana "' Ie encay rei ie fh new male] tar fab broadening, Thi DATAS, aa q 4 a Bell Solo, ** La Caaring Gane 12.0.aus — logedown7 a little string combination has for some The Man of Memory. time past delighted visitors with ite (Solmst, Bainterian J, W rm i ERS. } “J Teetator " (Perdi a intimate misc abo fashionable London EK. E. POTTIACER Batestien,

Bolo,“ The Tubaphone Gilee H club, ae { Handbells), Abia LONDON NEWS. Listeners will appreciate an opper- 7 tumity of hearing agein Mr: Corloe (Sieloist . andsroan 2. CLARE,+ HE anruverseary of the birthof DAN BOLTAT, ‘ Rommiseoness of Baleedo, harpist. [tis eafeto aay that Selection, Mme, Liza Lelimann on Sunday Fongs from his Repertoire. England “-...... 0.5 Godfrey he hes few, if any, eqpodls and he stagde will be celebrated. by the performance as the foremost living suthornty of

a “" Lola" .. Friodemmn Sorenade, of her work ‘The Daisy Chain, a cycle LIGHT SYMPHONY CONCERT. Selection, “The Street. Singer.” the technique of the harp. He haa of twelve songe of childhood, This Gomposed various. works, mot only = THE WIRELESS SYMPHONY Preascr- Simeon will be giver ato pink. by the British for the harp, but also for the violin, ORCHESTRA. : Bassoon Sole, ‘Luoy Long: ™ Voonl Quartet (Mies Dorothy Bennett,

—* ‘cold and pianc. On Morday, at Conducted by EDWARD CLARE, Gontrey Mise Feather Coleman, Mr. Erie Gren, 1 mi., lie aa ta five a short recital GERTRUDE JOH NEON (Soloist, Lunee-Opl. A. TREND.) ara Mr. Dele-Emith), Daughter of @ | an the works he hes chosen -imeludo (Soprano), Seleetcon, * he Lightning jwell-known composer, afd henself three of hia own compositions i fie Hinger, Lish Lehinann choeerted ARTHUR CATTERALL RbO cesiceis evteye Alford mn Thursday ovoning; at 8 o chock, ) the concert platform ain’ Hi on her “a (Solo Violin) Minden Merch Mr. Edward Knoblock’s play, Mite- Regimental March, “Jock 0° |marriage to Herbert Bediord, com- sfones, it to be piven ain. condensed | poser ari painter, Giving herseli up Part [. Yirk" radio version. Mr. KEinoblock hoe | top Pepa hon, she wre wnormecdiate preatly interested hime? in Mr THE ORCHESTRA. "Arden. Chat,” bo Merion 8.45. suceess with her song yells Ja a RK. E. Jeffrey's production of this ploy, Cran, FoR Hs: Overture, “Heimbkehr aus -cler Persinn Garden to words. from’ Fitz- which was. originally. produced by Fred) * ("" Bon and Stranger’) 6.15.—FOR THis CHILBPRES + gerakd’s Rubdigdt, ond followed 1 Mr. Dennia Eadie ‘at- the Royalty Menrlelsaiahft Belentions by the Recto Ohoger- soon alter with The Dunia Chaim, Theatre, in 1912. The play, which BG, GERTRUDE JOHNSON iat, Winnie-the-pooh. Finds whieh hee been hardly less socceseful, deals with « family through thres lit deals in a happy way with the poetry (Beoprannd} a Tak’ (4. AL Milne). periods 180), 1885 and 1912—is one of childhood, without for a moment of the best-known and moet delightful (with Onrehestra}: 7.0,—Tiae S1csan rrow Tia Bes, becoming childish and sentimental. comedies of recent years. JUrIA, ‘! Une VocePooo Fo" .Wratore Fonercasr ano Ist Hermione, from The Winter's Tale, Mr, Edward Clark, Muiaical Director : Reeariiet Giesiean News Bouvet. will be plaved by Miss Lian Braith- at the Newrnstle Station, will com- Oi, ARTHCR CATTERALL Mr. CLIFFORD W.COLLINSGON, waite in this week's Shokespeare’s duct the London Statian Orchestra F.R.G.8.: - Sheooping in the Heroines sores, Mies Eve Donne, who on Friday evening. The first part iwith Orchestra), Bouth Beas. is well known for Shakespearenn peer- of his propramine, although on 1 sLavessiataed Violin Concerta, No, 2,.in 1D \formiunes In connection with the | lines, includes two overtures which Mozart Chopin. British Empire Shakeepeare Society, or | are comparatively eldom heard, Men. D.2). THE GRCHESTEA, The Necture, | which her bichon, Mr. Acton Eom, delesohn’a Son dl Strayer, and Overture in Iiaiian Style Sehubert Interpreted by lis the Vice-President, will aleo take Schubertain the Jinlian Style, Later, NEEDZIELSEI. poort inthis: Dromecast. the programmeentirely drawn from “9.30.—WraTHER FORECAST :Ho 2nu (OD) Minor), 34 Mazurkas, Nea. 7 In @ light-hearted programme of modern Russia, and has something of GevenaL News BULLET, \ fC) Miator, jmiieic for Chenber Orchestra on a family nature about it, simoe | Ministry. of Agriculture Talk by Polonsise-in’ A Flat Majer. | Sunday evening. Mr: Berbiroll: and kofiey appears Glongaide of hia two Prof, C. WILLARD THOMP: hie Chenil players are to give several maters, Kimeky-Koraakov and Liadof, BON, EB, tag:eking } 4. Mineteed Diberhode, works of the old masters in novel Prokofiey enjoys the ran distiimetion Poultry-Keeping Pay Divi- #0, THE RADIO FOLLIES guise. There will be a Sutte for Strings, of having played no fewer than three dends,"' by Mozart, arranged by Mr. Barbirolli, of his own pianoforte concertos pt Local Annaincermenks, CONCERT PARTY. a repeat performance of K. A. Wright's different. times an- the: Qhiden's Half Part I. : MAMIE: WATSON: (Soubrettec}, Sireny ‘Pune, on Adagia by Purcell He is represented in the progeny FLORENCE OLDHAM l(which is still in manuscript), and an on Friday by what he calla Symphonie 1, THE ORCHESTRA. Symphonie Classique... Probofier [At the Piano}. orchestral version of othe, & enor Claswigue, a work which “ia. really REG PALMER: (Comedian), Prelude ond Fugue hy Gach, by neither a aymphony nor classic, but ARTHUR CATTERALL which listeners will enjoy none the besseay 1,20. LAWEREBCE ANDERSON Julius Hoerrison. Elgar waa. the first fwith Orchestra}. because of ite concipences, brevity and (ienberiariert, to show how «& Hach Fiyoe eould be ‘Two Pieces for Violin and (r- mate to sound extraordinarily cloar vivid rhythins. HAROLD KIMBERLEY Chewtta vin... ae. T'chentooeky Anil earn piles in orchestral form, doing Mr, Catterall will play two. pieces (Laric arrbane}, (U'rehest rated by ay fer rarer, ] lan, if rumour be correct, as the reault of by ‘Tehaikovaky for violin ahd or- 132, GERTRUDE JOHNSON 4A, Brighton Competitive Musical ln wager with Br, RichamlSiranee chestra, the orchestral aringenet (oprs rita), Festival, Dr. Strauss's reply is still awaited, but having been made by Tchaikovsky's Closing Festival Concert, meaniioe Several of our Britizh com- friend, Glazounev,Mise Gertroda Aube frown “ Snegourotehke | posers heve followed Elgars happy (Gathering Berriast) Relayed from Johnson, who in the first part ia sing- EXAMpe, Rimeky- Koraaker TheDome, Brighton, ing Keoasini’a famous Air from The Short Speoch by the Mayor of The inclusion of the English Singers Garter, ia bo givea quite unknewn 1S, THE QGACHESTRA, Brighter, Councilor J, LORD in. the Sunday evening programme gir by cacyMace aril thse Right Russian Folk Tunes Liadon THOMPSON, J.P: will be welcomed by many who heve programme will conchede with, the 10.65,—Close down, WINNING BRASS BAND Lalreedy heard them, This. batid ‘of orchestral arrangement of Bight in fertion iB. | artista, which) cosets of Miss: Ilera Ausasion Fol Songs by Liadov. Familiar Belecditon, “ Oermen!™..,.. .. Aeser Menn, Mise Nellie Carson, Misa Lilian na ne all the modern Russians with SATURDAY, July 17th. THE BRIGHTON AND HOVE Berger, Mr. Norman Stone, Mr. Northan their own folk touse, embodying mach HARMONIC SocreTyY, Notley, and Mr. Cuthbert Kelly, are of it in their compositions, Liadov may be rogerded ne the atieial mubhoritiy on (.0.—Time Signal from Greenwich, Chorin, “cries Beene“ equally satisfying to. the expert in CS Ee eta Oia Pm weieanal tia the ied idnel lacking in the subjeet, having undertaken researely 16.—Time Signal from Greemrich. WINNING HERD RANE timate knowledge. Théy have given on an extensive sealo at the request Military Band Music in. Section Ay (baa Ay, hmany. recitals im. Loncdom And were 2 of the former Government of Rusia, bey thee Overture, * Roseanonde great shecees At the Queena Hall Niedzielski, the famous exponent of Chopin, will continue his interpreta. BAND wr ler Ex. Sehubert Promenade Concerts Season, 10925, and THE HRIGHTON AND HOVE fatthe Chappell Popular (Coneerts tions of the Nocturnes this week curing THE KING'S OWN HARMONIC SOCIETY, Season, 25-6; In America, thoy the 7.25 p.m. rectials, and, where tone WORRESHIRE LIGHT | Choris, ™ Worthy is the Lamb ™ met with great appreciation fron mote, wil play gama of ‘the INFANTRY. (“The Messiah). . Hatidel) American mucid lovers, On Sunday nturkes, .


et aie =

ee iit bea =* So lad — F . - Se y —_ eee a iel i ; ho i, el ie . Tk P| 10.30 1,600 Gh 3. 11.6-1.0—THE 10.30 915 0-10. 8.0.—WeEsTHER §.0—THE. £.30-6.0,— oA 10—S BO-—--WELSH hee T48.—Mer, 7.0.—Wearnen 640.—Bove': i.15,—A. 100, 10,30 11.0120, 10:5.—"" $.fo.—Shipping $.40.—Mr. Take 740:—Tapical 6.1. 0 T.0-20 110,—Freneh 7.0. 5.15-6.0, TLO1L6.—THE LG? ’ 1 di 15-6.0. a) LVLEX. —'" 5XX —Weartien THE —Wrarmen KRETTRER'S for" 6. STH, a.m.—Tinie a.m,—Time Bn 4.m.—Time SHEPPARD FOCAL Fehmaonnt., KRATHLEESN ERREST: and For THE Fields. summer the-PFrelels, WAITE, Fy and Forecast, BECP THA, fram wieh toe Brigade { layed Hermcne—LILLANBRATTH- ing Restaurant. NIEDZIELSEI, Shipping WELL t prone}; THE PHAN. DALE M. irigade Piano), THE EW Bars HOP "| TUESDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY, iat from | | DOROTHY } Actress TORKSHTRE, A ‘THE teakii Shakespeare's PrAst, Pregrmmes SIMPLE Crigetam, BAND LONDON from Ty" o ELBER JAMES

*ooromae:. CICKRLY RALPH Candi, Pa oDenaon, RELLS DANCE FRYERS Bandar. one): The 1025. BNGH. from _ Short ORCHESTEA:: DAISY VEREEY‘S CHINESE INFANTRY. + CHENIL the pennt,"" (Cello, fion ‘Talk. DGeripude,... “SMITH MEO QUARTET. Bulletins, Light Forkcast Hohidasy GEORGE PROGRAMME PT Conductor, Dance LN. Forecast..«axp {Sornne), Fortcasr Kettiner's KING'R Hdading.: Forecast Forest, Forecast arp TADIO. TL. ly RADIO Bt; ] Signal Signal BAWNL. Signal WHITE OF FIVE Kialto DAC when July BAY [HH St, RRMA Story, July July AGATE of THE the SERVICE, Music. MUSIC. i FRISE Murtin's RADIO STRAUS CHAIN BENNETT interpreted New Music. Church BOTLER ter ORCHESTEA Bt. Martin: Pund."" Rey, (Baritone). Lith. +“ LIGHT and 8.8. SINGERS, he aod and 12th. and Theatre, ann GOWN SoH. 13th. Boys’: CHAME (Transmissions (tUontralbo) ano QUARTET _ (lub, OOCAKRTET ann willappeal "WARDEN - BRITISH BN, H ORCHESR Martin-in- M,:- TheeBoor HONEY H, DEMOS, (Tener): &Ml'l'H araines:: Weather YVerrey’s Weather Weather DANCE ~ News. Church News. Liana News. iotlie- News, Head- Lads" AT'L- RL, [faze ‘from STE- from with Ss. Lith: (Ba- Re- ER DAVENTRY by | oo,

| 81 ; | 11.0-2.0. |

0 6.0.—"* ¥.90—Capl, TLa.—C 8.0. 7.40,—Spanth ToC 7.10.—Mr. T.0.—Weeren 8.40. S.2¢- 4-10, 0.2. BAZ. 8.20), 6.50.—The 3.15-6.0. 11.0-1.0.—THE LO. 10.30-12.0: 10.5.

9.55.—Shipping 9.40.—The.: 0.30.—WRatii

10:5.—V ILO-12.0. 10.30 30.—Werarees

A Marche ALEX Tone, Patrte Adamiette —Talk * “SL “L'Amour Ma Artie * "The —-SALSEDO DAVERTRY (approx); an—Time The WEDNESDAY, of ret. Introduce! cheeler, ELETCHER, din, and Lowe Tn NIEDZIELSE STEDZIELSKI, Baciets, (Pintist) (Tenor); trilio): Forecast. BUYER Romeanee WITH: THE Stippimpg. Le am,—Time TED peur(Old Ferecwst THURSDAY, FE from PARIS: cit GEOKGINA GEORGIN | ) HOPTN

ARTETY. GEORGIE Amouriade HOE from THE Kashmir: is-Bractfar from Bouquet Hoe Progrnmines PAGLIACGI.™ THE Programme Peeper THE “HAYWARD Porm, by the THE Week's F. on Buh FRYER'S Laondern, “.bovemseo DANCE rich Begining BROWN'S Ht EE. " FRENCH ORCHESTRA A Goose the DANCE the Light ; the reeeeeates A, SAVOY International London Maeuntains ON Fomecksr EDWARD from “ RHE Talk: (Sragr: a Forecast, Forecast ORCHESTRA. Forecoust, Shear ORCHESTRA. cst ROTHERY DANCE Fomkosr RADIO by SchoolboyHowlers,” CALLING OLGA WIRELESS Signal tnaHarp 2:2 hes Teer de Koval: Minlto. Sigoal Café Hon,Lord marl Feoncl) BATHER, ere A yt . Work i, I: A in Music, ' M. iid ‘on i, MUSIC. July by interpreted” L'Arlesenne ORCHESTRA, Hemarin”' interpreted July ae me T 7 TANNER, Arranged! TANNER. Ste. MUSIC. ace Play. of ORCHESTRA STEPHAN. i, Gabriel arr, de PL ANNER uo WEEE BANDS. onfant CAFE are: and Herticultural AS Theatre, ann De and. Mir, 14th. and: in the QUARTET anp and 15th. woe from S.G an are et. BAND, Paris, ‘THUMM FRANCE. AYERS NICHOL Recital. Adimirs, Wiackerlin voce ‘RADIO UM Afullinar the Weather Betsey Debussy aLOsS hebrier News. Weather Birds,” Forests Seer WF. D. News. Terma AN trom- and Faure ear [ton Abaorel Mau phon Daventry, DE ASK- tine fren rwa, Be. Gar- s - Sor; PROGRAMMES. AS hy hy ™ :

i || 6.0. S10 7,10.—Mr,. 7.0.—Weatnen 6:50.— 1.0-2.0..) 11.0-1,0.—THE TIMES 1..0-123.3).—THE 16.30: 9.65.—BShipping 9.40, 0:30.—"\Wearien 740—THE T5—C eran 10. 2.0. 7.25.—C TiIo0— T.0:—Wearien 6.50—A 4.0, ABA). 12.30-1.0: W.5.—KATE #45. =F T.40.—Mosieal 50,—Weernen 30-12.0, o THE Overture, Sk. Sicthane Finale "Holsworthy THE = — acm.—Time Market tons); prano); ind [Violin]

tralla): and. Porteast:, Ale. HUBERT andl TEAM tle

“Their UNTON HALL PEAKE * KRWNORLOCKE. NIEDZIELSE. NIEDSIELSEI, '! Papers Mr. LIGHT except W. '* Prince ABRIETY Betilpli's Thiscussion GERTRUDE FRIDAY, One Recent Beni FRAWK THE HOPPIN ARTHUR HOP MILESTONES,"’ LightOrchestral Preprancniea —— LONDON Bummary Chaldoen.” VIOLET EPWARD WIRELESS wpen: Mus. feeder, Programmes LEONARD HERBERT produced ELEIE: IMPERIAL G. Aamerican: RAYMOND (Flute PETER OMCHESTHA. cn Jantar, {Pianist}. DAKGCE Dance ) Organ ORCHESTRA SYMPHONY fir WINTER Prices. Candurted of Relayed Semele"

EHecent Jd: {Solo SAVOY

BDWARL of Forecast Forecasr Excavation

nterloda, Doc, OF ON. ewisham. Forecast. FoRecast RADIO where AS from Fonmoasr the | Chureli, {Tenor}; BADIO Wales” WESTPFIELIVS Signal HENDERSOS Soprano}. Church thie July A, Ite HALEVY

the by GATTERALL Music. and RADIO

“interpretod Rectial BYTE Waiolin); of Sommer, BROAV interpreted for “WYNN. MUSIC. DB. F.RC.O. et

the Tour.” iy JOHNSON CLARE, Week, Misan BORNS'TKEN from Debt,” ATKINSON: 16th. WOOLLEY BANDS. tt, AYMPHORY Playhouse, Music. HICKOX,

the nd NATIONAL BERATING Horpsichord) ee A) axp (Soprano), wie

DENTS Bers. OU otherwise by Anh: S28...... Bichopaga QUARTET BHARES axn Bells” CONCERT. EDWARD an AE SWIKG at) : Soewinre DANCE arranged ARTET JESSIE Weather Est Wireless News. SEws. siboated [Buri- I News. Gr News: (on real from {So ffart cahey *" ‘and Mr. by : of

be, on by nd

1 | | |

x (9.40,—Sports 8.40,—_Mrntstry $.50.—Shipping 11.0-12.0. 10.5.—8Y 8.55.—Shipping 6.30:—Wrerarien 4.0.—Time 10.30 10.56, §860—THE 6.0,—" L.0:—Time broidcasting tion pramme in} one 87th, 10.30-12-0. f5.—-BRICHTON 7.40:—Mousteal 1.3.—C 7.10.—Mr. 7.0.—Werathen &15.—FOR ceremony witinmately how how toners shown.) vicarage, Binike shepherd's counicy—in. programmes lipoeolenst. the ind Mr. the shies tions in. ba The It It. AVERTEY Cerend the DAVENTRY a * High-Power who a Alfred station and it the the Bis am.—Time JEAN bined). ing: Prof. is is when Forecast, SATURDAY, first The Festival MUSIC... CERT Cran, RING'S NIEDZIELSEKI, the BON, LIGHT BAND Programme lonely of of MABEL special op A wea being CLUG Abetion, Daventry’s THE proposed hoped HOP MPHORY idoa commemorating, has sounds birth the Pay n. and, fren’ Bouwth the summary Garden of =" bitthday- oe Dome, trotelated CLIFFORD fram * * Eygnal hg a 0. Capt. RADIO Noyer, disoussed, THE Bignal DANCE Week FRLH.S; VOR.G.8, petites: in ** station. taken arial PARTY. LENSEN'S the Talk. news of DANCE Concert. Dividends," of in received reception of SAVOY Muking of sharting: poem Interlude, INFANTRY. WILLARD Of FESTIVAL: DANCE finally, Forecast: Forecast Forecsat to. Station LN. OWN. her CONSTANDUROGS Fuatcasr variehs wil Station's of Sea&." Ciro's Dayentry Agriculture Selections Bignal P. Brighton. the station, CHILDREN, from Gi i: of to Chat,” reproduce: of will THE CONCERT on from July the perticolor- Birthday. during show-oovered of Repertone, MUSIG. COMPETITIVE FOLLIES: Beginning P. for give inte world’s: frame interpreted : sanctioned, Music the MUSIC. Big (istrict Ducsday. NEWS. TORKRSHIRE Poultry: oelebrates-ita “ Greenwich. July W.. Club, at the op” algo Eckersley, -BANDS. and mathimery Relaved parts of BAND, . 17th. a ano tha the Shopping reality. axon. Greenwich, written by CIRD"S programme end driginated. representa- a. T a Ist Ben COLLIN. HOMIE Dawentry story) the! Weather Tabled he: ith. orelase cerning, premier interest by country will for : vconcep- News: (Con- (losin Mirion of of News, Keep- CoON- of heard * read, n the in! bby fain: EN pio fill. and the lig- the tha bey of aa by Bre of in oF

2 ee ee

| —

b —— h ib RADIO TIMES -—— [dune fra, lie — SIT Week Beginning 479 M. BIRMINGHAM PROGRAMMES. July ith. SUNDAY,July tith. Bi, A LIGHT PROGRAMME. WEDNESDAY,July 14th. | 9.0. WRATIIER Forrcart Aw News, THE STATION (ORCHESTRA. Discussion between Mr. HUBERT

REQUESTED CLASSICS. Overture, "lhe Merry Wives of $obt.—The Station Pianotorte Quintet HENDERSON and Mr; RAY- Fob oti. THE STATION ORCHESTRA : Windsor o et ernie ety te Leader, Frank Cantell. MOND SWING, “SLh: frank Conductor, JOSEPH LEWIS, MAY MARTIN iContrailte |. 4.45.— Afternoon. Topics + Florence M, Leomvaton. Overture, ~~ Leonora, No. 4. in C “Caller Herrin’ ™ ..:0Stots Air Austin, “The Romance -of Lol New, Heethoven The Banks of Allan’ Water “ Clothes—(3) Muslin.” “Muriel 10.5.— Programme SB: from London, HAROLD MILLS Oh Eiglish Noten| (Cen tralia). 10,30. DANCE MUSIC. ilb.—FOR THE CHILDREN. (Sole Violin) THE GRCHESTEHA, THE SAVOY BANDS, Selection, *" ¥cung England de 6.0, LOZELLS PICTURE HOUSE and ORCHESTRA. 5.8. from Londen, eo ORCHESTE.A + Andanteand Finale from Conecrta Talia 12.0.—Close: dawn, mE Minor (for Violin and ALBERT DANTELS Conductor, PACL RIMMER,

Orehestraj...... Jfandelssohn (Entertainer) Fox-trot, ** Ida, TD De "2 oes ~ if Bebaction of 4 thild Valse, “The Road to Loch THE ORCHESTRA, FRIDAY, July 16th. lniperonat icra. Lihaaie ania Evans Symphony, No, 40,-in G Minor Fantasia, ‘' Madame Butterfly” THE ORCHESTRA, $.45.—Harold Turley's Orchestra re: MWfazert Puccina Enir'acte, “OLExvtas ,, Thome haved irom Frince': Ca ie, CLIFFORD FULLWOOD (Tenor) Enitr'acte, Heart of My Beart.” MAY MARTIN: 4.45,—Atternoon Topics : Helen -AT, ard QHUHESTRA. ie Lovely Sight” Serrell Aria, "Lend. Me Your And" Enoch, Se Wonderful ““) Love “Tia cee aeg FRED REEVES | Baritene). resi." (* Trene **} Gee THE. ORCHESTEA. 6.50.—Rivel Horticultural Society's 5. 14,—FOR THE CHILDREN. ’ THE ORCHESTRA, Aelection, Florodorea”',.... Stoned Bulletin, 3.5, fron Denden, 6.0.— Programme 8.8, from London. Suite, Three Bavarian Dances March, “Crown of Iidia ” . . Rigar 7.0,.—WrRATHER FORECAST ano News, 7.0.—Wreataer Foretast awn NEw, Alger 1.90, Wh narher Forecast ano Niwa, Mr BF. Aw BATHER, TB. Mr. G. A. ATKINSON, 8.8. from Fiction Series, fir, RALPH SoH. from Domdlon, HAROLD MILES. Lomaton. Meditation, from “ Thaia" STRAUS reading 6 short 7.25,—CHOPIN interpreted by NIED- T.25,—Progranune 3.8. from London. Afeasiwe ated story, 8.8. from evden. ZLELSKI, S18. from London, Gavotte in EF ew a JoeArete Local News, 740.—Mr. HARGLD BARKER: * Old 8.10, LIGHT CLASSICS. aeradies Bnglieh Features of the Mid- “"Phorias " lieies sss lh.ACHINESE HONEYMOON. THE STATION ORCHESTRA. CLIFFORD FULLWOOD aA, [rte oonelon, Laincds— fy Monaghenes,** Overture, “ * Peter Schnell 7 and ORCHESTRA. LL... —Uloee daw. BU, Programme SoH, fron Minehester, a Weber Arian, “Sound on ‘Alarm’ P30. —WRATHER FORECASTANd NEWS. CHARLES HILL (Tenor. i" Judas Matenbeos ") Aanedet The Ret Hon. Lord ASKAWITH. TUESDAY, July 13th. aCe waeetakas pe yee > Boptfook THE ORCHESTRA. SH. from London, "Phe -eailons Lover... Quilter Bute No. ), * L'Arieienns” #.45.—Schock’ Tranemineion : Lecture Laval Dea iate le Ree Gpase Accel Aizel 20— Miss. M. 8. Madeley, “ How 10.5, INSTRUMENTAL HOUR. THE ORCHESTRA. 6,30-6,0.—\ Bhakeepoire’s Here Les 4 to Speak arul Reed Englieh— THE STATION ORCHESTRA: Pilgrim's March ened ~“Saltarella LILIAN HRAITHWAITE. aa Lirica." Belettion, “* Mary’...... bfirech tromthe ** [taliey Svmphony.” Hermione, &.8. from London, 4.15,—Harokd Turlev's Orchestra re: HAROLD FATRAURAT Menatelssahin 5.0, THE BELLS OF THE lave from Prince's Café, (Solo Violin}. GLADYS PALMER (Contralto). CATHEDRAL. )4.415.—Atiermoon Popics : Oorendoline Fugue in’ A Majer (for Violin “Weep Ye No Mare, Sad Foun- Followed by a Carter, Mate.” ° Sieaaeedac' Aloe} cs ale Tartini-Areisler neevi eiekies cases. Delon Religious Service, Mau rjone Wills (SokePirie: Alman’ in G Minor (Ciren 16th “Whither Ranneth My Sweet- contacted by Porte |. Centiry). ia. ieee arr. Craxten eskrb * iss diswesshinsnsiy JEROInDOtE

Cinon GUY ROGERS, MC, i.15.—FOR THE CHILDRENS. Anglaise Dittermiorf “The Peaceful Weetern: Wine: , Beloved from the Cathedral, 6.1),Joe oe, from Dadar. Nooctiume in FE Minor Chopin-Awer Cenipie 7.0—Werarner ForecasT ani News, Caprice alla Baltarella THE ORCHESTRA. 9.0.—WEATHER Forecast asp News, Buite, *" Les Dox Pigeons" (Part Local News. M. STEPHAN, 8.8. from Lon Wieniauske Arévster aarp. THE ORCHESTRA. Fess fitertesareeteeesess ss $.20.—The CHENIL CHAMBER “Entrée odes Tuiganes.” + CRCHFSTRA and t Lies 7.2o.— Prgrne 8.6. from Jonas. inte, “Rustic Revels" Pletcher “Danein” om the Creer “> ‘* Aq “Sone ob Pas dea Deux ENGLISH SEXGERS. SH. ei), OPERATIC PROGRAMME. Quality Court; “AH the Pigeons "; ° Theme et Varin from. London: THE STATION ORCHESTHA. Fun. of ‘the Fair.” tigne. Overiick * Figaro ye Ea wie’ 6 See 10.40,— Close down, HAROLD FATIRAURST. CHARLES HILL. SILVIQ SIPELI { Base} +e LINDOee Pa hea Ciinwer ’ The TLhower’s- Pledges - and ORCHESTRA. ' La .Follia™' OMEis aon rau } Strauss MONDAY,July 12th. Prologue, F Pagharer" Corea LD conanl-Sawret ~ In the Sihence of the Night ™ Peontaralls THE ORVURBESTERA. Aechenarnciiccn 3.46.—The Station Wind Quintet, THE ORCHESTRA. Valse,“ Fepaia Meee) PV oil fel OLADYS PALMER. Y 445.—Afternoon Topww: Fhomas Whispers ~ 4 nekife Bidgand Valse,“ Trish ‘A’ Littl Coon's Prayer" Hope CLEMENT STOCKWEL THE ORCHESTRA. Suite, " Vaurkiana “oo. TP Aorban “ Bing, Joyous Bird"... Phillips Belection, “* The Angelus” Maylor Entracte; “Aloneties:”.... Drige (Tenor), LOUIS HERTEL (Entertainer), £.50.—Market Prices for Farnera. Mrs. Struggles Sells a Sidebourd 64)—Boys’ Brigade, Boys’ Late 30. Wratove Porevast avi News. Talk, on. International Affairs, S.8. from London Aertet Brigade end Church Lads' T.—WeEATHER FORECAST AxD NEWS. Brigade Bulletins. SB. from “Londo. A Skateh: Local Neves, Mr. LEONARD WOOLLEY, 3.4. 7.0.—WeraTrer Forecast arp Newa, “ Goiffeur des Dames,"" Ly. BALZEDO (Harp Reaitall, from London, Mr, JAMES AGATE. 8.8. from 7.20,—CHOPIS interpreted by NITED. Hertel. Se. Frork London, London, ZLELSKYI, &.8:. from Londen, 7.25.—_CHOPIN interpreted by Li, DANCE MUSIC. 74), Mr. WILLIAM W. ENOCH, Charaectere * MIEDZIELSEI. 4.8. from THE NEW PRIBRGE'S “Some Famous Voyagera—(§) The Proprietor) fe HERTEL London, DANCE BAN TE, John Cabot." The Assistant/ LOUD 74%—-Misa GLADYS WARD, Poetry SLB: from London, £.0.—" MILESTONES." Se. from The Custoner LILIAN MYERS Talk, “ The Epic Poem.” L2.0.—load «Lown, Londen, (Contmued on the next page.)

oF Jun Oris, 1926, j — RADIO TIMES. ——

alT Week Beginni 479 M. BIRMINGHAM PROGRAMMES. ‘July ith (Continued from the previous page.)

LILIAN MYERS. PARKS CONCERT. TOMMY HANDLEY. progrimme is beme performe| by the “One and Twenty ” Relayed freer ise Bandstand, EADIE REAR. Station Orchestra, Misa Miriam Lierttes Easthepe Martin Canton Hill Park, ROBERT KEPPEL the well-known sopraaic, and Mir, Sind hie “Tresmare '.+----25 Trevaisa| THE CITY OF BIEMINGHAM THEO. CHARLTON, . Saddell, lianas: Among ibe thems ta le In OldMadrid ™ POLICE GANT: THE WIRELESS CHORUS, rendered hy the “Orchestra: ara the’ LOUTS: HERTEL. | Conductor, THE LONDON ERADTO Hyirtare from Pigare, itd prilomae RadioImpreesons vee Hertel} RICHARD WASSELL DANCE BAND, ta f , in which Mr, Sidelt directed hy 11.0.—nee dow. Marthe Alave will he: ‘hestd, the Gavotte trom Teha iboeakay, ier, Godfire aur | SIDNEY FORAGAR. Monon, (Muassenci), ad oo selection Overtore, ** Light Cavalry Seppe| * fram (aanfern Sewanee, ARTHUR ENX'TE. (Tenor SATURDAY,July 17th. Presented ba Light Classias. 0 Virion Entrancing™’ i. BE. JEFFREY, Gertng Thane Friday evening's performance of oo. Dance “Music. “Light Classica “ will be pravided Dean Corral and hie Decianerom THE BANT, 11.6 DANCE MUSIC, Andante Cantabile). (Symphony by the Orchestra, Miss Gladys Pal- eget: THE BAVYOY BANDE. Cot SEOs ok, Cop2, | nee jeoniraidta), aru Air. Charkes Bill Will’ Shenkman and his Buffalo B.. from Lerndon. BEIHUGLEGH aes voce | int Wiest oven {tenor}, The Orchestra will Gon- Banal Twa Dancea— L24,—Cloze down. trilite. “sovernl popmlar numbers, Reolavod fron the Palais cy Dan Ba ] * Spanieh Panes ** | iim them: the Ohtertore. Meter 4.45.—Afterngon Topica : Mr. H. Over. Minzhoireds, rr. Somaner eeF Schnell (Weber) ond Tie: Pilyrinns AS |" Trevel Talk ion A.C “San Bebashan' (Spanish | March nod Seltereia.frou: Miercled. Northern Norway." Hilda Wnlta)icuicccl nieces. odoell BIRMINGHAM NEWS. saolen"s. Jfatiere Swation, ‘Phere Ribb (Contradtas, Selection, “Ln Bontique Fan-} will alien be given (Coloricde:Taar- FOR THE CHILDREN, A Class‘cal Programme. fi, Dee faeque ™ 1... Bossiid-Respighi}| jor si Serene a F¥Fant i i Henry 6, LOZELLS PICTURE 0 oO, Pianotortea Duets. TH E. afternoon ‘programme frum Bafiet, ob composition that if HoOUsE GROHEST ERA : ALICE COUCHMAWN. and Birmingham .on Sunray hos been | seldom heard, The ‘programme Conductor, PAUL REIMER, MARGARET ABLETHORPE framed to meet the wishes of listen: | from 10°10 11 p.m, will he one ‘of Fox-Trot, .“ Kise Me Onick” WL. dk ees wha have. writien to the Station “Mirth ond Melody," by Mr. oom Machea Selection of Symphonic Dances, reqVescinie Lhe relma ot their Hertel,, the enfertninor, ond hiss Watee, * When 1 Dream of: the On. GH Grieg | fawn cil 4 ONTOS LLOns, ‘These will Lilhian Moters. (ineo-soprano), List Waltz .o:..ii.ia. Prarie 30.WeaTier Forecast Ax eoimishof clvssteal items; ronderal by Zelection, “ The Bhie Kitten ” ewe, the Orchestra, Air. Clifford, Fallwoorl Salurday"’s Programme. Pron Boorte ‘Talk; SR. from Donon, (tenor), and ~Mr: Harold Mills [Sole Saturday contains ite veadl popolar Boite, “' Jeux d Enfants"... Bie Local Mews, violin |. The contributions Dey the! featores: There will. be music irom 7.—WreatHen Forecast Ant WEWws. 10,8. “NO OPTION.” Biation Orchestra are indicative of the Palais de Danse in the afternoon: Me. CLIFFORD WLCOLLINEOR, AL * Time “-ly Revue inp Short ; the warted requests received, since aod in the evening the costomary SA jrom Landon. Sentences, they will-inclode Beethoven's Leonora relay ot the bby tet Birmingham 728: CHOPIN ibherpreted by NIED. Vo. Sa C) Grerfore, Mowirt's Sane Police Band fron Caries Hill Park. AIELSEL. 8.8, from London. The Evidence .wherem suppesta | pleny No. po rn G- Mrwor,” Elgar's Mr. Arthur Kyte. (tenor) will be the 740,—hieot. AL EB. SPRY, RRR. the stene in -be Swiltio! Berertge Oeaces, ond Biret’s voctlist. At @° p.m, Miss Alice ‘ "[Secretury, British ASailore’ Pentonville, Suite Li deiesenne, Couchman ond MissMargaret “Abo. ~ Society), “' Stories of the Sea— | and -the characters implicated there will tha heard from the stadia . An Operatic Evening. (3) The Tragedy of H.M.B. | Bee in sdlections at the piano from Grieg’s Putco." | ENA GROSSMITH. At S o'clock on Tuesday, an operatic Symphonic Dances, 6ST STOKE Week Beginning 301 M. PROGRAMMES. July 11th. SUNDAY, July 11th. WEDNESDAY, July 14th. “The Bhadow of the Bame= | THE ORCHESTRA. pan" "—Polungins and) Bute, “" Moon Magia.” 5.90-6,0,—Proyramme 5H. fir om 4.0-—The Capital Theatre Orchestra, Coloured Lanter na” “Sorthtide Lamentaso," 1 Jannateit, under the Direction of“ Hon- | -Fontasin.'' 8.0.—BELLS. Sol. from Landon, della" WATCYN. WATCYNS 8.42. 10,30-11.0.—Programme SOR, fre ant 6.0.—Afternoon Topics : “A Ramble {Baritone}, » a Studio Eervies Hound Madeley, by the Rey Jorma. i = Conducted hy: } *"Fhree. Eustern Bons, THURSDAY, July 15th. FF, [ven Cater, MLA. The Ha, WW, SY REGS, ‘Of to. Morket, Johnny." 12,0-1.0.—Gramophone ‘Tranamissien, Vira of Andley. £.15.—FOR- THE CHILDRER. “A Norseman’s Wooing.” £.0.—Lipht Muse. . 4.0.—The Capital Thentre Orchestra, 9:0-10.40.— Programme Bd, ff O48 6.40.—Programme So fron London, | 6.54, MURIEL RATHIEN nnder the Ditgetion of “! Ron. dele" ‘ Fouden, 7.40,— Motor Cyele Talk: ‘TE Doris (Solo Pianoforte). 5.0:—Afternoan Wants to-Drive, by Me E. ‘Stlver Lamps." Topics: |“ How the CAREY RIGCGALL. Madim C..M. KROGER Mind ‘Treats: an Advertise: MONDAY, July 12th. {Solo Violin); mont,” Try W. H, Smedley. A PROGRAMME OF Tdvil. 6.15.—FOR THE CHILDRENS, Capitol Thentre Orehestira, 4.0.—The MINIATURES, 6.0.—Light Mdina, onder the Direction of ‘* Ron TREE SARA (Solo “Cello] Introductory Remarks by Tr. 6/30-12.0.— Jrearerane S08. ofe mi tallies." “Celtic: Folk Tales" ‘* David LEIGH HENRY, P.A.,; MMos. Jongdon. F.O0.—Aftterneon Topics: 9.2. THE ORCHESTEH A. Bac, FRIDAY, July 16th. Livingstone,” by fiste ~AA, An Evening. with “In Hong Kong Streets,” AL —'Trineamission th Sehools: "To Ty duncan. oe: §35—FOR THE CHILDREN. Frederick Humphries. 0.7, FREDERICK HUMPHRIES Bova and Girk—Your. Cowen (Solo PianeForte). Booksbelf,"" bar A. Powell, 60—Light Music. STRING ORCHESTILA, SB from London, "Lotas Bloksan.”" 4.0,—E.. A. Widdop's Tria, 6.30.—Programe Suite, “ North Stofiordshire AL STEPHENS. 1.10. HARRY .WILEINSUN 6.0.—Aftermeon ‘Topics, 7 4 0 , A Talk by M i s s © | ~~ Skietehes §.16.—FOR THE CHILDREN: 20-7 1.0.—Pregenmne Sa, jrea ni | ‘On Buiulasien: Dawns Die (Sabo “ello. 6.0.——Bbirht Music, Honilon. Livers: Hauck (Trentham| Mintatare Concerts. im iC Alimor. 6.00-10.55,—"nagrowniie 5.0, from Woods: “Sinko Woakes:"" } 8.24, WATOUYSN WATCT HS. Tandon, “ Driams of Yesterday. | Chin the Shave," SATURDAY, July 17th. TUESDAY, July 13th. “ Pearl Maiden,’” “The East Hoe,"* 4.0.—The Oapitel Thentre Orchestra, 12.0:1.0.UGramophiona “Transmission. £22 LOUIS, COHEN (Sule Violin). 6.30,—Prespreninie S.A fre: Zendon, onder the Direction of ** Hen- 4.0.-The Capitol Theatre Orchestra, Calite Lyrics f 10 WATCYS WATCYHS. dele undar tie Direction of '" Ron- “ Fiddler of the Peatway * Searf of Gald,” 5.0.— Afternoon Topics: “ Sanitation dette,"" ; * Bridget ‘ot the Tair." re Revond the Blue Haze,” —A Brief Wistorical Outline.” $£.0.—Afiernoon Topica: “A. Contin THE ORCHESTEA, THE ORCHESTRA. §.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN. ental Journey,"" by Misa J. Bf, poe. Chinese: Suite, “The Lote of "Prom Old Welsh: Lore; 6,.0,—Dance «Musi, 4 Biepheris. Sle, Jade ~ | é2> THE LONDON RADIO THE CHILDREN, LOUIE COHEN, 5.15.—FOR “The .Slomber Garden of DANCE BAND, 6.0.-—Daiiee Musiv. Taing “3. **- The Tete. Pavi- Humutice, Ftelayed from dhendon, HABERY WILKINSON. 4.0-12.0,—Programme 8.8. — f rom 6.30-12.0.—-Programme from lion of Plvasures 3° “Thay | hi ochornaite, London, orton, ‘ iFFehy, Fe Dees of tho Velen Dgk" : | _—— RADIG TIMES- {Jouy Sra, Lab.

“Week Hesinsiing ~ BOURNEMOUTH PROGRAMMES. July th. SUNDAY, July tith. (rormmet Sol, “ Herecusne ches 20, THE ORCHESTESA: THURSDAY, July 15th. Jooebyg * aaa Grharndl | Volee,“" Bstadiantiina’' 4.30, LIGHT ORCHESTRAL CONCERT. Suite de Ballet, The. Twa | Hriiiiteerfest Ll.wI-l2i.—Queenie Major (Violin PiggeeMeee1 i The Poradasof the Tin Soldiers” THE STATION: 8Y¥MPHONY Boecitial). Selection, Aide 5... )c. 2. Fea| weaned 0-0. CRCEAESTERA: | Tenanieeion to Seljgeole > .50.—-WEATHER FORECAST AND NEWS.| Natural History—(12) Aquatic Conductedhy AL From ‘es Bia, | Volk oon International! Affairs.| Capt. W. A. FEATHERSTONE: Nireried, " hy Mr. Montagne NORA BRADBURY(Pianoforte}. | 4B. from Eaaieleapi. Seine Napolitaines |" Afosrened A. Phillips, FRG: FG: Two Dances . Patera Lai Kit Nets. a.46.—An Attornoun Paper. “ La Dene > “ Ta Pratessicin “A Peete? ac Diez ty 10,5; SALZBETIMI {Harp Recitial}, eb Pimproviseteor a 6 4.0). Tea-Tima Music. - “Bong Without Wode." SUE. from London. Fete," F.G. Bacon's Greheaten, Afendclaaakn | 10,30, DANGE MUSIC. 245. (Baritone) Vales Ramantique "). Jebus| Relaved fron THE NEW PRINCES DANCE W. A. Smith and fons Restaurant, with ORCHESTRA. a : BAS DS. Lhe Soquane. * Bereracke atest 1. EG; THE BAND, Pes from London, “" The Twu Grenadiers 'iy jl where h.15.— FOR THE CHILDREN, Pat ra, The hays of "Fippest- 12.0.—Clows down, geo. WILLTAM PRIMROSE. (Violin) ary na Alera fi:—Musiea! Dnterhude. iid ORCHESTEHA, Tel cece, Acoroee. thee i.—Market. Pricag. for (Farniiers: Cateerto for Violin. in’ E Minor Mabe a ae ey Cy 5.8. from London. 7.0.—Weatien FPorecasr aso Sew: Mentelasohei Selection, “ Tell Mle Mara WEDNESDAY, July 14th. 4.20, ROY HENDERSON, Goeraiean Mr LEONARD WOOLLEY, 4u8. with Piane. 1.50 ATHER ForRRnCAST AND Nitws, $.45.—An Aitormoon Paper, from ‘Lidradterr., “ay Lovely Celia ™ Fvtian Series, Mr, RALPH 4.0,—The Station String On-hestra:: fhah.e—TAOPIN intarpretead ky SLE STRAUS reading PL whore ATELERT, Sat. fron, Bowdon, anv. A. Jane Welaon Copeteah by Capt. We A, T4o—" Gardening,” by Sir, GHEORGHE ’ Devote iss case 2ET aon. Sue. frovt Pavnalore. Featherstone, BV. Mebhregor DASCE F.lRvH.a. “Eon. as a Lovely Flower “ Lac) News. | {Eorer'l, $.0.—" MILESTONES So. from Fy rie A adhe ] 10.5.—"ACHINESE HONEY SICON,” 1.15. FOR THE CHILDREN, “Twilight. .0t. Ie... Poghinoin SOAR. from London, Joona: PL, ty. Series Of Song Anthologies. 2). —WEATORE Fonecasr Ann NEw, * Ode to Music .... A. Bedford livi.—Close chown, Noe: 1. —GARDENS Discussion between Ae. HUBER “35. RAEROBERTSON (Pianofocte) HESTDERSON ond Mr. RAY: and ORCHESTRA, THE STUDIO TRIG: MOAT: BWONG, efron Conserte far Piano and Orchestra TUESDAY, July 13th. REGINALD &, MOUAT Baonalieny, in B Flot Major (K. 450) Mostart (Violint ; i Lotal Aews. Allegra; Ailanie: llega. 11,350-72.0.— Ernest Lush (Pianoiorie THOMAS’ E. ILLINGWORTH | 1d. f.- —Programe Pe ae from London. 5.0), ROY. HENDERSON Recital), (Cella) x 10.280), DANCE MUSIC. with GRCH ESTHA, | $.45,—"* Light Fed: for Sumner CHARLES L FESON (Piana). THE SAVOY BANDS: “0 Love of Mine" 2.2...rieg | Days ~ (4), by Jdanec Metenaear. ~ Flower Suite © . Benya| S28, from. London, “ To the Forest”... Peharlovaky| 4.0.—The- Wireleas Trig : Reginald Si, 1 A LULU BRADGSH AW4onitralta). 1?.0.—Close chow. “A Rebel Song " atethur Sanford Sienat (Violin, Thomas 16, “The Confort. of WILLIAM. PRIMBOSE Lhingworth (Gello), Arthur ho Gorden it a, 10. {. Arendala ant RAF ROBERTSON, Marston (Piano), Fyeltn Fryer eTee bed Eeepied ‘FRIDAY, July 16th. Sonata for Violin and Piano. in {(Comtralitar). Path>' | A. Major (Op. 100) . Arafons 5.15,—FPOR THE CHILDREN. ~The Garden of Memory a Lae 1T2h.k—Orean Recital relayed Ftasell Patips Allegro Amabile: ~Andante bith, THE BLIOU BAND. from the- Royal Arcade, .Bo-<- 6.25, THE TRIO. Tranguillo; Allegretto BOR: STOR ES {earttoies|, combe.Oreaniet Arthar Mars Urazioao, “The Wedding of the Ros: ™ ston, ARCO. T——WEATHER FoRecasrT aso Niwd. al are 6.00-4.0.— Shakespearo’s Heroines : M. STEPHAN). 8.8.from London, 3.45.—"Unconventional Walka LILTAN BRAITHWAITE aa! *Butbertlies fled FT ime | Abroad “ {d), by By Gee Nash. 7.25.— Programme 8.2, from Londer, Gb, LULU BRADSHAW: el hermione. So. fron Lanelown. | 4.0,— Orchestra relayed from the Elec- “In My Garden" i... &. Eadie tric: Theatre ¢ Afsael Dredd or, h.- ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS.,| #0. ORCHESTRAL AND VOCAL. “In My Litth Ganden” SB. from Bondo, DD, 0. Ronald. THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA: Chietifirey ay uiting 10.—Wear Forecasr asp News. (Cigarette har 4.0.—Musical Interlods. “ Poor Alans Garden ~ h15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, Loral News, Capt. W. &) FEATHERSTONE, AL Resell 2).—THE CHENYIL CHAMBER March, ““ Yarkee Gorit “ 6,50.—BRoyealHorticultural Society's 6.0.—Programme S28. from Denton. ORCBESTHA ane the Aofciayin Bulletin. 5.4. from Doaeetini, 7.0.—Weatruen Forecast ~xn News, EXGLISH SINGERS: SUB, na election, “Lohengrin,” 7T.0.— WEATHER Forecast ano News: Mr. G. A, ATAINSON. Som pram London, Magner: Travan Mr, Fo A. BATHER, De. 8.28. Jrom Donden, 140.—Cloae clown. “ Gaslie DreaSong. Moulele fron London, 7.25.—Programe Sofrome London, B20. ERNEST EADY (aritone). “ Bewire ofthe Mailensg * leeds —COHOPTS interpreted by NIED- 8.0. CHORAL AND ORCHESTRAL. SLELSEL. S08. from London. MONDAY, July 12th. Moule Oriste Jay WINXIFRED. ASCOTT “At Grendon Fair’ Paul Aferie Tal." Doneemiing Lions," by Major (Soprana), #98, WINTFRED SMITH {Bopranc}. J. E. HODGSON, FRAG.8. THE STATION CHORDS: et,— “The Wonen's Inetititee: “One Morning VeryEarly” What They Are—And Why," . AN EVENING AT WEYMOUTH. THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA: Simdierenai Condiueted bry byMiss Style, JP. A Concert by the “ Sloepy Bollow Tune Capt. VWA. FEATHERSTONE. Tea-Time Music. A. Abound: WEYMOUTH MUNICIPAL 4.0, ORCHESTRA : “The Cries of London." F.. G. Beacons Orchesira =Mh. THE ORCHESTRA, Musical Director, Binte for Soprano, Solo, Chorus, released fro Site, ~ Aaosenikavaliee "Sree Entiranie of Foose Bearer, and ELDRIDGE NEWSAAN. and Orchestra. YW. BH, Smith and Son's BRelayved fromtha Written by Restaurant, Tho Square. Det: “Och's Walt: Ai oof the Tenor; Breakfast Scene: Alexandra. Gardens, Weymouth. Eau and Tearheniaenke pr, $15,—FOR THE CHILDREN, Trio; Closing’ Boone, THE ORCHESTRA Sart te Miran bey 0.0.—Musival Interhuche, * Morche Militaire Froncais ~ * Marthe Tarra7" Mowenorgatcy Herbert Oferer, #.45,—Boya Brigade News. Overture, “Orphée aox Enfers Saint-Saéua The Criea of London”: “ Fine Offenhach 7.0 —Weatuen. Forecast asp News, KU, WINSTFRED SMITE. and Reville Oranges; “Tho Two ¥aboade Ballet er, JAMES SACGATE, 3828, from ERNEST EAT, Bellman "; “The Pieman™; Ebirnige. Weiner Lordon, " Boy warned Girl "A Country ‘The Lavender Gael *s"* Buy —— Pox-trot, “Tf You Knew Suaie” CHOPEN interpreted by NITED. irk" *) tereeaee ie 2tloneblon My Crumpling Codilings,"’ Be Safed ah—'t “LSKI. 8.8, from London. “Tho Flower” (Lilac: ‘Tinme:”’) THE CHORUS AND Melodies from Cairo - Saert Ci tenn ORCHEHATEA. Zl beg! —. Life—(5) The’ Otter, Perey Plewher 8.0, THE ORC HESTRH A. Choral Fantasia on’ Nawitieal Ai 74a,— : Rivele Major F. ST. MAUH Themes’ from “ ".. Bice Ete,” bry Fel Selection, * Haliyoy.4 6.4 Hern C) Adeline Lewtd | Dt. WINIFRED sitH, Ot, An ‘Bivterbainmient by SHIE Das REC D NIGHT. THE NOVELTY. CONCERT 6.30), THE ORCHESTRA, “Devotion25); IDHeradalat “The Ship o° the Fiend.” B.0, MILITARY BA. “MILITARY| What. a sansa World Tt PARTY. THE MUNICIPAL. on .5. 4 Would. Bo... Heenan dr $.50.—WeaTHER Foreoast AND NEWS, Orchestral Ballad by BARD: " “; 4.165. ERNEST EADY. The Rt. Hon.Lonl ASK WITH. Homiah JtocCunn. Conductor, W. M, PEAR« SS, * The Song of the (lock ™ SB. from Dordou, Poem Recital by Relayed from the Pier. Burchell} Local News, Mrz, ROBERTSON. arch, ** The-Macl ALajor = Alford’> 125, He's Such «Lith Feller ™ 105:-—VARIETY:. Ss. A, fron Lapel, yvertupg, “ Poet and Peasant ™ A, Ghar 11.0.— Close down, {Continaedon the next page.) VbFERS

dour Sire, 1926. | RADIO TIMES — ' 1 rRSS =, —a 6BM 386 M. BOURNEMOUTH PROGRAMMES. Wes®sesing. (Continued from the previous page.)

AP, THE CHORDS AND £.15.—FOR THE (AHIR DRER, 8.55, 1ock WALKER. string compositions; on "Thursday - In Beattish. Awmour, EWEN ne there ik the performancot ORCHESTEA. 6.0, Dance Music, “ From the Bavarian Highlands." | THE LONDON BRADIC When 1 Moot Wey" enier Alveatones, relayed from London, and HA THE ORCHESTRA. an evening of choral music om Friday, ix Choral Sonia for DANCE BAN LI, Valse, * Trial Whispers" Aneliie Chorus ond Orchestra by fisiayed from Lonador, Well-Krown Instrumentalist. Eaword. Elgar. T..—WeatTaen Forecast? ann News, f.5, ARTHER WAY, SHS f The fact that Mr. William Prim- “The Dance; “ Falso Love ';| Mr. CLIFFORD W. COLLIN- t rose, Mr, Rat Hobertson and Mr.-Roy * Lullaby" ; “Aspiration” ; SON. S.J. from London “Non Posso- Dispetar ™ Se [aa “The Shawae ae JE lobe Henderson are taking part in the-con- “On the Alm"; The Marks-|7.95.CHOPIN interpreted by 8.10. cert on Sunday afternoon is ample rie. | NTEDATELSEL. Sue. feo THE ORCHESTRA. Selection, *" ‘The Laachy Of thie Rew" warrant for 464 excellence, The 20 —Wratarn Formoast axp Niwa. London, | Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, though ti ther Ministry of Agriculture Talk by| 7,40.—" A Blind Man's Experiences,” & freqnenth performed: work, is aaer- 0.20, DENISE DECLABE. and epee C ol reniggxs ee P- by Mr. FRANK BATTEN. tain to have a distinetive realing from ARTHUR JAY Pearieoe > from London 5a. music AND HUMOUR. Mr. Primcese, Me; Rebertson is” the in fuether Duets ane Solos. solvist in the Concerto for Piano iad 10,5, GEORGE SToNyE ail TH Ie VW LRELESS OR +e ESTRA 7 “The Second Minuet"... Beaty Orchestrafe Plat Major, lay Moxark, THE STATION PLAYERS Conducted by “The Bold, Unhbiddahle Child *' and later in the programme these Capt. W. AL FEATHERSTONE. Stanford in two short Playa, artists are io playthe Hrahms 'onafa Selection, ‘ Véronique "' Messager The Littl Servant(irl * for ati ae Pipa Afapne, Mr. “A Bit of Old Chelsea," 8.10), I0CK WALKER Fixt Exeae by Henderson's items jrnclids-sorme: songs (Entertatniar ). “Twickenham Ferry Marziale Airs. Oscar Bertiger. with orchéstral netompaniment hy In Seottish Aomour. 0) WrRatakeForecast aso Kews funeal Schubert, Grieg and Tchaikovsky, “Tt's « Fine Thing to Sing Sports Talk, S.A. rom Jenahore. "A Littl: Fowl! Play," Cochrane and Coach | Lotal News. A Choral Programme. by 5.200), DEKiE DECLARE anc 10.5.—Programme 5.8. from London. A concert of choral works on Friduy Hareht Ocean, ARTHOUR JAY 10.4}, DANCE MUSIC. Byening provides. a pleasure change Inewcdenrtal AD ieste bay (Enterbainers}, THE SAVOY BAS DE. from instrumental Pints i, The pia. im Felk Songs ea Duets aml Solos THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. it. Jrom Leviton, cratmme moodes the delightinl San- * Breet Nightingale"; “* William 1130,—Close down, L?.0.— Closes down. ton Cries, boy -Kedbward Tene hencelipr Taylor’; “Twelve: Daye al and Herbert (liver, and Elgar's From Christmas’ ;° "Dan's Court- ——F-—____.. fhe Roverion Aighifends, another work ship.” which i mot heard ns often aes it SATURDAY, July 17th. -THE ORCHESTRA, BOURNEMOUTH NEWS. shonld be, This programme also con- d4o.—"On the Road to Canterbury." Pour Deaneas ("' The Rabel: Maid “") A Stranuous Week. tana the firet broadcast performance Phaliing l "HE venthusisatic ULstener who is of tha Orchestral Ballad, The Ship oa" (),. by

4.0, Danco Music. Barly Maisie: te have rather o« strenuous week, The BDocwin Loree, The poem itselt THE ROYAL BATH HOTEL Andanteand Allogro from Sonata First, there js the Sunday afternnor will he spoken by. Mrs.. Robertson. DANCE BAND: Deer hie oe oie ae concert with the Mendelasohn -nnd The woird and vivid picture which Musical Director, Fantasia in: © Handel Mowart Contvertos and the. Brahma" thos fine balind brings ts-intenathed hy

ALEX WAINWRIGHT, Pastorale and Cat's Pogue Violin ind Pian Sonaka; oo Welt the Foch tha we sire plunsed: with- ~ Kelayed from the King’s. Hall Seoriais day abternoaon or listeners shotthd re. ont aty preliminary description

Raodans. Tia li le 1k Rorieenie | minh Al breve ii hear sen EES important skraiglit into the middle of the story,

oPY Week Beginnin 338 M. PLYMOUTH PROGRAMMES. July i SUNDAY, July 11th. | 615.—Cramophone Recital of Danes THE: ORCHESTRA, §.0-12-0—Pregramme. Sof. from oni, Biusic. Suite, “ime et Dhillertnes 1 aon, Sa0-6 0 |) Pragronines Bll, rom 6.0-10.40.) London, 6. 50-Tk= Progrenuae §.8. from Gon- Hayne om. 6.45. An Tnterlido. by FRIDAY, July 16th. MONDAY, July 12th. JOCK WALKER, aoa—For Schoola:,.. The Hew Je" 11.0-12.0:—George East and his Quar- WEDNESDAY, July 14th. In" Bome -aeotoh Howen hiedda, * Dickens 11,0-12.0.—ieorge East and his Quar- THE ORCHESTEA, hiumiei anal reer Folk—Oapyi tet, relayed from Popham’s ‘ Anhade Prinkinteve " _,Jboconre Restacrent, tet, relayed from --Popham's Cuttle und,Aisa Glazed Hat." Rests, 9.5 (aporex,}- OLIVE STURGESS. Mr, Wolter P. Weekes, ** Miogi= 4.30,—Orchestra, relayed. from Pop- i Bang il Bate; cal Forni.’ liam’s. Restaurant. 3.30,—Orchestra, relayed from Pop- Topica: Mr. Douglas hams Restaurant. of Rixpence' 4.0,+Afternotn - Topics. 4.0.—Afternoon "Nel Mother M Doraion, “More “Great $0—Mr, Py. Dart: Lown Tennis" 1G, Hubbard"... Pa eraert Hughes Tea-Time Music MuSicians—(3) Stanford." ae (1). Dr, oster., from the Royal Hotel, 4.15, 4.16. Tea-Time Music Tea-Time Music “ Giticey, Goo Musical Direectar, from the Reyal Hotel. from the Royal Hotel. sev, Gander"! Albert Fullbrook, Musical Director, Musical Director, CHARLES HARTLEY. 315.—PFPOR THE (CHILDRESS, Albert Fullhrook, 6.0.—The Station Synchpated Orches- _ Albert Fallbrook, — “The Legend Beautifal * itd, £.15.—FOR THE CHILDRESS. 616.—FOR THE CHELDREN: Hong fellow THE ORCHESTRA, 6.50-10,55,—Pregranme SLB from 6.0.—The Station Syncopated Sextet, 6.0, —Elsie Poarce and a Fiano, Four Characteristic Valaas feoncdlorn, 6.30.—Progremme 8.8. from London. ia0,—Programme 50. from Condon, 740.—Mr, F. J, POHNS: “ Delight- f aaa: Payles T.40:—The Hew F) We MINERS : §.a0- 1L0.—Progrenene SE, frou on SATURDAY, July 17th. as ful Days in Deven and Corn- * Drazil—The Country and. the wall” (6): don, 11.0-12.0.—George East and this: (huar- Feople.” 5.0-11,0,—Prayrenane Sui. roar Bon tet, relayed from Popharm’s dan, B.A. SUMMER ECHOES, THURSDAY, July 15th. Restitraaat,

THE STATION ORCHESTRA, 11.0-12.0.—George East and his Quar- 3.0.—-The Station: Qartet.

tel, relayed froin Pophiun’s 4.0.—Afternony Topics. pa TUESDAY, July 13th. tiverture, " La Dome Blanelie ™

11.0-12.0.—George East ond his Quar- Fotalaien Hestuurant. 416, Tea-Time Music —S iet, reluyed from Popham's OLIVE STURGESS (Soprana), 6.00.—Orchestri, relayed from Fop- from the Boval Hotel, . “Who i Sylvia 1” a Sehwbert hom Ss Restaurant. — Kestanrant. Musical Director, 3,30.—Orchestra, relayed from Pop- “ Obstination " 1F De Fanfenaiffoy 4.0.—Afternoon ‘Topics. Albert Fuilbroalk. hima Restaurant, “Love, I- Have Won You" 4th, Taa-Time Music 5.415—FK0oR THE CHILDREN.

4.0.—Afterncon Topics, Londen Moneta from the Royal Hotel, 6.0—THE MICROGNOMES. CHABLES HARTLEY Musical Director, 4.16, Tea-Time Music (Dramatic Recital). Albert Fullbrook, 20, Dance Music. from tle Royal Hotel. “The Dream of Eugene Arun §15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, THE LONDON RADIO Musical. Director, tm Head 6.0.—William Frost {Baritone}. DANCE BAND. Albert Fuollbroank, OLIVE Te 6.30,—Prograueme S28. from Eondan. Helayed from: Lowdait, §.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN. " June Masic * a Prent 7.40:—Madame ZULMA LYNEL: 7.0120, —Progranciee SR: Jr Lom. Polonaise ("* Mi;anon wyiThomas ““Conknines Frances." {3}, don. 6.0.—Bov Seoots’ Bulletin.

102 RADIO TIMES —- Pore f r i t , 1826. , 385M—— “CARDIFF PROGRAMMES. WeBepiing OF — SUNDAY, July lith. eles _ 7-40.—Capt. EL ROTHERY MOBS : | 10.6.—VARIETY, 5.8. from London. | 0. IN REALMS OF SONG. , 8.0. WELSH PROGRAMME. i In the Mo untaine and Forests | 11.0.0 lose down, a nid SEATIONGmcmieraa; {if Relayed toDaventry. fia) ee Sams as cae oe THE.STATION } 18.0. AN INSTRUMENTAL THURSDAY, July 15th. At WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. | ORCHESTRA: I PROGRAMME. 1201 $0. —Jaano) ip abe sap Overture, Carnival “oo. Gieurab. 9 Conductor, ; THE STATION ORCHESTRA ; the Ch ‘ltr ‘Hest eee I 24, NORMANwith ORCHESTRA.ALLIN (Bass), BRAITHWAITE,WARWICK j WARWICK:Comcuetor,BRAITHWAITE, *"4.49._+o : An peeAfternoonerConcert, =r} Two Excerpts. from ‘* Parsifal™ 4 Ovyertirs, “Nall Gwyn." s Overture, “Don Giovanni" THE STATION ORCHESTRA: Wagner | German © Marat V i Conductar, : } ‘218. THR ORCHESTRA. | IRENEEVANS [ HAROLD FAIRHURST WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. i Suite, “Raymonda’ ~Rallet 4 (Contralto. } { (Solo Violin}, : 8, GULG (Baritone). wh Wain i...Staite Glrzourov. % “Unwaith Btio'n Nehymru § with ORCHESTRA, ;SR Afterna m1 Topirs, sil: 7 | Concerto im Fw... . Back | .—Pinnotorie Recital f : +40, MIRIAM LICETTE (Soprano}, t Aneryh ob. Wsiiema | with ORCHESTRA. : * “Hriangperdd Sul ¥ ‘ H. 3), THE ORCHES'TRmy | &. li.— FOR THE CHILDREN, aa Wilts Sone (“ Romeo and Juliet). |.7 Blottau es | NL 5 * Rosamunde, Airde Ballet, No 2 pt.ik—Gaojdes” Programm, a Gowncd. 4 WS, Gieynn Wilhama 3 Schubert 1.15, Dance Musi ne “Willow Song "y(* Gthella ™) + VALE VOICK- CHOTR. Buite, “Don César de Bazan" | THE LON as athe “Ave Maria’. | Ferdi 1 “Dalydd -¥ ; Meassenet | Sane Saye RADIO | o F aOR ce A. 48. THE ORCHESTRA. i, Gapree. Wen "| Baste: 8 i Rerecouae: Entacte—"" Seail- Symphony, No. 1, in G- Minor 4 “Moria Riyadd- eer ‘ ber," ‘| ee % eres fron “onelon. ores Katliunibon T eg hin 2 Ried ie 3 2 HAROLD FAIRHURST. o 50).—Market Prices for Farmers. i dD. 4. Soene from + . enol Har | ete id Nocturne in pea i mr Wasibee = it ized F 4 pe hk See 2 Cheyne Awer oe ides HART ASD ON Ws, 7 ee 4 THE ORCHESTRA . Caprice, Mo, 24 Pagani Areister Mr. LEONARD WooLiry. i I Juliet: MIRIAM LICETTE: eae| 4 ianTraditionalPee, Welshee hic Airs,ee i 5.54),ba Capand Bells. SahTETSoo. fron odesi . Friar Lawrence 3 TRENE EVANS. i A Merry. Interval. ee T:aeaeF od by NFED- 445. DOROTHY GODWIN (Harp). | “Ingeborg” Mophit Evans} THE ORCHESTRA. 4 60 “\Cnke— Fea Sate) London, om “ Danse Sacrée*' Ded 1 * Pant-¥-Pistyll * Patrol, “The Wee Macgreegot | °° ay a a “ 7 ature, U ey canal n | Danse Feolane i} 2 ee 1 Lindt Wilijame * Aimers A aE Mr. CLARENCE E 1. (Accompanied by Strings.) 4 THE CHOFK, ! Waltz, “ The Passing of Salome Se e. tt Be. FEC, Lara 5.0, THE ORCHESTRA, ! “¥ Delyn Aur” Joye eg, WIEESTONER”6 "Puck's Minust " Aenber! Howells. 7 D. Pughe Eeana 7 “ Music Box Revue ’’...... Berlina [OO xs io aca SB. from A Recon Grande Valeo de Conmert, 4 oY Poreremian” Jy. Parry il i, 1a. “THE CARETAKER ery sg ; a F ‘Eat : * ay Cp. er ier Aiissmenon i THE oR: HESTERA, ; CALLUING.” Pes a : Sonat eer AST awhNEWs, i Bavonig Rhapsody, Ao. 3, an.) 7 ‘Weleh Folk- Senne] Some More Impressions by “HENT E ha hire Mrs SE BER] i A Flat. i. sci. s.ssc.. dorak 1 Wankastin” 3 GEORGE 'ERBERT. Satie ON and Mr. RAY- } 6.00-0.0.— Shakeapenre’s Heroines: + irr, Warwick Braithwaite ‘7 THE ORCHESTRA. D deihecl oa ENG: * Amorinan i] LILIAN BRAITHWAITE as | Bensi es al a Tae Balle ee Chappelle Mean a -f. from Dendon, | Hermione, S.8. from Lomdon. ihthhiiicsaete of are TORECAST AND NEWS. Sarge tata sc S45. MEL SAINTS’CHURCH 9.0. GEMS FROM ITALIAN OPERA. siiegetn Path Sew 110.5—KATE WINTER (Soprano), , CHOLR,1 THE ORCHESTEA. GB. from Eovuaion.he : Bongge Rubcital,eebriba A. from London,dom {j Eiymin,:** The Sun ia Sinking Fast*’ Sclection, ae Togea" 2.0 Pico 1 aad in, Tih eth, =THEDANCESAVOYMUSIC.BANDS, hi:uy (A. & M., Wo, 17). SILVIO SIDELI (Base), OASALEZEDO (tarp, Recital A Short Reading from tho Berip- with ORCHESTEHA. i oi from London, 5 , Salt. jrore Landen, : tures CRE ee eee Leoncaalia Pgh ik c MUSIC 12.0. Vloge down, i Anthem, ** What Shall. I Render “Simon Boeranegra ..., Ferdi 1030 T :MEW PRINCE'S Unte the Lord?" Caleb Simper THE ORCHESTRA. HE ae BRANDS 4 a Address. by the Rev, BD. ELLIS “Aymin to the Sun ("Pris") DAN eee er i FRIDAY, July 16th. I JONES, LD; Viear of All ‘Saints’ and Chaplain of HM. SILVIO SIDELI, withMaacagne Be|. eegeldeeeSPRORN Koren. 11.30-12.30. THE BAND OF | if Prison, Cardiff, 7 ee ESTRA. THE 1l2tm ROYAL. LANCERS iT win,Now the Deer ta Over” “ Boronade("Dion Giovanni) | E (Prince -of 'Walds'’al, i eh. & M., No. 346), Mozart WEDNESDAY,July 14th (By kind permission of Cechtlle: : Benediction, THE ORCHESTRA. LL30-1,0, H. G. BURGESS J. Blakiaton-Rouston, D.5.0.) 2:0.—Progranwne. 8B. from Donan. Phe Witebes” Dhomea-""-("* Le and ORCHESTRA. Bardmasier, A. LEMOLNE, ; 1ia—" THE BILENT FELLOW: Vole Geese Pee Related fram Relayed from: the i ‘ BHIP." 0.0 — WEeaTuerForecastaso News, Madiera Cove, Weston-super- Inktitution Gardena, Bath, : J 1.10,—Cosas chown, MMe. RALPH STRAUS, i Mare: i na a frit London. Local News, 3.—"A CHINESE HONEY- A. REGH. TROTMANHUXHAM,and #0,beniot THETHE BAN:iy Bofr ! MONDAY, July 12th. MOON." S.8. from London, .0.—A Short Concert of Gramophone THE lorn OeAY: LANCERS. I 12.30--1.30.—-Lunch-time Music from 11-0-—Close down, Records. 5h—Beneo) Transmission : Major 1 the Carlton Restaurant, Cardiff. $.14.—8chool Tranamission: Sir C.. #. Evans," Tales of the 3.0, —The Station Tria. TUESDAY, July 13th. Stanley Leathes, K.C.B,, p= Weta Ongar $.15.—8chool ‘Tranamission:: “ Sea = ““itirenship: The Citizen.” 3.05. THE BAND Meadowa," by Dr. 0. V. Darbi- 4.0.-—The Station Tria. Helayed from Daventry. ah. ienee shire, Professor of Botany in |3.15.—School Transmission: Mr. 3.45, H. G. BURGESS and 4.45.—" Folk Lore and Fairy Stories mul the University of Bristol, | Hely Hutchinson, “* Eleman- ORCHESTRA. of China,” by Mise Esyit New. : h,.——The Statron Tria, tary Miusie."' fetuyed from Relayed from eS ao f : 145.—Afternoon Tapes. Lenaton, Madian Cove, Woston-super- we th bears orte Recital, ‘ Becital, L0—The Station Tria. Mare. 6.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, f b15—FOR5.0.—PianoforteTHE CHILDREN. 4.15. Tea-Tima Music 4.45.—~Afternoon Topios + * A Hurgun- %°—" Richard Hakluytand the Elizae 4 £.0.—" Medals--Their History and from the Carlton Restaurant. dian Village,” a Talk prepared "bethan §Seamen,'’ by Miss Edith i Manufacture,” by Mr. Michael 445—" A Littl Bird Told- Me," by hy Mise Marjorie Winbourne, ae Cederval. | Te ecie a + Bateman, MiseElapeth Soot. $.0.—Pianeforte Reecital, aan FRANK W ESTFIELD'S 6.15 ALEX FRYER*S §.0.—Tea-tine Mume from the Carlton .15,—FOR THE CHILDREN. : ORCHESTRA. ! Restaurant. i0—Mr. ELK. ‘Tretman, “Cave 2 Sd, fret London, # S.A.ORCHESTRA,from London, §.15.-FOR THE CHILDREN, Hunting in the Mendips.”! 6.50.—A Summary, of the Wireless 7 .40,—Bove' Brigade, Bova’ Life Heri- | i..—For Young Adventurers. 6.15, ALEX. FRYER'S Papers for the Week. 5.2, ; gade, Chureh Lads’ Brigade | 6.15, Dance Music, ORCHESTRA. i from Landon, af Bulletins. S.H. from London, THE LONDON RADIO SB. from: London. 1.0.——WaTHer Forecast awn Wiws, e 49.0.—Wreatnen Forecast Axo News. DANCE BAND: 6:50.——Programma 8:8. from London, Mr. G. A. ATRINSON : " Sem yn Mr. JAMES AGATE : Dramatic SB. from Londor. | 7.40.—Mr, L.A. KNIGHT : “Sights, on the Sereen.” Sub. from Critiviam. SUG. from oidon, 7.0.—Whataer Forecast ann Newa, | Bounds and Simella of Bogland.’” _ Fender. ; +25. CHOPIN interpreted by NITED. M. BTEPHAN: “ Lettres de |4.0.—Progranuma SR. from London, 125. CHOPIN (interpreted by KIELSKE 8.8. from London, Mon Moulin." S.A. from 9.90.—Wrearoke Forecast asp News, NIEDZTELSK1. SB. from : 7.40.-—"' Whiy ia-Goal 80 Valuable t™ London, The: Rt. Hon.Lord ASK WITH : Landon. £ by Dr. O. V. DARBISHIRE,|7.25.—CHOPIN interproted hy “ Behoolbay Howlers." Sua | 70-—Musioal Interhide. GG. from f- Professor of Botany im the NIFDZTELSKY, 2.8, from fron London. London, { University of Bristol. London, Local Mews, (Continued on the next page.) ~ a i F |

103 dir Gr, wseh. | ment RADIC. TIMES ——

Week Beginni ~CARDIFF PROGRAMMES. July Lith. (Continued from the previous page.)

7.55: THE BAND -OF THE VERA MeCOWE THOMAS. 5.0 A SHORT CONCERT. 10.4.— Programe &.8. fram Derdon, létn ROYAL, LANCERS hoeHarnoe. 54 oh Sertainn | THE STATION ORCHESTRA : | Loo, DANCE MUSIC. (Prince of Walea's). GCRACE HOWELL Conductor, Relaved from the (Chonvtural te), WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. THE SAVOY BANDS, Lnustitatven Garis, Bicth. " Flower Song” (" Feet: Witeaernel Entr'aete, Mia: 3 CoCmeri ")ea SE. prams London, Chrerture, “ Meeanpelle:"’ "The Waylarer's Night Son" CLADYS PALMER -fCiarubralita ) 12.00=u(one clceurnr. * Lend Me Viour Aid Fusthope Avante | nod. ORCHESTRA: afee Tromlhone “4 Little Coons Prayer. ~ “The iligrin a Bong Peierls Sil cee “The Joywheel ™ Barbara Hope * Saoapditia*” (“amen '}- Aisa THE TRIG. VERA McCOoME ‘THOMAS CARDIFF NEWS. {Saoloist, Tria iT A MiPu ore ite ceece {Solo Pianotarte) Two famois singers. fe fem BRandemoan PF. SMITH.) FRANE THOSLAS, and STRING ORCHESTRA. ariaa will eontribute to the Excerpta from ‘ Mercenary Mary" Trtrodnaetion, Theme and Dende “ Wedding Cake “ Caprice-Valse, Sapte al teerncirern precramms fran PORE. ee ee ee ES Op. G0 fae ee Se-ens ] Cardiff. Both Mise Miriam Linsite and ed FRANE WHITNALL. GLADYS PALMER and Mr. Norman Allin are British National In the Studie : Berreuse be Spleens RAS Crete ORCHESTRA. Opera Company artists, and both GRACE HOWELL (Contralia). THE TRIO, “hore Corals Lic"... . Jigar * Slawe Song... Teresa del Riege hive some wonderful successes to Graceful Barer" \| Ptegeriende! ‘Nok! Sigaar Meyerbeer their creciit, Daring thia pProLramms Sea eweros . Soha frefend * Shumber Born" | Rednni THE ORC HEiBT RA. * Hiomang *! they will BATHE the pret: nm aoere frcerch ,eres def Mega er oea "Mote Perpetian * Romeo atid Judiet,laa well os opens THE. BASE 11.0, Cleans deer, Kies, are. Leonard Busfield | shloa with the Station Orchestra: AMen- (Continent) liton ehobe made also of the rarely S45. A RED INDIAN. NIGHT'S A milan i = Movrement performed Symphony No, Lind! Minor, + Pat hetignae Symphony ENTERTAINMENT. SATURDAY, July 17th. by Kuallinnrkev, aie Deboesy's eben Teh brie i Written and: Produced: ty Lragr letile pu ceafor the harp. Ceti * Sererpe eee IMfnacbow ake jit. a0.ic—F. Oh. HURGESS ANT DPOSALD PAVE. panded by rine Characlerisie, “The Girnashioppeers’ ORCHEBAT RA. The Bedskina holdamany prisoners, Owing to the facet that Carlitt i aot paleinces, blackfiaces and faces Tg Bite enlnsiva Relive trom Mader Cove, feetreceived dite! throught the Tont Pot, | Finlandia * Wesbrdt-siigpect- Mince, of unknown colour, They pow- whole of Weles;-Paventey well relay Seleet on ib Sanderson‘a: Sang, lh AN APTERNOOM CONCERT wow in their tampe of the Five. aiton Welbh programm: frm (Crr- Murehy Garry fink. Were har Tiber of Wah on the banks ‘ol diff on Monday. Listemers-will doubt- ‘Geil Bless the Prince of Wales." 1; G. BURGESS AND the ‘Tafiiewatati. The Big | Tesa be joters sted in the new Welsh God Save the King.” ORCHEST EA, Chief Yum-yum-tummy-yur| Felk Seng Fantasia, written ‘by oir 0.30.—WeatartnForecastannNews, aah Afternoon “Topic, orders his taptivea to be brought Warwitk: Braithwaite, Cardiff's Missi ke Alinistry of Agriculture * a will, —Pianotorte KRerital. before hin, arvl fe the cle ligghit j eral Director, The number‘of COTES Is Pref: WILLWRLY ‘TEOMP- 0S,OR THE CHILDREN. of the littl: chick: the braves, | tiens by Welsh nowmicians stab ly fer BON: “ Making the ecpinws, andl the 4epooses inehition ina propramme of this kind Roeping Pay Drvidiends,’ | Gh, Danes Music. the prisoners ian forse to earn ia by no means large, aod this newworl Jrone Landon, LocalNews: LOS DON BRAD) their ransom in Songnil Bhory, will form oa weleome addition to theo 16.5, A Late Concert DARE BAS DB, Dosturh § Programing, hey Relayedd from: London, Haas! Han ! For the second portion. of the some Want Wal!

THE STATION TRIO: = O.— Weartnek FoRRCAST ani News evening's “programe, the Cardiff FRANK. THOMAS (Violin}; CLIFFORD Wy COLLIN: Careful attention. muat be par | Btuclio will welcome a hebarn. viet by FRANK WHITNALL ‘Shopping in the South to the original Rel Incian ox- | Siprtor Silvie islet. whe will sine marisa (Violoncello) - 5.8. from Fencdon, pressions, which well repay i fron selatried Dtalian Cpr The VERA MctaiB THOAPAS | tel CHOFTLN interpreted by NTE D- Cloge ebaoly. Orchestra will-also play -a selection (Piano). ZTELSEL S&B. from London, 0, —WeatTice Porecast avo News. from Puccini's first oper, arhich is Findle of Trio, No.8... 1 17 40, + Week's Sport,” by Mr. Bports Talk. ALB. from London. hanily known, as at 25--e> seldom Ardainte from Quartet’ . Debary | » EL WILLDTAMB. Loral News. pertorrned 55X Week Beginning 482 M. SWANSEA PROGRAMMES. uly Ith. SUNDAY, July 1th. 4.30.- ‘The Biation~ Teta, LOTT: LEWIS” (Conbtenlio), 5.0-120.—Pregremne Sof from Zon- a: oO. —Pvagree AOA free Cor Sede. Fon THE CHILDREN, “A Bummer Seht Goring TW iernae TER. eit. 6.0—Muawal Interlude. oy |G | ; FRIDAY, July 16th. 6:30-6,.0,—-Pregrmmnre 88. from. ion 6.30-12.0.—Pragreanme S08) from, fot " Dafydd y Garrep- Pela Area 4.0.—Dhe Caste Cinema Orchestra ipo. Wee aeeee Services. THE GANT, anal(irc iin Busi, reli ived trom 6.0. A Simple the Uastle Ciena: Relaved from Fhe Nightingale i (Cornet | WEDNESDAY, July 14th. 6.0,—Misé -Mardalen Morgan, MA. ) Chureh, Bed) dat) hie bal tiled ba pea Afaea Bt. Mary's: Porish 4.30,— Castle Cinenma Orchestra Readings: from Welsh Liter: Address: hy the and Orpan' Music, relayed from 8.0. AS, “LAVAS, “Silent hoon Praga Williams ture, Rey CANON CL W, WILSON, Castle Cinema, ee Dy mbest] es. FE. &. Higphes §.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, Lilian MAL 4.15.- A Coneert of Gramophone THe- Morgan (Mezzo-Soprano). [Vicir of Swansea, } LOTT LE Wis Bink, Red» Sun" Del Rrega 6.0. —Musical. Interlade, ORGAN MUSIC. 6.0. HH! Perratl, “* Gur Neigh- "The May Night "*-... Brine | 6.15.—For Young Adventurers: ** My 0 ih], Programme 4B lars an Spa?" TH. BAND. Pinne and 1." foandor. 5:15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, Meditation, *' A Bummer Nicht." 6.00) —ryan St. from, losnaan, 1040-1070, “THE SILENT 6.0—Musical biterlode: 7.oo.— Programm Bo.cnn Caray. LOWSHEP: SLB, from Gi, 16.— Local Sports Sunumnary, Thnter 9,.50-11..0,— Program me Sot fran 9.30610, 55,—Pragrannce oo, nee ni 6..20.— Programine 8.8. fron Teondon, FerrelFr . A. ENIGHT, '* Bights; London MONDAY, July 12th. T:40.— Str; Bounds and: Srells of England.” THURSDAY, July 15th. SATURDAY, July 17th, 40, The { “vatle Gir eum Orchestra | A. from Parduf, 11.350-12.30.—A Kectial of Gramophone 4.0, nnd Organ Music, relayed From Tré. BDansani, Records, Relaved from the the Castle ee a0, BAND AND VOCAL MUSIC. 4.0, Afternoon Goncert. Bultic Lounge Café Restaurant £0.Afternoon ‘Topics “THE ATFAN VALLEY a. C. W. MEREDITH hi5.—-FOR: THE CHILDREN: 5.15.—FOR:. THE CHILDREN. BILVER BAND: iContralta), 6.0—A Shark Planoforte Recital, b fth—Minsical -Tnberlude.:- Mba Conductor, GARFIELD PAILLIPFS T. D. Pores, (Boprane hk IAMES BADGCLIEE EK, iSole Violin] 6.40. =Fronrayne aL, rau © Bed Ganpblet ~~ Himaier DOROTHY WATKINS 6.30. Dance Music. from Cardiff. 7:40.—Procromme 8.8, j ‘_Tarnereds | -eee] {Blocutionist}. THE LONDON RADIO #.30-11.0. Programme SAY from Son CO. LAY ES. (Byerutnne). 5.0.— Afternoon Topics DANCE. BAND. aon, 1 TT he-Gallant +Salamander &:15,— FOR THE CHILDRER. Relaved from London, TUESDAY, July (3th. Harnard 6.0.—Musical Taiterlude, 1.0.—Pregramime 3&8. from Loulon, 11.3-12.30—-A: Recital of Gramophone "Bedd » Dyn Pe o 6.15,—For Young Adventurers: 7.40,—" The Week's Sport," by Bir. froa Londen. LB, WILLLAMS, -Sa2- rem Records, caghan Thome 1 6.30.—Programme 8.25, p £0.—The° Castle Cinema Orchestra "The Rebel" Wallace |7.40.—Mr. CLARENCE A. SY me Credit, , ‘od Organ: Music, relayed* from THE BAND. B.8c., F.L.C.. “-Cloo ts 8,0-12..0.— rogaine a8, {ror Jon "Oheron "o> Reber Nature, Use and Aboge.” on, the Castle Cinema. Selection,

RADIO TIMES [tie Bin, Beh,


Week Beginning* & MANCHESTER PROGRAMMES. July Ith. SUNDAY, July lith. O.—Dr. FLOABENCE-G. AlGHAM, 6.0, The Majestic " Colebrity Or- THR ALUATENTED * Pictures of Manchester's Pro: chestirn + Mirtenal Director, ETATION ORCHESTRA: S.00), A BAND CONCERT. prees—(i} "The Sliadow of | Gerald W. Bright. Kelayed Conductor, THE IRWELL BANE intustry. © from the Hotel Mujestic, St. T. HH. MORRISON, Anne's-onethe-Bea, Overture, “' Carngval, Romain” PRIZE BANE: 18.0. Vocal and instromeantal Music. Canduetor, FOHN MOSS. Harliaz ROSA MORTON (Harpsichord) Tab, 8RATHER PomeABT AND Niwe. Marth, ae tandah 5! Tchraren M. STEPHAN. SuE, from London. TongFoom, SStewe amealand 1nd GEORGE DALEY. (Flite. Overture, “ Tancredi ” ..Aovsina ad LILY ALLEN (Soprano), Rousta in F Major for: Five pervel | 2.—Programme 8.8. fron: London, with CRCHESTRA., HELENS ANDERTON Harpesichorel Handel Caer Biome (°° Rigolettc.”’) | HELoerie aud ber}: 6.0. - Hevusica! Moments. Learehetio.: A leproa:; Biciizana ; Pardit Bea Wreek oO Alesedion Aanty ich Presented by VICTOR SMYTHE. THE ORCHESTRA, “A Soft Day" oo. oor MARY ROEBUCK Tussian Bathe, “ Seheberecade " “ Toeataey ice Winall Cra: (Sieaan-(ontridl top. Rimaky-Horekon HARRY HOPEWELL: THE. RANT, " Come Again, Bueet Love " LEE THISTLETHWAITE Belootion, “ Rigeletta ™ vee s Ferdi Join Joehinned 1587, BETTY WHEATLEY: (Baritone), HYLDA METCALF: EDWARD DYRES (Bass). are, Hornce Pelionvag with ORCHESTRA. EMME PINDER ; Songs of the Hea . : etenford ey Lyte! Proty One i Poe” (" A Masked Ball) JALverrn, 165g. frr. Piolpaiae BERNARD GAUNT: i Drake's Dram i - he Old Verda Superh,"' “There iw Garden in Her Faces CHARLES NESHRITT: THE ORCHESTRA. T fecgpereat Cuneo — GE, ALAN (G MITCHESON : THE BAST). The at of the Goda into Val- ! mr. Aes WILLIAMWRIGHT. Euphoniwn Bolo,“ Facihia *' . halle The Khino Gold") ROSA MORTON and Hfaorinwnit Solloway Wager GEORGE DALEY. (Boloiet, TORN MOSS.) ie ah (By Request.) Hornpipe (The “Faerid lndepmensn, “Rose Lode’ VIOLIN- RECITAL, LILY ALLE, Chveennies md a, Ord Ane Randeaw.. “0 ‘Teil Ma, Night-) f, Aa “ Romanwe Andaluza ™ Aaraaale HELER ANDERTOA, Danes for the Fuincs!eye ty Larchetto ...... onde!Huby ingale " .:... ee Herta Irish Folk Songs. “Video Bhabtte.” firigo- Alwar | “ Whene'er ‘a Bane: Galore Monker's Dance .. Hatey iiadze** * Shula Agra) 2 .arr Somervell MARY ROEBUCE “Chorke of the Dervishes " “A Lullaby”...... arr. Stanford Reethoven-Aner | THE ORCH oesLA, * Barbara Allon "| ir5rauormarsels* f° (G.ottardant- “My Dark. Rosaleen “ “The Vielin Maker of Cremann “The ‘Cherry Tres | mearung “"j Munger arr, Neediain Tradition Auiny (yur) 7* (By Regiest.) THE BAND. . : lian uc Lio Chay h ric “ if ee . SantSaenas | Unaccompatiety) 11.40.—WBATTER Porecast AND “" Melodious Gems" Belection, na Attenipt from: Love's Sickness 0.30,— WeaTare PoRecastT ART Ewes. Pruner to=Fly . Purcell News, Lhe: Rt, Hon, Lord ASKWITH, Comrades. in Arma" Chorwa,: * MARY. ROEBU cK RORA Talk: on International Avfairs: 8. feo Dewi, Adare MORTONand (CMORCHE DALEY, SOR. from London. Local: ew, BOUWARD DV RES. “tolion Abner: Kias Your Local News. 1sVARIETY, | ein 7 SB. fron Dotedon. Freebooter Bones Eyes" (17th ) 10.5, SALZEDO (Harp Recital), 8.8, | 14-0.—Close down. ifn Wellace 8c, summer Time Musings. from London, “Sen of Mine"; ' The Rebel." *waie thet gontier- on Pie apart THURSDAY, July 15th. “4 Beware of the Maiden" 10,20), DANGE MUSIC. fies 11.20-12,30:—Concert by the Station AY; Craabe Dhey THE NEW PREXCES' Thaw fired eyelids on fered Quiartet. THE BAND DANCE BANTS. ees, 4.30.—Afternoon Topics, Fantaae, “Norma _ Bellen SUB, from London, TESSVans da, Tea-Time Musie, Hyton, “ Sandon". . Geary THE STATION ORCHESTRA : | 12.0,— Close clown. J. Maeatlowk fAdta. Piano. ‘Hirt mh, 5.30-4.0,—8hakeapesare’s Heroines: Conductor, T. H. MORRISON. fi. —Annie Broadhurst {Con tralbo), LILIAN BRAITHWAITE AS. “Danse des: Mirlitona h16.—FOR THE CHILDREN, Hormiones. 8.8. from London, 7 ‘Ghaeubooghay | WEDNESDAY, July 14th. ht Prine SOB. Prom Landay, £0.—ST. MARTIN-DY-THE FIELDS, “La Fee Tarapatapoin ™ 4,25.— School Tramamission : Mica E1- 7,.0.—Weatnien Forecast axon News, UP oaitels S28. from Loreen, frida Vipont, “° Voyages Among Mr. LEONARD WOOLLEY. S-R: i.—Wearcen Foreoast Ann NEWS. “Dante of the. Sugar): Pham the Isles of Song—i}) Feom a Jron Javelin, Fairness) os 5 ais Tebtikbeveky Local Nowe. ; Peak in Darien (1° 7 OPTytes Fetee by SLED. (* Casse-Niniseattes ” Suite) eo The CHENIL CHAMBER da Orchestral Music relayed frem SLE LSE on. from onaen, ORCHESTEHA tnd the “In a Monastery ierden “ the Pieeaclilly Picture Theatre 7.40. Mr, DESMOND MachMAHON : Acieley ENGLISH SINGERS, 48, 4.0.—Mre, Brooks: Homely Topics. “The Lighter Side of Muzic “Valse den Fleurs” (Casae- from Linedon, (Lily Musical omens," Noisette " Suite). . Pehathorsky 4.15 Tea-Time Concert. Close down, 5.0," MILESTONES." SoH fren * Lea Sylphicea *’ oa Cae | Orchestral Music omelon, : “Among the Poppies nT i" (aviru ry from the 1.30.—Wrearnktn Forecast 3p News Bide *' Burte) cs 2 Tanke? Piccadilly Pietare Theatre. Br LLere, “Diebestraume (Best, arr, udler: | = ¢ MONDAY,July 12th. imi A. Btophenson (Pass), Diecumion between Mr, HUBERT * Bhamoetgefiiister “ Alon an, . HENDEBSON saul Mr. RAYV- li.—FOR THE CHILDRESS, $.25,.—-School. ‘Transmission : Travel “ Waldesiliater ” 1.5 2. delba | it MOND SWING 8.8. from Ficture—(12}, “Fighting = Ir the Sunshine aoe Ghabe han 6.0.—Progranane S28. from London, Loon. Flood sand Fiavine in India,” “The Butteriies' Wedding Ai 7.0.—Weather Forecasr asp News, Local. Nowa, by the Rev, John Grant. MWearreehie MroF. A. BATHER, Dis, SiG; 10.5, Programe SUfrom London, 245.—Orchestral Moste relayed from $.0—_Wraraer Forecastasp News, from Loneloir, 10.30, DAACE MUGIC. the Piceadily Picture Theatre. Fiction Berber. Mr. RALPH 7.25.— CHOPIN interpreted by NIED- STRAUS. Heading i Short THE SAVOY BANDS. ZIELSEKI.. S28) frm. Detar. SB, from Tondon, —Mr. &. K. Johnson, “Why Do Bic, ete from dondon. 7.40.—Mr, WF. BLETCHER, Spanish 120 Close dewn, We Go to the Theatr? ™ Local News, Talk, Tea-Time Music 1a" A CHINESE HOA EY A SPECIAL CONCERT FRIDAY, July 16th. from the Piccadilly Picture MOON. Sus, freak: emelon, #0; Theatre. 11 .0.—Clone down, on behalf.of the. - L15-2,0.—Pianoforte Tro relaved NATIONAL ASSOCIATION from the Piceadilly Picture 5..—Willtam

Aube. Grn, 136.) RADIO TIMES —

——c7 & 2ZY 378 M. MANCHESTER PROGRAMMES. (Continued from the previous page.) 6.0.—The Majestic “Celebrity Or- | 0.—Wrath Forecast Axon News, 8,435, An Interlude of her items a group of Trish folk songs oheatra: Musial Director, Minister cl Agricul ore: "Falk hy Mirth and Melody. These are not often heanl and, being

Gerald °W.. Bright. Relayed Prof... WEEEARD THOMP- LILTAN AY ERBS unusialboth in words and-meloady, * from. the Hotel Majestic, “St. SON. BG iran oomeion, (Mex2o-Sopranci. will have explanatory notes apeciilly Anne's-on-the-Bes, Local Aews, written ler Misa Anlertan wri! peel “A Latthe (eons Prayer i 6, Fah, Pragrotaine ae. freer fsheelorr. Ea—LieeT SYMPHONY 9(COWN- Barbera Hope by her to nbroduce each song. 7.0.— WRATHER ForRncagr Ako NEWS, CERT, GG. from Domdon, ‘Sine, Joyous Bird * Me G. A. ATERINSON &8. Aforntagie Ph ‘itis Old Songs and Melodies. LO.i,— ies clowns, from Donen LOCIS HERTEL There ia an interesting half-hour on Toe. ProgenSa. fren: Cention, {Entertainer}. Monday, comprising sixteenth ond 5.0. SCHUBERT AND StHUMARRA. enventeroth enh eons dred melo SATURDAY, July 17th. “Mra. Strug@les “Fells a Side. Schumann. ned ahd ees fierte? dics, contributed by Miss Mary Roa- THE AUGMENTED STATION A Sketch, buck (meteo-contralte), with “Miaa - ORCHESTRA : Fad THE BAND OF THE Roza Morton (harpsichord), and’Mr. j GREEN HOWARDS “Coiffeur des Dames" Cond mehior, George Daley (fhite). This. includes T. H. MORERISON, Alaxandri: Princess of Walia’ Flertal * Hornpipe,” Rondeau,” Monkey's’ Overture, “* Manfred.” Owe Yorkshire Regiment, CAgracners z Bance,”” onl “* Dance for the Puiries ESTHER COLEMAN (Relayed from the The Proprietor from Henry. -Purcell's- The “Faerie {Contrilta). Weet-end Bandatand, Morecambe}: ; LOUIS HERTEL Guecie, arranged for flute and harpsi-

“ Teh- Goole Niehe °C} Sbormtr Gondivtior, To FRANCIS, The Asistant..LOGIS HERTEL thond by Mir, Daley, anal‘ Ginaene Mit |"). 4.0.—Mr, 5, Ge Hedees, “ Tourms The Gustoiner. aneAN MYERS | sleeves” frota the overgrernBeggar's” “An, Den Mond ("To “the Italy on £12." Gperd, nrranged ha o tioby “Misa Mioam “"), 4A, The Pend of the Green Howards LILIAN MYERS, Morton,

“Ith Kann's Nicht Passen, Nicht ee (Cortinted, “One. and-Twenty A Special Concert from Buxton. Glaibean ("1 Carine! rasp 4.0.— William ‘Birchall (Jue), Boathone Afartin The first @yent of the anmmer sdasiy lt, Cannot Believe Tt"). | s.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, "Tn (Old Madrid ™ TT patere ”Frohlingenach) ("A Spring of Bschon: Spe ie the special coneart LOUIS HERTEL. Bight}, io, Dance Music. far Welneslay, ranged by the : * Radio Reeallectionsa.”’ Hertel THE LONDON HADI Manchester Statiom ea relayed to HERBERT FRYER |bead J, —WEATHER FORECAST AND NEWS, (Solo Pranoforte). DANCE BAX TD, | Londen «and other etaticns. Tie fia!fenaperd jrom Landon Sports Talk, 8.6, feom Londen. lartista aro Mies Lily Allen {eoprand} Coneerto-in vA Miner, Or. a4, Lol News. t.50,— Lancashire Beckerpers Associa | 10.5. jand Mr. Lee Thistlethwarte (baritdne), Boa. Schubert. frcree & from London, THE ORCHESTRA. tion Bulletin. | both well-known and popular natives 110.50. DANGE MUSIC, Overture, “ Reeerninede,"* 6.23.—Boy .Bcoute’ iocad AWH of Lancashire: Two Wagretinn items ESTHER ©OLEMARK. Bulletin, THE SAVOY BANDE, ard eing inchiubed, by special reriuaegtl = amongst the iteme by the Augen ve Gretchen BTL Spinnrace * T.0.—Wratiek Forecast anp News, SoH. frank Joneden, {Gretchen at the Bpinming Mr, CLIFFORD W.COLLINSON. | /*-:—Close down. \Btation Orchestra, under the oon” a ductorship of Ms TT. Morrison. Wheel *"}, 8.8. from: London, fg “Ah Die: Musil: ™ (*'Po Music "*), 7.20,—CHOPIN interpreted by NIED.- Schuber(’ andSchumamh, ™Sidindehen.*" MANCHESTER NEWS. THE ORCHESTRA, ZTE LSE, SB. fron Lortedon, Misa Father Coleman (ocnitralte) ond symphony im (2° Majer, 7.40.—Mr. Fe: STACEY LIN TOT? : Helen Anderion. Mr. Herbert Fryer (sclo pianoforte)’ combine wrth the AupmentadStation Jet Movermment—Andante, -lead- Weekly Talk on Sport. ISS HELEN. ANDERTON, ithe

ng into Aneoro- Ala Nom }t.0.—THE RADIO FOLLIES GN. | well-known Lancashire ew Orelestra on Friday in an intersting programme thon: from the wt Trappo. CERT PARTY. SB, fron j tralte, who a4 singing at Manchester Finwle—Alleoro Vivacs. | London. on Sunday afternoon, includes among ol Seliubert and &chomann,


SUNDAY, July 1ith. Caller Ekerr in" Danse Rustique “WA. Squire 6.30-11.0.—Pregranmae dab.) prose doa 3.3)-6.0). Prog roanunies 8H, from ‘rr, wera are Arent ) ‘The Londonderry Air” ae 1 aVithing a Mile arr, OYotsan arr, Meeces #.,0-10,40, \ Demian, THURSDAY, July 15th. » " Annie Laurie “ 8415.. SARAH FORREST AND 4:0.—-Hareld Geeand his Orchestra, MONDAY, Joly 12th. al. ita Fo A nn WALTER JENNINGS (Diets): from the Trocadero Cinema. - 11,.3°-12.30.—Gramophone Records. Ps FRED C. DAVISON Deir. Love of: Mine" el Dy tl 5.0. Porte Readings, Tey tr. EL, (Bobo ornett, estida “") aah Ee TAoniae 4.0.—Patrivov and his Orchestra, from Pearaarn, : the Futarist Cinema, Airand: Variations, “! Carnival of * Home te Car Monnétaina Ca 5.15.—FOR’ THE CHILDEEN, Max. L. Nar- Vanes“ cbritea Dette Trovatore “"| Verdi 4.0, —Aiternoon Topics: 6.0.- Bicht ase. the Ap- bon, ‘The Care of +8, 30: THE LIVERPOOL RADIO ee, FRED (. DAVISON, (2) ‘ 6.20,— Liverpool Limion cof: Olpete" pearance |" PLAYERS, “TIT Posed by Your Window “ Cluba: Monthly Bulletin. THE €“HILDREN. §,15.—FOR in diay Brake 6.30-120.—Preqvamme 8.2 fromm 0.0.—Bourlet ood Montague'a Sym- dad Gindors."" * Absent A= Ba nee ell ... sdefealh from tite Deaton, phonics. Relayed A Corocdy ain One: Aet by Fhe English ice Ge rintn Edinburgh Cafe Balle, 9.30.120. Progen, SBS from fon FRIDAY, July 16th, Orehes- Eat Trialey. 6.30. —The Majestic Celebrity Presented hy cri. 44.0.—Gaillard and ne Orchestra, from. Maachester, t r a . 3 . 8 . from EDWARD Po GEN WN, WEDNESDAY, July 14th. the SealacCinema, 70-110,—-Proprnniae 8.8. fron tan 5.0.—J. HH Harper Hoberts, “ tie: Jack Watrender, a Driefless Bar: f.O—Mr -—Mannin (rane—Fishing Care of, the Hair.” dom, = risher ALBERT. -HASSALL | Yarns (1), TUESDAY, July 13th. i (5.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, — Amelhw Ann . Cdders '") 4 15.—The Sew Graitoniine Danco Or: 6.0.—The Station Pintioforte GQonrbet. Women, by Muriel 40—A Talk to WARVEL HELME | chestra. Relayed from the 16.30.—The Majestic Celebrity Orches-- Lavy: Grafton Bloor, tra, OSfrom fnehester, © Burgess (Soprano). It: is: early? morning in Mr. Jack 4.15.—Kathleen 5.15.—FOoR THE CHILDREN. 6E10.58.—Pregrimant Sa8> from’: Station Pianotarte Quartet Warrenter's éhumbers? in the 4.30.--The 6.0.—Bourlet and Morntague's Svm- Sanalen. : 51h—FOR THE CHILDREN Fenrplo, Crider.) a hHttle joo nee, Relaved from thie i0,——Muszic by the Pianoiocte Quartet. maid-ot-all-work, is, tidying “ip SATURDAY, July 17th. Edinburgh Cafe Rallroom, Celebrity Orches- | the coom oxehien Warrender 6.30..-The Majestic 6.20,—Thea Foys’ Prigade- Monthly 4.0.—Bourlet snd. Montacue’s Syin- fen, (Saat rem Weneheater. enters, in cvening dresa. He Talk: A, G) Paris, BSc. ;Laent phonics, HRelaved, from. thie London, jooks pale, and G5 mercvous and T.0.—Programine 3.2, from Liverpool Uoy., on. the Edinburgh Caft Ballronn, preccupied: jo manner, ard Bi, MUSIC AND A COMEDY. ‘“E.B During” the Summer 6.0.—A Talkby -Mer. Duvid Wray. #55. WALTER JEN SINGS §.15,—FOR THE CHILDREN. LOUIS BONTOUX horntha. (Solo 'Cello}. {Penor), 6.50,—Prognmnine 5.0, from Louden. 6.0,—Bourlet and Montague’s aym-~ * Apves un Réve" . Panne * Ailsa: Mine 2. Eracat A entbaat 6.50—Proyremme 82. from dian | phonics, “La Cingoantaine™ Caheiol Afaria “ Love's Becreb.“* cheater, 30. Dance Music. Hronel Tertia iran eafle iy: Ae i ctl —Pragramme ao from Fonicdon. THE LONDON RADIO “Sha rpeeel 810 RARAH FORREST (Coutralto), “Young Toma’ ” 740,—Setor oA. ML DUARTE, DANCE BAND. Fok ‘Songs; AttendMussel Spanish Talk, Aeayved from Jondon. LOTS BOX TOUR: hib—Prgmmme Sa fren lite 7.6-12.0.— Programme SiB, from Teon- ~ “The Banks of Allan. Water." fa, * Wesneralé"* Cyril Sceni cheatar, dan. arr, Martian Saaie

106 RADIO TIMES —— [avnLY ra, ae

moi eee

_ Week Beginnin 404 M. NEWCASTLE PROGRAMMES. July 11 SU NDAY, July 1ith. | Fat Topical Talk. fon. front ono Buais DARCE MUSIC. Charts, “Trin Dawn 430. AN ORCHESTRAL CONCERT i fo,—Mr. FORMAN MeNCH, (Say. | THE WEW. PRINCE'S elnecnek ee 5 from Fowler, j DANCE. BANTINS, Salm, “he Highway mar" THE STATION ORCHESTRA: 7 Haaf siren Conductor,a EDWARD: CLARK. |"” il ea ao A from Leno. 12.0, —Oloese down. Concerted, “Wes Dan’ Want A Ainte from Le Astowie Peminade ™ a Wondlerfal Girl * ... George Hoy Cimaresa, arr. G. Afalipiere | The ‘Municipal Orchestra. Bola, Love's ao Merchant " 3.40, AUBREY BRAIN fH cin) nial =eaa : et aoe a t Molly Clorecer ALFRED -M. WALL (Violin). Soa tues Ser) oreee WEDNESDAY, July 14th. Lest, * The Ballad Singers" Lane Pilsen Te Bust sist si Album Lead “ I aagner 3.0- 21. Trainintoo Soho: | Solo, “ The ‘Melody That Made Wiltrel Sanderson's Prof.-H. . A. Hickling) B.Sc. ag Mme ccaoh Too in Plat fi SoCo Violin Selection of chaos Sere te hed Songs. Britain's Past (5) The ptory Lnterbide, “The Artal Politeness” ofa Boulder,” oe : Baicackes ae Tho for Violin, Cello, and Piang Jeddtetin VW eeda — Sle i ae, BEY; (fame Holo, * Drinking Song ” er pany Finale— Alle- (ANNA LYNAS, MAY BART- 1.0.— Afternroon Topics 4.15:—Muaere irom: Fenwteks Terrace Crifhert coud Celiine £ i é iT, i WILFRED WADE. Duct. a Flonalulu a Preenrype Any 4.0, MAY OSBORNE(Mezxo-Soprano). eda irs eet Tea Feoome Diaitiet e ee | Pototatze in AS Okein Finale, “Now -Qoar Entertain: Rect, Ki Parte Bavtr' ae tos \ Chterinde Gounod £.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN. ments Ending A’. e, (imeicing Ane. “PerPiet Ben Mio, Per- & ; Le 5 +e 6.0, ALEX FRYERS 11.0, (Shee ohown. Fi eae oi ea : election, A. Chinese Peat MERC ee Wace Boece piece ORCHESTRA. tk THE ORCHESTRA. oe Ea THE SOS te oi Prom fede. Gear worm Reien der Gerster * hat 1 : co THURSDAY, July 15th. Bactuert e fi x i.25.—For- Farmer: Prof, Dy oA Ciilchret, Beoasonable Notes. 440;-—Misa LG. Claudine Murray, £20; Reading from “* The Temple” s Trifies. SUT freoroe Herbert A Radio Revue ee hy 6.50, Rovel Horticultural Society's | Tear-Aibarn, %, _ : :ay, ts ! i. A Arey,: Bulletin. b15.-—Music from Coxon's New 4}jal ib. 25. ote reas Musical Numbers chy Various sa = ‘e bore Reshma, Mr,0. WeatTannFLA. BATHER,ForecastDSc.aso News;The 215.—FOR__ THE CHILDREN. Spoond Concerto, for Aion,” ane : ringaMSEED : Orchestra in’Flat... JMozart 9t0.—Wuatiune Fonncasr avy News, Boninning- ofthe Birds. Sho) bo FODEN WILEIAMS {fe MAY CUSRORRE e Picton Serres, Mr BALPH from Domo, (bartertaaner |. gh The iii rf in ae ” Sodeaaterrt ETRAUS Reahne & Short ae - : Ln Selections from His Beperts 74 CHO PLS iInternreder| hy : = ea LEE, “Under the Greenwood tory. 0.8. from Londen. SIEDZLELSK I. f ene BE. acs 6.40 CHRISTLAN SoREGO Tiree cies Jokn Local News. Pl ioe: " {Pianoforte), © Tos, Bile:4a Our Stender Paik 1.5, Vocal and Instrumental. i , s at , Bananite oaaa eel Boat" aee THE &TATION GOFRCAHEST FA. : ith, ae , ne si ee ae Inbermewto HH. ..0).2,, Deknccnye

a, th, EDGAR L. BRAINTON, Conductor, EDAVARD ULARE. i Seeswate wlll akties ee FODEN WILLIAMS, Spanish Dania Afosekeisky | eee In Forther Sobeatiiarie, Partita inFlee. Bach | Five Prelude + Aline : Courante 1B, 15. GLADYS PALMER(Contralto), | a0 A FRENCH WIGHT, ;o.35. CHRISTIAN McUREGOR, Sarabande; Menvet ; Gigue. | “The Sapplic Ode” | THE STATION GRCHESTRA : ” thodes Symphonies - Be Re Excerpts from “8th. Paul” " Sunday ee a ee : Candictor FOWARD CLARK. Sc heeueHet = urehe Larraing ” ees Chara bie i.0-—Market Peas fag Frederied WH. Myers| ‘Yn’ Summer Fields "1" Sree Farmer, 5.28, THE ORCHESTRA. The Vain: Bait" ... | Suite de Vala 2... Cetrier Sf, from London, “The Water Canier . Cherlin 12h. THE ORCHESTHA. B, 1a; ELLISGERA HOGARTH. TO.—WEATIME Forecast AND New, 6,30.6.0,— Shakespeare's Herotes : Two Salon Pietes.. John frelon (Soprien Ve Mr. LEONARD WOOLLEY LIAN BRATTAWAITE. “ax | HA, GLADYS. PALMER, Three Sonce of Jean Cotten ee, ren ire, Hermione, So. from London. Milhaud 7.25.—CHOPTR Diberpretend Tony “The Dreary et pe” KLEGAPE LAE, Me. from Cretefern art JOHN TURNER. (‘Tenor'!. £60, "The da Chicas "om 1 Minor Larson: “The Harvest of Sorrow” \ Mach “Vainement, Mie Hien Aime” Chaleare j 7A.—The Hey, A.- JH —RAOYBIBS: “In the StentNight “f waeaea ys Be Tot ce Ya yi ceeieewe Lats ee inching ac ite diel - } ee ieiee wiviecs 4) Oe OOSe A tiodire of Lattiter. ft 1th. THE ORCHESTRA. “Tantum frgo “of Esniesrvet “Ay rest at Riwe” rare Pear writtmg.! : Ballet. Miice from” Paryratia” Adarand: 1 .—" MILESTOR ES." SH, Jrom 4 chit, THE GORCHEHAT HA. The Rar Father G,. C. JF: | SelSee London, LL&—Close down. Ballet Museo (" Pant") Gowri ‘FERYS: Oo. VW RATHER FORECAST ASI Nrewa,

Bi alt, ELLISORA HOGARTH: * Ave Verum Eitgeer Dierssion between Mir, HORRRT i Cocvurcding Pate fa yoann eet Iai fi wee “ Bonata da Chiesa ad "{Op: i, HENDERSON wel Me. RAY- TUESDAY,July 13th. ie Bue “Fibenia No. ed bietatatare a Ho. DallAbate MOND SWS: '! Over Amori- 4broice: Thais = 1 tan Bebt."" 3. freak bontion, - | 130-1230. Aide Graber ( Maseer- 5.0.—Weatarn Forecasr ash News, | 3 ‘ Oo), Local Mews, Soprano), John We. Hassan THE ORCHESTRA. Local News, i‘Tenar), John Af. Melntosh Smertion, “A Dies in Fare lO5,—A Bone Ketital by RATE Chrisveae, or, Finck 1.202The CHENTL CHAMBER OR: (Mowth (ingen). WINTER (Sopris), tA Jrom CHESTERA and the EMO LISA Laan. — 4.0:—The Hav. A. H: Robite, '* open |10, JOHN TERNER, j SINGERS, S28. from London, Leia ices, Bind io yes." Gabheli Faire | 1,30. DANCE MUSIC, 10,40.—Close dawn. “L' Balivement " ... Suint-2aeae | 4.15.—Aiusie from Tiles a Restoran, THE SAVOY HANTS BO: THE CRCHEST RA Au. fran oorndon, Hackett Street, See Heacimeni cde Seonhre) eb 12.0.—-Close down. MONDAY,July 12th: iiSi—POoR THE CHILDRES, Matge eaSe ee id, Dance Music. 6. 0.—-Wiearirte Poreost ano News,

¢.0-$.20.—Transmission to Schoola: THE LONDON BHADIO The Bt: Hon. Lornl ASR WITH - FRIDAY, July 16th. = Mr, Eric Borbor, BoA, The = DANCE GANT: 2 Schoolboy Hawlers.” S|tL eholt ah saklh, Transmission to Behonla t Story of Englanls- Piaymakers SoS from London, front Landon. Mr, Eri¢ Barber: B. Aas ne Tha, <1). Romane: on Btilte.* Tt.— WRATHER FORECAST AND NEAWS: Loreal News, Bhory of Engl:L's Playtminlengs MM. STEPHAN =“ Lebtres de Mon 4.0:—Aftermoon: Topics. 10,5. The Varabonds. (12) The Cop. and Baucar Moulin." oe, from Uanvlon, 2.15.—Music from Fenwitk's- Terrace A CONCERT PARTY. Fira. Teo Rooma, 7.20—CHOPIN Interpreted by NIEKDZIELSEL, 8A Siro Opening Chorus, * Let Us. Inti .0.—A ftornaan Topits. duce OQarselves" W 8. Goodiwima | 6.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN. Jarman. t.15.—Music from Tilley"s Restanrant, 6.0, ALEX. FRYER’S 7.40. Capt. E. ROTHERY MOSS: Dect, * Byeand Bye" George Bay Biackett- Street, Holo, The Dancing Leeson.” ORCHESTRA “Tn the: Mountains and Foressis i 15.—FOR THE CHILDREN: a0. from London, of. Kashmir.” SB. fron AH, Cheeer 6.0, FRANK WESTFIELIYS G40.——Boys' Brigade, Bows Life Bry. Jenuhon, titerbude; “ Hertoam on Babes " Rutherford ORCHESTRA. wide, and Church Lads’ Brigade 5.0. ragrianne FE Prone domes. Sf. from Louden, Bulle time, a.WEATHER FoRECAST asD News, Concerted, * Good Luék ” hi—A.A. ‘Talk. TWEATIER PORRCAST AND ews, | Talk on Internntional Adtairs. George Hay

Mr, JAMES AGATE; Dramatic Si. fron Faction, : Oimen 1, “The Horse Bhioe #.50.—A Summary of the Wirelass

Chotiviem, SLR. fram Joemdon, Local News, Omen 8,iH “White Heather" 5.) Papers for the Week. 5.8, from

05.—CHOPLY interpreted by NIED- 1.5.—S8ALZEDO:, (Harp Recital). Omen 3.The Black Ost." Lawlor, ZIELSEL -8.8, from Tondon. SB. from Gondon, Bolo,Mopea "OF. Siarferd (Contingad on the nes? pas.)


Tory fre, °1986.] RADIOTIMES — 107

SNO Week Beginning 404 M. NEWCASTLE PROGRAMMES. July Lith. (Continued from the previous page.)

= WEATHER FORECAST AND NEWS, | Piven op a cepreare . Eudlg | 7.25.—CHOPTS interpreted by NITED. Pena, NELLY LASER, Me G. A, ATRINSON : *" Sein Caprice, No, 24 Pos hae Acreisler | “IELSKI, 8.8. from london: “ily of Laguna” im the Sereen.’” So. -from-| 945; THE ORCHESTRA. 740.=-Dialogue by “THE GENTLE- Leale Spare Lol, * Petite Suite" 2...3. Debiaay MAN JIN” A FLESTER? W.15. THE BAND: 71.25 CHOPIN inbenpretecdby WED 0.30. —_Wrarinen Poraecast ax News, Should Aten: Wier Collar } Euphoniim Solo,” Arbucklentan SLELSKI, S28, fromLondon, Mimatey of Agrulture Talk -by i Polkacdt” (3505584 Hartrinana

Tindivi (Soloiat, J: PICKERASGELL,) ASE aulbetlde:I i SHR.tBufrom! SCNProf.: C. WILLARDat THOMP- |8.0. A ‘ FAVOURITE "' CONCERT. Mhiaks tras Poultry: THE BOL re MOOR “RoseMarie Pirin! and Siethary * Keeping Pay Bivickends. a8, See BAND: Doe —WraTurn Fonecastanp hb EWS, a fh, ron onder. nner iiethorr, MUSIG HATH CHARMS. a Meri: W. L. TURNBULL, Sports Talk. SiH. from Londow, T i STATION GRCHESTEA : March, ** South Moor Local News, Conductor, OLS, DANOE MUSIC. arr. @. Piehetagitl 10.4, “AO OPTION,” I: DWATE CLARE, PERCY BUSH'S ;; ‘hon ee “Roma,” Orchestra Suite, No. 3 MOLIAN BAND, yicrite : te si jee A *“Time “ly Revue sin Short Sentences, i Bizet Relayed from the Oxford Gallerica, | | NELLIE ; anes : ‘ . 3.15. MIRIAM LICETTE (Soprane), |11.0,—Close down. SeRe teceee The Evidence wherein ‘Willow. Song 1! V{" "y WEE De Be OT ALOE ye a ee UaReESts the scene bo be © Aw Maria? i Verdi Aa ee ae Galt and Harbor Sen citndae daa SATURDAY, July 17th. “In the Gloaming of Wyoming ” Pentonville, 8.20.: HAROLEReFATRAUCRHSTete 11.30-12.30,— Lolo: Williamsae (Soprano),: i : Sune Valentineirae ancl the characters implicated are (Vieira). j 5 Griffith: (Cellal, Robert | On, Mise Hanriah ! ENA. GROSHMITH, Pireilcavdis . it Thavaite — yor sh , eae Hetiingecorth andDeppen TOMMY HANDLEY. f Ha ie tf Z * a RAL YY a eee i a rer b = EDDIE READ, aeingeae tet Rimer (Bass. j Secs PHE BAND, ROBERT EEPPEL,. VWietine4m Eval aly (renner.piper | 40M ri Arthur BE; Alina ek, BAS chest Lon, Beathor othe F THEO. CHARLTON. ‘Tambourin ,... 3. Leclair Areister | B.D." Johnsonien Jeate.” One-stop, arcelona "2. Eat THE WIRELESS CHORES, S40. THE ORCHESTRA. 14.15.—Musie from Coxen's New | 6005, NELLIE JAMES, THE LOAN DOA FADES Suite from The Denna” Gallery Restaurant. “When the dune: Moon Shines ” DANCH GLAND. lifrad Reynoidy 513.—FOR THE CHILDREN, | eeena I Tien: tecl hy 8:55; MIRIAM LIGCETTE. a6: ° Dance Music. | 8.50. THE BAND. SLONEY FIRMAN. . Dave Nuss barn "The Walwat THE LONDON FADIO Corel Diet, * Bessonth" Barn" i ares) Pitysee. < Scheinman| DANCE HAND, - Carrie Presusnakad by hic BE, JE FFREY. DerEankano (° ontent-") Riolayed jam London, (Soloists, Muesre. HH. DANCE MUSIC. abs is Shubert 7.0._Wiatiin Forineast asp NEWS, BOTTOMLEY and BROWN.) : Aetonwds ssa Sire Mr. CLIFFORD W, COLLIS. Intermenzo, “Ino Persian Mar- THE SAVOY, BANDS, wheal a EA ROLE FAIRAUBRSTE, Suk os Shopping inthe Aovth ae ashi ata ae ete Mey Su. from London, "The Lark "oo. 4 T'choatbovaby Beas CSF. ie debe Entracto, " Aisha™ .... Lindsay 1?0.— Close down. 2DE Week Beginning 315 M. DUNDEE laceeerie<= July 11th.

SUNDAY, July 1th. Love's” Hone-C: iw men For Thee itt Every| 4.50. MABEL ANDERSON 4, 30-5. 0.- -Programme Su, from ksnndal ig dee Viowss gai shane ey eee (farms (Soprano), Bight Tne:in Lowe Songs. London, oO —Mr. W. Porcipil Weste7 525. CHRISTINE (ROWE PLS The Wanderer viene:| i(Charactor Stodies}: Starhght ?" 50. SERVICE. ldvil.” cries ae ta gh . ‘Just As the Hush Relay ed from the Wet. Limited ; ~

or TIMES [Jay ‘tht,1926,

Week Beginning GLASGOW PROGRAMMES. July Lith. SUNDAY, July 11th. A GARDEN PROGRAMME. LIGHT CHAMBER CONCERT. Bah THE OACHESTERA Cent . Al fipraphtiy frst planted a Garden: HARRY CARPESTER Belertion, * La Sontiambrala * ALL-BRITISH PROGRAMME. Aiel hte Wore fhe gence of ade (Vialin |: Aeltind-Teean {Lica Lehmann, Born 41th July, Foprttetn obec, JOHN BH. DICKSON 5, Dd. MIBUAM: LICRETE: Latest. | Frasine Baca, {Violoncello}: * Ballictelbae 7 Paghiaooi'"} ont, THE ATATION ORCHESTRA: THE STATION GRCHESTHA ANDREW BRYSON i eorccwnlia Conmlucted by Walse clos Fleurs ™ E Nuk. ( Pianoforte}. * Abst fore dlob 4" La Traviata *") ISAAC LOSOWSE Y, cracker * Suite): :) Tohatbovaby Three Moveinents from Suite, Op. Wirral Aba es cia ed ease eee ee ldvil, “The Whispering af the Th Sot te oesBoas i Quand men wo" ("De Two Movements fram Suite, “Tn Plowors ? 05-2304 Bley Alloinra Energicd : FAL Lege ria Boheme’). Puscine 1.10. a Nut-Shell wo... FF. Granger Intermezzo, “} Forget-Me-Not.” Moderate + MWoalbe Vivace, THE ORCHESTEA, ioay Bat Wietiol”; The Mfacteth 8.1, RESS ETH ELLIS (Peas). Belectian, © ‘La Bolton CGiom-Suckers’ Marchi," S55 MARTON: RICHARDSON * Epitaph "uO. Cleghorn Thomsen Pucci Godfrey dao, MAVIS BENNETT (Soprano) ; | Mezzo-Soprina}, ‘A Wonne Gong 7... 6. Woodgate 9.30.— Wratten Forecast ann News, OLABYTSPALMER. (Contralte); “Ti There Gea Charming Lawn" “Winter Wakeneth The Rt. Hon. Lord ASKWITH = LEONARD GOWINGS (Tonork Gornay hori All May Care 7" 2, “Schoolboy Aoowlers:” ae ' EB, Sha Ppe ROBERT BURNETT(Baritone): “Garden of Memorias " * Blow, N orther ru from London, ANDREW BRYSON(Pisneforte) Drennan Wind" Local News; Song Cyele, “ Roee Botthy Blooming “ Spohr bid We. Bene rae | 10.4.—VARIETY. A. from Dondom, . M. Shee ‘There's a Bower of Hoses " [1 26,—lose clown, ‘in a Persian Garden ' | “The: Caravan '" f Sternford Bod, TRIO, (Lise Gelman). B20. ELSIE BROTCHTE Theme and Variations from Trio, THURSDAY, July 15th. Come, fll the cup, aad in te fire of ( Bilotwrtiomist | Op. at Tehoikovsky 4 , 0 , An Hour of Melody. Sooner * Ohoteot the World” Boi), KENNETH ELLIS. Your winter-gannent af repantance THE WIRELESS QUARTET. i ra. Staley iehh “Love te & Sickness ~ GEORGE H., MARTIN {Tenor}. frig The Floeere * A Gb. teen ‘ TW. Hephenison 6th, —AlteFriern Topsite, The hind of ferme thasbeet a tutte Eni “The Sundial, Bernard Borton the Ges pda a rare f.16—FOR THE To fty—and io, the bind tw on the “The Ivy Green” Charles Ditches CHILDREN. “We Will Merrie Be" L 68, 2 — Weather Forerast acter i. Mackintosh for 6.32, THE ORCHESTRA. Farmers: 4.15. THE ORCHESTRA. Romanie, “In «a Kentish Ghar- Dew: bay the Salley Gandena:” .15, *Wormlland Sketches “ dete 34540. 2iain Ay, Sheree Dance Music. Mar Dounll Intermecgco, “Heart «-eaae ™ ‘Thou Art Risen, My Beloved” THE LONDON RADIO MAVIS BENNETT. DANCE 4.36. Jenene ee (Songs of Ron-aed Shade) BANT. “The Willow Song” SG. FeoLoman B.40. JOHN TURNS ER Tenor. {gle rindge = aoe Chinelye- Taytor “The English Rose “A. German TRIO. t.00.—Market Prices for Fiartntra, S58. from London, “Love Me Notfor Comeley Grace” My Last Drea “aris Bdris Salfterello Stanford Hebtrnven Simuatiiresn T.O—WratHren Forcast Amn TEs: * Hinebell Way pales i JHmy FProahe linet “Carly. Morning’ Grodan _ Frank Breage Afr, LEONARD ELH). ELSIE: BROTCHIB, H net WOOLLEY, *Miaette |”: Norman, 0Neal “ Night and Day "A. 0, Stevenson Two Movements from Taio, Op; 18 SH. from Eondon. 44d. THE ORCHESTRA. ‘Flowers of Scotland"... Samer eared =ape na 25.—C AOPIN interpreted ly 20 Eijar Borenade for Strings, Op. "Dream of the Unknown” Andante; Allegro. NWIEDSIELSE], So, From Martie Dance IMante Sbediey fh 30-—VWirarien PorrcastT Arb News, Lancdon, 0. ROBERT BURNETT. 6.57. MARTON RICHARDSON. ‘alle ont International Affairs. Ti, Me LUDOVIC ALi Lae Edo “A Fairy Lough"). ... Stanford “OA Last: Year's Beee ". : Geadier SOR. from London. PLAN, Al Note ion Pres "ah Knight of Bethlehem “A Faunted Garden . Serre Local News. History.” I Cleghorts hans 6.0.—"' MILESTONES,” “Roses Redon, the Garden “ 15.SALZEDO {Harp Becital). So fren “The Monkey's Carol:"’ Stanford ftomclany io, Alona 5.8... from Londo. 6.5. THE ORCHESTRA, “ Narwisnua A Newin 10.30, DANCE MUSIC. 9.d0.—WEATHER Forcast ann News. y ne. Conte Wei. THE ORCHESTRA. Discussion Between Mr. HUBERT a LEONARD GOWIENGS. “The Wedding af the Hose” THE NEW FRINCE'S HENDERSON jan Mr, TAcy. rT Mary “ > MLV, White DANCE BANDAS. MOND SWING, *OQhur Ager. af Paene &.B. from Loreen ay Charing hiding"! “Butterthics '"... Les Sailer can Debt.” ola. from Eawetog, Kediword(errearn S20. JHA TU BNE Be 12.0, hose chown. Local News, ™ Pleading Ba “One ioad Dreionleand Garden: w.5. KATE WINTER (Soprame), 5.20. THE ORCHESTRA. Aennedy ual WEDNESDAY, July 14th. Bong Factual, Idtermesnc . 4. Graneile-Barocly “Thank God tora (harder * So0y from London, = Shepherd's I Ley ora inuper 4h, An Hour of Melody. T.. det tee Lith, uh, DANCE MUSIC. a, Bhakeepenre’s Morcines : | THE WIRELESS: QUARTET athees May Brahe THE BAVOY BANDS: LILIAN HRAITHWAITE aa 0.30.—WEaATuen POrecast AnD AFRWS. AMY MURDOCH (Soprano), . Jrom foneoar, 8.8. from Londen, th “Afternic Toprics. Hermions, ie RALPH &TRAUS. Sf, from 12.0.— (loge loin, 3.0.—ST.MARTIN-IN-THE- FIELDS. Teorectinte, lii—FOR THE CHILDREN, BUG, from London. bot if.2.We thend Forecast for Local News, FRIDAY, July 16th. 10—Wrarne FoRreckst Avo News, Lu.6,— The Musical Ohne", * A Farmer. : Lonal News, CHINESE HONEYMOON,” 1h. ALEX FRYER'S ORCHESTE.A. 11 .30—12,30.— Midday ‘Tranerristton. 620.—Toe ‘CHENTL ‘CHAMGER SuB, from London, Sue. from London, 41}. An Hour of Melody. ORCHESTRA and the ENG- LI.0,-- Clase down. 6,50, THE ORCHESTRA, THE WIRELEAS QUARTET. LISH SINGHRS, E28, from Bolayed from London. EDITH BRASS (Soprand|, ‘Darnley, TUESDAY, July 13th. 7.0WEATHER FORECAST AnD NEWS. 50.—Afternodn "Tips, Th.420, Close down, Mr. F. A, BATHER, D.Se., “The f.i15— POR THE CHILDREN, 11.30-12.30,—Middeay ‘Transmission. Beginning of the Birds.” 5: 6.0-6.2.—Weather Forecast. for F aa. THE MARE-OUP-BOxX MONDAY,July 12th.: jroin Lenten, mers, ; CONCERT PARTY. T,.20,— CHOPIN interpretert bn 78. FRANK WERSTFIELDS Relayed fromm Kelvingrove Park. 40, An Hour of Melody. NIDDZTELSETL. Sub. ron ORCHESTRA, THE WIRELESS ‘QUARTET. 6.0, Afternoon. Topics, London. 5.8, from London, $.5).—A Summary of the “Wireless FRANK GORDGN. (Baritone). 6.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN. T.40.—Canon WILEINSON: “ The 6.)-0.2.— Weather Forecast ior Romanceof the Commonplace.” Papers for the Week, Sua. from §.0.— Afternoon Topics. London. Farmers. 8.8. from aberdeen. 6.16:—FOR THE CHILDREN, ITALIAN OPERA, 6,.0-6-"—Weather Forerast for Faer- 4 6.15 8.0, THE STATION: ORCHESTRA: Mr. G. A. APRINSON : “ Seen roers. THE LONDOW RADIO Cindusted by lnmthe Bereen,"" 8.8. Jrom DANCE BANT, Laren, £15, ALEX FRYER'S ORCHESTRA. TSAAC. LOSOWEY. SB. from London, S28. from Lomden, Overture, “ The Barber of Seville” 7.25,—CHOPINinterpreted by NIED- 6.40, THE ORCHESTEA: 7.0.—Wrareurn Forecast asp News. Rossinis Taco SIELSKT. 8.8. from London, Relaved from London. M. STEPHAN: ‘Lettres de Mon Selection, “ Don Pasquale “ T4h.—Me. DUDLEY V. HOWELLS : TLi—Wearter Forecast ano NEWS, Moulin.” -8.8. from London, Denizen.Taran * Horticulture.” Mr: JAMES AGATE: Dramatic 7.23.— CHOPON interprobed by 3.15, MIRIAM LICHTTE BAND NIGHT. Criticiam., 5.7, from Londen. NIE DATELSEI. SB. From (Sopra). 5.0. THE 3.0,WS. PREE BRASS 7.20.—CHOPIN interpreted by NIED- Lomion, * Convien Partir ™ {* The BAND: ZIELSKI 8.8, from: London. 7.40.—Cept. B. ROTHERY MOS: Daughter of the Regiment **) Conducted by T40.—Ths Hey, CECIL BM WEES, Tn the Mountains ond Forests Deoretac itt J, A. GREENWOOD, * Logends of the Far West." of Kashmir,” So. From “Una Voor Potro’ fa" {" The March, *' Roc: Gauntlet Biever S.A. fron Dundes, (candice, Harber of Se ville ae ARE (Continued on the next page.)

al La oe oo 422M. 495 0.40.— 6.4. 5.30-0.0,— ara Boon Pihekn 10.455,— W.5.—LIGHT: £.0.—WeaTHEn

2BD doc araey iy Cornct Overtice, SUNDAY, Sabootir Trombanea etertinom, “ u Relayed Local Minietry Huneurian “Missa “The Tay" lntermerseo, ‘Aaldrean Concluding cee Bache Benectiction. eee Looal Concluding Pealm-07,°* Peaves. Anthem, Hymn, Lesson. ‘vimn, iba M. ‘The ‘Simmer THRE ¢ JAMES Come, WEathnk Boring’. erates) ARTHUR Dinan’ Wace “Word don. CERT. dren, Keeping: Sa Ahmar Waltsy Pam DAP Prof. (Soloist, Nese phony troductory Come No: tion 49) Us WILLIAM “rar, (lose ea: Rast 3 : ates FS Mulligan Mighty ya (Tone, Programme News. Se News, nm; CARGIL Salo, 173), and Lenatkonty THE Yay CHURCH 1926, ©: | THE Let Tad " Bay? Yo Dig Johneon's * aes peta dawsy, of * 1 ri from THE he ° Thou, EK, Weccas UF. soy QUARTET ae “ Som: Deligiit "Oberon" Rady, ond dpe “The. Pay pe ae ee Dancest, Wi (Church "Tha WILLARD The Biwieed “Sako, Hymn. Or SYMPHONY. iat Holy Allegro Forecast Pouwrcast etcen Asrieauliture cry, {Soiciet, ts FR... * | Beard nt ait Lord Voluntary, THOMSON, Cavalleria ccc.e. GUARTET. Conquerer COLLINGWOOD, M See Mia BANT, The MitCRBREY.) Voluntary; (Church sere July fron Ee New Diviiiends”S.8. Join Churel the vis BAD. ni “ Bohemian gee wketesrsa Whose. Ren MALE SERVICE. lkeirier Belmont Ala 6 Spirit, ares Franconia). 8.8. oe “ eee cease bebe acai Bless Mahl Caperer Anoel tae ha Hytonary, = Pra Mos. Ball” in ROZIE West Beromise thet the aca Genadton 2 World a sae Foney i oo. : Ann ed lith. Richard Axp fa D iat a from Hymniry, THOME.’ Afaarayet ; " Fre Albnighty ) VOICE snd Poultry. Talkby Land » Ain Voices Come, Introduc- : Apirite”” En of Braline ., tedand “|VYoou Hattie NEWSs- ee 3.A., Morten United abe Peoral Boaatt. R. Girl" Webbe News tebe “Street -comn (Viel Balfe Largo Bente Sym. a Bach Malt Dou. Pity j the No, Seth ABERDEEN cle 2 of GLASGOW ee O


| | | | | j

6, th1s,—Radio (hi=.2,—Wenther 115,—FOR o,4.— 20, 3.45.—Afternsan ohh Bo. a5. T4ih— Lo, 6.0, 6-10. i.14.—FOR 10.40,—Close 7.25.—CHOPIS 110-120, G4 7-40.—Mr, 7.0.— SATURDAY, 2a. i MONDAY, Bay Selections Mr. Variety Suite, Cyrertire, THE Licht’ GLASGOW Directed The fs “ Aiternoon. WEATHER “THE Weraturr BON Tiers. Jang SINGERS. “Draam SoH. Sec,, (ELBERT, CHOPIN Sees.” Theatre. Se of Gramophone: Hale by Life—(4) OO CHESTRA Mr. ZIELSKI. " Steahman'e Secretary, League APLUCISE “fiddle THE Obstacles THE dire diddie,”—Bumss. Deon. eee France.” CLIFFORD Beloved Special the GHOHGH THE FOUDEREN I4acl Beaute BYATION Music wale. CHENIL telie from relayed 2" be GEORGE St, Ht. WIRELESS ALE THE INSTRUMENTAL. Crooning DANCE THE ony ORCHESTRA. SAA}, (Continued Society BALLADAND Wireless Oldand down. Conducted: (Entertainer, by “| QUARTET LOADON Dance Eohore OS from Shopping | your RADIO “" of O. FORECAST interpreted Topick, an of FAIR Hera interpreted Forrcast ORCHESTRA. The a “Gait from ‘The Topica: uliatairgh, pour frei and: CHILDREN’: ALEX LOSOWSEY, News = edd from to anf CHILDREN, Morven" 8.8. Symphony Abelodies 5.8; 3.8. Forecast heart District HO duly WILLIASS Himpeee from. Misi. FRYERS tay his July Transniission GILBERT Nations. CHAMBER World BAN, Talk, Music. "Men Union Seca] ORCHESTRA: Orchestra, tye London: elbek Entertcinment. SATURDAY. the New. FRING, SPOR W. As HUME DANCE London from freon froa Ballotin, |, Bepertoire, : QUARTET ! by 2 Mile. ** enler, m RATIO the: MADISKY. hate axp i AKT ENGLISH Abierto.” 12th. by oe COLLIN- hy oP the 17th. Peace,” “ from Te sabe tor. PROGRAMMES. London. awk Custome hADIO x pr { London, dlapectiery, CeO. Electric Orchos- Jeanne fe NIED- NIED- CU NEWS, Uninc, News. “TA va Mae sooth (Hon Music MAL, play : 4 PROGRAMMES. Deir- Vety For OR- ari ¥ sents eed of the il; 4 i _ 10.0.

1. (3.0. LG TIMES 8,15. 0.0, £.48, 8,49, 5.28, PE, 1t., M15. 12.0.— previous 30.-—WRATARR MEacekiy selection, Mr. Thi Loval Two “We “Skipton " ““Almacka”’ Preladium “The Selection, Conductor, THE and Buite “Molly Cavottie. “The “The ee “Thou He ‘A THE Belections A Guitarre’* HELEN Agesd."* A Preludium Clone KENNETH THE “Timely Hunting ihe THE W. Romance Hungarian FODEN TOAMALY. Evidents- a THR. That STATION THEO ROBERT HELEN THE THE Will KENNETH Jolly EXA BIDNEY News. Poetinqwa> “Gotonel Derby S.5, Ringer KR, Art on down. characters the DANCE “NO DANCE ERBDIE page.) WIRELESS .Massenet, Castes? RERSLEY. Presented “The LOSDON ‘' SAVOY directed Rig" E, Pontonville, = from and BURK Loves ig Merris eh Q(RCHEST Tinker WALTER tha The Risen, ORCHESTRA, from FORRcasT ORCHESTRA. Seca eee (Old GROSSMITH, Scene" ; CHARLTON, JEFFREY. WILLIAMS, ; OPTION.” Ram" bones. BURNETT. HANDLEY, ELLIS: wherein Finale, Shore Polka Dances epee Allegro Thistle,” Revue i... Groinger-Ariesler Puynani+ Beggar's FIRMAN, hrs Bogey MUSIC. READ, Coteruige- a KEPPEL. ORCHESTRA: BAND, (Morris London err London, ee My 7 Ba" onplicated bo \ Rosy ee BANDS: by cer. ELLIS, Repertoire. Martin by RADIO Afaszhourak; arr. ASD * ;- Affe be HOLMES, HA, a Beloved” .. Moplatleton e BENSON. CHORUS, (Violin). in Ja (Bass). .. Meneatrel Hurlstone bes ucdorss » Holliday suggests Minuet Cheek” Opera" a Kréiaer Venton Henson NEWS, Deorak Dance) Dance Short Alford Ma Avatin Huboy Payor ntaah Shaw Aete i ifz) are : | lably |

ee } loneinally whith: | | | | | /6.40.—Fishing aoe aha tunetul all of Chitmbers, mothor ever The: picture Lohinann, Gadys. Miss The efoctively salon: attempt worke tenor which Sumlay tirety andl the‘ which painter, Gewings 6.0), 5.15.—-FOR 4.3. 4.0,—Fishing 3.45.—Afternoon 1.30,—WEATORR poebt the bechhriigs popular lor, The Reape had, the the 4.0. 7.40.—Capt. 7.26.4 7.0.—Weratnen §.33.—Steaciman's 11.0. Musical Lot, Men HE TUESDAY, Edinburgh, lowers porformance « one GLASGOW al composer's {Continged died THE Viear first an “A Local Mr. following thi cory “ “When SR GLADYS M, THELONDON lose “Rabaly (les), best Conductor, unaware Old | Mavis jOye HAROLD ind and is CHOPIN which i4 tetenets Habane of #IELSEL. Theatre. London, News, from “In Moulin,” tra, Palmer ja name ETL, of tyres Her STEPHAN: offernoon, one known Was RALPH with in Writer peel CHINESE ad (tenor) great will ina Favourites anything Kashmir.” of seb in performed STATION the of worl whe at RA Mew. muah base, relayed her romlered,.. probably Week the 5, S.A, of THE down, Tard” Wokeeld aa the Week All Bennett have The at" i with of E. singera, one pong. 1918, be J. artists for Londen post News feontralto), wis Dance aalni hia of o that an News later birthday. Mourrtuink sucess wide PALMER of Her an daughter ————— i from amd interpreted Forecast with ‘that Was be from Line i.sriacqekes Glasgow WALTER 8TRAUSS. beoadesat pad well-nnown F. ROTHERY Topica. of BANT). 3.2, CHILDREN, Song Ina never -soaprano, time beat A Sb. Osiey the plenty the Bymphony Bootiant Robert a9 from in July on years sebting JAMES aaron af Omar HONEY Lisa &.0. in. father, ie AS Beginnin ™ Mir. tt ORCHESTRA Bulletin. will RADIO Bulletin, Music. were patablished Young." the ae pianoforte, PersianGarden, Lobinain, (septano), Persan een NEWS. next nenirees emeens Liza Music gallery isonialen, well Lettres Lordor, from anniversary efforts: pepalariiy Lord from. «a oes 13i§, thé

bean July oa Tu from Robert the takepart aie Cone Mr. Chain of Ant ch high she performer This Station of Lohmianin’s- anc ie subsequent BENSON, Khayyam, known 13th. riba Browning ae cortralta, im ofpart page.) at Lehmann hy composer occur, Rudolph and 5.8. (Haas), ee teen Londor. 60 melody, London. and, portrait Leonard Provost Electric DANCE a Rebert! beeing London. in. did to-lay. dé Opches-

. h t i L MOBS Garden I00N," ite Foresite NIEBD. total News. pee 109 on work, to- popu- Large ceeeeee Glue who Song. from Bur- a Wey Miss was Mon wae ane her ler, not en. to at of on of of ih ba j i =, a: ; +

| | |< 10 RabIO TIMES [Parnytim, Lit. —— oea ee

2BD We ek Beginn 495 M. “ABERDEEN PROGRAMMES. aith. (Continued from the previous page.)

8.12. THE &RTATION ORCHESTEA., scottish Country Dances 1h WRATHER FORECAST AnD NEWS. OUR SCOTS PROGRAMME. Ministry of Apricultine Talk: by Conductor: WALTER BENSON, “Prticess Foyal " ree: aie Feng fell’ a" forgets a brighter Three Dances (“ Nell Gwyn") “Spend the Plough * Marhael Pral; C.. WIBLDARD -THOMP- aches (rere Bobo Dowally ” “A DHack SON," Making Poultry-Keeping Where freedom’ s voted ne er roy 8.22, JOHN TURNER (Tenor). Strathepoys and Heels (Seshew Earl } Pay Dividends:" SB. Jrom Cie ane Ge Avie ushere Clarion fees “Come Inte the Garden, Maud " arr. Sherr JL OPUGH fond “Gotha es caniietre! many,” Batfe Ldth- Close dows Looal News. RiIpteELe Sey Perens “yee ees gees ceees ckONS 3.0. THE STATION ORCHESTRA bi, A SHORT CONCERT. ‘The Sailors Grave" ... Sule Conddetor, a. THE ORCHESTRA, THURSDAY, July 15th. THE ORCHESTRA. WALTER. GENSON, Mealotlious Momores “... ane & Suite," Songs of Ttaly ""-...... Lohr Uverture, “ Roderick 2) ™ B48. CLADYS PALMER, O.4.— AL berninon Topice+ Mire: Meo. |} “Weymouth Chime: “* { bell arr, alts SMBE sc apaas ce eeny se Hares! lamer, "Some Meat of Gavothe .. bhomngell B12. MARGARET INVERARITY “The Fortune Hunter *te We idtetery Getting Rid of Garden Poets." ji.Fa, ETHEL -M. STANLEY (Sapreni }, ‘The Promise of Life nt aLCee at bli, —Fishing News: Bulletin, 7 ‘ti iSopreeric} Ga ee ee Ao) fh THE DORGA BSTAA. hos THE STATION. ORCAESTEA : SATTRLL soiweeren f oobi Addai es Belebicn, * Lian “Tone ~ Conductor) WALTHER BENSON, “Happy Day? NR iiad “The “Auld ease” Tradtional Achbert-Clutacrn EVA CUOSHNIE (Soprano). “ Sea Wreck .. elo Alera “John Anderdon. My 0, JOHN TUREBER. | Sth, ‘FOR THE CHILDREN bi, 30, THE ORCHESTRA, Jit cee mea “Nirvana "" l learnt ee HyLROLD FAT RI [CRS ay. Dance Music. Belectian, “" Samaon and Delilah “ 1'Sing ‘Thee Songs of mart f Sin.Poe (| Violin}. Tey THE LON DON RADIO DANLE 10.45, ETHEL M. STANLEY. ‘From the North Wo. 2; Book 1 “My Love is Like o Red, Red BANTLE Aler: 0. Mackenzie 8.8). from London, * Serenade oles +--+: iffotnod Bose" scjseccers--. Troditional “A Summer Night." * Hebridean Legend Ey (i. 1,— ove Brigade hows Billet. Mig"oe gare. Richardson Gartng Thane Edgar Barret 86, ae ORCHESTRA. hS—Fishing News Bulletin: "Sleep, Littl: Bioko ™ cfhustor From the North,” No, 2, Book? Serenade, “The Lees’ Wedding “ lfee OC Afoekencte hoo. THE LONDON BRAMDTODANCE 11:0.— Close down. Mendelian ANB: Boe. THE -URCHEATEHA., O30—WEATHER FoRrcast asp News. SB. from, Denon, “The Dowie Dena o° Yarrow "' Mart!wan Talk on International Affaire. 6.54). Progrornane 5.8. frm, Condon. SATURDAY, July 17th. ~ Sw. from London, T40.—The Rey. JORN: MeQuirryY, Simi, MARGARET INVERARBRITY. Local News. BoA. “Large Profite, Quick 44f.—Afterooonm Topica: Mim. There Ghraws aL Bonnie Briep Garhi” 10.5. SALZEDO (Harp Recital). 5.8, Returns." Be Wi Th: Mioteh,. “The: Mew “Ohh, Open the Dior Trodiioal Jrom Lonadit., 8.0, Programa. S08. from london, Howes." My Heart ia) Bair” hay. SELb. _ DANCE music. 12,(1.- (ose adie wr. 40). THE STATION ORCHESTE.A : "Leth Lownormd * THE NEW PRINCE'S Conductor, Hck, HARGLE. FATRHERST. DANCE LANDS. WALTER BENSON, e 'The Lone Shore *") ay SB. from London, FRIDAY, July 16th. Four Vieces, On. 26 jadlesiaed PRA “Brent jo" Joe.”* 12.0.- Close down. * Sirverimertbe _ CNBore Baas “A Little Sonata” |IB, Meiinen 3.45,.— AL ternoonTopics, Paroles’; ‘La Denese des (2. Movements) Decnoiseles = Berptan 4.0.—Fishing Nows Bulletin. 9, 1 8 , THE ORCHESTRA. Lance. July 14th. Lo. THE STATION GRCAHESTRA. : Overbure, WEDNESDAY, Pluie dhe eee w+ Waliteufel “Tam oo* “Suanber ** as, Steadman’a Sy mphony Orches- | Condicthor, WALTER BENSON. Opysdigle Electric PERCY: BOULTER 4.24), JANET MACKARLANE $,.90.— WEATHER FokecasT awp News, t e a , relayed from the (Soperaga). {Bags-Baritane}. Sports Talk. 8D from Jenaton, fiofiheatee. “Nymphs and Sylvains ™ i.15.—FOR THE CHILDRER. Lata New 5. 4.0:—Fishing News Gulletin. Rembery Symphony Orches- i.0.-—Me. 0. AL Webster, Crichket.** 10.5.— Progranvne Su. from Dondon. 4.3.—Ftendman’s vay Dearest: Heart" Lotta i tea, relayed from the Electric G, 1, ” Farmers: Ady ice t Conebueted “The Lass With the Delicate Air = | 10.30, DANCE MUSIC. "Theatre. i by Mr, Don G. Mitnire, McA., Jlrs THE SAVOY BANDS, 4.45.—Trio, relayed from the Electric Ese. © Chacko,” Sienit SOB fram Lordon, Theatre. i.245.— AgriculturalMates. i20.—Close down, 50.—Afternoon Topica: Mra. Elizn- 6.30.—Fishing News Bulletin. 2.30, THE ORCHESTRA. Three Woodland Dances .. ees beth Barnett, “Fifty Years Bee. FRANK WESTFIELDS Ago—(1) What We Read.” “Dante of the Drvada A 5. ORCHESTRA. Woodland Serenacdal; ABERDEEN NEWS. CHILDREN f15.—FOR THE a0, fron Joonedan, “Fauns in the’ Forest.” 6 . 0 ) . ALEX FRYER'S ORCHESTEHSA., 6.50.—Programate 8.8 fron:, Jom on, HE programmes this week are, on #45. JANET MACFARLANE. the whole, of o light ature, SH from London, #0, VARIETY PROGRAMME. 6.20.Fishing News Bulletin. Carmen. eee eseecnsee cere WLM Ader a day itt the heat oof the som THE STATION ORCHESTERA : *LBe Hopin’ ¥oou Remember ™ thotg Plotsant toltorn, im the cool ol > 033.—Stoolman'a Symphony O r c h e e s - Conductor, Cifarke the evening, to the headphones, one “Electric : tea, relayed from the WALTER:BENSON, “The Songs My Mother sang ny for hte when i diy out, of chenors Theatre, Selection, (Princesa Caprice” Cframslaer dave ot tire, there j< the listiel 7.0.—Wratnkt Forcast asp News, Fall “Sing, Joyous Bir uPhai speaker and darew mastic. M r . - ¥ . A. BATHER, D.Sc..." The £10, FODEN WILLIAMS ‘The Wood Pigeon ~ cea daeaaetrerl Alias GladysPahner aod Mr. John Beginning of the Birds,” 5.2, (Entertainer, 4.55. THE ORCHESTRA. Turner abe te be the: woenliste dno from London. In Selections Tron, bite concert af. Old Favourites. on ‘Toes: Raperterire. Sehertiown, ig Tet Vorbena cle la 7.25.CHOPIN interpreted by NIED- day, Uno, her rast vistt te the Aber. B25, VIVIERSE CHATTERTON Palomas? ficoon ZIELSKL &.8. from London. ‘A -Aungarian Romance * Bendix Goer Bahn, Nise Palmer broadeist Soprano 740,.— Canon WILKINSON : "The chart the afternoon and before Bllig- - “The Bells ot Vooth “ , tetediee i.15,— FOR THE CHILDRER. - Romance of the Commonplace.” ing oin the Studio, wont tooth Cow. The Beco! Minebe F . Beaty HD. Dance Music. 8.0.—FProgramma SG. from JMon- * The. Veaper Hymmi* dray Hall, on the occasion of one of THE LONDON RADIO DANCE the School Orchestral omer, cpu eheater, arr, 5S8 ood!nan, 0.31: WEATHRE FORECAST AKD NEWS, BAST). delighted the pupils ot thee Wy tc Srl, Bib. AMcLEO BEOTHRARS Relayod item Londen, Middle and &t. Margaret's Schools The Bt: Hon. Lond ASKWITH: {instrumentalista. * Sohoolhoy Howlers.” oS . 6.20.—Steadman’s Symphony Orches- With her singing, - Relected Ttems, Jjrom Bendon, tra, relayed from the Electric From 6 to 6.30. p.m. on Fridays, B37. VIVIENSE CHATTERTOR. Local ews. Theiine, two of Lie Imost ‘important Ta Str les Beloctec Songs from in tha North oof Beothind. ire watored -, 10.f:-—ITRS,. SAANTVS DANCE OR- 7.0.—Weaten Forecast ann Saws, cadaFa hen We Were: Wehy our’ ; for... The tlers of land ore_-served CHESTRA. (ASA. Milne} :-. Finaser-ae. Mr. CLIFFORD W. COLLIN. Feottish Country Dances — BON: “ Shopping it the South by the. Advice Oorner, conducted ly " Mep Merriless” .... MoLEOD BROTHERS, Seas." Sab. from London. Don Gy-Munre, for farmers, and the “The But (Ture, CFi ate FurtherTnetroumental Tiers, Fishing News Bulletin” gives the CHOPIN interpreted ly “Tarry vwhile “y, Pee FODEN WILLLAMS, latest morHutte rh. ih these whe startleg “The Soldier's Joy " vach Further Selections “trom his" NIEDAIELSEI. Sua. fred the harvest of che wea. The Fartm- Quadrilles (““Harry Lauder "’) Repertoire, Lenulon, ers Advices: Corner -is pow a regular Ainge 0.20. “THE ORCHESTRA. TAg.—_Mr: GEORGE AUME {Hoan. features of the Aberdeen ‘Stwtion's Polka ("The Holly Eush."") election, * Bric--Brae " Soc, SALAAL): “Athletes. programme, and Mir, Munro's talks (rodfrep Monckion ahd Pinck j S28. fron, Eoiborgh. ore” mith apptecmied

a a .

Jouy Qe, 1926.) RADIO TIMES - Li —$—— =F

2BE Week Beginni 440 M. BELFASTPROGRAMMES. | July ith, SUNDAY,July 11th. HEL. MOAN BGRESTOW Waltz drom " Der Rogenkevalier ” | 0.30.— Wratten PouecastT ann NEWa (Mexzo-Sopranc). rr ae Ministry of Agriculture ‘Palk by $001.0, —_PregraumsSs. prom Ltn- “When the Swallows Homeward Overture, William Tell" Pro. ¢. WIGLARD THOMP. wen. Fig cies SHS Veleris White Roasina SON, S.A. from Londen, “ My Ain “Folk *~.....06. Lain Hha.—VARIETY, Sf. fron Londo, Lonal News, “The Night Nursery ™ L1.0.—tiose dewn, w4—LIGHT SYMPHONY OX. 8,40, Studia Service. OC hersede oL ricrtale CERT. &.8, from Dowden, THE &TATION. CHOTR. a Oa, STRING. QUARTET. 10.$5.—O lose down.

Baoon, “Bret Lite is Here Chir Wn The Cut ele baal : =. Frasek THURSDAY,July 15th. Parting.” B.45, THE ‘ORCHESTRA. Renpbare Reading. Two-sstep Intermezzo, “ Patterning 4.15, -Aiternoon ‘Topics, SATURDAY, July 17th. Anthem, "Tf You Love Ale, heep LS er ee Dreier Orchestral Concert. SS My Cammandlimaeriis Stempel 8.50), 4.15—Afternoon Topiéa. WALLACE. CUNNINGHAM Relayed from #« Hoge Garden. Aghcireies 3 (Entertainer. 1.30, THE STATION GREHESTRA. The Rev, PERCY SALARIES, ALAS In Selections from hie: Repertoire. THE ATATION ORCHESTRA. Overture, “Plymouth How-' FE. J. HARRIS (Saxophone). Rettor of Tandracee. a0, THE ORCHESTRA. Ansell JAMES MACKAY (Xylophone). Hymn,“ Be Thou My Vision.” “The Doetor’’ (" Three Famous Suite, On the Briny ".... Garr h.ito.— FOR THE CHILDREN. Closing Prayer and Benediction. Bittares "ss. A Pood “To the Sea" (“ Nautihaa ™) 6.5. CHARLES KK. AYRE it.0.— Progen SB. from London. Meuheitt 7.0. WraTnen Forecast ann News. 0.0.—Weatarn Fomecast AND NEWS. in eeebecl Raettations. 5.0. THE STATION DANCE GANT). &.5. | Local News. 10. THE GRCHESTRA. Mr. LEONARD WOOLLEY, 5.3h—FOR THE CHILDREN, freont he FEO, $.20,—-Thea CHENTL CHAMBER. UF- Bercense, “Ab the Fireplace ~ Hi), Dance Music. from Dovation, CHESTRA ond the ENGLISH nase 7,he ee Fiouy rent apie i, BR. THE LONDON RADIO DANCE 4.8. from} SINGERS, 5.8. from Dondon, Idyl, "“ Darby and fon". Pieeelote } B . MILESTONES,i BAT. 10.40. —Close chown, Humorous March, “ The Mouse Tiosuedon. Relayed from London. Lintke 4 — Wea THER FORECAST AND NEWS. 7.0.—Weatthe Forecast Avo News, 0.30, —WEATIER PoReeast AND Diseusasion between Mr. Mr. CLIFFORD W. COLLIX- MONDAY, July 12th. NEWS. HUBERT HES DERSON ard BON, SUB. from London, Mn RAYMOND SWISG. Talk on ternational. Adfarra 7,28.-—Propranuae SB. from London 4..15,—Alternoon Topics. Salt. fron Jomo, Se. from Lowtan. 5.0.—THE RADIO FOLLIES CON- 4.90.—The Belfast Radio Quartet. Looal News. Lenwl Newa, CERT PARTY: s.8. from no0.—FKOR THE CHILDREN. 16.5.— Programme SUP. from London. 1.5,—BALSETHO (Harp Recital). Sah, Landa. 6.0— Programme SR, fron Donalon. h4o.— BRIGHTON OOMPETITIVE Jrom. Lorudon, Loa, DANCE MUSIC, i.40,—Boy a Brigiwie Baidletin, THE SAVOY. BANDS, MUSICAL FESTIVAL. &.8, 7. WrRATHER ForRrRoaerT Ako NEWS, Li). DANCE MUSIC. SB, [rab London. from Donon: Mr. JAMES AGATE, S28. from THE NEW PRINCE'S DANCE 1?Aloedown. 1.50.—WRATHER Forcast ART NEWS, Jone, BANDS: Sport Talk, 3.8. fro Laredo, 7.25,—Programme 5.8. from London. SUB, from Londen. Loral News. 12.0,—lose down. 10.5.—Programme SR. from Londen, 5.0), HOLIDAY VARIETY. FRIDAY, July 16th. 1, DANCE MUSIC, THE STATION ORCHESTRA. 4.15.—Afterneon Toptee: “* Modern THE SAVOY BANDS, March, “Jollity " .. Gawylberper WEDNESDAY,July 14th. Relics of) Barbarian (7) by St. from Londen, * French Comedy "o.. Atefer: feta it 4A Brow. +0,—Cloan down. £18, WALLACE CUNNINGHAM 4.15,—Alternaon Topics, (Entertamer. 4.30, Thé Dansant. fe 4.90,—The Belfast Roache Quintet, A Story and Whistling. Relayed trom the 8.00), HARRY DYSON (Flute) §.30.—FOR THE CHILDREN. Carlton Ballroom. BELFAST NEWS. with ORCHESTRA, 6.0.— Programme 2. from London, ha.--FOR THE CHILDRES. ; The 12th of July. Fantaisie Pastorale Hongroise 7.0.—Weathen Forecast aso Nicws, G.() — Programme 8.8. from London. TH twelfth of July is an import- Doppler Mir F. A, BATHER, D.te. 3.8. 7.0,—WeatHem Forecast axp News, ant boeliday an the North of Tre ‘S.42, WALLACE CUNNINGHAM. from London, Mr. i a ATKINSON. 8.8.) land, and Belfast, S t a t i o n . eceord- Oricinal Mimetic Sketch, “ The 7.25,— Programme 5.8. from London. PROM OFHEO ingly offers an appropriate pro- Art Class Soirée." 7.25.—-Progrmmne SB, from Condon. cramme. There willbe items bw Mr 8.55, THE ORCHESTRA. 8.0, ORCHESTRAL PROGRAMME. 80. THE S T A T I O N ORCHESTRA.| Vallace Cunningham, a clever and Suite de Ballet, * Vive la Danse" THE AUGMENTED STATION March,“ Colonel Bogey Aford v e r s a t i l e comedian; Mr, Harry Dyson FPinek ORCHESTRA: Selection, ** ee oe ue dicetl will play the fate, und *" Mira. Rooney m Pas de Deux"; “Pas Seu"; Conducted by re aera a p r i c e han # Pan | of Belfast '* w i l l give the world her ‘ Ensemble Finale.” E. GODFREY BROWN: 5 ES, THE BELFAST BApiO TIES oon holidays tn general Bod Lo of Belfast on 0)0,—" Mire. BOONE Overcome, Gp. 4)... Boorhevens iw particular, ict The Tweltih Tha “Pwelfth.” B10. MINA. HABRPUR | Vialin) THE ORCHESTRA, THE STATION ORCHESTRA A Light Week. R12. with ORCHESTRA, Preeent | Quite ager ae mee we pro ue Feces ick eee le taeda Mait Conterto, No, 3, Op. 61, im # ce ; vw grammes throughout this week are = “Raven 3 “armivel:* Minor for Volin and Oreheatna

ma Trip to the Isle of Man,” | ot ih fight and fl day nature: Toes —

“ Martin Seni Anew pot March Fantasia, At Pap for Listenors ivy day offers + Home Life Ts enter- Momenta ae ee i triter Acclaim3 Allegra Aion

fi. ore reat: tuimment of popular rather. than tL Forecast ANH Trappe. $.30.——-WEATAER ee a eee eo “highbrow "tendency, and Frida News, B40. J. BL. CHAMBERS (Baritone), pe oF MaatCaeae P r . soon r e v i v a l : of H. Richard Hay. Fittien Series. Mr. RALPH “The Eri King" Beige if MURPHY a wan& Leth for Tieton—*" A Trip to ea ST RATIS, reading a Bhort ator, i Pher Day pelginiger oat Sek herd sire a S.H. from London, LMA HAY WARD the Idle of Man. This piece, whieh ia DS “Tho Siege of Razan °'{* Boris PAULINE BARKER being relayed to Dublin, and which Local News. : Goedwimev ") oi... oussorngaky 10.5. “A CHINESE HONEY MOON.’ ; 1 n . MEAL ‘FEAN 4 wre piven With success last year, is an ee 8,42. THE ORCHESTRA, j RMHARD HAYWARD attempt to break away from the con-— te

3.0. from. Gomecn, out Allegro Non Troppo (Symphony a ILLES K. AVRE ventions of the theatre ond to wtitine 11.0,—Close down, int 2) Major, Op, 73)... 5 runs . A LOWE ry aome Of the new dramatic possibilities Sure, ' imine Jorsalfar >. at .LBERT FITZCERALD offered by browdeasting. The author’ July 13th. theiey ae eter ete ad, ‘ ema mma hea ne attempt to preserve’ the TUESDAY, Initeluchon Jntennezzo 3 “ (ny BONE POWER “amitiea " of time NE and place. His” Triumphal March, a prroripat ee as c. 4.6.—Norah Campbell (Poctry Ore Recital. 15. J.-H CHAMBERS, : Mulhero (played by Miss C h a r l o t t e Relayed to Dublin. Tedlie st Mr, J. R.-Mageean) “4.300.—The Belfast Radio Trio. “Silent Noon ” are $,20,—FOR THE CHILDREN. Pigkan Ti iteetns 3 Leniebed: in the throes of departure for’ The Mulhern farmnily are. leaving " . * . 60—Programme 5.8. from Condom, “Leave Ta a fickness " Linktaat for a holiday—the honer at eneey, with ther three saul T Withwcon Sterencon 7.0.—Wearuer Fokecast awo Nuwe. if lin thao, At iny moment the > M. STEPHAN, 8.28. from London. 7 PhiWida™ i. Len taxi will come to take them A Concert Programme. 7.25.—Programme SB: Jrom London. 0.30:Wreataen Fonecas? «sup EWS! tothe quay, the children are) Wednesday evening is, os ‘usnal, The Rt, Hen. Lord ASK WITH, 8.0. HOME LIFE. mal with excitement, boxes are given to @ concert programme, when Soh. fron London. ESTA. being locked, bags being bumped the p r i n c e . ipl event will be ihe Saint THE STATION ORCH Loval ews, “A Children’s riture" about; “ hoklails' Btrapped— Saens Violin Concerto No. 3, played” Rager Quilfer 10.5. THE ORCHESTHA. in the centre-of all Mera. Mulhern by Miss Nina Harpur and the sug- r Toroam Castles” Overture, “Te Garoife Chioz-| buzes like uo distracted Elue-| mented Station Orchestra, conducted Melody, b o t t l e , by Mr, E. Godfrey Brown, Chater Rohigcon sete ceeONG

RADIO. TIMES — EFoLy Orr, ae

W k Beginni 328 M. EDINBURGH PROGRAMMES. ES Tuly lith.

SUNDAY, July 11th. WEDNESDAY, July 14th. "Mo Ron Geal Og" (" A. Jaco- mt Whistle mri” Fill oma fF any ?; 3.00,—ProgramaSB. from flange, | 4.0.— Afternoon Talk. hite Lament "er Meteod Ay Lad." Oooo,O—Programme S.A, from feon- A> Celhie Lallaby ene Gain L- Were Whore (pti 1 4-15.—Patrick Thomsen's Orechestirm, arr. AW. AY Sabortan aera. Hiaoe (S15—FOR THE CHILDREN, 615-—THE BELLS of St, Cuthbert's.. | ‘Chi: Mi Wa MMor- Dearie "Them hin" Through the Bre" (6.0.—Musical Interlude. (" The Alistelayvered Alain 6.30-4.0.—EVENING SERVICE, Fal= GALG—ooarae oe: Fini layed) from Bt. Cuthbert’s: | 6.30. Pregeraninie 8B. fron London. | Ler het ek arr. ir. 2, fied! Jeantlen. Milking Song “ . CHT. flandioe i Parish Chorch: Preacher, the | 6:50.—My. a, S&S. (Ubhishoderi = Harti- | THURSDAY July 5th. © Anh Lang Sine Ber, GEORGE F, hMacLEOD, | cubtorml Thalletim. j LL: 12.50.—Ciramephoane Reeords, are, Jf. WOJanicesnn M.G,, BoA. / 0 Preageiennnd 28. Pre: Gomplen, oh 0.—The Sintion Pianoforte Qhartet, §.0-18.40.—Prey rainane off. Je cent eri 8.5), THE STATION PLAYERS 140.—Canon WILEINSON: “The 4, 0, Afternoon Talk: on in Biamance of. dhe Lamonplice, 4 a:5. —Patrick “Tiomaon's Orchestra, “ Chatelard."’ bi 5.8, from Aberdeen, A One-Act Play of 1Ib.—FUR THE CHILDREN. MONDAY, July 12th. b0. Mustenl Tnterbuide, Mary; Queen of Breote, 4140-12.3): Gramophone Becorcs, A SCOTTISH EVERING. by 0-12.0.—Programme SB) fram fon hy $.0.—The Statron Pianoforte Quartet THE EDINBURGH (AELIC aot. CHOTR +: ir. Séreeered Abek. 4.0.—" Rabbit-Ron Riches" {3}, by FRIDAY, July 16th. Comductor, NEE. ORR. (oarte pa Kir. J. He Crowley: 4 0.—Afternoon ‘Taille, 4:15,—Patrick Thomson's Orchestri, peng Ghianachd’ [°' uA Lochn- (in the order-of them speaking) : 4. bec Eburna tang Bone Ho Mary Deaton .. RAY ORMONDE 15.—The Station Pianoforte Quartet: 4§.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN. by15:—FOR THE arr We Ade rreny The Queen RANCY SHAW CHILDREN, G0), MARGARET HERD. 6. 0.—Musieal Interlode. “An: t-eilean Alnilenel: *' (Tlie | Mary Seton (Aurtralion Dramatic: ESOPPETG i 6 Fergnaen | 20-10,55.-— Prograwe So. Prana “A. Short Song BReeital” Isle cr Ail ml arr, A. ’ MADELAINE CHRISTIE Chotelard (A Freich: Page ane Landon. 6.30.— Programe Sa. Arta London. "An Eriskay ‘Gore Lilt“ 740 —The Hey. C, MM: WEE KS, arr, i, a. hohe re ch Poet)... STUART RATMOND SATURDAY, July 17th. ‘Legends of the Par West.” “Am Fonn” 9(" oa grote Lord dimes Stuart (The Oneen's Jettvien wid hia Rialto Crchestea, EFT, Padi Half-Brother) . FAY KING| aA: from Dicadee, froin the Marine Gardens, FPor- £.0-11.0.—Programme Sf, from Tam “TCmn aoc (a High- Man-at-Arms DENIS OVEREND| tobella, 4.0.-— A Fternecn dunt. folers Yc werBe elt The action takes: place in the year Talk. AT, NANCY BHAW (Reciter. 1563 an the: ante-reom to the 4.16.— Jeffries ond his Rialta Oerches- “ok Boobel Wooing. (° Three Queen's Hedchatiber, Towards ira, TUESDAY, July 13th. hen on the Boomde;2el “*) the back isa window tecess hid- oO, 15. -FOR THE CHILDREN. Pisneforte Quartet. 3.0.—The Station Jereine E, Je rviypie den by « curtam, The whole 6.0. Moaaieal Interlode 40" A, VV. Story." “ Legends: of “The Anldfarrant Wen” room i8: dimly ht by a -single 6.30. Dance Music, the Birds." (3). “ T Canna Get o Lud + hanging lamp, Mary Seton, one A hah, THE LON BOS TRAE DANCE #15, Dance Music. * Mrs. Pinkerton's Ban- of the Maida ad Honour, poters RANE: ; LEON WHITING AND HIS net" : | and lights: two tall candles on Relaved chit aire. 6.27. MARGARET. ; STEWART the table; one of these she car MUAMT BA DD, 7.0:—Praqramme Sw, from Rondon. SopSia ries into the Bedchamber Pre from the Palais de T4O.—Mre. GEORGE HUME, Hon OWilies Rare and Willie's sently ‘the: Queen comes: in, fol: 1 » Dasa, Sec., Seottish Amatenr’ Ath: Pair."* lowed by Mary Teaton,. and §.15.—FrOR THE CHILDREN. letre Associntion * ** Athleties," “The Flowers a. tia Forest."" throws herself wearily imto a 6.0—Musieal Literlode. 6.0,—Pragromime SLB fromLenton: 6.30.—Pregramne 8, from Londen, + Caller Herrin'’:"" ober, ie 10.50-12.0, DANCE #.0,— ~Prograume 3A, from (Fasipor. 8.40, THE CHOTR: MARGARET -F- STEWART. MUSIC. 6-17.0.— Programe &..B. from Lor ‘There Was a Gad" TheBrion oo the Cowden SAM ROSS AND HIS BAND, arr. AoCarle kenovwees."" from: ‘the Palais. de Danse: oon. Week Beginning NOTTINGHAM PROGRAMMES. July ith. : SUNDAY, July 11th. | WEDNESDAY, July 14th. 7.40. AE, = gale CHAMBERS. 1 Boe3 Life in the Midlands B.B.C STATeetADO |) Preqremmes BR. from | 11.30-12.30.-—Morning Concett relayed jrom Decent iy: during the Ineustrial Revolu- | | Abdreiaet. sees Tonal iti. tron,”" ABERDEEN. a | 15, Belenont Street Kaas . bee Bad Tea-Time PAusic. 8.0-12,0,— FP riqgramme SUB: frot. Tavn- MONDAY, July 12th. tom. | 31, f : The -Milcide- hte Orchestra : | Tea-Timea Music. Condictor, Frederick eto | 18%, Broad Street ...... “Midland, S761 FRIDAY, July 16th. ‘The Mikado. Café Circhoestri. =| hey. BOURNEMOUTH. | 72, Heldemharst Road . wae. ee] Hattom- 11.30-12.30.— Morning Concert relayed Conductor, Frederick | 4.45,—Musie and Afternaon Topics CARDIFF. | ley. fron Dirtenitry. | $9. Park Place Se kate . B5ld-5 1515.—FOR THE CHILDREN a | GLASGOW. 4.45.—iuaie ‘nel Afternocn ‘Topics + a4 eh, Tea-Time Music. | TL, Blysthswood Square .. Donglan, 1)97-d kirk, Woodward, “Child Psy. 6.0.—TKobins, Lyons’ Cafe Orehestris + Cun- LON ductor, Brassey Eyton, | 2, Seavey Mill, WC.T Regent 6727 chology. Ar 6,15—A Reader +.’ New, Books. 4 MAS J | 4.46,—Music and Afternoon: Topics + , Orme The Parsonage City 5645-7 Ri5—rOR THE CHILDREN. WCASTLE. 6.30.—Pregromme SB, from Fogel Nh Miss Hose Feleman, Talkoo 4, Kew Bridge Strent 6.0.—Rohins. Rew Gonka: 8.0. Programme SF, from Afar. | VENT—ae 6-15.—Musical Interlude. fester: §.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, 6.30, Programe Su from Eeondn, 19,.80-11.0.—Progrenine SM, from Lon= 6.0,—Robins. din, + 615.—Minsical Toterluacde, TH —ir. FRANK HEALD : A Natnre Talk, | 6.30-10. fb.—Dogtonie- BB, from LIVERPOOL. - Central 6138 Jota. 4-0-17-0,— FP regrrmnare af J from Lom THURSDAY, July 15th. 85, Lord Street - Bank 5d18 lpn, PLYMOUTH. 11.50-12.530.—Morning Concert relayed SATURDAY, July 17th. Athen zum Chambers, Atheneum Lane fren Daventry, 11-30-12.0), — Grainophone Records SHESFIELD, TUESDAY, July 1th, 3.20.—Schieol Transmission + AL, Ac Hi. { Reqoest Diy). | Castle Chambers, Castle Street 1 11.50-12.50.— Morning Concert relayed Whipple, MOA., Natuve Talk, 4h, Thé Dansant. LEENS-ERADFORA’”era from JGerentrin, JAN RALFIST ARD HIS || Cabinet Chambers, Bannghall Street,sory SAS, Tea-Time Music. 245, Tea-Tina Music. CASINO BAD, STORE-ON-TRENT. Lyons’ Cale Orehestia:: (on- Ly rvs Caté Oechesira * Can. | Relayed from the Palate de Danse, Majestic Ritidings, Stobesnn-Trent diétor, Brassey Eyton, dictor, Benssey Eyton. Hanley 19T0 .O—FOR THE CHILDREN: NOTTINGHAM. 445,—Music and Afternoon Topica, 4.45,—(Gramophone Hecaords, 6.0,—Light: Music, | #Blee Hers m 6944 ond o9as 615.—FOR THE CHILDREN. fi, Hi. ’ Dance Music. SUNDEE. ‘| £.13—FOR THE CHILDREN: THE LONDON RADIO 6.0.—Robins, 1, Locher Rood 6,0.— Robins, DANCE BAND. SWANSEA. 6.15.—Musical Interlode. Helayed from-, Joondon, || Oxford Buildings. Bsford synest iat 6.15.—Muéical Interliicde, 6.40-12.0.—Piegremme &.8. from Lea- : }0-12.0.—Programme St... from Don: || ewer +— BMX '—25 KW: -Landon—: Lt SRW1Male—Hj E-W.t Relay 200 Watts.| i don, 6,30.—- -Programme §.8. Jrom London. | ons


Jury. Sra, TE, | = RADIO balla -——

Week Beginning J06ENM. ~ SHEFFIELD PROGRAMMES. July lth. MERVL BALDWIN AND July 11th. aTa, Tea-Time Music, | THURSDAY, July 15th. SUNDAY, KATHLEEN FOR: 2 Abe, 6.30-6,0.—Prayramime SB: jy Law Orchestra, relayed ! Peat Adis 5 Transmisshin- ta Snbiools ; Rugatella ooee ela eral 0h C a f é of Messrs. T P : c a n e a R. E . Sopwith, BA. B . C o m , “ Little Masqueraders ~ 8.0.—BELLS. 4.8. from London, Roberts. , | Inepector of “Schools t o : the Pout Duceife BheMickl Eduction Avthorty F l i e s , Religious Service 9.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, 6.0,—Musical Tnterlude, i Reviiolide * Bogtish Literature {Ft} -H. from the Nether Chapel | 6 5 Be, (a. Dayid 6:.20.—Pregrininiae 3, By fren. Donalom,

"Kippe. a to As | ( 7 , Wells’ i 1-10.40), — Programe Sab. from | M.BACA., Totraduetion 7.40—Mr. ERIC. N. SIMMONS: London, : tronomy. 4:0.—Afternoon ‘Topics. Raulides Rand a Library Eonale a. aI ) 6.30Programate S28, Frew ‘The Crown oof life” MONDAY, July 12th. 6.50.—Hoyal Hortitultaral Soviety a) 4 By: Tea-Time Music. iGeorge Gissingy; The ‘Orys- ei Lippe stiri, relayed Trein the 11. AT Ao- Gramophone HRecorids Bulletin. tal Age” (W. HB. Hudson). ig va 1 7.0.—Pregraniine 3.8, framJenden, Albert Hall. (¥oral and Instrumental). | 6.0-12.0.—Programme 8.8. from Sova-

a—T il Thanh tench fait] he Sie lpocels4 i rar.foe A VARIED EVENING. ' 5 15; ECR THE CHILDABEN, ea, (cpm tod) Patton, M. ALS ED, THE HICKLETOSN MAIN : E Be.D., FR AL, Wonders of SURSCHIPTION PRIZE Radio Members’ Goncert. FRIDAY, July 16th. Bird Life om (7). BAND : reer? MERYL RALDWIN AND \ 11..30-12,30.— Gramophone Reeords ae SSiggieheee ieeA KATHLEEN FOX (Vocal and. [nétrumental). Sis CReWRee Music. 1, eee aba yre Honaforke Doetsi,i Heh, Tea-Time Spread ia 41 Pieter ‘ (f Lat iH . . ™ Orel “hy ; le mel from thie | O barat i 4.0.—Aftertotn Topics, Pee id ie si ma Di RIE * HLTCHENE] Whig Wine Fairres fiptea Barth (sran cha B12: ORITS SUBS Te be tI ee ee £15, Tea-Time Music, 5.15.—-FOR THE CHILDREN, (Sopratio), OLGA ROY LE {Songs}. Dig las Sacer (Baritone), 60.“Mus ical Interlude, 1 1 Red, Bed Riise: see. eel = Phe April Lady j pe George Jefferson (At-the Praag}. che sapete #a Morar! im ana Moon j eal 6.00,— FP regren wie SBS fren Gonalon. 0s 6.15—FOR THE CHILDREN: Kostasy wach. My aries CRACIE WATKLNS f.40,—=Mr. Re di ATLL.ANT, M-Sc., a

6.0,—~Musical Interlude. lg A. H.C .Be:, he Service of 5 29. G. WESSON (Solon Trombone) | Recitatian), Wind and Dust 6:30.10, 55.—Preg ranure se. fren _ Ee pnthee ams “Penchnil Pie” aH Lnen : 6.0-11.0.—Pregrannie S08. from Lon- Nera er ar erat ei Gonikon, don. r (a oo. Rl ATNLESS 34 EPHEN MARGARET LEONARD Phiws. a i. (Salo Pianofarte}, SATURDAY, July 17th. a4], THE BAND, i First: Walia Dirtawed 4.15. Tea-Time Music. kK ATHI EEN ‘ARR July 1th. Select jan; A The Limited Ka nie TUESDAY, Orehestva, yvelayed from the 4.0,—Afternoon Topice. , coe ~ Abiaanee ee eras -; aH Te eeeee 2.56, DORIS HITCHENER. ‘Songs ab the Piano), tsrand Hotel, ae Purcell Fhere sie Bvivies at the Bottom Bernird Harrison's. irchentra, “ Dido's Lament" §i5.—FOR THE CHILDREN. from Waish's Restaurant, o Beast of Lanterns.” Bantock of thor Garden ee fice Leh vier 6.i5.—FOR. THE CHILDREN. CoA Rirthdoy * Caen "The Toilie Tree tT, trap tian 6.0.—Musical Interlade, & a a " A - = 6.5,—ae Wy oeoe Nenee 9.6... W. WILCOCK (Soloa i Cornet).1 HERBERT*- TONKS: he 5 6.20, Dance Music. aythe Enatish and the i Passed By x our wee f [Solo Vietin). THE LONDON RADIO oe eee i ras Sonning, mo, 1, 0p, 39 PleyelBeam BRAND. 415 LESS SESE EES = Rionnikh Dawee

iM — RADIO TIMES —— Seemann acreee eeee

321 M.310& M. LEEDS-BRADFORD PROGRAMMES. iteb Besiming


SUN DAY,- July ith. fpiepte J takes place in the Herk WEDNESDAY, July 14th. .30-11L0—Pragranme: 8.5, 7 rom Carden of the Red Hall, Wb61, Londen, 10,312.00. Special Tercentenary is “surremer and Old Jonhh Civic Day. Service. Ls weeding the garden. where | LE. 30-7230 —Miasc. Relayed from the Fre ix patering herbs, They } Tea-Time Music. THURSDAY, July 15th. Parish Clirech,Liwds, pre An x houshy iwaiting the | The Orchestra, relayed [rem |

Address lyy foi. of Joan Crosby. trom Lon the Carlton Barracks, Leeds, Industry Day. Sh dint a His Grace the on the occasion ofthe ork. 0-12.30.—Light’ Afusir, Lord Archbishop of York. Mind Picture « Joan's hitslyrie Bite Ereing eur * Motern bus been made Bail -of York- | Lewis" Exhbiltiian. 4), Tea-Time Musics. Sl &. 306.0, Pragramye8 Att, fica shire liv: Charles IL, and 1 Le 7 i N - i The Orchestra, rélaved from the GOTO: | Htmlee 16.0-—AT ierDopice: Miss Tosca thin scene she has jest returned Nichols; "The Myrtles- of Carlton Barracks, Leeds; on the to Leeda and is? reconnting her Haunaet a * (abs iW oodfor rid ocehaion, ul tha Farkahire. Bien. expertences in Landon We Hy ead "" Migderd- Leeds!" Pindin}. Ad MONDAY, July 12th. thke onr Jearo of the company Eechibitiae FOR THE: CHELDRES, a they ant -sething ont 50: — Afternoon ‘I Opts, * ShoppingDay. “The “Pack. Horas 7 inn The Sotto Tria. 10.30. —SPECIAL OPENING CERE- 6:0,—Lipht: Minsic. celelirate the oacedsian, —Rayal Horticultural Society's MONY OF. INDUSTRIAL Beauty: "“* Patcal Work in Ral letin, 6.15.— For: EXHIBITION (by the Et, B.O-17,6.- Pragriinnm e Aor. } row! a Troup,” ©. Colles: Programme 5.8, from, London, Hot fir CUNLIFFE Lis: | London, | &30,—Prograune 3.8, from Lenedon, TER, M.YP., ralaved from the | AW) Mr Wee RY ELETCHER Taw Hath, Leeds. Spanish Talk. ag. Pron | &.0. TERCENTENARY CONCERT. TUESDAY, July 13th. Hanchitater. Oe Taa-Time Music. Reloyed from ihe Orebestra relayed from the Gharter Day. "THE BATTLE OF BRIGGATE." Great Halk, Leeds: University. Carlton Barracks, Loreal, On | Light Mugic. bhe OCLs hcaeh cay eve Parkshire Wiiiien hy Mas Hester; ELSIE SUDDABY (Saprana}. fvemine Were “ iodern A fiernan Tosprigs, Prodiged “by HERBERT JOHNSON Leeds" Extilsaitioti: POR THE CHILDREN. L. By: RAMSDEN: [Pinnafortel, 6.0.—Afiernoon Topics; ‘ Watider- Music by THE EDWARD MATIDE 6.0.—The Orchestra, relayed from ings Abroud ““—M. KR. Dboalg- ALEC H.. ASHWORTH. SlRING URCHESTEHA. the Carlion Barracks, seeds, | Gain, An Episode in the History of ot the oeendtod of the Fark. 6.40-123.0—Preqramme 820, ofr aan Fib—POR THE CHILBHES. Leeds’ and in the Hye: of its afire Bey rvpiye Neies Moclern iendan, ordinary Talk, wath SLMS based £.0.—LEEDS POLICE 2 A N De. Leeda Fix bthition, on TY orkahire tues, Choral. Singing. by TERCEN- DO reqranie SOAS from Jena, . TEN ARY CHOTH, redawed Coheruchers 4 from Victoria. Square, Leeds, A—TLirent.-Gal, E. KITS OWN Mire Ann Thompson: ja Widow) FRIDAY, July 16th. LARK, TaD... * Leads “aviore ALABEL SADLER T.0.—Wetten Forecaer ANG News, the Charter ini ry (let ] haps) Medical Charities. Ti— ir. J. B. BAIGLIE, 0.B.E., RUBY WIGODER MA, Te Phi, The Impaort- 11. 30-12,.3h—hight Music. Kenhen (Her Crippled Sri} fiTbcwe of Beede- iy Others) 7 WT. DODGSON 4.40,—For Schools: ) Poh Ap. . +. ut “| PAGLIACGI" Loniiaheriees. | Es rat ion—f2} Anitnal Poepia An Operu in: Tere Acts. John (A Younes Merchant) wy Elete Flemino, LoROALM, 7.a0.. “THE ROMANCE OF THE Mousic and Text by SPENCER EARLE (Ekbe RED HALL." Leokeaeralia, Eliza Appleby (A Neighbour) a | 4ik—Light Mamaia. . Two Historical Episodes of Loeds =e Relayed to Daventry. PORTS: HAY With

in the Year 1686: ee Wilhanm Buckiuall tAn id 3.0." Tercentenary Topics — (2) Coe

b The Jy rene OC herrecters Written by Weaver) .. GEORGE LISTER| Lebids Rotide- Past ind Pre wre. Ain: Officer... 80. By Th. MUNG] sent, bey BE MM, Heuinmerston,

Uf. MW. finvimerston, ei Nedda (Columbia am) the he Mind Picture > Mam =staall ~in- '5,.15,—FOR THE CHILDREN.

Produced ly . Play} L. BG. RAMSDEN, ee ELSTE. SUDDABY citeniis—amall var Fbenty viewed | 6.0.—The Orchestra relayed from “the from the distance of dhree hon- | Cinia | Pagliaeeio tty thie Carlton Barracks, Leeds, son tha tired: dred years, but: lnrge indead | Jonuh (AnOld Man-Servyant) Phy) oecasion of the Yorkatire Aen cab those whe dived bf Ldidigd ti J: W. GLEW FRANK MAULLINGS ing New Modern Tenis '* thise dave—hove helped to | Bylvin (A Villuger) — Exhibition. ; Froo (His Grand-daughter) Wedda's Lover give colour to the history of GWEN LAWRANCE our city, Who, for example, | 6: 50.—-en A. fram: Sonden, HAROLD WILLIAMS John Harrison (The Leeds Bene- would have imagined that there Beppe (Harlequin in the | 7,40,—Sir BEREELEY MOYNI factor) .....4ci0. BR. D. GREEN Play} had ever been a hatele tm Brg- HAN, Bart., KCaeG,, OR, gaiz? Yet ini’ the year 1644, Jou Crosby (A Matd-Servant) WILFRID AOUBBON BE Tt: f Tonio (The Clown in the Leads Wi iS Shorr lay tlie GRETA LANDGREN 60-110. repre ai, jf? oan Play} Puritan troops, and ” flercer | Angus MecFoa (Ostler at. the | London, WILLTAS HAYLE gkirmish took placn at the Fack-Hors: Inn} re npper end of -Briggnte, Whit L. Bs RAMBDEN Condietor, AYLMER BUESST. this meant in the lives of the simple folk: of Leads, we are His: Majesty King Chistes I. Chorus. Master, SATURDAY, July 17th. REG, WAITHMAN HERBERT BARDGETT, gomg to try and show you, PIANOFORTE: PHI, Mus, Baw, For this purpose, we must. onter 11,50-12,.40.—Light Music; THE STATION the well-luilt hose of Mistress Epieods I takesplace in the Hall ORCHESTRA. and Thompson, o widew, who, Ah. Tia-Tima Music. of the Red Hall on the ruigg hit inf HORDE. since the death of her hoskbanel The Scala String Qointet, undet King Charles the First's visit, W beetti thie chet ai din [irk of hase eked cart hits SAW INS bey the Dorection of Alfeed Trnuin, 1645, when the King was ao ‘T Pagliaeci,"" Leon- selling cake: pri oleae York- 5.0.—Afternoon ‘Topica, prisoner in the hands of the cavalls tells we, '* The shire dinnties- to her meagh- deeb Parhamentiirians. Coroady ia Ended."” Tho hours, Tt ois Morket. Day, and §-15.—_FOR THE CHILDREN. eetian

eds we not expect comedy in the darge kitthen, with: hums, Blind. Pietare + There is great | 6.0 —Light Afwaic,

eee with a gay Harlequin, « herhs and shining copper “and bustle and oxcitement at the [ery ee dainty Columbine, a fan- pewter dishes, the gond hogse- 7.0.—Pragramme “3,8. from Jonden,

Red Hall, for the cuplive king, oe tenis Charles [.,.i8 to lodge there to. rot taste: Claws and a Pier: an wile is baa. Still, thai dogs 7T40.—For Farmers: “Tho Advan.

night, Part-of tho excitement | rot! But the story spells See not prevent lier from singing. tages of Milk Recording,” Mir, is-doe-to aeflan for the King's | bitter tragedy. In those days everybody sang, K,, ELMBAIRST, Secretary, escape. In rejecting the offer, jug} and os the curtain of time rolls Yorkshire Milk Kecording he presents a ribbon to Joan| back, we shall hear an. old sony, Baciety. Crayby, the servant, for her §.30-12.0.—Pregramne S.A, frei “ Maids Are Grown SoCov of (6.0-12.0.—Progranmasa $§.8, from loyalty. Landon, Late, onder,

s Jeune tr, 1926, | -_= RADIO TIMES —- 113

A skin perfectly clear and fresh

UNE—whose charm and beauty was one of the causes of the success of “Mercenary Mary at the i Hippodrome—desenbed in , an interview how, each night before retinng, she smooths | Pond’s Cold Creamoverher face, neck and hands, taking it off alter a few moments with a wad of cotton-wool. ‘| find it brings all the im- purities out of my skin.” Soap and water cleanse the surface only. “With regard to Pond's Vanishing Cream,I find ita very pleasant cream to use in the daytime, concluded June, “because of its refreshing odour

2 and because it disappears into the : From oll Chenciis and § g feres, nv’ Aandiome 6 skin instantly. '

1 Chal fora, P35 and 2) 6. : a olin Tobe, #30 yor os Pond's Vanishing Cream forms an 'Aondbas i, ond fi * excellent base for powder. © Pond) Cala! Cream in 7 1 I S exina large jars, 3.3 . i i i i i i rr i i me a = f q f q 1 I pand fn excira large _ ' Tbes, 26; a

sd@es= “To Soothe and

manned Smooth your Skin”

F ink 5 Pondas * TRIAL ee ee ore ' SAMPLES Paady Exfeact Co., Vanishing & Cold Dept S72, SOF SE Jokn Street, ELCs, atl! seraon recefed af Ree Ji inaicmps for port: qo and pecking, a sample fube ayf beth

RRR Crm ond arm Creams | Manes ©



Here isa set that will perfect broadcastreception without anytrowile or uitidiness, Behind the case is a neat multiple cable, with indicating tags. for battery connections. The onby panel connections are for aerial and carth. The HT. Battery ciront is extremely simple, butthe mcthod of operating even more siniple, In the hands-of the veriest novice, perfest in the world! resmlts. are cash obtained. Good bod apenker strength 15 given from TY aia B.B.C. station up toa distance of 2010.25 Fellophone H.T. Batteries are made from intes with correspormling prealer range the finest materials obtainable, and the zinc freihe high power shitign-The wlves ate mounted on A special anti-vibration cylinders, one of the most important hidden device, and are sink into the pamel to parts, are generously thick. minimive the risk of acckiental breakage, The filament control is arranged ta per- This is typical of the steps we take to give mit the wae of either bright or dull-emitier you the finest H.T. battery in the world. valves,

The preat simplicity of this receiver is Fellophone H.T. batteries can be depended combined with a high degree of selec. upon to give you the longest hfe and freedom tivity. from parasitic noises. They are British made in a British factory, and PRICE, they can only be sold at such lowprices because Receiver only £5 0 0 of our well-known policy of selling direct and Royalties (extra) #1 5 0 eliminating the middleman's profit. Write for copies of leaflet7335. 54 Volt (with Felt tap fer god bias)... Postage 94. 6/6 GO Volt ceRet ee ciPonsuea 8/9 i wol a fet ith 13/- LOB: Volt sree prec, 6 ret neecee TAL eeTerme of business—Cash of C.0.D. FROM Ask for -2 Valve ELECTRIC LAMPS. 1/2d. “",e¢/°* LE Receiver RECE The Briss Themsn-Housten Co. Lid. Croom Hone, Aideych, WC 48-PAGE \ND-SAVEMONEY. CATALOGUE 256!) Mo. 10, FELLOWS, Park Royal, N.W.10.

es FREE. - Branches : —_——,_ LONDON: 20, Steve St. Tottenhann Court Rd. WC, (Museum CARDIFF: Dominions Arcade,Queen St, (Cardiff 7885), 192005, NOTTINGHAM: 3), Bridlexmith Gate char S551}. BRIGHTON: 31, Queen's Rd. (Brighton TONBRIDGE: 34, Quarry Hill (Tonbridge 172) -— Soux Gre, 1926. ] - RADIO TIMES

At last the shockproof Valve

fret valve i n which the newsystem o f Co-axial "THERE is little need to ask “ Which i s : the f i r s t time Even Mounting has been utilised. For the ost vulnerable part o f any valve?" which enables the three a Wireless Set there is availablea method a inan who had never owned elements—the Filament, would be able to guess the Grid and the Anode the answer! Ever since The new -to be securely united Edison rinsacked the ropether at the top as world for filament mat- well as at the bottom. his f i r s t electnt srial for this is effected can glowing thread How lamp, the be readily understood within its crystal globe ot from the idlustration has been an object Point One abave.. At the top of special regard. the Anode will be seen The wirelessvalveis first seonite insulator which first Valve i n which 4 cousin to the electric —the —projecting downward lamp—but year by year the filament, ctid and anode — firmly secured to the relationshipisgetting Through the secured together at top ropoftheGrid. more remote. hereas are seonite permanent the centre of this efficiency18 and bottom in a f i n e in the latter, alignment. tube is threaded measured by the amount wire which acts as the oflight it g i v e s , the whole third. support to the f i l a - resourcesot Science have found possible to evolve a the maximum ment. Thusit has been been enlisted t o obtain in the walve which will resist without minimum of light. eyatem o f construction of efficiency with the harm the hardest of shacks. Even if the elements has. been now that a new Cossor Valve i n this Cossor Point One should be displaced And operates evolved with a special filament which through an accidental blow they must always appear to be at a glowalmost indiscernible we te in the same relative positions. distance o f a valve which within a reasonable Coaxial Mounting is destined to te one of-the out anall never Wear most important developments of the year. In this glow has been only one o f the it is obviously impossible to But filament. con- brief announcement which Cossor has faced—and enlarge in detail upon its many advantages. problems important quered. Another—almost equally as now. of filament Try out this astonishing new Valve been the perfection of a system is barely —has withstand Remember its current consumption suspension which would succesefully One super-heterodyne which every one-tenth ofan ampere. the thousand and. one ahocks f i t t e d with s e v e n , of them in Use. valve must encounter Red Top Plain Top Green Top | actually takes l e s s current than Power Valve + Bor tious1 For.; Detector“s a Cossor Point One, GOT a Cr rhevoks 3 a single- valve Set using one The. 15 aap : being placed.on the market, isthe “1 a m p . ordinary valve. : 156 126 i See —fitted with the new “1 amp. filament

Gite ga eT. ‘Adeisatieament of A, G. Cason, Lid., Highbury Grovs, N.S

FADED TIMES oie one.

The remarkable clarity and delizhtfully natural Tone ot the World famous AMPLION Loud Speaker when associated with a suitable Receiving Set render wireless reproduction com- parable with the orginal pera FIle. With an AMPLION, the unscen speaker, vocalist, or orchestra, as the case rTriay LVER : CLEAR be, is brought right into the Be: Home and the advantages of Radio Broadcast may be ‘| have received the five Louden enjoyed ta the full. Valves. last | am 18 AMPLION models are getting real a *9 available fram38 * anil ore wireless again. obtainable from AMPI ION STOCKISTS, Eadto Are you using | ouden Valves in yourset} If not it must be because for some resoon You he ve mot aven them a tnal, Uncs POL purl in a set of Lowdens you Dealers or Stores. CR will neverOFALn Use any other valves. We sav this with conhdence because of the great number of letters we receive by rite for latest each prot all testing to the delight Pxperienced by those who have “ diseovered * Iilustrated Lists. Loudens: Lowden’ Valves cost-only from one-third. to one-half the price of other valves, but that Ls only because ol our predic ¥ al selling thera direct through the poets Mi hi uk Demonstrations gladly piven wo want vou lo discover is that, quite apart from price, the Louden, which 1 during business hours at the British throughout, ia considerably better 1m Purity, Long Lite, and Economyof AMPLION Showrooms : current than other wal ves. Here is a letter from Yorkshire wench speaks for itselé 25-26, Savile Row, London, W'.] Or, Berney Ata, bet Sah) Afar, 1a28; f9-B2, High Street, Clapham, ifr, FE FELLOWS AY (GNATO t 0.0L Fi * DitaSiR J dgdee reel bitejrve Lewden telves, anal T-aiseld tay feat 5,4, Ww fant oa PAs fein. Gravis ; t { i Aid Tree hale re, far TEuf feet id ao friena. whe li, Whitworth Street Wiest, afd fl! Ae i ot eae fo peer! rod ied, ther aide anchor ere iilanchester. we Poi tardivaseiyy Bp 7 fr lbw nf acer rake, Out rp baling: tent fo pet ae thon Diem, FP dente PO, Se. Wincent Street, Glasgow. “flo rh ri f com fe 1 diy alee Westin ic ml fi I i (ne f pial) recermicnd Jada. etter were of Pie-Valee Set vk “OP ah pair falesane pee quai Catalogue: eioblige Vii fake, Lisoe BR. Aska” There ip ow Looden Valve for -rercr every feeds Bright Eositters; Dull Eenicters, Detectors Power Veltra We give Lilew prices one yoltages.of the vations types Ritenensber. thet Louden Volvet ore: Eration int traierial, are eckdd 1 Beitieh Caparal ord apedy thraugheaut tf loandan ke Ebritish Labour, A! yoo have bo Goi to fend ot a Postal fleder (ior acan of course, order by the (0.0. Syste! forthe valves required said they will be posted to pera Pally pudTanterd if sealed cartoak Older your Lisideng today,

4/6 8/- 8/- Bright Emitters, Dull Eeittemrs. Dull Emitters. LFS ond (tector. Fl [Fad Detector’, Lok RA 1.ane! Deebectir. FUER HiPS “ASnpbifier Fa HF Amnplilser:. ; HLF, Areolifier,” -FERUZ, £.5 walts D4 aE, Zevolts O02 cars 4 owolis 0.1 amps,

9/- 11/- 12/- Dull Emutiers, DE. Power Valves. DE. Pewer Valves LF satel Detector FEtl, Transformer Amalibers FUERA q darshodtyier Ariot lr ris REBT HLF1.F Astelther.”| PERL. Reaifisiss Autti‘pri Fie: a ee: Firsistince: Anaplibera FA, 2 & volte 1] ampa. A volis 2 ampa 5 volts 6,2 wepa.

P-oi 1 | Valve. 4d 2 ar = Ainerd es Rc 7 oeWal}Hes OS “FELLOWS - forfull| _ELECTRIC LAMPS from 1/2 Price List. BUY—DIRECTE 46-PAGE A NOCSAVESMONEY. CATALOGUE Na, 14, FELLOWS, Park Royal, -N.W.10. Branchas : ee LONDON; 3, Store St., Tottenham Court Rd. WiC, (veseum CARDIFF: Dominions Arcade, Queen St. (Cardiff THs). GOH, Ta re Leae SOTTINGHAS 1 30, Bridiesmith Gate (Notingbam (51), Anashoireal of Aifned Gratien | Fo BRIGHTON: St, Queen's Rand (Brighten #59), Groham; Crofton Park, 5! - EPS, 5. TONBRIDGE; 34, Qearry All (lonbridge 172), i

-—— Joie Gre, 1a26.] RADIO TIMES. aceThe Little PELLON For everything complete. rERELESiS connected with

wireless GO TO THE NEAREST BURNDEPT = DEALER HETHERyou contemplate purchasing a set for t h e ES : oe <24 a first time or whether you AND NOW DULL EMITTERS. : z willfyh a v e a fotere_. ll our famens Litt Grant Sets The price remains unaltered, but in or replacements Lsuden Dell Escitier Valves’ ( H e . ecch).. T h i n mwcteu- that” the. b a t t e r y s i t fen at require accessories have b e e n sot, in fact the L i t t l e Giant times wn l o n g on each charge. Phouvands. one, three end four walye 2-Valve had eweved go popular thal- we a t e pow} vtroduchie, for your present set, you cannot do madels in the same-tange. Complete Specifications: = = better than visit the Burndept Dealer HESLittl £8-5-0 “wey& £4-4-6 Giant Valve Recmiver ss 4.12 Receives ary Litele little Gland 1-Valve {incluchieyfupchar 37. - 6d, IMarcon in your town. linchsdingi Is, éd, Marcon mo Reyvaltyh 4:4 4 Lewden Eroll Emitter Valyeq sc 1 s Ti 1ay Ib Fellaw istae Lod Speaker j eaeoder Call Emitter Valve eliawh Juhu aE epere i a Ei Miadehcee : AG Paar Prlowe Pied r Wilh edygua lable diaparayig «+ iW. 6 the most | de V o l t , Fetlophone HT, H a t 1 O There you will find eye. F a l e p a e m e TE‘ PRa b h , & te? fet re r a fer ii es af _ : Fal 5 20 amp. Fellows Accu- ; Aces 1 2 : 8 1 Volt,1 c ' embodying the hselt.20 amp,oF Fellows— ‘ = a+ = up-to-date a p p a r a t u s , Nika in 1 ne ag i f4 meetir6 toeWasdeices,; wking Aerial,rj] inSe rulatorok [ WirtayTe Tete

: mm Ec 1 in wireless : aa 6 + 1, improvements ; writ latest 2 very monthly tip Gil, wk OE ier pad & ae u co amet “ re a. payments of 23s, dul All Burndept products are _ Little > £6-15-0 Hits 4 £10-10-0 p r a c t i c e . Lintle Giant dovalve Receiver i) 8 4 i Little lent Zyvelve Reoeaver. 417) 0 finchudiee 0s. Marconi Poyality) 5 a world-wide repu- Ria yaltvd guaranteed and (inclading 239, %larcont Dall ont ter Valves. - Lhe ou Eveitier Wool wits la. 4 Londen 2] Lawdena ThellJunior foaeuad Speen kor kb Pethoves Jarier crud Syeaber adjustable disebtegin -- - 4 6 is your safeguard. with sdjustable diaphragm “ + : if @ with. t a t i o n for Quality Pellophone HLT, Bate SLVolt. Pellophooa HT.) Bui- 1 LeaVols. | tery ot wre = oo tery r h an A ae é. 6 b 4-Volt. 40-amp. Fellows Accu- Pa Volt. 20 amp. Fellows. Acer a l s 16 6 ha: 6 maul wine ae includes WT dk Dra ae : fos Burndept r a n g e woe a 7 oO The Waring jG Aerial, Insulatare, Adorial, Inwulaters,, oF ae 5s. with order and. monthly radio oder and Gently for efficient Shs, 4d sith poymments o od everything poneruee el: Pay ad. Components, The FELLOPHONE reception. Guaranteed 3-VALVE GRAND Super Valves a n d Complete In- tet. An ideal long-range stallations. -10-0O £15 If you have any difficulty we shall Crend S-welve Cabinet, 1) Volk, HT. Beiwry aod “Marcon be pleased to send you the name and oe Royalty n A as f i e ae 3:Silver Clear Loodew Valves v s 1 ot address of the nearest Burndept t pair Fellewe Headpherecs re i 2 Lb where your every requirement 1 te Volt, 40-wine. Accamulata is I Agent, Aerial, Inaalators. eto. + n i l a 6 will recewwe prompt and careful

S i s . Gd, w i t h order and @ monthly yroomia a! 435. 30. ~ : : ae : chur Loud Speaker fextra)s. 2-13 0 - A l l goes emt: pacing free, carriage E Grosses. Cash, Deferred Payee Ge i o ¥ seubily refueled if nt siiphelily s a l l a i e d . — iar on i Dia” wb: — —SS — _ So See ae eo ——— BURNDEPT

Blackheath, S.E.3. i CATALOGUE PAND-SAVEMONEY Telegrams: " Burnaceil, ‘Phone, Londen.” ft No. 10, Branches : LONDON : 2, Store St, Tottenham Court Rd. (Muozeum 9205). Branches and Agents Everywhere. Arcade, Queen Street (Cardi TERS. : a CARDIFE +: Dominions 5551), NOTTINGHAM: 20, Bridleunith Gate (Nottiiwhar (eateries BRIGHTON : 31, Queen's Road, (Brighten 099), (Tonbridge ii EFS. 3349. TONBRIDGE: 3, Qaarry Hill

RADIO TIMES —— (Jeue Gru,1996 ee 7 : sieriaieiicdcemaied le Wehave the Courage LLO of our convictions

We know that once you try Gibbs Shav- RELEe FREE ing Cream or Cold Cream Shaving TUBE OR STICK Stick, you will realise your shaving ive or ris ideals.

tr. bee Our confidence is such that we will send CHARGE YOUR ae ff hee., we be atta ti aed Ties you a free sample tebe or a sample 5 lpia cede of doi Bi stick —whichever you prefer. jig i'rekin a i dere srk a Absyie Boop for Both have that rich, creamy, water= BATTERY AT Lik 7 laden lather that holds moisture to the beard---for ten minutes if necessary. HOME The water softens every hair. Shaving is the eassest thing imaginable. Delicious cold cream, contained in all 45 /- Gibbs Shaving preparations, works while you shave. it filters into the open pores of the skin—soothing and The Fellows Battery Charger is essentially cafe and simple comforting. to use. It quickly pays for itself in saved charging bills, After-shaving effects ore comparable to Itcuts out the nuisance of taking batteries to be charged. ihe rejuvenating influence of a cold Cream massage. Whether you have 2 volt, 4 volt or 6 volt batteries, it works Send for trial tubeor stick ; or start this equail ¥ well. Just plug in. to the nearest lamp holder, spin delightful shaving experience now with the spindle, connect the accumulator to be. charged, and the full-size product. that’s all, Full mstructions sent witheach one. You cant gowrong. Made for Alternating Current only. State vollage andfrequency (shown onyour meter) when ordering. HIGH TENSION FROM YOUR SHAVING ELECTRIC LIGHT CREAM Vhe Ovam of Shaves D.C. - 50/- Price 1/6per tobe. A.C. - 70/- GIBBS COLD CREAM SHAVING SOAP | Whether it is A.C. (Alternating Current) or DiC. (Direct In patent thomb-push Current) supply, just plug in to the nearest lamp holder and holder case 1/3, Refills, 1/-, connect up to the H.T. terminals on your ‘set. des Dine inet Fellows Maing Units are made in two types, both giving

10-15 milliamps HT. Current. CUT. OUT THES PANEL: Type Al gives one HIT. voltage only, 50 or 10). Type pie [per deer. le i) dere pals} B. gives the same maximum voltages, but has 12 intermediate Boel peat in etal iny- eh hearing: fd. sein voltage tappings, and 3 wander plugs to give any 3 ELT, We will seed -ponTree a THIAL TUDE OF GIBEA SHAVISG CHEAM voltages required. Full instructions sent with every set. — Made for A.C, and D:C. Supplies. SAMPLE STICK OF TG FRAVIGO AAP Type A. Type B. {eee Liteai: eld, “re paired Sor 100 volt. SOor 100 volt. Be de WY CRS; DT. LChept, 1b. Ri D.C. Type Mains Unit 2 10.0 £8 10 O ay fd) epee, Pen a ga A.C."Fype Mains Unit ... a £2 19°00 ‘4 10 0 Geavien, - 1 Stale vollage and frequency (A.C. only) of your electric light, and type and maximum vollage of Mains C'nil required ‘when


Terms. of Business, Cash or C.0.D. All goods cent packing free, carriage forward on seven days approval. Money readily refunded if not completely satished, ‘vrs year ty the holiday thal és | FELLOWS Ask for full | diferent, tLaplore new country : ELECTRIC LAMPS from 1} Price List. : and enjoy healthy, restful change, MeoInELy froe from irksome routine. || THE NORFOLK BROADS,

with their natural beauties and quint old-world villages, -wi'l enchant you. They are 120 miles from London, ond consist of 200 miles of safe inland nvers and lukes, situated between Cromer, Loweatelt, and Norwich. “You hire fram ua for a weekoor longer om fully forniched whey. yet, or moter-isoat, which becomes yore Hoating hee. moving when frp CAND-SAVEMONEY. Where you wish, inland. not-on theo aon, We con: supply an athendant to manage the CATALOGUE host and do all cesking. “You only have to cojoy yourscli: The cost. ticluding bost, food, cho. aycrages bo per head per weele ee FELLOWS, Park Royal, N.W.10. Sel feelin Sajeeaiand oly for ApeDondvel, © Ainoei a bvoade Median, Bley Fea: ecddarning afefirils et SO) waakta, aslernier, Fouferiendie, oietearie Peurauprel pes re dapee je LONDON: if, Store St, Tottenham Court Rd. (Mogour 3202) Ate! alo aero at Ptnoteder ce Gohan oer erinht are ec! boee bee, FF: Decinions Arcade, Queen St (Cardidl T6895), House, Trois Sertices, forra n o n e other| 2), Beridlesmath Gate (Nottimebans 5551). BLAKE'S, LT?: 19 Broadland BRIGHTON : 31, Queen‘’s Rood (Brighton 5. Street, |. myormalionfmBequiyanploNenR,taker| _ TONBRIDGE: 34, Quarry Hill (fenbridee 172), EP. Su, Representativesaiawiers to) 22.LONDON,Nowgate E.G. 3EMS (pote

ca ll i

at eat Ee, RApIO TIMES ——






a AP




ll ge



ll ge It's rotten when the loud speaker does the

old soldier, and fades away right in the eg al middle of the programme. Get the accumulator which .‘' aske for it.” The P..& R. *“' Gravity-float.” t e l l s . you, GP. 4 General Purpose and ET by one look at the f l o a t s , whether it is P.V.4 Power Valves— fully charged, half+charged or wanting

Pa for use with 4-volt accumulator

for tire dry certs). re-charge.

i I The salient featares of these ideal companion sa Maybe you, a man knowing accumulators, Te of consump- DULL EMITTERS are, economy tion—a longer l a s t i n g accumulator charge and will Bay that the fleat tell-tales are just a high efhoiesney—cleater, better reception— with stunt, like graduating condenser dials tm Maybe youre right— louder ‘v« +} Luftre. metres of wave-length. v GP. 4 and P.V 4 by: fandy, isn't it? ee You. can 1a but at's

ft) The -clear elass it WPe chon “Window, a 2) The Wafer Disc-—a ha mark. i If you want to know what kind o f accamu- (3) The Seal—ensuring the. + alve being unused l n t o r a P. & R. is, consider these points-— te after final test_in the Ediswan laboratories: extra-plate areca, giving additional power: SPECIFICATIONS stopped by petroleum - gland EDISWAN PV. 4 creeping” EDISWAN (Pld i e5—% Volts 375-4 Waite Ec terminals : mess and c o r r o s i o n and surface Aspe. a Aimpe, Flat Voltage MET hy anti-spray vents : Flgee Voluge 60-130 Li leakage prevented Armplificaiion Factor 12 Amplification Pactot “65: ay valve- Ra 55. Ma'v Slope stated-capacity always the actual, Slant “Ohm Impedance 73 fo) Ohms Impedance 9,500 a burning capacity. G.P.4,—General Purpose d u l l PV. 4.— Ideal power valve, to C.F, A h Wher c o m i t t e r Low current cot companion sed07 Loud Speaker work: seeopan. Longong |Life, Power- There's no room here to tell it: call, Even if fol ample fication. Elbmingtion powerful, distortiaooldss No TMicno phi ef obiectionsble microphonic amplification. you don't want a P. & R. just now, we} should eects, Price 2216 e f f e c t s . Price LEG like you to send a postcard far Booklet ™ to pour pee the Edison Obtain from Peto & Radford, 30, Grosvenor Gardens, 5.1, older—" 2 iew Fahoes i Tt givea the technice of this and many other very good batteries of all types and capacities. a EIDISWAN P.R VALVES PETO & RADFORD Will improve any set ACCUMULATORS THE EDISON SWAN ELECTRIC CO. LTD [he beginning and the end ive a ag rai a ia gg Po Ar E R 5 |

[unr Sor] niin

Where the ‘Grown comes from

HE history of che Brown is the record of-a grout There °15- no -senret -in. BON Suceess; the reason endeavaut First in the Loud Speaker field — liet selely in ‘the instruments themselves, When in the days before Broadcasting began—only by Weosay that the volome and- tone of Brow Loud continual striving lis dts fead been held, Prom ek. apeakers and Headphones are unrivalled, we ate. not small sale contin l to this onuntry, the demand for Viecine ati Opinion —we are statmg ©& ‘fact rou Brown Instruments has risen until to-day the. exten- can prove this for yourseli by Iuearing. the Drown give works ihuetrated.. above are -oontinially working Ht yout deplérs—he i anxious (n° dentenstrate to at full pressure to supply a world-wide need. y OnL, An Instrument for everyone at every price.

Craw Low Sorakers- are mode in the folbonding 266, H.d, 2shew 06. HG. £00) ms $00 oho 600, Tepe dk, 1, 20000 or thy ofc trpes=HT, 12% eine £5 6.2.00 ole: 26-8 6, ‘(0M Gti 2 ELS, 180 oho 2S 0,2 000 ES.16 &. Cabinet Tepe, 24MoF 4 {He) oles Ee E-o, chine Ee, LO ons oe Oo, 2) bun inl Geyetosss 2e-8 8, Theré as ao! octane ol irewn Hradiphoqes, "Ti vane priced from, B0)- to eo. Aske year iene Ss. G. BROWN, Ltd., Western Avenue, N. Acton, London, W.3. tela! SAortroome + 19, “Marimer. Sarat, WT: 15: Mesnfi dda: Livnirpoal : By, Eight Safer eat Sreernag ter. Pe Aolregle Depots: "2 Lanedowne: Place’ Weer, Bach ; roe Hower, Weatgate Baad, Miwtaale; hi. Wlingo Shreet, (heapow ¢ ed, Ceocdwin Steet, Aretldord,

SrPa For any and every meal time occasion ——— oe Derives HET,Aft: the mines (DC) by put attaching adapter to elec: tic light lamp = holder. : SAFE t SILE NT!1 SOUND! EXTRACTS from WIRELESS PRESS REPORTS :— BECO. by ike ress sulixfaciary A:T: Lint we Ave pel Ae pete fo oor natice ned a Follyle the alienation of all readers, POPULAR WIRELESS, 29/5/1908. Gh fest, Phe rachis coore ecry actisfaciorp indeed, FFscon reconmend the“ EAC ALT, Lindl a‘ehlde gaiery compoence. BROADCASTER, Apri; (26. » Peeeon recommend fe" ERCO" ALT. Gfnit fo the afendian of Traders.” WIRELESS TRADER, 2/6/1938. Wend. regard : Lie pen af reprwdecton obloined, [auras ralhersanpelsed fo fied fe suas a f m oles heen rather audtyul of taking ! 7. sep rom fhe. fain,“ LAT, 2a S26, For Salad Days ILLUSTRATED UNITS TO SUIT SATISFACTION OR CATALOGUE FREE. ALL SETS }from 35/- CASH RETURNED. LIBBY'S Cooked Corned Beef and E.K. COLE (°9'), 513, London Rd., Westcliff-on-Sea. Salad—a complete meal in itself!

So easily prepared, so delicious SSUES SSSeeee and so nutritious, Libby's is all He does them Beef—no bone, no gristle, no EE best and only eee excess fat, Justthe pick of the charges for Beef, prepared in che spotless successful LIBBY kitchens. You will be ee exposures. delighted with the unique LIBBY HEY will bereturned flavour and wholesomeness, Try it, T ina tear esis, pete fectly developed autidl panied together with lways eee eipiul advice,

COOKED ‘ou mond not par inaddivancs, PRE Ready ‘Thi: puatasbers yale satis. factian end bis: efficiency, CORNED Wour Kedak friends pew PEER WILL BR. ROSE, BEEF Ee TTT Mire for iindrated fist Rat | REDUCEDCHARGES FOR DEVELOPING ero PODRSSR

CHESTER: 23, Bridge St. Row. OXFORD: 34, High Street Fe

Obtainable in 12 oz. and 74 Oz. key tins PGT hod-over (OM receiving shallows, Wor nearest pillar-bor 18 ome of theo.

ELE FERRERSeeeeCEeeseeee ee Efe

tir fire, 1h — .RADIO TIMES ——

Scrap you

‘ ast! aerial i and install our ELECTRON or SUPERIAL—the aerials which abolished Aerial masts, and made insulators. lead-in tubes, etc.. ctc., an unnecessary exlravagance. : Don't sprail your garden with achumsy pole } with its tass at WY Pes and ugly china insulators when Bf ELECTRON OF SUPERIAL will provide you with better reception. i A simple indeor (ELECTRON or SUPERIAL) Aerial may: be looped in the loft outoof sight, one end tied to i the rafters and looped hack again, the other end brought under the eaves direct to the set through the f Mearest window ( w i t h no i n s u l a t o r s or lead-in tube). The window may be jammed t i g h t l y on the j ELECTRON or Se ces cacao F

an = rt - a ae y 5 + ae if


Septemely efficient, Its VET sunptictty com The mathematical combination of heavily tinned -strands ij pele i t , The enormous surface offered b y , the with a plated copper core in SUPERIAL greatly improves i} Intimernt|e sitvardi of Gone mesh of whach it the reception, i iS composed af'é-da unusual freedom of both of. woice Te = Ee the hich-hrequancy currents. The ELECTRON: EARTH MAT is made ond inetrumerntad Ol the mast cutensive phosphor music, Supertal btorgs fine-grained grits, / will increase the Taounied on a strong rintal rit. = long-distance The price inclades 25 feet of range. of our EARTH. WIRE. set,

USE ELECTRON EXTENSION WIRE 50 feet 0f. (50%. double), 2/- from the set intone rocta the Toud speaker in another, (oh. doulr 300, (150i. double), 5/- : of even outdoors! Furthermore, you actually g e t improved S00Kt. (250i. double), 8/- 7 recephion because the EXTENSION WIRE considerably 1 = ( Cowringe Pista. ; Fan Weal enhances the nvusical tone. No further imaulation required. Pastas Jd. Any length oblainable.

Ore. Mo. EAST HAM,fPfembera afLONDON,the BBG) E.6. Teleolenes : {Gran peueouel iace-T4o98, Velegrames *" Stennom, London.”

a se at = at = Wy| HY

pe dei rein the loft and bring = 2a dn eae through envee oF daar b to the spt. =e i DO NOT DISFIGURE YOUR GARDEN WITH AN UNSIGHTLY AERIAL MAST- Presi Cd., Low, Exmoor Atrest, Ladbroke Grove, W210, anal Published for the Proprio by Giiek Niws ks, Lin. 611, Sorthamptoa Sires, Printed by Newser & Peamsos Pearse Co. scetodos, WEL. ates Maly i yen. 4

— RADIO TIMES —— (lcoy Sr, 126.

. advantages

that save you money, give better reception and cost no more to s e c u r e than the price of an o r d i n a r y valve— _

GREATER EMISSION SURFACE. PM. Filamencs hove up co $) times oes emizcicon surface chanordinary lamcn enauring a muoch wider-range of pawer jor ceonomical operation ; infact thease new flarienti dre do con: eer rated that they give ample resales at lower voltages than marked & will stand wp tod ressonable overtoad. 7 LONGER VALVE LIFE. om The epecial alloy of rare metala that forma the heavy covering of PiM. Fila- ocris prepared by a patented process that secures a fopioua flow of electrons and theoperating tempcrarure ia eo low char this precious alloy cannot be dis- charged, o definite proof of long wectul life. UNBREAKABLE FILAMENT. F.M. Filaments are longer than ofdin- Note that the vastly increased length of the P.M. ary filaments, and retain their ductilicy even after1,000 hoarse life, co choc iris Filament completely within the field of the anode posible te tic them in-akoot. Ac oo timedeca the low operating tempera- ture cause sag,anal these filaments are and grid is obviously greater than that of any specially set around the five strong resilient books eo thet they are free from tension and connec be broken other valve on the market. emoepet by che very roughcet handling. NO VISIBLE GLOW. “For 4-velf accumulator ar The extreme economy. is heat of PLM. Jdry cells Filaments can: be judged by the fact :The man who knows about thar no den of glow can be discermed valves will tell you that it is the THE P.M3, (General Purpose) dining operation. lamp. 16,5 REDUCED CURRENT filament that counts. and this is THEP.M:4 (Power) OL amp, 22,6 CONSUMPTION. what youpay for. He will tell For 6 volt accumulator. or P.M. Filaments only require one-tenth 4 dry cells ampere flament current, giving op to you that a filament with P.M. seven times rhe life of each acoumulacor THE P.MLS§ (General Purpose) charge, o reduction to onesevench in advantages will give yous33% your ongt of accurmularer malncensinge. O lamp, 22/6 better results, reduce your main- THE P.M. (Power) OL amp. 22/6 NO MICROPHONIC tenance costs and last you many NOISES. For 2-volt accumu later The unique method of pioieriag rhe ‘times longer than any other, no THE P Mf (General Purpose) Blanuent within she field of che grid ard lamp. LS/6 angele, ao that the filament lies without matter rat new constructional foheo of gag im tin correct, positon THEP M2(Powerhri5amp.18/6 aod ali the Sledeiseg are utilised ad features are employed. Them prtersda not obply iefresh Free Stott conreolled. complerely eliminates. all mictaplienic nodesdeaving os effecve backizround of silente te emphases faathtul recepeion. MAJESTIC VOLUME. Ask your Dealer for the Valves with the P.M. Filament Every P.M. Valve is a master valve in (i ovin class, dedigned nogivk vod Perfect Radio Reception. ullard © THE+-MASTER:-VALVE ADVT. THE MULLARD WIRELESS SERVICE CO., LTD., BALHAM, LONDON, S.W.12.

ALL ADVERTISEMENTS FOR “RADIO TIMES” stowld be addressed AnvestiseMEnt DerartmEent, Georce Mewwns, Lim, 11, SOUTHAMPION STREET, StmAno, WoC,