Trewaxl Dation for Closure of the Station

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Trewaxl Dation for Closure of the Station "X" jpwsrajpspi SECOND SECTION THE HANNA HERALD SECOND SECTION AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS THC MAMMA HCDAI n nnd FAST CENTRAL Al RFRTA IMPWS — THURSDAY. AUGUST 31, 1961 mer. Tlie entire length of tte cor­ 'ALBERTA-MADE" DISPLAY AVAILABLE rals on the west side hat been ex­ SIX RECEIVE HONORS IN GRADE Cattle Market tended and divided into sorting pens, so that even greater effici­ ency can be obtained in handling. NINE DEPARTMENTAL EXAMS IN Prepares Fer A new type at scale is alao in­ stalled, whereby quick watching can be accomplished and weight THE HANNA SCHOOL INSPECTORATE Fall Auctions figures immediately visible to buy­ ers from the sales atQUda Spon­ Total Of One Hundred And Thirty-Six Improvements Mode At sors of the annual sales Fitzsim­ Hanno Mart; Alternate mons and Powell report every­ Write Papers; Twenty-One Take Sales WW Continue thing in order for the heavy con­ Full 6-Subject Grade 12 Course signments later in September and While cattle sales have been from then until well into freeze Six Grade Nine students from the Hanna School Inspec­ held on alternate Saturdays at the up. In past sales ten thousand head torate received Honors standing in the June Departmental Hanna Auction Market, the heavy or more have been sold, aad fro*' run of fall disposals is not expec­ pects are that this figure will be Examinations for that grade. These are: Roderick James Blair, ted for some weeks yet. There will again reached or exceeded this Linda Carol Mummert, Susan Ann Zachariassen of Youngs­ be a sale again this coming Sat­ fall. town School; Myles Calvin Bye, Margaret Ena Holiday, of urday, Sept. 2 and a fair number Hanna School; Otto Pahl, of Spondin School. are expected to be consigned. In the Inspectorate 136 pupi" wrote the Grade 9 examination Cattle buyers appear to be very The Canadian Federation of Ag­ with results as follows: much, interested in local sales, as riculture has written Finance Mi­ Berry Creek Division: Youngstown along with the district buyers, oth­ nister Fleming protesting the Bla­ Honors, nil: Pass 8 or 73 percent ers from distant points are mak­ den Commission's recommendatj) Fail 3 or 27 percent. ing their appearance, some for the that a 10 percent rate of first time. This would indicate that levied against automobile tftaports Sullivan Lake Division: Woman Holds cattle will be in good demand this from the United Kingdom;" Honors, 4 or 8 percent; Pass, 41 or fall. 80 percent: Fail 6 or 12 percent. "I Hanna down): At the market additional pen READ AND USE THE HERALD Honors 2 or 3 percent: Pass 59 ar $1,000 "Blackout room has been provided this sum- CLASSIFIED ADS 80 percent: Fail 13 or 17 percent. New One To Start Total Inspectorate: Sept. 7 For Prize Honors. 6 or 4 percent; Pass 108 Of Thirteen Hundred or 79 percent; Fail 22 or 16 per­ A display of samples oi' Alberta the Department of Industry and velling time and conllict of dis­ source of surprise to, most Alber­ ANTELOPE SEASON 1961 cent. A Youngstown woman, whose made products, attractively arran­ Development. play dates. Applications should be tans. Patronage of home-produced Provincial Average: name is being withheld until con­ ged on large exhibit boards, are The display participated in the made lo the Industrial Develop­ goods by Albertans is the objec­ NOVEMBER 6-11 (INCL.) Honors 10 percent; Pass 80 percent firmation is obtained, has won the being made available to fairs and Stettler Fair, in the exhibition at ment Branch, or to the Publicity tive of the provineially sponsored 2500 PERMITS $1,000 cash play-at-home bingo com - Fail 10 percent. exhibitions without cost, by the Lloydminstei , at Vermilion, and at Bureau, Department of Industry Buy-Alberta Campaign. The travel­ 213 papers were written by pleted last week by the Hanna Any resident of the Province of Alberta may apply for Branch Canadian Legion. Alberta Government. The units, to­ Vegreville and was on show at the and Development. ling fair display enables Albertans Grade 12 students from Hanna and talling some eleven 4 foot by 8 Westlock Fair, August 9 and 10. The astonishing range of prod to see at first hand a portion of an Antelope License. Youngstown combined in the re­ Danny Smith, chairman of the foot easels, are arranged by the Its participation in Alberta exhib­ ucts made in Alberta as shown in the variety of everyday products "RESIDENTS" means a Canadian Citizen or a British cent June Departmental.-53 per­ bingo committee states that there Industrial Development Branch of itions is limited by necessary tra­ part by the industrial display, is a produced in their province. Subject, or a person who has completed three years continuous cent of these papers received a is possibility of other parties ob­ residence in Canada and has resided in Alberta for six months mark of 50 or better (Matriculation taining the "blackout" which would immediately prior to application for license. standing) and 78 percent received cause a tie. Until all cards are ac­ • Mayor Wins a mark of 40 or better (Diploma counted for, the winner will not • ENDIANG BOARD OF TRADE SEEKS STORES CLOSING All applications should be sent to: standing). be declared. Official announcement Golfing Title Fish and Wildlife Division, Of a total of 44 students writ­ as to the outcome of the bingo NEXT MONDAY ing from these two centres, 15 ob­ will be made by the end of this Mayor Paul Barlett came out as Natural Resources Building, tained a Diploma standing in all week. SUPPORT OF RESIDENTS IN KEEPING With Monday, September 4 "Highball King of the Red Deer" Edmonton, Alberta. subjects written, 6 obtained a ma­ being Labor Day, the usual by virtue of his performance in Meantime preparations are being winning four flights in the golf and marked "Antelope Licenses", before September triculation standing in all subjects made to hold another, this time closing down of business plac­ written. C.N.R. STATION OPEN TO PUBLIC es in Hanna will take effect. driving contest at last Wednesday's Applications postmarked after September 23rd wiH for $1300 ,the first draw to be picnic at Emerson Bridge. There accepted. Of the 21 students who took a made Sept 7. In addition to the Another Letter Circulated Among All retail outlets will be closed were ten flights of 10 entries each. full 6-subject Grade Twelve course one thousand for the "blackout", as will the bank and Treasury Each application must contain:— 5 received a matriculation stand­ His Worship told the Bulletin (a) Your name and address. there will be three prizes of $100 Interested Parties; Company Applies Branch. Post office hours are that he was forced to enter the ing and 11 received a diploma each. changed also. The wicket in (b) $5.00 license fee by Money Order standing. Students who wrote six To Board Of Transport Commissioners competition to "protect my invest­ the main office will be open ment". He had backed Duchess or a certified cheque payable to subjects or more and received 50 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon, while the Provincial Treasurer. marks or better in at least six De­ HOW TRUE ! The Endiang Board of Trade has learned that the Cana­ entries Big John Mueller and Bill partmental papers are: Irmgard dian National Railways has applied to the Board of Transport the main lobby for box holders Endersby, who "didnt even get NOTE: A successful applicant in 1961 will not be eligible a ball across the river!" Pahl, Beverley Fleck; Vickl Moore Keep in a rut too long and you'll Commissioners to close the station at Endiang. Through efforts will be open all day. Most gar­ for a license until 1965. Dawn Wray and Peggy Gordon. dig your own grave. of the Board steps are now being taken to prevent this meas­ ages will also be closed, al­ Bartlett, recently out of hospital An unsuccessful applicant will have his license fee refunded ure, by pointing out the dire necessity of the station remaining though help will be at hand in following a minor operation, swept and be eligible for 1962 season license application. open. the event of emergency calls. aside all opposition to dominate tary, Board of'"Transport Commis- It is not likely that machine the event. The contest was to drive FISH AND WILDLIFE DIVISION In a letter to members of tha agencies will bo closed entire­ three SOtf balls about" the yards •"sioners for Canada, OttiwaTDllt. beporhwewt mf\Md* teufTorest* Board and residents in the hamlet Letter copies could also be for­ ly-. It is the policy of owners across the river to a 70-foot target and district, the reasons have been warded to your Federal and Prov­ to keep a skeleton staff on with a 44-foot inner ring and 20- Province of Alberta set out. The following is a com­ incial Members of Parliament and hand to meet the needs of far­ foot bull's eye. — Brooks Bulletin. plete text of the letter: Municipal Officials, copies also mers during the harvest sea­ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: BOYS WANTED could be directed to Mr. G. F. Mid­ son. Both hotels beverage Advice has just been received dleton, Area Manager, Canadian rooms will be open at the usual that the Canadian National Rail­ National Railways, Calgary, Alta. way has made application to the Would you please do what you hours. Otherwise Hanna is ex­ Board of Transport Commissioners can to assist in this urgent matter. pected to be "mighty quiet" for permission to close the Rail­ Thanking you for your co-opera­ next Monday.
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