NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. TUESDAY. JUNE 14. 1004. 9 op .1 w R^ot?^^ n i r^ BASEBALL. ROW INC. VIST HAVE A WARRANT. Excursions. 7^NTSTL4ivmOAT~COr Giants hy Chicago by ali-yvater tO Defeated Work of Vale Crew* Good— Seldom Justified to Arrest Without the rorcuu Ml Score S to 2. CONEY ISLAND. of Harvard's Routine Laid Out. One in Xen-- Jersey. Tb*y Cannot Bar*.' Tbry Cannot Et:iAl. ln-IHV. games yesterday. O*orne FarririKton. RESULTS of the daily president of the Automobile Club of New-Jersey. Leave foot 22J st . N. R.. 0.30. 10:13 A. M.. U00 11.. routine of the Harvard crews for the t:U 2:3i». 3:3<-. 4:49, «:(«. 7:19. 5.30 P. St. _. has of the - . NATIONALLEAGUE. remainder of the am ion was pone over late this asked the opinion of James E. Howell. LXAVE PIKH iNEW) .No. 1. / ,__ •-,-_ ChiraKn, .I: Kew-Tork, 2 \Thilaielpbla. 4. Newark, HalfHal hoarh< fctw. OGRAi4ME OF SPORTS TO-DAY. I'lttsburg. 6; 6: Cincinnati. afternoon, the men rowing two four mile stretches. law firm of iVult. Howell & Ten Eyek. on NORTH RIVKIJ V PADDOCK Boston. 4. Umt9 .New Iron Pier. 11:10 A. M.. 12:13, '"':"v S-JM p. PARAGRAPHS. _. „ AMERICAN Meier was at 'varsity automobile arrests In New-Jersey. In reply Mr. SB, 10, Ccaer Islaad. P. M. fkC-SQ <: es'"id. m rt.irago. 1. ' LEAGUE. In No. 4 m the boat when it l:«». 2 4 5:10. »S 2? 7:40. »:otl. I\>/M ' ONTESTP ~ *• 2: New-York, PhllartelpMa, 0; Cleveland.*. went starting Howell written this litter: ROfND TKIP TUKET*. CE>T*<. niauata. L'etrolt, 3; Washington, !Boatea, 0; St. 2. over to the place for t'.io evening baa sa trtfH'^'"'* • 0. Louts. whether, MM Merrnll A Caaait'a U«aor« and Clsara «erv«d Baesa nf ths :ulv spin. out on pad- h.i\«- j-onr !n<;ulrtnsT •TJ^i--'' Urooklln* PSanlri Jefca A. Drake The crew started the four miles I !*tt«»r of Jure 2. ur.Jtr company manag;ment. > > iiauJlrap t.mrnarnen;. a: Basm decided yrst.rJny to ship his :::iii»r ti\° Beam] an ft!lc>r has a l2»_-V.'' i"e:i County : r..-y.,,r- f,M GAMES TO-DAY. dlingan easy stroke of twenty-seven to the minute. AnlonoUle law. 6W ni<-!i et A|ia»t;iii». ;r..-y.,,r; coll EUpM r:-;'.it ,t (sXCSM J9i-ea> . . Uat.r. which ran un- There was good drive, vviihout warra Of summons M STE.VMKB r.MKI' < i Maeed th* NATIONAL. a and the boat went smooth- —fj TRVNH Mcrris '•>.»! t> •inn i« Club tevttatkm m Brooklyn Derby on Bfttnrtfay LEAGUE. provided In Section !!). to arrest an antomobll on of Ir-^n st»aTTiV>at Fleet will make trips «v«rr day >a \u25a0 '--> 'tg.nni , , to Chi- W. ly way bridge 11-lliv.; .\u25a0 N'-->N at Hait- :,p,, . \u0084,. ,;i , .n. Louta at New fork. ICMpacn at n^trsn. all the to the After a short wait Ih-- highway. TO BANKS. **.'.j: . "cham.Mor.fhii*. WiU ro r h .,. it -burg I (vnn>>lt-aoU «• M-n-n; rin m n the Amri ;i!i I t at Philadelphia, Cincinnati Br*>klirß. I prepared Leave .^lst 7..T0 X. ... hunt rhampl a* •. a'. oorhy. to be i at the nhell was headed upstream, with wind and tide have carefully read the act. and am St.. Eul Blver. A. Leav* Plat '\u25a0 n:n to •New) No. 1 jffm \u25a0 '\u25a0 isaSiHS* I'^ub wur.uni'iii on Saturday. !*«« will have the AMBBICAML.EA A. M - - ' \u25a0>««mt on Under these favorable conditions the shell my BAIT AND TACKUS ON BOARD. '\u25a0- v .--li-.a! l.f. l) of the May. '"81," "Cttv trim for the : . "<* the "varsity, having of about half length. Section provides that in case la-it in.n steamers'" "*- and Suburban, pulled up New York 1" .«TiS» Brooklyn 19 .404 a lead a may sc-e so lame that he V violation of the ninth section Ibe officer arrest .r Lawrence (.-..• W-st !29th St. at WOO. 11:0© ASrORIA. raoil on Cincinnati 30 1>". .ny IB 2* ..1«-l Both crewa pulled bard fight for tho lead SO, '">. >"> CHUYSinS'S tV. v:3n* down. St. Louis 21 21 .r.'Philadelphia . 9 31 .225 over officer offending 11 ru> a. M :A:A 3 to. t; -.0. 7TO r SI. Battery at 1 1!!'1 \u25a0-'i:!'"- '" '•"''" ... the remainder of the distance was a keen one. must Inimedi.-iro'y tak-- the person *o . now -V^.,'!.".: !!' Mm «* b*t»eea AMERICAN before the magistrate complaint, 1*90) :i.-.«> A M ;2:50. 330. 6 50. 7:sf> P M. Four of \u25a0'a LEAGUE. The Second crew hit the stroke up to 3S near the and make a which th.- largest ail" Plenty of room, tine Clubs. TVnn I,-!!'\u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0\Vnn.lj.Bt.P.o. mi rt describe forbl by act, upon steamer* at. service; " Club* Jinish. and pulled the 'varsity Try an offence Idin the rr.':»lc. !i:''nn ,\ir*. Round trip. 30 ,'fnt?, Including 1 10 32 IS .cat)Philadelphia ...24 » MB to a M stroke. th.. of which the shall then fcwrne room: THE SWEEPSTAKE. :irrnll He:l did not work The S?* films maaistratc admission to PRKAKLAND. ir/\.V Plck«i yesterday. New V:k 20 19 .870 81 LouUi 24 23 .r.22 as they could, the 'varsity was unable to overhaul iiwarrant ret .irn:ihi- forthwith, and th* complaint as wnR expected, Chicago 27 21 •]<.•\u25a0 and to.i : hi* Mend* that he would .IMB Detroit 17 27 .»• the substitutes, and finished six astern. shrill tIMB l>e liearil i:. rejrular way. .,, Cle\.land .. 23 19 .Ms; 8 35 .ISC about feet warrant jive the con : raore BtlS gallopi between now Washlnstoa Coach gave miles An otliccr m.-ikniK an arrest without a and Suburban day. Colson out the time for the four for any other violation of the Automobile act makes WEST POINT. NEWBUR6H & as 21:35, which was the fastest of the year, but himself Imprisonment. Feature Goes to game at Uab!a in an action for false Sporting Turf frown outpltchrd Kathewaon In a f.r.e \u25a0low for the conditions. He becomes at d:'....» a trespasser, and i.-« not pro- the PDU3HKEEPSIE. Polo Grounds yesterday, with the result that The 'varsity tected from by his official character or title. THE Lorillard. four went a half mile th!» afternoon The Si-ovol criminal act, not VT PICTURESQUE HL'DSON*. Mr. the C"hlrago players the Ginnts by a score in < act la nut a and does Grand Doily Outings (except Sunday), defeated 2:10. with >her :it how. Word w.i« received creiite or provide for the of crimes or My Ljne Astoria, in by 'ok SHOOTING. of 3 to 2. punishment Passes Iron L'ay steamers Ttie *Mrh Bras framoo 1W! n from John Bowdltrh. ilirsubstitute, to-day, that he misdemeanor* It is a penal statute, ;ind while \u25a0NEW YORK" and ".U.IIANV." One paeslbtjr the proper may have a right »by Ann**) weaKl .n* torn i^maaMrimua mi'tn>n of erf the features of the contest was Chance's would probably to latter to ar- From Brooklyn, t'ulton St. S:0O V 11l rfft-.* return Red the part rest .1 crime his presence, he New Y.jrk. r.>e»broaaaa rit. •*:\u2666<» \u25a0••••\u25a0taaTßa, '"' "* pre.nt Inning week, a man who commits m Pier •* turf as a p' H \u25a0 atart«at«al stick work. In the third h« sent out of DAXI as his attack of measles hnd no* been certainly has no ri«:fit without th*» authorization of " TVest 22.1 St Pier 900 as, *• by tvM>-y<*ar <\u25a0>'> MW \u25a0 fivo furlong <]is- a hit to the ropes for a home run, severe aa expected, This morning the 'varsity some statute to arrest a man who is violating * West St Pier 9:20 for IBB**. Fourth National Shooting Festival eentrefleld crew navy Returning New 3:30 u-.nind. was run nt (Jravfsond fsatctdajr, and tn the opening Inning he made a two-base hit went down stream to the yard, anil penal statute As a matter of practical application due In York P. M. tinrP of lowed from twenty-elghi to thirty strokes a minute Ido see how an officer would ever be justifl.-.l MORNING AND AFTERNOON CONCERTS. to unwritten condition of on who had received hi3 base on way not \u25a0I seeordlßSi an the Opens. which SI.-ißle. on tbe back. The freshman and four-oar in irakinK an arrest under this statute, without a is on It balls, scored. Kiln*, followed, was on crews were shw put through light work this morn- warrant, he he able, •.)-• .JJtUifr Pletie I/orlllard. has who safe Ing. because never would to prove, ft»ke. '' (1 " The (rand parade of riflemen, Considerable time waa spent this morning In except in the ease, RED BANK LINE. the which Is a rap 1 the vtotation S^ssj 1 hTSUUHI th*» «i:incr of thr one Devlin's error. Chance *ot home on from iiMeier, v.-.. k aaMaai com- breaklna whose r on the port side of plained Of, was "in a or » bet Of wai'tr." dally. ;vo to owners of the principal of the fourth national Jones thai Devlin home 1 \u25a0\u25a0-. *!:<\u25a0;: race on I*»»"» FVantt:!n St.. Pier Z*. S. R.. »a. m 3 icier!* f1 I a dinner the a. m. only, tor Highlands. Organic... ' " '' •;.it shooting beta*, their t'nlike rivals at Top, raclnj? Lre-jst Bank, with, *':- \u25a0 st'r 'as «nuc as the r.iro festival now held in Hoboken took The Giants made first run In th» second inn- their Red the Tale crew actually the case would be different. Pntnt. Fair Haven and Red connecting rtl-.CT took it rather easily this evening, rowing only to trolley for Asbury , gross saajHthtac p!a. «\u25a0 yesterday. The men were reviewed at tho iiiK. McGonn slngle.l Mertea got t<> lint on a It Is quite manifest that the ninth and eleventh Long Branch. Park. Excursion. Me. g, :i^ value- »«s like and the navy yard on an easy paddle, and returning in purposely desig^ied pre- ro; ' I'*'1'*' the panders passed up Second-are^ centre and crossed the plate. The OF NEW <.'iir> .t.s. at 4to W OI: "l0"l0 r^ BPBBB Bowerman .-•' No. :. and WhltUer, Morse, Daly running his in at the rat., trs fff. L • the to Miller. Scott machine' Franhlte-ave. ol York, M irv A Dt I^ng». rialritiff. against Thomas • and won It. moreover, as she line of inarch was to Eluhth-st.. NEW TORK and Weeks in the regular order The conditions thtrty-flve others, jifrt^ absot CHICAGO I ' this miles an hour. This Is i.hutreri milfs C. Smith and Defendants. In pursuance of a Third-are., t.. Slzteenth-at., to to Sev- tir It. j>fv a »>' lb P° n » for the row morning were about perfect and Judgment of foreclosure and .sale duly made and entered l: h of the fliii.^ carried 111 r™""^ ] Fourth-ave.. <> a <> 1 " " in good hy ')i>]n>l>l. learning plea?**- Bichth-ave., Pl.^s-le If .1 1 2 «> <> -i h;i«l he.'Ti for telephoned tii- above and dale opponent? avsAß XV. Patsahawe'a ,•,„.,\u25a0 .ii, 4 ii 0 ft i 0 Browse, rf.. 4 0 1 over the four miles. lioth tide and wind were with thai warrant laauad him. (in! .lav of June. I. undersigned, the refe-ee> 7'he winner's t!I.*'1.*' where boats taken to iio- li, . 2 he 1904. the J. <; F< 1- (erryhoose, were Chanee ". 4 3 3 7 0 0 i.evii:.. M. ... 4 0 01 « " th<- men. Police Heaaquartera thai would u.<> lo tha Cen- In said tudgment >\u25a0!. will sell at public auction, at l2sa!te. Andrew Millers IneantattOO. • Kl'pb '<• * (> 1 1 IS 1 ghn op. Kxchange Iok« « "0 C llMeGaaa. lb . 4 tral Ftatton and btaaaetl th" salesroom. Number 161 Broadway, in th ny«"9 BeUatrte and W. A. Chanter's Novfii.i. rf ." 4 » 2 « 01Mertea, 1f.... 2 0 <) 0 O 0 Br.rough •,{ Alanhittan. City of N'ew Tirk. rm the twenty- There ware divisions, under the leadership i^net' i>s!ilmi, "\u25a0 " !>',-ks MlrtbleM W. B. LeeaVs Sitn- nine Bvarm 2l> 401 S 2 o' aa.... 4»• 1 WATER TOO ROUGH FOR PRACTICE. ni: : .lay ,T Jane. IS>IM. at twelve o'clock, noon, by D. f B. Hit. of Captain Wendel. Inspector Schmitt- m... 4 0 2 > llanbm, 2b... 2 0 3 2 0 GOLF NOTES. riioMlx .1 I'mipaiy, auctioneers. th» prem- :\m\ S. Ixiuia Tinker. 0 sold, '• Oarer's Jennie McCsbe I William.-., <-f. a .• 0 n ft 0 Bowerrnan, c. 3 1 0 4 4 IITY IKI.R'.IIM'II To THE TnißfNK.l ises directed by said Judgment to be. and therein de_ «iViC".T P- • bevgi 1 led the mnrrh«Ts a* far p.* the reviewing " 3 o 1 1 4 or parcel Fountain were withdrawn, ar.-l the \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• k Brown p.... I 0 0 2 olMathewaoa, p Poughkeepsle, X Y.. Juno 13.— Rough water pert- scriird as follows: All that certain lot. niece jjj^^-j stand, arhere lie took Ms place with thi reviewers, —------8 ously of around with the building thereon erected, situate, ly- yjytitt i'-s Mly Virgo. 3 8 2, interfered with the practtca of the Columbia Itis OuMally announced by W. Fellowes Moraran, insr and Vein* at Harlem, in the Twelfth Ward of ttl* .... Kach division his beaded by a band, which played Totals ...M 27 1. 2 bounded, in the speeolatlon was divided batwcea \ T.taltt 31 2 02i crews to-day, and the morning was spent In tha secretary of the United State* Golf Association, Citv el New Tork and which Is and d-"*r!r-i »rart»t the national air as It passed the reviewing stand, as follows: beginning at a point on trie easterly sld* of ai;d arJ the latter taally _ little cove north of the boathouse. Toward after- at a meeting of the executive committee of Avenue, twenty- g.^'frriif Incantation. which was» gny with flat;'" and banners, while every •n«tte and 1ine hundred and twenty-fifth il2sth» \u25a0afftvcrlte at prices from In salut? ft 2 that were man i: line raised his hand or sword as V.Tk ::::::: 1 « 0 i 0 O 0- Hmemleil permit foreigners stfeatsx distant nin«t\-onu feet and eleven Inches iron* to a an. prised. New .:..:.:: ::::s coach, ordered the shells fitted with washboards. so us to who may be the corner formed by the intersection ot the if he baa* '\u25a0i:»n-«. Three baaa Chance. Home beer, this country to in the norther?? s"nt Chrysitis reviewing among Miyor Two hit After this hHd done it was found thnt the vi'ttiiig: take part amateur side of Or.e hundred and twenty-fourth (124th) Street, t;th alertness ONeil on th<- stand others were Cllbsr*. BtoUn t -S.asl-. water rough 'varsity invitation of easterly tds usaal pllsn. Mayor Jersey Oelß.uer, run Cbaaee Sacrifice hit " was too to allow th? crew to championship on the the executive with the side of the Fifth Avenue, and run- «ny fiylr.s 'iet-jiingber nt her work, bad the lit* Facan of City. Dr Doubla :.i.-iv Brw*. Tinker and i.T>an Left on,,bar'"' - go over th* course, and the was spent hi committee. nine then.-* easterly and Daralle. with On« hundred and \u25a0>-'"'. Qenatfl Consul; }lff. Second Vice German V- 7 Chlc&so, 5. First I'iAse nn ball* Off Vathew afternoon twenty- fourth Street, and partly through |jffW«»pHn S'aid aftr.i:is Nolun of Ktliiati Ditched I:4<>. This Is tho they last year and will feet: pave of tenburg; Charles I»l.-t«. «.f North Bergen 4: tiy Brown. 2 Time of MM l"mvlre^~- shell rowed In ins in Quattfjrtaaj round chamrionshlp On? hundred and twentv-fourth \u25a0124th) Street partly Bay rlxi^e of '..\u25a0stint fhe it Out rrn. probably use in this year's rn< •\u25a0. The practice tha for the and fcfcave her. an4 County; Juki!..- /.filer, Keller. blieriff of Hud- ~\>litu and Simmer. Attendance, 5.0: >. \u25a0if the Wonen'i Metropolitan <',otf Aasaetetlon, at throush -..any wall eiahtv feet to the easterly side, of \u25a0 A Avenue, tp «hi ir.:'.d> of the stretch wes reached. pun work has been done in the shell Lillian Russell. the Apawaaria Club, practised the Fifth and thence southerly and along th» east- tha County, and several women. new \u25a0-• for over coura erly eighteen place Henry ICroecer of oars the seniors was received to- terday In side of the Fifth Avenuo feet to tha Dulnt Schulamite wss allljg*d out to take third At about Io'clock rr.'«lriVnt I'lTTSurnO. 6: BO3TOX. 4. - day ••1 will he The Cornell order to familiarise th»tnselve» with the or pla^-e. or beginning. I used to-morrow. and opened the Bbootlng content on the tart' ', of At no«trn— nil ::. Pennsylvania lay of tht- lan.l. from pntMS. (1 n or, .1 crews will ar?;\-- th!s week, and the Dated. New York. June 4. 1904. by nrlng the first thr*e hots For the Preslden: o* Ptttß 2 n 1 l1 1 it of the JAMES TV lits were Rrievously at fault In their States, Immediately 0 • 0 0 0 ©—4 a 5 remainder crews will come the fore part of McEt>Hl>?>rET Referee Th« «tu4> the (Jnlted nfter these three Boston...... » 1 0 next week. Thirteen team matches were played by the clubs RONALD K. BRoWN. iMar.ulff's Attorney. Number 3"0 could and dispatch was sent to Washing- 'Wllhelm and Needbsm. Broadway. New York e'en? to f. NenwejrWr, M; W. PkUadelphla I I can won more than nine the short priced choices. Mimosa irni Astarita. and Man taraei K FUch. •..7. 1: A nnl Pelts; an.l !\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•!:; At- H. M l'op«-. A -;.-•. H. Daltilll* Ollllwfl Fl*a«T "Hill"Daly «1; »\u25a0. \u25a0 Ward Remains Metropolitan Cham- a crowd if others at longer odds. P^ten-o:-.. K2;Btr^ckjr. v; !»:ilan . I\u25a0\u25a0'•-. Crlchet Club, Himself, tin 83; L*mbert Schmidt. J I-.. •\u25a0! sr.. The Merlon of Philadelphia. hsi played Mather Joke with nnd took the <-»n.'ar.l t«r«et «'. <;. Hudaon 47. H. M Pope. 45; won the interclub team championship trophy of "<• PMCraOB, 44; II 44; Hinting raeafjre t!:is Time of Conqueror, Shorthone, C;:r- I Moor* 44. A •'W Korrta. pion by lx Roy. the Women's Golf Association of Philadelphia, win- Geo'ce £< hnuerlnit. «\u25a0» HRJerw:ias. 44 \>unri« and others in a handicap at bsm and on«- . • and Mrs. Samuel Hrtttle which the above described property ls to be sold li Ehor'.hos* was a hot favorite at evens, bwt after |M -Crt*" Kr-r- MS: 0 II Wgg«|» M- In Battle Chicago Team ;.:vu.. IStfc $1«.|'.4444 and interest from May 27, together er William M>; V J«: H. Pitchers' Tennis CbamplOC. Ward won tlie valuable been mainstays the Merion team. There 1904. with Mailer -\u25a0•\u25a0• r*»ll Btl»ck< XBJ, hava the • of — costs and allowance, amounting to os> interes* runclnir a yne polled him D^' »~»- with »i S-hrIMU-r. 2.'.2. ST.: re.l last year by defeating H. Ha-keU. th« are seven lu m to II tclaUon Merlon. River- thereon from June 2, IUO4. together Ml: 2fn IT. CUP Harold with the expenses of ltd tried to ro around hie field. Itwas seen thiit Hrhlll8rh!ll 872 A. M<-rt.Sl«. 27i V. R Olraateaa. . C. Win*, ? to 1. ex-champion, the challenge match of tin ton. Huntingdon Valley. West Chaster. Belfleld: the sale. Tho approximate amount of taxes, »4; John Olmstea^2f>l . Tale m I>nvid's assessments t* *os!4 :.ct do. Through the backstretrh he hfil V.*re. »• O. Worn. PBcklanun. Boy, Philadelphia Cricket, 81 and Aronimlck. ami water rents or other Hens to be allowed 1» the pur- V Kuhnl^. MO; C.a-tai IMrtn. Kn.ll telk<;raph tournament Robert the Columbia Uni- they finished that ortier. There were very chaser out of the purchase money, or paid by Hct-mlrtt \u25a0&*>. Usj - a3«; [r.T to the TiunrxE 1 and in the referee,— eprrttt end it oniy by riding him ear, and although he had won h'.» way taken The to aetoh toird. Flr« r*a *n«S *\u25a0)-' Freltnr. White 1 rttwirled WToU and. Piij.rx.rted by su- Philadelphia team will n:ak« a strong bid for th» L«*t red fl«e ilmll'* eve* J. Kaufmann. < through high class Held, he was outclassed at O'Connor followed Daly's stereotyped orders and AU*rt J. perior (Ulding. the 'htcnun nine shut out the a Intercity cup this year. COURT, county in way." Target nf h^nor-.olumbla- Hpsbnar. «l badly with of new 'waited out front all the William I^ako- «1; - •\u25a0 every point, and beatev in his match gI'PREME— kotffi little to MlnenU In a rln« A-thur Hutalerk b: Outtavw n«nri»*« Highlanders by \u25a0 bo re of 1. Club, York Aaata C. Tower, plaintiff, asaihst Hsaiaa Em. second choice olSrr, Bain «1 rr^rtdi K< »t '2. " Ward on tho courts of tba Wast Sido Tennta Pinner and others, defendants .- In pursuance a Judg- '\u25a0 \u25a0iV - players did their only Florins: in th» si Mntast tar tbra«-r«ar-old nllle». at one. mn«- and Ncrr!» BO; J F » >'»'^T. "E^f!n 1 The borne ARRIVALS OF BUYERS. •verity yards, until the began M William- Smith. Rchn-ke. ''i »en*«enth-st. and Amsterdam- ment of foreclosure and sale duly made an.l entered in las waited Bavorlte to J>et»r ha«fer 47 Bn M T. Iler, 4.". lUrry 4... o;enltiK J.-niin^r. Holmes, Bret up, singled; Jones indred-and M .v Plttsburg: A. Arr.fel!, furnishing above entitled action. d.-ite S»t!i lay \u0084' .T'in». 19iH, Hop. and then went out and \u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 n the race, in 11 anal was ( "\u25a0. I I-l. Arnfetd Son. fcear!r«r a Charles Si*i>urs. S»: I^orer.z Zeller. followed with a s;u:riflco; • allah: n thi singled, u\" The »\u25a0"»• -'. goods, iiMian1 I, tho u«lers!( Iark Arenas. Salesroom. N. 161 Broadway. In the Borough of Manl-at- platers, notably a «eml-Hna: In the championship double* and furnl.'l.inar* Kaufman, Yurie, and J. E. Madden'* tw< -vearn |icolt Coun- JIBED. j^ot sMond on the throw in Green reached first 11 mars 00.. t 'U-velaiiJ. ii-.Tr«« L*. wool- tan. i*tty of New on the Stli day of July. lf*>». at cilman, playea from 20 to to 15 He literally CLARKSON DEBA in whin Robert l/e Roy and HarolS H. Hackett, Irn pisca goods, tmparUiL 12 o'clock noon ott that day. by D. rtusata l:.graham. 1 to 1. on error, and I'ullah.'ui tHllled. IMvls auctioneer, tan away with th© race. Label's the fale-< conbtaatlon, faced Wyltt C. l'.u. inn,.n iV>mpany, iiarhkriura. W.- »a. :F. Armstrons;, the premises directed by said Judgment te be and Donohue each "filed." It w- .<\u25a0 not until the olumvtt .lrytc «ds, n.i'.i.ins mil furnishing e. '.». Imperial. soil, and therein described as follows: all that certain lot. FT-MMARIEP. (Jrant and C. C, Kelly, a scratch fair, but this '•lero v-ljthui« Company. r'yraLua*'. v. Y.; T. IV Clara, piece or parcel of land, with th» buildings and Improve- Inning; that the visitors got iman Morass. erected, lying and being in th» — Signed tcith seventh match] good .i« was. wad Insignificant before the el *h!vjr,N* i\ irr<" ments thereon situate. fIRJT RACE Se!lta»: 3->-«ar o;«» usA over n" ->ut 6 Harvard Takes Action— the plate, when GanxeFs double and McOuire'a It CVhcn, FrieiUanii A- Martin I'ompany. Toledo; A. S. Borxigh of Th* Drun.i and tity of New York, and being furlono. challenge competition. Cbhen, sootla, Number '.'. Number on map single did the tticK. The score: wootlea piece arr* In Section Blockr,: 2341. the \u25a0 „ ,-I'.-tttiif May 6. Two conspicuous play. J.>hn»r 1.1. |itni..niI'nmpanv. Wichita, Kan.; W. F. known as "Us I.and Map t.h-» I'lty si New York." .\u25a0-<«\u25a0\u25a0 features were In Ward's Ha. n wt Ft PI League«t.r.,Cos. Smith, No. 72 Leon- as Beginning a Owner. .Wk»r. CHICAGO. KsTW-TOMt I•• rthtt- p .»'.s. Mr. notions. taeavSsd and described f- Hows. at point l.Wltc! raft fPmsthert^ .... M.TtatCtS IS 0 r lr> e \u25a0peed and accuracy. These were lessons that srd * on th« easterly line or Mott (formerly Macornb* Avenue. t.Em« V- -Walter Cl.rkaon. al« r IN t>° a ei atl r>o a ;anv. ißalli . »* •-.•>mtri ..'. T> 2 Cambridge, Mass.. Jane If. 1 1 0 0 OjKeeler. .1 1 0 « appeal \u25a0! have learned from the ''ire work \u25a0>* rtr. Sioux City; B. Davidson. at th« northerly corner of the premises heretofore con- . Holmes, 8 rf.... 0 1 to Davidson wife, — — I ::; y'Keill 'varsity " BmadwaT, York. veyed Hiward Richards and arley; Ia«si tta ißtnriinr ... 8 4r> of the Harvard 11 0 & 0 Cbni is,. 4 0 « <> last KWi«tm! 1'i>«r, X . ::'.io M 1 \u25a0 % i. 1 courts ... • pttefcer loa«s Vf I Doherty brothers on the American >'• TMsAs; Parts, easterly (T?!t.->. |ir captain . n:;>anv. I. B. running northwardly but along the sail .CUt»!lr.i .'k... r>r-e.» . .. 25 H and 2'i 2 110 I0 '.'• 1 llama, lb. 4 0 0 3 Ift the r>avls lir..thers - thence t.l>« Renzke (Hayman).. partici- CSllansn <> " Al in times war i to gel the ball \u25a0;!.-. CstursJ. line of M. tt Av?:iue twenty five (25i feet; thence run- IOtJFVOar is « Bine, was to-nlgr.l barred from further ' ..R't and Tr-e S- 1<» pation in college Darin' . \u25a0> -' •; 2 Jf>l.'Jfcrinn I-vi M the New-York American " •"• "Wolfe,OlTaoaeir. 2 <> <• •> 1 0 cross court tie ball i•\u25a0 Hoy easily played up to William Donald!— *_ 0.. Minneapolis; •a. J. Rekt. eignth (TS) Inches to the northwesterly lir.«of Tsi« Ne^» contract with WhlU. p I 1 1 p \u25a0•\u25a0 H.Jrtdiui ijennir.r»> lOC.fihaw 11l 4 to-night hIM usual form, anU hi efforts to seen on passes h.-ti?.. funklslkins 1lfMl"*. N 1. 2 Walker »i York and Harlem Railroad; :h»"n running «c.uthwe«t- fT.l^e-, athletic committee \\ 11. Dwyer, toMs, tha said northwesterly line of said K.Dr. rhapln 'Af'i . . M 1(. Clarkaen told the 11 -••' 1 -I'llci 1 v>.-:e .;...:.. worked •^\u25a0' Thai th.- majority ©I t>wy*T iiriihers N^« Oilsiist. dr> wardly but along Rail- Total* ....M 2 *2T 14 Total! ' So, 43 si victoria. twenty-nve feet six and one- " ° " '•= t|.. !:ii. t.i BCOre ihe points Was In nO Kf'lise dUO eloaki hi alenr and ikwem Lsoaart . road i23> .«<%> wlnne-—-1; - that he the Chieago 2 0 0 0 \u25a0 Hinthers. f'lttstleM; s Krts'and. clonks, •\u25a0••.its, to the n.rth*r!y line, of th& premises! conveyed to said E S-matherf"B TMteJirran by H'.r^r.>r» as " » * " 1 " " I to poor" p.;>> on i'... pan ••\u25a0\u25a0 the Columbia man. ! tiwit- ! Imperial. wardly. a autwtanttal sum a New-York i • furs ... mil liuli<\u25a0*' «*ar. ttm, 7:. BjUfia St.. (.•ar'.ey. as aforesaid; running thence west but ••unit.* Ftart won driving fcy Hi lengthi May 6 and received : 1 »ervlce of vVard was the hard- , land and right 1.10 rood I 2; Kfcw-York, 2 markable 0 Kilk A Bra, T.uij.i, Ha O. I.ilk. Orraooda, no- along said northerly line- of Carter's at Tan*. Left ..!. bases Chicago, Two hast hll PSI Ihlng i.. Roj hail to contend against. Hard • Mott hun- bonus. Wolff, C>llahan, thai t| \u25a0::-. A'l angles to the said easterly line of Avenue two EE(V>KT' RAT mile, rjsnsel BaeritiM hIU Junes. Ke#l< »evertty HC. f -Han4leaf); S fea-» ara over; %% hitting t. ibe de«r »l characterised Wall.i-'1 rlngfleld: A Alexander domss- dred and sixteen (21*1 feet fiv* and three eighths i!i\> New-York a week :i,.iM,.-- Stolen Ore**, Btmek owl i'v v.Mip, .',. match, rorbei .t . JHlin>i.!' fl»a'v) H.O. O'Owinor... 10 A report wns B~nt out from b*»a VVaj racquet through the and .«, \u25a0 Inches 10 th% 'aid easterly Una of Matt Avtnue at 6-5 iv \V-.lI«- ». Ha«et, .•" Lai!* "IT Wolfe, 2. Hit \.HII lull la work all times, ap- tWs, Baas*la, lit-.!-.*an.l srUIS *\u25a0-••. n 2 \Valk*r-st. : th* l.Carhunr!. -Wilson Jr.». ..Tos.HeJfcm li .', atgrted \u25a0 to play - Connolly. nls j.,,.,.,1 v.iis fo great .it that I.': Hoy lleral print o» ptaca of beginning. ) .... ago thnt bad contrad li..iiihuo. Time. !.* L'mptra l.ehor?h-*e gt l«.T.yn« Clarhaon ,i i. t..Tlr.x. ElmFlniira;Ira; A.A Fr«u.ienh*>im.rrsndasdkstaa, I'ated: New York. .Tin- nth. JCrmiiT'-- Brown) ... «»7.H*!«e-er. IST. 4r. with th« new-Tot* American baseball ihe lot iment wlil 1., played ..ff this week. Th,> RIOCNE II rVHIEROT. Referee. a.Phsor <\u25a0\u25a0'•\u25a0*. P'RbU) 02. J. Jone* 23 6 '" Attorrey for Plalntifl, . . report 6; CUBVEIUAND, 2 miin : Ac . Hartford; L> 8 BAannOi T. CARTEL. Jr. 13 F (Holland)... l<»9 Bullman '. -r-5 an annual salary of$8,000. Thin Clarkaon ri:ii^r>ni.i'HiA. ''- "\u25a0 E mar 'l s OolitsrhraMl Stc, Ma****** Wall Bofoogh of Manhattan. New City. .JcotryJ.Jcbn < At r'»v»la>'il drvk.— \u25a0!> ISCOT, turnUhtaS BOO*" Manhattan. Street. Tork : Tt:i«tle (Ttimwaai . f>» 'rimming .... I'»> 30 denied, statetnetitl from Ban Philadelphia 0001100007 12 ft Metropolitan rhsmplonsMß \u25a0Ita (challenge match) Cta|MV, Jan* N. T.;A. OsSV The I.lowing Is a. diagram of the property tn be sold but continued \u25a0 1 II OMMh wtati»iv- \v ,\u25a0 ;>', • " • " " - •' • \u0084: .• ,i:n. <'.i>rii..i l-« Roy, enaJ a* de^rit-ed being Molt J. c*. by Himyar— I ll.>i 11..1...1. hslsti nouoB», abov* th-? street number 354 fa Illtarelf. League, dr eland ...J 0 •• .• rtpi!'. drygood* and Hoffman. r»J«y«. .ii V- dr'v",r.» a Johrißnn, the and I.\u25a0•.;.:• \u25a0 -'. i. i % Buffalo; F. hols, no- Mart K n b* aeck. Tlir.e. resident of American Moor* Abbott; Wa.Mell and At- William 11-ng-»i« r CVSSSeaVi If4*.. ! PatUllSl and Behreck. > ,i>.in|it'iii.-hl|idoublM If ml I'nal round) Ui*>i>rt i>- Boy .17: Broadway; Earlington. the caused t«-rnlaiiM-, 3,881. < tloas. No Captain (Irifnths of New-York team ni.., Hu'l.l il HackclL ft>»l SW« Tennis 'lul. and (X ** Dry Cnnipnny. Wheeling. W. \a.; THlkr P.'^r:— filler 1 r^'le »n1 Tn vnnis »n.| Hi & HOS* Goods S-'-ear-oif to make an In- :\u25a0;,, 1\u25a0 1 I'nlvn ft) defeated Wy.te «.'. Grant C <'\u25a0 \u25a0 niching goodi Victoria. (Lakrtamii \u25a0 1) notkms an.l }'Uiti*r» . lux J Martin \u0084.IU 1-» the Harvard athletic committee •. 1.nu1.-. >\u25a0>'\u25a0. 4- ii. IV \u25a0 B. G MmXW*ll ;*•>*•:»•:^.••\u25a0>-> u<« t=«i»« r. 2 DETROIT, 3: WASHINGTON. 0. . ktll) \u25a0\u25a0«• York Lawn \u25a0». Jama A '•". Htm \u25a0!•\u25a0•. James 1 Hlsl.-.p \ry- • commit- \u25a0- I ar..l I* i-: Blstas — vcstipition. of the nthletlc — " K Mix.-i 6 \u25a0."* .:.!-' roundi Ml— tall Bta&aa soods, N \u25a0 Hr a.lway: .Relmor.t). 101 Hl!-1ehrnri<: A mertinK A? n -. ;..\u25a0•.- sooda, nottoa and tvratshtag 4»>J B-J'.»raih ...... 1% to-night, Detroit o ,'.:-.,r. !Mi M..i. Roy. \u25a0 • ]'m 0 ft 0 1 1 x :« \u25a0 and Robert La \u25a0 — 1-fijHte iIVMtOTI Pt»bl »- 7 [MUulot . lU.J M»-t!n ... 7J 1! May signed contract to ball with St. "ii •" 0 o—2 11 - Keenly »«hnamjte iFsnrt-* • '1! '!\u25a0;..' rarni ?. 3 8 he \u25a0 Louis f.i eh was played through tour contested I*"m** ... «s coming nr.(l • Company, nr»iit Mont.: A. •-amuix !-:i«n* ..•«.'. the New-York American team in the Patterl<-*-Tannehlll Farrell; ttlade. Flevers and sets, the "\u25a0• being: 5 '. S '. I1. 6- 2. As holder Kaufman 1 k»rhlnß Falls. ,... 111. ratter Attendance, 2,.V , must Kaufman, clothlnji and furnishing go<>da, Hnllan.t. 1 \u0084.,, , s; \u25a0<-. •••Mrri a m t,,)*,^ L" f. paid Kah. t i!:«- cup the Orange Tennis Club now fancy Th« approximate amount of th« lien or eßars» to Mtiaff) '" • and that on that day be wan a con- league '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .ffal... K. Kl'in. n.'tir.ns. RQuils. property „. \u25a0•>—•.. ". . 114 rim* 3 7 amrtii. defend ,i against such teams In the that B Kl-ln.t . whi«-h the atxvvs laacribed la to He Wtd Is •\u25a0"' - ' _ „ , 'I I-. IM.!rn clarter money, of the amount may challenge it. etr \ I'-'l' . . FiKh'.een thousand four htir..lre.l ami »«»enty Dollars, witli * ' ' ' HowltM siderable Bum of outside for Nathnn Knh .c- Fischer Company. Chicago: J. S. Kuh. n from the loth lav of .June. together 1 !t !n "' VV ri ''"\u25a0•Ti.v bj 2 length*. Time. DEFEATS BROWN. NVtherlan.t interest th*r* 1904. jjqjT in his contract, as an Inducement PENNSYLVANIA woollen ple.-e K'»'\*. wltli tost* an'i allowances amounting to Thre« hundrM Mlpalaied !\u25a0 Milwaukee: ~" ** ' Aiiolpl !-\u25a0 r .-. Soav A Uan'iaiier. an.l fifty n»« an1 "4 I'"' iicllars. with Interest from Jun* rKr : '<* ***** over; at once. By a ver- KNOWN PLAYERS TO COMPETE. Silas, linirgs. No -'\u25a0•• expense* • \u25a0»< I116 miles. for him to si?:n the contract WELL foods, velvets an. l L"hurch-st.. lot11 1904 f>«ether with trie of the sale Th* *?!"i.r&!l»i.»airr 'T ,<.. «v T.-nvei* 3 n l !1n approximate amount of .. les, or other liens. ;«»y Lotksri" . 100 <\u25a0. \u0084,,,, 311 »< bal \u25a0creemenl with The Latter Loses Class Game on Its Own V- .* B*n«, Memphis; C. T. Kilratrlck. he allowed to the purchaser out of th« pur- \u25a0 UnrenMeiil v.'n h are to ! 1 ll«.n«rr.» 4 r, .-, work with the toys' i-l.'thins. No 4.'t IIllllSlrt St aIsSH. paid by the referee. I* Two th.-iusan«l i*«!.-L 7 Bom,i"' , ... vard man was to begin New- Wrenn, >' . chase money, or frurr»» H,:^b'»n,r,r,i,y Hero Mar.rlel Jlrothers. ("hloriS" C, H Cas»>, rloaks. *ults. ' * '" H. I. June 13. The University of Netnerlan.t U:t K A Bm -ivinc iv a ****\u25a0 s.iid it his intention to keep the Providence. The Hunting Ch»h iias made this furs BBd skawll No 430 llro'.me St., !2Jl*c??* darfcaoa was defeated Brown 1; i m ;.«\u25a0;; & Baltimore; It F. McD well, F - ""' college had closed. Pennsylvania baseball team here of its lawo tennla plana {\u25a0 r this .I*o.. X '"• ;>'' • \u25a0>\u25a0.• matter secret until the season annoum »ment carp. ts. llerul! Sk|i ..r. PropomU. i. ribbons. Albert. .. ' \u25a0':I''1 "*"\u25a0' • 11I.neilf»TB »l M of 2too in the special I.rrnts; J. J. rT.w Wednesday. He baa played con- An Invitation round r^iin Kcntlernen\» double It Nuu-.iit .v I'-r.' T>rv Goods «">m:>any. St. T>KOrOSALS FOR ORDNANCE SUPPLIES. » u r.* 7 l| Atnher?t last striking out ten men and W, an.l I'ld June 16 to I'arrv opbolstsn SOOda rata curtains. No. 106 Governor!* N. May 1-ZZl* '»•':\u25a0: 4 tinually the team this teaasn, and in six scattered, -v.-ry tn st ISquat*. \\-\» Tart Arsenal. Island. T. H.. iJ!» '!'» 1 7 with were few and well Play tn commei afternoon arrival oi Grand It^rni In triplicate, will Ci' !«l '.Vnnnor . 92 Devlin IThe hits hive U»»mtsl«n, Albuur; 9 11. Livingston a:-..l 18 1!» 4 H.i'.-! proposals. -freoelve.l r ":>":> \u25a0\u25a0 «) 2'i sipping Although Pennsylvania- gol in the s'xth :•' Island City. Four pairs Nusbauni a i..s;rum<-nta T'ljJri '£ ...lit.De Soosa pnmos stoce with New- York. except the three whleli .: from U>n« Square. (•• til Ip. m.JfNE 1«. 1904. for fumisrlinii '''' gave • \u25a0 pair play every pan-, ILivingston, millinery, Herald Mar 'Zi'-r>r>..ll2.Burni. 61 IS nearly eloped, there still and seventh Innings, which two runs. Th*« i . nd h will other ur. 1 drawing utensils, and materials burlap.;, cotton WaSi \u25a0 season is I: •^t«'s the oonaax \u25a0core by innings: iwn mutches being played each day, and tbe pelf waste ' thread, forage. Ironmongery, paint «. oil*, lumb-r. C".-itZi» ' •_'.''. tt-; „,'.. year ling ij^ : 6lart »"«'• WoB eniilly by 2 lenetha. remain the two Ranu-s with Yale on Jinn- and n li r haviitK 'I- largesl percentHge of victories in MraaliSL »tc., ooiiox2 1 follovrlni) on application, > from the team will rn <> <> " " " " " 4 - iTodll wtr.ntnK the tournament. The lnformitlon furnished Col JOHM B. K. and <> o \u25a0 n> play, .ill <-f whom have ac- Proposals. GRKER, Comcii ,have been askt-d 1- Jr., CRAVCSEND TO-DAY. severely felt. Batteries— Tlft ami Smith; DevUa and Bennett .|»ted: K. l>. Wrenn and Ueorge Wrenn. ENTRIES FOR be Ward and Oliver 8. Campbell, Joseph QEALED rBdPOSALS WILLHE REftirtD ** to the captain of the tenm Holiombe A. rpßCASritl DEPARTMENT, V. X \u25a0j^ rE~H«nillrap; for I:njrei". At..lit fix 'ur- In addition beta* 1> i'.iilfs aiii R. I'inick.-. William Lamed and S. LIFE- at Us SSM or th* I.lsht House ißspeotir. Tnmpktn»- CUrhaon had for four years been the best WORLDS RUNNING RECORD BROKEN. M. I». Whitman. Sluing Bamea WSShtßSton. IX c June 4. i!K4. YlUe. N Y until 12 oV;o,-k M. Frtdav. Jun» 24. 1904. kSSfi *t.' N>m*. fTt. Sealed propoaala win be r*-*iv-ilat this office until \u25a0> ami th>»n nuMiai.. for furnishing and delivering mineral >\u25a0 of Jur- pi n,! : H« pitcher in college. In lliB four ream he lost oV!.>ck p. m.. 1.".. 14. H ISSS (,1 and tan .''.l «f the lualltv anl quantity rorjuire.t op«r.e«l. f'T coiistructi \u25a0 thirty - Service, 522 I*.Armenia lO<1"* only live, three to I'rinreton and one eai h puMlcly th« af boat \u2666or the rnited States LJsht" Hammm for th* Aural YALE TEAM TO GO ABROAD NAMED. •'•\u25a0 ll«'.llfl'St.f» Valentin.'Valentine 1"! r, the other u.ip r.« In ilellverKl on the ci.iuiviHof the year .-n.lirtK June :!i>. '.'.<• in SCCOTAsBM with apecltlca- tw^iL" <";»(iiv.t..w and Williams. Coburn. Shrubb Makes Four Miles in 19 Min- near tJnlllp*. which, 114 Klnc I'-fi.-r l^-JOT to Alfred Bcarfa Ul» .-mmi'B Stati..:-. tho nailr.-a.J tlons. rop'ea nf with blank proposals and nth !*»*£•\u25a0 leading record, but cannot C,,,i«C ,,,i« irj<-, ui »5 pitcher, baa a food Station. New .l-r-fv Tw niv ol the >v.i to be fnr Information, may be ha.l upon applk-ation to Captain \u25a0\u25a0::::::::::;;; mm us a pitcher. A new by Xt compete with Clarttaon utes 23 2-5 Seconds. n^h»-il with nuiaera i» reiinlr^.i th» «j)ci-lti'atiiins. th» \u25a0 S Ma. ken tie. V. 9 N . In«r>et-tor. \\i°" Captain Clapp Announces Those Who Will r«mainins MS wagons to \u25ba• without runners. Plans an.l 5 nACK s.;i!r.c; fr,r mar», arH Mints three '.•[i*;.ir, will be elected by the Harvard nine English *- d - \u25a0:•-.,-..->\u25a0• car;-, Glasgow. June Alfred Shrul.b. the liballows. forms .if proposal, etc.. can l.f obtarnad r rjVtr «»ne to-morrow. It believed thai Proctor >•( fou STKKI. S. itK steams AfLvT I'*1 la record by Compete inLondon. upon tippll.ation 10 th« Inspector lAtt Savins Stati a» — fetfljAjr 10*1 Ha'knl Cautbridg*, the only senior the idn^ in— runner. to-night broke another world's -:><- Street, York rity; to this PROPOSALSFit. AVar 1 'ept D. ft, \u25a0 '••* of on IT firm <-r sfflc* S. L Oaf one*. .. Wa«h!nston. OqjjJw 143 Lk4f 1"ier.'at< will captain th<» minutes 23 2-., seconds, New-Haven, Conn., in. Captain K. J. I'lapp C.eneral Superintt-n.1.-nt. June 9 I'>M Sealed proposals. in duplicate, willbe r»- —\u25a0•...... l"-i'5.. n-twer.,, »•< :iVs Clarkaon. be elected to running four miles In 19 June KIMHAIJ. July I'.»'4. for \u25a0 v, \'i a sec- ceiv».\ 12 noon. S». eonstrurtton ••\u25a0•• :nainiiig two ••••ks of the col- beating the previous record of minutes 23 2 team the untl! and •5« . l'« ,H..-,-' MxJown .'l team for the 1 Cannon, Glasgow. Of the Yale track announced to-nißlit oNSLUn'TIN!; BURLIXt;- equipment M »twl «rew steamer tot harbor service, In- ,••• \u25a0 ••'pr "1 onds, held by Q. M.. Nil. I'C lege rear. P. Of that will represent Yale in the meet with (• |FFIC£ formatli n furnlsherf on appli -at'.rn to Brig. Gen. WILXr- team Mh\ .IWM.—SealM SMpeaala trip'.- Or.j. , TON. Vt.. In .' >/\u25a0!'\u25a0 :\u25a0 \'nwt of Harvard English universities on July 2". until Vi I\M Hi \u25a0'.'.'.'...'.'. im^l^Zt'::::::::::::::: S** and the tn cat». wf.l be rerelvr.l m.. Jun- I.'. ll»>4, flir 3SE'f«*L-ftg^U^y a: isjenagara 1905 athieUo OlCOtt. :iea.l.iunrt.TH ! EeC \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0- r\u25a0^u^: Class, L,. Shetneld and (1. K. X'letor. Tfie men of Shf.) 1U .Jamara 1071"! and manager of baseball. T. Stable. eaOStrOCttas War* ml Oil H.>um>. an.l *vU£t athletic n»««oc1atlon go to the trainiiiß table to-morrow. constructing -ix uddlllona Is raralrj Stab'.a <;-.ianl Houses frvT,?^, IW.«'onf#aaof l«»7 Thirty-eighth Annual Regatta liaher, Pittsburgh anslstan' man- t>i «'oal tfhe-1 at Allen. ,;vj' 107 <;\u25a0 ; .•J'iririM' 117 of Hobert C. 'Of.. and two additions Ethan Vt. "... "..-:. 'in appll.-atu n. -J.-«i U>* To-day. Mamaroneck; JEFFRIES-MUNROE rlitht to i rsjstt ARS mmi i f'^?? I'll Atlantic Club treasurer W. J. F.illon. '06. secre- U.erfof. Knvolipf> .-..ninlr.,:-^ pr. p. >al^ f.i be m£orssd »>tti i>_. Ifl7 '\u25a0\u25a0 on.l Pepper manager San Fra.ncls;-o. June 13- "winK to the Injury to t:ti!Min«s." F->rt "'7 tary \u25a0' A. HinchlllTe. Taterson; basket- •\u25a0Pri'p<-!'r«t» fcr I'uhlr at Kthan Allen. *. The thll '."It anriiii! regatta of t!ie Atlnntlc Springfield. and Munroe fight will be Vi. Captain T. It. i.\Mn;:n \ Q. SI rtntiru "*'': V.lUtrtKJiAlA: thi«» l> ball C. A. Dana Redmond. -06 MaMLJ Jeffries' knee. the. Jeffries * THE H»Nl>^.\r. v !ii be to-day In the tower hay, Kany 06 of this "•J'Vflf* n. EMPLOYMENT? : rii \u25a0' ' '-" any manut;er. J. Convery. Trenton. rtPFICI OP THE D. «'. *Irle«Tiafi'-" U Kni«l.t KrraJH 1T anil if there ip \u25a0 BOOS breeas from aim st city; truck F. 06. night that the champion would not be ready until - 1-7 '< \u25a0..lot.fay «1 tame 7. ,'>"4 Sealed i-r.r>. .--.»]- will h« Hn*.u ,i:.- there i^ stiie to be some lively sport. The June 24. Coffroth, manager of the Yosemlte Club, urtll n\-:,vk. ..,'* " lzr. Monadn-x-h ... :< : place received at this office 12 aaea\ Saturday. ur • lit' lit..kl».:l:e !.l a point in announced that the flßht would take on J:!Tn- 18, IIKU, f'«r |radlß| Pertain streets and o\entira. The Tribune Makes a Sped*? X faS^T Bt&rt will be made si !io'rlsck from NOT FOR WORLDS CHAMPIONSHIP. 30. •' M »»«trtch '\u25a0'"\u25a0 Bay. off the at Sea June apirifijfitinß arioul' rutf .tr..:^ . f BsBSl Blank rir?t '* erabhouM Qate Schaefer from forms if and all i-.ce«>ary K S.l!ln;j. f-r thr-e mile Oiswosrofl The that Jacob won propoaat, ipeclflcatinna la Fate on Ad*vts. This Kind. •\u2666• yaar-oMa. O»» hllliard Ram* v \u25a0 of *.*!*»'' '" FkIUJIXTI <:\u25a0'!;.•- .... 1een received hy the rS- week was not for the FOR FAIR ESTATE GOES ON. formation will . furiil!«he.l OS application la the olTlce * ' I-ouis Cure In Paris last SALE i h r:'T lli;s«e>Tnr,ur oasjUßlttet—Henry J. Qlelow, Frederick Vll- •>f the Kngineer <*'*l• p.Tit:i championship, as announced. The match sale, belonging to estate U Com- fiastii,, ( i?i world's The fifth of articles the . KM:I..\M.. HENRI WEST. JOHN UIDPLE. '::. t.t was at the eighteen-inch balk lino. This title -was of Mrs. Charles L.. Kair was held yesterday at thu 24 WORDS, 3 TIMES ISC. ' ;,rr:< t.rt- t-i ibe value of the following amounts: . : •• :;:::: :; red won from Bchaefer by default, but the latter re- Knickerbocker Art Galleries. The total was »f,.24- 2>. may "\u25a0' Schooners, Bra sSsss. KSh Ciavs B. U39; class c, PROPOSALS.— NEW LONDON. CONN. 832r--- !"• fayed give up the emblem representing tho giltbronze clock, which brought the in. proposal*. in Irtpitrat* willbe ••\u25a0 jr.. Sloops to A I.ouls XV tSSS.—SJkaM 24 7 TIMES 30C. : " •\u25a0\u0084..« and WORDS. attTif!_ : Kur UCO; :>. ssd Class <.:. ISO. by rt-iv,.) at the i>lttc* of «'iir«tructlii«{ t^Ajarti-rminier. (tew . offered th«» ' tit'- HMM two ;ear* old. >*»>» •>\u25a0\u25a0'- a 0 \ Dew trophy was Bruns- highest price. wa3 aold to A. J. La Plate for Ji:o. !'\u25a0 \u25a0 » f^rV' jnivlf:. Ilass 'c\ !V.<: Clasi O, MC :Class 11. $75; honor Company. As a result,, nn . until 12 M. June 15. IA 4. tor MaaSrscttoat 1'"1 jj - irick>Batke~Coliender tho other purchases were a bronze bust of plumbing an.l ,le<'trl- wiriai oaw ili.uSile *et S. C <>. U*V« Advirtidnj Offic- lirPrtn-e o.rp!, ...II- tho It £'"• fce'i','' • .:;« J, K9: <":•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 .-l. >:' Clisi L, 10; Class M. VignaUX was recognised as champion. There Amnnff ninl one <; A." 112 \u25a0 $77; aiiKrten Fir» Aiciratu- Bsass al »-'nrt H. E*ter Mln II lit; .*.. t ..::«i la •• s P. "-I i:ii catboatt, of a match Schaefer and Beethoven, sold to S. & Prince for n carved %£: i ... 920. is now talk between suite, to Wriitht. N. Y. IT. a. raasrvca rtaht to r«Jart or accept any \u2666 4 gold drawing er S«nd Dir>. H. all jw»rt th^rt-.f. lnfii •: j.-. Th- for' ilit n d'.viAoQ l>y«r. at areaeaala nr anv mation furni.-h.-'l '.'\u25a0'\u25a0 v ••<•:' •\u25a0:;.. '\u25a0\u25a0 of Augusta! Oa.. fot aaW: a Khoraasan on appllratton. 1 i..ii. tor ih" third far- I3avelcp«a propoaala >aouk) b<> ... \u25a0 to Charles Rlr.-hmnn for and Jap- i-untala'na \u25a0\u25a0.. a :"'-:II? I , »::;::::::: fowrt'on .• i :. !•\u25a0'\u25a0 for i.." fouith twelve r...\ pet, Mrs. J230. marked "rro|>o«al» for N. i". O. quarters. »te., at Fort ja»isr™"'" "? \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0''•'•'• \u25a0•'r:--- !* a(.ce;nf.O to roi.o <;r.oi:.M>s, to-day, 4 p. M.— anese pagoda lamp, to James R. GHmore for w. 11. «J. N. V..' »ihl addressed to Constructing 1.,;'***' 112 ?l. Ann 1 ri Quarter »•!\u25a0-. I::r.ia will be uii ii baseball.• ij) Jl'J VVrlnht. of 1 \u25a0 \dml»slon cents. Quartermaster, i 11- f U ra o'ckM i. ttua r..u.-;j;:i^. Ct. "iA-ui" -i. r.'ew York. New :.:.,:.:.. Conn.