Garden Dwelling Zoning Hearing
. -ft" THIS WE$K COVERING OF HOIJMDEL, MADI80M "12 iPagfS MAKLHOKO, nlVTAWAN AND ii One Section •MAT A WAN BOXOOCI) Memer Member WEEK. J&Ji'-orl.Vt M ATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JfJLY 12, 1962 Maw Jtrtey Pr«s AwwclatJtm Single Copy Ten Centi Instruction For Borough Children atawan Board Scls \jf Alternate j Malayan Kolarv Club's New President Roulc For Double Running Of Buses Bids On Temporary Routes Also To Sto | In Case New High School Is Not Ready I ' ' , ... i hv,h sd'oiil The lempordrv "B" . M\tav,an Rc«ionit Board of lid j ,,,UIJ ,,,,,,,, ai 3u,|uw'j, stole ami | ucit.or, uutiged Ih.' setup ] «„,., ov,.r nutwood Ave RIVIIIH for advertising foi >chool bus routes | Q, jnJ Jilllln st l0 t))l! o)(( m,,i, to the extent "alternate" m«l "tern > ,,|iool 1 im temiiwary ' A" run is I 1 ! portuy routes uie to be m«luded | ., J n,,ie,, i|,e temporal y 'B' tun I in the specifications iilonji with thft ,| | m,|es Aii'hnri/.-d Uops aie ' "basic" route-, uioposcd by the diawbiuUe, Ciuld-u Si diui shoi." . tiui.sponation comrm:tci IUIIP t\ \ (.'oiiLOi'ise flu.leu's Mnio and I 1 Mi old J DoUn, IHU".! prcildciu, I Clilf«ooa Ave and Guidon Si Oiu fotii'd fault wuh the "IMMC" pip o , bus IUIIS two i.ips i s iwl piovldinf; (or double The "A" run on alternate Routr- routing of buses, such as used, in 'I is from Uurli'w's Store to Clifl- Mudhnn Township, til.
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