SIR LANDON RONALD & KREISLER Mozart Violin Concerto in D (See page 1). PRICES OF " His Master's Voice Double-Sided Records

THE ROYAL RECORD (R.E. 284) THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING & QUEEN. 10 in. Double-sided, 5/6.

THE ROYAL RECORD (R.D. 887) H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF . 12 in. Double-sided 5/6.

NURSERY Records-ORANGE Label (Serial Letters AS), 7-inch 1/6. (Each series of 6 records in album, 12/6. Decorated Album-with linen 3/6.) pockets - separate, PHYSICAL CULTURE Records.-Set complete in album, 12/-. Album and chart separate, 3/-.

Colour Label. 10-inch 12-inch Serial of LSerialetter PLUM... 4/6 C ... BLACK 6/6 D ... RED 8/6 DB ... BUFF DK ... 10/- PALE GREEN 11/6 DM PALE BLUE... 13/6 DO WHITE 16/- DQ ...

Unless otherwise stated "His Master s Voice" Records should be 'lased at a speed of 78. His Master's Voice" Instantaneous Sbeed Tester, shows instantly whether your motor is running correctly. "His Master's Voice" Records


FRITZ KREISLER (Violin) ýýýýiýýnI;ýý (and Orchestra conducted by SIR LANDON RONALD 12-inch double-sided Red babel. Concerto No. 4 in D Mozart ...... D.B. 815 First Movement-Allegro, Parts 1 and 2 D.B. 816 f Allegro, Part 3 i Second Movement-Andante cantabile, Part 1 { Andante cantabile, Part 2 D.B. 817 Third Movement-Rondeau, Part 1 D.B. 818 Rondeau, Parts 2 3  and T HE public has long been demanding that Mr. Kreisler should record a big work for the gramophone. Here is the fulfil- ment of its wish. In this series of four double-sided records he gives us, complete, Mozart's lovely Concerto in D. That his hand has not lost its cunning we know already ; but it needed this masterpiece to show us that all the marvellous sense of proportion, the instinctive feeling for the balance of a delicate phrase, all the old wizardry of the great artist, are preserved intact. Apart from the steady ripening of those powers which even in his youth made him a prince among violinists the years have wrought no change in Kreisler. The music is too simple to require much analysis. The first subject is given out by the orchestra in the opening bars and is very soon followed by the second subject :-

The soloist takes up the tale and the material is repeated and expanded, a new phrase of great beauty being added :-

This completes Side One. Side Two contains the brief develop- ment and the recapitulation. This latter section omits the original [Contioiued on page 8. For prices, see page 2 of cover. "Greatest Artists-Finest Recording!"

APRIL, 1925.

BENNO MOISEIVITCH (Pianoforte) AND THE ORCHESTRA (conducted by Sir LANDON RONALD) 12-inch double-sided Black Label. Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 25 Vendelssnlin ... . J First Movement-Molto fuoco, D. 969 allegro con Parts 1 and 2 D. 970 Second Movement-Andante, Parts 1 and 2 Third Movement-Presto Molto D. 971 : allegro a vivace, l Parts 1 and 2 THERE is something panther-like in Moiseivitch's playing. The silky softness of his piano passages, the pearly quality of his runs, are combined with a feline muscularity and agility that make his style unique. All these qualities are dis- played in this famous Concerto of Mendelssohn's (recorded without cuts), where with the sympathetic assistance of Sir Landon Ronald and the Albert Hall Orchestra lie scores a veritable triumph. In this triumph the recording too has its share : never have the complex problems of the Piano Concerto been more successfully surmounted in the recording room. The first movement opens with an introduction in which both orchestra and soloist take part. Soon the Piano announces the first subject, a virile emphatic phrase This is fully dealt with and then comes the lyrical time that serves as the second subject :--

Piano and orchestra take this up in turn and some brilliant passage work for the soloist leads into the brief development section. The second side contains the recapitulation and the coda. The music leads straight into the slow movement (side three) A lovely melody is played by orchestra and Piano in turn, and is succeeded by an episode in which graceful arabesques on the solo instrument play a prominent part. Finally (side jour) the original air returns in the orchestra while the Piano arabesques persist as a decoration. Side five. An introduction of considerable length ushers in the joyous subject of the Finale. The treatment of the material is so transparent that we need only call attention to the reminis- cences of the second subject of the first movement in the solo part about the middle of side six. The Coda is Mendelssohn at his most brilliant.For prices, see page 2 of cover. " His Master's Voice" Records

TH. I. CHALIAPINE (Bass) (with orchestral accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Red babel The Moon is high in the sky (/° Aleko ") (Sung in Russian) Rachtnaninoff D.B. 691 Crazy-Headed John (Russian Folk Song) (Sung in Russian) C RAZY-HEADED JOHN' is an instance of the way in which the great singer can take any theme, however unpromising, or even, if you will, no coherent theme at all, and build up a tone-picture by sheer richness of expression and the depth of emotional feeling inherent in his voice. Chaliapine relates that amongst the peasants of the Volga country the art of improvising vocal melodies is practised as a pastime. This is one, but "ä la Chaliapine." "ALEK0." By V. I. Nemirouich-Danchenho on a poem by Poushkin.Music by S. Rachmaninoff. j English version by Rosa Newmarch, published by Messrs. J. and W. Chester, Ltd.) The moon is higher in the sky and looks smaller and paler. The camp's asleep. The moon above Is shining in her midnight splendour. Why does my sorrowing heart beat fast? Why weighs on me this secret anguish ? I have no cares, and no regrets, I lead a simple wand'ring life ; Scorning conventions and the world, I dwell among the gipsies free. I live, nor recognize the power Of blind and cruel destiny. But God ! How passion still can play On my distracted soul at will! Zemfira ! How I loved her well ! How in the silence of the steppes She yielded gently to my kiss ; What hours of rapture night beheld ; How often with a tender word, Or with a passionate embrace, She drove my gloomy brooding thoughts Away from me, as dawn the dark. I well recall the glowing words She whispered in those blissful hours : " I love thee, for thou art my lord, Aleko, I am thine for aye ! " Then list'ning to her glowing speech, Forgetful of all else, I bent And clasped her in a wild embrace, Lost in the depths of her dark eyes. Then in the wondrous perfumed dark, rips Zemfira's met mine . And she, Filled with a meltin g ecstacy, Clung fast to me and gazed so long, Into mine eyes . . And now and now .. . Zemfira false I Zemfira cold ! For prices, see page 2 of coves. FRIEDA HEMPEL (Soprano)

(with orchestral accompaniment) l3-ivch double sided Red Label. Alleluia (A joyous Easter Hymn) D.A. 676 Arr. G. O'Connor Morris Oh, had I Jubal's lyre ('" Joshua ") Handel ... OH, had I Jubal s lyre is Handel in his most exultant mood. His tread is as firm as ever, but he adorns his progress with the most elaborate passage-work in the vocal part. With other composers this sort of writing sometimes tends to become empty. It is one of Handel's chief claims to immor- tality that he manages to combine the utmost brilliance with real musical beauty and sincere expressiveness throughout. With this number Alleluia has been aptly coupled. Probably few of those who sing the tune in Church know that it is a very ancient melody that has come to us out of the mists of the -Middle Ages, a trium- phant paean of praise the like of which one seldom finds in the music of to-day. It has inspired Holst to one of the most gorgeous, full-blooded pieces for chorus and orchestra that the Twentieth Century has to show. This arrangement of O'Connor Morris is less complicated but not less effective, and Frieda Hempel has captured its mood with unerring instinct. I'iIýýý MICHELE FLETA () (with orchestral accompaniment) 10inch double sided Red iahe!. ý Tierra (My land) Mariano Altizas- 1Mi native ... (Sung in Spanish) Josl L. Mediavilla D.A. 573 Adios Triguena (Good-bye, my darling) (Sung in Spanish) Eduardo Vigil y Robles

T HE last issues of this great Spanish Tenor were a couple of Jotas, traditional songs of his native land, accompanied by the appropriate instruments. Now he gives us two more songs of the same sort with orchestral accompaniment. It is difficult to know which to admire most, the charm of the melo- dies, the vivacity of the rhythms, or the verve of the singing. Spanish music is lucky in having such an enthusiastic and magnificently. endowed advocate of its merits. No one who owns a gramophone will be able to resist his eloquent pleading. For prices, see page 2 o cover. "His Master's Voice" Records


DINH GILLY (Baritone)

(with orchestral accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Red Label.

' (Fleurissait une rose (Legende de la Sauge), I D.B. 693 (Parts 1 and 2) ("Le Jongleur de Notre Dame ") (Sung in French) Massenet

L E JONGLEUR de Notre Dame is a miracle play based on an old legend. A certain tumbler adopted the monastic life but found himself too ignorant to join in the acts of worship practised by the fraternity. He resolved, therefore, to offer his own tribute and was found before the Iinage of the Virgin performing his tricks in her honour. This selection comes from the Second Act. One of the monks, to encourage the simple tumbler, tells him the story of the rose and the sage-how the Virgin, flying from the wrath of Herod and bearing the infant Jesus with her, was at a loss how to hide fling from the pursuers. She appealed first to the rose, but the rose was too proud. The humble sage, however, was kinder and concealed the sleeping infant till the danger was past. Dinh. Gilly supplies just that mixture of naivetd and fervour which such a story and music demand.


(with pianoforte accompaniment) to-inch double-sided Black Label. Little Miss Over-the-Way Sterneale Bennett The Adjutant ...... Fisher ...... LITTLE .hiss Over the l6'ay is a light and whimsical song with a distinct individuality of its own. The Adjutant is more breezy, with a rhythm that tarries. one straight through from beginning to end without a pause. The words are obviously the work of one who has had military experience himself, and his description of the Adjutant will strike sympathetic chords in the breasts of all who have had anything to do with life in the Army. Harry Dearth's strong full voice is skilfully modulated to suit the style of these two very different items.

For prices, see page 2 of cover. "Greatest Artists-Finest Recording!"

APRIL. 1925. TUDOR DAVIES (Tenor) (with orchestral accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Black Label. (Lord, Thy loving kindness Rossini vouchsafe ... D. 972 ý (Cujus animam) (" Stabat Mater ") Sound an alarm (" Judas Maccabaeus ") Handel IT is interesting to find Handel and Rossini side by side like this. At first sight there is little in common between the plan who wrote Oratorio in England during the eighteenth century and the man who wrote Opera in Italy in the nineteenth. But Handel wrote Opera as well as Oratorio, and Rossini tried his hand at sacred music as his magnificent Stabat Alater bears witness. Both composers made great demands on the singers, though in different ways, and Handel's broad, simple phrases, Rossini's florid and elaborate writing are equally difficult to make effective. Tudor Davies solves the problems of both styles and gives us a rendering of this fine music such as we seldom have a chance of hearing. LEILA MEGANE (Contralto) (with orchestral accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Black Label. OF EGYPT " " SONGS .. ... G. Bantock D. 973 (a) No. 1-Invocation to the Nile (b) No. 5-Lament of Isis [Saint-Saens Amour viens aider (11 Samson et Dalila ") A AIOliR, I'IENS comes at the beginning of the second act of Samson and Dalila. Dalila, the Philistine siren, is awaiting Samson, her Israelite lover. She summons Love to her aid in her attempt to avenge her outraged Gods. The beautiful music needs no further explanation. Bantock's Songs of Egypt are also dramatic in style and his wonderful feeling for colour enables him. to conjure up a vivid picture of an ancient land and an ancient race. The full rich voice of the singer, and the magnificent reproduction of the orchestra both contribute to the making of a very noteworthy record. DE RESZKE SINGERS (Male Quartet) (ERWYN MUTCH, HARDESTY JOHNSON. FLOYD TOWNSLEY, SIGURD NELSON) (unaccompanied) 10-inch double-sided Black Label. The winter is gone (English Folk Song) E. 376 Arr. R. Vaughan Williams `Bushes and Briers (Essex Folk Song) are two tunes from the inexhaustible mine of I~nglish folk-song. Bushes and Briers in particular is a famous THESEmelody. With Vaughan-Williau.s as the arranger and the De Reszke Singers as interpreters the success of the result is assured. The passing of the air from one voice to another is a feature that makes for variety in a delightful way. For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records


MAYFAIR ° ORCHESTRA (Under the personal direction of and conducted by THE COMPOSER) 12-inch double-sided Plum Label. Sumurün "-Selection, Part 1... Victor Hollaender C. 1192 " Sumurün "-Selection, Part 2... Victor Hollaender

V ICTOR HOI LAENDER's music to the wordless play now being revived at the Coliseum is remarkably fine. To those who have seen " Sumurün " this selection will bring back vivid memories, while to all it will appeal as outstanding tone- painting. It has been conducted by the composer, exclusively for " His Master's Voice.

THE BAND OF H.M. COLDSTREAM GUARDS (conducted by Lieut. R. G. EVANS) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. King's Guards' March Keith B. 1966 ...... Third Battalion March . Egerton .. T HE refined and finished playing of the Coldstream Guards' Band enables them to undertake music that is out of the reach of less highly-trained organisations. But after all it is by this performance of a March that a Military Band must largely be judged. These two vigorous Marches show that the players who can deal so delicately with works of a subtler kind are also second to none in the kind of music which to a great extent forms their raison d'itre as a part of the British Army.

DE GROOT AND THE PICCADILLY ORCHESTRA 12.inch double-sided Plum Label. C. 1182 " Bajadere "-Selection, Parts 1 and 2 E. Kdlmän

W HEN one turns from the Coldstream Guards' Band to De Groot the change is complete. The two present contrasted but complementary sides of our musical needs. The virility of the band is replaced here by a yielding, almost feminine grace, as magnetic in its weakness as the other in its strength. The selection played is full of melody and gives ample scope to the peculiar abilities of the orchestra. For prices, see page 2 of cover. "Greatest Artists-Finest Recording!"


GEORGE BAKER (Baritone) (with pianoforte accompaniment) W-inch dcuble-sided Plum Label. l (a) Damask Roses (b) My life's Delight R. Quiltes B. 1967 Fill glass golden R. Quitter a with wine ...... SYDNEY COLTHAM (Tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Plum babel. My Lady Sleeps Cyrit Scott n toast I ......

Q UILTER and Cyril Scott are modern writers whose songs combine artistry with directness of appeal in the happiest way imaginable,and both are fortunate in having such a store of melody as enables them to face their public with confidence. Coltham's second song is a setting by Hubert Eisdell of some Irish words that have already been immortalised by Stanford. It says touch for the talent of the composer that his version can be placed beside the older composer's-masterpiece without fear of the result of such a comparison. ERNEST HASTINGS (Humorous) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Plum I,abel. A happy married man Reg. Low C. 1190 Lord luv 'im ...... Lee... (- )Weston ...... IHASTINGS lives up to his title as a humorist in A happy married man, a song which, as he tells us, he sings ERNLSTfor the special benefit of a class of people unjustly neglected by other vocalists. Lord luv 'im has plenty of humour, too, but with it is successfully interwoven more than a touch of pathos. CONCERTO No. 4 IN D-Continued from page 1. first subject which is replaced by the idea (b) above-mentioned. Side Three is concerned with the Coda and includes a fine cadenza for the solo violin. The slow movement occupies sides Four and Five. It consists of simply of the statement and elaboration of two or three melodies celestial purity. Another cadenza provides a notable feature towards the end. The last movement (Side Six) opens with a tune in fairly slow time which is immediately contrasted with a more lively measure. At the beginning of Side Seven the same two ideas are repeated, but this time the second one leads eventually to a new melody in four-time. This is remarkable for the " bag-pipe " effect that Mozart obtains by the use of a " drone." Finally (Side Fight) the first tune reappears once more, and with the second one, some new material, and yet a third cadenza, leads the Concerto to a graceful conclusion.For prices, see page 2 of cover. "'His Master's Voice" Records ...... "NO, NO, NANETTE" (Vincent Youmans).

IT is a long time since a musical comedy scored such an in- stantaneous and popular success as " No, No Nanette ! " which was produced on March 11th at the Palace Theatre, . The press were unanimous in their praise of this really witty and tuneful production. We have pleasure in announcing the issue of the following " hits," which have been recorded by specially selected artists.

10-inch double-sided Plum Label THE BENSON ORCHESTRA OF CHICAGO j Tea for two-Fox-Trot B.1978 JAN GARBER AND HIS ORCHESTRA I want to be happy-Fox-Trot

SAVOY ORPHEANS At the Savoy Hotel, London. (Where has my hubby gone Blues ?-Fox-Trot B.1979 ,You can dance with any girl at all-Fox-Trot

HELEN CLARK AND LEWIS JAMES (Duet) (with orchestral accompaniment) B.1971 {Tea for two I want to be happy

MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA 12-inch double-sided Plum babe'.. No, Nanette "-Selection, Part I ,"No, Containing :-Introduction"No, No, Nanette" "You can dance with any girl at all" "Too many rings around Rosie " No, No, Nanette "-Selection, Part 2 Containing :-" Where has my hubby gone ? " " I want to be happy " For prices, see page 2 of cover. "Greatest Artists-Finest Recording !" ...... - I...... I...... -...... I ...... I ...... - MID-MARCH LIST 1925,

DANCE 10-inch double-sided Plum babel. Me the boy friend-Fox-Trot Savoy Orpheans and ... 8.19731 Where's my sweetie hiding ?-Fox-TrotSavoy Orpheans 8.1972 (Stars and Stripes Medley-One-Step Savoy Orpheans ... (That's I'll do-Fox-Trot Savoy Orpheans what ... 3.1963 Peter Pan-Fox-Trot Savoy Orpheans ...... Indian Dawn-Fox-Trot...... Savoy Orpheans Alabamy bound-Fox-Trot ... Savoy Orpheans 3.1970 Poem-Waltz Savoy Havana Band, at the Savoy Hotel, London i Me Neenyah-Fox-Trot Savoy Orpheans B.1975 J Oh ! how I love my Darling-Fox-Trot Savoy Havana Band, at the Savoy Hotel, London B.1965 f "The Dollar Princess"-Waltz... Savoy Havana Band 1 Sometime-Waltz Savoy Havana Band B.1969J Red-hot Mamma-Fox-Trot Jack Hylton and his Kongo Kate ("The Punch Bowl ") Orchestra 8.1974 f I'll take her back if she wants to come back-Fox-Trot Sweet little you-Fox-Trot Jack Hylton and his Orchestra 8.1956 f Heart Broken Rose-Fox-Trot ... Jack Hviton and his ( When she's in Red-Fox-Trot Orchestra B.1964 Nola-Fox-Trot ...... Bost:rn Mamma's gone-Fox-Trot Orchestra INSTRUMENTAL 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. B.1962 J All De Groot alone ...... and the In Shadowland Piccadilly Orchestra 12-inch double-sided Plum Label. C.1189 I" The Dollar Princess "-Selection llalfair 1" Patricia "-Selection ...... Orchestra VOCAL 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. Put away a little ray of golden sunshine for a rainy day- B.1976 Everybody loves my baby (But my baby don't love nobody but me) Aileen Stanley, from the Piccadilly Hotel Cabaret For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records





Rev. Dr. E. H. FELLOWES.

12-inch double-sided Black Label

An appropriately designed Album is presented with each complete set of Records.

Part 1. Entroit (Weelkes) Opening Sentence-Exhortation D.963 -Confession-Absolution-Lord's Prayer. Part 2. Preees-Venite.

D.964 Part 3. Psalm xxiii. (Garett), Psalm exi. (Waimisley) 1 Part 4. Te Deum (Wesley)

Part 5. Benedictus (Turle)-Apostles' Creed D.965.Part 6. Lesser Litany-Lord's Prayer-Versieles- Responses

Part 7. Anthem (Purcell) (" Remember not, Lord our offences") Prayer for all conditions of men, A Prayer St. Chrysostom, The Grace Our Lord. D.966 of and of (2 Cor., xiii.) Part 8. Evening Canticles-Magnifleat (Wesley)-Nuns Dimittis (Battishill)

For prices, see page 2 of cover. "Greatest Artists-Finest Recording!"


"His Master's Voice"

HE following operas have been recorded in com- T plete form under the personal co-operation of Mr. Rupert D'Oyly Carte.

...... Each set is supplied in an artistic Album. "THE MIKADO"£3:11:6 Complete on Eleven Double-sided Records "THE GONDOLIERS"£3:11:6 Complete on Eleven Double-sided Records " THE YEOMAN OF THE GUARD" £3.11.6 Complete on Eleven Double-sided Records 4&im A nrlylowArlm- 99 iris it at,1N ..L. S.2:18:6 Complete on Nine Double-sided Records " IOLANTHE3: Complete on Ten Double-sided Records 5:0 "PIRATES OF PENZANCE" £3.11:6 Complete on Eleven Double-sided Records "H.M.S. PINAFORE" Complete on Eight Double-sided Records CL&: i .:u Records can be purchased scparalclr

For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records ...... :ý I,--,- You should ask for a copy of

" His Master's voice






IT is a most fascinating book, and forms a commentary on the careers of many of the world's greatest artists. It is a guide to the recorded utterances of men who

have played an important part in the making of modern social and political history.

Your Dealer has a copy for You. ALPHABETICALLIST OF RECORDS issued since January 1st, 1925.

All Records in this list are double-sided. For prices see page 2 of cover.

A tanto amor i-see " LA FA- COLTHAM, Sydney (Tenor) VORITA " Devotion B1912 10 Abendlied (Schumann-Joachim)Isolde Song of Quietness, A B1958 10 Menges Summer Afternoon, A B1958 10 What it be 81912 10 Ah, je suss seule-See "THAIS" a wonderful world would Come, let us join the Roundelay All alone Salon Orch. Gresham Singers E371 10 Allegro (J. H. Fiocco) I. Menges Come when the world is sleeping Amore o grillo-see "MADAMA De Groot's Orch. B19L0 10 BUTTERFLY" Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 (Schumann)(Recorded ANSSEAU, Fernsnd and Helen in complete form on 4 DB722 SADOVEN 12-inch Records) to C'est toi ! c'est moi ! ("") DB784DB784B1957B1957DB736DB736B1947Cortot and R.A.H. Orch. DB725 12 Mais moi, Carmen je t'aime encore CORTOT, Allred-see SONATA ("Carmen")BAKER, (Cesar Franck) George (Baritone) In Summertime on Bredon CORTOT and R.A.H. ORCH. Top of the Hill, The Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 DB722 BATTISTINI, Mattia (Baritone) (Schumann) to A tanto amor ! (" LaFavorita ") (Recorded in complete form on 4 DB725 12 Non pits andrai (" Figaro ") 12-inch Records) Blackbird, The Liam Walsh BORIS GODOUNOV CRAWFORD, Jesse (Pipe Organ) (lloussorgsk)')Oh, Serenade (Schubert) B1949 10 Tsarevitch, I implore thee Somewhere a voice is calling B1949 10 Smirnoft and Davidoff Cuddle up Brooke Johns B1929 10 BOURNE, Una (Piano) Finnish Rhythms (Palmgren) DANCE RECORDS-FOX- No. I-Karelian Dance B1911B1911B1911B1911TROTS No. 2-Minuet Adoring you Whiteman'sO. B1938 10 No. 4-Minuet-Waltz All alone with you-Savoy Orpheans B1934 10 November (En Troika) (Tchaikovsky) Back to Colorado Savoy Havana B1944 10 " Caliph of Bagdad " (Overture) Bagdad Savoy Orpheans B1932 10 Coldstream Guards Band By the Lake Savoy Orch. B1933 10 Cargoes Peter Dawson Bye Bye Baby Savoy Orpheans B1955 10 CARMEN (Bizet) Copenhagen Savoy Orpheans B1954 10 C'est to) ! erst moi ! Doo Wacka Doo-Whiteman's Orch. B1937 10 Ansseau and Sadoveu DB784DB784D947toD950Dream 'Maker of JapanSavoy Mais moi, Carmen je t'aime Orpheans B1934 10 Ansseau and Sadoven Dreary Weather Savoy Orch. B1932 10 CATTERALL QUARTET Eat more Fruit Jack Hylton's Or. B1959 10 Quartet in F major, Op. 18, No. I Eliza .Whiteman's Orch. B1937 10 (Beethoven)(Recorded Follow the Swallow-Hylton's Orch. B1940 10 in complete form on 4 Hard hearted Hannah Savoy Or. B1955 10 12-inch records) Hoodoo Man Whiteman's Orch. B1938 10 Quartet in F major-Scherzo I love dancing with you-Miami Syn. B 1950 10 (Tchaikovsky)C'est I loved, I lost Savov Havana B1944 10 1'histoire amoureuse-see In between the showers-tivltou's O. B1939 10 ' :M ANON LESCAUT " In Carolina Jack Hylton's Or. B1943 10 for-J. C'est toi ! c'est mol I - see I've got a feeling Hylton's Or. B1943 10 " CARMEN " Let me be the first Savoy Or. B1941 10 CHALIAPINE, Th. I. (Bass) Little old clock Savoy Orpheans B1942 10 Last Voyage, The (In Russian) Lonely little' elody-Whiteman's O. 81953 19 Nightingale (In Russian) Ogo Pogo Savoy Orpheaus B1933 10 Cider Peter Dawson Out of a million Savov Orch. B1935 10 Cielo e mar! -see "LA GIO Rose of the Moonlight-Hylton's Or. B1959 10 CONDA " Sally Lou Savoy Orpheans B1942 10 COLDSTREAM GUARDS BAND She loves me Hylton's Orch. B1940 10 (Cond. Lt. Evans) Somebody like you dear-Miami Syn. B1950 10 "Caliph of Bagdad," Overture Sun-Kist Cottage-Savoy Orpheans B1941 10 Marche Militaire Tell me dreamy eyes-Whiteman's O. B1953 10

LABELS-AS (Orange) B ani C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) No.No.IH

DANCE RECORDS-ONE-Foire de Sorotchintsni STEPS-contd.(Moussorgsky) Medley of Medleys-Savoy OrpheansC118812Pourquoi mon triste cceur SmirnoffDB75312 Southern Melodies--Savoy OrpheansC118812Folk Songs from Somerset WALTZES-(March) R.A.F. BandB194510 Golden Nest Hylton's Orch.B193910Four by the C1onk (1fallinson) Haunting Melody-Savoy OrpheansB195410Carmen HillE37010 I love the moon Savoy HavanaB193610Fowls Alfred LesterC117712 In Shadowland Savoy HavanaB193510Fragment, A " From the New Moans Chimes-Hilo Hawaiian Or.B192810World " (Sym. No..S in E minor) Serenade Savoy HavanaB193610(Dvordk) Savoy Symphonic Orch.C118612 DAVIES, Ben (Tenor)Francesca da Rimini (Tchaikovsky) Go to bed, Sweet MuseE36410Pts. I and 2D95112 When Laura smilesE36410Pts. 3 and'4 Symphony Orch. DAVIES, Tudor (Tenor)-see also(Cond. by Albert Coates)D95212 under " ""Frasqulta" Selection, Pt. 1 and On her contentment (" Don Gio2 (Franz Lehar)-De Groot's Or.C118512 vanui ")D95712 To her I love (" Don GiovanniD95712GALLI-CURCI (Soprano) DAWSON, Peter (Bass-Baritone)Pretty Mocking Bird (Bishop)DB79812 also tinder RADFORD andSi carina (Slumber Song) (1leyerbeer)DB79812 DAWSONCargoesB193010GIGLI,-see Beniamino (Tenor) CiderB191410Cielo a utar ! (" La Gioconda ")DA22010 Here's to the good old daysB194610Vesti Ia giubba ("Pagliacci",DA22010 Some crimson roseB194610GILLY (Baritone)-see also under Tramp, TheB191410HISLOP and GII,LY Wander Thirst (Landon Ronald)8193010Scorri flume," 11 Tabarro")DA55910 DE GROOT and the PICCA-Vecchia zit-wra n" La Botibna")DA55910 DILLY ORCHESTRA Come when the world is sleepingB191010GIOCONDA, La (Ponchielli) " Frasquita " Selection, Pts. 1 andCielo e mar ! GigliDA22010 2 (Lehar)C118512 PassioneB194810- GLYNNE, Water (Tenor) Precious wee one-LullabyB191010Easter Flowers (Sanderson)B192710 Thing of Dreams, AB194810Oh, let no star compareB191310 DE RESZKE SINGERSRosebudB191310 Studies in Imitation (Hughes)Slighted Swain, TheB192710 Little Jack HomerD94112Go to bed, sweet Muse Little Tommy TuckerD94112Ben DaviesE36410 There was a crooked manD94112GRESHAM SINGERS Devotion (Haydn IVood)Come, kt us join the RoundelayE37110 Sydney ColthamB191210Evening,E37110 Die Mainacht 1 Brahms) McCormackDA62810HAMLET (A. Thomas) DON GIOVANNI (Mozart)Pray you listen (Ophelia's Ballad) On her contentment Tudor Davie:D95712E. ScotneyD96812 To her I love Tudor Davie:,D95712HAYWARD, Marjorie (1'iolin) Dovunque al mondo-seeRomance (Love Song) (Friml)B192610 ""Valse (d'Annbrosio)B192610 Duets-see HISI,OP and GILLY,Here's to the good old-DawsonB194610 RADI'ORD and DAWSONHILL, Carmen (Mezzo-Sop.) "LOHENGRIN" "TOSCA"(a) Four by the Clock (Mallinsoo) Easter Flowers (Sanderson)(b) To an isle in the waterE37010 Walter GlynneB1927100 that it were so (F. Bridge)E37010 "ELIZABETHAN LOVEShe dwelt among the untrodden waysE37510 SONGS " (arr. Krei )WaitE37510 Go to bed, sweet illuse-Ben DaviesE36410HILO HAWAIIAN ORCH.-see When Laura smiles Ben DaviesE36410DANCE RECORDS Evening Gresham SingersE37110 Exits, Parts I and 2 LawesC118712HISLOP, Joseph & DINH GILLY FAVORITA, La (Donizetti)Amore ogrillo ("Madama Butterfly")DB74312 A tanto asnor ! BattistiniDB73612Dovunque al mondo "Madama Butterfly ")DB74312 FINNISH RHYTHMS (Palnngren)HYLTON, Jack and OR.-see No. 1-Karelian DanceDANCE RECORDS No. 2-MinuetI sawfromthe beach McCormackDA63610 No. 4-Minuet-Waltz-Una BourneB1911, 10"Impresario" Overture (.ilozart) Fire Bird, The (Stravinsky)Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates)D94512 Symphony Orch. ( Albert Coates)D958In Summertime on Bredon-BakerB195710 (Recorded in complete form on t.cotoIn Waldeseinsamkelt (Brahms) 12-in, records)D95912McCormackDA628,10

For prices see page 2 of cover. Insuring his life NERONE (Boito) A. Lester Fred Rome C1177 12 The Chariot Race-Symphony Orch. and A. Coates) It takes a good man to do that and Chorus (Cond. Brooke Johns B1929 10 Nightingale (Tchaikovsky) JOHNS, Brooke (Humorous) (Sung in Russian) Chaliapine " NOZZ$ Cuddle up B1929 10 Non phi andrai-see I,$ It takes a good man to do that B1929 to DI FIGARO " KURZ, Selma (Soprano) Marien Wiegenlied (Reger) DA632 10 November (En Troika) Ständchen (Strauss) DA632 10 (Tchaikovsky) Una Bourne B1911 10 LAMOND, Frederic (Piano) NOZZE DI FIGARO, Le Sonata in E Flat, Op. 31-Scherzo Non pik andrai Battistini DB736 12 (Beethoven) D962 12 O that it were so (F. Bridge) Waldstein Sonata in C, Op. 53 Carmen Hi E370 10 (Beethoven) D960 OFFERS, Maartje (Contralto)- (Recorded in complete form on 3 12-in. to see "RIENZI" records) D962 12 Oh, let no star compare with Last Voyage, The thee W. Glynne B1913 10 (Sung in Russian) Chaliapine DB757 12 On her contentment-see " DON GIOVANNI " LAWES, Ben (Humorous) Our Musical Drama, Pts. I and 2 Ben I,awes C1184 12 Exits, Parts 1 and 2 C1187 12 Our Musical Drama-Pts. I and 2 C1184 12 Over the mountains E. Thornton E365 10 Jan LESTER, Alfred (Humorous) PADEREWSKI, Ignace Fowls C1177 12 (Piano) 59, No. 2 LESTER, Alfred and Fred ROME Mazurka in A Flat, Op. Insuring his life C1177 12 (Chopin) Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. 59, LEWIS, Mary (Soprano) No. 3 (Chopin) DA633 10 DA636 10 Ah, je suis seule ("Thais") DB810 12 Padraicthe Fiddiler McCormack Tesouvient-il ("Thais") (:lfastenet) D._810 12 PAGLIACCI (Leoncavallo) LOHENGRIN (Wagner) Vesti la giubba Gigli DA220 10 Groot's O. B1948 10 Intro : Act 3 Symphony Orch. Passione (V. Ransato) De (Cond. A. Coates) D937 12 Love Duet (Pts. I and 2), Act 3 PIANO SOLOS- Austral, Davies and Orch. D931 12 see BOURNE, CORTOT, I,AMOND, Wedding Procession, Act 2 PADEREEWSKIPIQUE Symphony Orch. (Cond. A. Coates) D937 12 DAME (Tchaikovsky) Smirnof DA569 10 Lord is a Man of War, The Forgive me ("Israel in Egypt") (Handel) what is our life Smirnofl DA569 10 "HAMLET' Radford and Dawson D967 12 Pray you listen-see - MADAMA BUTTERFLY( Puccini) Precious wee one-LullabyDe B1910 10 Amore o grillo Hislop, Gilly and Groot's Orch. IBm. Parnis DB743 12 Pretty Mocking Bird (Bishop)Galli-Curd DB798 12 Dovunque at mondo Hislop & Gilly DB743 12 Mals mot, Carmen-see PRIMROSE. William (Violin) " CARMTEN " Sonata in A, No. 2 (Bach) D939 LESCAUT (A (Recorded in complete orm on 2 to uber) D940 12 C'est l'histoire amoureuse-Scotney D968 12 12-inch Records) Marche MilitaireColdstream Guards Band C1176 12 PURITANI, I. (Bellini) Marten Wiegenlied (.llax Reger) Sound, sound the Trumpet r Selma Kurz DA632 10 Radford & Dawson D967 12 Mazurka in A Flat, Op. 59, No. 2 Quartet in F major, Op. 18, (Chopin) Paderewski DA633 10 No.1 (Beethoven) Catterall Quartet D947 Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. (Recorded in complete form on 4 to 59, No. 3 (Chopin) Paderewski DA633 10 12-inch Records( D950 12 Quartet in F major, Op. 22, McCORMACK (Tenor) No. 1-Scherzo D950 12 Die Mainacht (Brahms) DA628 10 (Tchaikwsky) Catterall Quartet in E Op. 59, D953 I saw from the beach DA636 to Quartet minor, In Waldeseinsamkeit (Brahms) DA628 10 No. 2 (Beethoven) to Padraic the Fiddiler DA636 10 Virtuoso String Quartet D956 12 MEFISTOFELE (Boils) (Recorded in complete form on 4 Prologo--Symphony Or. and Chorus 12-inch records) (Cond. A. Coates) D938 12 RADFORD, Robert and Peter Memory Lane Salon Orch. 81931 10 DAWSON MENGES, Isolde ( Violin) I,ord is a Man of War, The (Handel) D967 12 Abendlied (.Schumae n Joachim) E373 10 Sound, sound the Trumpet Allegro (J. H. Pisces) E373 10 "I Paritani" (Bellini) D967.12 (Red) LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) RIENZI (IV'acner) Sonata in E Flat, Op. 31- Gerechter Gott Maartje Offers Scherzo (Beethoven) Lamond Quietness, A-Coltham In seiner Blüthe Maartje Offers Song of Romance (Love Song) Sound, sound the Trumpet-see (R.Frml) Ni. Hayward " I PCRITANI " Rosebud Walter Glynne Ständchen, Op. 17, No. 2 (Strauss) Selma Kurz ROYAL AIR FORCE BAND (Cond. Flight-Lt. Amers) STUDIES IN IMITATION Hughes) Sanctuary of the Heart (H. SerenadeSuite-Folk Little Jack Horner Songs (R. Vaughan) Little Tommy Tucker No. 1 Seventeen come Sunday There was a crooked man No. 3 Folk Songz from Somerset De Reszke Singers SADOVEN, Helen-see ANSSEAU SUDDABY. Elsie (Soprano) Shepherd, thy demeanour and SADOVEN vary "Salamanca" Irish Reel-Walsh Virgin's Lullaby ("Bethlehem") SALON ORCHESTRA- Summer Afternoon, A Symphony in C, No. 41 All alone Memory Lane (Jupiter) (Mocarl) Sanctuary of the HeartR.A.F. Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates) Band (Recorded in complete form on 4 Sarabande et Allemande Sharpe 12-inch Records)

SAVOY ORPHEANS and SAVOY SYMPHONY OR.(Cond.A.Coates) HAVANA BAND- -see also under "LOHENGRIN," see DANCE RECORDS ' MEFISTOFELE," "NERONE" Fire Bird, The (Stravinsky) D958/9 SAVOY ORPHEANS SYM- Francesca da Rimini (Tcnaikovsky) D951 PHONIC ORCH. (Recorded in complete Jorm on 2 to Fragment, A "From the New 12 inch records) D952 World," Symph. No. 5 in E minor "Impresario" Overture (Mozart) D945 (Parts I and 2) (Dvorak) Symph. in C, No. 41 (Jupiter) D942 Scorri flume ('1) Tabarro") Gilly (Mozart) to (Complete on 4 12 uich Records) D945 SCOTNEY. Evelyn ;Soprano) Te souvient-it du lumineux C'est I'histoire amoureuse ' THA15 ("Marton Lescaut") D968D968 voyage-see Pray yon listen (" Hamlet THAIS f llassnieq Serenade R.A.F. Band C1183B1949 Ah, je suis seule Mary LewisDB810 Serenade (Schubert) J. Crawford Te souvient-il (Meditation)Mary Seventeen come Sunday (March) Lewis DB810 R.A.F. Baud B1945E374E375E366THIBAUD, Jacques - see SHARPE, Cedric ('Cello) SONATA (Cesar Franck) Sarabande et Allemande Thing of Dreams, A She dwelt among the untrodden ("The First Kiss ")-De Grout's Or. 81948 ways Carmen Hill Shepherd, thy demeanour vary THORNTON. Edna ( Contralto) U.Suddabv Over the Mounta ills E365 Si carina (Slumber Song) When singing birds were mute E365 ("Dinora h", Galli Card DB798B1927 To an isle in the water Slighted Swain W. Glvnne (Mallsnson) Carmen Hill E370 SMIRNOFF, Dmitri (Tenor)- To her I love-see " DON see " FOIRE DE SOROTCH- GIOVANNI " INTSNI," " PIQUE DAME Top of the Hill, The G. Baker B1957 " BORIS GODOU NOV " TOSCA (Puccuiz) Some crimson rose P. Dawson B1946B1949D939toD940Chi e quella donna bionda las_a Somewhere a voice is calling Ljungberg & Mummery DB752 J. Crawford Ora stammir a senor Sonata in A, No. 2 ( Bach) Ljungberg & Mummery DB752 William Primrose Tramp, The I'. Dawson B1914 (Recorded in complete form on 2 12-inch Records) TWILIGHT OF THE GODS Sonata in A Major (Cesar Franck) (Wagner)Hagan Violin and Piano)Thibaud summons the Vassals (Pts and Cortot I and 2) Radford, Ch. and Orch. D930 (Recorded in complete form on 4 VALKYRIE (Witgnerl 12-inch records) Wotan overtakes Brünhilde (Act 3) Sonata (Waldstein) in C Major, Miranda, Walker, Radford, Ch. & O. D929 Op. 53 (Beethoven)Lamond Wotan's sentence (Act 3) Ancrum, Walker, Radford, Ch. and Orch. D929

For prices see page 2 of cover. Valse. Op. 37, No. i: (d' Ambrosio) M. Hayward Vecchia zimarra ("La Boheme")Gilly WALSH, Liam (Irish i3agpipes) Blackbird, The Vesti In giubba - see "Salamanca"-Irish Reel " PAGLIACCI " VIOLIN SOLOS-seeHAYR'ARD, Wander Thirst (No. 4-" Song MENGES, PRIMROSE Fancies ") (Landon Ronald)Dawson VIOLONCELLO SOLOS-=ee SHARPEVirgin's What a wonderful world it would Lullaby ("Bethlehem')E.Suddabv be S. Coltham When Laura smiles Davies VIRTUOSO STRING QUARTET Quartet in E Minor, Op. 59, No. 2 When singing birds were mute (Beethoven)(Recorded E. Thornton in complete form on 4 WHITEMAN'S ORCH. - see 12-inch recordsi DANCE RECORDS

WARNING.-in As under the Copyright Act 1911 copyright subsists Gramophone Records proceedings under such Act may be taken against anyone infringing the Company's copyright therein. THE . LIMITED.

Printed March, 1925.